#el is 👀👀
starsarefire824 · 1 year
rewatching season 1 and its confirming my bi mike truth. for real.
• he goes out of his way for her
•he speaks to her with the same Will Voice™️ in a lot of the scenes.
• he tried to kiss her unprompted in the bathroom. (she has literally no idea what he’s doing)
• when he says she’s pretty especially the second time, he really means it. I read his confused face more as I can’t believe I said that kind of thing and not a ew gross kind of thing
•his speech at the end is definitely him trying and failing to say that he likes her romantically (as romantic as a 12 year old romance can be anyway)
Now, she’s very androgynous and sure that can he explained as he prefers her when she looks like a boy (like Will), but that’s a moot point in my opinion cause bi people have very differing tastes usually when it comes to different genders. (Something he would be totally unaware of at that age and also is something that evolves/changes)
I think watching season one and two combined has really confirmed this for me. Season 1 is El and his feelings for her. Season 2 switches to Will and his feelings for him. Season 3 is when they are all finally thrown together and how he can’t balance them in his life because the feelings for both are romantic. (I don’t think he’s self-aware enough there to realize that though in regards to Will). I think that there is a lot of what actors’ and creators’ have said going on there. Mike is trying to be this picture in his head of what “normal” looks like.
Then season 4 imo is the fallout of that struggle (which i also think continues in a more adult/direct way but it sort of is really putting even more pressure on both of his relationships). He’s a bit older and the two most important people in his life are thousands of miles away. Like he said himself, “his other friends are great, but they aren’t Will). I think that hug scene was the culmination of him realizing how much he’s missed Will isn’t “normal”. I think he’s realizing that those feelings are equal (or imo overpower) what he feels for El. I think maybe, painfully slowly, he’s realizing that he’s attracted/wants to be with Will in a way that isn’t “normal”. I don’t think he’s thinking romance per se (yet), but I think he’s thinking “why the hell am i jealous?” “why is it weird to touch him?” “why am i so upset he never called me?” why do i want that painting so badly?” “why can’t i tell my girlfriend i thought i loved the three words she begged me to say?” To me, that is a very queer experience, but specifically a bi person who hasn’t quite realized that they’re bi yet. The confusion can be astounding at times, and emotions and reactions to things tend to be intense in a way that leaves you reeling. Or floundering in Mike’s case.
Idk these are just a lot of random thoughts, but I firmly believe that season 5 will address whatever is happening in Mike Wheeler’s brain regarding his true feelings for Will and El.
I also think that El already had an inkling of “why” Mike couldn’t say I love you. (And no it’s not because his parents didn’t show him how 🙄) And she’s slowly realizing in season 4 that “why” is her step-brother. I think that was made very obvious with the thought bubble imagery and how she was responding, or lack thereof to Mike in the monologue and back in Hawkins.
Miscellaneous thoughts about season 1: people must be thick in the head about Will if they think him being gay came out of nowhere. There are at least 10 instances of characters referencing that in conversations. And damn, if that Ted Wheeler comment, “you see Michael, you see what happens” wasn’t insinuating something. Mike misses it cause he’s too little, but any adult can see he’s saying, “you see what happens to queer kids?”
Then season 2 they spent the whole season building up how different and strong Mike and Will’s relationship was, and how Mike was there for Will no matter what. He was so unwavering in his love and support for Will. And in season 3, I think is when Will actively realized just how different he was and what his love for Mike actually meant, like he was looking it dead in the face in that season in a real, grown up way. And the person he realizes he loves is pushing him away and just not understanding him and what do you do when the person, that you’ve been told your whole life is unnatural, not “normal” to love, is constantly choosing another person over you. That they aren’t even able to make a friendship work let alone something you might daydream about. I’m probably repeating myself but the writers have made it very plain that Mike cannot for the life of him balance his time, attention or emotional availability between Will and El. And if season 3 didn’t make it painfully obvious that Will was having complicated feelings about Mike. Like yeah, they didn’t spell it out directly, but the fact that some people were like wow this whole Mike love thing for Will came out of nowhere??? Like are we watching the same show? I could see that on a first watch years ago.
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plutonicbees · 10 months
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young just us: the game 👾
based off of the scott pilgrim video game, i wanted to play around with the idea of what the yj98 team would look like in the same style.. mostly i just wanted to draw everybody as silly little pixel sprites
(character sprite pngs + mount justice landscape under cut)
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damienns · 4 months
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dailydccomics · 3 months
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Superman and Lex Luthor by David Nakayama
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chirpsythismorning · 10 days
El being *12 hours earlier* than the Cali timeline when she arrives at Nina. Will saying ‘it’s been 9 hrs’ in the scene following his monologue in the van.
We know that at some point their timelines merged when they arrived to save her…
But we don’t know when exactly those alignments took place when they were still apart… which just makes you wonder…
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awacatin · 9 months
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something off w him
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Who would win in a hand to hand combat (and knife) Jade or Valeria?? 🙌
(this ask got me sketchin' ✍️✍️✍️)
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Some points that I thought about :
Both of them are brolic fighters. The difference is, I think Valeria is more brutal while Jade uses more effective and sneaky attacks.
Valeria has the power advantage, but speed-wise, Jade has the lead.
Valeria is taller with a longer wingspan and It's an advantage. But Jade's defense is not to be messed with.
Jade uses Karambit knife which is very versatile in every angle + harder to get off of her hands.
Experience-wise, though Valeria is older, Jade started training at early age. Both are on par with each other.
Endurance - both Valeria and Jade were ex-special forces and ex-MI6 black agent with non-stop assignments. They can take any punches and still go at it.
Mental battle - Valeria will talk shit in the middle of the fight, but Jade will also clap back with British sarcasm. These two won't stop until the other is down for sure.
I can't really be certain 🤔🤔What do you guys think?
(heck yea I'll finish that art)
Edit : Forgot there's a poll feature on Tumblr wow. I wanna see who y'all bet on. Valeria or Jade? 👀 (don't take this too seriously alright)
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brutermonger · 10 months
We found him..
The Wolfwood that ever Woowoo'd 😮🐺✝️
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cigamfossertsim · 10 months
tim: youre a lot smarter than any of us give you credit for, kon
kon; its not my fault that none of you can see past my pretty face
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estrellami-1 · 5 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 47 | Part 48 | Part 49
Steve and Eddie stare at each other, wide-eyed, for a second before jumping into action.
Steve reaches the door before Eddie, throwing it open and running down the hall, Eddie on his heels.
He opens his door and breathes a sigh of relief when he sees El alone in his bed, writhing and crying, clearly caught in a nightmare. “El,” he murmurs, walking closer to the bed so he can sit on the edge. “Wake up, Ellie. It’s okay. It’s just a dream.”
“N-no,” El whimpers, letting out another small scream. “Please!”
“El,” Steve says again, laying a gentle hand on her arm. “You’re okay. It’s just a dream, it can’t hurt you now. Wake up, Ellie. You’re okay.”
Another violent twist and she’s sitting up with a gasp, throwing her arm out to the side and causing Steve to slam into the wall. He lets out a groan on impact, the air knocked out of his lungs, but does a quick check and seems to be okay.
He gets up—carefully, with Eddie’s help—and walks over to the bed again, where El’s looking at him with saucer-wide eyes. “I’m s-sorry,” she whimpers, tears on her cheeks for an entirely different reason now.
“It’s okay.” He smiles at her and opens his arms, offering a hug, which she immediately burrows into.
He passes a hand over her head and tugs her in tighter. “Wanna tell me what you were dreaming about? It can make it easier to go back to sleep.”
Hot tears begin falling on his neck. “Papa,” she whispers, and he lets out a harsh breath as quiet sobs start up again.
“Oh, Ellie,” he murmurs, rocking them from side to side. “You’re okay. I’m right here, he can’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let him. I’ve got you, okay?”
She nods, but her grip doesn’t get any lighter. Steve looks up at Eddie with an apologetic expression. “Go to bed,” he murmurs. “It’s okay. I’m gonna stay with her tonight.”
El moves her head enough so she can see who he’s talking to, then pops her head up even as tears fall from her eyes. “No,” she sniffles. “He can stay.”
Eddie hesitates in the doorway, looking between El and Steve, who’s cupping her cheeks with his hands. “You’re sure? He can go back to the guest room, I’m happy to stay here if you want me.”
She adamantly shakes her head. “I want him, too.”
Eddie steps into the room with a small smile. “The lady has spoken, Stevie, I think it’s smart we listen to her.”
Steve chuckles. “I think you might be right. You’re okay with staying?”
“Why of course I am!” He says jovially. His eyes are more serious, though, and they’re telling Steve that yes, he really is okay with it.
Eddie turns to El with a small, mischievous smile on his face. “Steve’s a pretty good hugger,” he starts, “but I’ve been told I’m not too bad myself. And I’ve got a secret magic nightmare eraser that my Uncle Wayne taught me. You wanna test it out?” He asks, arms out in a suggestion of a hug.
She considers it for all of five seconds before nodding and moving over to Eddie, letting him wrap his arms around her. “Okay,” Eddie says, pulling her into a tight hug and nuzzling at her neck until she giggles and tries to squirm away. “How about we all lay down together?”
El nods, so Eddie situates them with El between him and Steve, so they can both hug her if she decides she wants it. “You comfy?” He checks, smiling when she nods and burrows further under the covers.
“You said you have a secret magic nightmare eraser.”
“I do,” Eddie nods. “And it works so good.” He pretends to look around before stage-whispering to El, “But if it doesn’t work, it’s Uncle Wayne’s fault.”
El giggles again, and Eddie feels his heart skip a beat. She’s so little with such a weight on her already. He meets Steve’s eyes, over her form, and knows they’re both thinking the same thing: there’s no way they’re letting Vecna win this.
Whatever it takes, he silently vows to himself, and hopes it doesn’t come down to his life on the line.
He knows he’d give it up in a heartbeat if it meant just one of these kids lived instead.
Steve’s expression is pained, like he can read Eddie’s mind and know what he’s thinking about. “Eddie,” he murmurs, but thankfully doesn’t remark on it, just says, “What’s your magic secret nightmare eraser?”
Eddie grins, allowing himself to be pulled back into the moment. “Secret magic nightmare eraser, Stevie, don’t disparage the name Wayne gave it.”
Steve chuckles, raises his hands in surrender, and settles in to listen.
“Once upon a time…”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @mischivarien @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @inadequatecowboy @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
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fruitbythefoot7 · 10 months
i hope we can all agree that both mike wheeler and el hopper are Not Straight
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hawkinslibrary · 7 months
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more shotlisting from ross duffer's instagram story november 2nd, 2023
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madame-fear · 8 days
Veo mucha gente diciendo "Enzo está en Tumblr" o "Enzo es conciente de los smuts fics sobre él" pero no veo a nadie haciendo las preguntas que realmente importan: Cómo llegó hasta acá? Qué fue lo que puso en el buscador para terminar en Tumblr justo en estas historias? Hm, Enzo? Querés confesar algo? 👀
Nonnie está haciendo las verdaderas PREGUNTAS CORRECTAS ☝️
Yo si mal no recuerdo, Juani una vez dijo que iba a leer fics que hacíamos... ¿Verdad? Díganme que eso pasó y no que lo soñé por favor JAJAJA Pero tengo la teoría de que capaz Juani le dijo a Enzo sobre los fics, y que a partir de ahí se puso a observar todo lo que decimos y hacemos (? Es lo único que se me ocurre, porque sino... Enzo tiene muchas cosas que explicar 🤭
Quién sabe, Enzo puede ser cualquiera de nosotros. Puedo ser yo, podés ser vos... Capaz que es uno de nuestros followers 👀 Enzo si estás acá danos UNA (1) señal, te lo pido pOR FAVOOOOOOOR
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abisalli · 2 years
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Ko-fi sketch for @darlinglissa <3 Thank you sm for your support! Here’s sketch no.2 B)
If you like my work and would like an experimental sketch like this for yourself: consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi! ☕️
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hey 😃 anyone else remember nancy fucking BRANDING WILL WITH A WHITE HOT POKER IN s2???? BC SHE DID. to get him to stop choking joyce so bad bitch slay ig but also ??? DOES HE HAVE A BURN MARK??? IS HE OKAY?!!?!??????
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chirpsythismorning · 2 months
Something I noticed editing the other day was a contrast between El when she’s battling Vecna vs. when she’s saving Max.
They focus on El right before both of those instances, from a medium close-up, where Jonathan and Mike are both holding onto her shoulders for support.
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But when she’s about to save Max, there’s a shift.
Instead Mike has moved his hand to join his other hand in holding hers. But near the end, they choose to focus on this medium close-up again, as opposed to a close-up with her and Mike’s hands joining.
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For some reason they wanted to make a distinction from this angle specifically, with an almost before and after element, because this shot is literally followed by El sitting beside Max, meaning it's important. They are connecting these two moments together, ie. Mike and Jonathan's hands both there to support her, and then Mike's hand missing. It's almost as if they are separating Mike from what is about to happen.
It honestly feels like they’re acknowledging the fact that El never needed this grand love confession from Mike in the first place. In order for her to even focus on saving Max in the end, she had to ignore Mike begging her to wake up and acknowledge him, hence why he was probably not included in that shot.
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