waltwhitmansbeard · 7 months
Is it too much to ask for My Fair Lady Vilya and twin siblings content? Drabble, blurb, anything.
(That au takes up a good chunk of my brain lol)
turned my water into wine #51
All of the grown-ups are talking, and it's dreadfully boring. Vilya keeps hearing lots of words she doesn't understand, words like crisis and allies and contingencies, and she's sick of it. She leaves her mama and her papa and the rest of the adults to their chatter. She'll entertain herself, if she has to.
She wanders into the twins' room, which she has vague memories of not always being attached to the house. Inside, Korrin and Elaina share a crib, but Vilya knows they're getting too big for it. Soon, they'll need their own space, just like Vilya has. Except they can't have her room. That's hers.
Korrin is curled up in the corner, using one of Vilya's old dollies as a pillow, but Elaina has pulled herself up to standing using the bars of the crib. Like this, she's taller than Vilya, looking down at her older sister with wide, watery eyes. "Ah!" Elaina chirps, reaching out toward Vilya.
Vilya frowns, confused. She doesn't know what her baby sister means by ah, or what she's reaching for. "You're lucky you're a twin," Vilya pouts, resting her head against the crib bars. "You always have someone to play with. I'm all alone."
Elaina's tiny fist reaches out toward Vilya again, and she lets out another "Ah!" This time, Vilya reaches up so her little sister can grab onto it. Elaina tugs, as if she can hoist Vilya up into the crib.
"You want me in with you?" Vilya asks.
Vilya sizes up the crib. It's not that tall. There's a small box off to the side full of nappies; Vilya gets behind it and pushes with all her might, and after a few moments, it begins to slide across the rug. Once it's in place, Vilya climbs on top and then slowly grabs onto the cribs rails, pulling herself up with as much strength as she can muster. Elaina claps happily and giggles as finally Vilya collapses into the crib, panting. "Okay. I'm here."
Immediately, Elaina grabs her favorite blanket and shoves it at Vilya. Vilya takes it and covers herself, which seems to be the right thing, because once she does, Elaina curls up into her side and instantly falls asleep. Vilya blinks in surprise. They've never done this before, not unless they were all cuddling on the sofa in front of the fire, but somehow, this feels right. Vilya scoots down to rest her head just beside Korrin's, and as if he could sense her in his sleep, her baby brother twists so he's pressed into Vilya's shoulder.
Okay. So maybe this little sibling thing isn't so bad after all.
It's not quite what she was hoping for when she left her boring parents in the common room of the cottage, but as she feels her own eyelids start to become heavy, she's glad she came in here, after all.
Keyleth is exhausted. When she abrogated her nation and allowed its constituent city-states to forge their own paths, she did not expect her decision to be tested so quickly. But here they are, not even five years from that momentous change, and already Pyrah is calling on the other Ashari confederates to take up arms alongside their fighters in its brewing conflict with the Kingdom of Othanzia. The Zephran High Council has no interest in such a conflict, not so soon after the bloody war with Draconia and not when the outcome of said war would have little effect on the people here. And yet Sovereign Cerkonos is threatening Pyrah's removal from the Confederacy if he does not receive the support he demands.
It is late into the evening before the impromptu Council meeting held in her and Vax's home disperses, and she is finally able to drape herself dramatically onto the sofa. "I take it all back. I want the power to tell Cerkonos to shut up again."
Laughing, Vax reaches down to rub at her shoulders. "None of this is of concern to you anymore. Let us on the Council deal with it."
Except they both know she's never been good at letting anything go. "And what do I tell our children, Vax? That I abandoned the needs of my people because it technically wasn't my job?"
Vax's hands still. "Where are our children?"
Terror tightens its fist around Keyleth's heart. She cannot remember the last time she laid eyes on Vilya, the last time one of the twins cried. She exchanges a wild look with Vax, and then both of them launch into motion, scrambling toward the children's bedroom doors. Vax throws open Vilya's first. "She's not in here!"
Keyleth's shaking hand grabs the handle to the twins' door, and when she creaks it open, the sight on the other side stops her in her tracks. In the crib, Vilya is stretched out beneath one of the twins' blankets, one sibling curled into each side of her. All three are fast asleep, heads lolled about and chests moving slowly with their deep breaths. As the fear ebbs away, it is replaced with a sentiment so overwhelming it nearly knocks the air from her lungs.
She feels Vax come up behind her. "Oh," he whispers. "Look at that."
Keyleth leans back into her husband's arms. "They're so beautiful."
"And more importantly, quiet." She elbows him and he breathes a laugh. "Should we wake them?"
They should, because they all need to eat, and at this rate, there's no way the twins will be sleeping straight through the night. But they look so peaceful, their children, so untouched by the machinations of the adult world, that Keyleth cannot bear to pull them from their dreams. "Let them sleep." She shuts the door with a soft click, the sleeping children none the wiser.
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essayofthoughts · 7 months
You know what I'm going to say: Delia AU. Please?
It's getting cromchyyyyy
“You’re from up north, aren’t you?” Vax asks, one evening when they’re keeping watch on a place. 
Well - he’s keeping a watch on it, Cass is keeping an eye out for Vex and Trinket, who’d promised to return with some kind of dinner a whole half hour ago and Cass has been praying for those fish pasties they’d had the other week. The unexpectedness of Vax’s question has her turning to look at him with such force it almost makes her stumble out of her carefully wedged position.
“We’re not gonna tell anyone, Cass.” His voice is soft and his expression earnest even as his eyes stay fixed on the house. “Whatever you’re running from - you’re a good person and a tricky customer in a fight. We like you. You don’t want us to tell, we won’t - but we need to know what you don’t want told, so we don’t let anything slip.”
That’s… fair, and Cass hates that it’s fair and feels kind of nostalgic at the same time because this is the exact kind of wheedling reasoning that Percy learned from Julius and used to absolute death. Vax is using it much more like Julius did - simply and plainly and letting the sentence stand without adding on five more arguments.
“Yes,” she says.
“Further than Drynna, right? Vex and I spent a summer there once and your accent is crisper.”
There are, Cass admits, worse people she could admit this to than Vax. Vax who treats her as much like a little sister as Julius ever did. Vax who’s taken a dagger for her not once now but twice, Vax who’s taught her how to lockpick those tricky new bastard locks the Myriad have brought in and where Trinket likes best to be scratched and has twice given her the pouch of looted money to give to Vex.
Vax won’t turn her in. For Vax, family is worth more than money. (Vex… she isn’t entirely sure on Vex yet.)
“Whitestone,” she says eventually.
“Oh,” Vax says. “That’s where that rock comes from, right? Everyone’s been going mad trying to get it after trade was cut off the other year.”
“Yeah,” she says. She swallows; her throat feels dry.
“Know anything about that?” he asks. “Anyway we could get ahold of some? That’d be damn useful-”
“You won’t,” she says. “You won’t get any. And if you try, you’ll just die.”
Vax does tear his eyes away from the building at that: she sees his face turn to look at her out of the corner of her eye but she can’t face him right now because she thinks she might break down entirely if she does and someone has to keep watch.
“Oh,” he says. “Shit, Cass-”
She shakes her head before he can ask anything else.
“Shit,” he repeats. “I knew it was something bad got you down here, with your accent but- shit, Cass.” There’s a pause; politely, he turns to face the manor. “People hunting you?” he asks. Cass can only shrug.
“They didn’t catch me,” she says. “I wasn’t with everyone. I don’t- I don’t know if they know I’m alive. But if they find out-”
“Yeah.” Vax’s shoulders shift and it’s the exact way they do before he does something stupid like threaten a gang’s biggest bruiser. “Right. ‘F you spot anyone-”
“I pickpocketed you because I used all my funds trying to kill one of their people,” she blurts. “And- she saw my face. I didn’t manage it.”
Vax’s eyes snap right back to her.
“... You think she’s gonna tell them?”
Cass can shake her head for that at least. Ripley’s a bitch but she’s a predictable bitch: she loves nothing more than knowledge to lord over other people, knowledge that advantages her over everyone else. Percy’d always been blind to it, but it was one of the reasons Mother had always been a bit sceptical of the Doctor’s advice.
“She’s under their thumbs too,” she says eventually. “She won’t like that.”
Vax understands immediately. “Right-”
He stops dead and it takes Cass a moment to realise why: Vex is walking down the street, Trinket ambling along beside her.
“What a surprise seeing you here,” she says, when she reaches the little alley they’ve tucked themselves into, Vax perched on top of some crates and Cass wedged between some. “Still cosy as cats in a colony?”
“Absolutely,” Vax says, already making grabby-hands at the steaming, wax-paper-wrapped parcels in Vex’s hands. “We’ll be cosier if-”
“Yes yes, food first,” Vex says.
If it wasn’t for her upbringing, Cass could hug Vex. It is the pasties. The manor across the street remains as dull as anything and they all settle in with their food.
“Having fun chatting?” Vex asks, leaning back against the street-facing wall, her hood pulled low in a way that makes her look astoundingly cool if not for the flaky pastry crumbs caught on her leathers.
“Absolutely riveting,” Vax asks, before taking a bite and heedlessly talking around the mouthful. “What took you so long?”
Oh. Cass doesn’t think she’s ever seen Vax keep something from Vex before.
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iamthecomet · 7 months
#oh THAT'S a thought#Dew visiting Ifrit and Zephyr's pillars#telling them about his day#about the new ghouls
In relation to this post and the incredible art by @floating-goblin-art (let me know if you don't want to be tagged in this and I'll fix it ♥), and my subsequent tags. Sorry Mal, I have a lot of thoughts about it.
Maybe they're not actually in there. Maybe they are. Maybe they're just stone. Monuments. Like graves. Not actual ghouls encased in whatever salt. That would be better. But Dew, honestly doesn't know. He was broken when it happened. Irreparably he thought. Sometimes he still thinks so. Especially on days when he wakes with a migraine, or an ache so deep in his bones he is sure it will never leave.
They're hidden away in a back room in the Abbey basement. Behind a door no one ever keeps locked. Maybe as a reminder in case anyone stumbles on them--this is what happens if you fail.
Dew still doesn't know why he isn't one of them. How he and Mountain and Aether escaped this fate and Ifrit and Zephyr didn't. They were all summoned by the same papa, in the same few weeks. It doesn't make sense, and trying to figure it out just makes Dew's head pound. It doesn't matter anyway. What matters is that Ifrit and Zephyr are in this dark room with Alpha and Pebble, and the first air ghoul who must have had a name but Dew never learned it. They're with Omega. Dew tries not to look at Omega--his face drawn towards grief and horror. Dew doesn't like to think about what he must have seen. Instead, he sits on the floor at Ifrit and Zephyr's feet. They're together. Close. There is something like resignation on Zephyrs face, acceptance. Ifrit, on the other hand, is frozen mid yell.
Dew can barely stand to look at him.
The floor is cold beneath his legs as he settles in. He leans his head against Ifrit's leg. Cold and solid and foreign in a way that makes his chest catch. It never gets easier. He keeps doing it anyway. He imagines warmth. Conjures some of his own just to make it feel real. He thinks of Ifrit reaching down to pet his hair. Of Zephyr sitting next to him, carding bitter tears off of his face with their thumb. "They summoned new ghouls today," Dew starts. Voice thin and wavering. He opens his eyes but doesn't look up. He encases himself in memory. Pretends they can hear him--all of them. But especially these two. "They're ok. I guess. Nice enough. Got a multi-ghoul this time so that's something. He's pretty too--Ifrit would be all over him." Dew's heart aches.
"We're going on tour soon so I won't be back for a while. But I promise I'll tell you everything about it when I get home." Dew always runs out of things to say before he's ready to leave. He presses his face against Ifrit's stony knee, reaches a hand up to brush over Zephyr's fingers. He closes his eyes, breathes them in like he hopes he can still catch the faint smell of them. Ginger and Snow. All he smells is salt and ash. "Miss you."
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altocat · 6 months
the firsts prank call each other
Angeal does it exactly ONE time to Genesis, putting on an unconvincing accent to ask if the rumors are true--that Genesis is, in fact, a stack of ginger goblins piled together to form a person. He hangs up right as Genesis is about to go off.
Sephiroth questions what purpose prank calls serve in the grand scheme of things. However, with Genesis' goading him on, he calls up Angeal manages an extremely convincing imitation of Lazard, ordering Angeal to polish all the toilets on the main SOLDIER floor. Afterwards, he and Genesis spends forty minutes giggling together like schoolboys.
Genesis frequently prank calls BOTH his friends. Angeal pretty much always knows it's him but Sephiroth can't seem to catch on, reacting to each call with comically serious responses. Genesis thinks it's an absolute riot. He especially loves using soundboards to hold full conversations with Seph without even opening his mouth. Probably for the best since Genesis is laughing too hard.
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deadmomjokes · 5 months
Betwixt Christmas gift cash and Steam Family Sharing workaround shenanigans, the husband and I have finally started Baldur's Gate 3.
Went in basically blind except for knowing the names of the companions and the fact that Astarion is a vampire (couldn't miss that cultural osmosis).
We also came in on two different meta-levels as players.
He is very familiar with D&D, D&D-based games, computer games in general, and these sorts of games specifically. He's also that kind of person that plays things on Extreme Difficulty Mode for fun. He quits when something isn't challenging enough. His idea of relaxing, rewarding gameplay is ultra-hard-mode Elden Ring and Dark Souls.
I, on the other hand, am bad at games. Full stop. I have lost Wii Mario Kart to a 6 year old, repeatedly. I get hopelessly lost even when there's detailed maps, trackers, compasses, and flagged waypoints. I also panic in combat situations and have no strategic ability aside from "stand there, hit it, and hope it doesn't move." I'm more of a low-stakes visual novel sort of gamer. Stardew Valley is as intense as I get.
He is playing a Seldarine Drow warlock in a pact with an archfey. She's a noble with a ridiculously high Charisma score, a perfectly balanced spell loadout, and an even more balanced overall stat build. She's DPS without being totally squishy and helpless, and has advantage to almost everything. She also has an impeccable fashion sense and always looks put together, even when on death's door to a brain worm. Or, to put it in a way my husband would loathe, she got that drip.
I am playing a ginger himbo of a high elf fighter with -1 to Charisma and a -1000 to common sense. He's an impulsive maniac with, somehow, a +3 to intimidation despite being a truly gentle soul that believes every sob story he comes across. He's a sweaty, dusty, grubby little feral child (outlander background) with the world's messiest ponytail and greasepaint-turned-eyeliner that a 90s ex emo kid would be proud of. And that's him trying to look presentable. Despite having an impressive dexterity score, my natural disadvantage to dexterity (and Wisdom and Intelligence) as the player makes it so that this man bumbles his way into everything and only gets out by making horrifying threats he has absolutely no intention of following up on, or by being forced to stand his ground and take it on the jaw.
So this was going to be An Experience no matter what. And boy, it sure has been.
Thus far, we have:
Accidentally pacifism'd our way into every Goblin/Absolute aligned settlement we've encountered on the pure luck of husband's choice to play a Drow because he thought it would add an interesting dynamic. That interesting dynamic, he thought, would be difficulty. He thought being a Drow would make it harder because of the general hatred toward them. He's technically good-aligned, but, y'know, planet-of-hats racism means he was expecting it to work against him, which he likes because he likes when things are hard. Only now it's basically a free pass into all the areas we'd normally have to fight or sneak into. Great for our shared pacifist tendencies, but LOL
Lost a full hour of progress because my computer screen is tiny and bad at graphics and I hadn't learned all the controls yet, so while trying to investigate a hole in the floor of an abandoned church I tripped in face-first and got us into an unescapable, imminent-TPK situation, whereupon the game immediately autosaved for the first time since waking up on the beach. We have since learned to spam the quicksave button liberally.
Accepted a ton of mutually exclusive quests, half of which we have no intention of doing, just to try and get out of situations without combat, so now the mini map now looks like a cubist rendition of a simple sun drawing and I'm SO worried it's going to come crashing down and get us shanked in our sleep.
Discovered husband's character is, build wise, a carbon-copy of Wyll. This was 100% unintentional and he's BIG mad about it LOL RIP
Impulsively pushed a button in a crypt without saving and woke up a bunch of skellies we weren't prepared for, but were somehow also saved by that same impulsivity because I had previously run around the entire area and looted every single skeleton no matter how useless it was to my character, so they all woke up without their weapons so HAH take that I TOLD YOU being a klepto would pay off
Immediately after this fortuitous stroke of fate, having learned exactly nothing, my impulsive maniac opened the shiny sarcophagus before consulting anyone or healing. Luckily it wasn't cursed or trapped or full of enemies (it was Withers, and I'm love), but I'm now not allowed to open or interact with anything bigger than a crate without announcing it first so husband has the chance to go NO WAIT LET ME SAVE FIRST
Sneaked into a secret underground passage, whereupon my husband sent his invisible'd familiar around to carefully scout the area, discovering the button that would turn off the overpowered guardian statue. My character then readied a crossbow shot to hit said button, but in trying to move out of the way of the other party members, stepped right into the statue's attack circle. I panicked, tried to move, but couldn't figure out how to unselect the attack I could no longer use, and tried to fix it by pausing. But all of that just resulted in me standing there, doing nothing, until I finally dropped dead. Luckily I passed my saving throws, and more luckily still, my husband managed to stop laughing long enough to eldritch blast the statue to pieces and come get me.
So anyway, we're having the best time. I know we're late to the party, but it really is so good. I may have even teared up a little during the dream sequence with the psychedelic neon light guardian warriors. This is going to consume my brain for the next few months, and I'm happy to have paid for the privilege. 10/10, absolutely deserves that GOTY and the $60 price tag both.
No spoilers please, we're only level 3 and just encountering the Goblin Camp. (We've met everyone but Karlach, I believe.) But rest assured, as we learn and discover more I will come yelling and seeking those who will screech with me. Probably mostly about my new sons that I've acquired, namely the lying purple sadsack trash wizard with some horrifying kind of chronic illness and/or addiction, and the prettiest most specialist murder machine who definitely won't admit it but is definitely gonna need a hug when I finish breaking down those obviously performative emotional walls.
Also, Lae'zel scares me. Please stop yelling at me, you cranky fish woman, I'm trying my best here 😭
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animasola86 · 11 months
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Snippet from the first chapter (1.8k words):
Here I was. A new student in Hogwarts. How exciting, one would think, right? But as I trailed after the Headmaster, I became aware of my situation. Everyone was looking at me. All four tables, all the colours, stared at me, wondering what someone my age was doing here. Starting Hogwarts as a fifth-year? That had never happened before, apparently. There were murmurs around me, people turning and pointing and whispering, and I chose to stare at the back of the Headmaster's exquisite tailcoat, feeling my cheeks burn from all the unwanted attention. More or less unconsciously, I pulled the fringe hanging over the right side of my face even further, hoping to hide behind the mop that was my ginger hair.
Snippet from the second chapter (11k words):
The drinks magically set themselves in front of us and I grabbed mine with a bit too much force, spilling a little on the wooden counter top, while Sebastian raised his tankard in the air. “Thanks to this one!” he declared. “Single-handedly took down a troll!”
I almost coughed into my butterbeer, trying to ignore the warmth creeping up my neck. I wanted to acknowledge that his spells had had a much bigger effect on the troll than mine had, but instead of speaking up, I buried my face in the warm, sweet smell of the butterbeer.
“Is that so? Well done,” the Inn's owner commented.
I nodded, mumbling “Thank you for this.” as I finally raised the drink to my lips, its warmth and taste numbing whatever turmoil was still brewing inside me. As I took another sip, my eyes wandered over the rim of the tankard towards Sebastian, who watched me with a warm smile. I immediately sank down deeper in my chair, almost burying my nose into the foam of the drink. He laughed softly at that.
Suddenly the doors of the Inn burst open and I coughed against the foam having found its way up my nose after all. I noticed the barmaid walking around the counter towards the entrance, as I tried to wipe the butterbeer foam from my face. I froze mid-motion as I noticed a hand inching closer to my nose, before a single index finger swiped a little bit of foam right off my upper lip. I stared at Sebastian as he retrieved his finger, the foam glistening on his fingertip. I blushed the deepest crimson when he brought the finger to his lips and licked it right off.
As he shot me a smile that made the blush spread through my entire body, voices grew louder behind me and, quickly wiping the rest of the butterbeer off my face, I turned on my barstool to look at the commotion – just in time to see the two men I had seen with the goblin Ranrok. And suddenly the man in the top hat, Victor Rookwood, looked right at me, smiled an almost diabolical smile and raised a hand towards me.
“I'm only here for this one,” he said and my heart stopped cold in my chest, as he took a step towards me.
Snippet from the third chapter (10k words):
“Well, shall we?” I asked and turned my head to Sebastian.
“Sure, lead the way,” he said.
As I took a step towards the portal, its surface moving in the same manner the puddle had moved, I outstretched my left hand, my fingers almost touching the warped air, when I changed my mind and grabbed Sebastian's arm instead. When he raised his eyebrows at that, I only muttered “Together.”, unsure if he would be able to follow me otherwise. And together we stepped through the portal and onto a much cleaner stone floor that turned into a wide spiral staircase.
“You weren't joking,” I heard Sebastian next to me as we descended the stairs.
Finally we reached a circular room with a giant double winged door that sported the same symbol I had seen before, on the Portkey container and various walls that had turned into portals. By now I was fairly certain that by touching it, I would get it to open or at least the room to change around us. I reached out my hand to Sebastian again and he walked towards me, not even hesitating as he took it between his long fingers. I then put my other hand on the symbol on the door and indeed it moved, magically pulling us through.
The room ahead was more like a long, wide hallway with a magically appearing bridge as we stepped closer to it. I was still rather confused by the curious architecture when we entered the next room and a somehow familiar noise echoed off the high walls. The scraping of stone. And soon enough two statues sprang to life and moved menacingly slow towards us. I drew my wand and wondered for a second why Sebastian didn't do the same, instead he looked at me with his forehead furrowed. Before I realized that he didn't seem to be able to see our attackers, one of the statues jumped up with a force and was about to crush us from above. I grabbed Sebastian's arm and pulled him away just in time.
He couldn't see what was attacking us, but he surely felt the shock wave of the attack. “What is going on?” he yelled, finally drawing his wand.
“There are two statues attacking us, these guardians I told you about,” I yelled back as I pushed him out of harm's way once more. “Oh!” I then realized. “Try Revelio! I think that's how Professor Fig could see them too!”
He stared at me, but immediately cast Revelio with a whirl of his wand and sure enough, as he changed his stance and actually dodged an attack on his own, I knew he could see them as well, finally. After that it was rather easy to finish the statues with our combined forces.
“That was interesting,” he said as he caught up with me again. “And you fought these things on your own?”
I nodded with a shy smile. “Well, I didn't have much of a choice, really.”
“Impressive,” he said, watching me closely.
I felt the blush creep back into my face, so I turned around and moved further into the room. He followed me without another word, until I realized something. I stopped in my tracks, right before another magically appearing bridge opened up the way ahead.
“What is it?” he asked.
“I just realized... I really should have asked you about this first.”
“Ask me what?” He walked closer and tilted his head.
“If you wanted to be a part of this... I just kind of dragged you down here with me, didn't I? Not that I knew this was here, but...”
“Would you have asked though? I thought you Gryffindors would rather die a heroic death than ask anyone for help,” he mused with a smirk.
“Well, I didn't ask, so...”
He laughed. “See.” He then turned in a half-circle, taking in everything around him, before he looked back at me with a smile. “I'm glad you dragged me down here, really. Certainly beats detention.”
“We might still get caught, you know?”
“Something to look forward to, eh?”
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(Screenshot by @deathlysallows - this post)
That's it. My story so far. (The uploaded bit at least, I have 7 chapters ready to throw at the world, but I figured I'll wait a little...) Sorry for the content vomit.
As you might have noticed it's a re-write/edit of the HL story with certain changes and extensions. Also a slow-burn romance, of course, that's what we're all here for, right?
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thehungrykat1 · 1 month
BB.Q Chicken Opens Its Seventh and Biggest Branch at Ayala Malls Feliz
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BB.Q Chicken, the ultimate destination for Korean-style fried chicken, has just opened its seventh and largest branch in the country at Ayala Malls Feliz. The Hungry Kat was invited to the exclusive Grand Opening last April 9, 2024 which was attended by owners Luis "Chavit" Singson and his family plus a selection of media guests and personalities that made the event truly special.
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You can find BB.Q Chicken's newest outlet at the fifth floor of Ayala Malls Feliz located along Marcos Highway corner Amang Rodriguez Avenue in Pasig City. BB.Q Chicken is a global franchise known for its mouth-watering Korean-style fried chicken, made with 100% extra virgin olive oil. It is also well known for its appearance on hit K-Dramas such as "Goblin" and "Crash Landing On You," so K-Drama fans can feel like they are part of their favorite shows.
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Filipino businessman and politician Luis "Chavit" Singson led the ribbon cutting and grand opening ceremonies for the country's biggest branch of BB.Q Chicken. He is the owner and Chairman of the LCS Group which brought the franchise to the Philippines. They opened their first branch in Bonifacio Global City in November 2022 and are expecting to open 10 more branches this year.
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BB.Q Chicken has expanded to 57 countries worldwide, operating a total of over 4,000 franchisees. The Ayala Malls Feliz branch comes with elegant and spacious interiors which is something you don't see at other Korean fried chicken outlets. It looks more like a hotel restaurant rather than a place you can visit at the mall.
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BB.Q Chicken actually stands for "best of the best quality chicken." BBQ Chicken believes that quality ingredients are the key to making their dishes stand out, using 100% extra virgin olive oil, the highest quality oil among olive oils, as a raw material for frying their chicken. This oil is often referred to as a "gift from God," giving the dishes their signature delicious and healthy taste.
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We attended the grand opening with a couple of our friends to experience the best of the best quality Korean fried chicken. The girls are really growing up so fast.
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BB.Q Chicken offers a wide range of dishes and beverages on the menu. They have juices, fruit shakes, sodas, beers, wines, and smoothies like the Ice Cream Float with Yakult (P169) with its big mug of Yakult shake topped with a scoop of ice cream. Everyone loved this and I actually ordered a second glass for myself.
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They also have signature BB.Q cocktails like the Seouljito (P250) which has a combination of peach soju, lime juice, mint leaves, ginger ale, and ronin peach. You can also try the K-Iced Tea (P250) which has soju, Monin lychee, Monic kiwi, green tea, and lemon juice.
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BB.Q Chicken offers more than just fried chicken with its savory appetizers, sides, signature sauces, and diverse flavors to satisfy any craving. We started with the Fried Sampler (P565) which comes with a trio of layered onion rings, French fries and cheese sticks.
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The Chicken Caesar Salad (P325) is a healthier alternative with its generous salad and crunchy vegetables topped with moist golden fried chicken strips and crispy bread.
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For a real taste of Korea, go order the Mixed Gimbap (P990) as it comes with combination of different flavors of gimbap including bulgogi, spam, spicy fishcake and tuna mayo. This can be shared by the entire table with plenty to spare.
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There's also the Kimchi Fried Rice with Egg (P345). This premium kimchi fried rice can go along with any of their fried chicken dishes.
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BB.Q Chicken's menu is truly diverse, especially with the Rose Seafood Pasta (P445). This dish is a mix of Eastern and Western flavors with seafood and spaghetti mixed in a delicious blend of spicy sauce and tomato cream sauce.
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Then there's the Cheese Dakgalbi (P755), a Korean-style braised boneless chicken cooked with vegetables including potatoes, carrots, leeks, and onions topped with lots of cheese.
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Now let's get to the main event, the Korean fried chicken! BB.Q Chicken offers several flavors and variants for their chicken like the Sweet Soy Chicken (P580-half / P1050-whole) where sweet and savory soy sauce meets its crispy chicken. This was probably my favorite flavor that afternoon.
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The other variants come with a little more spice like the Gangnam-Style Chicken (P595-half / P1070-whole). This crisp and golden olive chicken is stir-fried in high heat with chopped leeks and garlic. It's spicy, sweet, and sour all at the same time.
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Those who really want it spicy should go for the Red Spicy Chicken (P580-half / P1050-whole) with its spicy chili seasoning, Vietnamese chili powder, and exotic spices.
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One of the most popular dishes at BB.Q Chicken is the UFO Chicken (P1575). This big platter comes with a combination of two of their best selling chicken flavors, the Secret Chicken and Cheesling Chicken. The Secret Chicken is a golden fried chicken covered in bb.q secret sweet sauce made with about 20 ingredients including Korean chili paste, onion and garlic. This is the signature Korean fried chicken taste that is known all over the world.
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On the other hand, the Cheesling Chicken has fried chicken bathed and toasted with a generous amount of cheese powder. You can also order these two flavors individually.
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The UFO Chicken is served with a bed of cheese fondue heated on a portable stove so that makes it doubly cheesy. The cloudy mist that envelopes the platter gives it a majestic entrance that befits this grand dish.
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We would like to thank the LCS Group and BB.Q Chicken for inviting us to join the grand opening of their newest branch. I'm planning a trip to South Korea soon so this is a great introduction to the food and culture of Korea.
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BB.Q Chicken Ayala Malls Feliz
5/F Ayala Malls Feliz, Marcos Highway corner Amang Rodríguez Avenue, Brgy. Dela Paz, Pasig City
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spindlcs · 1 year
FEATURING ,  IRENE ( @threadlled​​ ) 
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            a creak in the floorboards petrified rose, unable to move even the slightest with the silence that followed. an eternity enveloped by the darkness, to hide daring escapades that never would have been attempted in the light of day. dare she had disturbed her parents asleep upstairs the entire rouse would have been exposed. another step gingerly taken had made the blonde far more mindful of the path taken until the window was reached, creaked open and confronted with a rush of the cold night air. her pale hands pressed against the window’s ledge with an attempted balance act on her tiptoes to glance below to the ginger haired girl. “ irene, ” a whisper shout beckoned the other closer, her hand outstretched to reach for the other, a helping hand down once the blonde had reached the first floor. 
she’d never been explicitly told why, but rose’s father, once upon a time called king stefan, never cared for irene’s antics, the stories of goblins and monsters that lurked about to the very place the two planned to explore that night. sort of. “ i’m not missing another party. ” despite how juvenile the whole thing felt, to sneak out at night for a party in the woods. maybe it was just an excuse to do something that wasn’t inherently honest, but defiant. “ just be careful, ” rosamond warned. too close to the estate’s walls and a prick from a thorn bush could be expected, namely the space under her bedroom window and the cast iron wall trellis beside it. “ we should have made a bed of pillows. ” the perfectly cut grass below suddenly became likened to a bed rocks, a daring jump rosamond had become wary of. 
had the front doors security system not been activated the use of it would have been far easier than the only window with a broken sensor. 
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waltwhitmansbeard · 8 months
If you could, I would very much love to know more about the Vaxleth baby in Grow With the Flow!
i think you mean vaxleth BABIES bc twins are hereditary y’all!!
keyleth and vax try for over a year to get pregnant, and when they finally do, it feels like a miracle that it’s twins
i’m thinking two girls, fraternal, named ivy and fern, which the podcast fans ADORE
by the time the twins are born, the podcast is making enough money for it to support them full-time, which makes taking the time to be with their kids easier
unlike vex and vax, ivy and fern look nothing alike. ivy has her dad’s dark hair and dark eyes and fern has bright green eyes and blonde hair that will definitely go red by the time she’s two.
but from the minute they’re born, they’re absolutely inseparable. they won’t sleep unless they’re in the same crib, and if one of them is taken out of the house, the one left behind will cry until her sister comes back.
simon LOVES the babies. keyleth and vax know that it can be dangerous for cats to be around babies, bc they can accidentally smother them, but simon doesn’t give a fuck. he’s constantly breaking into their room and curling up between them in their crib. wherever they go, he’s always right there. even when they’re rough and grabby, he just purrs and lets them manhandle him.
bonus baby: keyleth and vax are more than happy with twins, and figure that that’s all they’d get, considering how hard it was for them to get pregnant the first time, but when the twins are about four years old, they gets an oops baby brother named linden.
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essayofthoughts · 9 months
I am humbly asking for anything you can tell me about the Delia AU (if you would like to, of course!) It has occupied an unhealthy amount of my brain since I read it.
Well. Once I pull my brain out of it's current Kashra pit (No! Don't Wanna - I DONT CARE BRAIN, YOU'RE FINISHING YOUR PLAYTIME AND GETTING BACK TO WORK!) I do actually plan on finishing the first Arc up! I have... an awful lot of it down, it's genuinely mostly connective tissue at this point, and it'd probably be done by now IF MY BRAIN HADN'T GOTTEN INVESTED IN KASHRA (*brain sticks out tongue at me*)
As you can see, my brain is being very co-operative.
I'm really glad you've enjoyed it so much! But hmm, what might you enjoy knowing about it.
Well. After Delia is weaned, Percy has to find a nanny for Delia, and ends up settling on Gertie's sister, Celie, who is very much like her sister. She is, if anything, more forceful. Celie does her damndest to bully Percy into taking better care of himself, especially with regards to his risk-taking and borderline self-harm with his interactions with Ripley and she mercilessly guilts him into behaving better by pointing out that if Delia ever found out what he did to himself for her sake, she'd be appalled and very upset.
The last thing Percy ever wants to do is hurt or upset his daughter. This proves dangerously effective.
Oh also? You know how in canon when they're going through the castle's crypt to get down to the ziggurat? You know how, before it gets dissipated, one of the ghosts seems to snap back to themselves and, specifically recognises Cass and Percy?
I decided, for sake of pain and my own headcanon, that this ghost is Julius. In regular RA he's kept from speaking because he's an undead summoned and controlled by Delilah and Ripley doesn't want her pet Percy becoming aware of all of the fuckery.
In Delia AU, Percy already knows. The Briarwoods know he knows.
Julius is free to talk.
Within about five minutes of finding out Julius' ghost is in the basement, Percy is taking his daughter to meet her (dead) uncle. Creepy-cute family fun times ensue.
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TASM!Peter Parker x superhero!fem!Reader
Trading Places
Synopsis: Reader is Spider-Woman, and engages in a battle with the Green Goblin. When her boyfriend tries to come to her aid, things take a turn for the worse.
A/N: remember when I said I had a cruel, heartbreaking oneshot idea? This is it. I mean, if you read the synopsis and saw tasm 2, you know where this is going.
If you want to read something in this same universe but a little happier, consider checking it out It’s You!
Tags: @ginger-swag-rapunzel @wellfuckthis
Warnings: injury, death, pure angst, honestly just keep the tissues close, you don’t even know how sorry I am
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“Harry, please,” you pleaded with the boy that had once been one of your best friends. “Don’t do this.”
You didn’t want to fight him, but he had just enlisted the help of Electro to take cause a massive power outage all throughout New York. You and Peter were able to stop that attack, but the mastermind was still at work.
“As if you left me a choice,” Harry snapped from the top of the tower.
“You don’t understand, my blood wouldn’t cure your illness. It would only-“
“You don’t know that!”
“How did you become the goblin, Harry?” you retorted. “You experimented with the spiders, but it didn’t work. My blood would only make you sicker. But this isn’t about that anymore, is it?”
Harry didn’t reply but stared up at the sky, the roof destroyed by the glider.
“This is about revenge,” you pointed out, and suddenly Harry came barrelling down the tower, effectively slamming his glider into your shoulder and sending you crashing to the floor.
You barely managed to shoot a web at one of the beams to catch yourself.
Okay, so Harry meant business. Good to know.
You let yourself drop onto the floor, no longer being that high up anyway, and looked around. Harry -the Green Goblin now- was nowhere to be seen. Making sure to keep your guard up, you took the reprieve to examine your shoulder. The glider had cut through the spandex and blood was pouring out of a cut. It ached, but while the cut was long, it wasn’t deep.
“Is that the best you could do?” you shouted, your voice bouncing off of the walls of the bell tower.
A high, maniacal laugh suddenly surrounded you.
You thought it came from above, but you quickly realised that the echoes made it impossible to tell.
This was maddening. The walls kept throwing the sound back at you, but no matter where you looked, you couldn’t find who it belonged to.
“Are you going to keep hiding?” you yelled over the echoes. “Or are you going to come down here and face me, you coward?!”
The laugh increased in volume.
“Why don’t you look up, little Spider-Girl?” a voice called.
You did, and then immediately wished you hadn’t.
Far above, at the top of the bell tower, Harry was holding Peter Parker by the throat. They were both standing on Harry’s glider, and Harry wasn’t putting any pressure, but your Spidey sense was going crazy.
You didn’t even know where Peter had come from. You’d told your boyfriend to stay back, that Harry wasn’t himself right now. But when had Peter ever listened if he was convinced he could help?
“Peter, are you okay?” you shouted up, cupping your hands around your mouth to make sure your voice carried to him.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” he called back. If your hearing wasn’t so enhanced, you wouldn’t have been able to hear him. “I’m alright, I shouldn’t have come here.”
“It’s okay,” you assured him. You hoped you were doing a better job at reassuring him then you were at reassuring yourself. “You’re alright, that’s all that matters.”
“Shame he won’t be that way for much longer,” Harry interrupted your conversation.
Horror opened a pit in your stomach, threatening to swallow you whole.
“Harry, I know you want to get back at me, but this isn’t the way,” you tried to reason. “Peter is your friend, too! If you hurt him, you’d be hurting yourself as well. Why would you want that?”
“The thing is, (Y/N), that you and I used to be friends. And now here we are. You can’t trust anyone in this world.”
As he started talking, you started scaling the wall. You didn’t think Harry would hurt Peter -but this wasn’t Harry. Not the one you knew and loved anyway.
“And you’re right,” Harry continued as you closed in on him. “Peter is my friend, and I’d rather not hurt him. But I’ve said it before tonight… you haven’t given me a choice.”
Your Spidey sense went crazy, and you aimed a web at Harry. It caught in the whirring gears of his glider, causing the device to spark and crash somewhere at the top of the bell tower.
You picked up your pace and hauled yourself through the hatch and into the space at the top of the tower. The glider had crashed into the wall at the far back of the room, and Harry and Peter were sprawled in the rubble.
You ducked under the bell and rushed to Peter. His eyes were closed behind his cracked glasses, and blood trickled from a cut on his forehead. Falling to your knees beside him, you gently put a hand on his cheek.
“Peter? Can you hear me?” His eyes fluttered open and you smiled, only now realising how your heart was racing. “Hey, you’re okay. You’re alright.”
He reached up to cover your hand with his own. “Are you? Why are you crying?”
You shook your head. “It’s nothing. It’s all okay now. Let me just web up Harry and leave him here for the cops, and then we’ll get you to the ER.”
“I’m fine,” he protested, and you leaned in to kiss him.
“I love you, but your ability of judging the gravity of your injuries sucks,” you told him. “You probably have a concussion.”
“Probably,” he agreed.
He always agreed with whatever you said right after kissing him.
You helped him up. “Think you can stand without falling over?”
He scoffed, taking off his broken glasses and tucking them into his pocket. “My legs are fine.”
“Two minutes ago you were arguing you were fine,” you reminded him.
“I can stand, (Y/N).”
Still a little reluctant, you left him standing by the wall, where he could hold onto something. Then you turned back to Harry.
Only, Harry was no longer there.
“What the-���
At the same time, Peter’s panicked voice shouted: “(Y/N), watch out!”
Instinctively, you leaped up onto the bell. Harry and his busted glider shot by right beneath you. He went out through the hole in the wall.
Apparently, you had only manage to unbalance the glider, rather than destroying it. That was going to be a problem.
You jumped down from the bell again, starting to make your way towards Peter, when Harry destroyed another part of the wall with his entrance. You ducked and fired a web at the other propeller on the glider, and Harry went out through the hole with a shout.
You wanted to rush over to the hole, not wanting to accidentally kill him, but just as you reached it, something small and green flew inside past your head.
You turned to see what it was, but when you saw, it was already too late. You tried to warn Peter, but your voice was swallowed by an explosion.
A bright flash sent you stumbling back, and you nearly stepped right out of the hole in the wall, barely managing to catch yourself on the edges. Splintered wood dug into your palm.
As the dust settled, you looked around the room, frantically searching for Peter. Much to your relief, he was standing on the other side of the room. There was soot on his face, and a red burn stretched across his neck, but he seemed mostly unharmed.
He sighed in relief when he saw you. “Are you-“
For a moment, you wondered why he didn’t finish his sentence.
Then the floor gave out beneath his feet, and time seemed to slow down as Peter suddenly disappeared from your view.
You didn’t even think about it. You blindly pushed yourself off the wall and into the falling rubble, after Peter.
Realising you would never reach him in time, you shot a web to catch him. Maybe you were imagining things, but you thought it looked like a hand reaching out to him.
With your other hand, you shot another web up, where it grabbed onto a support beam.
The other web was still making its way down. You saw its bright, silvery white reflected in Peter’s beautiful dark eyes, saw the exact moment it latched onto his clothes and yanked him to a stop.
He was inches away from the floor and you didn’t dare to breathe.
Carefully, you lowered him the rest of the way down. Then, you let yourself drop lightly beside him. His eyes were closed again, but some of the rubble could’ve hit him in the head.
You fell to your knees next to him and brushed his hair out of his face.
“Peter? Can you hear me?”
This time, he didn’t respond. That was okay, he was probably unconscious from the shock or something.
“Hey,” you whispered, still stroking his hair while you took his hand in your own. “It’s okay, Peter. It’s all okay now. We’re okay. You can wake up now.”
He remained stubbornly silent. Probably just to scare you, he’d been doing that for years. Pretending to be asleep and then jumping up to try and startle you. Yeah, that was what was going on.
“Come on,” you urged. “You’ve had your fun, you can stop now.”
But he still didn’t move.
“Peter, this isn’t funny,” you said, barely managing to get the words out past the lump in your throat. “Look at me. Come on, look at me!”
Then you saw the blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth.
“Peter?” you whispered.
You put a trembling hand on his chest, in the exact same spot you had put your head hundreds of times during movie dates.
Right above his heart.
There was nothing but a hauntingly hollow nothingness.
“No. No, no, no, no. Peter, hey, come on. Open your eyes,” you muttered, feeling the tears starting to stream down your cheeks. “Please, love, just open your eyes and look at me. Just look at me. Just look at me!”
Peter remained still in your arms, save for the blood that was still lazily trickling from his mouth, dripping on the floor. The only sound besides your ragged sobs.
You curled closer, as if you could somehow still shield him from danger when you had failed to do just that, and a scream ripped out of your throat.
It echoed back at you, as if the bell tower itself was mourning your loss.
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idjitlili · 3 years
Lurking in the dark.
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Not my gif.
Summary:  Jareth uses a disguise to lurk around you before the Labyrinth like he did with Sarah, as an owl. Until you accidentally wish away your dog.
Warnings:mentions of tight pants. Mentions of feeling lonely.First smut...you’ve been warned, well just oral, and a handjob.
Word count:4325
A/n: low-key based in my home country, ah yes England.
Y/d/n=your dogs name, or change it to cat or fake pet.
Though you weren't 16, like Sarah, being an adult, Jareth felt pulled to you. No, he was not a pervert, times were different.  Maybe it was your love of your dog, maybe it's how lonesome you felt, that dog unknowingly brought hope into your life. Yes you did love your family, but sometimes you just got lonely.
Maybe it was your love of films, you could watch your favourite film a million times, yet feel so invested into watching it again. Maybe it was your stack of books, some you already had ,which were your favourite,but had gotten pocket editions or ones with different covers.
How Jareth had found you, well that was a different question, not him dressing down , changing his hair to place the labyrinth in difference book stores , illegally. Yes, that was how he had found you,when he had done that. Soon he had figured out, you regularly went to the book store, after following you home in his owl form.
This particular day had been most stressful, though the rain was calming, being drenched to the point your underwear were soaked, not like that. Frozen, you just wanted to get to Waterstones before they shut, practically running. Not only wanting to get there but also get home quick too.
Rushing into the store , the door closing behind you, the warm air embracing your freezing body, you just hoped you wouldn't get in trouble for being soaked in here. It wasn't like you were going to wipe your clothes on all the books , ruining them.
Then, of course more problems occurred; you could not for the life of you find a book you desired.  Sighing , you pushed your dripping hair from your face, you could only imagine how bad you looked in that moment.
Yet, you had continued your search, with no luck until a man had cleared his throat from next to you.
His hair clearly blond from his roots, the rest a light red colour almost ginger but not. His eyes bright blue, yet it seemed like he had heterochromia, aswell as larger pupil in his left eye. His cheekbones highly defined, his body skinny, overall the man was very handsome.
Turning to face the man, highly embarrassed by your state. "If you don't mind-" this is when you thought you was going to be asked to leave, your stomach dropped. "-hearing my suggestion." Okay, that still found like he was going to ask you to leave, but his voice wasn't aggressive.  "...okay?" You weren't sure what to say, only letting out a quiet word.
The man had reached up to the shelf above you , pulling down a small red book, so he wasn't kicking you out.  His pale hand gently holding the book in front of you, 'The labyrinth.' You had taken the book from him, to look for a summary , yet there wasn't one, nor a publisher or an author name.
"You take that home,on me, if you don't like bring it back."  
"W-wait, you d-" You didn't know this man, you felt guilty getting it for nothing, but he had interrupted you. "You've had a long day,clearly,  now go get home,y/n"  The man simply placed his hands on his hips waiting, his words followed out like water, turning to go do whatever he was doing.
"W-wait." He had spun around , his eyes looked at you in slight annoyance, hurrying you up. "What's your name?"
"Ziggy." You had looked at you watch at the same time, before looking back at the man- but he was gone. Thus, you left.  Hold on , how did he know your name?
Not spotting the owl, that stood on the lamp post watching you...
You had begun reading the book , as soon as you had gotten out of your soaking clothes , into warm ones. You wondered how Jareth could like a girl with no sense, no you didn't , you thought why she wearing her baby brother hat.
Yet, your dog would not allow you to sit in peace, shoving their toy under the cupboard making you get up and get it otherwise they wouldn't stop crying, or eating all their food and scratching for more. Then, they had knocked your drink everywhere with their toy.
Groaning in annoyance , for the hundredth time. "You know if the Goblin king was real, y/d/n, I'd wish for him to take you for a time out." Of course you handed read that far you didn't know what would really happen to him..
"You know what, I'll just say it, just in case. I wish the goblins would take you away, right now."   A crack of thunder had made you jump out of your skin turning towards it , before turning back hearing scratching on the floor, to see nothing, by this time it's pitch black, only light from a small lamp is seen , your dog is gone.
Suddenly the door crashes open, an owl flies in , before turning into a man. Not that you could see him much. "Uhm, I mean thanks for taking my dog for a time out , but uh thats dognapping, so.." He had only laughed loudly.
From what you you could see his hair was a huge blond mullet, there was glitter everywhere, and those pants...
"What's said is said."
"What the bloody hell does that mean?" That wasn't legal, he had broken into your home and stole your dog.
"I have brought you a gift, it's a crystal, nothing more. but if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams. but this is not a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of the dog.....do you want it? then forget the dog." You had scoffed at him, you could go ebay and get a crystal ball, who was this wannabe Gandalf?
"Sorry, no, I would like my dog." The king, looked disappointed with your answer, did he believe that would really work?
"don't defy me." His voice stern , as he threw a snake at you , but completely missed, coughing out a small laugh, as the man pretended it never happened.
"Y-you're no match for me."
"Stop with all the talk, how can I get y/d/n back?" With that , he had gestured you to come to the window, a huge maze could be seen, well labyrinth, instead of the dark sky. Turning back to Jareth, you realised you were no longer in your room, but outside the labyrinth.
"So, how does this work?"  You could clearly see the man now, known as Jareth , the Goblin king, his eyes seemed very familiar, left pupil bigger than the right.  He had pointed to a 13 hours clock, that had appeared.
"You have 13 hours in which to solve the labyrinth , and reach my castle, before your dog becomes one of us forever, such a pity." And boom he was a gone, not much to work from.
Now finding away into the labyrinth, indeed that seemed easy, of course it wasn't, no entrances , you thought of the only thing you could do... Climb the wall.  By the time you had gotten over , there stood Jareth in the tight pants.
"You know, there was a door. This shall be your only warning." Poof he was gone again, if you continued climbing walls maybe you'd have to compliment his pants. Next time put a bloody door.
Though you had no idea what in gods earth you was doing, you just decided to head straight forward as you could, thus to get to the castle quicker. Not going one away and ending going through the side door out of the labyrinth.
As you could expect, Jareth was not very happy that you were travelling through his labyrinth, like it was your house. In fact, he was angered, so much , that he wanted to pick you up, as if you were a rag doll and dump you to the start. Then again, you’d just go twice as fast through.
So, there sat Jareth on his throne, with your dog upon his lap, his little whip thing in hand. Suit up Jareth, your not Indiana Jones. Staring into the crystal ball, unable to think.
The fact you had gotten passed the sausage dogs without a second thought pushed Jareth over the edge... He had attempted to jump scare you, but of course it had went south. Jareth rarely had anyone not beat the Labyrinth, and honestly you’d think he would’ve improved it.
Jareth hadn’t spoken in your presence, to inform you that he was there, instead he had placed a hand onto your shoulder. What he was not expecting was you to turn around at sonic speed, punching him square in the face.
Stumbling back, him his boots, holding his now bloody nose, he had let out a yelp in surprise. He did not expect that, not at all.
You had reached some sort of lake, with a path down to a small house, when you had punched Jareth anyways.
After you had seen that it was Jareth that you had punched, who else would it be, guilty travelled up your body suffocating you. Almost instantly you had rushed to Jareth, ripping part of the end of your t-shirt, bringing the fabric to his nose. Pulling his bloody hand from his nose, with a harsh grip, since he lead stiff.
Your face was sweating, not only were you scared that he might kill you, but also you had felt bad for him, after the numerous times he had checked up on you. You wondered if he ever spoke to anyone other than the Goblins, you wondered if he could even leave this place without being wished.
Gripping his sharp jaw to move his face, allowing you to make get a better look at the bleeding, keeping the fabric to his nose, soaking all the blood up. You didn’t even know Faes bled.
“J-Jareth, I’m so sorry! You made me jump, I swear I didn’t do it on purp-“ Jareth liked the contact, the anger he felt before had slipped away, your soft fingers upon his skin, your favourite t-shirt now ruined as you had sacrificed it for his nose. Oh, and he knew that was your favourite shirt.
Your pleading e/c eyes staring into his mismatched ones, made both of your hearts beat fast than moments before. It almost made him forget why you were here; but when he did remember his eyes returned harsh. You only felt bad because you were frightened, he knew you’d leave him soon as you had beaten his labyrinth.
Oh how wrong he was.
Pulling away rudely, using his magic to pull a clock out of no where, using his gloved had to skip it forward three hours, smirking. Fake smirking, the quicker this ends the better, he could not bare to fall in love with a silly human girl again, just to be rejected.
Your eyes widened in confusion, your torn end of your t-shirt still in your hand, bloodied. “W-what?” 6 hours left.
Poof Jareth was gone yet again, oh and how he had some plans for you. Stood in brief shock of what had just occurred, trying to forget the tingles that had erupted down your hand, throughout your whole body, like electric shocks. Shaking it off, like you were about to warm up for pe , just like high school. Ew.
You had continued down the path, to the small house, and within minutes you had reached it. Didn’t seem like there was away around, only way was through.
Thankfully, it was unlocked, allowing you straight in. Only for it to slam close behind you, you didn’t think of anything of it, all you could think about in this moment was how your stomach was growling loudly.
The rag now placed into your back pocket, as you searched the tiny kitchen for anything, coming across an overly large strawberry, you didn’t even think before you had devoured it.
In that moment you heard it the door clicked, you had rushed to it testing it, locked, of course. Your feet now suddenly soaking wet , gulping you had looked down the floor covered in soapy water, rising dangerously. Surely he would not kill you?
All the windows now sealed shut, no upstairs , only the chimney , thankfully wide as. You did the only thing you could, your stomach turning, feeling light headed, the water reaching your knees.
You got in it, but the walls were too slippery so you held your breath just as the water got above your shoulders. Swimming up the chimney with the water, not full breast stroke of course, no room for that. The water pressure building at such a speed you ended up flying out the end of the chimney, no idea how that was even possible.
Then everything went black, soon entering a dream world...well no it wasn’t a dream. Now dressed in gown, at a ball, a masquerade, the room almost packed with guests with goblin like masks., all wearing big expensive gowns, or suite like attire. Loud laughter dimmed out by the loud gently music.. what.
Turning every which way, you felt like you were looking for something, just you could not recall what. A skinny man, with a bo dazzled suite, a long blond mullet with stripes of blue to match his suite, a diamond at his next instead of a tie or bow, frilly shirt. He held a similar goblin mask, only when you caught his eye he had pulled it away.
Only you and him without masks, his eyebrows with no ends, h-his strangely familiar eyes , his thin lips, you felt a strong pull towards him.
“There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed
Within your eyes
I'll place the sky.”
All you could do is stare at him, as the song began, mouth gapped at him, your dress that before felt heavy no felt like nothing, as he began walking towards you, through the people.
“Within your eyes
There's such a fooled heart
Beatin' so fast”
Trying to get passed the strange people, to get him, he simply danced with other people that already had partners, I mean, like pressed up against the partners.
“In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I'll place the moon
Within your heart
As the pain sweeps through.” He didn’t even try to get to you as you chased after him, these strange people suffocating you, getting in your way on purpose.
“Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone.” Then he was gone, your eyes searched the room, not seeing him hidden behind a fan behind you, continued your search. As he smirked behind you, oh how he couldn’t stop feeling the way he did about you, he thought it was funny how now you chased him instead of the other way around.
“Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down.” He had continued making his way through the people, in direct view , as you searched still.
As the world falls down
Falling in love.” Squeezing through the people, feeling panicked, you had no idea what was happening, nor why you felt like this for a strange man, shoving pushed the people that circled you.
“I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you Valentine evenings though we're strangers 'til now.” You had found him, as a fan moved, he stood sandwiched by two woman.
“We're choosing the path
Between the stars
I'll leave my love
Between the stars” Only then did he come towards you,his face should no emotion, you wondered how you had gotten here. Now with a mans hand out waist and the other in his hand as you danced.
“As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all.” You couldn’t remember knowing how to dance, but you and Jareth done turns in sync with all the other dancers, staring deeply into his mismatched pupils.
“But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down
Falling” Jareth-how did you now know his name, now singing along, wow self loving much , who plays their own music. He had every right. Only then, did you feel yourself leaning to his lips.
“As the world falls down
As the world falls down.”
Jareth had noticed, leaning towards you as well, you felt your lips connect to his soft ones, as your eyes closed. That’s all it took for your remove your hands from his shoulder and hand bringing them up into his blond hair. Pulling his face towards yours, not allowing yourself to disconnect from him, you both had stopped dance at this point.
His arms now around your waist pulling you both closer together again, one of your hand now cupping his cheek, as you both kissed. Pulling away for a second to breathe, before pressing your lips against his again harshly this time, biting his lip hard, he had almost jumped, letting out a yelp, only then were you able insert your tongue into his mouth.
You both had long forgotten the people that surrounded you both. Jareths grip now tightened, your tongue fighting against his. Only until he had pulled your hair, pulling you from him lips, your eyes slammed shut, your hands now against his clothed chest, as he pressed kisses down your bare neck. A small moan had escaped your mouth, your hand travelling down to his pants. “Can I?” Jareth had looked into your eyes, his other pupil now almost reaching the same size as his other, nodding.
You hand cupping, his manhood, his pulse heightened under your touch, Jareth had groaned loudly, his bulging member against your palm, as Jareths hips had pushed against your hand for friction. Jareth now sucking harshly at your neck, rubbing your hand against him.
You had forgotten about the room full off people;but Jareth had definitely not, he did not want to take you in front of them, at this moment he didn’t care, he had not had pleasure in a very long time. Leaving your neck, Jareth had joined your lips again, biting your already swollen bottom lips, returning to sloppy small kisses, you had wished that Jareth had picked a less poofy dress.
Your hands leaving Jareths body, he had let out a small sigh, he had thought you had remembered, especially when you began to lift the bottom the dress. Only then did you notice the people, wide eye, but they were still dancing, even if they were looking, Jareth touch was intoxicating.
Your calf’s now on show, almost touching Jareth again, how starred down at you confused, as you looked up at him with a small grin, lifting your leg up and over hip. Instantly he had gripped the soft skin under your thigh, your dress now bunched up to your waist, as you wrapped your arms around Jareths neck.
Pressing your clothes core against, his bulging, your core soaking through, jumping up, so that both of your legs were now wrapped tightly against Jareth. Your lips on his, his hands travelling up your legs slowly, all the way to your waist again, wet kisses as your hips began to rock against Jareths stone member. Your stomach turning into knots against him.
Your clit pulsating against him, undoubtedly he could feel it too, your speed quickly increase, pushed Jareth over the edge with a loud groan, you were pressed against the stone floor. Still, you grinned harshly against him, his hands now either side of your head, his only your upper back against the floor.
Looking into his hungry eyes, pleading for him to do something, stopping your hip movements . “J-Jareth, a-are you sure we should do this here? W-with these people?” Jareth had only smirked at you lowering himself to your ear level. “Love, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed about, plus they can only see when I want them too, understand?” Whispering into your ear, that must be why they didn’t even look your way.
“Now, I must ask, do you want this? Definitely?” His face not inches from yours, his eyes searched yours. “Yes, please.” With that Jareth had unwrapped your legs from him, tearing the bottom of the dress, he was a very skinny man, it was a shame ‘twas a lovely dress. Only your underwear covered you bottom half now, your heels now discarded.
Snapping your legs closed in embarrassment, Jareth had lifted your leg by your calf pressed gently pecks all the way up, till he got your thigh, his eyes meeting yours as you sat up on your elbows, you had nodded at him, anyone would’ve been nervous, especially a virgin.
His lips now reattached to your soft skin on your thigh, gently he had pulled your legs apart , your heat had already been dripping from just kissing, but now it was a river. A snap of his fingers and your underwear were gone.
Jareths face now dangerously close, your whole lower parts on show to him, he had grinned up at you, his hot breath on your most sensitive area, sent chills through your core... literally. Jareth had groaned just feeling your thighs shake in his hands, his erection now painfully restricted.
With that he had slid his tongue up your folds one, letting out a gasp, you hadn’t been touched like this ever. He had brought a single figure to plunge into you, swirling it around you for only a second, his other hand now holding your stomach down, from your squirming underneath him. Removing the finger, his eyes locked onto your as he slipped it into his mouth, sucking on it, before pulling his finger out of his mouth with a pop.
His face satisfied with you, whimpering , he had barely touched you, yet you were pooling already, orgasm almost there, “please...” Parting your folds, he had slowly removed eye contact, his tongue now licking you like an icecream cone, your nerves on overdrive, he had plunged his tongue into you, his hand back on your thighs, squeezing as he swirled around in you. Your legs clenching on his head, grinding into his face.
“Jareth!” Considering you were quite shy, with men anyways, the moan of his name, caused Jareth to tighten his grip, tongue from your opening, he rolled your clit gently between his teeth, you hand cried out, your legs thrown over his shoulders, you could feel your orgasm coming. Pulling tightly at his long hair for more, a loud growl had erupted from his mouth, travelling through you, your stomach tightening.
So close to satisfaction, “J-Jareth..” His tongue had attached back onto your clit, bringing his fingers close to you, one of your legs still on his shoulder, the other leg, he had placed against the stone floor, spreading your legs widely, so that he could insert his finger into you. Your back now curved from the floor, adding two more fingers into your wet opening.
Sweat upon your face, like drops of rain water, allowing you a moment to adjust, Jareth had began to his fingers into you, his mouth detached, faster, and faster by the second. Spreading his fingers in you, you couldn’t hang on any longer. Your legs now shaking like hurricane, Jareth knew you was close, your head thrown back, as you finally met your orgasm.
Removing his fingers, as the please hit you like wrecking ball, throughout our lower half, you had let out a loud moan of pleasure. Your hips finally buckled , riding your orgasm in Jareths face. Panting heavily, Jareth had looking up , wiping the remaining of your juices on his palm.
“J-Jareth?” He now laid next to you, how was he still fully clothed? He had hummed in response. “C-can we just start with that for now,” You were worried, that he’d get angry, but instead he had just looked at you with a gently smile. “Of course, love.” Then you noticed, his painfully erected member, bringing your hand to his bulge rubbing him again, groaning in surprise.
“I-I’ve never done anything like this.” Jareth only nodded, as you stroked him through his pants, he wasn’t going to take your virginity not like this. He was a good man- fae sorry, he took all those children from people that didn’t want them. Shouldn’t be thinking about this right now.
Slipping you hand into Jareths pants, you stroked him harshly, rubbing the his tip gently with your thumb when you reached it, before repeating the cycle. Jareths lips upon yours , you could still taste yourself on him. Quickening your pace, soon enough his he had bitten down roughly onto your lip, as he came.
Yet again, you were both laying on the floor, laying your shoulders on his arm, that wrapped around you laying in his chest.
“Can I have my dog back? I mean- if you let me go back, you could come too, o-only if you want to anyways?” You had stuttered out your words , causing Jareth to laugh at you, he had a feeling you still remembered.
“Of course.”
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wandsandwheezes · 3 years
Fake It | Weasley Twins | CH6
one // two // three // four // five
Warnings | 18+ SMUT, mature themes, fake relationships, secret relationships, love, sex, drama, angst, fluff, masturbation, hate sex, heartbreak, blood
Summary // Fred Weasley has been set up to publicly date Y/N, London’s best Quidditch Seeker in order to drum up some publicity. Y/N however has a different ginger man on her mind; George Weasley.
A/N // thank you to my angst goblin, Lanie @gcdric​ and my angel Zahra @starlightweasley​ for helping me get this one out bc otherwise id be STUCK
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One new message
The sound of the answer machine rang through Fred’s flat, he was staring out over London and her twinkling lights. His waistcoat was loose, hanging open at his chest - tie discarded the moment he stumbled through the door. He’d pretty much flung the sliding glass door to the balcony open, letting the biter breeze whip through his hair, blowing the once still curtain so that it flew in a way that mimicked the way a superhero’s cape flows. 
The night of partying had been a wild but well needed distraction. Fred couldn’t stop the image of your kiss from playing over and over in his head, his fingers ghosted over where the absent feeling of your lips lingered, wishing you were here. 
“Freddie…” You breathed down the phone, your words slurred still as the liquor clung to your senses. 
“About what happened tonight, I don’t think it was-” His heart began to race at the simple thought, the steamy kiss was crossing his mind once again, He heard you take a moment, a pause for thought and he held his breath with you. 
“I just - we need to talk. We- I have something to tell you.” You sighed, he was praying he could just call you back, checking his watch, he knew it was too late. What If he did call, would that be so bad? 
“I’m sorry, Fred.” the sound of you putting down the phone echoed in his brain. Sorry. What could you possibly be sorry for? It could possibly be one of the best kisses of his life. He couldn’t deny the electricity that he felt from tip to toe and he knew deep down that you felt it too. So why did he feel a pang of sadness hit his chest, winding him like a dementor was sucking the soul out of his body.
Fred fell asleep that night clutching his pillow as he imagined you in its place. He wasn’t sure what made the tears roll down his cheeks, but shrugged it off as the alcohol getting to him. He was snivelling, contemplating leaving you a text. He needed you to know how he felt, that he was aching for you to be with him. He didn’t want things to just be staged anymore, there was undeniable chemistry there between you, he felt it in the way you looked at him. Surely it would be better if you were his, he could kiss and hold you all he wanted without the need for press or cameras. You could have a beautiful, normal life together. You were one of the last thoughts on his brain as he drifted off, his grip against the plush pillow only growing tighter out of desperation. 
Waking to the midday sun shining directly into his eyes wasn’t making the pounding headache rattling around in his skull any better. Fred didn’t remember anything about how or when he got home, only recalling the mellow flow of your voice reverberating around his flat. He managed to drag himself from his bed, searching every unorganised cabinet for the sight of even one lonely ibuprofen, sighing as his head fell to rest on the counter with no luck. He realised the grave mistake he had made when his head started thumping, the room spinning and his sight going hazy. Water, he needed hydration.
Two pints of water later, Fred was still feeling the sour effects of last night’s burning liquor, feeling the burn in his chest with every breath, like all the liquid was ready to come right back up at any moment. He sat himself down at the island counter as he pressed the button to replay the voicemail from last night. 
I’m Sorry.
The words wouldn’t leave him, he replayed the voicemail over and over, internalising every single word as it played through the speakers. He sat for hours, sat too long until his feet had gone numb from dangling over the seat. The Great British weather had taken its turn for the worst, a clap of thunder distracting Fred from his thoughts, not knowing how deeply the words were hitting him, until he felt a tear drop against the back of his hand. It was too much for him, realising that he needed to see you, touch you, feel you. 
I’m Sorry
His feet dragged him towards your place, he didn’t care that he’d been walking for miles or that the rain was drenching him to his very core. It was desperation that drove him to find you. It was like a sign to him that one lonely red rose grew from a bush he passed, stopping dead in his tracks before turning around to look at it. He plucked it from the bush, holding it up to his nose, breathing in the scent. Rose petals mixed with the cold drizzle and muggy air sent him over the edge. He was walking quicker now so that he could get to you, pace kicking up into a small jog, his shoes slapping against the wet pavement with each step.
One light shone dimly from the confines of your apartment. Fred stood outside, debating how he was going to approach this conversation. He loved you, wanted you to be his and he struggled in that moment to find the appropriate words to express it. You were towel drying your hair, supposedly from the rain as you came into view by the window. You looked like an angel, a pure piece of heaven on earth and his heart beat faster, beginning to move closer to the flat’s entrance. That’s when he spotted another figure coming into view from the window, face covered by the towel as you dried their hair. Whoever it was, had at least a foot on you height wise, their hands snaking around your waist to pull you tight and close to them.
Fred’s heart sunk, like it had fully fallen out of his ass, seeing you in the arms of another man made his stomach churn, his grip on the rose growing tighter as the thorns pierced his skin. He didn’t even feel the pain, just the emptiness in his chest. He watched as you pulled the towel from the figure’s face.
The messy ginger hair, round cheeks and adoring smile were obvious. Fred knew exactly who he was seeing, he was blinking so hard wishing that it was just a terrible nightmare. As George’s lips connected with yours, it was as if it rumbled Zeus himself, a bolt of lightning illuminating the dark sky. It was like watching his whole world come crashing down, watching you chase his brother’s lips desperately, the same way you had done with him last night. He couldn’t help but watch as the kiss deepened, George using his strength to pick you up, watching your legs wrap around his waist, walking out of sight. 
It was like watching a glimpse of a life he’d never have, the rose fell to the floor, petals breaking off of the stem. Blood was dripping from his hand to the floor, diluted by the rain as it splashed against the stone. Not a single car drove by your house, not one person was outside but Fred in that moment. Loneliness was the only bitter feeling left, it tasted like hell in his mouth, unable to shake the image of you and George together, only hearing two words in his head over and over like a broken record.
I’m Sorry. 
Raindrops danced along Fred’s skin, the soft pitter patter mocking him, everything reminded him of you, even in a moment of heartbreak, the glow of Christmas lights, the thunder or the distant sound of horns beeping at one another, it all reminded him of you in the most ridiculous way. His phone chimed, pulling up the messages he realised that his thoughts had overpowered the importance of the messages.
>> I miss your touch Freddie
>> I can come see you tonight
>> why aren’t you responding Fred?
>> don’t you love me?
‘Maybe this is what I need’ Fred thought, Perhaps he needed the out, the quick fuck to get the aggression out of his system. They say it’s wrong to sleep with your boss, but Cherry wasn’t his boss, she was just the publicist. The publicist you shared. If you could sleep with anyone you wanted, why should he feel guilty about it now? After all, if there was one woman who could help him forget, It would be Cheryl. 
<< sorry, doll
<< of course i love you
<< come see me x
>> I won’t be long, i’m so desperate for you, Freddie x 
It was wrong for him to say that, especially when he didn’t love cherry. Not one ounce of his body felt a connection deeper than just sex. That's all it was to him with Cherry; mindless, carefree sex. Why he kept going back to her like a lost puppy however, was still up for debate. 
Cheryl wasn't an unattractive woman, but she wasn't you. She was taller, accentuated by her constant need to wear heels, not that it mattered much to Fred when he towered above most people he met. She had long blonde hair that was always beach waved and perfectly sun-kissed skin like a Miami model. Fred didn't care too much about superficial looks, but it was undeniable that part of the reason he enjoyed Cherry so much was the way her tits, although obviously fake, would bounce in his face begging to be touched as she sank down onto him or the way her full lips looked as they wrapped around his throbbing cock. Fucking Cheryl from behind was as much fun, he had all the ass he could hold onto before him and a tight cunt that always struggled to take him. 
Reaching his home Cherry was already waiting for him. She spun around as soon as his presence behind her was felt, lips attaching to his immediately. The red lipstick she wore while unique to her, was now being transferred to the man's lips as they kissed. He wasn't disappointed to be kissing someone, it was disappointment that it wasn't you. Your kisses were heaven compared to what he was getting now, he found himself picturing you in his arms and that seemed to work. 
They wasted no time stripping each other's clothes off, Fred was aching to pound his cock into something, even if it had to be Cherry. When the girl tried to straddle him, he grabbed her hips, throwing her against the mattress, causing a giggle to erupt from her lips. "Hands and knees tonight, Doll." 
Being seethed inside Cherry felt amazing. He tried to stretch her out, push as much of himself inside as he could, but she was simply so tight. The pace he set was animalistic, fucking the girl raw against the sheets, he couldn't stand to look at her, closing his eyes and pretending it was the girl he’d been longing for. It wasn't enough, he needed more control. Fred's hand was pushing Cherry's face into the sheets, his thrusts more violent and possessive as he continued fucking her senseless. 
Back at your home, George was seethed all the way inside you, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. The way you two fit together was like lock and key, a perfect size for each other. "I'm so deep inside of you princess, can you feel me in your belly?" You were nodding, grabbing his hand to press against your abdomen, his thrusts were slow and purposeful, he was trying to make you cum over and over and over again tonight and you were already waiting for number four. "Yes Georgie, right here, it feels so good when you fill me up." he hummed as he felt the tip of his cock hitting where his hand was pressed with every thrust. His precious girl. All for him. 
Fred was on the edge, skin slapping as he chased his orgasm, Not caring much for Cherry's desperate moans, no matter how good he was making her feel. He wanted her to shut up, it sounded so fake, but he was ready to release, pulling out to let his cum drip over the curve of her ass. He flopped on the bed next to her, immediately feeling her hand on his cock, stroking gently. "You're so good, Freddie, So big." 
She took him into her mouth with ease, it was the only time he could be fully inside of her. His head was back against the mattress as he pictures your soft lips replacing hers. His hand came up to stroke her hair as she continued sucking him off. Try as he might to cum again, he knew it wasn’t your hand on his cock, or your lips. It was another woman, the thought made him sick to his stomach, forcing him to sit bolt upright, pulling himself away from the naked girl on his bed.
“I can’t do this.” he grumbled, grabbing the boxers he had discarded on the floor, pulling them up. Cherry sighed, running a hand through her hair and pulling it over her shoulder, “Do you want me to stay Freddie?” she smiled, playing with the ends of hair as she watched him walk into his bathroom across the hall. “I don’t care.” he spoke plainly, the hurt in his chest hitting him once again as he slammed the door behind him. 
He could still hear the hums and moans you made against his lips. As he leant against the shut door, his hand reached down to start palming himself, feeling himself grow hard again at the thought of you. He was picturing you sprawled out on his bed, begging for him, using your mouth to get him off - He was getting close again as he imagined slamming his hips into you. Just as he reached his peak again, one thought plagued his mind, you moaning his twins name. His heart broke again as he came, sighing as he realised that he was too late. You weren’t his to have.
/// TO BE CONTINUED ///  >>>>>> Chapter Seven
taglist //  @starlightweasley​ @slytherinsunrise​ @gcdric​ @theweasleysredhair​ @whiz-bangs78​ @weasleysflowr​ @vogueweasley​ @minty-malfoy​ @vivianweasley​ @feetoffthetablee​ @thisismynerdyself​ @rip-us​ @witch-and-a-half​ @sarcasticallywitty15​ @pandaxnienke​ @loony-loopy-lupinn​ @pigwidgexn​ @mackaywhore​ @softlyqoos​ @colorfulprofessornickelangel​ @fandomscombine​ @satellitespidey​ @txtdreamss​ @aaannabbanana​  @starkidpotty​ @mollydarling-hphm​ @amwithers2001​ @mrmoonyy​
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spookyceph · 3 years
Pull Test
Summary: Shigaraki and Kurogiri meet with the League of Villain's newest candidate.
Rating: Gen Fic, SFW
Relationships: Shigaraki & Magne
Characters: Shigaraki Tomura, Magne, Kurogiri, Giran, mentioned Dabi, mentioned Toga Himiko
Words: 2,732
Warnings: Implied/Referenced transphobia and deadnaming when Magne's background is mentioned, swearing
The manila folder dropped from the air like a dead bird, hitting the bar top with a slap. Tomura jerked back, stool wobbling beneath him, and grit his teeth as he heard the staccato sounds of his fighter taking damage in his game. Recovering balance, he hit the pause button before glaring at the warp gate that swirled into being across the way.
“Another one already?” he snapped the moment the tall figure of his caretaker stepped out of the darkness.
Kurogiri straightened both his tie and metal gorget. “I was quite impressed myself. Giran is proving to be as professional and efficient as advertised.” He motioned to the folder he’d air dropped in. “Shall we consider this new candidate together, Shigaraki Tomura?”
Tomura wasn’t in the mood to consider shit. He hadn’t been hanging around the bar for going on two hours hoping for work to come along. One of his hands strayed to his pocket. He touched the lump that was the jar of salve he’d taken to carrying at all times. The serpentine ridge of a friendship bracelet (I used red, white, and black string so it would match you, Tomura-kun!) had joined it a week ago. Of course, he’d die before admitting to lurking just to catch a glimpse of Dabi. Or that he’d agreed to let Toga show him her favorite otome games as soon as she came back from her shopping trip. He definitelycouldn’t tell the smug old ink splatter to fuck off and let him get back to his goal of a high score—not without having how wrong he’d been about those same two people rubbed in his face.
That left being a responsible leader as the only option.
Tomura growled and set his game aside. He flicked the folder open. “Fine. What’s this new asshole’s name?” Giving in didn’t require him to be gracious about it.
“Ah. About that. I believe there’s a conflicting issue in her files about that point. Her family name is Hikiishi, however, her given one, or both, may require an update.”
A look at the top of the file filled in the blanks. The picture Giran had included showed the candidate flashing a bold smile at the camera. Shoulder-length auburn hair framed prominent cheekbones. Slightly darker fuzz lined her jaw and chin. Tomura couldn’t tell what color her eyes were behind her sunglasses, but they locked with his through lenses and stock paper alike. Hikiishi Kenji, read the first line of information on the page beneath the photo. A police report, by the looks of it.
“I see. Well, for now let’s just call Hikiishi by her alias until she confirms with us.” Tomura skimmed through the info again. “Magne, right? Related to her quirk, I assume.”
The currents of Kurogiri’s mist slowed and relaxed into looser coils. “Correct.”
Tomura frowned. “What? Did you think I’d have some sort of problem with the name thing?”
“After the misunderstanding with Dabi—”
“Dabi and I talked.”
The yellow eyes glowing within the darkness widened. “Did you now?”
Fuck, he wasn’t turning red, was he? Was he? “We’re adults. We worked shit out, okay? Not everybody has a stick up their ass about being polite all the time.” He scooped up his game, more than ready to retreat into something he could control. “When are we expecting Magne?”
“Giran can bring her by tomorrow evening.”
“Fine. Let’s get the stupid meet and greet crap over with.” When only silence followed, Tomura raised his gaze from the screen to glare at Kurogiri. “What?”
The wisps curling from the smoggy bastard’s head looked suspiciously like smiles. “Nothing, Shigaraki Tomura. Nothing at all.”
Tomura’s finger rose and fell on the bartop fast enough to give a sewing machine needle a run for its money. The ball of his right foot bounced on the stool’s crossbar in time with it.
Giran had promised he’d be there between 9:00 and 10:00. The clock by the door pointed to 9:51.
Lots of people would be riding the trains on a Friday night. Or roaming the streets, looking for food and alcohol, karaoke, strangers to stave off loneliness. Heroes would be out in force as a result, watching for any predators stalking the herds of humanity. Tomura didn’t know how to calculate exact probability rates for shit hitting the fan, but he got the sense they were on the higher end under such conditions.
Why couldn’t he just run into party members along the way as needed, like in games? Each one would specialize in a skill, forming a well-rounded team. Everyone would follow him to the bitter end because they believed in him and not some ass goblin named Stain. Why they believed in Tomura wouldn’t matter, though money would be a reasonable guess. Idealism didn’t pay much from what he could tell.
“Be calm, Shigaraki Tomura. This meeting will go well.”
He bared teeth at Kurogiri. “There has to be a meeting for it to go a certain way. And I am calm, damn it.”
“So I see.” He finished wiping down the glass he held before setting it on the bar and grabbing another. “My apologies.”
Tomura twisted on the stool to give the smart ass shadow a piece of his overthinking mind.
Knock, knock, knock.
Without missing a beat, Kurogiri stuck his free hand through a small warp gate and turned the handle of the door across the room. He went back to polishing as two figures entered the bar.
For someone who charged such high fees, Giran went out of his way to look cheap and kitschy. Little round tinted lenses pinched to the bridge of his nose. A scrunched scarf like someone’s guts slung around his neck. One front tooth missing in his low-key sleazy smile. The woman following right behind him and surveying her new surroundings made for a more welcome sight. Sunglasses (her and Giran both, for fucks’ sake) hid her eyes just like in her picture, but her lips held a hint of a smile.
The essence of good manners, Kurogiri bowed to their guests. “Good evening. Welcome to our humble home.”
Tomura, to balance the scales, snorted and folded his arms across his chest. “Took you long enough.”
Giran shrugged and twirled his hand, leaving behind a smoke spiral from the tip of the cigarette between his fingers. “Our train was delayed by some prankster threatening to blow up the tracks.”
“Doesn’t sound like a prank.”
“It wouldn’t have been if the lazy bastard hadn’t been trying to pass off children’s clay as plastic explosive. One of the cops noticed the stuff was bright yellow and they rushed him. They didn’t even call in a hero.” The broker shook his head. “What’s this world coming to? People can’t be bothered to find and pay for real weapons anymore. It offends my pride as a businessman.”
Behind Father, Tomura grimaced. His short-lived venture with Stain had indeed moved people to lash out at society. The problem was most of them were fucking morons. He doubted any decent candidates the League managed to net would make up for all the secondhand embarrassment he’d suffered in the past couple of weeks from watching the news.
“Oh, I don’t know,” the woman said, tapping her chin. “I felt kinda bad for the poor guy. He looked like your average office wage-slave. I thought he was going to break down in tears when they hauled him off.”
“Serves him right for cutting corners. No conviction, no integrity these days I tell you.”
She hid a grin behind her hand. “You’re heartless, Giran.”
The broker snorted smoke from his nostrils like an exasperated dragon. “I’m practical.”
“And yet you still haven’t introduced me.”
Posture straightening, Giran tugged at his weirdly anatomical scarf. “Sorry, got sidetracked. Magne, Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri of the League of Villains.”
“Pleased to meet you.” Slipping off his stool, Tomura gave her a short bow. The way Kurogiri swayed slightly, as if he’d swoon from shock, made the display worth it.
“I take it I’ve earned my fee?” chimed in Giran.
Kurogiri’s misty form shuddered as he roused himself. “Of course. We’ll hear from you again soon?”
“I’ve got a few candidates lined up.” The broker sketched them a mock salute before turning and closing the door behind him.
“Please, have a seat.” Tomura motioned to the row of barstools beside him.
“Thank you. Don’t mind if I do.”
While Magne approached, he studied her movements. She strode across the hardwood floor, work boots making minimal noise with each step. Grace as well as power. She knew how to use the muscle under her shirt’s rolled up sleeves rather than relying on pure size. Although, that didn’t hurt either—Tomura put her at over ten centimeters his own height at least, and she definitely outclassed him by weight. He wondered whether she had speed to go along with strength. She slid into the next seat over and rested her chin in her hands.
“Would you care for something to drink, Miss Magne?” Kurogiri asked, jumping at the chance to play host.
“Oh, my. So formal. Sure, I’ll have whatever you recommend.”
Tomura waited until a small glass of something amber-colored had been set in front of them both (ginger ale for him) and she’d taken an approving sip before getting things rolling.
“You have quite a record, Magne.” Though he’d already memorized the relevant bits, he flipped open the folder container her information.
She glanced over, shades slipping down her nose as she scanned the first page of the police report. “Twenty-nine attempted murders, huh? Is that what they’re calling those? I’m surprised you guys bothered having me come in after reading that garbage.”
Like a small bird, Tomura’s stomach dipped and fluttered when Magne looked at him over the edge of her glasses. Not quite in the same way it did when he caught Dabi watching him from across the room, but close enough to classify the sensation as pleasant. Her irises shone like polished agates, made up of rich layers of browns from a starburst of mahogany around her pupils to flecks of burnished copper. Tomura suddenly understood her hiding them behind lenses. Such a beautiful detail would stick in anyone’s memory.
“Somebody who tried and failed to kill that many people would look pretty incompetent, right?” she replied. “Or like they chickened out at the last second. I don’t enjoy killing. I’ll tell you that up front. But…I didn’t hesitate with the three I did put down, let’s just say that.”
Tomura, a multiple murderer himself, examined the square set of her shoulders, the twist of scorn to her mouth towards her accusers, and found no reason to doubt her. He nodded.
“The so-called attempts were from the robberies you pulled off then?”
“Mostly, though I’m sure a few of the bullies I smacked around exaggerated just to prove what big, strong men they are.” She harumphed and took another sip from her drink.
“And the actual murders?”
Her lips puckered, as if she tasted something more bitter than whatever alcohol Kurogiri had given her. “Personal matters.”
“I see.” Tomura turned the page and ran his finger further down the information. “Your quirk has some unique parameters.”
The lines of Magne’s face eased into a smile. “Oh, the gender thing? A theory really. I haven’t had much opportunity to test it seriously. It might be nothing but my own perception…but I guess that doesn’t make it any less real, does it?” She lifted a hand from her glass and reached halfway toward him. “Care for a demonstration?”
Tomura caught himself drawing away from her, his nails latching onto the sides of his neck. Cowering—great way to display his leadership skills. “What’re you going to do?”
“Oh, just tug on your arm a little. Go ahead and put it down by your side for me.”
Resisting the urge to look to Kurogiri for reassurance, he did as asked. For safety’s sake he curled his fingers into a fist.
Magne smiled. “Ready?”
According to the knot in his stomach, no, but he nodded anyway. His arm jerked and leapt up as if it were tied by a string. Tomura gasped, almost slipping off his seat. Magne caught and steadied him.
“Sorry, honey! Got so excited to show off I put a bit too much oomph into it.” She patted his shoulder as if there weren’t dead, gray hands clutching it.
“’S’alright,” he mumbled. And it was—his skin showed no marks, his muscles and joints registered no pain. He readjusted the delicate hand decorating his wrist. Cold, waxy, and pliant. Nothing like Magne.
“So, can you manipulate people’s movements? Turn them into your puppets?”
She hummed and pushed her sunglasses back into their proper place. “Not really. I can move someone with the proper amount of push versus pull, but it’s such delicate work that they could break free pretty easily. Hold out your arm and I’ll show you what I mean.”
Still making a fist, Tomura followed her suggestion. Magne positioned her hands on either side of his forearm, spread about half a meter apart. Concentration dug a V between her brows. A thrum jolted through Tomura’s bones. He startled at the rush of tingles in his elbow and shoulder but kept his balance. Something like a low electrical current pulsed along his arm, raising its pale little hairs. Eyes wide, he watched as the limb drifted from one side to the other, then up, down—anywhere the poles of Magne’s palms guided it. He could even see, feel his skin being tugged and pressed by her quirk. Taking a deep breath, Tomura drew his fist back. He met some resistance, but didn’t have to put up any real struggle.
“Weird.” He shook his buzzing fingers out. “But kinda nice. Tingly. Like an electrical field.”
Magne tilted her head and smirked. “Oh? That’s a new one. Then again, maybe I’d have heard it before if I used my quirk for something besides bashing jerks.”
What would he have done without Father hiding the fact he blushed at the slightest fucking thing? He’d never get used to talking to people at this rate.
“Your skills would be a great asset to the League, Miss Magne,” Kurogiri said, saving Tomura from having to pretend he could be witty. “I presume Giran discussed the expenses we cover? Upon joining, you would also be welcome to claim a room upstairs, should you wish.”
Magne went still. Even her breathing stopped for a moment. “You’d let me stay here?”
Tomura knew right then he’d never live down being wrong about not letting League members move into the hideout. Kurogiri would never be crass enough to say it out loud, of course. He didn’t have to. Tomura sighed, accepting his fate.
“Two members live here already, including another woman. We can introduce you to them both before you decide.”
Gaze aimed at the ceiling, Magne touched fingers to her pursed lips. “I’ve already made up my mind.” She met Tomura’s eyes, a smile lighting up her face. “Sign me up.”
Well. He had no clue whatso-fucking-ever how they’d convinced her, but results were results. Besides, she hadn’t mentioned Stain once. She deserved free room and board for that alone.
“Ah, wonderful. We’re so delighted to have you, Miss Magne.” Kurogiri steepled his fingers. “Please let me know if you require any assistance in moving your belongings. I can warp them to whichever room you choose.”
A soft laugh huffed out of her. “No need, honey. I travel light these days. Would tomorrow evening be too soon?”
Tomura shrugged. “That’s fine. I’ll make sure Toga and Dabi are around so you can meet them.” Even if he had to staple the latter to a chair to make him comply.
“Sounds like a plan.” Magne raised her glass. “To new friends then?”
There was that word again. Offered with the same ease Toga had shown. And Dabi…he’d never said it maybe but his gift had implied…well, something. Tomura touched his pocket. The weight and shapes of the items inside it. With the same hand, he picked up his own glass and clinked it against Magne’s.
“Sure. I’ll drink to that.”
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I was listening to The Goblin Quest Christmas Special before bed yesterday and I must have dreamt about it because I came up with a few goblin names in my sleep.
So, here’s my linguistics based clutch:
Honorific: of Dyslexia Expertise: Talking themselves into or out of trouble (whichever is least helpful) Quirk: tend to follow multiple strings of conversation at the same time and picking dropped ones back up without providing context, much to the confusion and annoyance of those around them. Dream: Diplomats. The more people to talk to the better. Ancestral Heirloom: a battered copy of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary 
And these are the goblins:
Miss Nomer (she/her) Miss doesn’t know what stuff is called. Not at all. To her everything is a whotsitcalled or a thingymabob or a wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey machine that goes “ding” when there’s stuff. Miss has gingery red hair (even though ginger is yellow, not red) and wears sneakers (that are horrible for sneaking because their soles squeak on the floor and they also light up with each step).
Oxy Moron (they/them) Oxy Moron is, despite their family name, actually rather smart for a goblin. They wear business casual clothes, drink ice tea and enjoy mildly spicy food.
Splitin Finitive (he/him) Splitin only has one goal and one goal alone: to boldly go, to awkwardly stare, and to instantly lose. (He once saw a graffiti of “veni, vedi, vici” in the long abandoned ruins of the British Museum and couldn’t quite understand what it meant)
Ali Iteration (he/him) Ali always assumes all around are as apparently accurate at all available aspects as Ali. He wears a brown blazer, turquoise trousers, purple pumps, and a holographic Halloween hat.
Subjun Ctive (no pronoun preference but you would get it wrong anyway if you were to refer to Subjun, so you probably shouldn’t) Subjun would like to be the first of the clutch, alas Subjun was chosen last. This may have something to do with Subjun’s inability to make definite decisions and/or statements. As the player, I hope I never need to resort to Subjun, as I fear this goblin would be even less useful than the others.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Beautiful Angel of Darkness (7/?)
Pairing: Spike x Female!Reader 
Warnings: Mild swearing 
Word Count: 1.8k
Part Summary: Y/N is starting to improve and live by Angel’s lifestyle. Then, someone pays her a visit. 
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Six months later... 
Who would've thought working at the law firm as one of Angel's team members would be so fulfilling? Granted, it took a moment to get settled... more like a month. There was a withdrawal period, not pretty. Angel sort of locked me away in his basement for a few weeks. After that, I bounced right back and started fresh! Now, I'm Angel's assistant, much better than Harmony. I gave her the boot as soon as I got released from the basement cell. 
I step off the elevator to Wolfman & Hart with Angel's usual blood bag in a cup and my iced coffee. I drink my blood bag on the way here. 
I set everything down at my desk in front of the firm's sign. The normalcy of having a daily routine again is nice. When I was with Spike, I thought normalcy would bore me to death. I guess Angel was right, there is some humanity left in me. 
I knock on Angel's office door, blood cup in hand. When he announces for me to enter, I greet him warmly and immediately get into the day's agenda. 
"Morning Boss, we have a busy day ahead of us!" 
As per usual, he wears a crossed expression as he stands behind his desk shuffling through some papers. 
He sighs in frustration, "Y/N, have you seen the-" 
I place his mock coffee cup in his hand so I can grab the case file from under my arm. He glances between me and the file in amazement. 
"You left it on my desk when you were leaving last night," I explain with a light chuckle. 
"You're a lifesaver," he thanks as he eases down in his chair. 
"It's what I'm here for," I shrug and lean against his desk beside him. 
"Sorry for keeping you here late this week. I'm sure you much rather be home," he apologizes as he reviews the contents of the case. "I just... I don't know how to go about this." 
"Maybe a fresh pair of eyes?" I suggest, reaching for the file. 
Angel hesitates to hand it over. He doesn't like me working directly on cases. He believes I'm not ready for the gruesomeness of them and that the blood may trigger me to regress.
"Angel, I'll be fine!" I assure him confidently. 
Reluctantly, he hands over the papers and I begin to skim the crime scene photographs.  The police are involved, believing it to be a violent murder. However, Angel and the others are pinning it with a series of animal attacks the last few days. They suspect a werewolf. Angel wasn't wrong, these images are rather unsettling, but nothing I can't handle. 
"Based on the slashes on the neck, I would agree with you and say it's not cut wounds. There are no signs of forced entry either," I analyze. 
"But all of the damage..." He debates. 
"It's from the attack. If you were being attacked by a werewolf, you'd toss a lamp and vase at it, wouldn't you?" I reason. "The front door is in perfect condition, except for the blood, of course. I suspect the victim knew their attacker," I determine and hand the file back to Angel. 
He leans back in his chair, deep in thought. Humming, he considers my predictions. "That would certainly narrow down the suspect list." 
"Was she single?" I question. 
He frowns in confusion, "I think so, why?" 
"Check her calendar, see who her latest date was with," I suggest as I rise from my leaning position against his desk. 
"You got all of that from looking at one photo?" Angel remarks in astonishment. 
I glance over my shoulder as I head toward the door. "Told you shouldn't let me help sooner," I wink. 
At noon sharp, Angel likes his second cup of O Neg. It sounds tedious, knowing exactly when my boss likes his blood. If someone told me months ago that I would be fetching Angel everything he needs, I would've killed them. Ironically, I've never felt never more human than when I'm at Wolfman & Hart. I feel like I have a life of my own, my existence. Before...Before Spike, I belonged to my family. Then, I belonged to Spike. Now, I belong to myself. Granted, Angel watches me like a hawk, but he's easing up. 
Angel and the others hold a team meeting at the same time I'm supposed to deliver his refreshment. More and more lately, Angel lets me sit in on the meeting.  It's usually so that I can act as a scribe while they talk, but I still appreciate the invite. 
Carrying my files, notepad, and Angel's drink, I back into his office door as I'm handless at the moment. Right when the door gives, I immediately announce his dinner plans with a major banker to discuss his Greed Demon issue. "Don't forget tonight, the meeting with Stuart Lawrence! You have to be at his residence in Brentwood at seven o'clock sharp and-" 
I stop dead in my tracks as my eyes flicker toward Angel's desk. Instead of just seeing Angel stressing over some papers, as usual, I see a bleach blonde vampire reading over his shoulder. 
The paper coffee cup falls from my hand and spills on the floor by my feet. The substance coats my left heel, staining it crimson. 
"Y/N..." Spike utters my name with his smooth accent. 
"Oh my God..." I whisper breathlessly in awe. 
Angel flies up from his chair and points to the door. "Y/N, get out of here!" 
"Never took you for the lawyer type," Spike smirks mischievously as he slithers toward me. "Gotta admit though, loving the working woman style." He gestures at my body up and down like I'm a mannequin in a store. 
Behind me, the other members of Angel's team enter for their meeting. 
"Lorne, take Y/N home!" Angel instructs. 
"Right away, Boss," Lorne complies.
"Take one step closer to her green goblin and I'll bite your head off!" Spike threatens sharply. 
"Spike, stop it!" Angel barks. 
"Oh come on, Angel," Spike dismisses as he closes in on me. His fingers comb through the ends of my hair. "It isn't like you to ruin a perfectly good reunion!" 
My body tenses under his touch, much to Spike's dismay. It wasn't long ago that his embrace was the only thing that kept me tied down to Earth. Now, it makes me shutter. 
"You shouldn't be here!" Angel growls as he rushes over to us and yanks Spike away from me. "She's been doing great without you!" 
"Have you forgotten? She was mine before she was yours," Spike chuckles wickedly. 
The English vampire turns to me again and caresses my cheek. His eyes continue to linger in my memories late at night staring at me intensely. 
"Did you really think I was going to let you go?" He mumbles to me and the words make my heartache. 
"Get away from her!" Angel hisses warningly, on the verge of throwing Spike through the top floor window.
Spike ignores Angel and continues to admire me. "Did you miss me, My Love?" 
I shake my head while I slip my hand over his to remove it from my cheek. "You hurt me. I can never forgive you for what you did." 
Spike's face falters immensely. "Y/N... Let me explain! I-" 
"No!" I stand my ground, something I never used to do when we were together. "You deceived me, used me, broke me!" I switch my gaze between Spike and Angel frantically until I find myself overwhelmed. "I... I can't do this... I'm sorry Angel, excuse me." 
Thus, I hurry out the door past my coworkers before anyone can stop me. Both Angel and Spike call for me, but I ignore each of them as I gather my things and disappear onto the elevator. 
After today's cluster of events, a long shower was much needed. I have no doubt Angel will be visiting me once the workday is over, just to check-in. I can't believe Spike is here in Los Angeles. It all felt like a dream or perhaps a nightmare. How dare he come here after half a year and expect me to act as though nothing happened. 
Immediately after my shower, I go to my kitchen to fix myself a cup of tea. I stick the kettle on the stovetop before I get dressed. At first, living alone startled me, but since then I've grown to prefer it. I like the peace. After long days at the office, time alone and space alone is what I need. 
"Y/N," a voice makes itself known. 
My hand flies up to my chest as I pant. "Spike! Jesus and Mary! What the actual fuck?!" 
"A vampire scared of the dark... how ironic," he teases with a smirk. 
"Get out!" I shout, pointing toward the door. "I'm not even dressed you feen!" I start to march back to my bedroom which makes Spike follow. What part of 'get out' doesn't he understand? 
"Oh come on, Love. It's not like I haven't seen anything before," he insinuates. 
"Get out!" I repeat. 
"No, not until you hear what I have to say!" He insists. 
"You love Buffy! Congrats! Now, go be with her!" I urge him away. 
Abruptly, Spike grabs my forearm and yanks me to a halt. His free hand flies up to my chin and forces me to meet him in the eye. I fight him off, prying at his arms, but nothing works. 
"I never loved her!" He barks at me. "Well... maybe a little once... but that was before I met you! That night I didn't cheat on you! I swear it! I went over to her house to kill her and when I got there she was crying! Her mother has been ill! That's why I couldn't come sooner... plus I... I..." 
"You what?" I growl in disdain. 
"I got a soul for you," he remarks calmly, nearly solemnly. 
I frown, how is that possible? 
"You what?" I question. 
"I went to the desert, got my soul back so I could be like Angel..." He explains. "To be like someone you'd want to be with," he adds. 
He softens his grip on my face. To my surprise, I don't pull away. I stare into his blue eyes with astonishment. How could he get back his soul? Is that why it took him so long to come and find me? For months I wondered if he would ever come... but he never did. When I finally started to get settled and moved on he shows up. Spike's hand falls from my face with a sigh.  
"Forget this. Never mind," he starts to back away. "Have a good life, Y/N." 
I stand frozen, speechless, and unsure what to do as Spike struts away toward the door. Thus again, he has disappeared from my life. 
Tags:  @currently-obsesed-with-spike @mx-pibbles @shy-ginger-in-the-graveyard
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