#delia au
essayofthoughts · 7 months
You know what I'm going to say: Delia AU. Please?
It's getting cromchyyyyy
“You’re from up north, aren’t you?” Vax asks, one evening when they’re keeping watch on a place. 
Well - he’s keeping a watch on it, Cass is keeping an eye out for Vex and Trinket, who’d promised to return with some kind of dinner a whole half hour ago and Cass has been praying for those fish pasties they’d had the other week. The unexpectedness of Vax’s question has her turning to look at him with such force it almost makes her stumble out of her carefully wedged position.
“We’re not gonna tell anyone, Cass.” His voice is soft and his expression earnest even as his eyes stay fixed on the house. “Whatever you’re running from - you’re a good person and a tricky customer in a fight. We like you. You don’t want us to tell, we won’t - but we need to know what you don’t want told, so we don’t let anything slip.”
That’s… fair, and Cass hates that it’s fair and feels kind of nostalgic at the same time because this is the exact kind of wheedling reasoning that Percy learned from Julius and used to absolute death. Vax is using it much more like Julius did - simply and plainly and letting the sentence stand without adding on five more arguments.
“Yes,” she says.
“Further than Drynna, right? Vex and I spent a summer there once and your accent is crisper.”
There are, Cass admits, worse people she could admit this to than Vax. Vax who treats her as much like a little sister as Julius ever did. Vax who’s taken a dagger for her not once now but twice, Vax who’s taught her how to lockpick those tricky new bastard locks the Myriad have brought in and where Trinket likes best to be scratched and has twice given her the pouch of looted money to give to Vex.
Vax won’t turn her in. For Vax, family is worth more than money. (Vex… she isn’t entirely sure on Vex yet.)
“Whitestone,” she says eventually.
“Oh,” Vax says. “That’s where that rock comes from, right? Everyone’s been going mad trying to get it after trade was cut off the other year.”
“Yeah,” she says. She swallows; her throat feels dry.
“Know anything about that?” he asks. “Anyway we could get ahold of some? That’d be damn useful-”
“You won’t,” she says. “You won’t get any. And if you try, you’ll just die.”
Vax does tear his eyes away from the building at that: she sees his face turn to look at her out of the corner of her eye but she can’t face him right now because she thinks she might break down entirely if she does and someone has to keep watch.
“Oh,” he says. “Shit, Cass-”
She shakes her head before he can ask anything else.
“Shit,” he repeats. “I knew it was something bad got you down here, with your accent but- shit, Cass.” There’s a pause; politely, he turns to face the manor. “People hunting you?” he asks. Cass can only shrug.
“They didn’t catch me,” she says. “I wasn’t with everyone. I don’t- I don’t know if they know I’m alive. But if they find out-”
“Yeah.” Vax’s shoulders shift and it’s the exact way they do before he does something stupid like threaten a gang’s biggest bruiser. “Right. ‘F you spot anyone-”
“I pickpocketed you because I used all my funds trying to kill one of their people,” she blurts. “And- she saw my face. I didn’t manage it.”
Vax’s eyes snap right back to her.
“... You think she’s gonna tell them?”
Cass can shake her head for that at least. Ripley’s a bitch but she’s a predictable bitch: she loves nothing more than knowledge to lord over other people, knowledge that advantages her over everyone else. Percy’d always been blind to it, but it was one of the reasons Mother had always been a bit sceptical of the Doctor’s advice.
“She’s under their thumbs too,” she says eventually. “She won’t like that.”
Vax understands immediately. “Right-”
He stops dead and it takes Cass a moment to realise why: Vex is walking down the street, Trinket ambling along beside her.
“What a surprise seeing you here,” she says, when she reaches the little alley they’ve tucked themselves into, Vax perched on top of some crates and Cass wedged between some. “Still cosy as cats in a colony?”
“Absolutely,” Vax says, already making grabby-hands at the steaming, wax-paper-wrapped parcels in Vex’s hands. “We’ll be cosier if-”
“Yes yes, food first,” Vex says.
If it wasn’t for her upbringing, Cass could hug Vex. It is the pasties. The manor across the street remains as dull as anything and they all settle in with their food.
“Having fun chatting?” Vex asks, leaning back against the street-facing wall, her hood pulled low in a way that makes her look astoundingly cool if not for the flaky pastry crumbs caught on her leathers.
“Absolutely riveting,” Vax asks, before taking a bite and heedlessly talking around the mouthful. “What took you so long?”
Oh. Cass doesn’t think she’s ever seen Vax keep something from Vex before.
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gabedraws4u · 8 months
Precious Gift
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The most beautiful part of @yamujiburo hanamusa's lore for me is Ash's emotional evolution and acceptance. For a character that surprisingly did not evolve much in its own journey (in a show full of evolutions) and made the same mistakes year after year, this proximity with Jessie is my most expected part of this story
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pokemon-ash-aus · 7 months
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Doesn’t seem like Indigo is having the best time right now.
This one took awhile, mostly cause of the backgrounds and how intimidated i was drawing em XD
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yamujiburo · 8 months
have you thought about delia meeting jessie's mom?
naturallyyy hahaha
i have a very bare bones notes page on how their meeting. there's more before this point. the gist of it is that miyamoto feigns almost passing out to scam delia out of some food before she closes her restaurant for the night. delia doesn't let her leave to make sure she's actually okay before hitting the road again and they get to talking
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tsartistry · 1 year
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Going absolutely feral over @yamujiburo's hanamusashipping AU, so here's Ash being a great big brother to the little AU-of-the-AU children, Prim and Skye.
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hashketchum2 · 3 months
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the timeskip anipoke gang! separate bios post coming uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh eventually
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do you have anything in the works?
literally writing on a Lando Oscar magical realism story right now, where Oscar works for Charles in a coffee shop, Lando is an artist who owns the studio above the shop, and there is a little red dragon Leo who is very good at his job to make the water boil.
Here is a small snippet if literally anyone is interested in this:
"Evening, Oscar," Lando greeted him with a smile, though there was a hint of eagerness in his voice that mirrored Oscar's own feelings. "Evening, Lando," Oscar replied, returning the smile. "Have you seen Leo yet?" Lando shook his head. Disappointment was evident in his expression. "Not yet. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of the little guy today." Charles raised his head at the two of them. “Lando, stop distracting my worker before he’s at work.” Oscar chuckled as he went out back, placing his book bag down, and grabbed his apron to tie around himself. Before wandering over to the big dragon enclosure they had in the back. Leo was well awake and certainly lively as the red dragon ran around his enclosure, “Hey little buddy, do you wanna come into the shop?” Oscar asked softly as he opened the enclosure. The little dragon chittered before more than happily crawling onto Oscar’s palm, the two had really bonded during the Monday morning rush… Not that there had been much of a rush. The flames Leo produced hadn’t been enough to keep the water boiler well boiling. But their usual patrons had been too happy and busy cooing over the new chittering employee to complain about the lack of coffee. One should never downplay the cuteness of pocket-sized dragons. Lando's eyes lit up with excitement, his eagerness palpable as he leaned in closer, eager to catch a glimpse of the newest resident. Oscar smiled warmly at the scene unfolding before him, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the prospect of introducing Leo to his friend. With careful precision, he gently placed the tiny red dragon onto the countertop, where it stood poised and alert, its eyes darting around the room inquisitively. “His name is Leo,” Charles announced proudly, his attention momentarily diverted from his task of polishing silver charms. Lando crouched down to only look over the till counter with his eyes, making him eye level with the tiny creature, which made something inside of Oscar want to coo at the sight. Oscar quickly composed himself, shoving those feelings into a box in the back of his mind, as Lando was the one to coo, although at Leo and not at Oscar. Oscar did not wish it was the other way around.
Anyway, idk if this is something anyone is literally interested in
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reefs-camp-blog · 3 days
consider: beetlejuice pjo au
lydia-nico, barbra- annabeth, adam- grover, the dad- hades, delia- persephone, beetlejuice- percy, juno- poseidon
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galaxywrites · 2 months
More incorrect quotes with my little genderbent MK series I'm working on. :>
Jeanie (fem! Johnny), looking through her clothes: Has anyone seen my top?
Kuixiang (fem! Kuai Liang): Kiyoko is in the kitchen.
Hanae (fem! Hanzo): Is there a cactus where your heart should be?
Kiyoko (fem! Kenshi), sipping coffee: What crawled up your ass this morning?
Kuixiang, walking in: Hey
Kiyoko: Hm.. nevermind.
Tomoe (fem! Takeda): Well, remember when Jiā Yǐng made a romantic dinner for me?
Frost: Tomoe, she microwaved you a pizza.
Jiā Yǐng (fem! Kung Jin): I am decayed. My lungs are full of thorns and mildew. My bones are held together by vines. I am fragile. Be gentle with my corpse.
Tomoe: Get out of bed, you're going to the meeting whether you like it or not.
Jiā Yǐng : I REFUSE.
Carter (male! Cassie): Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Jiā Yǐng: They do.
Tomoe: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
Frost: What’s your favorite color?
Carter: Stop asking stupid questions. Ask me something logical and mature.
Frost: How many moles of sodium bicarbonate are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulfuric acid at STP?
Carter : My favorite color is pink.
Jaylen (male! Jacqui): Kinda gay to make a wanted poster... Why do you want that man? So you can hold him?
Frost: Yeah. Hold him accountable.
Jaylen: Hold him accountable for stealing your heart?
Carter: Astrology is fun because i can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
Jiā Yǐng: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Tomoe: Did you bring Jiā Yǐng ?
Frost, gesturing to Carter : No, but I brought the next best thing.
Tomoe: Carter ? The next best thing would be Jaylen.
Carter : I would be offended, but Jaylen is freakishly strong.
Jiā Yǐng : I can do anything I put my mind to. I once figured out Jaylen's phone number just by choosing random numbers.
Carter : When I met you I thought you were a real bitch.
Jiā Yǐng : What changed your mind?
Carter : Oh, I still think you’re a bitch, I’ve just grown to like that about you.
Cyrax, texting Sektor: Who are you? Someone changed all my contact names.
Sektor: What did they change my name to?
Cyrax: Batman.
Sektor: Don't change it back.
Cyrax: But who the fuck are you?
Sektor: I'm Batman.
Sektor: What are you drinking?
Cyrax: Vodka.
Sektor: Straight?
Cyrax: No, gay. Why?
Cyrax: You look mentally ill.
Sektor: I am. Let’s go.
Kiyoko: Can I have some?
Hanae, mouth full of cheesecake: It's really spicy, you wouldn't like it.
Kiyoko: If we lose, you’re out of the will.
Hanae: I was in the will?
Kuixiang: Are you ready to commit?
Hanae: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Kuixiang: Where's the most romantic spot for a first kiss? Wrong answers only.
Hanae: Dueling grounds.
Kuixiang: I said wrong answers only.
Kiyoko: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Jeanie: This is a lie.
Jeanie: I'm literally dating her. This is a lie.
Jeanie: I'm not gay, but you look hot today.
Kiyoko: We're literally dating.
Jiā Yǐng: Do you think if skeletons were real, "Boner" would be a slur for them?"
Kung Lán (f! Kung Lao): ... Jiā Yǐng, I have wonderful news regarding the realness of skeletons.
Kung Lán: Don’t worry, I have a permit.
Jiā Yǐng: ...This just says “I can do what I want”.
Kung Lán: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing?
Kung Lán: Is it just me or is instant ramen even better uncooked?
Lú Kang: It’s just you.
Lú Kang: If all your friends jumped off a bridge wou-
Kung Lán: Probably.
Lú Kang: I didn't finish.
Kung Lán: Probably.
Sektor: If karma doesn't hit you, I fucking will.
Raiden: Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions.
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star-shine-s · 2 months
Hazbin Actors AU but it's just the characters they play in different fandoms/shows as the actors
So for example
Cady Heron would be Charlie
Mirabel Madrigal would be Vaggie
Beetlejuice would be Adam and Pentious
Delia Deetz would be Rosie
Dr. Facciler would be Husk
Varian would be Lucifer
Dawn would be Niffty
Ect ect ect-
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
I would love to know what your Delia AU is about? It sounds very interesting!
Oh, sure! You can find some of it on AO3 Here (I've posted roughly the first half of the first arc, and I'm working on the second half of it right now as well as the next arc of Ghost Cass) but it's kind of a spinoff of my old Ripley's Assistant AU, and both AUs have warnings attached.
The premise of Ripley's Assistant is that Professor Anders isn't Percy's tutor - it's Doctor Ripley. And, well... Ripley is utilitarian and mercenary and isn't one to let something useful go to waste - so she saves Percy because having him around makes refining the whitestone into residuum easier and faster and means she's freed up to dabble in her own experiments. And, in turn - Percy's whole family is dead and all he's got left is his tutor who he admires and who (as far as he knows) saved his life, so he gets a bit codependent.
The rest of this is going under a cut because it gets more than a bit fucky and not everyone is down for that. For anyone wondering, the content warnings are: Ripley, manipulation, emotional abuse, dubious consent and abusive relationships.
The tl;dr is that Percy kind of feels in love with Ripley because of her lies and manipulation and the fact that as far as he knows she saved his life - she is the one person he feels safe with and the one person from before he has left, and his continued life kind of hinges on keeping her happy. This all circles around to a very unhealthy relationship which Percy is eager for, Ripley isn't opposed to, and which Ripley absolutely leverages to better manipulate Percy. Arc 1 of RA ends with Percy realising and killing Ripley due to Cass' return to Whitestone; Arc 2 and 3 are about how easy it is to get caught up in toxic relationships/fall back into those unhealthy dynamics, and the healing process from that.
That is the grounding needed to then explain Delia AU.
The Delia AU is much like Ripley's Assistant in the premise, except that due to various things, Ripley is the one initiating the relationship with Percy - though due to all of the fuckery, Percy is not opposed - and they have a kid.
The kid is a daughter named (by Percy) Cordelia - Delia for short.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, it doesn't take long for Percy to realise that not only is Anna Ripley a terrible mother, she's also a terrible person, and may in fact know a lot more than she's been letting on and oh wait, things are so much worse than he thought.
So in Delia AU, Percy is actually aware of what's going on from a lot earlier, and is able to have a bit more autonomy on certain things! But the thing is, due to the circumstances, this doesn't necessarily make any of it any better.
Arc1 of Delia AU will end at the end of the Briarwood Arc, and it's Arcs 2 & 3 will also be about Percy's healing process, getting to know Vox Machina, and also a lot more of Delia herself. Because I love this little OC baby, she's very endearing.
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cat-and-books · 3 months
It's my birthday!
For my birthday, I've decided I'm going to start a Beetlejuice Asks AU! It'll be my own original AU, inspired by the movie, the animated show, the musical (and it's cut counterparts), and other AUs!
The characters you can ask are:
Lydia Deetz
Barbara Maitland
Adam Maitland
Delia Deetz
Charles Deetz
Otho (Or Kevin. He's a fraud.)
Miss Argentina
The Sandworm
I'm still working on some of their designs, but Beetlejuice and Lydia are all ready to go! That doesn't mean you can't ask the other characters, it just might take longer for them :)
Also, inspiration from: @bothersomedirtchild @bunnys-beetlejuice-blog @maitlandmischief
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snackugaki · 2 years
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tmnt au doodlz
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alolanrain · 5 months
A bit o’ background for Pallet Town in the Ta!au. 
*warning: violence
Ash is no stranger to violence. Hasn’t been since the first time Pastor Mark’s oldest son spat in his face and then tried to throw a punch right after, the kid was five years old and Ash was only three, because Ash said he went to yōchien instead of Kindergarten. 
Ash had flinched away in time because of the spit almost landing directly in his eye, causing the older kid's fist to go flying by and into the wall where he and his stupid friends cornered him. He couldn’t understand at the time why the kid did that as he ended up crumbling to the ground sobbing. Clutching his hand and crying about how his knuckles are bleeding, the sound of his and soon his friends panic brought the teacher who was watching over the playground over. 
It was Ash’s first taste of disrespect even though he still didn’t know it at the time when the teacher took one look at the scene and blamed Ash. taking away the pastor’s son in a rush before coming back and dragging Ash by his ear hard enough her nails left small red crescent marks on Ash’s skin. It was hard for him to understand just why he was put into time out, made to stand with a book balanced on his head in the corner while the other kids pointed and laughed at him. Calling Ash all sorts of names but the one that hit him the most was crybaby. A term Gary would coin for himself to use against his childhood friend in a couple of months. 
There were a lot of other examples too. Like how the farmers kids that were behind his house would shoot at him with sling shots and pebbles or some kind of functioning plastic gun when he was trying to play by himself in his own backyard. They weren’t actual bullets but little pellet ones that stung and left welts and bruises. At least Ash was safe under the careful watch of Professor Oak. Not even Gary could get to him if the man was in the same room, though he still tried. A nasty feeling had swelled up in Ash’s chest the moment he saw the Professor backhand his own grandson without hesitation when he heard Gary call Ash a bastard. 
Delia-Arceus, bless his mother-tried her best. It seemed she was also an outcast by the other adults in the town. Only saved by the grace of the oldest Oak as it seemed no one in town wanted to get on his bad side. It caused Ash to curl his lips and bare his teeth, like how all the baby Charmander’s do at the lab when they don’t like something, when the adults voices go from dark and nasty to sugary sweet and nice when the Professor was nearby.
It was all Ash knew for the first ten years of his life. Rinse, recycle, repeat every week. He had his moments though. When the teacher’s weren’t looking he’d sneak off to the edge of the forest that was right by the school. Where the grass was just high enough to be considered long grass to the more adventurous pokemon and not to the people the school pays to take care of it. During those times Ash had learned to be at peace with the small moments of quietness, only for them to get interrupted by Gary and his new friends. 
He couldn’t wait to leave, couldn’t wait to get his starter pokemon from Oak and leave this town. He’d find a new place where Ash and his mom wouldn’t be bullied anymore. Where the neighbors would be nice and come to Mom’s deli shop almost everyday because she’s good at what she does, even though Ash has no clue what she actually does at her deli. 
It truly sucked to say that Ash was nowhere near ready for what the world had in store for him, let alone Kanto itself.
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hashketchum2 · 10 days
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commissioned @skipppppy to do this adorable birthday piece for ash. i love senior citizens!
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liviavanrouge · 2 days
Beasts Running Free: Meeting Again
Galliard: *Sweeps around the porch, getting the dust off*
???: DAD!!
Galliard: *Looks up his eyes widening*
Delia: *Waves to him, riding over on Livias back*
Livia: *Slows to a stop, walking and then halting, lowering Delia down*
Delia: *Smiles at her father then looks at Livia*
Galliard: *Bows his head* Livia....
Livia: *Stares at him then gives a deep bow* Anti-Rider Member....
Galliard: *Looks at Delia* How?
Delia: She was at the stables and teaching the tamers a thing or two about who she was!
Delia: ...Livia is letting me ride her....
Galliard: *Perks up surprised*
Livia: I'm still as wild as us rebels come, I have merely formed a soft spot for her enough for me to tolerate her on my back.
Delia: You can just say we're friends you know, hehe
Livia: *Huffs, looking away*
Livia: *Stalks over to some apples, grabbing one and taking a bite*
Galliard: Oh! How was school today, Dells
Livia: Dells?
Delia: My dad's nickname for me! And it was great Dad!
Livia: *Snorts amused, taking another chomp out of the apple*
Galliard: Let's head inside
Delia: Livia you wanna come with?
Galliard: Delia, that's rude...
Delia: Hm? Rude? Why...?
Livia: *Walks over, crushing the apple core with ease* I'm fine, houses feel restraining to me, I'll stay here on the porch
Delia: Ah, okay, I'll be back out in a moment
Livia: *Curls up on the ground of the porch, staring towards the woods* I feel like a house pet for some reason
Livia: *Shudders then closes her eyes* Ugh, how the mighty rebel leader has fallen...
@queen-of-twisted @yukii0nna @zexal-club
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