#economies historic game board
acheseustabuleiros · 28 days
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namazunomegami · 8 months
emperor!geto x imperial concubine!reader
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a/n: I’ve spent way too much time to research about chinese imperial concubines, playing with Royal Chaos during my highschool years and I had a boring shift at work. This is the result. Probably out of character as hell but hey, I wrote this for my enjoyment.
This is part 1 of a lil historical AU drabble series. I’m already finished with Sukuna, Gojo is in the works, and I got some ideas for Choso and Toji but don't think too much about it, ideas are just ideas.
I was so close to write reader as gender neutral but reader owns a type of traditional chinese headgear used exclusively by noblewomen so... yeah, reader is afab if you squint (very hard).
Likes and reblogs are appreciated, mwah <3
wc: 1011, I initally wanted a few headcannons but I got a full ass drabble
cw: suggestive, false accusations, implied murder, mentions of whipping, choking (not the kinky kind), yandere behavior
credits: renmakia for the gorgeous fanart and my dear @notveryrussian for proofreading and just putting up with my massive jjk brainrot every day, luv ya darling <33
MDNI, if you do, I'm gonna catch you like I'm gonna catch Gege.
He’s a monarch who considers his mind a weapon and information as a whetstone despite being born in relative peace. Spending his leisure time reading Sun Ce, the scripts of Confucian and Taoist scholars, sharing afternoon teas and long walks around the gardens with Buddhist priests and conversing about reaching enlightenment. As if he desperately wanted to understand how the world he was meant to rule works. His mandate of heaven brought prosperity, a flourishing economy, a strong connection between allied realms, a good education system that produced more scholars than in any other time before.
Competing for his attention is not an easy task. You almost gave up, bracing yourself for a long and uneventful life where you can only admire him from afar. You sit in the shade of a willow tree with a board of xiangqi, your playmate having left you not so long ago and you were trying to figure out which tactics and strategies they should’ve used to defeat you. You’re so lost in your thoughts you can’t notice him standing there, in the presence of his guards. You kowtow to him, excusing yourself for daring to bother him, pleading for his patience while you pack your things and leave. He likes that your manners are spot on, and he rewards you with a command to stay, to play with him, since xiangqi is a game between two people. And based on the positions of the pieces on the board you’re an experienced player.
Of course, he defeats you with ease, but he’s grateful you showed him everything you’ve got and didn’t let him win. He tells you that his victory lies in applying the teachings of Sun Ce to his playstyle. Your eyes light up and you beg him to elaborate further, maybe he can help you improve your tactics in the next game. He’s such a well-read man, so hungry for knowledge, so desperate to understand people. You’re sure he wants to figure out your thoughts too, what you think about the world, what values dominate your heart. And the secret to win him over is to shower him with all the details and even politely disagree with some of his beliefs and explain your point of view. That’s what gets him going, knowing your place in the hierarchy but not being afraid to stand your ground. Mindless obedience, at this point, bores him. That’s probably the reason why he slowly starts to favor you, your conversations refresh him, inside and outside of his bedchambers.
You may think that earning your place in his heart is a lengthy and hard process, but when he becomes sure that your infatuation comes from an honest place, he generously rewards your efforts. He showers you with gifts, each more thoughtful than the other. He sends you scripts from his personal library about topics that interest you, fulus he received from his priests to protect you and your chambers, phoenix crowns so elaborately adorned with pearls, sapphires, small dragons, and phoenixes made from solid gold. Gowns embroidered with clouds, cranes dancing around them, gifting you a small piece of the sky itself he descended from. He elevates your rank quickly so you can accompany him during events. Letting the whole court look at you, wrapped in everything he gave you, standing so close you can see him stealing glances at you from under the twelve tasseled crown. He rewards your family with money, grain, rice, political power. If he lifts you up, he does the same with everyone important to you.
But Geto’s court is highly competitive. It’s certainly not easy to be his favorite. You can literally smell the stench of jealousy eminating from the other consorts. Their gaze pierces your skin deeply when the eunuchs drag you around the Palace of Heavenly Grace with a brocade blanket hugging your naked figure. They must endure the sight every other night and they have no idea that the son of heaven is ready to serve you and do as you please behind closed doors and not the other way around, as tradition dictates.
Though he can comfort you, outside of his chambers you fear for your life. You needed a food taster now and never dared to walk the gardens without at least four guards in your proximity. You begin to doubt the trust between you and those you’ve befriended, because they can only blame you for his negligence towards them.
And then, the first accusation about you begins circulating around the palace. Some concubines claimed that you were guilty of witchcraft. So many of them are against you, with so much made-up proof you cannot do more than spend the night crying, believing that at dawn, guards will come for you and throw you into a well. You have no idea where Geto is or how you could beg him for protection.
The next day, strangely, a new set of officials deem you innocent. What boggles you even more is that he comes to your residence instead of having you delivered to him. Even his scent is not like it usually is, there’s something metallic, salty, and musky mixed in with the incense smoke.
That night he cradles you, shushing you, promising to keep you safe at all costs. Keeping it a secret how brutally he disposed of the rumor mongers, how he had some of his officials whipped bloody for not believing your testimony or about the thinly veiled threats that he’ll make anyone’s life a living nightmare if anything happened to you. Your heart skips a beat and simultaneously sinks deep in your chest when those of higher rank than you lower their head, trying their best to not look at you as they pass you by. With dark marks staining the skin below the neckline of their gowns, not even the empress consort being an exception.
It's not easy to be his favorite. It’ll never be easy.
But he’s a god, the son of heaven, and heaven will forgive him and so will you.
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stesierra · 5 months
I want to make a poll game! The rules:
Make a poll listing the tropes in all your WIPs. Let people pick which one of your WIPs they would read based on the tropes. All of them or none of them is entirely optional!
Tagging @squarebracket-trick, @dyrewrites, @pb-dot , @acertainmoshke, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, and anyone else who's interested! Please tag me if you play so I can see your tropes!
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
"I have many thoughts (most of them ranty) about the whole gig economy and freelancing and everything else we are expected to do just to stay afloat." I have popcorn and plenty of time to read a rant if you ever want to go in depth on the fuckery of the current system.
Like. With absolutely no exaggeration, this is the entire first page of one of the academic jobs boards that I regularly visit:
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So... literally all they want is adjunct, online, part-time, non-tenure faculty who are expected to drop in, teach one or two courses for one (maybe two) semesters, then start the entire grueling job-search process all over again! Sure, that makes sense, and will definitely enable you to build a stable and predictable career that allows you to grow as a scholar and pursue meaningful work and research! How the hell are you supposed to be able to plan for the future, know what you're doing or where you're going to be, or anything else?
Not to mention the absolutely insane requirements that come with each application: just the other day, I finished one that, with all the necessary documents included, was 32 pages long. Nor is this at all uncommon. Many of the adjunct jobs listed above often want you to submit multiple documents, transcripts, letters of recommendation, teaching statements, research plans, etc etc, for -- I repeat -- a non-guaranteed, only-if-we-need-you, maybe-someday part-time job that will last six months at most and may or may not involve actual physical work (as opposed to trying to teach an online Zoom class, which is the devil). This is obviously specific to my particular field, but it's emblematic of so many things that are wrong with the economy, our approach to the humanities and historical knowledge, and the absurd hoops that people even in far less specialized areas have to deal with. Once upon a time, a college degree pretty much guaranteed employment; now it rarely does. Which is a direct and entirely foreseeable result of how systematically the rules of the economic game have been rigged by the people who benefited from them the most: the baby boomers and early-Generation X'ers. And instead of actually serious pushback against that (though there's more than there used to be) we just get "lololol millennials are lazy and entitled!!!"
I have three degrees, including a doctorate in a highly specialized field which represents 10+ years of higher education, and I'm still reduced to making lattes on the weekends in an attempt to somehow pay most of my bills. I don't know how I'll make it to the end of the year, since I've already had several other part-time jobs suddenly crap out on me and this one is only guaranteed through the end of August. And it's like... do you think I WANT to be doing this? Don't you think I would prefer to be doing the job that I trained to do and for which I would like to have an actual sustainable career model, rather than /waves hand/ All This Shit? I will give you a hint: yes. Yes, I actually would. And yet.
Anyway. Thank you for this opportunity to get that off my chest. It's just all so very, very stupid.
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Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has signed a bill banning drag shows in public spaces, a measure that will likely force drag shows underground in Tennessee. Other states across the country are proposing similar legislation.
Lee gave his signature just hours after the measure passed in the Senate Thursday afternoon. In the same sitting, Lee signed a ban on gender-affirming health care for youth in the state.
The announcement comes as a yearbook photo of the Republican Governor in drag recently surfaced on Reddit.
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Lee says there's a big difference between wearing a dress at a high school football game and drag queens wearing a dress on stage.
Hella Skeleton, a drag performer in rural Middle Tennessee, says the line is not clear.
"For Bill Lee to say, 'You know, that was lighthearted when I did it,' that is absolutely absurd when a lot of drag is extremely lighthearted," Skeleton says. "Apparently when straight men dress up badly in drag, that's OK. But when gay and queer and trans people do it, that's not OK."
Republican State Rep. Jack Johnson co-sponsored the bill. He says, "We're protecting kids and families and parents who want to be able to take their kids to public places. We're not attacking anyone or targeting anyone."
The language of the bill has also drawn concern from the larger LGBTQ community. Drag performers are defined as "male or female impersonators." The ACLU of Tennessee's Henry Seaton says that could impact queer Tennesseans across the board, not just drag performers.
"It's ... this subtle and sinister way to further criminalize just being trans," Seaton says.
The ban could also have a chilling effect on Pride festivals. Outdoor drag is a staple in the Tennessee summer heat. While new laws typically go into effect on July 1, the bill was quietly amended in January to take effect April 1 — ahead of Pride month in June.
Tennessee Tech student Cadence Miller says his generation of queer people owe a lot to drag queens, and that it's no accident they're under threat now.
"Historically, drag has been such an integral part of queer culture," Miller says. "Trans drag performers who were like pioneers and us getting ... any type of queer rights, like at all."
The law calls drag shows "harmful to minors," but the state's American Civil Liberties Union says that the legal definition for "harmful to minors" is very narrow in Tennessee and only covers extreme sexual or violent content.
"The law bans obscene performances, and drag performances are not inherently obscene," says ACLU of Tennessee Legal Director Stella Yarbrough. The way the law is written, she says, should not make drag shows illegal in the state.
"However, we are concerned that government officials could easily abuse this law to censor people based on their own subjective viewpoints of what they deem appropriate."
Yarbrough says the ACLU will challenge the law if it is used to punish a drag performer or shut down a family-friendly LGBTQ event.
The measure refers to drag shows as "adult cabaret" that "appeal to a prurient nature." Nashville business owner David Taylor testified before the state legislature that the drag shows at his club are not sexually explicit:
"We know this because we have a Tennessee liquor license and are bound by Tennessee liquor laws. Our more than 20 years in business, we've not received a citation for one of our drag performers."
Taylor says the ban on drag will negatively impact Nashville's economy. Drag brunches in the city's bars are filled with bachelorette parties, and Music City's infamous fleet of party vehicles includes a drag queen-specific bus.
"My businesses alone have contributed more than $13 million to the state in the form of sales and liquor taxes since we opened," Taylor says.
This legislative session is the third year in a row that the statehouse has peeled back the rights of transgender Tennesseans. It has many trans people and families of trans kids wondering whether staying in the state is worth the fight.
"There's a lot of people who grew up here, and this is where their roots are. And it's really brutal to be faced with that sort of choice of, you know, you can either stay here and suffer or you can leave this home that you've created and all that you've invested in here," says drag performer Hella Skeleton. "So, yeah, it's a really tough choice."
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mariacallous · 2 years
Battlefield scenarios from the wars in the former Yugoslavia in the 20th Century are used in various board games and video games, but while some of them offer the opportunity to play with history, others distort the facts completely.
In Serbia, World War II-era Yugoslav Partisan leader Josip Broz Tito and Chetnik movement leader Dragoljub ‘Draza’ Mihailovic are not just figures from history books and old movies, they can still be found battling each other, face to face – in a board game.
In the game ‘General Draza’ (‘Djeneral Draza’), players can choose to be the chief of the Communist Partisans or to command their rivals, the Chetniks, leading their forces through WWII in Yugoslavia with the aim of defeating the other side and eventually winning control over the country.
As well as the Mihailovic game, BIRN has identified at least five other board games themed around the wars in Yugoslavia in the 20th Century, as well as dozens of first-person shooter video games mostly set in the 1990s wars.
These shooter games are mostly customised versions – known as mods – of well-known video games. Some are made from a Serb, Bosniak or Albanian perspective, although they are not necessarily produced by Serbs, Bosniaks or Albanians.
Many of the shooter games offer a distorted view of history and are blind to the war crimes committed during the operations upon which they are based.
The 1990s wars
BIRN found two board games that focus on the wars that broke out as Yugoslavia collapsed in the 1990s.
‘War Returns to Europe: Yugoslavia 1991’ covers the period from June 1991 to early 1992, in the early stages of the violent collapse of Yugoslavia when Slovenia and Croatia were fighting to secede.
According to descriptions published on the Boardgamegeek website, an online resource for board gamers, the game is played by a Federalist player – basically the commander of the Yugoslav People’s Army – and a Separatist player, who represents “governments of the breakaway republics of Slovenia and Croatia fighting for independence and a free market economy”.
‘Brotherhood & Unity’ focuses on the 1992-95 Bosnian war. Designed for two or three players, it “simulates three distinct sides in the war: Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats – with no clear border separating them”, says the BoardGameGeek website.
“That provides an interesting set of choices to players: to attack or to fortify, whom to ally with, and when to change sides. That leads to many turnarounds and pragmatical alliances with former enemies – as was historically the case,” the website adds.
BIRN approached game designer Tomislav Cipcic for comment but he did not respond.
The video games based on the 1990s wars take their scenarios from military operations in Bosnia, Croatia or Kosovo and tend to be much more violently hostile and historically dubious than the board games.
In video games, “wars offer engaging backgrounds where classical power fantasies of particularly young men can play out”, explained Holger Pötzsch, a professor at the Department of Language and Culture at UiT the Arctic University of Norway.
“I think the popularity of the genre is due to such a mix of genre conventions, player expectations, and the framing of wars as arenas for glory and heroism,” Pötzsch told BIRN.
A recording of the video game ‘Operation Krivaja 95’, posted on YouTube in August 2021, shows armed soldiers lined up next to military trucks by a green meadow and woodlands under a bright blue sky.
The setting is Srebrenica on July 12, 1995. ‘Krivaja 95’ was the name of the Bosnian Serb Army’s operation to attack and seize Srebrenica, which at the time was a UN-protected zone. The operation ended with the killings of more than 7,000 Bosniak men and boys and the expulsion of some 40,000 women, children and elderly people.
In the game, the players, who are members of the Bosnian Serb Army’s Drina Corps, attacks their opponents, who are armed and fight back, completely unlike what actually happened in July 1995 to the Bosniaks of Srebrenica, who were rounded up and systematically massacred.
‘Krivaja 95’ is actually a modification, or ‘mod’, of the globally popular first-person shooter game ‘Arma’.
Pieter van den Heede, a historian at Erasmus University Rotterdam who studies depictions of historical conflicts in games, pointed out that ‘Arma’ is known for its mission editor, an editing program that allows the creation of customised content.
“What happens is that, when game developers introduce modding tools, they partly cede control over the type of content that is being made,” he explained.
“So that offers quite some space for, you know, more particular groups, like for example, a groups with a very clear Serbian focus or who want to very much promote the Serbian story on the events that unfolded in Srebrenica, it gives them the space to work on these things,” he added.
As well as ‘Arma’ mods that have a Serb perspective, BIRN found recordings of a game created from a Bosniak perspective that was based on the 1994 Operation Spider in north-western Bosnia, in which Serbian forces came to the aid of a local Bosniak strongman leader as he fought the Bosnian government.
BIRN also found at least over 20 mods of first-person shooter game ‘Battlefield Vietnam’ that had changed the scenario to events that happened in the Yugoslav wars.
There are games about the war in Croatia in 1991 like ‘Slavonija 1991’ and ‘Battle of Borovo Selo’, as well as the siege of Vukovar ‘recreated’ in three mods: ‘Fall of Vukovar’, ‘Battle of Vukovar’ and ‘Defence of Vukovar’.
There are also mods about the siege of Sarajevo, battles in Mostar and Operation Storm in Croatia, as well as about the war in Kosovo.
Kosovo war-related mods include ‘NATO and US Intervention’, ‘Battle of Drenica’ and ‘Battle of Junik’, which is available in two versions – ‘KLA Offensive’ and ‘Yugoslav Army Offensive’.
The war crimes committed during the Kosovo conflict are also overlooked.
Potzsch pointed out that “when creating a war simulation or game, you make decisions as to what to include and what to exclude”.
“In an expensive commercial product, you won’t want to antagonise your customers by presenting them with the true ugliness of war. You want them to play and most of your customers want to feel like unambiguous heroes on a mission for good,” he explained.
World War II
In the game ‘General Draza’, which covers the period from the autumn of 1941 to the summer of 1945, players can choose to be the nationalist Chetnik or Communist Partisan leader, but although German forces are part of the game, there is no option for a player to lead them.
The game focuses on the conflict between Mihailovic and Tito’s forces. Mihailovic was the first leader of a popular uprising against the German invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941, but became convinced that Communism posed a greater long-term threat and started to fight Tito’s Partisans.
Mihailovic’s Chetniks were accused of committing war crimes against Bosnian Muslims and Croats as well as against Communists. After Germany was defeated and Tito came to power in Yugoslavia, Mihailovic was tried and executed in 1946 for high treason and Nazi collaboration.
The Chetniks were banned during the Communist era, but regained popularity with the rise of Serbian nationalism in the 1990s. For some Serbs, Mihailovic is an icon of patriotism whose face can be seen on murals, T-shirts, mugs, calendars – and in board games.
Andreja Vrazalic, who created the ‘General Draza’ game, explained that although there were dozens of different military units on Yugoslav territory during World War II, “it was impossible to create a game with all the details from the war, it would suffocate the players”.
“I had to simplify things, so let’s say the [Nazi-allied Croatian] Ustasa, Home Guards, various legionnaires under German command and so on were reduced to one type of unit, I didn’t even introduce Serbian quislings in the Serbian version of the game (they will be represented in the English version), Hungarians are not included, et cetera,” he said.
Regardless of the historical facts of World War II events and outcome and history facts, debate in Serbia about the Chetnik movement is still very much alive.
Historian Jelena Djureinovic argued in her book ‘The Politics of Memory of the Second World War in Contemporary Serbia’ that after Yugoslavia began to collapse, Serbia reassessed World War II history and recast the nationalist Chetniks as Serb heroes.
As an ultra-conservative, Serb nationalist organisation, the Chetniks’ legacy has been embraced by right-wingers in contemporary Serbia who have used Mihailovic as a symbol. Last November in Belgrade, extremists painted a mural of Mihailovic next to one celebrating Bosnian Serb wartime military chief Ratko Mladic.
In 2004, Serbia adopted a law that gave World War II veterans from the Partisan and Chetnik movements equal rights. Then, in 2015, Draza Mihailovic was rehabilitated by Belgrade Higher Court.
During a state-sponsored event in Belgrade last year to mark the anniversary of Victory Day in World War II, Mihailovic’s picture was displayed alongside that of Tito.
Vrazalic explained that ‘General Draza’ is more of simulation than a game and consequently, it is more difficult for the Chetniks to win, since the circumstances were not in their favour.
“The Partisans have stronger assets in the long run, such as British or Soviet aid,” he said.
Vrazalic has also created a board game called ‘Hellfire over Kraljevo’, about a brief collaboration between the Partisan and Chetnik movements in the autumn of 1941 in the Kraljevo area of Serbia during an unsuccessful uprising against German forces.
World War I
‘1914: Serbien Muss Sterbien’ (‘1914: Serbia Must Die’), about World War I in the Balkans, is one of tens of thousands of war-related games in the BoardGameGeek database.
This strategic game, produced in 2013, is “a comprehensively researched model that explores the intriguing set of campaigns fought in Serbia in 1914”, according to the company that produced it, GMT Games.
It’s intended to be “an enjoyable game from which players can learn a great deal about the campaign and the geography of the theatre of war”, the company adds.
The game’s designer, Michael Resch, also created other games about World War I. Asked about his inspiration for the Serbian game, Resch explained that his grandfather was Viennese and fought in the Austro-Hungarian army.
“This kindled in me an interest in the first world war and specifically an interest in the Austro-Hungarian participation in the war,” he told BIRN.
He explained that his goal “was to produce a simulation game that allows players to ‘experiment with history’, but that each belligerent is restricted as he was historically. The players have the strengths and weaknesses that the generals faced in 1914.”
The game is for two players, representing Austria-Hungary and Serbia, and does allow for the possibility of the Austro-Hungarian player winning, unlike in the real-life historical battles. “However, it is not likely,” Resch said.
“Seems to be a very good simulation of the war in Serbia, this can mean long stretches of slow, meat grinder fighting interrupted with large scale retreats/withdraws to allow units to recover,” a reviewer from the US write on BoardGameGeek.
Another World War I board game called ‘March on the Drina’, named after a popular Serbian marching tune, is designed for four players – Serbia, Austria-Hungary, Germany and Bulgaria. The player representing Serbia competes against the other three.
The game covers the period from July 1914 to December 1918 and is divided into 14 different periods, through which players have to pass before the game finishes.
Germany, Austro-Hungary and Bulgaria work together and must occupy all Serbia’s cities and hold them for one round in order to win. For Serbia to win, it must liberate all its cities and hold them for one round. If the game ends after 14 periods and neither side completes its goal, the winner is the side that controls the most Serbian cities.
One of the game’s creators, Vukasin Nisavic, seems to have been motivated by patriotism.
Nisavic told Radio-Television Serbia that World War I in Serbia was “the period of our most glorious victory, the most glorious sacrifices; a period that is not mentioned enough nowadays”.
He explained that he wants the game to “save one of the brightest periods of our history from oblivion”.
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gamefrees · 27 days
Exploring the Rich Landscape of Strategy Games
Strategy games have long held a special place in the world of gaming, captivating players with their intricate decision-making processes, tactical depth, and expansive, immersive worlds. These games demand a high level of intellectual engagement, challenging players to plan, strategize, and adapt. In this detailed exploration of the strategy game genre, we'll cover its evolution, the variety of subgenres it encompasses, notable titles that have left a significant impact, and the reasons behind its enduring popularity.
The Evolution of Strategy Games
The origins of strategy games can be traced back to ancient board games such as Chess and Go, which laid the foundational principles of strategic thinking and planning. The advent of digital technology brought these principles into the video game realm, starting with early computer and console games that introduced more complex mechanics and dynamic environments.
Notable early titles include "Civilization" and "Command & Conquer," which pioneered the empire-building and real-time strategy (RTS) genres, respectively. These games set the stage for the diverse and sophisticated strategy games we enjoy today.
Diverse Subgenres and Gameplay Mechanics
Strategy games are incredibly diverse, encompassing a range of subgenres that cater to different tastes and play styles:
Real-Time Strategy (RTS):
Gameplay: Players manage resources, construct bases, and command units in real-time.
Examples: "StarCraft," "Warcraft," "Age of Empires"
Appeal: Fast-paced action combined with strategic depth.
Turn-Based Strategy (TBS):
Gameplay: Players take turns to make strategic decisions, allowing for thoughtful planning.
Examples: "Civilization," "XCOM," "Total War"
Appeal: Emphasis on long-term planning and careful decision-making.
4X (Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate):
Gameplay: Players build and manage civilizations, exploring new territories and competing with rivals.
Examples: "Sid Meier's Civilization," "Endless Space," "Stellaris"
Appeal: Deep, immersive gameplay with a focus on exploration and empire-building.
Grand Strategy:
Gameplay: Players control entire nations or empires, managing politics, economy, and military strategy.
Examples: "Europa Universalis," "Crusader Kings," "Hearts of Iron"
Appeal: Highly detailed and complex gameplay with a broad strategic scope.
Tower Defense:
Gameplay: Players strategically place towers to defend against waves of enemies.
Examples: "Plants vs. Zombies," "Bloons TD," "Kingdom Rush"
Appeal: Simple yet addictive gameplay with a focus on strategic placement and resource management.
Notable Titles and Their Impact
Several strategy games have become iconic within the genre, influencing countless other games and garnering dedicated fanbases:
"Sid Meier's Civilization" Series: A defining series in the 4X genre, it allows players to lead a civilization from ancient times to the modern era, balancing exploration, expansion, and diplomacy.
"StarCraft" Series: Known for its competitive multiplayer and deep strategic gameplay, "StarCraft" has been a cornerstone of the RTS genre and esports.
"Total War" Series: Combines turn-based strategy with real-time tactical battles, offering an immersive historical experience.
"XCOM" Series: Features challenging turn-based tactical combat against alien forces, emphasizing strategic resource management and squad customization.
The Enduring Appeal of Strategy Games
Strategy games remain popular for several compelling reasons:
Intellectual Challenge: These games provide a mental workout, requiring players to think critically, strategize, and adapt to dynamic situations.
Depth and Complexity: The genre offers rich gameplay experiences with layers of strategic depth and complexity that can take years to master.
Immersive Worlds: Many strategy games create detailed and immersive worlds that captivate players and provide a sense of escapism.
Replayability: The diverse strategies and multiple outcomes ensure that no two playthroughs are the same, providing high replay value.
Social Interaction: Multiplayer modes foster competition and cooperation, enhancing the gaming experience through social interaction.
Future Trends in Strategy Games
As technology advances, the future of strategy games looks promising with several exciting trends:
Procedural Generation and AI: Improved AI and procedural generation techniques will allow for more dynamic and unpredictable gameplay, offering new challenges and experiences.
Integration of VR and AR: Virtual and augmented reality technologies can provide more immersive and interactive strategic experiences.
Player-Generated Content: Tools that allow players to create and share custom scenarios and modifications will continue to enhance the community and longevity of strategy games.
Cross-Platform Play: Increasing cross-platform compatibility will make it easier for players to enjoy strategy games on various devices.
Strategy games offer a unique blend of intellectual challenge, strategic depth, and immersive gameplay that continues to captivate players. Whether you’re commanding armies, building civilizations, or defending against waves of enemies, the genre provides rich and rewarding experiences that stand the test of time. As technology evolves, strategy games are set to become even more innovative and engaging, ensuring their place at the forefront of the gaming world.
For more insights and updates on strategy games, explore my profiles on various platforms: 500px, ProvenExpert, Issuu, Linktr.ee, Flipboard, and Visual.ly.
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itexchangeweb · 3 months
How Data Analytics Solutions Drive Decision-Making in Enterprises
In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, enterprises are constantly seeking innovative ways to gain a competitive edge. One such avenue that has emerged as a game-changer is data analytics. By harnessing the power of data analytics solutions, enterprises can transform raw data into actionable insights, revolutionizing decision-making processes across various departments. This article delves into the pivotal role of data analytics solutions in driving decision-making in enterprises.
Harnessing the Power of Data Analytics
Unlocking Insights with Advanced Analytics
In the digital age, enterprises are inundated with vast volumes of data generated from diverse sources, including customer interactions, operational processes, and market trends. However, the real value lies in the ability to extract meaningful insights from this data. Data analytics solutions leverage advanced algorithms and techniques such as machine learning and predictive analytics to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and trends within datasets. By analyzing historical data and real-time information, these solutions empower enterprises to make informed decisions with confidence.
Optimizing Operations and Enhancing Efficiency
Efficient operations are the cornerstone of any successful enterprise. Data analytics solutions play a pivotal role in optimizing various aspects of operations, ranging from supply chain management to resource allocation. By analyzing operational data in real-time, enterprises can identify inefficiencies, streamline processes, and allocate resources more effectively. For example, predictive maintenance analytics can help enterprises anticipate equipment failures and schedule maintenance activities proactively, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.
Driving Informed Decision-Making
Empowering Stakeholders with Actionable Insights
Effective decision-making requires access to timely and relevant information. Data analytics solutions empower stakeholders at all levels of the organization with actionable insights derived from data analysis. Whether it's marketing executives devising targeted campaigns, sales teams identifying promising leads, or financial analysts assessing investment opportunities, data-driven insights enable stakeholders to make decisions aligned with strategic objectives. Moreover, interactive dashboards and visualization tools facilitate data interpretation and communication, enabling stakeholders to grasp complex insights effortlessly.
Enabling Data-Driven Culture
Embracing a data-driven culture is essential for fostering innovation and driving growth in today's digital economy. Data analytics solutions play a crucial role in promoting data literacy and empowering employees to leverage data in their decision-making processes. By providing access to self-service analytics tools and training programs, enterprises can cultivate a culture where data-driven insights permeate every aspect of the organization. As a result, decision-making becomes more agile, adaptive, and evidence-based, leading to better outcomes across the board.
Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities
Addressing Data Privacy and Security Concerns
While data analytics offers immense potential, it also presents challenges, particularly concerning data privacy and security. Enterprises must adhere to stringent regulations and implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive data against unauthorized access and breaches. By adopting encryption techniques, anonymization methods, and access controls, enterprises can mitigate risks and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Moreover, transparent data governance frameworks promote trust and accountability, fostering a culture of responsible data stewardship within the organization.
Leveraging Emerging Technologies for Competitive Advantage
Innovation is the lifeblood of enterprise success, and emerging technologies present exciting opportunities for leveraging data analytics solutions. From edge computing and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to augmented analytics and natural language processing, enterprises can harness a diverse array of technologies to gain a competitive edge. By staying abreast of technological advancements and experimenting with novel approaches, enterprises can unlock new avenues for data-driven innovation and differentiation in the marketplace.
Data analytics solutions have emerged as a driving force behind decision-making in enterprises, empowering organizations to unlock insights, optimize operations, and drive innovation. By harnessing the power of data analytics, enterprises can navigate complexities, capitalize on opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition in today's dynamic business landscape. As data continues to proliferate and technologies evolve, the ability to derive actionable insights from data will remain a cornerstone of enterprise success, shaping the future of decision-making for years to come.
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b2bbusiness · 4 months
UK Toys and Games Market: Navigating the Playground of Possibilities
Welcome to the captivating world of the UK Toys and Games Market, where joy and learning intersect. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey through the lanes of nostalgia and innovation, uncovering the nuances that define this dynamic market.
Market Overview
Definition of the UK Toys and Games Market
The UK Toys and Games Market encompasses a diverse range of products designed for entertainment, education, and development. From classic board games to cutting-edge virtual reality experiences, this market mirrors the evolution of play.
Historical Perspective
Evolution of the Market Over the Years
Tracing back the roots, the UK Toys and Games Market has undergone a fascinating evolution. From handmade toys of yesteryears to today's tech-infused marvels, each era has left an indelible mark on the industry.
Market Size
Statistical Overview of the UK Toys and Games Market
Numbers tell a compelling story. The market size, a testament to its vitality, reflects the nation's enduring love for play. Statistical insights reveal the economic weight this industry carries.
Key Players
Leading Companies Shaping the Market
In this competitive landscape, key players emerge as trendsetters. Explore the influential companies driving innovation, setting benchmarks, and shaping the contours of the UK Toys and Games Market.
Consumer Behavior
Understanding the Buying Patterns
Unlock the secrets of consumer behavior in the realm of toys and games. What drives purchases? How do trends influence choices? Delve into the psychology of play.
Popular Categories
Highlighting Top-selling Toy and Game Categories
From timeless classics to contemporary favorites, the market hosts a plethora of categories. Discover the top-selling segments that dominate the playground of consumer choices.
Technological Influence
Impact of Technology on Toys and Games
Embrace the era of smart play. Technology has seamlessly integrated into toys, enhancing both entertainment and educational aspects. Explore how innovation is reshaping playtime.
Regulatory Landscape
Compliance and Regulations in the Industry
Behind the fun and games lies a framework of regulations. Gain insights into the standards that govern the industry, ensuring safety, quality, and ethical practices.
Economic Impact
Contribution of the Market to the UK Economy
Beyond entertainment, the market significantly contributes to the economic landscape. Uncover the economic impact, job creation, and financial dynamics at play.
Future Projections
Predictions for the Future of the UK Toys and Games Market
Peer into the crystal ball of industry experts as we unravel future projections. What trends will dominate? How will technology continue to redefine play?
Current Hurdles Faced by the Industry
Even in the world of play, challenges exist. Explore the hurdles faced by the UK Toys and Games Market and how industry players navigate through them.
Noteworthy Innovations in the Market
Innovation is the heartbeat of the industry. From AR-infused board games to eco-friendly materials, witness the groundbreaking advancements shaping the future of play.
Growing Focus on Eco-friendly Toys
The industry is embracing sustainability. Discover how eco-friendly initiatives are making waves, promoting responsible consumption, and creating a positive impact on the environment.
For more insights into the UK toys & games market forecast, download a free report sample
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arpov-blog-blog · 5 months
..."Last night Republicans saw a lot less voters show up than expected. Turnout in the Iowa Caucuses last night was 115,000, down from 186,000 in 2016. Another election, another GOP struggle, another GOP underperformance - what we’ve been seeing again and again post Dobbs in election after election, in all parts of the country, for more than 18 months now.
I think the GOP has been struggling since Dobbs because this MAGA, Trumpy party is deeply unattractive even to many Republican voters. Trumpy candidates in the 2022 battlegrounds saw their party splinter, Republicans vote for Democrats and they lost, some times by enormous margins. Democrats then took away important things from Republicans in 2023 due to this ongoing GOP electoral struggle - a SCOTUS seat and outrageous gerrymandering in WI; Colorado Springs and Jacksonville - two of the largest GOP held cities in the country; the six-week abortion ban in Ohio; the state House and the hope of the 15 week abortion ban as a safe heaven in VA; and cities, city councils, state legislative seats and school board races across the US.
The fundamental problem Republicans face in 2024 is that their Presidential candidate and party are more unattractive than they’ve ever been. They’ve brought unprecedented chaos and extremism to Congress, and a historic appeasement of genocidal Putin; dozens of their leaders across the US have been indicted for supporting a party wide effort to overturn an election and end American democracy; they are content to leave pregnant women to die on a hospital table, denying them the life saving care they need; they are refusing to pass common sense reforms to make it easier for the US government to manage our border and rising immigrant flows.
Let’s review the math here. If 43% of Haley voters said they would vote for Biden over Trump, that’s about 8% of the GOP electorate, or 3-4% of the national vote. We won the last election by 4.5% points. If we can pick up another 3-4% due to Republicans fleeing Trump we can get to 55 and make this election an historic repudiation of MAGA, something our democracy desperately needs.
The other ominous development for Republicans in these past few weeks is that almost all of their talking points and attacks on Biden have evaporated:
the economy is terrible - the economy is booming actually, job market best since the 1960s, best recovery in G7, deficit is trillions less and by many measures Americans are more content today than they’ve been in years
inflation is ruining us - prices are falling, real wage growth right now way above historic norms
Biden’s war on energy fueled inflation - both renewable and domestic oil production set records in 2023, high gas prices were fueled by Putin and OPEC not Biden
Crime is rising everywhere - crime and murder rate saw dramatic drops in 2023, and are a fraction of what they were 30 years ago
Biden is old - yes, but your guy is a criminal, a rapist, a madman and a wanna be dictator
My point here is just think about the arguments the two parties are going to make in the coming months. What’s the case for Trump? That he was a good President? Wants good things for our country? Is a good man, capable leader? Go ahead, game it out. What’s his argument, and consider that almost all of their attacks on Biden are losing their power and potency.
When Trump left office the country was in one of the deepest recessions in our history, it is now a lie to say he is beating Biden in public polling: Trump is weak, not strong. His politics lost in 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023. 35-40% of Republicans are still not supporting him. The really low turnout in Iowa last night was another example of Republicans underperforming in a post-Dobbs election. There is a very large cohort of Republicans who are not on board with MAGA and Trump’s historic awfulness, and even if a small fraction of them bolt and endorse Biden - as many did in 2022 - his coalition will splinter, and he will lose the election, again. Joe Biden’s increasingly successful Presidency is causing the 2023 Republican attacks to evaporate and disappear, giving Republicans even less to run on this year, pushing them deeper into ridiculous places and arguments and further and further away from the electorate."
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ziegleringram76 · 6 months
Unveiling the Fascination of Khanapara Teer Result: A Deep Dive into the Traditional Archery Game
In the northeastern state of Meghalaya, India, a novel and traditional type of archery-based gambling has captivated the locals for generations. This sport, often identified as Khanapara Teer, is a cultural phenomenon that blends historical archery abilities with the joys of predicting numerical outcomes. In this article, we'll explore the rich history, rules, and the anticipation surrounding the Khanapara Teer Result, shedding light on a captivating custom that continues to weave its magic in the hills of Meghalaya.
The Origins of Khanapara Teer
Khanapara Teer finds its roots deep throughout the cultural tapestry of Meghalaya, a state renowned for its numerous indigenous communities. The game originated within the city of Khanapara, nestled within the Ri-Bhoi district, and has since turn into an integral a half of the local life-style. The genesis of Khanapara Teer could be traced again to the tribal communities of Meghalaya, where archery has been a longstanding tradition. Archery holds cultural significance, often being associated with rituals, celebrations, and rites of passage. Over time, the fusion of archery with a numerical prediction sport gave rise to Khanapara Teer.
The Game and Its Mechanics
The Archery Aspect: The core of Khanapara Teer revolves around expert archers who take part within the recreation. In a designated arena, archers shoot arrows in course of a round goal, aiming to hit the wood board generally identified as the "Butt." The target is marked with numbers, and the archers' precision in hitting these numbers is crucial to the end result of the game.
Two Rounds of Shooting: Khanapara Teer consists of two rounds of archery, known as the "First Round" and the "Second Round." In every spherical, a predetermined variety of arrows are shot by the archers. The complete number of arrows can differ, adding a component of unpredictability to the sport.
Prediction of Teer Result: Simultaneously, the native populace engages in predicting the whole number of arrows that will hit the target in each rounds combined. These predictions, ranging from single to double-digit numbers, kind the idea for the Teer Result.
The Teer Result Announcement: Following the completion of each rounds, the Teer Result is declared by counting the total number of arrows that have hit the goal. The result is a two-digit quantity, representing the mixed rely of arrows.
The Culture of Khanapara Teer
Khanapara Teer extends beyond its archery roots; it has developed right into a cultural phenomenon that shapes the day by day lives of the folks in Meghalaya. The game fosters a way of group, bringing individuals from diverse backgrounds together to share within the excitement and camaraderie.
Community Participation: The whole neighborhood turns into involved in the anticipation of the Teer Result. People gather on the Teer counter, eagerly awaiting the announcement. The environment is charged with power and enthusiasm because the fate of the predictions hangs within the balance.
Economic Impact: Khanapara Teer is not only a pastime; it has vital financial implications for both players and the local financial system. Betting on Teer Results is a typical follow, and people place their bets based mostly on their predictions. Teer Result The recreation has created a novel financial ecosystem, with Teer counters, bookmakers, and gamers contributing to the native economy.
Rituals and Beliefs: Like many traditional practices, Khanapara Teer is accompanied by rituals and superstitions. Some consider in lucky numbers, while others observe particular rituals earlier than making predictions. The sport turns into intertwined with every day life, and the Teer Result holds symbolic importance for a lot of.
The Anticipation of Khanapara Teer Result
The anticipation main as much as the announcement of the Teer Result is a spectacle in itself. The air is thick with pleasure as individuals and onlookers eagerly await the result, hoping that their predictions align with the arrows that found their mark on the goal.
Prediction Strategies: Predicting the Teer Result is both an artwork and a science. Some individuals depend on statistical evaluation of previous results, while others trust their intuition or comply with traditional strategies handed down via generations. The diversity in prediction methods provides to the intrigue and unpredictability of the sport.
Teer Result Announcement: The second arrives when the Teer Result is said amidst a hushed silence. The two-digit quantity is introduced, and the crowd erupts in a combine of celebration and disappointment. Winners revel of their profitable predictions, whereas others eagerly await the subsequent alternative to attempt their luck.
Impact on Daily Life: The Teer Result doesn't merely mark the top of a sport; it influences the mood and conversations all through the day. The consequence becomes a subject of dialogue at native tea stalls, community gatherings, and social events, reinforcing the sport's integration into the material of daily life.
The Legal Landscape
Despite its deep cultural roots, the authorized status of Teer games varies across totally different regions. In Meghalaya, where Khanapara Teer originated, the game operates underneath specific laws and pointers. However, the authorized landscape surrounding Teer video games can be complicated, and potential gamers should pay attention to the local laws governing such activities.
Responsible Participation in Khanapara Teer
While Khanapara Teer is a supply of entertainment and cultural significance, it is essential for individuals to have interaction responsibly. Gambling, even in conventional forms, carries inherent risks, and individuals ought to be mindful of their monetary involvement. Responsible participation ensures that the spirit of enjoyment is maintained with out unfavorable consequences.
Khanapara Teer stands as a testomony to the cultural richness and diversity of Meghalaya. Its fusion of archery skills, group participation, and numerical prediction creates a novel expertise that has stood the take a look at of time. As enthusiasts continue to assemble at Teer counters, eagerly awaiting the following set of arrows and the declaration of the Teer Result, Khanapara Teer stays a vibrant custom that showcases the resilience and continuity of cultural practices in the trendy era..
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royalchessmallusa · 7 months
Exploring the World of Exquisite Chess Pieces at Royall Chess Mall
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Royal Chess Mall is a name synonymous with luxury and elegance in the world of chess. With a wide range of chess pieces to cater to different tastes and preferences, Royall Chess Mall has established itself as a go-to destination for both chess aficionados and collectors. In this blog, we'll delve into the diverse world of chess pieces available at Royall Chess Mall, including Luxury Chess Pieces, Economy Chess Pieces, Antique Reproduction Chess Pieces, Staunton Chess Pieces, Mid-Range Chess Pieces, Camel Bone Chess Pieces, and Metal Chess Pieces.
We make high-quality chess sets from exotic woods and fine metals, carefully sculpted down to the smallest detail, turning them into true pieces of art.
Royal Chess Mall, has grown to become one of the most loved chess stores with distribution centers in the USA, UK, Germany & India to cater to its clientele in North America, Europe & other countries worldwide.
Luxury Chess Pieces:
Royall Chess Mall boasts an impressive collection of Luxury Chess Pieces. Crafted with the utmost precision and using the finest materials, these chess pieces are truly works of art. From exotic woods to ornate detailing, they epitomize opulence and sophistication, making them a perfect choice for collectors and chess enthusiasts who appreciate the finer things in life.
Economy Chess Pieces:
For those who seek quality at an affordable price, the Economy Chess Pieces at Royall Chess Mall are an excellent choice. While they may be budget-friendly, they don't compromise on craftsmanship or aesthetics. These pieces are ideal for beginners, chess clubs, or anyone looking for a great chess experience without breaking the bank.
Antique Reproduction Chess Pieces:
Royall Chess Mall's Antique Reproduction Chess Pieces are a testament to the timeless beauty of historical chess sets. Meticulously recreated, these pieces capture the essence of classic designs and bring a touch of nostalgia to your chess games. They are a unique choice for history enthusiasts and collectors.
Staunton Chess Pieces:
The Staunton Chess Pieces, named after their inventor, Howard Staunton, are the standard by which chess pieces are judged. At Royall Chess Mall, you can find a vast selection of Staunton sets, ranging from classic to contemporary styles. These pieces are the preferred choice for serious chess players and tournaments.
Mid-Range Chess Pieces:
Not too extravagant but far from basic, Royall Chess Mall's Mid-Range Chess Pieces offer a balanced combination of quality and affordability. These pieces are versatile and suitable for players of all levels, making them a popular choice for everyday use.
Camel Bone Chess Pieces:
Royall Chess Mall takes chess craftsmanship to a whole new level with their Camel Bone Chess Pieces. These unique pieces are handcrafted from camel bone and exquisitely detailed, making them prized possessions for chess collectors. The choice of material adds a touch of exotic elegance to each set.
Metal Chess Pieces:
For a modern twist on traditional chess, Metal Chess Pieces are a captivating option. At Royall Chess Mall, you can find metal pieces that exude a sleek and contemporary aesthetic. They are durable and often paired with a variety of boards, including glass and metal, to create a striking visual contrast.
Royall Chess Mall's diverse range of chess pieces caters to the tastes and preferences of chess enthusiasts and collectors alike. Whether you're seeking the epitome of luxury, budget-friendly options, historical charm, standard Staunton sets, versatile mid-range choices, exotic materials like camel bone, or contemporary metal pieces, Royall Chess Mall has it all. Discover the perfect chess pieces to elevate your chess experience and add a touch of elegance to your games. Visit our website at www.royalchessmall.com to learn more. 
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Secret Hitler board game
It is a dramatic game of political intrigue and betrayal set in 1930s Germany. Each player is randomly and secretly assigned to be a liberal or a fascist, and one player is Secret Hitler. The fascists coordinate to sow distrust and install their cold-blooded leader; the liberals must find and stop the Secret Hitler before it's too late. The liberal team always has a majority.
The objective of the liberal team is to pass five liberal policies or assassinate Secret Hitler. The objective of the fascist team is to pass six fascist policies or elect Secret Hitler chancellor after three fascist policies have passed.
What is a fascist ?
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian political ideology and movement, usually with a dictator figure, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition belief in a natural social hierarchy, perceived good for the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and economy.
Anti-Semitism is hostility or prejudice against Jewish people.
Nothing about the game is very specific to fascism. The policy cards don’t include any real historical info. They’re just labelled “fascist” or “liberal.” In fact, Secret Hitler is so unspecific to fascism that there are spin offs of the game that situate it in different contexts.
It’s possible that some people would have been more on board with Secret Hitler if there was a more clear indication that the game was anti-fascist. But based in reality would the game be fun if it was more informational? In other words, games should be fun. And they shouldn’t just be pushing a message.
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hydralisk98 · 1 year
My strengths and ambitions
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Generic skills and forces:
Research, "Creative" Writing & Analysis (atlases, encyclopedias, reference works...)
Multimedia Collaging and Video Compositing
Analog Media and Digital Data Preservation
Composing tracker music
Technical documentation
(explorable?) multimedia explainers
History (& alternate history)
Information technologies
Historical hardware & software
Sidestream software & "operating" systems
Casual spirituality topics?
TTRPG crawl campaign setting & systemic designs...
Toybox tools and manifestation games...
Causal collectible card games and expansive board game mods...
Demoscene and game modding...
Vector / Retro Aliased Raster illustrations
Animations & interactive (A?)SVG cartoons
Free, Libre and Open Source movement (open culture, open hardware and open software, et cetera.)
Computer builds and overall customization (especially the looks but also functionality, both virtual and physically informed)
Sensible, caring and detail-oriented.
Specific skills (existing and upcoming) and emphasis points for my career
Page pixel dolls, banner blinkies, panels & other animated GIF graphics...
Printables (blanks, worksheet, guestbooks, greeting cards...)
Stickers & clipart
Stationery (especially legacy/obsoleted types)
Desktop organizers with bundled theme packs (even cursors, icons, sounds, widgets and almost everything else under the sun?)
Monero+Liquid online shop
ClipStudioPaint (upcoming...)
WordPerfect from Corel (upcoming...)
OpenMPT + MilkyTracker (tracker music)
ReNoise (upcoming...)
Krita with G'MIC
GrafX2 (upcoming...)
Kate & KDevelop
Version control with Git (GitHub, GitLab, GitTea...)
Homebrew responsive yet retro stylized HTML5/CSS3 static sites/blogs with Neocities + Hexo (and Jekyll?)
Vim & Emacs
Linux + BSD commands with both Bash and Fish shells
KDE Plasma
Linux/BSD/POSIX certifications?
Common Lisp & Nim (with C bindings?)
Godot + Qodot
Entrepreneurship / autonomous work?
Dreams and projects:
Video rental-store full-stack ticket database
Fiction atlases and themed pointcrawl semi-historical adventures...
Cozy game levels for raycasters and doom-clones
Cozy social spaces in Qodot & Hammer++
Cartoon pitches & short animated explainers
Toybox sets and modular building easy assemblers...
TTRPG campaign setting and supplementary rulesets...
Stylized yesterweb responsive pages
Analog media production (music video and data Digipaks)
SVG stickers, PDF printables and OGG content...
Fully custom developer desktop environment themes & scripted auto-riced workflows
Tutorials, listicles and other long-form content threads...
Raw art files and game-ready asset / clipart bundles
Manifestation / affirmation Tarot-sized card deques
Alternate technological implementations...
Dumbphone / "feature phone", two-way pagers and other dumb specialized devices... designing.
Constructed language(s) with nuanced dialects and poetic audio recordings...
Library economy in diecast car miniature worlds for sci-fi films
My very own guidebooks and curations
Lofi illustrations, podcast covers and album digipaks with feelies...
I hope that does sum up my professional + hobby goals well enough.
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earaercircular · 1 year
Toys at the recycling centre: pilot project in Upper Franconia
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Under the motto "Goodbye", toys of all kinds are collected and sorted according to specific criteria by an employee at the recycling centre in Neustadt near Coburg.
What to do with the broken doll? What about the knight's castle that has fallen into pieces? And the toy car that lost its wheels? So far, there have been no recycling solutions for toys. A project in Upper Franconia could change that.
A pilot project in Upper Franconia[1] is intended to show what recycling options there are for broken or discarded toys. Until now, toys have been disposed of with the residual waste, and only a few companies have offered to take their products back for recycling, says Cornelia Becker, sustainability expert at the German Association of the Toy Industry[2]. "There is no industry-wide solution yet."
In Neustadt near Coburg[3], people can currently dispose of unusable toys that would normally end up in the garbage can at the municipal recycling centre. The response so far has been very good, says Becker.
The plastics in toys in particular could often be recycled instead of ending up in the garbage. "Especially in the current situation, that would be a waste," emphasizes Becker. Usually no new toys are made from the material because the specifications are strict - but everyday objects are. "You can make a variety of products out of it."
The Neustadt-based toy company Heunec[4] and the disposal service provider Zentek[5] are also on board with the project, which is initially scheduled to run until at least the end of March.
According to Becker, the association wants to use the empirical values from the pilot project to examine what an industry-wide solution for toy recycling could look like. According to Becker, it is not possible to quantify how many toys currently end up in the residual waste, since residual waste is usually incinerated.
The topic of sustainability also plays an important role at the Toy Fair in Nuremberg[6], that began on Wednesday 1-02. Under the motto "toys go green" there is a special exhibition area for sustainable products and ideas.
Dpa, Spielzeug auf den Wertstoffhof: Pilotprojekt in Oberfranken, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 29-1-2023, https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/entsorgung-spielzeug-auf-den-wertstoffhof-pilotprojekt-in-oberfranken-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-230130-99-407202
[1] Upper Franconia (German: Oberfranken) is a Regierungsbezirk of the state of Bavaria, southern Germany. It forms part of the historically significant region of Franconia, the others being Middle Franconia and Lower Franconia, which are all now part of the German Federal State of Bayern (Bavaria).
[2] The Deutschen Verbandes der Spielwarenindustrie (German Association of the Toy Industry) e. V. (DVSI) today, 30 years after it was founded, effectively represents the interests of around 220 companies in the German toy industry vis-à-vis politicians, authorities, other areas of the economy, science, society and the media. https://www.dvsi.de/verband/#:~:text=Der%20Deutsche%20Verband%20der%20Spielwarenindustrie,Wissenschaft%2C%20Gesellschaft%20und%20den%20Medien.
[3] Neustadt bei Coburg (also written Neustadt b. Coburg) is a town in the district of Coburg in northern Bavaria, Germany. It is situated 15 km northeast of Coburg, as its name indicates.
[4] Heunec Plüschspielwaren GmbH & Co. KG, Am Moos 11, 96465 Neustadt bei Coburg, Germany, https://www.heunec.de/
[5] Zentek was founded in 1995 as a community of leading medium-sized waste disposal companies in Germany, which operates independently. As a specialized service provider for disposal systems and waste management, it develops and implements customer and industry-specific solutions for companies operating nationwide. https://www.zentek.de/ueber-uns/
[6] The Nuremberg International Toy Fair (German: Spielwarenmesse), held annually since 1949, is the largest international trade fair for toys and games. Only trade visitors associated with the toy business, journalists and invited guests are admitted. Each year during the course of the event which is held for six days, about 2,800 exhibitors from about 60 countries present their products. In 2017, 73,000 trade visitors and purchasers from 123 countries came for the fair. The fair is organized by Spielwarenmesse eG, a marketing and trade fair service provider, based in Nuremberg, Germany.
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insperonjournal · 2 years
SuperPlatform – Partnership between SuperGaming & Google Cloud to be Available to Developers.
Indian video game developer SuperGaming has revealed that they would host its live-ops engine, which goes by the name SuperPlatform, on Google Cloud. This was revealed in a statement published by the company. 
Video game makers located in any region of the globe will be able to utilize this software once it is made available to them since it will be accessible to them. This gaming platform was developed over several years by a gaming company that has its headquarters in Pune. The creation of this gaming platform took place over many years. It is now being used as a host for games such as PAC-MAN and the multi-person shooting game MaskGun, which claims a player population of more than 65 million persons.
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Roby John, the current CEO of Super Gaming and one of its co-founders, has been quoted as saying, “the platform has been designed by game designers, for game makers.” John continued by saying, after years of iteration, refining, and supporting some historic products like PAC-MAN, we decided it was the appropriate moment to share it with other game makers. The moment has come to make it available to a greater number of game creators. The platform was created by video game developers with the intention that it will be used by other video game designers.
Super Platform will function as both a software as a service (SaaS) provider and an independent software vendor while it is hosted on Google Cloud (ISV). Because Google Cloud offers a safe, scalable, and eco-friendly infrastructure, it will be viable for a bigger number of game developers to have access to Super Platform on a broad scale. This will make it possible for more people to utilize Super Platform to make their games.
The game industry is receiving a considerable amount of focus from Google Cloud, which is investing. Increases have been made across the board in terms of the company’s investments in this sector of the economy.
This is made possible by the infrastructure support provided by Google Cloud, which makes it possible for developers to produce at scale. In addition to this, other games are also developing.
Game developers have the ability to manage live operations, matchmaking, player progression, player data, analytics, monetization systems, server scalability, sales, and merchandising if they make use of Super Platform, which will be hosted on Google Cloud and run on that platform. Super Platform will run on that platform. Integration with a variety of well-known game creation platforms is an additional advantage offered by this product.
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