#elmer x reader
lonleywriters-blog · 1 year
hiiii can i get headcanons for brandon rogers characters with an autistic s/o?
Oh ofc characters chosen random
Brandon Rodger characters with autistic s/o
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He is very understanding
He may accidentally trigger you but he tries not to
He will be very gentle
Scared he will mess up
Will ask if you are okay a lot
Has headphones and safe items on him at all times
Very kind and communicates well
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She will look up how to help you
She has her guards have safety items with them
She makes a safe room for you connected to her office
She will make sure to get rid of any triggering fabrics or textures
She will ask about your triggers and adjust to them
Has a notebook for you to write in if you are selective mute
Spoils you with things for your special interests
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He wants to here all about your special interests
He will be very aware and observant
He will keep headphones on him
He will ask you if you want him to bring anything else
He writes down all your comfort shows and food
He is always prepared and kind
He makes sure not to baby you ethier
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He is aware he can be overstimulating and understands
He will try not to be as loud and jumpy
He wants to hear you info dump for hours
Always okay with watching a comfort show or movie
Buys all the comfort food you want
Has a weighted blanket if you ever want it
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nian-7 · 11 months
Hi theree! I saw that you wrote for Ron Kamonohashi! So I was wondering if you could write dating headcanons for Elmer Stingray? There’s like nothing for the silly guy
sure, please enjoy!
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Elmer Stingray x gn!reader
✧dating headcanons
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-Elmer is a caring guy and he's very sweet. He likes to keep pda to a minimum, some hand holding and cheek kisses are the most he'll do in public.
-He's very patient with you, he doesn't mind if you need to vent out some anger to him because you had a bad day or if you just need some comfort, he'll take as long as he needs to make sure you're feeling alright again.
-He loves it when you play with his hair. He just has a content smile on his face when you gently run your fingers through it and kiss the top of his head. It makes him feel at ease knowing you're there.
-Elmer's love language is quality time. He enjoys spending time with you and it's quite honestly how he'd rather show his love for you. Yes, he'll buy you little things that make him think of you but, he'd much rather go out on dates with you or just simply be with you.
-He likes it when his partner is that one that is more affectionate physically with him. He likes having some sort of physical contact but he tends to not initiate it very much.
-Although that being said, he loves to cuddle. Sitting on the couch with his s/o and the tv on is something he loves. It's always something he looks forward to whenever you both are able to.
-He also loves to hold your waist when you do both cuddle. He likes to face you and hold you close to him. He's always got such a sweet smile on his face as he sleeps because he's just happy to have you in his arms.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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hi! For the ship game can i request Elmer <3
I’m an ENTP and very confident. I also like being loud and stupid and young
I love music, going on random adventures, reading, theater, film, and walks
My pronouns are she/her, I’m bisexual and ace-spec ( also can you hc me as a fellow newsie)
I’m very optimistic and can be friends with almost anyone ( I don’t have many pet peeves) Sometimes I get anxious and have slight anger issues ( it’s getting better )
Thank you!!
Hi, anon!! So sorry that this took me a bit to answer. I work a bunch during the week and having been trying to do some other life stuff so I've been a bit busy.
You absolutely can!! Elmer's a fun guy (@newsies-but-theacadianway and I think he's an INFP . Which I am too which makes that fun.)
Without further ado, let's jump right in.
To start off, you and Elmer are pretty different but that is by no means, a bad thing. In fact, Elmer really looks up to your confident nature. He's like that you fit right in with his other friends as you all enjoy being loud and doing crazy things just for the sake of doing crazy things.
Both of you like to kind of do your thing and be different from the rest of society just because you can (obviously, you each do it for different reasons but that's besides the point). He admires how you're not afraid to talk about and consider possibilities that most people don't think are possible or a good idea. He likes to talk about those possibilities with you just because it often leads to a deep conversation which he likes. Deeper conversations often mean deeper connections and friendships/relationships. Which as a fellow Newsie is something you need as much as he does.
You and Elmer would 100% be selling partners and each day is a new adventure. You both enjoy some spontaneity so you enjoy selling in different parts of Manhattan (with respect to the other groups of course which is something Elmer requests you both acknowledge.). You try to come up with the most ridiculous headlines that'll get people thinking and he likes it. He tries to come up with the sweetest most wholesome headlines that invoke some sort of emotional depth from his readers.
You both just love living life and experiencing all that it has to offer. So sometimes, you and Elmer have contests as to who can jump higher of a barrel or who can scale a fire escape faster because you can!! You just love adventure!!
Elmer sometimes prefers more chill adventures depending on the day. Neither of you really push the other to do something that he or she isn't comfortable with which is a good thing.
You both enjoy seeing Medda's theater and listening to the music there. You both like to sing along with the songs (you a bit louder. Elmer only sings a little cuz he's kinda shy.) You and Elmer both like the music though and can enjoy it together. He's maybe not as in to the loud and exciting as you are but he'll enjoy it for you. :) And he'll genuinely enjoy it for a little while.
Now, Elmer's usually good for a random adventure. He loves to climb up fire escapes and explore different parts of Manhattan with you (just don't take him to Brooklyn. He's scared of Spot.). You both enjoy getting into antics just around the city because it's just so fun!! Nothing illegal or overly dangerous. You both just like to wander around the city too and see everything that there is to see. (I kinda talked about this a lot above).
Elmer will totally give you space while you read books. You don't have a lot but he likes to buy them for you on special occasions and when he can afford them. He likes to be near you when he reads but he doesn't really distract you from it because he wants time to himself. That and he doesn't want to annoy you. You may be laying down on the couch and he may just come sit next to you while you read. You both just don't really say much during these times and let each other do your own thing. He occasionally will want attention when you're reading. He just talks to you a bunch when he wants your attention to keep you from reading your book. He tries not to do that too often though because he knows the time you get to yourself is often precious. Even though you don't mind all that much, he tries to be respectful of it.
You both enjoy going to see shows at Irving Hall. It's usually free on certain nights because Medda's super nice like that. You always enjoy whenever Medda gets some guests to perform a show for you. You'll whisper little things to Elmer that make him laugh as you both watch the show.
You both like to go see black and white movies when you can afford it. Elmer loves to go and the two of you usually hold hands while you watch the movie. He squeezes your hand if for some reason he notices you getting scared (which doesn't always happen but occasionally it does). You love the piano music that typically accompanies those.
Elmer loves to hold your hand and take you on nighttime walks through Central Park. Sometimes you just walk around the city but he particularly likes to take you to Central Park. It makes you both feel at ease. You both chatter on about one thing or another and sometimes you stop and kiss underneath a street lamp. Elmer definitely initiates those.
Both you and Elmer have a lot of optimism between the two of you. He looks up to you and your confident. You also look to him for his more gentle nature. He teaches you to slow down and enjoy the more quiet things in life. He learns from you how to enjoy the more loud things in life and just to embrace it all.
Both of you can also be friends with just about anybody which he enjoys. He likes that you get along well with the rest of the other Newsies. You both are very get easy along to with and just like that about each other.
Neither you and Elmer have any pet peeves which is cool. You like that about each other and just feel very chill in general around each other.
When your anxiety kicks in (maybe you had a scary run in with the Delanceys), Elmer's there to first, kick the Delanceys' butts with the help of the other Newsies, and two, hug you and tell you everything will be okay. He loves to rub circles on your back and place gentle kisses on the top of your head.
As far as your anger issues go, Elmer's not huge on them but he tries to work with you on them. He really tries to be kind and non-confrontational in general but he's even gentler when you're legitimately ticked off. Most of the time, if he's not the problem, he just gives you space and lets you figure it out on your own. If he's the problem, he tries to make it up to you any way he can. Which you find really sweet. If it's one of the other boys, the Delanceys, or someone else, he tries to pacify the situation. He usually just takes you on a walk or off on your own to sell your papes. It works better that way to just give you space in your element and let you do your own thing.
I mean come on, it's ridiculously hard to stay mad at someone like Elmer. :)
As far as affection goes, Elmer is INCREDIBLY affectionate. He's just very shy and gentle with it. You probably had to initiate the first kiss (though he absolutely could have) but after that, he likes to drop little kisses on your cheeks, nose, forehead, temple, top of your head, and lips. And he does it just randomly. Like if you're taking a break from selling papes and no one's around, he'll give you a quick cheek kiss before running back to his spot.
He also really likes to give you hugs. Hugs are honestly his favorite. The longer and snugglier the hug, the better in his opinion.
He's not huge on PDA but he won't back from something small in front of the other boys. They'll make fun of him for just about anything...which of course, you'll defend him from.
Elmer is very committed to you as you are committed to him. He's such a sweet, loving, and loyal guy who loves you so deeply and completely.
Hope you enjoyed, anon!! I hope I did okay with characterization for both you and Elmer. I also did my best to HC you as a fellow Newsie. Thanks so much for requesting!! If anyone else, anon or not, has any requests, please please please ask!! I would love it so much!! Thanks!! - Aisling
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frogmanfae · 2 months
Screaming crying throwing up how does one secure a beta reader
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hollandsangel · 2 months
casual | m. sturniolo
i’ve been scheming for weeks !! (actually started this before move over AND voice. so.)
basically i’m obsessed with this song
summary: the most dangerous label is the casual one; or you both want more
warnings: matt x fem!reader, use of y/n, ANGST, cursing, happy ending bc i’m a sucker & a lost cause
wc: 6.5k
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the sun is dipping behind the horizon, painting the sky pink and orange. you have your window rolled down, letting the salt air breeze pick your hair up as you rest against the car door. matt has elmer’s new song playing on aux, something lofi with a bit of spanish mixed in.
“like what you see?” he speaks up, taking his eyes off the road for a second to look over at you. he stares for a second, your skin illuminated by the fading rays of the sun, kissing the tops of your cheeks and giving you a warm glow.
you press yourself up to sit properly and catch his hand resting on the center console. you always loved that he drives with his left hand, the right always close enough for you to touch. 
“it’s pretty,” you say, poking your head back out of the window, looking overhead at the passing trees, “the palms are so tall.” matt squeezes your hand, and when you look back up he’s already looking at you, smiling when you meet his eyes.. his hair looks lighter in the setting sun, the side of his face lit up all golden and warm. you bite your lip and smile, turning away with a slight flush.
“it’s green,” you tell him and he flicks his head back forward, muttering a curse under his breath.
“my bad,” he admits, refusing to drop your hand. 
it looked like he wants to say something, but he doesn’t, just takes a breath and lets it out before turning back to the road.
when the car pulls into the garage you reach to the back to grab your overnight bag. matt’s already out of the car, coming over to your side to open your door, “c’mon,” he says in that silly high pitched voice, just to hear you giggle.
you make your way to his bedroom, knowing the ins and outs of the triplet’s house like the back of your hand. matt follows behind you, his footsteps echoing amongst the hardwood floors. 
“i can’t wait to lay down,” you sigh, the effects of the sun's heat catching up with you now that you’re in the cool, air conditioned house.
“yeah, i’m feelin’ pretty tired too,” matt agrees, his voice heavy and suddenly cloaked by fatigue.
you’d been out all day, shopping on melrose, walking by the beach. dinner and ice cream and the beating sun soaked up all your energy. nothing sounded better than getting cozy in matt’s bed and watching a movie, maybe catching a bit of a nap before deciding to head home. you knew he’d insist on driving you, and that always hurt more than you’d like to admit.
the two of you weren’t dating, he wasn’t your boyfriend and you told yourself you didn’t mind. it wasn’t a very convincing lie though, most everyone around you could tell. it’s not that you hadn’t talked about it, you had, there were just things getting in the way.
matt was worried about how his fans would react, and he absolutely did not want it to be at your expense. you hated the thought of pushing him, like forcing him or asking too much, being too needy would only drive him away. all your friends had told you to stop, that you were only going to get yourself hurt, but you’d honestly rather have half of him and a broken heart than none of him at all. 
you never doubted that he cares about you, in fact you know he does. he always picks you up from classes, knows your order at all your favourite fast food places and keeps an extra toothbrush in the bathroom for you. it’s things like that that make the title of causal or just seeing each other sting a little bit more.
here though, all settled in matt’s bed, you try not to think about it too hard. there’s some liam neeson movie he insisted on showing you playing on the tv, and you’re happy to be watching it, but mostly happy to be watching it with him. his chest rises and falls under your head with each breath and it’s making you more tired than before.
“i’m so warm,” you say through a yawn, all comfy now in your sweats and matt’s crewneck, although the comfort comes mostly from his arms wrapped around your middle. 
“you can throw on a pair of boxers if you want, top drawer,” matt offers, his arms unmoving, keeping you mildly trapped against him.
“let me goooo,” you groan dramatically, making a big show of sliding out from under his arms and grinning to yourself when he laughs.
“come back,” he pouts, reaching for a stuffed animal to take your place while you cross the room to his dresser.
“just give me a sec,” you giggle, rummaging around in the drawer and pulling out a pair of plaid boxers. there’s something stuck to it, all tangled up in the mess of his clothes, “what the– is this my bra? i’ve been looking for this for like a month.” 
matt lifts his head just enough to see what you’re holding up, huffing when he hits the pillow again, “i dunno, sweetheart, you probably left it, you’ve got a lot of stuff here,” he sounds tired, and the words are pressed against his pillow now that he’s rolled onto his stomach. 
you’ve got lots of stuff here.
it digs into you, how casually he says it, an almost physical ache you feel beyond your ribs, right where your heart is. 
quickly you try to shake it off, shucking off your sweatpants and sliding the boxers up your legs so you can hurry back into bed before allowing yourself to think about what he said too much. 
“c’mere,” there’s a little smile on his face when he says it, arm outstretched for you to crawl under. immediately matt tucks you up against his body impossibly close, his nose stuffed into your hair and breathing you in. it feels nice, right, and you let yourself bask in it, like maybe the state of your relationship (or lack thereof) won’t be in limbo forever. he has to feel it too, the pull.
“i think you should just stay tonight,” he says quietly against your temple, leaving a little kiss there.
“are you sure?”
he nods, “it’s late, ‘m not gonna kick you out,” you can see his smile in the dark, his features lit up delicately by the dim light of the movie, “and i kinda wanna cuddle,” he admits sheepishly, trying to hide his blush when you turn to him.
“awe, matty,” you tease, scooching closer to him, hardly an inch away.
“hey,” he says all high pitched, making you laugh again.
“that voice always gets me,” you tell him, snuggling up under his chin.
“that’s why i do it,” he tells you.
it doesn’t take long for you to slip into an easy sleep with matt holding you, the mindless noise coming from the tv luring you deeper into unconsciousness. he’s being extra gentle, finger tips dragging along your waist under your top. you hardly feel him slide out of bed or tuck you in all snug under the covers.
nick’s in the kitchen when matt emerges from his bedroom for some water,  hunting for something in the pantry. matt rubs his eyes.
“hello?” chris leans forward on the couch, his voice startling matt.
“jesus, what– you’re just both out here at fucking two in the morning?” he grumbles, eyes squinted against the harsh lights.
“we ordered food,” chris stands up, walking into the kitchen.
nick nods, closing the cupboard, glass in hand, “we thought you were at y/n’s or something, i didn’t hear you come in,”
matt grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and a takes a sip before answering, “nah she’s here, she’s asleep,” he says, nodding towards his bedroom.
nick groans, “god, are you guys dating yet,” he asks, head rolling back against his shoulders, exsapertated.
matt’s eyes widen at the sudden outburst of noise, looking back at his door to make sure nick didn’t wake you, “dude, be quiet,” he urges.
you’d felt matt’s absence after a few minutes, the warmth of his body leaving the bed when he did. slowly you sit up, pressing the heel of your palm into your eye and swinging your feet to the floor quietly. you stand behind matt’s closed bedroom door, prepared to silently creep out and go to the bathroom when you catch his voice. 
“and no,we’re just casual,” he continues to answer nick’s question, who glances over and chris. “what— don’t look at him like that,” this earns him another sideye, “i mean it, it’s not serious.”
“matthew” nick starts, “isn’t she asleep in your bed right now?” nick points an accusatory finger in his brother’s direction, emphasizing his words.
it’s matt’s turn to look at chris, who holds his hands up in surrender, “don’t look at me, i’m with nick,” he says, looking away from his brother from where he remains on the couch.
“well she’s not my girlfriend, if that’s where this is going,” matt turns back to the fridge, not really looking for anything, just trying to hide from his brother’s judgmental, but justified, stares. 
it hurts to hear, even if you know it’s the truth.
“and why not, idiot,” nick asks, getting fed up. he can clearly tell how his brother feels and is getting frustrated, mad even, with the idea of him toying with your feelings. 
“i just—i just can’t do it.” that hurts more, a sharp pain you feel in your chest. you swallow dryly, and that hurts too. 
you decide you don’t have to go to the bathroom that badly anymore, and slowly sink back into matt’s bed. you know you and matt aren’t together, that he’s not your boyfriend, but a part of you has always clung to the idea that one day he would be, that he’d finally make the move. you thought he liked you enough to at least try.
tugging the duvet up to your chin you roll over onto your side to face the wall. matt comes back into the bedroom and you can hear nick and chris talking quietly for a second before the door closes again. you’re not too sure, but you think one of them mumbles your name amidst the conversation. matt slides back under the covers with you, coming as close as he can to wrap his arms around you.
it makes your head spin, his words rattling around in your mind, saying he “can’t do it,” but here is, body tucked perfectly against yours, holding you so tight you’d think he never wanted to let go.
matt seems notice that you’re a bit quieter than usual the next morning, but you try to hide it under the excuse of not feeling well. he offers to drop you off and you take him up on it, knowing that marinating in the misery you feel won’t solve anything but seems to be the easiest thing to do at the moment.
“text me if you need anything, okay?” his tone is concerned and you can feel him looking at you even though you’re trying to avoid eye contact. you know you’d cave, catching a glimpse of the light blue with all that worry clouding it.
“yeah, i will,” you sigh, reaching into the back seat to grab your bag. 
matt catches you, palm placed delicately along your jaw so you’ll look at him, “hey,” he says all soft, “c’mere,” he guides you forward slightly and you know what’s coming, you know it’s gonna hurt but you do it anyway.
he kisses you gently and you fall into it with ease, reaching out to touch his arm. when he strokes his thumb along your cheekbone you pull away, licking your lips.
“i’ve gotta go,” you whisper, afraid the full volume of your voice would shatter something, you’re not too sure what.
“yeah, okay,” he nods, pulling his hand away from your face and trying to smile as you open your door, watching you walk into your building.
he stays there in the parked car for a minute, wondering what’s wrong, pretending he doesn’t know that this whole situation hurts you just as much as it hurts him. he’s staring up at your apartment window, tapping the steering wheel and taking a long, deep breath.
“fuck,” he mutters to himself, pushing his hair back and putting the car in reverse.
you and matt don’t talk excessively for the next few days, only a few texts exchanged here and there and one phone call after he knew you’d just written a midterm. 
he called to ask how it went and tell you he was proud of you, and also to invite you out to dinner with his parents on the upcoming weekend. they were flying out to l.a. for a few days and he wanted you to meet them. it felt cruel.
“i dunno matt, i’ve got an assignment due sunday at midnight, i might not be able to make it,” of course you wanted to go, but the tug of self preservation was starting to become more equal to the pull you felt towards him. you were starting to lose sight of what was more important, him or yourself.
for so long it had been him.
“please, sweetheart, i feel like i haven’t seen you in forever,”  matt slumps into his desk chair, spinning back forth.
you cave and somehow your vision clears. it was him again.
“yeah, yeah, okay, i wanna see you too,”
matt smiles on the other end of the phone, “yay,” he says sweetly, making his joy obvious, “i can help you with your assignment if you want, too,” he offers, and you know he’s just trying to get a smile out of you.
you laugh without meaning to, “matt, you know nothing about the course,” 
“i’ll figure it out, anything i can do to make sure i see you,”
you bite your lip, trying to keep a smile at bay, “careful, you’re gonna make me think you like me or something,”
“aw, well i can’t have that now can i?” he teases, and it cuts deeper than he realizes it does.
“no,” you mutter, trying to hold onto the smile on your face even though matt can’t see you, “um, i should probably get going, if i wanna finish my assignment on time,”
“oh, yeah, okay. i could come by a little later with some food?” he poses it as a question, sensing your hesitancy.
“you don’t have to do that,”
“i know, but i want to,” he says it so easily, like there’s no reason in the world he wouldn’t come to your house after eleven pm just to sit on your bedroom floor while you do school work.
“canes?” you finally offer.
“be there in half an hour.” you hear the car keys jingle through the phone, the front door latching shut.
the triplet’s parents land on friday afternoon. you haven’t seen matt since wednesday night when he called and brought take out to your place, and you’re starting to feel a little nervous at the thought of seeing his parents.
you’ve spoken to them over facetime once or twice when matt had called them, but this is real, this is serious.
you think you’ve completely driven yourself insane with that, thinking of it as serious. for days there’s been a battle in your head about whether or not this means matt wants to make your relationship offical. it’s become such a problem that you’ve forbidden yourself from thinking about it.
taking a deep breath you refocus on yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair and trying to decide on a lip product for the night when your roomate wanders into your bedroom.
“how are you doing?” she asks, leaning against the door frame. you don’t answer, just look up at her with what must be a miserable expression, because she chuckles sadly at you, “that bad, huh?”
you groan and clench your fists, “i’m just confused!” you exclaim.
“i know, but i think tonight should clear some things up,” she tells you hopefully, and you really want to believe her.
“i hope so,” you sigh, “i just really like him,” you whine, defeated.
your phone dings then, a message from matt of course.
matt sturn
be there in twenty
ive got the kids
you laugh sadly at the text.
“‘s that him?” your roommate asks.
“yeah, him and his brothers are on the way, they’ll be here soon.”
“you’ll do great, don’t sweat it,” she tries to reassure you, giving you an over enthusiastic thumbs up before shutting your door again.
matt, nick and chris have been in the car for about five minutes and already matt’s debating driving into oncoming traffic. him and his brothers have had the same fight at least three times since you stayed over last week, and if he’s honest, he’s getting really sick of it.
“enough of this ‘i can’t do that’ bullshit, matt, she’s coming to dinner with our parents,” nick says pointedly, running out of air at the end of his setence, “you don’t just bring your hook up to that shit, so fucking stop talking to her if it’s that much of an issue,” he continues, leaning froward against matt’s seat, staring holes into the side of his brothers face.
matt is clearly aggravated, gripping the wheel a little too hard, “shut the fuck up, nick— she’s not just a hook up,” 
nick’s eyes get wider at this and he leans over matt’s seat, voice exponentially louder when he says, “you just proved my fucking point!!”
“you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” matt mumbles in a deft tone, staring harshly out onto the road.
chris leans over from the passenger seat, gesturing in matt’s direction, “and you do? you never shut the fuck up about her, and she’s always at the house but you’re too much of a pussy to do anything,” he yells over matt all in one breath, words coming out too fast. 
matt’s mouth is set in a firm line and he’s shaking his head, “you guys don’t get it!” he finally yells back, signaling and switching lanes before he can finish his thought, “i can’t do that to her,” the car’s stopped at a red light now, allowing him to look nick in the eye from the rearview mirror. both him and chris shut up for a second.
“i can’t do that to her,” matt emphasizes again, making his point with his hands, bracketing the last two words, “the internet would chew her up and spit her out. you think i don’t want to make her my girlfriend? do you think i like doing this to her? every fucking day i think about cutting it off because i don’t wanna hurt her, but i’m too fucking selfish to do it.”
“it’s green,” chris mumbles.
“shut the fuck up,” matt says through his teeth as he turns back to face the road, driving through the light.
“so what are you gonna do?” nick asks, softer now, arm hung over the back of matt’s seat.
matt looks up at him in the rearview again, taking a deep, anxiety ridden breath, “i don’t know.”
the three boys are silent for the remainder of the drive to your apartment. matt puts the car in park and mumbles something about being right back before getting out and heading up to your floor, slamming the car door a little bit too hard.
“jesus christ,” chris breathes, feeling the tension finally break.
there’s a knock at the front door, and you take a deep breath before opening it. matt stands with his hair a little bit messy and his cheeks a little bit red, but he softens when he sees you.
“hey,” you say, “let me just grab my bag,”
“wait, y/n,”
“yeah?” you turn back around to look at him. he’s standing in the middle of your kitchen, looking a little bit deflated.
“can i have a hug?”
your heart nearly shatters. is he feeling it too?
“wha– of course baby, of course,” you cross the kitchen over to him and he already has his arms open. immediately he locks his arms around your waist, resting his head against yours. you gently rub his back and rest your cheek on his shoulder.
“is everything okay?” you wonder after a second, feeling him breathe heavily against you.
matt squeezes you a little tighter and kisses your hair, “yeah,” he sighs, “nick and chris are just annoying,”
“you love them though,” you remind him.
he pulls away but keeps you close, hands on your hips now, “sometimes i think about reevaluating that,” 
you laugh at him, fixing his messy hair, “no you don’t,”
its his turn to smile, “you’re right,” he leans in for a quick kiss which you grant him, letting it dampen your nerves and reservations on the evening.
“i know, now c’mon, we’ve gotta go,” you slide your hand down into his.
“you don’t have to be nervous, by the way,” matt says to you in the elevator, still holding your hand. 
you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding and he squeezes your hand, letting you know he’s there for you, “it just feels serious,” you finally admit what you’ve been thinking for the last few days. you’re a little bit afraid to look over at him, so you keep your gaze towards the closed elevator doors.
matt gives your hand a quick squeeze and glances at the side of your face, you can feel his eyes on you, “it’s not serious, don’t worry,” it’s a little strained when he says it, as if he means something else but you can’t quite decipher it. it’s too much to think about now and yet it’s all you’ve been thinking about for days, how ‘unserious’ it all is to him.
when you do get to dinner, marylou and jimmy are already at the restaurant. marylou is being so sweet to you, asking about classes and how you met the boys, what you like do to in your spare time and things about matt that you tease him over. you feel like a girlfriend, you feel like his girlfriend and you don't think you can take much more of it. she tells you how much he talks about you when he’s home, that even justin has started making fun of him for it.
when you look over at matt he’s blushing but staring directly into his plate, avoiding you.
the smile you plastered onto your face fades and you dig your nails into your plam under the table.
“excuse me, i’m gonna run to the bathroom,” you say to no one in particular, catching nick’s eyes. he seems to notice your pleading gaze, and sends you a text after you’ve left the table
nick stromboli 
you okay?
you lock yourself in the single bathroom and stand staring at your phone screen.
this is brutal
your mom is being sooo sweet but matt won’t even look at me
i feel like he's embarrassed
nick stromboli
he's actually the biggest idiot that ever lived
chris is lowk giving him a death stare rn
nick was being serious, chris staring at matt as marylou goes on about how nice you are.
nick elbows matt in the side and he looks over, more than slightly fed up.
“i think you should go check on y/n,” he whispers, making matt perk up a bit in worry.
“i don’t think she’s feeling good,”
“oh, i hope she’s okay,” marylou interrupts herself.
“i’ll be right back,” matt stands from the table and walks to the bathroom, knocking on the door gently, “y/n/n? it’s me sweetheart,”
a slight panic drops through you as you push away from where you were leaning against the wall, trying to catch your breath.
“c’mon let me in, nick said you weren’t feeling good,” he knows you were nervous about tonight, and he’s hoping that’s all it is, that he can fix it.
you sigh, head tossed back to your shoulders as you breathe out before letting him in, hoping you look more composed than you feel.
“hey, you okay?” he asks gently, closing the door behind him.
“yeah, uh, i think i’m gonna go,” you mumble, looking away.
“what? d–do you want like a gingerale or something?” his brows are pinched and he’s reaching out for you. you step back without thinking about it. you don’t even notice you’d done it until you see the hurt look on his face. he reaches out again, slower this time.
something in you clicks, or comes crashing down when his fingers brush your wrist, “i’m not your girlfriend matt, stop worrying about me like i am,”
he's a little bit stunned at that and pulls back, saying your name again. 
“no, don’t do that, i heard what you said to the guys last week, and you keep telling me we’re causal and we can’t be anything but we’re at dinner with your fucking parents. i can’t keep prenteding to be your girlfriend, or–or that it doesn’t hurt, i just can’t do it anymore,” 
there’s tears in your eyes you don’t notice until matt whispers, “don’t cry,”
“i’m going crazy,” you tell him, voice so soft, so fragile that his heart breaks a little bit.
“no you’re not, c’mon– we can work this out,” the words are so comforting, and normally he’s the one you’d run to for comfort, but he’s hurting you.
“are we gonna make it official, matt? or are we just gonna keep sleepingover at eachother’s houses four days a week and tell all our friend we aren’t dating?” you ask, pressing your fingertips underneath your eyes, “are we gonna do this for real or are you gonna keep telling your parents about me when you’re in boston, and–and keep coming to my house after midnight with take out just because i don’t wanna be alone working on assignments,” he doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with a solemn look, so you keep going.
“i can’t take the sorry fucking look chris keeps giving me when i’m walking out of your room, it hurts, matt,”
he steps forward finally, trying to make up for more than the physical space that separates you, “no, c’mon, just–just come back to the table. i’ll stay at yours tonight and we’ll talk about this,”
you hold back a scoff at the irony of him mentioning he’ll stay over, “i need an answer now.” you tell him. he’s gone back to standing a few feet away from you, not touching you anymore.
“an answer for what?”
“can you commit to this now? to me?” you feel like you’re pleading with him and you hate how desperate it is.
“we aren’t having this conversation in the bathroom right now, can we please just talk about it later?” matt asks.
you shake your head, “matt, we’ve been doing this for four months, i don’t wanna wait any longer, i’m not a toy.”
he stares at you, licking his lips. you stare back, suffocating in his silence. it’s all the answer you need.
“i’m gonna go,” you mutter, “tell your parents it was really nice to meet them, and that i’m sorry for leaving,” you add, looking away when you walk passed him to open the door.
you leave the restaurant and call an uber, hardly sparing a glance in the direction of his family’s table on your way out.
“is y/n okay?” jimmy asks when matt comes back alone. 
matt shoves a hand into his hair to push it back, not meeting anybody’s eyes, “she went home, she wasn’t feeling good”
“and you didn’t offer to take her?” marylou scolds, sure she raised her son better than that.
“she didn’t want me to,” matt admits, defeated.
nick and chris share a look, knowing that isn’t the whole truth, or really the truth at all. 
a few days later, after their parents had gone back to boston, matt’s shuffling into nick’s bedroom, where him and chris are laying on the bed on their phones. 
matt looks a mess, hair wild and eyes sunken in. he’s been in his bedroom all day, blinds drawn and door latched shut
nick thinks he’s wearing a hoodie of yours, the faded smell of your perfume lingering when his brother walks in. 
“…you okay?” nick asks, glancing up from his phone. 
matt shakes his head and sits on the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes with his fists, “i feel like fucking shit,” he admits, still looking down, “i hate that i hurt her,” he tells the two, as if his brothers weren’t already acutely aware, “i was trying so hard to keep from hurting her and i fucking did it anyway,” they wait for matt to finish, knowing he has a little more to say, “i was so fucking scared of making things offical that i lost her all together, she’s never gonna talk to me again,”
nick sighs and looks over at chris, the two of them sharing a sympathetic look before he moves forward and puts his arm around matt, who slumps against his shoulder, “that's not true,” nick says, “she probably should never talk to you again, but she’s a good person, and she’s our friend,”
“yeah, and she cares about you a lot, matt.” chris adds, sitting on the matt’s other side.
matt groans and covers his face, “i know, and that’s what sucks,” he wipes his palms over his face, “god, why was i so fucking stupid?”
“because you really like her,” chris offers, “and you’re gonna try and make it up to her…right?”
matt sits back up, staring at the wall, “i dunno, i want to, i don’t…” he takes a deep breath, willing the pit in his stomach to go away, “i’m more afraid of losing her all together than i was of any of that other shit, but i don’t know how to fix…this,” he says, dejected.
nick perks up, because he’s never seen matt half as lively as he is when he’s with you, or talking about you. he’s pretty sure matt was on his way to falling in love with you (if he hasn’t already) and refuses to let him lose hope,“i have an idea,” he says.
matt looks at his brother, desperate. the circles under his eyes a shade too dark, his cheeks sunken in, his lips chapped. nick continues.
“we’ll need waffles.”
it’s been over a week and a half since you walked out of the restaurant, and since you’d spoken to matt. nick’s been messaging you, asking if you’re okay and telling you he’s there for you. there’s been a bit of him telling you how stupid matt is, which you’d agreed with solemnly.
nick’s messaging you now. you’re posted up at your kitchen table trying to review for one of your exams, but more so warding off another wave of tears, pressing your fingertips into your eyes.
you pick up your phone to answer the message nick had sent, something about a sleepover at your place this weekend and a promise of a hannah montana binge, but there’s a knock at your door. you’re confused at first, wondering who’s at your door this late.
“did you order food?” you ask your roommate as you get up, looking in through the crack of her barely opened door. her headphones are on and she's hunched over a textbook with a highlighter, oblivious to any visitors.
your heartbeat speeds up a little bit as you begin to think about who’s on the other side. with a huff you look through the peephole, met with a slightly distorted image of matt anxiously shifting his weight from foot to foot.
he keeps looking down the hallway and biting the inside of his cheek. he’s holding something. a paper bag in one hand and a bouquet of delicately wrapped flowers in the other.
you turn the lock, hand shaking a little bit as the door swings open. he whips his head from where he was looking down the hall to the now open door, your eyes locking immediately.
“matt,” you whisper, not even meaning to say it.
he stares at you for a second, seemingly forgetting any words he would have said for a second before holding up the bag.
“i brought waffles.”
“please let me in,” he says breathlessly, as if he was holding his breath waiting for you to open the door. “i know i probably don’t deserve a chance, and you probably don’t wanna hear me out, but…but please,” he licks his lips, grip tightening on the stems of the flowers, (you didn’t think he was listening when you told him your favourites all those months ago) “i miss you,” it’s quiet, the way he says it. he’s pleading with you.
there’s an ache in your chest, you’re trying not to mistake his tenderness for pity. and yet you still find yourself letting him in.
“okay,” it takes so little convincing. you missed him too.
there’s little talking at first, mostly just you and matt grabbing plates down and dishing yourselves out. he went to your favourite diner, because of course he did. the waffles are still warm and are making your kitchen smells like butter and sausage. you move your books and laptop out of the way to make room for the two of you to sit, elbows touching when you start to eat.
you’re half way through your first waffle when matt speaks up. you could feel him staring, his body half turned towards you in his chair. some of your hair falls into your face and his finger twitches before you tuck it away. all he wants to do it touch you. hold you, kiss you, anything. he’s such a jerk. 
“i’m sorry,” 
you freeze for a second, still facing away from him. after you finish chewing you set your fork down and turn slowly, finally looking him in the eyes. the blue has grown a shade too dark, melancholic. 
“for what?” you ask stupidly, just needing to know how he’s felt about it all.
“fuck, everything?” he says, forcefully pushing his hair away from his eyes. 
you shake your head and turn back to your plate.
“y/n,” he sighs, “c’mon look at me,”
you do, but it hurts.
“i’m sorry for what happened at the restaurant, and i’m sorry things got so out of hand and–and that…this went on for so long,” he gestures between the two of you, fixing his wild hair again.
“this?” you ask, voice breaking, thinking the worst, that he regrets it all, that it’s over. it’s really over.
“this stupid fucking dance we’ve been doing for four months, it’s crazy. it was always crazy.”
you huff, probably a little bit too dramatically as you shift to face him fully, “matt, what are you saying?”
“i’m saying that i like you! and it was so stupid to fucking…dilute that becuase i was scared or some shit,” the latter end of his sentence loses volume, he’s getting shy again.
“but–but you just wanted to be casual–” you start, looking down at your crossed legs.
“no, i never wanted to be fucking casual, i was just…. fuck i was just scared.” he says around a mouthful of waffle. the air smells like syrup. 
“i wanna be with you all the time, i like you so much– i just– at first i didn’t want things to be weird between us, which is why i thought a relationship was the wrong idea, but then we started…doing relationship things and it only got better.” he starts, messing with his hair and pushing his food around his plate, “after i stopped being so afraid of that i just, i got scared of another thing,” he finally looks up at you, eyes a little sad, a little heavy.
you can tell that he knows how he’s made you feel, and despite that you hate that he’s sad. you never want him to be sad.
matt continues, “i’d hate for you to get hurt because of my fans, and i knew it was gonna be hard to keep things private, to keep things…ours. i thought that was something i didn't wanna do or i wasn't ready for but…” he sighs, cutting himself off and taking in another big breath. you want to reach out and rub his back, knowing he’s anxious and just trying to calm himself down. 
“you being mad at me i can deal with,” he starts again, “you being mad, or–or upset because of me, is harder to handle, but fuck, not having you at all? that's worse than anything else we’d have to face,” he looks up, dead into your eyes to make sure you understand the weight of what he’s about to say, “together.”
“matt…” you whisper. you’ve forgotten about the food. it’s getting cold but it doesn’t matter.
he shakes his head before meeting your eyes again, “i’d rather go through all that bullshit with you than go through nothing without you,” he sounds so sincere that you think your heart skips a beat.
“what are you—”
“i wanna do this. for real.” he nods once, watching you closely.
“do you mean that?” he hates how doubtful you sound and he hates that he’s the one to have put all that doubt there. he thinks you might cry.
“y–yeah of course i mean it. i should have said it a long time ago, and if it makes you feel any better nick’s been giving me shit for like, two months, and i think chris wanted to beat me up last week.” he offers you half a smile, hoping you’ll give one back.
instead you breathe out laugh. he basks in it.
“i want you to be my girlfriend,” you’re looking down again and your hair falls from it’s place behind your ear. he doesn’t stop himself this time, nimble, ring adorned finger pushing it back, “i wanna be your boyfriend,”
you look up at him, studying his face for a second before you speak. he looks tired and a little worn, like he’s been thinking too much and too hard and worrying even more.
“yeah?” you finally say.
matt smiles at you. he has such a pretty smile.
“yeah.” he nods, smiling now.
“so we’re not just casual?”
matt scoffs out a laugh and stands. you stand too and he wraps his arms around you, tucking his chin atop your head when your arms go over his shoulders. he kisses your hair and breathes you in, the lingering scent of your shampoo and your perfume and you. it’s all over his clothes and his sheets, but nothing beats having you in his arms again. 
“we were never just causal,” he assures you, as if you didn’t know.
tags ! @st4rswrld @urfavvev3lyn @mattsturnioloarchive @averysbestyears @its-jennarose @strnilolo @cherrypostsposts
also tagging some of my faves (writers & other creators!!) 🥹 @pettydollie @wcters @grimholic @floristmatt (if you don’t wanna be tagged lmk!!)
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strangersmunsons · 10 months
read 'em and weep
you and Eddie meet at the library. he’s smitten.
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Contains: Eddie x Reader, bookworm!reader, lovesick!Eddie, reader gives Eddie book recommendations. No mention of reader’s physical appearance, no use of y/n. Warnings: brief mention of loneliness & negligence in Eddie’s childhood. Word Count: ~2.2k it's my hope to make this a little series! i think eddie is def a bookish guy - no lord of the rings quoting, metal head dungeon master hates reading. he would certainly be open to any fantasy/horror recs you had for him! <3
Indiana. 1989.
Hawkins Library sees a lot of action in the summer.
They offer a wide variety of youth programs to keep the local kids busy and the parents sane while school is out. One of the main events is Saturday Story Time, a beloved weekly staple that you have recently been tasked with putting on.
It’s simple. You gather a number of books, usually with a common theme, and then read a select few to the children who had signed up for the day. Most of the kids in attendance are no older than six or so, with some parents even pulling up chairs to the back so they can sit with infants cradled in their arms. The older ones sit criss-cross-applesauce on carpet squares in front of you, their chubby faces alight with giggles as you recount each silly, fantastical story with all the spirit you can muster.
And then there’s always an accompanying arts and crafts project, of course. If you read The Very Hungry Caterpillar then, naturally, you have to make little googly-eyed caterpillars out of popsicle sticks and colorful pom-poms. You don’t make the rules.
If trouble occurs during Story Time, it’s usually in this phase. (Giving paste to toddlers is always a gamble – you never know what they’re gonna do with that.)
And on this particular morning, it’s been chaos from start to finish. A whopping eighteen kids had signed up, and you stretched yourself pretty thin trying to attend to everyone.
One of the babies spit up directly onto the little girl sitting in front of him and his mother. Someone slipped on their carpet square and fell harshly to the floor, earning a bruised elbow that you gently fussed over. You wrangled a pair of twins who fought bitterly over a bottle of Elmer’s glue. There were three individual running-with-scissors-scares and, finally, you spent a good ten minutes soothing one sobbing child with whom there was nothing apparently wrong with, and that you suspected was just in need of a good cry.
So yeah, it was basically pandemonium.
But eventually, to your great relief, things wound down. The audience dispersed, with their handmade goods clutched in sticky fists, and went to peruse the glossy line of picture books you put out for display. Within the next hour or two, everyone traded the cool darkness of the library for buttery sunshine, and all was quiet again. You waved cheerfully to the last parent-child duo as they made their exit, promising them that there’d be a fun activity next weekend too.
You love these storytime sessions, you really do, but sheesh. Sometimes they run you ragged. With the havoc of the morning finally over, and the promise of lunch in your near future, you try to shake off the weariness, and instead take it upon yourself to clean up the disorganized mess someone’s made of the horror section.
You’re going about your work, tongue poking out in concentration as you strain to reach the really high shelves, when you notice someone standing in your peripheral vision. You turn and glance at him, or at least, what you can see of him. He’s half-hidden by the shelf behind you, but you catch sight of brown hair and denim.
A pale face appears on a craned neck from around the corner. His dark eyes meet yours, widen slightly when he sees that you’ve caught him lurking, and he abruptly disappears again.
You purse your lips to hide your smile. This isn’t uncommon; such moments often occur when you’re cleaning up a section of books someone is hoping to sift through. In a small act of kindness, you move over to the neighboring shelf and look for something to busy yourself with; trying to give the guy a chance to browse without having to ask you to step aside.
He doesn’t emerge. You wait, expecting to sense him passing by you, but no dice. It’s amusing to think that someone might be frightened to approach you (You? Really?) but you can’t help feeling sorry that you were in his way.
The rest of your shift is rather uneventful. At the end of the day, you punch out and head home, the stranger behind the shelf forgotten. 
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When you come back to work on Monday, it’s much quieter than the last morning you’d been in. You greet your coworkers and set up shop at the front desk, opening up a book of your own to pass the time until someone needed assistance.
You’ve been reading for about half an hour when the big double doors open up for the day’s first visitor, the sound echoing loudly in the silent, spacious room. You look up in interest, ready to greet the person with a warm smile.
“Good morning!” you softly call out as he comes into view. He walks slowly towards you, shoes scuffing the checkered tile with each step. As he comes nearer, you can see that he’s biting his lip, one hand rubbing the back of his neck, the gesture oozing self-consciousness. He only makes eye contact with you for a second before his gaze flits away again.
He’s pretty conspicuous-looking to be approaching the desk with such hesitance, you think. He has dark hair that hangs in slightly-scraggly curls down to his chest, and huge dark eyes. The pale skin of his arms, sticking out from within a denim vest/Judas Priest t-shirt combo, are littered with tattoos.
He pauses a few feet away from you, like he’s debating whether he wants to stop and chat, or to simply veer off towards the bookshelves and start browsing. Ultimately he decides to shuffle forward, closing the distance between the two of you.
“Hi there. What can I do for you?” you ask, voice gentle but encouraging.
He looks down and rests a hand on the desk, absentmindedly tracing the wood pattern with his thumb. “Um, yes.” He doesn’t offer anything else.
There’s a pregnant pause, both of you digesting the fact that what you had asked was not a yes or no question.
He tries again. “I…am in need…of some new reading material.”
You nod gravely, expression serious. “Well, you’ve come to the right place. Did you have anything specific in mind?”
He begins to rock lightly back and forth on his feet, contemplating. “I like fantasy, especially Tolkien. I read a lot of horror, too, and sometimes sci-fi. If you had any suggestions for me, that’d be great.”
“Oh, we can certainly find you something,” you reassure him, already flipping through a mental rolodex of your favorite books in those genres. “Here, come with me.”
You stand and move around the desk to meet him, beckoning for him to follow.
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Eddie watches you run a delicate hand over the spines of the books, keenly aware of the clammy sweat that’s flooding his own palms. Be cool, Munson. 
“So,” you begin, a gleam of excitement in your eyes, “you like fantasy. Do you read Le Guin?”
Eddie nods eagerly, hair bouncing slightly with the movement. “Oh yeah, I’ve read the Earthsea trilogy.”
“Have you read any of The Hainish Cycle books?”
“I haven’t read those ones, no.”
You pull out two slim paperbacks from the row, holding each one out for him so he can study the covers. “These ones are science fiction, and they’re pretty good. You might like Rocannon’s World since it’s similar to a fantasy novel, but personally I think Left Hand of Darkness is the best.” You suddenly pause, and look around furtively, like you were checking to make sure that you two are really alone. You even put a hand up to the side of your mouth, as though shielding the conversation from eavesdroppers.
“Honestly,” you lower your voice like you’re admitting something scandalous, “I even liked it better than Earthsea.”
“No!” Eddie immediately matches your whispered, gossipy tone and lets his jaw drop, pretending to be aghast.
“Yes!” you insist, seemingly delighted by his willingness to play along. Eddie’s heart soars.
“I guess I can’t refute that until I read it, huh? What’s it about?” he asked, taking it from your hand.
“An envoy is visiting this frozen alien planet, and he’s trying to convince them to join this intergalactic coalition that he represents, but they’re making it like, really difficult for him. Also, gender doesn’t exist, and there’s political turmoil stemming from border disputes.”
“...oh. Cool.”
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The next half-hour passes in this fashion. Your soft, mild demeanor is aglow with enthusiasm as you pull out book after book, giving him an off-the-cuff elevator pitch for each. Eddie can practically feel the cartoon hearts swirling around his head, bright pink and red bubbles that are almost certainly going to appear out of thin air and give him away.
He can’t put his finger on what it is, precisely, that’s pulling him in so deeply, drawing him towards you like a magnet with an opposite pole. Maybe it’s the tender way you talk about each book, the love and care that’s so tangible in your sweet voice, the way you speak about them as though they’re your old friends. Perhaps they are.
It’s not an unfamiliar concept to Eddie. A childhood steeped in loneliness and poverty, instability and dysfunction, neglect from his volatile and unreliable parents…yeah, he gets it. The wanting, the longing, the dire need to escape to someplace that doesn’t exist, some place where things were better and didn’t hurt, a dreamworld that would be kinder to a scrawny little boy with unwashed hair and a mean father.
The closest he ever came to it was when he lost himself between the yellowed and dog-eared pages of the few, precious books he owned.
So he listens to you chatter away with chest-aching tenderness, already thinking that he could listen to you like this for hours and be glad for it.
“You love fantasy, but you’ve never read The Last Unicorn?” 
Eddie gives you an apologetic half-shrug, no longer able to keep the goofy, besotted grin from unfurling across his face. “Never got around to it, I guess.”
“It makes me cry. You have to take it,” you tell him with pleading eyes, adding it to the top of the growing pile in his arms before he can refuse. Not that he ever would. How could he, when you look at him like that?
“You cry at this one, really?” He looks curiously at the artwork on the front, an innocent picture of the pale horned creature. “But it’s so unassuming…”
“Don’t be fooled, it’ll get you. Take it,” you repeat.
Eddie shifts the stack of books to cradle it in one arm, so he can raise the other at you in a salute. “Yes, ma’am. And when I’m finished with it, I’ll give you a full report on the emotional damage it caused me.”
This makes you giggle, lips turned up in a gorgeous smile, and Eddie knows he’s a goner.
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Back at the front, you resume your previous positions at the desk. Him in front and you behind, this time separated by a short pile of books.
You hold your hand out. “Card, please, sir.” Polite and professional, but with a little sparkle in your eye that lets Eddie hope for a moment that his time with you this morning was more pleasure than business.
He fumbles with his wallet, slipping out his library card and slotting it between his index and middle fingers, extending it for you to take. His chunky silver rings catch the light.
You accept the offering. “Thank you” – you quickly read the messy signature at the bottom – “Edward.” You look back at him with a grin.
He cringes, face scrunching in embarrassment. “Oh God. Call me Eddie, please.”
The scanner gives a little chirp! as you begin the checkout process, nodding. “Will do, Eddie.” His name sounds like a song when you say it, one he never wants to stop listening to.
You finish scanning his books, and slide a receipt into the jacket of the novel on top (which just so happens to be Katherine Dunn’s Geek Love). Instead of sliding the stack towards him, you keep both hands clasped on the cover, hesitating. You bite your lip, an unconscious imitation of himself earlier. “Listen….”
Eddie straightens up a little, stomach flipping like a coin. “Yeah?”
You bow your head. “I’m sorry if I talked too much. It’s just – most people who come in don’t actually ask me for recommendations, and I got excited,” you admit quietly, looking sheepish.
“Don’t apologize,” Eddie says without missing a beat. “I appreciate it. I really enjoyed it, actually,” he adds, eager to quell your anxiety. “I liked talking with you.” More than you know.
“O-oh,” you stutter, taken aback. “I liked talking with you, too.”
Eddie nods, smiling slightly. “Would you like to…talk again?” He flushes scarlet and coughs. Smooth. “I just mean, when I finish these” – he motions towards the day’s finds – “we have to discuss them, right? You helped me pick ‘em out, after all.”
“Of course. You have to let me know what you think.”
His smile gets bigger. “So we’ll reconvene?”
“We’ll reconvene,” you chuckle.
“Awesome. Looking forward to it.” He sweeps up his books, and gives you a little wave. “Thanks again, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.”
And he can hardly wait. It looks like he’s got a lot of reading to do…
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thanks for reading!!! <3 edit: this is now a series! Read Ch. 2-> Here!
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coryosbaby · 1 year
:¨ ·.· ¨:
`· . Be my daddy
(Dark! Dbf! Joel miller x reader)
A/N: tryna get my swag back u guys. Also if there r any spelling mistakes I’m sorry 🙏🏻
Thinking ab creepy n pervy Joel making you grind against your teddy bear in the middle of the night after sneaking into your room.. n then fucking your brains out after <3
Warning: 18+, somnophilia, pervy behavior, slight dubcon, possessiveness, overall dark themes// age gap (reader is in her 20s, joel is in his 50s), masturbation, cum play, grinding, daddy kink, spit, breeding kink, spanking, choking, size kink, creampie, multiple orgasms, dbf! Joel my beloved <3
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Joel was always quite impatient.
And after a long night of drinking and watching the new football game with your father, he’s become tense. As fun as it is to sit and conversate with his best friend, his head is reeling now. He notes to the man beside him that he’s going to bed. A nod, as your father agrees the same.
And a few minutes later, as Joel leans against the closed door inside your bedroom, he watches you with his cock in his hand.
Of course, like the good girl you are, you had decided to go to bed early. You were on a college schedule, after all. So Joel hadn’t seen you all night. Not being able to catch sight of that familiar head of hair, tits out and ass bouncing under those short skirts you love so much, frustrated the man to no end. He grunts as his thumb moves over the slit of his girthy length, as he watches the way your breasts heave with each passing breath you let out. He’s surprised he hasn’t been caught yet. He’s been doing it every night that he comes over, after all.
He knows it’s wrong. But fuck, you’re so delectable; your curves are absolutely stunning, your lips perfectly full and plump, your thighs plush and soft. He can’t resist watching you. And it’s as if you want him to do this. You know he lives next to you, you know that he can see inside your room from your window that has no curtains, can watch you change and masturbate and do whatever the fuck else. You’re just begging for him to fuck your tight cunt.
It’s a wonder that he hasn’t done it sooner.
He moves a bit closer. Just close enough to be near the foot of your bed. The thought of you catching him like this gives him a thrill. His cock kicks when you turn over onto your side to face him. Your eyes are still shut, your brain still sleeping numbly.
“There she is.” Joel manages to breathe out through his sharp inhales. You look like an angel to him.
Your nipples are hard through your silky white slip. Joel can notice them now, as they make two small lumps in the fabric. Your tits are pushed together from the position you’re in. And Joel’s favorite part: your legs are stuck in between the fat of your thighs. It’s always been the kind of position you’ve laid in, as the warmth from your legs pussy brings you a sort of comfort. Joel can feel himself nearing his high.
And since he’s already doing it, what’s so wrong about moving a little… closer?
Bringing his strong arm down, he holds onto the wall as he kneels down on the edge of your bed. He’s so close now, your face a mere few inches away from his cock. He continues to stroke the skin of his shaft, watching your full eyelashes and pretty lips.
“God,” he murmurs. You can’t hear him, but that doesn’t stop Joel from running his mouth regardless. “Gonna cum all over this slutty little face, darlin’..”
And he does just that. His abdomen clenches, head thrown back as he begins to squirt warm ropes of semen all over your face. He lets out a very loud groan.
And of course, finally, that wakes you up.
When your eyes peel open, the first thing that comes to mind is that..
Your face is fucking wet.
That’s what you gather. So, you bring your fingers up to wipe- Elmer’s glue, maybe?- out of the sockets of your eyes. And when you look up, you see Joel.
A confused and disgruntled “what..?” Sounds from your mouth, and then when you see Joel looking down at you, you begin to take sight of him. He’s still jacking his cock.
The man’s mouth falls open, another wave of pleasure rippling through him. He’s getting hard for the second time in a row. Your brows furrow as you look down. It must be too dark and you must be too tired to fully grasp what act your dad’s friend is commiting.
“Joel.. what’re you doing?” You sleepily mumble. It’s quickly replaced by a gasp of surprise when his hand goes up to grope your breasts, his rings cold against the bare skin of your collarbones. He becomes desperate, practically clawing at your soft body to get a taste of you. His tongue goes up to the apples of your cheeks. He kisses you there, soft. And then, the soft muscle inside his mouth runs along the ridges of your skin. His own cum connects to his lips in a sticky white string.
“Sorry baby,” he groans. “ couldn’t help myself...”
His thumb runs across your bottom lip, legs resting in between your spread ones, and he kisses you. You’re awake now, with enough brain power to register what’s actually happening. But if you’re being honest, you don’t want him to stop. Your hands shyly go up to his hair, still a bit disoriented. His messy locks are soft underneath your fingertips as he begins to slip his jizz soaked tongue into your mouth. Your eyes flutter shut, heat beginning to gather in a pool between your legs. You can taste his cum as it evades your taste buds, musky and salty. Pulling away, you can feel his cock press against your thigh.
“Did you…” looking down, his stiffness is right there. Wet and hard and incredibly prominent, now. A small whine escapes you. “Joe…”
“‘M so hard for your cute little face, darlin’…got me gettin’ it up twice.”
That makes you mewl, as his mouth moves down to your neck. Your virginal hands shakily grasp his hair. On a particularly harsh tug, Joel groans. You think you’ve hurt him and done something wrong, and your nervous mouth begins to spew apologies. “Joe.. never done this before, ‘m sorry..”
Joel moans, maneuvering your body so he’s on his knees and in between your spread thighs. Your innocence makes his brain turn to mush.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, sweetness. You’re such a good girl.”
He says it as he slips off his shirt, exposing his broad chest and muscles to you. A hard working man, Joel Miller is definitely built to hold things the way he wants them. So when his pants are finally removed, he uses his strong arms to lift your body and move the both of your upper parts towards the end of the bed. There’s more space, now, less stuffed animals and things.
There’s a moment of stillness, and then your hands are wrapping around a familiar furry object as you land down onto the mattress. It’s your stuffed teddy bear, the one Joel had gifted you for your birthday last year. It’s pink, with a bright red bow wrapped around its neck and a pair of black button eyes. You had named it Teddy, and it’s your favorite plushy.
Joel’s eyes move to your hand around it, and he smiles, amused.
“Does my baby want her teddy bear? Hm?”
His voice is teasing, but he brings it away from your grip and lifts himself away from your body. You whine, trying to grab his hands and put them back on you, but the man doesn’t budge.
“No,” he says. “I want you to use your teddy. Do you think you can do that?”
Your face flushes. It’s vulgar and filthy to suggest such a thing, but you want Joel to be proud of you. You’re hesitant, though. You’ve never done this before, and your cheeks heat up in embarrassment when you quietly ask, “Can you teach me?”
Joel isn’t one to deprive you of a good lesson. “Of course.”
And that’s when he’s flipping your nightgown up to your chest. Your tits are exposed, along with your bare pussy hitting the night air. There’s no point in wearing underwear in this hot weather, after all. The sudden movement surprises you, and you’re quick to try and conceal yourself. Joel just laughs at your shyness.
“You’re beautiful, darlin’. Don’t do that.”
With hesitation you bring your hands away from your most private parts. Joel’s eyes turn dark, expression laced with lust. “Spread your legs for me.”
It’s a demand, and when your face heats up and you begin to slowly undo them, the man rolls his eyes and yanks them apart with his own hands.
His eyes practically roll back at the sight of your pulsing cunt. You’re soaked, juices dripping down the expanse of your pussy lips, practically swollen and begging to have a cock between them. Your clit is poking through, and Joel might be going crazy but he swears he can see the cute little pearl throbbing.
“God, look at that..” his finger ghosts over your slit, and then he’s using to of his fingers to expose your unused hole to him. “My little girl is so pretty, isn’t she? Little cunt is so small, too… don’t know if my big cock can fit in such a tiny little pussy.”
The force of his words makes you gush, and you shake your head at the thought of not being able to take him. He chuckles at your reaction. You exhale shakily, watching as his fingers still toys with your body. But then he grabs the teddy bear and begins to ghost its plastic nose over the inside of your thigh.
“Teddy’s gonna show you how to play with your pretty pussy. And I’m gonna watch. Okay?”
You nod quickly. You’re aching, and you’ll do anything to relieve it. And even though this all happened so suddenly, you can’t help but be happy that Joel is giving you this much attention. He’s been around for years, has been there with you through everything, and now that you’re all grown up you can let him take what he wants.
“Yeah, d—“ you pause, and the look on Joel’s face makes you flush with embarrassment. “—Joel. Yeah…” You stutter. A smile forms on his handsome face, as he presses Teddy’s nose right up against your clit.
“You can say it, honey,” he murmurs. “I’ll be your daddy. Use your holes and breed this little pussy just how I like. Don’t that sound nice? Daddy fucking his cum into your little belly?”
You clench at his words, your face practically on fire. You begin to grind against the bear’s nose.
“T-Talk to me more…” you say. Joel smiles, watches the look of frustration appear across your face when he lets go of the plushie and lets it rest against your cunt with no pressure. “Daddy, please!”
“I will, honey. But you have to make yourself feel good, for now. I’ll fuck you when you’ve earned it.”
You mewl as you bring your palm down and press the bear’s nose back against your clit. You begin to move your hips, twisting and turning the stuffed animal in a way that makes your eyes roll back in pleasure. Joel puts his cock back in his hand and jacks himself off with vigor as you practically fuck the bear with your pussy.
“Feel good, baby? Teddy’s nose on your little clit?” Joel murmurs. “Look at you, gorgeous—“ a grin spreads across his face, almost sadistic. He twists his wrist and practically drools down his chin when your doe eyes look up at him, desperate and pleading.
“Wonder what your daddy would think if he figured out you found a new one.”
That shouldn’t make you drip down your thighs, but it does.
“D-Don’t say that, Joel—” you exhale sharply, as your face takes on a look of frustration. The bear isn’t doing enough for you. “Maybe I should find someone else if you aren’t going to fuck me..”
That comment makes Joel mad, and his expression turns dark. With a rough hand he uses your thighs to flip you over onto your hands and knees. Your eyes widen at his sudden change in demeanor, and his palm comes down hard on your left cheek. You gasp, burying your head in your blanket. The teddy bear is thrown next to your face as Joel harshly gropes your ass.
“Don’t tell me what to do, little girl,” he growls. “I’ll say what I damn please. Now hold onto that teddy bear while I split your little cunt open. Because I’m the only one who can.” His breath is hot on your ear, a bit of fear beginning to sweep into your psyche (and maybe a bit of arousal beginning to drip onto the bed). “You understand me, bitch? You’re mine.”
You nod, as much as you can in your position. And when you feel the tip of Joel’s length press against your hole, you begin to stutter.
“W-Wait! Daddy, I-I don’t know if I’m wet enough…”
“Oh, you’re wet enough, baby.” Joel infers, as he looks down at your glistening snatch. “Trust me.”
And when he pushes in, the burning stretch makes your eyes widen. Although not as uncomfortable as you originally expected it to be, he’s still above average; this would be hard for any experienced woman to take, let alone a young virgin like yourself. You cry out, pussy clenching around the cock penetrating your womb. Joel’s eyes are rolled back, sweat beginning to drip down his forehead as he tries to keep himself still.
“Gotta loosen up, baby,” Joel moans. “Gonna cum quick if you keep clenchin’ like that.”
“Can’t help it, daddy, ‘m sorry..” you cry, as he presses in more. After a moment you feel his hips press against you, his cock fully in. He rests there, waiting for you to ask him to move.
“Good?” He murmurs, questionably. You can feel every vein, every ridge of him inside, and it makes you nod dumbly.
“Yes sir.”
“Atta girl.” he praises. He makes one shallow thrust of his hips. It feels odd to you, and a bit painful. But on the next few thrusts, it has your toes curling in carnal pleasure. He feels so hot and warm, and when he grabs your throat from behind and bends you towards him, he presses a kiss to your neck.
“Doin’ so good. Doggy is the hardest position too, baby. You’re such a quick learner.”
And that’s what you like about Joel. He pushes you over your limits, makes you succeed them, go farther than before and then makes you feel amazing about it. In your hazy mind, Joel is practically a god right now.
“T-Thank you, daddy..”
A strangled moan comes out as he picks up his pace and begins to pound you at a rapid rate. The sound of skin on skin feels the room as Joel’s thighs slap against yours.
“So— fuckin’ good for me,” he growls. “Good girl. Going dumb on her daddy’s cock like the desperate little slut she’s supposed to be.”
Your eyes roll back, and he grabs your throat and squeezes hard. Your juices drip down his aching prick and he watches as your cunt swallows him whole. He chuckles when he feels you clenching him unusually hard.
“Gonna cum, darlin’? Or do you need me to touch you some more?”
“Need…” your eyes flutter shut, as you go brain dead on his cock. There’s a small string of desperate pleas of the man’s name in between your sentence.“Need you to touch my clit— Please, daddy, t-touch my clit! Make me cum!”
And then Joel’s fingers are coming down to your slick pearl, rubbing it between his two fingers as you release all over him. Your juices are gushing, squirting all over him and the bed, and Joel honestly doesn’t know how you can be any more perfect. He moans as you cream on him, and with a few more thrusts he’s filling your womb up with his seed.
The only thing left is you and Joel’s shared harsh breaths. Your legs shake as you stay buried in the mattress. It’s too hard to get up right now.
And that’s when you hear the loud voice beginning to come from outside as someone bangs on your bedroom door.
“Y/N! You better not have any boys in my house this late! I can hear you from downstairs! ”
You and Joel freeze. It’s your father, on the other side of the door.
And when the man looks across the hall, he catches sight of the empty and deserted room that his best friend has been staying in for months. You and Joel look at each other with wide eyes as your dad begins to scream, enraged.
“Joel?! Are you in there?!”
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luvfy0dor · 4 months
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“And I Need You Like a Heartbeat ♡⁠˖” BSD x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Nikolai Gogol, Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky
Warnings: probably ooc, loosely proofread
Description: Valentine's drabbles with my fav BSD boys ♡⁠˖
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A/n; HAPPY (technically early) VALENTINES DAYYYYY!!!! When I talk about chocolate I'm talking about Elmer's chocolate because it's literally so good, dare I say it rivals terrys oranges and I'm a ride or die for those. Also the pink theme is staying for a while bc i really love it.
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⑅Nikolai Gogol⑅
→ Nikolai always made an attempt to truly 'woo' you on Valentine's day, he couldn't help himself! He had so much love to share with you, and how lucky he feels that there's an entire holiday just for going all out. He makes sure it's extra special, even though every other day of the year he showers you with his love for you.
Nikolai thought about all of your favorite things while he stood in a store picking out a card and gift for you. He wanted a silly but meaningful one, and that proved really difficult to find, so he decided to come back to it after grabbing you some chocolates. He wanted to get you the biggest box of chocolates possible, and if not that every single small box he could get his hands on. It either had to be comically large or a comically large amount. He grinned immediately when he saw the 72 piece heart shaped box of chocolates. He grabbed three of them excitedly, hoping you'd be ecstatic to receive 216 chocolates. He also wanted to get you flowers, so he made his way to the floral area of the store, picking out a beautiful bouquet of pink and red roses with some babies breath in between the flowers. He walked to self checkout and paid for his gifts for you, having decided to hand-make you a card out of card stock when he got home- that way he could make it as silly and genuine as he wanted.
Nikolai walked out of the store, his arms full until he opens his portal to set everything inside the car before he gets there. It allows him to reach into his pocket and unlock the car, quickly getting in and starting it while rubbing his arms to fend off the cold. He shivers before stretching out his arms and backing out of his parking spot, leaving the lot and heading home. He calmly hummed along to the radio until he reached your house, hopping out of the car and using his portal to gently set everything inside. Once he got inside, he immediately found the pens and papers, starting to write out his card to you. He drew intricate flowers on the white paper, coloring the organic shapes in with pink colored pencil. He wrote your name on it in scripty handwriting and used some red lip gloss to leave a kiss mark. He giggled with excitement and set up all of your gifts in a cutsey array before watching out the window for your car to pull into the driveway. When it finally did, he jumped up, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling from leaping so high. He walked to the door, unlocking it, opening it, and embracing you before you could even stick your key in the lock.
"Kolya, oh my gosh-!" You said, caught a little off guard by it, but you hugged him back. He kissed your cheek and pulled you inside, spinning you around and placing a proper kiss on your lips. "Happy Valentine's Day, darlin'!" He grinned as he spoke, his thumbs rubbing circles into your waist. "Thanks babe, you snatched me inside so quickly I couldn't even grab your gift that I put down-" you're cut off by Nikolais enthusiastic voice. "Oh, speaking of which! Sorry for cuttin' you off, but I've got a gift for you too!" He grabs your hand and leads you to the dining room where he had your array of things. He grabbed the flowers and held them out to you. You were a little stunned, but gratefully accepted them into your arms. "Kolya, those are so beautiful! Thank you, babe!" You hugged him tightly, noticing all the large heart shaped boxes of chocolate.
"And I also got you these and this card." He says, handing you the card and gesturing to the big boxes of chocolate. You immediately start to laugh. "Is something wrong?" He asks, a small amount of worry laced into his tone. You shook your head and walked to the door, opening it and grabbing the same box of chocolates off of the stairs. "I got the same ones for you!" You hand them to him. Nikolais laughter joins your own, but yours quiets down while you read the heartfelt card. Nikolai knew all the words to use to make your heart swoon. You set it down gently on the table and pulled Nikolai in for a kiss, his hands finding their way to your waist. "Mmn, thank you, Kolya. So much." You say, giving his pretty, pink lips one more peck and leaning your head in the crook of his neck. "Any time, sweetheart." He hums in satisfaction before a thought dawns on him. "Do you wanna watch movies and eat some of this chocolate for dinner instead of cooking?" You nod exasperatedly. "That sounds perfect right now." You extracted yourself from the hug and walked towards the couch, your boyfriend in tow with one of the boxes of chocolate. He put on a cheesy rom-com, the both of you laughing at the cheap jokes while snacking on the chocolates together- what a perfect Valentine's Day evening. ♡⁠˖
⑅Dazai Osamu⑅
→ Dazai gets really romantical, going as far as to cook a full meal for you. He puts his heart and soul into the dish, wanting you to come home to a relaxing and loving evening with the love of your life. He plates the food he spent oh so long on and lights the candles while waiting for you. He fixed his hair in one of the mirrors and hung up his apron that you gifted him in attempt to spark his culinary creativity more, and it surely did. He decided to really experiment tonight, after all, love was about taking chances, no?
His posture stiffened when he heard your keys in the apartment door right before you let yourself in. He walked out to greet you, noticing your tired demeanor. It all seemed to subside when you set eyes on him, though. "Hey, 'Samu. Happy Valentine's day." You said, your voice engaging rather than monotonous. You loosely draped your arms around his was and breathes in his scent. "Hey, babe." He greeted you, planting a kiss on the top of your head. "I made dinner for us. Filet mignon." He proudly says, rubbing a hand up and down your back. You raise an eyebrow but decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. You didn't think Dazai was the worst cook because he definetly did have his moments, he was just a little... unpredictable, per say. You walked into the dining room with him and can immediately smell strong amounts of cinnamon. You raised an eyebrow, but chalked it up to the candle on the table. When you sat down and observed the food, though, you realized that the smell was not in fact the candle and Dazai had coated the steak in cinnamon.
You stared at it for a moment. "Oh wow, Osamu, that's really thoughtful of you. I appreciate the dinner." He smiled at your thanks, grabbing his fork and cutting a piece of it. "I know it looks a little interesting, but you gotta take risks and try new things in life, babe." He says matter of factly, bringing the cinnamon coated meat to his mouth and eating it. Your eyebrows furrowed a bit as you cut a piece off and brought it to your mouth. "'Samu, I'm sorry, I can't eat cinnamon on this." You say, reverting your attention back to him. You can't help but feel amused when you see his scrunched up nose and grimace. "Yeah, you know, I can't either. Oh, I'm sorry I ruined our romantic Valentine's Day dinner." He apologizes. "I got you some chocolates that I could feed you instead?" He proposes with a grin. His bony fingers hold up the heart shaped box of sweets while you nod in agreement. "That sounds great, actually, but you should probably brush your teeth first, that must taste disgusting."
It wasn't long before you were sitting on Dazais lap, your hands on his shoulder while he holds up a chocolate to your mouth, giggling with you while you talk with eachother about their memories and dates in the spirit of Valentine's Day. His other hand massaged your thigh while he listened to you talk, your voice like music to his ears. "That was a fun date, wasn't it?" He laughs, patting your thigh while you swallow a piece of chocolate. "Is it good?" He asks you, a small grin on his face. "Mhm, real good. Wanna try one?" You offer. Your arm extends over to the box of chocolates and you hold one up for your boyfriend to eat. He shakes his head and gently pushes your hand away, cupping your cheek with his own. "Oh no, babe, those are for you. If I really want to, I can taste one without eating one." He says, leaning in and kissing you. His lips were chapped but pleasantly familiar, and his tongue slipped into your mouth the first chance he got.
The both of you mutually pulled away for air after a hot second, Dazais cheeks red with blush and his hands on your hips. A small grin remained on his face and with a squeeze of your side, he opened his mouth to speak. "See? They taste great. I should buy some for myself. Or maybe I could just keep doing that- save some money, y'know?" He teases. You roll your eyes and peck his lips one more time, running your hands through his hair. "Save some money for us by not dumping a shit ton of cinnamon on filet mignon and wasting it." You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder, your hand over his chest to feel his heartbeat.
⑅Fyodor Dostoevsky⑅
→ Fyodor decides that the perfect way to spend Valentine's Day with his beloved partner was by taking a bath with you. He filled the bath tub with warm water, watching the mirror fog up as the water rose. He even added some bubbles because he knew it would be to your liking, as well as some essential oils. His sleeves were rolled up from checking the waters temperature when he walked out to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine for both himself and you. He carried them to the bathroom with confidence where he found you digging through the drawers of the sink. "What are you looking for, Moya Lyubov?" He handed a cup to you and you sipped on it, letting out a satisfied hum at the familiar taste. "Mn-, nothing, just a face mask. Wanna do one with me when I find the stuff I need?" You ask, continuing your search him the next drawer down. "I don't see why not, just hurry up before out bath gets cold." He smiled and leaned down to kiss your cheek. He only removed his shirt before you stood back upright, facemask and applicator in hand. "Found it! Come here, Fedya, I wanna do you first."
You twist the cap off of the container and dip the applicator in, getting product on the silicone end. He complied with your words and stepped towards you, leaning you against the sink counter top with his hand on the small of your back. You gently applied the face mask to your lovers skin, watching his eyebrows furrow at the chill of the product with amusement. "Cold?" You lightly teased. His nose scrunched up and he hummed in response. "Mhm." He seemed like he was about to knock out standing there, very tired looking. You quickly finished the application and patted his shoulder. "Don't fall asleep yet, we haven't even got in the tub." You say. He laughs and takes the jar and applicator from your hands. "I was not sleeping." His grin was wide and he put the gel on your face, too. "Well you looked tired."
He finishes your mask and now both of your faces has a green tint to them with a tingly feeling on your skin. You both strip down and get into the tub, the warm water engulfing your bodies as you sit facing Fyodor, holding his hand under the water while the other hand held your glass. The both of you sipped on your drinks and talked about your dinner plans for the night. You decided to stay in and order cake out because brothers of you really wanted to cook. You spent thirty minutes in the tub together, switching from your position of facing each other to you sitting in between Fyodors legs with your back to his chest while you played with his hair. He enjoyed your touch, your fingertips gliding across his scalp felt better than anything else in the world at the moment. His hand went up and down your shoulder and arm lovingly, occasionally pressing kisses to the top of your head or grabbing your hand and bringing it to his lips. He would murmur soft, accented 'i love you's and praises during soft moments like these.
Soon enough, the two of you stood up from the bath and stepped out of the tub, drying off and getting dressed again. Fyodor wore pajama pants and a sweatshirt while you wore some sweatpants and a tank top. You immediately ordered your food and laid down in bed with Fyodor while you waited. You were both watching some random rom-com that sounded only remotely interesting, but your boyfriend must have found it less than enthralling because within a few minutes, you could hear him snoring right behind you with his arm still draped over your waist. You giggled and rolled over to face him, sighing quietly. "I guess I'm gonna have to get up and get the food, huh?" You murmured to yourself, brushing his bangs out of his face while he snoozed. A smile formed on your face because of how cute Fyodor looked, unable to resist yourself from kissing his head a couple times. "I love you, Fedya. Happy Valentine's Day." You whispered.
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A/n; Hiiii , I know I like, never post two days in a row, but it's Valentine's day so there's an exception.
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f10werfae · 2 years
Mischievous Monkey
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pairing: Dad!Chris Evans x Mom!Reader
summary: After a routine family nap, a certain little Evans gets up to harmless no good deeds
-Requests are open!
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Chris Evans Masterlist🌟
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The mid winter afternoon sun spilled into warm living room, casting a soft orange glow over the snoring family. Chris Evans and his family were definitely one to take family naps on the daily, consisting of both his toddler Ellie and wife Y/n.
With an air mattress on the living room floor packed with blankets and pillows, and of course stuffies Ellie refused to sleep without, Elmer the giraffe. Chris lay on his back with one arm folded behind his head, another arm tucking his dear wife into his side and baby Ellie had taken it upon herself to sleep on top of her daddy’s chest.
“mmm” Ellie whimpered nuzzling her head further into her dad’s bare chest, her tiny hands clutching onto one of her mother’s fingers while the other had stuck a thumb into her own mouth for comfort. Dressed in her favourite bambi t-shirt dress, the three year old began to stir from her nap. Letting go of her momma’s finger and thumb, she lifted her head up cutely looking lost, almost forgetting where she was.
Using her diapered bottom as a cushion, the three year old slid off her daddy’s chest, landing with a bounce onto the air mattress. Ellie's specks of brown hair stood up in all directions, her face still puffy from her sweet nap.
“hmph” Looking around she felt bored but didn’t want to venture too far from her parents' side, not when there were boogie monsters hiding somewhere in the house. Her wide eyes looked around the room hopelessly, until a shiny thing by her daddy’s head caught her eye, his phone.
Stumbling to her feet, she tottered over and grabbed the phone with her hands, quiet squeals leaving her when the screen lit up. The three year old checked up on her parents, to see them now snuggling further into each other, oblivious to the antics their baby was getting up to while they snoozed. In fact Y/n now had one leg wrapped around Chris' waist with one arm around his torso, with both Chris' arms wrapping around his wife.
Little Ellie now felt left out and decided to do what she did best, cuddle. Trying to crawl into her parent’s arms seemed impossible, huffing out of her pouty lips she just sat staring at them both. Until the shiny thing once again caught her eye, her interest went further when she recognised the numbers from 1-9 on the screen, something her mom had spent time trying to teach her before kindergarten.
Pressing a wide spread of different numbers that peaked her interest, she got into what looked like a screen with multiple icons and squares, her dad’s homescreen.
“Oo birdie” She whispered seeing a blue icon with a white bird, reminding her of the times she had seen tweetie bird while watching Baby Looney Tunes with her parents during bottle time. She furrowed her brows when a complicated looking thing came up, all types of words and symbols all over the place. ‘messy’ she thought
Seeing the only thing she recognised was a ‘+’ button she decided to press it, with the alphabet coming up underneath giving her free reign to type whatever her heart felt content with. Starting with her ABCs typed out, she smiled proudly to herself before seeing the suggested words pop up above the keyboard.
Ellie clicked rapidly watching an abundance of words pop up onto the screen instantly bringing her tons of joy.
She only felt it was right to press the tick in the corner, thinking it meant she was correct, not realising she had posted it to Chris' 16 million twitter followers. Dropping the phone when she felt her father’s arm wrap around her waist,
“What are you doin up monkey?”
(Chris' P.O.V)
My eyes flickered open, my wife’s head tucked into my neck, with both my arms around her. Placing a soft kiss onto her forehead I turned my head to see my little princess facing away from me,
“What are you doin up monkey?”
“Nofin dada” Ellie replied cutely, my arms bringing her to sit atop my chest, her cute toothy smile making my heart swell with happiness.
To my side I felt Y/n pepper soft kisses onto my neck, signalling that she too was starting to wake up slowly. Sporting that same dazed look as Ellie, my wife lifted up her head and looked around before settling her head on my chest with a soft smile on her face.
“Hey baby” Y/n croaked out, bringing up a hand to cup Ellie's face as she nuzzled into it.
“C'mere love” Y/n cooed shifting over to create a small space between us, Ellie's face lightening up as she hurried to shuffle into the crevice. Her head laying on my torso, with half her body leaning on mine, Y/n’s arms kept around her waist affectionately.
Y/n who now had her head on my shoulder looked up at me, leaning forward to press a soft sweet kiss onto my lips, one which I greatly reciprocated,
“Wha bout me mama” Ellie pouted, making Y/n and I laugh, the both of us looking at each other before smothering Ellie in kisses on her face.
(Y/n's P.O.V)
Sharing kisses and cuddles with my family mid winter was always a treat, something i’m glad we included in our daily routine. I hugged Ellie tighter to my chest, basking in her soft baby powder scent, Chris’ arms enveloping us as he acted as our personal heater.
His arm rubbed up and down my back lovingly, his hands venturing up his shirt I was wearing, his other hand folded once again behind his back.
“Dads Ponies” Ellie pouted after a while, Chris smiling when he knew exactly what his daughter wanted.
“Okay monkey, let dada just get his phone alright?” Chris sighed sitting up a bit to reach his phone, only to find it vibrating every single second, hell faster if even.
“What on Earth?” He whispered unlocking his phone showing it to me, Ellie had now quietened down instead looking up at the screen with us. Chris’ twitter had hundreds of thousands of notifications over some tweet he apparently just posted, when we were asleep?
“Ellie? Were you on dada's phone” I asked sweetly
“Was only playing alphabet” She smiled turning around to hug into my body,
“I mean she definitely practiced, that’s for sure” Chris laughed showing me the supposed tweet,
“Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaisjwjis fuck susnduwui baby usnwusjw groceries whensuje love”
“Look mama, alfbet” Ellie shouted excitedly pointing to her work on Chris' phone, Chris' face lighting up and congratulating his little princess for being so smart.
Chris then took it upon himself to take a selfie of us all cuddling on this huge mattress with hundreds of blankets, explaining the funny situation to his fans.
“Alright Ellie, time to get changed” I said slowly sitting up,
“No mama wan' hug” Ellie pouted crossing her arms, which was really her just grabbing her opposite elbows, her eyes already threatening to water with tears.
“After tubby time baby, we can play with toys yeah?”
“Toy?” She quirked with an eyebrow up, already climbing to her feet on the wobbly air bed, Chris’ hands ghosting around her in case she fell
“Tubbies mama, now”
“Alright miss bossy pants m'comin” I laughed chasing after her small body running after the stairs, feeling a large hand spank my ass as I got off the mattress. Gasping to see Chris whistling and acting as if he had just done nothing, causing me to shake my head and run after our little girl.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @sairsei @patzammit @madebylilly @bxdbxtxh15 @tojisbabymommy @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @chrisevansdaughter @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @evanstanwhore @mrspeacem1nusone @thereisa8ella @seren-a-ity @pandaxnienke @chrisevansangel @royalwriteroftheuniverse
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lonleywriters-blog · 1 year
can i get yandere elmer headcanons? :0
Of course darling
Yandere Elmer hcs
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He is obsessive and possessive
He doesn't want to scare or hurt you
He is so gentle towards you
He stalks you a lot
Has tons of pictures of you
He steals personal items of yours
He loves watching you sleep
Craves physical affection from you
If you start dating him, he will be very clingy
Worships you to no end
Has a shrine of you
Looks at photos of you before he sleeps
Keeps a photo of you in his wallet
He is really shy and scared to talk to you first
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youaintnothinbuta · 2 months
A jack kelly x fem! Reader hanging out with the newsies then Les randomly blurts out “their kinda like mom and dad” Jack get really embarrassed and every bursts out laughing while agreeing
“They’re kinda like mom and dad.” — jack kelly x reader
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Summary: see request^^
Pairing: Jack Kelly x fem!reader
Word count: 375
Warnings: none!! Fluff <3
You sat with Jack and the other newsies in your usual spot, on the rooftop of a building near the lodge. You lean back against the edge, listening to the others converse, while Jack sat beside you, holding you close, his smile lighting up his face as he jokes with the others.
“Hey, Finch, back up from the edge.” Jack calls out to him, reaching over to tap Specs to tell him to grab onto Finch’s shirt.
Les, the youngest of the newsies, pipes up from across the circle. “You know,” he says with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “Jack and Y/N are kinda like mom and dad.”
There's a moment of silence as his words sink in, and then the group erupts into giggles and agreement. You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks as you exchange a glance with Jack. Jack's expression is a mix of embarrassment and amusement, and he rubs the back of his neck as all the boys start nudging him, calling him daddy.
“Come on, Les, don't be ridiculous,” he argues, but his protest is met with more rowdiness from the Newsies.
“It’s true!” Race chimes in, grinning. "Making sure we're fed and safe, more parents than mine ever were.”
“Yeah, consider us practice until you start making your own.” Elmer added, Jack punching him lightly in the arm in response.
Jack shot you a sheepish smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “They’re not wrong,” you say, your tone teasing. He playfully nudges you with his elbow, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
“I guess,” Jack surrenders, the group continues to tease and joke, their laughter echoing off the surrounding buildings. Despite Jack's initial embarrassment, you can see the fondness in his eyes as he looks around at the ragtag family you've all become. Les and Davey had their parents to go home to, yes, but Les considered you just as much of a parental figure. He crawled over to Jack, curling up in his lap, Jack still with one arm wrapped around your waist, listening as the others continued their chatter. Jack takes your hand in his, squeezing it three times, one of the many ways he wordlessly tells you he loves you.
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I just read your entire tag of secret!reader x Jason. Can we get secret!reader running into Cass, Steph, and Babs? 💖
You survey the sandals with a slight frown and tug your cardigan closer. There wasn't any scarring on your feet somehow- but if you were wearing jeans all the time to hide your legs-
"Those would look great with a pair of flared jeans," Babs said, pointing to a pair of brown slides with gold accent buckles.
You jump slightly and she smiled apologetically, gesturing back to where Steph and Cass were nearby. "We saw you through the window," she said, "Thought we'd come say hello."
You nod, swallowing down the anxiety. This was a bad idea- even if it was the middle of the day. It's too close to lunch time and people are filing in. Running errands on their lunch.
"I dunno about you," Steph said, "But shopping always gets easier after lunch- we were just about to grab some dirty water hot dogs in the park."
"And popcorn," Cass chirped.
Another short nod and a shaking breath. There's too much. Too many people- and little kids. You don't want to scare them... looking like some story book monster-
"Come on, sweetie," Babs said kindly, patting your forearm when you tuck your hands into your pockets- it's too warm for gloves. And they're the only visible skin aside from your face.
"I- I should go home," you manage. "Elmer probably-"
"Stoned," Cass said grinning.
"He got into the cupboard I guess," Steph snorted. "About 10 minutes after you left."
"Such a jerk," you sigh.
"But," Stephanie said taking your arm on the other side, "That should give you time to get some lunch."
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It's Been Awhile Ch. 1
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Characters: Sebastian Sallow x Reader/MC
Series Masterlist
Words: 3246
Warnings: some fluff, some angst
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You exhaled the moment you reached the bustling platform, seeing the train you were supposed to board, along with so many unfamiliar faces passing by. The loud chatter, yells and damp weather left you feeling drained. Hopefully, it'd clear up later and your destination would also be lucky to have good weather. You had been lucky to have many pleasant days at Hogwarts as a student. And it had been at least 5 years since you'd graduated from Hogwarts. You kept wondering, when had the time gone by?
It felt as if it was only yesterday when you were bursting through the doors of the Great Hall with Professor Fig, on your way to being sorted into a house. And now, you were already going to your first reunion.
"Miss, the train leaves in a few minutes. Would you like me to get you anything before you depart?" Your assistant, Elmer, asked you with a smile on his face, startling you out of your thoughts before you turned to see him smiling at you expectantly.
Ever since you'd started working at the Goblin Liaison Office, you'd been swamped with work: papers, diplomatic meetings with goblins, formal parties to attend and strengthen relations etc. And so, you needed an assistant to help you manage everything properly. And Elmer had turned out to be exactly what you needed.
"No, Elmer, thank you. I appreciate it, but you should go home. I'm sure your little sister misses you terribly. And I'll be fine on my own, no worries. I'll be seeing you in a few days, anyway." You smiled at him, seeing him smile back before he looked around. The platform was now even more packed with people running to say their goodbyes and greet their loved ones, yells still ringing out, and baggage and trolleys full of people's belongings being carried back and forth. It was chaos and you knew the Hogsmeade station would be the same when you'd arrive. You wondered if you'd meet anyone at the same time you arrived and if yes, who? Part of you could only hope-
The whistle announcing the boarding snapped you out of your reverie. "All aboard! All aboard, ladies and gentlemen!" The train conductor's loud voice boomed across the hustle and bustle of other witches and wizards and you turned to Elmer.
"Take care and have fun, okay? Don't forget to wish your sister all the best. It's her wedding, after all." You hugged him and felt him hug you back.
"Of course, I will. You have fun as well, Miss. Watch out so those Hogwarts folk don't try to give you a teacher's position there. They probably would try." You laughed and shook your head.
"I'd miss you too much." He smiled brightly, his curly hair bouncing as he chuckled. "I'll see you soon. Take care."
"You, too! Have a safe trip! Bring me something from Honeydukes!" He yelled as you stepped inside the train, laughing and shaking your head in amusement.
You walked along the corridor, searching for your cabin until you found it, then took a seat and put your bag in your lap, sighing as you looked outside. You were facing the other train that was just arriving, which was a shame since you would've liked to wave at Elmer one more time before you departed, but you only sighed instead.
You were by yourself in the cabin and somehow felt relieved. Some people would recognise you and start asking questions when they saw you on the street, especially since you'd now become the face of diplomatic relations between wizard kind and goblin kind. Some would be appreciative, others disgusted. You'd learned how to deal with both, though you preferred the former, naturally. Knowing there were others who wanted to have better relations with other beings and species made you feel as if you weren't alone and it was possible to achieve.
You thought of Elmer and everything else that had happened. He was just a little younger than you but eager to help and learn. You'd thanked your lucky stars for him applying because he'd been helping you deal with the large amount of work when it became too much for you. He was also one of the few who currently knew about your little side interest in Ancient Magic, which didn't go away either. He'd always help you declutter your schedule so you had enough time to also do your research on your unique inheritance.
After ending your fight with Ranrok using Ancient Magic, you'd really taken an interest in its potential to not only help you develop into a better witch but to also research it and maybe find a way to use it without any repercussions. You had managed to talk with the Keepers and ask them as much as possible about its power and the repository, while also assuring them that you wouldn't go against their word if they expressly forbid you from going further. You had, after all, sworn to keep it a secret forever and became one of the Keepers as well. It wasn't just a promise to yourself, but also to Professor Fig, whom you still missed dearly.
You opened your bag, rummaging a little before taking out a little notebook that you opened to your most recent notes. There were a number of letters tucked in between them that you sometimes read. You smiled as you looked at the names written on them, all of them kept safe and reminding you of the adventures you had had as a student. You'd received a few letters from some of your former classmates since the announcement of your reunion a few weeks prior: from Natty, Poppy, Garreth, Amit, Imelda... Even Ominis. But there had been nothing from Sebastian. You sighed sadly, feeling a bit conflicted.
You had drifted quite a bit after the events that took place during your fifth-year. And you hadn't really seen him and Ominis talking that much either, unless they were paired in classes. You tried your best to keep your relations with them friendly, though you were never really a trio like you used to be - something that broke your heart, though you were sure the boys felt the same, especially knowing that they had both been friends long before you met them.
Somehow, you still felt guilty that it was because of you that their friendship was ruined. No matter how hard you had tried to dissuade Sebastian from diving deeper into Dark Magic, it was as if he didn't hear either of you. And you being able to wield Ancient Magic had only seemed to spur him on and try harder to find a cure for Anne and ways to better understand the Dark Arts. You really wondered if Anne's curse really was his only reason or if it was also an excuse. But it was just water under the bridge. You knew the twins hadn't spoken to one another since that fateful day when everything changed.
Solomon's death was still a heavy weight on your mind, along with Anne's curse, which had been your primary reason for your research. Speaking of Anne, she was better, thanks to a brilliant doctor at St. Mungo's who had been studying curses and found a way to alleviate not only the pain but also their effects on the body. At least, that's what Ominis had told you in his most recent letter. There had been no word of Sebastian from him and you didn't dare ask either.
You smiled as you reread the letters for the nth time that week. It was weird to think that you were all adults now, with jobs and so many things to do.
Natty had become a Lead Auror, which honestly didn't surprise you one bit. You only hoped she didn't worry her mother as much as she did when you fought with Harlow during your fifth-year, though you had a feeling her mother was always going to be worried. You still shuddered at the thought of her taking the Cruciatus Curse in your stead, remembering the awful feelings you experienced when Sebastian had cast it on you since you couldn't mean it. You sighed and shook your head. You planned on treating her to a couple of Butterbeers this year as well as thanks. It had become some sort of tradition whenever you'd be able to meet up with her.
Poppy had decided to work in multiple sub-departments for the Ministry's Beast Division - apparently, she was a force to be reckoned with when it came to poachers, but the sweetest thing when she encountered any beast. You knew that the centaurs had come to respect her greatly, especially because of Dorran's faith in her after you three had managed to rescue the Golden Snidgets. She had become a spokeswoman for the benefits of collaborating with the Centaurs in protecting beasts, something that made you smile in obvious pride.
Garreth ended up becoming an Exotic Symbol Analyst, which he said was not only interesting but allowed him to travel and gather different potion ingredients. His passion for making weird concoctions still hadn't faded and it amused you to no end, especially when you remembered all the times he had to stay behind and clean the Potions classroom. You hoped he had become better over the years or at least had a safe space for his experiments to blow up and not hurt anyone. Maybe he'd one day collaborate with Sirona or Honeydukes to sell his inventions.
Amit had become an Astronomy professor at Hogwarts after being Professor Shah's teacher's assistant and studying the constellations. You also knew that he'd managed to befriend the few Goblins you recommended him to so he could finally improve his Gobbledegook. You hoped he'd talk to you and you could test him since you yourself had had to learn it for your job and had become quite good at it.
Ominis had become Junior Assistant to the Minister of Magic. His father and mother had insisted on him becoming even more, but he had refused. Unfortunately, his parents had made it hard for him to get a job anywhere else, the name Gaunt striking fear in most.
Even if he was an adult, between him and the rest of his family, most people feared and listened to them instead of him. So he was momentarily stuck there with Spavin, who was apparently a talking void that said much but understood nothing. Remembering Professor Fig's words about the current Minister, you weren't really surprised, but you did feel sorry for Ominis. Though it wasn't always so bad, as he had told you on a lighter note. Ominis knew all the gossip going around and even started his own or fanned the flames, much to your amusement. He hadn't changed much in that regard since your time at Hogwarts.
Imelda had, naturally, become the Quidditch Captain and Chaser, specifically for the Ilkley Quidditch team. She was busy scoring points for the team, organising trials and training sessions, besides many more activities. And no wonder, seeing as her flying skill was almost unmatched and she had led her team further than ever before thanks to her drive to win. They were one opportunity away from competing with some of the biggest Quidditch teams in the world. And you believed she was able to get them there.
You sighed and put the letters back, jotting down a few more notes for your research later when you'd be back in the safety of your home. You'd learned how to Apparate to the Map Chamber in order to check on the repository and check in with the Keepers now and then. It was pretty uncomfortable to go there due to all the memories, especially the very first few times when you were still learning how to Apparate properly. You remembered how close you were to throwing up the very first time you went there after your final fight. The emotional damage and Professor Fig's death still haunted you and probably would continue to for the remainder of your life.
You put your notebook back in your bag and settled in, watching the outside scenery through the wide window. The greenery and the rarely-seen blue sky were a nice welcome after the dreary weather you'd had for the past couple of weeks of being stuck inside writing reports. But it had been worth it because you had managed to allow Goblins to teach Gobbledegook in a number of schools as an extracurricular activity. It had become strangely popular amongst children, who found it weird and funny at the same time. Even some adults had heard about it and insisted on classes being organised outside schools and focused on 'Business Gobbledegook' for those who were interacting with goblins for business purposes.
Your mind momentarily cleared of everything related to work and you only looked at the world beyond the glass silently and thoughtfully. With a swish of your hand, the window opened a crack and you heard and felt the wind as it blew, causing you to sink back into your seat and close your eyes.
If you focused enough, you could almost hear the birds singing and the sound of Lacewing Flies, sense the smell still wafting from Honeydukes and feel the taste of Butterbeer on your tongue... Then the warmth against your hand that seemed almost too nervous to go beyond and capture your fingers together before they almost acted of their own volition. Those brown eyes and those freckles made you involuntarily smile as you remembered the Sebastian in front of you at that time.
"What is it? Did you get a bad one? What was it? Earwax?" You laughed as you nodded towards the almost empty box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Sebastian's slight frown dissipated as his cheeks reddened immediately and he shook his head, looking away from you.
"What? N-No, it was Bacon..." He responded almost defensively, trying not to let his voice crack at being caught staring at you. His eyes quickly darted to your hand that was currently playing with the wrappers of some toffees you'd bought from Honeydukes. The two of you were seated in a quiet corner at the Three Broomsticks, enjoying some Butterbeer and sweets after a surprise quiz from Professor Sharp, which you managed to ace, despite trying to distract each other as subtly as possible.
"Seb, hey... Is something wrong?" You asked him when you noticed how unusually quiet he was, lowering your head a little to catch his gaze. You smiled reassuringly and saw him smile back nervously before he breathed in and straightened his back in a show of confidence, despite his red cheeks.
"Can I tell you something?" You nodded, eyes brimming with curiosity.
"Of course, you can. Anything and anytime." He nodded and breathed in, his cheeks getting even redder.
"I like you. More than a friend. For quite a while." Your eyes widened in surprise before a smile took over your lips almost immediately.
"You do?" Sebastian nodded and you decided to grab his hand, holding it reassuringly. "Well then, Mr Sallow, aren't you lucky? It appears I like you more than a friend as well." You were nervous as you spoke, but knowing that your crush wasn't one-sided anymore gave you a boost of confidence, enough to confess your feelings for the boy.
Sebastian laughed, squeezing your hand back, his eyes shining with joy while you mirrored him. He hesitated to envelop your hand completely, his fingers twitching on top of your skin in a barely perceptible way. Despite his obvious nervousness, his fingers soon intertwined with your own, slotting your hands together. His hand was bigger and warmer than yours, making butterflies erupt into a frenzied flight inside your stomach. It felt right and you couldn't hide your smile.
"I think another round of Butterbeer is in order." He grinned at you and you felt your heart pick up its pace as you returned his smile, neither of you unable to smother it down even if you tried.
You opened your eyes, a sea of trees stretching out below and the sky, which was now dark and cloudy, showing sure signs of rain. You were getting close to Hogsmeade Station by the looks of it. You stretched, stifling a yawn with your hand. You couldn't remember falling asleep at all. You must've been more tired than you had thought.
It wasn't long before the train arrived and you picked up your luggage, navigating through throngs of people as the rain was gradually picking up. You finally managed to exit the station, only to see a Thestral-drawn carriage waiting. A man holding an umbrella was waiting anxiously, keeping his distance from the Thestral as much as possible, looking around at the thinning crowd. When he saw you, he beckoned you over. You thought it was weird since you hadn't told anyone when you'd arrive. You gripped the handle of your conjured umbrella and started walking towards the carriage. The rain was downright pouring and it had gotten colder, your frame lightly shivering whenever the wind blew strongly.
"Miss MC?" A man, who seemed to be a local, asked when you approached. You nodded, caressing the wet Thestral gently as it only came closer for more affection. You had missed the Thestrals around there - they reminded you of the ones you'd managed to rescue years before. You saw the man gulp and were left wondering if he could see the gentle but often misunderstood creature or if he was scared of it. "The school has sent the carriage to pick you up."
"Oh, have they now? Thank you and I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. Here, for your trouble." You looked into your wallet quickly before handing him a few Galleons. The man was shocked and tried to refuse, but you insisted until he smiled and nodded, going to the nearest Floo Network and leaving.
You looked back at the Thestral who was looking at you and you caressed it again before getting inside. A shiver ran through you and you sneezed, but then you let out a sigh of relief at finally being out of the driving rain and only a few minutes away from your destination. You relaxed against the soft cushion before swishing your wand, causing the carriage to jolt the tiniest bit. Just as it started moving, the door suddenly flung open and you pointed your wand towards it, heart pounding in panic.
"Whoa, easy there!" That voice... You slowly put your wand down and saw the figure stepping inside, closing the door as he sat on the opposite side from you, his black raincoat noisily moving along with his body. The owner sighed and leaned back, breathing heavily with his hood covering the upper half of his face. You watched his Adam's apple bob when he swallowed, seeing the barely visible remnants of a stubble, probably from shaving too hastily. Then, as if suddenly remembering he wasn't alone, he sat up straight and took his hood off. Despite expecting it, your breath still hitched in your throat as your eyes met those familiar chocolate brown ones.
"Sebastian..." His name was familiar on your tongue but left a multitude of tastes behind. You felt conflicted as to which one was the strongest.
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Black Roses - Third Year - Harry Potter X Female (Slytherin) Reader
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Title: Third Year
Harry Potter X Female (Slytherin) Reader
Additional Characters: Ron, Hermione, Draco, Draco's father (Mentioned), Voldemort (Mentioned), Oprea Lady, and Reader's adoptive parents (Mentioned)
| First-Year | Second-Year | Third-Year | Fourth-Year | Fifth-Year | Sixth-Year | Seventh-Year | Epilogue |
WC: 1,941
Warnings: Mentions of murder, mentions of killing, small movie reference, family angst, Ron's rude, and fluff
You wished you never went home for the holidays. You wished more than anything to have stayed at Hogwarts. You didn't even care if your friends would be at Ron's home; you'd rather be alone in your room than at home. You had locked yourself in your room after your dear mother and father told you the truth. You weren't their true daughter. You knew. As said before, you had a sneaking suspicion. Them telling you wasn't even the real issue. It was who they said that you were the daughter of that really hit you hard.
You knew now why they had to forbid you from telling anyone your last name, and why they made sure the headmaster and professors didn't say it either. You were glad. Because if anyone had known, you probably wouldn't have the friends you had now.
Y/N... Y/N Riddle.
You were the daughter of the Dark Lord himself and your adoptive parents were the only people who knew of his real last name. He made them swear to never say anything, or they would suffer terribly. Your parents, ugh, you hated calling them that. They had said that dear father couldn't take care of you once you were born and had you sent away to some of his most wonderful followers. Estelle and Elmer had said it was such an honor to take care of you for all these years. Yeah, as if.
They had told you that you were to meet your father at the next meeting. When would that be? You didn't know. And you hoped it wasn't for a while.
You buried your face deeper into your pillow, groaning muffled as you clutched the pillow in your hands. You couldn't even owl Harry or anyone. You didn't want Estelle and Elmer to get suspicious. They didn't even know that you were friends with the Golden Trio in the first place. If they had found out... You didn't know what they would do after hearing about the perfect life that they planned out for you.
Study as if you were a normal, usual student. Get good grades. Pass on any information that could be of use. And once you were old enough, you would become a Death Eater and stand beside your father in the battle to take over the Wizarding World.
Yeah, right. You weren't into that whole... World domination thing.
Once everyone came back from the holidays, Draco went straight to you once he saw you, grabbing your arm and pulling you into a secluded hallway. His eyes were cold and held hints of betrayal.
"You're related to the Dark Lord?" He asked, but more like demanded your answer.
Good, Draco didn't know that you were his daughter. You nodded slowly, "Yes, I am." You answered him simply, "I'm sorry."
Draco's jaw hung open as he stared at you in disbelief. "How? Why?"
"I don't know all of the logistics of my personal life, Draco. All I know is that I am." You sighed sadly. "Speaking of Dark Lords, your father must be one of them." You spoke, clicking the puzzle pieces together.
Draco frowned and nodded, "Yeah, he is. He was the one who told me about you. He said that he wanted me to look after you or something. How special you are and all." He paused and looked at you, his eyes narrowing. "Does anyone else know? Did you tell Potter?"
You shook your head slowly, "No, I just... Well, It's not like I can tell anyone. You know my views on all this. If I told them I wouldn't take it past my dear dark relative of mine to kill me." You roll your eyes, hiding the slight fear you had about the subject.
"Kill you? He'd do that you think. To his flesh and blood?" Draco pondered and you shrugged.
"I've heard what he's done. I wouldn't be surprised. If it does go down that route, dying would be an awfully big adventure." You said simply as Draco's eyes widened and he laughed lightly.
"I'll never understand you, Y/N." He said, somewhat in awe.
"I don't think anyone will." You chuckled.
You were going to tell them. It was in their right to know. Especially since Harry was the main target. You worried on your bottom lip as you thought of the outcome. Harry would feel betrayed. They all would. But, poor Harry. He'd take it the hardest for sure. But, he deserved to know. Same with Ron and Hermione.
You knew that they had to be in their common room, so you quickly made it out of the dungeons and up the many stairs to the opera lady's picture. She turned from the wine glass in her hand and gave you a judgy one-over.
"You do know this is the Gryffindor Common Rooms, little lady?" She spoke and you sighed, nodding.
"Yep, and I'm here to see my friends. Caput Draconis." You whispered the password and the lady in the painting sighed before opening the door and letting you in.
You made it up the stairs and into the warm common room. You never went to the common room without either Harry or Hermione with you, but they gave you the password just in case you wanted to visit. That was how much they trusted you. The pit of your stomach turned at the thought. Harry, Hermione, and Ron sat on the orange couch in front of the raging fire. You walked over, placing your hands on the back of the plush couch as Harry flipped through a textbook, Hermione flipped through hers, and Ron simply ate some chocolate frogs.
"Hey, Ron. Working hard, or hardly working?" You speak up, chuckling as he jumps in his seat, turning to you with wide eyes; chocolate surrounding his mouth.
Hermione and Harry turned to you, greeting you, "Y/N, good to see you. Didn't think you'd come over tonight." Hermione spoke and you pushed yourself back off the couch, shrugging.
"Yeah, well. I have something... Rather important to tell you guys," You began, fiddling with your fingers as you gave the three a sheepish smile. "I should've told you after I found out, but I was worried. Uh..." You sighed, looking down at your black leather boots.
"What is it, Y/N?" Hermione asked, eyes filled with worry as she spoke, "Are you in some sort of trouble?"
You laughed sadly, "Yeah, of some sort."
Harry frowned, standing from the couch and walking around to take your hand in his, Hermione quickly doing the same; taking your free hand.
"You can tell us." Harry spoke softly, and you let out a shaky breath, finally letting your pent-up tears fall.
"Can I? Really? Cause, once I tell you, you'll see me differently and hate me." You whimper-ranted, looking up at Harry.
Harry gently squeezed your hand offering you a small smile. "Unless you killed someone, I don't think I could hate you."
"I beg to differ." You said bitterly, more to yourself than to him.
"You don't have to tell us, Y/N." Hermione spoke up but you quickly shook your head.
"No. I have to. I hate to, but I have to." You let out a deep breath, looking up to Harry and Hermione, glancing at Ron every-so-often. "Just know that being your friend has been the best thing ever. Thank you guys for sticking with me when all I do is whine about my problems and-"
"Y/N! Just tell us," Ron exclaimed, and Hermione glared at him, shutting him up.
"Okay... I'll just spit it out." You said, your voice cracking, and your friends' heads snapped towards you. "I'm- I'm the daughter of Voldemort." You shut your eyes tightly.
Hermione audibly gasped, covering her mouth with her free hand as she stared at you. Ron just stared with wide eyes, mouth slightly open; the chocolate frog in his hand melting. Harry had a similar expression to the know-it-all young girl and stared at you. His hand was still tightly holding yours as you felt your eyes wet with tears once more.
The silence was nearly killing you as you waited for them to speak. When they did speak, it was in unison.
You hesitantly opened your eyes, watching as Hermione looked at you with such sadness. "Are you serious?" She asked, hoping it was just some morbid joke, but then, why would you be so distraught about it?
You nod, "Yes, unfortunately. I am. I'm sorry." You apologized profusely, tears falling down your cheeks.
"You bloody better be!" Ron exclaimed, gaining your attention, "I told you we shouldn't have trusted her." He spoke harshly and Hermione turned abruptly to him.
"Ronald! Shut it, will you!? She can't help who she is the daughter of." She scolded him quietly and he crossed his arms, pouting.
Harry, however, frowned at you, "When did you find out?" He questioned you, and you sighed, looking down.
"Over the holiday. My adoptive parents are his followers. He supposedly didn't want to take care of me, and gave me to them to raise for him." You roll your eyes, "How sweet of them to take me in, right?" You laughed bitterly.
Harry said nothing else as he looked down at your hand in his, "I agree with 'Mione. You can't help who you are related to. Just like me... I can't help that my aunt's family is intolerable." He said, staring into your eyes as you stared back.
"That's true. I guess... You're right," You sighed, looking down again.
"We love you, Y/N. No matter who your father is, or what he did, we won't stop being your friends." Hermione spoke up, pulling you into a hug.
"Thank you, 'Mione." You smiled and leaned into the hug, Harry joining.
Hermione pulled out slightly, glaring at Ron and gesturing for him to join. Ron rolled his eyes and reluctantly joined the group hug.
"So, what's your last name then?" Ron asked grumpily, voice slightly muffled from the group hug.
"Riddle. But you can't tell anyone. If anyone found out and put two and two together then my dear o' father might just as well kill me." You spoke, and Hermione nodded, understanding.
"Okay. No last name. Only Y/N." Harry spoke, and you sighed, nodding.
"I'll make a deal with you guys." You spoke, sitting on the couch and sighing, "If I'm able to get you guys to help me figure out a way to escape from my "family", then I'll give you..." You trailed off, thinking, looking at each of them in turn. "Harry, I'll get you a new broom. 'Mione, I'll buy that book you've been looking at when we go to Hogsmeade. And, Ron. I'll buy you fifty chocolate frogs."
At the words 'chocolate frogs,' Ron snapped up to look at you. "Really? But how are you going to afford that?" He asked and Hermione nudged him in the side.
You smirked, looking at the small group, "Well, one good thing came out of this. My father is supposedly very wealthy. And, I have my own sum in some vault. Who knew, right?"
"Wow." Hermione voiced and Harry looked at you hooked before he shook his head, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"You don't have to get me anything, Y/N." He spoke, and you shook your head, smiling brightly.
"I know, but I want to. Be ready for the next holiday." You tease, and both Harry and Hermione rolled their eyes.
“What? I love spoiling you three.” You winked with a smile.
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delimeats-000 · 8 months
☆day 9☆
• pt 2 of Just the Editor coming tn i think it’s just gonna be some fluff
• working on a hp request rn (hermione x slytherin!reader)
• also thinking ab matt or chris x latina mami reader or like maybe elmers little sister caught with chris🫢(lmk if you wanna see that, kinda projecting ngl)
• requests are still open
• thank you for all the support, love you 🫶
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a-littlebirdie · 1 year
Foosball, Flyfishing, and "Friends"
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Part 2
Pairing: Price x MC (Wren, nickname Osprey) GN! Reader 
Author’s Note: As far as I know there's not an Edmund around Missoula. If there is apologies to the residents from Edmund 😅
Word Count: 5.6k
Warning: Language, sickness, too much fluff
Part 1 here
You wait anxiously searching for a familiar Brit as you scan the airport. You had come home a month earlier to get things in order for John's arrival. You wanted this trip to be perfect. 
You wave excitedly as John comes into view. The two of you hug as if you hadn't seen each other in years. You pull away with a large grin illuminating your face. 
"I'm so glad you're here. How was the flight over here?" You both had an arm wrapped around one another as you start walking out of the airport.
He gives you an eye crinkled smile,"I am too. It was good. A bit long, but worth it." 
You help load his luggage into your truck and set off for Edmund which was almost a four hour drive. On the way you point out to different places you used to work and talk about your favourite local restaurants. You were so happy for John to be here it almost felt like an unnatural amount of happiness for yourself. After stopping for dinner you finally make it home. It's a moderate size cabin surround by cedar and fir trees. You jump out of the truck,"Well this is it. Welcome to my humble abode," you dramatically bow. 
John laughs at you and looks around,"Quite the place you have here. I bet the views are marvelous." He trails off looking at the night sky in 'awh'. Something you always admire about John is the way he looks at the night sky. When it was safe, the two of you would lay watching the stars shine and he'd tell you all about the constellations. You could sit and listen to him for hours. 
"I'll help you get settled in and then we can come back outside if you want?" You chuckle as he's still gawking at the night sky. 
He looks back at you grinning like a kid on Christmas,"I would love that." 
You help him unload and explain where everything is and come back down stairs to grab a drink. After some time he meets you in the kitchen the two of you head out to the back porch. 
"There's a place on the roof I like to sit when it's clear nights like these. Up for a climb?" 
"As long as we dont have to scale a couple stories I'll be fine." He jokes. 
"Oh no nothing like that. You know how I am with heights." 
You walk over to what looks like vines on the wall but when you pull them it reveals a ladder of sorts. You climb up and sit down. John soon joins and you hear a barely audible,"bloody hell." as he looks in front of you. It was a full moon tonight and everything was illuminated. 
You point to the small lake that sat about 15 klicks,"That's Love Bird Lake over there. One of my favourite places to swim during the day because it's usually empty during the day. People usually only come at night for skinny dipping." You laugh. 
He looks at you amused,"Never wanted to try it at night huh?" 
You blush and laugh nervously, "No thank you," You point to the smaller body of water on your left,"I'd rather go there, Elmer's Springs. There's a waterfall, less people and more secluded." 
"Oh I see." he gives you a cheeky grin. 
You playfully shove him and he falls back laughing. 
"Ah you're so easily flustered Osprey. Always love messing with ya." He grins with a content sigh. He puts one hand under his head and another out for you to lay on. You lay down looking up at the night sky. You talk and laugh for hours about constellations, fishing, and life. There was a silence that came over you. A comfortable one as you both listened to the sounds of frogs and crickets. You hear a whooperwill, something you havent heard in years. 
"When I was growing up in the south we used to go camping every summer and I always had the best night sleep. My favourite was listening to the whooperwills and chucks-will-widows. That bird we just heard was a whooperwill. They are extremely rare especially up here. Their calls are really pretty though. That's how you knew it was summer." You smile sadly up at the sky remembering the fond memories you had. 
"You'll have to show me sometime, where you grew up I mean. You don't really talk about it much." He looks over at you. 
"Mhmm it complicated. I'm the wild one that went off the rails according to them," you chuckle harshly your face turning sour. 
He wraps his arm around you, "Well I think they're missing out. You're quite the person and have an impact on people." 
"Thank you John. I wish they could see that, but there are some things they just don't want to let go of." 
You huddle closer to him as a gust cool night air made you shiver. He gives you a sad smile rubbing his hand on your arms to try and warm you up,"Do we need to head in?" 
You sigh not wanting to leave his warm safe embrace,"Yeah I guess so." You sit up and run your hands over your face, exhaustion suddenly hitting you,"I can make us some tea, but then I'm going to turn in for the night if that's alright." 
"Sounds good to me. While you put the kettle on I'll go take a shower." 
You both climb down and go to do your needed tasks. When you hear the shower you couldn't help but imagine John's muscular body dripping wet. You shake your head trying to get the image out of your mind. You sigh leaning forward on the counter using your hands to hold you away from it as you drop your head. How could you be thinking about those sort of things? You wanted nothing more than for him to be yours and you to be his. You're not afraid of what others would think and you didn't have to worry about fraternization because you were both equal ranks. So what was the issue? Losing him. That was the issue. You worry that if he doesn't return the feelings then it would just become too awkward and the two of you would grow apart and that scares you. You're thoughts are interrupted by the whistle of the kettle. You finish fixing the tea and then grab two cups from the cabinet. You hear John walk into the kitchen as you pour the tea. 
"That was one of the best showers of my life." He grins grabbing the tea you're offering him,"thank you." 
You laugh quietly to yourself,"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it." 
He sits on the barstool sipping more of his tea,"So what's the agenda for tomorrow?" 
You turn to face him leaning on the counter,"I was thinking you might want to relax some around here and then go swimming that afternoon. There are some spots walking distance from here that I could take you too as well," you take a sip of your tea and place it on the island,"I want you to have a good time while you're here and get to see what this place has to offer. I won't be hurt if you're not feeling up for something so just let me know ok?" 
"You know I can't say no to a relaxing day of nothing," 
'With a beautiful person like you' is what he really wants to add, but he decides against it and just gives his signature eye crinkle smile. 
"I don't blame you one bit," you chuckle drinking the rest of your tea,"right, I'm heading to bed. Make you're self at home and if you need anything just ask." 
"Alright, thank you. Have a good night love." 
"Goodnight John."
You wake up to the savory smell of bacon. Curious you climb out of bed and head downstairs. When you reach the kitchen you lean against the door frame amused by the sight. John was standing at the stove moving his hips to the music that was playing as he mouthed the words. It was evident that he was trying his best to be quiet which made it even more funny. As he places the bacon on a plate he turns around and smiles.
"Goodmorning, I hope I didn't wake you." 
You walk over grabbing a piece of bacon,"Goodmorning, no you didn't. This smells amazing by the way." 
He rubs the back of his neck with a dopey smile, "I was a little worried I would burn it. You're bacon here is different than I'm used to." 
You pat his back grabbing another piece waving it at him,"Well you did really good." You open a cabinet and grab some muffin mix,"waffles?" 
"With muffin mix?" He gives you an amused smile. 
"Yes with muffin mix. How else are you supposed to make them?" Laughing, but genuinely curious. 
"I don't know, but I've never seen someone use muffin mix before." 
You grab the waffle maker from the top shelf,"Another thing is they have to be square so they can be crispy. Belgian/Round waffles and square waffles taste different even if they use the same batter." 
"I can agree with that." 
He could get used to this, making breakfast with you and learning about all your quirky habits. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of it. 
He must have been staring at you because you give him an amused look,"Why're you looking at me like that?" 
He just shakes his head,"Just thinking." 
You laugh quietly,"Was there anything else you wanted to fix? I was thinking about making some scrambled eggs." 
"Sounds good to me." 
After you finish breakfast he helps clean up and you head to the living room. You check the weather and decide to open up the windows to let fresh air in before plopping down on the couch. You sit criss-crossed and grab the remote to turn the tv on. John comes to join you and lays his head in your lap giving you a cheeky grin as he looks up at you. 
"You enjoying yourself there Captain Price?" 
God he loves when you call him that. 
"Affirmative Captain Osprey."
Without even thinking, your hand gravitates to his head and runs through his hair lightly scratching his head and he closes his eyes, "Your hair's gotten longer." 
"Mmm I'll cut it before we go on our next mission. I like to grow it out while I have off time. It usually doesn't get this long though." 
"It looks good and it's really soft." 
"Soap gave me some kind of shampoo a while back. Supposed to help." His words were beginning to run together signaling he was trying not to fall asleep. 
"If you want to take a nap go for it. I'm not planning on going anywhere."  You softly chuckle. 
"Good," he turns to face the tv and wraps an arm under your leg,"I was hoping you'd say that." He whispers drifting off to sleep. 
You chuckle as you continue to run your fingers through his hair. You could get used to this. Lazy days where it was just the two of lounging around cuddled up to one another. You turn the volume down on the TV to not disturb John. You flip through the channels trying to find something to watch. You end up finding a movie you've been wanting to see and leav it there. It almost noon before you hear an exasperated sigh and felt John stir and turn to face you. He opens his eyes with a sleepy grin. 
"Have a good nap?" You smile back, running your hand through his hair one last time. 
He closes his eyes again at the contact "Yes, you make a great pillow." 
"Well I'm glad." You chuckle. You look over to the clock and see that it is now mid afternoon.
"It's not to late to go swimming is it?" He sits up following your gaze. 
"Good, do you want to eat here or pack something to bring it there?" 
"Ooh good idea," you exclaim excitedly,"it's been ages since I went on a picnic. The food always tastes better." 
"Definitely." He stands up stretching. 
"I'll go changed and then meet you down in the kitchen." 
You decide to go to Elmer's Spring as it would start to get dark in about an hour or two and you didn't want to have to rush off. You have to hike a little ways to get to the spot, but it's worth it. You drop the stuff onto an indentation in the rocks to make sure it doesn't slide and take off your shoes and shirt. You decide to eat before jumping in and wait a couple minutes basking in the sun. 
"How cold do you think this water is going to be?" John interrupts your thoughts. 
"There's a hot spring connected to this system so the water is a little warmer. Maybe around 70 something." 
He laughs nervously. You slide down the rock putting your feet in the water. It was chilly, but not too cold. You feel a presence behind you and without even thinking you grab it and hurl it over your shoulder into the water. You laugh seeing John pop up to the surface and shaking his hair, "Bloody hell, thought I could get you this time." 
"I've got eyes in the back of my head Price." You laugh standing up. You back up a couple feet and then sprint to the edge jumping in with a squeal. The water is freezing, but your body is quickly adjusting. As you come back to the surface you wipe your face and look for John. The water is crystal clear so you're able to find him easily. He's underwater swimming towards you to grab you and you squeal thrashing around trying to get away in a fit of laughter. He grabs onto you and pulls himself up to the surface as you splash him. 
"Whew that is indeed freezing ass cold." He grins quoting you from a past memory of when you had a mission in Serbia. 
"July it gets a bit warmer, but normally it's like this and let me tell you it's so refreshing after a long day in the field," you lay on your back floating around looking up at the sky that's now turning orange. 
"I bet. We'll have to come back up when we get the chance." 
"Most definitely. Need to come back during winter too. You need to experience that." You laugh imagining John huddled up mumbling to himself about how cold it was. 
"We'll see about that. You know how I am with cold weather." He looks over at you trying to copy what you're doing, but he keeps sinking. You notice and laugh softly. 
"How are you doing that?" 
You put your hands out, "Here lay on your back." He does as he is told, but you notice he's super tense,"You can relax." 
"I am relaxed." 
You give him a look,"Really?" 
"Ok I am a little tense," He moves to sit on a rock and look around,"I can't see around us. It's too secluded to keep watch." You could see the worry in his eyes as he looked around. 
You give him a sad smile and move to stand in between his legs. You place your hands on his face making him look up at you,"At this very moment we're not on a mission. We're not gathering intel and we're not being hunted." You rub your thumbs on his cheeks and continue to speak to him softly,"We're simply enjoying ourselves on a night swim. We're safe here. You're safe here John." 
He closes his eyes and lets out a shaky breath,"Ok."
He rests his head against your torso wrapping his arms around you. You stroke his hair as your other hand rests on his back. The two of you stay like that for some time. 
Being in your arms like this has always been John's favourite way to ground himself. He knew that you could bring him back. When he lifts his head to look at you the mixture of water droplets on your face and hair and the bright full moon shining upon you made you look unworldly as it outlined your beautiful features. He desperately wants to kiss you right now. He looks at you and then at your lips. It was then he realises just how close the two of you are. 
"Can I try something?" His voice was so gentle and quiet he barely recognizes himself. 
You nod mesmerised by his gaze sitting on his lap. 
He leans forward placing his lips on yours. It was a sweet and gentle kiss that sent sparks throughout your entire body. You smile into the kiss. You didn't have to be afraid anymore because the one thing you feared the most had been throw out. 
The two of you pull away trying to catch your breath. Neither of you could believe what just happened. It all felt too euphoric to be real. 
"So," you begin unable to say anything else. 
"So," John copies giving you his signature smile,"that happened." 
You laugh softly,"Yeah I guess it did didn't it?" 
He picks you up making you squeal and wrap your legs around his waist."Do you know how long I have been waiting to do that?" He grins looking into your eyes. 
You shake your head giggling at how giddy he is. 
"A very long time," he hugs you to him,"Too bloody long." 
"I could say the same." You laugh quietly, 
"It's about time we figured it out hmm?" 
"Yeah." You shiver realizing you're out of the water. 
He chuckles and begins to make your way back to get your stuff.
"Are you sure its summer? It feels a lot like winter to me." He gently places you down and you quickly grab a towel wrapping it around you and put your shirt back on. 
"This is summer compared to the winters we have here." You laugh as you pick up stuff still shivering,"I should have some hoodies and a jacket in my truck if you need one."  
"I will definitely be taking you up on that." He laughs putting his shirt back on, rubbing his arms to generate heat.
The two of you sprint back to truck and you quickly turn it on to get warm while you put the stuff into the tool box. You grabbed a hoodie and put it on before grabbing one of your bigger ones and your jacket. You hop back into your seat and shut the door rubbing your hands together. You hand John the hoodie and jacket,"Didn't know which you wanted or which would fit better so I just grabbed both." 
"Thanks." He tries the hoodie first and it fits great. 
You start to head down the road and you look over over at John,"You know, I've never seen you in a hoodie." 
"I'm not really a hoodie kind of guy if I'm being honest. This is comfortable though. I might just have to start wearing them on my days off." He winks. 
"You should definitely start being a hoodie guy." You laugh quietly. 
When you reach the cabin you both head to take showers and then meet back in the living room. You're the first to come to the living room so you start putting logs in the fire place. You light the fire and move to sit in front of it. You hear footsteps and look to see John coming down the stairs. He comes and sits behind you embracing you. You lean back resting your head on his shoulder and sigh with content. 
"Can I ask you something?" 
You hum in response lazily playing with his fingers. 
"Remember a few weeks back when you came to me in my office?" 
You nod. 
"You said you were starting to like me," he pauses,"I think that's when I started realizing that we had a chance," He hugs you closer, whispering "and that absolutely terrified and excited me because there was no way I was going to mess this up." 
You hug onto his arms that are wrapped around you. You couldn't fathom John not being sure about something. He was always so confident and never let it be known if he had insecurities. He was human after all, and you knew that, but he's always such a confident person. It means a lot that he can trust you enough to talk about these things. To be so vulnerable. 
"I think we needed this," you kiss his cheek,"This trip I mean. It's given us a chance to slow down and have time to be normal people. People who date, who go out to eat or sit cozied up by a fire. For me at least, it's reminded me that I am human and I have emotions. I feel like we have to turn that part of us off to make sure that the people we care about don't get hurt, but we can't keep it off forever. That's not living." 
"You're right. We tend to forget that about ourselves and eachother. We're human beings and we need to express these emotions or it'll eat us alive until we become numb. We become the machine." 
"What a life we've made for ourselves hmm?" 
"Quite the endeavor." 
You wondered what would have happened if you had stayed in Montana working with the forest service. You like to think you'd still have met John and 141 in some way. You couldn't imagine life without them. You didn't want to. 
You look over at the clock and see that it's almost 10. As if on cue you let out a yawn and snuggle into John's chest. 
"Are you ready for bed," he chuckles rubbing your back making tingles travel down your spine. 
You feel yourself being lifted. You're too tired to protest being carried as he takes you up the stairs to your room. He gently places you on your bed. You grab his arm not wanting him to leave. 
"I'll be right back love," he kisses your forehead giving you a soft chuckle,"just going to go put out the fire." He loves when you're tired or just waking up because you're adorably clingy. 
You sheepishly let go of him and he walks out of the room. You lay back on your pillow and sigh looking at the ceiling as a grin grows on your face thinking about today. You close your eyes and snuggle under your covers. A few minutes later you feel the bed dip and John's warm presence. He pulls you to him snuggling into your back. You feel a kiss on your neck,"Goodnight Wren."
You wake up to a grueling feeling in your stomach. You look over to the clock that sits on your nightstand. 2:36 AM you move the covers off of you feeling too hot. You lay there for a for more minutes until you can't contain it any longer and have to sprint to the bathroom. After getting sick you sit on the cold tile floor against the tub with a wash rag to your forehead. You notice the door slowly open to reveal a concerned John. 
"You doing ok in here love?" 
"Feels like dejavu." you laugh weakly, "I'm fine. I think I got food poisoning." You groan as you feel yourself getting sick again. 
John sits on the edge of the tub and holds your hair back, rubbing calming circles on your back,"Is there anything I can do?" 
You nod your head and grab the wash rag to wipe your mouth,"Could you grab me a gatorade and crackers? Gatorade should be in the fridge and crackers be in the basket. " 
"Of course. I'll be right back." 
He returns with the things and you give him a weak smile,"Thank you." 
He sits against the tub and you sit between his legs. 
You scrunch your eyes shut and take a sip of the gatorade but instantly feel nauseous,"You can go back to bed if you want. I'm probably going to be here for a while." 
He kisses the top of your head,"Not a chance." 
Finally after almost an hour you feel like you can get back in bed. You feel weak as you try to stand. John helps you to bed before climbing in beside you. He's gentle with you which makes you give a weak laugh.
"I'm not made of glass John." 
"I know but I don't want to make you sick again." He kisses behind your ear making your eyes flutter shut. 
This went on for a week and you kept apologising and tried to convince him to go out and enjoy himself, but he wanted nothing more than to take care of you. Though you were sick, you both enjoyed your time together and watched movies and cuddled. John would read to you from his books he had brought. You had also noticed how it had started to smell like his cigars. He of course had asked before he lit his first one. You welcomed the sweet and smokey aroma that made you think of him and it embraced you like a warm hug of his. He hadn't been smoking since coming here which surprised you because he would almost always have one any other time. 
This morning you woke up feeling much better. You're able to eat better and get around without feeling tired. 
John was sitting in the living room watching a cabin building show while you were cutting apples in the kitchen for a snack. 
"Hey John," he turns around to his name with a 'hmm'.
"Do you want to go fishing tomorrow? The weather's supposed to be nice for it." 
His eyes light up,"Yes, are you feeling up for it though?" 
You nod, putting the apples in a bowl with a peanut butter and honey mixture. You walk over to join him on the couch and kiss his cheek,"Thank you for taking care of me by the way. It was nice and much appreciated." 
"An absolute pleasure." He grins, grabbing an apple slice. 
"Oh that reminds me," you walk over to your desk and grab a notebook from a drawer. You hand John the book,"my sketchbook. It was part of the deal, remember?" 
He looks it over running his hand over the leather cover and looks back at you,"Are you sure?" 
"Yeah a deal's a deal," you chuckle,"just don't be too harsh. I can't handle hard criticism of my art." 
You lean against his shoulder eating your apples and looking at the pages as he turns them. This sketch book has been with you since you joined the military and you were still working with the forest service. There are all sorts of works from detailed full pages to doodles of various animals, plants, people and objects. He stops at a full page sketch. You smile remembering the moment. It was your first mission being a part of 141 and you were taking a rest waiting to be picked up. Everyone was exhausted. John stood looking out over the building in full tactical gear, hands gripping his straps, as he does. Soap was laying against Ghost asleep and Gaz was laying with his cap over his face. 
"I remember this," he smiles warmly,"it was our first mission with you." 
You return his smile and nod,"Seems so long ago now." 
On the next page are three photos the five of you took after returning back from a rather difficult, but successful mission. You were all muddy and exhausted, but still very happy with how the mission had turned out. The top one was of you all looking at the camera and looking really serious, the middle was of you guys smiling and laughing not paying attention to the camera and the third, your favourite, John is holding you bridal style because your leg had given out during the second photo. Your head is thrown back in laughter at something John had said as he looks at you with a warm loving smile. You can't believe you hadn't noticed it until now. 
He keeps turning the pages and you point out things to him. They are mainly of 141 doing different things or head shots with small comments. There are some scenic pieces from places you were stationed at and went through. There were also some self portraits of you in your gear and some portraits of ideas for your masks and hats. 
The last sketch was an unfinished one. It was the one you had been working on when everything went to shit. It was supposed to be a sketch of the market. It was busy that day as usual. You had found peace in the bustling little town. Merchants were selling their goods and kids were laughing and playing. Shielded from the horrors of what was happening outside the stone walls of the town. That was until that day. You hadn't known it at the time, but your location had been compromised. You were in hiding waiting for your signal to engage with the enemy that lived outside those very walls. You had been living there for almost 4 months and you felt safe. Then it all changed in an instant when you hear the all too familiar sound of the tanker trucks that haunted your dreams. You're shaken from the memory and blink your eyes to focus back to the present. You're faced with a pair of piercing blue eyes that have turned to a darker greyish blue with worry.
"There you are"  He says, giving you a warm sad smile,"where'd you go? I couldn't get to you for a while there." 
"Back on the mountain," you pause, unable to say the name and look away. 
He goes to grab your hands, but you pull away from him. 
"Wren." He speaks softly with concern. 
"Don't. I know what you're going to say. That it's not my fault and no one blames me. I know that, but I still blame myself. I am the one that brought Barklov's men there. They were looking for me. I am the one that couldn't save them." You hated how your voice shakes and your face becomes hot. You needed to get away for just a moment. 
You stand up feeling John's eyes follow your every move, "I need to get some air." 
John knows you're not upset with him, though it still hurts to see you like this. He knew Kastovia really took a toll on you, but he didnt realise the extent. It was before you were brought on to 141 you never fully talked about it. Just vague snippets. He watches as you walk out to the balcony and pace around until you disappear around the corner.
He wanted nothing more than to run out and hold you in his arms, but right now you needed space and he knew that. You'd come around when you were ready. That didn't mean he was any less worried about you though. He'd seen so much in his time in the military. So many people who were once lively and outgoing turned cold and distant. He didn't want that for you.
He heads to the kitchen to put the kettle on knowing it would be helpful for when you came back in. The sound of the cabinet closing must have masked the sound of you coming into the kitchen because he was caught off guard by arms snaking around him. You lay your cheek against his back as you spoke in a hushed tone,"I'm sorry for snapping at you. I promise I will tell you everything when I can."
He places his hand over yours and rubs his thumb in calming circles,"You don't have to apologise Wren. I might not know what happened, but I can understand that what you went through really stuck with you. I know there are just some things that just send you back and you need your space," he turns around in your embrace and cautiously places a hand on your cheek,"if that means I get to hold you and listen then I am ok with that. If that means I need to give you space, I'll do it. Whatever you need me to do to help I will." He places a soft kiss on your head. 
You look up at him. How is it that you get the privilege of seeing this side of Captain John Price, the side of him that cares so deeply for you and would bury the moon if he had to for you, that's all soft and clingy, or the side that makes you breakfast in the morning and sits with you when you're sick You'll never understand, but you are grateful that you do. 
You take his face in your hands "God I love you John Price" you stand on your toes to reach and give him a gentle kiss. The world around you blurs except for John. Your John. Your rock. Your partner. Your love. Whatever you called him he was yours and you were his.
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