#dean winchester halloween fanfiction
silent-stories · 2 years
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Summary: When you and Dean get stuck in one of the bunker rooms, he starts to tell you about some of his past Halloweens and how they have been better since you walked into his life.
Pairing: Dean × F!Reader
Warnings: just a bit of fluff
Word count: 1428
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"Oh c'mon." You said moving a box off the shelf, opening the one next to it and finding some old rusty tools. You have been looking for almost an hour and you still haven't found what you were looking for.
"What the hell are you doing? It's 7 am." You suddenly heard Dean's sleepy voice coming from behind you and you almost fell off the ladder.
You heard the sound of his footsteps as he walked into the small bunker room which had probably been used as some sort of closet once and he closed the door behind him.
"Dammit." You muttered without turning around, still standing on the ladder you had placed in front of the shelves you were inspecting. "Is there anything in this damn bunker that can be used as a decoration for Halloween?"
"And what made you think men of letters used to celebrate Halloween?" Dean chuckled as he helped you down the ladder, wrapping his arm around your waist.
When your feet touched the ground again you noticed that he was wearing his gray robe and his hair was shot in all directions, even if they were still short and a slight smile formed on your lips, you just couldn't help it.
"There wasn't even a candle." You snorted. "Today is Halloween and I haven't had time to buy anything because of our last hunt."
"You think you can survive without any decoration? You see real monsters almost every day, you don't really need fake ghosts hanging around." He laughed.
"Dean, it's Halloween, it's not a hunt. It's different and I just wanted some decorations for today." You said in a resigned tone.
"Okay, listen. Now we have breakfast and then if you want we go buy something, okay?" He proposed.
"Really? Oh God, you're the best!" You answered excitedly as a big smile formed on your face.
"I try my best." He laughed as you headed for the door.
Dean turned the handle but nothing happened.
"That's weird." He muttered trying again.
"What's happening?" You asked.
"The door's not opening." He answered and you rolled your eyes.
"Oh, I see that. I mean, what do we do now?" You said as you tried to open the door yourself, without getting results.
"Let's call Sam, he's with Eileen but he can come back sooner to open this damn door, right?" He said giving up opening and leaning his back against the wall with a snort.
"Do you have your phone?" You asked.
"You came in here without a phone!?"
"You don't have yours either!"
"Because I woke up like ten minutes ago! You're the one who was taking down the whole bunker instead of sleeping!" He almost yelled at you.
You sighed sitting on the floor against the wall, right in front of Dean after he did the same and waited for Sam to come back.
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Time had passed and you had heard Dean's stomach grumble at least a couple of times but Sam hadn't came back yet. Dean had tried to open the door with some tools found in the room but everything seemed to be useless and he was back to sit on the floor.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you before." He said suddenly.
"It's okay." You said looking up from the floor and meeting his green eyes.
"It's not. I got mad because I let the door close and now we're stuck here on one of your favorite days of the year. I'm sorry." He said.
"Dean, it's okay. Really. Besides, we're together, right? That's all I need." You smiled and he did the same.
"C'mon, come here." He said before you settled yourself between his legs, with your back resting against his chest and he wrapped his arms around you.
"That's better." He muttered and you chuckled.
"Can I ask you something?" You said after a few moments.
He nooded as his hand reached for yours to play with your fingers as he often did when he was distracted or relaxed, you smiled.
"Have you ever celebrated Halloween, like ... when you were a kid?" You asked.
"Like decorate the house and put pumpkins everywhere? I didn't even have a house." He said.
"I know" You said as you immediately regretted asking that question. "I mean, have you ever tricked or treated with Sam or have you ever dressed up?"
Dean didn't answer for a few moments and when you thought he'd decided to ignore your question, but then his low laugh made your back vibrate against his chest.
"Once" He started "when I was about ten years old, I found a cowboy hat in a motel lobby and took it because i wanted to wear it on Halloween."
"You mean you stole it?" You asked.
"It was abandoned okay? I just took it with me." He laughed.
"And did you wear it?" You asked.
"Oh, of course I did. The hat was way too big for me and it always fell over my eyes, you have no idea how many times I hit my head against a wall." Dean said.
"This explains a lot of things." You laughed.
"What do you mean?!" He exclaimed pretending to be offended.
"Okay, sorry. Go on."
"I wore it for years, even when it was not Halloween. Then one day I didn't find it anymore, it probably got lost during a move from one motel to another." He said.
"I'm sure baby Dean looked great in that hat." You said.
"Oh, I can assure you." He laughed.
"Another Halloween" He began to tell again "Sam and I bought a giant packet of candy and chocolate, we had been saving for days in order to buy that and then we finished it in one night."
"Sam eat candies and chocolate?" You asked, pretending to be surprised.
"Oh, he did. And very quickly too." He laughed.
"But do you know what the best Halloweens of my life have been?" He asked.
You shook your head.
"The ones after I met you." He replied.
"Oh" You smiled. "I did not expect this."
"Well, you should have, I love you." He said.
"I know that, and I love you too but we don't do big things on Halloween, you know." You answered with a shrug.
"I don't need big things. We're together and that's all I need." He said, repeating what you said earlier.
"And we always do something simple but nice together. We baked that awesome pumpkin cake last year."
"Too bad it tasted like shit." You laughed. "It looked much nicer than it tasted."
"It wasn't that bad."
"You didn't eat it." You said. "And you eat everything."
"Okay, it was awful but it was fun making it with you." He said. "The year before that we carved pumpkins, you remember?"
"Of course I remember, I carved my pumpkin and you slaughtered yours." You said.
"I did but you laughed the whole time while I was doing it so it was worth it."
You shook your head but you were smiling.
"The year before that we spent all day in bed watching horror movies." You remembered.
"But the best always is ..." He began to say.
"All Saints' Day." You two said at the same time. Dean laughed.
"I learned from the best." You said before the door suddenly swung open.
"Sam!" You exclaimed getting up from the floor, followed immediately by Dean.
You were sure that your position, with your bodies against each other, while sitting on the floor, could be misinterpreted by Sam, but in the end it didn't even matter to you that much.
"What the hell were you two doing locked in here?" He asked, frowning.
"Oh, you would like to know." Dean replied with a smirk as you two got out of the room.
You rolled your eyes before you noticed the plastic bag Sam was holding.
"What's that?" You asked.
"Since you didn't have time, I stopped by a store to buy some candles, horror movies, a pumpkin and the ingredients for ..." Sam started to reply before you interrupted him, taking the bag from his hands.
"Sam, I swear if I weren't with your brother I'd kiss you." You said as you grabbed Dean's hand and dragged him to the kitchen.
"Sammy, don't even try!" Dean yelled as he disappeared into the bunker hallways.
Sam rolled his eyes and shook his head, unable to hold back a smile when he heard your laugh and that of his brother echoing throughout the bunker.
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Tags: @eevvvaa @spn730015 @supernatural111222 @youcancallmelily @clairenovakanddeanwinchester @dads-on-a-hunting-trip @3amstillawake @supernaturalmess @marvelandsupernatural @agirlwatchingalotoftvshows @candy-coated-misery0731 @impalaslytherin @rudy-the-winged-wolf @dean-winchester-6767 @tigergirllolipop
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fanfictionalraven · 3 months
Full Moon
Title: Full Moon
Summary: It's the reader's favorite time of year and the new guy at school asks to hang out with her.
Characters: Teen!Reader, Teen!Dean Winchester, young Sam Winchester
Word Count: 2,267
Warnings: None
Author's Note: This story was originally posted by myself under the account Winchestersgirl92. It was published October, 2017.
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“To the student or students who thought it would be funny to steal the distributor cap from my car, please return it now or you will be discovered and expelled,” the principal announces over the intercom system. You smile and shake your head as you pull your locker door open. It was your favorite time of year.
There was a crispness to the air outside and a beautiful golden and auburn tint to the leaves. Pumpkins, skeletons, and ghosts lined the houses in your neighborhood. Mischief was running rampant among your classmates and even a few of the teachers had gotten in on the fun. Today was Halloween.
The final bell had rung for the day and everyone was rushing to leave. You exchange your books, depositing most of them back into your locker. Only one teacher had been cruel enough to actually assign homework over the holiday weekend. You close your locker door and nearly jump out of your skin. The new guy was leaning against the locker next to yours, an almost irresistible smirk spread across his face.
“Can I help you?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest. He and his brother had moved to your school about a week ago. You could tell automatically he was a “ladies man” but you hadn’t expected to be his first target.
“I’m Dean. You’re Y/N, right?” He asks. You nod your head once, catching a few jealous glares from the girls you had expected him to make his way through. You couldn’t deny he was attractive but you had no desire to become his first conquest at your school. “What are you doing tonight?”
“Straight to the chase, huh?” You ask. He shrugs his shoulders, that cocky smirk still plastered on his face. “I’m taking my little brother trick-or-treating.”
“What a coincidence, I’m taking my little brother out too. Maybe we could take them together,” he says. You let out a laugh and raise an eyebrow at him.
“Isn’t your brother a freshman?” You ask. He nods his head. “Isn’t he a little old to trick-or-treat?”
“Nah, Sammy loves it,” he says. You shake your head, smiling in disbelief. “We’re new to the area and I’m sure you know all the good spots. So, what do you say?” He asks. What do you say? He was pretty cute. And determined. With both your younger brothers with you, nothing could really happen so you couldn’t see the harm in it. You rip a piece of paper from your notebook and quickly jot down your address.
“For your brother’s sake,” you tell him, handing it over to him. “Be there at 5:00.” He smirks as he takes it then winks at you and walks away. You watch him go then shake your head as you turn the other way.
You get home that afternoon and immediately set about getting yourself ready. Your costume was simple, a long red skirt, a white sweater with a big R embroidered on it, a ponytail with a red bow, and some simple white tennis shoes. Your little brother had decided to be Dracula this year so you help him get ready. At 5:00 on the dot, your doorbell rings.
“Y/N!! Your friend from school is here,” your mother calls out to you. You smile at your little brother then bring him downstairs with you. Dean and his brother Sam are standing in the front foyer of your house, looking around in astonishment.
“Didn’t know you were rich,” Dean says. You roll your eyes then look at his brother. He’s wearing a white sheet with two holes cut out for eyes.
“What is that?” You ask, looking at Dean quickly. Dean looks at Sam then back at you and shrugs.
“A ghost?” He asks. You roll your eyes and reach to pull the sheet off of Sam.
“If you were going to force him to come, you could have at least bought him a better costume,” you tell him. Dean frowns and his eyes fall to the ground. The second the words are out of your mouth, you regret them. You’d heard that they were living in the old motel across town which obviously meant they didn’t have a lot of money. “I’m sorry.” Dean shakes his head and looks around your house again. “We’ve actually got some of my older brother’s old costumes down in the basement if you want to find something,” you tell Sam. He glances at Dean then shrugs his shoulders. “Come on.” You take Sam’s hand and pull him through the hall then down into the basement. You find the box and open it, allowing Sam to dig through. “I’m sorry he’s making you do this. We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Sam shrugs, looking at an old Superman costume.
“I don’t mind. Never really got to do much trick-or-treating before,” he says. You frown, your heart breaking at his words. He glances over at you. “He’s been talking about you a lot.”
“What?” You ask, looking up at him. He shrugs, looking back into the box.
“Dean’s been talking about you. Since the day we started at school. He really likes you,” he says, smiling as he finds another costume. “Can I wear this one?” He asks, holding up a Ghostbusters uniform. You smile at him and nod before showing him the bathroom upstairs. Going back into the foyer, you find Dean standing with his arms crossed.
“Sam said he hasn’t done much trick-or-treating before?” You ask. Anger flashes through Dean’s eyes quickly.
“We don’t need your pity, Y/N,” he says. Your eyes widen and you shake your head.
“No, Dean!! That’s not what this is,” you start. “Okay, maybe a little for Sam but I would actually like to hang out with you tonight while we give Sam a pretty good Halloween. If you still want to.” You bite your lip. Something new crosses Dean’s face, something you said triggering different emotions. He nods and smiles a little. Sam comes down the hall and Dean’s eyes widen before he starts to laugh.
“A Ghostbuster, huh?” He asks. Sam smiles widely and nods. You look between them, missing the joke.
“Alright. Count Dracula, let’s roll,” you call out. Your brother comes running in from the kitchen, a second pillowcase in his hands. He hands it to Sam who looks down at it in amazement.
“We’re gonna get this much candy?” He asks. You laugh and nod.
“Definitely,” you tell him. His eyes light up before the four of you leave the house. Several other families are already out on your street, making their way house to house. Your brother immediately takes the lead, Sam following him closely. You and Dean hang back, awkwardly silent as you stop at the first house.
“So,” Dean says, looking around. He shoves his hands in his pockets then looks over your costume. “What are you?”
“Sandy from Grease,” you tell him, running your hands over the red skirt. You look back to find him smirking again.
“That mean you’re gonna turn into Bad Sandy halfway through the night?” He asks. You throw your head back laughing.
“In your dreams, Winchester,” you tell him before following your brothers to the next house.
“You can count on that,” Dean says. Your cheeks heat up as you stop, watching your brother and Sam run up the stairs of a house.
“So what brings you here?” You ask, looking at him. He shrugs, watching Sam.
“My dad’s job. We move around a lot. Probably won’t be here long,” he tells you. You can’t help the rush of sadness that fills you. Obviously, you didn’t know him well at this point – you barely knew him at all honestly – but you weren’t fond of the idea of him leaving so soon.
“That your way of telling me you aren’t looking for a girlfriend?” You ask, glancing at him. He laughs and shakes his head.
“Just a fact,” he says. You smile at his laughter, watching it shake his whole body.
“Well maybe this time you’ll be able to stay for a while,” you say. He smiles and reaches over, catching your hand in his own. You should probably protest, not wanting to give him the wrong idea, but you don’t mind.
“Maybe,” Dean says, stopping at the fence of another house.
The sun sets slowly, seeming to reflect the beautiful fall colors across the sky. Your little brother and Sam fill their pillowcases before you all make your way to the city park. The community festival is in full swing when you arrive. Your brother and Sam split off, finding people from school to hang out with. Dean points out a group of teenagers by the apple bobbing station. You shake your head and pull him to the far side of the park where it’s more secluded. His arm comes around your waist, holding you close to his side.
“Pretty crazy about the principal’s car, huh?” He asks. You laugh lightly and nod. “Think they’ll catch the guy that did it?” You shake your head and he looks down at you. “Why not?”
“Cause everyone assumes it’s a guy,” you say, smirking up at him. His eyes widen quickly.
“You??” He asks. You smile and shrug, looking out to find your brother. He’s running around chasing a friend dressed as Frankenstein. Dean smiles and shakes his head. “I think I love you,” he says. You laugh and look back at him. “Why’d you do it?”
“He didn’t let us dress up for Halloween today,” you say, shrugging again.
“You’re really into all this, aren’t you?” He asks. You nod, feeling his hand start to rub your side slowly.
“You get to be someone else,” you tell him. He snorts and you look up at him.
“Why would you want to be anyone else? You’ve got everything you could ever want,” He says in disbelief. You smile a little and lay your head against his shoulder.
“Money doesn’t mean everything is always sunshine and rainbows, Dean,” you say. He nods his head slowly.
“I guess not,” he says. You stay this way, his arm wrapped around you tight, for a few minutes. He presses a kiss to the top of you head. “We’ve got some admirers.” You look up and find the group from school watching the two of you closely. You roll your eyes and step out of his arm, taking his hand.
“Let’s give them something to talk about then,” you say, pulling on his hand. He smiles as you lead him away from the crowds of people to a secluded clearing behind some trees. You stop and look up at the sky. “A full moon on Halloween.”
“That’s gotta be a bad omen or something,” Dean says, shaking his head. You turn to face him and wrap your arms around his neck.
“Nah, it’s good luck,” you tell him. He raises an eyebrow, his arms snaking around your waist.
“Is it?” He asks. You smile and stand up, pressing your lips against his. It’s a timid kiss, your lips just barely grazing against his. “Guess it is,” he mumbles, nodding his head. You let out a giggle and look away.
“It’s getting late. I should get my brother home,” you tell him.
“Can I take you out tomorrow night?” He asks, his nose nuzzling your cheek. You look back at him and nod.
“Yes you can,” you tell him. He smiles and moves to kiss you again but you lean away from him, smirking. “Tomorrow night.” He laughs lightly and nods.
“Okay,” he says. You take his hand again and pull him back to the main area. The two of you find your brothers. A quick kiss to his cheek and Dean promises to pick you up at 6:00 the following night.
The next night you put on your favorite dress. You fix your hair and make-up perfectly. 6:00 comes and Dean doesn’t. You wait for nearly an hour before deciding to go over to the motel yourself. Leaving your car running, you step into the main office connected to the string of run down rooms.
“Can I help you?” The man at the counter asks, not looking up. You bite your lip slightly.
“I’m looking for a family. The Winchesters. A man and his two sons,” you tell him. He nods slightly, flipping the page of his newspaper.
“Checked out this morning. Seemed to be in a rush,” he says. You stare at him for a moment then nod. Dean said they wouldn’t be around long. You hadn’t expected them to vanish overnight though. The man glances up at you then sets his paper aside. “Are you Y/N by chance?”
“I – I am,” you tell him, cautiously. He pulls open a drawer and hands you a small yellow envelope.
“One of the boys left this in case you showed up,” he says. You frown and take it before leaving the office. You pull a note out and quickly read it.
I’m so sorry. Dad’s job. We had to leave. Hopefully we’ll see each other again. Until then, wear this for luck.
You empty the rest of the contents of the envelope into your hand. A delicate silver chain falls out. You look over the necklace and find a tiny full moon charm attached to it. Your finger runs over the charm before you quickly fasten it around your neck. A stray tear slides down your cheek and you wipe at it quickly. You look up at the sky and smile, the full moon shining down on you.
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thatonewriter15 · 7 months
If anyone wants to celebrate with some reading, here are my Halloween fics:
A Halloween Off
Characters: Jack Kline, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Reader/Original Female Character
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 3,018
Additional Tags: Halloween, Fluff
Summary: A monster-free Halloween night in the bunker.
Treats and Tricks
Relationship: Dean Winchester/Reader; Dean Winchester/Original Female Character
Rating: Explicit; 18+ only
Word Count: 813
Additional Tags: Fluff, Smut, Dry Humping, Thigh Riding
Summary: Your mind is on something other than the horror movie playing in the Dean Cave.
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apocalypseornaw · 7 months
Nothing I Would Change
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(We'll pretend this is Dean for the sake of this)
I was tagged in this post by @kayhi808 on @witchygagirl the challenge was "cursed" so I used a Buffy episode storyline
Warnings um just cursing and mentions of blood I believe
"Alex, where did you hear about this place?" You followed her into the door of a costume shop she'd dragged you, Claire, Kaia and Patience to. The only reason Jody had ok'd the trip was due to your presence. "A nurse I work with" she replied looking over her shoulder at you with a smile.
You weren't sure about the idea of a Halloween party. Garth was hosting it but the idea of multiple hunters taking a night off on possibly one of the busiest nights? Kind of rubbed you the wrong way, plus the chance of something going sideways.
You followed the girls around the store half heartedly paying attention to their choices, giving your opinion when asked. Normally you loved taking the girls out for a day but your head wasn't in it. You and Dean weren't exactly fighting but there was something not quite right.
On some level you felt like maybe it was the idea that you weren't exactly the picture of femininity. Yeah you could clean up decent if a case called for it but you preferred your flannel and jeans. You knew Dean, he wasn't a guy like that. He did not expect the whole damsel in distress, need a man to save me type of girl but the longest relationship he'd ever had was Lisa and for fucks sake the woman wore satin gowns to sleep in while you wore an old band tshirt.
"You're being quiet. What's up?" Claire asked once they all had purchases and you were yet to even look. You shrugged "stuck in my own head I guess" Kaia smiled "Want help picking a costume?" You nodded "Sure. You girls know my sizes. Have at it" the four of them went in separate directions so you headed for the dressing rooms to wait.
Claire came back with an outfit that vaguely resembled Xena, Kaia had a dress tucked over her arm while Alex had grabbed a nurse outfit and Patience a cop outfit. You took the bundle with a slight smirk "Jesus did all of you get suggestions from Dean?" A laugh ran through them "Just try them on! We don't need to know about what you and Dean do in the dark" Claire teased so you rolled your eyes at her before heading into the dressing room.
The Xena outfit showed too much, The nurse outfit felt more like a role play outfit and the cop one just felt weird considering your boyfriend had gotten arrested by the feds multiple times in his life. You pulled out the last outfit which was Kaias pick. It was a dress that resembled some of the costumes you'd seen on "Reign" it was gorgeous and when you slipped it on you felt like a princess.
When you opened the door all of the girls started to whistle. "That's the one!" You laughed as they made a big deal out of you "Ok, ok. I'll get it!"
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"Sweetheart, we're gonna be late...." Dean trailed off when he walked into the bathroom to see Jody helping you put the final touches on your hair. "Do you like it?" You asked with a nervous smile, smoothing the front of the dress. He nodded slowly, eyes raking across your body "You're absolutely beautiful baby" Jody let out a light laugh "You two are adorable really but Dean's right, you're gonna be late"
Her and Donna had opted to hand out candy to trick or treaters so they were staying home. You shot her a smile then followed Dean out. You weren't one of those couples to do matching costumes and he'd gone with a peaky blinders inspired look and sweet lord the first time you'd seen it you had to pick your jaw up off the floor and Eileen had responded similarly to Sam's getup as well.
Dean opened the passenger side door for you and when you raised an eyebrow he smirked "Cmon let me be a gentleman" you smiled and placed a quick kiss against his lips "Of course" then climbed in.
Once he was in the driver's seat he reached over for your hand. "You look amazing sweetheart" he spoke quietly and while you looked the attention it wasn't doing anything to subdue your worries. You smiled hoping it looked genuine as you replied "Look at yourself Winchester"
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The party was going great. A lot of hunters were in attendance including hunters like Garth and the Banes twins that weren't just normal hunters. Dean watched as you danced with Max and couldn't help but smile, the last few weeks you'd seemed distant and it had worried him. What if you'd decided he wasn't what you wanted, what if you'd found someone better? He couldn't face losing you. He'd never felt about anyone the way he felt about you. He loved you in a way he'd never thought possible and hearing your laughter when Max dramatically dipped you made his heart flip.
"Careful Dean, your face may crack if you smile any harder" he heard someone tease and turned to face Makayla, one of your friends. He laughed lightly "Can't help it. I know I'm a lucky man" she smiled "I'm glad to see her happy. She deserves the best" Dean nodded, never taking his eyes off you "Yeah she does"
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The British men of letters hadn't been active in a long time, not since the seige of hunters versus them. No one could have predicted them attacking at a Halloween party of all things.
The chaos littered around the field the party had been set up in was insane even compared to shit Dean had seen. Monsters crawled in from every corner and fights were everywhere.
Garth and Bess were both teeth and claws tearing through beasts while the Banes were throwing spells left and right. Dean hadn't been worried considering you could handle yourself pretty well but when he noticed a handful of people taking on the characteristics of their costumes the mystery costume shop you and the girls had gone to popped into his head.
Dean's face was slick with blood, none of it was his. He'd fought his way through a trio of Loup-Garous to get to you. He'd heard your scream and when he found you you'd been pinned against a tree by a vampire about to sink his teeth into your neck.
He'd never moved as fast as he did slicing the vamp's head from his shoulders. Your eyes locked with his half a second before you fainted.
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Your head felt like a mixture of the first time you'd drank moonshine, mixed with your first concussion mixed with the migraine you'd had after lucifer had snapped your neck and Cas brought you back.
You opened your eyes slowly and realized you were in one of Garths guest cabins. You tried to sit up but the world shifted causing you to have no choice but to fall back against the pillows with a groan. What the hell had happened?
You looked down to see you were wearing one of Dean's shirts and a pair of his boxers instead of the dress you'd been in. The last thing you remembered was talking to Makayla.
"Dean" you called out, grimacing at how rough your voice sounded. You heard footsteps a second before the door opened to reveal Dean. He was still wearing his peaky blinders look but was coated in blood. That alone made you push through your dizziness to sit up "What happened? Are you ok?"
He quickly made it to the bed easing you back against the headboard in a seated position "British men of letters. We officially wiped out that chapter now thanks to some of Rowenas contacts" you nodded slowly "Why don't I remember?" He touched the shirt you wore "The dress? That store was a front. They placed plants in front of quite a few hunters to get as many of us as possible into cursed costumes" he took a shallow breath before you saw his face fall "I almost lost you"
He sat down next to you and pulled you into his arms. You laid your head against his chest "I'm sorry Dean. I just wanted to be soft and feminine for once" you felt him stiffen under you "Is that why you've been distant? You feel like I don't see you as feminine enough?" You wouldn't meet his eyes but nodded.
He gently grasped your arms to push you back where he could grip your chin to make you look at him "I almost lost you to a cursed costume because you think I give a shit about things like if your makeups done? I love you, I love you in my old shirt, I love you when you're filthy after a hunt, I love you when you're dressed up, I love you when you're in sweats. I don't care what thought has went through that beautiful head of yours but there isn't anything about you that I don't love and there's not a damn thing about you I would change ok?"
You nodded, feeling tears spring to your eyes "Did we lose anyone?" He shook his head "No, thankfully we didn't" he pulled you back against his chest so you let him, laying your head down to listen to his heartbeat. "Matching costumes next year?" You asked quietly and felt his chest vibrate with laughter "As long as we go somewhere like target or spirit halloween, only chain stores from here on out"
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welldonebeca · 2 years
Housewife Halloween (I)
Summary: Sam hates Halloween. When he catches his girlfriend dressed up and playing as his wife, he realises the day might not be so bad, after all. Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female!Reader WC: 1.3k words Warnings: Stanford times. Fluff. Teasing. Wife kink. 
If you like my work, consider supporting me or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Sam scoffed as he walked past the Halloween decorations. The whole month, Stanford was just decorated up and down with skeletons, witches, ghosts and all that crap, and now... now it was officially Halloween.
And God, he hated it.
He didn't even get what the big deal was. It was like all of a sudden everyone was five again, and wanted to go crazy for the holiday.
Jess had been asking him non-stop to do some group costume and go bar hopping, but he had said no so many times she gave up after a few too many of them. Most of his friends called him a buzzkill after that, but he didn't mind. He had you, at home, a loving girlfriend who didn't judge him and respected his boundaries.
Sam just wanted to go home, cuddle you and pretend it was November or something. Watch something that wasn't scary at all, without even looking at any candy, and let Halloween pass by without noticing it.
When he unlocked the door of your shared place, he was surprised to find you standing in the living room, dressed like you'd come straight back from the fifties, with your hair curled and pinned and a very round dress.
"Honey, you're home!" you quipped.
He stood, frozen, on his feet, taking in your look as you walked over to him, standing on your tiptoes and kissing his cheek.
The two of you had been living together since he moved out of his old dorm - a bit over a month after the incident when he hurt his back.
"I wasn't expecting you to be here so early," you walked behind him, taking off his jacket before Sam could even think of what you were saying. "Take a seat, dinner is on its way."
He blinked, following you into the kitchen, sniffing around, surprised at the great smell.
"Did you order take up?" he asked. It smelt really good.
You just giggled.
"Of course not, silly," you grabbed an apron from your side, and he raised his eyebrows at how it was stained with red. "I cooked for us."
Alright, this was weird.
He looked at you and then the stove, and stood up, stopping you by grabbing your shoulders.
Either something very dangerous was going on or you were up to something.
"What is going on?" he asked, careful.
You rolled your eyes, laughing, and your shoulders relaxed.
"Alright, you got me," you rolled your eyes. "It's a costume. What do you think?"
He frowned, looking at your clothes.
"What are you supposed to be?" Sam asked.
You stepped back and twirled in front of him.
"A murderous housewife," you smiled.
He chuckled. Well, now the apron was explained.
"I found this dress and those petticoats in the thrift store, and they are actually vintage," you explained. "And I didn't want to ruin it with blood, so I just did that with the apron and borrowed one of your knives."
Sam lost his smile, glancing at the knife on the counter. It was one of the knives he kept for safety reasons.
"That is not a toy," he reminded you.
You pouted.
"But Sam," you whined.
"If you told me you wanted a knife for your costume, I could get you a toy one," he told you, emphatically. “But not that one.”
His former life as a hunter was something he had touched very little on. Yes, you knew he had some sketchy things in his childhood, but never pressed him on it or said anything when he made sure you and your home were protected.
Your pout grew more, and you flushed, looking guilty.
"I'm sorry," you mumbled.
Sam sighed. You looked so cute like that.
"You're forgiven," he assured you. "And why are you dressed up?"
Your lips curled in a shy smile.
"My Sorority is having a Halloween party," you explained. "It's gonna be at midnight."
Sam nodded along. You were part of one of the sororities there, and while you didn't live with them, you were always involved in their events - be it in presence or planning.
"I know you hate Halloween," you told him and bit your lower lip. "It is really quick.”
He watched your face, and his eyebrows knitted together in a frown when he realised you looked like you really wanted to say something.
“What?’ he asked.
“I was… you know… thinking you could come, maybe?” you asked, softly. “You don’t even have to dress up.”
His shoulders sagged and Sam had to stop himself from scoffing, knowing his face didn't look very happy.
"Baby..." he sighed.
"How about I serve us dinner?" you stepped away from him. "And if you don't want to go after that, we won't."
He sighed.
"Alright," you walked back to the table. "Do your best."
You giggled and Sam watched you go, stepping to the counters in the tiny kitchen of your home, puffy skirt swirling around and tight curls bouncing on your shoulders, causing his cock to swell the littlest bit.
He shouldn't get horny seeing you like that.
Sam was a feminist, for fuck's sake! Perhaps, it was the part of him who wanted the stable home he never had, or maybe you just looked too sexy in that dress, but he couldn't stop himself from thinking of the future, of living in a nice house in the suburbs where he would come home to see you making dinner or folding laundry, and welcoming him in that same voice, sweet as honey with your little 'welcome home, husband'.
It was such a caveman idea.
And yet, here he was, trying to will his cock into staying soft.
His thoughts were interrupted by the clanking of plates and looked down to see a meal of chicken and rice, along with steamed vegetables on the side.
"I hope you like it honey," you leant in his direction, kissing his forehead before moving back.
You sat by his side and he had to mask his surprise. Yes, he knew you had been trying to get better at cooking, but this was the first time you presented him with a full homemade meal, and it just looked delicious. It wasn't like the greasy diner food he was so used to getting, it was actually made at home and with love.
He ate it hungrily, unable to even pretend he wasn't used to it, trying to savour every bite.
Sam didn't even realise he had gotten carried away before he raised his eyes and found you staring at him, blushing deeply, completely flushed.
"Sorry," he said quickly, laughing nervously. "It's just... it's really good."
You smiled, very embarrassed.
"It's just chicken, Sam," you shrugged.
He shook his head.
"It's amazing," Sam insisted. "You made it really well. You are... such a good wife."
Your cheeks flushed even more at the little quip, and you lowered your gaze, looking just like you did anytime he praised or degraded you during sex, or even teased you about it.
Sam was glad to see your reaction. He had worried he might have scared you with such a declaration, but seeing you look a little meek, all flushed, was adorable.
You leant in your direction, rubbing his nose on yours, and smirked when your eyes drifted closed and your lips parted, waiting for a kiss that he didn't place on your lips, sucking in a breath when you reached for your neck, holding it gently and placing his lips on the other side of it.
"My good wife," he whispered. "My perfect little wife."
You whimpered, moving your face as Sam pulled back, reaching for his lips, but he just moved back.
"Sam," you whined. "Don't be mean."
"I'm the man of the house," he reminded you. 'I know what my wife needs."
You whimpered, and he pushed his chair back, spreading his legs, thinking of what he was going to do next.
"Put dinner in the fridge," the instructed you. "I'll be waiting for you in the living room."
. . .
"Housewife Halloween" was posted on my Patreon on April! To read it now before anyone else and have access to its Patreon-Exclusive Prequel of how you and Sam met, subscribe to my page. It's just $2 a month!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega​
Supernatural tags: @its-daydreamer23​​ @imagefanfictionlover​​ @imagefanfictionlover​​ @smalltowndivaj​​ @tayrae515​​ @afanofmanystuffs​​ @oneshoeshort​​ @andkatiethings​​ @wakanda-sometimes​​ @akshi8278​​ @xoxabs88xox​​ @izbelross​ @calstielwinchester​ @isabelle-faith @flamencodiva @lyarr24
Supernatural BDSM Fics (+18): @littlecassisub @stoneyggirl2
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queenofallerdalehall · 8 months
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October is here!! Halloween has officially begun! Spooky season is upon us again. The season of horror movies, demons, ghosts, ghouls and serial killers.  Our favorite season ;) 
So another Halloween Project, our third one, is in the works. Storyboards have been created, drafts have been filled, and songs have been selected.
In the upcoming weeks leading up to Halloween, we are gonna be posting our gifsets, edits, and videos. All of which are horror-themed and inspired by various horror films and scary stories. From the first week of October until Halloween, we will be posting 2 videos a week on our channel TheViolentDelightsProductions . As some of you know our original channel got taken down by youtube recently and we are working on rebuilding it. So we are very excited to be posting more stuff and we hope that you will check them out and like what you see. And in the meantime, we will be posting edits and gifsets over here on our blog @violentdelightsproductions
Finally, consider this update a blanket content warning. Most of the upcoming works include graphic themes such as horror, blood, violence, murder or attempted murder, flashing lights, death, bodily harm, self harm, guns, knives, strong language, suggestive or mild sexual content ( but not sexual violence),flashing lights etc.
Hope all of you gals and ghouls have an amazing spooky season and hope to see all of you around as we celebrate the best time of the year. 
Stay tuned. More spooks to come soon~~
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Carved – Kinktober 31
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Summary: The demon is loose.
Pairing: Demon!Dean x fem!Reader; Sam x Girlfriend!Reader (mentioned)
Kink: Knife play
Warnings: angst, blood, knife play, fingering, dirty talk, mentions of past threesome, I’ll label this one dub-con, threats, hide and seek, mentions of drug use/abuse, scared reader, open ending
A/N: This is the first of the last two kinktober stories. Let’s get a little darker today...
Kinktober 2022
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“Come here, kitty-kitty,“ you run a little faster when you hear his footsteps echo through the hallways of the bunker. You would’ve called the safest place on Earth until Dean’s eyes turned black. “I can smell you, Y/N. You, and your blood.”
You hiss as the wound on your left arm stings again. Now is not the time to worry about a little cut. You can take care of it a little later.
Much later…
After you escaped the monster you called your friend not months ago.
He’s currently freely roaming the bunker to take his anger out on you.
His friend. His brother’s girlfriend. His family.
“If you come here and act like a good girl,” Dean stops in his tracks. He dips his head and inhales deeply, “Sammy might find you still alive. A little damaged. Maybe even filled with my cock. But alive. Breathing.”
“Fuck,” you press your hand to the bleeding cut on your chest. Dean already did some damage to your body. He slid the knife over your skin to taste your blood.
The demon almost purred when he got a taste. He smirked darkly and tried to convince you that you are not in love with his brother but with him. Or rather the twisted version of your friend.
“Sweetheart, I don’t want to hurt you,” he tries to lure you in. “Maybe a little bit. Where’s the fun in fucking if it doesn’t hurt a little. You can slap my face too. Come out, baby. You know you want to feel my cock in your tight little cunt.”
You want to call his name and tell him that this is not him. You want to tell him that you can cure him and get the Dean you miss back.
“Y/N, I need you to work with me on this,” Dean laughs at his words. “We are going to have our own little heaven. You, me, and my dick, sweetheart.”
While Dean is having a blast telling you all the things he wants to do to you and your boyfriend, you try to sneak out of the bunker. It’s your only chance to escape him.
“Kitten, you know that you can’t leave the bunker, right? I made sure of it. It’s just you and me, Y/N. Don’t leave me hanging.”
“You make me believe that you don’t like me anymore, sweetheart,” you shudder at the sweet pet name. “Come out to play.”
He growls now.
You tiptoe toward the garage.
He sniffs in all directions.
You hide behind the Impala. Baby. Your haven after so many hunts.
Now it’s only a piece of metal barely helping you to hide.
You can hear his footsteps get closer again.
No way to run.
No safety.
No escaping him.
You can only pray to Castiel, and that Sam will be back soon.
Before it’s too late...
Before Dean finished what he started.
“Aw, there you are,” your heart lurches in your chest when Dean appears out of nowhere. He almost smiles as he finds you hidden behind his car. “Did you miss the good old times?”
He grabs you by your upper arms and pushes you against the wall, holding you there with one hand wrapped around your throat, thumb stroking your skin.
“Do you remember the night we got drunk and cuddled in the backseat?” his free hand moves under the flannel you stole from Sam. “Did you ever tell Sammy about the kiss?” he leans closer to kiss a single tear away. “Did you tell him that we almost fucked?”
“I-no,” you swallow thickly. Dean’s hand slips inside your panties and you look away as he lazily strokes your clit. “Sam and I weren’t a thing back then. We got drunk and…things happened.”
He purrs.
You shudder.
Dean releases your throat to get his knife out, sharp blade cutting every single button off the flannel to reveal your body to him.
“Look at you,” his eyes flash black the moment he dips two fingers inside your cunt. “You always were so beautiful and fucking sexy. Do you know,” he curls his fingers, making you whine, “how often I listen to you and Sammy fuck? It was torture.”
“D-ean,” to your shame, your cunt eagerly takes every stroke of Dean’s fingers, “please.” You breathlessly moan. “I can’t.”
“Do you remember the night we all got wasted? You know, when you and Sam invited me for a little fun,” gasping you feel the tip of the knife slide over one tit. “I never came harder than inside of you, Y/N.”
“That was…we were all out of our mind. The drugs. Another apocalypse was on the horizon. We wanted to spend the last day on Earth together. All of us.”
“As we should,” Dean plunges his fingers in and out of your pussy. “What do you say?” He presses the tip harder into your flesh, breaking the skin.
His eyes follow a single red droplet running down your breast. “I warm you up a little, and we wait for Sammy for the main course…”
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smellingofpoetry · 7 months
Hey ! Here's another request for you, do whatever inspires you with this gif 😉
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Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester
Warnings: none
Prompt: "Pumpkin spice" by @creativepromptsforwriting
Word count: 425
A/N: Hello! As promised, I'm publishing a new request. I had this one for a while now, but I wanted to share it with you on Halloween. It seemed fit and a sweet way to wish you all a happy Halloween. Let me know what you think. ❤ All errors are mine.
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Dean found her in the Dean’s cave, sitting in the dark and on the ground with her back leaning against the couch. She was wrapped in a blanket, a bowl of popcorn in her lap while the screen played something that was definitely a horror if the lady with the bent neck was any indication. Said lady had just appeared from the ceiling, scaring a young girl. Y/N stood still, munching on her popcorn like nothing had just happened. “What are you watching?” he asked her, with his deep voice. Y/N jumped for the surprise, making her popcorn fly everywhere. Dean turned the lights, then, trying not to laugh at her reaction. “The fuck, Winchester?” she asked, putting a hand on her chest to try to calm her wild heart. “Are you trying to kill me or something?” she glared at him, half of the blanket falling from her head. “Sorry, I didn’t expect you to get scared like that.” he apologized, walking towards the couch and sitting next to Y/N, avoiding the popcorn. “You didn’t – dude!” she playfully punched him in the arm. “I’m watching a damn horror show while all alone in the bunker.” she pointed out. “You didn’t seem that scared to me. You didn’t even flinch when that thing came out of nowhere.” He tried to defend himself the best he could. “Yeah, because it’s a horror show. You expect shit like that to happen.” She shrugged like it was the most obvious thing. Dean thought about it for a minute and then nodded in agreement. Y/N smiled, pleased to have won their little argument, and went to put her hand in the bowl in search of some treats when her fingers hit the bottom. She looked up, noticing just then that all her popcorn was on the floor. “Look what have you done.” “In my defense, you were the one that threw them all over the floor.” “’Cause you scared the shit out of me.” “That’s a tiny detail we shouldn’t focus on.” “Tiny? I almost had a heart attack!” “You’re being melodramatic now.” he smiled at her when his attention got caught elsewhere. “Oh -” he said, reaching with his hand a popcorn that had landed on her head. “You had popcorn there.” He explained before eating it. Y/N looked at him with her face scrunched in disbelief. “Uhm… that’s good.” He admitted, surprised. “Of course it was. I’ve put pumpkin spice in there.” “You did what?” he asked, confused while watching her get up. “Why?” “It’s Halloween, man.”
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Supernatural x Mayfair Witches AU (Vol 1: The Witching Hour)
"It's the old Mayfair house. Parties at the turn of the century that went on for days, murders, disappearances, ghosts. There's ghosts everywhere in New Orleans. But really, that house it's famous for its witches. Witches, vampires, demons."
Rowan Mayfair has finally returned home. And that means that the Mayfair family has to come together for the occasion. That includes Ellie Spencer. Of the Mayfair bloodline on her mothers side. Soon she will realize that she has a lot more in common with Rowan than she thinks.
Find our Halloween videos and edits here!
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samdeancass · 2 years
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Requested by @little-lovesick-mess
Pairing: Jack Kline x reader
Halloween 2022 Masterlist
Halloween Event Rules
Halloween Prompts
This was Jacks first Halloween and you wanted to make it extra special for him. Over the past few days, you had been teaching Jack all about the history of Halloween and how to celebrate it.
Sam and Dean had been in a mood with you ever since you decided to introduce Halloween to Jack. Every single nook and cranny of the bunker was covered with Halloween decorations and they were really not happy about it.
"Did you really have to tell him about it? I mean, he's half angel, he doesn't need to know about all this crap!" You turned around and stared at Dean, narrowing your eyes. "I know that genius but he's also half human, which means he should get to experience human things, like holidays."
Dean mimicked you which earned him a slap on the head by Sam. "Do you always have to be such a child about everything?" You smiled in victory but it soon disappeared when Sam turned towards you.
"He does have a point though, Y/N, this is a little much just for one day." You opened your mouth to say something back when Jack walked through the doorway, all dressed up in his costume.
You beamed at him before walking over and kissing him on the cheek. "You look so cute, Jack." He looked at you and pouted a little. "I'm not supposed to look cute! I'm supposed to scare you!" You pecked his pouted lip before grabbing your bag and heading towards the door.
"Well then, whaddya say we go and try to scare some other people, eh?" Jack's pout turned into a smile and he followed you towards the garage. "You're the best, Y/N. Thank you." It made you swell with happiness inside at the fact that just by doing something so simple made Jack beam.
Before completely entering the garage, you turned back a little towards the brothers. "Sam, Dean. I expect those decorations to still be up when we get back. If they aren't, you'll have one hell of a nephilim problem on your hands."
Supernatural Tags:
@akshi8278 @bxoken-heartss @desimarie12 @deascheck
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hb-writes · 7 months
Holiday Spirit
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Summary: When the Winchesters decide to take a few days off hunting around Halloween, Nora gets in the spirit of the holiday and decides to do a little decorating.
Prompt: "If I go outside and find my car covered in stringed lights I'm smacking you."
Characters: Dean Winchester & Nora Winchester
Warnings: just the smacking referenced in the prompt.
Nora stilled her fingers, the piece of candy she held in her hands half-way unwrapped as she studied her brother as he finally stirred. He looked grumpy as hell, as if Dean was already dressed in his Halloween costume—a miserable old curmudgeon. 
A curmudgeon who was already complaining even though he had yet to open his eyes. 
“What’s all that noise?”
Nora bit her tongue to keep from asking him ‘what noise?’ considering that the last fifteen minutes was the quietest she had been all morning. She’d even managed to stop the microwave before it started beeping after rewarming her coffee.
Decorating had been much louder, but all of her flitting about the motel room and the microwaving hadn’t woken her brother. She had checked each time, wincing and tip-toeing to his bedside after every slightly too loud noise she made. 
He had slept like the dead through all of it, something she supposed he deserved seeing as they’d been driving for so long and he had refused to share the burden with his siblings, insisting they both rest. But go figure, Dean would wake up at the sound of junk food—Nora’s brothers both seemed to have a hypersonic radar for that…for vastly different reasons, of course, but they both seemed to always know when Nora had something delicious and terrible for you in her grasp. 
Dean sat up suddenly when Nora didn’t answer, but before his glare could land on her face, he caught sight of all of the decorations—the fake cobwebs and glow-in-the-dark skeletons, the miniature ghosts and bats dangling from the ceiling…as if they didn’t get enough of that crap outside of the motel rooms they so frequently called home.
“Where did all this crap come from?” Dean was still taking it all in.
“Dollar store,” Nora answered quietly, suddenly a bit sheepish as she confirmed that it was indeed a bunch of crap she had strung up around their barely 2-star motel room. 
“Here, have some breakfast,” she said as she tossed the half-opened candy to him. 
Dean finished unwrapping and popped it into his mouth without complaint, just as Nora hoped he would.
“And before you start lecturing, Sammy took me—” Nora reached for a second paper coffee cup, holding it out— “and we got you coffee. You might want to reheat it.” 
Dean pulled himself out of the bed, the movements slow, as if he was still sore. As if he still needed another sixteen hours of sleep. Good thing they were planning on hanging out for a few days, assuming another job didn’t present itself, at least.
Nora hoped one wouldn’t. Her brothers were exhausted. She was exhausted. She just wanted to exist for a few days. It would’ve been nice to just exist for a few days somewhere a little nicer, a little more comfortable—at Uncle Bobby’s, maybe—but she wasn’t going to be picky. Relaxing was relaxing even if the motel room was shitty. At least the town had a nice little coffee house.
Dean pulled the coffee from Nora’s hand as he passed her, standing at the counter a few steps behind her, his back to her for a few moments as he fussed with the ancient microwave. 
He’d let the microwave beep, zoning out long enough that he didn’t catch it before the time ran out, the incessant alarm so loud in the little motel room that Nora cringed. Dean took a sip of the hot liquid, sighing a bit as the flavor hit his tongue. It was re-warmed via microwave, a method of preparation that probably impacted the quality and taste of the coffee, but Dean could tell it was a decent brew. It wasn’t any of that gas station crap they were used to. 
He took another sip before setting the cup on the counter and turning to his sister. Without a word, Dean snatched the candy bag from her lap, his hand digging through to find his favorite. 
Nora bit down her complaint as his fingers retrieved the last four chocolates—they were her favorite, too. He set them down on the counter beside his coffee cup before tossing the bag back on the table. A bag full of second-best options that she didn’t particularly like. Still, she didn’t complain. The last hunt had been rough and Nora was trying to keep things light. Fun. Fighting over chocolate bars before he’d even finished a cup of coffee wasn’t fun.
“So…do you like the decorations?” she asked.
Dean’s eyes slid down to her as he opened his third piece of chocolate, an eyebrow raised. 
Nora slid her foot from the chair where she had propped it up and pressed it into Dean’s thigh. He shifted his balance to accommodate the shove.
“Aw, c’mon, Dean. You said we were staying a few days, so I figured we might as well get into the holiday spirit.”
“Holiday spirit?” Dean asked, fingering the line of multicolored string lights she’d put up along the kitchen. “I think you’ve got the wrong holiday, bucko.” 
Nora rolled her eyes and in rebuttal, she reached for the two pieces of candy Dean had yet to devour. She figured if he was awake enough to make fun, he was awake enough for her to take back some of the candy. Dean’s hand slammed down over hers before she could pull them into her grasp. He raised an eyebrow and she sighed, a show of defeat that had him releasing his grip on her. 
Nora set her feet back up on the chair beside her, folding her arms across her chest. It had been hard enough convincing Sam to even buy the candy and she’d barely get any of the good ones now that Dean was hogging them. She should’ve known better and hid a few away for herself.
“Quit your pouting,” Dean said as he tossed one of the remaining candies on the table in front of her. 
Dean couldn’t help but smile as Nora’s face lit up a bit and she quickly opened the candy, setting it in her mouth. He teased and he played the grump, but Dean was glad that his sister still got excited about stuff like this—stuff like Halloween decorations and candy and the fact that this rat hole of a motel somehow had extra channels so she could watch all those silly Halloween movies she’d watched as a kid. He was glad that Sam and Nora had been so enthusiastic about sitting down to watch It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown the night before. He was glad that the two of them had the capacity to be nostalgic for childhood even when he didn’t.
Dean strung his finger along the slowly flashing lights affixed to the counter once again. “Since when are Christmas lights Halloween decorations?” 
“They’re string lights, Dean. Not Christmas lights. Indoor-outdoor. Multi-holiday use. They’re very versatile. And I like them,” she said as she took a sip of coffee to wash down the chocolate.
Dean snorted. “Yeah, well, if I go outside and find my car covered in stringed lights I'm smacking you."
Nora gasped, choking on the coffee as it went down wrong. She forced herself to laugh at the end of her coughing, as if Dean’s words were funny to her, as if it was nothing more than a joke. 
Nora knew the words weren’t an idle threat though. Dean wouldn’t hesitate to hurt anyone who hurt his Baby. Not that she had really hurt his baby… The hand prints smeared across the windows were nothing more than fake blood. And the pumpkin-shaped antenna ball was easy enough to remove… 
But Dean was staring at her, waiting for something. Waiting for confirmation.
Nora snorted. “I didn’t put any stupid stringed lights on your car, Dean. I’m not an idiot. How would I even plug them in?” 
It wasn’t technically a lie, and Dean seemed content with her answer as he brought the coffee cup to his lips again, but Nora wondered how long it would be before he went to check. Nora had been adamantly against going for a run with Sam, but just now she wished she had agreed to go, if only to avoid being the only one here when Dean saw the car.
“We’ll, now that you’re up, I’m going to take a shower,” Nora said as she stood from the table, trying not to move too quickly, trying to take her time with gathering her things before heading for the bathroom.
As Nora closed the bathroom door, she heard her brother take up her spot at the table, his hand once again fishing in the bag of candy. 
Her spot at the table where one could see out the window perfectly, the Impala perfectly visible between the threadbare curtains…
She had just started the water when Dean roared her name. 
Actually roared. Nora cringed at the sound, but stepped into the warming water anyway. The flimsy door and fact that she was showering would at least offer her some protection. Dean wouldn’t come in, no matter how angry he was. No matter how much he wanted to throttle her.
Nora could stay there until the water ran cold, until Sam returned.
That, she decided, was the best course of action. To stay here until Sam got back. Until he could remind Dean that even though she could be a pain in the ass, he loved his sister.
That was the hope, at least.
Supernatural (Bye, Bye, Apple Pie) Masterlist
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aterimber · 8 months
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Description: Dean shows a newly human Cas the proper way to celebrate Halloween.⁠ ⁠ Prompt: Popcorn Poppin' Month⁠ ⁠ C2C, Destiel (ish)⁠ ⁠ Words: 1,946⁠ ⁠ Check out this year's Halloween short story here!⁠
I post new short stories every 2 weeks on Fridays and have 100+ just waiting for you to fall in love with them!
This is also the 4th last fic of 2023! I'll be taking the last half of December and first half of January off from posting stories! (And articles on my website) I'll be back January 12th, 2024 with the 1st story of the new year!
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conjurerandking · 7 months
im working on getting some muse tonight, but I am also writing my Halloween/SPN crossover, as I am feeling festive c:
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bookwyrmofthenorth · 2 years
Home is where the heart is - Chapter 1 - avide_reader - Supernatural (TV 2005) [Archive of Our Own]
Here is a little Halloween special dor for this year! Not quite done, yet, but almost and I'll publish the rest in the next few days!
Happy Halloween 🎃
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Pumpkin pie and the power of friendship
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury/Jo Harvelle, Charlie Bradbury & Dean Winchester
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Charlie Bradbury, Jo Harvelle, Gabriel (Supernatural), Balthazar (Supernatural), Benny Lafitte, Dorothy Baum
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Teenagers, Halloween, Prank Wars, Haunted Houses, Ghosts, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers
Words: 4415
Summary: Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak have known each other for five years. Around the year their relationship ranges from a fairly close friendship to the inability to be in the same room without wanting to murder each other.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, it is currently October, the time of the Great Prank War, which all but guarantees trouble.
When Charlie recommends the group visit the local 'haunted manor' on Halloween neither boy is thrilled by the idea.
But nothing could really go wrong...
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welldonebeca · 2 years
Housewife Halloween (III)
Summary: Sam hates Halloween. When he catches his girlfriend dressed up and playing as his wife, he realises the day might not be so bad, after all. Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female!Reader WC: 1.3k words Warnings: Stanford times. Fluff. Wife kink. Roleplay. Dirty talking. Orgasm control. Anal sex. Clothed sex. Degrading kink. Multiple orgasms. Unprotected sex. Aftercare.
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Sam pushed you to your feet, tossing you over the side of the couch and raising your skirt, licking his lips as he watched your pussy leaking under your plugged ass.
Fuck, he loved your ass.
He loved fucking it, slapping it, fucking biting it and watching it.
His eyes lingered on it for a moment, tempted into eating your ass out for the next hour, but his cock was throbbing, and you had stretched yourself for him as a good wife. He should honour that.
"Do you want to take the dress off?" you asked him, throwing him a look over your shoulder.
"Take it off?" he repeated, tapping the plug with the tip of his finger before slowly pulling on it and pushing back, earning a soft whine from you. "And waste all of the effort you put on dressing up so pretty for me?"
Finally, Sam pulled the plug all the way out, moaning to himself when he watched your asshole throbbing and squeezing around nothing.
"I would never do that," he grabbed his cock, and pushed into you, licking his lips and smirking when he saw your hands clenching on the seat in front of you, already moaning softly.
Fuck, you were so tight there. Even when with all the lube and your pussy's slick around his cock, it was still a tight fit.
"Fuck, wife," he grunted. "Your ass looks so pretty swallowing my cock, you need to see this."
You moaned, and his eyes moved to the side table, finding your phone right there.
Well, maybe you could see it.
Sam pulled it back and unlocked it, quickly getting on the camera and pointing at where his cock was pushing into your ass.
He continued to click and click, photographing everything until he was balls deep in your ass, taking slow breaths to control himself.
Fuck, he never imagined fucking your ass would be so good.
The two of you never really did it before now. Sure, Sam had fingered your ass a few times and talked about fucking you there, but it was a surprise that you had taken such a big step forward to get him to fuck you.
You moaned arching your ass up to him, whispering something he couldn't quite hear, and he grabbed you, thumbs digging into your round globes before he pulled his hips away, slowly fucking out and into you.
"Fuck, baby," he moaned.
"Sam," you whimpered. "Sam."
His balls hit your folds, and Sam licked his lips, feeling how wet you were just by that.
You continued to whimper and moan his name, lost, as if you didn't know any other word.
"Look at you, baby," he thrust into you harder. "Can't think of anything but me..."
He took his fingers to your cunt, teasing your entrance, and you moaned louder and darker.
"I fucking love it when I fuck you stupid," he pushed a single finger into your pussy, just teasing you, knowing this was just going to entice you. "Got your smart little brain dripping down your cunt, just like it should."
Your walls squeezed around his finger and his cock, sensitive and ready for him.
"Cause that's what my perfect wife has to be like, isn't it?" he cooed. "A set of holes for me to fuck and cum into...  a pretty pussy for me to breed over and over again."
Sam took his finger away from inside you and slapped your clit with his wet hand, and thrust deep inside your hole, closing your eyes when it squeezed his cock and your moans became louder and into a little scream, and your whole body shook and convulsed under him, and you came, sobbing his name so loudly it made him wonder if the neighbours and people roaming outside in the street would hear you.
"Fuck," he groaned. "Such a good hole for me, cumming as I fuck your ass."
You just cried more, and he licked his lips, ready to test a theory.
How long had you been preparing for him? How long had you played with your ass and saved that orgasm for him?
So he slapped your clit again.
Your ass squeezed around his cock once more, squeezing him as your pussy gushed against his balls.
Fuck, he knew he could make you cum again just by slapping your clit. He knew you would make such pretty noises and would be such a little dumb crying little thing, cumming over and over again with just his hands, screaming his name, so loud everyone in Stanford would know he was the one to make you feel like that.
"Sam," you whined softly.
He would do it some day. But not now.
"Please," you cried out. "Please, cum inside, please, please."
Sam moaned deeper. Fuck, your ass was squeezing him so good.
"Please, husband," you panted. “Cum in my ass.”
His eyes closed at the name, and he did, cumming hard inside you as you moaned and panted, calling him your husband, over and over and over again.
Sam pulled you up and closer to him, turning your head and kissing your lips before taking his free hand down, playing with your clit to make you cum, not yet satisfied as his cock shot inside you.
"Sam," you whimpered into his lips.
"Husband," he grunted, moving tight circles around your bud. "I'm your husband."
You cried out, sounding more desperate.
"Cum for your husband," Sam pulled away from your mouth, hissing into your ear.
Your voice grew louder, breathless, and his fingers didn't stop until you were screaming and squirming, wigging in his arms, lost in pleasure.
He let you fall forward, lying back in the couch again, before pulling out of you, kneeling in front of you and spreading your ass cheeks.
Sam watched as his cum leaked from inside you, feeling something big and dark growing inside him, possessive of what he was seeing.
His lips moved to your pussy right after, licking and paying with your pussy before sucking on your swollen and sensitive clit.
"Sam!" you screamed.
He grabbed your hips before you could move away, devouring your pussy.
"Sam!" you sobbed, moving above him. "Please! It's too much!"
He moved himself away from your clit for a brief moment.
"You'll take what your husband gives you, wife," Sam grunted, moving right back to eat you out.
You screamed and shook, but he didn't stop, sucking and licking, knowing well what would make you cum.
The moment he shoved two fingers into your cunt, curling them against your g-spot, your body tensed completely and your pussy gushed against his face, squirting as you came for him again, weakly crying out his name.
He finally stopped, kissing your thigh before standing up and gently pulling you along with him, sitting on your lap as you whimpered, still quivering over him.
Sam moved his fingers through your hair, placing a soft kiss on your makeup stained cheek.
He held you silently, continuing to caress your hair and face, comforting you.
"You were so good," he kissed your temple. "I'm so proud of you."
You held his neck a little tighter, and Sam lifted you up, carrying you to your bedroom and caressing your thighs comfortingly.
"Do you need anything?" he asked.
"Want your shirt," you mumbled. "Don't want this dress."
Sam nodded and unbuttoned the back of your dress, helping you off your dress before doing the same to the skirts under it before taking off your bra, and kissed your forehead before pushing putting it all over a chair, not caring much about it now.
He gave you a bottle of water and kissed your temple before picking up his shirt - one you had stolen from him and was your favourite.
You nodded and lied down on the bed when he sat you on the mattress, spreading your legs and letting him clean the mix of your seed and your wetness from between your legs, and he just carried you along with him again when you wrapped your arms around him, so small he was using a single arm to support you as he threw the wipes away.
"Let's lay down," he kissed your cheek.
You nodded, still clinging to him as he lied on the bed, and only raised your eyes to his face when you were safely tucked into his chest.
"Was I a good wife, Sam?" you asked, softly.
"You are the best wife," he affirmed simply, reaching for you and kissing your lips before doing the same to your cheeks, nose and forehead. "You are perfect."
"You are the best husband," you whispered into his neck.
Sam just smiled, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles, and his finger touched your ring finger briefly.
Hopefully one day, when life was a little easier, and he was a lawyer, and you were a nurse, he would make you his read wife, not just a Halloween one - though he was, indeed, staring to warm up for the holiday.
He heard a soft snoring sound from you and smiled to himself, realising you had fallen asleep already, and let himself drift asleep just as well, thinking of you with his ring on your finger as he did.
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"Housewife Halloween" was posted on my Patreon on April! To read its Patreon-Exclusive Prequel of how you and Sam met, subscribe to my page. It's just $2 a month!
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Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @letsdisneythings​​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega​
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Supernatural BDSM Fics (+18): @littlecassisub @stoneyggirl2
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