#driving in snow
livingfictionsystem · 5 months
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maureen2musings · 5 months
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prismadog · 1 year
I hate snow
with every fiber of my eternal being and to the deepest depths of my soul, I HATE snow.
last night we got a few inches of snow which doesn't seem that bad but when you're driving a minivan and the town you live in only bothers plowing the main streets, it's bad.
I had to run some errands today because the dogs needed treats and I needed supplies for the house, and I got stuck in the snow - TWICE!
the first time was my own damn fault for trying to go up a hill at 20 mph on a side street (I forgot my wallet at home and had to turn around). I was stuck for a good ten minutes trying to fight gravity before I thought "hey, what if we just reversed down the hill and into that nearby business's drive?" so, that's what I did. I was able to turn around, go back down the hill, and go home to get my wallet.
then, I went to the store to get some very important treats for my girls (and a package of oatmeal raisin cookies for myself), and headed to the local tire store to check out some winter tires for the van cause already, I was sick of sliding around like a slimeball trying to ice skate.
I couldn't get into their parking lot because the town plow drivers are bitches and don't plow the whole road, only the two lanes and they leave a long line of dirty snow in the center of the road. so, I thought "hey, lets just go around the block and find a place to turn around." "great idea, Mykael, that couldn't possibly go wrong."
oh how wrong I was. I went around the block and came to an impasse - turn right which would take me away from the tire store, turn left and try to force my van through the mountain of snow in the center of the road, or be a badass and break the law by taking the left lane like I'm in the uk.
like an idiot, I chose to take on the mountain of snow, and, I lost. I got about halfway through it before my dear sweet minivan couldn't go any further and lost traction. her wheels spun and spun, and they spun some more when I tried to reverse out of the snow.
I spent a little over five minutes, maybe closer to ten, trying to get my girl free all to no avail. I cursed the city for being lazy bastards as I got out and tried shoveling the snow out from under the tires. I got back in my van, and with wheels spinning, cursed mother nature for the winter hellscape that became the town.
a few cars passed, ignoring the plight of a way too tired dude who's losing the fight against the snow. but thankfully, one very kind man stopped his car and offered to help push my van out. I put my girl in reverse and with his help, plus the help of some random guy taking a stroll, we got my van unstuck and I was able to back up and turn back down the road I was originally going to turn off of.
I was finally able to get to the tire store and I got a set of all-weather tires ordered for Tuesday. it's a good thing I'm an introverted homebody and don't got any plans for the weekend.
i hate snow and if I had the cash, I'd move someplace warmer.
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snowfll · 6 months
Hi! Can you write one about Tom Blyth and actress!reader where after filming a movie they grew closer and closer until finally one day Tom or reader or both confess their feelings for one another? Or maybe it can be them both being oblivious and everyone basically knows they’re in love until one of their costars helps them finally confess to one another? Thank you!
Baby, You're Perfect; Tom Blyth
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pairing - Tom Blyth x actress!reader summary - its easy to fall for Tom on screen and even easier to fall for him in real life words - 1.31k warning - js fluff! Tom's a cutie note - I tried my best! I hope you like it :3 idk why but the pictures aren't working. trying to fix it asap
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"You two are awfully close."
Although neither of you answered the question, the interviewer could sense the unspoken truth lingering in the air, revealed by the way both of you were flustered.
Working alongside Tom on a romance film created a bond that extended beyond the scripted lines. Having played his love interest on screen, the chemistry between the two of you was through the roof.
From the moment you sat down in your designated seat at the table, he caught your eye. You were curious to see how the chemistry read would play out. It turns out you two got along extremely well.
“Well, yes, seeing him every day has that effect; he’s such a sweetheart,” you confessed during the interview, a smile playing on your lips.
“Oh, don’t listen to her; she’s over-exaggerating," Tom interjected with a playful grin, emphasizing the chemistry within your off-screen dynamic.
He is a known gentleman, bringing you flowers every week on set—a thoughtful act born from the understanding of your love for them. The cast playfully teased him for it, drawing parallels from his on-screen character, who loved giving gifts to his girl. You adored his actions; no one had ever brought you flowers before.
As filming wrapped up, a sense of melancholy settled in, originating from the reluctance to part ways—you enjoyed your time on set. The days were a blend of shooting scenes or relaxing with Tom wherever you were, no matter what you were with him at all times.
Now that you were on the press tour for your film, you and Tom were closer than ever. The days were a whirlwind, going from interview to interview and then straight to the hotel to catch up on rest. The limited days off were cherished, offering you both a break from the spotlight.
Walking through different cities with Tom by your side became a treasured routine, despite the presence of paparazzi trailing your every move. Cameras flashed every time you went out with your hands intertwined, capturing moments that fueled rumors and speculations.
“Tom! Are you and Ms. Jones matching shoes on purpose?” A paparazzo called out, drawing attention to the coordinated footwear chosen during your shopping spree.
“Ms. Jones, do you have anything to comment on the dating rumors between you and Mr. Blyth?” another inquired. That is what most of them ask nowadays. Could they sense the feelings you had for your co-star? Ignoring the persistent questions, Tom guided you away from the crowd of cameras, seeking refuge in the waiting car.
“That was a lot,” he remarked after a few minutes of silence, his tone carrying exhaustion.
“It was. I can’t wait to get back to my hotel room.” He sensed something was off as you muttered your response. You were always able to hold a conversation with him; there was never a dull moment between you two. Though he knew you were tired from the day’s activities, he couldn’t help but wonder if he had done anything wrong.
As the car pulled up to the hotel, you hastily exited and rushed up to your room, leaving him behind. Guilt gnawed at you, but facing him after the intrusion of the paparazzi was a challenge you weren’t ready to tackle.
A few hours later, a soft knock at your door interrupted the solitude. You welcomed him in before crawling under the covers once again; there was no reason to ignore him.
“What’s going on, sweetie?” He looked at you with concern filling his eyes as he sat down next to you on the bed. “I know it's not because you’re tired; you’ve been napping for a while. Please talk to me." His genuine concern cut through the unspoken tension.
Once you didn’t answer, he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of bed. The two of you made your way to the door, where he handed you your shoes.
“Where are we going?” You questioned while standing back up, to which he replied by telling you your destination is someplace you would enjoy.
He dragged you all the way to the car and closed your door as you got in the passenger seat, like a true gentleman. The two of you drove around with the windows down, screaming along to your shared playlist.
“Are you feeling better, now?” He turned down the music, waiting to hear your answer. “I am, thank you. Would you like me to explain?" Communication was very important to you, and unable to deceive him, you felt compelled to reveal the truth.
“In all honesty, the paparazzi got too overwhelming. Especially with all the dating questions.” You admitted, your gaze fixed on a point in the car, avoiding direct eye contact.
Tom’s expression softened, a mixture of understanding and empathy in his eyes. He parked the car in an empty parking lot before reaching out for your hand and placing it in his lap. “Hey, you don’t have to face this alone. And, for the record, I hate how they invade our personal lives as well.”
A smile appeared on your lips, appreciating his supportive words. “It’s just... the questions about us and whether we are dating. I didn’t know how to handle it,” you confessed, vulnerability filling the open air.
He nodded, his thumb gently rubbing against your hand. “I understand; it's okay to feel overwhelmed. But you don’t have to worry about handling it alone. We can get through this together.”
The sincerity in his words reassured you and provided comfort in his presence. “Thank you, Tom. This means a lot more than you realize,” you replied, your voice genuine.
"Anytime, sweetie, we’re a team, on and off-screen.” He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead.
You couldn’t help but notice a shift in the air—a subtle change in the dynamic between you two. The unspoken feelings that lingered beneath the surface were now begging to be let out.
Silence soon enveloped the car; the only thing playing was the music set to a low volume. The weight of the implicit emotions hung in the air, yet there was a shared understanding that needed no words.
You debated breaking the silence, but fortunately, Tom spoke up before you could. “You know, I’ve been thinking about it more and more recently... Maybe it’s time we addressed the dating rumors.”
Your eyebrows were raised in surprise. “Agreed, but how do we go about it?"
“Let’s be honest with them,” he paused, thinking of how he should continue. “We were going to have to talk about it one day, so why not tell them the truth now?”
Your heart skipped a beat, and the idea of him actually liking you echoed in your mind. “The truth?”
He nodded, honesty in his eyes. “What if we tell them that the chemistry they see on screen is more than just acting?"
You caught your breath, the unspoken truth finally swimming to the surface. “Tom, what are you saying?”
“I’m saying I like you, not just as a co-star; everything we do together is what I've always dreamed about. Baby, you’re perfect.”
A rush of emotion swept over you, and a genuine smile graced your face. “Tom, I like you too, more than I ever thought I would.”
His smile mirrored yours as he stared into your eyes. “Then let’s tell them the truth. We like each other, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
As you shared a lingering look, he slowly leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. Your surroundings seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in that moment of equal vulnerability.
Breaking the kiss, Tom grinned, his eyes filled with love and affection. “Ready to face the world?” he paused, waiting for some kind of response, continuing once he saw you nod.
"So, let’s start right now.”
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expelliarmus · 5 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
Me and my sister were late for school, so we took a motorcycle to class. But suddenly lava shot out of the road I was driving on, which was weird because it was snowing. The tires started to melt but my sister began to metalbend fake tires in its place and I kept on speeding through all while Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio played in the background.
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farosdaughter · 6 months
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The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes p344 / p504
Edit: I love how ‘clever, devious, deadly’ perfectly applies to Coryo as well. Birds of a feather, for lack of better words.
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small fantasy au doodle dump <3
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winterprince601 · 10 months
no one:
literally not a single person in castle black:
sam and jon, within hours of knowing each other: here is my tragic backstory. oh my god our tragic backstories are narrative parallels. are we best friends? i think yes.
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pixel8or · 10 months
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
hi mickey! i kinda can’t stop thinking about your snow leopard!gojo and i have a question… do you know how when female cats go into heat they get so clingy and like… slutty? with their ass up and meowing really loud non stop just very needy… what about subby gojo? or do you think he leans more on the dominant side?
HIIII VAL!!!!!! LITERALLY RUSHED TO ANSWER THIS BC 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 i think he definitely leans towards being a sub!!! he wants you to take care of him, he want you to baby him. he's like a fucking pillow princess lmao. i don't really see him going too feral in a dominant way. feral in a slutty way is a big yes though. he's sooooo fucking needy holy fucking shit.
ok but the heats.... i think for men it's called a rut..... i think.... BUT I'M ALSO NEW IN THE HYBRID WORLD LMAO SO I'M NOT SURE. anyway.... he's losing his mind whenever he goes into a rut. he's humping your bed, your pillows, he's stealing your underwear, he's sniffing them, he's licking them - he turns into a real perv. he just can't help it. you smell so fucking good. oh, and he most certainly likes to nose at your crotch..... like he's sitting at your feet and just burying his face into you. oke and he might... hump your leg, too. he's just sooo sensitivee:(((( and he needs your help:(((((( to take care of his problem:(((( he's gonna make you do it. he's a little manipulator:(((
he gives you his best little puss in boots eyes as he guides your hand to his rock hard cock and it's so hard to say no to him bc his nose is so pink and his lips are so pouty and his fuzzy ears are tilted downward and his tail is thumping against the floor and yeah he knows you're going to make him feel good because you love him right?
iiiiii think he's also very likely to just grind on you overall. whenever he sits on your lap, he's mewling and whining into your neck while his tail wraps around your leg, tickling your skin. mmmmmmmmmmm i'm going insane actually.
i think he also makes messes just so you'd have to punish him. he literally can't be without your attention, no matter what kind it is.
okay fuck wait but back to the ruts sorry i blacked out for a sec there. the whole point is breeding you. like he needs to cum inside you. he needs to. he likes to trap you below him and he likes to fuck you in the prone bone position🥴🥴🥴he loves it sm bc he can nip at your skin - at your cheeks, at your ears, at your neck. and he can keep you there. when he gets into it... he doesn't stop. and he obviously can go for so many fucking rounds. so he loves it when you're crying from overstim below him, bucking your hips into him subconciously.
but don't think he's playing like a dom daddy!!! oh no! he's still in your ears begging and whining. the word 'please' is spilling from his lips like a waterfall. it just feels so fucking good, you feel so good. he's also slurring out the good old "i'll be good, i'll be so good for you." and "one more. please, just one more." and "can i cum? please, can i cum?". he's so perfect i want to cry aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
aaaaand after all that he just likes to lay on top of you bc ofc he does. his tail trails over your sweaty limbs in a comforting manner as he listens to your pounding heart<3333333
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axolotluv · 5 months
credits for the vocals and the trap drums
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mswyrr · 4 months
all i see when i read these passages is a bunch of kids who deserved a better, kinder society to grow up in
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lili-66s-blog · 6 months
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fieriframes · 19 days
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[Blood dripped softly onto the snow.]
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2000ghosts · 30 days
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