#egg donation california
hfs086 · 15 hours
Considering being a surrogate mother is a commendable endeavor that offers the surrogate a rewarding and transformative experience, while also giving hope to the intended parents. Happy Future Surrogacy has simplified its surrogate mother application process in order to provide a smooth and encouraging experience for all parties involved because we recognize the importance of this choice.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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Marine Mammal Rescue Day
Marine Mammal Rescue Day is celebrated on April 27 annually. It is a holiday initiative by the state of California’s Senate. This day honors the people who have made a positive difference in the lives of marine mammals, such as wildlife biologists, veterinarians, and animal care specialists. It is also a day to consider our individual contributions to climate change that affect marine mammals’ lives. For the west coast, spring is the peak of animal rescue season owing to disease and famine. Action is conducted by marine mammal rescue organizations.
History of Marine Mammal Rescue Day
Toni Atkins, a California State Senator, passed the bill that designates April 27 as Marine Mammal Rescue Day. The celebration began in 2017. Gratitude is also given to the Marine Mammal Stranding Network for its continued dedication to the rescue, rehabilitation, and return of creatures stranded off the coast of California. The Marine Mammal Rescue Day celebration may be fairly recent, but the work of these marine mammal rescues has been in existence for far longer.
In 1975, The Marine Mammal Center (T.M.M.C.), formerly known as The California Marine Mammal Center, a private and non-profit organization based in the United States was founded to rescue, rehabilitate, and release injured, ill, or abandoned marine animals. Lloyd Smalley, Pat Arrigoni, and Paul Maxwell created it in Sausalito, California. T.M.M.C. has rescued nearly 23,000 marine mammals since 1975. It also acts as a research and education facility for marine animals such as whales, dolphins, pinnipeds (seals, walruses, and sea lions), otters, manatees, and dugongs.
Many water species require medical assistance due to illness or damage. Polluted waters, marine trash, and illegal fishing gears injure and kill aquatic life in general. The ocean has been polluted and tainted as a result of human acts and inaction. The waters have warmed as a result of climate change, and the patterns in which fish swim have changed. Young marine mammals are frequently unable to travel long distances or dive deep enough to get the food they require. All types of aquatic life are harmed by illegal fishing gear, pollution, and garbage. This is where aquatic mammal rescuers and specialists come in, devoting their time, energy, and resources to safeguard the safety of the marine life that we all should care about.
Marine Mammal Rescue Day timeline
Marine Mammal Protection Act
President Richard Nixon signs the Marine Mammal Protection Act (M.M.P.A.) into law, establishing a national policy.
The Marine Mammal Center
The Marine Mammal Center (T.M.M.C.), a private and non-profit organization based in the United States, is founded.
Foundation for Marine Animal Husbandry
The Foundation for Marine Animal Husbandry, a nonprofit organization in Florida, opens.
Marine Mammal Rescue Day
Toni Atkins, a California State Senator, creates Marine Mammal Rescue Day through a bill.
Marine Mammal Rescue Day FAQs
What are baby whales called?
Baby whales are referred to as ‘calves.’
What are the kinds of marine mammals?
Cetaceans, pinnipeds, sirenians, and marine fissipeds are the four taxonomic groups that make up marine mammals.
Do dolphins lay eggs?
Dolphins are mammals. Thus, they do not lay eggs. Instead, they give live birth to their young.
How to Observe Marine Mammal Rescue Day
Reduce, reuse, recycle: Simple steps to improve your actions to assist in reducing marine body pollution can make a tremendous difference. Reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible. Single-use plastic should be avoided and other trash should be disposed of sustainably.
Learn about ocean conservation: Learn as much as you can about ocean conservation. Discover what it entails and how you can help. Know about ocean conservation organizations and consider donating to support their objectives.
Volunteer yourself: Make yourself available to help marine conservation charities. Joining and volunteering with beach cleanup is one of many ways to do so. It may not seem like much but if everyone performed their modest part, we could have a significant influence collectively.
5 Interesting Facts About Marine Mammals
Sea otters have deft hands: Sea otters have deft hands for smashing sea urchins off rocks.
Sleeping with one eye open: Dolphins only sleep with one half of their brain and one eye closed at a time.
Semi-aquatic creatures: Sea lions are semi-aquatic creatures.
Penguin proposal: During mating season, several species of male penguins "propose" to their lady with a pebble.
Elephant relatives: Manatees are related to elephants and have more in common with them than they do with dolphins or whales.
Why Marine Mammal Rescue Day is Important
Human and marine life interaction: Whale watching benefits local economies in a variety of ways. According to studies, people can derive economic benefits from simply knowing that marine mammals are present and healthy even if they are unable to see them.
Marine mammal protection: The Marine Mammal Protection Act protects all 125 species of marine mammals that live in American waters. This makes it illegal to harm a marine mammal in any way that would interfere with its normal behavior.
It promotes a healthy ocean ecosystem: Maintaining the equilibrium of marine ecosystems requires robust marine mammal populations. Reduced numbers of whales, dolphins, or seals can have unpredictably negative consequences for other key species such as fish, birds, and invertebrates.
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anxiousfanchild · 1 year
The Lost Boys Headcanons: David
Word Count: 558.
Content Warnings: Mentions of Disablilites, distant parents. 
Requests are open and encouraged!
Donations towards my wedding are accepted: Ko-fi
David, even though he’s been a vampire for almost a century at this point, will not let go of his humanity. The wheelchair you see him sit on in the movie is from his years as a human, with a muscular defect. His parents were very rich and very uninterested in their disabled child, instead sending him off to live with an Aunt in Santa Carla in 1874, when he was only 14 years old. 
During the next decade of his life, he would befriend one person, Dwayne. Dwayne was extremely close to David, actually allowing him to leave his aunt’s property and explore the growing city. David and Dwayne enjoyed sitting on the recently built boardwalk, watching the waves crash against the rocks underneath. 
Here, at sunsets, David would explain his life to Dwayne in increasing detail. How his father didn’t want his only heir to be disabled, how his mother wouldn’t even look his way until they sent him off to live in California. Dwayne sat and listened to all of his stories and struggles, before wheeling him back to his aunt’s house. 
Here, the boys would bid each other a goodbye, knowing it would all start again in the morning. 
David loved his Aunt Matilda, who treated him like her own sons. His wheelchair didn’t make her love for him waver. He was given simple tasks to do, like collecting eggs from her chickens in the morning. 
When he wasn’t hanging out with Dwayne, he was learning simple hobbies, like knitting. He excelled at it within weeks, since his boredom would lead him to knit and knit and knit for hours at a time. 
One day, when it was raining outside, David invited Dwayne inside and taught him how to knit. The dark haired boy was sloppy at it, but was determined to make his friend happy. David and Dwayne would sit with each other on rainy days, talking quietly by the fireplace and knitting sweaters and socks for their family members. Aunt Matilda was so proud of David, seeing how much he’s grown since arriving. 
It seemed as if the next ten years flew by, David and Dwayne staying close friends the entire time. It was discussed before hand that David would be living with Aunt Matilda for as long as he could, as it would be next to impossible for him to live on his own. His condition was worsening, the muscles in his arms growing weak enough to the point where he couldn’t even knit anymore. He was growing more and more tired by the day, though determined to keep up with his chores. 
Just a few days shy of his 24th birthday, David was wheeling himself towards the chicken coops to collect eggs, as he always did. The rain was heavy but he was determined to help his aunt. Eyes squinting through the drops of water, he could have sworn he saw a figure waiting for him. He thought it was Dwayne, raising a weak hand to greet his friend. 
When the figure didn’t raise his own hand back, David knew it wasn’t Dwayne. He would try to wheel himself backwards, but the wheels of his chair were stuck in the mud. When the figure started to come closer, David would call out for Matilda, but she couldn’t hear him.
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canyouhearthelight · 1 year
The Miys, Ch. 217
Later in the day post, but still posting on Tuesday thanks to @baelpenrose.
Props for this chapter go to @charlylimph-blog, @mustachebatschaos, and @werewolf2578, for the characters. @baelpenrose again for beta writing.
New and/or noticeable followers: @cassarson, @lil-dabbler, @adasaiden, @loverofnightmare,@freakfagot, @peachymis, and the always staunch @janeshadow (yes, I’m planning to update the master list!) and @generalperfectionbread.
Please send some general positivity to Brock, whose tag on here I don’t remember: his household has the flu, minimum. @baelpenrose and assorted others are being impacted directly by the earthquake in California today... any generators you can donate and updates you can provide are a huge benefit.  I know that emergencies like that don’t seem like they matter on the opposite coast, but they do. There are several writing peeps over here in need of reassurance that our Cali folks are alive, warm, and fed.
Also: to anyone reading this: I would still like to know how to set up my xkit bulk tabs for tumblr posts in Firefox. Please. If you know, it me up in DMs with the first sentence “I can solve your tag issue”.  I will be FERVENTLY listening, I assure you.
By the time we made it back to my quarters, I had helped Teeth plan a surprise dinner of their favorite foods from home, solemnly swearing not to tell anyone. Most of the ‘planning’ was just confirming that if Teeth could eat it without issue, anyone on the Ark likely could as well. The excitement made them bounce in place for a few seconds, a behavior I recognized as coming from Charly.
After all, it certainly couldn’t have come from Nixe. Queens, I had learned, most certainly did not bounce.
The door was open again as we approached, the scrubbers having done their job admirably.  People still cleared space for Teeth, but this time out of consideration for the exoskeleton’s lack of maneuverability.  Parvati had clearly told my partners what was up, because they each held a plate piled with different dishes for Teeth to try.
“It is supposed to be clear?” Teeth asked skeptically, picking up a spring roll.
Conor nodded enthusiastically. “This one is vegetarian, and the texture is crunchy and chewy. Take a bite, then try it with the dipping sauce, too.”
Following instructions, they were very fascinated by the first bite but enraptured after adding some of the spicy dipping sauce. Soon, they were licking their fingers and mournfully looking for another one.
All three of us laughed. “That’s a pretty typical reaction,” Maverick smiled, holding out a soup dumpling. “This has pork and broth in it.”
Soon, broth was dribbling down Teeth’s chin after popping the entire thing in their mouth.  One dish at a time, they worked their way through the enormous heaps of food in the way only a teenager could - enthusiastically and taking no prisoners.
Maverick and Conor’s eyes grew wide when Teeth took one polite bite of a devilled egg and declined any more of it.  I just shrugged at them. “They’re a love it or leave it kind of thing.  Even I can’t stand the sight of them sometimes.”
“There is mustard.” Teeth wrinkled their nose and flicked a wrist.
“That, too,” I agreed. They had very clearly stated, early on, that mustard tasted like ‘it could not commit to be sour or spicy and failed at both’.
Curry was a hit, goulash a curiosity.  Cucumber sandwiches were as big a hit as any other sandwich Teeth encountered.  Various spins on chips and dips were tested and either approved or rejected - always politely.
Eventually, Teeth was settled leaning against a wall with one of the fourteen different foods that came on a stick, flicking their fingers and glancing around. “I smell Miss Hannah’s corn muffins, but I did not see any.”
Conor scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “I think they ran out…”
For the first time in knowing them, I genuinely thought Teeth was going to cry.  I started to panic, completely unprepared.
A voice rang out from across the room, saving… someone. Me, Teeth, possibly Conor, I wasn’t sure. “UNDER THE GREEN BOWL!”
Following Hannah’s direction, Maverick sprinted into the kitchen and frantically looked around.  Supporting a tray of mini meat pies was an opaque green bowl, flipped upside down.  And sure enough, underneath the makeshift platform was a huge corn muffin.  He looked so relieved to find it that I don’t even know if it occurred to him that this one was twice the size of the rest.
“A lot of us set aside extra for Teeth.” This time, Hannah’s voice was soft and came from just over my shoulder. “You know, just in case.”
With as much reverence as I had ever seen them have for food, Teeth accepted the treat and accompanying knob of butter from Mav. “I do not understand. Is this custom?”
“Is it - “ Conor sputtered. “Yes! New people, old people, injured or sick people, kids - “ He gave a soft oof when Hannah politely jammed her elbow into his diaphragm as hard as she could. “And teenagers!” he protested, scowling at his attacker. “You set aside food to make sure they get a bit of everything, especially if they like it.”
“Derek’s bao were delivered to him earlier,” Maverick confided in a conspiratorial tone. “And Conor took Sam’s to him at work.  Neither one is good with crowds, but we all love them too much to let them miss out.” He glanced at Hannah hesitantly.
She stared back serenely, blinking a couple times before breaking the silence. “Alice works with Derek, you know. I sent two more extra large muffins with her this morning. And yes, Derek’s had blueberries in it.”
Wait. “You made a blueberry corn muffin and only made one?” I asked, heartbroken.
Her face scrunched up as she studied me like I was the dumbest woman alive. “I have a whole basket for work tomorrow. I just didn’t want you letting other people have them, so I didn’t bring them.”
“That is a fucking duh?” Teeth asked, their sincere tone causing Conor to turn nearly purple before he started coughing to hide his laughter.
I raised both eyebrows and nodded in surprise. “Yeah.  That, um… That would be a fucking duh. Yeah.”
Hannah covered her face with both hands and groaned. “Am I going to have to testify when one of their parents kills you for teaching them to swear?”
Before any of the adults could respond, Teeth cut us off. “I am allowed to swear so long as I do it properly.  I was advised that Sophia, Tyche, Professor Farro, and Councilor Kalloe are role models to emulate in that regard.”
Conor was now howling and had to retreat to the bedroom, leaving Maverick to explain what just happened to our concerned friends and family while I just gaped.
“This might be the best prank Charly has ever pulled,” Hannah whispered in awe. “Talk about the long game.”
Teeth, utterly confused by Conor’s laughter and retreat, finally turned and realized I was stunned by the news. They nodded. “Oh, yes. Both Charly and Nixe have referred to you as my ‘Sweary Godmother’.”
I couldn’t. I just couldn’t anymore. I dropped to the floor with a soft thud, burying my scalding red face in my hands.
“Is she crying?” I heard Teeth asked, concerned.
I shook my head and heard Alistair’s voice from somewhere above me. “I think she is laughing, actually.”
I flicked a thumbs up with one hand, trying to contain the tears, saliva, and snot with the other.
“There is no sound.” Poor kid was so confused.
“She does that,” he advised.  A cloth met my hand, and I grabbed desperately at it. “When she is laughing entirely too hard.  It’s quite messy: her entire face leaks when this happens.”
Asshole. He was right, but still… asshole.
“Is she dying again?” That was clearly Arthur, starring in his role as Best Friend/Asshole Supreme.
My traitorous inner narration was not helping the laughing situation.
“You’re scaring the teenage diplomat,” Maverick scolded.  Mechanical whirring and vanishing exoskeletal feet told me that he was giving Teeth a hug - to my knowledge, he was the only one on the ship they permitted to do that.
“Does that make Tyche the Sweary Gothmother?” Hannah wondered aloud. “Ooo! And Xio would be the Scary Godmother!”
“Councilor Kalloe is less terrifying than Mother or Mere,” Teeth corrected, their muffled voice confirming the hug. “She is Sweary Spice.”
Oh gods above, below, and made up, I was going to choke to death on snot.
A large hand thumped between the shoulderblades when I started coughing, nearly knocking me over. “Soph, I swear if you die of laughter I’m getting Charly. She’ll be pissed she missed it.”
I held up my thumb again to indicate I could breathe, taking advantage of the fact once the thumps on my back stopped. After two deep breaths, I pointed to where Arthur’s voice had last come from.
“This makes you the Sweary Godfather,” I managed before resuming my silent shaking at my own joke.
Teeth nailed my coffin shut with their comment. “Fucking duh.”
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nickgerlich · 3 months
What's In Your Oven?
We have looked at corporate communication crises and missteps more than once this semester, and just this week, I messaged all of you to take a listen to my latest podcast episode about the same subject. It’s something that happens all the time. Just when you think you’ve got things figured out, you step in a massive dogpile.
But what about when the dogpile along your path did not appear because of something you said, but instead because of something perceived as political favoritism? This is an entirely different animal, and one that a Panera franchisee in California found himself having to clean his shoes, as well as the state’s Governor.
In case you missed it, there was considerable discussion this last week regarding the $20 fast food minimum wage law (up from $16/hour) that goes into effect in California on 1st April. It’s just that there was a glaring carve-out in the bill that allowed a California Panera franchisee to sidestep the higher wages, because it bakes and serves fresh bread. And just to make sure the beneficiaries were few, the bill was worded such that an eatery had to have been baking bread prior to 1st September last year. In other words, you couldn’t just go out and buy an Easy Bake Oven and declare yourself exempt.
How baking and serving bread could ever be construed as rationale for an exemption is beyond me. What’s bread got to do with it?
The problem is that one particular Panera franchisee—billionaire Greg Flynn—attended high school with Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom, and had made a donation to Newsom's campaign. If ever there were eyebrows raised over any potentially shady legal wrangling, this was the time. If the bread fits, eat it.
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It doesn’t take a lawyer to look at this and conclude that the bill was written specifically to grant Panera a hall pass. But, the outcry was so loud that Newsom—acting in self-defense and trying to preserve his own image—intervened and said that his old school chum would have to pay up just like everyone else. Those Panera franchises can keep baking bread, but they’re going to have to shell out about 25% more of it in the form of hourly wages.
I know what you’re thinking by now. This a far cry different from the Bud Light controversy, or Target and its Pride Month merch. This is politics that from all appearances were engineered to benefit one person. It doesn’t matter if there was a conspiracy here…people already made that conclusion, and it’s hard to reel in a train that has already left the station.
There’s plenty of room for fallout here. The entire Panera chain was dragged into the crosshairs, even though it’s just one guy with 20 outlets. You never want this kind of news hitting the airwaves or social media, because you have no control whatsoever. Never mind that it was nothing of the corporation’s own doing.
And then there’s the Governor, whose name I have heard tossed around quite frequently lately as a future Presidential candidate, and in particular if the Democratic Party and/or President Biden would decide to go with someone new this year. Given the outcomes of Super Tuesday this week, I doubt that will happen in 2024, but there’s always 2028.
Skeletons have a way of lingering in closets, and reappearing at the most inopportune times, though. Governor Newsom does not need to be reminded of this were he to make a run for the White House, because it’s a bad look, even if he did come down and say California Paneras had to pay up.
Once again, there’s crisis being served for lunch. It’s just that this time it involved more plot twists and turns than when a company alone is goofing up. The result is the same, though, and egg on anyone’s face is not a good look. Good on Governor Newsom for making sure no one is exempt, even though he may well be remembered for cronyism.
As much as I love the smell of bread in the oven, these loaves stunk. It’s a good thing someone came to his senses before the dumpster fires those ovens had become could get any more out of control.
Dr “Make Mine Whole Wheat” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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moregraceful · 1 year
Roope and jani fic for wip game.... 👀
@stickypucky: water and power fic ?!?!?!
i am putting on the stars-wild game to activate my stars brain so let's do this!! last year i ran a little charity fundraiser and ted very graciously donated and requested roope/jani - roope is trans and falls in love with jani. in thanks for ted's spirit of giving i am taking approximately five hundred years to write this fic. when i finish it WILL be one of the tenderest and joyfully queer fics i have ever written however until that point, i am simply looking roope hintz in the eye and going bitch can you know yourself please.....
i am two-thirds through the climax, hit 10k, and then hit another wall but i am DETERMINED to finish before the summer mostly bc ted has been waiting so long, in part bc beryl and i were spitballing a miro/robo t4t sex bets spin off for pod together but it builds on the critical jani/roope lore. and what is miro/robo but a carrot on a string that only i am marching after
a requisite boba scene, bc they go on a california roadtrip:
How it happened that Roope understood himself was this: Jani and Jason having the world’s stupidest argument after a practice in Anaheim.
It was one of those arguments that often happened in the locker room. Not the content, but the shape of it; two guys who don’t normally spend much time together deciding that today they’d become better friends by choosing the dumbest possible hill to die on and arguing about it all day. Most of the team tuned such arguments out, unless it was a funny argument and they felt they could escalate. Roope usually stayed out of it because he often didn’t care.
He wouldn’t have cared about this one either, except he caught Miro looking unusually young and wide-eyed as he stared at Jani and Jason having their idiotic argument. Miro had long since grown out of looking like that, so Roope paid attention.
“The balls,” Jason was saying. “It’s about the balls. When you roll them in your mouth, like, it’s about the consistency. They’ve gotta be firm.”
“What the fuck,” hissed Roope to Miro. Miro slammed a fist onto his knee. “Hush,” he whispered.
“No, no,” said Jani, shaking his head. His hair fell into his eyes, still wet from a sweaty California practice. He brushed it back. “You want them to have a little give.”
“What? No.” Jason took off his pads, but not his shirt. He was always the last to undress and shower. “No, you don’t, that’s gross. That’s just bad tapioca.”
“Are you arguing about boba?” Roope asked incredulously.
“Did you think it was something else?” Jani asked with a sweet smile. 
Jason laughed. “You think I want firm balls in my mouth that aren’t tapioca?”
Miro looked away, choking back a laugh. Roope punched him in the knee so he would get ahold of himself. He didn’t know what had gotten into Miro lately. Miro was straight as far as he knew. “What do I know about such things?” Roope asked.
“What do you know?” asked Jani. He looked thoughtful. “Come get boba with me.”
Roope didn’t like boba and was going to say no, but Jason lit up. “Yeah, yes,” he said. “We need an unsophisticated boba drinker to settle this argument. Miro,” he said and Miro straightened. “Come get boba with us. No, and we need a tie-breaker. Gury!” he called to the other end of the room. “Gury, you don’t like boba, right?”
Jani took them all out to get boba at a place he swore by that Jason disdained. Roope didn’t like it and gave his drink to Gury, who loved it. Then Jason made them go to a boba place he preferred and Roope was sick of boba already, so he got an egg waffle and tore it into little pieces to feed Miro and Gury while Jason and Jani argued more.
Jani stuck a fruit drink under his mouth while Roope wasn’t paying attention. “Try,” he said.
Roope gamely took a sip because Jani looked slightly crazed about it. He ended up with a jelly ball in his mouth. He grimaced and bit down. It exploded and it felt like little sparks in his mouth.
It was both unpleasant and thrilling and he wanted more. He took another sip. Jani grinned at him. The light in his eyes was back, the light that made Roope feel like there something shining down on him to give him life. “Good, right?”
“It’s okay,” said Roope, trying to press down on the feeling in his chest. “It’s strange.”
“It’s good,” said Jani. The light in his eyes was bright. “The jelly balls are the best.”
“I told you this place was better,” said Jason.
“No,” said Jani, shaking his head, and they were back to arguing again. Roope ignored them and fed another egg square to Gury.
Miro yawned. “I’m going back to the hotel. I’ll see you for dinner.”
“I’ll go with you,” said Gury. “I need a nap.”
Roope wasn’t sure if he wanted to stay or if he wanted to go. He was also tired; it had been a long practice and they had played a hard game against Los Angeles the night before. But there was something enthralling about the way Jani moved in Anaheim. It was different than how he walked around in Dallas. In Anaheim, he looked comfortable in ways he didn’t in Dallas, like he was in his element in the crisp autumn sun on a street lined with palm trees.
Roope had only ever played in Dallas and intended to only ever play in Dallas. He didn’t know what it was like to feel at home in more than one place in America and he did not want to find out. One state was enough for him to navigate; he couldn’t imagine having to think about another set of traffic laws. But Anaheim had given Jani a second chance in his North American career and it was clear Jani felt a great deal of fondness for the sun-soaked and breezy city, even after he’d left it.
Jani was a big man with a strong jaw and a handsome face. Roope could admit that much. But there was a fluidity to how he moved, not lumbering or ungainly due to his size. This was true in Dallas but he moved with more confidence in Anaheim, even something like gentility here. Roope was fascinated by it, the way the California sunshine seemed to make his shoulders broader and his back straighter. His head was high as he laughed with Jason, and it was not because he was winning the argument. It was because, Roope realized, he felt truly at home.
Something blossomed in Roope’s chest, something bright and starlit. He turned away from Jani and stuffed the rest of the egg waffle in Gury’s mouth. “I’ll go too,” he said.
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vlkphoto · 6 months
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Scrambled Eggs to Bugs Bunny
Léger & Gregory murals bookend the expanse of the United Nations General Assembly Hall. New York City, NY.
Swept panorama.
Mural, East Wall (Scrambled Eggs) Mural, West Wall (Bugs Bunny) The United Nations General Assembly Hall is flanked by two large murals designed by French artist Fernand Léger (1881 – 1955).  In the artist’s early works he created a personal form of cubism, which gradually evolved into a more figurative, populist style. He took imagery from the modern age including consumer materials and is sometimes considered the first Pop-Artist. While in New York, he was struck by the advertisements on Broadway which influenced some of his work, such as colours outlined in black. He practised, studied, and taught at the Sorbonne in Paris, at Yale University, Connecticut, and in Oakland, California, and returned to France in 1945. His work was featured at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 2013. The mural on the east wall consists of red, white and dark blue organic shapes on a dark grey background. Upon seeing the mural in 1952, President Harry S. Truman from USA, referred to it as “Scrambled Eggs,” thus dubbing a long-standing nickname for the work. The mural on the west wall is a free-form creation in blue, white and orange on a dark grey base. US President Harry S. Truman called it “Bugs Bunny” upon seeing it in 1952, thus dubbing a long-standing nickname for the work. For these two murals, Leger was unable travel to the United States himself. Leger made the designs and prepared two maquettes of the murals but then gave them to his former student, Bruce Gregory, who traveled and executed the two murals.   Bruce Gregory (1917 – 2002) was an accomplished artist and teacher. He was exhibited in several museums including, MoMA in New York City, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA, and Foster Harmon Galleries of American Art, Naples & Sarasota, FL. The mural was an anonymous gift through the American Association for the United Nations and was presented to the UN on 31 December 1952. Donor Region: Others (Institutions, Foundations, Individuals) Donor: Anonymous (through American Association for the United Nations) Classification: Paintings & Works on Paper Materials: Mixed Medium: Mixed media on plaster on metal mesh Location (Building): General Assembly (GA) Location floor: 2nd Floor Donation Date: September 19, 1952/December 19, 1952 Artist or Maker: Fernand Léger and Bruce Gregory Dimensions: 34 x 34 ft.
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raisinqhells · 1 year
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originally  released  in  the  summer  of  last  year,    dead  serious    is  a  musical  middle  finger  to  the  united  states  government,  capitalism  and  international  corporations  in  the  wake  of  the  ongoing  worldwide  climate  crisis.  the  inspiration  behind  and  increasing  popularity  of  the  tune  can  be  painted  against  the  background  of  the  destructive  wildfire  season  in  california  and  ensuing  climate  change  protests,  causing  the  song  to  go  viral  on  social  media  applications  as  many  used  soundbites  of  the  song  in  their  tiktok  videos,  or  posted  pictures  of  song  lyrics  as  slogans  on  their  protest  signs.  not  surprising  considering  its  snappy  lyrics,  with  the  unfiltered    instead  of  meat,  let's  eat  the  rich    as  one  of  many  examples. with  song  lyrics  drawing  a  direct  contrast  between  the  (in)action  of  both  national  and  international  bodies  of  government  and  the  californian  wildfires,  the  extinction  of  more  and  more  species  of  animals  and  continued  global  deforestation,  it  is  vividly  clear  to  listeners  what  the  band  means  by  their  hook    i'm  just  curious,  aren't  you  furious?  this  is  dead  serious.    band  members  erika,  dawn  and  addie  have  publicly  spoken  about  the  song  being  not  a  request,  but  a  demand  for  change    —    of  no  longer  tiptoeing  around  themes  of    “  climate  destruction  at  the  hands  of  a  bunch  of  greedy  capitalists  who  only  think  of  the  short  terms  gains  of  stuffing  their own  pockets,  rather  than  the  long  term  survival  of  planet  earth.  ” following  the  band's  contract  with  revolution  records,  the  single  has  gone  through  a  re-release    —    the  earlier  self  produced  version  with  its  faint  mistakes  and  questionably  mixed  audio  now  exchanged  for  professional  production  with  clean  vocals  and  instruments,  but  never  losing  its  authenticity  and  rawness.  the  band  even  especially  included  an  easter  egg  to  their  earlier  version  of  the  song,  leaving  in  the  original  outro  after  the  song  has  finished,  which  has  an  unknown  voice  asking    eat  the  rich?  you're  joking  right,  isn't  that  a  little  much?    to  which  drummer  dawn  responds  with  a  scornful    no,  we're  dead  serious.    it    is    believed    the    re-release    of    their    single    is    the    precursor    for    the    band's    widely    anticipated    debut    album    with    the    label,    and    if    this    single    is    anything    to    go    by,    it    will    be    equally    cynical,    real    and    most    of    all    painfully    honest.  until  then,  the  newly  released  version  of    dead  serious    is  now  available  on  all  streaming  platforms,  as  well  as  in  cd  and  lp  format    —    and  know  buying  the  single doesn't  only  support  the  band,  but  also  the  environment  as  10%  of  each  sale  is  being  donated  to  wwf  to  help  aid  nature  conservation.
1 — dead serious (3:24) 2 — dead serious, instrumental (3:24)
TAGGED / @sacrilegiious, @2grunge.
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Best Surrogacy Center In USA
There are many reputable surrogacy centers throughout the United States. The best one for you will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. Here are some surrogacy centers that are considered to be among the best in the country: surrogacy4all : this is best Surrogacy Center In USA Shady Grove Fertility: Shady Grove Fertility is a fertility clinic with locations in several states throughout the US, including Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Florida. They have a well-established surrogacy program and offer a comprehensive range of services. The Center for Surrogacy and Egg Donation: The Center for Surrogacy and Egg Donation is a surrogacy agency based in California. They offer personalized services and support for intended parents and surrogates. Reproductive Medicine Associates (RMA): RMA is a fertility clinic with locations in several states, including New Jersey, New York, and Florida. They have a comprehensive surrogacy program and offer a range of support services to intended parents and surrogates. Circle Surrogacy: Circle Surrogacy is a surrogacy agency based in Massachusetts. They have been in operation for over 25 years and offer a comprehensive range of services, including matching intended parents with surrogates and providing legal and medical support throughout the process. Again, it's important to do your own research and speak to multiple centers or agencies to find the one that meets your specific needs. Each surrogacy center may have different requirements, fees, and services, so be sure to ask about the process and any costs involved. Additionally, be sure to carefully review and understand the legal and ethical implications of surrogacy before making a decision. it's important to do your own research and speak to multiple centers or agencies to find the one that meets your specific needs. Each surrogacy center may have different requirements, fees, and services, so be sure to ask about the process and any costs involved. Additionally, be sure to carefully review and understand the legal and ethical implications of surrogacy before making a decision.
New York Address: 1148 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1B, New York, NY 10128
212) 335-1413
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hfs086 · 7 days
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Beginning the surrogacy journey, whether you're becoming a surrogate or selecting one, involves navigating legal processes, IVF procedures, and the joyous moments of pregnancy. This journey culminates in the delivery and the precious handover of the newborn to expectant parents. Join us in embracing the beauty of surrogacy and writing your perfect family story. www.happyfuturesurrogacy.com
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lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
[joybucket @ bzoink]
What was the last song you listened to on repeat?   I’m not one to typically play songs on repeat. 
When was the last time you saw fireworks? 💥   A couple years ago. I had to watch them on TV last year cause I was in the hospital. 
Out of all the community service or volunteer work you have done, what has been your favorite, and why?   I like volunteering at the homeless shelter. I served food and organized donations. 
Would you rather visit New York or California? Why?   I’ve lived in California all my life. I would love to visit New York someday. 
Do you normally eat healthy? 🥗   No.
Which do you use more: your computer or your phone?   My phone.
Who is your favorite Disney princess?   Ariel counts, right?
Have you ever tried hard drugs?   No. All I’ve ever done is weed. 
What are three of your favorite toppings for a pizza? 🍕   Garlic, spinach, and crumbled meatballs.
What are three of your favorite ingredients for a salad? 🥗   Cheese, hard boiled eggs, spinach. 
What color was the last hoodie you wore?   I wore my black Wednesday hoodie earlier to my doctor appointment. 
Would you rather ride on a ferris wheel 🎡 or a merry-go-round? 🎠   Neither, really.
When was the last time you went to the mall? 🛍️   Oh man, it’s been so long. I think it’s been 3 years now. 
Are you comfortable with silence?   I don’t like complete silence, it makes me anxious. The silence really can be so loud as they say.
If you wear glasses, what color are they? 🤓 and what grade were you in when you started wearing glasses?   I wear black rimmed glasses. I first started wearing them when I was in 3rd grade. 
Do you express yourself better out loud or in writing?   I’ve always felt that I’m able to express myself better in the written form. Verbally, I’m a mess and it doesn’t seem to come out right. 
What are three little things that you enjoy?   Coffee, Reese’s, and cozy throw blankets. 
What was the last book you had trouble putting down? 📖   I’m currently reading, “The Girl and the Christmas Past” by AJ Rivers. It’s one of many the author has in an ongoing series and I’ve been hooked. 
What is one thing you are enthusiastic about?   Movies and TV shows I’m obsessed with. 
What is the best compliment you've ever received?   Uhh, I don’t know.
Do you believe in miracles? ✨   Yes.
Have you ever witnessed or experienced a miracle? ✨   Yes.
What color is your favorite sweater?   My favorite is my black Wednesday hoodie. 
Do you like the smell of old books? 📚   I love it.
Do you own a dreamcatcher?   No.
Have you ever made a dreamcatcher?   Yeah, I did that a lot as a kid. They were pretty popular in the 90s. 
What are three ways in which you are not normal?   I don’t know, I feel like I’m abnormal in a lot of ways.
Would you rather be able to travel through time or through space?   >> well, we're already travelling through both at all times-- <<< True, but I do wish I could travel back in time.
Would you rather eat Chinese food or Italian food?   Italian. 
How many bracelets are you wearing right now? 📿   One. 
Do you prefer tea or coffee? ☕️   Coffee. 
What are three of your favorite things to do at the beach? 🏝️   I like to just chill in my tent, look out at the ocean, listen to the waves crash in and out, and feel the nice ocean breeze. I spend a lot of time just clearing my mind and actually being able to relax a bit. I love the beach. 
Do you sing in the shower? 🚿   Yeah. It’s where I pretend I can actually sing, haha. 
What is your favorite season, and why?   I love fall and winter. I love everything about those seasons like the weather, the holidays, the smells, the colors, the clothes, the coziness... everything. 
What is your favorite musical? 🎭   Sweeney Todd. 
How many people have you hugged in the past year? 🤗   Uhh, I think just 4. 
Do you like hugs? 🤗   Yeah, from certain people. I’m not the type of person who always hugs everyone when greeting them or saying goodbye. I don’t initiate them. All that being said, hugs can be nice. 
When was the last time you painted something? 🎨   Earlier this year, actually. My aunt and I did a few art projects when she came to visit me.
What are three creative hobbies you enjoy?   Coloring, writing, making bracelets. 
Are you truly happy with your life right now?   No.
Which genre of music do you listen to the most? 🎶   I listen to variety. 
When was the last time you lit a candle? 🕯️   I don’t light candles. I’m a scady cat. 
When was the last time you built a blanket fort?   Not since I was a kid. My cousins and I used to do that all the time. 
When was the last time you took a relaxing bath? 🛀   When I was a kid.
What are three random things you are good at?   I’m not particularly good at anything. 
What types of cancer are in your family (that you know of)?   I know melanoma is. 
When was the last time you blew bubbles? 🫧   I have no idea. 
What color are your eyes? 👀 Brown.
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oreenolivia968 · 2 days
Egg Donation in Laguna Niguel, California - Embryo Transfer
Not all transfer recipients are the females who provided the eggs. Embryo transfer may be performed on a woman who has an appropriately prepared uterus but doesn't have the ability to produce eggs. The donated eggs may be fertilized with a donor's sperm or with the recipient's partner's sperm. For women who cannot carry a pregnancy to term but can produce viable eggs, a transfer recipient, or surrogate, may be elected to carry the embryo(s) to term. Embryo transfer, the last step in IVF, has opened the doors of possibility for many women who wouldn't be able to conceive otherwise. https://www.acaciofertility.com/services/egg-donation
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San Francisco Egg Freezing: A Complete Cost Analysis For Future Planning
We’re conscious that some AT&T wireless customers are unable to reach our primary telephone line. If you’re a current affected person, please e mail your care staff. If you are a new patient or calling with a common inquiry, please email. You can also attempt calling from an alternate wireless service provider or landline. In honor san francisco egg freezing American servicemen and servicewomen, RSC presents all active-duty military personnel a 5% discount on the first IVF treatment cycle and a 10% low cost on all subsequent IVF treatment cycles click here.
RSC monetary counselors can provide you a detailed estimate san francisco egg freezing the prices and allow you to discover artistic ways to finance the treatment and egg freezing cost san francisco is my fun reply, as a end result san francisco egg freezing ladies are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have, and that store san francisco egg freezing eggs begins depleting from the minute they're born. But I do san francisco egg freezingfer one other answer primarily based on recent research, like the one from the journal Fertility and Sterility.
Is Ivf Coated By Insurance?
The skilled facility set the requirements for assisted reproductive techniques and expertise, having been lately awarded the Fertility Medical Centre san francisco egg freezing the Year Asia Pacific 2021. Their resident oncologist and fertility specialist are outfitted to satisfy each woman’s fertility wants, concerns and guidance for the subsequent stage in fertility preservation. Since the motivations for Esan francisco egg freezing are non-medical, each lady will have to endure counselling before making an informed choice. Simply put, egg freezing is an invasive procedure with risks and costs concerned. Learn from start to end the whole means san francisco egg freezing what happens on the final day san francisco egg freezing an egg freezing cycle. From choosing a clinic to saving thousands on storing your eggs, learn how to put money back in your pocket.
Sessions are designed to empower sufferers to maneuver through change and transition with readability and confidence, which helps them to really feel in control and grounded shifting forward.
The stimulation a half san francisco egg freezing the cycle is san francisco egg freezingten preceded by 2-3 weeks san francisco egg freezing contraception drugs to prepare the eggs for recruitment but your protocol might be personalized to swimsuit your wants.
The commonest means this course san francisco egg freezing will get costly is having unused meds on the end.
But these are very common numbers, and the recommendation will change with growing age. Prospective donors full a detailed questionnaire that's reviewed by our team. Donors that meet specific standards might be invited to undergo additional screening by our staff. A reproductive endocrinologist the donor’s medical screening, whereas our psychologist conducts the donor’s psychological screening. The UCSF Ovum Donor Program was one san francisco egg freezing many first egg donor applications in the Bay Area.
Your donor will sign a consent kind by which she relinquishing all rights and duties concerning the donated eggs. In California, the lady who delivers the child is the authorized mom except in pre-arranged gestational service preparations. Thus, for girls using ovum donation to conceive, there isn't any must file any authorized documents to establish the parentage san francisco egg freezing the kid. We do collaborate with many ovum donor companies, and we're happy to assist you in coordinating a cycle with an company donor. The advantage san francisco egg freezing going by way san francisco egg freezing an outside agency is access to a bigger pool san francisco egg freezing donors to decide out from.
Maybe an advert popped up in your Instagram feed about egg freezing in San Francisco. Or perhaps a latest birthday received you excited about time and whether – and if – you must start looking into egg freezing for your self. Whatever prompted the thought, there’s by no means been a greater time to learn in regards to the course san francisco egg freezing and figure out if freezing your eggs is the proper thing for you.
Freeze In Your Future
Just earlier than I went through my first spherical san francisco egg freezing egg freezing, I started a plant-based way san francisco egg freezing life. I don’t know if I’ll be completely 100% vegan as I typically take fish oil, however I did recently hear from a Modern Fertility physician that plant based protein may help produce high quality eggs. Pregnancy is very powerful in your physique — so it’s optimal to realize being pregnant while you’re nonetheless relatively younger and general healthy. While the recommended age will increase because san francisco egg freezing preventive care, improved medical know-how, and therapy strategies, age continues to be a major issue for egg freezing in San Diego. Our multidisciplinary staff works together to guarantee that donors in our pool are eligible candidates for donation.
CCRM Fertility is committed to providing our sufferers with the best high quality treatment obtainable at the most inexpensive price.
In India, the fertilityworld presents the bottom egg-freezing cost from 10k/month or 1.2 lakh/year, producing 60%-99% success rates based mostly on the women’s age.
With more than a hundred years san francisco egg freezing collective reproductive clinic expertise diagnosing and treating infertility, SDFC is a leading nationwide provider san francisco egg freezing IVF and fertility care.
Like having your future kids chill out next to your ice cream until the time is true. Meet with one san francisco egg freezing our skilled reproductive endocrinologists to learn your options for constructing the household san francisco egg freezing your goals. Classic or traditional surrogacy involves the use san francisco egg freezing a 3rd party to carry a baby to term. In classic surrogacy, the surrogate additionally san francisco egg freezingfers the egg (in distinction to a gestational provider who solely carries the pregnancy).
Benefits And Downsides san francisco egg freezing Egg Freezing
The law doesn’t restrict the number san francisco egg freezing remedy cycles, and there's no lifetime cap, though insurers could set limits based on their medical tips and patients’ medical histories. Insurers aren't required to supply fertility treatment protection unless employers who provide their insurance select to san francisco egg freezingfer it. Religious organizations and employers who self-insure are exempt. Some san francisco egg freezing these costs may embrace thawing, embryo transfer, implantation, and others. But when you do take on financing, you will have to pay that money again, with curiosity.
Our donors are recruited and screened by our Donor Program Team, which features a reproductive endocrinologist, a medical psychologist, licensed genetic counselors, and program coordinators. Donors become available for matching solely after their screening has been absolutely completed and candidates are deemed to be appropriate candidates per all pointers. This includes a review san francisco egg freezing medical and household history, a radical bodily examination, genetic and mental health screening, and testing for infectious illnesses. Having a child utilizing a donor egg san francisco egg freezingfers couples with the opportunity to experience pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and having a toddler who's genetically related to the father.
Utilizing The Eggs
Some couples could delay beginning their household to the extent that when they finally resolve to have youngsters, it can be difficult, if not inconceivable, to conceive naturally. The first step in exploring egg freezing is to schedule a session or meeting with a fertility specialist, generally identified as a reproductive endocrinologist. During your checkup, you and your doctor will review your current fertility and see whether or not egg freezing is an effective option for you in gentle san francisco egg freezing your age and expectations. After the egg retrieval, the EVOLVE group checks in with you to see how you’re feeling. You may also discuss how the egg freezing cycle went and next steps. For instance, some patients may decide to have a number san francisco egg freezing egg freezing cycles.
Oakland Fertility Clinic Rsc san francisco egg freezing The San Francisco Bay Space
Knowing your fertility options will empower you to make the right choices for your self and your future. Some put their careers first, others have sicknesses like cancer that affect their fertility, and some do not have anyone in their lives to start a family with. Klatsky says Spring Fertility does about 90 procedures a month, together with in vitro fertilization and egg freezing. He says it's important to understand his sufferers are busy, so Spring works with their schedules. This natural tendency for a woman’s eggs to deteriorate culminates in her mid-30s, when not only the number but in addition the standard san francisco egg freezing her eggs decreases rapidly.
’ they can set that aside,” says Marcelle Cedars, director san francisco egg freezing the University san francisco egg freezing California, San Francisco’s Center for Reproductive Health. There are questions round egg freezing we can not reply (how many eggs promise a live birth?) however cost is one thing we will. The final complete can rely upon where you reside, what quantity san francisco egg freezing cycles you need, how lengthy you retailer these eggs, and if you ever use them. But for now, let’s try to suppose broadly about what this course san francisco egg freezing would possibly run you. Pregnancy may be very powerful on your physique — so it’s optimal to achieve being pregnant while you’re still comparatively young and total healthy. While the beneficial age will increase because san francisco egg freezing preventive care, improved medical expertise, and remedy methods, age is still a major factor for egg freezing in San Diego.
The procedure is done underneath sedation, and any discomfort or pain is typically managed with ache treatment. That being mentioned, many patients do experience minor unwanted effects – like bloating, constipation, nausea – from the medications and egg retrieval. As a middle san francisco egg freezing excellence, UCSF provides an unmatched continuum san francisco egg freezing care for Bay Area households.
Single Cycle Bundle
I’m an excellent believer in younger women taking charge san francisco egg freezing their fertility by getting their eggs retrieved and stored. But clinics and the federal authorities have to do a much better job ensuring these eggs will be there when these women wish to use them. Until they do, ladies present process fertility procedures should ask whether or not storage tanks are FDA-approved. Because no one should face the darkish nights san francisco egg freezing anger and regrets that I still live via. In much more circumstances, fertility clinics have by accident switched specimens so that ladies gave delivery to somebody else’s child. UCSF has helped sufferers become dad and mom with donor eggs since 1991.
But it does not control how clinics maintain storage tanks as a outcome san francisco egg freezing they don’t fall beneath the FDA’s jurisdiction since they are not marketed to sufferers.
Nonetheless, arriving on the decision to pursue ovum donation could be a tough process.
In May, going through the biological threshold san francisco egg freezing age 35, when a lady's fertility takes a steep dive, she went to the California Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco and had 14 eggs removed and frozen for future use.
Most girls can get pregnant naturally and their eggs become a backup plan or insurance coverage. We encourage you to suppose about how many children you need when freezing your eggs. Although it may be easy to get pregnant naturally the primary time, relying how many youngsters you need, contemplate freezing eggs for that second, third or fourth child (if that’s your desired plan). Egg donors are bright, motivated, and wholesome girls aged who donate their eggs as a result san francisco egg freezing they want to assist different folks have households. These ladies undergo in depth medical, physical, and psychological screening consistent with FDA guidelines.
Have Questions?
By the time you reach your late 30s, about half san francisco egg freezing your eggs will be chromosomally irregular (too few or too many chromosomes). These chromosomal abnormalities typically lead to failed implantation or miscarriage. Unfortunately, by the point you reach your 40s, you only have a 5% likelihood san francisco egg freezing becoming pregnant each month.
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He can additionally be an avid proponent san francisco egg freezing the mind-body connection and his goal is to combine constructive thinking and meditation right into a holistic method to reproductive well being and affected person care. He is thrilled to be welcoming sufferers at Kindbody San Francisco. To read concerning the phases san francisco egg freezing IVF using donor eggs, please read Become a Parent Through Egg Donation. The eggs san francisco egg freezing women san francisco egg freezing their early- to mid-30s produce progressively fewer euploid embryos.
Auto Insurance Coverage = $9,100
The egg retrieval process is a minimally invasive procedure that's done under sedation, and it does not involve penetration san francisco egg freezing any type. The egg freezing course san francisco egg freezing doesn't change based mostly on your sexual experience. In reality it's not even necessary for a well being care provider to know whether or not or not you're a virgin to carry out an egg freezing process. Our program is on the intersection san francisco egg freezing personalised care and cutting-edge research. As fertility leaders, we’re shaping the method ahead for reproductive medication. As your fertility staff, we’re san francisco egg freezingfering assist at every step san francisco egg freezing the journey.
Shield Your Fertility With Egg Freezing
Silva’s employer recently added coverage for egg freezing while not having a particular prognosis. This helped spur Silva’s choice to maneuver ahead with the process this year. We acknowledge that a new prognosis san francisco egg freezing most cancers is a frightening expertise and sufferers are grappling with all san francisco egg freezing the essential medical treatment selections. Most oncologists and patients are anxious to treat the malignancy as quickly as possible. Therefore, we now have a particular treatment protocol each time we've a affected person or oncologist name us about fertility preservation.
She was an Assistant Prsan francisco egg freezingessor at SUNY Stony Brook, earlier than moving on to assist begin a private follow in Long Island, which grew to the biggest infertility follow on Long Island, and the third largest in New York state. She also developed the donor egg and fertility preservation applications while there, opening the first egg financial institution on Long Island. Dr. Cain moved again to her home state san francisco egg freezing Minnesota in 2012 to be nearer to her household, and was considered one san francisco egg freezing three REI docs serving the whole region san francisco egg freezing North Dakota, northern Minnesota and jap Montana. While there, she became a women’s health advocate on the state and national stage, working towards bettering entry to take care san francisco egg freezing infertility patients.
The mature eggs are then retrieved, with the woman or transgender man under delicate anesthesia. This is an outpatient process, which normally lasts half-hour. PFC is a leading infertility clinic specializing in ICSI, IVF-in-vitro fertilization, PGD-preimplantation genetic prognosis, egg donation, embryo and egg freezing, and different superior feminine and male infertility therapies.
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indianeggdonor11 · 6 months
Harmony in Diversity: Nurturing Dreams through Indian Egg Donors
In the dynamic landscape of assisted reproduction, Indian Egg Donors emerges as a beacon of diversity and inclusivity. As seekers of parenthood navigate this intricate journey, our extensive database becomes a canvas, painting a mosaic of possibilities.
Cultivating Connections: Exploring Indian Egg Donor Profiles
Indian Egg Donors celebrates cultural richness with diverse profiles, including the unique offerings of East Indian Egg Donors in the USA. Navigate the spectrum of Indian egg donors, creating personalized connections that go beyond geographical boundaries.
Bridging Continents: Indian Egg Donors USA and Beyond
Our commitment transcends borders, catering to those seeking Indian Egg Donors in the USA and New York. In fostering dreams of parenthood, we embrace the global landscape, connecting aspiring parents with diverse options.
Empowering Journeys: Surrogacy Beyond Borders
Beyond egg donation, our support extends to Indian Surrogate Mothers in the USA, offering comprehensive assistance. Explore cost-effective surrogacy options in India, delve into Georgia's surrogacy landscape, and consider the international realm of possibilities.
Digital Avenues: Unveiling Indian Egg Donors Online in the USA
In the digital era, the path to parenthood is illuminated with insights on finding an Indian egg donor online in the USA. Our user-friendly platform and detailed Indian egg donor profiles simplify the journey, making dreams of family a tangible reality.
Global Collaboration: Indian Egg Donors as an International Agency
As an international egg donation agency, Indian Egg Donors facilitates connections across continents. Delve into the cost of surrogacy in Ghana, explore egg donation opportunities in India, and discover the advantages of Indian embryo adoption in the US.
Tailored Choices: Private Egg Donor Solutions
Acknowledging the uniqueness of each journey, we offer personalized solutions, including private egg donor options. Transparency and support define our approach, ensuring a seamless experience in choosing an egg donor in the USA.
Preserving Potential: NYC's Premier Frozen Egg Donation Bank
Our frozen egg donation services, housed in NYC, provide a way to preserve the potential for future parenthood. Explore the advantages of this innovative option, adding an extra layer of flexibility to your family-building journey.
Conclusion: Orchestrating Dreams with Indian Egg Donors
Embark on a transformative journey where harmony in diversity defines the path to parenthood. Indian Egg Donors orchestrates dreams, offering a symphony of choices, support, and the realization of cherished family aspirations. For more information visit us: www.indianeggdonors.com
Contact us: 212 661 7177 New York 866 335 4111 California
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scentedchildnacho · 6 months
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Yea i had a good thanksgiving....gifts from the natives to stop murdering me slowly of the commom immigrant military stagflation jobs ...
I have been learning preserving to stop dependence on military man brings her to inductive home to escape poverty.....
The prior white financializing has turned into most raped immigrants better be allowed a job.....and their friends frequent restaurants now ...and they were really really raped and should apologize for bringing their traffickers into suburbanite lives
Crazy quilt canned food the conservation corporation....that's way too expensive for that meat....
And now that the immigrant help stole in too obscene of ways they draw her up again and the trafficker comes back....
Ya cant escape the fruitive aspects of life unless you want to be my migrant fruit labor and learn conservation...i really want to pick...
Herb not vinegar for the ill aspects of that....
Eggs and thin sliced meat donations it was a real italian farm holiday......they gave me pea shoots and mushrooms and marjoram....so I learned to eat raw to not burn wood....
Jerry with the NAACP in Biloxi Mississippi told me I would have to view this as about white and he said this to me in a way that explained todd Gloria ness made him leave his California culture for Mississippi ....
So this isn't about multiplicity of Being....this is about ignored genetic research around the time of the polio vaccine....or avery and maclean on new 90s diagnoses like multiple sclerosis
I have indigenous DNA and that is my Mexican relations.....and those are elite Germans and British and they bring me these ep Thompson creations of the English working classes....
So it's more crazy and homo genetics that older German lady there is somewhat important research about Austria hungry becoming mentalism here
That declining conservation access company kind of goes all
Suni claimed white is of France but bobiny appears more southern....i think that missing counter culture strength is Berlin.....
Hart....and desires for ethnic Germans to legalize....
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kickedshins · 8 months
15, 26, 35 :)
15) do u have any houseplants? nope brown thumb. rip
26) can you cook or bake? yes! i love cooking. i'm not good at baking baked goods cuz i don't believe in recipes but i make challah for shabbat every week and it's fantastic. i make a really good mushroom ragu w handmade gnocchi that i love. also Fried Egg. classic.
35) describe your favorite stuffed animal. i don't have her any more she's called ollie (nickname for olivia) she was a little dog that my pen pal olivia sent me when we were younger. we became pen pals because we had the same heart condition, she lived in california i believe. sadly we fell out of touch and i donated ollie but i remember her fondly!
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