#dont really like the coloring on this set btw lmao
kingleedo · 23 days
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ONEUS 'Now (Original by Fin.K.L)' PROFILE CLIP || XION
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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wizard looking for a way home (aka wizard of dark space)
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fereldanwench · 1 year
i forgot what a pain in the ass modding dragon age inquisition is dfjgjdfkghdfg
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onesaltybagel · 23 days
Chapter 18 is done and is at almost 11k! Which shocks me yet again because I thought it was going to be a really small chapter lmao. I don't know how I keep doing that but I'm sorry greatful for whatever god is blessing me because I really don't want to write small chapters!
Anyways, I want to place an idea out here about season 5 that I haven't seen anyone talk about yet? I dunno I'm probably just dumb and its obvious but spoilers I guess!
Ok so I know every keeps saying OH MY GOD ITS SQUIDGAME which is so funny and that's probably everyone figuring what I'm going to say which is I'm guess everyone gets trapped in the Pagoda (he is pagoda man, its in his wiki which is very sad btw like maybe dont destroy your sons grave??? He died to save you in the first place????) but I do think they'll be doing some trails in there which, oh god I'm so excited for.
If its a prison, I wonder if there's a kinda redemption thing going on in there. Their in jumpsuits, trapped in a prison forced to do trails to prove their like worthy or something? Though u doubt Li Jing is going to let them out willingly. But the potential for fics makes me rub my hands evilly.
Also one thing I keep remembering is in the lego set which is the actual pagoda it talks about whats inside. “Avoid the traps” “the 100 eyed demon is always watching” “visit Li Jing in the throne room then head up the tower and retrieve the last color stone” (is the throne room IN the pagoda or do they just have to get to the top to get out and if they fail they fall back to the bottom?)
But the thing im most interesting in is in the middle of the description it just says “Hi nüwa!” JUST THAT JSHSJSH which is very funny to me but putting that aside why is Nüwa in the pagoda?
If its a prison to trap demon and monsters, what did Nüwa do to get put in there?
And does it involve her creation of Mk?????
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micamone · 3 days
the thing about liking an almost 30 year old show is I'm not sure as much about what went on behind the scenes. and a significant part of that is how awesome it was that the fans were just more separate from creators then, like there was no social media and junk for us to to badger them on about things. but the from their side there wasnt a place they could just dump shit on us for fun. things were told through dvd commentaries and magazines published back then or panels and stuff at conventions or even TV specials and those are all very... ephemeral. like I'm sure its all recorded somewhere but it takes a little more digging and hoping fan websites have the info. and thats doable I'm not asking anyone to help me with that btw i just havent done it yet cause i wanna get thru the show first or I'll have one billion spoilers from not being able to stop reading.
but i think the biggest thing for me rn on stargate is, again i watched atlantis first. and that started in and branched off of like season 8 of sg1. so i know a lot about The Ancients, since they were a big player in SGA, and every time something tangenally related to them comes up in SG1 i get super excited and wave my arms and jump up and down for Daniels attention cause i want him to discover Atlantis so bad. im so excited for him and oh god he has his earpods in he cant hear me-
anyways. connecting these two points..... i have to wonder watching things progress how much they planned ahead. how much did they set up like "... yeah we'll decide to make something of that later" and how much of it was "oh dude the fans are gonna FLIP when we make this reveal in two seasons" you know????? i can listen to stuff about gravity falls when hirch and co talk about how they had no idea where they were going. they were like "well he has a twin somewhere. for some reason. and hes..... well hes there." and they literally came up with the everything on the fly. and then even in Gargoyles, which is old like stargate too, i read apparently the writers called each other once like "WAIT HEY THIS CHARACTER FROM THE VERY BEGINNING FIRST EPISODE? HOLY SHIT WHAT IF HE WAS THIS GUY-" sort of twist like.... way into the show lol
was that what was going on with The Ancients? and their whole..... ascended business? Orlin in this episode was very interesting cause i definitely recognized Oma D from a while back as an ancient, so i was glad Sam compared Orlin to her, but this was the first time theyre REALLY like "yup, that monk and myths of the jaffa werent just talk. this ascension biz is for real and a bigger deal than you thought" BUT! they still havent really connected it to the ancients. at all. i dont think daniel even said the writing on the machine Orlin helped build was ancient, and it didn't look like it, but then like.... Orlin also just said he was Human.
and was that true? WAS he human? humans can ascended, sure. but he also made a freakin stargate. in sam's basement. (Obadiah Stane voice) WITH A BUNCH OF SCRAPS!
... he already was the cause of death for people he cared about once for giving away too much information, i wouldnt be surprised if he lied about being human. but also wouldnt be surprised if the writers were like..... unsure and didnt care cause it doesnt matter lmao they were just vibing. you know. idk im sure Orlin and even Oma will get brought up AGAIN later, im only in the beginnings of season 5 after all and know some spoilers that the ascension thing ans ancients become a big deal later but. yeah its just interesting. i like picking apart creators minds for their stories and its just not possible in the same way on such an old show. even if i could ask them, they'd be having to recall through decades of memories that change as they have over the years. and that provides an interesting color on things as well but... its not the same as knowing what they were thinking back then.
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wooahaes · 16 days
yoo, how are you girlie? im currently trying to build a church from 'uts' in the sims. what does it look like to you? maybe the vibe, type of architecture, that sort of thing. i may have a generally different idea from the mv and the story, but i wanted to ask if you might have a specific image of the church. maybe some reference photos? they could be helpful, but no pressure tho. love you <3
hiii im ok!! a lil tired bc i did a walk on the treadmill this morning but ive had breakfast so thats nice hehe (actual answer under the readmore btw)
first of all ur doing what omg???? thats so cool omg!!! anyway realistically i wish i could tell u exacts because the structure from the mv is absolutely different from how i was imagining it (since the underground part is like... separate from the church in the mv i think???). i know i imagined the church itself to be a large room with rows of chairs and a raised platform for a stage (at least big enough for three people to comfortably dance on since bss has their lil number in hoshi's part), with the back half separated off by curtains. there's a ladder leading up to the attic which mainly contains stuff like board games, cards, books, etc. but it also has a sun-shaped window (which... i dont think is possible in the sims but i also am not a builder so i wouldnt know) with a bed in front of it (which i like to imagine has some sort of curtains close to it so that they could get a lil privacy while napping, y'know?). the underground part leads to the main area that they all reside in which is the stone area from the mv, but thats way more up in the air to me and something i admittedly just kinda went 'if i need a room, i'm sure it's there lmao'.
i think in general, i think it'd be a Lot of natural decor? both dried and fresh flowers, wooden objects that could have been made by them, etc. but the group basically is a group of scavengers when it comes to the city and what they bring back. i think they'd usually stick to things that are lighter when it comes to bringing stuff back, but i'm like 90% sure they could work things out to bring back heavier furniture (like a couch) if they really wanted it. it'd def be a group effort tho and prolong their trips back haha but def like... a vibrant, colorful space too!!! a lot of uts is about finding ways to love and celebrate life and the things within it and i think part of that is learning to find happiness--hence why they paint the walls with things they want to paint, why they celebrate one another as often as they can.
iii am not an architect so i cannot tell u the kind of architecture but i can throw pictures ur way since i have a small pinterest board w pics saved
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(if u listen rly closely u can hear me yelling over soonhoon here like that should be ME!!!!)
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(sun window with bed + curtains)
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(i literally never reference this lil tub in uts because i had no idea where the fuck it would be but the plants and books and whatnot are sooo visible here also joshua hong just 1 chance pls!!!)
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these are both part of that underground part but i think the vibrant colors and how mismatched things are like. is so visible here so!!! i want to live in this mv...
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plushies <3 also tht should be ME-
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u can vaguely see architecture of the church here w the uncovered windows n whatnot. i do not have the vocabulary to describe it further. also loving the idea that they either stuff their shirts (so they can sit up) or drape them over chairs to act as audience members lmao i love them i love them i love them
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this has nothing to do with the rest of this aside from the overall vibrant vibe but i just wanted to share this one bc look at himst...... he looks like hes up to no good...... so real of him
these are all the pictures i have that are relevant (the rest were of them outside in the field or in that underground part) but hopefully of this helps at least a little??? i def should have drawn up a floor plan for uts just to keep myself set to something tbh
anyway!!! good luck building!!!! know i would always love to see if u ever wanna share <3
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wooahae <3 sorry this answer got kinda long w all the pictures
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
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the scanner is way better about preserving the right hue except when it comes to reds. sometimes it preserves it really cool red but it pulls too much from oranges. The scanned colors on casarin are almost exact, the photographed colors on alex are almost an exact match; the photo doesnt capture the red in the shadows of casarin’s hair (idk why i picked that the shade nevermind that) and alex’s yellow orange and skin are too dark leaning too red.  the orange i use for oasis and alex is warmer than the one i use for latikam and susarikas (salmon), irl they look almost the same, the scanner will turn the salmon straight up pink. Worth mentioning this example is after contrast editing but its still very apparent before any adjustments.
TOP - what they look like irl BOTTOM - what the scan says they are (various samples to account for slight variations ect)
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scanner preserves crisp lines better. everybody knows this. But it always has a grain to it. When taking into a program and doing more linework there I think its the better option since is vibes with the digital textures better imo. But after editing and everything else i dont think its noticeable. In colors it KILLS. Scanner looks like the vision of a man dying of radiation, photo clearly has paper texture. Its most notable in alex’s hat. There’s also this strange haloing on the lines with the photo. No idea why. I think its something exclusive to my phone. To be expected the more the contrast has to be edited the worse it all gets. 
Scanner reduces the watercolor edge look, photo seems to amplify it. My phone does this to all photos i hate it. Normally I like watercolor edge but Im shit at evenly applying color so its working against me i think. These are alcohol markers btw not watercolors. Its a side effect of the fact I dont know how to color. The scanner drags my uneven coloring further though. Especially in faces. I hope we all die.
Not a fan of the speckling but thats a paper issue more than anything as far as i know. I used this paper since it was like the second best about that. Overall I dont think I can win. They’ll just always look better in person. You had to be there. 
when im doing just lines it never matters lol. Scanner is better in preserving crisp, matching the digital noise texture vibe unintentionally, and keeping the paper level and flat. But I have 13 years experience I can salvage linework from the shittiest of photos without much more effort lol so I’m kind of a spoiled brat about this one.
Scanner will keep the white FFFFFF, and washes out everything else. Photos are a mixed bag. Overall I think I ended up using about the same settings in the end loll? But photos I have to account for the ambient color (even on an overcast I got a slight yellow, idk man) and the fact I cant take a straight non blurry photo. Though overall I think photos take being edited better. I feel like im not riding such a fine line between overedited grainy ass nam flashback lookin bullshit. I know that’s perfect for sf vibes but I want to be in control of it at least.
Strathmore marker paper I think
sakura micron 01 black; sakura gelly roll white 10 (you can color over the white with the copics btw i didnt know that)
copics e33 e11 e25 r39 bg93 y23 (shading rv99); e30 y23 yr15 yg67 (shading bg96 bg99)
photo taken in overcast afternoon by window but also a single warm lightbulb in the background which is probably where I was getting that slight yellow from now that I think about it. there were 45mph gusts today so. :/
idk what my scanner is i doubt it matters its cheap you think i have money after getting copics lmao lol lol ha
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keepwonderingwoman · 3 years
I would love to hear your thoughts on YJS3
sure! fair warning, though, I'm a ranty person by nature so this might end up being a bit long. sorry in advance ♡
anyway! things I liked:
the humor: s3 was pretty funny lmao, theres that whole collection of outta pocket scenes from throughout the season that I find hilarious each time + the humor was a little more dirty which is nice bc the audience has also grown up from the kids they might've been when they watched it on CN
dickbabs!: I'm not a huge fan of dickbabs, I prefer dickkory (no hate to dickbabs stans btw I just vibe more with dickkory) but this dynamic between the two of them was so sweet and well-balanced I couldnt help but squeal everytime they were on-screen
Clark and Conner getting along: them calling each other brothers was so CUTE I canttt
FORAGER: an absolute legend 10/10 freaking love him
That Episode With The Hallucination: mmmmmmm I miss wally. SO MUCH. and the og 6 I was Super Mad about the first timeskip so it was nice to see them all together again🥰
yeah that's about it for things I liked lmao. now time for the Much Longer list of Things I Hated:
HALO: young justice the bar was so fucking low how are you still successfully doing the limbo what the fuck. you take a muslim immigrant in what is VERY CLEARLY a hijab and 1. infantilize her to an exceptionally uncomfortable degree (I KNOW SHE WAS THE MOTHERBOX, I DONT CARE) to the point where she resembles a five-year-old with every sentence she speaks or action she takes 2. you made a visibly muslim girl claim that she's actually no longer muslim, she's just wearing the hijab as some kind of security blanket???? I'm sorry??? what the fuck were you aiming for here exactly 3. why did you have to name her violet harper. what. 4. really?? the immediate romance with brion? What the shit was up with that...you make her Muslim in some aspects like victor not seeing her hair when she brushes it but her LITERALLY making out with brion like I'm sorry what the fuck are you doing??? you had one muslim character and you fucked up so bad holy shit...like...it could've been simple as hell, man, but no...Big Yikes.
M'gann: I've said this before but I really feel like once they introduced artemis m'gann immediately became a side character whose only job is to be villainised again and again even though it doesn't really vibe with her character. Secret teams?? Lying to Conner??? This isn't s3 but that whole thing with their breakup in s2...what the shit are they doing to M'gann, man. I loved her so much in s1, she's literally trying her best after having gone through so much and it's never fully explored...like we get half explanations every season but we're never shown half the shit that we were given for artemis. And by making her the Uncool Girlfriend at points it just looks like they're trying make her easy to hate like what the fuck. no. stop it
The Plot: too overcomplicated, too many characters. It's only season three, why are you introducing Apokolips already. Why are there so many characters?? what's with all the subplots yall were switching location cards every five minutes. And it's so convoluted...like...what was going on with Beast Boy and the monkey-god-doom-patrol-exposition stuff? I can't even remember if there were two granny goodnesses or just the one. All of those meta kids left over from the last season are a cute cast but like...I was so bored??? we know you can do well-written self-contained storylines a la s1, so hop to it, yeah?
THE ANIMATION: ok ok ok so. season 1 and two (one especially) had a very distinct feeling to them and that feeling was very late-2000s Cartoon Network Action Show - the base model for the males and females is the same (like Ben 10 Alien Force) the colors were not dynamic (stayed the same no matter the lighting, lots of cel shading, and generally were realistically colored in the sense that suspension of disbelief was not entirely necessary) CHEEKBONES, gritty textures and purple skies (Batman the Brave and the Bold). overall theres a certain Tone to the earlier seasons that spoke a lot to the animation capabilities of the studios at the time, as well as the general feel of the show. however, season three was a MAJOR downgrade in terms of animation. they made it both simpler and more complicated - they started using their DCAMU animation style which while it does give muscles to the women, adds too many unneeded shadows and a strange stiffness and dullness to every character. There are now extra lines and uncessesary shadows on the face of every character, and their eyes and facial features are almost identical. There's also less highlights, and the hairstyles are way too overcomplicated now to be appealing (see mgann and dick) - the hair is unspeakably dull and and the skin tones and hair colors are painful on the eyes. This isn't even taking into account the shitty backgrounds they've started using (AHEM AHEM ARTEMIS'S KITCHEN) because while the earlier seasons may have had unappealing, mostly empty settings, the characters still fit in to the scene, unlike now.
the lack of sisterhood????: apparently, only artemis goes to see zatanna for her Dr. Fate appointments. Apparently, M'gann barely talks to Artemis after the very tragic apparent death of Wally. the two of them, dare I say even the THREE of them, should be close as hell considering they spent their early years super-heroing together on a team full of boys. M'gann LITERALLY called Artemis her sister in the SAME EPISODE she was introduced, and neither of them had any real girlfriends other than each other at this point. M'gann who fell apart so hard Artemis died in her head that she almost killed them all in her grief. Like. You're telling me, you're SHOWING me that these two aren't each other's support system? Where is the sisterhood, bitch????
Lastly: the costume design. I understand that they're constrained by the need to make it simple enough to animate, but COME ON. if you're going to borrow Diana's DCAMU/JL: War costume, at least keep the metal silver. What the fuck is that green-gold. And Tigress? god DAMN that mask is ugly. Cassie looks like she robbed a goddamn supermarket discount clothing aisle for her outfit. Why is bart's outfit Like That it's so ugly it makes me want to cry. @ young justice costume designers Please Rethink Your Decisions
that's about all I can think of right now. it got REALLY negative whoops, but theres just so much I didn't like about this season :/ hopefully the next one will better ;-;
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vlvtmnky · 3 years
no chances - scaled and icy
 okay so i did a full breakdown on this song and i figured that i should share it with you guys. hopefully you guys can help me out with this and we can bounce theories off of each other.
(btw i stole stuff from genius lyrics thats why it’s formatted like that)
these are just my personal theories don't come for my throat if you disagree with me pls it's not that deep i promise you.
okay this is gonna be kinda long so
okay my main theory is that this song is between the bishops and the banditos, possibly fighting over tyler and josh.
[Intro] We come for you, no chances We come for you, no chances
i think the really deep voices are the bishops speaking. these voices appear multiple times throughout the album and this song specifically.
they are telling tyler/josh/the banditos that they will come for them and they have no chance of escaping them
sai is propaganda directly corresponds with this because we only hear what the bishops want us to hear through tyler and josh. 
[Verse 1] In my house shoes in a foot race In this house we got feng shui Get the door to blow you away Flamethrower, you a switchblade
the only connections that i could really make with these lines is in the last one.
Flamethrower, you a switchblade
in the song levitate tyler says “ And ever since the seventh grade I learned to fire-breathe ” we know that the banditos like fire as well and use it as their main source of light at their camps. we also see that nico has a blowtorch looking thing to heat up the glass.
i cant figure out much about the switchblade part, since he might have just added it to rhyme or something but if i do i will reblog this post with what i find.
Feet planted on grip tape With my shoulders squared, and my back straight Got a good base and a loose tongue Notorious in the octagon, now
i used to take tae kwan doe, and these are just basic things that you learn while practicing, so maybe he is getting ready to fight something or someone.
Notorious in the octagon, now
okay i might be reaching with this one but hear me out. how many sides does an octagon have? eight right? okay how many bishops are there (minus nico)? eight, that’s correct. also when you look at the city of dema 
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if you look the right way those little buildings around the center nine, are divided into four sets of two or whatever. this image is a bad example but i don't care enough to look for the right one LMAO.
anyways, to the point. i think notorious in the octagon is a reference to how well know tyler would be in dema, since they all know about twenty one pilots because of the feature performance event.
 We got people on the way We want you home in one piece now (Run away, run away)
i think this is actually the banditos trying to reach tyler and josh, not the bishops. why would the bishops tell tyler to run away? they already have him. I also think that home for tyler and josh is with the banditos, not the confines of dema.
the banditos are also telling tyler and josh that they have people on the way to come and save them like they went to save tyler in NATN.
it could be the banditos but i severely doubt it because it is tyler singing and not the deep voice symbolizing the bishops.
We get bodies every day We want you home in one piece now
okay the bodies everyday part is throwing me off but my best guess is that they may be talking about clancy. we know that scaled and icy is an anagram for clancy is dead, so this could be alluding to that. they could also be talking about the residents of dema that lose their fights in dema and pass away.
“we want you home in one piece” again i think that this is the banditos telling tyler to come home with josh safely and to avoid trouble as best as they can while doing so.
[Verse 2] How'd you get the location? Put together pieces? They say they sell the information In those terms of agreement
this could be about the banditos or the bishops. let me explain.
if it was from the banditos they could be asking the bishops how they got the location of their camp to snatch tyler (levitate music video) in the first place since they cannot see the color yellow. 
maybe the banditos sell the information on the bishops and other things to the people trapped in dema (or possibly others???) 
if it was the bishops they could be asking the banditos how they get the locations of the residents and how they know to get into dema in the first place.
maybe a dema resident sells information to the banditos (like clancy? we know keons is the nicest bishop from his letters) 
We spent some weekends on the grind Surveillances outside, we see when you arrive
this could connect to the outside. we know that the bishops have some sort of surveillance system because on the control center for the live stream it is set up like an old fashioned surveillance system. (i will do a breakdown on that too)
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maybe the bishops are telling the banditos they see when they arrive because of said security system.
Ride or die, my son
reminds me of the song ride, whos bishop is listo. so he could be talking to one of his subjects. this could be any bishop really i think that its the bishops and not the banditos because the second time that they repeat this it’s in that super low voice that definitely signifies the bishops speaking.
- from then it is just the chorus and the outro which is the same as the intro.
anyways that was just my take on the song, feel free to let me know what you think i love hearing other’s theories. 
i will also be doing this for all the songs on scaled and icy and may do it for some on trench and how they correspond to sai. 
i will definitely do other theories and breakdowns because i really enjoy going through everything and piecing it all together. as i work ill make a master post and a tag so you can search my account for it and find it easy.
i will also break down the live but that will take longer because its literally over an hour long and not a three minute song lololol.
(p.s. i dont care enough to proof read this because i just watched the live and im tired)
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jmblyajones · 3 years
Eagles: The Bomb 3x7
What is about to go down right now…
1. I wouldn’t mind having that scooby doo van myself. the color is beautiful!
2. Oh these dudes are lying to this boy. Their faces didn’t look like that piece was blowing anyone anywhere chile… 🤣
Sam is just adorable to me btw and let me just say.. edges LAID
3. I would be remiss if I didn’t say that Elias breathing all hard like that was nice to look at…
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Elias says that it would have been good to know that Klara was the new sponsor.. would it though? would it really? You know what would be really funny is if Mats convinced Elias to meet up with Klara so she wouldn’t dismantle the eagles? 😂 lmao welp…
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Mats are you pimping out your son and masking the overall meet as “closure”? sir bye! And Elias standing up for Ludde is so cute too. They have deeeefinetly come a long way. Love to see it.
4. Oh damn Felicia… And this is pre the article coming out 🤦🏾‍♀️
5. Amie and Elias are really making walks their thing? Mkay I see y’all.
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Elias what are you talking about? Stand Klara up tf?!? The move is clear!
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Amie’s whole demeanor changed when he said Klara. oh shit, this got sad real quick 😂
(I like that towards the end of the convo, it was kind of Amie’s way of figuring out if Elias still had feelings for Klara or want to get back with her)
6. I know Ludde did not just apply to ONE school…
Also, while he keeps saying “blah blah blah” Andreas hasn’t told not one lie yet. Your ass is choosing not to communicate and it’s manifesting into ugliness. You literally broke up with Felicia instead of telling her about London and then call her out in front of the whole class.
Have I ever mentioned how I just love Andreas. We see each other forreal.
7. OH MY GOSH! Amie is sneaking around Petra’s drawers. She gone really find something she’s not meant to see 🥴
8. Why did Klara even move away?? Wait, is she apologizing and trying to get back with Elias? What the hell 😂
Was Elias not supposed to bring up Eagles? Ma’am…. you tell him to go to hell then when you have the chance to help save the team that he plays on from disassembling, you don’t… what are you expecting like tf??
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I KNOW THATS RIGHT ELIAS! Set that girl straight because she must have forgotten. See this response of his is what I wanted in season 2 but i’ll take it now.
9. I have super chills right now. What is happening right now…
Who is the real sex addict in this family?? I fucking knew it! Mats is really yelling at Felicia like he wasn’t sleeping with mad women??? And as much as I wish Felicia didn’t tell the family’s private info to Jack, Jack fooled everyone. He is gutter trash.
I’m at a mix of believing Mats threw money around for Elias to make it in the beginning. Someone like Mats only really needs name rec but “donations” can definitely help persuade some folks.
People have really bastardized Felicia’s trust throughout the years and I do feel really bad for her. And I would like/would’ve liked to see Felicia with a girl without it being tied to drugs. I doubt we will but 🤷🏾‍♀️
This is really something they should have brought their family lawyer in on? I assume they have one…
Okay, now Jack is just straight lying. He really lied and said Ludde was an abuser… and the interviewer just went with it?? This is so unbelievably foul!
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This man is a joke!! Because he couldn’t keep it in his pants he wants to go and blame his daughter and call HER stupid?? Naurr, we gotta fight.
And Lelia hopping on the hate train??? Girl if you don’t leave and go back to your boy toy you have contributed NOTHING to this conversation.
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She really fooled me acting like she wanted to get Felicia into rehab or something.
10. I said from the beginning, calm before the storm… this ending with Felicia is giving very Ellie Nash in DGH. Hopefully that car that stopped will come in to play next drop? I am so curious if that is the case or not.
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psrj · 4 years
Hi i have a question! What brushes do you use? They seem to have a very particular texture. I don't want to imply i want to figure out how your coloring process is to copy you and steal it but I have to admit I'm a bit curious. Love your art btw! You must be my favorite artist lmao
yeah, i guess i should go into this in a bit more detail for once.
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basically, this plus the lasso tool and plain airbrush is my arsenal, taken mainly from Joshua James’ triangle brush set, which I no longer can find the source file for, and Greg Rutkowski’s brushes. 
when it comes to using them, at the moment, i mainly stick to the plain triangle brush. textures for me mainly come into play during the colour composition stage, aka where i often start when it comes to background pieces, and all actual colour blocking and rendering that i do on top of it is overwhelmingly done with the plain triangle brush and lasso tool only.
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i dont really ever use heavily textured brushes with the end product in mind, but more as a way for me to easier and more confidently explore colour options in the early stages. i dont consider them an essential part of my tool set.
also yo dude please copy and steal to your heart’s content when it comes to the creation process like this. ‘art style theft’ is a concept i personally dont have even the slightest qualms about, and that i think springs from a fundamental misunderstanding as to how art works.
(i might consider slapping my brush set up somewhere for download at some point so look out for that i suppose)
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bokuroaka · 3 years
hi! can i ask how u made ur carrd like what are the settings? ty!
omg YES i love carrd making hi anon. if there’s anything specific u want just lmk!! under the cut bc its long... i make most of my carrds on desktop so this is very desktop based.... to all of u who do ur carrds on mobile honestly kudos i cld never
uhm also when i say long like this is v long bc i added a lot of reasoning to my settings n tips that i’ve picked up on making carrds (plus the screenshots) i hope it helps tho ^_^ apologies if u knew most of this stuff tho bc i explained... everything...
some notes before we get in: for colors i usually just base everything off the sidebar image and use a color picking website (i use this one) to get the the html codes for colors. the site i use also generates a palette which i also use! ur free to use anything tho obv. the font i used is “inter” 
1. ok first here are my page settings! i wont include my animation settings now ill leave that to the end.. these r rlly the only settings that i’ve changed so i’ll just post these.
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ok i dont rlly change much except for these two, the position is set to top not center (which is the default) b/c esp w carrds like the one i have now i dont like the header portion moving depending on the height of the container underneath... does that make sense? that’s just super nitpicky of me LOL but if u do end up making the carrd n playing around w the settings u’ll see what i mean
the width is set to 22 bc i like small carrds! play around w this as u see fit, i also change it depending on how it looks like in mobile (im very thorough lol) if ur wondering how u can do that on desktop, its this phone looking icon on this bar on the top right of the screen: (the 6th icon!)
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the next pic is also default settings except my spacing is set to 0. i’ll explain why later! the alignment also doesnt really matter w/ this carrd. u can play around with it tho!
2. this is for the home page!
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first i’ll explain how this is set up: the title box and the box under it (i’ll call it info box) are both containers! here is why i put set the spacing to 0 earlier: if u put 2 containers theres going to be space btwn them and to achieve this kind of look (ig) i just set the page spacing (in the page settings) to 0. however this means that everything is going to be pressed up against each other so i usually just add dividers (which are transparent [color code is #96969600]) i wont post a screenshot bc the settings r default, except for the margins which u can play around with to see what works for u (it’s set to 0.375 for me rn)
here are my settings for the title box 
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most of these r pretty standard except for the padding and border. the reason why i didnt tick the bottom part is bc of the container w all my info underneath. both containers have borders so the bottom & top border of those containers wld just merge n create a thicker border which isnt what i was looking for... anyway.
then i just add a text element & just write my title! idt my settings for that r relevant so i wont add it (the text size is 0.875)
next is the info box! here are my settings: 
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btw this is a container with columns!! those can look p wonky on mobile so make sure to have these settings on so that they wont look awful on mobile!!
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oh also i wont post a screenshot of my text settings (text size is 0.75 + line spacing is 1.25) if ur wondering how i changed colors for some of the text the format is basically just [text]{#color} 
for the image size i set the width size to full (or full column) that depends on u (and how much text u put in the info part) i just prefer how it looks like when the image width is set to full bc that way no part of the image is cut off... really depends on u and what image ur using though so just play around w/ it!!
and in terms of spacing, i have a divider on top of the title box b/c otherwise the whole thing is just too high up for my taste
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ok now to explain the header part and how i got my title/info box to stay “fixed”
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so... im ngl. i dont understand how the header function works (help) so uhh i wont go as into detail here. but what worked for me is adding a header marker (the plus thing on the bar > control > change section break to header marker) right after the info container, then adding a section break (this one is called #wala bc wala here means ‘nothing’ in bisaya lol) and a transparent divider right after it. i hope its visible in the pic... anyway this is the only method i found that makes the carrd work lmao. it rlly doesnt matter what u name the #wala section break bc its not gonna show up so u might as well just use a keysmash
3. the extra info!! (extra, interests, byf)
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this section will b shorter compared to the first two LOL anyway. first i started off w a section break (#usa which means 1 in bisaya hehe), then a transparent divider for spacing, and then a container! theres nothing fancy abt this container it has the exact same settings as the info box above so u can just duplicate that container and change the container type from columns to default.
then just add ur info and ur done!! repeat w whatever extra info u want to add (i only had 3 to add so it looks like this for me)
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4. oh before i forget, these are my animation settings!! (page > the triangle thing)
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u can preview the on load animation by clicking the triangle button on the top right bar, but for the on section change animations u have to save then preview it on ur carrd itself :/ kinda annoying but yeah... i usually never set anything above 0.5 seconds for on section change animations bc im impatient LOL 
these r completely optional tho... i just think animations make the carrd look smoother & more fun!
thats it i think! here are some tips i have
1. this tip is abt how carrds can differ when on mobile! i sometimes fiddle around with the mobile settings to make sure my carrd looks the way i want it to on mobile! bc mobile sometimes fucks up the spacing and it annoys me LOL... example here: 
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u can find these settings if u scroll down a bit on the page settings and switch mobile from auto to manual (like in the screenshot) most of the settings i dont touch except the size setting, i just fiddle around w it and see how my carrd looks in the mobile view until im satisfied
2. this isnt rlly necessary but its smthn neat i picked up! if u check ur section break settings and check hide footer u can get rid off the “( made with carrd )” text on the bottom! i think it just makes the carrd look a bit neater, esp since the page spacing is set to 0 so it might look a little squished under the container...
3. i like to use all elements of my carrd efficiently (ig? heres the engineering major jumping out) and idk if u noticed, but if u click on the title (”it has always been once for me”) or the image (which is... of tbz..) it actually takes u back to the home page ^^ idk i just think small things like that r neat 
thats it for real!! i hope this wasnt too much of a hassle to read or follow through, and if u have any questions dont hesitate to dm me or send me an ask, even if we arent mutuals!! i hope u have fun making this carrd <3
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matronaa · 4 years
[1] i actually have two hawks scenarios so im just gonna send separately and u can do whatever u prefer whether is one or both of them (im using she/her but the reader can be gn or fem, ur choice). the first is: reader's a hairstylist and hawks comes over to get a haircut. she's just minding her bussiness, washing his hair and giving him a scalp massage, and he starts flirting with her bc he thinks she's cute. shy!reader btw. yes i thought of this while getting a haircut lmao
a/n: okay i got a little carried away with this i didnt mean for it to be so long but i really like this idea lollll its a little self indulgent srry abt that but i hope you like it :)
it also kinda sucks and its all over the place but like if you squint its fine shh
Aizawa had recommended you to Hawks after he wouldn’t stop asking how his hair was so nice all the time. Like seriously, Aizawa’s hair is so healthy and soft wtf. Anyways Hawks calls and sets an appointment and you’re kinda nervous because you weren’t expecting a pro hero to want to come to your salon. I mean yeah you do Aizawa’s hair but thats only because you’ve known him since highschool and he doesnt trust anyone else with his hair.
Your salon was small, you didn’t get many customers so only you and your best friend worked there. It was very homely, the scent of vanilla and a hint of KFC hit Hawk’s nose as he walked in- wait...
The bell on the door rang as it closed behind him. It was empty and quiet. Was no one here? Suddenly, his attention perked towards the doorway in the back. Your head popped out to see who was here, with a friend chicken leg between your teeth. Your face turned read as you locked eyes with Hawks. You stayed like that for a few seconds until you took the chicken out of your mouth and cleared your throat.
“Sorry about that, uhh, give me one second.” You quickly went back into the break room, wiping crumbs off your face and cleaning up your lunch. After you finish regaining your composure, you go back to the main room. Hawks was in the corner by a shelf of shampoos and conditioners, trying to determine which smelled the best.
“You’re here for a trim, right Mr. Hawks?” You asked. He hummed in agreement. “Are you sure you don’t want anything else today?”
He smiled at you, setting a purple bottle of conditioner down. “Well, my hair has been getting a little brassy, could you tone it for me sweetheart?” You walked over to him, grabbing a few products and explaining the process of what you’ll be doing to his hair. Your voice was quiet, sweet. He noticed how you almost refused to look at him directly, let alone in the eyes. Cute, he decided. You sat him down in a chair before you took a spray bottle and began wetting his hair. You noticed he had a lot of knots, so you grabbed a comb and began carefully detangling his hair. After you were done you started on giving him a trim. You made sure not to cut too much, and to maintain the shape it was naturally in since that was probably the way he liked it. Hawks was busy on his phone most of the time, but occacionally he would allow himself to look at you through the mirror, admiring the face you made when you were focused. After you were done trimming, you brought him over to the hair sink idk what its called i dont go to the salon and washed his hair. You then applied the toner, putting his hair in a cap so he could sit up. After a few minutes you rinsed out the toner and applied the purple conditioner he was eyeing earlier, watching as his eyes lit up recognizing the scent. After you towel dried his hair, you brought him back to his seat so he could see the color you toned it to. It wasn’t too different, but he definitely liked the change.
“Before I blow dry it I’m going to apply this oil that will keep it soft and help it not get so tangled, okay?” You asked before proceeding. He nodded and you got to work, pouring some of the oil into your hand and then spreading it throughout his hair. You gently massaged your fingers against his scalp, and watched as his head rolled back towards your hands, his eyes closing. You smiled as you continued massaging his scalp, his lips slightly parting causing you to giggle. 
“You know, Y/n, you’re really good with your hands.” You met his eyes looking at you through the mirror. 
“Thank you, Mr Hawks.” You smiled as you looked back down to your hands.
“I wonder what else you could do with them, hmm?” He said quietly, almost to himself. You felt your face heat up, turning a bright shade of red. He chuckled at your reaction, but decided to stay quiet and let you finish your work. Instead of verbally harassing flirting with you, he just watched you through the mirror. He couldn’t deny he thought you were very attractive. He loved the comfortable silence that would cover the both of you, with your occacional humming to whatever song was playing through the overhead speakers.
After you were done drying and styling his hair, you both walked over to the receptionist desk. Yk, so he can pay you. He gives you a hefty tip and you’re kinda shook. You tried giving him some of it back because it was just too much but he wouldn’t let you.
“Thanks for today, Y/n, you did a great job.” He said as he sent a feather to tickle your nose. You giggled as you tried to wave it off, your nose scrunching cutely. “I’ll be back next time I need my hair done.” 
“I’ll be looking forward to it, Mr. Hawks.” You said as his feather finally retreated as he walked towards the door. 
“Just call me Hawks, kid.” He smiled and waved before he took off, flying out of your sight.
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berryblu-arts · 3 years
Basic guide to my OC's stories
(yes i know i have a lot, help-)
august 9, 2021: added glow stage and diamond
February 23, 2022: added seedling
LONG info dump below the cut (no srsly, i´m warning you)
🍓🍋Strawberries and lemonade
Drama/ Slice of life with a hint of fantasy
Set in the main world in the early 2000s
Story about a girl who can see heartstrings and her various adventures in life, enphasis on personal relationships (not necessarilly romantic)
Aesthetic: lots of pinks and whites, soft and bright colors, 80s sailor moon backgrounds
Inspo: me being rlly mad at romantic love being taken as the only type of love, its also a twist on the red string of fate
Drama/ supernatural i guess?? (Can be categorized as urban fantasy i think)
Set in the main world, close to present day
Protagonist is a girl who can see "specters" (basically the counterparts of random animals except they're made of light or shadow), the story deals with themes of loss and lonelyness sometimes :( , but is also very centered around friendships (and i might sprinkle in some found family in there UwU💕)
"That shadow you saw at the corner of your eye the other day is real, but dont worry, its friendly :)!"
Aesthetic: rainy days, liminal spaces, small towns, fall, foggy days, childhood memories, abandoned buildings.
Inspo: ghibli movies, lil bit of kyoukai no kanata, and that one time i got food poisoning and couldnt see about 1/4 of my vision (not cool btw, but at least i made up some p cool shadow lore from it :D)
🧭🌌Twilight compass
Drama/fantasy (high fantasy)
Set 2 or 3 years before present day (in universe)
A bunch of kids (teenagers ig) get throw into an unfamiliar alternate world and try to get back to their own, but in the process uncover some important information that could finally end the tensions between that world's main kingdoms and so they get dragged into the mess, but maybe they were meant to be there from the very start (?)
Aesthetic: The world is half frozen and half on fire, its a todoroki world hehe-, lots of fantasy nature for yall's enjoyment ^^, huge animals that are mostly friendly, small animals with magic powers, magic circles and items, etc...
Inspo: loz breath of the wild, black clover, and a hint of star vs , among other things...
🤍⏳💛Time's end
Drama/ fantasy (high fantasy)
Set about 2 years before present day in the main timeline, but also 100+ years in the past... if that makes sense? (Theyre messing w time ok-)
Main character is a boy who suddenly finds himself in a magic world with a really bad political climate that's leading up to it's destruction, he gets dragged into that mess and soon discovers that world may be more that just a strange fantasy his brain made up.
Aesthetic: copper, stone, silver and gold, medievalcore but also rlly darn close to what the dragon prince was doing :>
Inspo: uhh i came up with this because i was trying to force myself to study history 😅😅, the very root of the idea for this can be traced to my obsession to winx club tho (which i will elaborate on if anyone asks)
Drama/ fantasy (urban fantasy)
Set a little over a year before present day in the main timeline (unofficial time btw, still figuring it out)
Continuation/spinoff of time's end ft. One of my favourite side characters ^^ (im not spoiling this one lmao)
Aesthetic: a not so big beach town, bright and colorful houses and people, abandoned buildings few people know about, not so far from the outskirts of a little forest. (Really really vaguely based off where i live hehe)
Inspo: a dream i had where a comet fell from the sky, a combination of magical girls and superheroes
Fun fact: this is actually the story i started with, and even if it's mainly urban fantasy, it has elements like alternate worlds, cryptids and aliens thrown into it, fun stuff!
🏖🚃West coast
set in present day
Sort of a continuation of unwind, but centers around characters that were previously introduced as background ones now in the spotlight.
The story is split in 2 perspectives, the new guardians (an all girl element based squad i should talk about more) ,and what i'm calling the chaos squad (zac, roy, blaire, sara, viv and liam), these last ones are actually the most varied squad in therms of power category (i should probably explain that too in the future)
it´s the last story in the chronology.
Aesthetic and inspo: almost exactly same as unwind, as it's set in the same city
set in an alternate timeline, close to present day (high fantasy/ post apocalyptic)
Mini story and its honestly a sob fest, why was i even allowed to come up w this one ??😭😭
Sort of a prequel to time's end, it gives a bit of context to a couple character motivations but at what cost-
Aesthetic: lots of purples blacks and blues, contrasted with gold, post apocalyptic society...sort of?, society sucks but at least it's aesthetic😌✨, also looks like a story book UwU
✨👽✨Stardust outcome
Drama/sci fi
Set in the 90s
Prequel that isnt really it's own thing?? It's the story of the alien squad and 2 other characters from time's end, pretty sure if i ever make it it won't have a usual comic format but instead it'll be a bunch of mini stories, hopefully in chronological order...
Aesthetic: space and stuff, it looks a lil like voltron actually haha😅, but also on earth theres a clan of people w knives and cool masks that monitor all the shenanighans, and theres a secret society n stuffs.
Inspo: listen- i made a character that was supposed to introduce aliens into the main story, then went overboard w his backstory to the point that this one is literally how his parents met lmaoo
🤍👁💜Under the eye
Side plot of spectrum that i feel deserves it's own story but i dont have time for it ToT
it's about 2 security guards in a hidden magic town, an old quiet dude w a grumpy face who lost his family a long time ago, and a newbie w a bright personality that has actually been having a sucky time.
They're both living pretty lonely lives and end up having a pseudo father-son relationship after the old dude finds out this kid was kicked out of his house. then after a couple more shenanighans a little alien girl is thrown into the mix, at which point the old dude *looks* like he´s not having it, but internally he´s like ´´welp, guess i have *two* kids now´´
overall rlly wholesome stuff with a dash of angst and found family :3
it´s called under the eye, because even if they´re working as security guards, the clan i mentioned in stardust is the one really in charge of monitoring stuff around there, so they have limited freedom on that front, and also they keep trying to go against them, that clan´s symbol is an iris ensata (flower) with an eye in the middle, hence the title.
aesthetic: same as spectrum, except if this was harry potter they´d be in that one magic town hehe (i hate making that comparison but it´s the closest i can get)
drama/ fantasy (urban fantasy w a dash of sci fi i guess??)
short story, set in present day
tecnically a spinoff of time´s end , but the tones are literally so different??
there start to be random zones in a city where pixelated videogame monsters appear, and kat (the main character) is appearently the chosen one to stop all that nonsense?, no one knows what´s going on but they better figure it out before reality alters inself badly enough to be unfixable. 
pretty lighthearted story overall, but it´s important cause it reintroduces some key characters into the mix :).
Inspo:i may or may not have actually made this just to justify a cheesy videogame themed story hehe, rlly feels like glitch techs tho :O (netflix series)
aesthetic: the city is pretty standard, the videogame area is all neon and pixel-y, kind of futuristic outfits for the characters, and lots of orange/ blue lighting UwU
👽🏙Unnamed ´´stardust outcome´´ sequel:
drama/ sci fi
a bunch of the characters are the kids of the original stardust, some are completely new ones, it´s basically kiddos interacting and doing shenanighans with superpowers at a school, but w an actual important subplot behind the scenes, the end of this one leads directly into the end of west coast and is the second to last story in the chronology (not counting what i have planned for next gen, those are only gonna be fluffy one shots)
🕸👑💚Glow Stage
*Not connected to the main story at all, but it exists there in the form of a show*
Drama/fantasy (rlly slice of life-y sometimes tho)
typical magical girl story but the main character is the redeemed villain type, trying to do good but with a slightly messed up moral compass. Also the mc befriends the magical girl in her civilian form without knowing its her because ✨free dramaaa✨
Inspo: i needed a fake show for spectrum then accidentally created a whole new story, whoops!
Aesthetic: everything is pretty standard and almost generic on purpose, the villains are edgy, good side is all sparkly and stuff, im aiming for something like what precure's got going on^^
something a lil creesy w lots of potential for both angst and fluff never hurt anyone :3
Seedling 🌱 🌼
Drama/fantasy (very slice of life leaning)
Story about a socially awkward kid learning to get along with his new step mom and sister, surviving through school, and of course, being a shapeshifter and perhaps the key to a conspiracy to take over the earth from the inside out. Fun times!
Fun fact- the main trio is composed of: ex villain mc who is -s t r u g g l i n g- , chosen one- magical girl-hero of prophecy who *does not* wanna be here, and the stable normal friend :)) (except no, he is holding the information and conciousness of several souls inside him, like the avatar thing... but theyre more an annoyance than actual help lmao)
Inspo: late 2000s action cartoons, the myth of changelings, and the sheer need to watch characters go from cold and indifferent with each other to "we are family now, I would die for you" :')
Aesthetic: idk man, will update this one later lol
Fun fact: I'm not sure if this one's Canon in the main universe hehe 😅
Honorable story mentions:
Unnamed robot stiory: completely disconnected from the rest, put bluntly it´s about robots that think they´re people (came up w the concept w @/ashrayus a couple years back), it´s sorta just sitting there but i refuse to let go of it UnU
STARDUST: precuel to stardust outcome, it´s about a solari (star person) that falls in love with a rlly nice and humble avian farmer guy she met (this isnt set in earth), and they were both lonely, so they swear to be together till death do them apart, and they even have a kid, but solari have all these rules about forming attatchments with mortals and whatnot, so of course the fricken space police come knocking and stuff gets nasty and the guy dies- (it´s all just rlly tragic ok, i´m sad,,), so these stories are named stardust after the star girl cause she dies as well, passing all of her energy to her kid to keep him safe :(.
Diamond: Tells the origin of the world, powers, sub dimentions, etc... i won't have a story designated for it cause itll be like reading a mythology/history book, and idk how to make that entertaining hehe 😅😅
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darth-does-stuff · 3 years
its ramble time. also yeah this is gonna be p long (hence the word - rambles) and prob talking a lot about patton and janus because i havent talked about them much and i have IDEAS
(also i know i want remy to be involved somehow but i havent figured out how yet. suggestions welcome ghjghjgs)
so thomas and logan are elves, roman remus and virgil are magic users (witches warlocks wizards whatever the word is lmao), remus specializes in wind magic, roman in fire, and virgil in weather. 
the magic virgil uses is often called chaos magic and in order for something to be generally classified as chaos magic, it needs to be unusual/rare, chaotic (duh) or unpredictable, and destructive. (these classifications might change as i think on them more). wind magic is largely argued upon whether it is chaos magic or not, seeing as how it is largely unpredictable and can be seen as destructive, but it doesnt fit the bill with the first one, leading to the arguments. same with fire magic, but they said it was too common for it to be chaos magic. virgil having weather magic means that he can create storms, sandstorms, generate lightning, windstorms, and also able to control (or rather ‘bend’) rain. of course, there are drawbacks and limitations, adding to the fact that virgil has a very hard time controlling his magic and harnessing it, he is not op dw. magic is also very much tied to emotions btw
also ro re and vee have two moms and they are a lesbian couple sorry i dont make the rules
elven lore and shit time - while gold is rare in many places in the fantasy land (i still have yet to decide on a name), in the elven land (i have not decided names for each section either lmao) iron and steel are actually harder to find than gold. gold still holds its own worth, but iron and steel are generally regarded as superior in worth than gold, which is why many nobles possess the material. and ive already explained the left eye crest thing with the elves, their left eye has a shape or crest to it along with a color that glows slightly. the glow can be dimmer or brighter depending on their emotions at the time. logan has a diamond shape to his left eye and a leaf green glow to it, which also happens to be his eye color as well. thomas’ is a heart and rainbow color and glow, while his actual eye color is an almond brown. ill discuss appearances in another post btw. anyways, the elven lifestyle is the most similar to humans, having a battleschool, its system nd shit, etc. although it does differ in terms of ‘rulers’. the humans have a monarchy while the elves rule through a council of 9. (an odd number so there arent any ties) logan uses both a sword and a bow as his weapons of choice. thomas was forced to go to battleschool so he basically just dips as soon as he can after teaching logan what he knows and becomes a healer because HEALER THOMAS 
 patton is one of the merfolk, who (in this au) are a species that have two forms. their mer form, where the lower half of them is the mer tail fish tail what the fuck is it called. anyways the color of pattons tail (wtf is it dude) is a desaturated light blue. he has these like ??? spikes?? is that the word? jutting out from his forearms. (at the very least pointy things) and he will not hesitate to use them as weapons. yeah he’s a feral boy. he has some spots of scales on his upper body but they are pretty scarce. in his human form, he just looks like a human i dunno what you expected lmao. in the water his eyes are a really potent blue while on land they are much duller. he can also breathe underwater regardless of the form. patton also cant really will himself to either form, if he wants to be human form he has to be on land and vice versa for the mer form.
janus is a fucking uh,, dude idk the word for it. i guess the general word for it would be dragon but he’s more humanoid than dragon. a cross between the two ig. anyways he has scales on one side of his face, scaly wings because fuck yeah, horns jutting out from his forehead, and more shit that i have forgotten but i know he has it. the scales are a golden color, with warm yellows and light oranges mixed in. left eye has a dragon pupil type thing, like a slitted pupil. fuck i hate describing things ghdgakhgask. im playing around with the idea that dragons can shapeshift but nothing is set in stone with that tbh. most dragon folk are like janus, a mix between dragon and human, and only the really powerful ones are the ones that can actually turn into dragons so thats pretty rare. but fuck descriptions its time for fucking FRIENDSHIP and FAMILY
janus has a little brother whose name is emile and they are 6 and actually pretty shy. it took them a while to warm up to patton but now he literally loves pat and everytime he sees them he bolts over and just gives him a huge hug. patton tries to act all tough but he is so soft for emile there is no denying it and they all know it. jan and emile have an agender parent and a genderfluid parent. agender parent uses xe/xem btw. 
patton has a mother and never knew his father. he and his mother have a rather,,, distant relationship i suppose. his mother is in the royal guard so she is called away often (though it does not excuse the neglect in the slightest) her and pat just mutually acknowledge that they both exist and go about their day. one day pat confessed to jan that he never really felt that they were his mom, more just a person who birthed him. one time in a particular bout of drowsiness, patton confessed that janus and his family were the ones that he truly considered family. janus got choked up and was like ‘shut up you bastard im supposed to be tough /pos’ 
the first time janus showed him how he could get rid of the dragon aspects of himself for a limited time, patton literally took one look at his human form and shouted ‘what the FUCK’ and janus was like ‘IVE SEEN YOU CHANGE FORM BEFORE WHATS YOUR DEAL’ and patton just screams ‘THIS IS FUCKIN WEIRD’ (all /lh) janus and patton get up to so many shenanigans its a wonder they havent gotten caught yet lmao
patton, once again in sleep deprivation cause thats the only fuckin time he’ll confess anything about his emotions, told janus that he was his first friend and that he was so scared to mess it up when they first became friends. he’d spent most of his life alone and always in this state of just,,, perpetual anger, bubbling right underneath the surface with no way to escape. it led to him getting in a lot of fights and just lashing out, especially at people who tried to become his friend, scaring them away. when janus came along and stayed, he said it was the best thing that ever happened to him. he finally had a friend. even when he lashed out and retreated back into himself, putting up those walls again, janus still stayed. he helped break those walls down bit by bit, helped patton with his anger issues, helped patton realize that janus was here to stay, and that he wasnt leaving.
if you cant tell, i love them sm ghdgaskgjs
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t-shrt · 4 years
cute qs
doing it jst cos its fun lmao; qs by @sweetestsuggest​
1. what languages can you speak? english, indonesian, some japanese! used to be able to use it in convos but now im super rusty
2. describe your ideal/perfect day? when everything feels harmonious...hopefully w a visit to the beach too :)
3. who do you love most in your life? me lol
4. what color are your eyes? do you like them? dark brown, im okay with the color lol
5. favorite candle scent? vanilla!
6. favorite type of flowers? blue/red roses, sunflowers
7. if you could smell like anything all the time, what scent would you pick? elie saab’s le parfum honestly lol
8. favorite constellation and why? haven’t really explored constellations lol...ill get back 2 u on that 9. what color is your favorite and why? blue all the way! idk i’ve been loving it for as long as i remember; maybe cos its a comforting color to me...idk its just Nice lol
10. do you prefer the ocean or the mountains? the ocean !!! 11. favorite type of weather? describe it? warm sun gently shining on u + cool breeze u cud feel on ur skin n ur hair 12. what are you most passionate about in life? making myself happy n on the way it’d be super nice if i could help others grow too 13. favorite songs? at the moment: selene - niki; i’m good at goodbyes - bibi; not shy - itzy; on the way - jhene aiko; big poppa - the notorious B I G; so, soo pretty - lany 14. what is your go to snack? used to be gummies but im kinda watching what i eat nowadays :( so nowadays i go for carrots w hummus or bell pepper lol (delicious btw) 15. chocolate or strawberry milk? uhmmm chocolate! 16. do you like journaling? if so, what do you journal about? i used to journal! but nowadays i don’t really 17. what are your biggest dreams in life? i guess to be able to do something with my art skills... that isnt only for me 18. what are your religious beliefs? ooofff im gona pass on this q my dude 19. would you rather have 100 kittens or 100 puppies? 100,000 kittens :( but tbh id be giving them away n keeping probably 5-10 since i don’t trust myself enough lollll 20. cotton candy or funnel cakes? cotton candy pleaseeee 21. do you prefer hand holding or cuddles? cuddles! lolol 22. favorite place in nature to be? describe what it looks like or post a photo of it? the beach :))) i find so much peace in relaxing on the beach. either during the day when the sun warms up ur skin n makes them shimmer golden brown as u lay with ur sunnies and summery music playing on ur bluetooth speaker, children running around making sandcastles; teens and adults playing volleyball or flirting or wtv; or intimate hangouts when the sun is setting and the waves are slowly crashing, as u share ur deeper thoughts to someone else  23. is there anyone you'd die for? who? my nephew probably 24. do you have any unusual fears? what are they? intimacy HAHAh 25. museum dates or aquarium dates? art museum dates pleaseee <3 26. favorite fruit? i like peaches, blueberries, mangoes, bananas 27. do you have long or short hair? which do you prefer to have and why? i have long hair! on me i prefer longer hair cos i have a rounded face shape; i really do wish i could pull off short hair cos it looks so chic on some people :| 28. what makes you happy? feeling in control of my own life; seeing my family and closest friends genuinely happy 29. do you collect anything? if so, what? now... probably lipstick? lol 30. favorite sea creature? ummmmm i have no idea...maybe dolphins? 31. talk about the person you love most? she’s been through a lot and she always manages to pull through despite so many doubts, all whilst retaining a good deal of kindness in her heart, that she’s learned to accept as a strength instead of a weakness. she’s learned to use that kindness more for herself and for the people that actually matter, instead of spreading herself thin, and i’m very proud of her. i’m looking forward to see how she’s going to own more of her special, wonderful sides that makes her uniquely her. 32. favorite soda? dont drink soda lol 33. have you ever dyed your hair before? what color(s)? yes maam i do so every year now lol. i’ve always been pretty safe, it’s always a brownish color, either slightly lighter or darker but it’s always been in that spectrum. 34. favorite emoji(s)? 🥺♥️💘😭(when used 4 laughing purposes) 35. how tall are you? 157 cm :((((((( 36. if you could travel anywhere in the world,where would you want to go? taking covid out of the picture, japan lol. but with covid in the picture, honestly, home :(
37. favorite number? 8! and 11 38. are you a night owl or an early bird? night owl.......... 39. favorite holiday? how do you usually celebrate it? christmas + new years probably lol. partying or sleeping in !!! 40. favorite movie(s)? (not in order) whisper of the heart howl’s moving castle her garden of words 5 centimeters per second eternal sunshine of the spotless mind harry potter 3 lotr 3 before sunrise sleepless in seattle
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