#deleting asks as an olympic sport
wild-flowerhoney · 1 month
2 seconds away from making a patreon exclusively for my fics bc ive had enough of those stupid comments/asks/whatever that just want updates. literally pay me. give me money and ill spend every second of every day writing new chapters i swear.
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brcnze · 3 months
what more could i ask for?
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a/n: another from my ao3 that i deleted oops. also sorry it’s christmassy themed and i’m posting this in march?
word count: 5.3k
what more could i ask for?
as the final whistle blew, lucy felt as though she could breathe again. 
these last few months had been tiring, understatement of the year, they’d been exhausting. since the world cup, it had been non stop. she was being pushed so hard emotionally and physically and as she lay back on the grass she couldn’t bring herself to move an inch.
barça were playing at least three games a week, training was as intense as ever and not to mention england had been desperately fighting for their spot at the olympics. for the first time ever lucy was actually somewhat glad they hadn’t qualified. 
she was devastated at the time of course, her last minute goal and two minutes of unimaginable happiness coming crashing down on her had hit her hard. however, upon reflection she realised the time away she’d get over the summer would be good for her. it would be good for her knee that was hanging on by a thread and good for her mind, to finally be able to shut down for more than twenty four hours. 
although the tournament was in the summer and it was only december she had her month off already planned and ready to go. for the first time in her career she felt ready to finally indulge in some much needed rest and relaxation. 
the brunette still enjoyed the sport as much as she always had done, but the demands that playing for the best women’s club in the world and euro winning national team were something she had never experienced before. 
she thrived off of the pressure, but even she was human, not the robot everyone thought she was. she was thirty two and absolutely knackered to put it lightly. 
“come on lucia, up. you are showing your age.” 
lucy knew exactly who it was without even having to open her eyes. the use of her full name gave everything away. 
everyone called her lucy, that’s how she liked it. her close friends called her luce or even bronzey sometimes but she’d never been keen on the people around her calling her lucia, often meeting them with a death glare if they so much as tried it. 
that didn’t stand with ona though. nothing seemed to really, she had a totally different chapter in the lucy bronze rule book. the girl could get away with murder in lucy’s eyes. she liked the way the name sounded coming from ona, the broken english accent and the fact that it was only her who called her it. 
“help me up then.” 
the spaniard reached down and pulled lucy to her feet, smiling up at her in the process. 
ona had moved to barça only a few months ago, but it was like she’d been there forever. the pair had met back at a mutual friends wedding almost a year ago now and had instantly hit it off, the attraction to one another being undeniable. 
“stop eye fucking her.” 
lucy had turned to her side, the smirk of her best friend jordan nobbs being the first thing she saw. 
“she’s hot.” 
“go and talk to her then, what good is sitting here and drooling going to do?” 
she dwelled upon the idea for a minute, questioning whether or not she was ready to open up her heart to someone else yet. as she continued her pondering, ona had met her eyes and as soon as green met brown she was up and on her feet. 
for the first time in her life, lucy had listened to jordan and it was possibly the best thing she had ever done. the conversation between the two defenders had just flowed, both of them giggling as they kept accidentally interrupting one another because they just had so much to say. 
they sat with their thighs pressed together, subconsciously getting closer and closer to one another as the conversation progressed. flirty lucy hadn’t made an appearance in some time, but she was out in full force that night, ona loving every second.
the bride herself, lucy staniforth, had noticed the connection instantly and headed over, giving lucy strict instructions to look after ona once her barça move had been finalised. 
“look after this one? you don’t have to worry about that stani.” 
staniforth looked at ona as a younger sister, and she wanted to be reassured that she would have someone looking out for her and who better than her longest friend. 
“i’ll have the lucy bronze looking after me then, si?” 
ona had asked with a smirk once they were alone again, a smirk that lucy thought was possibly the most attractive thing she’d ever seen. 
“you bet.” 
it was safe to say that lucy had done a brilliant job of looking after her that night and onas contract with united wasn’t even up yet. 
the second she had taken a trip to the toilets and ona had followed her, she had her pinned against the wall with her mouth trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down her neck. she wasn’t entirely sure that was exactly what her best friend had meant by ‘looking after her’ but it didn’t stop her from taking her back to her hotel room and having her scream her name for the rest of the night. 
ever since that day she had been addicted to the spaniard. they stayed in contact during onas last few months at manchester united, neither being the type for a one night stand and having too strong of a connection to leave it at that. they met up whenever possible for date nights and randomly showed up at the others games if they could, instantly becoming each other’s favourite person.
the long distance dating was hard, but it was exciting. it would’ve been so much easier for both parties to just date someone who actually lived in the same country as them, but what fun was that when they had found exactly what they wanted in the other? 
the pair took a mini holiday together pre world cup where lucy had asked ona to be her girlfriend over a romantic dinner, and again after the world cup where they had celebrated ona becoming a world champion. lucy knew it was love when she felt genuinely happy and proud of ona, the ability to put her own feelings aside and relish in the pride she felt for her girlfriend. 
it was all just perfect really. thank you staniforth, lucy thought to herself every single day. 
as they walked back towards the changing rooms, down the tunnel and out of sight of fans ona intertwined their hands. they weren’t exactly keeping their relationship a secret, they had both just agreed on private. 
many people had caught onto the fact that they were an item now. whether that be from the pictures of ona comforting lucy at the world cup, the fan picture of them at a restaurant in menorca or the way they interacted with each other on the pitch. 
at the beginning they’d both decided on keeping it a total secret. lucy had already been through a relationship that fans had gotten wind of and this time around she just wanted something she could keep for herself. however, they both underestimated how hard that would be when they were so infatuated with one another. 
lucy couldn’t stop herself. she had to have at least one part of her body touching onas at all times, she couldn’t prevent the heart eyes or the wide smile that was simply reserved for her and came out in full force whenever she was around. she loved her, and quite frankly she didn’t care who knew it. 
“tired?” the spaniard questioned. 
lucy nodded, squeezing her hand as they turned into the changing rooms. she instantly sat herself down and began untying her boots, letting out a grateful sigh as her feet could finally breathe again.
“like you said, im showing my age. im excited to have over a week off that’s for sure.” 
ona narrowed her eyes, mock offence clouded over her features. 
“even though you’re spending half of it away from me?” 
lucy let out a chuckle, grabbing the younger girls hands and pulling her to sit on her lap, so she was straddling her legs. her hands rested on onas waist as ona wrapped her arms around her neck. 
“you can still come with me. i booked two flight tickets for a reason.” 
ona sighed, she so desperately wanted to take lucy up on the offer but it felt massive. her own family weren’t that big on christmas, but it seemed like a huge occasion for lucy’s family and she’d never met them before. in fact, she’d never actually met any of her previous partners families, never getting serious enough for them to even ask. 
her and lucy were serious though. it was different with lucy, she had never felt this way about anyone before. she pictured her whole future with the englishwoman; marriage, kids, the whole ordeal and the thought of messing it all up consumed her. 
she knew she was a nice girl, but that didn’t stop the overbearing thoughts that lucy’s family wouldn’t like her. maybe they would think lucy could do better? maybe they would compare her to keira? the whole thing terrified her. 
“i don’t want you to feel pressured or anything, the decision is yours. if you want to be at home with your own family i totally understand that.” 
lucy had noticed the change in expression in her girlfriends face, running a comforting hand up and down her back. 
ona couldn’t help but smile at the caring nature lucy never failed to show for her. they would be spending the new year together anyway, they planned on taking a trip to andorra together - just the two of them and their dogs but would be meeting in manchester before as lucy staniforth also known as cupid was having a very small get together a few days before new year’s eve and insisted that the couple that she match made were in attendance. 
however, the thought of spending the entirety of christmas with lucy made her heart skip a beat. she wanted so badly to just say yes, she’d have to meet her parents at some point. she was confident her own family wouldn’t mind, they really weren’t all that big on the festivities and were so obsessed with lucy that anything that involved her was given an instant approval. 
“i would love to.” 
the english woman’s head snapped up at that, a wide smile replacing the neutral expression on her face. 
“if you and your family will have me.” 
lucy pulled her into a kiss, hand resting on her cheek as she stroked the array of freckles that lay there. the amount of freckles she had seemed to double every time lucy looked at her and she thought it made her even more beautiful. 
“of course. they’ve been so excited to meet you, they barely ask about me anymore. it’s all ona this, ona that.” 
ona let out a soft chuckle, immediately leaning back in to connect their lips. if there was one thing she loved most in the world, it was making lucy happy. 
“not again! ustedes dos son repugnantes!” 
the two girls detached their lips, ona not moving from her position on lucy’s lap and turned to see that the once empty changing room was now filling up with their team mates. 
“like i haven’t caught you and ingrid in more questionable moments than this, maria.” 
lucy and mapi were like sisters at this point. the constant bickering and inappropriate jokes that went back and forth between them never failed to amuse, yet also piss off the rest of the players. the teasing between them had only gotten worse since ona and lucy had made their relationship common knowledge.
“mentirosa! we always keep it very professional.” 
“shall we talk about the time i found you both in the airport bathroom?” 
lucy smirked, relishing on the deep shade of red that had taken over mapis cheeks. she knew she’d got her with that one as the defender soon made her way over to the showers whilst muttering something incoherent in spanish. 
“i don’t know why she still bothers. i always win.” 
ona shook her head, laughing at the never ending competitiveness of her girlfriend.
the pair headed back to lucy’s apartment, saying quick goodbyes and wishing their teammates a happy christmas before packing the rest of their things into a suitcase. 
the nerves ona was feeling were evident on the way to the airport, the lack of singing from the spaniard giving her away instantly. lucy placed a hand on her thigh, stroking up and down. 
“you okay, love?” 
“im just a little nervous i suppose.” 
ona felt it was best to just be honest. she’d been putting off meeting her girlfriends parents far too long now and knew it was obvious she was having feelings about it. throughout their relationship they had always communicated everything, a huge reason as to why it was going so well. 
“im excited to meet your family and im so excited to spend christmas with you. i’m just nervous that they won’t like me, or i’ll say the wrong thing.” 
lucy’s face instantly softened, pulling in to the airport car park and turning her whole body towards ona. she could tell that meeting her family was something that had been playing on her girlfriends mind. lucy had met onas months ago now and was a frequent guest at family dinners, being welcomed and loved by them instantly. 
“i promise you there’s nothing to be nervous about. in all honestly, they’re all a bunch of weirdos and i’m more nervous that you’ll change your mind about us when you see what a weird group of people i grew up with.” 
ona chuckled at that, adoring the way lucy never failed to make her laugh. she took onas hands in her own, giggling a little too. 
“but honestly babe, please don’t stress. we can book a hotel instead if you like? if you don’t want to stay at the house?” 
the spaniard immediately shook her head. 
“no, absolutely not. i’m just a little shy i suppose but i’m sure it won’t take me long to warm up.” 
lucy tilted her head to the side, the most adoring smile resting on her lips. she completely adored the woman in front of her to no end, her affections growing every second.
“god, you’re so cute.”
she tucked a strand of ona’s newly highlighted hair behind her ear. 
“i won’t leave your side though, and just tell me if you need a breather at any point. i was dead nervous to meet your family, so i do know what it’s like.” 
“you were?” 
that information surprised ona. lucy was so good at putting on a confident front that she never would’ve guessed she felt any kind of nerves that day. 
“mhm. didn’t think they’d think i was good enough for you, or that they’d be offended by how shit my spanish is.” 
“you needn’t have worried cariño, they love you more than me and my brother now - especially my dad. they told me instantly that you were good for me, and also that your spanish is shit.” 
lucy scoffed, a look of false hurt clouding her features.
“im definitely getting better!” 
“si tú lo dices.”
ona was right in the sense that it wouldn’t take her long to warm up. 
almost as soon as the pair had arrived at the family home, she had been pulled into the biggest hug by lucy’s mum. the older woman welcoming her warmly as she was desperate to get to know the woman whom her daughter spoke so fondly of. 
“i am here too you know mother.” 
lucy complained as she watched the embrace take place. ona let out a small laugh, appreciating the warm welcome more than anything, putting her instantly at ease. 
once they’d gotten the greetings and ‘nice to meet you’s’ out of the way the family all sat together in the living room, ona being the star of the show. 
“you really are a beautiful girl, darling. i could tell from the pictures luce showed me of you but in person you’re even prettier.” 
ona had blushed at the compliment from diane, smiling so wide her cheeks hurt. 
“oh thank you. and thank you so much for being so welcoming and not minding me being here.” 
“don’t be silly, you’re family.” 
lucy was so glad to see ona smiling. she’d been a little worried when she saw how nervous she was, concerned that her family would maybe be too much for her but she needn’t have one bit. her mum evidently adored her already and as soon as her niece and nephew had come downstairs they instantly took a liking to her too. 
running straight past auntie lucy, they immediately went to interrogate ona. 
“im really starting to get offended now.” 
lucy admitted, watching her niece insisting ona play barbies with her and shaking her head no, when lucy had offered to play instead. her brother was loving it, teasing lucy endlessly that she’d been replaced as the favourite auntie.
they enjoyed a nice dinner together, lucy’s mums cooking going down a treat with ona who had never tried half of the foods on her plate. games were played, the two young children making it their life’s mission to ensure they were on ona’s team everytime.
when the kids were in bed, ona got a real taste of the type of relationship lucy and her brother shared. she knew that they wound each other up to no end, she’d witnessed enough facetime calls between the pair to know that. however, seeing it first hand was amusing to say the least. 
“so ona, out of all the women in the world. why lucy?” 
jorge asked her with a disgusted look on his face, earning himself a pillow chucked straight at his head from the woman in question. 
“don’t be a dick, jorge.” 
ona chuckled at the twos behaviour, not being able to help joining in on rattling him up a little bit. 
“oh i don’t know, many things. she’s funny, kind, always makes me feel loved and safe and i mean look at her. she’s hot as fuck.”
lucy smirked at her at that, whispering something to her that jorge definitely didn’t want to hear. he looked between them in disbelief, shaking his head. 
“sickening. how much are you paying her to say that?” 
“don’t get jealous. just because my girlfriend actually fancies me and your wife thinks you’re a pig now.” 
jorge rolled his eyes, scoffing. 
“well you’re definitely punching, luce.” 
“im well aware of that. most beautiful girl in the whole of woman’s football she is, well and the whole world.” 
another blush made it’s way across ona’s cheeks as she smiled up at lucy bashfully. 
“you are sweet lucia, but that’s not true.” 
“oh it certainly is true sweetheart, we all think you’re gorgeous and lovely just to top it all off.” 
diane chimed in, making her way into the living room carrying even more plates full of food and drawing out another blush from ona. 
going to bed that night in lucy’s childhood bedroom, both women felt content. lucy was so glad that ona was relaxed and happy and ona was so glad that lucy’s family seemed to like her. 
the older woman couldn’t help but look around the small box room that held all of her earliest memories. she remembered lying in the same bed late at night as a youngster, dreaming of the life she was currently living. never would twelve year old lucy bronze have believed you if you told her she’d be laying there right now; winner of multiple awards, one of the most famous names in women’s football, playing for barcelona and having the most perfect girlfriend by her side.
“i have had such a wonderful day today.” 
ona whispered into lucy’s neck, pulling her from her thoughts as the defender tightened her arms around her waist and placed a kiss on the top of her head. 
“me too, i’m so glad you’re here.” 
“i’m so glad i came.”
“they think you’re amazing, if you couldn’t already tell.” 
ona let out a little giggle, thinking back to the amount of compliments she had received throughout the day. she looked up at lucy, taking her head out of her neck and pouting her lips, tapping them expectantly. 
lucy happily obliged, meeting her in the middle for a soft kiss. 
the kiss quickly turned heated, neither woman being able to do anything by halves. lucy’s hand made it’s way up the back of onas shirt, well technically her shirt that ona had stolen, and began tracing patterns pulling her in impossibly closer. 
upon hearing someone get out of bed to go to the bathroom, ona pulled away but only far enough so that she could still smile into lucy’s lips. 
“i love you.” 
“te amo mas bonita.” 
the next few days were spent lazing around and going for light walks with the bronze family. both women were soaking up the rare time off and had even brought siestas all the way back to england, much to the amusement of jorge. christmas day had been nothing short of incredible too. ona didn’t think she could love lucy anymore than she already did, but now having such a special bond with her family too her heart was left feeling like it was going to constantly burst. 
when the time came to leave and head down to manchester before the new year, ona felt emotional to be saying goodbye to everyone. she had had the most amazing time and felt as though she had created a special bond with everyone individually after the five days spent together. 
the spaniard had to really fight to hold the tears in when it came to saying goodbye to lucy’s niece and nephew. the two little ones had created a card for them, hand drawn by them both. there was two stick figures holding hands, one representing lucy and the other ona. a bright yellow sun took residence in the corner, and a football was placed in the air. 
when lucy opened the card, gushing at the incredible drawing, she smiled to herself widely and turned it around so that ona could read their articulately thought words. 
to auntie lucy and auntie oni 
we will miss you soooo much. we loved playing football and princessess together. we love you xxxx
seeing the two young children refer to her as their auntie after only being in their lives a few days made ona feel like she could physically melt. she knew how much the young children meant to lucy and leaving with the feeling that they liked her was all she could have asked for. 
lucy clearly felt the same happiness as as soon as they go into the car she turned beside her, grinning like the cheshire cat. 
“did you have a good time, auntie oni?” 
the drive to manchester was spent sharing more family stories that ona hadn’t yet heard - the spaniard enjoying them even more now she could actually picture the scenarios, and singing along to their favourite songs, much a contrast to the drive to the airport a few days ago. lucy was just happy that ona was happy, taking her eyes off the road a few too many times just to watch her. 
when they arrived at their hotel, ona had barely opened the door before lucy had her pressed up against it. 
“i’ve missed you.” 
“you’ve been with me every day.” 
ona wrapped her arms around lucy’s neck, a deep sigh escaping her lips as the older woman started kissing down her neck. 
“mhm, but not like this.” 
she continued pressing kisses, ona throwing her head back as she found her sweet spot. 
“just wanted you all to myself.” 
ona tangled her fingers in lucy’s hair, pulling her head up from its position in her neck and smashing their lips together. both women were needy, tongues slipping into one another’s mouths and lucy sliding her strong thigh inbetween onas legs, drawing out a shaky whine from her. 
“fuck me, right now.” 
“don’t have to ask me twice, princesa.” 
with that, lucy picked her up, onas legs wrapping around her waist instantly and carried her to the king size bed. the two women found themselves lost in each other for the entire night, making good use of the fact they no longer had lucy’s parents and brother on either side of the wall. 
they woke up the next morning, appreciating the bigger bed the hotel had provided in comparison to lucy’s childhood single bed, yet still practically on top of one another.
mornings with ona were lucy’s favourite time of day, their legs tangled together, arms wrapped around one another and getting to watch the sleepy smile that never left her face. she was truly ethereal, and every time the sun rose she would count her lucky stars that she got to call this girl her’s. 
“you are creepy, watching me like that.” 
lucy smirked, the croaky morning voice of the spaniard giving her familiar butterflies. 
“stop looking so beautiful all the time then.” 
ona smiled, reaching up to play with the baby hairs that had escaped lucy’s night time bun before pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek. the footballers then got themselves ready, sharing lazy kisses as they showered and went about their usual morning routine. 
they were meeting staniforth, jordan, demi and their partners at lucy’s house which wasn’t far from the hotel they were staying at. the afternoon was going to be a nice chill vibe, lucy positive the only reason they had been invited was so stani could gloat about being the reason they got together. 
“you know she’s going to be so annoying, right?” 
lucy warned ona in the taxi when they were on their way. the spaniard responded with a fond laugh, crazily excited to see their mutual friend. 
“oh, i know. the whole time we were at united together she teased me about having a crush on you.” 
“i like that you always fancied me.” 
ona rolled her eyes at the smirk that had plastered its way across her girlfriends face. 
“of course you do, it feeds your already huge ego.” 
the two arrived at the house they were both so familiar with, getting pulled into big hugs from everyone the second they arrived. neither woman was kidding when they said staniforth would be annoying, it only taking two glasses of wine until she began gushing about the couple. 
“i just can’t believe that you both are actually together.” 
lucy and ona looked at one another, smiling their signature loved up smile which caused the others in the room to let out a series of ‘aww’s.’ 
“appreciate the love and that but you lot don’t have to coo at us like we’re kids.” 
“but ona had the hots for you for so long im just so happy.” 
the spaniard nudged her former team mate, a blush creeping up on her cheeks. it was very obvious from the day they met that ona had always been infatuated with lucy and lucy was well aware of that too, ona having admitted it to her after a few too many wines on one of their first dates. however, that didn’t mean she wanted it broadcasted to other people.
“lucy was the same. caught her practically drooling in her glass of champagne at the wedding.” 
apparently it was jordan’s turn to pipe up now, not allowing lucy off the hook that easily. 
“alright we get it, we were both obsessed with each other and it’s all down to you all for getting us together. thank you so much.” 
the sarcasm was dripping off of lucy’s tongue, causing the room to erupt in laughter. she secretly loved it though, loved the fact that her closest friends were so happy for her and that they loved her girlfriend almost as much as she did. when the footballers were all occupied with another conversation, opting to tease jordan now about her lack of love life lucy turned to ona. 
“even more obsessed with you now though.” 
ona smirked at the hushed tone, laying her head on the older woman’s shoulder as they joined in with the grilling of jordan. 
they spent the entirety of the evening laughing non stop. the group of friends drank wine, ate take out and played games, lucy coming out as the winner every time of course. 
“do you ever get bored of winning everything?” 
demi was sat with her arms crossed, shaking her head at lucy’s third victory in uno. 
“you’re ridiculous, it’s trophy after trophy with you.” 
the group of footballers let out fond laughs at the englishwoman’s constant need to win. it was a part of their friend that they weren’t sure they’d ever fully understand, but a slice of what made her so special. 
the day had been perfect. lucy and ona’s cheeks actually hurt from where they’d been smiling so damn much over the past few days. they were packing up their hotel room, checking and double checking that they had all of their luggage before their flight back to barcelona to pick up the dogs later that night. 
lucy was sat on the edge of the bed, contently watching as ona scooped her hair up into her signature bun.
she couldn’t help but think back to what demi had said earlier about her need to win. she loved winning, that was undeniable but as she observed the girl five feet infront of her and thought back to the past few days they had shared she couldn’t help but think she’d won everything there was to win. 
“i love you so much.” 
the defender made her way over, wrapping her arms around ona’s waist from behind and resting her chin on her shoulder. 
“i love you too amor, but where did that come from?” 
lucy shrugged, turning the girl around in her arms and placing her hands on her waist. ona’s arms automatically coming to drape around her neck. 
“just been thinking about how good this weeks been so far, and how good everything’s been since i met you.” 
“i can’t believe how soft you’ve turned lucia.” 
ona smirked up at her lover. one of her favourite things was seeing how much her girlfriend adored her, she got to see a side to lucy that no one else did and it never failed to make her heart beat that little bit faster. 
“im serious though. i was just thinking about what demi said, about how much i love winning.”
ona nodded, encouraging her to keep going. 
“but i feel like if i’ve won you what more could i ask for? no trophy could ever give me the same feeling that you do.” 
the younger woman’s face softened instantly. some people in lucy’s life had criticised her for always focusing on winning, wishing she’d slow down and appreciate what she had rather than always looking to the next thing. ona had never seen it as a bad trait though, she found the constant motivation inspiring and just another part of lucy to love. 
ona rested her hand on lucy’s cheek, her thumb stroking across the sharp bone structure of the older woman. they both leaned in at the same time, their lips pressing together for a soft kiss, neither woman being able to stop smiling. 
“well maybe the world cup.” 
lucy mumbled into onas lips, the spaniard letting out a huff of a laugh and leaving a gentle smack on her shoulder. 
“way to ruin the moment.”
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kittykatninja321 · 1 year
Incoherent post because I’m not articulate but like. I feel like some people on here lack conflict avoidance because they spent too much of their adolescence/young adulthood getting into tumblr discourse style interactions where they’re quick to anger, slow to give anyone the benefit of the doubt, and incapable of realizing that they might be wrong sometimes. Like truly if getting righteously angry online (at times entirely unnecessarily) was an Olympic sport they’d all be getting gold. I don’t know where you get the energy to live like that I actively try to avoid getting angry over online shit because I think it’s poisonous to the spirit and mind. Sometimes I’ll get an ask from one of these type trying to start some shit over a misunderstanding and I’ll just delete it and go about my day peacefully, you won’t be getting callout post material out of me babygirl 🙏🏾. In conclusion
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bymwrites · 1 year
I don’t have anything for WIP Weds so have this Sashannarcy eSports AU write-up I’ve been thinking about instead
Marcy is an Epic Competitive Gamer best known for being the world's best Vagabondia Versus player, an older but still technically live service 1 on 1 pvp game. She's sponsored by Calamity eSports and streams, but rarely and without voice, but she's still pretty popular just for her gameplay that's several cuts above anyone else you could be watching.
When Vagabondia United, the next entry into the online versus Vagabondia games is announced, Marcy's fan base is excited to see her dominate ANOTHER game; and Marcy's happy to oblige them... Until she learns it's a 3v3 game. 
Marcy isn't known for making friends in the community. She doesn't make tutorials, she hasn't done a collab for a decade, her organization has no other competitive VBV players signed because *why would they when they already signed the best*?
So the announcement passes and Marcy remains stoic about what her plans for VBU are because she doesn't have any... Until she gets an email from the eccentric owner of Calamity saying they've found some teammates for her to play with. She immediately writes back that she's not interested, and the owner responds that they aren't interested in using Marcy's contract to force her to play BUT they will be using it to at least force her to meet her potential teammates. Grumbling about lawyers, Marcy gets ready to meet the two idiots that Cal wants her to play with.
Frannie is a household name in the VTuber scene and has been for a couple years now. Of course, Anne Boonchuy isn't nearly as famous a name, even though they're one and the same. Rising to stardom in the VRenaissance, the duality of Frannie's positive attitude while playing rage inducing online games paired with her vicious temper when she did rarely get mad or, as happened more often, when someone fired the first shot at another member of her team, put her in a difficult to find and extremely popular niche.
But Anne wanted to keep her anonymity, which got harder and harder to do as she got more and more popular. She'd deleted all her oldest collabs, before she had adopted the Frannie avatar, to keep her friends (some of whom were her IRL friends rather than online ones) protected from the horde of her fanbase, the size of which frankly terrifies her, as thankful as she might be for them too.
Eventually though she thought she'd have to stop, that the struggle to keep herself hidden would become too much and she'd have to give up her fame, her face, her fun.
Until a curious benefactor made an offer she couldn't refuse; retain her anonymity, they'd take care of all that, and in return she'd work with their collection of creators. They didn't even want the money she was making beyond some extremely sensible maintenance costs; just for her to play with a pretty all-star list of creators, some of whom she hadn't even thought herself in the same realm as yet.
So began a perfect symbiosis, as far as Anne was concerned, and so it was that when her benefactor, who in five years hadn't once failed to hold up their end of the deal, asked to meet with her in person to discuss a potential opportunity, she agreed readily.
Two years. That's what the doctors said when Sasha asked them when she could play again. She'd asked them to repeat that, she must've heard them wrong. Two years. There must be something they can do?! Two years. Fractures can't be rushed if you want a return to peak performance; cheat the recovery and the bone will never be like it was again.
No Olympics, no WBA, no nothing. The sport of basketball had taken her temporary retirement from the court bleakly, but not nearly as hard as her team; or Sasha herself.
She sat in her hospital bed watching them lose matches they could've won if she'd just been there and when it came time to leave the hospital, four months into two years, she'd already decided she wouldn't blame them if nobody came to see her off. She wasn't even sure where she was going, really.
What she did not expect was a car waiting for her with the owner of the Toads in it, but that was what was there outside the hospital that day. She'd expected a polite but firm "renegotiation" of her contract; but again, what she expected wasn't what she got. 
The news her contract had been sold to someone else and for a real, albeit discounted, price apparently too, wasn't expected either. But that’s what the team owner told her, and when she asked WHY someone wanted her contract, he said they have a game for her to play. Without legs? She’s skeptical, but, well, what else is she gonna do for a year and a half, right?
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neveralarch · 1 year
You said older fics were open 👀 👀 so 1, 5, 9 for Passé please because I’m obsessed with it
(transformers fencing au, megatron & starscream, wheeljack/starscream)
Thank you for asking about passe!! I've been holding onto this until I had enough time to give it a good answer haha
(under the cut for brief references to abuse in sport)
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
The basic story behind fencing au is that I was refereeing at a fencing tournament and the person who'd been put as my roommate spent one evening telling me about everyone in fencing who had Wronged them. I'd already heard a lot of these stories from the other side, versions where this person had been causing the drama instead of receiving it. None of it was very serious and I don't know what the 'correct' version was but it just got me thinking about like... The stories we tell ourselves and the ways we justify things we've done wrong or that've been done to us.
At the same time, fencing (and Olympic sports in general) were going through a lot of discussions about how to confront abuse, and what to do with people who had been punished and returned to the sport, and I kinda just wanted to muddle through this in a fictional space with robots. This is pretty much what I do with all heavy topics nowadays.
(ughh tumblr deleted this next paragraph, WHY)
It was always my intention to finish the main story arc with a Megatron pov fic where you'd finally get that other side of the story that had been hinted at. Where you'd see that Megatron was likeable and trying to genuinely come back to this sport he loved ... But also have to confront that he really did poison it in ways that were maybe worse than you thought. It was super cathartic to write but I was a little worried about how it would be received. It's been so great over the years to see how it's resonated with people.
5: What part was hardest to write?
Fun fact, Passe was written pretty much entirely by voice memo. I drive 45 minutes each way to fencing so I used to write fic on the way back at night and then edit it as I typed it up later. This is actually great for just getting a first draft out of yourself but you also have to remember a Lot. Which is why I accidentally wrote the final bout twice. And then had to edit the versions together haha.
In general, it was really tricky to figure out how to write fencing action in a way that was accurate without being tedious or confusing to the non fencer. I also spent a LOT of time on that final confrontation with starscream, bc I wanted it to be satisfying without descending into stiff therapy roleplay. Lots of tricky parts!
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Tbh since I had the whole thing planned out early, I never really considered alternate versions. EXCEPT that before I decided it would be distracting to shove in this much detail and a little jarring to the tone, the first team Megatron fenced was supposed to be Kup and his buddies Phork and Spuun.
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theasstour · 2 years
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© 2021 - 2022 / AU / SPORTS / ON-GOING Fem!Reader x Harry     -     Total word count: 30k
As Great Britain's best hope at winning Men's 400m Hurdles at the Olympics next year in Tokyo, Japan, Harry Styles' future is looking especially bright. However, his coach has some secrets come out into the public eye that ends in Harry sacking him immediately. Now, he needs a new coach to take him to the very top. Enter Y/N. She won numerous gold medals running Women's Hurdles years ago and was at the height of her career when she was in a plane crash, causing her to live a life in utter solitude on the Somerset countryside to deal with her many losses. Now, years later, Harry's team is desperate for a good coach as the Olympics are only months away, and for some reason, when she is given the opportunity to coach Harry Styles for the Olympics, Y/N says yes. She has not been to Japan since the plane crash, and so travelling back there makes her need to face many fears, relive a lot of memories, work through more than she would like to, and it also - much to her utter dismay - makes her develop feelings for the person she should absolutely not have feelings for.
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1. November 2019. 2. December 2019. 3. January 2020. 4. SUNDAY 13 FEBRUARY 9PM GMT! 5. SUNDAY 27 FEBRUARY 9PM GMT! 6. SUNDAY 13 MARCH 9PM GMT! 7. SUNDAY 27 MARCH 9PM GMT! 8. SUNDAY 10 APRIL 9PM GMT! 9. SUNDAY 24 APRIL 9PM GMT! 10. SUNDAY 8 MAY 9PM GMT!
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That banner is temporary until I get my photoshop to work again lmao
DISCLAIMERS: 1) If you are under the age of 18, please be aware that this work is not for you. It targets adult themes, written by an adult, for adults. This is nothing against you as a person, but this story will deal with alcohol, violence, sexual content, etc, in short, themes not ideal for minors to be delving into. 2) The main character will be Japanese, meaning that parts of the fic will be heavily influenced by Japanese culture. However, I am Norwegian, so if you find yourself unsatisfied with the portrayal of the Japanese culture in this work, please do tell me! 3) This story will go into depth and explore the loss of a loved one, please take caution if this is something that might trigger you. 4) It will also deal with the memories the main character is left with after a very traumatic experience. 5) I have never tried hurdling myself, but I have watched it for a few years. If you have and know loads about the sport, please do pop by my inbox if you feel like something I’ve written isn’t right! 6) Asking me to update more often than when states above will not happen. I have a life outside of writing that – shock! – is a bit more important. Any ask or comment requesting me to update more frequently will be deleted. 7) Soz for sounding rude, just fed up with entitled twat anons.
WARNINGS: This story features explicit language, sexual content, alcohol, body image, death, and triggering topics (anxiety/depression etc.). Read at own risk if you are uncomfortable with any of those.
For any other questions regarding the storyline, characters, setting, etc, do not hesitate to drop by my askbox! Happy reading!
298 notes · View notes
Season 1 Episode 6
This episode opens with a recap of the previous episodes, and a moment that…never happened between Ian and Kash, but was included in the recap. And I looked. It’s not even in a deleted scene they gave us. Who edits this shit?? Who writes these lines?? What did Kash say to warrant this response from Ian?? 
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Ian’s Queer Education was needed way before Trevor. At least now he knows that gender is a construct.
The episode opens up to Fiona and Steve getting frisky while Debbie makes Carl breakfast. Carl was a really freaky kid. This is him burning his action figures.
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Before Steve could finish (his fault--he wasn’t focusing), the lights go out. Fiona runs out to meet Hector, telling him she forgot to pay the bill even though they have it. This is the sort of storyline that makes Shameless great. It honestly doesn’t affect any of the other storylines (Fiona’s stress about Carl, Lip’s SAT stuff, Frank’s bad guy shit, Mickey stealing from the Kash and Grab), but it adds to Fiona’s constant underlying stress to keep this family afloat at all times. And it serves as a reminder that this show at its core is about a very poor American family. Poverty in America! Never forget!
Karen informs Sheila that it’s parents’ night at school. She invites ‘Daddy Frank’, knowing Sheila probably can’t and not wanting Eddie there at all. Frank refuses.
Lip gets a visitor who doesn’t wanna pay full price for a paper--gfy Warren. Ian is emptying out the fridge so the food doesn’t spoil. Fiona is annoyed with Steve because she blames him for distracting her, making her forget to pay the bill.
Linda is back and giving Kash shit for short inventory. Some assholes show up at the Gallagher house. The kids are heading out to school. Carl hands Fiona a note and Fiona says it’s from last Friday and it’s now Wednesday. I’m assuming It’s Wednesday Dec 15th.
The assholes from earlier enter the Gallagher house looking for Frank. Luckily, the Killing Bat is right on the couch. They threaten Fiona because Frank owes them 6 grand. Who gives Frank 6 grand!
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Ian, Lip, and Karen are speaking to a potential customer. Sheila uses a VR headset to mimic leaving the house. Fiona finds Frank at the Alibi, obviously, to ask about the assholes that came by the house, and he gives her a bullshit story. She also tells him to show up for Carl’s parent night. He refuses. Is it just me, or does Frank especially suck in season 1?
Anyway, those men show up, too, and scare Frank off right after he proclaims that no one scares Frank Gallagher. Once more, Frank’s ability to hang on to his beer is astounding.
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He’s running and drinking at the same time! This should be an Olympic sport! (Heh--timely joke)
Sheila fails at the VR activity. Fiona is in line to pay the electricity bill. Steve is stealing a car. Ian, Lip, and Karen are hanging out in the bathroom smoking and discussing Lip’s rather interesting ideas about mastering the book report. Shoulda used this shit in university. Some of Lip’s previous customers come by to show their gratitude.
Fiona tries to speak to Carl’s teacher and principal. Carl made a papier-mache poop. The teacher isn’t impressed. They’re pretty rude about it. Now these are the kind of educators that should be forced to stay for Saturday detention. Assholes.
Sheila is begging Frank to go to Karen’s parent night. Frank refuses again. Those men come looking for Frank at Sheila’s. Frank escapes while they take their shoes off. They’re criminals, but they respect Sheila’s home, bless their hearts. 
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(Quick side note: we see a view of Frank’s shoes and one shoe lace is still different from episode 2. The costume consistency is amazing. If only the timeline was too.)
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We find out who’s been stealing from the Kash and Grab and it’s Mickey 😍. I did notice this thing he does. Mickey’s waiting outside the Kash and Grab to go inside. He waits until Linda leaves before he makes his entrance. He’s not there to threaten a woman, which is very Mickey.
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Mickey grabs a box of his favourite snackies, and he’s even super helpful with Kash’s inventory.
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He’s so fucking cute while stealing. And Ian is even cuter when he’s upset about Mickey stealing. This is Ian’s ‘Mickey is stealing stuff and I’m not happy about it’ face.
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We get a flashback of Terry who used to steal from the Kash and Grab. Terry is apparently in prison. Guess he doesn’t stay there long.
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I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I guess Terry and I have one thing in common and that’s our hatred of Kash. 
Anyway, Mickey all but invites Ian to come fuck him on his way out.
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Fiona gets the lights back on. Lip writes another SAT test but gets caught. Karen blackmails Frank into going to parents’ night. Linda finds out about Mickey’s stealing shit and takes Ian and Kash shooting under the L. Linda is a very good shot. Kash is not. But Ian--well.
Could you imagine if Mickey were to have witnessed this moment--
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--followed by this smirk?
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Mickey woulda cum his pants at this little display.
Lip takes a new SAT and gets every question correct. The fact that he is this brilliant makes how he ends up such a tragedy. I get seriously in my feels when it comes to Lip.
Anyway, this educator threatens Lip with bodily harm. Once more, the educators on this show need to find other jobs. Or an anger management class. He’s 16 dude.
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Fiona and Lip go to Carl’s school again. These assholes want to kick Carl out. They suggest a lobotomy. And this is one of the nicer things they say about Carl. I hate these assholes. Honestly, I know a lot of teachers, and not a single one would ever say anything like this.
Frank goes with Karen to parent night. The Home Alone robbers wanna be’s find him. Steve comes in and saves the day by sharing a joint with the principal and offering a teacher discount for more weed in exchange for keeping Carl in school.
On the way out, they run into Frank and Karen. The Gallagher kids are heartbroken that he’d show up for Karen and not them. At home, they have an intervention for Carl so that he could stop beating the crap out of all the other kids.
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Frank is an asshole and we know it. He never does a kind thing for his kids. And then there’s a scene like this one with Sheila and, he’s so kind to her, especially when it would be easy not to be, like Eddie is. Moments like this are why this show is brilliant.
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Steve makes all these promises about how he’s gonna stick around and that Fiona has to stop being so afraid. We know better.
One of Lip’s old customers whose score has been invalidated shows up at the house. He’s unhappy, but Killer Carl saves the day. This kid becomes a cop, guys. A COP.
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What a great episode! And to make things very simple for me, this whole episode takes place in one day, and I believe that day is Wednesday, December 15th. Pretty straight forward, I think.
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
BJYX 2021 Timeline : DREAMS Part I
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I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.
Hello! Here we go again. It’s that time of the year where I post a compilation of everything about XZ and WYB from 012021-062021. All things related to their career. Text and links heavy. I tried to limit the photos. If you only want CPN, you should go here instead. Enjoy! 🤍🤍🤍
If you are having problems viewing the links on the app, open my post on chrome.
January 2021
* XZ studio posts picture of NYE show.
No matter how far the future is, no matter how wide the world is, you can only live up to yourself by moving forward bravely. In 2021, good luck, happy new year!
* GG posts on his weibo a video his performance of Wild Child
* Yibo official post pics from LOF
* GG new Zhenguoli Ad
* Web new Ad with Chunzhen
* Netease adds a live version of Rules of my world as a free new year gift.
* Lenovo x Web
* CCTV drama weibo update x GG
* Web x head and shoulders
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* XZ studio update x KXZ
* Xie yun paper cutting
* Yibo official update NYE show behind the scenes
* XZ studio update banner
* XZ studio update bts of nye and dance break
* Web trending due to wang leehom comment
“Hello Leehom laoshi! I’m very honored to be able to sing Descendants of the Dragon on the New Years stage. Too happy... right now I’m so excited I don’t know what to say”
* GG for wonderful city
* Web looks
* Wusheng Wang Yibo teaser
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* GG X wonderful city snippet
* GG X KXZ sales
* GG greets happy 8th to roseonly
* Web x Lyfen
* Web interview
* GG’s spotlight tops digital song list in both QQ music and Kugou
* GG new pic with roseonly
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* Web x swarovski
* Yibo official posts
* Yibo official posts a comic
* Douyin Awards pre recording, Web wins Douyin King
* Police Day
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* Tencent white paper award. They both won but did not attend the ceremony.
Web : Star Index Annual Variety Star
GG : Star Index Singer of the Year
* Documentary, Rules of my World
* Teaser for wonderful city - GG cannot eat too spicy anymore
* Yibo official posts regarding malicious hot search
* Web is revealed to have missed his flight. Someone posted on Douyin the video of their last call to board.
* Both go on hot search Wang Yibo missed his Flight and Xiao Zhan woke up early to eat bandeng mian.
* Their studios post 1 minute apart from each other. Yibo official initially posted at a different time but deleted.
* GG’s wonderful city episode out
* GG weibo posts his shots of Chongqing and his message to the city.
* GG X Budweiser VCR
* New GG x Roseonly
* Web x Abby’s choice
* LOF last episode airs for VVIP members
* Web teaser for Evisu released
* Web new pictures for Abby’s choice
* Roseonly x GG presale for valentines day
* GG and Web on weibo hot search because Twitter topics officially opened for them
* Release of Web’s Evisu pics link two
* Evisu video shoot
* Web’s “rules of my world” single available on international platforms
* GG confirmed to attend Iqiyi scream night
Appearance links 👇🏼
* Compilation of GG appearance cuts
* XZ studio photoshoot 1
* XZ studio photoshoot 2
* XZ Studio live photos
* GG update on oasis
“New day full of energy!”
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* XZ studio douyin
* Web for Chinese Police Day broadcast - web performs longing for glory
* GG X Marvelous City special ep
* GG posts douyin videos
* Yibo official posts photos for National Police Day
* GG new zhenguoli photo x new flavor
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* Web new Ad for Lenovo
* Web new pictures for Abby’s choice
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* Vogue me - Web
* Teaser for Douyin Star night
* Photographer shared GG’s pictures
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* New roseonly Ad with GG
* Web x Bio-E
* Web douyin update
🌈 DOUYIN AWARDS ( Links 👇🏼)
* Douyin pics on Web’s performance
* Yibo official photoshoot
* Yibo official posts photoshoot video
* Yibo official photo posts
* Yibo official Douyin video of performance
* Web performs ROMW
* Web receives award
* Web receives award with ZLY
* GG red carpet
* XZ studio photoshoot
* XZ studio photoshoot video
* GG receives award
* GG and Web stats on Douyin
* GG douyin interview
* GG x Mengniu TVC
* Web x Lenovo Ad
* Web x Audi Ad
* GG x KXZ&Budweiser collab
* Mengniu Dairy new ambassador - GG with TVC
* Web x Lyfen
* GG Posts on oasis twice
link two
* Web posts his farewell message on the last episode of LOF
* GG VCR for QQ browser
* Web interview for Vogue film
* GG wins popular single of the year ( Guang dian ) at TMEA
* Web x KFC Ad
* Web x MinuteMaid
* XZ studio lunar new year giftbox
* GG wins Charming actor of the year
* Web x Chunzhen
* Yibo Lunar new year gift box
* XZ studio post adding 2 new photos on his 2020 bday shoot
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* Yibo official posts
* GG douyin update
* GG interaction with Andy Lau
* GG new video from photoshoot shared by Chen Man
* New KFC Ad x Web
* Colgate x Web
* Wang Yibo charts and debuts at #14 at Billboard
* Web x Ping An
* Web x KFC
* Web x CCTV 4 new year message
* XZ studio posts
* Yibo official posts January recap
February 2021
* Web x Swarovski
* Web x Youko VIP
* T Magazine China announce Wang Yibo as their cover with limited sale copies of 50k
* New scenes from Doulou Continent released
* GG X BTV Spring festival
* T Magazine China x Web teaser
* Web x T Magazine China Cover
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* GG x roseonly BTS
* T Magazine China x Web photos
* T Magazine China x Web full video
* Web posts on Oasis with Chanel coco crush ring and N5 perfume
* GG X roseonly new picture
* Yibo official posts clarification on rumors that the reflection in his ring is a girlfriend.
The image shared today by Mr. Wang Yibo's Oasis microblog was taken by staff at the daily workplace, and the image reflected on the ring was also taken by staff at the scene. The post in Weibo was removed because the oasis is still booked due to platform rules restrictions. You can go to the oasis to communicate and interact. I hope to respect the facts, not make mistakes or over-interpret
* Update on detained suspects on GG’s case. related to people who cause d a scene and disturbed xz studio office.
* GG x new VCR
* GG X opening screen on Tencent Video
* Web x Head and shoulders
* Web x handwashing vid with ttxs bros
* GG X Mengniu
* T Magazine China BTS video with Web
* At Midnight, Web released a new song in QQ music called “Youth comes in Time” MP3 link : https://t.co/2pEHz7OEK5?amp=1
* Web x Douyin update with interview
* Douluo Dalu premieres on Tencent and CCTV8
* GG posts on wb
“ready to wake up”
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* DC teaser for the premiere
* XZ Studio posts about release of DC
* GG on CCTV8 announcing DC premiere
* Web posts on Wb at 12:00 at the same as XZ studio
* XZ studio update
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* Web x Bravo Youngsters
* Web x Lyfen
* Web x Game for Peace
* Doulou Dalu press conference
* GG announced as Tencent Video Spokesperson
* GG posts on his weibo about Tencent sponsorship
Take a break and get ready to go! I am Tencent Video spokesperson Xiao Zhan. Spring Festival at home, ask Tencent Video for good content recommendations ~ Let me see what you have
* GG releases VCR
* Bazaar announces that Web is the March cover
* XZ studio posts DC episode guide
* XZ studio posts tangsan gifs
* GG Oasis update
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* Web Douyin Update
* Bazaar - Web cover goes on sale with 50k limited copies
* XZ studio douyin update
* Web posts on wb for youku VIP
* Web x Chunzhen
* GG releases ost song with QQ music
* GG interview with Tencent
* MV for GG’s OST song is released
* GG weibo update
“do you have time on New Year's Day? i have something to say. i have set the time and place, just waiting for you to come! at 19:30 on Feb 12 (New Year's Day), CCTV-8, 央视频, CCTV weibo 4hours live broadcast”
* Web x CCTV spring festival gala live broadcast
link two
* GG X Marvelous City - Final
* GG X Ruxi interview Part I
* GG X Roseonly NY VCR
* Web x CCTV interview for spring festival gala
* GG x Interview with tencent
* GG X ruxi interview internet lingo
* XZ studio confirms GG’s attendance at Dragon TV NY show
* XZ studio updates NY greetings with new pictures of GG
* Yibo official changed their profile picture
* Web x Yanjing Beer
* Web x CCTV Spring festival gala performance
* XZ studio updates new pictures
* GG posts on weibo
* XZ studio douyin updates
* Yibo official opens a Douyin account
* Web x KFC
* Yibo-official updates with photoshoot
* Yibo official update
* XZ studio photoshoot one 2021& Winter Olympics
* XZ studio photoshoot two x BTV
* GG X BTV video
* Yibo official NY photoshoot
* Yibo official douyin photoshoot video
* GG X Tencent
* GG interview
* Web posts a selfie on his weibo
* Web seen wearing pink shoes on his flight leaving BJ
* XZ studio photoshoot x Dragon TV
* GG X Ruxi interview
* GG photoshoot XZ Studio
* GG photoshoot XZ Studio
* XZ studio posts BTV Live pics
* XZ studio pics
* GG shares his performance on weibo
* Compilation of GG’s performances on 2/12 - BTV and Dragon TV
link two
* Compilation 2/12
* GG x to those of you who know my name BTS
* The Oath of love weibo update
* Yibo official weibo update
* GG douyin update
* Web x Winter sports ambassador
* Web x CCTV Spring festival gala BTS
* GG X ruxi interview cute moments
* XZ studio douyin update
* GG Douyin update - making marble art for Valentines Day
link two
* Web x Shu Uemura
* GG interviews Tangsan
* GG X Tencent
* Web was trending on We*bo: Singer LiHangliang's daughter feeds WangYibo a piece of candy on DDU.
* Web x Lenovo Ad
* Douluo continent Douyin
* GG X Ruxi interview
Then what are you like when you are with your friends?
I'm someone who likes to listen to other people's opinions and then comprehend what kind of opinion matches mine. Just take in many opinions.
As an actor, how do you deal with friendships?
Honestly I always have a very careful attitude towards making friends. Friends need to have mutual trust, must understand each other and must establish a feeling of safety. Only this way can be counted as friends
After becoming an actor, is it harder to find the opportunity or energy to maintain friendships?
True friendships don't need to be maintained, my old friends and I haven't seen e/o in many years but once we see each other it's still like before. This is how real friends are
Trans: @sunhuas at twitter
* GG X BTV : sings happy birthday to zhang qi
* Web greets Rossi a happy bday on his oasis at 00:13
* Web x Chunzen Douyin
* GG x Ruxi interview
* GG X BTV behind the scenes
* Yibo official post
* Web x Bravo youngsters
* GG interview
* Web x DDU douyin
* Web x Bravo Youngsters
* GG X Interview for Douluo Continent
* GG announced as Weibo King
* Douluo Continent on hot search as the final episode on Tencent VVIP is released.
* All the Douluo Continent BTS
* Web x Redmi
* Web x Shu Uemura
* Web x Redmi Ad
* GG X WeTv interview
* Web x Douyin post
* Web x Pechoin
* GG X Douluo Continent bts dancing
* Web x Bazaar BTS
* Web x Ariel
* Web x SKG
* GG weibo post, attending WB night
* Web x Redmi teaser Ad
* Web x Douyin
* Web x Shu Uemura Ad
* Douluo Continent release photos of the cast photographed by Gabrielle
* DC cast shares set photos
* Web x Safeguard teaser Ad
* Douluo Continent release photoshoot short film
* Web confirms attendance to weibo night
* Douluo continent cast bts photos
* Web x Bazaar mag short interview
210213 沙小荔× YIBO
describe what fashion in one sentence
—“it's attitude, i think as long as you like it”
whats your fav fashion item in 2020
any items that you like to collect?
—“shoes.. hats”
what style in dressing do u like?
—“comfortable! skateboard style a lil bit”
* Web x Colgate ad teaser
* Web x HFP
* Web x Redmi Ad
* Web x Safeguard
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* Lantern festival greeting from Yibo Official
* Yibo official photoshoot
* Yibo official live photos
* Web performs Youth comes in Time @ CCTV Lantern festival gala
The full show https://youtu.be/KU_0oW6UYZI
* Yibo official photoshoot video bts
* Yibo official douyin photoshoot video
* Web trending on Weibo “wang yibo baby voice rap”
* Web x Weibo night teaser - 2 days to go
* Web x Redmi 3d billboard
* XZ studio greets happy lantern festival with Tangsan
* Web x Colgate Ad
* Web x Youth comes in Time MV
* GG posts on Weibo “some things to say” as the 227 incidents comes to a full year.
* Web x DDU Douyin
* GG gets award for Guangdian
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🌈Weibo Night
* GG red Carpet
* XZ studio photoshoot
* XZ studio post of live photos
* Web Red Carpet
* Yibo official photoshoot 1
* Yibo Official photoshoot 2
* Yibo official posts live photos
* Yibo official photoshoot bts video
* Web posted on his Weibo
* GG & Yeeebooo cuts on Weibo Night
* Compilation of all photos from various BXG fansites
* Web cuts - https://t.co/Ips01pf9ZI?amp=1
* GG cuts - https://t.co/PwsDS0jfKu?amp=1
* GG & Web off stage
* Compilation of Fancams
* GG & Web together on hot search
Wang Yibo, The Little Prince of the Palace
Xiao Zhan Red Carpet
tries to hold dress train but holds loneliness instead
Hope you guys laugh at me less
* Web x DDU special episode
March 2021
* GG interview backstage with Weibo where he says he loves watching videos of cats and dogs.
* Web x Swarovski Ad
* GG x Douluo continent BTS
* GG x new year wish greeting
* GG X weibo night interview
* Yibo offical Feb recap post
* Web x Safeguard Ad
* Web x Colgate teaser Ad
* Web x Colgate Ad BTS
* DOKI Hot list for Feb 2021 1- GG and 3 - Web
* Web x Safeguard Ad
* GG x Mengniu
* Web x Swarovski
* GG x Douluo Continent BTS
* Web x Home Facial Pro photos
* GG x Kai Xiao Zao
* Web x Home facial pro douyin
* GG X Oasis post “missing you” in reference to his late grandfather.
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* Web x Redmi
* GG X BTS interview talking about bruises
* GG x winter dreams poster teaser
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* GG X Winter dreams video teasers
link two
* GG X roseonly
* GG X winter dreams teaser
* GG X announced as Molsion endorser
link two
* GG weibo post - Molsion Ad
* Molsion GG special packaging
* GG x Douluo continent BTS
* GG x Zhenguoli BTS
* XZ studio photoshoot 👇🏼
* XZ studio X Winter dreams stills 👇🏼
* XZ studio x photos during hockey game 👇🏼
* GG X BTV weibo update
* GG x performing something just like this
* GG X Weibo post
* GG X Winter Dream Full episode
* GG singing Douluo Dalu OST behind the scenes
* Douluo Dalu OST available in itunes and apple music
* Web x T magazine china new pictures
* Web x Abby’s Choice
* Yibo official post update 👇🏼
* Web posts on his weibo with new hair + eleme Ad
* Yibo official posts WILD AID behind the scenes shoot
* Web announced as mentor on Bravo Youngsters to be aired 3/12 @ 9PM
* Web x PingAn
* GG X Molsion new Ad
* Web x Bravo youngsters BTS
* Designer FengChengWang posts about GG’s clothes that he used @Molsion Ad.
* VogueMe posts about GG & Web as artists who looks good with the wet look.
* Xiao Zhan's "Made to Love" ranks at #7 on IFPI’s list of the world's best selling singles in 2020.
* GG X Roseonly
* GG x Douluo Continent BTS
* Douluo Continent reaches 4 Billion views on Tencent
* GG X new molsion Ad
link two
* Web x “中国再出发 (china sets off again)” narration
* GG X Douluo Continent BTS
* GG X Molsion is putting his advertisement in 1600+ cinemas over 160+ cities in china for the entire year.
* Web x Eleme
* Web x Stride teaser for new endorser
* Web x Pechoin
* Web x Nike ( Air Union )
* Yibo official posts photos for Bravo Youngsters https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4613969962340120
* Yibo official posts video
* Yibo official shares live photos from bravo youngsters
* Full episode Bravo Youngsters: https://youtu.be/Z1ynpPxCCEE
* Web announced as Strides’s Global ambassador 👇🏼
Ad video 1
Ad video 2
* Yibo official shares photos for the night’s ttxs episode
* Web x Redmi
* GG X CCTV teaser
* GG x CCTV news 40th birthday VCR
* Web hashtag on Douyin has reached 60 Billion views
* Douluo Continent Weibo posts farewell
* XZ studio posts farewell to Tangsan
* GG weibo update, Goodbye to Tangsan
* Yibo official posts against rumors of him dating
* GG X oasis post
* Web x Richora teaser
* Web x Richora sets for sale
* Web x Richora Ad
* Web x Richora pictures
* Web x Richora Ad BTS
* GG x Roseonly constellation series
* Web x Richora Ad
* GG x Weibo update
link two
* GG announced to participate in a stage play
* GG X nike air max
* Web x Richora Ad
* GG X Kai xiao Zao
* GG lawyer’s post and XZ group encourages to stop falsehood
* GG x Hockey pictures 👇🏼
* GG x Winter Dreams BTS
* Web x Eleme
* GG law firm releases statement
* Web x Richora advertisement report
* GG X molsion teaser for new designs👇🏼
* Web announced to star in Faith makes great.
* Web cuts ties with Nike
link two
* Web deletes all his posts related to Nike
* GG X Kai Xiao Zao
* Web x Luoyang set photos
* GG announced as Li-ning ambassador.
* GG x Li-Ning
* Web x China Unicom teaser
* Web x Faith Makes Great
* Web x China Unicom
* Web x China Unicom Ad
* GG goes on weibo hot search for news and info of his rehearsal for a dream like a dream play
* GG X Roborock Ad
link two
* GG X Yu Gu Yao announcement and first look
* GG x Yu Gu Yao opening ceremony
* Douluo Dalu reaches 5 billion views
* Xiao Zhan’s 光点/ Spotlight/ Made to Love has been released on SKorea’s music platforms MELON and FLO under the title <광점> (Gwang Jeom) 肖战 and Spotlight have earned 1st & 2nd spots on MELON search!
* GG X Budweiser ME3 Ad
* GG x Roborock Ad BTS
* Yibo official month end post
April 2021
* Yibo official April fools post
* Web x New Hair
* Yibo-official x Bravo youngsters pictures
* Yibo-official x Bravo youngsters video
* GG x Roseonly
* Yibo official team denies rumours of him being casted in the drama adaptation of The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage.
* GG weibo post condemning the sisheng incident https://mobile.twitter.com/sunsandships/status/1378861326655647746
* GG x 满汉大餐 Ad Teaser
* GG x A dream like a dream rehearsal pictures
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* GG X Man Han photo ad - opening screen on weibo
* GG x Roborock BTS
* Web x Ping An Ad
* GG x Man Han Ad
* Web x Chunzhen
* Web x new shots from Evisu Campaign
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* Web x Luoyang Tourism
* Web x Evisu new picture
* Web x Redmii
* GG X Li-ning new look via their weibo video promoting AW fashion show
* Web x KFC
* GG video in Li-Ning AW Fashion show
* Web x Evisu new shots from the campaign
* GG x OCAK teaser Ad
* GG x 蒂兰圣雪冰淇淋 teaser Ad
* Web x KFC
* GG X Official OCAK commercial
* OCAK gift box set
* Xiao Zhan Studio obtained radio and television program production and operation license from Fujian Provincial Radio and Television Bureau on April 1.
* Web x China Unicom - 300 days countdown to Beijing Olympics
* Web x Chunzhen new picture in preparation for online event and new sales on 4/12
* Web x Chunzhen Ad behind the scenes
* OCAK clarification regarding malicious customer service reps
* GG x Zhenguoli Ad teaser
* Web x Chunzhen
* Web x Redmi
* GG x 蒂兰圣雪冰淇淋 campaign photos
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* GG x 蒂兰圣雪冰淇淋 full Ad commercial
* GG x New zhenguoli Ad commercial
* Yibo official post
* Deluxe ice cream first day sales
* top international songs spotlight and wugan
* GG x Ocak poster
* GG x Man Han noodles poster
* GG x Deluxe ice cream new photo
* GG comments on Na Ying’s post for support
* Web x Teaser for faith makes great
* GG x Zhenguoli new poster
* Web x Ariel
* GG teaser poster for A dream like a Dream play as Patient number 5
* GG X Li ning posters
* GG x Zhenguoli Ad behind the scenes
* Web posts on his weibo for Chanel
* GG posts on oasis as he rehearses for the play in Wuhan
* Web x G shock teaser
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* GG x Roborock Ad behind the scenes
* Web x Ariel commercial
* Web x Bio- e
* Web x DDU photos
* Web poster for G shock watch
* Web x Shu Uemura Ad photo
* Web x Stride commercial
* Web officially announced as G shock’s new endorser
* GG recommending Chongqing noodles
* Web x Photos for Chanel
* GG x deluxe ice cream commercial
* Web x Shu uemura commercial
* Web x Teaser for new endorsement Bank of Communications CC
* GG x VCR in support
* Web x KFC Ad poster
* Web x Bank of communications commercial
* XZ Studio shares photos from A Dream like A Dream rehearsal
* Web x Bank of communications Ad posters
* Web x Bank of communications full commercial
* Web x Oishi Ad posters
* Yibo official post
* Web x Pechoin Ad Picture
* GG x Roseonly Ad Picture
* Web x Faith makes great new trailer snippet
* GG posts on Oasis
Tumblr media
* Web x Minute Maid Ad Video
* GG x Man Han Feast noodles Ad Picture
* GG x Molsion new design Pictures
* Web x Youku VIP Ad Pictures
* Web x Safeguard Ad Video
* Announcement of the thanksgiving live broadcast for GG’s A dream like A Dream
* GG x Roborock Ad picture
* Web x Day Day up pictures
* GG’s A Dream like A Dream stage play Debut ( Links )
Rehearsal photos
XZ studio posts photos
Theatre program write up
Flowers given for GG                                        
GG focus video
Fake kiss scene
A look at the set
GG taking a bow video
GG saying thank you to healthcare workers
Photos from 一肖如梦丨midnightdream :https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4628927849693735
Photos from 朱砂痣·肖战 https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4628926565717076
29 minutes cut from the live broadcast
Links to repos
Master post
* Web x Redmi Ad Picture
* GG posts on his weibo RE: A dream like A dream
* Web x Safeguard Ad Video
* Web x Safeguard Ad video behind the scenes
* Web x G-shock Ad picture
* Web x G-shock Ad video
* Web x Redmi Ad photo
* GG ‘a dream like a dream’ photos shared by Tino
* Web x Eleme Ad picture
* XZ studio posts regarding stopping of sending flowers
* CONGRATULATIONS TO WANG YIBO for winning best selling digital single of the year in Netease Cloud Music Award 2019-2020 - Rules of My World.
* Web x Ariel Ad video
* GG x oasis update
* Official photos of GG behind the scenes of a dream like a dream
* Bank of Communications’ offline Ads for their campaign with Wang Yibo.
* Article On GG’s play
* Web x Faith makes great
* Web x Pictures for DDU link two
* Web x Redmi Ad picture
* XZ studio posts photos from ‘ a dream like a dream’
* Yibo official posts
* Web x Redmi Ad picture
* Web x Minute maid Ad picture
* Web x HFP Ad video
* Web x Colgate Ad teaser video
* Web x Unicharm Ad GIF
* New photos of GG BTS ADLAD
* Web x Redmi Ad Picture
* Aiman brand endorsements index
* Web x Yanjing beer Ad VCR
* Web x Anta Ad picture
* Web x SKG Ad picture
* Web x Anta Ad picture
* Web x Aux Ad Picture
* Web x Colgate Ad video
* GG x Roseonly Ad Picture
* GG comments on a post about Stefanie Sun
* New OOL poster
* New OOL Trailer
* New BAH trailer
* Gshock 3rd Ad for Web
* Xiao Zhan - Blog World Magazine cover for their special report on A Dream like A Dream
* WYB Gshock Ad video and picture link two
* Web x Minute Maid Ad picture
* WYB x Anta new spokesperson campaign photo and video
* WYB x Anta offline Ads
* XZ public welfare message of safety for Labor Day
* WYB new endorser for AUX Ad video and photos
link two
* WYB for new KFC Coffee online store Ad picture
* XZ Updates douyin with a funny video
* XZ studio posts a vlog of boss eating food from Wuhan
* WYB Shu Uemura video Ad
* XZ for Roseonly Ad Pic - announcement of live show on May 7
* WYB KFC Coffee Ad photos
* WYB Vogue interview
  ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶ Go to May-June here! Tumblr won’t let me  save cause post is  too long.  
121 notes · View notes
mustrreadalaska · 2 years
100 Things Will Smith Could've slapped instead of Chris Rock
Will Smith slapped for love so I’m slapping this ever older topic with my long E.T fingers. Should you slap someone? No, probably not. I wouldn’t recommend it. Often slapping someone tends to make things worse but that being said lets pretend what else he could’ve slapped if it was limitless.
The Editorial Board of (any news organization)
Hillary Clintons need to be heard
Whoever said Pelosi should write a poem
Donald Trumps Ass
The KKK and the fashion director
people at the gym who sit on their phone not using the machine
Josh Hawley as he put his fist up on January 6th
Milo Yiannopoulos to make him gay again
Dick Cheney
Elden Lord Bosses I can’t beat (all of them)
George RR Martin so he will write faster
The Lich King
Elon Musk’s Bank account so we can all pick up the money off the ground like peasants
The primordial earth 
All the dinosaurs
Ted Bundy 
Anyone who wrote a letter to Ted Bundy
Racism formed into an evil god
Richard B. Spencer after he was already punched
Jesus but the slap brings him back to life
The concept of war
Journalists who want nuclear war
Glenn Greenwald every time he says the word Russia
Tucker Carlsons home windows so he has to spend hours cleaning
Maxine Waters for shoving and murdering Michael Tracey
The world of Harry Potter
Disneyland Prices
The homophobia out of Dave Bronson of Anchorage Alaska
The gay need to take a selfie
Kanye West each time he complains about Kim
Remixed music that only adds clapping
Pregnancy pictures 
Kathy Griffin so she has another story to share
The American forefathers 
Chris Rock again
The Rock and Vin Diesel well they fight
The Shark from Jaws
The beat for any song
Chris Rocks shadow self
Lactose Intolerance
The Poor
The Rich
Willow Smiths hand because her music career is fantastic
The walls of a house where the Ghost Adventures bros are walking around being scared
Another comedian with a bad joke
The ninth cup of coffee out of someone's hand
Naraku’s decapitated head after he tries to flee in battle
Alex Jones really thick neck
Tim Pool’s beanie
Captain America’s Ass
Chris Evans Ass
The Marvel Universe to end it all
Gwyneth Paltrow vagina candle
Adam Carolla for every bad joke
Julius Caesar after he was stabbed
Someone in need of cpr 
Independence day alien ship
Abusive League of Legend players
Britney Spears Dad
Cher after she says do you believe in life after love
someone who won’t wake up after their alarm goes off
The Terminator 
Jay Z for thinking even for a second he should cheat on Beyoncé
U2 for putting an album on everyone's phone
Nicki Minaj cousin in Trinidad to help his balls
Lorne Michaels for every bad snl sketch which is most of them
Corporations that advocate for the gays and then donate to people who would alt delete them
Secretly gay republicans who use glory holes
The opponent in the new Olympic slapping sport
Marsha Blackburn’s hair
Devimon in digimon for each pun made
people who steal memes
NFT People
Scammers of NFT
People who ignore the scamming of NFT
NFT celebrities  
Anyone who says they are “just asking questions” as they push conspiracy theories and not actually try to answer the question
The chess game you’re losing
Martha who is being racist to the waiter after church
The governments incredibly slow process of getting anything done
Santa for giving you coal every Christmas 
The Gym crush for not crushing you
Will Smith
8 notes · View notes
brockachu · 2 years
What's your header qoute from?
oh anon, thank you for asking!! it’s a clip of my all-time fav hockey quote!!
“Hockey captures the essence of Canadian experience in the new world. In a land so inescapably and inhospitably cold, hockey is the chance of life, and an affirmation that despite the deathly chill of winter we are alive.” Stephen Leacock (Canadian non-fiction writer, humorist, & educator from the mid-1900s)
i love the idea of hockey as a sign of survival and persistence. (for a couple years before watching nhl, i would watch international competition [olympics & worlds] + college hockey bc it was the major sport at my undergrad) but what got me hooked into the nhl in particular was when the canucks (headed by kevin bieksa) started doing mental health advocacy, bc i’ve lived with various mental illnesses/neurodivergencies since i was a pre-teen. (link to a post i’ve made about bieksa’s mental health advocacy in particular)
i made this x-stitch inspired by/incorporating the quote a couple years back
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which is hanging up in my living room (i made a big ol gallery wall with my own art/crafts + art gifted to me/made for me)
and i think i’d like to get the floral antlers tattooed one day on my lower back or navel area too, bc it really means that much to me. (i’d do it over my shoulders/shoulder blades but the central part of my upper back is already eaten up by a canucks & habs tattoo + i have plans for draping over my shoulders into my upper biceps)
i also could have sworn i had an old inspirational hockey video saved that included the quote in it but i cannot find it in my youtube favs (it’s possibly been deleted bc it would be like a decade old now). i might find it through digging back in this blog or my main from before i switched all hockey here. if i do, i’ll be sure to share it. the quality of the video/its contents may not hold up but it’s where i first heard the quote so it deserves credit.
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atozfic · 3 years
*inhales* I just wrote a 2k word rant about gender roles and sexuality (I have a lot of insight into this since I studied sociology and Feminism is a key theory) but all it did was make me spiral about how stupid gener roles are and how annoying it is to have a stereotype labelled to you simply because you are the way you are and choose to express yourself as such by people who are heavily influenced by the media and out-dated opinions.
So I deleted it since there really is no point in me saying what's already been said (unless ya wanna have like a deep talk about how society's norms and values stem from the traditional expressive (home-maker) and instrumental (bread-winner) roles, affecting every institution such as families & households, media, education, crime and deviance, and research methods, which means that unfortunately misogyny will probably never die since it's basically inforced systematically).
So what I basically want to say, is that it's nice to see you have similar views as me; that you don't really care about what anyone does unless they violate human rights (which by extension, I also include animal and environmental rights too, but maybe that's just me). It's really annoying when people can't be that open-minded and unfortunately I've met too many people who are like that. /g
Don't you just get a headache when a misogynistic asshat opens their mouth? 😔😔 /hj
(not-so-fun fact, Frederick Engels' parents sent him to industrial-era Manchester, England, to 'get rid of his radical views', which only led him to meet Karl Marx, cohabite with a woman never married for the 20 years they were together since they didn't like the institution of marriage who supported his ideas, and co-write the Communist Manifesto)
(I have so many dumb facts, I'm like a useless jar of weird knowledge)
P.S. if anyone ever wants to ask/talk about any theories/theorists, you can hit me up, I gotta do somethin' with this sociology qualification.
whenever i say something like "involving anyone who can't consent" or "harms anyone" i'm including animals and environments because they can't really give consent (ik they're not "anyone" but shh, it's an umbrella term).
oh trust me, dealing with misogynists who open their mouth is basically an olympic sport at this point.
9 notes · View notes
CatCF Dark Chocolate: Part 1, the Kids
About this version:
This retelling was mostly inspired by the original book, as well as Dahl's first drafts for it. I wanted a more old-fashioned feeling to it: in this setting television is still only present in rich and upper-class houses, the regular people using newspaper and radios to get information. Imagine a mix of 40s and 50s with some touches of 60s thrown in.
You have here 8 Golden Tickets.
  First winner: Augustus Pottle
(Based on Augustus Gloop )
Augustus Pottle is an enormously fat boy, with a head like a ball of dough and a body like a blimp. He bears an uncanny ressemblance to a pig: he has a pink and greasy skin, numerous folds of flesh and chins bulging out of his neck, small greedy eyes, and an upturned and always sniffing nose looking like a snout. All the outfits he wears are always much too tight for him or about to pop (and it doesn't help that he literaly gains weight the minute he eats something). He has two outfits during the story (inspired by the two outfits Quentin Blake drew for him): during his interview he wears a green jacket, brown pants and a turquoise shirt ; and during the tour he wears beige pants, a blue jacket and a white shirt with pink spots. Of course he can never wear his jackets and his shirts are always about to rip.
Eating is not just Augustus hobby and obsession - it is also his career. Augustus is considered a "champion" because he kept winning eating contests: the biggest eater, the fastest eater, the fattest eater... It all comes down to his mother, a thick lady wearing a lot of shiny but ugly jewelery. Mrs. Gloop always tried to find fame and attention, but when her attempts to find it at radio failed, she reported all her dreams on his son: he had inherited from his tall and bearded father a large and stout body. People were amazed at how big and gluttonous the boy was, and Mrs. Gloop thought it was an excellent way to get attention and fame. So she bred him to become the fattest and most gluttonous boy alive, so that everyone would look at him (and at her). It goes so far that Augustus is used to sleep in the dining room - being so full after meals he can't even pass the door to get up to his bedroom.
The excess of greasy and sugary food made his brain fat too, clogging it with blubber, and resulting in him being quite simple-minded. He only now has two thoughts in his brain. The first is "eat, eat, eat", he is a true glutton obsessed with eating and devouring. The second is "I'm a champion, I'm the best, I need to beat everyone else", he sees others as rivals and life as a contest, and his own fatness and gluttony is for him a sign of dominance over other people.
Second winner: Elvira Salt
(Based on Veruca Salt)
I wanted here to get away from the angry, screaming, demanding Veruca Salt, so I create this character.
Just like Veruca, Elvira is a spoiled and filfthy rich girl who thinks she can get everything she wants with money or by asking. But she is not an angry, screaming, bratty child. She rather believes it is natural and normal for her to have everything, or for money to solve every problem. She seems detached from the world. She doesn't think or believe one would say "No" to her, and basically considers the entire world to be a shop with people at her service, or a field from which she can pick flowers without a care.
She looks like a glamorous movie star of old, like Marilyn Monroe, always wearing elegant silk dresses and gloves and wearing fur coats (with furs of lovely and cute animals like guinea pigs, mink, chinchilla or rabbits). In fact, Elvira enjoys only things that are cute, pleasant or elegant. For example give her the biggest pearl in the world - if said pearl is actually ugly she will throw it out without a care. She is a girl that bathes in milk and honey, that has for a snack expensive truffes, foie gras, chocolate and champaign, that doesn't walk but get carried around, and that considers it normal for a young girl to receive as gifts emeralds, rubies, diamonds and other precious jewels. To put it shortly, she lives an extravagant and excentric life.  Always smiling, always happy, always content, she basically lives in a world of luxury where misery, poverty or lack of money does not exist, and as a result actually forgets that other people around hers have needs and desires too. She thinks she is the princess of some sort of fairytales, and the others are just background characters here to serve her story.
For the tour, she wears a candy-pink velvet dress and a "fur" made of clubbed baby seals. As her father... well fun fact, Elvira sepnds so much money her father actually looks like a beggar or a homeless man, because he has no money left for himself - but a beggar with plump and thick wallets in his pockets.
  Third winner: Violet Beauregard
(Based on Violet Beauregarde)
The Beauregard parents (who look so similar to each other it is difficult to say who is the father and who is the mother) are competition freaks. They are obsessed with their children being the best, breaking records, being a champion, earning trophies.
However, for their misery, they got Violet. Violet isn't good at sports, neither at school. She doesn't have any talent for anything. She doesn't have any interest or dreams. She is a plain, dull girl wearing plain and dull clothes, with dim eyes and a big mop of hair of an undetermined color. The only thing that stands out is her great, thick, muscular jaw - because her parents, desperate that they were, found a way for her to be a champion. Chewing gum. She spends her time chewing gum, so that would be her talent, isn't it? Her parents worked hard to make chewing a sportive and intellectual talent, making her break unexisting records of gum-chewing, organizing uninteresting chewing contests... They now think that their little girl deserves to be with Olympic champions just for chewing-gum, forgetting how useless and stupid this is.
They also extended her "abilities" to chewing other kind of foods and candies, including chewing chocolate bars: and here she found the Golden Ticket, which was a dream come true for the Beauregard parents, a perfect mediatic exposure! Fun fact: Violet chewed a bit of her Golden Ticket.
   Fourth winner(s): Wilbur Rice and Tommy Troutbeck
(Based on Wilbur Rice and Tommy Troutbeck)
I wanted to reuse the characters from the deleted "Fudge Mountain" chapter of the book. A lot of this characterization is my own invention: I based myself on the few personnality clues found in the chapter, and for their appearance I used Quentin Blake's illustrations.
Tommy and Wilbur are best friends in the world. They are neighbors, they go to school together, they always share everything (even though they may fight for it first) - this is why when they discovered the fourth Golden Ticket they shared it. However their friendship is filled with a strange sort of disdain, and they really bond over their main hobby: pranking people. They like to do pranks and jokes and to have a good laugh. Unfortunately for everyone else, they are devilish little brats and cruel children, whose definition of a good laugh involves making believe someone's house was robbed, putting someone's dress on fire or pretending their little brother is dead. The worst is hurts or distress people, the better it will be for them. Causing black outs, using dangerous chemical products, hurting their own parents, it is all just a good fun.
The Rice family are the definition of bourgeois and nouveau riche, small shop owners who became extremely wealthy thanks to their trade. As a result they are boasting their money and spending a lot of it: their small house became bloated with numerous architectural additions that don't fit with each other, and they collect cars, having so much they can't even drive them all. Mr. Rice is a tall and very thin man always dressed in expensive but ugly suits and with a thick mustache looking like a caterpillar, while Wilbur is a small dark-haired boy with a round face and a round belly, chubby and flabby. Wilbur is an arrogant, haughty, snobbish boy that is friend with Tommy only because he thinks of him as a sort of "pet" - he is so arrogant that he also disdains his own parents, but Mr. Rice merely thinks Wilbur is being a "good lad", an "energetic boy" or a "little man" and is quite proud of this unruliness.
The Troutbeck family is the opposite of the Rice. They used to be nobility, living in a great manor, but they fell on hard times. Their nobility title not worth anything, money flying by, their family fell into poverty. They still live in their manor, but it is now run-down, dirty and unkept. Mrs. Troutbeck is an obese woman always wearing faded pajamas or worn-out jumpsuits and a thick layer of makeup, and Tommy is a tall and thin boy, skinny, with an angular face covered in moles, beauty marks and freckles. He has spiky strawberry blond hair and always wears tattered ans stained clothes. The Rice parents are hoarding misers, skinflints who refuse to spend and disdain the "show-off" Rice (the same way the Rice disdain the poor and "low" Troutbeck), in fact they only had a kid so he could later work and make money for them, and they encourage him to steal rather than buy things. Tommy is also a rude, violent boy, known to punch and insult all those that displease him - something he inherited from his parents, that also raised him with insults and slaps on the head (no wonder he doesn't have any respect for them).
The two kids have another element cementing their friendship: their love for candies. Wilbur spends his time buying candies to stuff his belly, and Tommy keeps stealing candies from other children, messily devouring them. And it is during one of their sugary feasts that they found the Golden Ticket.
For the tour, Wilbur is wearing a light blue jacket with a red bow tie, and Tommy a navy-blue turtleneck.
   Fifth winner:Michael Themmen-Vry
(Based on Mike Teavee)
This name was a suggestion of ArtMakerProductions, who said I could invent a name whihc would have "T-V" initials. So I created Themmen-Vry, a name based on the names of the two actors who played Mike Teavee.
The Themmen-Vry family is exceedingly rich, grossly rich. But the Themmen-Vry parents are quite pleasant people: the father friendly and affable despite looking like a pigmy hippo, and the mother being an excellent hostess despite not being very bright and quite young. However their sson... it's a different story.
Michael is the oldest of the winners, being near the end of the his teenage years and almost a man. But he stayed stuck to the mental age of a child. Michael adores television, he has several elevision sets in every room of his manor to never miss his favorite shows. And Michael always liked to play, to disguise himself as his heroes. Couple that with very wealthy and very permissive parents, and you get this brat. Michael always plays at some game when he isn't watching television. He has an impressive array of costumes and toys to play with, and when he plays, he truly plays. He forces everyone to get into his roleplay and refer to him by his fictional identities. He forces other people into playing with him - he even kidnaps children from the nearby school to play with him. And he also wants realism to go so far... well let's say he won't be afraid to use a real gun to play a hunter. His parents are so permissive, seeing this as merely "harmless childish fun", that they allowed their manor to be burned down only because Michael wanted to play a firefighter.
No need to also mention you that Michael is a self-centered and disdainful brat that is always the hero of his stories and that uses "playing" as an excuse to bully and insult other people by having them be villains, monsters or preys. Basically he is the ultimate worst RPG player you can think of.
Tall and thin, Michael has long  and thick hair covering his ears and forehead like a helmet, and a face covered in acne. As for his outfits, they change all the time: one time he is dressed as a mad hunter, another time he is a monster-killing alien-king, another time he is a ninja-cowboy from the Far West, and that's when he is not a policeman-Robin Hood.
His outfit for the tour is a vividly colored cosmonaut outfit, and he is armed with a ray gun. Actually a laser gun using real, harmful lasers. He is also one of the few kids allowed to come to th tour without his parents, due to him being old enough.
     Sixth winner: Marvin Prune
(Based on Marvin Prune)
In the original drafts of Roald Dahl, Marvin Prune was a conceited school-obsessed boy that embodied the "all work and no play" mentality, disdaining all childish fun and freedom and rather dedicating himself to harsh studies and strict intellect. I decided to reuse this concept for a new interpretation:
Marvin Prune and his parents (his father, a man with a face like a boiled onio, and his mother, a woman who looks a lot like a donkey) are extremely arrogant and conceited so-called intellectuals. Marvin Prune thinks of himself as superior to everyone else and more intelligent than others because he read a lot of books, learned a lot of things and is an excellent school student. As a result, he thinks that he has all the rights to disdain others, insult them, treat them as complete idiots. But the thing is that Marvin actually has a very poor knowledge of the world and his "intellect" is up to discussion. He has numerous facts wrong - for exemple he thinks sugar comes naturally as a white powder and can't exist under any other forms, or he believes all the ancient Greek artworks were entirely white and that Greeks never used colors. If he gets so many of his facts wrong, it is because he believes simply learning about something is enough to be an expert - for exemple he claims to know all about foreign countries because he read about them in books, but he actually never visited them or met people from said countries.
This arrogance and this quest for "intellectuality" leads the Prunes to worship all that is "antique" "ancient" or "proper" - which results in them only collecting ancient furnitures, putting dust and cobwebs in their house to make it look more ancient, and Marvin wearing outdated outfits, like puff ties or jabots. He also likes to wear glasses, though he doesn't need them - he just thinks wearing glasses makes him look more intelligent. With narrow shoulders and chocolate-colored curls, the most defining trait of Marvin is his nose, which is really big, really long, really pointy and sharp, compared to a shark's fin. He always uses the royal plural "we" instead of "I" because he believes himself to be the most intelligent boy of the country or perhaps the world, and this bloated ego of him actually leads to a darker side of his personnality: he disdains all that is considered childish and worthless, up to the point of destruction. For exemple, he only reads encyclopedia, scientific books and teaching manuals. As for the rest - children book, novels, comic books... he deems them irrelevant and stupid and so wishes to burn all of them. Yep, we have a little book burner here.
Marvin only searched for a Golden Ticket because he wished to learn more about the Wonka Factory and know all of its secrets, as well as to be able to "correct" Wonka - because he is that kind of kid that considers everybody else is doing things wrong, and that he knows how to fix mistakes and improve everything. And he pretends that to find his Golden Ticket he used a lot of calculations, planning and studies, comparing the weather, selling patterns, geography, trafic levels... but in truth he actually got it by pure luck.
   Seventh winner: Bertie Upside
(Based on Bertie Upside)
Bertie Upside actually surprises everyone because he isn't a brat like the other kids. He is a wealthy and rich orphan, but he is kind, healthy, gentle, generous, cute, humble, decent giving money to charity and being very respectful and wise. He sees the best in people, and during the tour he prevents the other kids from breaking the rules or bullying Charlie, deeming him a true "bore". He is basically the perfect kid, that is repeatedly said to have a "heart of gold".
For his physical appearance I based him on Quentin Blake's illustration of Charlie: tall and thin, blond with blue eyes. He always has clothes that match his hair and eyes: light blue jacket and yellow tie for his interview, and golden jacket with light blue shirt for the tour.
   Eighth winner: Charlie Bucket
(Based on Charlie Bucket)
This Charlie I based on the original drafts of Roald Dahl, which depicted Charlie as black.
As usual Charlie is a small malnourished boy, all skins and bones, living with his poor family in a shabby and run-down house. His father is a newspaper deliveryman, which is how the Bucket family has a newspaper every morning, and his mother works at a toothpaste factory (like in the 2005 movie). Their job doesn't bring much money, but it is enough to survive. As for the Grandparents you have Grandpa Georges (got his leg cut off after the war, and is always criticizing, insulting and being revolted by the other Golden Ticket winners), Grandma Georgina (can't walk due to the family being too poor to have her hip and knee fixed, she quells and calms her husband's wrath and fury), Grandma Josephine (has a weak heart and can't do a lot of physical activities, but has a wild an insane past, resulting in her often telling stories not suited for kids) and Grandpa Joe (bad arthritis, usually tempers or censors his wife's stories).
Charlie tries to help his family: he makes a bit of money by collecting glass bottles and metallic scraps. As for the food the Bucket family survives with, I wanted to include elements of the "soul food": as a result the daily diet of the Buckets is black-eyed peas, turnips and sweet potatoes. When they have enough money they buy a pork feet or a chicken liver to add meat to their diet, but it is quite rare. Charlie is a little angel of a kid, ever complaining, working hard at school and always sharing what he has with his family.
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lastparty · 3 years
essay about soccer nobody is in any way obliged to read this i can't believe i typed it all out but since i did i am going to post i might delete it later if i get embarrassed.
anyway i also think it's interesting that people are still fully behind the matildas and frustrated about that disallowed goal but still supportive of what they have achieved ... not gonna lie there was a lot of hype after the win against gb which is as they deserve and i think they will emerge from this tournament with a lot of people globally having a lot more admiration for them but yesterday they weren't playing as well so i was maybe too anxious but definitely worried people would stop caring which does not seem to have happened(?) and they already have done so well i think the tillies are a team that thrive on energy and self-belief which is also why i think that disallowed goal messed with them just a bit obviously that's just what i see and think as an outsider but yeah. also thinking about sam kerr kelley o'hara podcast which is weirdly like comfort listening now where kelley asks if sam thinks the matildas are gonna have to have a shift in mentality from always being the underdog to realising acutally we're really fucking good. i think that will come after this but i think what they have now is what has carried them through like it is sheer wanting.
anyway it's like on the other hand the uswnt is a team everyone usually expects to win and they just haven't, this is interesting and like. they have not played their best individually and as a team. it is obvious and pinoe said it herself but for some bonkers reason i spent time scrolling woso stan twt (as well as like other slightly more rational takes including the athletic's podcast which was produced with a stunningly fast turnaround) instead of sleeping and so many people saying they didn't deserve to advance and picking apart the roster and individual players, calling for retirements, etc etc. all of which are probably very valid things to say but yeah the contrast is just interesting to me and idk a little bit sad. probably valid but still sad! let them take that time to reflect! and the team gets so much vitriol already. also this is a problem i keep seeing but the emphases on winning is bad it's not good. also think my weird empathy issues means i am fixating on this just a bit lol but it is that i like it when women win and i hate it when they lose. also and this is important i want more for the Black women on this team and i see people try to speak up about the racism from other players (refusing to kneel with teammates in solidarity is very very telling) and their federation and i hope the players themselves can come forward and speak about it if not right now than in a few months and that changes can happen. and yes their coach seems to be awful. but ya sad to see and sad to think about so obviously i am doing it.
anyway again the group round match was absolutely painful to watch i didnt finish watching bc i was like ya i'm not doing this and this time they have to play until someone wins but i just want everyone to turn around and enjoy being at the olympics playing a sport that they love. it might not happen but it is what i would like to see and what they all deserve!!! i wonder the extent to which not having crowds contributes to this, obviously covid is something everyone has dealt with though i think matildas getting a new coach who had to coach some of them on zoom for four and five months is particularly bonkers when i heard that i was like what da hell. anyway yes like i just want to see a good game, i think the match against gb was a great game not just bc we won but because of the energy. so yeah lhoping so hard for a game everyone can be happy with.
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reavenedges-lies · 3 years
In light of the miscommunication of my earlier post(This Post,This Ask) regarding the NHL and it’s teams lack of regard to the league wide issue of drug addiction amongst players.
No, I didn’t have that post edited or read over before I posted it as a rant/opinion piece.
No, I didn’t mean to imply in the slightest that Carey Price went into the NHLPA Assistance Program for substance abuse or addiction. I do however understand that my lack of post structure can lead to that conclusion.
No, I wasn’t trying to make a hot button post that would gain this much traction and honestly it was either going to get deleted by morning or edited to be more clear in tone and message.
Yes, I stand by my original title statement of “ I really need the NHL and it’s teams to own up to the league wide issue of drug addiction amongst players.” however it’s also not as narrow a statement as I used. In reality I want/need the NHL to make drastic changes to its systems in order to allow players more protections from the league, other players and the stresses(both mental and physical) of being a professional athlete in a fast paced contact sport.
Yes, I stand by this quote “I’m horrified to see even a little into this problem, and I really don’t want to see farther into the problem however that isn’t an option anymore.” I really don’t think as fans we will be able to look past or through this issue anymore. After the 2015 Mike Richards contract settlement with the Kings over drug related happenings,and the current Jack Eichel injury I genuinely do not think the league will be able to cover up much more to due with Players having negative interactions with medical staff, treatments, or drugs. Also with the Olympics coming up we will be hearing of IIHF drug testing. Per Rule 14.3 Of the 2021 IIHF Doping Control Regulations PDF “Public Disclosures: The IIHF shall only make Public Disclosures regarding a Player or other Person who is asserted by the IIHF to have committed an anti-doping rule violation after the Player or other Person has been duly notified by the IIHF. The IIHF shall make Public Disclosure of final IIHF disciplinary decisions in accordance with Article 14.3 of the WADA Code.” We do have instances of NHL players testing positive for controlled substances within the last five(5) years, notably Evgeni Kuznetsov whose suspension lasts until June 12th, 2023.
Finally, “These players are people. We and the league need to start treating them as such and stop treating them only as assets in the game.” Is the most important statement in the original post.
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Hey!! 👋🏽😄 I know you said in your last rant about SK8 and Reki and Renga that you were one of those people that always looks up and learns from others, but after your last Langa edit, I just wanted to remind you how immensely talented you are. I might have not seen your first attempts at editing, but I know how it looks like when you're barely starting something, and I'm sure everyone is proud of the progress you've made and many people looks up to you as the level of skill they want to achieve. You're doing amazing! 💖💖💖
Hi, my love!!!!!! ASDFSDFGHG that’s soooo sweet, thank you so much for saying this, it really means the world to me <3 Oh, haha I’ve deleted most of my old videos so it wouldn’t hurt anyone’s eyes lmao T_T I’m still a bit nervous each time I’m uploading my vids to the day to be honest, even with so many subs rn, but at first I really didn’t have any supporters at all and my god I sucked at this, but I guess the love for my fav ships was stronger apparently haha. So I always get silly happy at each nice comment and feedback, so thank you seriously. 
I really love love love vidding, Idk why but when smth comes out the way I wanted it’s a super addictive feeling for some reason, but many times I just looked at the final result and just threw it in the trash and started over and my god how many times SonyVegas crushed and didn’t autosave the project. I’m like Suga now, I’m pressing the save button each 2 minutes, cause don’t want to lose anything xD Being someone’s inspiration is truly an honor to me, I’ve got some messages that hit me too hard. Still feels weird bc I’m like “but do you know that I can’t even use photoshop tho, how do u like me now then?” lol.
I’m always drawn to talented characters, bc they amaze me, esp the humble ones. Like those who hate Haru or Lanaga just buffle me honestly. I understand that they’re pretty and talented and everything, but they’re also the sweetest and loveliest human beings, so like...??? And I adore those who don’t whine and get what they want. I just can’t help it. I’m a strong believer in the fact that "you can do anything if you put your mind to it”. So far it worked in real life so suck it lol.
People are also saying like Langa doesn’t deserve to win this and Haru doesn’t deserve to be in Olympics, like Langa didn’t snowboard since he was 2 and Haru wasn’t swimming every day since he was born. I’m like.. and you need to check in the mirror if your face is a shade of green. BTW I’ve also been in a professional sports for quite a long time since I was a little kid, ballroom dancing and adored it back then, and I did not get jealous at ppl who were talented than me, I was watching the tapes actually with a popcorn. And oh god those large competition events when you sit there for days and give it all, but then you’re like 296 out of 1000. Why was I proud instead of being sad? Idk xD It was fun.
So thanks for liking the vid, cause I even regretted uploading it a bit yesterday. Sadly everyone already knows that we lost this fandom to the middle schoolers being extra, so they do not care for anything each episode except for this ship, so that’s what I got for posting a just Langa vid:
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And etc. and that just made me sad, cause I do not like such fandoms, like it’s not even related to the video, that I’ve been making... with love.  Also thanks for the "sama” title, I’m flattered, but editor only wants to vid matchablossom for now, so like there’s no need for any warnings. I’ve been in such horrendoes fandoms, that I’m immune to this. I also in fact didn’t know some keep ruining Langa’s page and saying that he steals Reki’s screen time... cause he’s aparently the only main character...? ...lmao? I didn’t even know Langa can be hated tbh. I wasn’t really ready for all the drama that followed me making a vid about him.
I’ve already deleted some comments, cause I’m like what this even has to do with the vid about Langa? No, I am not obliged to make a vid about Reki, too. What if I post a matchablossom vid, everyone will only start commenting “do renga”, cause fuck your efforts? I’m like... I hate such fanbases, seriously. I do not even know where this is going, but their fans are already pissing me off. I’m still trying hard for this to not affect my point of view about the ship, cause it’d be kinda unfair to them, but its getting harder each week istg.
And I maybe can’t take requests, but I love when some try to get me addicted on their ship with passion and great arguments. It happened to me with some nice ppl. But def not with agression and stupidity haha.
Cause apparently its one of the fandoms where you can’t NOT care for the main ship, even if you accept it for the only possible Langa ship (cause he doesn’t give a shit for anyone else, so like what’s the point), but it doesn’t do anything for you. I’m like... thanks for threatening. This will make me on board ASAP. Like it’s not the epitomy of love to me... I’m sorry? LMAO 
Some anon even sent me a “you’re dense” (literally thats it) ask after that Reki ask. I was tempted to write smth like “oh I’m sorry, this is the most epic love story of my life and his character is the most complex in the world and he’s the best friend and the most inspiring human being that ever hit my screen. can I become undense now? xD”. But you know I do not know if they’d realise the sarcasm and my pride sadly never allowed me to sell my life values for a bunch of 12 years olds to love me lol
My sister always laughs and jokingly says “but you’d probably get much more subs if you made a vid about this or that, but at what price that would be lmao”. Cause yeah, I never could make myself vid smth I do not like, cause I love vidding and do not want it to be associated with things I do not like, plus it’ll most likely turn out ugly, if I do not care. My mom says that she can feel love I put in my shipping vids that’s why she loves them. I really don’t think she’s wrong. But that also kinda makes me an idiot technically, cause I’m not into many of the popular ships, and some popular animes I just find really basic. 
Also I’m like 100% sure it ain’t happening, but even if they miraculously suck each other’s dicks while sitting on a skate board, I can still have the rights not to care at the end. Like did I sign some form where I’m obliged to love each and everyone canon gay ship even if it’s not what I like? Like gay is not the type of love in relationships. You can only care about his ass like Lan Zhan for example or you can only care about your ass. Like that’s different types of relationships, and whatever you like you like. So get all the way of people’s backs, please.
Also do ppl know that you do not need to be blind to the bad sides of the characters in your ships? Or you just gonna be like “I suddenly can’t see” for forever.
So really thanks for such wonderful message and liking the video and for the boosts when I need them and not being an ass to me if I’m not being obsessed with smth, when you like it. (like I think we have different ship in bnha, right? but we’re still doing great tho, thanks for being an angel <3)
I still didn’t expect this becoming a Voltron 2.0. situation tho. We in our twenties see everything differently, I guess. I do get extra about “their love is everywhere”, but I do not get extra by anonymously attacking ppl, threatening creators and yelling “queeerbating psychotic blind assholes if these two aint fucking by the end of the season I’m shaving my head and jumping out of the window and shoot the director. you do not ship it HARD? YOU DUMB FUCK. THAT’S THE BEST LOVE STORY IN THE WORLD”. Like damn, take your blinders off and see the world, kid. Firstly, it’s definitely not, secondly, ppl see love differently in general and at each age too.
Ah, also you must kill Adam, cause he’s a pedo apparently. Like he ain’t even a threat to your ship, unless you’re blind, but they’re still at it, like they do not know that this kind of age difference is literally nothing for an anime? And that there are canon ships with a huger age difference left and right, too. It’s like its their first time approaching an anime or smth. Like in anime world character can literally kill 1000 ppl with his bare hands and bathe in their blood and we can still stan them, depends on their story, ok? Also Langa couldn’t care less for his advances, so like separate Adam from your ship pls. Like, fuck off, if someone is interested in his character. Yeah, he’s a weirdo for reasons, but anime kind of weird do not apply to real life. Stop acting like you’re some purist, when later you’re gonna ship smth else and it suddenly will not apply. Also rules do not apply to animes, everyone knows they do not apply. These are not western cartoons, my god. And 24 years old flirting with 16 year old is defiinitely not the weirdest shit anyone has ever seen in the anime. Chinese BL has characters who were 14 and 30 when they met and happily married. Also FICTION is not life. Literally no one cares. If you’re scared for your saint eyes, do not watch animes, you’re gonna have a heart-attack from what you can see there. Also we’ve seen gayer bromances in animes, who are just bromances, so pls do not shoot anyone if it’s not canon.
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So basically I was kinda pissed yersterday, cause fuck them for ruining the tag, but after chatting with my hommies and your ask, I’m okay again, I just have to avoid this fandom and stick to a tight community xD. I just got used to my nice fandoms and forgot for a bit about the precautions you need to take if you’re in one of those. You know. Who make a circus out of lgbt, instead of supporting it, and make other ppl hate being in fandoms.
P.S. sorry for this partially unrelated rant, your messages really always make my heart bloom, so thanks for supporting me, and I know you’re proud of my progress, too <3 and this makes me happy. LY
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coochiequeens · 3 years
A transgender woman who once vowed to compete in the Olympics so she could “burn a US flag on the podium” has qualified as an alternate for Team USA’s BMX freestyle event at the upcoming games in Tokyo, it was revealed Monday.
Chelsea Wolfe, a 28-year-old Florida native, was beaming with pride in a photo shared with her 7,700 Instagram followers on June 12 announcing she was named as an alternate on the team.
“I am positively a different person than when I set off on this journey and I’m so grateful  for every experience along the way and I’m so excited and honored to keep working so I’m ready to shred in Tokyo in case I’m needed,” Wolfe wrote alongside a photo of herself smiling through a helmet.
Wolfe, who started BMX racing at just 6 years old, will get the go-ahead to compete if her qualifying teammates, Hannah Roberts and Perris Benegas, can’t give it a go.
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She made her intentions clear last year in a since-deleted Facebook post about why she wanted to qualify, Fox News reported Monday.
“My goal is to win the Olympics so I can burn a US flag on the podium,” Wolfe reportedly wrote on March 25, 2020 alongside an online article about how trans girls should be treated as biological males in school sports. “This is what they focus on during a pandemic. Hurting trans children.”
Asked for comment on the since-removed post, Wolfe told Fox News it doesn’t indicate she doesn’t “care about the United States,” insisting that anyone who thinks so is “sorely mistaken,” according to the report.
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“One of the reasons why I work so hard to represent the United States in international competition is to show the world that this country has morals and values, that it’s not all of the bad things that we’re known for,” Wolfe told Fox News. “I take a stand against fascism because I care about this country and I’m not going to let it fall into the hands of fascists after so many people have fought and sacrificed to prevent fascism from taking hold abroad.”
Wolfe, who said she “wants to be proud” of the United States, insisted she “sure as hell” isn’t going to let fascism take hold there.
New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard became the first openly transgender person selected to compete for a medal at the Olympic Games when she was selected for the national team on Monday, the Washington Post reported.
Authorities in the southwest Pacific island nation noted that Hubbard met International Olympic Committee rules for testosterone levels and had not changed her declared gender identity in the last four years.
Wolfe’s bio page, meanwhile, says she got her start in freestyle competitions in Florida’s BMX circuit in 2014 before spending the next few years riding across the state. She later placed third at both the US National and Pan-American Championships in 2019.
“Qualifying to represent the US national team for the sport that I love is something I consider to be one of my life’s greatest achievements,” Wolf said. “Through so many obstacles in my way on top of the standard challenges that every athlete will face when working for this dream I persevered and the difficulty of this task is why I’m so proud to accomplish it.”
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It remains to be seen if Wolf will carry out her earlier vow if she ultimately competes in the Games, which are set to start July 23.
But days after being named to Team USA as an alternate, Wolf declared herself to be a “game changer” on Instagram.
“Through our collective efforts we can break new ground, shatter glass ceilings, and pave the way for other dreamers,” Wolfe wrote. “The work is never done. Let’s all continue to innovate, blaze trails, lead. It’s your move.”
Why do so many TRAs fancy themselves as brave fighters against fascism? Or do they just use the term for everything the don’t like?
Why isn’t he proud of representing the states? He is being allowed to participate in the women’s team because of his “identity“.
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