#doreen answers stuff
kittyball23 · 6 months
Hi is it okay if you write a story about baby branch and Floyd
It sure is 😊
Remember (a Trolls fanfic)
Dear Diary,
It’s been a pretty quiet evening at home so far, and I guess there’s a few reasons for that. For one, I guess it’s no secret that I’m the quietest among my brothers (they say I should assert myself more, but I find that I can’t - it’s just the way I am 0.0). Also, my older brothers aren’t here at the moment, and the bro that IS here is sleeping on my lap (it’s a little hard to write right now, but I can manage). I’m guessing you’re probably wondering where exactly my older brothers are. Well, John Dory is out running some errands with Grandma, so they’re hitting the grocery store and a few other places (plus, JD DID say he was going to try and get supplies for some new costume ideas he has planned for us and our band, BroZone).
Spruce is out on a date. He ran another one of his competitions, and the winner this time around is a girl named Doreen. I’ve seen her around town a bit, and she seemed very excited to be able to be with him. As for Spruce… I don’t think I could really say the same :( But, regardless, they were heading out to Senior Frosty’s. A lot of us like to go down there for some sweet treats (personally, I think Grandma’s stuff is the best, but they’re okay too ^_^). Spruce’s favorite is the Tropical Sunset sundae, which is an ice cream that I think is made from vanilla, with some kind of fruity syrup and chunks of pineapple on top. It sounds pretty tasty, but my personal preference is the strawberry delight (an underrated flavor, but delicious nonetheless!)
Clay headed off to another one of his sad-book club meetings. He’s sorta told me about them before, but I’m a little nervous to go to one, if I’m being honest. If it’s about sad books like he says, I’m probably gonna be in tears the whole time! I guess I’ll just have to make sure that I pack a lot of tissues when I do get the chance to accompany him :)
That leaves me and Branch, like I mentioned before. We had some fun with all kinds of activities around the house.
We frosted some sugar cookies that Grandma had baked earlier in the day (Branch got a little messy with the decorating, but he didn’t mind). We played some games (the usual - hide-and-seek, tag… freeze tag) and sang some of our band’s songs together. I’m very proud of him. Even though he’s only a couple years old, he’s got a great falsetto going. Golden! I can tell he’s going to be an amazing singer one day, and I can’t wait for him to start performing with us. John Dory thinks he’s ready, too. A few days ago, he actually suggested that we should start arranging for our first tour. Spruce and Clay agreed, and it’s going to be so exciting!
As Floyd tapped his pencil to his chin, pondering what to write down next, the light weight on his lap began to shift. He immediately put his journal down, and watched admiringly as Branch cutely yawned and stretched.
“Hey, Branch,” he cooed softly, stroking his brother’s delicate little cheek. “Did you have a good nap?”
The baby blinked up at him, rubbing the sleep out of his large blue eyes and grinning his sweet little one-toothed grin. “Uh-huh!”
Floyd chuckled and ruffled his rich blue hair. “That’s good.”
“What did you do, Floyd?” the small Troll asked curiously.
“Oh, I was just writing in my journal,” he said, showing him the book that he’d placed at his side.
“Ohhh,” Branch mused, cocking his head. “Can I see it?”
“Sure thing,” Floyd replied fondly, opening it up and allowing Branch to flip through the pages.
“I write all kinds of things in here,” the magenta-haired Troll explained while the baby stared in wonder. “Ideas, stories, wishes… but do you know what my favorite thing to write about is?”
“What?” Branch asked, his eyes twinkling with interest.
“All the stuff I do with you, and our brothers.”
“Wow! Really?”
“Definitely,” Floyd answered. “That way, when we want to remember something special, it’ll all be right here.” He gave him a little side hug that Branch happily leaned into with a giggle. Then, the little blue Trolling thought of something else.
“Do you write songs in there, too?”
Floyd nodded. “Yeah, I do.” Then he smirked. “But you know, I’ve been having a little trouble trying to finish the one I’ve been working on. Do you want to help me?”
His baby brother’s face lit up. “Yeah!”
And, as he and Branch made another cherished memory - harmonizing together and creating wonderful new melodies - Floyd made sure to recall every little detail of their experience so, in that way, he could notate it in his journal for them to always remember.
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sag-dab-sar · 4 months
I wrote a post trying to figure out why on earth some Pagans & Witches refer to Imbolc (an Irish spring agricultural holiday associated with St Brigid, a potential Christianization of the Goddess Brigid/Bríg) as Candlemas, the completely Christian holiday celebrating The Purification of Mary & Presentation of Jesus at The Temple— which originated in the eastern part of the Roman Empire (which the only "pagan" aspect was it competing with Roman Lupercalia for celebrants).
Many pagan & witch spaces online have a constant disdain for Christianity thus I could not wrap my head around them using such an important point of Jesus' & Mary's life as one of their festivals/'sabbats'.... then, after writing a bunch of stuff, I stumbled onto the answer on Wikipedia's Wheel of The Year page, which has citations for its claims:
Margaret Murray (very early 20th century scholar) in her now discredited witch-cult hypothesis said that the Scottish "witch" Issobell Smyth in 1661 confessed to attending meetings for witches on the cross quarter days included Candlemas. Robert Graves (oh how I loathe you ehem I mean: poet folklorist), mentioned that Candlemas was part of the 8 ancient British agricultural festivals. And Doreen Valiente ("The Mother of Wicca") included Candlemas in her list of Greater Sabbat Fire Festivals, while also listing "Gaelic counterparts," in this case Imbolc.
Early (read: 19th-20th century) paganism and witchcraft, or scholarly work about it, really was just: put every claim regardless of accuracy from any culture in this jar, shake it up real good, see what pops out from the mix, then pretend its historically attested to and traditional despite any and all evidence.
Also whatever Wikipedia writer wrote this, I appreciate your sassiness ... even if it was unintentional:
Due to early Wicca's influence on modern paganism and the syncretic adoption of Anglo-Saxon and Celtic motifs, the most commonly used English festival names for the Wheel of the Year tend to be the Celtic ones introduced by Gardner and the mostly Germanic-derived names introduced by Kelly, regardless whether the celebrations are based on those cultures.
EDIT: To be clear, not all neo/pagans, witches, wiccans, occultists, people-who-use-wheel-of-year are anti-Christian! I'm not trying to say that. But as a worshipper of Mary now, I notice it more and more. Nor am I saying all those people follow Murray/Grave/Valiente blindly but published works and trusted blogs often seem to. This is simply an observation, I've taken notice of, its not the entire communities.
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thissquirrelgirl · 2 months
"The point is: I'm normal about paper."
"Wow Tony, this place is a mess. "
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Tony's lab is an explosion of metal scraps, circuit boards, and discarded nuts and bolts. Doreen feels like she just stepped into an episode of Hoarders: Billionaire Genius edition.
She didn't mean to say anything, because it's not her space or her place to judge, but the sheer volume of stuff caused her the words to slip out of her mouth. Tony answered by pointing at the singular, neatly stacked pile of papers: the only organized thing in the room.
"I don't get it," she said with a tilt of her head.
"The point is: I'm normal about paper."
Doreen snorted.
"Thank goodness for that, Tony, otherwise I might have been concerned."
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gunsatthaphan · 11 months
Hi, Doreen.
I saw that anon ask about FK's chemistry and wanted to add my two cents.
My take on it is somewhat similar to yours, Doreen, but slightly different. Basically, I believe that (like any actor pair in the BL industry) they do amp things up for the fans to an extent because that's (unfortunately) a part of the job. However, I don’t think the emotional stuff (like the crying) is a performance. Do I think them answering a suggestive question in a slightly flirty manner at a fan meeting is fanservice? Yes. Do I think them posting pics together on social media almost every day is done for the fans? Yes. (Btw, this doesn't mean they wouldn't hang out if they weren't in a BL couple, but they certainly wouldn't have done it as often or post pics of it all the time.)
But I think whenever they actually talk about the deeper stuff, it's genuine and not just fanservice and I especially think so when it comes to the crying. Well, tbh, idk about Khao because he's harder for me to read (I think it's because he gives off chill/nonchalant vibes and people like that have always been hard for me to read whether they're genuine or not) but First just reads very authentic to me. Of course he's still going to keep certain things private (as he should) but the things that he does share about himself are genuine imo. The thing about getting emotional/crying about his bestie is: Would he have done it if the two of them weren't an established BL pair? No, of course not. Not because he doesn’t genuinely care, but because why would he ever give his friendships a deeper thought? Because why would any of us? I certainly don't go around evaluating what my best friends really mean to me unprompted. But if suddenly I had people (interviewers, fans, possibly management/other gmmtv staff too) barraging me with questions and prompts about what my bestie means to me or how I'd feel if they were gone from my life, it sure as hell would make me think about that stuff and probably get emotional. And that's without the added circumstance of me suddenly spending most of my time with that person now for work (work that sometimes involves kissing them on top of that). To me it seems incredibly plausible that all of that shared experience and time spent together makes you closer and your friendship stronger. And while, yes, those emotional moments are definitely goaded out of them by staff/interviewers/etc. it doesn’t mean that makes them an act. Sure, they wouldn't start bawling unprompted but the feelings are still there, you know? Just becaise they needed a push, it doesn't mean they're fake.
And yeah, I agree they were definitely more awkward at the start of their journey together as a BL pair because who wouldn't feel and act awkward if they had to act out being in love with their friend and having to kiss them? But do I think the fact that they're not as awkward with it anymore and are more playful about it means they're faking it for the fans? No, I just think with time they got used to it and that's why it doesn't feel as awkward anymore. After you do something for a while, it becomes less weird to you even if it was very weird in the beginning.
I also want to say I actually don't think they're acting all that different now than they did a few years ago. I've seen content of them together back from like 2020 and even earlier (aka before they ever knew they'd be paired up for a series one day) and they were pretty much the same as they are now - bantering all in good fun while also getting sappy at each other and even a little flirty (joking around). They had no reason to do fanservice back then or amp anything up. Which is part of the reason why I believe so strongly that they're not just acting. There's a higher volume of content from them now (for obvious reasons) but the content itself is very similar.
Just for comparison: I don’t think all acting pairs are like this, btw. For example, as much as I like JoongDunk and believe they're definitely genuine friends, I do think they (especially Dunk) love to play things up for the cameras and do things for fansevice a lot. And even in my deepest obsession with Bad Buddy when the series first came out I always felt that there was something about the way Ohm acted in ON interviews/fanmeets/etc. that felt somewhat inauthentic to me. I do believe they're friends (or at least were, idk what's going on now since I don’t follow them anymore) but it always seemed to me like Ohm was forcing things a bit/acting to some extent while Nanon rang genuine to me. But honestly, FK (especially First) are two people from gmmtv who just feel the most genuine to me out of everyone. Maybe that's why I'm so drawn to them.
To bring it back to the anon's original question: Do FK have real romantic chemistry outside of their series? I don’t know about "romantic" chemistry but they definitely have chemistry, period (aka a bond, aka they're close friends). I don’t think they're faking anything, I just think different people see it differently. For example, if you think they give off romantic chemistry specifically but in reality their "chemistry" is platonic, it doesn't mean they were faking romantic chemistry, it just means you interpreted the chemistry they do have in a romantic way for whatever reason. At the same time, many people only ever interpreted that same chemistry as purely platonic.
Anyways, hope this is ok. Just wanted to share my opinion, which at the end of the day is just that - an opinion. The truth is none of us will ever know for sure because we only know these people through a screen. Either way it's always best to just enjoy the content you're given without needless speculation about actual romantic attraction/chemistry.
hi anon!
thank you for this lengthy ask lmao. You make a lot of good points but I think we should keep in mind not to overanalyze real-life relationships so I'm gonna try and keep it short.
Don't get me wrong, I also think they're 100% real about what they do and say and I agree that they're (subjectively speaking) the most genuine people at gmmtv. What I meant is that they're taking the natural chemistry they have and play it up, which, again, is a very normal thing to do so I'm fine with that lol. Nothing they do or imply is fake, it's just magnified for the cameras lol.
I agree about First being authentic with his emotional reactions but that doesn't mean he's not intentionally triggering the tear ducts every now and then lol. He's good at that, exhibit A: every one of his crying scenes lol. But I also agree with you that a lot of his responses are probably circumstantial and that being said I sometimes get the feeling that he feels a little overwhelmed in general. He's not a newbie but he is new to being under the big BL spotlight and evidently that's pressure-inducing. Everyone reacts to these things differently and I think he feels a little unsure about how to act sometimes. Like you said Khao comes across a lot more chill so either he doesn't have the same issues or he's hiding it very well lol.
But anyway my point is I agree that what they have is real but like I said they're inflating it - in a way that still feels very genuine. That plus First being an emotional person as it is results in him having unprompted breakdowns lol. But who are we to judge. These are the things that make him so precious.
I don't want to over-interpret their relationship because that's not the point of being a fan in my opinion and also verges on creepy lol so that all I'm gonna say about this ✌🏻
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dayplays · 2 years
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Anonymous said: Who is your favorite squirrel Doreen?
“My favorite? Mmm... nah, don’t care for that terminology. You don’t pick favorites among your friends.
... or maybe you do? But, I don’t.”
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“Now, the squirrel I’m closest with, on the other hand? That’s gotta be Tippy-Toe, no contest.” She answers with a beaming smile, giving the ribbon-wearing squirrel on her shoulder a scratch upon her head. “She’s an eastern gray squirrel, and my best friend!
Called out for some help once, she showed up and stuck it through some tough stuff, and she’s been by my side ever since.”
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“I’ve never met a squirrel I didn’t like, though! ... well, unless you count Ratatoskr. She was pretty rude.”
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fungi-maestro · 2 years
Who are your favorite comic characters? Hard mode; no The Question. (VIC OR RENEE!!!!)
Ouh! Surprisingly not that difficult for me haha. I love the Questions, don't get me wrong, but I actually have another comic character that I would probably answer if someone asked me who my favorite is. Sure, I post about Vic a lot more than this person, but I own physical copies of a ton of comics and can attribute my interest in reading comics to them. And this character is..... Squirrel Girl. :) What is it with me and Ditko characters.....
I think she's a really great hero, and she has a sort of bubbly optimism that I found super inspiring when I was a kid. I remember the first time I read a Squirrel Girl comic, I was so shocked that comics could be that fun and interesting, since most of my exposure up until then were comics/superhero cartoons I didn't feel that strongly connected to. I would say my earliest favorite superhero is Wolverine from some 90s/00s X-Men cartoon, but even then I never really cared about his history or character. Doreen Green, aka SG, was the first character I saw and thought, "I need to know everything about this person NOW." and then I started reading comics, then I started collecting them, and now I have a fat stack of TUSG and GLA comics collecting dust on my bookshelf.
To this day, she's the only character that I actually own more than one or two copies of a comic featuring them. Would it surprise you to know that I don't actually have any Question comics (compared to my ~30-40 SG ones)? Maybe someday.......
Anyway other than her, I like Plastic Man. I think he's fun. I also really remember loving Martian Manhunter as a kid from watching JLU and playing a justice league game on my brother's PlayStation, but I haven't read anything with him. I just remember him being really great, plus he could turn invisible and fly in the game. :)
I credit most of my comic love to my brothers, who were always watching stuff like that and playing games like that with me. One of them actually went on to become a professional comic artist, so I would definitely say that they nurtured that interest. Shout-out brothers. A lot of my SG comics were gifts from them once they found out I liked her. Super great and very dear to my heart. I totally recommend reading some Unbeatable Squirrel Girl if you can. Let me know what you think!
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thissquirrelgirl · 4 months
It's time to eat nuts…and kick…butts?
Welcome to my main muse blog: #thissquirrelgirl!
(I also have another muse blog @itsaninfestation.)
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I'll get straight to the point: this is a role-playing blog for the gal who kicks butts and eats nuts. The legend who defeated Dr. Doom with a legion of squirrels at the tender age of 14; the one who befriended Galactus and convinced him not to consume Earth; and the gal who absolutely has Tony Stark on speed-dial. She is the fantastic, incredible, unbeatable Squirrel Girl!
This version of Doreen Green is 21, a busy college student, and a superhero with a golden track record (or she will be older depending on the storyline)! She enjoys lighthearted conversations, making friends, and finding the best way to take villains down -- whether it be with her words or her fists.
I have RPed for years, but it had been ages since I have done text-based RP, but I'm happy to be back behind the keyboard.
I (mun) am in my thirties, and while I'm happy to RP with anyone, I will ONLY RP with 21+ individuals if the content is flirty/romantic. I would like to say upfront that Doreen is a goofy, cheesy, puppy-love type of romantic. Explicit sexual content is NOT her thing -- hints of that sort of stuff are fine, but anything more will just be 'fade to black" style -- so, nothing too spicy, please! (If your more interested in that sort of thing, see my OC Marvel blog @itsaninfestation.)
If you want to start an RP thread, message me and we can work something out, otherwise just ask a question for a single answer prompt/scenario!
Ask Me Anything! Thread Tracker
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
why is no one talking about Tine slapping Sarawat's ass and running away giggling in the preview sjdjssk i'm so soft for Win he's so CUTE
lmaooo anon you just reminded me that I wanted to gif this part cuz it made me laugh SO hard djkfhds
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Tine, an actual 5 yr old dork kdjgdg
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
Hi 👋 you seem very nice and I keep seeing your BL drama posts on my blog and their got me really interested to the genre 😊 I would really like to start watching and wanted to know if you could recommend the ones you like the most or would recommend as a start ? 💕 I’m already watching kdramas and cdramas but I would really like to watch shows with more lgbtq+ representation!
Hii there!! 😊
first of all thank you!! 💕💕
You can find a list of my drama recommendations here, though those are bl- and non-bl dramas and also only from Thailand. My general bl recommendations are (sorted by release date with link to stream w/ EngSubs):
SOTUS 1&2 (2016, 2017) STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLszepnkojZI5tID5gmStSvLef-eKcZxO-
Diary of Tootsies 1&2 (2016, 2017) STREAM1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLOdzjoplpj1AvOpLIN_pW6NQQ1-uvdQO STREAM2: http://gcinee.com/1153-2/
Together with me (2017) STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3pyPJdd1J4OWCTnUd0ychA/search?query=together+with+me 
Together with me: the next chapter (2018) STREAM: https://www.facebook.com/LazySubber/posts/engsub-together-with-me-the-next-chapter-episode-listwatch-from-original-links-a/695345517499569/ 
HIStory 2: Boundary Crossing (2018) STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE22zxOA4Gb3hH1f7UKPgmEa_vygsWQxg
My Dream the series (2018) STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5GzaBcHttOIkPG7JaWZLBNtpBf7GlI6o 
Love by Chance (2018) STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3Ke6kHYDePPyJL87y-6JNTJRSS9H4LEK 
Kiss me again (2018) STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr5NeVvp7KkrA-wUDeEvEqCm9MmZ4wzUG  
Friend Zone (2018) STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLszepnkojZI5tJnZ9A-0AFooQqV4hc6g0 
He’s Coming to me (2019) STREAM: GCINEE
Great Men Academy (2019)STREAM: https://kissasian.sh/Drama/Great-Men-Academy 
HIStory 3: Trapped (2019)STREAM: https://gcinee.com/history-03-trap/
Theory of Love (2019) (one of my all-time favorites)STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/user/GMMTVSPOTLIKE/search?query=theory+of+love 
2Moons2 (2019) -> season 2 confirmedSTREAM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDIqVRSvaz9KfGjBbaO2LeaDN2EHS-PQ5 
HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count (2019)STREAM: https://gcinee.com/make-our-days-count/
TharnType (2019) -> season 2 confirmedSTREAM: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/tharntype-the-series/44409-official-tharntype-episode-links-please-watch-here-to-support-the-drama
Dark Blue Kiss (2019) STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/user/GMMTVSPOTLIKE/search?query=dark+blue+kiss
Until We Meet Again (2019) STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPXE51seODgcGxLQF_X5jzQ/search?query=until+we+meet+again 
Why R U? (2020) -STREAM: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/why-r-u-the-series/45915-official-why-r-u-the-series-episode-links
2Gether (2020)  STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/user/GMMTVSPOTLIKE/search?query=2gether 
My Engineer (2020)  STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ2sG1bXhFB8v2pmFtfZ7OA/videos
YYY (2020)STREAM: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/yyy/47811-official-yyy-episode-links-linetv
Tonhon Chonlatee (2020)STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/c/gmmtv/search?query=tonhon%20chonlatee 
My Gear and Your Gown (2020)STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYYyUhZKiEj49TOwC8ce40NuDWZw911tP
I Told Sunset About You (2020)STREAM: https://dramacool.vc/drama-detail/i-told-sunset-about-you
Color Rush (2020)STREAM: https://dramacool.vc/drama-detail/color-rush
To My Star (2020)STREAM: https://dramacool.vc/drama-detail/to-my-star
Gen Y (2020)STREAM: https://dramacool.vc/drama-detail/gen-y-2020
I hope this helped you! 
regarding your question what I recommend as a starter - it depends on what kind of shows you like; If you like cute/fluffy stuff, then I recommend you start with a GMMTV drama since they’re mostly very cute and easy to watch. I personally started with SOTUS and History 2 Boundary Crossing; but you can really pick any show, they’re all great! 😉have fun watching! 😄
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
I need Yoon Phusanu and Perth Nakhun as main leads in a post-apocalyptic Mad Max-style bl drama
anon... you might be onto something there...... dont mind if I do sajkhfsd
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.....also you have no idea how much fun I had making this sakfhsa 😅
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
Your asks are back! 🥺 Since I'm still obsessed with you glorious Yoon/Perth edit, an idea has been floating inside my mind... A Tommy/Jimmy sci-fi edit, cause Zon is a sci-fi writer, so it can be anything, Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly, or even Doctor Who thanks to Saifah's very British bed sheets 😅
skjdhs YEAH tumblr is clowning me these days smh....
anyway I LOVED this concept so I made two lol,,,,, I really tried but it highkey sucks bc I’m not a PS pro ahlkfs 🙈
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
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Anonymous asked: top 10 favorite gun photos of 2019 ~ go go
+ bonus: 
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
I feel like YYY is gonna give all of us the best reaction gifs to use in convos with our non bl watching families 😂 they’re not gonna know what hit them!
lmaooo anon for sure!!!!!! We’re only on episode 1 and they already fed us well sdkjfhsd
here are a few of my favorites memes lol:
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
why do boys always share such disgusting stories like please you can keep some things to yourself 😭
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
Finally Tumblr has let me send you an ask, Doreen. Oabdksbdjsbxb. You said you were taking requests for those funny edits and now i can't stop picturing Yoon as Indiana Jones. Is there a possibility for an edit of that?
sjkfbsd Victor istg tumblr has sworn some sort of conspiracy against me or sth bc it keeps closing my inbox?? smh..
anyway I cannot believe I’m actually getting requests bc of my weird edit aklsfha so yeah here you go i decided to make it yyy themed lmao-
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
All my favourite shows are ending! DBK, now Tharntype! How many eps is there of Until We Meet Again? I don’t know what I will watch now to fill the gap! Are there are new shows starting soon you are going to watch/recommend?
I feel you so much anon! 😭All these wonderful shows happened to start around the same time back in October last year and as amazing as it was to get so many things at once, the perks are that they’re all ending at the same time too 😭It’s like it all went from 100 to 0 real fast lol. I’m starting to feel more and more empty haha. 
BUT at least we still have 3 episodes of UWMA left AND: Why R U The Series actually starts in 10 days!!! Which I’m extremely excited for!!! 
Other shows that are coming in 2020 that I’m hyped for are (sorted by release date):
Angel Beside Me (starts January 18th)
Turn Left Turn Right (starts February 2nd) 
Classic Again (movie, airs February 6th)
My Engineer (starts February 14th)
Love By Chance 2 (no air date yet)
Girl Next Room (no air date yet) -> VERY excited for this one!!!!!
2gether: The Series (no air date yet) -> VERY excited for this one too!!!!
A Tale of Thousand Stars (no air date yet)
That’s My Umbrella (no air date yet) -> this one will have Kaownah (Lhong) as the main actor and I’m super excited!!!! 
En Of Love (no air date yet) 
History 2: Crossing The Line 2 (movie, no air date yet)
Oxygen (no air date yet) 
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