#de hel
twafordizzy · 10 months
Dorthe Nors reist en herinnert zich
De vuurtoren bij het Deense Hirtshals; bron beeld: pinterest.com Reizen is herinneren, schrijft de Deense schrijfster Dorthe Nors (1970) in een herinnering aan de kortste nacht, midzomer. Ze bevindt zich in de nabijheid van de vuurtoren van Hirtshals. De kracht van een plaats. Ooit kwam je hier met alles wat je had, liet het achter en reisde verder. En zo is de plaats gevuld met flarden uit je…
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bucklemonster2 · 1 year
The Hell Elevator. Text and Images +16
(NEDERLANDS BENEDEN  /  DUTCH BELOW) The Hell Elevator. Text and Images +16 English Version 04/04/2023 - 05/28/2023 Someone once told me about a hell that a certain religion (or cult) believes in. I don't remember what faith it was; Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons or Scientology. (These are all cults so stay away from them as much as possible.) Anyway, the story went like this: if you had a life full of evil deeds you went to Hell. Hell was not a stereotypical place full of fire and demons, but an ordinary elevator. Nevertheless, it is one of the most horrible places you can imagine. Every time a sinful person dies, he arrives in this elevator; an elevator you can't get out of. At first it sounds like a boring place where you're stuck with three or so people in one elevator, but soon more and more people join. Not only that, after a while you start to get hungry and thirsty, while there is no food and drink. Even worse, in this hell-elevator, people still have the urge to go to the toilet, even if this is the afterlife and they have not eaten anything. So after a while this elevator is flooded with UR!NE and FA3C3S. As if this wasn't enough, sinners keep arriving in the elevator, so in the end you get crushed alive by all the people inside in the elevator. The people are completely crushed, drowning in their own filth, and despite all the pain, they cannot die. The elevator is one cube of flesh, filth and eternal suffering. While the sinners, wail, cry and scream into infinity. I found this concept so bizarre yet fascinating that I had to draw it! Do you know what hell this is or where this myth comes from? Then feel free to contact me!
De Hel Lift. Tekst en Afbeeldingen +16 Nederlandse Versie 04/04/2023 - 28/05/2023
Iemand had me ooit verteld over een hel waar een bepaalde geloofsovertuiging in gelooft. Ik weet niet meer welk geloof het was; Jehova getuigen, Mormonen of mensen uit Scientologie. (Dit zijn alle drie cults dus blijf er maar zover mogelijk van.)
Anyway, het verhaal ging als volgt: als je een leven vol slechte daden had ging je naar de Hel. De Hel was geen stereotiepe plaats vol vuur en demonen, maar een doodgewone lift. Desondanks, is het één van de meest verschrikkelijke plaatsen die je u kunt inbeelden. Telkens als een zondig persoon sterft komt hij toe in deze lift, een lift waar je niet uitgeraakt.
Eerst klinkt het als een saaie plaats waar je vast zit met een stuk of drie mensen in één lift, maar al snel komen er steeds meer mensen bij. Niet alleen dat, na een tijd begin je honger en dorst te krijgen, terwijl er geen eten en drinken is. Erger nog, in deze hel-lift hebben mensen nog altijd de behoefte om naar het toilet te gaan, ook al is dit het hiernamaals en hebben ze niets gegeten. Dus na een tijd is deze lift overstroomd vol ur!ne en u!twerpselen. Alsof dit niet genoeg was blijven er zondaars toekomen in de lift, dus uiteindelijk wordt je er levend geplet door alle mensen die in de lift zitten. De mensen worden volledig geplet, verdrinken in hun eigen vuiligheid, en ondanks alle pijn kunnen ze niet sterven. De lift is één kubus van vlees, vuiligheid en eeuwig leed. Terwijl de zondaars, jammeren, huilen en schreeuwen in de oneindigheid.   Ik vond dit concept zo vreemd maar fascinerend dat ik het moest tekenen!
Weet jij welke hel dit is of waar deze mythe vandaan komt?
Contacteer me dan gerust!
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silverskye13 · 4 months
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Lyrics are to Peter Hollin's cover of God Help the Outcasts, which I recommend giving a listen if you haven't heard it, or would just like to hear the swelling music with some of the more dramatic poses.
I also highly recommend opening the images in a new window, if you're having trouble reading the text or seeing details.
I think this is the closest I've ever gotten to making an animatic XD
Tanguish doing musical theater in the Saint of Blood and Steel's cathedral, heavily, heavily based [as in straight up ripped from] Notre Dame de Paris, as well as the Chartes choir reliefs, and also I think the entry area is from Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal? I'm not sure I've lost the reference image. But I'll throw that name in the bucket in case y'all would like to look that one up as well! The altar piece is beautiful.
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hel-phoenyx · 3 days
Voir autant de sièges pour le Rassemblement National aux élections du Parlement Européen me donne envie de gerber.
Et c'est que le début des emmerdes.
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crazysaru99 · 3 months
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Headcanon: Gabriella and "Gabri" are same person
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puppybong · 1 day
dutch once again ranks number 1 in world’s most useless language competition
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
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[NC_RES]-13062047-EUR-BU-NED de_wit_m_portraits_012_2_BL.file ///core:_thyjs_de_wit.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Leather body harness by @pinkyjulien.
Shooting Thyjs in the middle of nowhere in the Badlands in the middle of the night might become a thing. I mean, I would be very mean if I would shoot him during the day. He would be backed by the sun and the heat turning him literally into a crab (fun fact: his zodiac sign is cancer). Yah, Thyjs' butt looks rather smol here but it is very peachy. 🍑
It's funny to me I dressed him in that harness as well. First I didn't intent to do — like I did not want him to have cropped shirts or jackets. He wears/will wear cropped mainly now because his belly cyberware tends to clip trough everything! But ofc I found another explanation: once he hooks up with Ryder, Ry is able to get him more easy going, so Thyjs will start to wear more smexy stuff as well. His late gay discovery brings out new sides of him, so if you especially thirst for more smexy Thy, thank my boy Ry. ;)
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creator-from-hel · 7 months
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The one and only Ultimate Puppet Maker, Monokuma of my killing game Le Bal des Pantins (Ball of the Puppets) !
Don't be fooled by the pretty exterior, she is completely rotten inside. As in, pedocriminal and rapist. Also she has a weird mother-like relationship with a LOT of her participants.
The Puppet Maker is the Almighty Gf's character, but since I'm writing the killing game I claimed her a lil bit. So I could put in her design my own wishes about a Queen of Hearts aesthetic (the whole killing game may turn around an Alice in Wonderland vibe)
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thedaily-beer · 11 months
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de Molen Hel & Verdoemenis Imperial Stout (Picked up at Sterk in Amsterdam). A 3 of 4. A big, great imperial stout -- has all the chocolate and roasty, coffee notes you’d expect, as well as quite a bit of malt sweetness in the body. Moderate bitterness towards the finish alongside the booze helps keep it balanced, and it’s quite enjoyable.
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yoryilands · 2 years
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Día de los Muertos | Hel! Catrina 💀
Also, here another version without the hat~
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helsonfire · 5 months
abaixo do readmore contém uma breve descrição das relações já combinadas com outros personagens e, em seguida, uma lista de relações disponíveis para desenvolver.
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Com Kit, Reegan e Conrad, Helena tem a relação clássica de “big bro & lil sis”, sobretudo quando se trata da proteção e da eterna tentativa de tirar o outro do sério. Kit foi responsável por fazer com que Helena se sentisse confortável mesmo com todas as dificuldades de seus primeiros anos e por ensiná-la a mexer com a forja. Conviveu apenas quatro anos com Reegan, seus quatro anos mais dificeis e talvez por isso tenha se apegado tanto a figura do mais velho, sobretudo quando não se imaginava voltando ao mundo humano, ele representou uma coragem que sempre admirou. Conrad, sempre esteve próximo de Helena, fosse para fazer companhia ou para dar pitaco onde não era chamado o que também causa sérios conflitos entre os dois, sobretudo nas forjas.
A chegada de Henry ao chalé despertou o lado mais acolhedor e cuidadoso de Helena, afinal sabia bem como era chegar no acampamento e não ter ideia do que estava por vir. Se encarregou de ser uma boa irmã e guia no acampamento para que ele se adaptasse da melhor forma a nova vida.
Helena e Willhelmina desenvolveram uma amizade pouco provável, mas que ajudou a filha de Hefesto a encontrar certo equilíbrio entre suas emoções. Will a ajudou a entender melhor seus pensamentos e a mostrou um acolhimento que desconhecia em seus primeiros anos de acampamento, o que acabou por se tornar uma amizade preciosa com o passar dos anos.
A amizade de Helena e Olivia não surgiu fácil. Helena foi uma das vitimas de furtos e pegadinhas da filha de Hermes e tinha dificuldade de vê-la como alguém comprometida... Até dividirem uma missão. Desde então as duas desenvolveram uma maior cumplicidade e respeito, passando mais tempo juntas.
Helena e Asterios dividiram uma missão em comum, assim como um trauma ainda desconhecido e a dificuldade de lidar com os campistas mais novos em seus papeis de instrutores. Estão grande parte do tempo se queixando um para o outro e se divertindo às custas de histórias mirabolantes.
Helena e Alyssa são dupla inusitada, mas que conseguiram chegar a um equilíbrio, sobretudo em festas e eventos sociais. Helena sempre teve dificuldade em aproveitar o momento presente e se soltar, mas Allie parece saber bem como fazê-la esquecer dos problemas por algum tempo, agindo como uma jovem normal.
Dylan surgiu como uma verdadeira má influência para Helena. Quando estão juntos, é como se a filha de Hefesto esquecesse da existência de limites, abraçando seu lado mais destemido e inconsequente.
Helena e Thomas sempre foram rivais. São opostos em todos os níveis, menos na competitividade e vontade de mostrar que o outro está errado. Por outro lado, por mais que deteste admitir, o poder de Thomas a saltou de cometer acidentes mais de uma vez.
Helena atribuiu a si mesma o papel de tutora de Beatrice no acampamento. Desde sua chegada, presa por apresentá-la todos os lugares e atividades do lugar de forma que ela consiga se desenvolver rapidamente.
open (colei uma lista mais geral que encontrei, mas podemos pensar em outras também!!)
—— good influence ;; best friend who look out for each other and often act as a conscience to each other.
—— family friends ;; friends who met through family, could either be close or it be an awkward situation because they don’t really get along or know each other well.
—— friends with lingering feelings ;; self explanatory, friends where either one or both have some kind of romantic feelings that pass more then just friends.
—— friendzoned ;; dun dun duh, a friend who wanted to be something more but was denied.
—— frienemies ;; they’re nice to each others faces and act like friends but are constantly talking badly about each other.
—— friends turned enemies ;; a pair of people who were friends up until a certain point, but either realized they never really liked each other or one just dropped the other.
—— friends with benefits ;; friends who hook up and either have or haven’t blurred the lines between the physical and emotional connection.
—— mutual crushes ;; either they both have feelings for each other that is p obvious but aren’t ready to take the next step. or it can be one sided or both could be completely oblivious to the other liking them.
—— secret relationship ;; a relationship kept on the down low because of whatever reason.
—— one night stand ;; pretty straight forward. could have been a in the moment thing, alcohol could have been involved. they could either be acting as if it didn’t happen, or completely awkward around each other because of it.
—— casual hook up ;; they aren’t friends, but will call each other whenever they need a lil sexual intercourse. basically like a booty call.
—— will they, won’t they ;; a pair of friends or maybe not friends who constantly flirt and act like a couple but it’s teetering on a cliff on whether or not they’ll take that step. (leo)
—— fling ;; an in the moment type thing where both know it’s not going to last or go past a certain point. maybe like a rebound. plot twist one actually catches some heavy duty feelings.
—— exes that ended good terms ;; a pair of exes that were on the same page when they broke up and have remained good friends and supportive of each other moving on/forward.
—— exes that ended on bad terms ;; a pair of exes that were 10/10 not on the same page and it’s all animosity between them and hate and aNGST. maybe one cheated, or just thought their shit didn’t stink and bailed with no explanation. the skies the limit for this.
—— exes with lingering feelings ;; exes that broke up but still have feelings towards each other and can’t help but feel jealous/hurt seeing the other with someone else.
—— ex affair ;; basically they were the cheater or the other woman/man but it ended for whatever reason.
—— first loves ;; they started dating when they were younger and were each others first serious relationship. that person that will always have that place no matter what.
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
just a post to illustrate the similarities in malik’s fashion choices and cutpurse tf! because I think the way the developers have managed to consolidate and include so many of the disperate visual influences of bilgewater both in architecture, genre and character design into one delightful coherent whole is super impressive and deserves some appreciation 
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(it felt like there might have been some restructuring of the story along the way, because malik got a weird amount of attention and buildup for someone who goes out like a chump before the game has barely even opened lol)
also very funny to see that people do wear shirts under the coat... thingy in this style, meaning that young tf and graves simply had a real one shared dumbass braincell 🤝moment when they were both like ‘nah tits out or nothing let’s gooooooo’
incidentally I am just.......... fascinated with whatever the fuck’s going on with tf’s boots here. upon inspection it looks like knee- or even thigh-high boots with gaiters (learned a new word today! they’re similar to spats except that they cover the whole lower trouser leg instead of just the shoe and ankle). which is such a Choice and I support him so much, go forth in style my slutty slutty son
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hel-phoenyx · 6 months
2013. The first time his mother allowed him to wear a smoking. He isn't sure, still is searching for himself, but he knows he prefers he/him to she/her and that his name is not his name anymore.
Seeing that validated made him happy. Seeing his aunts kiss like everything was normal made him happy.
Only cloud in front of the sun was seeing his cousin cry. Why is he unhappy ? This is a happy day.
2014. He changed names, his mother accepted him but his father ? Not so much. It doesn't matter. None of them are really stopping him. He's thinking about taking hormones, but changes his mind every two mornings.
At the very least being called by his new name feels good.
2015. He was just going back home when that guy grabbed him. A punch went through his nose, followed by another, and slurs that he never heard in his lifetime.
Worst is that this voice was strangely familiar.
He got confirmation when he went hiding at his aunt. She was going through a rough patch, her wife's cheating finally revealed and the divorce getting messy, but she still took him in. That's where she confirmed him it was her wife's brother.
He was thirteen and already exposed to transphobia, his cousins silently staring at his wounds from the other side of the room.
He knows what it feels like to be hated. To discover the worst in people. But he is spiteful, he is resilient, and he survived another night.
The following day, he tells his parents he wants hormones. The same day, his aunt is single for good.
2017. He hardly sees his cousins anymore, lost in the divorce and so many other rough patches they went through. Puberty blockers did their job, and he is now on T, with the permission of his parents. His therapist helps him go through that puberty easier that he would with his assigned one.
He has friends, and his heart beats faster when he sees that man in the school grounds. Said man is a proud gay, taking under his wing the baby transgender he was. Looks are exchanged in-between classes, and he gifts him some drawings. The others are made of his face, more beautiful that he ever drew faces.
One day, a group of bullies took his notebook from his hands and saw the drawings he was hiding. They ripped them all, calling him a fag and a tranny, words that are now so familiar to him.
He drew them as he saw them. Ugly, exxagerated villains. Spite is still powering him.
When he's 18, he will have his top surgery. It's already planned. Nothing else has importance.
2019. When his cousin disappeared at the beginning of the year, he never thought he would find him on TV, in the most horrible telenovela there was. But he coudn't stop watching. Even after the end. The most awful end he ever sees.
He remembers the twisted smile, the cries, the shouts. He puts them on paper.
This would be his last act as a free man before long.
2020. He got out of hell only to get back in another one. Unable to get back to his home, to get his long-awaited top surgery, he stayed behind to survive. Alone.
He never was alone before. Even in hell.
He is still spiteful. His drawings get more and more depicting of an horrifying reality. He still survives.
His estranged half-brother asks him if he wants to come live with him in Norway. Norway is not the paradise it was anymore. It was taken over by devils. he can see the devils. He still goes, because he is tired of being alone.
He gets his top surgery on his brother's allowance. His sister-in-law hates that. He feels like he doesn't belong.
He still gets the letter.
The same letter his cousin got two years ago.
2021. He had no choice but to go to that school. Hope's Peak. Nobody really pays attention to him, a survivor among the survivors, and that suits him. His promotion is already considerably down. Apparently, this year's killing game almost exclusively captured new people.
He doesn't care. At least he's alive.
A statement that gets more and more weak.
2022. That new guy is suspiciously interested in him. It's not rare to see him in his vision field just watching over him with his piercing turquoise eyes. His own are always down.
Once he tried to call him. Something simple, a "why are you watching me" kind of call. The guy dissapeared instantly after realising he got spotted.
This is annoying. So he tries to get intel. A vampire hunter, says the other survivors of the 2022 promotion. He had difficulties learning english and speaks in Latin or Romanian most of the time, but it's not what made him the hardest to be integrated.
People think he's a cult survivor. Still is part of it, apparently, and tracks down vampires even here at Hope's Peak. People believe he found one.
He has the same turquoise eyes as a man from his past.
2023. He started talking to the weird guy, discovered he was not that weird after all, just lost. That he could relate. Both of them are survivors of something. This conversations started to make him believe the world was not that rotten after all.
Until he saw in the 2023 promotion his youngest cousin and the relative of the people who ruined his life. And realised he stopped being spiteful a long time ago.
Still, he could be at least for him. Him, who gets flustered around him for reasons he attributes to his supposed vampiric nature. He knows very well what he is, but can't believe people would love him, as his broken self and the sword of Damocles hung above his head.
At the very least this world is worth something. If there is still people ready to approach him.
2024. He is so tired.
The cute guy went in with a prosthetic arm.
He didn't get why he acted horrified at the sight.
That world took away something from him and he can't even realise it.
This world is so rotten.
2025. He didn't wake up at Hope's Peak.
He knows why. He knows what that means.
Ten years of murderous games and a cousin taking the first role do that to people.
He looks around him. There is shouts, complaints, screams and the tired face of a man that lost everything and is ready to retaliate.
Every one around him is rotten to the core. Everyone around him will die with him. He has no hope for a happy ending.
But next to all of these people he hates, there's him.
He doesn't know what he's doing here. He doesn't know what are his chances of survival. But he knows one thing.
If there is to be one survivor of the 2025 killing game, it would be Virgil Vânător.
Whatever he has to do.
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num8skull · 1 year
I thought it was like 7 PM. No. It is not that.
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giverofempathy · 1 year
man ik haat tieners zo erg. letterlijk een plaag
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officialpizzarat · 2 years
the thing about old school game of thrones is that early seasons jon snow is so fckin hot
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