#dad and i actually get on okay unless hes in a bad way bc i get my smartass mouth from him
ankiebitez · 15 days
Mpreg with kings? I think mammon can lactate with those big milkers
Whb kings pregnant
gn mc, no warnings really except mentions of pregnancy and slight mentions of nsfw
note: not gonna lie i dont know much about mpreg so this is really short and mostly just thoughts on how i think the kings would act while pregnant lmao, i tried though but i really have like no idea how to write mpreg 😭
more under the cut
definitely wants kids, ghenna has the most romantic demons so its no surprise that he wants to start a family with you
he would be the best dad when they're born, but while he's pregnant he is probably the second to worst
mood swings, constantly. he's constantly pissed off and very protective of you even though he's the one who's pregnant. think about how animal moms get territorial when they have babies and that is 100% him
i feel like his depression would also get a bit worse bc pregnancy hormones are hell
he's so happy to be having your kid though
handling it really well honestly. he's very gentle and cautious for you and the baby now, he doesn't want to hurt either of you and will protect you by any means
his greed has gotten a bit more powerful too because now he has both of his greatest treasures
buying the best of the best stuff for the baby, clothes, a crib, toys, etc. that baby is going to be spoiled when they're born.
you try to say that a baby probably cant use solid gold toys but he just said that since the baby is half demon and part of him they'll naturally be strong enough
honestly he might be right because when the baby starts "kicking" in his belly you swear it looked like a imprint of a version of his gold fists
now you understand why its the demons that get pregnant instead of the human.
his titties somehow get bigger while he's pregnant too
pregnancy cravings. he will crave the weirdest shit you've ever heard of. and in the biggest portions you could imagine. you'd think he was eating for 300 instead of 2
he actually doesn't wander as much while pregnant since he wants to protect you and the baby, though he does still dissappear out of nowhere sometimes much to baels dismay
he gets sick and nauseous pretty often though in the later months. you know the phrase butterflies in your stomach? well he just gets flies in his stomach since the baby is too young to control that power yet. kind of horrifying tbh but he's handling it okay
right after the baby is born bael locks down the entire palace until you get beelzebub pregnant again. his argument is that its the only way to keep beel in avisos
he is the actual worst. he doesn't just get mood swings he is constantly pissed off while pregnant. would probably also be the type to cry while pissed off for no reason while in private.
hangs anyone in hades for the smallest things. shoes untied? hang. came to talk to him while he's in a bad mood? hang. breathed too hard? hang.
very very protective of you and the baby. no ones allowed to even look at you or his baby bump at this point. even when the babborn no one is allowed to hold them besides you two. they're not even allowed within 6 feet
he gets the baby the most beautiful stuff for their nursery though.
he also feels very prideful while pregnant, knowing that many of the other kings and demons are jealous that he's the one having your child. he's feeding off their envy
he is handling it the best out of everyone. you wouldn't even be able to tell he's pregnant if it weren't for the baby bump.
he was very skeptical about having a child though especially during this war. much less with the descendant of solomon. nonetheless, he is happy to be having a child.
stays in paradise lost the whole time unless absolutely necessary. he will not let anyone harm you or his child
still doesn't talk much, and stays in his garden most of the time to relax. you are welcome to come and sit with him though as long as you're quiet. he does get a bit more agitated by a lot of noise
the seraphim are seething and will definitely try to attack you more often though. they see you as evil incarnate for not only making lucifer sin but also getting him pregnant. lucifer wont have any of that
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ofswordsandpens · 5 months
just finished episode 6…. truly don’t know how to feel about these changes. would love to know your thoughts bc i’m just kinda baffled by some changes tbh
Mixed feelings as always:
Percy's dream slapped. I loved Kronos's actor. It felt perfectly eery. No notes.
No percabeth late night convo on the truck. This doesn't surprise me given we sort of did that on the train already, but now there's just another iconic book moment that we'll get bits and pieces of, but never actually get to see in its entirety/original setting.
I did vibe with the glass prism tool for the iris message and it was pretty cool. The Percy + Annabeth argument was great but I'm gonna be honest, Luke being like "you're arguing like an old married couple" was laying it on a tad thick to me idk idk. I know I'll probably be in the minority there lol but I think it would have liked the line better if Percy and Annabeth got more embarrassed to his statement but they both reacted to it like :/ so it just felt heavy handed on the show runners part more than anything
Lotus Hotel vibes? Lackluster. Uninspired. It just didn't capture that outrageous paradise for kids feeling from the book because they turned it into Hermes' hangout so there's a whole bunch more adults than kids. Basically felt like if you took the movie's version and turned down the energy of it by a mile lmao. (Which is also ironic given RR's post about it today).
And of course the kids immediately know what's happening so like. No fun mystery. No Percy figuring it out. Just them being like "omg we need to be careful" and then immediately separating from Grover lmao.
Okay. LMM's Hermes.... it wasn't bad. Thankfully there was no singing. He was fine. It's more or less that turning the Lotus story line into a Hermes' storyline was like an "okay, I guess we're doing this" thing. I mean I guess we finally introduced something for the non-book reader's to pick up on that Luke might not have the best relationship with his dad (and consequently the gods). But like, nothing about this storyline is something that isn't introduced later on in the books. Nor was it better or more interesting than the original lotus storyline in the books.
Again, its the constant replacement of everything fun and silly and absurd in the book and turning it into a very serious moment, is just like, killing the energy. Seriousness is good. Silliness is also good. The book balanced it greatly. The show struggles here.
Glad we got a Pan mention tho!! Finally!
But um 4 pearls, so no dilemma about who to save. A part of me is relieved because the show's created like 3 other sacrifice convo scenarios so its gotten bit reductive, but Sally being a part of the equation is an entirely different dynamic and now that dilemma is theoretically gone. (unless he loses one of the pearls?)
And Percy's missed the deadline?? Right?? So like? I really don't know what we're doing anymore. In the book the deadline was pretty strict lol. Here I guess the deadline was like, a loose suggestion? Percy's walking into the middle of the god's battle field with master bolt in his hand? Idk.
Overall things in the show feel messy and way less cohesive. They seem to know that certain things from the book are important but not necessarily why, or they'll introduce events or plot points strangely late or way too early.
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averagedemoenjoyer · 3 months
this is very self indulgent bc i just got my period and i’m really sad bc of it soooo :3
sniper with a s/o thats on their period!!
(afab reader obviously, gender neutral tho)
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he does actually know what a period is since his mum explained it to him after his dad gave him “the talk”
this is because he asked if people did it all the time, and his mum responded with “well, not really.” she then proceeded to explain the menstrual cycle to him
that being said, hes usually pretty good with dealing with periods. he’s had some girlfriends in the past and he was pretty good at dealing with periods then. he struggled a bit with his first girlfriend but he figured it out
he usually doesn’t like cooking meals, like he usually sticks to just barbecuing stuff. but if you’re craving it? he’ll 100% make it. what’s even better is if you’re craving something that he can buy from the shops or order and have delivered
refuses to let you do ANYTHING that too requires movement, not even small stuff like grabbing the tv remote. if you do have to get up and go to the toilet or shower, he’s carrying you over there
if you want something, he’ll go grab it for you. and i mean it. anything you want, he’ll go out of his way and grab it for you. a blanket, a snack, something to cure your boredom. basically if you get your period, you’ve earned yourself a servant for a week
one essential that he will ALWAYS get for you is a heatpack. it apparently helped his mum a bunch when she got her periods so ever since getting found out about it, he’s gone out of his way to make sure there is at least 2 heatpacks in his van. not even just for periods, any kind of cramp really. (pyro offered to heat one up once, but didn’t understand that heatpacks are heated up via a microwave and not actual flames)
if he’s not busy, he’ll snuggle up behind you and watch some tv. he’ll do all that good old fashioned kissing your head, nuzzling himself into the crook of your neck, playing with your hair. all that jazz
(nsfw under the cut)
i know some people headcanon that sniper would like period sex. and while i agree, i feel like he would only do it under certain circumstances (those being; if you’re okay with it, if your cramps aren’t that bad, if he’s got a condom on him at the time, stuff like that)
if you DO end up doing it, he’ll go a lot slower than usual. he’s kinda scared that he’ll make your cramps worse, so even if you REALLY want him to go fast, he won’t go too fast unless he’s about to cum. as much as it kills him to do it this way, your comfort comes first.
also wouldn’t mind fingering you, but again he does it slowly, just to avoid giving you worse cramps. the same goes for eating you out.
if he’s the one that got hard first and you’re NOT ok with receiving anything sexually while on your period, he’s always open for you to give him head. hell he ENCOURAGES it. he would get you in a position that you are comfortable in and let you go at it, with or without cramps. if not, he’ll just jerk off either next to you or in another room
in general when it comes periods and sexual stuff, he’s really all about your comfort (he’s like that even when your off your period, but it’s higher when you’re on it) unlike other mercs… ahem scout-
nsfw section done
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again, thank you so much for reading all the way thru!!
i apologise for not posting for a while, i haven’t been doing too well mentally for the past couple of months, but i’m doing a lot better now and i should be getting to the requests soon since i’ve now graduated! so stay tuned for that and have an awesome day/night! also requests are still open, so make sure to read my pinned to see my dos and don’ts.
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quartztwst · 4 months
Hii, sorry if this is a weird question, but it seems like you know Azul's character rlly well, so I wanted to ask - Do you think he'd be more of a tsundere in any kind of relationship (platonic or romantic) or open about his feelings? Have a nice day!
OHHH NO YOU ASKED THE WRONGGGG PERSONNNNNDKFJNAKADJSFNSNDKF i literally characterize Azul so bad i literally wrote him cooking meth and him being silly……. There’s plenty of people that do a much better way of understanding Azul’s personality and his relationships like @/pianostarinwonderland and some others nfasdfkjsk
I am the LAST PERSON TO BE ASKED THIS BC I DO TOO MUCH STUPID SHIT WITH HIM HRELPRL but I’ll give you my opinion!! Btw it’s not properly typed bc i love rambling
From what personal stories and the game shows, Azul views relationships as transactional. YES I KNOW EVERYONE HAS SAID THAT BUT IT’S SUCH A MAJOR TRAIT IN HIS PERSONALITY. It’s just the truth.
In his stupid PE uniform R personal story, Azul sucks at flying (AS EVER) and Vargas pairs him up with Jamil to help his pathetic attempts. Jamil is obviously annoyed and proceeds to try to help Azul but Azul replies with a “what do you want?” CLEARLY THINKING THAT JAMIL WANTS SOMETHING OUT OF HIM FOR HELPING AZUL FLY ON A BROOM. Jamil doesn’t.. Like he doesn’t care he just wants to get this over with
But you get what I’m saying. Azul’s way of relationships isn’t really.. HEALTHY?? He views relationships as beneficial and transactional. You give and you take… but with friendship!!! It’s not a very healthy way to live but hey, what do you do when you’ve been bullied into nothing. He’s probably been in the “hey, my friend likes you” joke that “those” kids do.
(Okay idk why I said that its actually hurting me while thinking that I’m literally taking damage)
Anyways, what I’m saying is that he’s been treated as a joke by his peers and he probably does his contract deals to be treated seriously. I know it doesn’t sound irrelevant because I’m fucking typing what’s coming to mind but I feel like it’s connected to how he views relationships.
Also take a note on how he also views the tweels. (YES THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS THEY JUST DONT WANNA ADMIT IT). They aren’t servant and master like Jamil and Kalim but they are together like a business deal. They assist Azul and in return, it better be fun for them. (AND THEY WILL NEVER LEAVE AZUL I SWEAR THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS THEY ARE-)
We also need to take a note on how his parents are divorced. This can also affect a child’s view on relationships. (YES HE DOESN’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HIS BIOLOGICAL DAD JUST LET ME SPEAK)
He has never spoke of his biological father and praises his step father in which he calls “father.” It’s either Azul doesn’t give a fuck about his dad or just forgot about him which is understandable. (Why remember when he doesn’t serve a purpose in your life but your birth?)
But it seems like his mom and step father have a good relationship since he mentions that they get along well and are a good couple which probably will inspire Azul
So what i will piece here is that Azul finds relationships and friendships as transactional but if he were to find an actual SERIOUS romantic relationship, he’ll try to make it work. Also him and the tweels are besties.
(This is in a Azul Ashengrotto x Reader (Prefect) way)
Personally, I kinda like tsunderes……………… so like a tsundere Azul I would love a lot. Idk i love it when characters get flustered but I wouldn’t think Azul would be a tsundere unless it depends on the person.
In friendships, he would probably see you a business transaction. Someone that will benefit him but he would be kind of sweet??
I MEAN LIKE in a way he would gift you a small souvenir from a school trip.
You know during the City of Flowers trip, he bought the Tweels a souvenir. I would like to think you were at the level of the tweels………. But you’re not.
He gifts you a sweet souvenir and he suddenly says you owe him LMAOOOO
He offers to tutor you and you suddenly owe him
He offers to give you a SMALL discount and then you suddenly owe him
A LOT OF TRANSACTIONS but he cares about you and it benefits you.
He would probably tease you a little too
Let’s say he has a crush on you. He’s kind of embarrassed and probably tries his best to hide it a lot BECAUSE HIS ASS IS BY THE TWEELS ALL DAY. A SENSE OF WEAKNESS AND HE’S PROBABLY TEASED LMAO.
Floyd: “Hey, Azul, why are you staring at Shrimpy for so long?”
Azul, has no idea what the fuck is happening to him: “.. Me either.”
At the start, it’s probably so confusing for Azul.
He probably had crushes in elementary school but since he was bullied, he probably saw himself as undesirable which made him keep the feelings to himself to prevent further bullying.
So he’ll try to hide it. SO like OH HE’S FACING YOU?? He’s turning away. He was a bit too comfortable to you?? BYE YOU NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN. He brushed his hand on yours? Omg he’s like 6 feet away from you. I’M EXAGGERATING but he’s a little distant.
And it’s not like he’s visibly flustered. He’s very good at what he does.
I wouldn’t say he would be tsundere but shy and fucking scared LMAO
He’s trying his best to not show signs of affection to you because he doesn’t know how you feel about him
After accepting it, he doesn’t know what to do next. He doesn’t know if he should confess or just let it fade away because his previous crushes faded away.
Azul is a very observant mf so I feel like he would try to observe how you act around him to make his judgement on if he should make his move. (Ew that’s creepy.. but i meant it if you actually feel comfortable around his company or if you feel hostile around him)
Azul: “Prefect, I’ve been noticing how awful your study habits are! I’ve been wondering if you need any tips or assistance with it. I would be happy to help you study and be your tutor! … F-For a price of course!”
He’s trying ok. Take it or leave it.
He thinks as long he is beneficial to you, you might find him a bit worthy to have your attention and also it’s to up his confidence
He continues to make these small and helpful transactions and deals until he gets a little more confident.
I feel like he would think his flirting is obvious but his reputation pictures him as a sneaky guy that it doesn’t look genuine.
He is trying his best to look genuine but with his reputation… ermm.. sure buddy.
Azul probably has a plan to get you to date him idk like not in a EVIL SCARY way but in a desperate and pathetic attempt
So basically uh
When y’all start dating i feel like he’ll end up more open to you. Gifting you stuff and being on dates.
I adore tsundere Azul still
This is mostly just rambling and things i would think would fit Azul in MY OPINION I’m not good at writing Azul seriously
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utilitycaster · 9 months
Well now im curious, what are your top 10 etiquette violations
I'm not actually sure there are 10 tbh in that these are relatively broad - you could split them up more finely if you wanted but they cover a wide range of behavior. Also this is...a bit stream of consciousness. I do stand by 1 as the absolute Golden Rule of D&D in that it's really just so Me Me Me (more so than main character syndrome) that it's inexcusable, but like...rules 2- 6 are kind of all in the same nebulous position in my mind as are rules 7-10. 2-6 are "really bad, have a talk and be prepared to kick this person out if they don't shape up and honestly I would probably not want to hang out with them irl much if they don't shape up" and 7-10 are "maybe don't invite them to game nights but they could be okay otherwise."
Deliberately going against the general vibe of the table. This is the broadest but also obviously worst trait. If everyone else is here to play a serious playthrough of Curse of Strahd and they're all vampire hunters and whatnot and you're playing a clown in a hawaiian shirt named Jeff you are not funny; you are an asshole. I think that person who made the post of like "I'm playing D&D with my dad's friends and they're all fighters with tragic backstory and I'm a neon firbolg who resurrects our enemies and runs therapy sessions" should be beaten with hammers. Like, be unique, but if everyone else is going for a lighthearted vibe it's not time to bust out your darkest PC and vice versa. (This also goes deeper, like, if your table has decided PC death in-game is okay, you can request a change, but if you've never spoken up about this and then your character dies and you pitch a fit, that's on you.)
"Um actually my rich family solves this" and similar circumventing of obstacles in a way that cuts off all story avenues. It's fine to offer your services to help - sometimes the party will want it! But the worst player I've played with (who still did not violate Item 1) did this and short-circuited like 75% of the plot by being like "well my wealthy merchant family can probably smooth this over" and I wanted to, well, beat them with hammers. Brian Murphy of Naddpod calls this "showing up and trying not to play D&D" and he's right.
Closely related to/overlapping with item 2 but Main Character Syndrome. If you're a wizard and there's a nonurgent trial of strength? that is for the barbarian. If they ask for help, go for it, but don't just do everything. Share the table. Self-explanatory but man do some people not get it. I'm also grouping this with "my character wouldn't help" behaviors. Like to be clear, forgoing your turn as a roleplay thing is fine, but another Naddpod D&D Court regular topic is like "the player for whatever reason would not join combat bc their character wouldn't, and we nearly had a tpk because the encounter assumed our fucking cleric would be there".
Actually violating player agency. Closely relating to 2-3. Conflict is great and good. I think it's fine to lie, cheat, and steal from your party members if your table agrees on that. There are spells or abilities that lead to possession which is also valid if your table has talked through that. But you do not get to otherwise like, force another player character to do your bidding (unless your table has, again, decided this is okay). You cannot persuasion check other PCs into going against their desires unless that's a very specific conversation you've had out of character as a table. Even in game, like, the DC on persuasion checks can be arbitrarily high - even impossible - if someone would simply never do it.
Noncombat/non-violent D&D. There are other TTRPGs that are not heavily based on war games with character classes that aren't like 90% battle abilities and you should check those out. Anyone who plays noncombat/nonviolent D&D and is proud of it is dumb as the bag of hammers I'm beating the people of items 1 and 2 for and I don't respect them. I guess this isn't so much an etiquette violation in that if your entire table wants this you can all be terrible together, but it is kind of a dick move, especially since I both love D&D and find the anti-D&D crowd to largely be the most sour grapes-ass losers of all time, but also believe passionately that there are many things D&D does not achieve well because it is in fact a specific game with specific objectives. You should, if you want to play a game that is all social encounters and skill checks and no fighting, play the many indie games that would love your patronage and suit you admirably, not the most neutered, milquetoast, unsalted margarine version of D&D. I genuinely believe that people playing murderhobos or hardcore metagamers are VASTLY preferable.
Not making a good faith effort to know the rules. You do not have to be good at D&D. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting for not knowing every rule of D&D. You only have to let the soft animal of your body have at least read the rules of your character's class, subclass, and race, and show up prepared, instead of being like "tee hee I listened to 5 episodes of TAZ Balance and am going to twirl my hair at the DM and hope they help little old me." The DM is BUSY and has SHIT TO DO. Read the fucking manual. It's okay to be wrong! It's not okay to be clueless on purpose.
Rules for Thee and Not For Me. Mostly a DM thing, and to be clear, the DM does have special rules bc they are the special one and this is obviously not about that. There are also rules that apply to NPCs/stat blocks and not PCs, and those are inherent to the balance of the game and are fine because NPCs have different abilities. But if, for example, you are requiring an athletics check of PCs to climb up on a ledge and don't permit acrobatics, your rogue NPC villain can't do acrobatics either unless they have some specific pre-written ability.
Metagaming pt 1: excessive metagaming: Part 2 will reveal the "excessive" but like. If you know trolls regenerate because you've been playing D&D for years but you are a level 4 INT 8 sorcerer in-game? you do not know trolls regenerate.
Metagaming pt 2: refusal to engage with the fact that this is a game: Sometimes you get the reverse, when people are like "well my character wouldn't realize that this magic item was important to your character" despite the other person RP-ing everything or "would I notice you were knocked out directly in front of me? It's a pitched battle!" Like. don't cheat but come on bro. This is, ultimately, a game. I will once again bring up Naddpod both because D&D Court exists AND they will do rule of funny shit (as Murph once pointed out, if you want to say you go to Ruby Tuesday's as a joke, great, if you try to use it mechanically, no, which is a healthy attitude towards immersion) AND Murph understands the concept of kayfabe.
Really extensive indecision that doesn't involve the whole party. This is mostly me but like. it's not fun, and I am impatient. If you're not an actual play livestream, you should take a break and in fact talk out of game and resume because god this drags. If everyone's on board obviously go for it but if it's one person's choice...babe the spotlight is on you, sing your solo or leave.
Basically: remember you are at a table with other people and you are telling a collaborative story in a system that is combat-heavy. I'm not bothered by (for example) someone stealing another character's item so long as they understand that this may lead to consequences for them! If you can dish it out but you're prepared to take it and your table trusts each other? Great! The problem is when people try to win against the other players, ask for special treatment they do not grant others, waste everyone's time unnecessarily, or skip to the end of the story; that's against the fundamental nature of the game. It's inconsiderate AND it misses the point.
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mcrcki · 4 months
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here i come with another MASSIVE event plotting / starter call (this time with over 20 characters bc who even am i) !! before i get too much into event stuff, i just wanna put up some housekeeping things so i'm not just repeating myself over and over in the discord : i will be dropping almost all of my pre-event threads. meaning, i will only be keeping the thread if it is an active plot that needs to be continued because we aren't at a place to infer the ending. i am just so utterly overwhelmed with my number of drafts that i really need to just start fresh, so i'll be using this as my chance to spam the heck out of y'all's calls and get way more threads that i actually have muse for. i'm sorry if we had a thread you really wanted to continue, i just need a fresh start. now for housekeeping for my call, as always this will be capped. i wanna write with everyone but i can't if i get a million requests from one person so!! the cap is three starters per writer!! blind date starters will not count towards that cap. otherwise, please LIKE for plotting messages, and REPLY for starters (pls specify muses unless previously discussed!!)!
in the meantime, if you wanna see what my clowns are wearing, please follow this link to my pinterest :))
alani tiure | star wars | blind date w. cami o'connell ( 3 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : imma be so for real and say that they think they're absolutely too good for this lmao, their dad is a crime lord in the city, and really they're just here to take advantage of some free drinks and maybe check in on some clients. her date is going to have to be okay with her being slightly stuck up but will absolutely be down for some dancing despite it. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : sofia robbin sloan torres, ellie williams, cami o'connell
beatrice | over the garden wall | date w. wirt ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : going with her favorite boy loser, wirt. definitely here just for the free party and to do something fun, now that she's human again she's taking advantage of all the things they missed out on as a bird. will definitely be here to make friends, they're a little rude at times but i promise they're kind when you get past the kind of rude exterior !!! down for shenanigans !! potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : xiao chiye
branwen | a court of thorns and roses | blind date w. enola holmes ( 1 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : winnie LOVES THIS, she hasn't gotten to have fun in pretty dresses in ages, she was still young the last time they were able to have any kind of formal party so they're really enjoying this. she wants to see everything this party has to offer so she'll be dragging her date around everywhere, wanting to take it all in potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : he xuan
daniela dimitrescu | resident evil | blind date w. jeremy smith ( 2 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : ok tbh, daniela only came to this and signed up for a blind date to possibly grab an easy snack. they're a man-eating monster idk what anyone expected here. but tbh, once they saw the girl she's actually simping over (and will not make a move yet for one reason or another) they're going to be flirting and going so far to make her jealous, it doesn't matter with who tbh. also open to some absolute chaos if you wanna do something Bad potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date (for murder purposes)
starters : myri tiure, henry creel
danika fendyr | crescent city | flying solo ( 3 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : listen danika like.. just got here, she's just getting used to the city and her memories again with her friends, since so much happened back home. she's spending the majority of her time crashing her bestie's date, for various reasons, but will be out on the floor dancing and drinking as much as she wants, enjoying the hell out of a free party potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : bryce quinlan, apple caramela, hunt athalar
elain archeron | a court of thorns and roses | date w. lucien vanserra ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : this is elain's first ball in the city, and she's very much looking forward to a night where she can just dress up in a beautiful dress and dance with her husband. things have been... rough with her family unit so she's just happy to let loose a little bit and enjoy everyone's company and dance the night away potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : lu junyi, lucien vanserra
evangeline ennar | throne of glass | blind date w. choi nam ra ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : evangeline grew up in a high fantasy world, getting dressed up in fancy clothes for a ball is all she could've hoped for coming here, and now she's old enough to really enjoy it, she is going to be having the best time for real. will be helping her mom glare at her not dad, but other than that, she would love some friends so just dance around with all night potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : choi nam ra, aedion ashryver
kaya dura | star wars | blind date w. lola flemming ( 2 / 4 )
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they/she pronouns : kaya is not really in the dating and dancing mood, they are still getting over their ex after a very hard breakup, where her ex killed her and all that fun stuff. so, they're really trying to like.. get themselves out there and get over her, so they signed up for this blind date and are forcing themselves out into public again. will probably get drunk for the first time and just want to forget everything to have fun potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : kaiden monsula, kasil monsula
keelan cardulo | fourth wing | date w. mira sorrengail ( 0 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : lowkey her and mira's first public appearance as a couple, especially after everything that happened back home that resulted in keelan's death, she is very much looking forward to getting to dance with their girlfriend and just enjoy that. is a bit anti social if they don't know you, so when mira is inevitably somewhere else, find them hanging to the shadows potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters :
leia organa | star wars | date w. han solo ( 3 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : mom and dad night out!!! leia's a mom of six now, and while ya know four of the six are adults with some having children of their own, and the other 2 are less than six months old, she just wants to have a little fun. the past year has been.. hard. and despite being the president and having to be here for this ball, she would so much rather be home right now, avoiding all the memories that valentine's day now brings out in her mind. last year was the worst night of her life and she will in fact be drinking a lot to forget all that bastilla did a year ago. #thereturnoffloorgana potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : din djarin, ahsoka tano, winter celchu
louise vance | harry potter | date w. thea hughes ( 4 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : a party???? hell yeah lou is gonna be there, they love this whole vibe. will 100% be testing the limits of security and trying to ride the t rex skeletons and any other shenanigans they can get into. they're here with their best friend in the whole world, thea, and they're definitely just friends, if you see them slow dancing really close that's just what besties do potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : thea hughes, emmeline vance, bucky barnes, willie
marlene mckinnon | harry potter | flying solo ( 2 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : marlene lowkey is working this, and will be having fun but trying to stay focused on her job. she's unaware currently so, they'll just be hanging around with whoever is kind of hiding in the outskirts of the party, could absolutely be convinced to dance/will flirt given the chance, but mostly just here to have a fun day at work potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : dora tonks, esther mckinnon
morrigan | a court of thorns and roses | date w. cassandra dimitrescu ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : this thing with cassandra has been a bit of a whirlwind romance, and she's found herself really swept up in the other, and will absolutely be spending a lot of her time in their arms. but considering how her family life has been lately, she will also be checking in on family and doing what she can to make sure reporters aren't going too wild with everything going on with rhys and her family. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : cassandra dimitrescu, rhysand
omega archeron | star wars | date w. kirei monsula ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : if i had a nickel for every time one of my muses is on a date with their best friend and convincing themselves it's not a date, i'd have 2 nickels-- anyways, omega will be here, fulfilling her role as senator archeron's messy as hell kid, and drunk as shit nearly getting kicked out for shenanigans around the maze, and also perhaps drunkenly making out with their best friend kirei that they've been pining after for years. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : hunter
rosemary winters | resident evil | flying solo ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : now for my girl that knows she's in love with her best friend but her best friend doesn't know her and is here with another girl!!!!! honestly rose will be in a corner getting so drunk, glaring daggers at mouse's date and wanting nothing more than to be the one dancing with them. please come try to drag them out of this slump they are sulking HARD potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : lyra ayala
rowena ravenclaw | harry potter | date w. hunter ( 1 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : rowena is uneasy after the last masquerade that happened in the city, and last valentine's day, and will be spending a fair amount of time at hunter's side until she realizes that this is actually safe, that things are normal and she can cut loose a little. will be spending a lot of time dancing and mingling, happy to talk to anyone who needs some friendly conversation, even if she may just info dump at you. is VERY excited that this is at the museum and may spend more time wandering the exhibits than actually dancing. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : arnold
sella palpatine | star wars | date w. allana solo ( 4 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : oh sella is LIVING FOR THIS. valentine's day is her fucking holiday and she will be making up for how hellish the last one was. considering the fact that her and allana have yet to have a single good date on a holiday, she is going to be spending as much time as possible making her girlfriend twirl her around the dance floor. if anyone needs a dancing partner, sella will also let you spin her :)) she is just here to get a little tipsy and enjoy all the love in the air potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : rey palpatine, steve rogers, sion val palpatine, allana solo
sophie hatter | howl's moving castle | date w. howl pendragon
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she/they pronouns : once again, sophie has been dragged to one of these parties because their husband loves these things far more than she does. howl dressed them, and as long as he agreed to a babysitter, sophie agreed to come to this. they are not the biggest dancer, a bit too self conscious to put themselves out there like that, she doesn't like drawing attention to herself. which is difficult when your husband is wearing a glittery pink suit but... potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : cindy moon
sorrel blackbeak | throne of glass | flying solo ( 2 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : i am planning on letting sorrel get their memories back during the event so she's going to be having a little bit of a time trying to find the rest of the thirteen and reunite now that her memories are back. once that's sorted though, she will be a little anti social but if someone asked her to dance, they're not one to say no. potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : asterin blackbeak, manon blackbeak
tatum riley | scream '96 | blind date w. conrad fisher ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : tatum is just trying to put herself out there, to enjoy some good things in the city, even if she's a little on edge with just throwing herself into a blind date roulette, she knows she's gotta get out of her comfort zone so she's going to make the most of this party and enjoy the heck out of it. even if that means someone's gotta drive her ass home cause she's gonna be gone potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : sam carpenter, jake wheeler
vesta starkos | star wars | blind date w. riley matthews ( 1 / 4 )
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she/they pronouns : listen vesta is unaware and super normal right now, and she wants to dance with a pretty girl. even if she's a little sus of all the people who keep staring at her like they know her, they just wanna dance and have a little fun, to cut loose instead of thinking about school. is up for some shenanigans and drunken adventures if people are down potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : ramona flowers
victoria sutherland | twilight | date w. james witherdale ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : vic will never pass up an opportunity to dress sexy and dance on her mate, she has absolutely zero shame and does not care who is watching them. she also loves to use these events as a perfect little hunting ground. vic will probably be upset that it's not turning into a nightmare but, she can make it a nightmare if she really gets that bored. until then? she will be annoyingly hanging all over her mate all night. potential plots ➛ drinking (not alcohol) || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date (for a drink ;) )
starters : heidi volturi, bella swan
violet sorrengail | fourth wing | date w. xaden riorson ( 2 / 4 )
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she/her pronouns : did violet show up to this ball 90 minutes late, looking very flushed? yes. is she going to talk about it at all? absolutely not, her siblings are here and her friends can infer what's going on. now that she's here, vi will be happy to dance and enjoy the party with her friends and just get a few moments of normalcy considering the ticking timebomb her life has turned into, she is going to be savoring any moment of normal young adulthood with her family and friends thank you potential plots ➛ drinking || dancing || looking around the museum || general chatting || anti social food/bar behavior || attempting an escape || flirting || chaotic shenanigans || stealing your date
starters : sgaeyl, xaden riorson
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Neuvi headcanons
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MY BBGRL,,, MY LIL CUTIE MANS WHO I ADORE,,,, i love him so much he's so fuCKIng CUTE dude, lil dragon mans sksmefkhjrshefkj. i swear i'm a normal individual w/ these characters
list of current h/c's: - i feel like he's socially anxious?? like ok, listen, he's GREAT w/ any formal situation, but THE MOMENT it gets casual he PANICs on the inside bc he's like 'wait what's the right and wrong thing to say'. - following that, i feel like when he's in a casual conversation w/ ppl and starts getting panicked, i feel like he's learned to tap his cane twice on the ground to signal to any of his closer companions that he's freaking out. like a "get me out of this situation please" type deal. - this ties into my belief that he's got anxiety regarding smaller scale things. like if he makes a small mistake on something or breaks an object, he feels SO BAD and panics as he tries to figure out how to fix it. - knowing this, i feel like he feels a bunch of emotions, he just doesn't know how to like,,, put them into words? read below - a yearning for learning,,,, actively seeks out how to label his emotions, but how does one define their feelings? Emotions are not equated to logic, and yet they're a part of human experience, so what is the method to label that which is so intangible yet so real? he doesn't know yet, but he's figuring it out and i'm so proud of him :)c - overprotective in his own way. like he's been putting a lot of stuff on his shoulders so ofc that includes him being sensitive towards people he cares about being harmed. - prideful! he doesn't think he's prideful, he just is Proud Of Things, but tbh i get a bit of a "dragon pride" vibe from him. it's silly goofy and rears up the most around certain Archons. - GOOD DAD. NEUVI IS SUCH A GOOD DAD. IF A MELUSINE COMES UP TO HIM TO TALK ABT A THING, HE IS THE MOST ATTENTIVE LISTENER. HE'LL ASK QUESTIONS, TOO, TO TRY AND LEARN MORE. oUGH i love him he's SUCH a gOOD DAD - afraid of losing everything; Neuvi didn't really realize he had so much to lose until he almost lost it, and now he's like even more scared to lose anything else. - anxious of closer connections. Neuvi wants to be closer to people; he really likes humanity, and he wants to reach out to people. but he's afraid, bc if they ever err away from the side of justice, they may end up in his court. no matter what happens, then, is him sentencing them not a form of betrayal? neuvi ponders this a lot - MOVING AWAY FROM SAD THINGS: y'all i'll be SO real, ppl are so used to Neuvillette being in Fontaine that, when he's Outside of Fontaine, unless they Know Him on a personal level, no one recognizes that he's the Iudex of Fontaine. like not even actual Fontainians register it, bc, like, why would the literal Iudex Leave his Natural Habitat of the Court of Fontaine??? - side note, average ppl are intimidated by him. like most ppl look at him and go 'if i approach him, i will be arrested for war crimes bc CLEARLY he is a PRINCE' (which is the best and funniest shit) - 'unrelated'; Neuvi doesn't talk to a lot of ppl outside of his closer friend group, i think u can understand why - such a hard worker,,, honestly probably overworks himself and doesn't even realize it. - WHICH LEADS ME TO HIS HOBBIES HEHEHHEHEHEHE - ARTIST,,, you CANNOT sit there, after Lantern Rite, and TELL ME that HE DOES NOT start looking into the arts. THIS MAN would ABSOLUTELY get into painting and poetry and shit. he likes watercolors and he ADORES POTTERY (THAT FUCKING LADLE??? I CRIED OVER IT IN MY TEAPOT FOR 30 MINUTES HELP) - loves books and stories. like seriously they're kinda actually really fun for him to read bc he sits and breaks down what is and isn't accurate abt them (crime/detective books) and he gets invested in romance books (he's CURIOUS okay??) - bc he reads Fontainian romance books, any and every romantic gesture is like,,, awkwardly sappy? like he'll do small scale things bc he's a lil nervous baby, but it's THE SAPPIEST of the sappy. - fashion lover. Listen, this man could arguably wear whatever he wants and he chose to wear THAT???? he's a fashion lover / makeup master, and i will die on this hill. - he would laugh at Cyno's jokes, but only AFTER Cyno explains them.
OKAY I,,, I THINK I DID IT,,, i had so much written i'm dying please i love him so so so much. my itty bitty squishy bbgrl i cannot wait to explain why and how he joined the party / poly it's SO silly, this entire thing is my favorite i have been yapping abt them for a MILLENIA
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
squeeee dragon! dragon! cute baby dragon! its so cute, you did such a great job drawing him!
more deets on obsidian please? also!! ansa's interactions w him!
I love Obsidian so much ofc I’ll talk abt him 😭
>she found the egg after a puzzle that required blood, and he was in a furnace. Seems like the cult was trying and failing to hatch him. His egg was smooth and shiny as obsidian, hence his name. Ansa just carried it at first thinking it might be important but quickly learned she couldn’t get rid of it and kept staring at it, turning it over, and gently talking to it. The guild, understandably, thought she was crazy bc they all thought it was just a stupid rock
>egg turns super hot when hatching except to its parents so when brynolf tried to grab it it burned his hand. He still has a slight scar from it that obsidian seems apologetic abt even tho none of them were sure how he could know or how sentient he is
>he’s a little menace as a baby. If Ansa isn’t holding him he will begin crying and wailing like he’s being killed and rip up anything he can reach so. No super important stealthy missions for Ansa for a while
>he has black scales and red horns and eyes!
>loves to ride on her shoulder or in her traveling bag
>when the Helgen attack happens he’s very excited to see his dad and refused to GET BACK IN THE FUCKING BAG
>his first shout is ‘fus’ after Ansa learns it, followed by ‘yol’
>was bottle fed at first b4 moving on to basically eating anything. He loves salmon and apples the most but loves trying to catch dragonflies more
>the second Delphine sees him she knows he’s a dragon and wants to kill him so I imagine she’ll be a problem later on
>begins speaking common like a toddler around the 2 year mark which will. Deffo freak Ansa out as her baby learns full sentences
>obsidian insists on sleeping on Ansa. Even if she tosses and turns he Will find a way
>likes being held like a human baby bc his mom looks human so obv he should be held like humans hold their babies
>Delvin keeps feeding him scraps even tho Ansa told him not to.
>tries to dig up dragon burial mounds if Alduin hasn’t gotten to them yet
>technically has a supernatural sense of where both of his parents are but he’s a crybaby and if his mom is not with him 24/7 he IS going to throw a tantrum. So he could basically function as an alduin detector
>he can’t swim yet :( he wants to swim with his feral mom who catches fishies for him bare handed in her underwear like the freak she is
>actually rly likes foxes and wants to play w them. They don’t feel the same way tho. This I just think is funny bc shor and foxes. Yknow
>loves gold. He wants to learn to pickpocket like his mom, but he doesn’t have hands so it is pretty difficult. He WILL steal stuff from markets tho. Mama is in the thieves guild ofc he thinks stealing is okay
>loves giving kisses. He’s a very sweet boy
>one time ate a bee and his cheek swelled up. Odahviing who is traveling w them found this hilarious. Ansa nearly strangled him for laughing at her baby. He did not eat bees after that but quickly formed plans on how to weaponize hives in combat if he ever needed to
>this is a spoiler but comes up quickly and is hinted at a lot: Ansa is the reincarnation of obsidian’s birth mom and Alduin’s mate. Alduin is stupid in denial abt this, bc ew mortal, even tho he knows a dragon egg can’t hatch unless one of its parents is incubating it and taking care of it
>related to this and also still a spoiler: obsidian’s uncle is Odahviing!! Alduin’s mate and Odahviing were clutch mates (after getting older most dragons normally just consider Akatosh their father and choose to ignore true sibling bonds above all else) and he finds Ansa pretty quickly and goes in human disguise to travel with her. Bc it’s funny and feels bad to leave his reborn sister with a baby alone if Alduin is gonna throw a tantrum and be stubborn abt it. I’m looking forward to these parts
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nehswritesstuffs · 7 months
So, um, it's time for Nehs to go off again on One Piece bc my gears are turning thanks to Lore Piece being solid as per usual. Spoilers for chapter 1097 are under the cut, as well as talk of some of the basis of Crocomom, a fanon theory I do not ascribe to but don't necessarily dismiss, so if you do dismiss it then don't read I guess.
Okay, um... so I've been kind of thinking that Bonney isn't really twenty-four years old for a while and something more like a middle schooler (10-14), but this chapter to me sort of soft-confirmed it, as well as set things up for this other crazy-ass fucking thing I didn't think was even possible.
'Cause the end of the chapter puts things fourteen years ago, right? No mention so far of a kid despite Ginny's enthusiasm to get into Kuma's pants. Oda would have mentioned a kid, especially if it was already ten years old. Kuma is too cute to have been a dad and NOT gotten a moment with his baby. (LORD ALMIGHTY why is Kuma so adorable in this edition of Lore Piece I just wanna smush his cheeks and tell him he's doing a fantastic job at caring for his flock and being a rebel.) This means that Bonney is one of a few things:
Kuma and Ginny's daughter they had after rescuing her, giving her a different family name to distance her from the Buccaneer race, ala Ace going by Portgas
Ginny's rescued relative we don't know exists yet
Kuma's adoptive daughter that he takes in bc she looks hauntingly like Ginny
Ginny's daughter from things happening while she was kidnapped
Ginny's clone in the Clone Trooper sense, taken and prematurely aged
Ginny's clone in the Boba Fett sense, taken w/o being aged
No matter how you shake it, unless Bonney is some until-now-unknown child waiting to be rescued, all of these options point to her actually being somewhere around tween/young teen in actuality but presenting like an adult in order to get taken seriously. The anti-eyebrow piercing would even play into that, being a potential way for a kid to prove they're so big and tough and able to run with the big kids take me with you Shanks I'm no anchor. So, we're getting to her true origins soon, also where Vegapunk comes into play, whether he is a cause or a secret-keeper or whatever.
Now, remember how I said something about Crocomom? As it turns out, I feel like if we get any confirmation for the trans!Crocodile fan theory, it's gonna be within the next two or three chapters. Why? I think Croc is potentially connected to whomever captured Ginny. Iva, being their fabulous self, is not above using their power to disorient opponents. While this could mean that Crocodile is a cis man but got temporarily femme'd and turned back after humiliation, it also leaves open the possibility for Iva putting Croc through permanent HRT for either punishment purposes (so unwitting ftm not changing you back candy you've been bad now go learn a lesson) or for negotiation purposes (already afab ftm but give us our Ginny back and I can make you grow a dick and lose your tit fat). While I don't think that Crocodile was necessarily designed to be transgender from the beginning, I also feel like Oda has to know about the Crocomom/trans!Croc fanon and he is specifically the kind of author who just shrugs and goes with shit fans make up. That's how he got almost all, if not every single, birthday for the cast, so why not this twist? Like, I wasn't sold on it the first time I encountered this theory, but like I said: I never discounted it because we never know what's going on in Oda's brain. He really gave us a good potential set up here, so it'd be weird if he didn't use it.
(I still think that Crocomom specifically is a long shot since Luffy's five at this point, so unless Dragon is going to potentially wage war on his ex/babymama and neither of them mention Luffy, it leaves even more parts of the puzzle that don't quite fit (and Croc wouldn't already be ftm bc that's a lost chance at a new character design, which we all know Oda is shit at resisting). There's a lot of them that already don't fit to me, but that's neither here nor there. I'm just concerned that even if we do have ftm!Crocodile thanks to Iva's Devil Fruit, that a lack of Crocomom would mean that One Piece has its own version of the Blaise Zabini Debacle in the works (apologies for bringing HP into it but it's true) and we as a fandom are better than that.)
None of this theorizing I think could have been possible, like, ten/fifteen years ago, because part of me feels like Oda has been putting his foot down a lot based on what it is we've been getting. Some stuff could have, yeah, been sort of meddled with by the editors/SJ at this point, but it feels like he's been able to get away with a lot more than he did before. Being such an important asset can do that.
...but yeah, if none of this happens (or is at least more firmly kickstarted) by chapter 1100, chances are that we're not getting it.
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seongminiz · 8 months
thinking abt minhee with a breeding kink and wanting to have kids…. he wants to be a dad so bad and he’s so in love with the idea of you being a mother 😵‍💫
(omg im so sorry this took me way to long to answer n its not even as good as i wanted it to be)
YES OMG ....
breeding kink minhee is my fav kind of minhee mostly bc it just makes it easy to combine everything else i think abt minhee (hes a freak , he likes messy sex n overstimulation)
he does have his rougher moments but in these cases hes such a soft dom bc the idea of becoming a dad makes him so so happy n soft n even more of that the idea of u being the mother of his kids . so expect lots of praise n soft touches n just overall a rlly romantic thing
ok no this is getting too fluffy
as i said this absolute freak of a man (/affectionate) is so into messy sex its actually concerning . not complaining tho !! he wants u to keep all of his cum stuffed deep into ur cunt BUT if it does happen to drip out once he finally decides hes filled u up so much its basically impossible for u to not be pregnant n pulls out ,, actually goes fucking crazy over it i swear he might change his mind abt having enough n go for a few more rounds if u r okay with it ,,,
unless he gets so into it the idea of pulling out of u wouldn't even cross his mind he'll just cockwarm u to sleep ,, n maybe fill u up once or twice in the morning too 'just in case it didnt work'
god when is it my turn to be happy
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ac3-silvers · 6 months
Is it weird for me to be worried about my latest hyperfixation/plot bunny?
Below the cut is an explaination.
Tl/dr: added a bunch of like pagan themes and my version of “western fantasy” and found family tropes and species bending to a Xianxia/Wuxia setting (MXTX triple fusion) and I’m worried people will find it problematic if I post it. All pagan stuff is also “weird” bc it’s my flavor of it and I add more bits when I write it for stories of any kind. Main guy mostly just acts as a dad and is always running around trying to avoid people who he doesn’t want to find him unless he needs to trade for certain things like fabric because everyone is suspicious of him and it gets worse when they learn he’s an “alternate type of cultivator” and actually foreign and stuff. Like, it’s HIM being assimilated and not the other way around even if he’s sharing like a couple crafts, what he grew up speaking and writing, some recipes and stuff you’d learn if you lived in the wilds and had an arborist-holistic doctor-type for a mom figure.
Edits: added more clarification, main concern is white savior and I’m doing as much as I can to avoid that bullshit but I’m still worried as fuck bc I don’t want to seem like an asshole or something.
Like, I tend to have phases for fandoms, sure, but I also have them for tropes/concepts I like to write.
So I’m in a MXTX/Danmei phase fandom wise, and I’m in a general “fix it before the shit can go south” phase, and now I’m layering on my paganism-in-everything phase once again and writing a “what if all MXTX novels are in the same world… and a very powerful druid-witch dude happens to stumble onto our favorite red-and-black boys and a (good number of) handful(s) of other fucked over kids… which activates his horrible, horrible dad instincts and he adopts every last one of them” thing.
It’s 3 chapters deep, has a bunch of random shit ranging from discussion of languages and their quirks, basic Irish lessons (bc teaching myself off and on for YEARS), pagan/wiccan shit (obviously), handicrafts, hunting, practical foraging and ultra-sustainable farming practices, how major religions stamp out smaller or “bad” ones…
It’s basically just what I write for my Og stuff but I’m not holding back at ALL and it’s MXTX. Main plot is MDZS but Binghe and Hua Cheng are the frustratingly ridiculous older brothers of the family that the dad-character is just sick and tired of listening to them pine and suspicious as hell about who they’re going after despite not wanting to even THINK about his boys being in romantic relationships with ANYONE.
Just… goofy happy but dramatic family shit and cute kids and teens bringing a shitload of foreign mythology and pagan culture and a hefty dash of my personal style of fantasy into the Xianxia/Wuxia world.
I just worry I might get flack for like destroying the culture and setting with… what I write about for the most part outside of like the vast majority of my fics.
Am I going nuts, or is this okay?
Edit for a clarification: I’m worried, as someone mentioned, of a white savior trope problem. I’m mainly trying to get out of that corner I seem to have driven myself in, but generally how it’s going so far is:
- cultivators are suspicious of foreign guy who’s apparently not just some weird merchant, this causes issues
- OC is more just trying to keep the kids he ends up running around with from doing stupid shit like pulling stupid stunts to be with people they declare their soul mates after like one brief interaction (and he fails a lot and gets all “I’m not mad I’m just disappointed. Now eat your dinner and go take a bath, you stink and are too thin again.”)
- major difference for whole setting is just some one off things here and there being introduced and made more common in a warped timeline (mostly just like fiber arts and some recipes and minor things that aren’t as obvious right off the bat like how ginkgo trees are in the same family as poison Ivy and stuff like that)
Generally the entire fic is just very done dad yelling at stupid teenagers for being stupid teenagers and having to dodge people who don’t like the weird wild man and judging him for not being able to read Chinese well and stuff.
Yet I’m still worried about white savior issues… because they’re an issue.
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You make a lot of sense on the Andre stuff in BWH, I just really wanna come up with a way for him to get fucked over by the Peacock bc of his whole 'disowning the troubled kid he's primarily responsible for to steal her half sister who has no relation to him (unless more stupid retcons happen)' thing
Although, if this is happening during MQ, wouldn't both Andre and Audrey be out of the picture? Since they were the Akuma while everything on the roof was happening.
There's like a window of time for this to work. So it's
Chloé refuses Hawkmoth's offer and gets yeeted
Heart Hunter is either released by Hawkmoth(no longer being useful) or defeated by the Heroes
Ladybug gathers the Dragon from Kagami, she and Adrien go back on their date while LB heads to Fu(only to find the fucked up carousel)
Andre and Audrey head home, where Gabriel can yoink Audrey off to 'talk' aka: make Joé(.... that sounds dirty out of context)
Joé is Akumatized into Miracle Queen and starts sending wasps after everyone
So there's time to do it.
As for Andre and consequences!
He is going to face some hell because Zoé is Not Okay With This At All™. While she initially got along with him as a father figure, she's aware that he's part of the reason Chloé is the way she is. Though, again, sympathetic because he seems more 'enabler to Audrey' than his own 'bad'.
Then he does the 'Chloé isn't the perfect child I wanted despite raising her, let's ship her off with her abusive mom. But I'll keep Zoé because she's better!' thing. And Zoé is Not Having This™.
Her first course of action is to leave Andre entirely. Thankfully the Miracuclass, while having beef with 'Chloé' is understanding that the situation is fucked. She then calls her /actual/ dad to inform him of everything happening but how she wants to get 'Chloé' and stay in Paris. So he helps her work out a situation with her own apartment. It's a temporary solution because he wants an Actual Adult looking after her but that'll come later.
Zoé kinda works on things but she can help 'Chloé' file charges on Andre for child endangerment because he knowingly left her in a situation he knew to be abusive. Not to mention Zoé can file her own charges in that him trying to grant himself custody of her is technically attempted kidnapping.
That'll take a while because they get distracted with the Monarch situation and getting the real Chloé back and figuring out legally what to do with Joé.
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bonesandthebees · 11 months
And then there’s the meeting. And the fun in this is trying to figure out if they know that Tallulah’s infected or not. Also, I respect the decision to have half the people be absent via excuses, because that’s still a lot of characters to manage. Also, it’s so obvious all these people are parents because there’s constantly people trying to check in if Tallulah is okay, too.
[“Wilbur’s a good person,” Quackity finally said, his voice ringing through the room. “I think we can trust him.”] This is probably based on the Wilbur he knew before + the clear care he can see for Tallulah. Aside from that Quackity only says this once he catches Wilbur’s eye and probably sees how cared he is. And again, it’s giving past lovers vibes all over the place even though Wilbur got out before any of that happened. And Phil’s having a blast with it.
Still, some of the other’s a hesitant, because that sentiment doesn’t really make sense. Quackity should be angry at him. Leaving him should mean he can’t be trusted. Quackkty should be fighting this the most, but he’s not. So they want some extra questions. They already know that Tallulah isn’t his (at least, some of them do and it’s obvious he’s too young to be her actual dad even if he looks like he could be).
And I love Wilbur’s dialogue alternating with to flashbacks to show what actually happened and which parts he’s omitting. And Tallulah being abandoned might set of a few more people. Even if the reasons Wilbur gives are plausible, she’s still very much hiding her eyes and hasn’t said a word. All of them have kids with the same infection running around.
So after Baghera asks if they are infected and it becomes a bit more obvious that Tallulah is (or that Phil can’t confirm she isn’t), the mood shifts. It’s clear they have one priority: protect the children. That means their own children, but that’s also very clearly extending to Tallulah. And actually, I don’t think they are onto her being infected. They would trust Wilbur more if they knew. But then again, if Tallulah was a normal kid, they might be more inclined to let her go. Unless they are afraid that Wilbur would abandon or kill her if she became infected.
This escalates very quickly when Wilbur panics about being found out and offers to leave. Bad the offers of trade supplies for Tallulah, which is entirely misreading the situation. I’m sorry, but a man cradling his child that closely is not trading near for the world. I do understand not wanting him to leave, because even if he doesn’t know about their infected children, he could then sent other people their way who would find out and be aggressive. (again, rip Tilin)
lol yeah there were so many characters man I wanted to include everyone but I just could not do it
the group doesn't know that tallulah is infected in that convo. some of them, like phil and quackity, are at least somewhat confident she is. the others have no clue because they haven't been around her enough to make a judgement, but they're assuming she's not just for the sake of things bc it's better to assume she's not and be wrong than vice versa.
yeah even though quackity has given wilbur his vote of confidence quackity isn't the most... stable person. he's not always rational and while everyone there cares about him, they also know his judgement has been off since tilin died. plus, quackity hasn't known wilbur for years now. as much as they want to believe what quackity's saying, they don't put a ton of stock into his words.
by the point baghera asks if they're infected and bad offers to trade supplies for wilbur giving tallulah to them, no one knows if she's infected or not. it's a possibility, but again, they're assuming she's not for the sake of the argument. the reason they're so hellbent on taking her in is solely bc they don't want to see a kid get killed out there. it doesn't matter if she's infected or not, she's a child being taken care of by one young guy who clearly doesn't have the best survival skills. the last thing they want is to let the two of them go, and then a few days later find their bodies out in the middle of the forest.
but yeah. of course wilbur wasn't going to go for that. but they can't tell him without knowing bc if they do and he reacts badly, he could tell other people about the camp. so either they let him go without telling him anything, or they tell him and depending on how he reacts, he either gets killed or gets to stay. the group is very worried about the safety of the kids.
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naturalbornkillass · 2 years
delayed post from 07/10/22 - A weird week: still depressed // might need to get the “hottest girl in rehab” sweatshirt. // modern feminism // why am i attracted to older men i dont even ducking have daddy issues
The last part happened today but i’ll include it into my evenfully unevenful week
i’ve been ridiculously depressed and irritable this week. i havent touched my prescripted medicine and i probably should. i’m in no way getting better.
During the 4th of july, i got into a hugeeee argument with my dad and i ended up staying home and playing roblox w my friends. it was kinda fun, then it all hit me. I’m at home during the 4th of july, doing absolutely nothing. I was bored and depressed. I HAD NOTHING TO DO!! So I ordered some food from grubhub and it made me feel better for a little bit. Then it hit me again. I'm getting fomo. How can i celebrate the 4th. of july? and listen I’m not the most patriotic citizen, and to be honest, i’m not big on independence day. although I am big on the celebrations itself, whether or not i really give a fuck about the reason of the celebration .
i decided to try lsd for the first time, and it was def the most sensational type of high i’ve ever experienced. especially bc it was laced with some other strong ass shit, which i didn't really know until i got tested positive for other stuff. I didn't rly mind tho, i had a good time regardless. My therapist was not happy ofc, so they actually told me that they may have to send me to a 30 day rehabilitation program if things don’t improve within the next week. It’s either that, or I have to stay at a psych ward for 7 days minimum, which isnt as bad, given that it’s so easy to trick them into thinking that you’re doing well within the span of a week. But either way, i’ll be stripped away from any sort of communication with all of you. unless i can memorize all of your number. not tryna do all that.
I'm against it, obviously. I’m functioning! I should be fine.
The reason why i’m not making such a big deal out of this is bc I’m not being too irresponsible with everything. Honestly i really do believe that they’re just trying to profit off of me. No one really knows what to do in those places. None of the staff members really know what they were getting themselves into. If you’re there for the money, why cant you at least try to put some effort on the shit tht you were supposed to do?
if i do end up in one in the future, best believe i’m pulling up in the corniest fit ever
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but fr tho i actually have to start putting some effort because i’m not trying to go to some goddamn facility. I have many plans for this summer and living in a place w a bunch of druggiez isnt my thing. if all fails, i hope to be grouped with cool people.
i met someone on roblox, which i’ve spent a few hours with….at night. it was fun okay, and im not for edating, but this is entertaining for me. i wonder how many ppl he’s groomed online. better yet, i wonder how many people get groomed on roblox??? He’s 21 btw i forgot to mention, and yeah he does sound like it. Thats all i can say tho.
The thing is, you’ll never know if your the groomer or the groomee. Edating is so funny to me despite the times that i’ve attempted to do so. I got out of that phase towards the beginning(-ish?) of 9th grade. After that, I’ve just started fishing for some creepy pedos online and i tried to see if i can get money off of them. I found many, but they all wanted my fucking face to be in pictures/videos and they wanted to be able to hear my voice and such, like how desperate can you be? Theyre all really fucking pathetic and it just pissed me off seeing people live like that. Discord users are really something else……..
just dont edate. It's that easy.
One thing that I have noticed is that I kinda have a problem with older men. Why am I writing about this online rather than telling a professional about this? Idk but I just felt like it needs to be talked about. No, I don't have daddy issues, which proves that it's only a common stereotype. Women have such a great amount of power, simply just by existing. Next thing you know, you've hypnotized them into throwing their cash onto you.
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siriuslydontknow · 6 months
God I love being poor.
The way I have lost all of my hope in getting out of here.
I literally have no chance unless a miracle happens. I've been REPEATEDLY shown that I'm not allowed to hope or look up to things because the second I do, that tiny little chance vanishes. No matter how small a thing it was.
I have no money. No job. No transportation. Not. A single. Walkable. Thing. Near me. Not even a gas station. I have no way to GET money. I don't have a computer nor can afford one.
We haven't gone grocery shopping for weeks. I'm going to be kicked off my insurance soon and have to HOPE my prescription is cheap (not that we can afford it anyway).
Apparently alcohol and a potential gun (there are 2 in the house already) is more important than a few extra meals or necessities. -not my decision but the people who make the money in the house
Literally all I want to do is be able to provide for myself and not have to fucking leech off others but I CANT. My original goal was to stay here until I saved up enough money to leave and/or get out of state (bc FUCK THE SOUTH). BUT there's actually no chance of that happening at this rate.
My only option (which is barely even on the table) is to possibly stay with a friend and their family and work at the ONE walkable job there is (that pays minimum wage and is a shitty fast food place) but even then it's nor guaranteed, and depending on the living situation, could easily fuck up my health further.
I'm. Stuck. Here. And while it's not the worst situation I could be in (I could quite possibly be homeless or living with narcissistic assholes again), I have no way out. It's not fun. I shouldn't have to be worrying if I'll HAVE FOOD NEXT WEEK
Granted I've been in worse situations but it's not like I want to keep living like this??? I'm just fucking leeching.
I can't even start a gofundme or some shit. For one: I'd feel guilty about it. Two: I know realistically no one would contribute (not anyone's fault or obligation but I'm just thinking logically) three: I'll get backlash over how my situation isn't that bad and people have it worse (okay tell that to me 3 years ago where 1 packet of Ramen a week was my only source for food and no one gave a shit)
I can't ask for help bc the few people that would be willing are in similar situations as me.
I LITERALLY only have coins when it comes to money. If I'm given anything (from my dad, who i will never ask more of because he does MORE than enough for me), it goes to my stupid fucking bank so it's not in the negatives.
Also not to mention my necessities or struggles are seen as lesser than everyone else's :)
Anyways. I'd be surprised if you even opened this.
I just have nowhere else to say this shit.
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moodywyrm · 10 months
those are so cute!! and omggg those tops are the best and they always look so good
i’m a pretty fast reader,, or at least i used to be? i think it’s just because i’m a lot busier now bc i have a job and school and stuff 💀 maybe i’ll try to read more during my vacation :o
bright lights are the worst! my gf and i refuse to use the big lights in our apartment unless absolutely necessary, it’s all lamps and fairy lights 😭
fair!! i like listening to music or watch a video/show while i game or do other things but like i said i just tune it out 😵‍💫
it was very nice :) we always spend time together but we almost never get a day where it’s just like, nothing really going on. and ik!! i’m so excited!! we booked everything yesterday and we’re going to villa del balbianello and i can’t wait :) i’ve been wanting to go since i was a kid !! and he rlly is, he loves watching movies with us. i’m rewatching the whole star wars series with him because he’s my son now
that’s good!!! i’m glad you’re having a good day so far <3 lord i need to buy new supplies but ! target is still having their 20% off deal for college students so i might use that to my advantage. and yes omg stock up on yarns just in case !! make some cute lil outfits for class with your new crochet skills <3
my day is good so far!! i’m off work today so my gf and i are at ikea rn :) we’re in need of some new furniture and a new shelf for our balcony bc it broke </3 we’re going to order pizza and have a lil date night at our apartment to build our new things ! she has been really antsy today and idk why, but she’s going somewhere for a couple hours with a friend when we get home so i’m like ?? not sure what to do ?
- 🩷
Yeah!! Once I’m significantly better at crochet, I wanna try and make one!!
That’s so fair!! I only have so much time bc I’m on vacation rn, and then during school I have blocks of time before my classes to read bc I get there early!!
I agrée!! I hate overhead lights, lamps and fairy lights all the way!! And they’re prettier 💕💕
That’s so fair!! I have somehow managed to watch Three and a quarter twilight movies while I’ve been practicing today 🧍🏽‍♀️
Aww, im glad y’all got a nice day together 💕 and that’s so cool!! And omg italy??? That’s so fucking cool, it looks so pretty!!! A win for childhood you!! He’s your son!! And he’s a film bro!! What a sweet lil man, the first of his kind, a sweet film bro 😩 I’ve never actually seen all the Star Wars movies 🧍🏽‍♀️
Thank you!!! I love crafts, I have a bunch of paint but I don’t really use it :( new supplies!! I do think I need some stuff, but I don’t remember what I have back at my apartment :( and yes!! I’m gonna ask my dad if we can go to michaels this weekend so I can grab a few more skeins, I only have three rn and I’m using pretty much all of the red to practice! And I would love to make clothes and accessories, but I’m definitely not at that skill level yet 😭 I might make shoelaces though!!
That’s good!! I fucking love IKEA, i wanna go so bad 😩 that sounds like such a cute date omg, pizza and building with the sapphics!! Me and my girl When. That sucks, I hope it passes :( getting antsy sucks :( hopefully it’ll help her to hang out with a friend? It’s gonna be okay pinky, just be there for her and try and have a sweet night 💕
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