#dr. michelle bengtson
walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“Whose Opinion Counts? 20 Bible Verses that Define Your Worth” By Dr. Michelle Bengtson:
“These 20 Bible Verses that define your worth will remind you of who you are in Christ and what God says about you. Use these scriptures to fight back against negative thinking and settle the issue of your worth and identity. No matter what anyone else says, you are accepted by the only One whose opinion counts.
[To download a Free Printable of 20 Scriptures that Define Your Worth, click here.]
I’ll never forget the day. My young son came home from school despondent, and lacking his normal carefree smile. When I scooped him up in a hug and attempted to lighten the mood with a tickle-fest, I was instead greeted with tears.
“Mom, some kids at school said I wasn’t smart enough to sit at the cool kids’ table.”
I thought my heart was going to shatter into a million pieces right there in front of this sweet boy who had a heart of gold and the most generous spirit to boot.
I could tell him it wasn’t true. I could tell him what I thought. More importantly, I would share with him what God said because that’s the only One whose opinion counts.
I spent many years listening to wrong opinions. Too many years, in fact, not really appreciating what God said about me. I lived too long believing that God was mad at me, and that He needed me to be perfect in order to love me.
What if we decided to no longer let the enemy destroy our identity and dealt with the issue of self-hatred? What if we stopped giving so much credit to the opinions of others, and cared only about the One whose opinion counts? What if instead of going down the road of comparing ourselves to others we stopped and said, “Father, I’m about to beat myself up, but before I do, why don’t you tell me what you think of me? How do you see me, Father?” Wouldn’t that change everything?
I grew up in the church. I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was seven years old, and I was in church every time the doors were open. In fact, my family often opened the doors!
I attended Sunday School every week, and won the white Bible for inviting the most people to church. I scored when it came to Scripture verse drills. And yet, if I’m being honest with you, something was missing: I didn’t really know what God said about me. That made me easy prey for the enemy of my soul to flood my mind and my heart with lies that stole my joy, killed my peace, and destroyed my identity.
Scripture says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6).
What I didn’t know then was exactly what my son needed to know in order to settle the issue of his worth, and to realize that while others may reject us, he was accepted by the only One whose opinion counts. He needed to know, and maybe you do too, that God says:
You are beautiful. (Psalm 45:11)
You are lovely. (Daniel 12:3)
You are loved. (Jeremiah 31:3)
You are chosen. (John 15:16)
You are special. (Ephesians 2:10)
You are created in His image. (Genesis 1:27)
You are cared for. (Ephesians 3:17-19)
You are strong. (Psalm 68:35)
You are precious. (1 Corinthians 6:20)
You are protected. (Psalm 121:3)
You are unique. (Psalm 139:13)
You are important. (1 Peter 2:9)
You are forgiven. (Psalm 103:12)
You were created for a purpose. (Jeremiah 29:11)
You are empowered. (Philippians 4:13)
You are a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
You are accepted. (Ephesians 1:6)
You are the apple of His eye. (Zechariah 2:8)
You are family. (Ephesians 2:19)
You are His. (Isaiah 43:1)
He and I would have to have additional discussions for this to sink in, but it was a great place to start. The best place to start, in fact—knowing the truth that matters from the One whose opinion counts.
Knowing what the Father says about you changes everything. Do you know what God says about you? Which of these Scriptures do you need to embrace today?”
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iambelievinggod · 9 months
Coping With Chronic Pain
By Dr. Michelle Bengtson (Guest post) We’re all familiar with physical pain, because we’ve all experienced it: a sprained ankle, brokenarm, sunburn. We generally attempt to determine the root cause of the pain, address it, and hopeit heals so we can move on. But what about when the pain lingers weeks, months, or years? Howdo we cope with chronic pain?We live in such a pain-averse society, that…
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bulletinwave · 2 years
Today Is Going to Be a Good Day: 90 Promises from God to Start Your Day Off Right
Today Is Going to Be a Good Day: 90 Promises from God to Start Your Day Off Right
Price: (as of – Details) From the Publisher Today is going to be a good day because… Get to Know Dr. Bengtson Dr. Michelle Bengtson is an international speaker, a national and international media resource on mental health, and the author of the bestselling, multi-award-winning books Hope Prevails and the Hope Prevails Bible Study. Her book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip won the 2020 AWSA Golden…
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minidynz · 4 years
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"When the world says give up, HOPE whispers, try it one more time." ~Dr. Michelle Bengtson
New watercolor. Stay safe everyone.
For more of my art, here's the links below:
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/minidynz
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/minidynz
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dianaleaghmatthews · 5 years
Book Review: Breaking Anxiety's Grip
Book Review: Breaking Anxiety’s Grip
Do you struggle with anxiety or stress? I do. More than I’d like to admit.
Dr. Michelle Bengtson‘s book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises tackles these difficult subjects in a compassionate and understanding manner. Dr. Michelle often uses her own experiences with battling anxiety in her book. She also incorporates Biblical principal’s into each chapter.
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yourworld2-blog · 5 years
When you're feeling alone, remember the promises of God. He will never leave you. He will never forsake you. He will be with you.
https://bit.ly/2DNnAeA -- Grab "Receiving the Promises of God" by Otis Felton https://amzn.to/2MUo5Wr
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calvindtucker2 · 3 years
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averagechristiannet · 3 years
Overcoming Hopelessness with Hope — Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Overcoming Hopelessness with Hope — Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Yes, you defeat being hopeless by becoming hopeful. But to be hopeful, you have to obtain and then incorporate God’s truth! From Dr. Michelle Bengtston and Hope Prevails……………… We all have those times when the stresses of this world seem overwhelming and we begin to wonder which side is up. When hard times come, we can overcome hopelessness by fixing our eyes on God’s promises rather than on…
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shellseeker76 · 5 years
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Reposted from @drmichellebengtson (@get_regrann) - Every time we listen to the enemy, we step outside the safety of God’s shelter, and no longer rest in His peace. Here’s what that sounds like: “You can’t possibly get everything done that needs to get done.” “You’re going to let people down.” “You’re in over your head.” “You will fail.” “There’s nothing you can do.” When I accept what God has promised as mine, it empowers me for battle. ~ Dr. Michelle Bengtson, Breaking Anxiety's Grip #BreakingAnxietysGrip #PeacePrevails #BreakingAnxietysGripBook #overcominganxiety #godlywisdom - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B3sD7j5lhOTL9iyqCTw03p5x7QEyRDo5cGUh8I0/?igshid=1f45is1hekidr
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jamesyee · 5 years
God desires to meet our needs. Yet he cannot and will not fight us for control. We are not responsible for those things that tempt us to become anxious, but we have to be willing to let go of them. ~ Dr. Michelle Bengtson, Breaking Anxiety’s Grip #BreakingAnxietysGrip #PeacePrevails #BreakingAnxietysGripBook #overcominganxiety #godlywisdom (Feed generated with FetchRSS)... Source
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God desires to meet our needs. Yet he cannot and will not fight us for control. We are not responsible for those things that tempt us to become anxious, but we have to be willing to let go of them. (Feed generated with FetchRSS) | https://ift.tt/2SdRa0z | #motivationalquotes #motivation #success #successquotes #successmindset #hbn #hbnaturals #hbnsuccess #whyhbn #hbntopteam #makemoneyonline #goodhealth #succeedonline #onlinesuccess #prosper #prosperity #affiliatemarketing #internetmarketing #networkmarketing #mlm #healthproducts #organicproducts
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vibrant-relevance · 5 years
Hope Prevails Giveaway!
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Follow Friday guest author, Dr. Michelle Bengtson has graciously offered to giveaway one copy of Hope Prevails and one copy of Hope Prevails Bible Study!
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     Contest Dates:
Friday, January 18, 2019, to Tuesday, January 22, 2019.
Winners announced
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
One name will be drawn for Hope Prevails
One name will be drawn for Hope Prevails Bible Study
  How to enter:
2 entries…
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“When God Gave Me More Than I Could Handle” By Dr Michelle Bengtson:
“People, Christians included, often say that God won’t give you any more than you can handle, but that’s just not true. We’ve gotten it all wrong. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God won’t give us more than we can handle. It says he won’t let us be tempted beyond what we can bear, and that he will provide a way out of temptation so that we can handle it.
“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).
But that’s talking about temptation, not enduring the trials and hardships of life. I would go so far as to say that God absolutely does give us more than we can handle! But He does so for a purpose. To those who so often say to me, “I don’t know how you handle everything you’ve been given,” I don’t. Repeatedly God has brought me to the place where I can’t handle it on my own. I can’t do it without Him.
Life is hard. Life is weighty. Life is overwhelming. We can’t do it alone, without Him. That’s why Jesus comforted us with the promise that,
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Jesus doesn’t ask us to carry the load by ourselves. Jesus beckons us to find our refuge, our strength, our peace in Him when life is just more than we can handle on our own.
When you feel like giving up, giving in, and letting go, God is holding on to you. When we experience difficulties that are too great for us to handle, they remind us that we must depend on God.
“For I am the LORD your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you’” (Isaiah 41:13).
“The LORD also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, A stronghold in times of trouble” (Psalm 9:9).
When you’re weak, God wants to be strong for you. He wants to be the rock that you lean on, the strong tower that you run to. The times that overwhelm us show us that God is our source of strength.
“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him” (Psalm 28:7).
“But the salvation of the righteous is from the LORD; He is their strength in time of trouble” (Psalm 37:39-40).
The times that overwhelm us show us that God is our source of strength. When you feel weak, lost, and scared, not even sure where your next breath will come from, take God’s hand and know that He’s going to help you through it, one moment at a time. The times that are too difficult to handle on our own teach us to trust God even when we cannot see.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
“Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock” (Isaiah 26:4).
When all you can do is cry, God is a safe place to do that because He promises to dry your eyes. When we are faced with difficulties that are more than we can handle on our own, we have an opportunity to experience God as our refuge.
“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
“As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him” (Psalm 18:30).
We will go through the hard times but never alone or without His helpful, guiding hand. So, does God give us more than we can handle on our own? Yes. But He makes us a promise that is worth holding onto:
“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you” (Isaiah 43:2).
We will go through the hard times, the fiery times, the overwhelming times, but never alone, and never without His helpful, guiding hand.
The question is, will you trust Him with those heavy, overwhelming burdens that are more than you can handle?
Because of Him, #HopePrevails!”
(Slightly abridged. Full Web article here.)
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iambelievinggod · 5 years
Discover True Peace
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  With everything we have to worry about, it’s no wonder many of us are filled with anxiety.  Without help, we can sink. The first step, according to Dr. Michelle Bentson, is recognizing that anxiety is a spiritual problem that require a spiritual solution.
“Breaking Anxiety’s Grip” is a follow-up to Dr. Bengtson’s “Hope Prevails”, a book on overcoming depression. This new book includes her story…
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gilandrenee · 5 years
Struggling with depression and anxiety? Please watch this show. Dr Michelle Bengtson book is a must read.. #lessregret #habitsthatheal #jasonfowlermusic #drmichellebengtson (at WATC-TV 57) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KL_GapGl-/?igshid=1id45mvry3vd5
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cbcommunity · 6 years
Lieber Patient, jetzt verstehe ich
Lieber Patient, jetzt verstehe ich
Hier (<a href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3FeluaAW1I&#8221; target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3FeluaAW1I</a&gt;) die sehr bewegenden, mitfühlenden Worte von Dr. Michelle Bengtson, einer Neuropsychologin, die selbst eine Depression durchlitt und überwand.
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Luís Inácio (300 Picaretas) - Os Paralamas do Sucesso
Marx Beltrão PMDB AL Cícero Almeida PMDB AL Fabio Reis PMDB SE Andre Moura PSC SE Ricardo Teobaldo Podemos PE Mendonça Filho DEM PE Luciano Bivar PSL PE Jorge Côrte Real PTB PE Fernando Monteiro PP PE Eduardo da Fonte PP PE Hugo Motta PMDB PB Danilo Forte PSB CE Pr. Marco Feliciano PSC SP Nelson Marquezelli PTB SP João Campos PRB GO Bonifácio de Andrada PSDB MG Hermes Parcianello PMDB PR Hélio Leite DEM PA Elcione Barbalho PMDB PA Beto Salame PP PA Osmar Terra PMDB RS Darcísio Perondi PMDB RS Abel Mesquita Jr. DEM RR Edio Lopes PR RR Hiran Gonçalves PP RR Jhonatan de Jesus PRB RR Maria Helena PSB RR Remídio Monai PR RR Alceu Moreira PMDB RS Cajar Nardes PR RS Covatti Filho PP RS José Fogaça PMDB RS José Otávio Germano PP RS Mauro Pereira PMDB RS Renato Molling PP RS Ronaldo Nogueira PTB RS Sérgio Moraes PTB RS Yeda Crusius PSDB RS Celso Maldaner PMDB SC Cesar Souza PSD SC João Paulo Kleinübing PSD SC João Rodrigues PSD SC Marco Tebaldi PSDB SC Mauro Mariani PMDB SC Rogério Peninha Mendonça PMDB SC Ronaldo Benedet PMDB SC Valdir Colatto PMDB SC André Abdon PP AP Cabuçu Borges PMDB AP Jozi Araújo Podemos AP Vinicius Gurgel PR AP Delegado Éder Mauro PSD PA Francisco Chapadinha Podemos PA José Priante PMDB PA Josué Bengtson PTB PA Júlia Marinho PSC PA Lúcio Vale PR PA Nilson Pinto PSDB PA Simone Morgado PMDB PA Wladimir Costa SD PA Alex Canziani PTB PR Alfredo Kaefer PSL PR Dilceu Sperafico PP PR Edmar Arruda PSD PR Evandro Roman PSD PR Giacobo PR PR João Arruda PMDB PR Luiz Carlos Hauly PSDB PR Luiz Nishimori PR PR Nelson Meurer PP PR Nelson Padovani PSDB PR Sergio Souza PMDB PR Takayama PSC PR Toninho Wandscheer Pros PR Carlos Marun PMDB MS Elizeu Dionizio PSDB MS Geraldo Resende PSDB MS Tereza Cristina PSB MS Alfredo Nascimento PR AM Arthur Virgílio Bisneto PSDB AM Átila Lins PSD AM Pauderney Avelino DEM AM Sabino Castelo Branco PTB AM Silas Câmara PRB AM Lindomar Garçon PRB RO Lucio Mosquini PMDB RO Luiz Cláudio PR RO Marinha Raupp PMDB RO Nilton Capixaba PTB RO Alexandre Baldy Podemos GO Célio Silveira PSDB GO Daniel Vilela PMDB GO Giuseppe Vecci PSDB GO Heuler Cruvinel PSD GO Jovair Arantes PTB GO Lucas Vergilio SD GO Magda Mofatto PR GO Pedro Chaves PMDB GO Roberto Balestra PP GO Thiago Peixoto PSD GO Alberto Fraga DEM DF Izalci Lucas PSDB DF Laerte Bessa PR DF Rogério Rosso PSD DF Ronaldo Fonseca Pros DF Flaviano Melo PMDB AC Jéssica Sales PMDB AC Carlos Henrique Gaguim Podemos TO Dulce Miranda PMDB TO Josi Nunes PMDB TO Lázaro Botelho PP TO Prof. Dorinha Rezende DEM TO Adilton Sachetti PSB MT Carlos Bezerra PMDB MT Ezequiel Fonseca PP MT Fabio Garcia PSB MT Nilson Leitão PSDB MT Professor Victório Galli PSC MT Rogério Silva Pros MT Antonio Bulhões PRB SP Baleia Rossi PMDB SP Beto Mansur PRB SP Bruna Furlan PSDB SP Celso Russomanno PRB SP Dr. Sinval Malheiros Podemos SP Eli Corrêa Filho DEM SP Evandro Gussi PV SP Fausto Pinato PP SP Goulart PSD SP Guilherme Mussi PP SP Herculano Passos PSD SP Jorge Tadeu Mudalen DEM SP Marcelo Aguiar DEM SP Marcelo Squassoni PRB SP Marcio Alvino PR SP Miguel Lombardi PR SP Milton Monti PR SP Missionário José Olimpio DEM SP Paulo Freire PR SP Paulo Maluf PP SP Paulo Pereira Da Silva SD SP Ricardo Izar PP SP Roberto Alves PRB SP Roberto de Lucena PV SP Vinicius Carvalho PRB SP Walter Ihoshi PSD SP Aluisio Mendes Podemos MA André Fufuca PP MA Cleber Verde PRB MA Hildo Rocha PMDB MA João Marcelo Souza PMDB MA José Reinaldo PSB MA Junior Marreca PEN MA Juscelino Filho DEM MA Pedro Fernandes PTB MA Sarney Filho PV MA Victor Mendes PSD MA Aníbal Gomes PMDB CE Domingos Neto PSD CE Genecias Noronha SD CE Gorete Pereira PR CE Macedo PP CE Moses Rodrigues PMDB CE Paulo Henrique Lustosa PP CE Vaidon Oliveira DEM CE Alexandre Valle PR RJ Altineu Côrtes PMDB RJ Aureo SD RJ Celso Jacob PMDB RJ Cristiane Brasil PTB RJ Ezequiel Teixeira Podemos RJ Francisco Floriano DEM RJ Julio Lopes PP RJ Leonardo Picciani PMDB RJ Marcelo Delaroli PR RJ Marco Antônio Cabral PMDB RJ Marcos Soares DEM RJ Paulo Feijó PR RJ Pedro Paulo PMDB RJ Roberto Sales PRB RJ Rosangela Gomes PRB RJ Simão Sessim PP RJ Soraya Santos PMDB RJ Walney Rocha PEN RJ Zé Augusto Nalin PMDB RJ Lelo Coimbra PMDB ES Marcus Vicente PP ES Átila Lira PSB PI Heráclito Fortes PSB PI Iracema Portella PP PI Júlio Cesar PSD PI Maia Filho PP PI Paes Landim PTB PI Beto Rosado PP RN Fábio Faria PSD RN Felipe Maia DEM RN Rogério Marinho PSDB RN Walter Alves PMDB RN Ademir Camilo Podemos MG Aelton Freitas PR MG Bilac Pinto PR MG Brunny PR MG Caio Narcio PSDB MG Carlos Melles DEM MG Dâmina Pereira PSL MG Delegado Edson Moreira PR MG Diego Andrade PSD MG Dimas Fabiano PP MG Domingos Sávio PSDB MG Fábio Ramalho PMDB MG Franklin PP MG Jaime Martins PSD MG Leonardo Quintão PMDB MG Luis Tibé PTdoB MG Luiz Fernando Faria PP MG Marcelo Aro PHS MG Marcos Montes PSD MG Marcus Pestana PSDB MG Mauro Lopes PMDB MG Misael Varella DEM MG Newton Cardoso Jr PMDB MG Paulo Abi-Ackel PSDB MG Raquel Muniz PSD MG Renato Andrade PP MG Renzo Braz PP MG Rodrigo de Castro PSDB MG Saraiva Felipe PMDB MG Tenente Lúcio PSB MG Toninho Pinheiro PP MG Zé Silva SD MG Antonio Imbassahy PSDB BA Arthur Oliveira Maia PPS BA Benito Gama PTB BA Cacá Leão PP BA Claudio Cajado DEM BA Elmar Nascimento DEM BA Erivelton Santana PEN BA João Carlos Bacelar PR BA José Carlos Aleluia DEM BA José Carlos Araújo PR BA José Rocha PR BA Lucio Vieira Lima PMDB BA Márcio Marinho PRB BA Mário Negromonte Jr. PP BA Pastor Luciano Braga PRB BA Paulo Azi DEM BA Roberto Britto PP BA Aguinaldo Ribeiro PP PB André Amaral PMDB PB Benjamin Maranhão SD PB Efraim Filho DEM PB Roberto Góes PDT AP Osmar Bertoldi DEM PR Rômulo Gouveia PSD PB Adalberto Cavalcanti PTB PE Augusto Coutinho SD PE Bruno Araújo PSDB PE Fernando Filho PSB PE Marinaldo Rosendo PSB PE Sebastião Oliveira PR PE Zeca Cavalcanti PTB PE Arthur Lira PP AL Maurício Quintella Lessa PR AL
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