#destiny legend of the protectors
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Sneak peek-y to a one shot of how they first meet.
Yán Hào is owned by @lopsushi
Dove Satera (the wolf) is owned by me!!
(I know my shading and lightning are trash…..I tried)
Edit: I will be making a redo of this 'cause I kinda don't like it. So the new one will be with my "new" watermark and with the one-shot.
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(*polite door knocking before door opens*)
Moon~? 😅
Yes? 🤨
What do we do if a shade broke the portal system, again, and a person dropped out from that universe? 😅
Well, we send them back-😅…..WAIT A FREAKIN’ SEC! WHAT HAPPENED?! 🤨
Well a shade tried to infect a universe- 😒
-A normal day for us, go on. 🤔
-And a child popped out from the portal before we could close it…. 😅
Is the portal open still? 🤨
Well that’s the other problem….. 😅
What. Happened. 😠
Well…uh…..the shade blew up the supports of the portal and it….um….blew up the whole portal system…controls and all… 😅
…..Your kidding. 😳
….I wish I was….. 😓
Well, how long will it take for the portal system to be online? 🤔
Two months…? 😬😓
Please tell me your joking. 😳
I’m not…. 🥲
*sighs* Where’s the person now and what universe were they from? 😔
Well they are outside of the office door and um they came from an alternate universe similar to lego monkie kid via a creator known as …. @lulu-nightbon if that helps matters? 😅
Dove when this is over, remind me to get us some wine and ice cream. 😒
Agreed, so can I bring them in? 😅
Yep. 🙂
We’ll come on in child! Moondrop wants to see you!! 😁
Child?! 😱
(Who walks on the office is up to @lulu-nightbon I always wanted to do a roleplay with you and one of your child ocs of LMK. I always wanted to see how they would interact with my two morons, so ready to have some fun?)
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faithshouseofchaos · 7 months
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Hades and Persephone— devil!Max verstappen x reader.
Tagged— @moss-on-tmblr @toasttt11 @omgsuperstarg @otako5811 @hollie911 @sarahedwards16 @venusisnothere @astraeaworld @charlesf1leclerc @harmonity-vibes @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @norrisleclercf1 @reidsworld
Max used to be an angel, not just any angel, an Archangel God's second in command. Who retaliated against the rules that started the rebellion and was cast out of the heaves. As punishment, he was sent down to hell to punish those who deserved it. Max ruled hell for a millennium until he decided to leave. Why should Max stay in hell for the rest of the entity when all he wanted was for humans to have free will, and the power to choose their destiny? It was decided right then that Max would leave.
Max's first night on earth he was walking around the city it looked different from the first night he fell.
Walking around and taking in the sights and sounds he heard something, the sounds of scuffling and screaming. Following it he saw a girl being attacked. Jumping into action Max pulled the attackers off the girl and marked them condemning their souls to hell.
As the months went by Max had gained many different titles. Some called him the Angel of Death, The Grim Reaper, The Black Knight, The Man in Black, and even the Boogeyman. Some knew his real name but they were not supposed to say it. Even in hell, a name was power after all. He heard of demons telling stories of Max to their young to scare them into behaving.
Max used some of his skills from hell to fight crime, one thing that had worried him was being spotted. And so the idea came up to hide his identity. By day Max hid from the world by night he was the crime fighter known as The Black Knight. A name people had feared for centuries. It was like the boogeyman, you don’t dare say the name unless you are willing to die. By the time they knew Max’s real name, he would have vanished into the night and back into legend.
Some feared him, others worshiped him, and some even feared and worshiped him.
Max was not used to being on earth but he soon learned that humans were very unpredictable. He soon became more used to humans, they grew on him. He was still the boogeyman but he did not harm humans anymore. He started to take on the role of a protector and he became a spirit guardian. Max was an angel turned Devil turned Protector.
Max was a protector especially for you he loved how you melted through the cold exterior he had.
You made Max venerable. He remembered the first day he met you. He decided to go on a walk in the city when he came across this little bookstore it was new and piqued his curiosity so he went in.
“Be right there” he’d heard a voice call out from a back room.
When Max saw you for the first time he immediately felt a connection. He was attracted to you. Not physically but emotionally. When he is with you he feels vulnerable. Not that he was used to feeling anything. No one ever made him feel anything. But when he was with you he felt like a child around you. You were the only one he felt safe with and you felt safe with him.
“How can I help you?” You asked the man who stood there in front of the counter staring down at you with his deep blue eyes that had reminded you of the ocean. You couldn’t help but smile at the man.
Max tried to keep his emotions in check. But he couldn't help feeling something in his stomach every time he looked at You. He was attracted to you. You were the only one who did not see him as a monster; he felt a connection with you.
Max tries to speak.
"Uhm, I was wondering if you had any books on Greek mythology"
“I can help you. I loved learning about Greek mythology as a kid. I still do. So just follow me” you said walking around the counter grabbing the man’s hand and pulling him towards your favorite section of your bookstore
Max couldn't fight the feeling about you anymore. He wanted to kiss you. At this point, Max's feelings were becoming too much to keep in check. He didn't want to scare you so he tried to keep his distance. But that feeling in your stomach kept coming back.
“Alright here we are why don’t you take a look through here and see if anything catches your eye” you said
Max felt like he could be himself in front of you. He always feared people discovering his true self. That he wasn't this scary boogeyman that everyone feared, but that he was just a guy with feelings.
Max looked at the titles. He then saw one that caught his attention…
“The tales of hades and Persephone”
Max it off the bookshelf looking at it.
“That’s a good choice it’s one of my favorites”
"You like the story of Hades and Persephone?" Max asked you.
Max had a soft spot for Persephone. So you already had good points with him.
"That is my second favorite. I like the story of Eros and Psyche. I think it is a beautiful story of love winning against all odds" Max replied.
This woman was the first person whom Max could be himself with. So he felt comfortable enough to talk to you about his passion.
“Yes, I love the story of Hades and Persephone. Most people think that Hades was a horrible husband but he was one of the only faithful ones. Hades was only devoted to his wife and when he noticed how sad and homesick Persephone had gotten he let her leave to go home to see her Mother. They say that's part of the reason why we have winter and spring
"I agree I never understood why people thought Hades was a bad God. He truly felt for Persephone and just wanted the best for her." Max replied.
"I know some people say that he kidnapped Persephone, but let's be honest she did fall for him," Max said.
"I've just always believed that Persephone chose Hades herself and did love him," Max replied.
Max then looked back at you. Max felt drawn to you; he didn't understand why but he felt a connection with you.
"So what's your name by the way?" He asked you hoping to know more about you.
“I’m y/n”
"My name is Max"
Max said before flashing you his most attractive feature, a smile.
"But you probably know me by my old nicknames: The Angel of Death, The Grim Reaper, and even The Boogeyman," Max said as a joke.
“You're joking right?” You asked
"Well no not really" Max replied smiling.
"I was once an angel until I was cast out of the heavens for my rebellion."
"And when I was sent to hell to rule and punish those who deserved it I had no real name so my subjects just started calling me The Angel of Death, The Grim Reaper, or even just the boogeyman," Max said. He then said " I am the boogeyman" With his scary voice he used to intimidate people he wanted to punish.
“Oh okay”
Max could see a glimmer of awe in your eyes and realized that he scared you.
"Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt you. I have been told I have that effect on people '' Max replied, trying to reassure you.
“Weirdly I’m not scared I don’t know why,” you said
Max was confused; he was used to people being scared of him when he told them he was the boogeyman who rules hell.
He didn't understand why you didn't show any sign of fear of him. But Max liked that in you. You were different.
Max's feelings for you started to get stronger.
"I guess you are built differently," Max said to you.
“Yeah I guess I am”
Max was still stuck on the fact that you were not scared of him. And you were a mystery to him.
Max was intrigued by you. He wanted to learn everything about you. You were his mystery girl.
"So I know this sounds weird but what do you do in your spare time?" Max asked. He wanted to know what made you tick.
Max took a step closer to you and looked into your eyes. He was so deep in his feelings that he wasn't aware of the physical space between you too.
He wasn't used to talking to a girl and he wanted to know everything about you but he also didn't want to appear like a creep.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I just am curious about you, that's all" Max said with a smile.
“I don’t do anything outside of my bookstore it takes up all my time I love it here”
Max thought for a minute about what you said.
"Have you thought about taking a little break from working so much and doing something fun? I hear the world is beautiful"
Max tried to get you to realize that you needed to live a little. That you couldn't be stuck up in a bookstore all the time.
“I never thought about it I would like to actually. You see the world”
"Why don't you see the world with me?" Max said to you.
Max's feelings for you were increasing.
He wanted to take you to see the best of the world. He wanted to show you the world. He wanted to make you happy.
“I just met you though isn’t that a little weird?”
"Just a little"
Max said with a flirty grin.
He could see that he was starting to get to you. As you started to get flustered. He continued.
"But I think it would be nice if I showed you the world it is really beautiful"
Max said with a big smile. But he could see you were contemplating his proposal.
"It's not like we are going to do anything weird we are just going to see the beauty of the world that's all"
“Alright then I’ll go see the world with you”
As you finally accepted to see the world with him Max could see the joy on your face. As your face lit up in excitement.
"Are you free this weekend?" Max asked with an excited smile.
Max was starting to have feelings for you.
“Yes I’m free this weekend max”
As you said this the smile on Max's face grew even more as his feelings for you increased. Your smile was so magnetic he could just get lost in it.
Max was lost In thought and then snapped back into reality.
"Great! This weekend it is then. I'll take you to a perfect spot on a sunset" Max said with a smirk.
Max had plans. This was not just seeing the sunset. This was going on a date with the most beautiful girl Max had ever seen in his entire life.
“I can’t wait”
Max couldn't wait either.
The weekend couldn't come soon enough.
Max thought about what he would do to make this date as romantic as possible.
The date was set.
Max now had to find a way to make sure that it was an unforgettable date. He had to pull out his A-game.
It had been a year since you met Max and found out that he was the devil you didn’t care about, that you loved him and he loved you.
You spent everyday together, every moment together, I knew he wasn't like the other devils, he wasn't the one to play tricks on people or scare them.
You were the only human he ever loved and he made sure to always look out for you.
You wanted to say it neither one of you had said those three little words yet.
“Max I love you,” you said looking up at him
Max had a moment to process those words before he responded
"Y/n I love you" he replied whilst looking into your eyes and slowly coming closer to you.
You couldn't help but smile at him.
"Do you want to come back to the underworld? We can spend eternity there," Max asked, looking down at you.
“I’d go anywhere with you Max”
"Even hell?" Max asked you before placing his hands on your waist and pulling you close to him.
“Even hell Max” You looked up whispering
Max smirked at you.
"Alright, then darling" he whispered to you before pulling you in for a heated kiss.
"Let's go," he said to you whispering in your ear.
As Max kissed you deeply, he grabbed your hand and then disappeared into the underworld.
Time had been kind to the underworld as you found yourself in a large open area that was full of lush plants and beautiful colours.
As you looked up you could see a beautiful house amongst the open area.
"Welcome home," Max said to you softly, "Would you like for me to show you around?" He asked.
“Yes I would like that”
Max took your hand and led you from area to area throughout the house introducing you to the staff and the room's in the house.
The place was filled with beauty, every corner of the house was filled with flowers, paintings, plants and all sorts of art pieces.
"Do you like the place?" Max asked you whilst smiling softly down at you.
“Yes I like it here it’s not what I expected honestly”
"Wait until you see your room" Max said before looking down at you. "But I think you will have to sleep in my room" he said whilst winking at you.
“I’d like that you know sleeping with you”
Max let a smirk grow across his face."Alright then" he said whilst taking your hand again and leading you back to his room.
Max opened the door to his room and you were immediately greeted by the sight of beautiful paintings , plants ,and a soft scent of the flowers you had seen around the house. Max led you over to his king-sized bed
"You are going to look beautiful resting here" he whispered whilst pulling you close to him.
“Max kiss me please”
Max pulled you right up against him placing his hands on your waist
"Only because you asked so nicely"
Max kissed you softly before slowly and gently pulling you down with him on the bed.
As the two of you laid on the bed Max slowly placed his hands on your thighs as he looked down at you with a smirk
"I think we both know what's going to happen next don't we" he whispered whilst grinning.
“Yes and I trust you”
"That's good," Max said as he kissed you passionately. With one hand on your thigh, he began to gently massage you, working over the tension you had held for the entire day. He kissed you once again .
Before he pulled away he whispered into your ear
"I love you y/n, I will always take care of you"
“I love you too”
"Max smiled as he looked at you before looking down at your leg . He slowly started to climb on top of you . "I'm going to show you how much I love you"
“I need you max”
Max kissed the top of your head before running your fingers through your hair gently.
He leaned down and kissed your neck softly and then started to kiss along your jawline.
Max kissed your bottom lip slowly , before his lips met yours once again.
Max broke away from the kiss slowly and looked back down at you .
He stared into your eyes for a moment before starting to kiss your neck once more, slowly moving over to your collarbone.
He bit into your skin , creating a warm sensation of pain before kissing it again and running his tongue over it slowly.
Max bit into your collarbone again ,this time harder causing a small bit of your blood to escape. He kissed the wound closed and licked up the blood that escaped. Before kissing your collarbone again ,this time licking up all the blood.
"I think I have proved how much I love you " he whispered to you whilst grinning
"I am yours" he said
“I am yours too max” you said, pulling him for a much needed kiss.
That night as you were laying in Maxs arms you realized something…
Max was hades and you were Persephone.
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myjlla · 1 month
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Avatar: The legend of Aang)
OC Presentation
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Name: Yula -> full name and title: Princess Julliet of Southern Water Tribe
Personal Informations:
Age: 16
Nationality: Southern Water Tribe
Ethnicity: Water Tribe, Fire Nation
Family: Older brother Prince Louis (Dad - not coronated ruler of Southern Water Tribe, with water tribe ethnicity) (Mom - high ranked member of Fire Nation society, given in mariage to Water Tribe Royal Family, with fire nation ethnicity)
Physical Information:
Gender: Female
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Skin color: Light/Pale
Personal Information:
Love interests: formerly - ex boyfriends; Prince Zuko
Allies: Tui, La, Both Water Tribes, Louis, Yue, Arnook, Zuko, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Appa, Momo, Iroh, Hakoda
Enemies: Fire Lord Ozai, Azula, Mai, Dai Li
Bending: Waterbending (southern style), Healing, Firebending
Weapon: water, fire, swords, intelligence
Destiny: Protector of the Ocean Spirit, Wife, Mother, Assistant Reastaurateur of Southern Water Tribe and Fire Nation
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I don't own any rights to characters other then Yula and Louis (and their mom and dad). I don't own any story lines and plots other than these related to my OC.
Picture of my OC was found on pinterest!
Written by @myjlla on Tumblr; do not steal !!
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ashilean · 14 days
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HUKANARA, toa Mangai of ice (7/11)
Standing proud in Ko-Metru's monument square, Hukanara is a steadfast protector and idol to matoran across the city of legends. A cunning leader in his prime, he spends his days presiding over the mighty rahi the Mangai were first called to defeat--now imprisoned in a glacier.
Hukanara wears the great Tataupo, mask of conjuring, and wields a Boreal Banner. The red-coloured cloth is a tradition from his southern homeland, but has been adopted as a symbol among the local Ko-matoran now that he is hailed as a hero.
While the old toa has remained a pillar of the community, he has taken a step back from leading his siblings in their heroic affairs, and many wonder if he might find his destiny in becoming turaga of their great city.
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With Aegon's dream as well, I think he also used the dream to justify a conquest as some sort of heroic quest in his mind when his want for power was definitely part of it as well.
Yea. Imo what makes the prophecy such a cool addition to the books is that we now have something that seemingly gives the Targaryens a "divine" mandate of sorts. With this prophecy, they now have a noble calling. Fate dictates that they serve a higher purpose, them and their dragons. It instils in them a sense of noblesse oblige I'd imagine. They're the heroes, and as heroes they have a duty to the realm. But just because they're chosen ones doesn't mean they're the only ones. Far from it. Even now, with two Targaryens being central to the conflict, there still exists one Bran Stark whose magic is decidedly NOT Valyrian, but he is just as central to this story if not more so. Even Jon Snow, the last of the Targaryen heirs, uses First Men magic. Not to mention that there are so many people (i.e., the Night's Watch) who have no magical destiny, but they see a duty to the realm just the same. Don't they matter too?
Aegon's actions, or lack thereof, speak to a certain human fallacy in placing any one person as the supreme hero in this story. Because it's not until Alyssane that the Targaryens even paid attention to the Watch, an entity whose entire existence is to stop the Others/Winter. Why didn't Aegon himself do anything? Why didn't he leave instructions for his future descendants to help the Watch either? Did he think that the three conquerors and their dragons would be enough? But that would be so silly because there's no record that they held any extensive tours of the north/the Wall to try and understand what threat they were facing. The winter that brings the Others is magical, and there's the chance that dragons will have a very hard time even flying to begin with. So imagine not strengthening the front line to hold until you get there? Who knows how long the dragons would take to even get to the Wall in the first place.
We really don't know anything so it's all just speculation atp. But regardless, his actions do come off as being rather egoistic. The Watch is the first line of defense. And if the Wall falls, Winterfell is the next front line. Why didn't they even bother to strengthen Winterfell? Maybe I've read too many Wuxia stories but it's always kind of funny how a good emperor is often characterized as one who fully and wholeheartedly supports the general in charge of his front line with troops, money, and other resources. That general in this case is the Lord of Winterfell/Warden of the North. Why he did nothing to bring the Starks into the fold before Rhaegar and Lyanna is beyond me; but to Jace's credit, he did try. But imagine. Aegon didn't look north to Winterfell, but instead looked south to Dorne. You have to laugh.
Aegon reminds me of Azor Ahai tbh - or what we're told of him. It's the story of one singular hero who sacrifices someone else and gets to go down in history as the guy who defeated the enemy. Except it's so diametrically opposed to actual Westerosi legends of who ended the Long Night: legends of the last hero and the NW tell stories of a team effort, with no singular person being exalted as the one responsible for the Others' defeat. Even with the last hero, the children of the forest are the key to success.
But at the end of the day, Aegon's legacy as the conqueror will have good and bad in it. Did he have a huge ego? Sure. Did his silly chair do way more harm than good in the long run? Definitely. BUT, hundreds of years later, it's his descendant who is emboldened as a king of a united realm to go north and do his duty. Stannis is acting as the Protector of the Realm, the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, legacies left by Aegon. Jon Snow, the last of Aegon's heirs in Westeros, wants to save all men. All of Aegon's kingdom. And I'm not saying that Jon wouldn't want to save humanity if the kingdoms were split up, but it's a lot easier to conceptualize duty when you have one unified people to think about. And it will be Daenerys, Aegon the Conqueror come again, who understands that a queen belongs to all people. Which may not have landed as much had Aegon not conquered and united Westeros under one king to begin with.
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osatokun · 8 months
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this picture is meant to be day 11 of WoD_tober flashmob - Cursed I spent too much time, but they give me so much joy <3
Robins-for Charlie calling Glinda Robin-Knight (or birdy).Because she also have wounded chest and robins are the bravest birds in legends and fairytales. Raspberry-because in the very beginning he saw her soul and it also smelled like raspberries (weird good roll was destiny-changing) Oleander - as they both poisonous and used to heal heart illness. Charlie is bad with describing his feelings but he gave these flowers an a bad told tale for Glinda. Silene acaulis - signature Charlie's flowers. His mother told him legends about these flowers being protectors of the fairies. Cat scull-for the scull of his very first cat, later on he and Glinda created a chimera cat bind to that scull. Now this chimera is their protector. Hands-for the demon possessing Charlie. As he made a contract with demon so his loved ones could survive. Same for the crab 👀 Snake is for the house Balor Red star is..for the red star. For the time Glinda got cursed. Maggots are for the old spirit that connected with Glinda by curse.
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matoroblogs · 7 months
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original website
Join the Turaga , the leaders of the native tribes on the island of Mata Nui, as they rediscover the lost legend of the Seventh Toa, and find out how one villager, the Tohunga of Earth, came to have the only purple Kanohi Mask and its significance!
Chronicle of the Seventh Toa
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While the six mighty Toa roam the island of Mata Nui in search of  the Kanohi Masks of power, and prepare themselves to drive the evil Makuta and his creatures from the dark places in the land, the leaders of the six known surviving native Tohunga tribes meet in the sacred place.
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Each of these leaders, or Turaga, is guardian of one part of the legend of Mata Nui, and as they relate their tales to each other in the sand of the sacred place with rocks and twigs as is their way, they discover that some ancient lore is emerging as they combine all the legends they know.  It is hovering on the edge of their consciousness, and they delve further and further into the past to the time when Mata Nui was still a paradise, before Makuta followed his brother, and the dark places appeared.
It is then that the Turaga Vakama, holder of the Great Firestaff and eldest among them, remembers the destruction of the ancient Rongo-Tablets Mata Nui had given to them which foretold the coming of the Toa from the skies, and showed the constellations by which they would know their time of waiting had come to an end.  Over time the Tablets had been pieced back together from the fragments scattered all over the Island, and the finest craftsmen among the Tohunga carved new Rongo-Tablets into stone.  Alas not all pieces could be found, and some had crumbled into dust, so they  filled in the missing pieces under the guidance of the Turaga of that time.
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The new Rongo-Tablets where affixed to the base of the crystal telescope through which the keepers of the legend watched the skies for the red star to reach its foretold place among the constellations.  Yet Vakama and the other Turaga grew more troubled as they considered the missing pieces of information that had to be recreated during their restoration.  In the gaps thus left in the legend a more ancient malevolent shadow than even Makuta was hiding from their knowledge and perception.  Through the night and well into the next day the Turaga brooded over their legend and while they told and retold the ancient tales they slowly started to draw a new Rongo-Tablet into the sand.  In all their memories pieces of this legend were interwoven as an undercurrent, and they slowly fell into place.
As the rediscovered Tablet started to take on form, Turuga Whenua, protector of Onua's legend, recognized the symbol as something he had once seen in the rock quarry as a faded pattern left on the ground.  But who was that new Toa, which they for now named 'the Seventh'?  What powers did it possess?  And  where would this discovery lead to? ...
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High above Mata Nui the ancient space station, that the Tohunga perceive as the red star, slowly rotates about its axis in orbit.  After what seemed like an eternity of silence the internal machinery had restarted, triggered by a signal placed deep within the heart of Mata Nui underneath the great volcano, long long ago.  The now busy humming of gears and pistons was only interrupted by a sharp explosion and the scraping of metal while the cylindrical projectiles where launched towards the island as the space stations rotation laboriously brought each launch tube into the correct position.  Six cylinders, containing the disjointed elements of a Toa each, had already been fired, and the Toa which thus awakened from their troubled dreams were returned to the land of Mata Nui to fulfill their destiny!
Yet one tube had not yet launched and many moons would pass before the station would be in the correct  position again.  In it the purple, black, and gray parts of the Seventh Toa lay, whose spirit was stirring restlessly, waiting to awaken like its brethren.  To be recombined into the most powerful hero yet: The 7th Toa, the Toa of energy!
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The Seventh Toa
In his younger years, Tohunga Onepu of Onu-Koro had dug deep underneath the Volcano in the center of Mata Nui and found a purple Kanohi, the only one known in existence. He did not know, that he had stumbled upon the ruins of a lost city which had been destroyed and burried underneath the volcano in the time before time. No one knows if any Tohunga or their descendants had survived from this lost land. Their Toa, however, was waiting for his return from the skies. Waiting to avenge his people against the evil that had come to pass. Using the special powers of his Kanohi mask, and his mighty weapon, he would return to Mata Nui, and not rest until the wrong had been undone, and the remnants of the lost tribe were reunited, to take their rightful place as the rulers over the Tohunga. To rebuild their great civilization.
For he is Toa Voriki, the Toa of energy!
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pumperpup · 3 months
In the village of Eldoria, nestled between whispering forests and undulating hills, there existed a legend as old as the stars. It told of a mythical creature known as the Dream Eater, a being that roamed the dreamscape, feeding on the nightmares of the villagers to grant them peace. But this benevolence came at a price: in exchange for devouring their darkest fears, the Dream Eater would bestow upon the dreamer a gift, a physical manifestation of their deepest desires. Yet, these gifts were not without their burdens.
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Lorcan, a young shepherd with a heart as vast as the sky, longed to protect his village from the encroaching dangers of the wild. Night after night, he dreamt of strength, of becoming a guardian capable of shielding Eldoria from any threat. One night, under a moon veiled by shadow, his dream was visited by the Dream Eater. Its ethereal form shimmered in the darkness, eyes glowing with a light that pierced the veil of sleep.
"I will grant you the strength you so desperately seek," the Dream Eater whispered, its voice a melody of the night. "But remember, all power comes with a price."
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Lorcan awoke to find his body transformed. Muscles, previously lean from days spent roaming the hills with his flock, now bulged with an unnatural power. His limbs, his chest, his very frame seemed to pulsate with a strength that could move mountains. Elated, Lorcan tested his newfound power, marveling at the ease with which he could perform tasks that once taxed his limits.
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But as the days passed, Lorcan noticed an unexpected change. Alongside his muscle growth, his belly began to expand, slowly at first, but then with increasing speed. No matter how much he exercised or how little he ate, his belly continued to grow, a constant reminder of the Dream Eater's warning.
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The villagers, initially in awe of Lorcan's transformation, began to whisper among themselves. Some viewed his growing belly as a sign of a curse, while others saw it as the price of his greed for power. Lorcan, however, understood the truth. His strength was a gift, but the burden he bore was a testament to the sacrifices made for the safety of others.
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Embracing his role as the village guardian, Lorcan used his strength to protect Eldoria, fending off wild beasts and bandits with equal ferocity. And though his belly remained as a symbol of the Dream Eater's gift, it also became a source of pride. It reminded him that true strength lay not just in the power of one's muscles, but in the courage to accept oneself, burdens and all.
Years passed, and Lorcan's legend grew. Tales of the guardian with the strength of a titan and the belly of sacrifice spread far and wide, inspiring others to find their own strength within. And though he never saw the Dream Eater again, Lorcan knew it watched over Eldoria, a silent guardian in the realm of dreams.
In the end, Eldoria prospered, safe under the watchful eye of its unlikely protector. And Lorcan, with his peculiar gift, taught all who knew him that the greatest power one could possess was the strength to embrace one's destiny, no matter the shape it took.
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hexotoner · 3 months
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So, I made a short story based in certain song.
I hope you enjoy!
Come Little children...
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Each kind of monster has a story to explain their origin, the wise have come to the conclusion that the great colossals brought their creativity to our creation, however, among the true and legends of others there are our own, ignored by others, for us a reality that remains after generations like bedtime stories for our monsterlings; like several stories it has changed, at this point we do not know how the real story was, even so the most popular and accurate version is always told. One thing is certain, in every story, in every legend something never changes, the song which it all began.
Before the great Dawn of fire, when the colossals gave life to a home for all. The celestials, the protectors of these elements, dedicated themselves to guiding and protecting the creations, however, among so much joy one of them made himself heard; The colossals had forgotten his element, they forgot to create life for the shadow and darkness. Even his pleas were not heard because the element was seen as useless and weak, especially in the face of the power of the fire, so powerful and brilliant. The jealousy was expected...
That celestial, immersed in humiliation and rejection, devised a plan
One night, peace reigned among the natural monsters; After a long time of incubation, the hatching season had begun, so many monsterlings had just hatched along with their brothers from years past. A night of calm between parents and children who sleep next to them.
Suddenly, as the moon rose high, Shadowed Glare shone; A sweet and deep voice began to sing along with the music of a piano, a song that we remember to this day:
"Come Little children
I'll Take Thee Away, Into A Land
Of Enchantment
Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden
Of Shadows"
The memories are vague, hypnotized by the sweet sound of his song. Every monsterling, newborn and young, was called to follow that voice across the continent. Each monster of earth, cold, water, plant, air or fire; each little one was called. They were guided to the highest and nearest cliff, where the celestial awaited them.
One by one, under the light of the moon and the control of the shadows, they fell from the cliff. Fear covered some who feared a fatal destiny... Then, the celestial raising his hand called to the fallen, they began to fly. Young monsters as dark as the night opened their wings and took flight towards the moon, the other little ones then realized that under the protection of darkness nothing would happen to them. It continued like this all night.
His sweet song, so hypnotizing and beautiful, came to an end, on the other side of the sky the great and dazzling sun was present, its light woke up the unsuspecting parents giving them the news that their little ones have disappeared. Meanwhile, that celestial, giving his last verse, lowered the immense and elegant moon to its ancestral rest; The few monsterlings that remained were quick to fall and fly towards that beauty and brilliant.
A little tweedle did not want to fly, cursed with the lack of its wing at birth, it approached to the celestial, afraid of falling. When he saw it, he smiled, taking it in his hands and covering its wing. The sun approaches, the parents scream and run guided by the sun toward the dark end of their little ones. That celestial threw the tweedle off the cliff... And it flew, the last monster of the shadows took flight accompanied by the celestial who guided it to the Moon, which has already hidden.
"Come Little Children
The Time's Come To Play
Here In My Garden
Of Shadows"
It was the last thing that was heard in the echo of that cliff
The next day the continent was silent, an entire generation had disappeared into the darkness. For years the monsters refused to sing until the story was forgotten and ignored...
What happened to that celestial? Every day he smiled, looking at those who could not do anything, at the fire celestial that could not illuminate the night and now his people were in despair and silence.
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"This is a story that I like to remember, there is nothing physical to prove it, the original grumpyres have perished naturally, their descendants vaguely remember the story. However, I know what I once saw, the memory of what I lived. No matter how much time passes, my wing has never felt better. Still, I miss the purple of my old feathers."
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Geralt of Rivia x daughter reader
In the vast and magical world of the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia found himself faced with an unexpected twist in his solitary life. After embarking on countless adventures and battling fearsome creatures, fate intervened in the form of a young girl named Y/N.
Y/N possessed an undeniable resemblance to Geralt, hinting at a mysterious connection. Though initially hesitant to accept this newfound responsibility, Geralt's compassionate heart couldn't resist the bond that quickly formed between them. Together, they traversed the realms, encountering both peril and wonder.
As Y/N grew, Geralt became not just her protector, but a loving father figure. He tirelessly taught her the ways of the Witcher, nurturing her natural abilities, and guiding her to become a formidable warrior in her own right. Their bond, forged through shared battles and heartwarming moments, became an unbreakable force.
Amidst their adventures, Geralt and Y/N discovered a long-lost prophecy, foretelling of Y/N's destiny to reshape the world. With their unyielding determination, they embarked on a treacherous quest to fulfill this ancient prophecy, facing formidable enemies and powerful allies along the way.
Through their journey, Geralt's love for Y/N only grew stronger, and his heart swelled with pride as she embraced her own path, her own destiny. Their story became a legend, whispered through time, inspiring future generations of Witchers and warriors alike.
And so, Geralt of Rivia and his daughter Y/N left an indelible mark on the tapestry of their world, their bond proving that family transcends bloodlines, and love knows no bounds.
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Incorrect OC Quotes Part Five (Crossover)
This is a crossover with Lego Monkie Kid after Season 3 based off of this video:
*The destiny gang and the LMK crew are talking about their respective universes because the D:LotP went on vacation in the LMK universe*
MK: Uh...what's that? *points to the horizon*
*everyone looks and sees a large inky whispy army with modern-day warfare weaponry.*
Dove: (Tired of this bs-ery) Oh, that's the shade army. I'll take care of-
Twister: (Turns to Ace) Ace, fire warning shots.
Ace: (pulls out his weapons) Twister, ma'am, this is an anti-tank missile, a bazooka, an anti-aircraft gun, and an M32 grenade launche-!
Twister: Ah, Potato-potato. Just fire them, Ace.
Ace: (fires all of his weapons at the shades army and destroys it)
LMK Crew: *shocked but trying and failing not to laugh at the interaction between Ace and Twister*
Dove: *wheezing in laughter at the interaction between two of her best friends and soldiers*
Dove, Ace, and Twister from the D:LotP Universe (Destiny: Legend of the Protectors Universe) as the protagonists.
MK, Mei, SWK, Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Macaque, and Redson from the Lego Monkie Kid Universe (LMK)
Shades from the D:LotP universe as the the antagonists.
Thank you very much for reading this! Hope I made you laugh!
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aikoiya · 4 months
LoZ LU - Fierce Daddy
My hc? Fierce would see each & every one of the Links as his sons & every last Zelda (minus Sun) as his daughters.
However, more so in a spiritual sense.
This is based upon the hc that FD is who First was before he was First & the hc that he & Hylia were married.
However, he's stoic, very quiet, & somber. And he sometimes experiences PTSD. This is because, in my hc, he too was a protector much like the Links.
The difference is that while the Links typically (side-eyes Legend) only get a max of 2-3 adventures, then they just go about their lives. FD was on his "adventure" for, quite possibly, thousands of years with very few breaks.
This is, in the end, why he is the way he is.
Before that, he was generally a very soft-spoken, shy, introverted, gentle boy. Now, he's still quiet, but in a cold way. He can also be vindictive, harsh, & blunt.
Despite this, in his very being, he is a compassionate & empathetic person who hurts deeply when innocents are made victims of injustice. Underneath his aloof persona is someone who puts others first before himself.
The thing is that Demise had only just been repelled temporarily by the Golden 3 & several other deities, including Hebrogar, Sheikaku's father, & it'd left them sapped & the first patron deity of the land had disappeared. It was theorized that Demise had murdered him. (The theory is incorrect.)
But anyway, Demise had begun to kill mortals as bloodsport & to corrupt those that swore fealty to him.
The Golden Land became tarnished as the Monster General raped & pillaged & murdered & even cannibalized the people of the land.
And after he was sent packing for the first time, FD, Sheikaku, was named the next patron. The reason being that he was one of the only deities that didn't have a significant position in any other pantheon yet & none of the other ones seemed willing to touch the once Golden Land for fear of the Daiyōkai returning & making an example out of them.
And when FD realized this, he volunteered to be the next patron.
No one told him that he had to do this. It wasn't thrust upon him or spoonfed to him about it being destiny or his responsibility. Nobody even suggested that he do so. More so, he saw the chaos around him, saw that no one else was stepping up, & he decided that it may as well be him.
Unfortunately, he had to learn very quick that words wouldn't always be enough. Oh, he'd tried, but the longer he did not act, the more monsters, yōkai, & even Demise's mortal followers began to commit more atrocities upon innocents.
While his father, Hebrogar, had trained him to fight & protect himself, he'd never had to kill a person & the very idea galled him. But his people were dying & he was doing nothing... So, he took up his sword & forged himself into a weapon of both protection & just retribution; a Daikishin (Sheikah) or Dāvoh'lawàr (Gerudo), a wrathful god who visits just vengeance upon those who have wronged innocents. However, he does so without being guided by hate.
Although, the act of doing so. Of killing so many thinking beings, even wicked ones, took its toll on him.
He spent the next few thousand years cleaning out the evil from the land.
And as he traveled across the Golden Land, he also put to rest the souls of the dead & delivered them to the Beckonwyld (my hc of the Hyrulean afterlife). This typically involved the use of a song he'd created called the Song of Healing. However, that didn't always mean that it was always peaceful. There were times when the souls became corrupted by their own On'nen & manifested bodies from it to become Poes, which Sheikaku would then need to either soothe or put down with his Nijūrasen Zanbatō.
He became exactly what his current title implies, a Fierce Deity. A being inspired by the Japanese Kishin & the Buddhist Pāla, specifically the Dharma Pāla. Even more specifically, Yama. He became outwardly cold, ferocious, & vindictive towards his enemies. He became a god of war, retribution, death, spirits, twilight, & the moon. A figure of divine judgment.
He was deeply feared.
Yet despite this, he somehow managed to retain his compassionate & loving heart, though now it was hardened & scarred by trauma, as well as hidden behind walls.
However, at his very core, he is extremely Ashitaka-coded (from Princess Mononoke). He always does only what he believes is necessary, but at every chance he gets, if he sees a way to get peace, he will choose that. Like, he will choose to fight & defend himself, but he refuses to do so with hate in his heart. Which... is very difficult to do because... that's how he started out...
He used to get so angry over what was being done to his people... but as time passed, he learned that all this did was cause more pain, so he began to train himself in restraint & emotional control.
His family helped a lot with this. His father especially, who taught him the most about emotional control & resilience. About stoicism in the face of tribulation. If not for him, Sheikaku may have become like Demise...
He is also very no-nonsense & ever so slightly autism-coded in a similar way to how Ashitaka is.
Remember, he's witnessed the absolute worst of humanity over & over, repeatedly for thousands of years with only brief glimpses of light.
Problem is, due to his new reputation as a terrifying avenger, his fellow deities began to fear that he'd become another Demise &, honestly... he didn't blame them. His first couple hundred years as the patron certainly didn't do him many favors. (Though, such a fear was unfounded.)
Despite everything, he stepped down willingly as patron, but continued to protect the mortals of the Golden Land even after Hylia had been appointed because it was no longer just his responsibilty or duty. While yes, he only got brief glimpses of light & most of the time he was facing down humanity's worst... those brief instances shone bright like stars in the abyss of the night. He had come to love the land & it's people. He wanted to see them prosper...
It was at this point that Demise began to show his ugly mug again, but this time, he was beaten back every time by Sheikaku. Which... was astounding considering how it took the Golden 3 plus other deities to fight him back last time... Not that it was ever easy...
In the beginning, Hylia too feared him, but as time passed & she realized that he never once harmed any of her wards, she began to realize that he was more than what people assumed. Which, she hoped was the case as she missed her old friend.
She became curious &... over time... something blossomed between them.
Eventually, they wed (he made her the Goddess Harp as a wedding present) & she & FD created the Hylians & the Sheikah in conjunction, thus making the 2, sister peoples.
They then placed a sort of boon upon them that made it so that should one of the 2 peoples ever die out, the other would begin to bring more into the world.
This explains how the Sheikah always come back from what appears to be extinction.
But, moving on. FD designed a sacred weapon, a sword, that he hoped would protect his wife & their people, & possibly kill Demise once & for all. As a god of the forge of the Golden Land's pantheon & an experienced master blacksmith (among many other things), with the right materials, the correct magical infusions, & the appropriate runes, the weapon could do the job.
However, before he could begin to make it, Demise resurfaced, more powerful than ever. More than Sheikaku could handle on his own this time.
His mind scrambled for a moment before a calm came over him & his resolve steeled. FD gave the blueprints to Hylia, trusting her wisdom & skill in forging (which he'd taught her). Despite knowing how to do it, she was neither a master nor a goddess of the forge & thus, the resulting sword would not be nearly enough to end the bastard. (Though, just being a goddess with an amateur's level of forging skill still counted as a master work among mortals.) In normal circumstances, the best option would've been to have either Din or Hebrogar forge it, but both were still recovering from forcing Demise back before. So, Hylia could only follow their advice.
Either way, Sheikaku chose to fight Demise, & after informing his wife of his current plan & his back-up plan in case everything went to absolute shit, held the Daimaō off for weeks while Hylia forged the Goddess Sword.
But in the end, it wasn't soon enough to save FD.
The god of war & retribution knew that he was dying, but rather than simply fade away, he decided that he would do something that no other deity known to their world had. As his life slipped away from him, he could see above him the cosmic forces that called him to them. Because deities don't reincarnate upon death, they just join the universe & another takes their place. But, then he looked down & saw Samsara spinning below him like a carousel of colors. He thought to himself that he did not know whether or not his successor would be up to the task thrust upon them. They could fail. And all that they'd worked for would die...
Decision made, Sheikaku once more steeled his resolve & looked upon that which so many of his kind saw as a wheel of endless suffering & plunged into its terrible, wonderful, confusing rapids that immediately pulled him under. Giving up his godhood & willingly entering the reincarnation cycle. For he knew that the Triforce would not work for a deity & as of that moment, it was the best hope that his wife, his family, his people, had.
Needless to say, Sheikaku has a lot of issues & traumas to work through.
Though, despite all this, he would absolutely rend the flesh from the bones of ANYONE who dared harm the Links or the Zeldas.
He has... mixed feelings about Sky because of the fact that he & Sun are together. Though, not because of anything Sky did. It's just the fact that Sun remembers... Which is not something that was supposed to happen. (Forget the fact that he hadn't expected her to follow him.)
The whole point of reincarnation is to start over. So, remembering your previous life was kind of counterintuitive &... well... Sheikaku missed his wife...
It was like being put into a coma only to wake up & learn that your wife had been told you were dead & gotten married again during that time... In a lot of ways, Sheikaku felt left behind even though, logically, he knew that Sky was one of his reincarnations.
Feelings don't always make sense.
LoZ Linked Universe Masterlist
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dc-and-arfrona · 11 months
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Nightwing x Gn!Reader
Summary: Dick takes you on a nice date
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 600+
The gentle breeze rustled through the trees as Nightwing, the masked vigilante of Blüdhaven, stood atop a rooftop, contemplating his next move. It had been a long week of crime-fighting, and he found himself yearning for a moment of peace amidst the chaos. That's when his eyes fell upon you, the reader, a vibrant and captivating presence in his life.
With a determined smile, Nightwing leaped from the rooftop, agilely traversing the city until he found himself in front of your door. He had made up his mind; tonight, he would sweep you away on a magical adventure under the starry sky.
You opened the door, your eyes widening in surprise as you saw Nightwing, the man who held your heart, standing before you. His eyes sparkled beneath the mask, his voice laced with excitement. "I've come to whisk you away on a special date, one that involves stargazing. Are you up for an adventure?"
A surge of anticipation rushed through you as you nodded, unable to resist the charm and mystery that surrounded Nightwing. You quickly locked the door behind you, and together you set off into the night.
Nightwing led you to a hidden oasis nestled amidst the city's hustle and bustle—a rooftop garden, complete with blooming flowers, twinkling lights, and a breathtaking view of the night sky. The scent of jasmine hung in the air, adding an ethereal touch to the ambiance.
As you settled into a cozy spot, Nightwing produced a blanket, inviting you to sit beside him. The city's lights dimmed as the night deepened, revealing a canvas of stars that stretched infinitely above you.
With a gentle smile, Nightwing pointed to the sky, tracing constellations with his finger. He shared stories of ancient legends and mythical heroes, his voice carrying the weight of his experiences and the wonder of the universe. Time seemed to stand still as you listened, captivated by his words and the way he effortlessly melded romance and adventure.
Lost in the beauty of the night, you leaned closer, your arm brushing against Nightwing's. His hand found yours, and a shiver ran down your spine as his touch ignited a spark within you. The world around you faded, leaving only the two of you and the myriad stars that adorned the heavens.
As the night wore on, the conversation turned intimate. Nightwing spoke of his hopes, his dreams, and the deep longing he felt for a life where he could balance his duty as a protector with the chance to love and be loved.
"I've spent so much of my life consumed by darkness," he confessed, his gaze never leaving yours. "But being with you, under this starlit sky, I see a future filled with light and joy. You've shown me that there is beauty beyond the shadows."
Your heart swelled with affection as you reached out, cupping his cheek. "You bring light to my life too, Nightwing. When I'm with you, I feel safe, cherished, and understood. The stars may be vast, but none shine as brightly as you do in my world."
In that moment, the barrier of masks and secret identities melted away, leaving only the raw vulnerability and unspoken promises shared between you. The night whispered its approval, weaving your destinies together under a celestial tapestry.
With tender reverence, Nightwing leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a sweet, lingering kiss. It was a promise, a promise that amidst the chaos and uncertainty, your love would remain steadfast and unyielding, just like the stars that guided your path.
As you held each other, entwined beneath the vast expanse of the night sky, you both knew that this date would forever be etched in your memories—a night of stargazing, where two souls found solace and love in each other's arms, forever bound by the magic of the stars.
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The finished product! Really happy with how it turned out.
My character who believes that he is the protagonist of every single legend (he isn't).
His full title is Legendary Levi of Legend(s) and of the Seven Seas, the God-Shattering Star of Ethereal Realms, Champion of the Ancient Prophecies, Guardian of Lost Souls, Master of Elemental Forces, Bearer of the Sacred Relics, Conqueror of the Unseen Depths, Bringer of Light to the Darkness, Vanquisher of Demonic Hordes, Protector of the Innocent, Herald of Destiny, and Eternal Sovereign of the Cosmic Realms
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azulaang-chakras · 6 months
Aang: Protector Aasimar, Monk/Druid
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Protector aasimar are charged by the powers of good to guard the weak, to strike at evil wherever it arises, and to stand vigilant against the darkness. From a young age, a protector aasimar receives advice and directives that urge to stand against evil.
Katara and Sokka: Sea Elves, Druid/Monk and Rogue/Fighter
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Sea elves fell in love with the wild beauty of the ocean in the earliest days of the multiverse. While other elves traveled from realm to realm, sea elves navigated the currents and explored the waters of many worlds.
Suki: Hill Dwarf, Monk/Fighter
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Most dwarves are lawful, believing firmly in the benefits of a well-ordered society. They tend toward good as well, with a strong sense of fair play and a belief that everyone deserves to share in the benefits of a just order.
Toph: Stout Halfling, Druid/Monk
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Others form nomadic bands that travel constantly, lured by the open road and the wide horizon to discover the wonders of new lands and peoples. ...they are loyal to their friends, whether halfling or otherwise. They can display remarkable ferocity when their friends, families, or communities are threatened.
Zuko and Azula: Red Dragonborn, Fighter/Sorcerer and Rogue/Sorcerer
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Born of dragons, as their name proclaims, the dragonborn walk proudly through a world that greets them with fearful incomprehension. Some dragonborn are faithful servants to true dragons, others form the ranks of soldiers in great wars, and still others find themselves adrift, with no clear calling in life.
Mai: Shadar-Kai, Rogue/Fighter
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Shadar-kai are the elves of the Shadowfell, originally drawn to that dread realm by the Raven Queen. Over the centuries, some of them have continued to serve her, while others have ventured into the Material Plane to forge their own destinies. Once shadar-kai were Fey like the rest of their elven kin; now they exist in a state between life and death, thanks to being transformed by the Shadowfell’s grim energy.
Ty Lee: Tabaxi, Monk
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Ultimate travelers, the inquisitive tabaxi rarely stay in one place for long. Their innate nature pushes them to leave no secrets uncovered, no treasures or legends lost.
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