#divider by leafsea
milksuu · 7 months
Don't Worry. I'll Support You. | PT. 01
❥ prompt: Your HEARTSTEEL boyfriend has to undergo minor surgery, and they chose you to be their caretaker for the day. Let's see how they are before and after anesthesia. ❥ content/warnings: fluffy fluff, drugged behavior (all medically safe), mention of needles, mild profanity, minor angst ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel! (aphelios, ezreal, kayn) x girlfriend!reader
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an: i don't know why this was tumbling around in my head. wow, this post got longer and longer the more i wrote. i swear I'll write for the other babes too.
Unfortunately, this wouldn't be the first time Aphelios had to undergo surgery. Happened when they had to remove the nodule from his vocal cords. And he doesn't remember a single thing from that day. Alune took care of him at the time, but she never mentioned anything beyond how he slept most of the day (probably to spare him from embarrassment).
He appreciated you taking a day off work to take care of him and be his interpreter. He was fine with all his consents and paperwork. But when it came to more detailed questions concerning his medical history, he would have you translate his sign language to the medical staff. Thanks to you, the process went smoothly.
IV's were never fun to have. Especially when it had to be in the hand. Aphelios couldn't lie and say he wasn't nervous about it, despite his aloofness. But all he had to do was shift his eyes away for a moment, and look at your cute, bubbly face. He could tell you were rambling on trying to distract him, and he guessed it worked. By the time he looked down again, the IV was in. He denied the golden star sticker usually meant for the pediatric patients, but you took it for him as a momento.
When it was time for him to go into the OR, the medical team gave you two a moment. You slipped a hand into his and gave him two love squeezes. He smiled softly and gave three love squeezes back. A quick peck to his lips and you left to sit in the waiting room.
When he was brought to recovery and awake, you were taken to his bedside. When you stepped through the curtain, you saw him resting as if he were asleep at home. Slowly, he opened his eyes, glazed over with mild recognition. Although he felt lethargic, he signed sloppily with his hands.
Is this heaven?
You bit your bottom lip to keep from smiling too much. You shook your head and reminded him where he was.
Oh. Really? Because you look like an angel to me. And if they want you back up there. Forget it. I'm keeping you.
You covered your mouth to keep from giggling too loud. You weren't sure if he was being serious or actually trying to flirt with you. It wasn't common at all for him to be so corny, but you blamed the anesthesia for that. When the nurse came to the bedside, she went over discharge instructions while you held his hand. He kept giving you light squeezes and rubbing his thumb gently against your fingers. Just to make sure you wouldn't fly away. Of course, anytime you had to let go and sign a paper, he sighed heavily (almost a whine if he wasn't careful), until your hand floated right back for him to take. Then he was sighing with relief again.
While at home, it was just the same. Aphelios didn't want you to leave his side for even a moment. If he had his way, you'd be sleeping next to him, still holding onto his hand. You had to remind him many times that you had to take care of him, so no cuddles or naps just yet. You also had to remind him he needed to eat and take fluids after fasting for so long. If there was thing you knew, he was a picky eater. Aphelios seriously thought ketchup packets counted as a full meal and satisfied his daily fiber intake. Luckily, you were able to spoon feed him some soup with a couple of crackers.
After you had him take his first dose of medication, you could finally indulge him. You settled next to him in bed, and he took no time to wrap himself around you, nuzzling your chest. A small, sleepy smile formed against his lips. Maybe you weren't a real angel. But you couldn't convince him you weren't his heaven on Earth.
Oh, boy. This was the first time Ezreal had to have any kind of surgery. Even though it was supposedly minor, that didn't stop the nerves itching underneath his skin. Is it normal to be this nervous? He wasn't sure, but he tried his best to hide his chattering teeth behind a forced smile. He really didn't want you worrying about him more than you had too. You were already doing him a big favor by taking care of him. He just hoped he wouldn't be a wreck before and after.
Apparently, signing consent forms and answering medical questions became a challenge. His hand trembled so much, his usual confident signature looked like a preschooler forged it. And when it came to answering medical questions, he found himself stuttering, feeling like someone stuck cotton balls inside his mouth.
When it was time for the IV, his whole body was ready to collapse in on itself. Was it always so hot in here? Sweat dampened the top of his skin. W-What's the big deal anyway? Not like he was afraid of some tiny, sharp...needle....OK, the room was spinning now. Great—awesome. Man, he felt so lame.
Seeing the color drain from his complexion, his head drop back, and his eyelids fluttering close, you politely asked the nurse to give him a moment with you. She laid him down in the stretcher and brought you a wet cloth. Wiping at his damp face and neck, you rested a comforting hand against his heaving chest. "It's okay to be afraid, Ez. It's not easy to have surgery. You're brave for even being here." He shook his head weakly, clenching his eyes tight. "B-brave. Yeah right, babe. I mean, look at me. I'm practically comatose and the nurse barely even wrapped the tourniquet around my arm."
"Brave doesn't mean not being afraid of anything. It's doing something even knowing it's scary." Another wipe of his cheek and you planted a reassuring kiss. "There's no one braver in my eyes right now." Ezreal swallowed the ball of anxiety nested in his throat. A couple of more inhales and he gathered his remaining courage for the next step that had to be done.
You held his hand the entire time the nurse worked to get his IV started. You told him to close his eyes and take big breaths, and it would be over before he even knew it. He did as instructed, and just like you said, it was done. He admitted to you that it felt a bit itchy, but that he could deal with. Oh, but was it so worth it when the nurse offered him that golden star sticker. He slapped it on the chest of his gown like a badge of honor.
When the medical team arrived to take him in the stretcher, he gave you that million dollar smile and peace sign. Granted, you whispered to the anesthesiologist to give him some relaxing medication before he went in. The anesthesia provider was way ahead of you. When he started giggling, waving, and blowing kisses like he was out the sunroof of a limo driving down the boulevard—oh yeah. You knew he was feeling it.
When it was all over and they called you back to recovery, the nurse informed you he couldn't stop talking the moment he opened his eyes. And all that he was talking about was you. "Babe! Babe! I did it—I can't even believe it's over. I don't even remember them putting me to sleep. Crazy, right? Like, did I count down from ten? Did I make it to zero? I bet I made it to zero." He practically wiggled himself over the safety rails on the stretcher. You sweetly instructed him to keep still so that the nurses could get a decent blood pressure on him. "Okay. Okay. I'll be good. Promise." He forced himself to lay back, but that didn't last long. While the nurse was going over instructions, he was tugging on your shirt sleeve, calling your name, interrupting every moment wanting your attention. Apparently, he had a lot to say to you in the span of thirty-minutes you were separated.
When you arrived back home, by some miracle you were able to have him settled on the couch once you put on his favorite K-Drama. While sitting next to him (and making sure he didn't get up) he rested his cheek against the top of your head. "Thanks for everything, babe. Honestly, you make me feel like the bravest guy. Like Indiana Jones....or Captain Kirk...maybe even that...one actor from National Treasure...." before you could say anything back, you felt his body relax further into you. His light breaths signaling he dozed off seamlessly. With a warm smile, you pulled the blanket over the two of you, and snuggled closer before you joined him for a nap.
GOD DAMN IT'S EARLY! Kayn wanted to shout when you woke him up for his 6AM arrival time. Instead, he grumbled, kicked on his crocks, and went in his pajamas. He was too tired to really argue and complain. He just wanted to get this done and over with so he could move on with his life.
Kayn didn't diddle-daddle with his forms and medical questions. He wanted to put on his gown, toss himself into the stretcher, and possibly get a few more winks before his surgical time. You sighed—this was going to be the longest hour before surgery.
Although still in a foul mood, Kayn eased a bit when you worked up a distracting conversation with him. And when the nurse came in to do his IV, Kayn didn't bother blinking. He probably stuck himself countless of times with other—probably sharper—and deadlier objects. Actually, he took it one step further. When the IV was inserted, just to mess with you (and the nurse), he made a loud, and seductive moan. You pinched his arm for startling the nurse. Poor thing didn't even know how to react to that nonsense. "Ow. Ow. Nurse—nurse, she's hurting me." He said, cowering away from you. "You deserve that for almost giving them a heart attack. What if they missed and had to stick you twice?" Kayn smirked, rubbing at his nipple line. "More of a good time for me, then." You rolled your eyes, begging for him to behave for the next half-hour.
When the surgeon came to the bedside, he discussed the procedure at length and a few expectations afterwards. When he finished, he asked if either of you had any questions. Kayn raised his hand like the serious kid in math class. "Yeah. Question, Dr. Shen. When can I have sex again?" You almost spat out the complimentary coffee the front staff so kindly gave you. You couldn't believe he had just asked that question so casually at...let's see.... 06:50 in the morning!
You apologized on his behalf, but Dr. Shen merely dismissed it. "That's quite alright. It's a fair question. And one I receive plenty of times from my male patients. Even ones well into their eighties, and surprisingly, nineties." Kayn nodded with a grin and you rubbed your warming forehead. Of course. What else would they bother to ask? The surgeon went on to say; "As far as any kind of exertional activities, that will all be discussed and cleared at your follow-up appointment in two weeks."
TWO WEEKS!? Kayn almost fainted right then in there. He looked at you with such concern, as if someone told him a Pentakill concert sold out before he could even buy a ticket. He reached over and grabbed your hand, holding tight. "Listen, kitten. I don't think I want this surgery anymore. Can we go home now?" You shook your head disapprovingly. After hearing such news, and you not bailing him out, Kayn sulked as if he was getting surgery to forever castrate him.
When it was time to take him, he begrudgingly let you kiss his cheek. Otherwise, he didn't reciprocate your affection. He tossed his chin away and said. "Whatever. Let's just get this crap over with." Once again, he had you shaking your head, and you apologizing to everyone in the room.
When the nurse came to bring you back into recovery, you noticed he was sleeping on his side, back turned to you. You wondered if he was still upset by the whole ordeal. When you reached out to touch his shoulder, he tensed, but slowly turned over. "Kayn. Are you feeling alright? If you're in pain, I'll tell the nurse—" Before you could finish, Kayn reached forward and grabbed you, pulling you into the tightest hug. You felt him bury his face into your neck and shoulder, hands desperately clinging to you.
"Oh, thank you, thank you." You heard him choke up. You brought a hand to gently comb through his hair, asking him what was wrong. He shook his head. "I...I don't know. I thought— just before everything went black—what if I never saw you again. And the way I acted before they took me..." he squeezed tighter, burying his sulking face deeper. "I'm sorry. I love you, okay? Just, trust me on that. Please."
"It's okay. I love you too," you hummed and stroked his back, continuing to assure him. "You don't have to worry anymore. It's all over. You're still here. The doctor said you did so good, and there were no complications." Pausing, you planted a kiss to the top of his head. "How about we get you dressed so we can go home, hm?" He nodded against your shoulder, and you helped the nurse dress him for discharge.
When you brought him home, Kayn wanted to do nothing but turn off the lights, close the blinds, and lay next to you in quiet darkness. Breathe you in, feel your warmth, and listen to the softness of your pulse against his ear. Focus on the fact that he was alive and you were alive with him—nothing else.
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lovelysweetlillies · 8 days
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Pretty Little Risky Baddie 🖤
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sweetlilbrat · 3 months
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18+ ONLY - minors do not interact or follow. Anything I post on my blog is consensual and between adults.
No DM please, I’m not interested
Heavy with the block button (blank/ageless/inactive blogs)
I do not use any trigger warnings
My old blogs are; dumblildoll, dem0nicangel, decayeddaisy, tinkerblunt, etc.
All tags are my ‘fav’ tag, just organized
#fs; ‘safe’ posts
#fn; NSFW main tag
#fe; NSFW second tag
#fw; lingerie/aesthetic posts
#fc; NSFW text posts/art/etc
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yeeunswrld · 3 months
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🐈‍⬛ 𝖇𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖎𝖊 ˚∘˙܀*. 💖
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👙 @ayatxt ⏤͟͟͞͞𖤐
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butchtw · 1 month
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routeriver -> butchtw (for june)
Hi! Yes hello! Jaime here ^-^) I use mirror pronouns; whatever pronouns you use, refer to me as that. Because my time zone is GMT+7, I'll be online when most of you are sleeping!
I mostly draw qsmp and a little bit of my ocs, and you can find my art in my art tag -> #jrrart.
I reblog a bunch of stuff! if you want to follow for art only, go to this blog -> @inchiostrio
Follow from @jaimeski RIP
I make a lot of nsfw and suicidal jokes so i suggest if you're below 17, do not follow me
I swear A LOT
If you want to use my art for web weaving/pfp/cover/edit, please give me credit or tag me!
Commission : CLOSED
I hope you enjoy your stay :D
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Heart divider by leafsea
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ehwesson · 5 months
in 2023, I commissioned some folks to draw me and my wife:
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artist is Recovering-Vamp @recovering-vamp
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Artist on Kofi
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Artist: Amimille - [email protected]
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Artist: Jamie Barker/FakeGamerComics Kofi @fakegamercomics
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Artist: @soupedgy X
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I really love these and wanted to share! I'll do another post of some art trades I did soon! (divider by @leafsea)
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kiki-venus-fics · 1 year
Kiki’s Masterlist
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Here is the Masterlist for all of the characters I plan on writing for so far. I haven’t uploaded a whole lot yet, so this page is pretty barren for right now.
• Bucky Barnes
Stranger Things
• Eddie Munson
• Steve Harrington
Criminal Minds
• Spencer Reid
• Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Request and Asks Guidelines / Boundaries (not updated yet)
Introduction / Navigation
divider from: leafsea
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hopelesswritergall · 2 years
would u like to write for Nancy or Steve? I'm pretty bad at specifics, so do with this what you will <22
A trip with the bus
A/N: Of course! Anything for you. St4 spoilers. Reader also has kind of symptoms for adhd since i have it and i don't know it just happened.
Hope you liked it!
Feedback is much appreciated!
Divider by @ leafsea
Word count: 266 words
Pairing: Nancy Wheeler x reader
Situation: Nancy and you are on the bus and you fall asleep.
It has been a pretty rough week for you both. (Nancy losing Fred and you having troubles both at school and home. It almost felt like the universe was against you guys.). So Nancy suggested going to the city to shop there. You couldn't say no to your girlfriend, now could you?
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So this is how you found yourself in your current situation. In a bus with Nancy going on a 3 hour trip. "Why did we have to go that far Nance?" "What does it have that our own precious Hawkins doesn't have?" You asked still pouting from when she told you how long it would take. "Well, because I think that we both deserve a day out after this week and there is a theater there." Adding the last part while she looks away. "THEATER?? I did not sign up for that." It wasn't that you hated the theater but rather that most plays take so long so you have to sit still for so long. "Please Y/N? For me?" You pretended to think about it while looking at Nancy's smile. "Just for you babe and maybe also the fact that I can't just leave a moving bus."
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As soon as you hit the 30 minute mark you already got tired of the sitting and started to bounce your leg up and down. "Baby, you alright? If it is too long we can just step out and take the bus back to Hawkins." Nancy said with a reassuring tone. "Nah, I'm totally fine!" "Besides do not wanna ruin the fun by just leaving."
"We still have 3 and a half hours to go. You can sleep if you want to?" Nancy kindly suggested. With her soft voice you eventually gave in and leaned on her shoulder, eyes already closing. "Will you wake me up when we are there?" "Sure Darling, just go to sleep." So you did and it really helped with the stress you were feeling just a time to relax.
Nancy couldn't help but to look at you. You just looked so damn perfect and she wasn't going to give you up. Not even for the entire world.
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scorpiogaze777 · 2 years
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🐇 Divider sources: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more @leafsea 🐇
🐇 Photo shot and edited by me 🐇
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lady-yandere · 1 year
Yandere Alphabet: Kagami Version – Out of the Mirror Part 2
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So my Finals are finally over! WEE! Y’all I’m tired 9_9  
Anyway! Here’s part two of Kagami’s Yandere Alphabet, next will be Arion’s Alphabet. Enjoy!
As always, the amazing dividers are by @leafsea
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Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Sweet clingy Kagami would punish with kisses (Is that really a punishment?) but negatively influenced by the mirror Kagami would be overbearing and wouldn’t hesitate in confining you, dearest darling, to your room. He wouldn’t dare mar any of your perfection.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He wouldn’t do anything at first, he does trust you. However, if you do something to break that trust…Well I hope you like being locked in your room. :)
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Look patience in the dictionary, you’ll see his face.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No…It would utterly destroy him, unfortunately we are unaware of the potential catastrophic results for all the options. *Adjusts glasses*
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Nope! Where would you go? You NEED each other. 
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
You, (Besides granny) have treated him with kindness, he needs you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
It breaks his heart! Who hurt you?! 
Kagami: It...It wasn’t me...R-Right?
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He’s learned how to use the mirror to his advantage, despite it’s negative and sadistic behavior towards him. >:] The mirror still torments him though...
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
If you brought up his past abuse of the other mirror owners, it would hurt him beyond repair or threaten to injure the mirror, but I don’t advise it because of the detrimental consequences. Tread carefully.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not on purpose, he’s still gaining your trust and learning about you as well as the world, especially now that he’s out of the mirror.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
You are his world, his bright spot in his tormented life, his love for you is something different entirely. Granny was a maternal figure, but you are his true love. 
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Kagami is pretty innocent, he would just be honest and say something, probably just shyly mumble it out. He wouldn’t start off snapping but if you rejected him continuously, he would do his hardest to convince you that his feelings are true.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
He finds you too precious for that. Most definitely not on purpose if it did happen. If he did it unintentionally, he’d be distressed for a long time, hoping that he can fix you again.
Kagami: I’m so sorry! Please…Please say something, anything! Please…Please…You mean so much to me…Don’t leave me like this…I love you...
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
💖☁️ la vie est drôle ☁️💖 - a milestone event !
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ahh, i should've done this a while ago (i'm scatterbrained, always), so this is a little belated, but i wanted to do an event since i have 235 followers now—which is wild to me, i really never expected so many people to follow me, just know that i appreciate each one of you 🤭 so as a special thank you to all my lovely followers, i present to you 💖☁️ la vie est drôle ☁️💖 a 200+ followers event; i’ll write drabbles + ficlets/scenario & will take requests for characters from one piece only (i kind of want to keep things somewhat cohesive if i can help it.) 
please don’t forget to check out my rules before sending requests🌟
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so, i’ve complied a few groups of prompt lists for you to choose from - it’s kissing themed for the most part. the categories are: time, types of kisses, genre, and content/theme. please choose one time marker from the time category, 2 to 3 types of kisses, the genre (it’s ok to request a combination), and you choose 3 to 5 from the content/theme category. also, if you want me to choose for you, just let me know.
example: “hellooo, i  would like to request blood root and dawn for law, with jaw & neck kisses, and themes 4, 28, and 60.”
the event will run from 06.18.22 (today) until 07.31.22, so be sure to get your requests in before it finishes.
current status: closed.
i. please choose one character from one piece -- or, if you’re feeling indecisive, you can toss a few names my way and i’ll pick at random.
ii. you can send multiple requests (but please consider requesting different characters if you do.)
iii. if there’s a preferred gender you want me to write the reader as, please let me know.
iv. i only write for canonically adult characters; i’m not budging on that.
v. this is an 18+ event, so minors please do not interact, thank you.
🌙 now, let’s head off to paradise & forget all of our worries🌙
♡ blood root (fluff)
♡ bleeding heart (angst)
♡ calla lily (smut)
☁ dawn
☁ morning
☁ afternoon
☁ twilight
☁ dusk
☁ evening
☁ night
☁ midnight
☁ sunrise
☁ sunset
☁ full moon
types of kisses:
✿ hand kisses
✿ kisses on the cheek
✿ nose kisses
✿ forehead kisses
✿ deep kisses
✿ goodbye kisses
✿ neck kisses
✿ eyelid kisses
✿ kissing in the rain
✿ passionate kisses
✿ jaw kisses
✿ tummy kisses
✿ slowly kissing down the body
✿ kissing fingers
✿ warm kisses
✿ breathless kisses
✿ first kisses
✿ thigh kisses
✿ soft kisses
✿ shoulder kisses
✿ cheek kisses
✿ public kissing
✿ chaste kisses
✿ hard kisses
stolen moments
new year
🌙 credit to @leafsea​ for the cute crescent moon divider 🌙
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(dividers by @leafsea + @reveriesources)
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⇢ no dreams yet...
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⇢ mundanity (wherein reader goes on a road trip with the fell bros)
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⇢ no dreams yet...
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⇢ no dreams yet...
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lullabyangels · 1 year
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hihi !!!!
🫧 Angel, big age: 21, little age: 1-3
🫧 he / fae / toy + other neoprns
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💔 basic dni criteria: homo/transphobic, racist, proana/mia, abdl/ddlg and kink/nsfw blogs
💔 against age regression, age dreaming, and pet regression
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byf !!! :
🎀 i am always up for agere friends !!!
🎀 this is a safe space for me to talk about my age regression, both the good and bad. pls dont follow if that makes you uncomfy
🎀 this is a sideblog!! i follow/like from @alifeuncolored
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divider credit: @leafsea
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rare-occasions · 5 years
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•mb for princess daisy with themes of yellows, happiness and bees for @themboluv
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tangirlisfangirl · 2 years
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☆ tell me this song doesn’t give you mad bratz vibes ☆
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softashton · 2 years
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Cherrie ♪ 19 ♪ she/they ♪ navigation ♪ minors dni
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