#e: ???
fyexo · 10 months
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radiant 0114 | do not edit.
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rastronomicals · 3 months
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11:28 AM EST January 30, 2024:
Can - "Doko E." From the album Anthology 1968-1993 (1994)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Taken from Unlimited Edition, originally released in May 1976.
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geralddurden · 1 year
Umbrella Pharmaceuticals - Prologue
Una solitaria efigie al óleo pendía de la pared. El trazo de sus pálidas facciones, otrora encomiables por la severidad de su gesto, se percibía difuminado por la reconfortante penumbra que en la estancia reinaba. Un opaco cortinaje cerúleo de finos arabescos dorados tapaba la mayor parte del único ventanal que permitía el acceso de luz natural. Con una adecuada luminosidad, se habría distinguido entre el límite facial del atramento pelo largo y alisado, hasta el cuello de la camisa blanca, y el inicio de la ónice y poblada barba, hasta los hombros, de Abraham Rupert Spencer. En su ausente presencia, los castaños ojos del padre de Oswell Ernest Spencer hacían sentir su terribilità[1] en la que fuera su oficina.
A espaldas del ventanal y frente a un amplio escritorio de roble ornamentado con relieves vegetales en sus montantes y escenas mitológicas en su trasera, Oswell fantaseaba con emular el modo en que Abraham Spencer se había sentado a dirigir su patrimonio. Como él habría hecho, descansaba sus brazos sobre los sendos reposabrazos de terciopelo. No obstante, su actitud era contemplativa; ojeando de refilón una serie de obras pictóricas y retratos. Su padre a la diestra, entre dos librerías con puertas de cristal, y un bucólico Patinir a la siniestra, a la izquierda de la cornamenta de un ciervo colgado sobre una chimenea de barroco acabado. Un retrato de sí mismo había sido colocado en el extremo opuesto al de su padre, a la derecha del Patinir.
Oswell había admirado a su progenitor con profunda delectación, siendo para él un virtuoso referente que había administrado con mano de hierro tanto a su familia como a su fortuna. No fue especialmente agresivo ni afectuoso. Cuando su madre, Margaret, se suicidó, Abraham hizo saber al público su pesar con una breve semblanza. Oswell tenía diez años recién cumplidos. Al día siguiente de su funeral, el viudo volvió a sentarse en el sillón de su oficina sin derramar ni una sola lágrima.
Oswell se guardó sus emociones para aparentar una impostada dureza con la que granjearse su aprobación. Su actuación no surtió demasiado efecto porque aprendió que la validación de Abraham se ganaba con actos y no con palabras o gestos. Estos actos se debían a una regla muy sencilla: el fin justifica los medios. El fin era la prosperidad de su linaje, obsesión de Abraham, y los medios cualquier cosa a su alcance. A escondidas, comenzó a analizar a su padre en relación con sus subordinados. Memorizó su forma de hablar y, en ocasiones, llegó a imitar sus gestos. Sin embargo, por su corta edad, no pudo enseñarle los frutos de su aprendizaje. No le quedó más remedio que ponerse a prueba en el internado al que asistió durante la adolescencia.
En ese entonces se dio cuenta de que no era tan impositivo como Abraham. A diferencia de este, Oswell era un niño flacucho y destinado a ser más corto de estatura, muy por debajo de los ciento noventa centímetros. Carecía del tono cavernoso de su voz, de sus rígidas maneras, de la impredecibilidad de su carácter y de su fijación por descartar taxativamente lo superfluo. Por el contrario, Oswell destacó por lo diplomático y pacífico de su carácter. Se acordaba de los más nimios detalles y antepuso la comprensión a la inclemencia. Empero, si hay un solo rasgo que heredó de su padre y este de sus abuelos, fue la impiedad. Sin piedad ni perdón, rezaban en su linaje.
El primero en experimentar las cualidades cultivadas por el joven Spencer fue su compañero de habitación. Aquel individuo era un insoportable jovenzuelo que lo despreciaba porque, según decía, era debilucho y afeminado. El primogénito de Abraham apenas hacía más ejercicio que el obligatorio y se pasaba el día leyendo a solas o escapándose al pueblo, donde el internado se ubicaba, para mezclarse con los adultos de poca monta que trabajaban en los negocios de la localidad. Nadie sabía qué demonios hacía Oswell con esa chusma, salvo él mismo.
Un panadero le encendió su primer cigarrillo y una ama de llaves le contó la habladuría de que su compañero de habitación había sido visto lamiéndole las botas a otro alumno senior detrás de un cobertizo. Regresó a la escuela a primera hora de la mañana. Se acicaló como pudo y se personó en clase. Antes del mediodía, elaboró su plan. Con paciencia y astucia, se congració con el alumno senior que había obligado a su compañero de habitación a lamerle las botas por una superflua discusión. Oswell se inventó un rumor sobre cómo su compañero de habitación pretendía humillar la hombría del alumno senior.
El alumno senior le pegó una paliza a su compañero de habitación. Al día siguiente abandonó el dormitorio que compartía con Spencer y nunca más supo de él. Por sus buenas migas con el alumno senior, Oswell se convirtió en su protegido, pasando a formar parte de su círculo de lacayos. Envalentonado por la victoria, se abrogó la autoría intelectual de las fechorías cometidas por la selecta camarilla. Se implicó en el suicidio de un alumno y en el abuso de otros tantos. Robaron en la casa del alcalde y, con la parte que le tocó, se compró su primera caja de cigarrillos. Se dejó crecer una imperceptible barba y comenzó a vestir como le daba la gana, y no con la obligatoria levita, para disgusto del profesorado. Se graduó como el primero de su promoción.
En el treinta y nueve, estalló la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Abraham contactó con un general del ejército británico para que Oswell fuera tachado de la lista de reclutamiento y le compró su pasaje de huida a los Estados Unidos de América. Allí, en secreto, se matriculó en una licenciatura en Física, la disciplina que había descubierto fenómenos vanguardistas como la radiación. La ciencia era su vocación. La capacidad de transformar la materia a su antojo le fascinaba mucho más que una anodina carrera en Economía como Abraham le exigió.
Amaba a su padre, pero su individualidad venció. Aprovechando que Abraham no podía viajar por la guerra, desobedeció. Afincado en California, se enamoró de una joven a la que dejó embarazada por accidente. Pagó por su aborto y se separaron. Dos años antes de la segunda capitulación de Alemania, recibió un telegrama: Abraham había muerto. Compungido, regresó a Gran Bretaña para presidir su funeral.
Numerosos parientes y amigos acudieron a la luctuosa cita. Uno de estos amigos, Arthur Ashford, conde Ashford, era un individuo escuálido y pelirrojo que trabajaba para Downing Street. Arthur, oriundo del condado de Northumberland, encabezaba el único linaje inglés del clan Douglas-Campbell-Stuart, una rama superviviente de la dinastía Estuardo que echó raíces en las tierras bajas escocesas con la instauración de la Mancomunidad de Inglaterra. Abraham conoció a Arthur en una fiesta organizada por un magnate de Londres a mediados de los felices años veinte. El magnate buscaba donantes para una causa benéfica y los Ashford, según le contaron, ansiaban invertir lo que fuera para mejorar su imagen pública en Northumberland. Parece ser que el padre de Arthur, un empresario industrial llamado Stanley, figuraba como un hombre del saco en el imaginario northumbro.
Ambivalente fue la opinión de Abraham sobre los Ashford.
Por una parte, veía a Arthur como un jock[2] interesado al que le importaba una mierda Gran Bretaña, o Inglaterra, al margen de la sangre azul que le corriera por las venas. Una vez, ebrio y en la intimidad, le acusó de traidor a la Corona. Lo que realmente ocurría es que a Abraham le irritaba la desdeñosa mirada y el tibio discurso academicista del conde Ashford. Si Abraham demandaba acción y movimiento, Arthur aparentaba ser el típico ratón de biblioteca que sabía del mundo exterior gracias a las ilustraciones de la enciclopedia. Por otra parte, Abraham halló en aquel resabido pelirrojo su placer culpable. Primero, por el detalle de que Arthur nunca trató a los Spencer con condescendencia cuando supo que provenían de la gentry. Segundo, porque Arthur trabajaba en la sección de propaganda del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Sin decir su puesto, aseguraba que era responsable de ideologizar a la población, o de inculcar a la masa social la ideología oficial del estado. Abraham disfrutaba cada palabra dicha por Arthur sobre este asunto, incluso si no alcanzaba a entender del todo lo que decía.
En el treinta y ocho, Abraham invitó a Arthur a The Spencer Estate, su casa solariega. Arthur les presentó a su propio primogénito: Edward, un treintañero tan aficionado a las enciclopedias como su padre. Su segundo hijo, George, vivía en los Borders. Edward era un incipiente profesor de universidad casado y con un hijo, mientras que Oswell era un púber de quince años que no había terminado el colegio. Por suerte, Edward se desenvolvió como un tipo animado y de pensamiento juvenil, capaz de hacer reír a Abraham con su jocosidad.
No volvió a saber de los Ashford hasta el funeral de Abraham. Arthur, acompañado por su esposa Laurent, le dedicó un sentido pésame y disculpó la ausencia de Edward por la enfermedad de su hijo Alexander. La causa de la defunción había sido un accidental envenenamiento por plomo.
Oswell retornó a los Estados Unidos de América como tercer conde Spencer. Rompió con su amante y se graduó en Física. Arrepentido, cursó una segunda licenciatura en Economía. Su segundo discurso como valedictorian se lo dedicó a su padre. De nuevo en Inglaterra, reabrió la oficina legada de su antecesor. Como el segundo conde habría hecho, el tercero cubrió el vetusto escritorio con montañas de papeles mecanografiados. El ribete de algunos de estos papeles mostraba el logotipo de una empresa: Anzec Pharma.
Anzec Pharma era su estreno como cabeza de familia. Los Spencer ya dominaban en la industria automotriz, así que se interesó por la farmacéutica, en pleno auge por el surgimiento del estado de bienestar en Europa. Primero inauguró una fábrica de medicamentos genéricos en Londres. Luego una segunda en Nueva York. Al mismo tiempo, se mudó de Essex a Luxemburgo, donde fijó su residencia fiscal. Alternaba su habitación en The Spencer Estate con una prima de su madre.
Por el éxito de Anzec Pharma, Oswell había comenzado a rumiar la idea de un proyecto más serio, más grande, más interesante, pero necesitaba asesoría. Sobre el escritorio había dispuesto su agenda de contactos. En una página señaló su número de la suerte: Edward Ashford.
 [1] Terribilità es un vocablo italiano que los contemporáneos del artista Miguel Ángel Buonarroti, en el siglo XVI, utilizaron para definir el estilo grandioso y de fuerza potente que demostraba dicho artista sobre todo en sus esculturas, con un vigor y una mirada terrible llena de ira como se aprecia en la figura del David o en el Moisés.
[2] UK slang. A man who comes from Scotland. This word is considered offensive by some people.
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legalupanishad · 1 year
Laws Regulating Esports in India: All you need to Know
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This article on 'Laws Regulating E-sports in India' was written by Risha Sharma an intern at Legal Upanishad.
This article discusses the regulatory framework concerning esports in India. With the rising popularity and heavy indulgence in online gaming by players and viewers alike across the globe fuelled by the lockdown-led online era, it becomes imperative to take note of and set out appropriate guidelines and regulations to place to govern and prevent malpractices in the esports arena. Owing to the lack of formal governance and legislation of esports in India, much of the practices and management remain a grey area and are evidently in need of urgent attention. Even with the States rolling out individual Acts and Bills in a bid to manage and regulate the field of online gaming and esports, several shortfalls still exist in the system. This article analyses the legal framework regulating the e-sports industry in India.
The rise of online gaming and esports in India
The pandemic-induced lockdown brought esports to the forefront all across the globe as people sought different modes of entertainment and communication. In particular, 2021 proved to provide the much-needed push in esports in India. Due to the limitations imposed by the lockdown, a variety of events, including screening of esports tournaments and casual gameplay, were strictly restricted to online platforms. Resultantly, a sharp rise was observed in terms of online viewing of the same. Given the large young population and comparatively easier access to the internet and online games, the growth in the online gaming industry comes as no surprise in India. The Indian gaming industry witnessed an impressive investment of $544 Million from August 2020- January 2021. Taking into account the large player base and the rising popularity of online gaming and esports, it is imperative to have set rules and guidelines in place for the same. However, the regulatory framework in India has been dismal, with little to no laws governing the online gaming and esports industry. The Ministry of Youth and Affairs has recognised the advent of esports while taking note of its distinction from segments such as iGaming and gambling. Esports can be referred to as “organised online gaming competitions” set in a competitive gaming environment wherein players with the necessary skills, whether individually or in teams play against each other. As a matter of fact, esports was a full-out medal event in the Asian Games, 2022 conducted in Hangzhou, China. Fantasy games can be said to refer to “online games in which players form virtual teams and compete for points.”
Governing acts and bodies
Though largely ungoverned, there are a few pieces of legislation and bodies in place which look over the realm of esports. The Esports Federation of India (“ESFI”) is one such body, set out to be the apex body concerning esports in the country. But this body fails to garner due recognition by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. Additionally, only one Act comes close to regulating esports in India: The Prize Competitions Act, 1955. In 2020 itself, the NITI Aayog brought in the Guiding Principles for the uniform regulation of the “fantasy games” and their platforms at the national level. Such a move indicated a more conscious effort made to regulate esports, however, little development took place for the same. State Legislation Several State Legislations have been enacted and proposed for the regulation of esports such as The Sikkim Online Gaming (Regulation) Act, 2008 (“Sikkim Act”), the Nagaland Prohibition of Gambling and Promotion and Regulation of Online Games of Skill Act, 2015 (“Nagaland Act”), and the draft Rajasthan Virtual Online Sports (Regulation) Bill 2022 (“Rajasthan Draft Bill”). While the Sikkim Act and Nagaland Act have set out specific guidelines and defined terms such as “online gaming” and “game of skills”, yet interesting, no Act defines “esports” as a term, leaving a lot of ambiguity in place. The Rajasthan Draft Bill has drawn flake, having been largely criticized owing to its heavy leaning towards fantasy games, with complete disregard for pay-to-play online games. Self-Regulatory Bodies In addition to the ESIF and EPWA, there are certain bodies such as the All-India Gaming Federation (“AGIF”) which is the apex industry body pertaining to the regulation of gaming companies involving online skill games. Founded on the principles of “transparency, integrity and responsible gaming”, the federation’s “Charter” ensures compliance by members and stakeholders. Additionally, the not-for-profit organization, the E-Gaming Federation (“EGF”), The Online Rummy Federation ("TORF") and the Federation of Indian Fantasy Sports ("FIFS") too have stemmed as self-regulating bodies which help make the gaming experience more secure and transparent. Online-Gaming Bills In terms of online gaming, attempts have been made in the past to deal with issues of betting and fraud. In 2018, Dr. Shashi Tharoor was responsible for the introduction of The Sports (Online Gaming and Prevention of Fraud) Bill, 2018, in Lok Sabha, with the objective to “establish an effective regime to maintain the integrity of sports in India by preventing and penalising sports fraud, regulation of online sports gaming and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto,” however the Bill never saw the light of the day as the session of Parliament dissolved. Along similar lines, the Online Gaming (Regulation) Bill, 2022 was introduced in the Lok Sabha in April 2022 with an aim of “preserving integrity in online gaming and introducing a regulatory regime for online gaming.” However, the Bill largely overlooks the distinction between “casual gaming” and “real money gaming”, which is a major drawback, making the Bill unstable in its current state.
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Laws Regulating Esports in India
Judicial decisions on gaming-related aspects
In the landmark judgment of K.R. Lakshmanan v. State of T.N., the Apex Court set out a line of distinction between the “game of skills” and the “game of chances”. The Punjab and Haryana HC have further placed reliance on the distinction laid down by the Apex Court for the classification of organized online gaming tournaments. fantasy sports and such as “games of skills.” The Bombay High Court has on a similar note highlighted the stark difference between fantasy games and gambling activities. On appeal, the SC in the Gurdeep Singh Case held that Dream 11 was a “game of skill” and could not be deemed as “gambling”.
It becomes pertinent to formulate uniform legislation which will govern the entire sphere of online gaming, esports, and the like while setting out the restrictions on the same, with set distinctions between the kinds of gaming as well as clearly defined terms such as “esports”, “online gaming”, “fantasy games”, etc. It is also significant to take note of developing and existing esports laws from nations like France and South Korea to build upon such legislation as a point of reference. Further, formal recognition of esports bodies like the ESFI and Esports Player Welfare Association (EPWA) would aid in regulating the same.
The esports industry continues to grow at a steady pace but the industry is quite evidently plagued by several setbacks due to a lack of regulatory authority and laws. Given the largely young population, the industry is set out to grow even further in the coming years, however, the lack of adequate laws in place will certainly do more harm than good. Since the industry is still in its nascent stage and is shown to be a great source of revenue for the nation, it would be beneficial for the country to have a regulatory body govern esports while precariously maintaining the balance between the player's rights and the harsh imposition of rules.
- Gurdeep Singh Sachar v. Union of India, (2019) 75 GST 258 - K.R. Lakshmanan v. State of T.N., (1996) 2 SCC 226. - KPMG, available at: https://home.kpmg/in/en/home/insights/2021/05/indian-online-gaming-market-mantra.html (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Mondaq, available at:  https://www.mondaq.com/india/gaming/1142098/virtual-gaming-in-india-a-legal-enigma (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Mondaq, available at: https://www.mondaq.com/india/gaming/1114568/gaming-in-india-current-framework-challenges (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - Outlook India, available at https://www.outlookindia.com/sports/draft-of-rajasthan-virtual-online-sports-regulation-bill-2022-non-fantasy-sports-operators-see-red-news-197727?utm_source=related_story (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - SCC Online Blog, available at: https://www.scconline.com/blog/post/2022/08/17/regulation-of-esports-in-india/#:~:text=InIndiathereareno,resultinlackofuniformity (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, available at: https://www.amsshardul.com/insight/a-regulatory-perspective-of-esports-future-in-india/ (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - The Hindu Business Line, available at: https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/business-laws/gavelshortcomings-of-online-gaming-regulation-bill/article65321561.ece (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - The Hindu, available at: https://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-sports/esports-awaits-governing-framework-to-unleash-full-potential/article34291722.ece (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - Varun Gumber v. UT of Chandigarh, 2017 SCC OnLine P&H 5372. - KPMG, available at: https://home.kpmg/in/en/home/insights/2021/05/indian-online-gaming-market-mantra.html (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - SCC Online Blog, available at: https://www.scconline.com/blog/post/2022/08/17/regulation-of-esports-in-india/#:~:text=InIndiathereareno,resultinlackofuniformity (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - The Hindu, available at: https://www.thehindu.com/sport/other-sports/esports-awaits-governing-framework-to-unleash-full-potential/article34291722.ece (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, available at: https://www.amsshardul.com/insight/a-regulatory-perspective-of-esports-future-in-india/ (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Mondaq, available at:  https://www.mondaq.com/india/gaming/1142098/virtual-gaming-in-india-a-legal-enigma (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Ibid - Ibid at 2 - Ibid at 3 - Outlook India, available at: https://www.outlookindia.com/sports/draft-of-rajasthan-virtual-online-sports-regulation-bill-2022-non-fantasy-sports-operators-see-red-news-197727?utm_source=related_story (last visited on: October 28, 2022) - Mondaq, available at: https://www.mondaq.com/india/gaming/1114568/gaming-in-india-current-framework-challenges (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - Ibid - Ibid at 2 - The Hindu Business Line, available at: https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/business-laws/gavelshortcomings-of-online-gaming-regulation-bill/article65321561.ece (last visited on: October 29, 2022) - Ibid (1996) 2 SCC 226. Varun Gumber v. UT of Chandigarh, 2017 SCC OnLine P&H 5372. Gurdeep Singh Sachar v. Union of India, (2019) 75 GST 258 Ibid at 5 Read the full article
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nevver · 2 years
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Korn, Uli Westphal (because)
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nanaluvbug · 1 year
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🧀🥪🌶️🥭 The Ravening War portraits  🧀🥪🌶️🥭
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[ID: a series of digitally illustrated portraits showing - top left to bottom right - Bishop Raphaniel Charlock (an old radish man with a big red head and large white eyebrows & a scraggly beard. he wears green and gold robes with symbols of the bulb and he smirks at the viewer) Karna Solara (a skinny young chili pepper woman with wavy green hair, freckled light green skin with red blooms on her cheeks. she wears a chili pepper hood lined with small pepper seeds and stares cagily ahead) Thane Delissandro Katzon (a muscular young beef man with bright pinkish skin with small skin variations to resemble pastrami and dark burgundy hair. he wears a bread headress with a swirl of rye covering his ears and he looks ahead, optimistic and determined) Queen Amangeaux Epicée du Peche (a bright mango woman with orange skin, big red hair adorned with a green laurel, and sparkling green/gold makeup. she wears large gold hoop earrings and a high leafy collar) and Colin Provolone (a scraggly cheese man with waxy yellow skin and dark slicked back hair and patchy dark facial hair. he wears a muted, ratty blue bandana around his neck and raises a scarred brow at the viewer with a smirk) End ID.)
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70sscifiart · 10 months
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One of my favorites by Paul Lehr, used as a 1971 cover to "Earth Abides," by George R. Stewart. It's also in my upcoming art book!
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389 · 15 days
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layla-keating · 11 months
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XO, KITTY — 1.09 “SNAFU”
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valley-tulya · 11 months
(The Sims 4) Estrela Hair
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@maxismatchccworld​ @sssvitlanz​ @emilyccfinds​
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fyexo · 10 months
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radiant 0114 | do not edit.
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kithtaehyung · 11 months
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AGUST D : DAECHWITA (大吹打) & HAEGEUM (解禁)  ⤷ movie posters | ig ; twt (click for hi-res)
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agustdakasuga · 10 months
The Way Of A Criminal: Chapter 4
Genre: Mafia!AU, Criminal!AU, Angst, Romance
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Your father was a stranger, you never knew who he was and what he did. But one day, someone knocks on your door, informing you of his passing. Now, you learn more about him, his life and the legacy you are expected to continue with the help of his 7 executives.
Story warning(s): This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed/gore, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking and gambling. This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. Please read at your own discretion.
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Instead of dealing with all this head on, you avoided it. You put everything aside and went on with life, spending all your time doing work, studying and doing your university projects.
Wonwoo noticed this and decided to invite you for a night out. Just a chill night with some drinks. Usually, you would decline, which is why Wonwoo has never invited you out. But you could use the distraction. Maybe being out of the house was good.
“Coming!” You ran down, fixing your earring. You didn’t really know how to dress for a night out like this so you picked a random dress. It was a dark blue, crushed velvet cocktail dress.
“Come on in.” You opened the door for him. Wonwoo smiled, bowing before removing his shoes to come in.
“This dress isn’t really motorcycle friendly, is it?” You let out an awkward laugh, going into the kitchen to get your phone that you left there to charge.
“I didn’t ride my bike since we might drink. I’ll call a cab.” Wonwoo said. He just stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do since it was the first time he was in your house.
“(y/n)?” Wonwoo suddenly called your name, stopping you in your tracks.
“You look great.” He smiled softly.
“Oh... Thank you.” You felt your cheeks heat up at his sudden compliment. He held out a hand to support you as you wore your shoes. After locking up the house, he escorted you to the cab that was waiting for you. And of course, Wonwoo opened the door for you to get in first, being the gentleman that he is. The car ride was silent.
“C-Can I ask you something?” Wonwoo threaded lightly. You hummed, nodding your head.
“I know you like your privacy and I shouldn’t pry but there were this rumours and pictures floating around about some expensive sports car and handsome guy picking you up. Is he one of them?” He asked nervously.
“If by ‘one of them’, you mean my father’s... employees. Yes, he is... or was. There are 7 of them.” You rubbed the back of your neck.
“Are they bothering you?”
“Can we not talk about this anymore? I just don’t want to have to think about it for a few minutes.” That came out a lot harsher and colder than you expected. But Wonwoo didn’t react.
“Sorry. I’m...” You sighed, not really knowing how to piece your words together anymore.
“I understand. Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mean to pry.” Wonwoo smiled comfortingly. Thankfully for you, the cab stopped outside the club. You looked at the long line outside that didn’t seem to be moving,
“Don’t look so worried. My friend put our name on the list so we can just walk in.” Wonwoo laughed. You both got out and he grasped your hand, giving your names to the bouncer. You were so stunned by his action that you just followed him without a word, letting him lead you.
“There’s a table there.” Wonwoo said in your ear on top of the loud music. You were still shocked that he was holding your hand that you just followed him.
“Phew, it’s crowded.” You said, casually pulling your hand away to check if you dropped anything from your bag.
“Yeah, that’s what you get for being here on a Friday night.” He chuckled. You stood at the table while Wonwoo went to get drinks at the bar. The standing table was thankfully at the side of the bar, which meant less people.
“Relax, you’re here to have fun.” You told yourself.
“Here.” Wonwoo got himself a beer and got you a cocktail. It was a nice refreshing drink with flavoured soju as the alcohol.
“Let me know how much everything is tonight and we’ll split the cost.” You told him as you took a sip.
“It’s okay, (y/n). It’s my treat, just enjoy yourself.” Wonwoo smiled. He clinked his glass with yours. Although this wasn’t your exact idea of relaxing, you were glad that the noise and the crowd made the place too loud that you didn’t need to start sharing your feelings. Wonwoo was a good friend but you just weren’t used to sharing so much about yourself with others.
After some drinks, you excused yourself to go to the toilet. But of course, there was a line. About 15 minutes went by without the line moving. You were about to give up when someone grabbed your wrist.
“(y/n) sshi?” You looked at the familiar face.
“Oh... Uh...”
“Yoongi.” He said, letting you go. You nodded your head. Other people in the line now had their attention on you and Yoongi.
“Come.” He nodded over to follow him. You didn’t know why you just went along, not even asking why he wanted you to go with him. You came before a staircase with two guards. But they parted ways upon seeing Yoongi.
“Sir.” They bowed respectfully as Yoongi cooly walked up, hands tucked into his pockets. You quickly bowed your heads back to the guards and caught up to Yoongi.
“You can use this bathroom instead. It’s cleaner and safer.” Yoongi stopped before a door.
“A-Are you sure?”
“If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t have went down to fish you out of the crowd. Take all the time you need. This is our own private bathroom so no one else is allowed to use it.” He explained. You nodded, bowing gratefully to him before entering the restroom.
The bathroom was a lot more opulent and grand, with black granite and gold trims. Like Yoongi said, it was very clean, unlike a usual club bathroom. It was definitely a boys bathroom with urinals but you just used one of the stalls.
“Hyung, why can’t I use the bathroom? I really need to go!” You heard voices outside as you were washing your hands.
“Only the 7 of us use it anyway. Unless... Do you have a secret guest in there?!” The person talking to Yoongi gasped as if he just uncovered something scandalous.
“Watch your mouth.” You heard Yoongi threaten.
“Sorry, I’m done.” You opened the door. But you didn’t expect Yoongi to be standing so close that you ended up bumping into his back.
“Oh, no wonder hyung was guarding the bathroom.” The male said. He didn’t mind you and just brushed past to use the bathroom. Yoongi moved you away from the bathroom door, not wanting you to accidentally get hit.
“Thank you. Is it okay if I just stay here for a few more minutes? You can go back to what you were doing before.” You asked timidly. Yoongi took one look at you and nodded. You didn’t need to tell him anything for him to know what you were thinking. The club was getting overwhelming. Yoongi never really liked coming too unless his brothers make him.
“Why did you come if you don’t like it?”
“A friend brought me here as a distraction. Plus, I’ve never really come to a club before.” You replied. Yoongi nodded his head.
“You don’t need to stay and accompany me. I’ll go back down in a bit.” You said.
“It’s okay.” He leaned against the opposite wall. You took your phone out to send Wonwoo a text, assuring him that you were safe and that he could go home first. But you didn’t tell him where you were and who you were with.
“Actually... I wanted to apologise. My brothers told me I shouldn’t have offered you a smoke the other time. I just thought it would help.” Yoongi looked at you.
“It’s fine. I honestly didn’t think too much about it. There were other things to think about.” You shook your head.
“Understandable. I’m sure you have your fair share of confusion and questions that come along with it. This is just the start.” Yoongi said. You didn’t let his straightforward tone faze you, nodding your head glumly.
“Well, I should go. Thanks for letting me hang here.” You straightened up.
“No worries. I’ll walk you down.” Yoongi followed suit. You walked behind him, not sure of the way to the exit. With your insistence, Wonwoo had gone home on his own. You did feel bad for abandoning him when he was the one that invited you out but you also didn’t want him to wait.
“Do you have a ride home?” Yoongi asked.
“I told my friend to go home first so I guess I can get a cab home.” You waved him off, getting your phone out. But Yoongi stopped you, his hand grasping your phone and covering the screen.
“It’s not safe and cheap to get a cab from here at this time. I drank a little so I shouldn’t drive. Hang on.” Yoongi waved over one of the bouncers.
“Use the company car and send her home then report back.” Yoongi ordered.
“Yoongi sshi, it’s really okay.”
“Get the address from her and make sure you see her entering the house before coming back.” Yoongi ignored you. The bouncer nodded and bowed, running off the get the car.
“(y/n) sshi, hyung.” You both turned to see Taehyung jogging over. He had a big, square-ish grin as he waved.
“Jimin said you were here and that Yoongi hyung was with you. Are you driving her home, hyung?” Taehyung tilted his head.
“I drank. So was gonna get one of the workers to drive her back.” Yoongi explained, standing back as he lit a cigarette to smoke. Taehyung nodded his head.
“I’ll drive you home. I didn’t drink since I am the designated driver tonight. Bring my car instead.” Taehyung called out. The worker bowed and ran back into the club. Yoongi decided to go in first after his cigarette was done, not liking being out in the cold. He shot you a nod while you bowed gratefully to him. While waiting, Taehyung put his jacket over your shoulders.
“Did you come alone?” Taehyung asked.
“No... I came with a friend but I abandoned him. Yoongi sshi was kind enough to let me hang out in the quiet area. So I told my friend to go home first.” You said. You didn’t know why you were explaining so much to him.
“This isn’t you scene, is it?” He teased. You pursed your lips and shook your head. The noise and the crowd just wasn’t comfortable.
“Sir.” The car stopped right in front of you. The worker came out, bowing and passing Taehyung’s keys to him.
“Here you go. Watch your head.” Taehyung opened the car door for you to enter. You sat inside, keeping the sides of his jacket close to you so it wouldn’t get caught in the door.
Taehyung confirmed your address before starting to drive. One hand held his head, elbow resting on the door next to him while the other hand was on the steering wheel. During the quiet ride, you fiddled with the hem of the dress, pulling it down every now and then.
“Are you cold?” He asked.
“No, I’m good. Thank you.” You replied softly. With your head leaning against the headrest, you looked out the window. The only reason you would be out this late usually was because you were working.
“Thanks for dropping me off again.” You said as Taehyung pulled up outside of your house.
“Any time.” Taehyung smiled. You unbluckled your seatbelt and got out of the car. But before you could walk further, Taehyung rolled down the window.
“Goodnight, (y/n)!”
“G-Goodnight, Taehyung sshi.” A small smile formed on your lips as you bowed your head and entered the house. Like the other day, Taehyung only drove off after he was sure you had entered the house.
Only after you entered the house and you heard Taehyung drive off, that you realised you had forgotten the return him his jacket. You removed it carefully, as if any movement would cause it to tear like tissue. You inspected it, trying to figure out if you should wash it on your own, and risk ruining the expensive material, or just send it for dry cleaning.
“Hi, Wonwoo. Did you make it home safe?”
“Oh, (y/n). Yes, I am home. I went home after you sent me that text. Are you alright? You scared me.”
“Yes, I am alright. I just found a quiet space to chill for a while so I didn’t want you to wait for me. I just got home. Sorry for ruining the night. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” You said, putting your shoes away.
“Don’t say that, (y/n). I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy yourself.”
“I did enjoy myself, Wonwoo. Thank you for bringing me out to feel better.” You laughed. After wishing each other good night, you hung up.
You took a shower and was feeling peckish so you made yourself some ramyeon. There was always ramyeon in the kitchen for when you or your mother needed a late night snack after working.
“I’ll have to drop the jacket off at the dry cleaners tomorrow.” You groaned tiredly, looking at the blazer that rested over the back of the chair.
Hoseok was one of the first ones to wake up. After a day of working and a night of drinking, the boys all usually slept in during the weekends. The moment his foot touched the bottom of the stairs, a maid ran over to him, bowing her head in fear.
“What is it?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Your workers are here, sir. They said that it is important for you to see them immediately.” She relayed timidly, afraid of making him angry.
“Send them in. And get my breakfast.” Hoseok shooed her away before shuffling to the dining room. Like any other normal person, he didn’t like having to work on the weekends.
“Good morning, Boss.” The 3 men put the crate that they were carrying down and bowed to Hoseok.
“This better be important for you to be here on a Saturday morning.” Hoseok said, not even looking up at them. He was more focused on the tray of food that the butler had placed down in front of him.
“The shipment is here early. We thought you would want to check it right away.” One of the men informed. Hoseok put his napkin on the table and stood up.
“Show me.” He commanded as he walked over. The men opened the box, revealing the contents inside.
“Very nice...” He picked up one of the items.
“Business on a Saturday morning, Hobah?” Yoongi came in. Hoseok’s workers bowed upon seeing the pale man enter the dining room. But of course, he didn’t even spare them a glance. He sat down in his allocated seat, waiting for the staff to serve him his breakfast. His breakfast was usually an iced coffee then his food 20 minutes later.
“Can’t help it, hyung. You want the best, you’ve got to work when others aren’t.” Hoseok laughed while Yoongi snorted at his comment. He placed the items back into the crate.
“Leave this here. I’ll show the others to see what they think. Good work. We’ll discuss the rest on Monday.” Hoseok said.
“Of course, boss. Have a nice weekend.” The 3 bowed, moving the crate to the side of the room before leaving the mansion. Hoseok took his seat across Yoongi.
“So hyung, I heard you had a little moment with the girl.” Hoseok asked.
“What moment?” Yoongi asked back, no emotion on his face as he sipped the last bit of his coffee.
“Jimin said you loyally guarded the door for her as she used our toilet. Even stayed with her in the hallway after to comfort her.” He explained. Yoongi rolled his eyes, his brothers really needed better things to talk about.
“I saw her the moment she entered, I’m surprised you guys didn’t considering how high our booth is. She needed to use a toilet and the queue was insane so I offered her to use ours. And I wasn’t comforting her, she needed a quiet place and I stayed with her. That’s all.” Yoongi explained.
“Well, that’s a lot more interaction than what the rest have got. Looks like she’ll warm up to you first.” Hoseok said.
“No, she’ll warm up to Taehyung first. He was the one that sent her home.” Yoongi dug into his food on the tray that the butler brought him. Hoseok hummed but couldn’t help the giggle that escaped him.
“What’s Hobi laughing about?” Namjoon came in. He had been awake for a while, opting to sit in his room to read the newspaper rather than come downstairs right away.
“No idea.” Yoongi replied, putting a chopstick of rice into his mouth.
“Ah, seriously, Hobi. I thought we established that we are not going to bring work into the dining room?” Namjoon tsked at the crate in the room.
“It’s fine, Namjoon ah. I’ll move it after breakfast. The boys needed me to inspect the goods, that’s all. Even risked bothering me on a Saturday to do it.” Hoseok waved the leader off. Namjoon shook his head with a sigh.
“Bring my breakfast.” He ordered as he took his seat at the head of the table. The butler bowed and left.
“I’m done. Going back to sleep.” Yoongi stood up and shuffled out of the room. The weekend was for Yoongi to catch up on sleep, it was normal to not see him for the entirety of the two days because he was just sleeping or resting in bed. Jin and Taehyung were the last ones that had breakfast. Jungkook and Jimin would sleep in until dinner time.
“Here. Take what is yours and leave the rest. I told you I would get things done.” Jin dropped the stack of files on the table. Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung shrugged, going through the pile to retrieve their things.
“So, hyung, did you find out anymore information about (y/n) when you did your stalking?” Taehyung asked.
“Yah, Taehyung! That was supposed to be confidential.” Jin hissed at the younger exposing him to the rest. However, the younger just shrugged.
“You’re running a check on her?” Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not running a check on her... Well, at least not the background checks I usually do. I just wanted to find out about her to maybe try to connect with her in some way. She is a closed book.” Jin explained.
“So what if she is a closed book, I’m sure you can still find whatever you need on her.” Hosoek laughed.
“That’s the thing... She does not have much of a record except for her birth certificate and basic school details. Everything else either doesn’t exist or has been wiped.” Jin informed.
“Wait, you’re telling me there is actually information that you can’t find?”
“How do you know information has been wiped? She could have just not had that much of an eventful life so far. I doubt she can wipe her own records and she doesn’t seem to have a reason to do that.” Namjoon said. He didn’t know you but you didn’t seem like a skillful hacker that could wipe records.
“I know information has been wiped because I am the one who wiped them...” Jin admitted with his head slightly hung.
“Boss wanted me to wipe them. He was paranoid, especially when it came to her. So my task was to regularly wipe her records that were 'not relevant’. Hospital visits, stuff like that...” Jin gulped.
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You, who gave me their hand when I fell, now I'll hold it for you.
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My newest #SpiderMan comic is out now, guys! Featuring Ben Reilly and Aunt May! Enjoy the family fluff and feels! 
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