#day two: hatred
drasin · 2 years
Whumptember Day 1-2
Writing has been going tough for me lately, so I'm still trying to get things rolling. Taking more, but shorter stuff. At around 500 words. Black x Kano ship is such a fave of mine that I've only played out in my head so far. I think they have the potency to be a cruelly toxic couple (strong word for their "relationship") who constantly hurt each other, then get back together only to stab the other in the back again. Two walking red flags.
So just perfect for whumtember. I want to explore this a bit. I'm not promising anything, I'll just keep writing as I find the mood. So far it's good I've connected some days and am having fun.
Enjoy your reading!
[prompt list] from @whumptember !
Fandom: Mortal Kombat
Pairing:  Kano/Erron Black
World count: ~600
Warnings: implied sexual content and knife play, beating
"Kano, for fuck's sake, let me go!" The shout came along with the clank of a pulled chain spreading through the hall.
"I didn't hear the magic word at the end, so... nah. I don't think so." Mercenary was swinging in his chair for a good dozen minutes. His cynical and contented smile never left his face as he stared at the captured cowboy as if he was his catch. Erron, on the other hand, was murdering him with his gaze while constantly fidgeting, in an attempt to at least loosen the metal digging painfully into his body.
"You don't even know how long I waited for this. Did you really think you would manage to hide from me for the rest of your life?" He pointed at him with the tip of the knife he had been fiddling with the whole time.
"Oh please." Black sighed tiredly, clenching his fists. "Do you still hate me for leaving Black Dragon?"
He got no answer.
Kano stood up silently and with slow steps approached him, tossing his knife. Erron tensed unwittingly at this sight and swallowed hard, hoping that the mercenary didn't notice.
He followed the blade with his eyes, speculating how badly the former boss intended to scar him. But instead, Kano tucked the knife back into the scabbard hooked on his thigh. Then his hand went upward clenching roughly on Black's cheeks.
"I don't forget so easily. And you know very well how you pissed me off with that."
Despite the threatening situation, Erron couldn't stop a mischievous smile creeping onto his lips. "Yeah." It was foolish to provoke him when he had no way to defend himself. "I love that part." He really should refrain from such comments, given the position he is in. But then again, limping in front of him was definitely worse than what was about to come.
And he was not wrong. Kano laughed softly at his answer, and immediately afterward aimed a hard precise punch under his ribs.
It hurt. Hurt a lot.
Black groaned, and his head fell forward as he ran out of breath. The way he was tied to the pillar didn't even allow him to bend in half, making the suffering last longer. He coughed, but didn't have time to take a good breath when Kano's rough pull on his hair lifted him back to look into his eyes. In doing so, the back of his head hit the solid cement nastily, but the other man definitely didn't give a damn.
"It will be pure pleasure to watch you slowly break." He patted him on the cheek twice with a hideous grin. "Well, unless you would like to add something? What do you say Black? Start begging for forgiveness while you still have time?"
His arrogance annoyed the cowboy now far more than the chains binding him. Kano played with him as if he were a prey, which Erron in his mind wasn't and didn't intend to be. He furrowed his brow in anger and simply spit in his face.
This gave him a whole two seconds of satisfaction before his expression faded. He watched as the mercenary closed his eyes with a quiet sigh and wiped his face. Then his smile became much wider, which didn't bode well.
"Oh, this is going to be a long night." With that sentence, Kano's hand tightened on Black's groin. He got close enough that the next sentence was muttered directly into his ear. "I hope you're ready for some knife play."
After these words, all momentary excitement turned to concern. Black gritted his teeth as his thoughts now presented him with the direction this was heading. Guess he went a little too far after all.
"Fuck." He whispered almost silently. A long night ahead of him indeed.
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lunarharp · 3 months
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What led to this (orufrey comic, cw an uncomfortable/creepy scene)
#witch hat tag#orufrey#er.... i'm too tired to have anything to say..i worked several days on this.#wait.. didn't i say just recently here that i probably wouldn't ever depict 'what if alaira is qifrey's sort-of ex'. What's going on#i don't even remember deciding to draw this..it's all a blur..i'm not sure why i WOULD decide to draw delicate scenes in my head#that i wouldn't really want to share with anyone/discuss so why did i draw it...#some part of me really really wants to draw things that are more and more true to myself...#maybe because of my alienation with most romance/shipping/dynamics the rest of the world depicts.#orufrey really is perfectly suited to me - what i read in the text and what is in my head. well anyway#i am TIRED of drawing poses and angles and..maybe now i will actually take a break from drawing bc of the tediousness of Angles#btw it really is a 'stretch of time' . . . assuming witches graduate age 18-20#well orufrey are canonically 30-ish. they've only had agott around for presumably about TWO years (?) bc she took the test age 10#and it feels like oru moving in/unknown atelier acquisition/building (?) .. i guess that could be a year or so before agott at most#(she was the first disciple) so... ????????? What about the other 7 or so years ?!?!?!!?!?! Unemployed Brimhat Hatred era#that time is very nebulous. after qifrey went to the tower i feel like it's been implied he and oru drifted apart a little.#certainly they didn't live together at first... no way. that doesn't feel like how it is based on things oru has said about becoming Eye#idk. I'm tired now. i don't usually think of alaira as necessarily qifrey's ex and this being how things went in that 'sliver of time'.#i usually prefer the idea that they have their first kiss with each other in their 30s cause That's Just The Orufrey Lifestyle#just felt like making a more relatable alternative view of my own Cai Orufrey Canon one time. btw im a big monoshipper and it hurt a bit#let's leave it there. this is surely the most i've worked on a 'single' art - though now i realise just how much longer the fic took :')
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i'm not reblogging the original post because the op seems great and i don't want to hurt feelings. but this is such a fun-killing take i genuinely want to gnaw my arm down to the marrow of the sea-foamy bone:
"if the most interesting thing you can think of about a character is the ship you like them with, then I don't think you actually like that character very much."
romantic relationships where every lamb becomes the knife and every knife becomes the lamb are not interesting to you? or what about vampiric psychosexual laments full of blood-bound codependency where the lovers are each other's slow descent into decay and ruin? i mean, that's fun! that is objectively fun!
shipping is strangeness and sincerity and terror. it's vault-bright lucy and her irradiated wasteland-rotten ghoul. it's louis de pointe du lac's naked centering of lestat in a narrative other characters keep trying to invade but louis stubbornly just won't let them. it's these violent delights having violent ends. it's transgressing societal boundaries of right and wrong (an inherently empowering narrative for women and gay men who have been told what to do our whole damn lives.) it's paying homage to a cruel god but also that cruel god is an ordinary person traversing a post-apocalyptic landscape with you. it's hand in unloveable hand! it's hand on my cowardly heart!
the most intersting thing about many many many characters are their romantic entanglements. and that's okay! it's more than okay! it's lush and febrile nutritional goodness that incapsulates all aspects of fiction and therefore life, from horror to devotion, from tenderness to gut-shocking betrayals, from loving monstrosity to hateful divinity.
if you ever catch me not shipping, call a priest. i've been possessed.
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nirrvana · 5 months
why do all of my favorite characters keep getting impaled both literally and metaphorically by a thousand sword blows representing the eternal weight of hatred and pain they must carry all by themselves why does this keep happening (this is about anthy himemiya and xie lian)
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x-brik-x · 9 months
99% of the discourse on this piss on the poor ass webbed site wouldn't exist if y'all knew the difference between discrimination, oppression and lateral aggression
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man am i over people who've never actually read asoiaf shitting on it lmao
#i had two different posts willfully misinterpreting grrm cross my dash the last couple days#the aragorn tax policy quote isn't shitting on lotr or intended to be taken as a literal 'you must write about kings' tax policies' mandate#it's about how grrm is interested in different themes to tolkein#like the quote goes on to ask if aragorn commits genocide against the orcs after rotk or like what happens there how isthat tension resolve#in lotr it doesn't matter what happens to the orcs after aragorn is crowned because the story is about frodo's journey and not aragorn#and grrm KNOWS that & is literally making the point HIMSELF that asoiaf is more about the politics than lotr is#we see those tensions explored in plots like the wall with jon having to satisfy stannis the watch and the wildlings all at once#it's not an insult - it's just a fucking comparison & explanation. marketing speech more than anything close to anti-lotr hatred. like cmon#and then the second post was talking about how edmure tully is called weak for letting his smallfolk into his castle#and how that proves that george is an idiot who hates kindness and doesn't understand the medieval era#as if the other characters calling edmure weak for that wasn't kind of the entire point of the riverlands destruction arc#and it's not a purposeful contrast between edmure and other lords (specifically robb in his kingly campaign)#anyway it'd be nice if people read and used their brains to think some thoughts about what they read before talking shit.#asoiaf
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yioh · 1 year
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GUYS look at my wha oc😎
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 21 days
you see i lwk do fw mexican goro because you just have to imagine him growing up with spanish songs played from shitty radios as his mother tries her hardest to give him some semblance of what she grew up with in a country that’s across the ocean from her home where it’s just the two of the them and u also have to imagine nights where they sing along and dance aimlessly but he’s just a kid and so much shorter than her, so she grabs his hands and they sing amor prohibido and como la flor, from a voice goro doesn’t recognize but she tells him was her favorite, the lyrics flowing beautifully from her tongue but a bit choppy with goro’s patchwork spanish. those are the precious few moments goro keeps ingrained with him, and it’s the very same reason why he vows to never speak spanish again or engage in any part of that culture, his culture, once she dies.
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luvring · 10 months
i totally get being annoyed/frustrated w x reader writers not adding read mores or tagging properly but hating on them Just Because they write x reader is craazyyy to me like what is inherently wrong w that. u can say u think a lot is written poorly but that has nothing to do w the basic act of writing x reader fics
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hella1975 · 10 months
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bad decisions are being made as we speak
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chansgender · 11 months
what if i got someone to cover my shift so i can watch good omens 2 as soon as it drops
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bigfrogdraws · 8 months
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It'll come back around
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mxwhore · 8 months
patron saint of being hot
and a lot of skill and really interesting anecdotes about your life and having professors that give me second hand anxiety bc they seem kinda awful and mean. But mainly just being hot
ty! admittedly my professors are not that bad, ive only had one bad professor that was more incompetent that awful. if you want another anecdote, ill tell you about the only teacher i truly despise to this day (on the tags, cuz its a very dark story)
ask gamerino
#i retook that course with a different professor and passed expectacularly. now for the horrendous teacher#on this story we have vomiting injuries and attempted suicide so watch out#in my last two years of our highschool equivalent i had PE with a teacher that loved to play favorites#if u were on a sport team you were immediately given special treatment and as you might already tell i wasnt. i hate ball sports#i loved exercising but i dreaded PE because of her#i have a condition that made my periods incredibly painful and meself anemic so those weeks were hellish#even though i was a good student she would NEVER let me sit out the navette test. even with a doctors note#i would do my best and then literally go vomit and pass out in the bathroom cuz if i did it on the court i would be berated#that wasnt enough to earn my absolute hatred tho. we now move to the worst day of my life to this day#it was just getting to school from lunch (we could go home and have it there) and i had PE#when i get a text#it was my best friend being cryptic thanking me for being a friend and saying goodbyes#he was going to commit suicide#i absolutely lost my shit as one does and went on a rampage#i couldnt get in contact with anyone (his ex stepdad was abusive and isolated his family) and they didnt let me get out of school#i was desperate and my friends were trying to help me but i didnt know what to do. i called my mom and she called his school and then i just#sat and waited with a friend. while the other classmates did the navette test#the minutes passed. i got message from my bffs number and it was his mom telling me she found him just in time#i broke then. i started sobbing and screaming and scratching my arms and my friend held me and tried to keep me from hurting myself#some other classmates came concerned and tried to help#then the teacher came. she just looked at one of the volleyball girlies who shrugged#she didnt ask if i was ok or if i needed to call someone or go somewhere. she just asked if i planning to do the test#i said no and she left and i kept crying#when i felt stable enough i went to see what had happened and she just failed me. i couldnt give the test any other day and that was that#she simply didnt care#i had to calm myself down while writing this. its no use getting emotional over a teacher that didnt care#but i hate her. she made the worst day of my life worse and she doesnt know and doesnt care#that memory fuels me to never surrender to indifference and make the pain in this world worse#my bff got help he needed after that and our bond is stronger than ever. he never pulled something like that again#thats the story! not gonna tag this babes
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omarwolaeth · 1 month
thinking 'bout how the lads interact with what the bracelets represent, especially in their decks
#marwospeaking#Yuuya is by far hardest to work with on this because he Varies. but that might just be him being opposite to Yuzu so it might count?#anyway Yuuya is a bushfire made by fireworks set off without proper precaution (the improperly set off fireworks being Zarc..#.. being influenced into the position that made the lads through his desire to both destroy and entertain his crowds)#It's small sometimes. but in the right conditions is an unstoppable conflagration#Yuuto literally does not die. In a world where we never truly get the other two (Yuugo and Yuuri) interacting with their host (Yuuya)..#.. outside of duels. he very much does. He is undead in a way the others don't quite match (pre Zarc revival) and it's opposite to..#.. En Bird's life (assuming it counts death too as part of its cycle)#Yuugo uses machine monsters - things that distinctly don't breathe. and in most cases have exhaust pipes billowing fumes#and machines can be warm to the touch at times. which you could feasibly slide against Rin's Windwitches for being Very Cold Ladies#Also he's trapped no matter where he is. Neo Domino has a stronger grip on him as a person than anyone else. and when he might finally..#.. escape that. he's trapped in someone else's body with no canonical recourse. because the story ended on Yuuya's terms and no one elses#Yuuri is hardest to place but I think he's very stationary. Sere's monsters are dancers - constantly moving - and she's very able to#adapt as she goes despite how stupid she can be book-wise. Yuuri is rooted into his role. even when he discards his loyalty his role was..#.. always in Zarc's interest no matter if he knew or not. The Professor's loyalty from him is an add-on to that#... I'd argue Zarc cared more about his pieces than Ray cared about hers also? He made cards for them on the fly so they'd Win#Even in moments where that victory is not in a wholly positive light - Odd-Eyes Raging and Gatlinghoul - but we know he's capable of it..#.. a la allowing Yuuya to debut pendulum monsters on his behalf in order to win against Ishijima#something something this can then apply to the other lads. they never lose except to each other and Ray's girls (at least on screen)#Yuuto survived 3 years of war. even despite Yuugo and Yuuri showing up. so methinks Zarc must've had a role in helping him survive#Like. Zarc's distinctly present for his Lads. Ray's not present for her lasses until one of them speaks through her#Sure it's very possible that's a bracelet thing - they are floodgates at the end of the day - and not a Ray thing. but it also wouldn't..#.. surprise me given Ray is an Akaba. we know they will sacrifice others for a gain later on - Ray's was sacrificing a whole world to make.#.. a safer one for everyone to live in. irrelevant on if they remember it or if they never existed originally. Except Leo Akaba. He does#(with memory reading tech) and it tortures him the whole time. she didn't mean to hurt him but Still#Zarc's distinctly not better than Ray - he's still broken wide open when it comes to his hatred of humanity (but not his human half)#and it resulted in multiple near-deaths the second time around - but I can't say Ray's that much better if it turns out the bracelets..#.. weren't floodgating her ability to help her lasses#Completely unrelated but. I don't like what Arcray represents ngl. makes it seem like Zarc could never move on with the help of his lads#and has to rely on someone who killed him and sent him to purgatory about it in order to heal.
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betatrolls · 4 months
storytime referenced here: so i went to watch the new mean girls movie with my friends the other day right? and for a while I was clowning on this girl for getting so fucked up over her crush until a couple of my friends were like no yeah that's what a crush is like. so i started thinking about all the irl crushes I've ever had and realized i literally wasn't romantically attracted to any of those people lol. most of them i just thought were relly cool, a couple of them were just aesthetically pleasing, and most of the more recent ones have just been physically attractive. so you know. mean girls aromantic ally movie.
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mossflower · 1 year
oh i am FUCKED fucked
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