#diagnosis fail
mbrainspaz · 11 months
remembering why I stopped going to the doctor years ago. So far it's gone like this: I went to a doctor someone recommended, they gave me the inhaler I needed at least (wish I could've just gone and bought myself the meds I knew I needed but nooooo), diagnosed another issue I needed help with, and referred me. The next doctor cost more money to tell me that the first doctor was right, but that I needed to see another doctor to confirm. That doctor said actually the last two doctors were wrong, but didn't have a clue what was actually going on. "Like idk maybe try CAT scans or something? Doctor no. 2 will call you back to follow up." Dr 2 has not called. Oh, and let's not forget the third doctor did a bunch of tests that hurt like hell and they had the nerve to interrogate me about 'why I was so down.' I hate it when doctors ask me that. I DUNNO BUB maybe I hate wasting all my time and money being processed like a slab of meat by scammy medical institutions that never actually help me?! Also I filled in your stupid form and admitted I had depression—what did you expect? They don't even read those damn things I swear. So now I've spent over $200 and wasted a total of about 10 hours running around town just to be exactly where I was before I talked to a doctor. It's so goddamn useless. Last time I spent $600 to get told I had bad knees and needed a surgery I couldn't afford. I already knew that! Now I've got another appointment this morning and I called the office (wasted 10 minutes just getting past the answering robot) to ask about the fasting the doctor told me to do for bloodwork—only to be told this wasn't an appointment for that. no no, this is just a 'follow up'. WHY?! So she can double check that I didn't die of an asthma attack in the meantime? I swear if I drive through houston traffic for 2 hours and pay another $25 just for this person to ask me how I've been breathing lately I'm done. I'm done. I'm dropping the whole thing. I'm just gonna accept that it's my lot in life to live like a 14th century peasant and hope I die of natural causes. I'll find some leeches in the creek and take some weird herbs and hope for the best. I don't even know what's going on with the insurance company because they emailed me asking me to pay another $25 copay for an appointment I already paid $50 for in person, so now I've gotta waste time and precious energy calling them to make sure there wasn't a stupid mistake, and if they say there wasn't then I just have to accept the extortion. And I've gotta keep signing all the stupid forms every time saying I'll pay I'll pay I'll pay. For WHAT? If I can never get actual medical care that fixes or alleviates the problems I'm dealing with what the hell am I paying for?! If I went to any other business and paid for a service and they failed to provide it I could demand to have my money back! But these hacks get to be like "well if you don't want to sign over your entire bank account enjoy your free human right to suffer and die lol." My elbow hurts like hell from writing this and half my hand is numb but the gods only know why. Anyway, here I go, off to spend another 2 hours and at least $25 but probably more than that on some more bullshit.
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grumpyghostdoodles · 5 months
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The Almighty Sheriff!
Save a horse, ride a cowboy~
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xerospaced · 7 months
If anyone, esp anyone diagnosed Autistic, wants to validate a very autistic but very not diagnosed chick who has done tonnes of research over years that like... my autism is valid even tho the system of diagnosing autism in adults (esp women, especially black women) has failed her...
I wouldn't say no 🙃
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
me looking at the ADHD diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5-TR since I have access to it for a school paper and being reminded of every weird and annoying thing I do
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oh-meow-swirls · 23 days
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i think this was funnier in my head.
#puppy draws#yo-kai watch#katie forester#jibanyan#whisper#whisper ykw#usapyon#hailey anne thomas#as a diagnosed autistic person i can confirm that the autism evaluation results#just being a picture of the autism creature with text saying you have the tism is accurate#i don't even remember how this idea came to me i think i was just overly tired this morning and then this happened#also ignore the fact that i refuse to accept nate as being canon protagonist katie is like way better sorry besties <3#that's like 80% a joke. every main yo-kai watch character is my blorbo and nate is included in that#i just also prefer katie. playing 3 and rewatching the anime + reading the manga did endear me to nate more though#i like how he's average but also totally bisexual. no i will not elaborate#why do my tags always get so derailed. uhhhh back to autism. hailey is so fucking autistic ngl#there's like at least five different instances in 3 of her just completely failing to read the room#she's totally hyperfixated on sailor cuties and next harmeowny#she has adhd vibes too i think but. the tism is very strong#i can't decide my favorite part of this between the “yippee!! you have the tism” image and jibanyan asking what autism is#he doesn't know because he has autism by default through being a cat he didn't need a diagnosis#i feel like all of them are autistic tbh but that's probably just me projecting. i totally gave katie autism in the rewrite though#i wasn't even trying to i just don't know what neurotypicals are like because i got that autistic rizz. and adhd rizz. mostly the adhd#i am definitely also autistic but i think my adhd effects me a lot more in day-to-day life#since i usually just interact with my moms who know i'm autistic and are also both neurodivergent#and people online. most of who are autistic because it's mostly on tumblr and this is the autism website#yo-kai watch more like yo-gay watchtism amirite-#oh also very amused by hailey just poofing into existence in the second picture. as you do
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neurodiversitysci · 2 years
Ordering at a Restaurant Without a Menu: The Challenge of Navigating Disability Services as a Late-Diagnosed Adult
Some people with disabilities, especially those of us diagnosed as teenagers and adults, spend our lives puzzling out how our brains work and what makes them function at their best.
It’s not just that we lack accurate information. Understandably, those around us assume we are neurotypical by default, and give us inaccurate information. We then have to realize it doesn’t fit us and unlearn it. 
Sometimes, we have to do so while being told that other people understand our brains better than we do.
(Yes, that experience affects our self-concept and self-esteem, but that’s a topic for another post).
When we finally have access to accommodations, we are expected to know and ask for exactly what we need.  
That expectation is unrealistic.
One might expect that folks whose job consists of supporting people with disabilities (such as university Disability Services staff) would start by explaining what they do. They could easily provide a list of all the services they offer and say, “here are all the ways we help people. Do any of these things sound like they could help you? Do you have any questions or suggestions?” In my experience, otherwise helpful support people don’t, even when asked directly. 
That’s like going to a doctor in some obscure medical specialty who expected you to know everything about what they do and insisted you tell them what treatments or medication you need. Or -- since disabilities aren’t necessarily diseases -- it’s like going to a restaurant without a menu and being told to ask for what you want, with no guidance as to what they can actually make or whether they can accommodate your diet. 
That’s absurd to begin with. All the more so when a significant portion of the people they work with have never received services and have been left alone to figure out their needs. 
(Yes, enough late-diagnosed, never-accommodated people have shown up at disability services offices by now for them to know we exist). 
Here’s a possible fix: offer coaching on how to discover your needs, navigate the service system, and ask for support. It might not even be hard; some disability services offices at universities already offer ADHD coaching.
Have you dealt with this frustrating situation? How would you fix it?
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autisticlee · 2 months
having some sort of chronic pain and tiredness issue and joint problems and whatnot but not knowing exactly what the problem is is really good at leading you feeling like you're faking it or making a big deal out of nothing or making it up. especially if there's a good day where it's not as bad and you can walk straight without limping for the first time in a year. but then you can wake up the next day and can barely walk and wonder why you can't just walk normal. it's hard to not guilt trip yourself into dealing with pain by trying to ignore it and force yourself to walk "normal" all the time
#chronic pain#chronic exhaustion#idk what else to tag#another day of why was lee walking normal and barely pain at work yesterday but then today so much pain and exhausted#wish i knew what was exactly the problem. was diagnosed with “generalized hypermobility” but doesnt do much#not a real diagnosis. basically just a thing to tell me “theres nothing wrong. exercise more” but how???? i keep trying but hurt myself#my job is physical labor and therefore exercise. it hurts. is exhausting. no energy to do more. walking is exhausting#have to focus so much energy on not popping hips out of place and twisting knees and ankles and falling. never hurts less#still think about how failed the heds test by 1 point but had several people with heds or who have close friends/family with it who told me#they think i have it and should go het diagnosed or just ask me if i have it because they recognize the symptoms#and every time i tell them the doctor i saw about my joint issues and stuff denied it they get super confused and tell me to try#another doctor. unfortunately i have to go through my designated health system and they dont have multiple doctors of each specialty#and i in general have no clue how to navigate health stuff or how to advocate for myself and have no help or support system at all so 🤷#anyway. it makes me wonder if i *do* have that or if my floppy bendy joints are just similarly bad and exercise will cure me#and im just bad at it because i have no clue what is right and wrong movement unless someone watches me and corrects me the whole time#and no i wont learn or get better. im so disconnected from this body that i will never learn what feels right and wrong.#still cant even tell when im hungry until i almost pass out!!!!!!! of thirsty!! or even have to pee until its emergency level piss!!!!!!#so no way to tell when hypermobiling joints when exercising or when form is slipping and not correct anymore.#been trying things to get better at that but still hasnt improved at all#what was i talking about......right. dont think ill ever get heds diagnosis since cant pass the test for that. so cant get much support/help#am on my own with youtube tutorials and hoping i dont keep hurting myself wishing exercise will cure me and “good days” become permanent#also why are video tutorials SO HARD TO FOLLOW AND LEARN FROM. im sk bad at it yet everyone tells me its the best and only way to learn but#its SO HARD FOR ME 😭😭😭😭😭 MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED AND UPSET
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year
the scene of liam collapsed onto the forest floor in front of scott sobbing about how he’s scared of what’s happening to him not because of the fangs or the claws but because he thinks his parents already view him as a monster breaks me a little inside every time.
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xerospaced · 7 months
I think we need to start putting Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD/EUPD) under the microscope
I think it's high time we really get into it
Let's stop faffing about and get real
Like why do men get diagnosed with C-PTSD but women with the same experiences and symptoms get BPD
Or, hmm, I dunno, maybe why women who are undiagnosed neurodivergent are continually misdiagnosed with BPD without a moments consideration that it could be something else at play
Or how the diagnosis is given so quickly on assumption
It's almost like...
I dunno man
Anyone remember that period in the history of psychology where women who were dealing with trauma from abuse and/or sexual assault and the like were said to have "hysteria"
Ykno how they'd have one conversation with a psych and the psych would be like, "hmm, female, emotionally unstable, difficulties communicating, fragile sense of self. Oh yes yes, hysterical"
As someone who was misdiagnosed with EUPD/BPD at 21 after one conversation with zero investigation. Who also later discovered they have adhd (diagnosed at 26) and autism (undiagnosed/dismissed due to adhd etc.). I find it pretty fucken sus that all these women are given this bullshit catch all diagnosis that labels them a problem and places the blame entirely on the flaw within themselves and then just... left to it.
I've been a part of BPD groups. I've seen those women. I've seen how the diagnosis has NOT helped them. I've seen how their symptoms have worsened. How hopeless they feel. How they try and try to do or be better but can't seem to get the hang of it.
And I've seen how many of them really need help dealing with their trauma, their symptoms of C-PTSD. I've seen how so many of them have had difficulties with parents friends and partners, always being misunderstood and the problem, almost like... hmm I don't fucken know - neurodivergent people maybe!
Honestly, to anyone who has been given the diagnosis of borderline. I urge you to investigate. Dig deeper. Do your own research. Look into the stats on misdiagnosis (I promise you, they are staggering!) Look at what conditions/disorders are often mistaken for borderline. Just do yourself a favour and question this label. Investigate.
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torao-chan · 7 months
man idk what to tell yall
im just. exhausted atm
#i am working overtime weekly to try and make sure i have the time off i need to a) not have a stress seizure#and b) be able to have the Paid Time Off for the Forced Time Off around the xmas holidays#and i am. so fuckin tired#i dont work a full time schedule cause I Cannot Handle It and its never more apparent then when im forced to work overtime#maybe thats why mikotos videos hitting so hard atm for me idk man#im just#im tired man#did you know#my parent approached me. about 5 years after high school#everyday. after school. she'd ask us 'how are you' and everyday. without fail. the answer would be 'tired'#or if the question was 'how was today' for once. the answer was always 'long.' or 'tiring.'#but ye. about five years after. after we got our asd & adhd diagnosis. and before we got our DID diagnosis#she approached us and apologised. something along the lines of never realising that 'tired' was the best answer we could give#because we were Exhausted#and i always look back at that and go 'what. why. what did you think of us?' 'who did you think we were?'#you never accepted anything less than the answer that made the people around us the most comfortable#of course we were exhausted#Tired was Always the Best Answer we could give Without Lying#what about your child who refused to hang out with friends optionally. who refused out of school commitment options. who refused to do any#thing for their birthday. their celebrations. their anything and everything optional choice was Nothing#what on earth made you think We Weren't Exhausted#fuck man. we had Annual Seizures from Unknown causes (hint; it was Stress and Exhaustion. A N N U A L L Y)#idk#mikotos video has me Tired in a way We Already Were#and working overtime recently hasnt helped#im tired man.#im Tired#personal
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I am crippled. I am a cripple. A richer, stronger, harsher word than disabled. It takes my experiences and the way people look through me and it forces them into an unignorable word, a slur I pick up and reclaim. I am crippled; I am sick; I am disabled. No matter what word I use, I am destined for this fate. For the rest of my life, I will struggle with my body, with my thoughts, with my mind, with my heart. For the rest of my life, I will oscillate between sick and well, suicidal and stable. I am destined for a life of in-betweens, urges to walk in the cold of night to a highway an hour out. They diagnosed a fifteen year old with an incurable, painful, depressing disease, and said off you fucking fuck! Box breathe through the pain! What a fucking joke.
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awek-s · 3 months
I forget my mother didn’t really raise me until I asked her to look over the adhd nhs website in case she gets asked what I was like as a kid and she was like ‘you weren’t like this at all!’
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bunn-iiii · 9 months
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luvshuas · 1 year
since i am here rn…hello 😼😼😼
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lovedlovingly · 6 months
yoooo I just got diagnosed with dry pussy syndrome which apparently can happen when u have PCOS I love this body 🤪
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