#divest black women
canthebest1 · 5 months
It’s better to not merge interracial dating with divestment. It’s really not about dating or switching from one male group to another. It’s about Black women prioritizing themselves and removing themselves from toxic situations and people that don’t serve them.
Yes I agree! The two comments I was replying two were on the topic of dating. But you can be single and be divested. Not all of us have the goal to be partnered up.
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comrade-onion · 2 months
A Critique of the Western Left
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The Western Left has been marred by infighting in recent years, effectively crippling any capacity it has to fight back against the vicious capitalist system it rightfully opposes.
In my eyes, I see two main contributing factors to the general incompetency of the Left in the Western world. Infighting and ineffective campaigning.
Infighting between sects within the left along niche ideological lines stunts its ability to grow its membership and influence by making the movement look irrelevant, hostile, and elitist. The right isn't divided along small ideological lines. They can and will cooperate to spread their collective hateful ideologies. To combat this effectively, we need to put our differences aside and unite along our common enemy: the capitalist system. Only when the abolition of capitalism has been undertaken can we afford to disagree on minor policy and theoretical differences.
Secondly, Leftist campaigning is so focused on ideological niches that it no longer appeals to the working people. The average worker is not concerned about who Gonzalo was. They are too busy worrying about food, about rent, about utilities and education, and safety. We need to campaign issues that are affecting the people the most. We NEED to appeal to the masses and embrace left-wing populism to garner the popular support needed to oppose fascism if we want any chance of facilitating positive and lasting change.
We have a common enemy, and we must not fight each other. Instead, we must work together for the good of the people and for the good of the planet.
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noirsisterhood · 3 months
Books every Black girl and woman should be reading
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springphile · 3 months
Never understood why black women are so determined to play superhero for every demographic but themselves. Why do we as black women never prioritise our needs, yet we cape for people who would call us the hard R behind our backs lmao. Like do you think other people are doing this for us? No, they do not care! They have other things to be worrying about.
In America, black women experience some of the highest rates of homicide at the hands of their male partners. And I guarantee that black men kill black women far more often than police kill black males. Yet there’s no movement focused on that, is there?
It just shows where black women’s priorities lie really. In male worshipping. Preaching about intersectionality, yet not advocating for yourselves. Speaking for other people will get you nowhere. That’s a dumb thing to do anyway. Focus on yourself.
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milkchocolatenhoney · 2 years
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radfemsouthy · 1 year
Chrisette Michele vs Kanye West: Why don’t black women get the same grace?
Kanye West has been spewing garbage for years and only now is he facing the consequences. In fact, he still has a cult following that’s convinced he can do no wrong.
Chrisette Michele performed for Donald Trump ONCE & was completely cancelled. Unlike Kanye, she didn’t actively campaign for him & neither was she anti-black or anti-Semitic. Her life has spiralled out of control since that moment in 2016.
Why aren’t black women afforded the same grace as black men?
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lady-conjuress · 6 months
I’d like to let it be known that my views on racial politics (particularly Black women’s image) and female sexuality are different. I am all for sexual liberation (in my case, guarding my body from those I deem unworthy in addition to being unrestricted without sleeping with every man that shows the littlest bit of attention or even major attention), but this particular sexual “liberation” that Black women collectively have been force fed and now many act as willing participants is in no way “liberating” or helpful for our image.
And yes, I know that other groups of women do the same as well, but they have more than enough images that counterattack any that would deem them “not respectable” by a sexually frigid (despite it simultaneously being hyper-sexual) society. So to all of you “Black people/women are not a monolith” people who like to contradict your “message” when it’s in your favor, I agree with you. Black women are not a monolith, and I’m sticking up and standing with Black women who hold the same sentiment as I do.
Dolores C. Tucker tried to warn you. And the Black “community” trashed her for it. This is why classism has some place in society despite it needing to be transcended. This hip-hop/gangster/thug culture is a SUBCULTURE of Black culture and it started because of the Black underclass. I’ve stated in a post in the past about how the upper and even middle class Black people didn’t want the underclass moving into their spaces and neighborhoods. Why? Because they knew this would happen. Then came the “we are all Black people at the end of the day” crowd guilt-tripping and “revoking” the “Black cards” of Black people (especially the women) who did not agree with their nonsense.
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rottenlittlefink · 6 days
Telling black men that they need to do better as a collective isn’t anti black btw
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What is black femicide and who's the main perpetrator?
What is femicide? Femicide is generally understood to involve the intentional murder of women because they are women, but broader definitions include any killings of women or girls.
From the Columbia University Mailman School of Pubilc Health; Black women in the U.S. were, on average, six times more likely to be murdered than their white peers for the years 1999 through 2020, according to an analysis of racial disparities in U.S. homicide rates by researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center and Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. The study indicates that Black women are more likely than white women to be killed by guns.
In 2020, around 1,821 black women and girls had their lives taken away from them. Studies show it's mostly done by someone they know such as family members and partners. Firearms are the main weapon used on the victims.
From Connecticut Children's: Firearm violence has driven the homicide rates even further, with three-quarters of homicide victims dying of gunshot wounds. Awareness of this public health crisis has remained low among feminist movements, news media, law enforcement, and community-based organizations.
Intimate Partner Violence Among Young Black Girls and Women: The leading cause for pregnant black women is murder...by their partners. Pregnant Black women are 11 times more likely to be victims of femicide, according to an article published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology. Pregnant-associated femicide refers to homicides of women during pregnancy or within one year of pregnancy.
With all the sources I've read, what annoys me the most is that they aren't really specific about WHO really is murdering black women and girls. The type of people doing it.
You might say: "It's the family members and partners"
It's black men.
Your uncles, sons, brothers, male cousins, baby daddies, husbands etc. It's mostly black men who are taking black women and girls OUT. I really dislike how these sources are hiding this fact. Why not just say it black men?
What's wrong with outing the fact that black men are doing it? This hurts black women and girls. With black people being around 13-14% of the US population, they commit the most crimes.
Yes, I'm a black woman in my early 20s and I believe in saying black men DO have a violence issue, I don't care, among themselves and amongst black women.
and yes, 'black culture' is trash.
Here are a few news reports:
(This one doesn't show the dusty's face so I'll post Paris' video that goes into detail about this case)
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canthebest1 · 5 months
some of these anti-divest black women have heat for divested black women bc they point out the black community cannot be saved just bc they stick with black men. let's talk about it!
Agreed. And it seems I have ruffled some feathers with my response 😆. Black women should date and marry men who can benefit them the most. It does not have to be a black man. You have options!
1. Black women out number black men. I don’t know about y’all but I’m not sharing a man. I’m monogamous.
2. You are cutting off your dating pull by the millions due to the factor of skin color. This is not strategic, in fact it’s just idiotic.
3. Let’s not spread hate towards women who disagree with us. Not very classy ladies. My comments and message box are open. Let’s chat.
A/N: should I start a blog where we can discuss similar topics? I’m not a expert. In fact I’m a college student still learning and growing. But I k is what I want and don’t want for my future. We can converse with respect and grace.
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noirsisterhood · 2 months
Important books for Black girls and women to read
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The sea gods after Atlantis
Isis unveiled (every book by this author holds a LOT of information about history Black women have not been taught)
Haute Magie dogme Et rituel
Book of Dyzan
Lost goddesses of early greece
Book of Enoch
Emerald tablets of Thoth
The alphabet vs the goddess
Pliny the Elder- Natural histories
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springphile · 4 months
Black women could’ve done quite a bit (online anyway) with that divestment movement. Too bad they just became white male worshippers instead.
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bougieblkbimbo · 1 year
how to develop a healthy sense of self as a black woman
living in a eurocentric/anti-black and colorist society where people constantly remind us that we aren’t the beauty standard (even our own family), and we face misogynior so these are things that helped me gain a healthy sense of self
- don’t be around people that have negative things to say about black women.
- love your own image. find instagram and pinterest girls that look like you and have your hair type
- take a break from dating and don’t hang around colorist people once it’s proven that’s how they are
- instead of wearing straight hair try faux locs, braids, twist, or if you get extensions do afro textured ones.
- eating healthy and working out.
- finding your self care routine (hair,nails, eyebrows, facials etc).
-don’t worry about people understanding your plight because all people do is gaslight us about our experiences.
-if you can get therapy (specifically a black woman therapist)
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poshpunkqueen · 1 year
The Truth About Growing Up in the Black Community That White Liberals don't know
The Shanquella and Meg/Tory Case shed light on the characters in the black community if you're awake and paying attention. But animals like Tory and the killer 6 exists in the BLKC for decades but the media doesn't speak about them due to the black vs. White agenda 🤷🏽‍♀️. They don't speak on the other side : the misogynistic behaviours Black women face daily, black femicide every 4-5 hours everyday and black men talking shit about us 24 hours behind their social media accounts.
The Kelsey Type
If you're awake you would realise when Black Girls come into this world they are raised and psychologically trained (without realising) to fight, protect and cover the crimes of the Black Men in the community because we were taught the system and world is after them and if we turn them over to the police they will die. The community has been filled with paedophile, incest, abuse and all types of nasty shit that women refuse to speak about due to this narrative. They say "that's a white peephole ting! 😃😄🙄"
These girls grow up to be the Black women who preach about wanting the "Girls Trip" narrative. The truth is there's no sisterhood with these Black Male Worshipping Cock sucking wh*res.
They would throw another sista under the bus, sacrifice a sista, dabble in fricking witchcraft to get rid of a sista as long as the Black Male is protected from the system and the horrible white menzz 🫠😵‍💫
These are not sistas they are MAMMIES!
Girls Like Shanquella
This trope is common many cases of black women succeeding but trying to stay with the hoodlums. The truth is when you elevate you better elevate your company and who you date. The black community is filled with jealous bitches! You have to move strategically if you plan on succeed. I've lost friends due to how I move and my lifestyle. IT'S OKAY THEIR REJECTION IS YOUR PROTECTION. The black community expects you to struggle and as soon as you look like you're doing well or living in a posh neighbourhood they call you a sell out or they say "You think you're better than us"
Once again these fuckers would kill you out of jealousy
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lady-conjuress · 6 months
For every smash and grab that Black people (mainly men) commit, more and more innocent Black people who do not steal are accused of it and followed around stores. You people are shitting where others pay money to eat, and because Black men did not build any infrastructure or stable and safe neighborhoods for their people with good quality food, the thuggish thieves are shitting where they have to eat.
From discount clothing stores to high-end fashion clothing stores (which are usually favored by these thieves), they are ruining and making it harder for innocent Black people to get their needs and items from.
If you aren't one of those thieving cockroaches, but still defend their actions (i.e. "bUt ThEy'Re JuSt TrYiNg To SuRvIvE!!!"), then you have just as much blood on your hands because you make them feel as though what they're doing and continue to do is okay because there will always be that one mule (I'm looking at you, delusional Black women, not to be confused with those of us who regularly call out their destructive habits and make no excuses) honking her ass of for males that only see her as something to fuck, impregnate with a bastard, leave, and/or exploit.
Every single racial group or group that can become a minority based off of ethnicity knows that racial/ethnic image is important because it can effect its peoples survival and how they are treated. This is why in America, Whites have the image of upstanding or regular Whites as the face of their race while the "inferior" ones of their group are referred to as "White trash". Anyone who has seen my primary blog would know that I do not see inherent superiority or inferiority between race or class as it only proves that one is blinded by the Ego, but if we are coming from a place of social awareness and studying interactions and common patterns in society's inhabitants and how we as humans—immeshed in Ego—separate ourselves and categorize each other—then for the sake of this post’s nature, I will point this out.
There was a time before the 2000s when the upper and even middle class Black/Afro-Americans did not want the underclass (the class which has given birth to what we see happening now with Black violence and degeneracy) moving into their neighborhoods because they knew it was only a matter of time before the destruction of their neighborhoods and stability came. With the Black underclass, there came a violent way of lifestyle that often included murdering members of their own racial group at high rates, trafficking and raping the women and girls (this was strongly shown in the "pimping" era of what I believe to be the 60s or 70s. There were numerous Blaxploitation films that portrayed Black women and girls as prostitutes at the violence of Black men, but as we know, "Art imitates life"). The saying that I included written in quotation means that the described Blaxploitation industry imitated and portrayed the horrors experienced by the women and girls, and cruelly profited off of it.
When you defend the behaviors that Black criminals (usually male) engage in and make excuses for, you cannot blame people for stereotyping, which in truth there is some truth to. Unless you actively denounce and demand punishment for these thugs, you will continue to be stereotyped and create other uncomfortable and even dangerous experiences for innocent Black people. You are proving the stereotypes to be true and worth defending, when in reality they are not worth defending.
I will write further on this matter sometime soon in another post.
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moonfirebrides · 1 year
I’m not protesting for people that hate me ✌🏽
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