#especially since it wouldn't fill the prompt anyways
pandora15 · 1 year
Angstpril 2023 Day 1 Prompt: Liar
tw: character having trouble breathing, open ending
Obi-Wan knew, from the moment that he agreed to take on this mission, that it would be difficult.
Faking his death, having to pretend to be someone he wasn't for the sake of his own survival, having to interact with the likes of Cad Bane and Count Dooku himself without getting his cover blown…
Well, he knew from the beginning that it would not be easy.
But none of that was as difficult as it was to return.
The transformation from Rako Hardeen back to his own body was uncomfortable — painful, leaving him shaky and somewhat feverish. The vocal emulator wreaked damage to his vocal chords, and Master Che had confirmed that there was likely some infection in his throat that she'd like to monitor over the coming days.
Which obviously meant that he was stuck in the Halls for now. It wasn't ideal, but considering the fact that he couldn't keep down most foods because of his throat and his entire body ached any time he tried to move at all, he supposed it made sense.
Obi-Wan didn't exactly like it, but even that wasn't the worst part.
Anakin wouldn't speak to him. On the ship when they were returning from Naboo, he'd maintained his distance, and once Obi-Wan had gotten his commlink back, he'd sent Anakin messages frequently, only to receive nothing.
Obi-Wan knew that the deception had upset Anakin. He understood why — more than most, he understood.
But he had hoped that Anakin would also understand why he did it.
"You lied to us," Anakin had said, when Obi-Wan had approached him on the ship. "What else have you lied to me about? Do you even care about any of us?"
Obi-Wan had no response to that — how could he, when he knew that Anakin was right? He did lie to them, after all.
And now he was here, alone, because he did what he knew to be right. Anakin wouldn't speak to him, Ahsoka wouldn't speak to him, Cody wouldn't speak to him, the Council wouldn't speak to him.
He'd succeeded on his mission, and yet —
He'd failed them all.
Letting out a sigh, Obi-Wan placed his commlink back on the table next to the bed. He winced as his throat spasmed at the rush of air, and then he coughed, bending forward slightly to gasp for air.
That seemed to trigger a chain reaction of sorts. The more he gasped for air, the more it irritated his throat, causing him to gasp even more. And the air wasn't even traveling down his throat properly, which meant that —
He couldn't breathe.
He couldn't breathe.
The room seemed to tilt on its axis around him as he shuddered and gasped and placed his forehead on his knees. There was a ringing noise, muffled by the blood rushing in his ears, followed by the sound of footsteps. Voices surrounded him, but he couldn't make them out, not until —
"Obi-Wan?" A hand on his shoulder, pushing him back until he was lying back again, head arching backward in a desperate reach for air. He couldn't speak, couldn't breathe, couldn't —
"Okay, okay, just hold on." The voice was gentle, soothing. "Your throat has swollen up too much. You're not getting enough air."
There were hands holding him down, the hiss of a hypospray, followed by the feeling of everything getting floaty and blurry, until…
His eyes snapped shut, and the memory of his lies that constantly plagued him faded away.
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 2 months
hidden fear [m.leon x reader]
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prompt: mapi has a secret fear of flights
author notes: this is me trying to force myself to write 🙇🏽‍♀️ im going to do abunch of blurbs/mini fics based off single words. this blurb's word is "fear." can y'all tell i have never been to an airport or Ona plane before? yeah.. anyways hopefully y'all enjoy it 💗
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one perk of being a soccer player was the opportunity to travel the world and see so many new places that the average person wouldn't have the time or resources to see. you always enjoyed this fact, not even needing to plan a lot of vacations to destinations outside of spain since you have seen many countries; that doesn't mean you don't take the first opportunity to go somewhere else if offer though.
all players are used to flying once they go pro. even before they join the pro leagues, college teams and youth national teams travel quite a lot too. even if it's not enjoyable the players just have to deal with it. taking flights is a part of the job. some people hate it, others don't really care, and some love it.
however, you have never seen a professional footballer ever be afraid of flying or at least admit it out loud. especially not a player who's been pro for more than six years; isn't it natural to get over it at some point? well you met your first when you started dating mapi.
when you first joined barcelona you weren't the most talkative person. often just carrying on small talk during practice and going home right after. mapi was intrigued by your quietness. the spanish team had it's fair share of introverts, but after a while of being in the team they open up to being pretty loud themselves. why weren't you? soon enough she was trying her hardest to get you out of your shell. inviting you to activities outside of soccer related things like dinner or going to the beach, talking to you in the locker room since you were near her cubby, and pulling you into vibrant conversations with the others. all of her effort weren't in vain as you eventually did open up; becoming quite bubbly and even mirroring some of mapi's own social habits.
all this spending time together outside of soccer made the strong friendship between the spainard and you slowly transform into something else. with your quiet nature, you weren't going to confess your feelings first. even after opening up to mapi more than the others; it just wasn't apart of your personality. so instead she took it upon herself to ask you out one day. after practice pulling you to the side after a long practice filled with mistakes to ask you if you wanted to go to dinner like usual, but instead of as friends, it would be as lovers. obviously you said yes and here you are a year later, stronger than ever.
for that entire year you two have been together so far, mapi has been hiding a secret from you. from everyone.
mapi was afraid of flying. she was good at hiding her nerves everytime the team boarded a plane by saying she was just tired or hungry. all her hiding came to a head one day when barcelona was about to be on their way to a uwcl match against lyon.
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"do you think they have pretzels in the airport in france? the pretzel shop here is all out," you pout at your girlfriend as you two sit in the airport. it was around an hour before it was time for the team to board the flight, so just like any seasoned flyer, everyone was getting their snacks and drinks.
mapi laughs seeing your pout. finding it absolutely adorable. she pecks it off your lips, "i don't know. do the french even like pretzels?" she says after pulling away. the kiss does wipe the pout off your face, but doesn't help your little problem.
"i don't know and that's why they're so strange!" you throw your hands up in over exaggerated annoyance. your right hand ends up colliding right with keira who was sitting next to you. she playfully scoffs before pushing your hand down, "let's just focus on the match. not the lack of pretzels. they have baguettes which is essentially the same thing but tall and long."
"that's what she said," mapi giggles. her words earn her a small smack on the back head by alexia who somehow made her way over to you three without any of you noticing her. the short haired woman pouts as she rubs the spot alexia smacked her. "act your age, mapi," the spanish captain says, "anyways i came over here to tell you guys that it's going to be raining outside when we board, so have on some type of jacket or coat."
mapi side eyes alexia which makes the woman almost smack the back of her head again. "and i mean it, maria. you get sick easily, don't even try to act like you don't," alexia chuckles. soon after walking off to go tell the others scattered around the airport.
you pull mapi into a slightly awkwardly positioned hug the moment she starts her childish whining. "she just hit me!" mapi fake whines, holding onto your arm. keira rolls her eyes. focusing all of her attention onto her phone instead of mapi's shenanigans. the spainard drags on the act for a few more minutes before letting out a sigh. there was an obvious drop in her mood once you let her go. your mind races to find a reason why your girlfriend went from being her usually childish self to quiet.
"what is it, babes? don't want to wear a jacket?" you joke. trying to lighten up her mood. she lets out a short laugh but goes back to her unusual behavior. mapi tries to make herself behave like usual, but too many thoughts about the rain were bothering her. what if the rain makes the plane act funny? what if the rain turns into a thunder storm? how would a plane even go through the thunder and lightning? too many thoughts that she was not about to share; what would think of her?
"c'mon, what is it? i'm here to help you if it's anything crazy," you lean in towards her. not sure if she was okay with openly saying her feelings in such a public space. well, no one was truly around. all of the other barcleona players in their own conversations, lazing around, or still getting food. no one would hear anything she says.
mapi purses her lips before sighing. what would be the harm in telling you? you know everything else about her. "i'm scared.." she whispers to you.
"scared of what?"
"of the plane. of flying in general," the spainard pouts when your expression of confusion turns into a light hearted one. you giggle but stop once mapi has that sad look on her face. "why have you never told me? and why haven't i ever noticed?" you question quietly. shrugging before pecking mapi's lips.
"babe, did you think i would laugh? i am but not because i find it stupid. it's okay to be afraid of flying. i'm afraid of the dark and i'm not eight anymore"
mapi lets out a genuine laugh at that. easily slipping into teasing you as she says, "oh? thank you for that info, amor. it will be handy later." you give her shoulder a light slap making her say ow. she rubs the place you hit and pouts at her, "what was that for?"
"if you prank me using the dark, i will hurt you," you playfully threaten. mapi just smiles at that. your hand grabs onto her free one and squeezes, "anyways. mapi, it's okay to be afraid of flying. you should have told me sooner so i could be there for you on flights."
"yeah. lo siento, princesa," she squeezes your hand back. just happy you weren't making fun of her; not that she thought you would, but still her mind isn't always rational with its fears. mapi pecks your cheek before whispering to you, "but don't tell anyone else. i'm not ready for the teasing."
you just nod your head. already knowing how quick the majority of the barcelona players are to jab at and joke at each other.
coach soon tells everyone to get ready to go. mapi now feeling more settled after telling you about her little secret. once on the flight, your girlfriend gets all comfortable in her window seat. holding onto your hand for almost the entire flight unless you had to get up and use the bathroom.
telling you about her little secret wasn't so bad after all.
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© thinkingaboutjaedyn
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nanaminsmoon · 10 months
gojo satoru x thickthighed!reader. (mdni.)
(inspired by when i went out without shorts under my skirt last week, and regretted it immediately😭)
wc: 950
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the colour of his irises would practically project on every inch of the room, with how wide satoru’s eyes opened at the sight of you putting on a pair of black cycling shorts under your dress. too busy looking at your reflection, you were none the wiser to your boyfriend’s extreme reaction to you getting ready for your picnic date. even as he’d lean against the doorframe, and examine the dress from afar; confusion growing when you’d let it fall, and the hem of it kissed the top of your ankles. he’d assume you were just doing it for comfort, but his curiosity would make him ask anyways.
”darling~”, he'd hum from behind you, chin rested on your shoulder and hands clasped around your midsection, ”it's so warm outside, won't you be hot with shorts under your dress?”, he'd ask as he kissed your cheeks. looking in the mirror, he’d see you chuckle at his ignorance before you’d turn to face him. your hands would join to intertwine at his nape, and his would rest on your hips.
”you love my thighs don't you?”, you'd ask, moving his bangs from his eyes and satoru would just look at you in confusion.
because that man found any, and every, excuse to touch your thighs and knead at the flesh there. they were his hand warmers, his comfort after a long day, and their warmth was the physical manifestation of the word ‘home’. on either side of his head as he laid watching tv, smothering his hand as he sat next to you, or just exposed as your shorts rode up when you sat, there's nothing satoru loved more than your thighs.
”i love them more than i love myself, yes”, he'd answer, prompting a flattered laugh from you.
”well, if i don't wear these, they'll chafe and it stings and i hate it. baby powder doesn't work, and it's just so uncomfortable, so i have to wear these. especially since we'll be walking from the car to the park”, you said, placing a peck on his lips. satoru would have no reaction, nor usual quip, because his mind was whirring. the cogs in his brain were turning at super speed, thinking of a solution to your problem and he had already picked a favourite.
”you said baby powder didn't work?”, he'd ask and you'd nod back, “well, let's try one more thing”.
an hour and a half after the time you were supposed to have left the house, you were still stood with your hands on your vanity table as satoru fucked you from behind. the tips of his slender fingers dug harsher into you with every thrust, and you could both see and feel his concentration. through his reflection in the mirror, you’d see his snowy eyebrows creasing as they met in the middle and his lips organised in that cute little pout they always formed whenever he was focused on something.
the plan satoru had devised consisted of one phase; fucking load after load into you, until it leaked out to run down your thighs and rid you of the chafing. evidently it wasn't well thought out, but as soon as the little voice in his head had suggested it, the twitching in his boxers wouldn't let him dismiss it. so now he had nutted in you twice, and you’d lost count of how many times you came after the fourth.
originally he had placed you on the vanity table, to sit on it, but the physics of that position bothered him. so he’d moved you to be stood in front of him, because he figured that would allow the nut to slide down your thigh better.
”t-toru, we're gonna b-be lat-te”, you stuttered out. and his azures would momentarily glance up at you to observe your facial expressions, yet his hips wouldn’t stop. but his teeth would relax their grip on his bottom lip and allow him to speak,
”i know, baby, but my plan's almost finished”, and, apparently, so was he. because, not too long after he said that, gojo would still inside of you and fill you with his seed. though his sensitivity would have him sucking in a breath, he'd still pull out of you slightly to let his release drip down your plush thigh. he’d spare a second to take in the view, before he’d pull back from your body completely. heavy breaths were still leaving your mouth, as your legs starting giving way underneath you. luckily satoru would catch you, pulling your dress down once he had you against him. once your eyelids gained the strength to actually stay open, you’d look in the mirror to see a proud smile on your boyfriend’s face, before his lips moved to kiss your cheeks. seeing your visible confusion, he’d finally enlighten you,
”now you it won't sting anymore. because they'll be gliding every time you walk”, he'd smile brightly, and you'd roll your eyes at him before reaching to unzip your dress.
”you're disgusting, you know that? go run me a bath”, you'd sigh out, grimacing at the moisture between your legs. though disheartened by your reaction to his self-proclaimed genius, satoru would pull his boxers up, and raise his hand in a salute,
”yes, ma’am”, he’d say, placing an apologetic kiss on your lips before scurrying to the bathroom to do as you said.
© Rights owned by nanaminsmooninc. Do not repost without permission.
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jaelvr · 4 months
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Home | NCT 127 masterlist |
Requested : no
Prompts ; 40.  “You don’t know half of the things you do to me.”  + 104.  Zipping / buttoning their jacket for them
Pairing : best friend! Haechan x reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type : fluff
Word count : 700
Warnings : mutual feelings, friends to lovers, college au, fluff, slightly ooc
Have a great day !! 
"Do we have to go?" Haechan groaned, packing up his bag as the two of you got ready to leave the library. "Yes, we do. We've already said we'd go." you chuckled, pulling your coat on and then your backpack as you headed to the door, leaving the purple-haired boy to jog to catch up to you. "But it's our movie night day! We do it weekly!" he whined, walking alongside you down the staircase. "We can do that tomorrow or Sunday. I'll most likely end up spending the night at yours anyway if he wins the game." you chuckled lightly, a small smile on your face. Hyuck was right. Fridays were always movie nights. They had been since the pair of you were sixteen. However, it so happened that Jeno's big game had been set for tonight, and everyone had agreed to go, knowing it was a big deal for him.
As the two of you walked out the door, he moved his hand in front of you, signalling for you to stop. He moved to in front of you, gently zipping your coat up before sorting your hood out. "It's cold, you should wrap up more." he murmured, his eyes lingering on you for a moment too long. As the two of you walked towards the dorms, neither of you dared to say a word about your intertwined hands in his coat pocket, simply enjoying the warmth of one another.
Cheers and drunken slurred speech filled the dorm as everyone walked in, grins on everyone's faces. Jeno's game had gone well, with his team winning which led to the boys insisting everyone should go out for drinks. Jisung and Chenle were the first to go to their rooms, most likely to stay up playing games. Renjun was leading a very drunk Jeno and Jaemin to their respective rooms. You were too tired to fight Haechan as he pulled you to his room, secretly glad you wouldn't have to sleep on the uncomfortable sofa for the night.
"You alright?" he asked softly, shutting his door once the two of you had walked in. He was a lot different to his bubbly self during the day, tending to be more soft and caring when he was tired (especially when he'd been drinking too). You nodded, head resting on his shoulder as he handed you a water bottle. "Drink it." he murmured, kissing your forehead as he searched through his drawers for clothes for you to sleep in. You silently watched him as you sipped from the bottle, a soft smile on your face. He handed you a slightly oversized t-shirt and shorts, gently caressing your head.
"Go get changed, alright?" he murmured, eyes following you as he watched you go into the bathroom and push the door to. He took the chance to get changed into his pyjamas in the meantime before, asking if it was clear for him to join you in the bathroom. Once he had gotten a yes, he opened the door, leaning against the doorframe as he took in your sleepy figure in his clothes, grinning up at him.  “You don’t know half of the things you do to me.” he murmured, arms wrapping around your waist as he kissed your forehead. The two of you got ready for bed together, brushing your teeth and doing skincare together.
He felt his heart skip a beat as he saw you comfy in his bed, looking like a puppy as you waited for him to come join you in bed. He turned all the lights off before finally climbing into bed with you, pulling you into his chest, arms tight around you. "You comfortable?" he mumbled, eyes glimmering as he took in how peaceful and content you looked, chuckling as you nuzzled into him more. "Goodnight, pretty." he murmured, caressing the back of your head. You hummed gently, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "Goodnight sunshine." you responded. He could've sworn he'd heard a quiet 'I love you' come from your lips but he didn't want to get his hopes up, happy enough with what had happened.
This was definitely something he could get used to.
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Half A Corpse
Chapter One
The soft hum of the radio filled the silent car ride, the four bodies inside somewhat anticipating what was to come. It had been a couple of days since they had left the ruins of Amity and were making their way to their new home in Gotham.
If any of them had their own way they would have stayed in Amity and mourned what they had lost. Every Amity Parker would have, even Dan. But with some prompting from none other than Clockwork, they all made their way to their new homes. Where was that? Wherever their hearts took them.
Most, like the Nightingale's, left for Gotham. Others, Metropolis. Some strayed from the trend and moved to places like Central City or even far into the countryside. But it was as Clockwork said, and they went where their hearts took them.
“This place smells of death.”
Jazz couldn't tell if her sister was complaining or not but she wouldn't blame her if she were.
“Haven't you been to Gotham before?” She asked, her eyes drifting upwards to the rear view mirror to look at Dani, only to see her sitting upside down. “Also if you keep that up I'll be the one going to jail not you.”
“It was actually the first place I went because I thought it was interesting,” She said while shifting herself into an upright position “but I could sense that it was someone's haunt so I didn't intrude.”
“Good thing you didn't. She doesn't have the ability to deal with many of the issues within her city but Lady Gotham is a powerful spirit nonetheless, and doesn't do well with outside ghosts.” Dan stated, putting down his book to give his full attention to his little sister.
“Well if that's the case why did she let us in?”
“Because Clockwork and I asked very nicely.” Danny yawned at her. He was still waking up from his nap. He was very, very tired.
Dani didn't ask any more questions. She was already off of that topic and was now observing the city around her. She was completely enamored. Fascinated by how well both the modern and gothic architecture complemented each other. To her (and probably everyone else in the car);
“It gives dark academia vibes, ya know! Just modern. And with lots of crime.” Her voice filled with awe and wonder.
“Excusing the fact that you've been on the internet too much as of late, it would have been better if there was a little more sunlight.”
They all couldn't have agreed more. True to every Gothamite's words, the sun did not shine in Gotham. And with all the smog, probably never will.
From there on the car ride was filled with convocation. Everyone had something to say about their new city. Their new home.
Danny never thought that he would be having a conversation with Sam about what it meant to be low-key but here he was.
“Yeah, I know you said that you wanted something low-key but there was no way I was going to let you guys live in some shabby apartment. So I bought a place and renovated it for you guys.”
Danny rubbed his temples feeling a headache coming on. “Yeah okay I thank you for that. But what's the cafe, book shoppy thing down bottom huh?”
“Well you guys said that you wanted to be self-sufficient.” Sam stated as if that would answer his question. Based on pure context alone it did.
"Sam, you know we literally live in a place called Crime. Alley. Right? I know we border the Narrows but that's not the point.”
She sighed. “You guys refused my help because you said it would ‘feel like using me’, “ Danny could just hear the air quotes from over the line, “but let's face it! Jazz is doing college full time and you and Dani will be going to school. The only person left to work in Dan. And no offense to him but he looks shady AF.”
A shout came from the other side of the house informing them that no offense was taken.
“Anyways,” she continued “Dan looks hella shady. And from what I can tell, no one's gonna hire a shady person. Especially if they come from Crime Alley or the Narrows. The only work he would probably get is from a shady garage or joining a gang and doing straight up crime.”
Danny sighed and shook his head, plopping himself into one of the beanbag chairs Sam furnished the house with. She had a point and she was also painting a clear image in his head about how that would work out.
“Besides, I set up a protection circle after renovations were finished and I've gotta say it's the best work I've done yet.”
He could feel Sam's pride through the phone. She was probably puffing up her chest like a peacock.
“Yeah I felt it coming in. I don't know shit about magic but I could tell that it was pretty good. What does it do again?”
The next hour was filled with endless chatter between the two. It became even longer once Tucker joined the conversation.
Jazz couldn't help but watch her little brother talk so animatedly with his friends. He just looked so happy. Like everything that had happened to them didn't even happen. It was kinda unnerving. What she was seeing here, the happy go lucky boy she saw in the orphanage all those years ago, and what she saw a couple back just wasn't adding up. That couldn't have been her brother. It couldn't. But it was.
Her breathing was becoming ragged as she started to shake. She sighed in relief feeling the presence of Dan beside her.
“He's going to remember, you know.” He said, handing her a cup of jasmine tea. She took it gratefully and Dan continued. “Clockwork said that the seals would break eventually-”
“He also said that he needed a trigger.” She snapped at him. After a moment of realization she apologized. He continued.
“CW doesn't do anything uncalculated Jazz I just want you to know that.”
“What do you mean by that?” She asked, her voice quivering a bit.
“He had a whole life before he met you, Jazz. One he doesn't remember. That should say something sis.”
He walked away before she could say anything else.
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milksnake-tea · 12 days
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❀ ˎˊ- prompt: after the dreammaster tells him the bad news, sunday is left alone with his thoughts and his work. ❀ ˎˊ- sunday character study ❀ ˎˊ- wc: 753 ❀ ˎˊ- warnings: major 2.2 spoilers, mental breakdowns/panic attacks, mentions of injuries and war ❀ ˎˊ- a/n: ive spoiled sunday too much it's time for him to suffer to keep equilibrium 🗿 anyways this isn't a reader insert but rather a character study (i was going to do an essay but this is more fun) so yippee enjoy <3 ❀ ˎˊ- img credits
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Pen scratched against paper like nails on a chalkboard. The angel’s gloved hand gripped it with enough force to shatter a small bird’s neck, slashing signature after signature onto the pages upon pages of official paperwork, Penacony’s need and his shackles.
The paper could've been a death certificate and he would've signed it. His golden eyes scanned each page within seconds, forgetting its contents by the time he signed it and moved onto the next. There was only one thought on his mind - there was only room for one thought.
Robin- Robin, Robin, Robin. His mind was his worst enemy, conjuring horrific images of her fate.
Bloody- No, Mr. Wood said she was at a hospital now, so she should be fine- she should've been fine when he let her leave. There never should've been a gunman, never should've been a war, never should've been a damned bullet in her neck-
He should've never let her go- he should've convinced her to stay, there were many ways to be a singer without having to leave Penacony, the Internet didn't exist for no reason but she insisted, she wanted to go, she wanted to fly, she wanted to experience the world so why didn't she tell him that she was going into a warzone?
She should've told him- no, she must've known that he wouldn't have let her go, but what kind of older brother would let his kid sister go off into a battlefield? Especially since things like this would happen, and-
Sunday barely registered the ink running down his hand, staining it a deep, deep black. He saw the black seep into whatever paper he was working on. Somewhere in the back of his head, he cursed it, cursed that stupid pen, cursed himself for being careless, but again and again, those thoughts were washed out by his imagined image of his weakened and vulnerable sister barely hanging onto life as she breathed through a machine, light years away from home.
His chest hurt. Was he hyperventilating? Maybe. Probably. High-pitched ringing like a siren filled his ears - he couldn't even hear his own breath. Something pricked - no, stabbed, it hurt more than he'd initially thought - in his hand, likely his pen. Was he bleeding? He hoped not, but honestly, he couldn't care less right now. No matter how much pain he was in, it was nothing compared to the agony that Robin must be experiencing.
Mr. Gopher Wood’s words echoed in his mind.
Following the Odes of Harmony… that was what led Robin on that path. He understood her desires to help the weak, of course he did - he too wished to help humanity, who couldn't help themselves. But like this? By extending assistance to the pitiful and weak humanity, whose only goal was to survive, who would only take advantage of her kindness? By making herself a target?
If she'd told him, he could've secured help for the refugees, he could've put in a request to take them into Penacony, he could've done anything, anything that wouldn't have ended with a bullet in her neck. But no, she decided to lie to him and didn't even bother to tell him of her injury.
He blinked wearily. He could feel his eye bags weighing down on his face. Tiredly, he stared at the dried ink that ruined his hand and his paperwork.
Why didn't Xipe protect her? Wasn't Robin one of Their most devoted acolytes?
He took off the stained glove, absentmindedly checking his hand for injuries. His gaze wandered back to the ruined paperwork, his signature half-signed and broken right at the sharp N.
Weak. That's what the Harmony was.
He stood up. Carefully, he picked up the ruined paper, reading over its contents.
Its sender wasn't exactly important, either - just another despicable dog of the IPC, and not even a high-ranked one. He could just say that he'd never received it in the first place, and no one would dare to question him.
Taking leisurely steps, casting tall shadows in his wake, he held the paper over one of the many candles that lined his office, and watched indifferently as it caught flame. Within seconds, the paper was charred black, and then mere embers.
Numbly, he turned back to his desk, clicking his tongue at the remaining ink, pooled around a shattered pen.
He should clean it up, shouldn't he. The faster he got his paperwork done, the sooner he could see Robin.
And maybe, just maybe, he could then convince her to stay.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
tags: @sh0jun, @themoderatelyawesomeninja, @xphantasmagoriax, @rainswept, @lucensei
@akutasoda , @naraven , @scribs-dibs , @apathicace
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sleepy-wyvern · 1 year
Method Acting | Jack Champion x female!Reader
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First pic jacks insta, Second pic
Available on: AO3, Wattpad
Summary: You’re an actress playing Ethan Landry's lover so you and Jack Champion start “fake dating” to help your role for Scream 6. Although you detest the idea of love you can’t help but start falling for his charm. At what point is it real, what is fake, and what is acting? Surely he can’t feel the same way… right?
A/N: This fic is intended to be a romance for my babes depressed you can’t be with your favorite celebrity right now, who are so in love with them it hurts. This fic does not contain descriptive sex scenes but does contain descriptive make out! There are clear references to sex as they film a sex scene!
Dedication: This fic is dedicated to (and inspired by a prompt from) my loyal reader over on ao3, Vanttier. Thanks for all of the comments without you I wouldn't be so motivated to write💙
Disclaimer: All characters sharing names with real people in this work are fictional characters I created and are not intended to reflect the views/opinions/actions of the real actors. I know absolutely nothing about acting or movie making so this is all improvised and likely not accurate at all. The point isn’t to be accurate but just for fun so please be gentle 💙
NOTICE: This fic is based off of the Love Interest, you don't have to read it to understand this fic but this fic contains spoilers for that one, so if you want to read an overprotective!ethan landry x female!reader go check that out out first on AO3 or Wattpad!
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“Jack Champion,” the name hummed over and over in your head. He was the one to play the role of your lover and today you were to meet him.
To be honest you weren’t sure that you ever wanted to play a part in a cheesy romance movie. Horror had your heart and you were such a big fan of scream that it was impossible to turn down the role. That and your manager would have your ass for turning down such a legendary role most would only ever dream of. 
You weren’t sure how you felt going from a nobody actor to an A-list movie star overnight practically. It really wasn’t something you ever thought of. Sure you dreamt of it from time to time, especially when you were little and your mother held you by the hand to bring you to various auditions as a child. You never thought it would actually happen and never really desired it either. You had fun acting and being in movies bringing characters to life but you were content with just enough to get by. 
The only problem with this gig was it was a romantic role and you despised the concept of love. What was the point of it and why was the world so obsessed with it? When all love stories end in tragedy if you wait long enough.
Still, a role was a role. You’ve kissed people on set for movies before with small relationships on screen but never the main romantic protagonist. Especially for being the first movie protagonist without Neve Campbell there were big shoes to fill and surely your social media would be flooded with hate and undesired criticism. Frankly, you would’ve turned down the role in a heartbeat if it wasn’t your favourite franchise.
Anyways, today was the day you were to meet Jack, running through your lines together in the first scene where your character meets his; Ethan Landry. Nerdy cute boy who held a deep dark secret.
Jack was the same age as you, 18, but he had practically grown up on set, and while you were familiar with it since a child you had mainly worked on smaller, more indie films until somehow being noticed. So it was more than a little daunting to meet him, compared to you he was a professional. So were you nervous to meet him? More than a little.
You practically held your breath as the door opened, doing your best to keep looking at your lap as he stepped through the door. How long should I wait until looking…? You wondered.
“Jack,” the script-manager stood to their feet, going to meet him. 
You stood to your feet allowing yourself to give him a glance over while he was shaking hands. You’ve seen him in photos where he looked pretty much like a generic gym guy. In person though he was much softer. He looked nerdy and cute with his curly fluffy hair but clearly his toned frame underneath made you feel a little intimidated. First impressions were important, especially with your destined lover. 
You fluttered your eyelashes a little shy as his brown eyes looked into yours. The moment he spoke you realized that despite your nerves he was adorable and sweet, seemingly awkward but that just added to it.
“Hey, nice to meet you. I’m Jack.” The words were simple but as he held his hand out to yours his voice seemed to hum through your body. 
Your eyes catch for a moment on the metal chain around his neck as you move your hand to his. His grip was just firm enough as if he noticed how timid you were. 
His eyes seemed to shine in the light while you spoke “Hey, I’m y/n but you probably already know that.”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks as you wonder if you unintentionally came off way too cocky. He seemed to find it amusing though as he let out a small chuckle. 
The director seemed to find this a good sign as they glanced between us “good, you’re acquainted. Are you ready?”
It dawned on you again that this was the guy you were going to be having to do sex scenes with. 
“Yeah, I think so,” his voice answered and you were too afraid that if you tried to speak a squeak would come out of your throat instead. 
“Don’t worry,” his voice was softer than you expected, he must've noticed your nerves. “I don’t bite.”
“But do you stab?” You found yourself wide eyed and he laughed; the sound hummed through your entire body again, swirling around your heart like silk.
“Sometimes,” he replied slyly and you mirrored his smile, tucking your hair behind your ear nervously. It was then that you noticed he was wearing a black Stabathon shirt that seemed to frame his body perfectly.
You tried to distract yourself by focusing on the character you were to play. She was meant to reflect on the average female viewer of the movie and an insertion of the average scream horror fan. It was a total “I can fix him” plot line with a cheesy romance of a girl stopping a boy from being a mass murderer. Completely unrealistic and if anything just plain bad advice, if you felt like living anyways. Still, you liked her and her strength in the script especially towards the end.
Your nerves were still fluttering when you sat across from Jack at the table. You didn’t realize how tightly you held the paper script until you noticed there were wrinkles in the corners. 
Relax, y/n. Nothing you haven’t done before and nothing you can’t handle.
Amongst all of the stress with Jack you almost forgot your other co stars were there too including Devyn. She was to be Anika, your Instagram model roommate. Essentially the polar opposite of who you were to play; you were someone who wore horror movie shirts and ripped jeans while she was always trendy. You were thankful for the comfortable wardrobe at least. Even though your characters were totally different, you grew together that way encouraging growth and adventure.
“Hey, y/n,” Devyn had a sweet smile and comforting aura about her that you enjoyed. 
“Hey,” you smiled softly. 
“Ready?” Jack asked. He was looking at you intently and you forgot how to form words for a second. 
Devyn glanced between you both and it took all of your willpower to not blush. It felt like everyone at the table was thinking about the same thing: the fact that you two were going to have to have sex together. 
You nod though with wide scared eyes “as I’ll ever be.”
Devyn laughed leaning over to touch your arm gently. 
Someone read out loud the setting and you weren’t sure who. Your eyes were reading your first line over and over in your head. When it came your turn to speak though the words came easy. At least with Devyn aka Anika it had. She made it feel like you were already best friends and roommates. She suggested you room together too to help even further. 
The wandering thoughts somehow helped distract you from the guy sitting across from you, puzzling over his script like it was a crossword. It took all of your strength to ignore the way his muscles flexed when he moved.
“Come on, it’ll be fun. There will be lots of boys there.” Devyns voice next to you piped up “you like boys right?”
“Sometimes,” you said with a sly undertone the exact way Jack had said to you earlier. The idea had popped into your head the moment before you said your line, and although you were looking at Devyn you felt him look up from his script with a smile.
While you did take the tone and attitude from him, it was your head-canon that your character was bisexual even though the line likely just meant that she wasn’t interested in the types of boys these parties attracted.
The next lines seemed to come more naturally as you played off one another. She was the encouraging roommate trying to get the shy one to go with her to the party. Really Anika was a great friend to your character and you admired that, perhaps wished you had it yourself.
When you reach the scene where you both pour a glass of alcohol you find yourself wishing you had one, knowing it was soon to be the first dialogue between you and Jack. 
You effortlessly deterred the fuckboy in the script that was later to harass Tara when you found your heart started to race, pounding louder and louder in your eardrums.
“What kind of boys do you like then?” Anika asked. 
“Cute, nerdy, fluffy haired boys,” you answered. The words came naturally because it was true for you too. You avoided looking across the table. 
“Ah, the first murder suspects.” She replied and you wondered how your character didn’t take the hint then and there. “Well, let’s drink to you finding a boyfriend. Or at least some good dick.”
She held up her water bottle to you and you laughed genuinely, doing the same as you clinked your bottles. 
“Perfect,” the script director commented while you drank. 
Out of the corner of your eye though as you drank you met his gaze, forgetting your unspoken rule to not look across the table. Brown and soft, his eyes made you feel like there was no one else in the room except you both. Your heart seemed to catch in your throat as he smiled softly. 
Too quickly the moment had passed though as someone’s voice narrating the scene popped the bubble you shared together. You looked down at your script biting your lip knowing what was to come. 
Jasmin had spoken up for her first dialogue with you as Mindy. Her voice was very different when she acted, more confident and cocky as her character was especially about horror movies. You knew your character couldn’t compete with her on trivia but she had the same adoration for horror. The lines of your shy character came easy, especially with your genuine discomfort with romantic relationships. 
But now you knew it was time. Your first lines with Jack.
While Anika and Mindy have their playful conversation you imagine being there at the party. Loud sounds, people talking, constant movements and noise. Usually you would try to avoid letting yourself feel this anxious but it was important for the script. 
You imagined yourself flopping against the old college couch as the script manager narrated.
Jack's voice was suddenly different, softer this time and more nervous as he looked at you but not into your eyes as if suddenly nervous. 
“You look like you’d rather be anywhere than here,” he said with a cautious smile. 
“Yeah, well, you’re not far off.” Part of you wondered if you were having a real conversation or were acting. “I’d rather be watching scary movies. I'm only here because Anika invited me,” and because your manager would kill you if you turned down this opportunity. 
“Me too,” his eyes sparkled as he looked at you before glancing down to his lap “oh, uh, I mean about the scary movie part.”
“Oh yeah?” Despite your character's confidence you felt your arms start to shake, trying your best to suppress it. “What one’s?”
You found yourself leaning across the table pressing your elbows into the sturdy wood to hide your shaking. You held your head in your hands as if actually on a date with him, curiosity mixed with shyness. A date with Jack Champion…
“Slashers,” he admitted, only making careful glances into your eyes as his character Ethan would. Jack gestured to his Stabathon shirt playfully and it took all of your being to not giggle. 
You channel your laughter into excitement for your line “I love slashers! They’re like my comfort movies.”
Somehow, some way, he started to make you feel more comfortable just sitting here talking to him. 
“I would’ve panned you for more a Quentin Tarantino fan,” he admitted and you remembered you were supposed to be dressed as Mia Wallace.
“Oh don’t worry, I am. D’Jango? Kill Bill? How could I not be!” You exclaimed “you have me there. Slashers though, they have my heart, truly. Just I couldn’t turn down an opportunity to dress as Uma Thurman.”
“Understandable, pulp fiction is what really got me into movies.” He smiled looking into your eyes the steadiest he has since reading the script. “What’s your favourite slasher?”
“Hmm, I have to say stab.” When you answer Jack's face turns into surprise and shock as he gestured playfully to his shirt again. 
“Really?” He says with eyebrows raised and you swallow your laughter. 
Talking to him was so… natural. So fun as you bounced off of each other's lines so effortlessly. Perhaps this wouldn’t be as difficult as you thought it would be. 
In fact when the narrator started reading the scuffle between Sam and the fuckboy you started looking forward to more small talk with him, something you normally dreaded.
“Hey,” you whisper to Jack loud enough for the others to hear. He leaned forward across the table playfully as if to listen to your secret “uh, how about that movie?”
Mason, who played Chad, looked at Jack with an impressed gasp. Devyn did the same to you but hers was more shock that melted into approval.
“Y-yeah, I’d love to,” for some reason hearing Jack stutter made something stir in your stomach.
That’s when you realize the racing in your heart, the way your cheeks heated when you looked at him and the light fuzzy feeling in your stomach. 
No. No way I was in love with Jack Champion. No, no, no, no. Your thoughts buzz and spiral as you recite your lines. This can’t be happening.
“Wonderful,” the director praised as the scene ended, “If I didn’t know any better I could’ve sworn you were actually nervous with a crush on Jack,” he chuckled.
You felt Jack’s brown eyes on you as you looked at the director, swallowing hard before you spoke “thanks. I practiced.”
Thanks so much for reading, read the rest over on AO3 or wattpad!
Hope you enjoyed and had a great day my lovely reader!
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stedefxckingbonnet · 7 months
I've been loving all the Izzy/reader fics, thank you so much for them! If you're doing requests, I'd love one where Izzy accidentally hurts the reader. It's 100% by accident (he turns around holding his sword and mildly slices reader, a playful shove accidentally makes reader lose balance and fall down steps type thing etc.). The crew, especially Stede, are furious and won't let Izzy anywhere near reader and he's absolutely wrecked with guilt. Would love a very fluffy ending!
Thank you so much for all of the love and for reading my fics at all!! <3 It truly means everything to me. Thank you so much for this request also—I know some of you have been wanting some more angst from me (with still happy/fluffy endings of course hehe, at least this time...maybe one day I'll try my hand at pure angst but I'm not sure today is that day), so I figured this would be a great prompt to start with on this sort of an endeavor! Plus, I just love it so much anyways, ever since it first came into my inbox I've been thinking about it. Thank you so much again for your request, and I hope you enjoy! Though like I said, please bear in mind I don't have the most experience with emphasis on angst so I apologize if this is not very adherent to that! Anyways, as always, requests are wide open!
Star-Crossed | Izzy Hands x Reader
Warnings: angst (with a happy ending but it takes a bit to get there), mentions of blood, some strong language, kissing, sort of already established unspoken relationship but also not 100% established right away
Word Count: 3912
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Finally, the sun shone once again and not a single cloud was etched into the sky any longer. The crew of The Revenge almost forgot that sunlight even existed and were becoming accustomed to such foggy, grey skies forever—but, finally! Everyone was filled with such jubilee upon the sight and were quick to show it by chasing each other around on the main deck, swinging from ropes, dancing, plotting to convince the captains to grant them all a day on land to bask in the sun's rays—everyone except the first mate. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Izzy Hands leaning against the mast pole—no, slumped against it. You excused yourself from the gathering and rushed right over to Izzy, who stood up a bit straighter upon your arrival.
"I'm not going over there."
"You always have to have the first word, don't you?" you teased. "Do you want to, perhaps...get away from all this for a moment?"
"That wouldn't be so bad," Izzy shrugged, following your lead as you scurried off the main deck and into the hallway below that led to the quarters. "What are we doing here?"
You drew your sword from its sheath, smiling playfully. "I've practiced since we last dueled."
Izzy couldn't help but return a grin, fetching his own blade. "Is that so?"
"Why don't you see for yourself?" you inquired as you slashed the air. Izzy bowed impishly, to which you accepted with a curtsy, giggling. Your duels often were much like dances—precise footwork, synchronized, graceful movements across the floor, eye contact—lots of eye contact. The clash of the swords was like music to your ears, but Izzy's exasperated laughter was a much more magnificent melody, though followed next by your own ear piercing scream.
Izzy's worst nightmare had come true—there you were, bent over in anguish, clutching your stomach. Blood was all over your hands as you tried to stop it from gushing out of you. It was a deep cut and you had not actually been stabbed all the way through, though you still were going to need to be patched up sooner rather than later. Izzy's sword slipped out of his hands as he rushed over to you without any hesitation, scooping you up in his arms and placing his hand upon your left side to try and stop the bleeding. He rushed you back up to the main deck, guilt taking over him with such ease. His eyes were glossy, tears threatening to slip out of them.
"Some help over here!" Izzy demanded, and the crew all simultaneously turned their heads. Everyone sprinted to your side the second they heard his call, and saw your state.
"What happened?" Stede asked, his voice wavering.
"I'm okay, Stede," you managed to laugh, followed by a groan of pain.
"Clearly, you are not," Stede sighed. He turned to Izzy, a hand on his hip. "Izzy, what happened?"
"We—we were just dueling, and—"
"You hurt them?!" Jim spat. "Roach, will you—"
"Already on it," he assured them, carefully slinging your arm around him as he dragged you off into the distance.
"I didn't mean to—"
"Not another word, Izzy," Stede shushed him.
"Stay away from them," Lucius hissed as he walked off with Pete. Jim practically shot daggers out of their eyes, and Olu just sort of frowned. Izzy had never felt so defeated in his entire life. He immediately holed himself up in his quarters, draping across his bed almost lifelessly, hoping he would never have to emerge once again, not with the knowledge that he had hurt you so terribly and that the crew thought of him as some sort of monster. He was almost okay with them just being frustrated or annoyed by his presence, but being perceived like this created a deep wound in his heart he never expected to experience. If this is what he gets for truly trusting someone again, showing them a tenderness he had never felt for anyone, he did not want it.
Roach got you all patched up in no time and he anticipated your healing time would not last longer than a week, two at the most. You were never too worried in the first place, and as much as you appreciated the crew's care toward you, it felt as though they had blown the situation out of proportion. The first thing you yearned to do as soon as you were free to roam the ship once again was to find Izzy, as you knew he would be worried and probably swimming in his guilt. You nearly ran over to his quarters, though Stede popped out from out of nowhere, startling you.
"Stede! Fuck," you laughed. "You're quite...stealthy."
"I suppose so," he laughed with you. "How are you feeling?"
"Oh, much better. I never really felt too bad in the first place," you beamed.
"Well, that is a relief!"
"Yes," you nodded. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to see Izzy now—"
"I actually don't think that's very wise."
"What? Why not? He didn't mean to hurt me, Stede—"
"—But he did hurt you—"
"—Hardly, and it was an accident—"
"I will not allow Izzy to see you."
Out of nowhere, Jim and Lucius appeared, gently clinging onto your arms but with enough force to drag you away. You kept yelling for them to let you go but it was no use. They would gently assure you it would be for the best—at least, Lucius tried to be more gentle about it.
"You're better off being far away from that fucker," Jim muttered as they brought you back onto the deck. The entire time you squirmed, trying to escape their and Lucius' grasp. "We're going to Spanish Jackie's today."
"Fuck, you're serious? Might I remind you, she almost killed you last time!" Olu sighed out of a deep concern for Jim.
But this was perfect for you—the perfect opportunity to stay on the ship and talk to Izzy. You wouldn't let anyone stop you. Before you knew it, The Revenge had docked, and you had it all planned out. You followed everyone off of the ship, but stopped in your tracks just as you were about to walk off, which caused Buttons to bump into you, though obviously he was unfazed.
"Is everything alri—" Stede started to ask.
"I forgot my book," you feigned a gasp. "I was going to sit on that rock over there and just get lost in it for a bit."
"Well, who am I to stop you from grabbing it?" he smiled pleasantly.
You nodded gratefully and hurried down to the cabins. You knocked on Izzy's doors, knowing he was still in there.
"What is it," he spat.
"Izzy, can we talk?"
The prolonged silence was beginning to cause you to believe that he wanted nothing to do with you, until finally, he swung open the door. "You shouldn't be here."
"Yes, you should not," Stede almost chided, his voice suddenly heard from behind you.
"This is ridiculous!" you cried out as Stede practically forced Izzy back into his quarters and slammed the door shut.
"Let's have a nice day on shore, shall we?" Stede sighed happily. "It's such a beautiful d—"
Before he could finish his sentence, you had already stormed off the ship, and you were having the opposite of a beautiful day. Your heart only ached for the rest of it, yearning for the first mate and to reassure him and to rekindle things, to let him know that all was well on your end. You craved to stop the incessant self loathing and blaming you knew he was putting himself through. Yet all you could fucking do was feign a smile while everyone drank their own sorrows away, some almost even drinking themselves to death.
Weeks had passed you by, each day dragging painfully slowly and wasted wondering if they would just end any sooner, wondering if the day where you even got to think of breathing a word to Izzy again would exist and come. The crew still fixated eyes on the both of you, doing everything in their power to keep you away from one another. Jim didn't hesitate to physically drag you away if you even tried to go near him, and Pete would even try to threaten Izzy (to which, Lucius would step in and take over, saying things such as: "You're cute, babe, but I've got this. Not worth your time.")
If you couldn't talk to Izzy, you didn't want to talk to anyone. You were perfectly content sitting by the window of your room curled up with a good book, away from everyone until you absolutely had to be amongst them.
Why couldn't they just listen to you? Why did everything have to be so black and white? Why did it have to be handled this way? Why did it have to be this difficult? Sure, Stede would discourage Jim's literal dragging you away ("Surely there are better ways of handling this...") but he never stopped it. He still stopped you from seeing Izzy.
Finally, you couldn't ignore the fact that you were parched and so you slipped out of your quarters. As you did, you noticed the first mate also exiting his. The two of you stood there for a moment, flabbergasted, taking in one another's presences. You opened your mouth to speak, but Izzy was already shoving right past you. Without thinking, you latched onto his wrist. "Izzy, wait—"
Izzy escaped your grasp instantly, looking vacantly upon you. You prepared something to say once again, but Izzy wouldn't hear any of it. He didn't need to hear from you of all people that he had caused you harm. Or, almost worse—that you didn't hold it against him. He would understand more if you did share the feelings of the crew, but not if you forgave him. The thought made his head spin—fuck, he wanted you to forgive him, he wanted you to know he never meant to cause you any pain. But he knew it wasn't worth it. He knew that as long as you were around, you would be beloved either way and better off without his love and care, and he would be hidden away in the dark from everyone, left to rot and be forgotten about, and when remembered, ridiculed. He almost wished that someone would just berate him directly instead of having to see you every single day and how everyone's attitudes shift when you are within close proximity of each other. How the environment grows more tense. How no one is stating the obvious of not wanting him there. He wasn't stupid, he knew. He knew for a long time before any of this even happened, and it only had gotten worse now.
There came a point where you and Izzy were allowed to speak, but only in supervised circumstances. He immediately deemed this not worth it, so, it elt as though you were still forced to succumb to the previous, awful arrangement. It had been almost two months since the initial incident and with every accidental brush of the hands and every almost smile and every stolen glance, your heart only hurt more, you only pined after him even more. You missed the warmth he brought you even on the coldest days. You needed the confirmation of your feeling safe that he was able to provide. The two of you were finally growing almost attached at the hip but now you were torn apart, pieces of yourself still stuck on him and you needed those parts of you back. No, you needed them to exist still, but only if you could properly share them with Izzy.
You couldn't take it anymore.
Every day, you saw the expression that Izzy displayed on his face for all to see—pure misery, regret, and even this sort of grief. This loss for something still there, though, not at all tangible anymore. You became a ghost that didn't even haunt him, but only lingered at the expense of unfinished business with him. He could never comprehend that you longed to speak with him just for the sake of it, for your own enjoyment. That wasn't possible to him, it simply didn't seem in the cards.
You really couldn't take it anymore. You couldn't endure him avoiding you like the plague, even if he was acting on behalf of the crew's wrongful wishes. You couldn't take the way he looked at you with such a hope and desire, yet such a soul-crushing defeat that he gave into ages ago.
"You got a minute, Captain?" you asked Stede as calmly as you could the second you finally forced yourself out of bed for the day.
"Why, of course!" Stede beamed, excited that you were about to confide in him about something.
"We need to talk about Izzy and I."
Stede only sighed, leading you to his own cabin and not saying a word until he was certain the door properly shut. "I am only doing what is best for your safety—"
"Izzy makes me feel safer than anyone on this ship," you confessed. "He is always looking out for me, no matter what. He would never let anything bad happen to me. I was so happy the sun had finally come out and I just wanted to have a bit of fun so I asked Izzy to duel, it's just something we do sometimes for fun. He didn't mean to injure me, but I'm sure he already feels bad enough as it is with you all treating him like he needs to be locked away forever—"
"I appreciate you trying to look out for him. You have always seen the best in people—"
"Stede, is that Romeo and Juliet on your shelf?"
"Why, yes!" Stede nodded, forgetting the true subject of the matter for a moment. "It's such a tragic story."
"Isn't it?" your lips curled into a determined smile. "So sad that the two families kept the young star-crossed lovers away from one another. All because of some sort of unnecessary family feud...Well, they were naïve anyway to think their children wouldn't still find ways to meet and fall even further in love. Maybe if they had been accepting of their love, they wouldn't have died so young and so devastatingly..."
Stede wasn't quite catching on yet. His hand flew to his chest, clearly touched by your sentiments still "It is sad."
"Stede, you are quite literally pulling a Romeo and Juliet on Izzy and I...do you not realize that?"
Suddenly, it all clicked. Stede's mouth practically unhinged from his jaw. "You...you love Izzy?"
"We have...we have a bond and it goes beyond him just trying to do his job. He really does look out for me, and I've really grown to care about him and I worry about him whenever he's off on the side or seems really distressed. Even on my worst days, being around him is enough to almost make me forget about my troubles. I feel so...so at peace when I'm with him. I really don't worry about anything when we're together. And keeping me away from him is really doing a number on me—"
"It was wrong of me to try and keep you two apart," Stede sighed. "I thought I was doing what was best for you, but only you know what is best for yourself. I'm so sorry."
"Thank you, Stede," you smiled slightly. "If I ever really need something, I promise I'll tell you. I don't take "talking it through as a crew" lightly."
Stede returned your smile. "I don't understand this at all...but, this is your own endeavor. We just want you to be happy."
You quickly pat Stede on the back as you bursted out of his room and made haste towards Izzy's. You knocked on his door with utmost urgency. No response. You continued to knock until finally, Izzy had enough and swung open the door, almost causing you to stumble upon entering.
"Izzy, are you alright?"
"Are you?"
"You barely nicked me," you assured him, shutting the door behind the two of you. "Izzy, I am okay. Please, don't feel bad."
"I don't think you should be here right now—"
"But Captain Bonnet said—"
"—Just go...Please."
Your heart was beginning to sink into the depths of the ocean in your chest. You could only manage to look at him—he who had such a glossy look in his eye, accompanied only with an expression of nonchalance. But you could see that he was hurting—you knew by the way he was hunched over and fiddling with his glove. Izzy could hardly look at you without wishing he could disappear. He had hurt you, and everyone went flocking over to you instantly, not even bothering to hear his side of things, nor even yours, where he knew you would have defended him, though you still were acknowledged more than he had been. But worst of all, he had hurt you—and he would never be able to recover from that. Never be able to forgive himself for it. And, he knew no one else would, either. He wouldn't blame you if you didn't, either. You made your way over to him slowly, sitting beside him.
"Look at me," you pleaded.
Finally, Izzy's eyes met with yours. All he could see when he gazed at you was the pure concern, the pure care in your pupils. How could you still care for him after what he had done, and after the crew painted him to be some sort of a villain even more than before?
"I'm okay," you reassured him. "You didn't hurt me. You didn't mean to. I'm the one who started the duel, and—"
"Don't fucking blame yourself. It was me. All me."
"Izzy, please—"
"I think you should leave."
Such a statement felt like a knife through the heart.
But all Izzy truly wanted was for you to engulf him in your arms as he allowed himself to cry against your shoulders. He wanted to apologize and beg for your forgiveness. But it just hurt too much. He felt as though he didn't deserve that. You were the only person who is able to see him for who he is, and even still, he felt as if he didn't deserve you, nor your understanding, nor your fondness.
Part of you somehow knew that Izzy didn't mean what he just commanded you to do—it felt like even further of a plea to stay. You hovered your hand above his arm, and he ever so subtly nodded—yes, please. You began to gently rub his arm, even trying to massage some of the smaller knots out. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? Never. You will never scare me away. It's because of you that I feel so safe—but it's not only that you are an exceptional first mate. You are so much more than that to me."
"But I hurt you."
"You have never hurt me. Ever. Hell, you're the one that picks up the pieces when I do get hurt."
Izzy turned away from you, unable to control the droplets flying out of his eyes now. You could tell he was crying, but you knew not to overdo it with making sure he was alright. You carefully moved in a bit closer to him, resting your head upon his shoulder.
"I never meant to—"
"I know, Iz, I kn—"
"Let me finish," he requested gently. "If not for your conscience, but for mine. I become so afraid of hurting you and of messing up with you that I did. I didn't mean to, but I still did. I'm sorry, is all."
"Izzy, are we talking about the same thing anymore?"
"I don't want you to think I'm a monster, too," Izzy whimpered. "I know...I know I've done some things I'm not proud of. Things I wish you never had to know about."
"But I still love those parts of you. They are parts of you. But, they don't have to define you, either."
"What?" To say you were confused was an understatement.
"You...love those parts of me?"
"I love you. Dammit, Iz. It's always been you," you sighed, happiness washing over you just as much as woe and a slight worry he wouldn't reciprocate your sentiments had.
"Is that the only thing you say now?" you laughed nervously.
"I have this instinct I can't fight off and it's to look after you in ways I wouldn't normally look after anyone else. If anything ever happened to you, I'd blame myself, and I have."
"What are you saying?"
"I...think you know."
"I think I do, but maybe I don't—"
"Oh, fuck off!"
"Izzy, I really don't know what you're trying to say—"
"I love you."
You laughed, relief overcoming you. You gently took his hand in yours, stroking his thumb with yours. "This isn't a bad thing, you know. I don't want anyone else. I'm glad it's you, Izzy."
"The crew isn't going to be happy about this—"
"I talked to Stede, and fuck whatever the rest of them think," you shrugged. "What do they know?"
Izzy chuckled, gently pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear with his free hand. "Fuck them."
"Fuck them so much," you laughed as you leaned in, unable to stand the distance between the two of you anymore, and nor could Izzy. The anticipation not only from the abundance of time that passed the both of you by and all you had were glances which you could only hope communicated something, but also since the moment you met and especially since your connection began to blossom, shone through in the kiss shared between the two of you. This moment felt long overdue and you now wanted not to waste anymore precious time—you couldn't afford to. Your heart began to do pirouettes as your lips danced in sync. You had never been so certain about what love could mean for you until Izzy Hands waltzed into your life.
And your touch, your kiss made Izzy feel the most beautiful and understood that he ever had. As he melted into the warmth your affection and his excitement emitted, he no longer felt like a monster but rather a person, someone, worthy of such love and tender care. This wonderful phenomena was only centimeters away from him the entire time he spent withering away and conforming to all other beliefs of his character, believing the slander and the accusations, almost becoming them. With you, he was able to let go of these perils, to escape the shackles restricting him from seeing the person he truly is and could be. To leave the past behind in such a way not reminiscent of denial, but the refusal of allowing it to define him and hold him down. He could care less what the crew thought. For once in his life, he was happy, and no one, nor nothing should even dare to try and take that from him. You surely wouldn't allow anyone to. You were prepared to protect him just as he continued to do for you. And as long as you were around, happiness wouldn't escape him. Not anymore.
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Crossover prompt au where Damian failed to get along with the Titans and was labeled as being "too violent" and this changes the course of the timeline.
Phantom had been living full time in the Ghost Zone and planned on checking out one of the "Forbidden" areas in hopes that it would be a nice place for him to get some much needed relaxation. Ever since Kitty found out which door lead to his lair hes been bombarded with people knocking and looking for a fight. Danny hadn't yet learned that he could just...move his door so he was exploring the more out there options.
Anyway he slips into another dimension and starts exploring this desert wastland filled with monsters and crumpled buildings. It looks like the apocalypse had hit and he didn't see a single human around. Worse there was something moving so fast towards him it was just a large blue blur.
Was that...? Wow thats a lot of hair.
Danny tried to make a quick escape by opening a portal to the GZ especially when he saw a hoard of what looked like angels following after the blur and throwing weapons and lightning at it as it dodged away. The portal opened but it didn't lead to the GZ. The blur crashed into him and sent them both spiraling into the new dimension and crashing directly into some blond guy on a motorcycle.
Good news! The guy was largely unharmed.
Bad news! Danny accidentally opened a portal to the GZ during the chaos. They all fell in and they argued amongst themselves up until the blur, who turned out to be a guy with ridiculously long and pretty blue hair said "I wish I could just see the real you so I could know if you're trustworthy or not."
"So you have wished it, so it shall be!" Came a booming voice from all around them. A woman dressed like a genie then cast some kind of spell onto them turning Phantom into Fenton, and the blond guy into a blond kid.
Phantom decided to use the last of his power to open a portal to a safer location since they had no way to protect themselves from the ghosts and Blue guy agreed while the blond guy was having some sort of mental breakdown muttering, "So Hojo wasn't lying? I really am just a clone? Are all my memories really fake?!"
The other two grimaced with sympathy. That sounds rough. They worked together to move the blond and his motorcycle through the portal which snapped shut behind them.
Now they had a new problem. This city, appropriately named "Gotham" felt far from safe and they were essentially stuck there for the foreseeable future. After cursing thier luck Danny introduced himself as a Halfa, a creature that exists between life and death. The blue haired guy took this as his cue to introduce himself as "Ren" which was an obvious fake name but he called himself a nahobino which was interesting. Too bad he wouldn't elaborate.
Next it was blondies turn. His name was Cloud Strife, a lab experiment made by Shinra- a corrupt electric power company that somehow managed to take over the world. How did that even happen??? Cloud just shrugged when asked.
They all decided they needed to stick together and find a way to find for themselves. This of course meant stealing to survive...which turned out to be way harder than they thought it would be because there's some maniac in a bat costume with a birdy sidekick chasing after them and raiding all thier hideouts. If they had to get another hideout this week Danny was gonna scream!
Worse! He wants to adopt them. The guy! In a bat costume! The "we are all very damaged child soldiers" didn't persuade him, in fact they're sure it made it worse.
On the next raid the bird boy offered to talk. He wanted to make a superhero team with the four of them, in exchange they would be given food, shelter, clothing and payment and the charges placed along them would be lessened or outright dropped.
They begrudgingly agreed.
Damian really liked his team. Especially once Phantom regained his powers.
People kept commenting on my three way crossover so here's a four way crossover with Batman x Danny Phantom x shin megami tensei 5 x Final Fantasy 7 just because I can.
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chocolatechipkiki · 11 months
LokixReader Fluff-Shot
Word Count: 2,415
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Warnings: Absolutely large amounts of fluff up ahead! That's it! Summary: Loki and you were spending the evening of your anniversary in a calm and gentle way. During your time together, Loki brings up the first time you two realize the other had feelings for them and enjoys recounting the story to you as you loved.
This is written for @sarahscribbles Birthday Celebration! It's only my fourth finished one-shot for Loki ever, so I hope I actually meet some of your standards! I used the prompt "Are you really so oblivious?" which I put in bold in the text!
"Do you remember when you found out that I had feelings for you?" Loki said, his eyes crinkled up in delight. His cheeks were pink in the soft candlelight and he held a glass full of wine, leaning against the marble countertop of the washroom. 
Y/N, seated in the bathtub a few feet away, giggled and set her own glass down. "By the norns, Loki, why must you always bring this up?" she asked, but her tone told him she wanted to relive the memory anyways. Loki smirked and rolled his eyes. 
"Honestly, I still don't know how you couldn't tell I was madly in love with you," he said. "I was a righteous and noble Prince, yet I was nothing more than a muttering mess when you were around." He pushed himself off the counter and closed the distance between the two of them, sitting down on the edge of the tub and tucking a few wet strands of Y/N's hair behind her ear. She smiled, looking into his blue eyes with pure adoration. 
"Yet you never told me anything until you were jealous of your brother," she quipped, wriggling her eyebrows at him. He chuckled, a delightful sound that Y/N would never grow tired of hearing. She smiled as he recounted the two days leading up to his jealousy, his smile never leaving his lips.
It had been the middle of winter, and Y/N was good friends with both of the Odinsons since meeting them the year prior. The three of them did everything together - so much so that Y/N had to designate times to spend alone with each of them, or they would bicker and send her into a flurry of chastising. These two particular days had been exceptionally hard on Loki, as his mother was off with Odin, writing up a peace treaty with the neighboring realm. Loki hadn't spent much time away from Frigga, and the toll it was taking on him hadn't been especially kind.
Y/N was patient with him, though. She had slept in his room so he wouldn't be alone. It spoke novels to Loki, as he was afraid to even ask something of her to begin with, and she had offered to do so before any words left his mouth. But Loki had woken to an empty room the next morning, which left him rather crestfallen.
Y/N was off spending time out in the city with Thor and Lady Sif, commissioning a weapon smith for new daggers. They decided to make a day out of it - buying goods from stalls filled with burly men that intrigued them and snacking on treats from plump women that knew how to bake. There was lots of laughter as Thor recounted the many battles he experienced with Sif, always ending in her punching him on the arm playfully. As time went on, the sun began to set, and the three of them made their way back to the palace. 
When they arrived, they found Loki in the dining hall, sitting alone with a book and a few plates of barely touched food. He hadn't looked up when they entered rather noisily, still laughing with each other over some story of Thor mistakenly fighting a rock. As they sat down, Loki stood up. Y/N attempted to make conversation with him, but he didn't acknowledge her once - leaving the room and his dinner behind. 
Y/N paid no mind to his lack of openness, and instead drank heavily with Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three as they joined them for the meal. She fell asleep that night in her own room, and woke up long after the sun had risen the next day. When she had come down to the dining hall again for breakfast, Loki was nowhere to be seen, and she hadn't noticed again because Thor was already being his usual, loud self. He greeted Y/N with eagerness, asking if she was still on for their spar session in a few. She agreed, and the two of them headed out to the training grounds after she shoveled some eggs into her mouth quickly. 
It was in the silence of the courtyard that Y/N finally realized how absent Loki had been, so she asked Thor if he knew anything.
"Is there ever a time where there's not something wrong with my brother?" he retorted, grabbing the wooden hammer off of one of the weapons racks. Y/N sighed as she took hold of the wooden daggers.
"I know Loki usually gets like this when Frigga leaves, but this time it feels... Different." She took her fighting stance, beckoning Thor to make the first move. He only laughed, throwing his head back and placing a hand to his stomach.
"The words 'Loki' and 'different' always seem to find themselves in the same sentence," he said, smiling down at Y/N with amusement. "But I don't see this as anything out of the ordinary." He patted her on the shoulder and took his fighting stance. "Come on, Lady Y/N, I don't want you distracted while I kick your ass."
The two of them sparred for hours, keeping warm against the cold winter air by keeping their bodies moving. But soon the chill was too much and snow started falling, so Y/N sought refuge inside. She wandered to the library for her upcoming "date" with Loki as she settled on the idea of waiting in front of the fire in there for him to show up. 
To her surprise, she found Loki already splayed out on his back in front of the fireplace reading as usual, and his eyes darted to meet hers as she approached him. She knew her footsteps were silent, but he still was aware of her presence. He quickly sat up and drew his legs underneath him, leaning back against the bottom of the love seat that sat opposite of the fireplace. 
Y/N continued making her way to him and plopped down next to him, leaning over to see what he was reading. "What's this? I thought we were reading something else, today," she said cheerily. He only shrugged his shoulders in response, so she continued. "Thor and I had a wonderful time outside today. But the sky had other plans for us, and we had to come inside early. Maybe we can go for a stroll in the snow later. I know how much you love this type of weather." She smiled at him, but he paid her no mind as he continued to stare at the pages in his hand. Her brows furrowed and she reached over to place a hand on his thigh, but he tensed so quickly that her hand paused mid air, before dropping back down to her lap. "Are you okay, Lo?" she asked, hoping the nickname only she was allowed to use would make him ease up a bit.
It only made him tense more, and he rolled his eyes before dropping the book down to his lap rather aggressively. "No, Y/N, as a matter of fact, I'm not okay," he said. Hearing his voice made her relax a bit. He's not giving her the silent treatment anymore, at least. But his tone was off, and she assumed it to be because of Frigga's absence.
"Hey, you know she will return tomorrow, right?" she said softly, hoping to rid him of his worries. Loki scoffed and went back to his book. Y/N's face reflected confusion as she turned so her whole body was facing him. "Is that not what troubles you?" 
With a huff he set his book down again, turning to face her now. "Are you really so oblivious?" he asked. When Y/N's face showed no recognition, he placed a hand to his temple and closed his eyes. 
"Loki, I'm so confused," she said, now placing her hand on top of his. He pulled back and stared into her eyes with a look of longing.
"You spend the entire night in my room, and what, you think because I miss my mother?" he spit, hurt clouding his tone. "Then you abandon me before the sun even rises, spend the entire day with my brother, and still you have no idea what could possibly be souring my mood?" 
Y/N's heart flutters as she looks at him, but her mind screams warnings at her. She had always been so careful around him - not because he was fragile, but because, selfishly, she didn't want to ruin the moments between them that she found herself looking forward to every day. She had suspected that there might be more to her longing to lie next to him as he read the newest stories of the books he collected, but she told herself time and time again that if he had felt the same way about her, he would have said something. For him to be confirming her suspicions now, after all this time... Surely she must be misunderstanding.
Searching his eyes for some hint that he was messing with her, Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but shut it again as the words refused to form coherent sentences in her head. Her cheeks flushed from embarrassment at her insensibility. The only thing she could squeak out was a measly little "I'm sorry," before she grabbed his hands and held them. She turned them over in her own, admiring each and every crease of his palms, every ridge of his knuckles, and the curve of his perfectly manicured fingernails. He simply let her, feeling his frustration dissipate with her warm touch complimenting his cool temperature. 
After sitting like that for a long while, Loki finally looked up and met her gaze with hesitation. He now searched her eyes for any trace of uneasiness before he found himself leaning in slowly. Y/N bit the inside of her cheek as she glanced down at his lips, suddenly overwhelmed with the need to press her own to them with feverish desperation. But Loki paused when they were inches apart, and his voice lowered to an unsteady whisper, her name spilling out of his mouth so delicately, she wished she could reach out and capture the sound forever.
"By the norns, I have dreamt of telling you how I feel for many moons, but every time I wanted to, I couldn't find the words..." he said, lifting his hand to brush a few loose strands of her hair behind her ear. She closed her eyes gently, leaning into his touch like she needed it. Her heart drummed symphonies in her chest, and he didn't move his hand away immediately. Surely he could feel how quickly her blood flowed through her body with the flittering pulse in her neck, but if he had, he paid it no mind as he spoke the words she had been longing to hear. "I have loved you from the moment we met, darling."
Y/N chanced opening her eyes and was met with the most adoration filled expression she'd ever seen. She felt her heart now skip a few beats as her body took over, placing her hands to his shoulders and pulling him forward until their lips met. She kissed him gently, fireworks exploding behind her eyelids as his hands snaked down to her waist. He held her firmly, like she would change her mind if he wasn't careful enough. When they finally pulled away, Y/N placed her forehead to his and smiled sheepishly. 
"I love you, too, Loki," she said, lacing her fingers into his black strands and stroking his scalp with soft precision. She had done the same thing many times before, but something else sparked a different noise to escape his kiss-bruised lips, and his eyes fluttered shut. 
"Stars, sweetling, I've waited eons to hear those words from your lips," he said breathily, his smile giddy as he pulled back to properly look at her. "And I've never imagined they would sound this good."
Y/N giggled as she downed the last sip of wine in her glass. Loki leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Those words still make my knees weak and my head spin when you say them," he said, pouring warm water on her shoulders. He had begun bathing her as he recounted the delightful story, and she was loving every second of it. She smiled up at him, setting her empty glass down and relishing in everything about this moment.
"I love you, I love you, I love you," she repeated, watching as his lips quirked up into that smirk of his she loved so much. Loki chuckled and rubbed circles into her wet back, leaning over and pulling the drain plug.
"If you want to ruin the magic of those words darling, I promise you'll need to do a lot more than echo them at me. I could listen to you say that all day." He stood and grabbed a few towels, wrapping them around Y/N as she stood and stepped out of the tub. He leaned down and pecked her nose, which only made her giggle incessantly as he lead her out of the washroom. He dried her off with the towels and took them back over to the basket next to the washroom door. While he did this, she slipped into the bed, sitting up with her back against the headboard. 
Loki undressed, joined her in bed, and laid his head on her lap. Y/N reached to scratch his scalp out of habit, and he let out the same loving groan he did every time since that day. "I still love when you do that," he said, letting his eyes close as he relished in the feeling.
"And I still love you," Y/N responded, leaning her head back and sighing peacefully. Loki smirked once again, nuzzling his head further into her hands. 
"I love you, too."
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marmorafarms · 1 year
Maybe 14 and or 33 with Seb for the otp prompt?👉👈
I really enjoy Reading your writing, especially your HC!💖💕🙇thank you for your hard Work💖
What about both in one fic hehe
And thank you so much! You are so sweet! I'm so happy you like my writing and my thoughts about the bachelors! 💖
14. "If you do that one more time I don't think I'll be able to control myself."
33. "I don't want them I want you."
I hope you enjoy!
Seb x female reader
18+ for a very suggestive scene. A tiny bit more than suggestive, actually. No true smut, but I could be convinced to write a second part...
Three months.
This had been going on for three fucking months and Sebastian was tired of it.
Or, wait, hold on. Sebastian sure thought it was obvious he liked you. It seemed like everyone had gotten the memo except for you.
He knew he didn't have a right to feel that way. It's not like he was official with you or anything. Sure, it was obvious that you two were into each other, but you weren't an item. You hadn't even kissed!
Maru had approached him, bluntly asking if he liked you, Abigail, or both. Sebastian had been thrown.
"Maru, you're my favorite sister and everything--"
"I'm your only sister."
"Right. Well anyway, I have a tight deadline and I really can't afford to answer your weird ass questions right now." Sebastian typed away on his computer, but didn't fail to see Maru's eyes narrow.
"You're avoiding the question."
"Maru I don't like Abigail!" Sebastian had said, exasperated. "I haven't liked her for a year now. You know exactly who I'm into."
Maru nodded, looking thoughtful
"I only ask because she seems convinced you are head over heels for Abigail."
Since this conversation, Sebastian had been trying to figure out how best to make sure you knew he liked you. And then it hit him. A bouquet!
Quickly, he rushed to Pierre's, practically throwing his money at the man before snatching the flowers. He didn't walk, but ran to your farmhouse, hoping against hope you were there.
Sebastian didn't see you in your field of crops, and jumped when he heard his name called out. He turned, and saw you by one of your silos, clearly having just filled it up.
He walked with purpose over to you, bouquet hidden behind his back. Sebastian wasn't convinced that you hadn't already seen it, but hey. It was the romantic thought that counted, right?
"What are you doing here?" you asked, looking surprised.
"I have something for you," Sebastian said.
"Oh?" you asked, head tilting like a confused puppy.
Sebastian took a deep breath in, and then presented the flowers with a flourish. You simply stared, and his heart pounded.
"Well, say something!" Sebastian said.
"This...but..." you said, looking flummoxed.
"But what?" Sebastian asked, annoyed that you hadn't taken the bouquet from him.
"I thought you liked...others," you said softly.
"Others?" Sebastian said, frowning.
"Like Sam. Or...or Abigail," you said, not meeting his gaze. Sebastian let out an annoyed huff, causing you to look up.
"I don't want them, I want you!" he said.
Your eyes were as big as dinner plates, and you took the bouquet from him with shaking hands.
You took one step forward, and then another. Gently tilting your head, you placed a chaste kiss on his lips.
"I accept," you said with a smile.
Beaming, he kissed back. But this one wasn't innocent. It was full of passion and desire. He pressed you up against the silo, lifting one of your legs and wrapping it around his hip. He rocked his hips against you, and you moaned into his mouth.
"Fuck Sebastian..." you panted.
"That's the idea," he said with a grin. He rocked his hips against you, more forcefully this time.
"If you do that one more time, I don't think I'll be able to control myself," you said, locking eyes with him.
"Outside? Against the silo?" Sebastian asked. "You wouldn't."
"Wanna bet?"
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wexhappyxfew · 2 months
31. pinky swear from the touch prompt list please!! really i’d love this prompt for all three pairings but maybe carrie and dougie?
- @parajumpboots 💜💜
HI PERI!!!!! ( @parajumpboots ) 🥹 thank you so so much for stopping by and dropping this wonderful little prompt in - it was so fun to fill and write, especially for carrie and dougie!! they’re so fun to write and play around with in context! :) thank you again and please enjoy! <3
you pinky promise?
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(a/n): this can be seen a bit as a part 2 to THIS piece i wrote a little while back, but they don’t have to be read together at all, so! please enjoy carrie and dougie and their antics hehe :)
Day was fading to night and she was still feeling like she'd been run over by a truck.
Everything ached, her head was woozy, her throat dry and scratchy, her nose running like it was something fierce, and everything just seemed so loud and in her face. It had been only a matter of time before she would get sick with something like this - even as a kid in school, she'd catch anything that ran through that building, whether from other kids or the seasonal changes of the weather.
And now, she was here, trapped in a cot in the Med-Bay, listening to distant screams from people in Triage or others in the sickness wing launching up lunch. Curled on her side, she stared lazily up towards the window where the sunset was starting to dance across the sky, a beautiful array of colors flickering across, mixed with clouds and nightfall, the blue and purple hues dotting with stars.
At least the sky was having a grand old time.
"How ya feeling, Bergie?" Carrie stiffened for a moment and then shifted, glancing up and over her shoulder to see Dougie. Dougie. Surprise-surprise.
"Okay." she answered, before turning back and resting her swimming head against the pillow and staring up at the sky again, "Queasy." She heard Dougie let a puff of air leave his lips in a response for laughter before a chair screeched against the floor and was pulled up at her side. Slowly, she looked towards him, sat in the chair, lighting up a cigarette and letting the smoke blow upwards.
"You serious?" she murmured.
"Ah, c'mon, just for a sec." he said, talking around the cigarette on his lip, as she rolled her eyes and adjusted onto her back, looking towards him.
"Just a sec, huh?" she said, "I bet even if I could pay you the largest sum of money in the world, that thing wouldn't leave your lips."
"Since when did you become so concerned with me and this cigarette?"
"Because I feel sick enough as it is, Dougie, and you're lighting it up in front of me." she said with a deadpan stare and he raised his hands in defense and then popped it off his lip and stubbed it out.
"You're a real sweetheart, ya know that?" Carrie murmured and he made a face, which she mocked back, "So. What's up?"
"Figured you wanted to hear about Lieutenant Bradshaw nearly throwing me overboard." Dougie offered rather expressively as his eyes grew wide and he held out his hands, "I promise, if you want to have a laugh, I am more than willing to offer it."
"At your own humiliating expense?"
"Precisely." Carrie laughed and then sighed, before smiling slightly.
"Well, go on, then," she urged him on, bringing the blanket up over her form a bit more, "you've got me invested now. There's no backing out."
"I can never back out of these sorts of things, can I?"
"Dougie. Story. Now." Dougie smirked and then leaned forward against his knees, before chuckling.
"Well, first-off, she called me Bergie I don't know how many fucking times-"
"That's because, uh, hello genius, I'm usually the bombardier here, alright-"
"Anyway," Dougie said, sending her a look, which made her smile slightly, "after calling me Bergie, I started making jokes back, ya know, try to give the feel that you probably give Lieutenant Bradshaw, when she basically has to hand the fort over."
"So you're saying I'm funny." Carrie said, with a soft smirk his way, "Thank you for that." Dougie looked to her and for a moment, they just watched each other, before they both broke out into laughter.
"That's a bit of a stretch, Bergie-"
"No, it ain't, you said it with a straight face!" Dougie looked to her and raised a brow and she raised her own back.
"Fine, yes, I realize that you usually try to get people laughing and I figured Lieutenant Bradshaw would appreciate it, so…." Dougie shrugged, "whatever makes you sleep at night."
"Asshole." Carrie murmured, before grinning, "So, what she'd say?" Dougie leaned back in his chair and then smiled wide.
"Well, we landed, right?" he said, "Bes is well, to be the nicest I can be, looking at me like I just bet on a losing horse, and then Lieutenant Bradshaw comes down from the cockpit and chews me out. Pretty sure Bes and Francis got front row seats to my funeral on that one." Carrie let out a bark of laughter and cough rather wetly, which wasn't the most pleasant sounding, but Dougie seemed to hardly care less, as he shook his head with a chuckle.
"God, she went 'Why do I have you doing Bergie impressions in my ear, Douglass! We're here to drop bombs, not put on a show for rich-fucks!'" Dougie said with a laugh and Carrie let out a string of laughter, her head falling back, just as the sight she got in her head,
"It was bad, I gotta admit."
"You really outdid yourself there." Carrie said with a snort, "C'mon, show me it." Dougie looked at her and raised a brow, and with what strength she had, she reached forward and punched his shoulder.
"Your impression of me, asshole," she said, "c'mon, I know it oughta be good enough for 25,000 feet in the air, huh?" Dougie looked to her and his face softened for a brief moment, before he gathered his bearings.
"'This shit tastes like it was cooked on the goddamn barnburner you call an engine!'" Dougie said, in a ridiculously accurate, rather high-pitched voice that made Carrie wheeze to the point all she could was cough wetly, and had to recover.
"I do not sound like that." she managed out, wetly coughing again and pointing a finger at home, "But that is absolutely something I'd say."
"See?" Dougie said leaning forward, grabbing the cup of water at the side of her cot and handing it to her, "No wonder I pissed off Lieutenant Bradshaw so much, she probably thought I was trying to make her lose her mind." She took the cup and drank some water down slowly, and then smiled.
"Got that right," Carrie said with a laugh, before catching his gaze, and placing down the water, "that or you hang around me far too often." Dougie smirked, watching her for a moment as it grew quiet between them. But then he shrugged and she looked away and he scratched his neck.
"Listen, I don't want to bother you much more, you're not feeling great so…." Dougie made to stand, but Carrie looked up at him, before reaching out and grabbing at his arm.
"It's okay," she said, her grip loosening on the sleeve of his A-2, as she realized how suddenly desperate she looked for him to stay (she didn't want to come across like that good Lord), "I'm not exactly tired yet, so….don't feel you have to go." Dougie looked down at her and then smiled softly, before she let go and he settled himself down into the chair again.
"Well, you better heal on up quicker then if I decide to hang around a little while longer, got that? I think Bes was gonna sucker-punch me in the nose of Silver Bullets," Dougie said, "she missed you." Carrie smiled warmly at the thought of Bessie and pulled the blanket tighter around her form and nodded.
"I can promise you, right now, not focusing on the fact I feel like shit is probably the best thing for me," she said, in a slightly joking tone, but genuinely honest one as well, "but I promise, alright?" Dougie watched her and then sent her a look.
"You pinky promise?" he asked her, holding out a pinky towards her. She stared between his pinky finger and his face and felt her shoulders loosen.
"Fine, yes," she said, looping her finger through his and smirking, "you just miss me out there in the chow line messing with your coffee that bad, huh?" Dougie looked at her, pulling a face in her direction.
"Where the hell would you even get that idea?" Dougie said, "And plus, when you do mess with my coffee, and let's just say it isn't entirely detrimental, adding more cream or sugar isn't exactly a negative in my sense."
"It's going to clog up your organs with shit." Carrie said and Dougie raised a brow.
"And here we are. Back again to Bergie Achterberg being so wonderfully concerned with my health," Dougie said, "you wanna write to my Ma? Ask for my birth forms too now, huh? That or you really are trying to get your karma out on me? Clogging up my organs with shit, huh?" Carrie watched him and then unlooped her pinky and sat back against the bed.
"Clogging up your organs with sugar and unhealthy stuff, Dougie," she said, before pulling the blanket up more, "must I repeat it?"
"Please do." Carrie cracked an eye open and watched as Dougie started chuckling and she did her best to hide her smirk.
"You absolute asshole."
"Oh c'mon, you love it."
Both her eyes opened and she looked over at him for a moment. They lingered in silence for a moment - somehow it always seemed to happen. One of them saying something that sent them both, separately reeling in a sense neither could quite compound in their minds. Especially when it was supposed to be something casual, something that rolled off the tongue and was in fact normal to say to friends.
But whatever was going on in this war and between them, it wasn't normal.
And something like that made them go silent.
Carrie watched him for a moment, as he seemed to smile, more to himself than her, and then looked at her.
"Get some rest, Bergie." he said softly, before leaning forward and patting the edge of the blanket where her you could see her legs outlined by the fabric, and then stood, "Need anything?"
Carrie looked at him rather quietly, suddenly feeling like a child again, watching him stand and ready to leave, except in a much more pleasant manner than anyone at home had ever been like. Because at home, it had been people leaving without explanation or well-wishes.
"Just some crackers maybe? Please?" she asked him quietly, her voice sounding more youthful than anything else in the past few days. Dougie smiled at her, that gentle grin rising on his face and he nodded.
"I'll be back, alright?" And she watched him give her a smile, before wandering away, finding a nurse and engaging in conversation.
And after that. He came back. With crackers.
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crisiscutie · 9 months
Recent comments on your blog makes me want to request a scenario where Sephiroth learned that darling is an adoptee and also has parental problem, if that's okay with you?
The request is a bit too close to home since I'm also an adopted child, and I used to hate the world just as Sephiroth do (probably still do now, but I somehow slowly manage to outgrow that feeling the older I get). My biological mum didn't want me, I never knew my biological dad. My adoptive parents aren't the best at parenting as I grew up with many physical punishment, and gaslighted into thinking everything is my fault. My childhood were riddled with racism and sexism. SA'd when I was in elementary school. Fear and hatred were the only thing I knew. I have no one to talk to or lean to, and my only escapism was drawing and video games. I remember wishing I could turn into a werewolf and just ripped apart everyone. Silly young me under the influenced of games has too much imagination. But sadly (or luckily), I don't have that kind of power, nor Sephiroth's power, so the world is safe. LoL.
Sephiroth is so relatable for me in many ways, I guess that's part of why I got attached to him and able to see his side of perspective.
Thank you for the request, anon.
You are valid and so is your relatability to Sephy. I understand some people may find it ridiculous to relate to someone "perfect" like Sephiroth, but he is far more human than they realize. Pre AND Post-Nibelheim. But when you spend years being exposed to him as a stock character with only small glimpses of his inner self revealed, this is inevitable.
I appreciate how the EC writers are highlighting his humanity, both the positive and negative aspects, and I think this will help some folks see Sephy is just as complex and multi-dimensional as the other members of the FF7 main cast. He's the Crisis Cutie for a reason! If you are interested, I also written a prompt with Fluffy Sephiroth supporting a darling with anxiety here!
Onwards to the prompt! (Wrote it in bullet points)
Content Warning: Mentions of Abuse and Trauma.
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After finishing the mission debrief with Sephiroth and Lazard, you opened up about your background to Sephiroth.
You had a sudden flashback about your upbringing during the debrief.
Sephiroth had noticed a change in your mood during the debrief and decided to stay back to talk to you.
You tried to mask your sadness, but Sephiroth is no fool. To him, you wear your heart on your sleeve.
Upon hearing about your upbringing, he was taken aback to discover that it was difficult, despite assuming the opposite initially.
He may not be the best at finding the right words to comfort you, but he's willing to be there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on or lend a listening ear.
He has always deeply resonated with you, but your story has subconsciously caused him to experience vicarious trauma.
Mainly because of the similarities he found with your story: he too, had faced a difficult childhood filled with lies and abuse.
However, it also infuriated him you, his precious darling, were subjected to such cruel treatment.
After being there for you, he needed some time alone to reflect on what he learned about you and his own emotions.
You almost regretted telling him your history when you noticed he became slightly distant a few days later.
Upon telling him, he swiftly apologizes and reassures you what you've told him doesn't change his view of you. In fact, it deepened his bond with you.
He was on the verge of sharing his own struggles, especially his longing to discover his true parents, in particular, his mother.
But the words were stuck in his throat. He wasn't ready to share them just yet. Part of him thought it might be meaningless, anyway.
He would be worried about what you thought of it, and he wouldn't want to trigger any unpleasant memories for you.
As you resonated with him as well, you sensed his inner turmoil. You reassured him he could take his time to express his feelings.
You've barely scratched the surface of telling him your difficult upbringing yourself. It's clear that it's hard for both of you to share more.
But you and Sephiroth are there for each other. Your strong bond gave you both the time and space needed to heal and open up to each other.
Hitting a major development checkpoint in your relationship doesn't mean that the journey is over; there is still much comfort and trust to be built between you and him.
But if you stay patient and supportive, then Sephiroth will return that tenfold. The unbreakable bond you share with him will give you two the strength to face the world together. 💜
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Remember, the Crisis Cutie loves you~!
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 9 months
Here For You
Prompt: Based on this post by @malthemagnifisent
Pairing(s): Aerin Valleros/Mal Volari x Salem Nightingale (F!MC)
TW: None?
Tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations
A/N: Ok so Salem and Mal are my main pairing, I don't have a separate MC for Aerin. However, Salem being the flirt she is, did flirt with Aerin and obviously my favorite pathetic man started to have a thing for her, so I like to think in an alternate universe they might have ended up together. Maybe one where they weren't stopping the Shadow Court or one where they met in Whitetower. Perhaps one where she was a noble herself. It's just fun to think about, especially knowing she's a realm-walker. Anyways, in the main timeline, Salem is with Mal (romantic soulmates ofc) but she has a deep understanding with Aerin (platonic soulmates, like two sides of the same coin/narrative foils y'know?) Wow this was long, hope you enjoyed this lil mini fic!
"I can't believe we are still arguing about this," Tyril mumbled. "It's too dangerous and I won't let Salem endanger herself!"
"And you think I want to, Elf Boy?" Mal rolled his eyes. "You're the one who even brought it up! She practically ran to get away from you and your horrible plans."
"Say that again, Volari-" Tryil snaps.
"Come on you two, this isn't like us at all, let's all calm down..." Nia stepped between the two of them glancing back and forth.
"I'm being perfectly rational, I suggest you let the Rogue here know that we aren't back at the orphanage and don't have to play by his rules anymore."
"And I was just starting to like you..." Mal muttered under his breath.
"Are we yapping or are we gonna do something?" Imtura comes in, playfully swinging a new sword she found in the hallway of artifacts inside the abandoned elven library.
"We can't do anything until these two stop bickering! I barely got through this scroll on the Ash Empire," Kade whined.
"And I haven't received the elven honey cakes I requested ten minutes ago!" Threep frowned. Everyone else groaned.
Aerin stood back watching the whole ordeal with furrowed eyebrows. Was this the same motley crew who managed to defeat the Shadow Court as effortlessly as they did? They may have been lucky the first time around since it seems impossible to be productive around a group filled with opposing personalities like theirs.
Maybe he could have been like Nia, chiming in to maintain peace but he had a feeling they wouldn't take his words seriously. The only reason he was even out of shackles was because of Salem's request to do so. He shouldn't squander his opportunity to bond any further than he already has.
He wanted to, of course. And he felt like kicking himself for betraying the only people who bothered to be kind to him. They were willing to sacrifice Baldur to the Drakna for Light's sake! Anyone back at Whitetower would have been shocked to even think such thoughts.
He stepped away from the marble pillar he was leaning against and towards the lush gardens behind the library to check on Salem, desperately avoiding the unwanted memories blurring his mind of the night in the forest glade, the night with her.
Our kiss? That was real, Aerin. And it's still real...
He closed his eyes tightly. He couldn't let himself get distracted. Not again.
She hated this. The soft linen garment she changed into was soaked by the wet grass. The bottom edges of her leather boots were covered in mud. And her hair dampened by the soft drizzling raindrops. One would think a respectable elven library would have more places to hide in, to be left alone. But of course, she wasn't able to catch a break.
In any other circumstance, Salem always found the rain beautiful. Despite the darkened skies and messy aftermath, there was a beauty in the sorrow it evoked. Like the promise of warmth was hidden behind the tears of Light.
Even with his poetic nature, Kade thought she sounded ridiculous. But he liked that she wasn't afraid to be. Salem was honest, and she was able to look past appearances.
At least, most of the time.
Aerin cleared his throat when he found her. "Are you okay?"
She turned around quickly to find a nervous Aerin standing with his arms crossed over his chest and an unstable stance.
Have I been crying this entire time? Salem sucked in a breath, frantically clearing her face of remaining tears. "What do you think?"
"Were you crying?" his voice barely remained even. He steps closer to her.
She chuckled, a few strands of hair brushing over her face. Aerin blushes at her soft laugh, a complete shift from her confident demeanor. "I forget how smart you are sometimes." She stands up and quickly dusts off her soiled garment, turning to face him. "Did they stop fighting?"
"You didn't answer my question, Salem."
He hesitates before continuing. "No hero is invincible. You're not an exception."
"Gee, thanks."
He shakes his head. "You've gone through so much..."
Because of me.
Salem rolls her eyes. "There have been others who've lived through worse. Are living through worse." She places a hand over her forehead to quell her head pain.
"You're talking about the children at the orphanage," he says as if it were a fact he was familiar with.
"They're so young, and they've witnessed horrors they should have never seen," she shudders in frustration, her fists clenched behind her back. "And if I can't stop the Ash Empire or Valax, what good am I? I'm no hero-"
Aerin's gaze sharpened. "I won't let you talk about yourself that way."
Salem closed her eyes, slightly pivoting away from him. Aerin stepped directly in front of her and looked into her eyes, clouded by fear, worry, anger.
He wasn't thinking clearly when he pulled her in for a tight hug. Salem gasped at the sudden warmth, but rested her head on the crook of his neck. Aerin ignored how she smelled like warm spices and cedar wood. He ignored how perfectly she fit into his arms. He ignored the temptation to push away the soft damp strands of her hazel-brown hair and stare deeply into her mesmerizing eyes that made him think back to a happier time before things were so complicated.
She laughed softly. "I'm terrified, there's so many people depending on me and I can't mess anything up."
His grip tightens. "And you know that you can depend on me. I'm here for you. Whatever you need, whenever you need me. It's the least I could do."
She stayed silent for a second. He was worried for a second. Did I do something wrong?
"You know, you give pretty good hugs. Nia and Kade would be proud." Aerin sighed in relief. He reluctantly leaves her embrace and tilts his head to the side.
"T-Thanks," he runs a hand through his now wet jet black curls. "We should probably head back before we catch a cold huh?" Salem smiles, trailing slightly behind him.
"And Aerin?"
"Hm?" he turns around.
Salem smiles, feeling like a heavy burden that has been lifted off her shoulders. "Thank you."
it's a lil OOC since Mal would obvi be the first to check in with Salem immediately after she left the room but it's for the ✨plot✨ hope you enjoyed reading this!
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burning-academia-if · 7 months
Hello! I love the premise of your IF, and your writing is spectacular (Rook's backstory has me in SHAMBLES you don't understand) and I'm super excited for the next update, whenever that will be! On that note, I've got a question about making and promoting your own IF. I have my an idea that I've been working on, and I want to one day release my own IF with it, but I'm not sure how I would go about promoting it - I don't have a lot of time for writing, so I'm worried that I won't really be able to get it out there because I just don't post very often. How did you promote Burning Academia when you first got started? Do you have any tips for beginners like myself?
Thanks in advance!
Firstly, thanks for playing! Secondly, I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask about marketing since tumblr/the IF community ultimately did 99% of the work lol. With that being said though, here's some general advice!
Take time on your intro post. This is everyone's first introduction to your IF, and it's what net me most of my followers in the beginning. While there's a general layout to IF intros, I personally still went back and looked through all the IFs I follow to see what bits and bobs I wanted to add and what I didn't.
Be honest. If making an IF is a hobby or you don't have time, you can add a disclaimer if you want. Honestly, I think it's less about frequency and more about consistency. Pick a day where you have some time and answer asks, and don't feel pressured to answer every ask, especially if you're busy.
Also, be clear about the kinds of asks you will and won't answer. This is less a marketing thing and more for your own sake kind of thing lol. If you don't have a lot time to write the IF, then you certainly don't have the time to write prompts/scenarios.
Anyway, if you are worried about frequency of posting, set up a queue! Fill it with art/quotes/photos and tag them as inspo/aesthetic/characters/etc. This way the blog is still 'active' without you needing to be present all the time.
Circling back to the intro post: tag it properly. I jam packed mine with every tag I could think of, and I think that's part of why it got around so quickly (as well as the major IF blogs reblogging it as well).
While I'm not sure what you're thinking of using (Twine/Choicescript/Ink/etc), you'll have different options on how to market. For example, choicescript has their own forums where you can post a thread for your WIP or Itch.io has devlogs. Use them. While I don't update frequently on my itch, I do like to cross post certain things (the 1k follower short stories, for example, I put on itch. Updates are an obvious one). I pretty much copy and paste from tumblr to itch, just so people who don't follow my tumblr are informed to what's going on. I personally only use tumblr for BA, so if you wanted to try other social media then obviously do some research. I personally wouldn't use more then 2 socials max though, because it can get pretty overwhelming.
Finally, be part of the community! I know I'm personally not the best at this due to my own online anxieties lol, but just reblogging things your interested in and supporting others is always appreciated! I know this sounds obvious but after lurking in the IF community for years and being in the VN world, you'd be surprised by how many people just...don't?? Anyway, I personally love when other writers show excitement for other IFs, so I like to express that, too. It's also just giving back to the community you're a part of.
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potentiallypolyglot · 6 months
I'm curious about 30 and 39 of the Langblr asks~ Also 43 sounds like fun, if you want to answer that too!
30. I'm from the relatively northeastern United States so it's very predominantly English-speaking, which is kind of a bummer. I'd say the most popular language to learn is Spanish, but I wouldn't say there is a very large Spanish speaking community near me. Fortunately, I live in a near a city so there are many cultural districts I can visit and experience a bit of other cultures, but there aren't places near me where speaking a foreign language helps you in any material way. The result is that most people around me don't have too much of an interest in foreign languages, which is why I enjoy langblr so much!
39. I'm sure I'll have more embarrassing experiences when I actually get to go and study in China next year, but I have a few mildly embarrassing things to share from my trip to China in August.
Firstly, we went out to lunch with my roommate's family and some of their family friends. During this lunch, everyone has a tiny little chalice that maybe holds 1/2oz and you can keep filling it up with these little pitchers of baijiu (白酒) which is very high proof alcohol - like 53% And many times throughout lunch people will stand and give a toast and everyone drinks some. And when I say many times - it was at some points less than five minutes between toasts. So unless you want to get absolutely hammered - which some people, especially the older men will - you just take tiny sips by wetting your lips or just pretending to drink. I did this the whole meal (like 3 hours) and still ended up having like 2.5 of these little shots.
Anyway, I one point they wanted me to give a toast, which I did very clumsily but it was fine. I believe I did this in English and Chinese. The embarrassing part is that I ended my speech with "Ganbei!" (干杯) because I understood that it meant "Cheers!" which it does. But it also literally means "dry cup" so you are meant to drink the whole cup when you say that. So saying 干杯! and then taking a tiny sip caused some confusion and they tried to prompt me to drink the whole thing, which was not the precedent I wanted to set for my drinking abilities.
As an aside I would like to say that I do have pretty decent drinking abilities, but I have a control issues aversion to being drunk. Also, in this environment I was regarded as "a young girl" so I wasn't in the mood to impress the table with my abilities and risk becoming a novelty, which could result in drinking past my limits. I was also recovering some what I suspected to be jetlag related illness so I wasn't trying to push it.
Anyway, it ended up being fine and everyone was super nice. They weren't pressuring in a mean way, just confused and in kind spirited encouragement to drink more. Besides, later during the meal one of the older men tried to cheers in English by saying "Uphill!" which confused me and I wasn't able to back him up when others disagreed since I had never heard that being used. I wonder if "Uphill!" is a local expression somewhere or maybe borrowed from a different language and translated? If anyone knows, I'd be curious to learn.
The second thing that comes to mind isn't necessarily language related, but it was a cultural experience. It was another night at my roommate's family's house and they had invited over some friends. We had food and talked and had a good time. One thing that Chinese people (at least in this region) like to do during these get togethers is entertain one another with performances. Especially having the children show off their skills. This could be with a dance, playing a musical instrument, reciting poetry, or, such as this night, singing songs. One young girl sang something from the Beijing Opera and she sang quite beautifully. Then a mother joined her in singing and did so quite boisterously, which thankfully didn't set the bar too high for me.
I am 24 so not a child by any standard in the United States, but very much so in this setting, which is honestly something I could talk a lot about if anyone is curious.
Anyway, they wanted me to sing next and I am no singer. I also panicked trying to think of a song. Like they just sang something from the Beijing Opera - what am I supposed to sing? What am I even used to singing without music? Like how I am going to match that with my repertoire of Taylor Swift lyrics? There's too many pauses and it's mostly too emotional I think and too long and I don't really have a frame of reference as to what they were singing about? Ultimately, I sat there and sang Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer, half the lyrics I only remembered as I sang. They said I had a sweet voice and that was that. Honestly, I don't think they thought it was embarrassing for me since its customary and they were singing too so in fairness, it wasn't really that bad. But it was way outside of my comfort zone and definitely a memorable experience. I should probably prepare something for future dinner parties. Maybe I can get away with poetry tho haha.
43. 我的好朋友很美。我们在大学认识。我们都学习国际业务。她是中国人。 时候冠状病毒来了,她不会去她家,所以她跟我住。 现在她学习法律。她非常聪明。 因为我们是好朋友和室友,我叫他我妹妹。
Okay, that's what I've got, no one use this as a learning resource since I'm sure I made many mistakes, but I am open to feedback if anyone has any. Also this is the first time I've typed Chinese on my computer using the keyboard. Usually its just for phrases or I use my phone so thanks for the opportunity to try something new!
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