#doesn't mean that nancy wasn't attracted to steve. i just think she was not in love with him and his vision of the future and him being the
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
the way the script/shows prove that nancy likes steve to an extent and is attracted to him again but people deny stncy has no chance of happening and nancy has never loved steve or never has been attracted to him at all...... like girlie i understand stncy does suck but being delusional wont erase canon lol. also the falling relationship of jncy. like i dont even think stncy is going to be canon again but lets not act like they do not like each other when they blatantly do... and that they feel attraction toward one another. this is a serious case of denial.
not you sending this to me, someone who thinks there was and is no feelings from nancy to steve💔 kidding. that's just what i said when i answered a similar ask two months ago. i think there's no point in denying that there's attraction there and that that's what we're seeing in season 4, she thinks he's hot, big deal, they were together and having sex for a year of course she would still find him attractive 18 months later lol. he looks the same. but yeah like i was saying in march i do think she liked him but i don't think she was ever IN LOVE with him. which, semantics i guess? but also not really. and i don't see her leaving jonathan because of the five days she spent hanging out with her ex who was the only person who knew anything of what she'd been through with the upside down and barb you know? but that doesn't necessarily translate to jncy endgame. agreed # not in denial tbh
the only reason i’m confident stncy isn’t gonna happen isn’t because i’m sure jncy is endgame because as i just said i’m not, it’s because it makes no sense thematically. and i know that doesn’t sound like much when you get scenes of nancy staring at a shirtless steve, but i really just still don’t see her checking him out as a deep (meaningful) attraction. if they’d shown us steve and nancy having deep personal talks maybe but what do we get all season really? sexual tension? nancy checking him out? an act of “unambiguous true love” that’s just nancy trying not to let someone close to her die on her watch again?
the thing with jncy though is it's not exactly like byler and mlvn where you can go "mlvn isn't endgame for these reasons therefore byler is" because jncy have Been in a relationship. mike not ending up with either wouldn't make sense because we've only seen one relationship play out, with nancy though...she's been with both. stncy is dead in the water and makes no sense with the rejecting comformity theme of the show. but jncy are no longer in that s1-2 love triangle territory that ensures they're gonna be together, they're in an actual relationship now and are having trouble, that's just the objective truth. maybe they'll fix everything and go to emerson or nyu or lenora community together. but i also think saying they're fine just because stncy isn't happening again is a little presumptuous.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“Who was your first kiss?”
“Depends what you mean.” Steve hits the joint Eddie passed to him. They are sitting on the roof of the trailer, stargazing. It is the first clear night of summer. Steve feels lighter than he has in months.
“I'm not really sure if there is another way to ask that, Harrington.” Eddie laughs around the tip of the joint. “It's a pretty simple question. Besides, I thought this was secret time. No need to get shy on me now.” Eddie spins to his side dramatically, tucking his hands beneath his face. He stares at Steve with joy in his eyes.
Steve takes the joint, pulls, and huff smoke into Eddie’s face. A soft laugh escapes him. “Well, I mean, do you mean like the first real kiss? Or, like, when did I start practicing?”
“Yea like, figure out how to, and what its like before the real deal? So it doesn't count.”
“I'm sorry—” Eddie scrunches his eyebrows “—I’m confused. Why wouldn't it count?”
“Cause it was with a guy.” Steve shrugs because he doesn't think it's a big deal. He doesn't understand why Eddie is hung up on it.
But then, Eddie's face does this thing for a second. Like he isn't sure whether to be angry or sad, but then it relaxes. Instead, a look of puzzlement takes over his face. “Steve, it counts. Like—even though you're not attracted to guys, that still counts as a first kiss. It’s like—kinda hurtful you think it doesn't.”
Steve tilts his head and goes over what he said in his mind. He can't recall saying anything ridiculous like he does when he is high. “Okay, now I'm confused.”
Eddie stares and says nothing.
“No! Not like confused as in I don't get why your upset, but more like confused who said I was straight?”
In shock Eddie manages, “What now?”
“Never said I was straight. I just meant that if we're talking about first kisses, usually people mean a girl. So the guy doesn't count. Especially because I didn't know I liked guys then. Think even if I was straight this right here—” Steve waves a hand between the two of them “—is pretty homoerotic so I think straight went out the window.”
Eddie swallows, looks down at Steve’s lips, and looks back into his eyes. “There is so much to unpack there. But first, thank you for telling me. Second, Steve. That is like not how it works. Just cause a kiss is practice doesn't mean you didn't kiss. Like just cause you're hitting balls at practice instead of the game, doesn't mean you're not hitting them.”
Something settles in Steve. “Huh, I guess I never thought of it that way.”
Eddie grabs Steve by the shoulders. “I'm glad you understand, but onto more pressing matters. Who was this boy you practiced with?”
“Oh, it was Tommy Hagan.”
Eddie drops his hands in shock. “Hagan?! C’mon Stevie, I thought you had better taste.”
Steve giggles at Eddie’s antics. He can't help but take in how pretty Eddie is when he gets all worked up. It is unfair in Steve’s eyes. How someone can be so wonderful even when they are losing their mind.
Steve can't resist the urge to finally flirt a little. “He wasn't my type Munson. Like I said, just practice. Wasn't really into it. Pretty sure he liked it more than me. I think if I liked him, I would have figured out the whole bisexual thing a lot sooner. No, my type is definitely more in the dark curly hair nerd department.”
Eddie swallows nervously, “Nancy?”
Steve isn't offended by Eddie’s question. Steve knows he's scrambling, can tell by the blush on his face. Steve feels hope spark within his chest. “No, she's great and all, but I was thinking more masculine. With pretty doe eyes, a deep laugh, a kind soul, and horrible taste in music.”
Eddie sputters, and Steve watches his blush spread, “My music is great!”
“Hmmm, sure.”
“Hey Stevie? Do you feel like you need more practice?” Eddie leans in close brushing his nose against Steve’s with a sudden rush of bravery.
“No, i’ve had enough practice. Think I want the real thing.”
“Okay I want to be smooth but I have to google d response to that so I am going to kiss you now.” Eddie rushes out.
“Sounds perfect.” Eddie closes the gap before Steve can say anything else. Eddie tastes like salted chocolate and weed. It's sweet and musky and so very Eddie. It starts soft, the softest kiss Steve’s had, just plush lips pushed against each other.
It slowly builds to more. Steve’s hands travel up Eddie’s sides and into his hair. He wonders how a wild thing could be so, so soft. Steve gives a gentle tug, and Eddie moans deeply into him. Eddie’s hands grab Steve’s waist and yank him forward. His hands are to cause bruises surely, and the thought leaves Steve giddy. The sounds Eddie makes are getting desperate, which causes Steve to release his own moan.
Eddie doesn't waste a second taking advantage and shoving his tongue inside Steve’s mouth. He’s warm and wet, and oh God, Steve wants more, more, more.
After a few minutes, Eddie pulls back. “Wait, who did you really think was your first kiss?”
Steve rests his forehead on Eddie’s. He can't help but think his answer is a little funny. “Carol Perkins.”
“Wait, wasn't she dating Tommy?”
“Oh yeah. He was there actually. Kinda encouraged it to happen.”
Eddie looks torn between laughing and being disgusted. “Again, so much to unpack, but I don't think I want to touch that with a ten-foot pole. At least not tonight. Can we go back to making out?”
“Yes please.” Steve all but begs, a while releasing into the space between them.
They don't pull apart until their lips are swollen and their throats are raw from moaning. It’s Steve’s best first kiss yet.
originally this was more angsty and going to be more reflective on my personally experience of the very popular thought of “if my first kiss is with a girl it doesn't count” that I see a lot of bisexuals like myself (and other sexually fluid people...honestly an experience the whole LGBTQ+ community has) have. Like having that realization made me re-evaluate myself. But it ended up being more light hearted and using another experience of mine which is being out but refusing to count the first kiss because of who it was with. Steve and I...we have regrets. I still might write the other one, we shall see :)
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strangertheories · 11 months
I've been seeing people saying that platonic Stobin is only benefitting Steve or that Robin only exists to redeem Steve from past homophobia and I'd like to politely disagree. I don't think enough people realise just how crucial their friendship was to Robin's character development outside of Steve, so I'll just spell it out here in this long post for the four year anniversary of Robin coming out to Steve.
At the start of S3, Robin is deeply sarcastic and jokingly rude, but this is not entirely what she is actually like deep down and the true Robin doesn't emerge until her and Steve are talking to each other in the bunker. She says that she acts like she doesn't care and that she floats above it all (in reference to popularity) but deep down, she just wants to feel normal and accepted.
But Robin knows she could never be accepted fully because of her attraction to women. If she acts like she doesn't care and holds Steve at an arm's length, it keeps her safe. Robin can't be rejected if she doesn't let him in. She doesn't believe anyone could ever be friends with her if they knew her secrets, so constructs this personality around herself, however deep down she is just insecure and struggling with internalised homophobia.
A lot of people talk about Robin's coming out scene, rightfully so, but I think we need to talk more about what happened before. When Steve tells Robin he's attracted to her, she looks devastated. With her guard let down after a near death experience and drugs, she was finally able to bond with someone who she now has to reject.
At first, she tries to talk Steve out of liking her. She tells him that he doesn't know the real her and that if he did, not only would be not want to date her, but he wouldn't even want to be her friend. This is where it all becomes clear that Robin's sarcasm and refusal to let her guard down is not linked to her sexuality but rather because of it.
This is why Steve accepting her is so crucial for her character from then onwards. For the first time in her life, Robin let someone see her true self, knowing that she would be rejected and lose her only friend. And yet she wasn't. Robin let Steve in and his acceptance finally enabled her to realise that just because she is gay it doesn't mean that she's abnormal or could never be happy. Obviously, there are safety concerns that prevent her from running through the streets of Hawkins with a pride flag, but I believe this acceptance is crucial to the version of Robin we see in S4.
After S4, there were a lot of complaints that the Robin we saw in that season wasn't like S3 enough and felt like a completely different character. Firstly, Robin was shown to speed talk, be unhelpful and miss social ques when nervous in the final episode of season 3, so I disagree with that criticism. But most importantly, the reason that S4 Robin is different to the one in S3 is because S3 Robin was never real. It was a character she built in order to avoid dealing with the pain of rejection or accepting that she cares about what other people think of her. But due to Steve, Robin is able to realise that she doesn't have to be someone else, hence her personality shift.
That's also kind of why I dislike the idea that her relationships with Nancy and Vickie are better than her one with Steve because she wouldn't have had those relationships if it wasn't for him. Steve enabled her to open up and let down her cool and sarcastic persona. Robin is anxious and awkward with Nancy and Vickie from the get go unlike with Steve, which ends up enabling her to ultimately make more real bonds with them much quicker. She would not have been able to do that if it wasn't for the value his acceptance brought into her life.
I'm going to get a bit mushy and personal here, so feel free to skip to the end, but platonic Stobin isn't just meaningful to the fictional character of Robin. I'm an autistic lesbian and I have had a lot of struggles with making and maintaining friendships. For a while, I didn't have any friends at all and I was very depressed. But now my mental health is so much better because I was able to find a friend who fully accepted me, who I didn't have to mask around, who I easily came out to. Becoming friends with her has enabled me to become way more comfortable with unmasking my autism outside of that one relationship because being more vulnerable is what enabled that friendship to be so much better in the long term.
Robin is a character I relate to a lot, and I've written a lot of posts on autistic Robin in the past. I think seeing friendships portrayed on screen where a girl is able to let down her mask, learn to become herself and become much less distant to the point that she explicitly feels comfortable telling someone she has issues with social ques is great for all kids. So many people, especially autistic people, struggle with being themselves and with finding friends. Maybe Robin did just exist to redeem Steve or whatever, but I know seeing that friendship on screen meant a lot to me. It's so difficult to find someone who accepts you and to open up to someone, but I think that platonic Stobin shows that it can be worth it.
Sorry for the mushy side tangent at the end, but I hope this post explains the importance of Steve's acceptance to Robin's character development. Acting like she only exists for Steve is dismissive of the impact that friendship had on the development Robin has and will have, especially if you view Rebel Robin as being somewhat canon. Not to mention, clarifying a loveable character is no longer homophobic feels like a pretty good thing.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
Steve Harrington x Past Tommy headcanon, Steddie being the future (this isn't me trying to make an excuse for Tommy, but I'm just trying to fill in the blanks the Duffle bags left us with):
Don't get me wrong, I love it where Eddie is Steve’s queer awakening and all, but it's definitely used a lot. Not a complaint, just stating a fact. Come on, there definitely wasn't anything straight about his relationship with Tommy, and Carol was definitely Tommy's beard. At least, I think that Carol is Tommy's beard and a lesbian. Am I like the only one who thought they weren't that bad? I mean, yeah, they were assholes but to be fair, every teenager is one. I was a good kid who didn't make my dad worry so much, but even I could be such an asshole sometimes. The theater thing was over the line, but I can imagine they did that because they probably witnessed Steve crying. They're probably one of the only ones who saw Steve cry, and I think we probably would have gone to war if we saw Steve cry. And I think Tommy probably did it out of guilt.
I think Steve was with Tommy once, and maybe he thinks Tommy was a special case. Maybe he had hoped that Tommy would stop being an asshole and that's why it didn't work. Maybe that's why Tommy basically called him a coward. Maybe he walked away from Tommy more than once. I mean, he did get onto Tommy when he said something shitty. Why do people think that he didn't try to ever stop Tommy? He never joined in on when they talked shit. He got onto Tommy for saying shit about Jonathan. I think the theater was the only time he didn't ever try, and the only time he talked shit about Jonathan was because he was angry and hurt. Shit, maybe he wasn't just thinking about his parents when he saw Nancy with Jonathan? Maybe he was thinking about that time he walked in on Tommy having sex with Carol because they were trying to see if they were interested in the opposite sex. They weren't, but Steve didn't know that because he walked away. He also stayed because Tommy was his oldest friend. He walked away for the last time, and Tommy, heartbroken, befriended Billy, hoping to make Steve jealous.
Steve didn't tell Robin, not only because it hurt too much, because it wasn't just his secret to tell. He didn't think he could ever fall for another guy again. He knows he's attracted to them, but he didn't think he could love another one until Eddie came along. And when Eddie was lying prone in the hospital, Steve brought Robin to the bathroom and told her everything. She was another person who saw him cry.
I don't know. People don't give Steve enough credit for walking from Tommy and Carol. I mean, just because they were assholes, their friendship doesn't mean anything. . .it doesn't mean anything that Steve walked away from a shitty situation? Most adults can't do what Steve did. Just the facts.
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findafight · 11 months
R/nance shippers are some of the first to scream homophobia/lesbophobia if you disagree with them or point out the Steve of it all, but they're the first in line to vilify Vickie, a canonically sapphic character, because she gets in the way of their ship.
It's so silly tbh. Like the ship someone likes (that doesn't erase a character's sexuality) has any say on whether or not some is/isn't homophobic.
Everybody loves pure of heart, dumb of ass and lesbian friendship until that lesbian loves her bff more than the possibility of a romantic relationship lol.
And yep. I think this is the first time I've seen a fandom vilify a female character that's a canon love interest who is getting in the way of a non canon gay ship when the gay ship is also two women. Claiming she has no personality when we see her have a similar sense of humour to Robin and Steve, like a movie Steve likes, get a bit nervous talking to a cute girl and rambling a bit, breaking up with her boyfriend because he refused to stay and help their hometown after a natural disaster. She's loyal and funny and brave. She's not the same as Robin, she does have a personality, (saying she doesn't have one and then also saying saying she's just a copy of Robin shifted to the left is also sus like.. what do they think of Robin, then?) And the fact that Vickie is canonically wlw!! Bi queen!!!
Something about it feels hinky to me. Especially when some people insisting Nancy is a lesbian do it. Now, that is a fine and reasonable HC, but acting like her relationships with men, regardless of her actual attraction to them, meant nothing to her is also not it. She chose those relationships, and while it may have been comphet, they still mattered to her? They were still people she trusted and was close to. (Honestly, exploring how those were still meaningful to her but the romantic/sexual aspects were not what she wanted from life/realizing she's gay could be interesting.)
It mostly boils down to folks valuing Romo ships above any other significant relationships, and that if it wasn't romantic and there wasn't sexual attraction, then obviously it didn't mean anything. And also possibly biphobia (especially concerning Vickie!)
I'm fine with people shipping different things, ship and let ship, I can avoid things I don't like, but acting like Steve is an irrelevant part of both Nancy and Robin's lives mischaracterizes all three of them, and saying that it would be a non issue makes it boring. At least be interesting with it! I'm not even saying Steve would have a problem with it, but that Robin would because while Steve can downplay how hurt he was by Nancy, and blame himself, Robin would at least see how bad the relationship ended and wouldn't want to rub salt in that wound. I think Steve would be more worried about Nancy hurting Robin and/or lying about how much the relationship means to her than he would be hurt, through he would have every right to be. After all, he most likely doesn't know he was cheated on, but he does know Nancy said she loved him when she didn't.
It's one of those ships that makes waaaay more sense if it's at least five years from canon (and even then it doesn't make sense to me unless it's reconnecting, because I don't see Nancy staying close to anyone in Hawkins once she gets out).
Everybody has their headcanon etc, but I think fandom is much more fun when there's a balance and Romo ships aren't prioritized over platonic ones, especially platonic ones that are canonically incredibly important to the characters
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If you’re still taking requests, can I ask for 8. sweater weather and either romantic steddie Or platonic stobin?
i wasn't expecting this thing to grow legs and run as far as it did. i'm sure i lost the original plot somewhere along the way. but i hope you like it! takes place after the events of spring break and is a companion piece to this. also now on ao3
Robin will admit she's a bit of a clothes thief. 80% of her closet now consists of every article of clothing she'd ever stolen from Steve's wardrobe.
Though, stealing is a strong word, she thinks. They're more like hand-me-downs, or "a charitable donation to the less fortunate, Steve. I won't get mad if you write it off your taxes, pinky promise."
Most of the clothes Steve doesn't even realize are gone until Robin wears it to work or a movie night. Just gives her a once over, an appreciative nod, and a "looks nice, Rob. Better on you than me." Which.
They're platonic soulmates. Best friends. Twin flames, even. Everybody knows this. They've both come out to the party and Steve is with Eddie exclusively now, so there's no romantic feelings between them whatsoever— excluding the brief moment of one sided attraction on Steve's end.
Steve is still Steve.
He's still Steve Harrington.
His natural state is casual flirting even if he doesn't mean anything by it and Robin is 100% a hot blooded lesbian, but his easy compliments still manage to make her tummy flutter and her cheeks pink as she fights the smile trying to worm its way onto her face. The giggle (a fucking giggle) that bubbles from her throat is no help, either.
She chalks it up to never receiving a lot of compliments from people in her formative years.
Now that Steve's dating Eddie, though, their closets look like they've exploded together in a clash of brights and darks, leather and chains meeting polos and denim. Eddie would never spend his hard earned drug earnings on school spirit attire, but sometimes he'll be lounging around the trailer in some Hawkins High sports shirt. Steve wears Eddie's band shirts more often than not because of how comfy they are (he does this on purpose.)
So now when Robin raids Steve's closet, she gets Eddie's clothes too, which is what gets her into the current situation:
She doesn't even think about what she puts on that morning before rushing out the door so Steve will stop honking the fucking horn. It's 6:30am and she has elderly neighbors who need their beauty sleep, for Christ's sake.
(Mr. Cochran currently mowing his yard across the street doesn't share the same sentiments.)
She can tell something's wrong by the whispers that follow her down the hallway as she walks to her locker. She ignores it, though, chalks it up to another rumor about her and Steve making the rounds again.
It's not until lunch that the reason becomes apparent.
She sits beside Nancy at the Hellfire table. The boys aren't there yet so it gives them a chance to catch up and gossip a little, something Robin never thought she'd be interested in before becoming friends with Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler and learning that little miss reporter has stories on almost everyone of their classmates.
They're in the middle of Nancy telling her how Becky was caught in a janitor's closet making out with someone not her boyfriend, when—
"That my jacket, Buckley?"
Eddie's voice is suddenly right in her ear and he materializes out of nowhere, dragging a chair to the head of the table and turning it around to sit on it backwards. The guys follow suit and sit in their own chairs, flanking Eddie's left and right.
Robin frowns and lifts the collar like she's expecting to see Eddie's name stitched on the inside. "Uh, no? I think I'd notice if it were, Munson."
Eddie laughs as he pulls out his lunch that he won't admit Steve made for him. "I do think it is, little birdie."
Robin bristles a bit at the nickname. Eddie jerks his chin.
"Take a look at the back."
Robin glances around the table before hesitantly shrugging the jacket off. She balks at the very obvious image of the signature Hellfire Club devil, painted against a wall of white on the black denim.
"What the hell was this doing in Steve's closet?"
Eddie chokes on his sandwich.
Nancy's perfect eyebrows pull together. "Why were you looking through his closet?"
"Stealing his clothes, obviously."
"Why do you steal his clothes?" Gareth asks.
Robin throws her head back and groans. "I always take his clothes, haven't you noticed almost every shirt I wear is his? We're getting off topic, why did Steve put this in his closet?" She throws an accusing look at Eddie who shrugs.
"Why are you acting like my clothes being in my boyfriend's closet is some big conspiracy?" he shoots back.
Robin narrows her eyes. They stare each other down for a few seconds. She can hear that little whistle from all the western movies and she glares at Jeff to knock it off. Eventually, Robin concedes.
"Touché, Munson. Just don't be surprised when I start wearing your clothes, too. If it's in his closet it's fair game."
Eddie tilts his head in a bow. "As you wish, Lady Buckley."
She doesn't give the jacket back. Isn't sure if she wants to and Eddie doesn't mention even wanting it back. So she keeps it. Admires the little stitches on the front pocket and traces her fingers over the painted devil. There are pins she was somehow blind to, of bands she'd never heard of— except Metallica and Dio— and she curses her brain for being too curious for its own good.
A couple weeks pass and Robin casually mentions to Steve in passing that they should take a day trip down to Indy and hit up a few thrift shops and music stores. He doesn't question it, so they do, and she comes home with new tapes she wants to show Eddie and new clothes that she can call hers.
She doesn't give the jacket back. Instead it hangs on her closet door as she pulls on her own, decorated in various pins and patches she bought in the city and had her mom help her sew them on, over a black Blondie t-shirt.
She's even taken a chance with eyeliner and darker eye shadow that compliments her nails. Wears the chain necklaces she was wearing the day she got Steve as a best friend.
He's leaning against the car when she walks out of the house. He gives her that same once over and she can already feel the warmth spreading across her cheeks. She comes to a stop in front of him.
"It's a good look on you," he says gently as if he can sense her nervousness. He probably can. They share a brain cell, after all.
She lets out a sigh of relief and leans into his space. He just laughs and pulls her in to plant a kiss on the middle of her forehead.
"Does this mean you'll stop stealing my clothes?"
"Not a chance, dingus."
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jaegerisim · 1 year
I am going to go controversial here. Stancy is a horrible ship even worse than mlvn.
Steve and Nancy have nothing in common. Nancy is an independent woman who wants a career, not a family. Meanwhile, Steve wants a nuclear middle-class family which she has explicitly said she'd hate to have. I am not saying it's not ok for Steve to want that, but it def isn't what would make Nance happy.
Second of all, the only thing that's real abt Stancy is their physical attraction. That is objective. It is in the script. It explicitly says that when Steve does a perfect landing, Nancy finds it hot and it's ok to find ppl hot while you are dating someone but not to lead them on, which is to one extent what Nancy does with Steve. (I'm not slandering her, I love her just as much as the next Nancy stan but it is not ok to do that)
Meaning, the Duffers mishandled Nance's character this season regarding relationships. Badly but not unrealistic. I hate how they made Nancy lead on Steve or at least flirt with him when his feelings are not shared. We know Jancy is the endgame, we know bc the ending of the season foreshadowed it. Yet, her character is extremely realistic for me and that's why I love her sm. She was a teenager when her BFF disappeared while she was having sex with Steve (another reason why they can't work, Nance associates Steve with Barb's disappearance. Then she learns about her gruesome death in another dimension, she feels guilty and tries to avenge her. All of this happens and Jonathan is always there with her. Always. He doesn't leave her side. Jonathan and Nance have shared trauma, while Steve and Nancy don't even have that. While Nancy was with Jonathan, Steve was with The Party. They each find their own people. In this situation, it is normal for Nancy to be confused over her feelings as her character arc focuses on her growth and maturity as a woman handling romance and trauma.
Furthermore in S3 Steve says she likes Robin bc she isn't like Nancy. He got over her and thinks that he needs someone different from her. In the pitch, Robin would be Steve's girlfriend, yet in the end, she was his platonic soulmate. This was something I particularly loved bc this shows that Steve's character arc is not about romantic love but for platonic and brotherly love he finds in Dustin and Robin.
Now, about Jonathan's character arc. This character is unjustly hated, IMO. He is super underrated and deserves more appreciation. I love Steve but Jonathan is personally a better character. Jonathan comes from years of abuse and neglect having to take care of his younger brother who gets atrociously bullied and abused at school and home. He is forced to drop out and work full time taking extra shifts at work in order for them to scrape by. This means he has the same or more trauma than Steve. Jonathan had to go alone to buy a coffin for his presumed dead brother and grieve for him alone while having to deal with his supposedly delirious mother and abusive father. All of this at the age of 14-15.
Due to the lack of social interaction, we know Jonathan has, he has trouble comprehending Nancy as he sees her as this rich, pampered priss. She isn't and he learns this. He and she let go of their prejudice towards each other to reach a common goal, find their loved one.
Stancys claim Jonathan neglected Nancy when she was being mistreated at work during S3. In this situation, both were in the wrong. Nancy was being a bit selfish bc she wasn't taking into consideration the fact that if Jonathan lost the job, his family would have severe economical problems since they need money desperately. Jonathan showed very little empathy towards Nancy's struggle with misogyny but Steve wasn't even present here so what support did he show? Plus it is canon Steve allowed and even encouraged his friends to slut shame Nancy. Even when Jonathan lies to Nancy about going to college, this isn't such a big issue as having a bf who allows you to be publicly humiliated. Yes, Jonathan did take photos of Nancy without her consent but she forgives him.
So in conclusion, Nancy and Steve will never be endgame because of their lack of romantic chemistry and dare I say, they don't have chemistry at all except this last season which seems pretty forced by the narrative to me!
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lesbianrobin · 1 year
what do you think of gay steve? i don't dislike the headcanon in theory, but i feel like it's usually done as a way to make steve & nancy's relationship/breakup less important (and often to make it easier to ship r0nance)
i gotta be honest i dont think i've actually ever read any fic where steve is explicitly stated to be gay and not bisexual, besides maybe my own fic nancy drew and the mystery of the magnetic closet, so idk if i'll rly have whatever answer ur looking for re: other people's intent. in magnetic closet i wrote steve as being a bit uncertain as to his identity, leaning gay, but he also explicitly tells nancy that he loves her and their relationship is still significant to him, so like. like MY motivation wasn't downplaying their relationship so at the very least that isn't Everyone's motivation.
anyway like separately from how people Use It in fic i'm into gay steve! i tend to default to bi steve for like fic and headcanons etc bc it's sorta become the fandom standard and a lot of my bi friends like bi steve and i love my bi friends 💖 but if i'm being honest i do think that you can easily interpret a lot of steve's canon behavior in favor of him being gay if you want to do so, and i think i tend to lean that way when i'm writing him even when i don't mean to. just to like preface all of this i'm gay myself and i am terrible about projecting onto steve so yknow take all of the following with a grain of salt.
so like personally i think he never rly had romantic feelings for robin and he only confessed to liking her because he thought his love for robin Had to be attraction since she's a girl yknow? and in s4 it's implied that he's had a string of casual relationships based entirely on sex and he hasn't been able to connect with any of the girls at all which is a bit 🧐🤨. the way steve flirts indiscriminately and talks about wanting a family in the future makes me think like... i think that his search for love is more about wanting a family/wanting love than specifically wanting to be with a woman. like i think in his mind bc of Eighties Heteronormativity the two things are equated, so when he Thinks that he wants to find the female love of his life he Actually just wants a family. and i fear i'm making it sound like steve is a misogynist who just wants a wife to give him kids which is not my intent. like i think steve has a lot of respect for nancy and loves her deeply regardless of whether that love is romantic in nature or not. the fact that he said he was over nancy in s3 while confessing feelings to robin, dated around a bunch, and then suddenly had feelings for her again in s4 comes off less to me like "steve never got over nancy" and more like "steve is unable to find the kind of love he wants with a woman no matter what he tries and he's returning to nancy because he thinks that he just messed up their relationship with his flaws and if they tried again he could be better and everything would be perfect." like nancy was the closest steve ever came to actually being in love with a girl and as time passes he realizes that he doesn't think he could feel that way with another woman. but the thing is that stancy was just not a great couple yknow but they had these external pressures on their relationship that allow them to look back on it and think well maybe NOW we'll be more compatible and we can be happy. like it's this subconscious belief that being in the right relationship could make Everything in his life right.
idk i think at this point i'm just rambling and i fear i'm making no sense but like i think gay steve is really interesting to think about Because his relationship with nancy was so important to him. like it's genuinely really compelling to explore their relationship through the lens of compulsory heterosexuality and consider like the sort of friendship they might have in the wake of steve realizing that he's gay. i also think it's interesting to think about in the context of his friendship with robin and like how radically different their journeys are while simultaneously being kinda the same.
ultimately though since he's like presumed straight in canon i don't think it rly matters whether people hc steve as gay or bi? like it's kinda just whatever you want.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Omegas were always told it was a major disrespect to openly ask for sex so when (name) was ready for that step in his relationship with Eddie, he did what he was taught.
Use pharamones and body language.
Like he was taught in Omega etiquette classes.
Except it didn't work.
It was like Eddie was completely unaware he was even doing anything and even asking if he wanted pizza.
At first he thought Eddie just didn't notice but his Omega side began creeping in with thoughts, was Eddie rejecting him?
Was there something wrong with him?
Oh god did he not find him attractive enough to sleep with?!
He tried a total of four times before giving up, obviously Eddie wasn't interested so stopped trying.
It was obvious something was bothering (name), the Omega hiding in his nest more and more. Nancy, Steve and robin stood outside the closet where his nest was as they listened to (name)s troubles "Does he not think I'm attractive enough?"
Now it was w e l l known that (name) was one of the prettiest people in Hawkins-- hell maybe even the state but it was also known among the group that (name) struggled with confidence issues because of the Omega classes, Nancy told them how they basically strip omegas if their self worth to make them more "desirable" to alphas.
Aka make them hate themselves so they are less picky.
Though (name) had slowly unlearned the shit he was forced to learn, things like this were still a struggle.
"Oh hunny... I think he just genuinely doesn't know Omega signals" Robin said as she slipped (name) a gummy worm through the crack of the closet "Eddie was always high during classes" though alphas didn't have the same type of classes omegas had, they were still taught basic sex Ed.
"Eddie practically eye fucks you" Steve said bluntly as he popped a gummy worm in his mouth, moving away when Nancy smacked him "what Steve means to say is that Eddie cares a lot about you and maybe try talking to him about this!"
(Name) thought about it before cracking the door open "you think?"
"We know so Hun"
(Name) was fidgeting as be stepped up to his boyfriends trailer and knocked, hearing soft swearing as Eddie opened the door and (name) felt his heart freeze as he saw Chrissy behind him on his couch with textbooks and obviously working on homework.
Logically he knew that Chrissy had a mate and wasn't out to steal his boyfriend but after the emotional rollercoaster be had just went through.
His pretty heart broke.
"I interrupted, I will go now" his voice robotic as he turned and walked away, the sight of another Omega in his boyfriends home just... It was to much for his already emotionally fragile brain to handle.
"(Name)? What's going on baby?" Eddie asked confused as he walked towards (name) who just---- he's had a very bad few days.
So he just shut down a bit, closed his eyes.
Then he dropped.
Eddie barely had time to catch him and Chrissy ran out to check the commotion and ran over "what happened?!"
"I don't know?! Fuck, keep the door open while I bring him inside!"
Eddie called Dustin, informing him his brother had a drop and the young tween happened to be with Steve who got Robin and Nancy and the four practically busted into the trailer "where is he?!" Dustin said panicked as Eddie led them to his room "what's Chrissy doing here?" Nancy asked curiously, the red head looking awkward "I was asked to help Eddie with homework and then (name) came and then he dropped!" She said low-key freaking out, not sure what was going on and the others glanced among each other before it clicked in Steve's head "oh... Oh no"
"What?" Eddie said serous, no one used to seeing this side of him but they all knew he didn't fuck around when it came to those he loved "(name) was coming to ask why you were rejecting his advances to you know get to third base, he thought you didn't want him and stuff and seeing another Omega..." Steve didn't need to finish as the room clicked "oh gosh I'm so sorry!" Chrissy said feeling guilty as hell and Steve patted her back "don't worry, it wasn't your fault" he said gently "I'm gonna go though, Eddie we can study at the library next time and when we do" she looked serious as she continued "tell your Omega you're with another Omega"
Eddie felt like a grade A dumb ass as he thought it over, the signs were so obvious!
The group kept an eye on him, (name)s breathing evening out as be snuggled into Eddie's bedding as Dustin put his sweater beside the omegas head to give him a familial scent.
It took six hours for (name) to amerge from his drop, head pounding and incredibly disoriented as he looked around and let out a whine when he didn't see anyone because of course be woke up when Eddie needed to pee.
Dustin noticed his brother sitting up and clinging to the blanket "he's up!" Dustin said as he ran towards his brother, letting him pull Dustin close and scent the tween and kiss the top of his head.
"Hey baby..." Eddie said as he stepped in and (name) fidgeted a bit "they told me what happened, baby I'm sorry I wasn't rejecting you..."
"Then why?"
"I will admit I'm not the best at noticing signs like that but I would never reject you"
(Name) slowly let his baby brother go and Dustin left not wanting to hear his brother talking about wanting to have...that.
"Of course baby, you know how many nights I think of you in so many places and God in so many positions!"
(Name) blushed and let out a small laugh "can you forgive me baby boy?"
"Yeah alpha... I forgive you"
The two smiled as (name) kissed him gently "but please learn..."
"I will learn everything baby, study it like a champaign!"
"So y'all good now?" Lukas yelled out from the hall as the couple walked out, (name) wrapped in Eddie's blanket "yeah, sorry...."
"(Name) no apologies!" Dustin said with a serious expression and (name) snorted when Mike flicked his ear on (name)s behalf.
Eventually the party left Eddie and (name) alone and the two snuggled on the couch when Eddie smelt a sweet aroma "is this a signal baby?"
The gentle hand touching was his answer.
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bylertruther · 2 years
nancy says ily to keep the peace with steve bc at that point in time she still hadn't grappled with what growing up with parents in a loveless marriage did to her and still hasn't accepted herself for who she really is and what she really wants, and
mike doesn't want to say i love you and avoids it for almost a year despite hearing it all the time from el, because he doesn't want to lie to keep the peace like his parents (specifically his mom), but he also doesn't want to discuss The Issue of why he's still in that relationship despite not feeling that way.
part two of this delves into sexuality which is where i'm gonna lose some of you, but...
it's easier for nancy to play her part and say ily, because even if she isn't in love with steve, she still likes him and feels attracted to him. it doesn't have the same emotional weight to it for her as it does him, but she can still participate convincingly.
it's not as easy for mike to play his role and say ily, because he doesn't love her like that and despite being physically there in their interactions, he's not totally Mentally there.
we see this in 4x02 where he's too busy focusing on will and his every mood and move, but not noticing when el is in clear distress despite being glued to his side. (he can tell when will breathes differently once, but doesn't think anything of el's caught in the headlights look or her stammering as she says she doesn’t want to go? were just supposed to gloss over that? lol. ok.) it also doesn't help tht we see them from will's pov where they look giggly n happy, but when we see them from angela's pov they look like they're just there, chilling.
the physical interactions they have after act one aren't super intimate or intense either, and they don't feel too different from when we saw them from angela's pov. even when lucas and max are just standing next to each other, they still feel more couply than those two (and that's with lucas and max being broken up and just friends right now, too, lmao).
to bring up previous evidence of this, i'd also like to submit all of season three. they've supposedly been making out in her room from sunrise to sunset, but el doesn't know anything about herself or what it means to be a human being with your own interests and taste. mike also doesn't seem to know much about her other than she's a brave superhero that likes eggos and shouldn't overwork herself. put that all together and you get the impression that all they did was kiss like hopper said. they never had actual conversations of any value.
every other couple and even friendship on the show can tell you qualities about the other and what they like or don't like--we've seen this time and time again, but never for these two. (S4 literally has every other couple, including by|er, express what they love abt the other person to contrast it with them. mike can't say anything he likes abt el other than her powers and how she saved the world twice [which max said btw], urging her to be their superhero once more [and using other people's words again as he does so]. you're supposed to notice the difference, how one is not like the others, and it's especially hammered home when his speech splits hawkins in four. love did not save the day for once, because this time.. it wasn't true.) even when they're alone, we see mike struggle and evade being emotionally intimate with her and el is left more confused than when they started. their season four fight is the closest they get to their first ever serious conversation post-season one, but as soon as it gets Too Serious and requires him to be honest about his emotions, mike clocks out again.
mike is there in the flesh, yes, but not there-there.
compare this to steve and nancy, where nancy's "bullshit" outburst and inability to say ily and mean it this last time take him by surprise, because everything else made him feel like it was requited. she was there in every way a person can be, and she liked him, so he doesn't understand where this is coming from and assumes he must've done something at first. this is why he goes to say sorry with roses in hand afterward until he later on sees how she acts around jonathan and realizes what her having those feelings for someone really looks like.
mike's physical distance isn't what drives el to realize her suspicions were warranted. it's the fact that he isn't there physically ("the way you looked at me...") and emotionally ("you never say it") that makes her feel wholly unloved. she can't feel his romantic affections through his writing, his words, or his body--nowhere is she receiving it and she wants him to be honest about it for once. she knows that he cares about her, but she doesn't feel any romantic love from him anymore now that they've moved out of that tween puppy love doing-nothing-but-kissing-all-day phase and into what she considers a more serious relationship.
and when mike is then later on talking around his dilemma with will, he doesn't talk about love or romance at all! he just talks about needing to be needed by her and how her relying on him makes him feel like less of a loser. bc mike needs other people and hates that, hates that he needs them but they don't need him. bc mike is scared that if she doesn't need him, then no one does, and why would they? bc mike thinks he's a loser with nothing to offer and no one to love him and it doesn't help that he's heard it from everyone, too. troy, ted, kids at school, and even lucas. el is canonically the first girl that's ever not been grossed out by him. if she exits his life, then what does that make him? it proves that everyone else was right about him. and while mike doesn't want to be popular and is a proud member of hellfire, he still wants what everyone else wants: to be normal, to be a person that's liked, to be found worthy as he is.
he describes el as superman landing on his doorstep, dumb luck, and others describe her as the first girl to ever like him as a person. she's what he perceives as his one chance at being normal, the one person in all his years that he thinks has ever liked him like that. of course he can't give her up, even if he refuses to lie to her by telling her he loves her. of course he's going to will himself to fit in this spot that is simply not made for him no matter how hard he tries.
and while there's always a chance that it couldn't swing this way, i think that his journey is going to be much like nancy's. he'll reach a point where he can no longer pretend and he's going to come clean. he's going to stop playing it safe, stop trying to make himself fit where he doesn't, and will himself to be brave enough to want what he wants and go for it.
because will is the one with shared interests, shared goals, shared history. will is the one with whom he can talk without ever having to actually talk, who can look at him and know exactly what he needs but won't ever ask for. will is the one that he trusts with his emotions, even the most mortifying ones of all. will is the one that he’s always waiting on, always wanting to hear from, always considering his equal partner against the world. he's the one that mike separates from their other friends, the one that hawkins simply isn't the same without, and who he says the past year has been weird without. will is the one he always knows exactly what to say to and who he never chokes up with. he can tell will exactly what he means to him and how important and irreplaceable he is to mike, without will ever having to beg for it. will grills him and mike immediately rises to the challenge, spilling his unfiltered truth at will's feet. will wasn't dumb luck; no, their relationship is the best thing mike's ever done.
it has always been will, for mike. mike just keeps retreating or, perhaps as is more accurate now, getting pulled "back to the safety" of el. el, who he likes, cares for, and thinks so highly of, but doesn't love like that. because he's "harder to read". because he's ultimately "afraid of what would happen if [he] accepted [himself] for who [he] really [is]". he's scared to open up like that, especially to the person he cares about the most, because what if she doesn't like the truth?what if superman looks at him and doesn't like what she sees when he's no longer pretending? who is he, what is he, if he breaks the heart of the hero that's saved them all and the world countless of times when she didn't have to? when she never asked for that? who is he to break the heart of the girl he and everyone else owes their lives to? he can't do that. of course he can't do that--not to her, not a "loser" like him of all people.
he thinks that keeping the band-aid on is an act of mercy, because he doesn't yet realize that eleven wants out. she wants to find out who she is and be seen as that girl and loved for it. he thinks this is what she wants, because will (who has no idea of the clusterfuck that is their relationship) tells him so and he believes anything will tells him, because will never lies and he trusts him more than anyone including himself. because he felt the intensity of will's love for him in that van, was reminded of it when el was on her death bed, and responded to it, but ultimately did nothing when el then didn't discuss it afterward.
when he sees that this is no longer what she wants, when he sees that his "selfishness" won't hurt her as much as he thinks it will, that's when he'll allow himself to want what he wants. because sometimes the scariest thing in the world, the most unspeakable thing in the world, isn't actually as scary or unspeakable as you once thought it was. sometimes, the truth is exactly what the people you care about the most want.
he'll get there, in time, just as his sister did. in every season he's always the last one to arrive, always late to whatever it is, but this time... he'll be on time. he'll say and do whatever it is he needs and it won't be too late. it won't tighten the metaphorical vines around will's throat. it won't split hawkins in four. this time, love, true love, will save the day. (crazy together + you said yes + i think it'll be easier if we're a team + let's start a new party, me and you)
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beawritingbooks · 2 months
Ronance (Robin and Nancy ship) headcanons?
You probably won't like this, but I do not ship Robin & Nancy. I think that they could become friends, mainly because they will have formed a trauma bond, but I don't see them ever becoming a romantic item.
I actually hc Nancy as a heterosexual/aromantic person. Like, I think she enjoys sex with men, but she often seems annoyed with her partners the second she has to commit to and engage in a long-term romantic relationship with them.
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Imo, I think that Nancy is a rocket ship, and the men she chooses to date weigh her down.
Jonathan doesn't want to rock the boat at all, because after a lifetime of struggling he wants things to be stable and predictable. Steve, who seems lonely, wants something far too traditional and crowded for Nancy's tastes.
I truly think with her intelligence and determination that, if she'd set out on her own in university, she'd take off and reach heights that Jonathan and Steve don't really want to reach.
Also, even if I saw Nancy and Robin as a potential couple, they wouldn't work out.
Here is my reasoning: you NEVER fuck your friends' exes.
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You just don't. I don't care if your friends say that they're cool with it, either. It's a conflict of interest and a betrayal.
For context, I'm going to share a piece of my lore with you.
In high school, a friend of mine got together with my ex & she and I stopped being friends after that.
Here is the thing, I was not in to my ex at all any more. He cheated on me. The second I found out, every single feeling I had for him instantly died because I realized that he wasn't the guy that I thought he was.
So, I washed my hands of him. Good riddance to bad rubbish, and all that.
Then, a few weeks later at a party, my friend publicly confessed to me that she liked my ex, and she even asked me if she could officially date him (meaning that she had already been flirting, sexting, & unofficially dating him since a little after he and I parted ways).
She knew I couldn't say "no" either in that setting, or I'd be seen as the bad guy that didn't want two single people to be happy together.
Now, here is the thing, I wasn't upset about him liking her, or even her liking him. They were both attractive people, and they could both be charming & likable when they wanted to be. So, it wasn't like I couldn't understand why they'd be in to one another.
What I was upset about was that my friendship with her meant so little to her that she'd want to be with someone that hurt me.
That's where the betrayal came in.
She pursued and prioritized a relationship with a person that hurt me so deeply, and I could never look at her the same way or trust her again after that. The reason for that is because no true friend could/would do that to someone that they cared about.
So...to sum up, due to the fact that Steve and Robin are platonic soulmates, and with my belief that soulmates wouldn't hurt one another in such a manner, that's why I can never ship romantic Ronance or even see it working out long-term.
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lovebugism · 1 year
omggggg pls tell me more about lesbian Nancy
thanks for asking anon! i will take any and every opportunity to talk about nancy being a girl kisser
i think nancy's entire story screams compulsory heterosexuality. she's got white, wealthy parents who i'm pretty sure support reagan if i remember correctly. this tells me they had conservative-leaning values that nancy likely grew up around. also hawkins is obv a pretty small town, so she's in an environment where being gay wasn't socially acceptable. this led her to suppress her sexuality and dating steve <3
i won't touch on the barb and nancy thing bc i haven't seen season one in Forever, but i do think their relationship was fulfilling in a way her relationship with steve never could be. we know this because obv she didn't love him, she just thought she had to because being with girls wasn't even in the question.
this leads us to jonathan. if u ask me, the Only reason these two are together is because of 1.) shared trauma and 2.) because she is so scared of ending up like her parents, she wanted someone who was on the exact opposite of the social spectrum. jonathan was just a poor, weird kid who knows her darkest secrets and has fought monsters with her. he was different and made her believe she could be different too
these are obv just my opinions but i think about season 2 a lot when it comes to nancy potentially being a lesbian. at the halloween party with steve, she talks about "pretending" and it all being "bullshit." then at murray's he tells her smth about "not being her true self" (or smth along those things). ofc it doesn't Have to mean she's gay but... she's gay u feel me?
i just think nancy wheeler is so obviously written by men and it's forced her into a love triangle and caged her in this heterosexual narrative. if we look outside the drama out of it all, i feel like there's no real meaning to her liking men.. if that even makes sense lol? her being gay would do so much more for her overall narrative than just choosing jonathan/steve in the end.
and obv it's entirely possible nancy is, in fact, not a lesbian. but i really do hope by the end of st5, she realizes that's she's good on her own. bc i really don't want to have to sit through 8/9 episodes of her and jonathan and steve caught in a will-they-won't-they. or worse, one of them sacrificing themselves to save her, bc this will probably be steve and if i have to lose steve he better go out swinging (literally) to save the kids he unofficially babysits.
anyway. thanks for coming to my tedtalk. nancy wheeler likes kissing girls, pass it on.
tldr; nancy wheeler is a comphet lesbian. she liked steve bc she thought she had to. she liked jonathan bc it made her feel like she could be more than a rich white girl from the suburbs. let's cross her fingers and hope she's not with a man by the end of st5, whether she's attracted to them or not <3
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cleradinel · 1 year
I'm really live and let live with hcs and theories, but i think i just really don't get the bi Mike thing. Because i keep seeing people say Mike is bi but when i actually see the posts explaining why (which is Really rare too, it's usually just treated as 'clearly obvious' which is also interesting) there's always scenes getting ignored. Things like Mike kissing El and obviously caring about her immensely get mentioned, but then the sibling and cousin coding (even right before their first kiss) just gets ignored. "Boys only" isn't worth analyzing, it's just wording (but Will saying "a day free of girls" is still obviously gay coding). Mike not kissing El back in s3 gets acknowledged but him pulling her hands off his face at the beginning of the season doesn't get mentioned. Everyone having posters of people they're attracted to (Nancy, Steve, etc) on their walls is just accepted as fact but Mike only having posters of buff guys still means he's into girls. And so on
What's even wilder is that I've seen multiple people claim they Don't think Mike was ever into El but still think he's bi which is just. ?. I don't get it. Because outside of El he hasn't shown anything you could even Pretend is attraction to girls. Canonically he's had little contact with girls because they "think he's gross", didn't care for Max when she showed up, didn't care for the dragonslayer princess or Phoebe Cates, doesn't have any female fictional characters he admires, AND didn't get Argyle falling for pretty girl Eden. El is really the only thing you could sort of try to justify any attraction to girls in any capacity (and even that's rocks in canon)
Bi Mike just confuses me because all posts arguing in favour of it always ignore certain scenes. And yeah obviously, they have to it's because you just can't explain them from the bi angle. It's just odd to me that so many people argue it's equally as canon supported as gay Mike when there's multiple instances that have to be overlooked for the theory to hold up. Not trying to sound rude, hcs are obviously cool, i just don't get why bi Mike is argued to be canon so much when the show contradicts it multiple times (coming from a bi person btw)
i'm a live and let live too ! i'm no headcanon police and i am nobody to tell you what to do or how to think. i like pointing stuff out i find interesting and if those things i'm pointing out (and many others have pointed out) leads me to believe wholeheartedly mike is gay, i'll allow myself to be passionate about that. (get heated ? sometimes i admit) (because i think it's an important thing to take into account when discussing him/elmike/byler/the narrative/where we've been and where we're going yadda yadda yadda)
i've seen bi mike posts that are more on the analysis side, but then those posts go on to say something like mike wasn't regretting telling will to dance with the girl (i don't think mike was like "no come back i am so consciously in love with you" at all, but more so "well this has me feeling In Ways i don't want to describe or think about) at the snowball, or that the ending of s3 is just solely about him being sad to see el and will go (i agree he is obviously sad about that, but literally what were those two back to back byler and elmike scenes about, considering their nature and content, if not mike getting confirmation he wants to date his dude bestie ? which i really, really think is the conclusion to his "i have an idea, boys only" moment) so again, even if we're both analyzing, we're truly not analyzing in the same way. i can't take those things as proof coming from a show that keeps hammering it over our heads that we have to think deeper and pull back the curtain. they don't want you to think of these scenes as nothing more than they appear on surface level. these are ga kinds of interpretations of these scenes. most of them saw a mike sad to be bidding his friends goodbye, you on the other hand, if you're trying to decipher what mike is thinking and what he's about, should probably be seeing something else.
everything you listed applying to both mike and will and definitely not to lucas and dustin (these two especially as way closer in age than like. steve and have way more scenes together) is something you should notice but alas- pretty girl eden was there to mock love at first though. even jonathan doesn't care for that haha i'll have to disagree on that being gay mike proof. if anything it's mike is a dirty little liar monologuing a lie proof.
i'll leave you with this : headcanons are cool, i don't care what you do with them. i hope you're having fun (i truly am) but *i* disagree it's as supported by canon as the gay hc. i, as in me myself and i, and if you disagree with me that is completely fine. you should be and feel free to do whatever you want with mike when you spin him around in your head for fun trying to understand who he is. but i will never not be confused by bi mike, as i think it is quite obvious he is gay.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months
Nancy isn't career driven. She's people driven. She got into journalism to help Barb. She's always worried about Mike and her family. She was attracted to Jonathan because he was willing to do anything to help his brother (I don't like Jancy, I like Jonathan now, but Jancy no, and I only casually ship Stoncy). It was Steve who said it: "She cares about people." She loves her brother and her friends. Maybe she is a little ambitious, but there is more to Nancy Wheeler than her career. I know I've probably said in the past that she should focus on school and her career, but I was also reminded that Nancy got into journalism because of how much she loved Barb. So, yeah, relationships are important to her, and yeah, she could have a career and family because she cares about people. I really think she would 100% adopt kids and give them loving homes because she cares. Steve’s love for Nancy is what led to him gaining a brother in Dustin and eventually a platonic soulmate in Robin. He looked out for those kids because not only could he not watch them get hurt because he cares about people too, but because Nancy cared so much about them as well. Besides, how likely is it that Emerson hears about her involvement in the cult of Hellfire and decides to reject her? And you know what, it would be a worthy sacrifice for Nancy. You know why? Because she knew it was the right thing to do to help Eddie. Maybe in the beginning, she was a little ambitious, but that changed when Fred died. In season 2, she wasn't a bad person for trying to get justice for Barb. It just had dire consequences by going after the lab, and it just tells me that you can do everything you can to help the people you love, but everything still gets fucked up. Nancy really does have bad luck, but then again, so does Steve. Nancy gets beaten up emotionally, and Steve gets beaten up physically. Maybe if they get back together, it will turn negative luck into positive luck. That's just wishful thinking. Anyway, Nancy got into journalism because she wanted to help people. She's driven by the need to help, not by her career, and Nancy knows what she wants more than anyone. I mean, sure, is Nancy going to be disappointed that Emerson rejects her? Sure, but she knows what's more important. She's facing an apocalypse, who has time for school? She would put the people in her life above career, but that it doesn't mean it's not still important to her. She just has her priorities.
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iamaslutforcoffee · 1 year
Always watching
Thank you to @raecortes for this new idea for a one shot! This story i have in mind is way too good for a one shot, so it's going to be a 2 parter ♡
TW: STALKING, Mentions of past abuse, mentions of abuse from parent(s). (All that i can think of. Will add more TW's if I see any)
Please if any of the mentioned is triggering pass on reading this one! Your mental health means more than a quick read.
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It started off innocent... cute, even.
It was at first him just watching her when he first moved into town. All eyes were on him, while his were on her. He figured what wasn't to like about her? She was beautiful, she was a sweet girl. Super nice to EVERYONE.. she is the type he would have loved to bring home to his mom to meet.
Then it moved on to him finally getting the courage to talk to her and that resulted in him walking her to and from class, driving her home..
When they started dating Billy got extremely protective. If anyone so much as walked past her without using their manners and excusing themselves, Billy was there and in their face.
His stalking tendencies got worse also, from the little small moments of checking in to now watching her every move and Rae didn't even know .
After awhile, though.. he started to get sloppy in his actions. He got way to comfortable and she was starting to notice that someone was watching her but she couldn't figure out who for the life of her.
"I don't know Nancy... I swear to god someone or something is legit watching me at all times. It's extremely unnerving! " Rae exclaimed, facing the small group of friends including Nancy, Steve, Johnathan, the newest to the group Robin and Sasha, Rae's cousin.
"Well, Rae you are an extremely attractive girl so you're going to be oogled" Sasha replied in place of Nancy.
"No, this is more than that. I have things starting to go missing.. little trinkets, personal items like my hair ties.. brushes.. panties. It's the oddest thing" Rae continued, smoothing out her dress.
Robin snorted, causing Sasha and Johnathan to start giggling and Robin joined. The three earned a lovely look of death from both Nancy and Steve.
"What? What's so funny?" Rae asked, looking at them.
"Well you have an extremely over protective boyfriend..it'd be extremely hard if not impossible to get anywhere near you let alone your underwear without Billy blowing up on them" Robin replied, wiping a now formed tear from her eye.
"Ok? And? It doesn't mean it can't be done!" She complained.
"Yeah but it doesn't mean that it can be either.." Johnathan mumbled, which to his disadvantage Rae side eyed him.
"It just.. it really freaks me out ok? Jason Carver used to do weird shit like that and im still pretty traumatized from it. You guys know that.." she spoke, going kind of silent after the mention of her ex, Jason.
Before Billy, there was Jason Carver. He's the captain of the Hawkins High basketball team, and also Rae's ex.
At first..Jason was amazing. He treated her like a queen.. but then he started getting angry, and angry at Rae for things she never had anything to do with and he'd take his anger out on her. It started when they lost a game and Rae tried cheering him up. He wasn't having any of it and started going off on her saying that she wasn't helping and she never tried to help him in a way that was truly beneficial to his team.
Then it got violent.. but Rae didn't like talking about that for obvious reasons.
"Billy isn't Jason, though...." Steve started.
"Obviously I'm not, shit bird." She heard from behind her. Instantly the hair raised on the back of her neck but in a good way. Despite his upfront personality and real charming way to piss people off, he made her feel safe.
"Ah, Billy. Didn't realize your hostile tendencies were because you think i resemble your kid sister" Steve replied, not amused with the situation at all.
Wheww. Here's part one... who's ready for two?!
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So again, the lovely person that is Corgi (didn't want to bother them with the @ it's in the last one) has commented on the last post. They have again, come up with an amazing plot line for the
Murray adopting Robin AU
"the Steve and Robin fight to make it more angsty have it closer to season 4 and have the fight to be about Nancy, Robin starts crushing a little on Nancy after season 3 and since she's a part of the party she's hung out with Nancy (their first hang out was an accident but they grew to like each other's company), Steve starts to talk to Robin about how he still likes Nancy and starts to distance himself a little from Robin after finding out Nancy thinks they're dating Robin gets hurt by this and confronts Steve which ends poorly with the two of them screaming at each other which causes Robin to get overwhelmed so she leaves, then she gets into a fight with her mother leaving her without a house to live in and she lost her best friend too, so she goes to Murray"
So last time I wrote a short story of how they met in a normal situation/bonded (Murray and Robin) and then I also thought about Robin having a fight with Steve so she can't go to him after being kicked out (which yes, love angst)
So then Corgi suggest the fight would be about Nancy (which fits perfectly) because Steve was avoiding Robin to show Nancy that they aren't dating.
Right now I want to write how Nancy and Robin accidentally hung out (or smth)
Pov Nancy
Nancy and Jonathan broke up (it was mutual but still hurt) she's has not yet cried about it 'the calm before the storm' dare she say. She was watching a movie with Steve, Robin and the kids 'no Jonathan, guess he's avoiding me...is it bad that I'm happy he's not here rn?' she thinks and feels guilty. She silently watched the movie and tried to distracted herself, stupidly enough there is a scene about a couple (who are breaking up or just acting the way Jancy acted idk) which hit too close to home for Nancy and she doesn't know what happened, but something snapped inside her and she jumps up from the spot she was sitting in.
She had been sitting on the couch with Steve and Robin, who are cuddling... They never mentioned if they were dating, but she never dared to ask. She was too scared of the answer and now terrified since her break up. She think it's because she has feelings for Steve [but well she doesn't know that she kinda was attracted to Robin, which Murray helps her with...idk when tho] but she wouldn't be a home wrecker. Even though she hated Robin, or well hate is a strong word, more like Robin irritates her and makes her feel weird and she doesn't like it.
Pov Robin
They were watching a Horror movie, which means Steve was cuddling her for comfort (she would be lying if she said it didn't give her comfort too but she isn't as scared as him) rn now to there was a chill scene about a couple. Robin saw movements in the corner of her eye (she is surprised that she noticed, she actually like the movie this time, but also she kinda knew why she noticed) and saw Nancy who stared at the screen just a bit before storming upstairs.
The kids didn't notice, too focused on the movie, Steve however saw it too (and she starts to feel guilty), He did say he wasn't in love with Nancy anymore but the looks he gave her when Jonathan was around...she doesn't want to think about it. She looks at Steve as he wanted to get up and follow Nancy, but she stopped him..she doesn't know why (she does) but she couldn't let him and Nancy he alone. "I can go after her" she said quietly so she doesn't disturb the kids. Steve looks unsure at first but then let's her go. She left with a "if you're scared you can cuddle with Dustin" and smirked while seeing him get embarrassed and annoyed.
Robin went upstairs and went to the kitchen first 'maybe she just wanted to get snacks' and she saw that it were only the adults chatting their. She greeted them with a genuine smile. She liked them. Karen and Joyce are the best and so nice (like a 180 of her own mom). Murray wasn't in the kitchen rn, but he was here. Robin also really liked him, they had a lot in common.
She left the kitchen after not finding Nancy, saying that she had to go to the bathroom. (which know that she thinks about it, wasn't a lie) While walking to the bathroom, she went past Nancy's door and she swore she heard a sob 'shit..' she panicked a little. You see, Robin wasn't the best at comforting People, well people she wasn't close to, so she isn't sure if she should just leave or try and talk to Nancy.
She decided to knock on the door and asked "Uh-..E-everything okay in there?" 'why the fuck did I have to stutter' "Go away" she heard Nancy say "Are you sure? I mean, of course I can just go because I'm actually not really good at comforting people, well at least people I'm not close to, so I am good at comforting Steve, but I can totally just leave, I mean I don't even know why I tried, we don't know each other that well, but you seemed upset when you left and I just decided to follow you and see if you maybe just decided to get snacks, which you didn't, and then I realized I need to go to the bathroom, so that's when- "
She got cut off by the door opening and an annoyed Nancy, with red puffy eyes, looking at her.
[Idk what to write after that]
But basically Nancy at first said she didn't like her but Robin still somehow got to stay in her room (she was trying not to annoy her even more after the rambling but she really wanted to look at all the things she had, like in S4)
So Robin somehow made her feel better (she did say that her and Jonathan broke up, which definitely didn't almost make Robin smile) and then Nancy realizes Robin isn't as bad as she thought she'd be, so they had a sleepover and shared a bed (with Robin trying to offer to sleep on the floor).
After that they didn't really hang out alone, but they got closer.
(now how Steve found out that Nancy thought they were dating)
One time Nancy and Steve were standing next to each other watching the others play something outside (Robin was also there, playing) and Nancy made a comments along the lines of "I'm happy you found someone like her" (indicating that she thought they were dating) because she saw how fondly he was looking at Robin playing with the kids (basically his kids) [But she will steal Max.. And maybe will.. Also Lucas and Erica]
And then Nancy left him standing there alone before he could say that they aren't dating. And he started to get kinda frustrated and a bit panicked (or smth) that Nancy thinks they're dating, which isn't his normal reaction when someone thinks they're dating (normally he'd be kinda annoyed but also laugh about it) [or idk, but he doesn't react as panicked]. He thought he was over Nancy, but why would he be panicked about Nancy thinking they are dating.
So ye, the same time he finds out Nancy thought they are dating, was also the same time he realizes he still likes her.
So um Nancy does feel jealous over their relationship (actually friendship), but not because of Steve (which she thinks),but because of Robin (obviously)
Since Steve was distancing himself from Robin to show that they aren't dating (Robin has no idea why, and also doesn't know that Nancy think they are dating).
Nancy also kinda noticed and thought they had a fight and tried to help Steve, who she's closer to (even tho it's kinda awkward) to talk to Robin so they can fix there relationship.
Steve tried to tell her they weren't dating, but she thought he just says it because of the fight. Also Steve doesn't know about the Jancy break up, so he doesn't flirt that much.
Also it hurts Nancy trying to get them back together (she thinks it's because she wants Steve but still nope)
Um..idk what else to say or how Steve avoiding Robin while affect the others, but well Robin definitely distances herself from the party because she's hurt about the Steve situation. He does act normal when they are alone, but even it it's just on of the kids now, he acts different.
So I didn't write a fighting scene. Firstly, I am too tired and secondly, I'm too lazy. (Maybe next time)
So rn the only thing missing is when all this happens, I mean yes, the fight closer to S4
So since the Byers moving was in 3 months after the Starcourt thing
Let's say 1 month or so they all kinda just tried to come to terms with things and Steve and Robin bonding with Robin staying at Steve's a lot, mostly because of nightmares but also because of her mother but she hasn't yet told Steve about her mom (Idk yet how bad she should be but definitely Homophobic and also telling her she's weird and has flaws like she mentioned in the library) so that is like in that 1 month time line.
In the 2nd month Joyce announced that they will be moving in the next month (the 3rd month of the 3) so that's when they started making the movie nights together and all that happend.
they have like 3 movie nights in a week
And in the second week is when Murray and her bond.
And in the third week is when Jancy breaks up (not on a movie night but the day before maybe) and Ronance bonding.
Now is where I am not sure when the timing should be. The 'Steve finding out Nancy thinks they're dating' thing. After the Byers moving? (probably?) but also Nancy still hasn't told anyone about the break up so he still doesn't know. Jonathan and Nancy did mend their friendship and kinda act like Steve and Robin (jancy as Besties). So they do call each other a lot. That's why most people think they are still dating.
But I think the avoiding think should be 2 weeks or smth (like the first week it's just when Nancy is around, but Robin didn't really think anything of it (weird, because she overthinks everything) but the second week it's more obvious and even around just the kids and also the same week is when Robin distances herself from the party, which means she has to spend more time in her own house with her mom. And it is as unpleasant as it sounds.
So the fight would be closer to season 4... so I'd say January, it's cold and a good time to get kicked out 👍 so the avoiding think happens like 2-3 weeks before the fight (idk) so Steve trying to get back with Nancy is like 3 weeks or smth before that. But idk. It's just and idea rn.
hope that kinda made sense, also idk how fare apart those situations are, and idk if some things can be handled differently, but I hope you liked it. Also again thanks to Corgi (would it be ok if I @ you in these things?, just wanna make sure so not to bother you) we are basically co-operating (or idk) this AU.
Lots of love ✨❤️🙌
And I'd love to hear suggestions ✨
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