#does anybody know Albert's birthday ?
grassus3000 · 1 month
Does anybody know Albert's birthday ?
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Would it even be Friday without the threat of a lawsuit? And if it’s for eating two lunches, one at noon and again at three, take me to court! But it wasn’t. I can’t talk about it. I can barely talk about not being able to talk about it. Ryan Giggs would call this a superinjunction, my grandmother would call it unjust yenta-targeting. I tell G I’m on some Saturn return quest for TRUTH as I edge towards 30, but really I’ve been watching too much Gossip Girl I paint in the morning, the giant self portrait with a Korean face mask and a bukkake energy, which nobody seems as impressed by as I am. K comes in and does not note it. We discuss injuries to the vaginal canal and how maybe Prince Albert piercings aren’t worth the hassle. A fifty year old’s tired sexual dexterity vs a millennial’s misplaced energy. I talk about sex as though I have it, and as though I want it. J texts about someone we dislike dying “by eclectic chair” and I know he means electric chair but that he’s also my interior designer. It is perfect. K and I order Indian food and she devours naan bread, shows me her neck acne - the inevitable curse of being a wasp and kissed a lot by a man with facial hair. She seems in love. “I think I’d like a first marriage soonish”, she says J - another J - arrives to hang out later than planned, bringing with him complaints of London geography and a fake British accent he breaks into every other sentence. He tells me about a high school friend who became an air steward in order to “fuck older women in airports”. It rains suddenly and heavily outside and we have to shout over it. He says he’s going to try to have my work faked for my thirtieth birthday, present me with a counterfeit Issy Wood painting. I only know J a little but now suspect he has the talent for gift-giving - a gift for gifts - that I have long tried to adopt. It’s a skill centred around listening for people’s seemingly throwaway wishes and logging them for up to 11 months. My mother, for example, has it down. Other parts of my family are given to sending out lists, blunting the magic. I’m so unimaginative I actually do best with this cold order. Often I wonder whether I care about anybody at all, if anything is sacred. Perhaps I’m capable of murder? J is describing a childhood fear of appendicitis, and asks me whether straight men get upset if I make more money than they do. I say maybe, since to some, net worth is the dick size of masculine value. The dick size you can show people without being arrested. He says I should be on the Bachelor. It stops raining Later when I’m in the bath an eBay seller from whom I’m buying old copies of Nest magazine writes to say they have been affected by hurricane Ian and so the shipping might be delayed. Damn
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liam-93-productions · 3 years
This weekend it’s the UK’s biggest event on the entertainment calendar, with the 74th EE British Academy of Film and Television Awards taking place at the Albert Hall with guests and nominees attending virtually for the first time, thanks to Covid-19. And while the awards promise to be as exciting as possible in these unprecedented times, on Sunday night we will also be treated to another exciting world-first in the form of Liam Payne being beamed into houses up and down the country while performing for the opening of the ceremony.
Yup, if you’ve ever fancied the former One Direction crooner serenading you at the end of your bed, on Sunday you can make your dreams a reality – or augmented reality – as Liam has joined forces with the EE network to create a 3D avatar hologram of himself that can be beamed through the app ‘The Round’ (available on any mobile device) as he performs at the Albert Hall. Super fans can also get to experience the avatar in their homes, or on-the-go, ahead of the performance, if they tune in via the app at 6.45pm, 15 minutes before the hologram joins real Liam on stage to perform.
GLAMOUR caught up with Liam to discuss this sci-fi sounding excitement as well as hear how the past year has treated him. In a wide-ranging chat with the ever-charming Liam, we covered all things from the struggles of lockdown and coping with his mental health to his former bandmates, burgeoning acting career, new music (...).
Is the fact that you're performing at the BAFTAs a sign that your acting career is on the rise?
I've done a lot of auditions, a lot of tapes. The thing about acting somebody told me, it’s very much like: are you right for the part and is the part right for you? I think it takes a lot of talent, luck and judgment going into acting to actually get into a job. I mean, hat's off to anybody who does it because it's a long process. I seem to get through to like the final five or final three people for every role and then not quite get it. Which is frustrating but, you know, that’s how it goes. I've had a fair few auditions and I was lucky enough to get into the final five again for one audition that I got to meet Steven Spielberg [a couple of years ago] on my 25th birthday which was quite amazing. But it's been fairly slow through the pandemic obviously.
And what about music? Have you been writing anything, or even been in the studio?
I'm going to the studio later on today actually, to record something for the first time in a while. Which is quite weird to be traveling back into London to go into work. I've been doing some stuff from home as well, which has been quite interesting. Zoom sessions don't really work out all that well, it's very difficult. I'm sure a lot of musicians will agree. So, it's been kind of hard to work properly during this half of the pandemic. The other first half of the pandemic, I just did these live shows, which was really amazing to play live and do them online, which was kind of strange... It's been difficult in terms of the creative process for me.
The past year has been challenging for absolutely everyone, no matter their circumstances. How has it affected you on a personal and a professional level?
In the first half of it, I was so busy that I didn't really notice it as much, except for having to do a lot of stuff myself without crew and learning to do hair and makeup was kind of a weird experience. But then this second half, I stopped working and I had a full, proper month off [and that was] really hard. And it was all a bit dark for me for a little bit and I'm sure many people experienced it. Just not being able to go anywhere, not be able to do anything. It really, really hit home. And I just found myself sat in the same place day in, day out. And I was like, okay, I really do not know what to do with myself.
You’ve bravely spoken about struggling with your mental health in the past, and you say now that you did go into a bit of a dark place recently, how have you coped with that?
I think it's an ongoing experience. For me, learning to relax has always been quite a hard thing to do because I feel like if I'm not moving forward, then I must be going backwards. And I think that's something that I've always struggled with. So, in a way it's kind of a blessing in disguise, as this has all kind of taught me to relax a little bit more. And to not be so worried about that, like the world is not going to fall over if I don't do something today. So, it's been nice in that respect. But I think for a lot of people it's difficult, and I definitely took for granted how much I miss my family. I'm used to being away from home, I'm used to being abroad and not seeing very much of them. But I'd always see them at a show or at something once a year. And then now that that's all been taken away, it's been a lot to not see my family and realise how much they actually ground me.
So, what have you found helpful or supportive during the past year? Have you turned to anything to get you through these dark times?
Friends that are there for you... [talking to] one of my managers that I'm quite close with. I think a lot of guys struggle to talk about what the hell is going on a lot of the time. And for me and him, actually we're quite heart on our sleeves sort of people, so we talk a lot about different things. But I think if I didn't have that, someone to share that with, I think I would have struggled a hell of a lot more.
Like a mental health mate?
I mean, we literally talk about everything. We're probably too honest with each other! But I think it's important that everybody has that person. I'll be honest, at the start of this, drinking definitely became a lot more of a thing because there just didn't seem to be any boundaries. I wouldn't say I drank too much, I'd say I drank too often. Just through the boredom, I guess. A lot of people were going through that though I think - there was so many funny, great memes about it I saw friends of mine put up. But it can be quite dark at times. I think the only thing that's really helped me through that is just learning to work out again and learning to put boundaries in for myself in terms of what food I'm eating. As a pop star, I think you're always quite weight conscious. My job has always been about having to work out, doing underwear modelling and all that sort of thing, it makes you quite body conscious at times. It was nice to be able to just sit and eat pizza and chocolate, I really enjoyed that. But getting myself back into the habit of working out and then having a cheat day put in place, so that there was more boundaries in line, I think has definitely helped me.
I'm quite fortunate that I don't put a stack of weight on, although I have gone up rather a lot in size over this time. But I think it was more about routine for me than anything. And I always say, having a small victory before you get into bed at night time. Or life just gets depressing. Whether that small victory is making sure you've spoken to a family member, you've worked out, or whether you did learn to do something today, just something small. There's one task that you literally can't be arsed with, you should get done just on the day, so that you feel good about yourself when you get into bed.
That's so important. So, do you almost have a checklist before you go to bed?
I think as long as I make the gym and I've done that bit and I've taken care of my needs, just cooked some nice food. That's mainly it for me, really. And then I feel good about it. (...)
Moving on to social media, you've obviously got such a massively positive fan base, but how do you cope with the negative side of social media and the impact that can have on your mental health?
I struggled with it for a long time. I argued with people. I was aggressive on their points trying to fight my own side. And I think for some people you are talking to a brick wall, you will not win and there's no point trying. And also, the more you talk about it, the worse it gets. So, I just shut up and put up a lot of the time. I think it's the Queen that says, "never complain or never explain." And that's something I think myself I do live by because it's just like, with some people it gets worse having the argument and trying to explain yourself. But all of it, it's like five minutes of your life for somebody who doesn't know you, it's just a bit pointless.
You have so much intense public scrutiny on you all the time, how do you navigate keeping something back for yourself, and how have you managed to maintain that sense of privacy over the years?
I think this has been one of my biggest struggles this whole time. Because, I'm very much a heart on the sleeve sort of person. I didn't actually realize this for a long time, but I often give a little bit too much away…But it's definitely a difficult one to flick the two people apart. So that you're on stage, you're a certain type of person, and at home you're a certain type of person. That's always something I've really struggled with.
And you've been famous since the age of 16. How did you manage growing up in that sort of public glare?
Never did! [laughs] My friend was [recently] talking about how he’s got a teenage son that he was really struggling with at the moment. And I was thinking, "oh my God, imagine how much people would have struggled having five teenagers, rowdy boys in a band. It must've been terrible, there's no getting through to them!" And for a while, it probably was. I think we all go through that awkward teen phase where you're finding yourself. And most of us, we get to get away with it. And they're funny family photos for later on; here was your emo phase or whatever you went through! And for us, we never got away with being awkward or annoying at points. It was kind of out there for everyone to see; the awful haircuts and we’re talking terrible clothes, it was all out there.
What has your career taught you about the idea of success and the idea of failure?
I think it's taught me lots about how you would measure success. I came from a family that weren't very well off. We didn't have a lot. My dad was in debt actually when I started. So, success for me always meant a monetary thing to start off with. But then as I got older, I realized I don't really buy all that much. I don't really spend a hell of a lot of money. So, it can't be about a money sort of thing. And it's more now become more about happiness and experiences. And the one thing I always say about my job, no matter what, and everybody gets annoyed at their job sometimes, it is what it is. But for me, at least I get to put a smile on someone's face.
Yes, you do! And what has it taught you about failure?
That's a really good question. It’s taught me I think that perseverance will always prevail in that sense. Because it doesn't always go exactly to plan. We were really lucky when we came up, we absolutely skyrocketed. And then, it's been hard to follow that ever since. But you know, measuring a failure as well. What is a failure? And people will look at this and, for us sometimes getting a 100,000,000 streams isn't quite what we aim for, but it's still 100,000,000 streams….you have to kind of get a hold of yourself. Everything is about perspective at the end of the day, isn't it? That was something I struggled with for a long time, because of how well it went [for the band.]
So you had such high expectations for everything?
Yeah. And it's like, time to give that a break really. And Louis from my band has always been quite great to sit with me and talk with me about stuff. And if I'm feeling a certain way. We've been quite good with each other, actually in that respect and helping each other out, which has been nice.
And finally, if you could sit down with the Liam who was starting out in One Direction in 2010, what advice would you have for him?
I think just have more fun and relax a little bit. I think I was a very serious child, one of those man-childs, I was a man in a child's body pretty early on. And I think I would have avoided that stage, to be honest with you. To enter One Direction as that difficult, because it just meant that I got completely a different job to everybody else.
You were the grown up one?
That was it. And it was boring. I should have just larked around and thrown plates out the window and stuff!
More rock and roll?
Well, I mean at the start, and then later on a bit less rock and roll [laughing.]
Well, thank you so much, Liam. And we look forward to seeing your performance on Sunday at the BAFTAs.
I'll see you wherever you want me in your house, I guess.
Liam Payne is performing an exclusive EE BAFTA AR real-time music performance, ahead of his 5G-powered opening show at the 2021 EE BAFTA Film Awards. Download ‘The Round’ app to enjoy the live AR experience through your mobile phone, wherever you are, this Sunday 11th April 2021 at 18:45pm BST.
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
If you’re still taking requests maybe 1+4 for Sprace?
Canon-era in general
Soulmate AU
I am always taking requests, my dude. Anyway here we go! This is mostly in the musicalverse but if I reference a few movieverse characters as older Newsies during Race’s childhood...😏 Also there are a couple of ocs in here, and it gets a bit angsty towards the end. Enjoy!
Tw: Underage drinking, a couple of side characters are mentioned to have died, and homophobia is kind of implied, I guess?
Race had grown up knowing that he liked boys, and that didn’t really match up with what people said love was supposed to be, but that was just how Race was.
And it wasn’t like it was hurting anyone, was it? Being only a little kid, Race was too young to actually do anything, and if he sometimes paid attention to the way a friend looked really cute when he’d just woken up, it didn’t matter. It wasn’t like he had to or even could act on those little crushes.
It was like Manhattan’s leader, Waffles, said. He called it ‘puppy love’ when Jack snuck glances at a girl his age on the street or Crutchie shyly gave one a flower when he handed her mother a pape. Nobody actually acted on these things.
Little baby crushes when you were a kid meant nothing, and that meant that Race would outgrow this and start liking girls in time to meet his soulmate, right? Because soulmates meant a boy with a girl, and nothing else, right?
At least, that was what he thought, until he and Jack walked into an alley when Race was 8 and Jack was 10 and found a couple of older boys kissing—which Race was pretty sure you were only supposed to do with someone you loved.
Snitch and Itey jumped apart, staring at the younger boys in shock. Then they each grabbed one and dragged them into the Lodging House bathroom to tell them that Race and Jack could not tell anyone.
Race was too scared to speak (Snitch and Itey were significantly bigger than him) but Jack stepped in front of him and demanded to know why.
That was when Itey sighed, said that maybe it would be better if Waffles explained this, and gone to get their leader.
Race hadn’t really believed it at first when Waffles sat them down and carefully explained that Itey and Snitch were soulmates.
“That ain’t possible,” Jack argued, “They’s both boys.”
“Yeah,” Waffles said, “And maybe it’s a cruel trick of fate or a mistake or whatever the church thinks, but here with the Manhattan Newsies? We don’t care. Okay? We’s a family. We don’t turn on Itey and Snitch for somethin’ they can’t control.”
“Why would we turn on them?” Race asked, confused. That was what this was; confusing.
Waffles sighed, “Look, among family, it’s okay. We don’t care who your soulmate is. But the rest of the world does, okay? Adults don’t know nothin’. They think boys lovin’ boys and girls lovin’ girls is wrong.”
“Would Itey and Snitch get hurt if adults found out?” Jack asked.
“Yeah, kiddo, they would. And that’s why you can’t tell no one, okay, boys? Nobody outside the house finds out and no new kids either ‘till we know we can trust ‘em. Okay?”
“Okay,” they both said, and though, like most people, Itey and Snitch kept their soulmarks covered, as it was something intensely personal and none of anybody’s business, from there, Race started realizing that he should have seen something between them a long time ago.
It was fairly obvious, in how they shared a bed, snuck off occasionally, and sometimes let touches of reassurance or affection linger a bit longer than they probably should.
Race started noticing how the other older kids covered for them. How Skittery would knock something over, allowing them to slip out together under the excuse of not wanting to help him clean it up. How Boots would make a joke to draw attention to himself if they started getting too obvious. How Waffles would take on any new kid thinking of selling with them, himself, so they had an excuse to keep being just the two of them.
It was... nice, in a mushy kind of way that they had that support. And Race didn’t really think seriously about kissing his crushes yet, but he did wonder if he would have that if he did.
Race’s soulmark—the first name of his soulmate that appeared on his wrist on his 10th birthday—was Sean.
It was a boy’s name. That scared Race a little.
But every time he saw the older Manhattan kids go out of their way to make sure nobody noticed Itey and Snitch, he got a little less scared, but still a bit confused
He stopped being scared, at least mostly, when Jack came to him, nervously confessing that he liked girls and boys, and his soulmark said a boy’s name; David. There was something less scary about being different when you didn’t have to be alone in it.
Of course, among the Newsies, finding your soulmate was always a little complicated, because damn near everybody had nicknames. Honestly, Race‘s soulmate could be almost any of his friends for all he knew, but he liked to think he didn’t. He liked to think he’d know immediately if he found him.
Race was 10 when he started selling at Sheepshead, having a deal with a Brooklyn girl, Palomino. She got to use his cuteness for easy sales, and in return, she taught him to weaponize just the right combination of friendliness, flirtation, and annoyance to get people do to pretty much whatever he wanted.
Race asked her when he was 11 what she thought about soulmates, particularly same-sex soulmates. He wanted her opinion because while Palomino was kind of an asshole, there was one thing she was really good at, and that was survival.
And Race wasn’t sure what he thought about the fact that his soulmate was a boy yet, but he knew that just living as someone like that, you had to be careful to survive.
‘Mino just shrugged, “Love is unreliable, Racer. It never does what you want it to and more often than not, it’s a liability. Soulmates ain’t an exception just cause they’s supposed to be together.”
“What about boys lovin’ other boys and girls lovin’ other girls?”
“The fuck did I just say? Love’s a liability. Feelin’s get ya hurt—even more so if those feelin’s is illegal.”
Race struggled to get what he was really asking across, “But if it’s illegal... does that make it wrong?”
‘Mino’s face softened infinitesimally. No one who didn’t know her would even recognize it as softening.
“What did I teach ya, kid? Long as ya don’t get caught, nothin’s illegal. Whether ya love girls or boys or both ain’t my business—it’s still stupid. Now, come on. If we place our bets right, we can both go home with some extra dough.”
Yeah... Race never mastered the whole ‘winning bet-placing’ thing. He never accepted Palomino’s offers to teach him to pickpocket, either, though there were winters where he wished he did.
And he never believed her when she said love was stupid. Because Palomino might have a cynical, angry outlook on life, but Race didn’t. Whenever he asked Waffles or Jack or any of the kids back home in Manhattan, they always said love and soulmates were good things.
Of course, it wasn’t like her opinion mattered anymore. After that winter when Race was 11, he never saw his old mentor again.
Sure, Race didn’t know anything about love besides the platonic bond he had with friends, but he still believed in it with how he saw pairs of his friends fall into it more and more as he got older. Love and soulmates made people happy. That much, he could tell.
Race was 16, Jack was Manhattan’s leader, and he’d been selling at Sheepshead for years when he learned that it wasn’t always that simple.
He and his friend Spot were a little drunk, probably, because Spot had gotten hurt in a fight and hadn’t wanted to drink his cheap booze to dull the pain alone.
Race had met him when he was 12 and Spot was 13, not long after Spot became King of Brooklyn. In the last 4 years, they’d become close friends. He was Race’s best friend, to be honest, besides maybe Albert. Of course, Jack and Crutchie didn’t count because they were more Race’s brothers.
And if Spot was like, really attractive, that didn’t matter. He wasn’t interested in Race. Race didn’t even know if he was interested in boys, period. It was just never something they talked about.
Spot didn’t seem like a Sean, anyway.
“Hey, Spot, buddy, do you ever think about... like... soulmates?” Race asked, trying not to slur his words.
Spot laughed kinda tiredly, “Sometimes. Why?”
“Just ‘cause...” Race tried to think despite his mind being fuzzy, “What do ya think about ‘em?”
Spot just shrugged, “Love’s a liability. Soulmates ain’t an exception.”
“Ooh, I see you’s usin’ Palomino’s philosophy.”
They both laughed.
Was it just the booze making Race slow, or were Spot’s eyes lingering on his lips as he put his cigar in his mouth?
“Oh, Palomino,” he muttered, “That bitch. I ain’t thought about her in a while.”
“That ain’t nice—she’s dead, Spottie.”
“Yeah, which means she ain’t here to care what I say ‘bout her.”
Race’s laugh sounded drunk even to him, “She tried to teach me to pickpocket.”
“She did teach me to pickpocket.”
“Spot, you son of a bitch, you actually let her teach ya to steal?”
“She taught all the younger Brooklyn kids when I was little. She was older and smarter than me, so’s I kinda did whatever she told me. I don’t steal nowadays though, if I can help it. Ain’t worth the trouble with the bulls.”
“She was pretty smart,” Race admitted, “I dunno if she was right ‘bout soulmates, though.”
Spot looked away from Race’s face, taking another swig of alcohol, “She was.”
Race took another sip of his own drink, a bit disappointed, for some reason, “How do ya know?”
“Because Waffles was hers and they both knew it and it just hurt ‘em both.”
“Oh,” Race looked at the floor, “I didn’t know that.”
“Yeah,” Spot laughed, “One pair of Newsies actually landed right side up and it was the one where both of ‘em died.”
“That ain’t funny, Spot.”
Race hadn’t thought about ‘Mino in a while, either. Honestly, he hadn’t even thought about Waffles, and that made him sad because they both deserved to be remembered and—
“Hey, hey, Racer, it’s okay. Don’t cry. That was stupid of me.”
Race remembered to hug Spot gently as his friend embraced him. They were drinking for a reason, so Race avoided touching Spot’s ribs. Instead, he wrapped his arms around his neck.
Spot didn’t hug often, but when he did, it felt special. It felt warm and safe, like home.
“I’m sorry, Race, I just... they actually wound up as a girl and a boy and they wasn’t together, but they should’ve been and... I’m sorry. Don’t cry.”
“I ain’t gonna cry.”
Spot pulled away enough to look him in the eye to make sure he wasn’t lying.
Race couldn’t say he was sorry that Spot kept holding onto him. Their faces were very close together.
“Do ya really think love is stupid, Spottie?”
Spot shrugged, “Everyone I know what’s in it gets hurt. I mean... you’s seen what it does to Cowboy and Mouth, right? Knowin’ all it would take is one bad person findin’ out ‘bout them.”
“But they makes each other happy,” Race pointed out, “Ain’t that what’s really important?”
“I dunno, just seems easier not to have to worry ‘bout it. Soulmates is just another person who can hurt you or be used against you, and besides— just cause the universe says you’s supposed to be in love don’t mean ya have to. I sure don’t give a damn about whoever mine is.”
Race smiled, tapping the piece of cloth Spot used to cover his soulmark, “What’s the harm in your best friend knowin’, then?”
“Why?” Spot teased, “Hopin’ it’s you?”
“I’m fairly certain it ain’t,” Race said, “We’s known each other for years. If we was soulmates, we’d’ve found out by now. Still, ya never have shown me your mark.”
“You haven’t shown me yours, either.”
Race thought about it for a second.
“What if we showed ‘em at the same time? I mean, ain’t no harm in it, right? Only one of my close friend’s Marks I ain’t seen is yours.”
“Yeah,” Spot muttered, “Same for me, I guess. Showin’ ‘em at the same time sounds fair.”
“Course it is,” Race let go of him, still staying sitting pretty close, and untied the strip of cloth from his own wrist, “Ready?”
Spot untied his, “Set.”
They showed their soulmarks at the same time. By the time of day, it was almost too dark for Race to read the text on his friend’s wrist.
“Shit,” Race mumbled under his breath, “Oh my God.”
Spot was still silent, just staring in shock at the name on Race’s wrist.
Any chance of it being a different Anthony was gone, now, by the look on his face.
Spot finally looked him in the eye, and Race could see pain there, but also some kind of... relief.
Race knew exactly how he felt. He’d somehow... well, he hadn’t expected it, but it wasn’t surprising, either.
He was glad it was Spot. He was glad it was someone he already knew. Someone he already... already loved.
Race dared to lean a little closer, knowing Spot would read his intentions and pull away if he wanted to.
He didn’t pull away, though his deep breath was shaky.
Their faces were close enough that Race could smell what they’d been drinking on Spot’s breath.
He didn’t see any signs of him not wanting it, so Race leaned forward enough to kiss Spot as softly as he knew how.
For a second, he thought maybe Spot was kissing him back, and then hands were on his shoulders, gently pushing him away.
When Race opened his eyes, his soulmate had an extremely pained look on his face, and he was already grabbing his strip of cloth to cover his wrist again.
“Don’t be sorry, Race,” he said quietly, “Just... go. You’s gonna have to run for it or you’ll miss the last carriage to hitch a ride home.”
A small part of Race was hurt and angry and wanted to argue that, no, they needed to talk about this and they needed to talk about it now.
But Spot looked agonized enough as it was, and the larger part of Race didn’t want to cause him any more pain.
He stood up and walked all the way back home.
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lilothrowbacks · 3 years
This weekend it’s the UK’s biggest event on the entertainment calendar, with the 74th EE British Academy of Film and Television Awards taking place at the Albert Hall with guests and nominees attending virtually for the first time, thanks to Covid-19. And while the awards promise to be as exciting as possible in these unprecedented times, on Sunday night we will also be treated to another exciting world-first in the form of Liam Payne being beamed into houses up and down the country while performing for the opening of the ceremony.
Yup, if you’ve ever fancied the former One Direction crooner serenading you at the end of your bed, on Sunday you can make your dreams a reality – or augmented reality – as Liam has joined forces with the EE network to create a 3D avatar hologram of himself that can be beamed through the app ‘The Round’ (available on any mobile device) as he performs at the Albert Hall. Super fans can also get to experience the avatar in their homes, or on-the-go, ahead of the performance, if they tune in via the app at 6.45pm, 15 minutes before the hologram joins real Liam on stage to perform.
GLAMOUR caught up with Liam to discuss this sci-fi sounding excitement as well as hear how the past year has treated him. In a wide-ranging chat with the ever-charming Liam, we covered all things from the struggles of lockdown and coping with his mental health to his former bandmates, burgeoning acting career, new music and co-parenting his 4-year old son, Bear, with his ex, Cheryl.
Is the fact that you're performing at the BAFTAs a sign that your acting career is on the rise?
I've done a lot of auditions, a lot of tapes. The thing about acting somebody told me, it’s very much like: are you right for the part and is the part right for you? I think it takes a lot of talent, luck and judgment going into acting to actually get into a job. I mean, hat's off to anybody who does it because it's a long process. I seem to get through to like the final five or final three people for every role and then not quite get it. Which is frustrating but, you know, that’s how it goes. I've had a fair few auditions and I was lucky enough to get into the final five again for one audition that I got to meet Steven Spielberg [a couple of years ago] on my 25th birthday which was quite amazing. But it's been fairly slow through the pandemic obviously.
And what about music? Have you been writing anything, or even been in the studio?
I'm going to the studio later on today actually, to record something for the first time in a while. Which is quite weird to be traveling back into London to go into work. I've been doing some stuff from home as well, which has been quite interesting. Zoom sessions don't really work out all that well, it's very difficult. I'm sure a lot of musicians will agree. So, it's been kind of hard to work properly during this half of the pandemic. The other first half of the pandemic, I just did these live shows, which was really amazing to play live and do them online, which was kind of strange... It's been difficult in terms of the creative process for me.
The past year has been challenging for absolutely everyone, no matter their circumstances. How has it affected you on a personal and a professional level?
In the first half of it, I was so busy that I didn't really notice it as much, except for having to do a lot of stuff myself without crew and learning to do hair and makeup was kind of a weird experience. But then this second half, I stopped working and I had a full, proper month off [and that was] really hard. And it was all a bit dark for me for a little bit and I'm sure many people experienced it. Just not being able to go anywhere, not be able to do anything. It really, really hit home. And I just found myself sat in the same place day in, day out. And I was like, okay, I really do not know what to do with myself.
You’ve bravely spoken about struggling with your mental health in the past, and you say now that you did go into a bit of a dark place recently, how have you coped with that?
I think it's an ongoing experience. For me, learning to relax has always been quite a hard thing to do because I feel like if I'm not moving forward, then I must be going backwards. And I think that's something that I've always struggled with. So, in a way it's kind of a blessing in disguise, as this has all kind of taught me to relax a little bit more. And to not be so worried about that, like the world is not going to fall over if I don't do something today. So, it's been nice in that respect. But I think for a lot of people it's difficult, and I definitely took for granted how much I miss my family. I'm used to being away from home, I'm used to being abroad and not seeing very much of them. But I'd always see them at a show or at something once a year. And then now that that's all been taken away, it's been a lot to not see my family and realise how much they actually ground me.
So, what have you found helpful or supportive during the past year? Have you turned to anything to get you through these dark times?
Friends that are there for you... [talking to] one of my managers that I'm quite close with. I think a lot of guys struggle to talk about what the hell is going on a lot of the time. And for me and him, actually we're quite heart on our sleeves sort of people, so we talk a lot about different things. But I think if I didn't have that, someone to share that with, I think I would have struggled a hell of a lot more.
Like a mental health mate?
I mean, we literally talk about everything. We're probably too honest with each other! But I think it's important that everybody has that person. I'll be honest, at the start of this, drinking definitely became a lot more of a thing because there just didn't seem to be any boundaries. I wouldn't say I drank too much, I'd say I drank too often. Just through the boredom, I guess. A lot of people were going through that though I think - there was so many funny, great memes about it I saw friends of mine put up. But it can be quite dark at times. I think the only thing that's really helped me through that is just learning to work out again and learning to put boundaries in for myself in terms of what food I'm eating. As a pop star, I think you're always quite weight conscious. My job has always been about having to work out, doing underwear modelling and all that sort of thing, it makes you quite body conscious at times. It was nice to be able to just sit and eat pizza and chocolate, I really enjoyed that. But getting myself back into the habit of working out and then having a cheat day put in place, so that there was more boundaries in line, I think has definitely helped me.
I'm quite fortunate that I don't put a stack of weight on, although I have gone up rather a lot in size over this time. But I think it was more about routine for me than anything. And I always say, having a small victory before you get into bed at night time. Or life just gets depressing. Whether that small victory is making sure you've spoken to a family member, you've worked out, or whether you did learn to do something today, just something small. There's one task that you literally can't be arsed with, you should get done just on the day, so that you feel good about yourself when you get into bed.
That's so important. So, do you almost have a checklist before you go to bed?
I think as long as I make the gym and I've done that bit and I've taken care of my needs, just cooked some nice food. That's mainly it for me, really. And then I feel good about it. And obviously taking care of my son and seeing Bear as well, that's been quite a difficult one. I got a lot better at bedtime FaceTime.
How have you found co-parenting Bear during the pandemic?
Fantastic. I mean, Cheryl is literally the best person to co-parent with. No stress involved. It's very, very relaxed, and we spend a lot of time on FaceTime. And it's been really lovely, and I'm closer to them than I've ever been before, actually, which is really, really nice. But bedtime FaceTime can go really well sometimes. Or I bought him some toys yesterday that I showed them on the FaceTime and it was like I had to go and travel over and hand the toys over the fence! 
Moving on to social media, you've obviously got such a massively positive fan base, but how do you cope with the negative side of social media and the impact that can have on your mental health?
I struggled with it for a long time. I argued with people. I was aggressive on their points trying to fight my own side. And I think for some people you are talking to a brick wall, you will not win and there's no point trying. And also, the more you talk about it, the worse it gets. So, I just shut up and put up a lot of the time. I think it's the Queen that says, "never complain or never explain." And that's something I think myself I do live by because it's just like, with some people it gets worse having the argument and trying to explain yourself. But all of it, it's like five minutes of your life for somebody who doesn't know you, it's just a bit pointless. 
You have so much intense public scrutiny on you all the time, how do you navigate keeping something back for yourself, and how have you managed to maintain that sense of privacy over the years?
I think this has been one of my biggest struggles this whole time. Because, I'm very much a heart on the sleeve sort of person. I didn't actually realize this for a long time, but I often give a little bit too much away…But it's definitely a difficult one to flick the two people apart. So that you're on stage, you're a certain type of person, and at home you're a certain type of person. That's always something I've really struggled with.
And you've been famous since the age of 16. How did you manage growing up in that sort of public glare?
Never did! [laughs] My friend was [recently] talking about how he’s got a teenage son that he was really struggling with at the moment. And I was thinking, "oh my God, imagine how much people would have struggled having five teenagers, rowdy boys in a band. It must've been terrible, there's no getting through to them!" And for a while, it probably was. I think we all go through that awkward teen phase where you're finding yourself. And most of us, we get to get away with it. And they're funny family photos for later on; here was your emo phase or whatever you went through! And for us, we never got away with being awkward or annoying at points. It was kind of out there for everyone to see; the awful haircuts and we’re talking terrible clothes, it was all out there.
What has your career taught you about the idea of success and the idea of failure?
I think it's taught me lots about how you would measure success. I came from a family that weren't very well off. We didn't have a lot. My dad was in debt actually when I started. So, success for me always meant a monetary thing to start off with. But then as I got older, I realized I don't really buy all that much. I don't really spend a hell of a lot of money. So, it can't be about a money sort of thing. And it's more now become more about happiness and experiences. And the one thing I always say about my job, no matter what, and everybody gets annoyed at their job sometimes, it is what it is. But for me, at least I get to put a smile on someone's face.
Yes, you do! And what has it taught you about failure?
That's a really good question. It’s taught me I think that perseverance will always prevail in that sense. Because it doesn't always go exactly to plan. We were really lucky when we came up, we absolutely skyrocketed. And then, it's been hard to follow that ever since. But you know, measuring a failure as well. What is a failure? And people will look at this and, for us sometimes getting a 100,000,000 streams isn't quite what we aim for, but it's still 100,000,000 streams….you have to kind of get a hold of yourself. Everything is about perspective at the end of the day, isn't it? That was something I struggled with for a long time, because of how well it went [for the band.]
So you had such high expectations for everything?
Yeah. And it's like, time to give that a break really. And Louis from my band has always been quite great to sit with me and talk with me about stuff. And if I'm feeling a certain way. We've been quite good with each other, actually in that respect and helping each other out, which has been nice.
And finally, if you could sit down with the Liam who was starting out in One Direction in 2010, what advice would you have for him?
I think just have more fun and relax a little bit. I think I was a very serious child, one of those man-childs, I was a man in a child's body pretty early on. And I think I would have avoided that stage, to be honest with you. To enter One Direction as that difficult, because it just meant that I got completely a different job to everybody else.
You were the grown up one?
That was it. And it was boring. I should have just larked around and thrown plates out the window and stuff!
More rock and roll?
Well, I mean at the start, and then later on a bit less rock and roll [laughing.]
Well, thank you so much, Liam. And we look forward to seeing your performance on Sunday at the BAFTAs.
I'll see you wherever you want me in your house, I guess.
Liam Payne is performing an exclusive EE BAFTA AR real-time music performance, ahead of his 5G-powered opening show at the 2021 EE BAFTA Film Awards. Download ‘The Round’ app to enjoy the live AR experience through your mobile phone, wherever you are, this Sunday 11th April 2021 at 18:45pm BST.
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peachyparayko · 4 years
Colt Cannons: Birthday 🎉
How is this angel 27? 😭💙 Happy Birthday Colt! 🥳
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- One of those guys that actually gets excited for his birthday
- As such, he will call you. First thing in the morning. He practically sits, bouncing, waiting, for you to be awake, just to call because he’s just so  h a p p y, and he will wait for you to say it
- “Morning baaabe...” “Morning Colt...” “...” “Happy birthday” “Thaaank youuuuuu! You’re the best 😚”
- Birthdays were big occasions growing up in the Parayko clan, with everyone gathering around on the day, so he associates it with that sense of family and togetherness
- And cake. Of course, cake
- He’ll give himself at least one cheat meal on his birthday, even if it’s just a mid-afternoon slice of cake and some peach schnapps while he soaks up a little sunshine
- He has been known to pour a shot of schnapps on cake
- Likes his cake flavours light and citrusy - lemon and blueberry, orange and almond, or Key lime 🍋
- If he’s letting himself indulge a little more, he’ll throw together a bowl with a generous slice of cake, berries of all sorts, a shot or two of schnapps, maybe a crumbled-up biscuit for texture, and a dollop of soft whipped cream
- Birthdays were the day he got to see everyone, any family that lived close enough to St Albert would come around, there’d be a barbecue going, sides, fresh lemonade, and water pistols in the garden
- He’s figured out how to hack barbecues so that he can still hit his macros 😉
- It’s not a birthday until Grandpa’s here. End of.
- Even now, all he wants for his birthday is to have everyone around and be surrounded by the people that mean the most to him. He doesn’t feel a need for huge parties or fancy dinners - he’s quite happy with some good food and even better company
- Is the most well-mannered gift receiver. There’s no such thing as a bad gift, to him. He doesn’t want for much, and the fact that someone’s gone to the effort and thought of giving him something makes him smile, big style
- Always opens the cards first, it’s only polite
- Has a collection of polaroids from birthdays over the years, that he keeps in a shoe box in the wardrobe. Breaks them out every year to reminisce and look at how they’ve all grown, who they miss, and new additions to the family
- He’s a big guy with a bigger smile, but it’s something else on his birthday. The whole day. He’s just beaming 🤗
- If anybody can’t make it to whatever little get-together he’s having, it won’t quite upset him but he’s not unaffected by it - he loves them and really hoped they could’ve made it, but he will absolutely never hold it against them
- Is the guy that pours everyone else a drink, makes sure they’ve got a plate, and holds the babies. He’s very involved and won’t sit back. There are no half measures when it comes to Colton with the people he loves
- He does it all himself - over time, he’s accrued memories and a list of his favourite things from birthdays gone by, and adds them in every year. He’ll hang the lights in the garden, make sure they’ve got that sweet potato salad they had in ‘08, mow the lawn, finalise the playlist he’s been working on, you name it
- Saying that, he’ll accept help if it’s offered
- Hugs for everyone who’ll have them, on arrival and departure
- If he can’t get home for his birthday, he doesn’t take it too hard. He’ll have a smaller get-together with friends and will facetime his family on the day to catch up and be together
- Is fully aware and will laugh nervously in anticipation of locker room shenanigans if he has to train; there is an element of fear and he knows the other guys can smell it on him 👀
- He’s totally had the shit pranked out of him at training on his birthday
- Hasn’t gotten shitfaced drunk on his birthday since university, but that coincided nicely with the end of exams so he’d cut himself the slack
- And at the end of all that, all he wants is one more strong glass of schnapps and lemonade, to cuddle up on the porch, nuzzle against your cheek and just be 🥰
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radio-nano · 5 years
Queen concerts were also successful beause of those guys!
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Scroll if you want to learn who these guys are and what they did. You will also read about a Lord, a henna user, who had best haircut and Queen’s favorite food. (I wrote in bold letters the parts about Queen members and some funny facts.)
1. a"rigger". They assemble the stage (all 6000 square feet of it). Sometimes this can take two days, so there are two stages on this European tour. While one is being taken down at one venue, the other is being assembled at the next.
2 another "rigger".
3 John "Tumbridge" Wells, one of the security men responsible for looking after the members of Queen. "Tumbridge" looks after Brian May, escorts him wherever he goes and keeps the fans from getting too close.
4 Wally Gore group security, he looks after John Deacon
5 Alex Alexandrou, carpenter. There's two of us, and we put up all the stage scenery. I put up the walkways around the back and sides of the stage wich Freddie runs along. He likes to run on carpet, so I have to lay that down everywhere.
6. Chris "Crystal" Taylor, group coordinator. He organises all of the personal Queen crew, roadies, the security men. He makes sure they all know what they have to do and when they have to do it.
7. Jim Deveney, monitor engineer. "I sit out of sight on stage. I have to make things sound good so that the band can hear what they're doing. The sound comes through these speakers called "monitors" wich face onto the stage. The worst act I ever worked for was Rod Stewart. He was really miserable.
8. Joe Fanelli, Freddie's main personal assistant, who cooks for him at his London Home. "He likes anything really exotic, North African food, curries, good French cooking. He hates veal and doesn't eat carrots. Lambs is a bit iffy too. Brian's vegetarian but he eats fish. John likes very simple food, pie and mash and Roger likes anything but lamb.
9. Tony Williams, in charge of Queen's wardrobe. "I have to look after all of the band's stage clothes. That includes lots of details like making sure all the changes of clothes they need are backstage (Freddie changes about three times each performance), labelling the band's stage shoes (because they all wear the same stripey Adidas), and looking after Freddie's special moustache scissors. Also I have to wash all of their clothes in my hotel bedroom. My bath is always full. And Brian May has been using all this red henna do dye his hair and it comes out all over his shirts. It's very hectic".
10. Brandan Hyland, group security
11. One of the 15 "truckers" who each drive a massive 40 feet lorry loaded up with sound and lighting equipment.  (For extra money they also operate the spotlights wich "follow" the group around stage).
12. Brian "Jobby" Zellis. one of Queen's personal road crew.
13 Brian May, Queen's guitarist.
14 John "Moxy" Glover, Roger Taylor's personnal roadie. "Basically I have to look after his drum kit and set it up on stage. I have to keep him supllied with drum sticks. He has sticks made with his own name on and he uses about ten sets  a show. I got a bit drunk with Status Quo's roadies in Paris earlier this tour, and started throwing all his sticks in the audience.
15. Terry Giddings, group security.
16. Dieter Breit, physiotherapist for the group and crew. He has to look after any sprains and injuries that anybody might suffer, e.g. a sprained guitar-playing finger which needs massaging on Brian May's valuable hand.
17. A lighting assistant.
18. A "rigger"
19. Peter "Ratty" Hince, one of Queen's personal road crew. "I have to look after John Deacon's bass guitars and Freddie's guitar and special radio microphones (the one that don't have a fead) and keyboard instruments. I have to make sure that everything is exactly where it should be on stage, otherwise Freddie particularly will glare and let me know if anything's wrong. He's very particular about things being just right. Personally I don't enjoy these tour as much as the old ones. Nowadays ther's too much equipment, too many hangers-on, and everybody's trying to be important."
20. John "Collie" Collins, one of Queen's personnal road crew. "I'm the spare man, really. I work with Ratty  and the piano tuner, help to see that everything is where it should be at the right time. Do you know I got married yesterday! I celebrated the wedding with the band and crew. It had to be squeezed in during the tour.
21. Roger Taylor, Those "shades"! That turned up collar! Must be Queen's drummer.
22. A trucker
23. Another trucker.
24. A rigger.
25. Another rigger
26 John Deacon, youn know , Queen's bass player, the one with the good haircut.
27 Tom "Midget" Foehlinger, sound monitor
28 An unknown person who sneaked in
29 Mickey Conafray, trucker
30 Mick Riddle, caterer
31 A lighting assistant
32 Albert Sutton, truck driver. "I carry the sound system, or some of it. We don't see the band or the road crew most of the time, because we travel ahead of everyone else. We have to get to the site before they do, and although we help with the setting up, we're off for two days while the rest of them are working on the concert. There are 15 "truckers" on this tour, plus the bus wich takes the road crew and sometimes the band. The worst thing about this job is being away from home for a long time when you're on tour. And the best thing is...erm maybe that should be a secret".
33. A caterer
34 Dave Lewis, another Caterer
35 A sound monitor.
36 Stave Benjamins, one of Queen's personal road crew, or "roadies" as they hate to be called. They look after all the instruments, microphones and amplifiers which Queen use on stage, setting them up, tuning them, and keep them clean.
37. another trucker"
38. Dave Thomas, caterer. I've been catering for Queen since 1975, every tour. The band eat the same food as everyone else, but they do have certain favorite foods. After a show they usually like an omelette or sometimes beans on toast or occasionally a steak au poivre. They're also pretty fond of Indonesian cooking".
39. Rex Ray, second sound engineer. He mixes the sound for all the support groups.
40. Spike Edney, keybordist and second guitar player: " My biggest fear is that it might get too damp, which makes the synthesisers cut out. I just pray that I'm out of clouting range of Freddie if that happens. He might not realise why I'm not playing and he'd be very upset if he thought I was daydreaming of something. But Queen on the whole are great to work with and they get drunk a lot too. Champagne every night, it's great!
41. Simon tutchener, lighting director. "I operate the main lighting console during the concert. It took three weeks to rehearse. I have a crew who set all the lights up, and 14 spotlights operators who I control through an intercom system and one man on a "Ver-lite", plus a man on the colour changer computer, plus a man on a computer which controls the up and down movement of the whole lighting rig, and then there are a few bits on stage, including Brian May special spaceship thing which comes down during his solo spot with all the flashing lights and..." (that's quite enought about lighting. Ed)
42 Stage rigger, who helps to set up the 6000 square feet of stage (all carpetted)
43 Sylvia Reed, assistant to the tour manager, Gerry Stickells. She is really a personal secretary.
44. James "Trip" Khalaf, chief sound enginer: "I mix the live sound for Queen, and I'm in overall charge for the half a million watts of PA (ie sound system. pa means Public adress) that we're carting around.
45. Lord Frederick Lucan of Mercury. You know him. Freddie.
46. "Phoebe", one of Freddie's personal assistants. These people help to arrange Sir Frederick's day, making sure he gets to appointments on time, and taking care of all those little details, which keep him happy.
47. A rigger
48. Lyndsey Beckingham, caterer. One of a team of five who feed the crew and the group. The caterers have their own van to transport all the food, cookers and fridges necessary to feed up to 60 people three times a day.
49 Bill Louthe, sound monitor. One of the assistants to the chief sound engineer, who sets up the massive sound system making sure it works perfectly, and run around while Queen are on stage, putting things right ( like tangled wiring) and making sure that there are no problems which could cause any deterioration of the sound quality.
50. Dave Mills, head of backstage and front of stage security. "My job is to stop any skirmishes or fights by pulling people out, people who faint, and putting in the hands of the first aid people. Earlier on this tour, in Dublin, I pulled out a young man whose ear was barely hanging on by a thread, probably because some idiot threw a glass."
51 Gerry Stickells, tout manager. The most important poeple on the tour. He looks after the road crew, from the lighting team to caterers; hiring them, making sure that they're paid and that everyone's alright. (he even remembers every crew member's birthday, making a fuss of them so they get too miserable). The other important thing he does is to go out months before the tour to look at the planned concert sites and to make all the thousands of arrangements that need to be made in advance. He's been working with acts like Rod Steward and Elton John and has organised Queen's road tour for 11 years. "They have to be highly-strung crazy people, they have to in order to ware themselves up to perform. So I admire them, yes. But I wouldn't want to socialise with them. Soon as this tour is over I'll go home and watch television."
52 Mike Weisman, production and stage manager. "I'm in charge of seeing that the stage and scenery is all but together properly. We work all day to get everything right. I have to coordinate all the work of the riggers and carpenters."
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taizi · 5 years
so take another breath
good omens pairing: adam & warlock word count: 1465 title borrowed from “icarus” by bastille part 5 of the is there a better bet than love? series read on ao3
Warlock magicks up another ball for Dog and gives it a hard throw down the hill. The terrier tears after it like a mad thing, folded ear flapping in the wind, and Adam shades his eyes against the melting summer sun to watch him go.
“Nice one,” he says approvingly.
As far as Antichrists go, Adam is alright. He’s easier to get along with than anybody at Warlock’s school ever was, anyway.
Dog’s breakneck pace takes him past the stupid little picnic table Aziraphale miracled up for the afternoon. He closes in on the plastic ball where it rolls to a stop against a tree stump and snatches it up in victorious jaws.
Their parents are down there, too. Crowley’s lounging to one side, drinking two-hundred pound wine like it’s going out of style while Mr. Young talks his ear off about vintage cars, and Aziraphale and Mrs. Young are deep in enthusiastic conversation. It looks like they might be stuck in The Middle of Nowhere, Oxfordshire for awhile yet.
Warlock rolls his eyes and sits in the grass next to Adam.
The Them didn’t come along today. Warlock’s glad for it. He likes them well enough, and Pepper is cooler than all the rest of them put together, but he feels outnumbered around all four of them. Sometimes he feels outnumbered when it’s just him and Adam.
“What are you thinking?” asks Adam. It’s nice of him to ask, when he could probably just find out by looking a little harder than usual.
Dog is coming back, dropping the slobbery ball in Warlock’s lap and sparing him scraping together an answer for as long as it takes to send him hurtling back down the hill in pursuit once more.
He’s thinking it’s odd, that this life could have been his. He’s thinking it’s odd that he hates the idea.
If Adam hadn’t come along, if the Dowlings had been left alone, then Warlock would have been raised here, in Tadfield, as Albert or Baldwin or Oscar Young. He would have gone to school with Brian and Wensleydale and Pepper, and he would have had a mom who baked birthday cakes with his name written in crooked icing, and a dad who went over homework with him that neither of them understood and he maybe would have been a pretty happy kid. He maybe would have turned out like Adam.
But he wouldn’t have his parents. Even though Aziraphale can’t cook, and Crowley would rather climb the walls than look at homework for very long, Warlock would still pick them over the Youngs or the Dowlings. He’s pretty good at maths on his own, anyway. That's why he majored in it.  
“I’m thinking it’ll be a miracle if the bookshop’s still standing when we get home,” Warlock says, leaning back on his hands. If he gets muddy, it will only take a thought to clean himself up again. “Considering who we left to look after the place.”
“Nanael’s there, aren’t they?”
“Yeah, but so’s Grem,” Warlock points out. It’s hard to say Gremory’s name without rolling his eyes and most of the time he doesn’t even try. “She’d start a fire just to have something to talk about later.”
“Bookshop’s fireproof,” Adam says matter-of-factly. “Made sure of that this time.”
Warlock looks at him sideways, weighs his options, then decides that it’s way too late to pretend he has a healthy dose of self-preservation in face of someone who could rearrange his entire existence with a blink.
“Fireproof doesn’t mean Gremory-proof. Those guys spend so much time reading weird grimoires they probably know plenty of stuff you don’t.”
The Antichrist tips his head back with a grin. “That’s pretty cool. Y’know, I could probably fix it myself. How many years have you been sneaking around behind their backs at this point?”
Warlock scowls. “None of your business.”
“I mean, I guess not.” Except Adam’s business is whatever he sticks his nose into and they both know it. “I won’t always be around, you know. A hundred years from now I won’t be able to offer again.”
“A hundred years from now we’ll have figured it out for ourselves,” Warlock snaps, sitting up straight. “Nanael’s close, I know they are.”
“I didn’t mean to fight,” Adam says peaceably. He never gets riled up. “I was just saying.”
Feathers ruffled, Warlock slumps back down again. “Well, quit.”
Dog was waylaid by a sausage that rolled under the picnic table. He’s begging for more scraps now. Adam brings his fingers to his mouth and whistles, which is something Warlock has never been able to figure out, and the Hellhound comes running right away.
He left the ball behind, so Adam just tussles with him for awhile. The terrier ends up in his favorite spot, pressed against Adam’s side in the sun-hot grass, a small and trusting thing.
“You wouldn’t have to be gone,” Warlock says after a moment, surprising himself. “You could still be here, if you wanted to be.”
“If I wanted to be,” Adam agreed. “I wouldn’t, though. Not when everyone I love is human. Not when they’d all be gone without me.”
He says it very easily, like it’s not even worth thinking about. Warlock has always envied how certain Adam is about everything, from as far back as the first time they both met, when Adam took one look at him and said in a self-satisfied way ‘you and I will be good friends.’
“You do, though,” Adam goes on. “Want to, I mean. You said ‘we’ earlier, when you were talking about the future."
A prickle of unease works its way into Warlock's stomach, the way it always does when he looks too far ahead.
He doesn’t think Aziraphale would approve of this conversation, given how much of Crowley’s existential dread (and Murmur’s general dread) that Warlock has inherited; but Aziraphale is down the hill playing human the way kids play house, and Adam probably wouldn’t let him overhear, anyway.
So Warlock says, “Of course I do. Your family may be human, but mine isn’t.”
Adam considers him, the shadow of something much older than the two of them in his eyes. “You can’t take it back once you make up your mind.”
Protective of the ones he loves, of his place in their lives, Warlock loses his temper. His words come out in a tone sharp enough it makes Dog lift his head.
“I don’t care what you say, Adam. You may have nearly ended the world or saved it or whatever, but you can’t boss me around. Crowley’s my Nanny and Aziraphale’s his angel, and the two of them, and Nanael and Grem and Murmur, are more my family than my mom and dad ever were. If I want to stay then I’m going to stay.”
The air is thin and dry, like brittle paper, heat building around them in a dangerous way. Adam’s curls are sticking up with static electricity from simple proximity to Warlock in a snit, but his expression is caught between amused and fond.
“I’m really not trying to fight,” he says. It bleaches the venom out of Warlock like a poultice, like the easiest thing in the world. Warlock resents it a little bit, at the same time he's grateful.
I’ll miss him when he’s gone, Warlock realizes. The thought settles in to stay, uncomfortably heavy, somewhere close to his heart.
He scowls anyway, and pulls up some grass just to feel the satisfying give beneath his hands, and they sit together in the silence of two almost-brothers who almost-entirely understand one another.
“You could stay if you wanted to,” Adam says after awhile, an unnecessary olive branch. “If you really wanted to, you could do it. You could stay forever. I mean, you’ve got a pretty good start.”
They were born at exactly the same time, and Adam will be thirty in another year, but Warlock is still nineteen. He rather feels as though he’ll be nineteen until he gets bored of it.
“I could make sure of it, if you’d like,” Adam offers kindly.
Warlock doesn’t trust himself to speak, so he nods.
Adam turns his hand, and reality turns with it, and they both feel a little bit better when it’s done.
“C’mon,” Adam says, standing with Dog tucked easily into the crook of his arm. “Mum made hummingbird cake.”
The heat has dissipated, typical English gray sponging across the sky and cooling all the sun-touched planes of the countryside. It won’t rain, not when it would ruin the picnic, but petrichor is thick and syrupy in the air as if it already had.
Warlock sinks into the chair next to Crowley, soaks up Aziraphale’s fond smile, and looks forward to the future.
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vierafication · 5 years
Getting to Know: Faolan Kells
Was tagged by @an-honest-waltz for most of these AGES ago, so just gonna make one big ol’ post!
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Bold those that apply, italicize if occasional or situational.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power - hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous| oversensitive | rebellious | pessimistic | selfless
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping | classical dancing
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[ BODY ]
Long legs. Short legs. Average legs. Slender thighs. Thick thighs. Toned thighs. Skinny arms. Soft arms. Toned arms. Muscular arms. Toned stomach. Flat stomach. Flabby Stomach. Soft stomach. Six-pack. Beer belly. Lean frame. Beefy/muscular frame. Voluptuous frame. Petite frame. Lanky frame. Short nails. Long nails. Manicured nails. Dirty nails. Flat ass. Toned ass. Bubble butt. Small waist. Average waist. Thick waist. Narrow hips. Average hips. Wide hips. Big feet. Average feet. Small feet. Soft feet. Slender feet. Calloused hands. Soft hands. Big hands. Average hands. Small hands. Long fingers. Short fingers. Average fingers. Narrow shoulders. Broad shoulders. Average shoulders. Underweight. Average weight. Overweight.
Shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm to 150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180 cm. 181 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2 m. Taller than 2 m.
[ SKIN ]
Pale. Rosy. Olive. Dark. Tanned. Blotchy. Smooth. Moles. Acne. Dry. Greasy. Freckled. Scars. Birthmarks.
[ EYES ]
Small. Large. Average. Grey. Brown. Blue. Turquoise. Violet. Pink. Green. Gold. Hazel. Crimson. Doe-eyed. Almond. Close-set. Wide-set. Deep-set. Squinty. Monolid. Heavy eyelids. Upturned. Downturned. Mismatched.
[ HAIR ]
Thin. Thick. Fine. Normal. Greasy. Dry. Soft. Shiny. Curly. Frizzy. Wild. Unruly. Straight. Smooth. Wavy. Floppy. Cropped. Pixie-cut. Afro. Pompadour. Shoulder length. Back length. Waist length. Past hip-length. Buzz cut. Bald. Weave. Hair extensions. Jaw length. Layered. Mohawk. Pony Tail. Braid. Locks. Box braids. Faux locks. White. Going Grey. Platinum blonde. Golden blonde. Dirty blonde. Blonde. Strawberry Blonde. Ombre. Ash brown. Mouse brown. Chestnut brown. Golden brown. Chocolate brown. Dark brown. Jet black. Orange. Ginger. Red. Auburn. Dyed. Thin eyebrows. Average eyebrows. Thick eyebrows. Plucked eyebrows.
Full sleeve. Thigh tattoo. Neck tattoo. Chest tattoo. Back tattoo. Shoulder blade tattoo. One tattoo. Face tattoo. Hand tattoo. Henna tattoo. Wrist tattoo. Forearm tattoo. A few here and there. Multiple. No tattoos (for now). Monroe piercing. Nose piercing. Septum. Nipple piercing(s). Genital piercing(s). Industrial piercings. Earlobe piercings. Prince Albert piercing. Eyebrow piercing(s). Tongue piercing(s). Lip piercing(s). Top of the ear. Tragus piercing. Angel bites. Labret. Stretched out ears. Navel piercing. Inverse navel piercing. Cheek piercing(s). Smiley. Nape piercing(s). No piercings.
Eyeliner. Light eyeliner. Heavy eyeliner. Cat eyes. Mascara. Fake eyelashes. Matte lipstick. Regular lipstick. Lipgloss. Red lips. Pink lips. Nude lips. Dark lips. Bronzer. Highlighter. Eyeshadow. Neutral eyeshadow. Smoky eyes. Colorful eyeshadow. Blush. Lipliner. Light contouring. Heavy contouring. Powder. Matte foundation. Shiny foundation. Concealer. Wears war paint from time to time. Wears make up regularly. Wears it from time to time. Never wears make-up.
Floral. Herbal. Earthy. Fruity. Perfumes. Aftershave. Cocoa. Moisturizer. Shampoo. Cigarettes. Leather. Fur. Sweat. Food. Incense. Cologne. Whiskey. Wine. Fried food. Blood. Fire. Cold. Fresh. Metal. Rain. Chemicals. Baking!
Jeans. Tight pants. Overknee socks. Tights. Leggings. Yoga pants. Pencil skirt. Tight skirt. Loose skirt. Tight/Form-fitting dress. Cardigans. Tunic. Blouse. Button up shirt. Band-T-shirt. Sports-T-shirt. Sweatpants. Tanktop. Cut off t-shirt. Designer. High street. Leather jacket. Thrift. Lingerie. Long skirt. Miniskirt. Maxidress. Sun dress. Tie. Tuxedo. Cocktail dress.High slit dress/skirt. T-shirt. Loose clothing. Tight clothing. Jean shorts. Sweater. Sweater vest. Waistcoat. Khaki pants. Suit. Hoodie. Basketball shorts. Boxers/Boxer-Briefs. Thong. Hotpants. Hipster panties. Bra. Sportsbra. Crop top. Corset. Ballerina skirt. Leotard. Polka dot. Stripes. Glitter. Cotton. Linen. Silk. Lace. Leather. Velvet. Patterns. Florals. Neon colors. Pastels. Light colors. White. Black. Dark colors. Fur/Fauxfur. Revealing clothing. Heavy armor. Medium armor. Light Armor.
Sneakers. Slip-ons. Flats. Slippers. Sandals. High heels. Kitten heels. Ankle boots. Combat boots. Knee-high. Platforms. Bare feet. Loafers. Oxfords. Gladiator shoes. Leather boots.
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So I personally don’t like this prompt because it assumes the character answers IC, but how many characters would actually let someone come up and interview them with this barrage of questions, some very personal, out of nowhere, IC? So I think it works better to think of them as... filling it out as a form themselves?
��� Name ➔   Which one? ► Are you single ➔ I think so. ► Are you happy ➔   I’d better be. ► Are you angry? ➔   Thankfully, no. ► Are your parents still married ➔  Who?
NINE FACTS ► Birth Place ➔ Somewhere where the trees are tall and green and overshadowing, I think. ► Hair Color ➔ Like the earth. ► Eye Color ➔ Like the leaves. ► Birthday ➔ I do not know. ► Mood ➔ Fluctuating. ► Gender ➔ Leaning towards male. ► Summer or winter ➔ Summer. ► Morning or afternoon ➔ Can I say evening instead?
EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► Are you in love ➔ With life itself~! Mostly. Usually. Sometimes. ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ It’s the stuff of faerytales. So of course I do! Would love to actually see it in action, though. It’s certainly elusive. ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ No relationships to end- so I have not suffered that terrible heartache so often written about! Ha! ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  Probably. I hope so. ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ I think the answer is yes, because I do not want them, if I can help it! Don’t like strings. ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Of course! Who or what, though, I cannot recall. ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ I hope so! ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ NO.
SIX CHOICES ► Love or lust ➔ Love! Incredibly useless, but really quite fun to mess with. ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Lemonade. ► Cats or Dogs ➔ Dogs are more reliable, cats are more fun. So... cats, then.. ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ Yes. ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ A wild night out leads to so many more interesting possible occurrences. The other option is boring on multiple levels. ► Day or night ➔ Oh, so this is where I can say night. Night, then.
FIVE HAVE YOU EVERS ► Been caught sneaking out ➔ Out of where? By whom? ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ I am far too graceful for THAT, but it is very humorous to see! ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ No comment. ► Wanted to disappear ➔ Not if I’ve enough distractions to keep me occupied at the moment!
FOUR PREFERENCES ► Smile or eyes ➔ Eyes tell a lot more than a smile ever could. ► Shorter or Taller ➔ Shorter people are easier to poke fun at, in my experience. ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  Attraction. ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ I don’t want anything THAT close to me, thank you very much.
FAMILY ► Do you and your family get along ➔ We fight sometimes. ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ It is certainly abnormal by your standards! If only you knew. ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ When I was a child, I tried to multiple times, but I just ended up running right back home again. Not voluntarily, of course, for the forest paths never lead you where you want to go, only where you don’t. ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Not kicked out, necessarily, but... locked up? Hidden away? I feel that’s a better term.
FRIENDS ► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ No! That would be silly. ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ No. ► Who is your best friend ➔ I adore friends, of course, but I would not trust anybody to THAT extent. ► Who knows everything about you ➔ Only the ones back home, and I intend to keep it that way.
Thanks again Killian!!!! Not gonna tag anybody ‘cause y’all have already done these I’m sure. But if you haven’t, consider yourself tagged!
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Giles and Albert: Displays of Affection
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•  [Requests: Closed] • Read this on on AO3! • Support me on Ko-Fi! •
Requested by: @buffdaddyphoenix​
He prefers to show affection privately, even if the act itself is chaste and polite. Albert considers himself to be a man of decency, and he knows when to hold back in public circles.
However, you know that’s code for: “I get flustered when other people see us being affectionate.”
Because of that, you are usually the one to initiate any kisses or hugs that occur when you are near others. You cherish those moments, because Albert’s cheeks turn pink and his words fall over themselves for a moment. You can’t help smiling every single time it happens.
While public romantic gestures are normally outside of his area of expertise, Albert has mastered the art of offering a polite kiss to the back of the hand. It’s his favorite way to end a dance, and his preferred way you greet you when arriving back from a trip to Stein.
He will also buy you gifts for the important days, such as your anniversary or birthday. There was even a year when he gave you something on his birthday, simply because he could not wait any longer to give it to you.
Each gift he gives is usually practical, but suited to your tastes. If he catches you using any of them, he will silently congratulate himself on choosing an appropriate gift once again and watch you for a few moments.
After the day’s work is finished and the two of you retire to your shared chambers, that is when you can do one of two things:
You can reach out, asking for him to cuddle you before you go to sleep. These times are often coupled with the two of you catching up on books you simply don’t have time for during the day, enjoying the warmth and comfort of this arrangement before you fall asleep.
Or, you can offer up a kiss. Albert may willingly return it. Now that you are out of the public eye, he is eager to offer you the affection that has been building up in his chest all day. His heart nearly bursts when you kiss him, but he is quick to drop the formalities and embrace you in return. He loves you more than anything else, and you feel the same. Your love is shared in a sweet exchange, filled to the brim with blissful happiness.
Kisses are usually reserved for the lips, cheeks, and forehead – but not for long. He doesn’t mind showering your whole body with affection. It’s honestly why he prefers to show his devotion in private. The full breadth of his love for you can only be expressed when he has the courage to do so: during the times when you are alone.
His displays of love are romantic and passionate, but must be kept private in the early days of your relationship.
While in the company of others, Giles is incredibly strict on himself to not show any outward affection for you. He knows that any indication of his feelings would ruin your life… and his, by extension. Therefore, he bites back any feelings that threaten to rise to the surface, in order to keep you both safe.
In times when you are alone – but not quite, since anybody could knock on your study door and arrive at any moment – Giles will take the chance to remind you how much he loves you. A kiss pressed to the top of your head, or fingers tugging ever so gently at the ribbons holding your dress in place, are just two of the ways he expresses those feelings.
He also couples every action with a husky whisper, words of love ghosting over your ear. If he’s quite sure you won’t be interrupted, he might even kiss your lips once or twice, careful to hold back so he does not bruise them.
After he steps down as your tutor and assumes a position as your husband, it is as if a dam has opened and allowed the full force of his love to wash over you. He will not let anyone forget how much he loves you, expressing it through kisses that linger on your lips several minutes after he leaves your side, or keeping an arm about your waist when you walk together through the gardens.
Naturally, he will keep his actions to a minimum at parties and other formal occasions, but he cherishes the idea of being able to let you loop your arm through his and display the love you have for each other in other ways.
Additionally, dancing with you is the most wonderful thing in the world, and he would not dare give it up for anything else.
What does not change between the transition from secret to open is what happens behind closed doors.
Giles will never hesitate to remove every layer of your clothes as he inhales the perfume you had put on earlier that afternoon. He appreciates it with a sweet murmur about how beautiful you are.
His affection when you are alone is riddled with kisses that he covers your body with, allowing you few chances to return them… unless you ask very politely. He makes you dizzy with his love, wanting nothing more than hear you beg with that sweet voice of yours.
Every time you think you know how deep his love extends for you, his words and actions implore you to reconsider – and reconsider you do, welcoming his devotion and love each time with a smile on your face and a kiss to his lips.
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abella19r-blog · 5 years
Journey of Finding out My Son For having Autism
My son Anthony will be turning 5 in October this year, when he was born I remember the first time having him in my arms was the best feeling the world I will never forget that moment. I was in labor for more about 22 hours I pushed for two hours for some reason when ever I pushed him out he will go back in so my gynecologist just cut me a little in one push Anthony came out. when they put him in my chest he opened his eyes just in couple seconds all he did was just looked around staring at me and his father. he didn't even made a peep of sound he was sooo quiet.  didn't even cry not one bit. Anthony was so easy to take care off has a baby, he doesnt cry we didn't had any problems with him, he was a very sweet patient easy baby. me and my husband had no problem taking care of him. Anthony still is easy going. But his sister at the other hand only wants me to feed her cries when I dont take care of her. but every child is different and I love both of them. Anthony didn't had problems when I go to work but he does gets excited when he sees me after my shift.  Anthony was developing normal I believe he did start to walk around 13 months but people told me boys tend to delay slower than girls so I never thought there was nothing wrong with him. when I fill out a paper work of my son progress in his physical check up 24months I realized at that moment how behind my son is, but when I spoke to his pediatrician she told me he is boy they tend to develop slow. ok so I moved on they recommended to take him to speech therapy. so I did  but in the last year my son was not developing or progressing at all even the speech therapist her self wrote on her updated evaluation he isn't developing or have any progress. so I stop taking him, my mother recommended to try to put him IEP where the county public schools put kids who are behind in school early. I waited 4 months for him to get him evaluated from them and they were child psychologist, Anthony was 3 years old at that time, they told me he is normal just have speech delay and he just needed 3 hours of school. they told me they put kids with learning disability in 8 hours classes but because he doesnt have one he just need 3 hours day. ok so I was relieved that there weren't any serious problems with my son. when I start taking Anthony so school he was progressing but not much. it has been a year and my son is still behind, they did an updated evaluation but all they told me is that he needs more help he is still behind that he speaks in 2 years level. and realized ok if nothing is working and my son is still struggling there must be something wrong. I thought my son has dyslexia just like my brother, but the sad thing about my brother is that all these years he have been struggling with reading that he found out when he was in college that he has it. I read that it can be pass down genetically. so I thought my son has dyslexia. so I went to pedestrian she told me he is normal that he just developing slow because he is boy but you need a referral I will give it you . I literally called anybody speech therapist, psychologist to help me to get my son evaluated, I went to social media find out where I can go to get him evaluated. I did my research and dig and dig I find out Nero psychologist specialize in that category. I called one and a nurse told me they can't take my son because they only take 7 years old kids and that he is too young to found out if he has a learning disability. I Told her what you want me to do wait 3 years my son gets worse doesn't get the help he needs and falls more behind. so I Called a diff psychologist they took my son but I had to make two day appt because the evaluation is 6 hours long. so they broke it down each day because he is too young to take a long test. I took my son alone to take the Evaluation my husband stayed with the baby because I know being in a cold room bored will get her to cry the entire time being there.i was explaining to the psychologist about my concerns. had him take the test, I had to take couple of test to answer for my son of his behavior and delay of speech. he told me it will take about 3 weeks for them to email the results of his diagnosis. for the past week I have been checking my email everyday. to see if I have the results yet. when I saw that email and read throughly I thought why they mention Autism there, why is it even mention in this sheet, I read it clearly and realized they diagnosed my son Autism and ADHD. I can handle ADHD  to me is just kids being kids just dont give them any sugar or something to get them more hyper because I had that and I grew out of it.  But Autims is an other level. people make it seem mostly kids with Autism behavior is very extreme and tbh I seen regular kids behave worse then kids who have Autism. I started to do my research about and all the systems 
He can’t respond to his name by his first birthday. ( check tbh I always thought why he never responded saying his name , didn't know it was a big deal to begin with)
Playing, sharing, or talking with other people doesn’t interest him.( so my son )
He prefers to be alone.( check)
He avoids or rejects physical contact.(check)
He avoids eye contact. (check)
When he’s upset, he doesn’t like to be comforted.(check)
He doesn’t understand emotions -- his own or others’.( I believe he doesnt I can't tell much but his psychologist stated he doesn't
Delayed speech and language skills ( of course check)
Flat, robotic speaking voice, or singsong voice ( I didn't notice it was a big deal )
Echolalia (repeating the same phrase over and over) ( check)
Problems with pronouns (saying “you” instead of “I,” for example) ( omg yes I always thought why he can't pronounce the words right I thought tbh that he tongue was tied that is prevent to say it clear but I was wrong)
Not using or rarely using common gestures (pointing or waving), and not responding to them ( yes all the time he rather do that then talking to us )
Inability to stay on topic when talking or answering questions ( check )
Not recognizing sarcasm or joking ( check )
Repetitive behaviors like hand-flapping, rocking, jumping, or twirlingConstant moving (pacing) and “hyper” behaviorFixations on certain activities or objectsSpecific routines or rituals (and getting upset when a routine is changed, even slightly)Extreme sensitivity to touch, light, and soundNot taking part in “make-believe” play or imitating others’ behaviorsFussy eating habitsLack of coordination, clumsinessImpulsiveness (acting without thinking)Aggressive behavior, both with self and othersShort attention span. ( all of above is my son )
I realized and thought took me a moment that he has Autism and the best thing I can do is be there for him. I told my husband he was in shock because we didn't think or ever thought that he has autism. I told my husband we have to be patient with him and find ways to talk to him . I decided after me and my husband buy a home I should go back to school major in psychology so I can better understand my son and help him too, I want to give my son all the help that he needs so I guide him to high path. Anthony is really good with his hand he tries to help his father fix his car he tries to tie the numb of the tire on the car an other things he loves cars. he has two cars on his own that my brother in law bought for him, he always check the engine cleans his car always keep it in good shape. just have a huge feeling he will want to become a mechanical engineer. I has his mother will make sure I show him or take him to that path where he can do what he loves, get him to school and making sure nothing will prevent him to get there. My prince does have problems with the speech and the language but he is really good with fixing things and he is only 4 years old going to be 5 in October. he is genius in his own talent or gift like Albert Einstein. who people had a theory he had Autism. I have been reading a book called NUEROTRIBES WRITEN BY STEVE SILBERMAN  has been helping me understand more about autism. and I am going keep educating myself about it. I still will love and treat my son a normal human being because at the end of the day he is still my prince and he will always be the same boy I raised the last 4 years. I love you and you will always motivate me to be the best mom I can be for you. 
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thaipvn2018 · 5 years
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[Đừng bỏ lỡ] bộ stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh ý nghĩa nhất
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Stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh sau đây đang được các bạn trẻ update nhiều nhất hiện nay. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ thứ 2 sau tiếng mẹ đẻ đang được sử dụng rộng rãi. Ngôn ngữ quốc tế này đang rất cần thiết với tất cả mọi người trong tương lai. Vì thế, thay vì sử dụng thuần tiếng việt thì chúng ta nên tập dần sử dụng tiếng Anh trong cuộc sống hằng ngày để nâng cao khả năng ngoại ngữ của mình trong cuộc sống hội nhập bạn nhé! Stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh ý nghĩa nhất Những câu nói, stt hay về cuộc sống luôn truyền động lực cho chúng ta rất nhiều trong cuộc sống. Nhưng bạn đã bao giờ sử dụng những stt tiếng Anh thay cho tiếng Việt để nói hộ lòng mình chưa. Ngày nay có rất nhiều câu nói tiếng Anh hay được các bạn trẻ sử dụng, không chỉ trong giao tiếp hằng ngày, mà nó còn xuất hiện trên các dòng status, trở thành châm ngôn, động lực giúp họ phấn đấu, suy nghĩ tích cực trong cuộc sống và cả công việc. 1. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. – Cuộc sống vốn đơn giản, nhưng chúng ta luôn làm cho nó phức tạp lên.2. An intelligent person is like a river, the deeper the less noise. – Một người thông minh sẽ như một dòng sông, càng sâu càng ít ồn ào.3. Never say all you know. And never believe all you hear. – Đừng bao giờ nói tất cả những gì bạn biết. Và đừng bao giờ tin tất cả những gì bạn nghe.4. You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die. – Bạn nên học từ đối thủ, nhưng đừng bao giờ sao chép. Sao chép thì bạn sẽ chết. (JACK MA)5. “Smileing is the best way to face any problem, to crush every fear and to hide every pain” – Mỉm cười là cách tốt nhất để đối mặt với mọi vấn đề. Để đè bẹp mọi nỗi sợ hãi, và khỏa lấp mọi nỗi đau. 6. Everybody laughs in the same language -> Ngôn ngữ của tiếng cười với ai cũng giống nhau.7. If happiness could be brought, few of us could pay the price -> Nếu hạnh phúc có thể mua, cái giá của nó chẳng mấy ai trả được.’ 8. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important is to not stop questioning -> Học hỏi từ quá khứ, sống cho hiện tại, hy vọng cho tương lai. Điều quan trọng là đừng bao giờ ngừng đặt câu hỏi.9. There is enough in this world for everybodys’ need, but not enough for certain peoples’ greed -> Thế giới có đủ cho nhu cầu của tất cả mọi người, nhưng không đủ cho lòng tham của con người.10. There are days like that, quietly, not sad, not happy, slowly drift … the end of a day.Có những ngày như thế, lặng lẽ, không buồn, không vui, chầm chậm trôi ….. Qua hết một ngày.11. Mistakes made in life are our lessons in disguise. And sometimes, the best lessons learned, came from the worst mistakes made.Những bài học của chúng ta được nguỵ trang bởi những sai lầm trong cuộc sống. Và đôi khi, bài học hay nhất mà chúng ta được học, đến từ những sai lầm tồi tệ nhất. Thật ra quan trọng là sau những sai lầm ấy ta rút ra được điều gì. 12. Peace does not mean the one where no noise, no trouble, and no toil. When we are in a storm, we still feel the calm of mind. That is the real meaning of peace.!Bình yên không có nghĩa là 1 nơi không có tiếng ồn ào, không khó khăn, cực nhọc. Bình yên là ngay chính khi ta đang ở trong phong ba bão táp, ta vẫn cảm thấy sự an nhiên trong tâm hồn. Đó mới chính là ý nghĩa thực sự của sự bình yên.!13. Do not just look at the results that hasty evaluate efforts of others.Đừng chỉ nhìn vào kết quả mà vội vàng đánh giá sự cố gắng của người khác.14. Every new day is another chance to change your life.Mỗi ngày mới là một cơ hội để thay đổi cuộc sống.15. Learn to earn, not to save.Hãy học cách kiếm tiền thay vì học cách tiết kiệm.16. “It’s better to know and be disappointed, than to never know and always wonder.!”Thà biết rồi thất vọng còn hơn không bao giờ biết và luôn băn khoăn. 17. “Smile, even if it’s a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.”Hãy cười, thậm chí dù đó là nụ cười buồn bã, bởi còn đáng buồn hơn nụ cười buồn bã là sự bi thảm vì không biết phải cười thế nào.18. “There is a truth that never changes: The sun of yesterday can not dry clothes today. Do not regret the past. Also do not worry for the future. Take a good living for the present.”Có một chân lý không bao giờ thay đổi: Cái nắng của ngày hôm qua không thể phơi khô quần áo của ngày hôm nay. Đừng nuối tiếc về quá khứ. Cũng đừng quá lo lắng về tương lai. Hãy sống thật tốt cho khoảnh khắc hiện tại.19. An unclearly relationship just like an empty petrol vehicle. You can sit on it as long as you like, but it will not take you anywhere.”Một mối quan hệ không rõ ràng cũng giống như một chiếc xe cạn xăng. Bạn có thể ngồi trên đó bao lâu bạn thích, nhưng nó sẽ không đưa bạn đi đến đâu cả.20. Learn to earn, not to save. – Hãy học cách kiếm tiền thay vì học cách tiết kiệm. Châm ngôn tiếng anh hay về cuộc sống Bạn luôn muốn tìm cho mình một câu nói tiếng Anh hay nhất về cuộc sống mà bạn cảm thấy tâm đắc nhưng lại đau đầu đi tìm, gom nhặt mỗi nơi một chút ít châm ngôn hay?Bạn đừng lo bởi chúng tôi đã tập hợp những châm ngôn ,stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh sau đây để bạn rút ngắn thời gian tìm tòi. 1. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. ― Dr. Seuss Đừng khóc vì nó kết thúc, hãy cười vì nó đã xảy ra. 2. I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best. ― Marilyn Monroe Tôi là kẻ ích kỷ, thiếu kiên nhẫn và dễ dao động. Tôi thường sai lầm, mất kiểm soát và có những thời điểm tôi khó mà điều khiển được. Nhưng nếu bạn không thể đối đãi với tôi trong những lúc tôi tệ nhất, thì bạn chắc chắn không xứng đáng với những gì tốt nhất mà tôi có. 3. You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching,Love like you’ll never be hurt,Sing like there’s nobody listening,And live like it’s heaven on earth. ― William W. Purkey Bạn hãy nhảy như không ai nhìn thấy bạn,Hãy yêu như bạn không bao giờ bị tổn thương,Hát như không ai nghe thấy,Và sống như thể thiên đường ở trên trái đất” 4. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. ― Mae West Bạn chỉ sống một lần duy nhất, nhưng nếu bạn làm đúng thì một lần là đủ. 5. In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on. ― Robert Frost Trong 3 từ tôi có thể tổng kết mọi thứ tôi học được về cuộc sống: Nó vẫn tiếp tục thôi. 6. To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. ― Oscar Wilde Sống là điều hiếm có nhất nhất trên thế giới này, phần lớn mọi người chỉ tồn tại, đó là tất cả. 7. Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results. ― Narcotics Anonymous Sự điên rồ là làm một việc giống nhau, lặp đi lặp lại, nhưng mong chờ những kết quả khác nhau. 9. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ― Albert Einstein Chỉ có duy nhất 2 cách để bạn sống cuộc đời của mình. Một là sống như thể không gì là phép màu cả. Điều còn lại là sống như thể phép màu là tất cả mọi thứ. 10. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Đừng bám lấy những giấc mơ mà quên mất cuộc sống hiện tại. 11. Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. ― Mark Twain Bạn tốt, sách hay và một lương tâm thanh thản: đó chính là cuộc sống lý tưởng. 12. Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. ― Allen Saunders Cuộc sống là những điều xảy ra với chúng ta khi mình đang tạo nên những kế hoạch khác. 13. I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. ― Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul Tôi có thể đã không đến nơi tôi định đi nhưng tôi nghĩ mình đã đến được nơi tôi cần đến. 14. Everything you can imagine is real. ― Pablo Picasso Mọi điều bạn có thể tưởng tượng được đều là thật. 15. Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. ― Dr. Seuss Đôi khi câu hỏi thường phức tạp thì câu trả lời sẽ rất đơn giản. 16. Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. ― Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You! Hôm nay bạn là chính mình, đó là một điều không ai có thể chối cãi. Chẳng ai có khả năng biến thành bạn giỏi hơn bản thân bạn đâu. 17. I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens. ― Woody Allen Tôi không sợ cái chết; tôi chỉ không muốn ở đó khi điều này xảy ra. 18. Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. ― George Bernard Shaw Cuộc sống không phải là đi tìm chính bạn mà cuộc sống là tạo nên chính bạn. 19. Sometimes people are beautiful.Not in looks.Not in what they say.Just in what they are. ― Markus Zusak, I Am the Messenger Đôi khi con người thật đẹp.Họ đẹp không phải ở hình dáng,Không phải ở lời họ nói,Mà ở chính họ là ai. 20. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. ― Albert Einstein Cuộc sống như thể việc đạp một chiếc xe. Để giữ thăng bằng, bạn phải đi tiếp. 21. Reality continues to ruin my life. ― Bill Watterson, The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Thực tế tiếp tục hủy hoại cuộc sống của tôi. 22. Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody. ― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mọi thứ thay đổi, và bạn bè rời đi. Cuộc sống không dừng lại cho bất kỳ ai. 23. You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die. – Jack Ma Bạn nên học từ đối thủ, nhưng đừng bao giờ sao chép. Sao chép và bạn sẽ chết. 24. When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable. ― Jess C. Scott, The Intern Khi ai đó yêu bạn thì cái cách họ nói về bạn rất khác biệt. Bạn sẽ cảm thấy an toàn và thoải mái. 25. But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie. ― Khaled Hosseini Thà bị tổn thương bởi sự thật còn hơn là được xoa dịu bởi lời nói dối. Tất cả những câu châm ngôn,stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh trên đều được dịch theo nghĩa đen và bạn phải suy nghĩ một chút thì mới thấm thiá được cái tinh túy và ý nghĩa của chúng.Bạn tâm đắc với câu nói nào nhất,hãy chia sẻ nhé ! Chúc các bạn thành công trong cuộc sống !!! The post [Đừng bỏ lỡ] bộ stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh ý nghĩa nhất appeared first on Tự Hào Việt Nam. https://ift.tt/2L35Pgj
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igumdroppoop · 5 years
oh my god guys i literally just finished writing this sub blog and then i refreshed the page by accident and it all disappeared i can’t SO HERE WE GO AGAIN.... 
happy march guys! i had a long month of february and a lot to tell and share with you guys. i’m pretty sure you guys noticed that i spent a lot of time with my friends during that month, specifically with aria/joyce/celine especially. it’s probably because i started playing games more that we started hanging out more, and it’s honestly really funny when we get together because it seems like four degenerate girls in a slice of life anime just exploring life together and messing around together and yeah LOL. here’s a picture of when we walked in the rain to get fried chicken and finally got it after a long and hard road battle...
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other than celine/aria/joyce, i’ve been hanging out a lot with albert too! we’ve just been streaming together a lot and if you guys saw, we did a cooking stream together where we assigned eachother a recipe that we had to impromptu follow. i gave him pork roast from shokugeki no soma which he tried to recreate and here is the expectation VS reality: 
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LOOOL. it was pretty funny and annie’s reaction to tasting it was the most wholesome thing ever. you guys probably don’t see much of annie because she’s so busy with school but she’s like my older sister who always cheers me up when i need it the most and i love her so much...she also literally takes care of my wounds (on thanksgiving i peeled some of my finger off and she wrapped it up for me and made me a homemade ice pack) 
janet’s surprise birthday party was also in february! i’m sure you guys have seen this picture already but just in case any of you haven’t~ 
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it’s crazy because only a year ago, i remember shitting my pants going to the offline tv house to play mafia because i was so nervous if we would all get along or not. and only a year later i feel like all of us have been through so much together that we really trust and love eachother like a big family. 
anyways, now to the *real* part... i spent a lot of february not alone and in the company of my friends. and i was debating on not sharing this with you guys, but anybody who isn’t lazy enough to type in the password and read this subblog probably does care a lot about me so i want to share you guys to why february was a harder month for me. i fell into a deep dark hole of internet hate last month and even though it started with just a few mean youtube comments, i dug deeper and started reading mean reddit threads and hateful anonymous comments and even anonymous DMs. before last month i kinda always knew that this hate existed, i just never bothered to read them or put my attention onto them. idk how it happened but it did, and before i knew it i was in really dark place.
people would be calling me spoiled, ugly, not deserving to live, a fake bitch, telling me i should kill myself, and above all those trolls there were serious people too who were messaging me in their disappointment in me, along with just a lot of false assumptions about me...i always thought i had thick skin and that those things wouldn’t bother me which is why i never read them, but some days you’re more sensitive than others, and i guess it just hit me during the wrong time. this made extremely insecure, and at one point i even started to believe the things that people were saying about me and it made me hate myself even more. it was hard for me and it really made me feel like i was letting everybody down in my life when that wasn’t the case at all. 
after that i was super self-conscious about all my actions and whatever came out of my mouth. it was hard for me to stream because there are literally people who are watching my stream at ALL times just waiting to clip a moment that shows me being “violent”, “spoiled”, a “fake bitch”...i was kinda scared and it was super hard to sleep too
that’s why i spent a lot of time with my friends last month because they did really make me feel safe. since all my closest friends are in the public image as much as i am if not more, i really felt understood and secure being with them. and guys, honestly, that month was really hard for me but it made me so so so much stronger. i have really changed my perspective to know and believe that i really can’t please everyone, and i need to work to make ME happy and nobody else especially not a hater on the internet. it made me appreciate all the people who were always there for me (you guys, my friends, family) and i realized all the attention i give to negative haters should be given to all my loved ones instead. 
i also wanted to thank you guys, who always sent me such supportive messages and any of you who watched my stream whenever you could in your free time. guys, don’t get me wrong, the supportive messages always meant a lot to me, but after reading so many hate messages, seeing a sub just sending me a message of support in my chat just made my HEART SO FUCKING WARM!!! i fucking love you guys. AND I AM OVER ALL OF IT NOW!!!! AND I AM BACK STRONGER!!! HELL YEAAAA JAIME THICKER SKIN +10 POINTS IN LIFE BITCHES!!! what doesn’t kill u makes u stronger
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ANYWHO!!! look what anna (nakoini) sent me!! SO CUTE!! 
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okay honestly not gonna lie after i wrote all of that (twice) i’m pretty tired and have no idea what else to write in this entry... OH! here are my goals for this month: 
♡ workout consistently
♡ get better at league 
♡ incorporate more games onto my channel 
♡ spend more time with my community
with that being said, i’ll be bringing back anime/movie night! i was thinking of doing them on fridays at 5pm PDT. i’ll talk more about the time on stream, but yeah everyone always requests for them so let’s do that more. 
also wanted to tell you guys that because i’m going to be streaming league more, you’ll probably see a bit of a change in my community/chat... i don’t think it will be a bad change, but i checked my analytics and already just from streaming league of legends the past week, more of my viewers watch league more than they do just chatting.. isn’t that crazy? it’s only by 3% but still HAHA. 
and i’m aware that i’ll have a drop in viewership while i invest more times in games, but to be honest with you guys i couldn’t sustain a healthy balance for myself constantly doing IRL. and also league makes me have so much fun right now and it’s a game i seriously want to keep on playing! and don’t worry, i was never really one to care too much about viewership, as long as my chat is happy and i’m happy fun i still absolutely love streaming. if you told me a year ago i could have even more than 300 viewers playing league i’d be so happy HAHAHAHAH. but whose to say i won’t change my mind next month hehe, life is always kind of a search for balance. this month i’ll be spending a lot more time on my stream and community at the sacrifice of spending time with friends/family but that’s completely okay since i spent so much time last month rekindling those. <3 
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and to get into the healthy habit of being proud of our achievements even if they are small, here’s my list for the month of feb! and feel free to share them with me while i’m streaming, i absolutely love hearing your guys’ little achievements even if they’re small. 
♡ i’m pretty sure if friendships had a grade, i got 100% A+ last month for all my friends <3 
♡ got through a rough month with an advantage after (a stronger mental and appreciation for my loved ones) 
♡ my uber rating went up to a 4.8 LMAO 
♡ learned four new cooking recipes 
ok.. as you can see my month was not very successful BUT.. i have my own personal list of things i am going to work on too! and from what i’ve learned from being in the public eye and having a magnifying glass on me: 
your life is YOUR life, and nobody is in the position to tell you what to do with it. you decide what you wanna do for yourself, and those who support and love you will support and love you, and those who don’t shouldn’t stop you from doing what you love or doing what makes you happy. 
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Albert and Walter
When my mom was 18 years old, her brother (we’ll call him Albert) raped her. 9 months later she gave birth to a baby boy, who I will call Walter. My mom didn’t want Walter.  She put him up for adoption, but then Albert found out and went and got Walter.  My mom had nothing to do with Walter for another 12 years.  Then somehow, I don’t know how because I was so young, Walter reappeared in our lives.  He didn’t look like normal kids.  He had an obvious handicap that, at my young age of 4, didn’t understand at the time. It’s best comparable to that of Quasimodo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Anyway, my mom tried to encourage me and my brothers to build a relationship with Walter, and we did the best we could.  Albert was a drunk at that time, so Walter spent a lot of time at our house.  Honestly, the only memory I have of Albert was when I was around 7 or so and Albert ran over a kid on a scooter because Albert got drunk and “didn’t see the kid.”  I’m not sure what ever happened there. 
Anyway, years went by and things just seemed like a typical blended family.  After Walter graduated high school, things changed and he slowly became distant again, but we all tried to keep in contact.  As the rest of us began growing up and moving away, contact with Walter started to slow.  But no worries, this was around the time Facebook was available to everyone so we all tried to keep in contact with him there. About 10 years ago, Walter decided to be a shit stirrer, and none of us wanted anything to do with him.  My mom, me, and my two brothers wrote him off.  I’d send him a happy birthday message each year, but I would not let him be on my Facebook. 
Summer of 2018 Walter comes back into the picture.  He tells mom that Albert is dying and he’s trying to make amends because he doesn’t want to be alone.  With much reluctance, mom and I befriended Walter again Facebook.  It was fine at first.  He seemed like he was doing ok.  He’s post occasional videos that were kind of like vlogs so I’d watch them. They weren’t very interesting, but I was trying to get to know him again.  About 2-3 weeks into this, he and mom get into an argument because of something, I don’t even know what.  So what does Walter do? He gets on Facebook and basically publicly bashes Mom and then tells everybody everything about his family that isn’t anybody’s business.  He made claims about mom abandoning him and never wanting him.  He has no clue of how he was made to begin with, and I’m sure if he did then he wouldn’t have said those things. He even went off on how (again, only having been talking to me again for a couple weeks) I haven’t told the kids about him. I didn’t want to yet.   Regardless, we all decided that was enough.  We’re not dealing with that.   
So mom texts me last night. Albert finally died.  She’s waiting for shit to hit the fan because she’s already told one of her sisters that she’s not taking Walter (he can’t live by himself).  So now her older sister is going to have to do it, and there’s no way she will either.  Point being, I’m not even sad that he’s died.  He put poison in our family and decided to pretend it never happened. Mom can’t do that and Walter is just a constant reminder of it.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/taking-pride-in-bipartisan-efforts-to-improve-education-in-minnesota/
Taking pride in bipartisan efforts to improve education in Minnesota
Training is one of the few problems that seems to cut throughout birthday celebration traces. Education is what drives our financial system; it produces the professional people who fill our production companies and our agricultural financial system; it’s far how we educate the next technology of leaders and innovators. Even though Minnesota bears a high tax burden, companies still need to be positioned right here due to the fact we have this kind of robust Schooling gadget.
This year, Republicans and Democrats continued our shared dedication to Education.
On April 4, we exceeded our 2017 Advancing Minnesota Training finances bill with bipartisan help and enter. It represents an $18.five billion overall investment in our colleges − a $1.1 billion growth from the last biennium, and $300 million extra than the forecast called for. Maximum of this new funding goes at once to the classrooms with the aid of way of the overall Education formula, which gives colleges the power to fulfill their unique desires. Our finances enable colleges to prepare for enrollment will increase, that are projected to be an additional 35,000 college students by means of 2021, as well as a developing unique Training population and the offerings those college students require to achieve success.bipartisan synonym.Forbes education rankings.things Minnesota is known the for.bipartisanship definition
For evaluation, while Democrats controlled the senate over the last few years,
They funded the general Education components – which determines a quantity colleges will acquire on an in line with student foundation – with 1 percentage increases each yr. As they did this, they proudly exclaimed they had been making big investments into our colleges. This yr, Republicans are boosting that investment by using 1.5 percent every yr. those probabilities can be confusing or seem minute to some readers, however, they translate into large greenbacks for our schools.
Republicans additionally devoted funding to lengthy-term facilities maintenance. This program helps small faculty districts or districts with small assets tax bases pay for improvements to their facilities, so college students can learn in safe and sound homes.
Why a Bipartisan Approach to Disaster Recovery Does Not Work
Christchurch, New Zealand 2016. I nevertheless stay in a town in which truths so regularly do not make it via the gridlocked gauntlet of publishing. I stay in a metropolis wherein a lot of what have to be being discussed isn’t always being discussed. I stay in a city wherein the politicians who are alleged to be talking for the people appear to have misplaced their voices. I live in a metropolis where many are still suffering while maximum sits down lower back and watch. I nonetheless experience anger, unhappiness, and frustration that after five years the government is silent, the media is silent, the regulators are silent and inside the main, so is the affected populace.
I watch and wait as ‘Christchurch’ has become the on-going saga
Approximately an extraordinary catastrophe, with an affected population in large part left to wallow in its own distress. After years of being worried in Christchurch what emerges is a tale of a completely sorry situation, a tale of incompetence, dishonesty, professional vested pastimes, cynical company greed and government complicity and self-carrier.
On the pinnacle of that, we have a coverage enterprise left to its very own devices, an enterprise in dire want of reform. The industry has finished and maintains to do all it could to maximize its earnings by delaying settlement of claims, inflicting policyholder abuse inside the process. while insurance groups are within the enterprise of earning profits, they cannot be considered ‘simply everyday businesses’.
They have got unique fiduciary obligations requiring them to defend their customers each in statute and case law.
Paramount amongst those responsibilities are the obligations to act fairly and in excellent religion. The regulators in New Zealand have chosen to be ignorant of the occasions taking region right here. And actually, because the authorities entered into an agreement as a part of its negotiations with insurers it has to no longer be the populace of Canterbury that can pay the price for its very own screw ups.
There are people who would have us trust that political collaboration is a vital basis for coping with a herbal catastrophe, however, the enjoy over the last five and 1/2 years has shown that a ‘bipartisan’ method does now not paintings!
Labour leader, Mr. Shearer pledged that Labour might “… Do the whole thing in our power to convey the problems to the eye of Parliament. But I do trust we need to look at a manner we are able to have a bipartisan technique in this.
We do need a central authority/opposition united technique.” And “because of that, I suppose we do need to be sitting down with the authorities and looking at a bipartisan method to the rebuild in Christchurch and its healing
Understanding the Boundary Between Education and Literacy
The Name is self-explanatory. Let’s clean our concepts first;
What’s Literacy?
Literacy is the potential to read, write and express ourselves. The key to literacy is reading development, a progression of abilities that starts of evolved with the potential to recognize spoken words and decode written phrases, and culminates inside the deep knowledge of textual content.
What is Training?
I outline Training as the capability to apply the ability to specific ourselves. That is one line definition of Education. Education is the utility of literacy, no longer simply the literacy.
A person cannot say that “I am knowledgeable because I know a way to examine, write and specific myself.”
Coming to my point, Are we absolutely getting knowledgeable or simply literate? Human beings pursuing splendid ranges are nevertheless left unemployed. Students with first rate minds and abilities are the unemployed and most wide variety of unemployment can be seen in engineering. Why is this? The answer to these types of questions is They’re simply LITERATE, now not knowledgeable.
They lack skills due to the fact they simply recognize to express themselves but they do not know how to express, why express and what to specific. Schooling involves entire methodology of making use of talents, to foster improvement and exploring new thoughts.
Now, coming to India’s Education device
I consider that India is focussing on its academics however not in proper way. Kids here are characterized on the premise of their grades, marks and what sort of they recognize, now not on their talent, capabilities and how much they discover the undiscovered. The Kids who have knowledge are intelligent however the Youngsters who discover and explore expertise are referred to as to be wise and genius.
Taking an example, Albert Einstein determined no earnings and hobby in knowing history and gaining knowledge of the ones dates, left one of the high-quality faculties through giving faux scientific certificates of fearful breakdown and started discovering the undiscovered, exploring the unexplored and fostering the science and era no longer for anybody else however for himself, for getting internal delight and peace. He’s one of the first-class scientists who brought a new appearance to the era of technological know-how.
The Human beings in India who’re extremely talented and skillful,
Go away the use for buying better jobs and possibilities in overseas cities. Why this takes place? What is the cause? What makes People and talents of India to leave this type of excellent country? is that this due to outer fantasies, glories or fame? No, The answer is, India lacks in its Education system which makes Indian talents to settle outdoor.
The Minnesota Model of Addiction Treatment – What is It, What Works, and What’s Next
The Minnesota Model is described through McElrath in 1997 as being “inextricably interwoven with this system, practice, and philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)”. The AA motion conferred the notion that alcoholism is a bodily, intellectual and nonsecular infection and evolved the Twelve Steps, which outline a spiritual solution, and the idea of a fellowship in which restoration can take the region.
The Hazelden Basis become hooked up in 1949 as surroundings wherein appreciate, understanding and recognition of the distinction of each patient turned into promoted. The belief advanced that time spent in affiliation with other alcoholics, talking with one another and sharing life stories, become significant to recovery. Alcoholism became conceptualized within the ailment Model as a complicated, existential circumstance of “dis-ease”, which might be relieved by sharing experiences. Furthermore, there was a fundamental perception that addicts have an aptitude to alternate their ideas, attitudes, and behaviors to restore health.
Two long-term remedy goals of the Minnesota Model are total abstinence from all temper
Altering substances and an improved quality of lifestyles. Regular with the philosophy of AA, the objectives for the man or woman are to grow in transcendental, religious recognition, to apprehend personal preference and duty, and to broaden peer relationships. The resources for restoration, then, lie in general within the addict with treatment offering the possibility to find out and use the one’s assets and the healing atmosphere conducive to change. This technique is by nature purchaser-centered.
An awful lot of the work achieved through customers toward achieving the one’s goals is performed inside the context of organization therapy.
Engaging with counselors and members of the peer organization, the alcoholic/addict is encouraged to broaden significant dating reviews and clarify feelings and definitions of fact. Achievement of the technique is characterized via alleviation, peace, extended sense of self well worth, popularity by means of self and the organization, and the existential recovery of that means to existence.
The Achievement of the Minnesota Model stems from it addressing the essential existential issues of dependency. Not unusual to AA, it’s far rooted in existential philosophy and includes a treatment philosophy and treatment approach that addresses the center issues of dependency. This existential philosophy lets in for a worrying, nurturing, patron-focused environment in which the Twelve Steps offer route and sufferers laid low with dependency can locate restoration.
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thaipvn2018 · 5 years
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[Đừng bỏ lỡ] bộ stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh ý nghĩa nhất
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Stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh sau đây đang được các bạn trẻ update nhiều nhất hiện nay. Tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ thứ 2 sau tiếng mẹ đẻ đang được sử dụng rộng rãi. Ngôn ngữ quốc tế này đang rất cần thiết với tất cả mọi người trong tương lai. Vì thế, thay vì sử dụng thuần tiếng việt thì chúng ta nên tập dần sử dụng tiếng Anh trong cuộc sống hằng ngày để nâng cao khả năng ngoại ngữ của mình trong cuộc sống hội nhập bạn nhé! Stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh ý nghĩa nhất Những câu nói, stt hay về cuộc sống luôn truyền động lực cho chúng ta rất nhiều trong cuộc sống. Nhưng bạn đã bao giờ sử dụng những stt tiếng Anh thay cho tiếng Việt để nói hộ lòng mình chưa. Ngày nay có rất nhiều câu nói tiếng Anh hay được các bạn trẻ sử dụng, không chỉ trong giao tiếp hằng ngày, mà nó còn xuất hiện trên các dòng status, trở thành châm ngôn, động lực giúp họ phấn đấu, suy nghĩ tích cực trong cuộc sống và cả công việc. 1. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. – Cuộc sống vốn đơn giản, nhưng chúng ta luôn làm cho nó phức tạp lên.2. An intelligent person is like a river, the deeper the less noise. – Một người thông minh sẽ như một dòng sông, càng sâu càng ít ồn ào.3. Never say all you know. And never believe all you hear. – Đừng bao giờ nói tất cả những gì bạn biết. Và đừng bao giờ tin tất cả những gì bạn nghe.4. You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die. – Bạn nên học từ đối thủ, nhưng đừng bao giờ sao chép. Sao chép thì bạn sẽ chết. (JACK MA)5. “Smileing is the best way to face any problem, to crush every fear and to hide every pain” – Mỉm cười là cách tốt nhất để đối mặt với mọi vấn đề. Để đè bẹp mọi nỗi sợ hãi, và khỏa lấp mọi nỗi đau. 6. Everybody laughs in the same language -> Ngôn ngữ của tiếng cười với ai cũng giống nhau.7. If happiness could be brought, few of us could pay the price -> Nếu hạnh phúc có thể mua, cái giá của nó chẳng mấy ai trả được.’ 8. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important is to not stop questioning -> Học hỏi từ quá khứ, sống cho hiện tại, hy vọng cho tương lai. Điều quan trọng là đừng bao giờ ngừng đặt câu hỏi.9. There is enough in this world for everybodys’ need, but not enough for certain peoples’ greed -> Thế giới có đủ cho nhu cầu của tất cả mọi người, nhưng không đủ cho lòng tham của con người.10. There are days like that, quietly, not sad, not happy, slowly drift … the end of a day.Có những ngày như thế, lặng lẽ, không buồn, không vui, chầm chậm trôi ….. Qua hết một ngày.11. Mistakes made in life are our lessons in disguise. And sometimes, the best lessons learned, came from the worst mistakes made.Những bài học của chúng ta được nguỵ trang bởi những sai lầm trong cuộc sống. Và đôi khi, bài học hay nhất mà chúng ta được học, đến từ những sai lầm tồi tệ nhất. Thật ra quan trọng là sau những sai lầm ấy ta rút ra được điều gì. 12. Peace does not mean the one where no noise, no trouble, and no toil. When we are in a storm, we still feel the calm of mind. That is the real meaning of peace.!Bình yên không có nghĩa là 1 nơi không có tiếng ồn ào, không khó khăn, cực nhọc. Bình yên là ngay chính khi ta đang ở trong phong ba bão táp, ta vẫn cảm thấy sự an nhiên trong tâm hồn. Đó mới chính là ý nghĩa thực sự của sự bình yên.!13. Do not just look at the results that hasty evaluate efforts of others.Đừng chỉ nhìn vào kết quả mà vội vàng đánh giá sự cố gắng của người khác.14. Every new day is another chance to change your life.Mỗi ngày mới là một cơ hội để thay đổi cuộc sống.15. Learn to earn, not to save.Hãy học cách kiếm tiền thay vì học cách tiết kiệm.16. “It’s better to know and be disappointed, than to never know and always wonder.!”Thà biết rồi thất vọng còn hơn không bao giờ biết và luôn băn khoăn. 17. “Smile, even if it’s a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.”Hãy cười, thậm chí dù đó là nụ cười buồn bã, bởi còn đáng buồn hơn nụ cười buồn bã là sự bi thảm vì không biết phải cười thế nào.18. “There is a truth that never changes: The sun of yesterday can not dry clothes today. Do not regret the past. Also do not worry for the future. Take a good living for the present.”Có một chân lý không bao giờ thay đổi: Cái nắng của ngày hôm qua không thể phơi khô quần áo của ngày hôm nay. Đừng nuối tiếc về quá khứ. Cũng đừng quá lo lắng về tương lai. Hãy sống thật tốt cho khoảnh khắc hiện tại.19. An unclearly relationship just like an empty petrol vehicle. You can sit on it as long as you like, but it will not take you anywhere.”Một mối quan hệ không rõ ràng cũng giống như một chiếc xe cạn xăng. Bạn có thể ngồi trên đó bao lâu bạn thích, nhưng nó sẽ không đưa bạn đi đến đâu cả.20. Learn to earn, not to save. – Hãy học cách kiếm tiền thay vì học cách tiết kiệm. Châm ngôn tiếng anh hay về cuộc sống Bạn luôn muốn tìm cho mình một câu nói tiếng Anh hay nhất về cuộc sống mà bạn cảm thấy tâm đắc nhưng lại đau đầu đi tìm, gom nhặt mỗi nơi một chút ít châm ngôn hay?Bạn đừng lo bởi chúng tôi đã tập hợp những châm ngôn ,stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh sau đây để bạn rút ngắn thời gian tìm tòi. 1. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. ― Dr. Seuss Đừng khóc vì nó kết thúc, hãy cười vì nó đã xảy ra. 2. I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best. ― Marilyn Monroe Tôi là kẻ ích kỷ, thiếu kiên nhẫn và dễ dao động. Tôi thường sai lầm, mất kiểm soát và có những thời điểm tôi khó mà điều khiển được. Nhưng nếu bạn không thể đối đãi với tôi trong những lúc tôi tệ nhất, thì bạn chắc chắn không xứng đáng với những gì tốt nhất mà tôi có. 3. You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching,Love like you’ll never be hurt,Sing like there’s nobody listening,And live like it’s heaven on earth. ― William W. Purkey Bạn hãy nhảy như không ai nhìn thấy bạn,Hãy yêu như bạn không bao giờ bị tổn thương,Hát như không ai nghe thấy,Và sống như thể thiên đường ở trên trái đất” 4. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. ― Mae West Bạn chỉ sống một lần duy nhất, nhưng nếu bạn làm đúng thì một lần là đủ. 5. In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on. ― Robert Frost Trong 3 từ tôi có thể tổng kết mọi thứ tôi học được về cuộc sống: Nó vẫn tiếp tục thôi. 6. To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. ― Oscar Wilde Sống là điều hiếm có nhất nhất trên thế giới này, phần lớn mọi người chỉ tồn tại, đó là tất cả. 7. Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results. ― Narcotics Anonymous Sự điên rồ là làm một việc giống nhau, lặp đi lặp lại, nhưng mong chờ những kết quả khác nhau. 9. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ― Albert Einstein Chỉ có duy nhất 2 cách để bạn sống cuộc đời của mình. Một là sống như thể không gì là phép màu cả. Điều còn lại là sống như thể phép màu là tất cả mọi thứ. 10. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. ― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Đừng bám lấy những giấc mơ mà quên mất cuộc sống hiện tại. 11. Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life. ― Mark Twain Bạn tốt, sách hay và một lương tâm thanh thản: đó chính là cuộc sống lý tưởng. 12. Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. ― Allen Saunders Cuộc sống là những điều xảy ra với chúng ta khi mình đang tạo nên những kế hoạch khác. 13. I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. ― Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul Tôi có thể đã không đến nơi tôi định đi nhưng tôi nghĩ mình đã đến được nơi tôi cần đến. 14. Everything you can imagine is real. ― Pablo Picasso Mọi điều bạn có thể tưởng tượng được đều là thật. 15. Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. ― Dr. Seuss Đôi khi câu hỏi thường phức tạp thì câu trả lời sẽ rất đơn giản. 16. Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You. ― Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You! Hôm nay bạn là chính mình, đó là một điều không ai có thể chối cãi. Chẳng ai có khả năng biến thành bạn giỏi hơn bản thân bạn đâu. 17. I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens. ― Woody Allen Tôi không sợ cái chết; tôi chỉ không muốn ở đó khi điều này xảy ra. 18. Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. ― George Bernard Shaw Cuộc sống không phải là đi tìm chính bạn mà cuộc sống là tạo nên chính bạn. 19. Sometimes people are beautiful.Not in looks.Not in what they say.Just in what they are. ― Markus Zusak, I Am the Messenger Đôi khi con người thật đẹp.Họ đẹp không phải ở hình dáng,Không phải ở lời họ nói,Mà ở chính họ là ai. 20. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. ― Albert Einstein Cuộc sống như thể việc đạp một chiếc xe. Để giữ thăng bằng, bạn phải đi tiếp. 21. Reality continues to ruin my life. ― Bill Watterson, The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Thực tế tiếp tục hủy hoại cuộc sống của tôi. 22. Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody. ― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mọi thứ thay đổi, và bạn bè rời đi. Cuộc sống không dừng lại cho bất kỳ ai. 23. You should learn from your competitor, but never copy. Copy and you die. – Jack Ma Bạn nên học từ đối thủ, nhưng đừng bao giờ sao chép. Sao chép và bạn sẽ chết. 24. When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable. ― Jess C. Scott, The Intern Khi ai đó yêu bạn thì cái cách họ nói về bạn rất khác biệt. Bạn sẽ cảm thấy an toàn và thoải mái. 25. But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie. ― Khaled Hosseini Thà bị tổn thương bởi sự thật còn hơn là được xoa dịu bởi lời nói dối. Tất cả những câu châm ngôn,stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh trên đều được dịch theo nghĩa đen và bạn phải suy nghĩ một chút thì mới thấm thiá được cái tinh túy và ý nghĩa của chúng.Bạn tâm đắc với câu nói nào nhất,hãy chia sẻ nhé ! Chúc các bạn thành công trong cuộc sống !!! The post [Đừng bỏ lỡ] bộ stt hay về cuộc sống bằng tiếng Anh ý nghĩa nhất appeared first on Tự Hào Việt Nam. https://ift.tt/2KYGOCz
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