#even if it wasnt lethal or anything
jokramer · 2 months
Shogun facts #6
The 1980 series was so popular that restaurants, and other places where people go out, experienced a significant income-loss, as people preferred to stay at home and watch it when it aired.
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aihaitahm · 1 year
Hello! I saw ur request for well requests. So If this concept helps. I’d like to see your take on Jing Yuan/ Sampo Koski/ Blade and maybe Gepard on when the reader as their s/o is maybe like ambushed by an enemy and how they comfort the reader after it or nurse them back to health (it may be a lil angsty but I’d like to see your take)
gn! reader being extremely injured and how they react
characters: jing yuan, blade, gepard
im sorry idrk sampo and didnt write him though i hope you like it! :((
jing yuan
you and jing yuan were fighting jingliu after she caused a catastrophe within xianzhou luofu after being possessed by mara.
jing yuan kept insisting for you to back out and evacuate but you were stubborn and did not listen to him which lead to you taking a lethal attack from jingliu. thankfully you survived and jing yuan carried you right away after he defeated his former master.
worried about your state, he holds you tightly enough but not so much to hurt you, bringing you to get aid and to rest. poor him he is super worried, he felt a bit emotional but kept his nonchalant calm face on.
seeing you lay and rest up while he voluntarily takes care of you despite him also having injuries. yanqing tells his master he should also rest and that he can take care of you. yanqing tried his best to comfort him and force him to also heal up.
the next day, the general was eager to know if you were awake and okay. going into your assigned room, he was very happy to see you awake though that does not stop him from scolding you.
“(name) i am happy that you are with me my beloved however please listen next time when i say to back out. i am very worried about you and mimi was looking for you last night. i do not want to hear you insist and you will follow what i say. your life is important to me, do you understand?”
you always like to accompany blade whenever he is out on missions. after all, supporting your boyfriend and boosting him will help him finish the mission faster while you also do great damage to enemies. then afterwards you aid him and then he gives you his affection and everything you ask for.
however fighting this boss made it to be difficult. you were already hit couple times and this boss and its minions kept targeting you.
this made blade extremely rage and tried to eliminate every enemy all at once though that wasnt enough to destroy all of them.
the only option left was to run. blade then carried you and escaped. even though blade was hurt, he didnt care as long as it wasnt you. hearing you cry how painful your injuries were made him a different type of anger. he is so sure he will defeat those little shits into pieces.
returning to the stellarons’ hideout to get you aided by the healers there, he is very impatient because they took it too slow for his liking. he then decided to bandage you on his own and bring you to them later. people knew how irritable he was however this was something else and just terrifying that they will just step away from him.
surprisingly he is super gentle and would make you drink pain relievers as you let him care for you. he scolds you as you slowly were feeling better but you just knew he was worried.
“tsk i dont fucking care if we failed the mission but next time, i will do some missions on my own. shit maybe most of it just so i know you are safe. i do not want you to… almost die. i would not be able to bear with the guilt and grief. you are my only one and i need you to stay alive.”
being the captain of the silvermane guards, he is inclined to always protect you. he would fight with you hand in hand and he would shield you from anything.
he trusts you and he knows you can fight as well as him. maybe even better. he would make you train the silvermane guards and you do a great job with it.
silvermane guards praise you for your strength and how lucky gepard is to have a partner like you. gepard is proud of you and is thankful for things that you do for them.
until one afternoon, you decided to accept a commission to defeat a bunch of monsters lurking by the city. without gepard’s knowledge about it, he was just surprised when one of the guards was carrying your body and you writhing in pain.
would be super anxious and emotional, holding your hand tight while you were being healed. even though the doctors were telling him to step out but he insisted and stayed. serval eventually had to tell her brother he has to step out in order for the doctors to fully pay attention to you. she comforted him, telling him you will be okay since you are so strong.
when he was finally allowed to see you, he was relieved and happy that you are alive. he then tells you to tell him about your commissions before going.
“my dear… im so glad you are alive and healthy. please be careful. please tell me about your commissions before you head out and make sure you know what type of monsters youre fighting. please… just be safe and bring me along with you.”
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rillils · 3 months
post fall bucky having a fear of heights?? ive always thought that he'd be afraid of heights, like he wasnt afraid of it at all before his fall, go ask steve. but after falling?? he tries to hide it from steve, how scared he is.. and steve, bless his poor soul, he blames himself for not realizing sooner, he thinks he shouldve known, he couldnt possibly have. hes always seen bucky as this brave courage man, and bucky didnt want to ruin steve's image of him worse than he already think he did. and oh my fucking god
but I get it, I getchu hon, sometimes we just gotta put the blorbos in a Situation™, that's how we roll.
but holy shit 😭😭😭
I mean god, Bucky-
imagine how tough it must be for him, every time they're on a mission, 'cause he's first and foremost a sniper, isn't he? and for him, that often involves perching on the roof of really high buildings, and keeping as still as possible for as long as necessary - and above all, keeping a steady hand, because what is a sniper supposed to be if not precise and lethal and reliable?
and factor in all the other possible contingencies, too! like having to bolt if he's spotted by the enemy, and having to climb back down in a rush. or helping chase after the bad guys from rooftop to rooftop. or when, god forbid, they have to jump out of a plane and parachute themselves to a certain site.
it's an absolute nightmare for Bucky, but he just keeps trying to tough it out, right? grit his teeth, push through even when his flesh palm is clammy with sweat, even when his stomach is churning and his legs feel like jelly, even when his hands start shaking despite his best efforts to hold them still. it's scary and mortifying all at once, and he can't bring himself to say anything about it to anyone, especially to Steve. because he knows Steve would try to suggest he take it easy and stay behind, while Steve himself is out there risking his neck, and the very notion makes Bucky feel sick.
so he's just desperately hanging in there, right?
until something happens. he's dizzy, his hands are shaking too bad, he flubs a shot, Steve almost gets killed because of it. Bucky snaps. this is the last straw. he's done.
I mean, imagine how it must tear. him. apart. how horribly it must hurt him to admit to himself that he can't go on like this anymore. because on the one hand, fuck it all to hell, he's supposed to be by Steve's side! watch his six, protect him, make sure he makes it home in one piece! it's what Bucky's been doing ever since they were kids, it's a fundamental part of who he is! to even imagine letting Steve walk into a fight alone - no, not 'alone', without Bucky - is unthinkable. it's like denying himself a basic need. like denying who Bucky is, what he feels he was born to do, a biological imperative.
but. on the other hand, the thought of putting Steve in danger, of Steve getting hurt (or worse) because Bucky couldn't do his job properly, is even more unbearable.
Steve counts on him, trusts him with his life - as he should be able to do, if they're going to be a team - but how can Bucky allow that anymore, now that he can't even trust himself? how can he be what Steve needs, if he's going to let him down when Steve needs him the most? how would he ever forgive himself if something happened to Steve because of him?
he barely holds himself together until they get home, and then he just, he breaks down. stumbles over to the couch, crumples in on himself, trembling, pale like a ghost, taking in big gulps of air like he'll drown otherwise. telling a worried Steve, who's crouching next to him in a heartbeat, "I can't do this anymore".
now Steve, he had noticed that something was off for a while now, and Bucky's words just confirm what he already suspected. he thinks, of course Bucky's sick of this, of course he doesn't want to fight anymore - god knows he's got plenty of reasons to want to leave all this shit behind.
Steve could never imagine what the actual issue is, here - not until he's trying to tell Bucky that it's his right to retire if that's what he wants, that of course Steve supports him, and Bucky interrupts him to confess, in between sobs, where exactly the problem lies, and how he fears he's no longer fit to accompany Steve on missions, 'cause he'd risk becoming a liability rather than backup.
CUE A WHOLE SHITTON OF FEELS because fuck, how long has Bucky been feeling this way, and how did Steve not realize it sooner, and the way Steve's face twists with guilt when he wonders where this fear of heights might come from, and gives himself the most obvious amd most fucking heartbreaking answer, and Bucky can tell that he's hurting and blaming himself and they're just BOTH hurting and blaming themselves and hfgskfjskks HONEY WE'RE SPEEDRUNNING THROUGH ALL THE STAGES OF GRIEF HERE HELP
no, but. they're gonna have an honest conversation about this, okay? painful, yes, but also liberating. they're going to air out some of that hurt, and actually let it heal out in the open for once.
I figure there's gonna be lots of bargaining first, on both parts, like Bucky arguing that he could still fight, just maybe stick to the ground instead, and Steve telling him that he doesn't have to, and really he'd be happier knowing that Bucky's safe at home and not forcing himself into dangerous situations, and Bucky grumbling 'cause oh how the tables have turned, and just, you know, trying to find a way to compromise.
I think, maybe this is how Steve first starts to really, genuinely consider retiring, himself. like, not just picturing it in a distant, wistful way, oh wouldn't it be nice if we could do that, etc - but really, really entertaining the idea. letting himself plan it out. talking about it with Bucky, even with Sam and Nat, giving himself the chance to consider another kind of life. after all, there are plenty of battles to fight in the world, and not all of them require fists and guns, right? and if he can fight those battles too alongside Bucky, then so much the better 💖
somehow the first thing that comes to mind is that one scene from CATWS, when he and Nat find Zola's computerized ass and he blows up the building, and they're stuck in a tiny hole under all the rubble until Steve gets them both out. I CAN PICTURE ONLY TOO VIVIDLY HOW FUCKING SCARY THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN FOR HIM, OH MY GOD
as somebody who shares that kind of phobia, may I submit to you one of the most obvious, most mundane monsters he might face: ELEVATORS. especially of the narrow, non-see through kind, where you're literally locked inside a metal box until it releases you from that torment. IF IT DOES. like honey the anxiety is real af okay
in the spirit of putting the blorbos in a Situation™, please picture them both in an old-fashioned elevator.
Steve hasn't mentioned his fear to Bucky, he's just been lucky so far, so he didn't have to bring it up. but the stupid thing is so slow, and the space inside is so small, and sure, Steve never minded being in Bucky's close proximity, but he can't stop thinking about getting the fuck out of there asap.
at some point the fucking thing stops, and oh good god they're stuck inside, and it's gonna take a while for help to come.
and Bucky, sweet, horny, unsuspecting Bucky, just makes a little joke about knowing just how they could pass the time until then, wink wink. he crowds Steve back against the already narrow wall, starts sucking languid kisses into Steve's neck-- and Steve's frozen, breathing in quick shallow breaths that could be mistaken for gasps of pleasure, holding onto Bucky with an iron grip because he can feel himself spiraling into panic, heart racing wildly, eyes darting from wall to wall like he can see them rapidly closing in on him, suffocating him, squeezing him in--
and it takes a moment for Bucky to realize what's really going on, but when he pulls back and sees Steve so terrified, hyperventilating and about ten seconds away from passing out, he switches into Protective Boyfriend mode like *snaps fingers*
he's like, "sweetheart, what's wrong?", and the second Steve gasps "out, I need to get outta here, now", Bucky springs into action and pries the elevator's door open with his bare hands, helping Steve climb out (the next floor was already into view) and following suit.
of course they're gonna talk about it (and realize that they should maybe stop hiding their respective fears from each other), and from then on... yep, they stick to stairs <3
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blues824 · 2 years
hiii hii !! I hope you’re doing great and taking care of yourself! I actually wasnt sure if requests were open but if by chance they are, could I request all the brothers from obey me and their reaction to a shinobu!reader?? It made upset seeing mc being killed in lesson 16 but imagine before belphie could even lay a finger on them, he suddenly cant move because of the poison mc sneaked in
thank you so much and im super sorry if requests arent open ^^”
This is an awesome idea! Thank you for your request!
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He’s taken aback by your friendly and cheerful personality. Until he finds out it’s a facade when you start teasing Mammon with a cheerful tone. Nice one, Y/N. You tend to mislead others by your little trick and tend to go in for the kill when they’re at their weakest.
However, when the events of Lesson 16 occur, your true colors show. Your intense hatred for demons of any kind comes through. Before Belphie could even lay a finger on you, you used your sword before he had any chance to register. After you slashed and paralyzed him, you told Lucifer that you specialize in poisons and antidotes and when Belphegor calms down, you would gladly give him the antidote.
He notices that your hatred goes so far that you are always in a constant state of anger and pain. You went to a Devildom therapist to talk about it and possibly try and help your mental state. You told them that you lost your sister, your parents, your students, and the families of the employees of the manor. Of course, since you are an exchange student, the most important pieces of this info go to Lord Diavolo, who then tells Lucifer since you are staying with the brothers.
You are then forced to tell Lucifer all about what you were like when you were younger. He loves hearing the stories, especially with how soft and airy your voice is. Your temper seems to be through the roof when someone makes you get to that point of irritation, though. More times than one, Lucifer has had to pick you up and carry you out of the room so you would have a chance to calm down.
Now, for your Demon Slaying abilities, Lucifer stands intrigued. Your sword seems to act as a stinger and inject poison into your opponent. He will definitely ask you a few questions here and there. You explain that you makeup for your lack in physical strength by putting some type of lethal poison on your blade to kill a demon.
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Mans was completely fooled by your sweet and kind demeanor. He wouldn’t suspect anything was going on because he’s kinda dumb. He will find out after you literally pick on him for messing up on something supposedly easy to do.
When the events of Lesson 16 occur, Mammon sees who you truly are. He sees that you show no hesitation when it comes to defeating demons. Of course, you didn’t kill Belphie, you left him paralyzed with the poison you selected. 
From then on, he notices the slight strain on your everyday smile. You will poke at and tease him to have a bit of an outlet of your anger. After you get further into your relationship, you tell him all the pain you went through to get to where you are today. You tell him that you’re always so angry, and it’s not very healthy for you.
When you tell him of all the pain and suffering you went through and how you bottled it all up with a smile, he hugs you. He’s glad you told him, because now he can help. As rude as he can be, he will be genuinely kind to you and you alone. 
As for your demon slaying abilities, Mammon first wanted to make a profit off of them. Then you held your blade at his neck with an intimidating smile on your face and politely said no. He had never been so scared of you before. But he is impressed by your outstanding abilities.
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You remind him of the insect hashira from the anime ‘Help! Rip-off Michael Jackson turned my sister into a demon and now I’m trying to find a cure for her!’ You even look like the character! You act the exact same, so he can predict what’s going to happen.
Nothing could prepare him for the events of Lesson 16, though. One second, he saw Belphie go for your neck, the next he saw you with your sword out and Belphie was on the ground paralyzed. You told everyone in the room that the next time something like this occurs, they will wish that they were only paralyzed.
He already knows about your hidden rage. He will become a tad more understanding whenever you tease him because his brothers tend to do it whenever they are upset. After you get far enough into your relationship, you tell him about all the excruciating pain you went through. He can tell you’re always so angry, so he suggests video games as an outlet.
He will hold you in his arms while whispering to you about how proud he is of you and how much he loves you. It will be one of the few times where he puts his insecurities aside and focuses on someone else. He knows that right now you need him, and he will do his best.
As for your demon slaying abilities, he’s not jealous. I mean this seriously. He will definitely record your training because he finds it so cool. He will edit a photo so that the background is blurred and will put it as his lock and home screens.
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He knew there was more to your story than you let on. However, he had trouble piecing together what it could be. You were good, Y/N. However, it was his move to get you into an impossible checkmate. He noticed how your mood always slightly wavered when something upset you.
When the events of Lesson 16 burst in like the FBI, he was able to catch a glimpse of all the pent up rage and anger. He could always sense it, being the Avatar of Wrath and all, but he never got a sense of how much. Even he has never been so angry. You leave his youngest brother paralyzed and you have your sword out… you also have an eerily calm expression on your face.
Once he gets a sense of how deep your frustration and anger is, he tries to give you different options as an outlet. Often, he will read you into a peaceful sleep as a way to calm you down. When you tell him about all the pain you went through, he will also be angry. Angry that someone as sweet as you had to go through so much character development.
He will, like I said, read you to sleep. You will lay your head in his lap as he reads in a soft voice and runs his fingers softly across the back of your neck. There will be times where he uses magic to recreate a mini version of the story.
As for your demon slaying capabilities, he stands very impressed. He never knew humans could do something like that. The more you know. He will definitely bring his hobby of photography along and take pictures of your training. He will most definitely save them as progress pictures.
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He loves your style! The haori and the inspiration from butterflies! It’s so elegant in such a cute way! He will definitely create his own haori to match you. That aside, he is completely oblivious to what lies underneath that happy and cheerful mask.
When the events of Lesson 16 play out, Asmo couldn’t believe you were capable of something like this. One second, Belphie was lunging out towards you, the next, you had your sword out and Belphegor was paralyzed. Asmo could only stare in absolute shock.
When he gets a sense of all the rage you hide within you, he will suggest spa days to try and calm you down. He will give you soft shoulder massages to relieve all the tension from the day. He will put Lo-Fi on in the background to set a relaxing atmosphere.
When you tell him about all the pain and suffering you had to go through, he’s not too surprised. Everyone has dark secrets. However, he will not allow you to blame yourself for anything. He will hold you in his arms until you feel better (although he might not let you go even when that happens).
As for your demon slayer abilities, he finds them so awesome. You look so graceful while training and he can’t help but take a few pictures of you for Devilgram. He would totally make matching workout outfits and he will be doing a few workouts with you. He hates sweating, but he likes the long-lasting effects.
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Mans is oblivious to the true beast that lies within you. You are a very good actor, with a great fake smile, and he’s kind of naive. He often teases his brothers too, so he might join you every now and then. He has no idea that you take your anger out on those close to you.
When the events of Lesson 16 unravel themselves, he’s torn. He loves you, but he loves Belphie too. As his twin lunged at you, you took your blade and slashed at him. And then he couldn’t move. Beel didn’t know how he should feel at this moment. 
When you calmly tell everyone in the room that if something like this should happen again you’d dip your blade in a more lethal poison, he finally sees all that you hide. He gets a sense of all the anger you keep hidden away from everyone. It’s not healthy to bottle it up, Y/N! :(
When you tell him about all the pain and suffering you went through in your life, he will hold you closer. He will whisper sweet nothings into your ear whenever you wake up from a nightmare to get you back to sleep. He knows what it’s like to lose someone close to you, he used to have nightmares as well.
As for your demon slaying abilities, consider Beelzebub your new training partner. He sees that your training uses exercises that work out muscles that he’s never considered before. Plus, he sees how graceful you look when training and hopes he could do something like that.
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He knows that you are hiding pure hatred behind your smile. He did the same thing to you, after all. You are essentially the same. He tricks you by reading you like an open book. He will let you rant on and on and you will help him escape.
When Lesson 16 occurs, he feels betrayed because you betrayed him after he betrayed you. Like, you weren’t supposed to do that. You paralyzed him with your sword so fast he never stood a chance. Then you whisper that you knew he was going to betray you at some point in such a chilling way.
After all of this is ‘resolved’ (we never forgot, Belphegor), you both kind of just trauma dump. You tell each other the pain you both have gone through. The loss of his sister and falling from Heaven. Your sister dying at the hands of a demon and the loss of all your friends’ families.
You two can often be caught wrapped up with each other in a peaceful nap. Each of the brothers have at least 17 pictures because it was too cute to pass up the opportunity. He will hold you close and use his powers if you have a nightmare. He knows how your past can haunt you.
As for your demon slaying abilities, he stands impressed. When he finds out the extent of your capability aside from paralyzing him, he will be intrigued. He won’t participate in your training, but good for you, Y/N.
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pommunist · 16 days
So sorry for the random vent in your ask box Pommunist, but I just keep seeing peoples posts about saying goodbye to the fandom and while im so glad to see so many people had such positive experiences with interacting I myself didnt really see much of it. I dont know if its cause im just more of a lurker and so I wasnt really making friends and memories with people around the qsmp but I honestly saw an overwhelming amount of negativity and even negativity mascaraing as positivity. Being in this fandom did not teach me togetherness it only taught me just how cruel and mean people are. Over all I honestly dont feel like qsmp reached its goal to bring communities together if so much of the fandom is volatile and actively will attack fans, ccs, admins, just about anyone. There was so much zenaphobia both in the fandom and in the studio. Purgatory was so poorly put together the streamers were having live disagreements and fights (that they thankfully usually got sorted quickly but was still DEEPLY awkward to witness and many people would just leave, wait for the fight to get worked out and come back) and not to mention how angry the fandom was over EVERYTHING at the time. And all that was done ON PURPOUSE. How can we say the the QSMP reached its goal of brining communities together when that simply did not happen? People are still split up in "the Brazilan fans" "the French fans" "the English fans" ect. Like im sure SOME people feel like THEY got something out of it and thats great but dose that mean that OVERALL as a full whole that the QSMP did that? Id argue no.
I’m going to say something that I almost never say lmao but I think a lot of it isnt Qstudios fault.
A lot of it is tied to the nature of twitch stream in as a storytelling medium. Take a normal TV show, people will still find ways to argue all the time about which character is in the right, whether or not a plotline was good etc. And they’re all watching the exact same thing.
With twitch streaming, people have their favourite characters and everything they see is from their pov, which is biased by nature and ultimately lead to a lot of misunderstandings, especially when everything said goes through translation.
Now add to this the second thing which is that some people got into qsmp with zero interest for it and its goal. They were first and above all else a fan of their favourite ccs, and never had any intention to open their mind to anything more than that.
Meaning that for them, everything that was beneficial to their fav, they liked, and everything or everyone that wasn’t, they hated.
Purgatory was the perfect event to lethally mix these two together, which wasn’t helped by that it was a poorly thought out and poorly executed competition event with high stakes (or so we thought at least lol).
Then you also have the xenophobes/mysoginists/shitheads who will just throw hate based on discriminatory reasons or simply because they’re assholes. I’ve seen takes that genuinely had my jaw touching the floor, but that’s the thing when you merge communities, the bad ones come along everyone else sadly.
On top of that they also ruin the fun for other people which lead to some just wanting to stuck with the community they were already a part of before qsmp.
On the other hand, QSMP still allowed people to share parts of their cultures with each other, pick up and learn each other languages, make people who would have never met without it befriend each other.
Personally before it I had never watched English or Portuguese content on Twitch, and now do regularly. I didn’t know any of the streamers besides the French speakers, Fit (watched his vids) and Rubius (only bc he was against the french in the pixel war), and now I’ve discovered many amazing ccs.
I was able to discover and learn a lot about how people do things in other countries, met cool people that I would’ve never met. My opinion on this is probably partly biased due to the fact that the specific communities I’ve been active in are almost comically all peace and love but I’ve also seen a lot of shit, just chose to focus on what was good.
I think QSMP fandom is kind of like if you and a bunch of strangers from around the world were shoved together in a bar. Most people are going to talk and drink and have fun together, but some of these strangers are bond to be assholes who will talk loudly and look for a fight, making the night a bad experience for those who stood near them.
So yeah I think QSMP achieved its goal to an extent, and built bridges between communities but the experience was soured by some who either didn’t care about crossing that bridge or even tried to actively sabotage it.
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madisonrooney · 6 months
Hi yes hi hello, your Secret Santa has returned! Hopefully you'll get to do more stuff with your parents this month :) I'm going to be very busy seeing all kinds of family in the coming weeks, please lend me some vibes that are good if possible💀 Aside from that, happy Alchemical P1 release! (Screams) !! Now that you've spent a few days with the new tracks, how are you feeling? I'm quite taken with the new stuff but my top I think remain Sand and Lethal Woman⏳ Speaking of music, sorry to pile on multiple questions, but what are your favorite songs to come from Disney Channel projects?? Have an excellent day! - GCWCA Secret Santa
good vibes are sent lol
i really like lethal woman and sand possibly even more. i dont tend to gravitate to the sadder stuff but its just so beautifully done.
as ive said, i do not claim white glove bc im a mostly sex-repulsed ace lol, but i like the other ones a lot and roughly on the same level as one another. maybe ill have a more decisive ranking later on but as of now ill put them at gods game, fragile things, and still, tho theyre all very close. like sand, theyre all somber but still have a beauty to them, which sounds like what she was going for. i have learned i need to limit my listening of them or they make me too sad tho lol.
firstly ill direct you to this playlist i made lol
as far as shows - ofc anything from l&m but my fav is say hey (and gotta give it to froyo yolo) - same for hm, plus that has a lot more songs lol, my fav is rock star - i was thinking about make it happen from wizards when i was in the shower for some reason lol. that slaps and its sad its not on streaming (sure streaming wasnt a thing when the episode premiered but singles were) - WE DONT CARE FROM TVOVV. and to a lesser extent this is where the partys at and a place for everyone, but especially we dont care. that was my #2 song of the year lol. - i dont talk much about my shake it up phase but it did happen. i got two soundtracks from it at disneyland shortly after i finished binging it and i listened to them a ton that summer. my favs were blow the system, beat of my drum, and bring the fire. - THE KC UNDERCOVER THEME SONG. show biases aside, this is my all time fav theme song as i have mentioned in the discord before. it has no right going as hard as it does - partial to step up from the lodge bc dove - let me make you proud and ready as ill ever be from tangled the series bc varian best boy
id ask you the same question but it might give you away lol, unless you have any answers not tied to major favs of yours i.e. me with keep it undercover. your call.
broader question, have you been up to anything fun since we last talked?
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
jesus christ i just saw your latest jjk post and i am devastated <33 i feel like the alpha bursting into manic laughter rather than bursting into tears is a much more powerful imagery imo. Combined with your nightmare explanation, the combination of the alpha feeling bitter about the whole thing and then in the latest thing you posted, mentioned cliffs and why sorcerers dying young gives off such a raw feeling of hopelessness, despair and bitterness. The scene where the alpha starts laughing manically was giving when gojo confronted toji after toji thought he died. And that desperate moment where the alpha wants gojo to tell him if there was any hope left at all. I like that moment because its like the alpha wishing desperately for some assurance that things would be okay in the end even when its clearly looking that it wont. I wouldn't be surprised if the alpha starts slowly descending into madness like geto bc when the alpha got his bondmark removed, i got the vibe of the resentment starting to boil over. resentment towards whom? i dont think its all necessarily directed at gojo but rather at the situation. and the moment gojo steps out of that box, id imagine that his mate wasnt the same person he remembered, especially recalling the last lines in your nightmare post:
But what he doesn’t see, behind the mask Satoru wears and Shoko’s distance and Suguru’s death and your silence is that you all became monsters. Maybe Gojo Satoru chose to keep you close because for a while you were the only one left.
If the kids don’t come back, you think it might just be enough.
Gojo Satoru isn’t the only nightmare in the world after all.
The alpha's response to everything was always silence and the thought of them finally going apeshit and releasing all their pent up anger and feelings is something ill def think about everyday.
Thank you so much!! I cannot believe you put so much thought into this and that you actually went back and put in the quote! I really appreciate you saying that this stuff sticks with you. It sticks with me unless I get it on paper so now we all suffer together haha.
I'm really glad that what I was trying to put off came through. You're absolutely right that this alpha has spent a lot of time telling themselves that somehow "things are okay". They are starting to teeter over into that place that Geto ended up - where all of your sacrifices, all your pain, once meant something and now it doesn't mean anything. Sorcerer's aren't supposed to have "ideals" or lofty principles which they fight for.
If you've seen the "sorcerer rules" that gege wrote, it mostly boils down to: fight curses, don't tell normal humans that you're doing it, and listen to the jujutsu elders. We've seen before how the ones who do find a less selfish goal end up dying in ways that are terrible, often some way avoidable, and also directly related to their goal (the jujutsu code does not ask for lethal self sacrifice or suicide, but based on cultural context, would not be considered dishonorable. ie nanami could have turned around and gone for healing/help but he didn't and saved the students by sacrificing himself).
This oc has a lot more empathy than Satoru or Suguru - they can see why people make bad decisions, understand and even forgive them for it. They have the maturity to deal with people regardless if a bad decision is going to threaten the lives of the people they love or are obligated to protect. But apart from being more emotionally tuned in, they are very much like Suguru - including the part where they keep their silence until it just becomes too much, it doesn't mean anything anymore.
There are a lot of aspects of their relationship with Gojo that are just not tenable. They give him a lot of leeway because their relationship is built on contract, and because they do understand him somewhat. There are things they can't talk about, can't deal with, even though they have deep affection for one another, because of their job. And you're right, that's not Gojo's fault, but it also kind of is. The alpha doesn't want to pressure or rely on him like the rest of the world, but if you can't rely or lean on the other person in the relationship, then even if there's mutual understanding and even love, what does that mean when one of the people is left alone? The alpha may feel like they weren't relying on Gojo, but the truth is even his presence is stabilizing - in a mated pair, that bond is there even when you can't feel the other half and now it's gone. The alpha would love some honest reassurance or at least someone to tell them which way the world is going to tilt, because you're right they know they can survive without Gojo, but without the kids (and loving your kids is a very different relationship than loving your spouse) they don't know which way the world is tilting. I also never though gege would kill Tsumiki, but that's another raw wound there because she was never supposed to be involved in any of this. The panels imply that Gojo and Megumi canonically kept this from her and if she were herself she'd be mad about it (which I sort of break because alpha has a less obvious technique and has done things for Tsumiki before that technically show their powers).
To quote you: "Sorcerers dying young gives off such a raw feeling of hopelessness, despair and bitterness" precisely. I don't think anyone can look at a situation where children and teenagers and young adults experience more trauma and grief than most people encounter in their entire lifetimes and are not bitter that the people they love who experience this don't get to experience an equal amount of joy or love or appreciation or happiness before they perish.
This OC has a lot of tolerance. Their technique (like how most techniques relate to theme and personality) is partially centered around that. How much can you take before you break? For this oc, the answer is a lot more than most. I haven't written this part yet but they were injured in the Toji fight as well. They just weren't broken by it they way Gojo and Getou were. Riko's death hurt, sure, but they had failed before and knew what the sorcerer system did to show you that failure was possible way more intimately than the other two did. In this way, the OC and Shoko mirror one another.
This is the arm breaking moment, this is the week they start to crack, and the way their technique works is either they break or something else has to, because all that pain and pummeling has to go somewhere.
The fun part about this OC is they're Gojo's age-ish, so I get to do something shonen anime doesn't often get to, and show that adults still have growth and power-ups! If negative feelings are related to cursed energy etc and unlocking your own mental blocks in order to use it, well... depending on how things go in the manga there's some potential directions for oc to get some payback.
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bpdmemes · 2 years
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ifandomus · 3 years
The most rage inducing article I have ever read
I found this today and now I need to rant to get all the rage out before I explode
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Bucky was never a villain or a bad guy!
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Reluctant villain?! As I said he was never actually a villain. He was a victim who was tortured, abused, mindcontrolled and brainwashed!
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Bucky is NOT responsible for ANY of that!! Hydra were the ones who killed those people! Hydra are the responsible ones here!
And Tony, do they mean the guy who mutilated and tried to murder him?! Even though he knew that Bucky was brainwashed! Screw that!
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What exactly did he do wrong?!
And I would suggest reading this and this for the part about Yori.
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Ok this one is fair I guess. Apart from that he never tried to defend Zemo.
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Im just confused about this one.
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Now Im not saying that Bucky treated Walker well or even decently in any way, but Walker didnt treat them that well either. Also why are they blaming Bucky for things that Walker, Ayo and the others of the Dora Milaje chose to do? And Bucky and Sam did try to stop the fighting (after Sam asked but still).
Why are they blaming Bucky for the choices of other characters? Its also a bit ironic that they blame him for what happened when he didnt have any agency or autonomy, but they also blame him for things that other characters chose to do out of their own free will. What the hell?!
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This is something he has been doing since ca:cw at the latest. Didnt they watch the movies?
‘Bucky found it difficult to prevent himself from using lethal means since he was conditioned that way’
He was completly unable to prevent any of it because of his torture, mindcontrol and brainwashing. Hydra kept him from even being able to try to prevent anything.
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Are they actually saying that Bucky respecting Isaiahs wishes was a bad thing?!
I would suggest checking out this video where a Black veteran (who was abused by someone in the military while serving) explains why keeping Isaiahs secret was actually the right thing to do:
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Did he? Has he truly internalised that he isnt actually guilty? Also they werent his fault, they were hydras. And what do they mean that he was putting them off? There is absolutely nothing that suggests he was doing that. And even if he was, so what? He wasnt the actually guilty one here. And since he was innocent he should have had a healing arc, not a redemption arc!
(Im going to have to reblog the next parts due to the picture limits)
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wickedpact · 4 years
[waggles finger angrily in direction of computer screen] KEANE!
ok so i Started saying this in that other post but the Thing About keane is that he doesnt come off as being That Bad through the most of the movie. obviously hes not a good person; the fact that he works for merrick and that hes ex special forces alone is sus as fuck (like buddy, why arent you still in special forces?)
but in comparison to dr kozak (sadist) and merrick (also a sadist) keane doesnt seem that bad. he spends most of the movie standing around in douchebag suits and being intimidating. there are only like five scenes where we see him touch other people, ‘cause all he really does is order his goons around, and Usually when we Do see him touch people, he’s more or less Your Usual Brand of Asshole about it
long post under cut :/
like. 1.) grabbing joe after he headbutts merrick
2.) knocking out andy and booker with the sedative
3.) knocking out copley
4.) the joenicky fight scene
5.) the joe fight scene afterwards but that doesnt really count bc he never got a punch in (lol)
and in all of those, excluding the the joenicky fight scene (and the joe fight scene which i just said doesnt count) keane’s.... eh? hes not nice but he could be way meaner.
The Joe Grab: obviously not Good Boy behavior, obviously aggressive, but he doesnt hurt joe here. hes not even cutting off joe’s air, he’s just grabbing him.
i mean. in reaction to the headbutt, keane threatens joe without harming him, the goon behind joe pistol whips him, and merrick stabs him. of the three reactions we get, keane’s is the most mild. look, his finger isnt even on the trigger
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andy & book; again not good boy behavior, but again he could have been way worse. when he sedates andy she struggles like fuck, and you can even see keane kind of stumble as he tries to hold her down. even so, he doesnt hit her to get her to stop, a thing his goons do fairly regularly to the others, and even when he grips her neck to hold her still, he’s holding her jaw more than her neck (look at his thumb). in the aftermath, she doesnt even have any marks. (this coming from the movie that gave merrick a red spot on his forehead for like a whole minute after joe headbutted him. lmao suck it merrick)
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and when he goes for book, more of the same. he just kind of... holds him in place, despite his struggling. its professional . hes just a dude doing his job. Keane The Professional.
when he knocks out copley right after thats the only other time we see him personally harm someone, and even then that was with a specific order from merrick (you see him give keane A Look) and theres nothing sadistic there either. he hit copley, copley was out(TM), the end.
None Of This Gives Any Indication Of Keane Enjoying Causing Pain
and Many People have discussed this fight so i wont go off too hard but. this fight. it lasts roughly thirty seconds. Thirty. and of those thirty seconds, keane spends about... eh, seventeen focused on nicky? (the kicking, the gun, etc) on joe? he spends about three. as in seconds. the other ten seconds is mostly keane getting beat on or standing ominously above the two of them.
and of the few analyses ive seen, people point out keane being homophobic as his motivation here (and he definitely is) but homophobia alone doesnt explain why keane WENT OFF on nicky specifically.
because like! the beginning of this fight! keane sends all of his goons after nile booker and andy! SIX men to fight THREE immortals, leaving KEANE ALONE to fight the other two! and then he walks into the room joe and nicky are in, sees them both lying there,
like! he already won the fight right then and there! nicky and joe were on the floor! a bullet to the head to both of them to keep them down and keane would have had them both, but no, keane puts his gun away, grabs his zipties,
AMDN then he goes straight for fucnening nicky
it would make Sense if hed gone for joe. he and joe have established beef. the headbutt. the speech in the van (which im sure keane heard at some point since those guards had bodycams and im sure keane wanted to know how he and nicky managed to kill his men and looked at the footage) --and theres the killing of the men itself, but both joe and nicky did that together. so.
either way, joe has been challenging the authority of keane and his men since he had the breath to do so. nicky’s barely glanced in keane’s direction (beyond the killing the men thing, which weve established both he and joe did)
other than that, worst thing nicky’s done to keane is nearly bump into him while he was busy making Disappointed Eye Contact with copley
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but anyways: keane doesnt go for joe! he walks past joe’s body and goes for nicky, who’s just barely begun to move. it would also make sense, at this point, to put a bullet in nicky’s head here. like i said, keane’s already won. Keane The Professional wouldve already killed him.
instead, keane kicks nicky in the head, stands there and watches nicky get up, then kicks him a second time, and watches him again. he goes to do it a third time before nicky gets the drop on him.
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at no point prior to this in the movie do we see keane behave like this. he doesnt cause pain for the sake of causing it. he doesnt hurt people pointlessly. here, he does. theres no reason to be kicking nicky like this. its not accomplishing anything, it’s not helping him capture them. hes just doing it ‘cause he wants to. (not to mention, each time you see him go to kick nicky, he goes to kick harder)
and actually, doing this is actively stupid! joe is waking up a foot away. there are three other immortals on the loose. merrick is unaccounted for. and keane is just wasting time. by dicking around rn, he’s actively shooting himself in the foot.
but anyways, nicky punches keane, keane kicks him off, and then joe’s awake, and This is the detail i just noticed a little earlier-- but when keane gets up here and joe grabs him: his head is turned towards nicky. his eyes are turned towards nicky. he’s moving towards nicky, not joe, who is the active threat in the moment
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he doesnt even acknowledge joe until joe’s hand is physically on his head. joe had to physically Hold the dude back from going after nicky again
and then we see keane’s behavior change again when he sets his sights on joe. Keane The Professional is back again- two rapid-fire punches aimed at joe, no nonsense, no drawing it out, and then he goes for his gun
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he doesnt draw it out. he doesnt sit and watch joe suffer. that gif is in real time, thats how fast keane took joe out. two punches, shoulder, neck, and then an immediate escalation to lethal force.
like the difference between: keane putting his gun away and then keeping it away for fifteenish seconds while focusing on nicky
when focusing on joe, it takes him.. about two seconds & some change to pull the gun out again
keane wanted joe dead, but he wanted nicky to fucking suffer
and the you know, theres the obvious gun in mouth thing, which other people have talked about. the only thing i have to say about That is that its another fucking example of keane shooting himself in the foot. hes in a room filled with gas w/ no gas mask, and theres a very pissed off joe like two feet away from him recovering by the second. however, he doesnt do the Keane The Professional thing and put a bullet in nicky’s forehead-- he deliberately leans down, grabs nicky’s hair (and its not like he needed to, nicky sure as hell wasnt going anywhere anyway, unable to breathe and probably still sitting on a concussion after being kicked in the head) and jams the gun in nickys mouth. he’s wasting time doing that. it would have been faster and easier to just shoot nicky in the head. (like he probably was about to do to joe, considering how he doesnt step any closer to joe as he pulls out the gun)
and then he just??? bounces??
he is, again, in a position where he’d practically won. he had nicky dead. joe was on the ground. he could have gone for his mask, or shot joe and then fucked off to get a breath of Good Air. gun is still in his hand. he doesnt even try to take out joe, not even just shooting over his shoulder as he left. he doesnt give a shit about joe once nicky’s dead.
nicky was dead, so keane just left. and he double takes at the body as he goes??
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like at first i thought he was confused nicky wasnt getting up, but he knows how the immortals work, he saw joe and nicky die on the body cams at the church. like sir why are fucking looking? fuck off?
but yeah theres just no explanation for this! nicky has done practically nothing to keane, but keane just zeroed tf in on nicky with no provocation! it couldnt have been just homophobia, if it were he would have targeted joe the same way he did nicky. he had to have some other motivation for acting completely differently @ nicky than he does to any other character in the film, and then just. going back to normal once nicky was dead. its weird. its creepy. and theres like 0 explanation. dont like it
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hysokaz · 3 years
why did hisoka not kill gon in zevil island?
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he wanted to see gon grow. he even said so himself, he wants to see gon grow into an opponent worth killing. but we all know that.
he wants to see gon grow stronger so that he will reach a level where he feels he can fight him and get a good match out of it. but thats a boring answer. i think that hisoka didnt kill gon in zevil island, despite the fact that gon was down and paralyzed, because he respected gon in that moment.
hisoka doesnt really have "respect" for a lot of people. or things. i think his respect can go hand in hand with if he wants to fight someone or not. does hisoka mind killing, or fighting? of course not, but theres a difference between him not minding and him WANTING to kill/fight. you have to impress him or at least do something that makes him reasonably think that youre "worthy" of fighting him. some people he respects include illumi, chrollo, machi, etc. anyone who he would REALLY like to fight some day. i dont think he respected gon in the beginning of the exams; i think he thought it would be fun to fight gon, but i dont think he thought it would be any time soon that the urge to fight him would pop up.
the start of his respect, and urge to fight gon grew the second that he saw gon with his own badge in hand.
so why does this matter?
because the respect gon gained from hisoka kept him alive.
i think its interesting to compare the way hisoka views targets he doesnt MIND fighting and targets he WANTS to fight, aka, respects. agon, the bird-looking guy who he kills, was nothing to hisoka. hisoka was in a trance when he killed him, gon even said that hisoka wouldve just killed anyone he saw. when hisoka killed agon it was quick, and hisoka let agons body fall without a second glance. in fact, the next thing he does is a clear indicator of the way he views the people he respects. he drops EVERYTHING, in quiet shock, to look for the person that ripped the badge of his chest. you know its shock because hisoka places his hand on his chest, where his badge had been, to see if it truly was gone. its enough of a shock for him to completely snap out of his bloodlust trance and to focus all of his attention to the person who took them down.
and when he saw gon, what was his reaction? he was happy.
gon is special, in a way. hisoka saw potential in gon, but he didnt seem to care too much for him. it was enough to make an impression, though. that impression instantly grew once he saw gon was the one to take his badge; he realised that gon truly would grow into an opponent worthy of killing.
it almost seems like hisoka WAS going to kill gon at first, the way he reacted after spotting him, but i can GUARANTEE you he wasnt. hisoka was no longer in a trance once he saw gon, he was completetly calm and in his sound mind (as much as that counts). hisoka approaches gon, or at least begins to, calmly and quietly. he visibly shows himself stepping towards gon, he doesnt try to go quick before gon can react, in fact, he waits for gon to get over his startlement before approaching. gon, still scared for his life (for good reason) ran away. but i can still guarantee that he wasnt in a trance even without him not physically being on the screen-- all of it revolves around geretta. he kills geretta quietly, gon doesnt even know hisoka kills geretta until after it happens. hisoka is careful, collected, and assassinates him without a sound. had hisoka been in a trance he wouldve been running to kill gon, and that wouldve made geretta hear him and it wouldnt have been such an easy kill; when hisoka is in a trance, he doesnt care who sees him-- hes so overwhelmed by his own bloodlust to not sense the presence of others. theres no reasonable way that hisoka wouldve calmly approached geretta if he was truly in an urge to kill gon, therefore he didnt want to kill gon.
hisoka is not too... prideful. i wouldnt use the word to describe him at least. its not like he wakes up in the morning to admire himself, hes never said something that leads me to believe he even tells himself hes strong. i dont know how to explain it, but hisoka doesnt NEED to tell himself that hes strong; hes confident, but hes not vain. i would only ever call him overconfident when bloodlust gets to his head-- but when that happens, hisoka plain cant THINK, so i dont think its too far to use that. the only counterargument against this that i can think of is the way he is with chrollo, but i havent thought much about their relationship and i dont want to bring that up now. what im trying to say is that hisoka couldve honestly given less of a shit if he lost his own badge. it wouldnt mean anything to him so long he could still win. but hes not stupid, he knows the value of a badge. the knows the value that gaining an opponents badge would mean to someone, i think he wouldnt exactly KNOW know but i think he would have a hunch that it WOULD mean something to gon.
so i think that hisoka giving gon his badge would be a sign of respect, as well. he COULDVE taken all the badges he needed, he COULDVE just let gon be, but instead he went out of his way to gift gon his badge. this wasnt mockery, like gon took it. it was a sign of respect, because hisoka WANTS gon to pass. he knows hes going to be fine even if he has to get 3 more cards and gives his own to gon so that he may pass. its the thing that sparked my analysis, it was CLEAR that it was a sign of respect.
i have one more argument. believe it or not, knocking down gon was another sign of respect. while yes it brought gon to a very low point, hisoka didnt mean for that to happen. him knocking gon down was mercy, in hisokas eyes. he obviously doesnt want gon to not pass, its obvious. another sign is that geretta is killed. hisoka couldve let gon deal with it, i mean geretta didnt give a lethal dose, but hisoka didnt let that happen. he dropped his badge and left it with gon, and ran off with gerettas. if gon passed and if he passed, he was fine with that.
its all respect. he has enough respect for gon to want him to live (for now) and pass.
so why did hisoka not kill gon in zevil island when he had every chance? he had too much respect for gon to do it.
#hxh#hxh meta#gon freecss#hisoka morow#ik i got pics from 11's but i was actually watching the 90s version when i got the idea to write this#i was arguing with myself because im crazy about the way hisoka acted and i was trying to deduce WHY he didnt kill gon and#why he acted the way he did in general during that time#and i just slwoly came to realisation that gon only survived because hisoka respects him#and its so. hisokas fucking brain is so intersting i need to dissect it#litearlly i am going insane soemtimes i feel like im one of the only people in this website who fundimentally understands this clown#i know thats not like something to brag about and i sound stupid but i. i feel like i understand his reasoning but damn near everything &#perhaps that is a cause for worry#not my fault i got mentally fucked up in the head symdrome#anyways guys im hongry and the glue in my nails is peeling off and its 2am#seriously i spent hours doing dishes and that makes the glue fall off sm faster it fucking sucksssss#why do i spend hours doing dishes? because i spend hours cleaning and organising. why do i do that?😎 please help me#side note writing this at 2:25 im really hongry still man#i litearlly do not know if any of this makes sense im ujst jmjrsg .stupid clown#okay i finaly ifnished it at 4:42 am i need to go to bed i have like a hair appointment at 12 and thats important i need my blondness to#keep my sane..dont worry i only dye half of it platimun blonde because i hate yellow and its a stupid colour#anyways i feel like i couldve explained this better but i try my best#omg wiat 4:44 making this edit yayyy angel numbers#um anwyays wanted to say..shit what did i want to say........oh yes i wanted to say that i know no one asked but but i really had been thin#kin about this and i realy needd to get it out of my heaed
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
really a twitterverse question but are people (really just cherri/newsie/chimp) ever confused/surprised by the way the fab four (particularly kobra) are with the baby Girl??? i was thinking about how Same Old Antics is partly about reputations/the way people are perceived and the juxtaposition of kobra’s reputation and his interactions w the Girl is so interesting to me that i wanted to ask like how does seeing kobra w the girl affect cherri’s opinion of him and vice versa with him & the twins
oh this is an interesting one! i'm gonna try to be coherent but if im not just lmk and ill try again skdjfh
short answer: no. its not surprising
long answer:
the thing with the girl (in all my canons but ill focus on twitterverse here ofc) is that the fab four dont really... advertise that they have her? theyre already Very wanted by the city (even moreso in SOA) and the girl is Also very wanted by the city so they try to keep a low profile and not like. spread around that theyre raising this highly wanted and important child (BLI knows abt her powers but the fab four kinda dont) bc otherwise the pursuit would be so truly relentless. sure, they take her places and they dont really Hide her but if you consider that cherri didn't know they had her despite it a) being up on the fab fours reputations and b) being Really close with doc who's like... the reason that the four have her then yeah, its not common knowledge that the fab four have a kid.
but like. esp kobras reputation doesnt really have to do with anyone else? like he doesnt have a reputation as being an asshole or being widely hated or a loner or anything he's got a reputation of being a fucking good racer, a quick fighter, and a bit easy. none of the fours reputations Really have to do with them being idk, cruel, just standoffish and wild and yknow, teenagers/young adults (like age range 19-25) in the zones. when you contextualize them as parents/guardians/whatever then things like kobra and ghoul never inviting their hookups back to the diner, party being a bit reclusive and mysterious, even jet having like. a Thing with mad gear but not touring with him or anything starts to make sense.
for the twins their interactions with kobra/the four before they found out about the girl were 1) a mostly-chance encounter in zone five (only two of them) 2) a trade where somehow a toy robot meant more to kobra than getting revenge on cherri did (and only three of them went into the hideout) and 3) a bar fight where again, the whole crew wasnt there. so taking those encounters and combining them with the well-known fact that the four had taken a risky and short-notice run into the City and the lesser-known fact that doc had intel in an important kid needing to get out of the city in the same timeframe, cherri puts those pieces together really fast when he sees the picture that kobra had in his backpack during the race
all this to say that cherri rolls up to that shipment interception and comes face-to-face with the girl for the first time and is met with a) jet, clearly unenthusiastic about it interacting with their kid b) kobra, fairly neutral on the whole thing but him and cherri had also had. a few more encounters then the rest of them and c) party outright telling it to fuck off and not talk to their kid and it goes "oh these motherfuckers are protective"
newsie was probably more surprised but also zie had even Fewer interactions with the four and didn't really see them with the girl until after party had been taken which really had everyone thrown for a loop. chimp was the least surprised bc well, the four had nothing against her when she met them, really, other than maybe thinking she had bad taste, so there was no animosity like there was with the twins. she managed to sweet talk them into letting her hold the girl on the first meeting by smiling and asking and , behind her, pony and doc flashed a thumbs up at a suspicious-looking jet
and like, despite them being not nice to outsiders (to say the least), theres nothing about their reputations to suggest that theyd be mean to each other. crews (esp in my canons) are SO reliant on liking and trusting the other people in them, if the four have a kid its not out of a sense of obligation or anything, its because some part of them Wanted to raise a kid and theyre gonna do their goddamn best with her. if that includes four highly-lethal and wanted rebels stacking blocks and babytalking at a toddler whose first five words included three swears then hey, so be it
god god god okay you already god a short answer but to sum up (again) its not surprising as much as eye opening, throws a bit of light on why the four act like they do about certain things.
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streetsofaesthetics · 2 years
so i had the craziest dream about bianca and louis navigating a zombie outbreak. my dream established that sal was dead, nick was dead, cass was dead, and eve was alive but unreachable (still her life span was questionable)
my dream established that technology had not yet been cut from civilization ( so the news was accessible, phones were accessible, cars were not though. ) and although zombies were lethal they were also manageable to an extent. this is because some people carried the disease and others did not. some were immune to getting contaminated, some were not. and on top of that, bites seemingly did not transmit the disease. Reporters and scientists kept going back and forth about whether bitten survivors should be quarantined or not. 
my dream also established that Bianca and Louis weren’t even in New York, they were in some unidentifiable state separated from the family. atmosphere wise, it was very, very midwestern looking. anyway, Bianca had to hear about her father’s zombification through a call with eve who did not want she and Louis to come home. She wanted them to be safe where they were, and smart. This upset both of them, but they tried to do their best outside of New York.
In no time at all, the siblings found a sanctuary to stay in. It was a very old cathedral that housed an elderly actor who felt like it was the best spot to hide. this spot did have some issues though, specifically in how there were some people (likely holy men) who refused to leave the crypt of the cathedral after they became zombified, so now they were an impending problem. the actor told them that if they cleared out the crypt, they could stay. so bianca and louis went down there, and it was actually bianca who beat both of them with a shovel. it wasnt something she was delighted in, but there was no trauma, no nothing. if anything she just seemed happy that she was capable of killing them because she knew she wouldn’t be useless in this scenario. so, all was good for awhile. but my dream had the audacity to have an overarching plot. Bianca met a private investigator on the verge of death one morning she kept hearing the sound of animals fighting and when peering out the window she saw a total of 5 dogs of various breeds and sizes. she got the dogs to separate after yelling a little, but then this investigator stumbled by the church and collapsed. he was alive, but really tired and wounded. he was also the owner of the hounds. ignoring his wounds, bianca told him that he needed to control his dogs, and he basically ignored her. telling her something about people who needed help in a nearby state which caused bianca to decide to go on a quest to bring these people to the cathedral. she went by train alongside other survivors while louis stayed at the cathedral. she got to her destination easily but ended up in a relationship with some married man who was a con artist. it was gonna backfire on her. :/  meanwhile, the elderly actor ended up dying. not by a zombie, but he was literally hunted down by another actor who had a personal conflict with him during the shooting of a movie. this dude tracked him down and shot a arrow through the other man’s head, after that he fled for awhile leaving Louis and some others found the body.
Afterwards, his murderer introduced himself a day later and aimed to stay in the cathedral. He really seemed very cool and casual, not like a killer at all. This is the point where I woke up. 😩
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krabstick32 · 4 years
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Pairing: Giyuu x Reader Synopsis: You and Giyuu have a short conversation before the summer starts.
Tags/warnings: I don’t think there are any warnings, this is just fluff
A/N: helloo, here’s another self-indulgent short fluff piece—I thought this one up in the shower and immediately wrote a portion down once I got out. 
Anyway, please enjoy!! <33
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The two of you were sitting comfortably at the water estate’s engawa, savoring the afternoon light and the last vestiges of spring before your missions in the evening.
The weather was pleasant, but the air was already starting to feel a little warm, bringing in the promise of a summer breeze too humid. A few more weeks and your busy days would be filled with hot afternoons, and slightly cooler evenings. But the change was welcome since Summers were slightly easier for you demon-slayers—seeing that day lasted longer than night, preventing demons from roaming too long (that didn’t mean they would stop feeding on humans though).
You push thoughts of demon-hunting away as petals from the nearby cherry blossom tree scatter around the courtyard, some even making its place on your hair. Absently, you feel Giyuu shift under you to brush them away.
“You know,” He starts while you were cradled in between his legs. You hum noncommittally, already half-asleep as you lean against his chest. His heartbeat was like a steady lullaby that nearly lulls you to sleep. “You’re like… the ocean.”
You sit up slightly. His statement was making a mess of your drowsy mind, but you’re able to squint your eyes at him, pushing away the thought that he made a good make-shift bed. “What? Are you calling me big?”
He looks at you weirdly and wraps his arms back around your waist, gently pulling you back against his chest. “What? No, how does that even relate?”
“I dunno, oceans are big. You said I'm like the ocean, so maybe you’re calling me big.”
He nuzzles into the crook of your neck and mumbles a statement he one-hundred percent believed in. “No, you’re perfect.”
“Haha. Smooth.” You snort, but you don’t push him away. (He didn’t speak often, but when he did, it always left you blushing to your head down to your toes. Maybe if he was nice and gave you kisses, you’d admit that you liked his sweet talk). “Now tell me, why am I the ocean?” You pout, peeking up at him as you play with the collar of his white uniform shirt.
“I don’t know,” he says. “You just are.”
It makes sense he thinks. You are like the ocean, and he wonders why it took so long for him to realize it.
You were calm, like the small waves lapping at the shoreline, but you could be lethal, like a raging tsunami washing over an entire village that leaves behind the wreckage. You were soothing, nurturing, and like the water, you were all-encompassing—the warmth of your embrace never fails to fit so well against his body, down to his very core (like two missing puzzle pieces)—almost as if you were water itself. He felt consumed by the love you gave him, and he was willing to surrender all that he was—give you his love, his life, his mind, his body, his soul. 
Everything. Anything for you.
“Any chance you’re going to tell me?”
He wouldn’t. Maybe someday he will, but for now, he’ll leave those words unsaid. He was never much good at words anyway—he preferred saying ‘i love you’ with his actions.
“Maybe as in… No?” You guess. You’ve loved him long enough to understand bits and pieces of his mind, but that didn’t mean it didn’t frustrate you at times
He smiles cryptically, handsomely. A smile he reserved for you. “Maybe.”
In an effort to hide your flushed cheeks, you tackle him playfully. He plays along, letting himself be swept to the floor, but takes you down with him gently, cushioning your fall along the way. His body was warm, and you drape yourself over him, allowing your hair to fall around the sides of his face, like a curtain—a halo of (h/c) curls that hides the sickly-sweet smiles on your faces from the world.
The smile never leaves your face, but your eyes grow fonder. ���I love you.” You say, because you felt like you would burst if you didn’t tell him.
“I love you too.” He answers back, and he feels his heart spread warmth all over his body. Giving you anything at this point was too late, because you’d already taken everything and swept him along your waves. 
Giyuu realized that he didn’t mind one bit.
“...You really won’t tell me?” 
He places a kiss square on your lips and you melt, returning what he gave. You push him away though when you realize what he’s doing.
“You’re distracting me.” You stare at him, a blank look masking your rapidly beating heart (but you knew he could hear it—you could hear his too).
He grins, his eyes crinkling at the corners in the cutest way, and you almost forgive him. “Is it working?”
Damn him, it does.
The water estate was filled with the sound of your groan and his rare laughter, echoing through the empty halls, and leaving behind a warm glow that was always present when the two of you were together.
Because while you had his heart, he knew that he had yours too.
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A/N: And when summer came, the two of you went to the nearby beach after a successful mission. You looked very happy to roll your sleeves up to your elbows and wade through the water. Giyuu just watches you from the shoreline, a contented smile taking over his usually impassive look, as he lets the waves lap against his feet.
even if its no longer summer season, I want to write them going to the beach sometime soon (because i wasnt able to go to the beach), but i’ll settle for this one for now uwu 
it’s not my favorite piece and its been sitting in my drafts for like... a long time (◑-◑ ;) and i’m a little sick of seeing it there, so uh... here.
i hope ya’ll still liked it and found it fluffy!!
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ratplagues · 3 years
🔥 any dishonored thing of ur choosing -deathoftheoutsider
wah okay!! i will talk a bit about the outsider and void then..i dont really wanna frame it as a Hot Take bc i have no interest in starting shit or whatever like ill interact with whatever i want to in this fandom and ignore the rest and everyone else is free to do the same but.
I do not think The Outsider is a “character” in the conventional sense, much less that it does his character or the allegory he wields any justice to be shipped with anyone in the series (at least without seriously considering the implications and framing it in a way that completes the allegory. more on this later)
the outsider and his void are an allegory for Otherness; i’m namely gonna frame it as queerness and neurodiversity, but really anything could fit as long as it’s about you feeling seen as a marginalized and othered person. he is written to represent this allegory, not to be a person with a satisfying narrative arc or dimensions. this is why some people feel that he lacks depth-- he’s not supposed to have depth compared to others in the series, he’s mostly a vehicle for what he represents, and is supposed to be easy to identify with or recognize.
he was born to a life of hardship, suffered at the hands of the rich and powerful, was ignored, cast out, etc. etc. a familiar story. poor, queer, nd, really whatever you wanna frame it as. he was a nobody outcast. in comes the envisioned, they pick him to serve as their martyr and idol without his permission. he then had his name cut away and forgotten, and was thrust onto a pedestal to spend the rest of eternity being worshipped by other outcasts who had suffered at the same hands he had. he has something greatly in common with those who worship him, including the very people who stripped his mortality from him in the first place, but because of this shared hardship (and nothing else), his own autonomous personhood was disregarded completely in favor of The Community needing someone Just Like Them to idolize. if this sounds familiar, that’s because it should!!
his humanity was taken from him, and in his place, an idol was created. his human body is frozen in stone in the center of the void-- retired. out of commission. no longer needed. he was immortalized, transcended. this is traditionally desired, although dishonored is trying to convince you that it is not actually desirable. in the age of internet content creation, you can be immortalized without even being present, without knowing about it. you become what you can do for other people, and what you cannot. people fall in love with an idea of you, the idea of you being like them, and other people come to hate you deeply without even knowing you. people came to hate the outsider more deeply than he ever had been when he was human-- he wasn’t seen when he was human. a pedestal only helps you to be seen. the outsider had the choice made for him to achieve immortality in exchange for the simple joys of being un-known.
he spends all of doto trying to convey this idea to billie through the hollows:
"There is freedom in being hated. There is license in being cast out. Some learn this lesson a little too well."  "These people lay their thoughts, their petty wants, their murderous desires in front of me to witness. I cannot turn away." "We carry what was done to us through the rest of our endless days. No one asked if we wanted it." (i like this one. he speaks for the community-- this is a shared experience, one everyone can recognize. however, as a Queer Figure, he never asked for this. he never asked to be immortalized. i like the double meaning here)
not to mention, the entire extent of the outsider’s Sole ability and influence on the real world is to “choose” people and give them untold power over others. this is a fun ironic twist on what marginalized groups endure from powerful people, (dishonored is largely about power imbalances and socioeconomic hierarchies) but it’s also fun to think about in the context of the role model/fan framing-- so many worshippers give their lives to be “chosen” by him. it’s easily framed as an exaggeration of otherwise very real power imbalances and often the flagrant breaching of boundaries existing between creators and fans.
and on the subject of the VOID...ohht he void.....
the void should be a haven for queer folks. for nd folks. it’s wanted by so many to be a safe space, it should be, it’s the Other World! it’s renounced by the abbey, crusaded against, even. but it isn’t. it’s just this limitless, eons-old horizon that hungers and starves for something to fill it. if the outsider is the lament of queer idolatry, the void is the lament of queer Hunger. it is roaming, and restless. it does not belong to the outsider; the outsider cannot survive without it. it’s the desire to belong, not a place of belonging.
the void craves this idol, this outsider-- i, for one, have often experienced hunger for a truly moral and just role model, someone to make the world Right, and i know this is another shared feeling. those who worship the outsider, who drive themselves mad trying to see him or be chosen by him, are suffering from this idol hunger. you see this in a lot of queer and nd kids and young adults. i grew up just having my life and interests like, punctuated by different fixations on different people that i didn’t know at all, only fell in love with the idea of. it happens a lot.
there’s a couple more doto quotes that really highlight this for me:
"They carve my mark into the old bones bleached by the sun. They carve my mark into their skin. They learn true hunger in the Void." "All these charms, these runes and fetid offerings on shrines made for me, will be nothing more than objects worn of meaning. Bones and dead things, thrown into the dirt."
“They learn true hunger in the Void.” is something that i wanna touch on real quick. people can spend their lives obsessing over the idea of what they think the void will cure for them, will fix in their lives, only to find out that it’s just a hollow manifestation of the emptiness they’ve felt all their lives. it’s not the needs met, but the need itself. you have to make the home, it doesn’t already exist and you can’t fucking run to it. it is heartbreaking, frustrating, one of the bleakest messages i’ve ever encountered in a game, but i’ve never felt more seen. by submitting to these ideas, the idea of a perfect unhuman human and the idea of a perfect otherworldly home, you are surrendering your humanity. you’re not only being transformed by the powers gained (if they are gained), you’re essentially dissolving with hunger after never having these needs met. you see so many people in these games whittling themselves down to nothing but base need. empty apartments occupied only by shrines, sometimes containing their corpses. journals of people dedicating their lives to the worship of the outsider, always ending darkly.  "I will find this empty place. Somehow the key to open the Void will fall into my hands. In time, I will learn the secret and he will call to me as he called to her."
not to mention The New Envisioned-- prolonged exposure to the void will always, without fail, turn a human into silver void stone. these creatures can no longer interact with or acknowledge the mortal world. they have surrendered themselves to hunger, and cannot be saved. this is celebrated by the cult, honored by them, even. i honestly like....i pity them, and i hate them, and i recognize that i’ve been those people, lmao. when i was at my worst as a teenager, i wasnt so much a person as i was just a shell full of hunger and heartbreak. my personality was defined by who i was a fan of. i think i definitely was Less Human then. the cult of the outsider is a universal experience!!
dishonored, at its core, is a celebration of humanity. it asks you to celebrate human emotion and weakness despite greed and bigotry. the powers are not to be wanted, they are to be ignored, refused. it is human to hunger, but it is Queer and Divergent to make hunger your life’s meaning, to need to learn the secret, find the key, be chosen and loved and cherished, to be made whole by some perfect thing. to find your humanity in something un-human. dishonored sees all that, mourns it with you, and then asks you to find humanity in each other !! love the spine of your lover, the blood draining down the docks, the pause to stretch languidly in the sun of a work day.
and finally...on the topic of outsider shipping....i dont think that, in his god form, it does him much justice to be shipped with anyone. he’s not much of a person, just a projection of his former self and a vehicle for his allegory as discussed-- im sure he could be shipped like this, but it just isn’t satisfying to me in any way. however, let’s talk a bit about his lethal and nonlethal ending. DOTO asks you to make a choice. is it better to give him an abrupt and merciful ending, after deciding that the fury he’s endured at the hands of others’ famine is too much trauma for any mortal to live with? or will you decide that it’s only fair to give him a chance to live the life he never got to, to return his humanity that was taken without his consent? if you choose to free him from the void, i think you can very very easily make the argument that he can be shipped with corvo, or anyone else that can easily be shipped w/ ppl. he’s finally free to live his life as a queer man, can explore the simple and complex joys of being human with other people, navigate the hills and valleys he never got to before. corvo’s just a nice pick bc 1) experienced human/inexperienced human is good, 2) they know each other, but they don’t. this is a good setup. 3) corvo is an older queer man and uhh you cant convince me otherwise lol! and older queer/younger queer is a self indulgence for me. also corvo is just nice. i think he would enjoy helping the outsider navigate his new humanity.
just some thoughts i have running through my head all hours of the day :) this is really long cuz its a combination of a lot of infodumps from discord lmfao
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haematicmagic · 4 years
Raw, powerful and cursed quotes
So as someone who recently migrated from a Pinterest lurker of 3 years, reading every tumblr screenshot i could find, i have gathered quite a selection of cursed or raw quotes from the most classic tumblr posts and whatever the hell Gaud is doing. Some of these aren’t tumblr, but classic literature or musical quotes or poems. As i didn’t write them down, i cant give sources for every single one, but i can give them on request if you’re interested. Feel free to add more.
• „I‘ll do what I want“
„Then perish“
„then become the dirt I walk on“
• „violence for violence is the rule of beasts“
• „to become god is the loneliest achievement of them all“
• „There are places we have never seen before: Soem have never seen the Ocean, have never laid eyes on marrakesh. The other world is just a place we haven’t visisted before and we’re gonna explore it together“
• “Auge um Auge und die Welt wird blind”
(German, translated to mean: An eye for an eye and the world goes blind)
• „You kneel before my throne, unaware that it was made of lies“
• “You’re rearranging deck chairs on the titanic my friend”
• “Bold of you to assume I (will meet a mortal end, have ambitions)”
• „I beg to differ“
„Then beg"
• „One day, you will be face to face with your gods and you will have to justify the space you’ve filled
• „the skin of the earth is littered with the ruins of empires that thought themselves immortal“
• „my Ancestors are smiling down on me. Can you say the same?“
• „Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.“
• „god should have made girls lethal when he made monsters of men“
• „Decay exsists as a distant form of life“
• „Can you feel your heart burning? Can you feel the struggle within? The fear within me is beyond anything that your soul can comprehend. You cannot cure me in any way that matters.“
• „Draw a monster. Why is it a Monster?“
• „A year ago you didn’t know today“
• „She is a mystic in the sense that she is still mystified by things“
• „these hands have built bridges, they will not build walls“
• „the anger in your heart warms you now but will leave you cold in your grave“
• „The Man who sleeps with a machete is a fool every night but one“
• „Thats a funny trick to play on a god“
• „We can do any sins we want. There are no gods here to observe them“
• „we deserve a soft epilogue“
• „Starved dogs eat their masters.“
• „I am a monument to all your sins.“
• „Face your mortality, choose your requiem.“
• „I do not love the sword for its sharpness or the arrow for its swiftness nor the warrior for his glory. I can only love that which they defend“
• „Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars you have won“
• „Do you think God, too, stays in heaven in fear of what he has created?“
• „Good men need no rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many“
• „Nothing is set in stone, but everything is set in a dirt road. If you roll your waggon along that path too much, it‘ll soon be the only path you can take without struggling“
•„You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you.“
„You seem a decent fellow. I hate to be killed by you.“
•„We are men of actions. Lies do not become us.“
•„The watch is ticking and I‘m no clockmaker“
•„Only when Lions have Historians will Hunters cease to be heroes“
•„If you consider a woman less pure after you touched her, you should take a look at your hands“
•„the fire can’t touch me, for I have have burned one too many times. And the sea can’t harm me, for I have been drowning all my life. But you, you could rip my heart open, darling, for I have never known love before.“
• „take no shit, do no harm“
• “Be a nuisance where it counts, Do your part to inform and stimulate the public to join your action. Be depressed, discouraged, and disappointed at failure and the disheartening effects of ignorance, greed, corruption, and bad politics—but never give up.”
• „Before you tell a tale of revenge, dig two graves
• „First we shape our tools, then our tools shape us.“
• „The future is what you make of it. Just know that your supplies are limited.“
• „bury me shallow, I‘ll be back"
• „This is Hell territory and I am impudent to no gods“
• „Sticks and Stones may build a throne but you‘ll be up there all alone“
• „I am deliberately taking this personally“
• „You’re still dodging my questions“
„you’re just missing“
• „Rome wasnt build in one day.
But it was burned one“
„But they layed bricks every hour“
• „You’re not as simple as they wanted you to be.“
• „Get off the ground, kid, spit your blood. Go down a savage, go down fighting.“
• „Educated Criminals work within the law“
• „Everyone is guilty of the good they did not to“
• „Even the ground wouldnt want you to rot in it“
• „War is old men talking and young men dying.“
• „I‘ll take care of you.
It‘s rotten work.
Not to me. Not if its you.“
• „What are you, before a human ready to fight“
• „Walls have ears
Doors have eyes
Trees have voices
beasts tell lies
Beware the rain
Beware the snow
Beware the man
you think you know“
• „This is who we are: A product of war.“
• „once a man, now deemed a fool“
• „What was that?
Probably God, looking down on his children and regretting that there even was a sixth day.“
• „We all just kill time until the killing time“
• „people will never bleed enough to meet your vision of justice“
• „There are three things all wise men fear: The sea in storm, a moonless night and the anger of a gentle man.“
• „Let me die first or I will die twice“
• „Looks like you dropped something.
Your standards. Hi, I‘m XY“
• „In whatever matter it comes to be, love is never wrong, especially not between one that has so much of it to give and one so desperately in need of it.“
• „Heavy is the Crown and light as a feather the banner of rebellion"
• „I am not a vessel for your good intentions“
• „Every breath i take without your permission raises my self esteem“
• „Your boos mean nothing, I‘ve seen what makes you cheer“
• „In a rich man’s house there is no place to spit but his face.“
• „You could sooner divert a river from its course than deny my nature.“
• “I would rather die standing than live kneeling”
• “Life is all about pain and by god I will be it’s conduit.”
• “Ring the bells you still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That is how the light gets in”
• “Here’s a penny for your thoughts and a quarter to not tell me them.”
• “Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame”
• “To greed, all nature is insufficient”
• “We are rarely proud when we are alone”
• “I will love you like misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence and as justice loves to sit and watch as everything goes wrong”
• “You say I killed you - haunt me, then.”
• “But who are you, to consider yourself an enemy of humanity? Who are you, to define yourself as something else but them?”
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