#dance map
thedarkone121 · 3 months
Concept Idea for a Jack Swan and Obsidian Crow Just Dance Map
Sorry it took me a bit to get around to this idea, homework and other fixations is a heck of thing to get away from. But I found the time, so now it’s time for you guys to hear me ramble about this Map Idea that could be non-canon to my story, but it was too fun to pass up.
Breakdown of my Concept Map Idea, go!
Song: 111 Winchester by I the Mighty
Coaches: Jack Rose (?)
Location: Swan Tower, Jack’s Mindscape
Theme: Corruption — It plays on the idea of how Obsidian Crow takes over Jack. Jack is still riding on his high of beating his mother at her own game that he doesn’t realize that the magic he absorbed was corrupting him. But as the song goes on, he starts to realize things aren’t right and why is he all alone? But by then, it’s too late and Jack is left to try and fight it off in order to keep his remaining sanity. But Obsidian Crow has already won.
A Concept in Parts
Part 1: The Victory (Verse 1, Pre-Chorus)
Set after Thnks Fr Th Mmrs, Jack is back at Swan Tower. He looks tired but looks incredibly happy. His moves are energetic, throwing his arms out in a grand fashion, and his signature dance move is used often.
In the background, a cloud of magic smoke — similar to Night Swan’s magic cloud (the one she uses to corrupt the Coaches) can be seen swirling in the background. It slowly morphs into the shape of bird that’s flying around.
As the song goes on, the bird-shape becomes more clearer, taking on the form of a Crow. It flies in circles in the background, darkening the area.
Part 2: Victory? (Chorus)
The area has completely darkened, except for Jack and the platform underneath him — the only source of light.
Jack is looking around in confusion but he keeps up the appearance of a performer. He's trying to ignore it.
The Smoke-Crow continues to fly, leaving off more smoke that begins to surround Jack.
"Somebody wants us all out of this house," here, Jack swats the smoke away. He looks up at his surroundings, his fear showing as he finally takes it all in.
Then the Smoke-Crow flies by and it all vanishes. Jack is back in Swan Tower, but he looks more alarmed than before.
Part 3: Something isn’t Right (Verse 2, Pre-Chorus)
Jack appears to be more aware of the Smoke-Crow, but his eyes never manage to catch sight of it. He whips his head around, trying to find it but it always flies just fast enough to get out of view.
Swan Tower is slowly darkening again, columns of smoke erupted from the ground that startle Jack.
Jack is looking around, searching for anyone else. As if he’s noticing he’s alone for the first time and that none of his friends are with him. He didn’t even realized he left in the first place.
The Smoke-Crow flies by and once again, it encircles the area. Drowning it in darkness.
Part 4: Resistance (Chorus)
Jack is once again trapped in the void. More smoke arises, taking form of fallen feathers than begin to swirl like a vortex. Some of them come after Jack, who does his best to dance in spite of their interference.
“The shadow from the wall is not from me” is where Jack starts to look pained from resisting, as he’s almost cradling his head as he’s swatting the smoke away from him.
“As soon as I remember how to breathe” is when Jack cannot stop the pain from showing on his face and he’s no longer trying to swat the smoke away. Now he’s jerking his head back and forth as if that could ward off the pain.
Unfortunately, that gives the smoke the chance to surround him.
Part 5: The Puppet (Bridge)
Jack is entrapped by the smoke, it encircling his wrists like it did when he first absorbed the corrupted magic. It moves him around, like a puppet on strings.
Jack is still resisting, despite how tired and in pain he seems to be in. He would try to pull against the strings, trying to get back to his own dance and not the smoke’s.
But he quickly falls back to the Smoke’s dance. His last act is to reach out, as if he’s breaking through the fourth wall, and mouth the words “Help”.
Part 6: It’s Too Late (Chorus)
Jack is dancing to the Smoke’s tune. It’s almost reminiscent of the last section of Sweet Dream (Are Made of This). As the dance goes on, he starts to loose his pained expression.
In the second half of the chorus, Jack is now looking up at the camera, once again breaking through the fourth wall. His stare is piercing, almost like he’s staring a hole right through. It’s expressionless.
“And I still got these matches in my pocket,” is where Jack reaches out, almost reminiscent of his earlier reaching out for help. But Obsidian Crow gives an awful smile instead as his eyes glow a bright gold.
Part 7: Everything is Fine (Outro)
Obsidian Crow continues to dance in almost mockery of the Sweet Dreams one, but his is more quick and jabbing.
The void falls away, revealing an altered Swan Tower. Columns and pillars are decorated with sharp feathers. Th Swan Thorne statue was vandalized, making it almost look like a crow. The color scheme is more a maroon color than pink now.
“I don’t feel a thing,” is where the Smoke Crow flies back, envelopes over him, and Obsidian Crow finally drops the visage of Jack Rose, revealing himself in full as he does his final move.
Obsidian Crow stands tall, looking around proudly of his work.
WOW! This was a lot longer than I thought it was going to be! A part of me wishes I could do some drawings to show a little bit of the terror Jack is going through at the moment but sadly, I don’t have time for it. But I hope you all enjoyed this reading, for the people who managed to read it all the way through!
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ilikeit-art · 9 months
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as-salty-as-the-sea · 7 months
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so did you guys also cry at the end of vampire or are you normal
i’m actual so emotional over these two like they r so special to me
take a look under the cut for closeups and an extra sketchie :D
likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated ^w^
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references + inspo !!
- zoexkart on instagram
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The urge to make everything canon accurate vs the knowledge that “canon” is just a bunch of threads they hired someone to pull out of thin air about maps that definitely weren’t made with story in mind
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halfratsalready · 2 months
Okay I desperately need to know, is the tracking on You Should See Me In a Crown kinda fucked up or am I actually just that bad at it?
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thegirlthatsketches · 7 months
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is it mid novemeber? yes. They are going to sun horizon let them have fun at the beach
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spoonful-of-fixations · 7 months
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extra! extra!
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the-triggered-lizard · 8 months
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I HAD TO DRAW THEM OKAY. THEY'RE ADORABLE😩❤️ (They just won a match on the moon, good for them!)
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Is it a crime to spontaneously dance in a bar?
by geo.facts_
Well, this might not seem true, but it is… the law, made back in the 70’s, force’s bar and pubs to have a “dance permit” in order to people to dance in them! Even tho, in 2016, the government promised to stop prosecuting people under the bizarre law, it’s still enforced to this day! In 2020, a restaurant owner in Härjedalen municipality has been charged with breaking this law. A bar owner who falls afoul of the rules could risk the withdrawal of other permits, fines or even prison. Yes, you read it correctly, the bar owner can get up to 6 months in prison! 
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anja-the-sane-panda · 8 months
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surr3al1sm · 28 days
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A lookbook for my Jack Rose sim that holds all of his outfits and CC in one neat little pile.
Welp, here it is. My first lookbook for a sim, ever. I really hope it looks good, I just had an idea and decided to roll with it lol. I was actually kind of scared to start this because well it’s Jack, and Jack has a certain standard to him. So I hope I met it lol. I’m going to be real, this is a sim I hold kind of dear to my heart (no matter how much of an asshole he tends to be) because I kind of relate to Jack a lot man- So I really hope I did him justice.
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General CC: skin detail | lashes | tattoo | glove recolour
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1. Everyday: earrings | pose 2. Formal: earrings | pose 3. Athletic: pose
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4. Sleep: pose 5. Party: earrings | pose 6. Swimwear: sunglasses | earrings | pose
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7. Hot Weather: earrings | necklace | top & jeans | pose 8. Cold Weather: earrings | pose
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knightsickness · 8 months
‘this could have prevented the dance that could have prevented the dance’ the only thing that could actually have prevented the dance was viserys daemon and otto having sex years ago but they didn’t so now they have to have sex by proxy through their daughters and everyone’s miserable
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siriuslygay1981 · 3 months
Funny little excerpt from my rosekiller dance au? Yes, here you go
" That just creeped him out, there wasn't much to smile about, he kinda wanted to scream random things at them to make them stop smiling.
'Global warming!! Homeless people!! Starving youth !Abandoned puppies! Orphans !!Animal abuse !!Dark magic!! Evil dark lords!' "
Making this a game
+12 points to whoever can guess whose pov this is
+10 points for who can guess who he's talking about
+4 extra points if you can guess his emotions (there's very little indication to this so its a little bonus)
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karis17love · 3 months
ꨄ ᴅᴀɪʟʏ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴄᴏᴀᴄʜᴇs ꨄ
"𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶?
𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘴."
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yin-yanglulu · 5 months
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They’re all so gender
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joezcafe · 8 months
The worst part of the Just Dance series is if you follow the announcements you have to see the opinions of Just Dance fans and those guys are never happy
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