#donk patrick
mel0nsit0 · 18 days
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homo hommies dummies
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terabyteturtle · 9 months
Fighter #02 - Donkey Kong
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- Donkey Kong loves watching Spongebob. His favorite character is Patrick and he quotes "wumbo" all the time. It's the only word he can say in English, and it isn't even a real word.
- He can and will make bongos out of anything. Once, Roy joked that Corrin and Robin's heads were so hollow, they could make for good drums. For some odd reason, Donkey Kong decided to test that theory. Thankfully, no one got injured (at least, not seriously). 
- He believes bananas are best when they're freshly grown, so Olimar helped him grow banana trees in the garden. But since DK doesn't know the first thing about gardening, Olimar had to do most of the work.
- DK enjoys spinning around in circles when he gets bored. It's something simple that keeps him entertained for a long time. He doesn't get dizzy easily, so he can keep at it for hours. He has to be careful when he's in an enclosed space, though, since he has a tendency to knock things over.
- He has a pet rock with googly eyes named Dwayne.
- For the longest time, he thought nine plus ten was actually twenty-one. Nobody knows where he got that from.
- The fighters must always regulate his sugar intake, especially at parties. If DK gets a sugar high, it's a nightmare to deal with. One time, he had too much cake at Jigglypuff's birthday party and he nearly destroyed everything from running, bouncing, and swinging all over the place. 
- He's a really nice guy and will totally share his bananas with anyone who asks, but touching his stash without permission is the easiest way to get launched through a window.
- Although they used to have an intense rivalry, Donkey Kong and Mario are now best buds. However, they still have their fair share of competition from time to time. They're very competitive and usually take their contests to extreme levels. Adding Sonic and Captain Falcon to the mix only makes this worse.
- After all this time, DK still finds that he loses his patience with Mario quicker than he would with anyone else. He tries his best to keep a level head if he does something that annoys him, but there are still times where the plumber just gets on his nerves. Considering they put the past behind them, he doesn't understand why. Something about that mustache just ticks him off, I guess.
- He is extremely loyal to his friends. If King K. Rool tries to mess with anyone, you can bet your bananas that Donkey Kong will be there to knock him upside the head. He knows everyone in the mansion can take care of themselves, but he still wants to stick up for his friends, even if it means cheering them on from the sidelines as they beat the Kremling King to a pulp (I specify King K. Rool, but this goes for anyone who dares to pick on his closest pals).
- Sometimes, he and Diddy Kong will sneak into the kitchen at night to sneak bananas back to their rooms. Unfortunately for them, Donkey Kong grunts and stomps super loud without even realizing it. Diddy tries so hard to keep him quiet during their midnight snack runs, but more often than not, they wake everybody up.
- He keeps his banana stash in a safe because he's constantly worried someone might steal them.
- DK is clumsy as hell. He knows how to carry his massive body during battle, but when it comes to everyday life, forget it.
- He really wants to learn how to do the Conga. All of the fighters are surprised he doesn't know it already.
- Sometimes, Mario lets him borrow the Odyssey so he can travel to New Donk City with Diddy Kong. The two always visit City Hall several times whenever they go. DK says he just likes admiring the architecture, but Diddy knows the truth.
- He's somehow drowning in bananas by the time he returns. Everyone's surprised he isn't drowning in debt by now.
- He's tried and failed to get all of the Links to play the bongos.
- DK taught half the roster how to tie a tie.
- Remember when I said he loved Spongebob? His favorite episode is the one where Spongebob breaks his butt and refuses to go outside. He loves the whole thing, but his favorite part is when the gorilla appears and beats everyone up.
- He hums the DK rap on a daily basis. It's one of his favorite songs (for obvious reasons).
- Despite not being the best at it, he actually really enjoys baking things! He and Lucina once made a blueberry pie, and it actually turned out decent. Initially, Donkey Kong wanted to make a banana cream pie, but Lucina refused (he still thinks it would've turned out better if they'd just went along with his idea).
- Donkey Kong likes running through the forest with Duck Hunt, Diddy Kong, and Ivysaur. Sometimes, Pikachu tags along too.
- Every Christmas, he dresses up as Santa Claus. The kids know that it's just Donkey Kong behind the beard, but they play along just to make him happy.
- In the summer, he loves making campfires and roasting marshmallows. Although, he personally prefers to roast bananas.
- He hates math with a burning passion.
- Donkey Kong loves piggyback rides. He will give one to any fighter, at any time. Does a friend need to head somewhere quick? All they have to do is hop on his back and he'll happily take them there.
- His devious smile kinda scares Lucas.
- It's rare, but he's accidentally punched holes in the wall during fits of rage.
- When he's bored, sometimes he'll take a banana, pretend it's a gun, and run around "shooting" people with it. One time, he accidentally squeezed too hard and the fruit shot directly into Peach's face. Mario was kinda mad at him for that one.
- Kirby once had him try grape jelly and it was the worst thing he'd ever tasted.
- He'll solo anyone without fear during wrestling matches in the Boxing Ring (again, why wrestling matches are occurring in a boxing ring, I have no idea).
- He loves it when there's a crowd watching his battles; he practically feeds off of the attention.
- His favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is the Jungle Level theme from Brawl. He thinks it's the coolest version of the jungle theme, a song he holds dear to his heart.
Note: Another fighter down! This one's a little shorter than Mario's, but I hope you enjoyed it! Up next, we have the courageous protector of Hyrule!
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adoracora-elizabeth · 2 months
But Papa! Why? Chapter 47
'Dearest, it is so incredibly beautiful here. I wish you were here, unfortunately, I am here with John and not you. But John suggested to spend another night here. He says it is for the beautiful nature, but yesterday we were at our client's house and a beautiful young woman was working there. I saw how he was looking at her and I am sure he wants to stay to get to know her. I will call you later this morning, but we have booked another night. I will be home tomorrow around midday. Love you, lots of kisses your Donk.'
Cora read the message twice, she was not sure if she was relieved or disappointed. It was only seven in the morning and Robert had suspected her to be asleep still. But she could not sleep, every time she closed her eyes she smelled him. She felt his hand going inwards and pressing into her intimate spot, she heard his voice. Robert was still oblivious to what had happened, and Cora agreed with Patrick that they should not tell him. She would wait for him to come home, but now he was staying another night away from her.
It was very tempting to dial Robert’s number, she needed to hear his voice. At least his voice would help her calm down, she knew. She also knew he would hear in her voice that something was wrong. She put the phone back on the nightstand and turned on her other side. She stretched and pulled Robert's pillow close. She pressed her face in it and sniffed Robert's scent. Rosamund had offered to stay with her, but Cora sent her away. Rosamund had enough on her mind, and she needed her rest. Baxter and Molesley had also finally left for their own weekend away.
With a deep sigh Cora turned back on her other side, she was not going to get more sleep she figured. Wrapping her robe around her, she walked towards the kitchen. She was going to make a light breakfast, so she could go for a long swim. Maybe it would help if she made herself tired and swimming normally helped calming her mind down.
Cora walked back up to her appartement, it was a luxury to have a swimming pool inside the building. It made it a lot easier to go for a swim and she should make it a daily activity. Maybe she could get Robert to go for a swim too. They should add a pool somewhere on the grounds of Downton, she would discuss that with Robert as soon as he was back home. Still in her thoughts, she almost bumped into Rosamund.
"Where have you been?" Rosamund snapped.
Cora stepped back, there was anger in Rosamund's voice that she had not heard before.
"You were gone without a notice, why did you leave your phone? Robert has been calling you and then he called me. Do you want him to be worried and going crazy?"
"Ros, what do you mean? I was just down for a swim; I needed the distraction."
"You knew Robert would call you. I now lied to him that you were busy and would call him soon, but you know how he is. Please give him a call now."
Cora was not sure why Rosamund was behaving this way. She figured it was her hurt over losing Marmaduke that she now projected on her. "I will give him a call. I am sorry."
Rosamund huffed and handed Cora her phone.
The phone only rang once, as if Robert was looking at the phone, waiting for Cora to call. "Cora?"
"Yes darling, it is me. I went down for a swim and left my phone in the apartment. Are you having fun?"
"I was, but when you did not answer your phone, I got worried."
"Is that why Rosamund is at my place?" Cora asked looking sideways to Rosamund, who was pacing in front of the sliding doors to the balcony.
"You always answer your phone and when you did not, I got worried. You did not reply to my text message either. I asked Rosamund to go and check on you."
Cora swallowed; she had indeed forgotten to answer him.
"Are you angry, that I am staying another night?" Robert asked.
"Oh sweetheart, why would I be angry about that? You and John are having fun and you do not need my permission to stay another night." Cora tried to keep her voice steady. The moment she heard his voice, what she feared happened, she almost started crying.
"John met somebody and he wants to get to know her a bit better. She is called Anna; she works as a lady’s maid."
"A lady’s maid?" Cora said surprised. "Is that still a thing?"
Robert chuckled. "It does sound like something from the 1920s. A lady’s maid is more of a personal assistant these days." Robert paused. "Cora?" Another pause. "You would tell me if you wanted me to come home, would you not?"
"I always want you home, but I love that you are enjoying yourself there and I sincerely wish John and Anna will get to know each other better."
"When, you are sure?" Robert sounded insecure.
"I am sure, I will see you tomorrow evening."
"You and Rosamund could go do something fun together? It will cheer you up."
Cora swallowed again; Robert was not as clueless as she had hoped. He picked up that something happened to her. "Darling, go and enjoy your extra time there."
"You would tell me if something was wrong, and you needed me to come home?"
"You have already asked that. I love you, Robert, with all that I am. Do not worry about me, alright." She waited for Robert to hang up the phone.
Rosamund turned towards her. "Do you like it when my brother is worried?"
"Rosamund, what do you mean?" Cora sat down on the sofa and looked at Rosamund with raised eyebrows, while Rosamund kept pacing in front of the sliding doors. "Can you please sit down?"
Rosamund shook her head. "No, I cannot."
Cora heard the crack in her voice. She was not sure what to do, Rosamund was upset, and it was not just because of her. After a couple of minutes of silence, she stepped towards Rosamund.
"You miss him, do you not?"
With big red eyes Rosamund look at Cora.
Cora pulled her close without any words and gave Rosamund the comfort she needed.
"It still feels like he can come back any time now. After your incident yesterday, I drove home preparing to tell him what happened. But when I opened the door, the realisation hit me, that he will never be there to listen to me anymore. He will never be able to comfort me, he will never laugh with me again. He will never pull me close in the middle of the night, just because he wanted to cuddle. Oh Cora." with a sob Rosamund looked at her. "I miss him, and I do not know how to go on with life without him."
Not sure what to answer, Cora just kept silent and brushed with her hand over Rosamund back.
"And here you are in love with my brother and not even realising how blessed you are that the man you love is alive."
Cora pulled her hand back. "I do realise that I am lucky with Robert in my life."
"Do you? Do you really?"
"Yes, I do. I honestly do. Rosamund? Why do you think I do not?"
"Why did you not text him back this morning? Why did you make him worry about you? While my father and I tried to protect him and not give any indication something was wrong?"
"I do not know, I forgot. I did not sleep last night and was not really in the right state to think logically. I just forgot to answer him, how could I know that Robert would worry just because I was not answering my phone?"
"If you had any real interest in my brother, you would have known that he quickly worries about his loved ones."
"Now wait a minute." Cora was getting angry; she did not deserve this treatment of Rosamund. Yes, Rosamund was hurt by the loss of Marmaduke, but it was not fair what she said to her. "I am getting to know Robert better each day. But he is not very open about his emotions, and I did not know he worried about his loved ones, like he does. Your family is not really a family where I would expect that from."
"What does that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing bad, only that what I have witnessed until now is not always full of love towards each other. Yes, Robert is the first one to protect you against anything that would hurt you. But your mother is not the example of a loving mother, is she?"
"And yours is?" Rosamund huffed. "Your mother who had send you here to marry just for a title. That is the example of a loving mother?"
"Rosamund." Cora sighed. "I never said my mother was a good example, but why are we fighting about this. I made a judgment error, by not texting Robert. I am sorry. Please can we not fight. I am sorry. You should not have been pulled into this. You have other things on your mind and do not need to worry about the relationship between your brother and me. I care for your brother very, very much and I would never deliberately hurt him. I am sorry if you got that idea, I did not mean to do that. I am grateful that I am a part of your family, like every family there are ups and downs. Your father has welcomed me with open arms from the beginning and I am very grateful for the friendship you gave me from the moment we met."
"Are you going to tell Robert about Mr. Bricker?"
Cora shrugged her shoulders. "I have to, he will be mad when I keep it from him."
"He will be mad at all of us, that we did not tell him immediately. But I think you are right; he needs to know."
"Mr. Bricker did not really do me harm. It was only touching; it will be early enough to tell him as soon as he comes back home."
"It was more than just touching. If Miss Baxter had not warned us, Mr Bricker would have gone much further."
Cora was a bit surprised by the change of tone in Rosamund's voice. "But he did not, thanks to Miss Baxter, Mr. Molesley and your father."
"We need to make a report about this."
"I rather just let it rest. I cannot imagine he will try something else again."
Rosamund finally sat down; Cora followed. "You never know, a desperate man can make weird jumps."
Cora felt a shiver run down her spine; she did not want to think about what else he could come up with. "Can we let it rest for now?" Cora leaned forward and took Rosamund's hands in hers. "Can I please say again that I am sorry for this morning. You do know that I am always here if you want to talk, about anything."
Rosamund nodded and said a very soft. "Thank you"
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phymateus · 5 months
There somtimes are lines in songs that strangely speak to me
Some of them are:
- she tied you to a kitchen chair; she broke your throne and she cut your hair, and from your lips she drew the halleluja (Halleluja, Leonard Cohen)
-when your pride is on the floor, i'll make you beg for more (Stay, Ghost feat Patrick Wilson)
-maybe my soulmate died, I dont know, maybe I dont have a soul ( Maybe my Soulmate died, iamnotshane)
- slowly learninhg that life is okay, say it after me, it is no better to be safe than sorry (Take on me, a-ha)
- I see a red door and I want it painted black, no colours any more I want them to turn black (Paint It,Black, Rolling Stones)
There are more, I swear, but those are the only ones I can remember right now.
I donk know why it is that way, but I love these lines. Pleade someone tell me, I am not the only one loving a song just because of a certain part.
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regioonlineofficial · 7 months
Maandag 13 november reikte Commissaris van de Koning Jaap Smit drie bijzondere waarderingen uit. Behulpzame jongeren ontvingen deze waardering voor hun heldhaftige optreden bij een ongeval in Arkel. Zij werden in het zonnetje gezet en bedankt voor hun kordate en moedige actie. Kjeld Hoogeveen, Patrick Evertse en Fleur Donk ontvingen een bronzen draagmedaille met bijbehorend loffelijk getuigschrift van de Stichting Carnegie Heldenfonds. Deze bekroning werd aan hen toegekend nadat zij begin dit jaar direct te hulp schoten toen een man onwel werd en naast het perron op het spoor terecht kwam. Met elkaar haalden zij net op tijd de man van het spoor en brachten hem in veiligheid terwijl de trein naderde. Judith Bogaard-Monster was ook betrokken bij de heldendaad, maar kon bij de uitreiking niet aanwezig zijn. Veel waardering voor redders Burgemeester Segers sprak zijn waardering voor het viertal uit: ”Ik ben blij dat deze redders direct actie ondernamen toen ze zagen dat hun hulp nodig was. Deze alerte jongeren verdienen terecht een onderscheiding.“
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I think Super Animal Royale should have a fandom specifically so I have someone to talk about them with.
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nimblermortal · 3 years
It’s only partially true
For a long time now, the beetles have been absolutely ravaging the forests in Canada and out West. So there’s been a ton of trees coming down from that. In addition, a lot of people were subsidized in the 80s to plant pine forests, especially in the South, to make a profit and produce lumber domestically. So there was a glut of wood, and there still is, there’s no shortage of trees. In fact, the people selling trees are not getting paid any more now than they were in 2019, etc.
But the sawmills were shut down for a while, so there was a delay in production that shot the prices up, and Kidbro suspects they have a vested interest in keeping those up since their costs are the same.
So the price of Baltic birch plywood, a common thing in cabinetry, is becoming ~equal to the price of domestic plywood, because Europe is not having the same stall for some reason. So you can get much nicer wood for the same or slightly more.
And it’s ridiculous! Kidbro got CDX for $18 a sheet a year or two ago, now it’s $48 a sheet. So the shittiest construction-grade materials are as expensive as decent plywood coming out of Europe. Moral of the story.
And it’s not necessarily going to correct itself, because people are still buying all the wood even though it’s ridiculously expensive, because you’ve still got a line of Schmoes who are rich driving up the demand, and until the demand drops the supply is not going to catch back up.
“You should have just recorded my whole speech!” “I don’t have software for that.” “Yeah you do! It comes loaded on the computer!”
That’s all we talk about here in the US, is the price of wood. It’s pretty fun.
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yoneda-emma · 4 years
Hey does anybody know what happened to the pizza_suplex archive channel? I miss donk souls :(
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bubblewrapjunkie · 5 years
pat is on streaming hiatus and i suffer from withdrawal, part 1/?
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hocky-polayor · 4 years
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my friend after she found out i've watched approximately 18 hours of pat gill playing dark souls as his donkey kong oc and do not intend to slow down
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cinnamon-shakes · 5 years
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Yeah that’s Magnum Kong Jr. vaping in an office environment, but don’t worry he asked permission first
This is a sneak preview for my piece for Unraveled’s one year anniversary. If you liked it please be sure to check out the other artists and follow @1yearofbdglosinghismind to see the final zine on Sept. 25!
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So.... Donk Souls?
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alexeclark · 5 years
Making Mignola studies out of Donk Souls character Magnum Kong from the pizza_suplex twitch stream
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fandom · 3 years
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2020′s Top Athletes
There were winners, there were losers, and there were those who just waited to play the game.
Christen Press
Tobin Heath
Lando Norris +19
Ashlyn Harris +1
Ali Krieger -1
Mat Barzal +8
Daniel Ricciardo +8
Trent Alexander-Arnold
Tyler Seguin -6
Matthew Tkachuk +27
Nolan Patrick
Charles Leclerc +13
Max Verstappen +28
Sebastian Vettel +9
Emily Sonnett +1
Vince Dunn
Auston Matthews -10
Kelley O'Hara -12
Kobe Bryant
Megan Rapinoe -10
Lewis Hamilton
Eric Dier -10
Julian Brandt -3
Sidney Crosby -6
Leah Williamson
Carter Hart -7
Yuzuru Hanyu -14
Travis Konecny +12
Jadon Sancho
Ben Chilwell
Sue Bird
Jamie Benn -15
Brock Boeser +11
Alex Morgan -25
Daniëlle van de Donk -5
Vivianne Miedema -9
George Russell
Pernille Harder
Tyson Jost
Lindsey Horan +10
Quinn Hughes
Alexander Albon
Frederik Andersen -9
Mitch Marner -15
Elias Pettersson
Jamie Oleksiak
André Burakovsky -14
Colton Parayko -10
Morgan Rielly -28
Magdalena Eriksson
The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded names weren’t on the list last year.
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ybcpatrick · 4 years
"Hey, Pete, can you give me a hand with the-" Pete's head snaps up. Patrick also looks up, the realisation hitting him before his eyes are drawn wide and filled with dread. "No- Pete-" But it's too late. Patrick should never have said that. He only has enough time to attempt to scramble away as he sees Pete's gleeful grin. But he's never been very agile. He trips, he tumbles, he lies helplessly on the sofa as that old plastic hand donks him on the head after Pete tosses it from across the room
(and to anyone wondering ((which i doubt anyone is but shhhh)) the hand gag from the post SRAR music videos is 1000% intact because Trauma Makes For Great Jokes and the band think it is HILARIOUS)
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teathattast · 5 years
damn ok patrick got a donk
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