#even though billy always thought it was bs
ickypuppi3 · 1 year
billy thinking he’s experiencing literal hell when he gets flayed specifically because that’s what neil told him happens to people like that is such an interesting concept actually
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 9 months
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Lonely This Christmas
Pairing: Billy Washington (Trigger Point) x f!reader Warnings: Dark and obsessive behaviour, stalking, smut, dubious consent. Word count: ~4.5k
Summary: On a rare occasion when her and Billy both find themselves home for Christmas at the same time, they admit they've always fancied each other. However, as things develop between them, she soon realises that for Billy it's something much more sinister than a harmless crush. Based on this request.
Author's note: For my darling @heimtathurs. I don't have a tag list. Please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
She walks up the pathway to the front door, the combination of the bitter cold and the handles of the plastic carrier bag cutting into her flesh causing her fingers to sting painfully. The cans in the bag clank noisily against each other as she jostles it from one hand to the other, raising her fist to knock at the door. Her breath comes in hot, cloudy puffs as she shifts from foot to foot, relief flooding through her as she sees the silhouette of her best friend, Lana, appear through the glass in the door.
“Let me in then!” She grumbles, pushing past and handing Lana the bag, once the door is open. “It’s bloody freezing out there!”
It’s December 23rd, and time for her and Lana’s annual tradition of Christmas Eve Eve film night - a ritual that they’ve managed to keep alive since they first met in secondary school, though as the years have passed their taste in films has matured and they can now sit and openly drink beer, instead of needing to sneak a bottle of MD 20:20 back and forth between them beneath a duvet, like they did as teenagers.
The location never changes - always at Lana’s parents’ house - even now that she’s moved out, she always comes home for two weeks over the festive period, and like clockwork the two of them sit on the sofa the evening before Christmas Eve and stare at the TV until they can no longer keep their eyes open.
She shrugs off her coat as she moves through the hallway, into the living room, the warmth from the central heating causing her skin to prickle with the pleasant rise in temperature. Rolling her eyes as she spies the DVD case for Die Hard on the coffee table, she sits heavily down on the sofa, kicking her shoes off and tucking her legs beneath her.
“We watched this last year,” she says to Lana, who follows a few paces behind, having deposited the contents of the bag into the fridge in the kitchen, “It’s not even a Christmas film!”
“It’s set at Christmas, so it’s a Christmas film,” Lana shoots back, handing her a can of Stella, before flopping down beside her and cracking open her own. “And Bruce Willis in that vest? I’m gripped.”
She snorts a laugh, opening her own beer and taking a deep sip, enjoying the way the coolness of the bitter liquid fizzes against her tongue.
“How’ve you been anyway? Your mum and dad not in?”
Lana swallows and pokes at the inside of her cheek with her tongue. “Nah, they’re out for the evening, think they could use a break since face-ache moved back in. I’ve only been back here a few days and he’s already doing my head in.”
She feels her cheeks heat up at the mention of Billy. She’d met Lana’s younger brother when he’d started at the same secondary school as them and, although he was a couple of years below them, she’d always thought he was cute. He was tall, if a little on the lanky side, and his floppy blonde hair and big blue eyes instantly attracted her to him. She’d kept the fact that she fancied him to herself though, feeling it was inappropriate to lust after her best mate’s brother, especially a younger brother.
As the years had passed, Billy’s seemingly permanent cheeky smile had faded into a persistent look of misery. He’d done badly at school, left with failing grades and been rejected each time he’d tried to apply to join the army.
Meanwhile, Lana had flourished, leaving school with a handful of As and Bs. She’d enrolled at college, before enlisting in the army and from there her career in the police force had taken off. She’d moved away from home, had a place of her own and had made her parents proud.
Billy, on the other hand, had struggled with chronic unemployment, eventually falling in with an alt right group who had set him up for a potential terrorist attack. He’d barely escaped the explosion on Cranstead Gardens, and had never really pulled himself back together afterwards. His relationship with his long-term girlfriend, Becky, had broken down and he’d moved out of their flat and back in with his parents, where he’d been living for the last six months.
She hasn’t seen Billy since they left school, but Lana tells her all about him whenever they hang out or chat on the phone. She’s always felt strangely protective of him, where Lana and her parents have given Billy a hard time, she has opted for a softer touch, believing he just needs someone to understand him.
“You can’t be so hard on him,” she says, finger pinging against the ringpull of her can absentmindedly, “he’s been through a lot.”
Lana sighs, grabbing the remote from the coffee table. “You don’t know him like I do. He’s not paying any rent, never tidies up, isn’t bothering to look for work. We can’t help him, he won’t let us, doesn’t wanna help himself.”
“Where is he at the moment?”
“Skulking around upstairs,” Lana nods towards the staircase. “First Christmas he’s not spent at Becky’s mum’s in a long time and he’s taking it…well, I couldn’t tell you how he’s taking it, he never leaves his bloody room.”
She nods sadly, letting the topic go as they settle back into the sofa cushions as the opening credits for Die Hard begin to roll.
“I’m empty,” Lana says around twenty minutes into the film, shaking her beer can. “You want another?”
“It’s alright, I’ll go,” she tell hers, taking her empty and heading towards the kitchen, eager for a break from a film she had no interest in watching last year, let alone again this year.
She chucks the cans into the recycling bin, before opening the fridge and retrieving two more. She yelps as she closes the door, startled by Billy standing there.
“Jesus, Billy–”
“Sorry, sorry…” he mumbles apologetically, a tinge of pink dusting itself across his cheek bones, as he averts his gaze. “Wasn’t tryna scare ya, just came down to make a cuppa.”
She exhales through her nose, a smile tugging at her lips. “S’alright. How are you getting on, anyway? It’s been a while.”
“Yeah…” he says uncertainly, filling the kettle from the sink and then flicking it on to boil. “Guessing you heard what happened then?”
She nods, placing the cans on the side and wiping the condensation off of her hands onto her jeans. “Lana told me. I’m so sorry, Billy, I really hope you’re okay.”
He says nothing for a moment, dropping a tea bag into a mug, followed by a generous pour of milk.
Milk first. Ugh.
“It’s been hard, y’know,” he finally says, “tryna find work, but there’s fuck all out there. What are you up to these days? You’re looking well.”
The sudden shift in focus doesn’t go unnoticed by her, he’s clearly not keen to talk about himself, but she can’t help but smile at the small compliment, feeling herself grow bashful.
“Got a job at a marketing agency,” she tells him, “nothing fancy, but it pays the rent.”
She’s actually a high ranking executive, living in one of the area’s most expensive flat blocks and has a tidy sum saved away for a deposit to eventually buy a place of her own. She’s unsure of why she’s downplaying her achievements, perhaps on some level she feels she owes it to Billy to not rub her success in his face when he’s clearly having a rough time of it.
The kettle boils and Billy fills his mug, stirring the tea bag around with a spoon, before squeezing it out with his fingers, making her wince - that has to burn, but if it does it doesn’t appear to bother him. He discards the used bag on the side, before turning to her. She can see what Lana means about him not tidying up now, it would have taken two steps for him to put it in the bin, and he hasn’t bothered. The laziness almost makes her want to laugh.
“So you and Lana doing your film night then?” He asks, noisily slurping his tea, then fixing her with a soft, yet unblinking gaze.
The intensity of his baby blue eyes flusters her, and for a moment she forgets what he’s asked, feeling the same old butterflies from their school days return. She clears her throat, shaking her head as if to rid herself of the feeling.
“Y-yeah…I’m surprised you remember. You were a teenager the last time we did one of those with you here,” she smiles warmly.
He nods, keeping a hand wrapped around his mug, pushing off of the kitchen side towards her and suddenly she’s aware of just how tall he’s grown, her throat running dry as she feels the kitchen counter bite into her back as she presses herself against it.
She deflates slightly, letting go of a breath she wasn’t aware when she’d been holding, a little disappointed when he brushes past her, lingering in the kitchen doorway.
“I remember,” he says, a ghost of the lopsided smirk she loved so much from their school days playing upon his full lips, “remember what a racket you and Lana used to make pretending you weren’t pissed on that nasty blue stuff.”
She grins, her gaze dropping as she fiddles with the cuff of her jumper sleeve, thinking back to all those years ago. “Sorry, Billy,” she finally says, looking up at him, “we’ll keep it down tonight.”
“No worries, I’ll be upstairs,” he tells her. “Enjoy your film.”
“Billy?” She calls softly after him as he moves to go back upstairs.
He turns, looking at her questioningly.
“You’re looking well too, by the way.”
The dusting of pink that had appeared across his cheekbones earlier now returns in earnest and he gives a simple nod before turning and heading up the stairs.
She deposits his now cold, used teabag into the bin, then grabs hers and Lana’s beers from the side and goes back into the living room.
The rest of the evening passes uneventfully, her and Lana finish off Die Hard, then move onto Gremlins.
On the couple of occasions that she goes upstairs to the bathroom she can hear the sound of Billy playing Call of Duty through his closed door. She thinks about knocking to invite him down to join them, but figures if he had wanted to do that he’d have asked in the kitchen, so she leaves it.
They’re halfway through Jingle All the Way when she feels her eyelids start to grow heavy. She leans forward, placing her half drunk can on the coffee table and turns to Lana.
“I’m gonna have to push off home, babe, I can’t keep my eyes open.”
Lana nods, pausing the film and sitting forward with a yawn. “Yeah, should probably get to bed myself. You gonna be alright getting home? Need me to call you a cab?”
“Nah, it’s only down the road, I’ll be fine walking,” she insists as she puts her shoes and coat back on.
“Alright, well, text me when you get home, yeah?” Her friend says, pulling her into a hug.
“Course,” she smiles, hugging her back and heading towards the front door. “Have a great Christmas. See you for New Year’s.”
Lana waves her off and as the front door closes behind her, she’s about to head back down the pathway when the glowing ember of the end of a lit cigarette catches her eye.
She turns to see Billy leaning against the side of the house, smoking a roll up.
“You off?” He asks, exhaling a plume of smoke that’s made larger by the cold that clings to the puff of his breath.
“Yeah. Was good to see you, Billy,” she says, trying to ignore how her pulse races at the way the soft glow of the street lamp illuminates the sharpness of his side profile.
“I’ll give you a lift, if you want?” He offers, crushing his cigarette beneath his foot.
“You don’t have to do that, I’m only twenty minutes down the road,” she says, suddenly feeling awkward, putting her hands in her coat pocket.
“And you could be five minutes down the road if I drive,” he retorts with a smirk.
She sighs, her gaze softening. Not having to walk home in the cold would be nice, actually. “Yeah, go on then.”
Billy walks around to the front door, opens it and fishes around on the key hooks until he has the set he needs. They walk down the road until they reach a red VW Polo and he unlocks it.
“New car?” She asks nonchalantly, having expected to see his old silver Vauxhall Cavalier.
“Nah, this is mum’s. Haven’t had a car since…well…y’know.”
Since it blew up. Fuck, how could she be so thoughtless?!
“Oh god, Billy, I’m so sorry, I–”
“Don’t worry about it,” he says, opening the driver’s side door. “Do you mind just giving me a minute before you get in?”
She nods, keeping her hands in her pockets, watching as feels all around the car’s interior, checking inside the glove box and under the seats.
Checking for explosives.
He finally settles behind the steering wheel, gripping it tightly, attempting to calm his breaths.
“Honestly, Billy, I don’t mind walking…” she says quietly.
He looks up at her, as though just remembering she’s there. “No…no, it’s fine. I want to do it. It’s good for me, I have to.”
“Can I get in now?” She asks, giving Billy a reassuring smile.
He nods, and she walks around to the passenger’s side, climbing in and buckling her seatbealt.
Billy starts the car and they drive in silence for a few moments before he finally speaks.
“You must think I’m such a loser,” he mutters, fingers flexing against the steering wheel.
She turns slightly in her seat, shocked by what he’s said. “I’ve never thought you were a loser. Please don’t say that.”
“I’ve got no job, no car, I live with my mum and dad, can’t even drive without needing to check I won’t fucking blow up first,” he scoffs, “don’t bullshit me.”
“I’m not!” She protests. “You’ve been through so much, Billy, you need to give yourself a break.”
His lips quirk, he pulls a hand away from the steering wheel to pull at the collar of his t-shirt. “S’not just what happened though, brought it on myself dad says. I’ve always been a loser, ever since school.”
“I never thought you were,” she assures him gently, “I actually really fancied you back then.”
Billy draws in a sudden breath, glancing sideways at her as he pulls up outside of her block of flats.
How does he know where she lives? Lana must have told him.
“And now?” He asks, turning off the engine and twisting in his seat to look at her.
It feels as though all the air has left the car suddenly, as they stare at each other. She isn’t sure what possesses her, perhaps the three cans of lager she’s drunk throughout the evening, but she finds herself leaning over the centre console and pushing her lips against his.
He reciprocates, soft and unsure at first, but quickly gains confidence, his mouth moving against hers with more urgency.
She cups his face, her fingers grazing over the stubble at the corner of his jaw that he always seems to miss when shaving and she smiles into the kiss, enjoying its roughness against her fingertips.
Billy seizes the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth and she moans softly as it slides against her own.
Their pupils are wide with lust, the windows of the car fogged up when they finally part for breath, keeping their foreheads pressed together.
He strokes his large hand over the back of her head, his voice barely above a whisper. “Can I come up?”
She swallows thickly, not wanting to reject him, but knowing it’s not a good idea to rush things. “Not tonight, Billy, I–”
He jerks away, hurt flashing across his features, rubbing his nose on the back of his hand. “Right, yeah, sorry, was stupid to think you’d want that…”
“No, no, it’s not that!” She says, reaching over and taking his hand in hers, running her thumb over his scarred knuckles. “We’ve waited so long for this, I don’t wanna rush it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he says, his shoulders relaxing as he breathes an audible sigh of relief. “Can I text you then?”
“I’d like that,” she looks at him through hooded eyes, “let me give you my number.”
“I’ve got it, don’t worry.”
Oh. Something else Lana must have given him.
“Alright then. Well, goodnight.”
She leans over and pecks him on the lips, then exits his car.
When she goes to sleep that night it’s with a smile upon her face, knowing that her childhood crush feels the same way that she does. In the back of her mind, she knows that Lana will go mad when she finds out, but that’s a bridge she’ll cross when she gets to it.
She is less than enthused when she awakens the next day realising it’s Christmas Eve and she needs to make her annual visit to her great aunt’s for room temperature sherry, mince pies and questions about why she isn’t married with children yet.
Her face lights up when she sees a text on her phone from an unknown number and realises it’s Billy.
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She grins excitedly to herself, calling her great aunt and feigning a migraine, before showering and readying herself for her day with Billy.
True to his word in his text, the buzzer to her flat sounds an hour later and he is at her door a few moments later.
It’s awkward at first, as they both stand there sizing each other up, unsure of what to say or do, until he takes the initiative and steps forward to kiss her.
It all feels so easy and natural, as though it’s something they should always have been doing, and when he takes her hand in his as they walk into town she can’t help the way her heart skips a beat at how perfectly her hand slots into his.
They walk around the Christmas market together, hand in hand, drinking mulled wine. For the first time since they were at school together, she sees Billy laugh, a genuine, happy laugh. He makes jokes, a sparkle returning to his eyes and he looks so relaxed, she is finally able to see his potential again, all that he could be if he wasn’t constantly wallowing in self pity, lurking in Lana’s shadow and taking his parents’ criticisms to heart.
When he walks her home that evening, she doesn’t hesitate to invite him up. Gentle affirmations of “I had a nice time today” rapidly escalate to needy kisses as they tug at each other’s clothes. This is the Billy that she wants, and she sees no point in waiting any longer.
His large hands eagerly grasp at her hips as she pushes him down onto the sofa, straddling his lap.
They are a frenzied clash of lips, teeth and tongue, her hands finding their way into his hair, pulling his head back slightly to mouth at his jaw and neck. He groans at the sensation, hips bucking up to meet hers.
When he slides down his tracksuit bottoms and boxers to free the ample hardness that has been pressing against her thigh for the last five minutes, she lifts herself, meaning to remove her tights. She gasps when his long fingers pluck at the crotch, tearing them open and pushing her knickers to the side.
His digits swipe through the wetness of her folds and she shudders against him. “You on the pill?” He asks gruffly.
She nods in affirmation, a whine escaping her as he replaces his fingers with the head of his cock, slowly pressing into her.
The sounds he makes against her ear as he thrusts up into her are lewd, but with every grunt and breathy moan she clenches around him. This is a purely carnal act of desire, fulfilling years’ worth of pent up animalistic need. There will be plenty of time for gentle lovemaking, but right now she just needs to feel him, and judging by the way slams her down to meet each quick thrust, jaw slack and brow furrowed, she is certain he feels the same way.
The throbbing of him inside of her, as he spills deep within her, drives her over the edge and she peaks with a strangled cry, tightening around him in quick successive pulses.
They remain like that for a long while afterwards, resting against each other on the sofa, in the darkness of her living room.
“I’ve wanted this for so long, you’ve got no idea,” he whispers eventually, once his breathing has returned to normal.
“Me too,” she whispers.
“I wanna stay, but–”
“It’s Christmas Eve, Billy, it’s alright. You should get home before your mum gives you an earful.”
They pull unsteadily apart, adjusting their clothes, and she walks him to the door.
“I’ll text you, yeah?” He says.
“Yeah,” she smiles before kissing him softly, “Merry Christmas, Billy.”
“You an’ all,” he murmurs, pulling her into a tight hug and then walking away.
Christmas Day is uneventful. Presents and a roast at her parents’, followed by an afternoon of board games and films.
She gets a happy Christmas text from Lana, and smiles when she gets one from Billy too - the first he’s ever sent her.
By the time Boxing Day rolls around, she’s already thoroughly fed up with her family and eager to be back in her own space. She grins when her phone buzzes with a message from Billy.
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She pulls out her phone, thinking carefully about what to send to her best friend, before typing a message.
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She arrives at Billy and Lana’s parents’ house an hour later and is given a warm welcome by everyone. It’s strange not being able to interact properly with Billy, considering how close they’ve become so quickly over the last few days, however, he carries himself with a confidence she’s never seen him have in front of his family before.
He stands a little straighter, actually bothers to make eye contact when he talks to people. It spreads a warmth within her chest to see him no longer looking so downtrodden and defeatist, she can no longer sense the anger that used to simmer just below the surface like she used to be able to.
His eyes find hers whenever no one’s looking and she can’t help the smiles that she directs his way.
The leftovers have been dished up and they’ve been sitting around the TV for an hour when she goes upstairs to use the bathroom.
Noticing Billy’s bedroom door ajar on her way back downstairs, she can’t resist a peek inside. She’d never dared go in when she’d come to see Lana when they were younger. She pushes the door fully open, nose wrinkling at the rumpled bed sheets and assortment of dirty socks and boxers that litter the floor, but smiles as she casts her eye over the Oasis poster on the wall and the acoustic guitar that leans against the chest of drawers.
She twiddles absentmindedly with the PS4 controller, when a box that’s been shoved haphazardly beneath the bed catches her eye. She drags it out, pulling out a scrapbook that sits on the top.
Her heart hammers in her chest, her blood feeling as though it runs ice cold as she flips through it. It’s filled with old school photos of her, plus newer pictures that have clearly been printed off from her social media accounts.
Rummaging further into the box she pulls out items she’d assumed she’d either lost or that Lana had borrowed on the occasions she’d stayed over - there are scrunchies, old lip balms, even a pair of her underwear. Disgust causes bile to rise in her throat, a mixture of fear and disbelief quickly spreads its way through her body.
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” Billy’s voice says quietly from the doorway, causing her to gasp as she looks up in fright. “Doesn’t matter now though, don’t need that shit anymore, not now I’ve got the real thing.”
“Billy,” she pleads, her voice shaking, “what is all this?”
“I’ve always wanted you, never thought you’d feel the same though. She looked like you, y’know,” he tells her, stepping closer and shutting the door behind him.
“Who?” Tendrils of icy fear spread to her belly, every nerve in her body screaming at her to run, yet she stays rooted to her spot on the bed.
“Becky,” he says simply, “she was the spit of you. Only reason I went out with her, to be honest. I was gutted when she ended things, but she doesn’t matter now. Don’t need some cheap knock off, not when I have you.”
“Please, Billy, you’re scaring me,” she whispers, tears pricking her eyes.
“Everything’s gonna be alright. Job hunting, the bomb, none of it matters because I’ve got you.”
“Listen to yourself, this isn’t you,” she pleads, backing up on the bed away from him as he towers over her.
“You’ve seen how much better I am with you, you can’t take that away. I need you. And I make you feel good too. Look, you just need a reminder.”
He looms over her on the mattress, his hand darting between her legs and she whimpers.
“Billy, no, please…”
She wants to scream, to cry out and make him stop, but the thought of attracting the attention of Lana and her parents and them coming up here and seeing all of this is more than she can stand. So she lays there, lets Billy slide his hand up her skirt and into her underwear, hating the way her body responds to his trust.
“See?” He murmurs again the shell of her ear. “Only I can make you feel like this. Everything is gonna go my way now that you’re mine, you’ll see.”
Her vision goes watery, a combination of tears and building pleasure causing the poster on the opposite wall to blur.
She tenses as his fingers work her quickly towards her climax and she screws her eyes shut, shuddering with a quiet whine as she falls apart.
“There you go,” he coos gently, “I’ve got you now, and I’m never letting you go.”
The way he says it sends a shiver down her spine. Billy is a man with nothing to lose. He means it. He’ll never let her go.
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maddy-ferguson · 9 months
i think bylers are so close to getting the 'mlm shippers hate the female character getting in the way of their ship' title if they try a little bit harder. the amount of bs takes i have seen here is really just... something else. trying to portray el as an abuser and saying she forced herself on mike when mike didnt want it, and then blaming her for everything that exist in mlvn's relationship as if mike wasn't a participant in it, blaming el for lying even though mike has also been lying to her and is still lying (which is a popular take in byler community so make it make sense)? and this on top of it ppl wanting mike to have never loved her at all and wanting him to break up with her. the whole thing is just not great, lol, it is sounding like steve or billy fans who shit on nancy and the thing is el didn't even do anything actually, whereas you could maybe argue nancy didnt handle the breakup and relationship with steve or problems with jonathan that well.
well we already all have that title but i think you mean bylers are so close to earning it and i don't exactly disagree lmao.
i think it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. people are afraid of being called misogynists so they preface everything they say about el with "i love el. because i love women. i'm not a misogynistic mlm shipper." or something to that effect and then everyone gets sick of having to say this (even though no one forced anyone like the people who have decided that we all collectively hate el are not reading these posts and if they are saying that will not change their minds) and think that everyone in this part of the fandom worships el like mlvns and redditors do when there was actually always el criticism like when was there ever anti-el sentiment censorship. i don't remember it. people were making i love el BUT posts 35 times a day. so yeah everyone gets sick of having to do that even though they didn't really...have to and then they go um since no one wants to say this i will. el is not a good girlfriend to mike. no one wants to say this because she was raised in a lab for the first twelve years of her life and doesn't know anything about social norms. like YEAH thank you for pointing that out we really hadn't noticed. that's why she shouldn't be in that relationship in the first place lmao.
people who think mike should never expect to have a relationship of equals with her because she still needs to be taught things he learned in the first twelve years of his life so expecting her to give him a big speech about how she loves him back or to give him a gift like he did at the airport isn't fair (redditors. they've said that) are missing the point that if the relationship can't be good because el is learning how to navigate the real world in real time as she's dating mike...then she shouldn't have been in a relationship in the first place because it's literally bad for her too. and when bylers make posts about how mike should get to break up with her because he's had no agency in the relationship...are you implying that mike has had less agency than the girl he introduced the concept of a relationship to who thought he was gonna be her brother and who didn't know how to tell what she liked for their first six months of dating. it's not a competition but if it was el would be winning it.
i know societal pressure is a thing but was lucas forcing mike to win el back at like gunpoint? i know mike probably feels like he owes it to el to be a good boyfriend for whatever reason like he promised they'd go to the dance together in season one and he's a paladin and they don't break their promises and he's gay and it's the 80s but god. he didn't want to say i love you in el's bedroom and he didn't he's not staying in this relationship until he's 40 she's not forcing him to do anything. he tried to win her back and said he loved her and she later kissed him and said she loved him back. could he not have said damn that sucks el i don't know if i actually want to get back together now :/ lmao like he didn't because it's a story and again the gay thing and she'd just lost her dad and everything else you can say to explain why he wouldn't want to say damn el i actually don't want to get back together now. but how is her saying she wants to be with him again TOO and him not saying he doesn't want to ANYMORE him not having agency. the only time you could argue his agency was taken from him is when will said you're the heart because el was dying lol. and even then he could've said anything so like he still had agency. or he didn't because it's a story but you get my point. a lot of it is self-inflicted a lot a lot and him feeling pressured to be in a relationship with el doesn't come from her pressuring him lmao. so i get wanting him to get himself out of it to a degree but if we're saying the one who has the least agency should get to "break free"? it's not mike.
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hb-writes · 1 year
Why Do You Care?
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Summary: After an argument for the ages, Lenny has decided Billy is an ass and she refuses to talk to him. Billy's willing to fix things and play nice, even if he's pretty sure Lenny's just being stubborn about the whole thing. Maria has had enough of his sister and Billy's bs and decides to intervene, forcing them together to prepare a birthday surprise for Frank.
Characters: Billy Russo & Lenny Falconio (OC)
Request (from 💜 anon): “Where does it hurt?” & “Why would you even care?” For The Punisher pretty please 💜
Content Warnings: A little language.
Life As We Know It (The Punisher) Masterlist
Please take a moment to tell me what y'all think! Reviews and comments are always appreciated. 😌❤️
Calling out was instinctual—a reflex, if anything. That’s what Lenny told herself at least. Just like throwing out her arms to brace her fall, it was an action of the subconscious. It certainly wasn’t a call for help—for Billy's help, especially—but the strangled shout had pierced the silence of the house anyhow.
Lenny hadn’t planned on that, but as she writhed on the floor she got to thinking maybe it wasn’t a bad thing because she hurt like hell—her arm, her hip, her foot, her head. Her whole body, it seemed. Maybe she'd done more damage than she initially thought. 
Billy’s quick footsteps echoed across the floor as he approached, audible even though he was a marine. As a rule, the man was unusually stealthy and light on his feet. It was just how he moved, an instinct of his own that usually created a cautious bit of distance between him and the rest of the world because he was somehow able to fade into the background when he wanted to, if he wanted to. 
Billy didn't care about any of that here though. He let down his guard a bit at Maria and Frank’s, a place that felt more like home than his actual apartment did, the inherent warmth of the Castle-Falconio household instantly thawing something in him every time he stopped by.
Billy appeared in front of her, a roll of blue party streamers still in his hand, almost as if he hadn't had time to even drop the roll before coming to investigate and Lenny’s words came out louder and faster than Billy's as he asked what had happened.
"I'm fine," Lenny groaned. 
The quiet that came after almost made Billy think Lenny hadn't heard his question, but he knew she had—she was just ignoring him. Same as she'd been doing all week, since their argument at Sunday dinner.
And it was fine. Billy didn't really need Lenny to answer the question. The scene before him was clear enough. She was on the floor with one hand wrapped around her ankle, covered completely in white dust, the half-empty bag of flour settled precariously on the counter, threatening to spill more of its contents all over them and the kitchen floor. 
“I’m fine,” she repeated. “You can—”
"You’re not fine." Billy lowered himself to the floor beside her. He’d agreed to keep out of her way, had allowed her to banish him to the backyard with balloons and streamers and a happy birthday banner, but that was before she launched herself off of the kitchen counter. "Where does it hurt?"
Lenny scooted away from Billy's hands, hissing as she tried to use her foot to leverage herself backwards.
"I'm fine," she insisted once again, though her breath was unsteady, her eyes watering as the growing ache in her ankle pulsed and throbbed.
"You're not," Billy repeated, his hands both gentle and firm as they replaced her hold around the already swelling joint, his hands cool against her skin. "You're—"
"Why would you even care?" 
Billy took a breath, part of him ready to laugh while the rest of him was ready to roll his eyes—all of it borne of frustration. Billy had known Lenny Falconio long enough and well enough to know deep in his soul that she was stubborn as hell, that she wouldn't give in so easily, even with tears in her eyes. "Because I do, alright?" he said. "I care…even when you think I've been an asshole and I think you're being a goddamn brat so just let me help."  
Billy saw the instinct to fight him on those points rise within her, but arguing that she wasn't a brat or a kid or whatever else Billy called her almost always only served to corroborate his point, the tone of Lenny's rebuttal and the indignation on her face condemning her as being the exact thing she insisted she wasn't.
"You are an asshole," Lenny offered instead, each of the words pushed out through gritted teeth.
"Maybe I am" Billy confirmed. "And maybe you're stubborn as a mule. Obstinate.” He shook his head, but it was with a bit of fondness, a knowing acceptance of the way she was and always had been for as long as he'd known her. “Climbing up on your sister's counters and nearly breaking your neck when you could've just asked me for help."
Billy was right. Lenny could've just asked him. She had known he was there—banished by her out in the backyard, just through the screen door. She had even thought about it before deciding she could get the flour on her own. She didn't need him or his long-reaching arms. Or at least, Lenny didn't want to need him. She didn’t want to need Billy’s help. 
That was the whole point of this standoff anyway, wasn't it? 
That Lenny was sick of Billy “helping” and butting in when it wasn't warranted?
When it wasn’t requested?
Lenny had told him as much when he sauntered into the kitchen upon his arrival, offering his assistance, assistance Lenny promptly told him wasn't needed or wanted. She hadn't said it, but she wanted him to mind his own business, to stop caring, the very opposite of what was happening now as his hands continued to cradle her ankle, his eyes full of concern as he watched her. 
And Lenny just wanted him to stop, to go back outside and let her ride out the initial wave of pain on her own. 
“Maybe we should call your—”
“No!” Lenny shouted, assuming he’d been about to suggest calling Maria or Frank, but the whole thing was supposed to be a surprise for Frank, for his birthday and interrupting them now would only ruin it. As far as Frank knew, spending the day at the batting cages with Maria and the kids was his gift. Lenny had begged off the outing, claiming she had a paper due, promising to make it up to him later in the week, but it had all been a lie.
There was no paper due—Lenny was staying behind to decorate the backyard and to make the cake. And to warm up the dinner Maria had already made and left waiting in the fridge. Lenny had planned to have everything ready by the time Billy and Curtis were scheduled to arrive and they’d all surprise Frank when he arrived back home with Maria and the kids.
That was how it was supposed to go, but then Billy had shown up early, ruining her mood, distracting her.
His surprise arrival wasn't of his own accord, of course. It was Maria who had invited him to come early, insisting Lenny needed help with set up even though everything had been under control.
The both knew Maria and recognized her meddling for what it was—she was just giving them an opportunity to sort things out, to clear the air before they all sat down to a celebratory dinner. Lenny could've taken the opportunity to fix things—Billy had seemed willing—but she hadn’t. Instead, she had banished him to the backyard to decorate while she stayed in the kitchen preparing the food, her headphones firmly in place as she worked.
"We don't need to call them," Lenny mumbled, pushing at the phone in his hand. "My neck's fine."
"Yeah, and your mouth's fine, too, apparently," Billy answered, a smirk on his face for about a second or so before he coughed around the handful of flour that hit his face.
Lenny's flour-covered hand shielded the uncontrollable giggles spilling from her lips as Billy started to chuckle, a hollow and dangerous sort of sound coming out of him as he tried to wipe some of the white powder from his face. 
"You think you're funny?" he asked, the seriousness of his tone only serving to make Lenny laugh harder and louder, all of it building until a handful of flour collided with her open mouth.
"Billy!" she shouted, spitting around the words.
"You started it," Billy answered around his laughter as he quickly reached for Lenny, not allowing her any time to fight him as he lifted her in his arms.
"Billy, put me—" Lenny started, cut off suddenly when Billy settled her in one of the stools on the other side of the kitchen island, his hands working to prop her swollen ankle up on an adjacent seat.
"Asshole," she muttered to herself as Billy walked away.
“Here." He pulled out a bag of frozen peas and turned to her. "Put this on it.”
Billy tossed the bag across the counter where it slid into Lenny’s lap and she let out a squeal as it made contact with the bare skin of her thighs. “I can’t just put it straight on—”
“Yeah, yeah." Billy moved around the counter again, this time with a tea towel in hand. He took the peas from her, carefully wrapping it before placing it on her ankle. "Here ya go, brat."
"Guess it’s a good thing I was here after all, huh?”
Lenny shrugged. "I would've been alright without—"
"You're unbelievable, you know that?" Billy shot back. "And I guess you're still planning on putting this meal together without my help too? Going to bake a cake with a busted ankle?"
Lenny thought about it, knowing she could struggle through it if she really wanted. It would be a pain in the ass and it would probably do her more harm than good in the end, but she could do it. She could prove her point.
"That's real smart, Len. Real—" Real fucking stubborn was what Billy wanted to say, his frustration flaring once again, a bit of the fondness slipping. Too stubborn for her own good, but she interrupted him before the words could come to his lips.
"You can make the cake," she offered.
"Yeah, you make the cake and decorate and clean up my sister's kitchen, and I'll sit here and supervise."
"Alright, fine." Billy snorted. "One condition though," he said, watching her for some sign of protest, but not quite finding it. "Curtis is coming by early to take a look at that ankle."
Lenny sighed. "Fine," she agreed, the throbbing of her ankle just a bit stronger than her pride. "Go ahead and call him."
"He's already on his way," Billy answered. "I texted him when you were too busy being a brat—" 
"You are such an asshole."
"Yeah," Billy answered. "An asshole who cares about you." 
Life As We Know It (The Punisher) Masterlist
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
Hello! I love reading your posts, it makes me so happy to see that there are people that still love these two❤️ I appreciate all that you have done to keep the fandom alive!
That being said, because I wasn't involved with the fandom when I first watched the show, about 13 lol, I am pretty out of depth with how popular certain aspects of the show are to the general audience of Doctor Who.
Me being in my little bubble, I always assumed that all the RTD companions were really beloved, especially Rose Tyler. However after going out of my way to now seek out fan content, as an adult, it seems that there's way more dislike for her than I thought. Is she genuinely well liked amongst the majority? I thought that most fans really connected with the tragic love plotline they had?
The reason I ask is because I am fairly certain (a crack theory I've been making up in head) that more than ever there's a chance that we'll get some insight on how Tentoo and Rose are doing in the alt world but I'm afraid I might be getting my hopes up for nothing if they're not as popular as I thought they were. Thank you and I would love to hear if you have any insight!❤️❤️
hi! aw thank 🙈💗 honestly i just made this sideblog to ramble so i wouldn't annoy my followers on main (even though i was originally a dw blog there) and had been out of the fandom for about seven years before october; so i'm rediscovering it too!
i have noticed a lot of differences in the fandom from when i originally watched dw when i was in high school to now. when i watched it was 2012, so ten's era was still really recent and tumblr was much more active, especially in terms of doctor who.
back then, tenrose was everywhere because that part of the fandom was still the majority, but there was a lot of tension because of the direc moffat was taking the show. i remember there was sooo much excitement about even the possibility of david and billie being in the 50th, then it was announced and we all thought we would see tentoorose or at least s2 tenrose; then it ended up not being that at all. this resulted in the fandom feeling disappointed and used for views on top of the fact that a lot of people did not like moffat's characterization of ten and his decision to bring gallifrey back. it was a lot of things, but i think the 50th really created a split in the fandom that we have never fully recovered from. from then on, a lot of rtd era people de-activated tumblr and moved on to other things, including me for a while, because the fandom was so so so tense on both sides.
tenrose is absolutely still a very popular ship, rose is still a beloved companion by many, but it's not 2012 anymore. there are people who ship the doctor and river, the doctor and clara, the doctor and yaz, etc. so there is less unification i guess? and sometimes this leads to people hating on rose because some think they can elevate their ship by minimizing what rose meant to the doctor, which is bs because the doctor is allowed to love multiple people over the course of their insanely long life!
it's not that people don't like tenrose, it's just that there are people who prefer other eras and relationships now and the people who love tenrose aren't active much. but man, the SECOND thirteen regenerated into david ALLLL the tenrose girlies came out lol and i fully expect that to happen again in november. i mean, a lot of people hate ten as well, but that's because he is so popular and i think that applies to rose too. it's a sort of resentment sometimes imo. not always, but a lot of the time. dw is just a massive fandom and with things this long running there is never gonna be one specific consensus to cater to, and rtd always firsty caters to the story.
that all said, rtd is absolutely gonna bring them back even if it's not in the 60th. he always planned to, and planned to make the tardis coral scene canon somehow, so when i saw he was showrunner i was like "it's time!" lol and he has liked a TON of instagram comments about them and rose and bringing them back, including mine 😇🥰
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shadowsong26fic · 4 months
Random Crossover Notes
I don't intend to actually write this (even as an AU outline; at least not yet; I'm hoping it will either die and/or interest some of the maybe five people who are invested in both fandoms enough to be worth exploring further, lol).
But it came bursting back into my head tonight and in an effort to get it out, going to ramble a bit!
This is a Wheel of Time/Battlestar Galactica crossover. (Of the...it's not a fusion exactly; and it's not a 'the Fleet stumbles across this world' direct crossover; it's 'characters from BSG exist and have always existed on this planet and fit into the fabric of this world'. That kind of crossover. the second kind could Also be interesting but that is another problem I Do Not Need
This includes decisions about:
Starbuck (though not much)
Some speculation/vague thoughts about Lee and Zarek
Also includes an OC of mine.
Part of why I don't intend to actually Write It is I don't...really have all that much yet.
This did originally exist 10-15 years ago; back when I wrote a single one-shot and had plans for a much longer AU in WoT and was active in BSG fandom. Accordingly, it's more aligned with book!verse than show!verse, though I'd probably bring in some show!verse stuff I liked if I were actually writing the thing. How many of the original details I'm actually remembering (beyond the First Concept Idea) and how are new as of the past few hours, IDEK. It does also involve an OC of mine because screw it, this is my self-indulgent BS, I wanna.
((She could probably be cut in this case but. Again. Mine. I wanna. XD))
So, as with a lot of my initial Concepts, this starts with Baltar. Obviously, he's a channeler.
He's also Seanchan.
He's da'covale, but da'covale to a Very high-ranking High Lord, meaning he has higher status than some of the Lower Blood. He has yet to be identified as a channeler.
My OC, as usual, is Atia, his daughter. She's marath'damane and is well aware of what she is. She's...been raised in this culture, and wouldn't resist the searchers/sul'dam when they come for her...except she's aware of what her father is. She doesn't like the idea of him being gentled/killed and while there's only so much she can do to help she feels like she has to do Something.
Caprica is a sul'dam, in service to the same High Lord/Lady as Gaius and Atia. She and Gaius meet and fall in love with each other; at some point she twigs onto either him or Atia, and the three of them run away together. Not sure if they manage to find a place in the Return fleet or if they cross the ocean All By Themselves, but.
And then at Some point they run into some subset of the WoT cast but...yeah, this is pretty much as far as I got XD Gaius would probably eventually end up at the Black Tower. He and Caprica would probably be Very Into the idea of Warder-bonding each other when they get there.
...and yeah, that's about as far as I got, lol. Figuring out where other BSG characters might fit into this world is...complicated, lol. Partly because only half-remembering the tapestry of cultures/alliances/etc.; partly because in a couple of cases there are roles that would fit An aspect of a character but Very Much Not others (e.g., I can honestly see Lee aligning himself with Galad's subset of the Whitecloaks except there is zero chance of Bill as a Whitecloak sooooooooo yeah. Athena would be either another sul'dam or Aiel, I can't decide which works better. ...actually, Aiel; she and Boomer are both Shaido but Athena breaks with her clan when the Aiel fracture? Or something...)
Anyway, if anyone else has any thoughts I'd appreciate them XD
ETA: So I myself had some additional thoughts, lol.
First--Starbuck and Mat. They just. They would either be Instant Bros or Thoroughly Despise One Another there is no in between. They're just. Like. If I was doing a Fusion, Starbuck would 100% fill the Mat role, they are so much alike and I love them both for it. Anyway, I lean towards timelining it so they can be Bros because that's way more interesting/fun for me personally. See above re: self-indulgence, lol. (They have also slept together at least twice.)
Second--Zarek might actually be interesting as a Whitecloak. Not in the sense that he fully believes/buys into their rhetoric, but...I don't know, it could fit his blend of 'I believe some of this, but I'm also using it as an avenue to gain Power.' And again with the Lee vibes, especially if Lee starts Considering joining as part of the storyline, even if he doesn't start there? IDK though, I keep going back and forth on this one.
Next, Roslin. I toyed with a few different options for her. She's definitely not an Aes Sedai; initially I was thinking she might be the head of one of the groups like the Kin (if I'm remembering the name right? The women who were rejected by the Tower and formed their own quiet underground networks) or an Aiel Wise One. But then I realized--you know who absolutely is an Aes Sedai?
Tory (probably Grey ajah, maybe White).
So then it all falls into place. We squeeze a little country/principality somewhere onto the map; normally the ruler there wouldn't merit an Aes Sedai advisor, but after a messy/disputed succession, Siuan did agree to send someone, and that someone was Tory. Billy, of course, is Roslin's son/heir.
Still thinking about where anyone/everyone else might fit, but also this line:
Caprica--In the end, we're not much more than thieves. We stole a damane. We stole an a'dam. ...we stole ourselves.
...so yeah. XD And now opening it up for additional thoughts.
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reveluving · 2 years
the lady in the middle
rick flag x milf!reader x captain syverson (+ fic recs)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
warnings: smut (minors DNI!); threesome(?), petnames, fingering, mutual masturbation, oral sex (f receiving + slight m receiving), sex toy (butt plug), squirting, praise & domestic kink (+ fluff)
a/n: a reupload 'cause tumblr on that bs. stay safe babes!
» j.k m.list , or check out my full m.list!
rick’s finally escapes belle reve’s clutches whereas sy and his crew had to transfer somewhere a little further. coincidentally, they moved to the same neighbourhood, in the same row, minus sy's comrades that's living a few houses further. only their respective homes are separated by another one.
of course, the neighbours heard of the new wave of veterans simultaneously moving in. who wouldn’t notice, especially the main two; tall, broad and handsome, as the shameless women would describe rick and sy. others, too, but truth be told, they’re awfully explicit. think of the children, linda!
they’ve met the women in the neighbourhood  — not because they wanted too, it’s hard not too, though. they’d so happen to pass by, whether it’s in front of their homes, in the park for a jog or even the grocery store. sy’s no-nonsense personality has caused quite the stir and yet, that only seemed to reel them in. rick is a little more respectful but nonetheless firm when they’d invade his personal bubble.
that is, until they meet the ‘lady in the middle’, a.k.a. the neighbour living in between them.
well, not exactly meet per se. not yet. rick was chatting with the elderly couple, mr and mrs williams, living next his home. at first, he listened to their, or specifically, mrs william's endless stories out of respect, but then she starts to talk about you, she sounded like she was talking about her own child.
"oh, (y/n)'s an angel, dear! helps me with my groceries all the time. her kids are absolute sweethearts too!" ah, a mother, "never understood how no one's put a ring on her finger yet,"
"don't even seem like there's a man in her life since coming here," mr willaims remarked — quite the blunt man but he loves his wife like no other. a fact that rick finds quite endearing, honestly, "billy and tommy's always been her priority,"
ah, a single mother.
"you should meet her some time!" mrs williams grinned, "surely you'll too get along,"
"I'll be sure to say hello, ma'am," rick wasn't exactly lying. he replied the way he did not to only because he doesn't have the heart to say no to the welcoming elderly but in all honesty, he's not sure what to expect. at most, he thinks you're another suburban mom, just not the same as the one that's been shamelessly flirting with him. sometimes in front of their own husbands.
he definitely didn't expect that the single mother mrs williams’ been talking highly about is truly the definition of her words; an absolute sweetheart. plus, easy on the eyes too.
it happened when he visited the mini mart for some eggs. he took notice of the multiple bags of groceries as mrs williams’ paid at the counter. rick was ready to help her out when two boys, no more than seventeen years of age, came into view and helped with her stuff. at first, he thought they were her nephews until she spoke up in utter joy.
"your boys are truly are an angelic duo," she turned to the young lady next to her and from then on did he finally realized that this was more than a random customer.
no, this was the infamous ms (l/n) and holy shit.
you're a babe. supple (s/c) skin, gorgeous (h/c) hair and a radiant smile that practically lit up the room. judging from your clothes, seems like you just came back from the gym.
who knows how long he stood there, contemplating whether to greet the group or hide behind the nearest shelf.
but oh good ol' mrs williams — always one step ahead it seems.
"there he is!" she called him over and he knows it's too late to cover his face in his puffer jacket. so, with the egg carton in one hand, he waved with the other before approaching the one person he honestly doesn't mind meeting, "rick, this is (y/n), the one I've been telling you about! and these are her boys, billy and tommy,"
the boys looked nothing like you and it's obvious why. if mrs williams didn't tell him beforehand, he would've thought you were their adult sister.
"ms (l/n)," he greeted with a polite smile, only to wince when mrs williams tapped his leg with her cane.
"now, now, you two are still young! no formalities," both of you blinked at the her request. you sheepishly smiled, hoping he'd be okay with you addressing him by his first name.
"are you okay with me calling you rick?"
oh, fuck yeah.
"you're more than welcome to if you're okay with me calling you (y/n)," he joked lightly, prompting a chuckle out of you as mrs williams watched you in glee. rick introduced himself to the boys and vice versa and unsurprisingly, they have better manners than his 'former teammates' as a whole.
along the way, he learned that you're working as a part-time instructor in the local gymnasium, specifically flying yoga. while the aerial workout is nothing new to him since as it used to be harley's go-to, he's always felt indifferent about it. cool, yes, but nothing more.
now that he knows you're doing it, his imagination's going just a little wild.
at the end of the whole meeting, everyone went their own way, despite living closely to each other, continuing with their usual routine.
well, minus rick who hasn't been able to get the image of you naked and tangled up in those silks but you get the idea.
how you met sy, on the other hand, was a little different and mrs williams didn't have to do anything with it.
no, he was visiting the gymnasium with his crew. the upside of the local gym is that it's huge—so much so that it's complete with a pilates and flying yoga studio, but they didn't think much of it.
not until they passed by the studio, at least.
"this is the flying yoga studio. opens on wednesday's and thursday's. my sister's personal favourite because of the instructor," the employee opened the door ajar before peaking in, "speaking of, there she is right now,"
at first, they thought it was his sister, considering that he didn't specify who 'she' was, until he greeted the person in the room.
"hey (y/n)!" !
"hey keith!" !!!
suddenly, they're awfully curious to see how this '(y/n)' really looks like.
"finally considering the class with your sister?" they hear you teased.
"you wish. just showing some new members around. mind if i bring them in for a bit,"
"not at all!" they expected you to greet them behind the door when keith swung the door open. the last thing they anticipated was to see you mid-air, gracefully intertwined in the hammock. you turned your head to the new faces and waved enthusiastically.
"hi there! sorry i can't come down right now, my course's starting in a few hours, but it's really nice to meet you guys!" simultaneously, you untangled the fabric off of one leg, leaving the other straight up.
sy was doing a better job at hiding the throbbing mess happening in his lower region but he probably can't say the same for his crew. somehow, he feels a new kind of emotion. or at least, an emotion he hasn't felt until he moved into reve road. this insatiable hunger; something he hasn't felt for any women he's been with.
shit. and this is the same feeling he had when he first saw you with billy and tommy just days ago. you weren't doing anything, just greeting the two in excitement by the door when they came home from school.
it's the first time he's ever felt compelled to greet someone.
"syverson, right?" he snapped out of his stupor at the sound of his name and looked up at you. he curtly nodded, "it's nice to see you again. my sons aren't causing any trouble in your yard again, are they?"
he chuckled lowly, ignoring the hitched breaths coming from the rest because one; you have sons?!
and two; syverson's more or less smiling! while it's not their first time seeing the uptight man express a positive mood, let alone with a woman but in all honesty? they could recognize a forced emotion when they see one, and this is not one of them.
"not at all, ma'am. they're honestly more respectful than these boys right here," whatever possessed the brooding captain into loosening up right in front of his comrades was uncertain, "please, do what you must. we'll be on our way,"
in reality, he didn't want to leave, and he knows damn well his comrades don't wish to either.
but he'd be damn if he lets them stay any longer than he'd like.
"fuck, we got a milf in the area,"
"isn't she the girl that the other moms' been gossiping about? shit, i see why,"
"you think her flexibility applies to when she's in bed?"
sy narrows his eyes at the poor saps drooling over the one person he's finally shown interest in.
but fuck, he'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about you in the most sinful positions, with or without the hammock. he felt pathetic having to work on his own release that same night rather than a one-night stand as per usual. but how could he, when he's busy thinking about how your pretty pussy would feel milking his cock?
hey, he's an asshole to some degree but he has a heart. somewhere.
so, you've got two sexy military men pining for you. the question is; who do you choose?
at first, i planned on making separate smuts.
but, if you're like me and say "damn, that's too much work, and they're both hot as fuck", then ma'am, do I have a treat for you!
why not both?
yes. both!
it's friday night — billy and tommy are at a friend's house for the weekend, excited to play that new call of duty game they've been telling you about so now you're on your own. so, what better way to spend the night than to visit your old favourite bar? you haven't been there for a while so now's a good time, right?
you recognized almost everyone in the room; some of the girls from your course, billy and tommy's seniors, hell, even the condescending group of moms without their husbands.
good. the last thing you wanted was a bunch of middle aged-men drunkenly breathing down your neck without boundaries.
the bartender, 'boss', as many called him, greeted you enthusiastically, dramatisizing your lack of presence but nonetheless glad you didn't forget him nor the bar for another that 'met your city-girl taste'. you ordered your usual and chatted up with Boss until a group began to make a ruckus in a corner. he excused himself with a huff, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
specifically, your two new neighbours.
it's a coincidence that they both had anything to do with the military, let alone moving in with you in the middle. while you weren't around in the first few days of their arrival, words tend to spread very quickly. the first time happened when mrs williams called to notify you about your new neighbours. then, keith was telling you how you had nearly ten new students in one day after rick, along with sy and his team days later, came to the gym for a membership.
by the sounds of it, they sounded like they were the real deal and the same day you came home, you were nervous.
as conceitedly quoted by keith's sister after a session of pilates one thursday; "that angry mom club would do anything to be in your shoes."
hell, if only, but you doubt one of them would them would be interested in you, let alone both.
oh, hunny, you really spoke too soon.
you turned in your seat and settled for people watching and didn't pay any mind for the women cackling at you for coming here alone. but that didn't last long.
"(y/n)!" you jumped a little at the sight of rick entering, even more so when he called your name as soon as he saw you. he loved your closed-eye smile — he felt like he mattered to someone, even for a little.
"hey rick!" you tried your best at hiding your nerves when he made a beeline for you. it didn't help that the shirt he was wearing was practically hugging his torso, showing off every nook and cranny of his muscles.
(ma'am, you're missing the look of disbelief in those nosy moms' faces!)
"didn't expect to see you here, darlin'," you learned that rick is no stranger to petnames (for you and you only), but this is his first time using 'darlin' and quite frankly? it felt natural using it.
"tommy and billy's friends are having a sleepover so they left their dearest mother alone to spend the weekend," you pouted cutely, unaware of the impact it has on rick. he quickly distracted himself by calling boss over once he was done diffusing the mayhem at one of the tables.
thinking back, you don't remember the last time spending the weekend on your own. usually, at least one of the boys were with you.
but, while you missed your boys already, this is also a great opportunity.
what, you didn't think you could go on with you day without touching yourself after meeting the military gentlemen, did you? it's a miracle that you didn't before but a single mother's schedule works wonders when it comes to distractions.
"alone, huh? don't have any plans with friends or...?" he drawled before taking a sip of his drink, hissing at the profound aftertaste.
"i would but after all that extra sessions in the gym? i'd rather stay home," just the thought of waking up past eight in the morning, no 'mother tone' unless one of your boys calls and most importantly...
your well-deserved 'me-time'.
unless you're lucky with rick or sy. or both.
haha jk.
no. ain't no way they're interested. not even for one night. ever.
rick, on the other hand, tried not to think too much of your jaw-dropping yoga moments. but it's too late, to be honest. he's glad he chose a shirt with a longer hem when he came here.
but it wasn't just that. he wished it was 'cause it would've been much easier. no, it was more than just you in these suggestive positions.
it's your duality. like sy, rick took you as the approachable and almost shy sweetheart next door and nothing more.
but as months passed by, they began to realize the true definition of 'in evil, there's kindness'. for years, their lives were filled with details that no man would wish to even acknowledge. not especially the residents of reve road. so it's not surprise that the things they went through turned them into the way they are; slightly reserved and almost brutish to many. they're used to people come and go, depending on the context.
when you came along, or well, they came along and met you. and almost immediately, they were able to describe you in ways that they didn't even know were in their vocabulary.
it's your caring nature which doesn't limit to tommy and billy. sy, rick, mr and mrs williams, hell, even one of the angry mom club members for whatever reason. you care but you weren't naive either. you've seen the real world and even survived it plenty of times. how did you think you were able to care for the boys in the first place?
of course rick couldn't ignore you. how could he when you're the only person who'd wish him to 'stay safe' every time you two saw each other every morning? when you left him that small box of homemade chocolate truffles after he told you it's his favourite? or when he knocked on your door one night.
he couldn't sleep when all he could see in his dreams were the darks parts of his missions and it went on for days. until you pulled his head onto your lap, stroking his messy hair as he silently let out a tear or two.
he woke up the next morning refreshed and comfortably wrapped in a soft blanket that smelled like you. he couldn't find you around nor the boys around, only to find a piece of note which read:
'gotta send the boys to school, there's some breakfast sandwiches in the kitchen for you :)'
he ate his food in silence and while he would've preferred yours or even billy and tommy's presence, he hasn't felt this at ease as he is now. the sense of calmness at how... domestic, if he's making sense.
from then on, he'd always ask about your well-being. just a simple 'everything okay?' or 'anyone bothering you?' since the it's the least he can do.
he won't admit it but he absolutely adores assisting you in picking billy and tommy up in school.
normality was one thing, but it gives him a reason to glare at anyone who looks at you the wrong way.
well, he does it too but he knows his boundaries.
and then, there's syverson. that brooding bastard.
rick's words, not mine.
they've met a couple of times, mostly when they're both out to check their mailbox or in the gym working (or trying to catch a glimpse of you).
and by met a couple of times, i mean 'nodding curtly at each other and be on their way'.
upon meeting you, there's an unspoken rivalry between the two. now no longer greeting with a silent nod but instead, staring down at each other. loathing, for lack of a better word.
sy growing closer to you was just as personal as rick's.
walking home together whenever you both are at the gym, meeting and helping the williams' as your parents when he stumbled upon you tending their flowers (and unknowingly making him the second candidate for you by mrs williams) but there's one night in particular that stood out to him the most.
he found you standing on your front porch, marvelling at the starry night. you seemed absolutely content and without a care in the world. he couldn't help himself by doing the same and tease you a little.
"first time seeing the stars?" you lost your composure at the husky voice coming the house on your right. through your attempts to calm you rapidly beating heart, you chuckled.
"no, just a little amazed to see so many," it's true — it's not often you'd see the sky littered with them so you're taking in as much as you can.
"the boys not at home?" he didn't think he'd actually seem interested in knowing the boys' well-being but here we are.
"nope, they're in the city with their cousins for the night," they're not even in their 20s and you're already worried of the day that they might not need you anymore. you know they'd still love you but they'd have their own lives, meaning you might not be their main priority.
noticing the change in your demeanour, sy did the courtesy of changing the subject.
"you had your dinner already?" you shot him a thankful smile before shaking your head.
"not yet. making lasagna, though. you?"
"i was just about to make something," he's not a michelin chef but he knows how to cook the necessary.
"why not join me?" you surprised both him and yourself by your offer but you could really use some company. sy's always been laidback with you and you hoped you didn't tarnish that by doing this.
"you sure? don't wanna cause you anymore trouble by making another plate,"
"please," you snorted, "i made enough to keep as leftovers for when the boys come home,"
thus, that's how he spent the night. your house was cozy and the dinner was beyond his expectation. nothing could beat a good home-cooked food, let alone when so much love is put into it.
he didn't leave right after dinner, not when he's already deep into whatever the conversation was that night. he felt at ease for once — obliged to, even. no facade nor fear of showing weaknesses, even for a few hours. he went back home just hours before tommy and billy's arrival. despite not wanting to when you seemed so relaxed in your bed. he stroked your hair for a few minutes and on his way, even if he was tempted to kiss your forehead.
none of you spoke up about that night, but you may or may not have noticed how laxed he became with you and even your boys. he never had any issues with them, he wanted to make sure he's not the reason why they're scared to be out in the front yard whenever with him.
you thought he was just finally loosening up to you the same way rick trusted you with his feelings. you didn't think it could go beyond that.
but the universe had other plans, thus brings you to the bar today.
'stay home,' rick contemplated whether to do the thing he's always wanted but what's stopping him is rejection. he can accept it but the aftermath of it? where there's a possibility you won't talk to him the same way anymore?
that terrifies him. and he needs a moment.
"i'll be right back, okay?" he stood up from his seat and navigated the cramped restroom somewhere. you wondered if you brought up anything bad for him to run off like that but stayed put nonetheless.
and just like before, your lack of company didn't last long.
"(y/n)?" your stomach flipped at distinguishable husky voice and found another sight to behold.
"sy, hey," you smiled and so did he, just not as wide as yours. he never liked anyone calling him as such so who knew he'd be more than okay with now?
albeit, it's only for your usage.
by now, the angry mom club had either left because they couldn't witness the sight of both the captain and colonel approaching you without hesitance or is still in the bar, trying to comfort the 'leader' of the squad who's busy muttering 'why doesn't anyone love me' through her drunken state.
even though we're talking about the same person who's a ceo, has a husband who's actually faithful for once (but purposely antagonized), a dream house and three kids who are as open-hearted as your boys. but okay i guess, linda.
okay, back to you!
"seems like you have a lot in your mind," the hint of concern in his eyes were enough to tell you that he was genuinely worried for you. he motioned to the seat next you as if to say 'mind if I take a seat?'.
"please, go ahead," you patiently waited for him to order his drink before continuing, "nah, i was just wondering what to do this weekend,"
"the boys aren't around?" thank god he stopped himself from sounding hopeful.
"out in the city having game night with their cousins," he hummed and easily downed his shot. he needed it after a slight chaos that happened in the base, "what about you? got any plans?"
"no, work's been tough with the boys," he turned to you, "it's like taking care of a bunch of kids,"
"excuse you," you tutted, "my boys are wonderful,"
"never said they weren't," he replied nonchalantly, hiding his amusement behind the glass. the laughs dimmed down to a comfortable silence, or, the silence between both of you. it's a bar, after all. but he grew curious of the half-empty glass next to yours.
"you came with a friend?" you shook your head.
"no, rick came in after I did," your turned your head to the restroom, "speaking of, where is he?"
unbeknownst to you, this was their plan all along. by now, they're aware of how you had to take life by the horns but deep down, you're yearning for someone to take that role for you. you needed someone to tell you that you're doing a good job.
praise you the way you deserve.
you wanted someone to guide you for once and yes; that includes behind closed doors.
and though rick and sy despised each other, if there's something they can agree on, it's to please you. be there for you the same way you did for them. so, that's what they did.
they agreed.
"(y/n)," sy's almost authoritative tone grabbed your attention. it's not the same tone he'd use on his comrades but enough to cause a stomach flip in you, "flag and i have been talking,"
oh? now that you think about it, you've never seen the two talk at all.
"about...?" you trailed off in such a meek voice, only to jump in your seat when you felt someone's breath tickled the back of your neck.
"about you," rick whispered as he took his seat, ignoring sy who looked at him in irritation for successfully drawing the submissiveness out of you before he did.
"a-ah," you stuttered, "w-what about me that's so interesting?"
"what's not interesting about you, sweetheart?" sy's hand took ahold of yours, the callousness contrasted with his gentle touch. he left a few kisses on the back of your hand, all while maintaining his eye contact with you. that, plus rick wrapping one arm around your waist with your back almost against him, you could pass out at any given moment, "compassionate, considerate, graceful,"
"and yet stern when she needs to be," rick added in, remembering how you shot someone down for vocally insulting your sons for no valid reason, "has anyone ever told you how much of a good girl you are?"
now that right there is a hazard. you didn't know how to answer to that. they noticed how you squeezed your thighs together and smirked. you're so glad boss wasn't around to see this but then again, he's probably in on this too.
"flag asked you a question, sweetheart," sy nearly growled at the sound of your little whimpers, both from his intense gaze and rick peppering kisses on your shoulder.
"n-no," you nearly shrieked as rick's lips found your sensitive spot in between your neck and shoulder blade, "no one's ever c-called me their good girl..."
their good girl.
"would you like us to?" your eyes widened at the usage of 'us' instead of 'me', meaning they were both onto this. they both wanted you. they both yearned for you, "you can spend the weekend with me," rick continued.
"or me," sy argued, prompting a click of a tongue from the colonel before focusing back on you.
"or him. but for now, we've both agreed on something," rick gently turned your head back to look into his eyes.
"that is...?"
"let us treat you the way you deserve,"
the journey back to your home was a blur, especially when you're sandwiched between men shaped as greek gods. between sy's french kissing and rick's hands roaming under your dress, it's amazing how your knees haven't buckled yet. that, or one of them is just helping you from doing so.
on one hand, you're extremely nervous — you trust them more than you have ever trusted anyone, but it's been so long since you've been intimate, let alone with more than one person at once.
"don't do that," rick mumbled behind your ear, nosing your hair, "don't doubt yourself,"
you didn't question how he knew, too fixated on his hand creeping down under the hem of your dress.
"fuck," rick ran his fingers up and down your clothed sex, imagining the intoxicating taste on his lips already, "baby girl, you're fucking wet already,"
sy's kisses intensified, groaning at the idea of your wet panties even before the real deal. it didn't take long until they brought you up to your room, now in your thigh high socks and soaking panties while they only had their shirts off.
when sy asked if you had lube, you didn't think much of it. that is, until you heard him chuckle lowly, only then did you remember.
your butt plug.
"naughty girl," he inspected the toy — stainless steel with a pink jewel at the end of it. the combination of innocence yet eroticism was enough rile both him and rick up, "who knew you'd have such a dirty little toy,"
"i-..." you wanted to defend yourself. it's a completely normal human nature, right? just because you haven't slept with anyone for so long doesn't mean you were a celibate either.
"who did you think about you played with your little pussy, darlin'?" rick gently pushed you on the bed and hovered over your side on one arm, trailing his other hand down to your clit. your cheeks burned at the question because you thought about both of them. you shook your head so cutely, gripping the sheets at either side of your head.
but that wasn't enough. sy sat at the opposite side and out of the blue, he slapped your ass. you arched your back as your body heat only grew at the sensation.
"oh, you like that, don't you?" he massaged the reddening cheek, causing your hips to buck into his hands and rick's teasing fingers, "when we ask you a question, we expect an answer, baby,"
he had his authoritative tone back on and you quickly answered.
"y-yes, I do l-love it, sy," you tilted your head back, "rick... fuck, please don't stop,"
"not yet," you whined when he pulled his fingers away, only to be silenced by his lips on yours, "we need to make sure you can follow orders, so first, go ahead and rest against the headboard and spread your legs,"
you tilted your head but nevertheless sluggishly moved back to the headboard. you felt so exposed but didn't dare to disobey them any further.
for now.
"look at you," sy commented in approval, "you're so sexy when you can follow our orders," you dug your heels into the mattress, looking down momentarily until he approached your side, "now, what we want you to do is simple,"
he passed you your butt plug before walking over to your velvet office chair. you looked at rick questioningly, whose eyes only grew more dangerous at the sight of the toy in your hand.
"well, go on," rick propped one leg on the bed while the other dropped to the side of it, opening the fly of his pants, "be our good girl and play yourself with it. we want that toy of yours in your tight hole before you can have either of us,"
you didn't think it was possible to feel anymore turned on than you are now, but this was a different level of sexy. they licked their lips at the sight of your pussy clenching around nothing and if they don't feel or even taste you anytime soon, so help them.
sy was already seated in your office chair while rick was close enough to reach your ankle if he wanted to. their cocks were out and ready to see you at your most debauched.
slowly but surely, you sat just a little, only to drool onto your clit, letting it trail down your hole, taking pride in the groans coming from both men. sy had the plug lubed up but what's the harm in taking precautionary measures, right?
you brought the toy down your clit, breath hitching at the coldness of it before teasing your lips. the started off slow, wrapping their hands around the base of their cocks and pumping it up and down slowly. you bit your lips at the beads of precum leaking onto their hands.
unable to tease them and yourself any longer, you ground your hips against the toy and clenched around the tip.
"fucking hell," sy's groans were silenced by the slicks sounds of their pumping. if you were this hot and bothered by just the little toy, they could only imagine the raging pleasure once it's their turn, "on your knees, sweetheart. let's see that ass on display,"
you did as he told, rubbing your pussylips with both hands and finally feeling yourself in the best way.
"slap your pussy for us, baby," you didn't hesitate at rick's order and tapped your slit a couple of times. you were almost drooling on the sheets already.
rick was salivating at the sight of your pretty wet pussy and fuck, if he didn't have anymore self control, he would've shoved his tongue into you right then and there. sy, on the other hand was clenching his jaw — he didn't want to cum just yet, he's not even in the best part yet.
"get that shiny pink plug nice and slick before you shove it in," sy commanded you with that gruffly voice of his and you'd be damned if you weren't going to follow it all. your blindly guided the toy up to your tight hole, grinding into it and imagining it as one of their cocks or even their thick fingers. finally, you deliciously moaned at the fullness, rutting against the silky sheets.
"oh, fuck, look at that," rick moved his hips rhythmically, the images of fucking you from behind was too much to bear, "finger yourself, darlin', show us how wet you really are,"
moving your free hand underneath, you eased in a finger and rocked yourself against your hand. it didn't take long till a second finger made its way in, whimpering into your pillow that sent shivers down their spines.
"fuck this, i can't take it anymore, come here," suddenly, rick dragged you closer to him by the ankles, earning a shriek when your fingers dug deeper into you, "don't stop at my account, okay?"
and just like that, he shoved his tongue into your pussy, keeping you grounded by gripping your thighs apart.
"ah! f-fuuuck, rick," you cried out, fisting the blanket as his tongue reached into your most vulnerable, "i-i can't-"
"you can and you will," sy stood in front of you in all his glory, bending down a little to caress your face, "you're our good girl, aren't you?"
"i am...! i am a good g-girl.."
"y-yours...!" rick smacked your ass from behind, "y-yours! and rick's!"
sy narrowed his eyes at the colonel but didn't call him out on it. no, he had other businesses to take care of.
"yes you are," his breaths grew heavy at your obedience and took the spot of leaning against the headboard, "is my good girl aching to suck my cock?"
"i do..." you pathetically begged, biting your lips at the majestic size of it — his was little girthier while rick's seemed a little longer. nonetheless, it's going to be quite the ride to fit them in. speak of the devil; rick replaced your two fingers with one of his, confirming your fantasies that their fingers were absolutely thick.
"suck those fingers, sweetheart," sy eyed your digits that's covered in your juices, his cock pulsating when you bravely maintained eye contact as your soft lips took in your fingers. as soon as you take it out, he took your face in both hands before crashing his lips into yours, savouring the rousing taste.
"go ahead," he whispered when he pulled away. he would've asked you to beg even further but even he has his limits. plus, you've been following orders so well, you deserve a little break.
you would've thanked him but with rick's broad tongue and the butt plug in your ass? maybe it's best to do so later.
you slowly licked the base up to the tip, sucking in a breath when you could practically feel the veins. the precum dripped down onto your tongue before spitting it back on the crown of his cock. you were about to shut your eyes at rick's second finger when sy forced you to look up at him by the back of your head.
a gentle(r) reminder not to close your eyes at this very moment.
you continued your kitten licks around his shaft, elated at the way it jumps at every of your ministration. but you didn't tease him for long — you needed him now.
you wrapped a hand around his base, blinking at how big it truly is before snapping out of it. you were already moaning around his cock before you could even bob your head up and down. rick really wasn't going easy on you.
you looked up at the captain through your lashes, taking in the sight of his head back and mouth open. his hold onto your head neither tightened nor loosened. rick's fingers were knuckles deep and you were pretty sure you were going to cum soon, especially when he's picking up the pace.
the squelching coming from behind you brought sy out of his daze, only to realize that you were getting close.
"is baby girl going to cum soon?" his eyes darkened at the mixture of drool and precum coating his shaft, "why don't you beg for it?"
with his hand on the back of your neck, you released him with a 'pop', a string of saliva connected between your lips and his tip.
"r-rick..." you called his name weakly, eye fluttering to shut when sy's thumb caressed your lips from his shaft to lap at the spit-precum concoction before continuing, "please let m-me cum..."
"aww, darlin'," he taunted, both his saliva and your juices ran down his chin, "you can do better than that," he took ahold your butt plug, pushing it in and out just a little, "turn around, rest your back against syverson's front for me,"
your limps were nearly jelly at this point so you're glad sy carried you around as if you were weightless. his cock throbbed behind you whilst rick's wasn't any better — fucking his own hand but it was all worth it.
sy snaked one arm around your waist, tilting your chin up with the other hand so he could give you all the chaste kisses. rick's hand forced your legs open, prompting you to grab onto sy's forearm that's wrapped around your body.
"can you give me the sweetest begging? then you can cum as much you'd like,"
sy held your jaw in his hand and rested his forehead against yours, "you heard him. beg."
and begging, you did, babe.
"please rick! please let cum! I'm-I'm gonna squirt-!" you eyes popped open at the last part, and so did sy's and rick's.
squirt, huh?
"my baby can squirt too?" rick's fingers reached in a part that nearly pushed you over the edge, "can you squirt around my thick fingers? can you do that, pretty girl?"
"yes! please, f-fuck yes," you just needed your release and as promised, he fingerfucked you like there's no tomorrow. his tongue tried to capture each drops of your juices while sy held you down. his breathy moans in your ear didn't help either and before you knew it, your eyes rolled back before gushing all over rick's fingers, mouth and chin. sy purposely bit your neck to hear you cry out in ecstacy.
you couldn't help but shake in sy's arms as he cooed.
"you did so well, sweetheart," he licked the little bits of sweat off of your neck, "my good girl,"
even in your fucked-out state, you gave him the most irresistible smile. you lazily turned your attention to rick, bashful at essence dripping down his chin.
"s-sorry," you played the edges of your thigh high socks, only to be snatched out of sy's arms and into rick's.
"don't," he warned lightly, "you did what i asked you to do, didn't you?"
"mhm," you nodded in his chest.
"then I don't see why you need to be sorry," he concluded, his chest rumbling out of delight. you purred in his touch but immediately froze up at the captain's next words.
"but it's not over yet, baby," he had a sinister look on his face, and so did rick, "what do you say? you up for another round, sweetheart?"
what do you say?
there's not way you could leave them high and dry, right?
'cause let's just say; with that flexibility of yours? riding sy's cock while sucking rick's after is only the beginning of it all.
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-> lol a mess. next time, i'm writing in bullet point form + i'm no smut writer but joel kinnaman fics has me in a chokehold.
-> reve road is just my interpretation of a neighbourhood where milf!reader + your favourite men lives in!
-> anyway! it's time we show some love for my current rick flag & cpt syverson obsessions (smut and/or fluff-focused)!
r. flag:
r e a d e v e r y t h i n g by @babblydrabbly
again, e v e r y t h i n g by @lacontroller1991
remedy & welcome home by @sweetfictionalworld
cpt. syverson:
homeland & make me your future history by @cruelfvkingsummer
vignettes series by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
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rughydrangea · 3 years
Okay, so, I have now watched the first season of Black Sails and I feel like recording some thoughts. Here we go:
This is one of those shows that I feel like I’ve already watched, thanks to tumblr osmosis. But I have been wanting to properly check it out for a while. What took me so long? Honestly, the subject matter. As a person who is very afraid of a) authority, particularly the kind that kills people, and b) deep water, a show about pirates was hard to sell myself on. But once I actually took the plunge, as it were...
...I actually liked it! I’m not sure I’m ready to join the loyal army (navy?) of fans, but I found it really watchable. The whole environment of Nassau is well fleshed-out, the soundtrack is very fun, and I was surprised by how many characters there were to latch on to. Which brings me to:
Okay, so. Just being on tumblr, you cannot avoid knowing Flint and Max and Anne because they’re the most prominent queer characters (with Eleanor as an honorary mention? I confess I’m not really into her so far. I like her dynamic with Flint, but she’s written way too much like a Girl Power TM character for my liking). And so far, I really like all of them (though I had NO idea that Max has such a wacky accent, 8 episodes in it still takes me out of the action. I watched The Secret Circle, I know that this isn’t Jessica Parker Kennedy’s real accent, why can’t she just speak like she normally does? It would be much less distracting!). Though I must say I can’t blame Flint’s crew for constantly mutinying, working for him seems like a truly terrible situation to find oneself in. (Sidenote: I had been vaguely aware that there was an awkward Flint/Miranda sex scene in S1, and man oh man, y’all were not underselling that, it was hellish to watch. Not to get too explicit, but I truly have never seen a man so completely bored, to the extent that I am certain he didn’t finish, and I’m honestly confused how he, uh, managed to be interested enough to even start. He looked like he was on the verge of yawning the whole time! He looked like he was going over his grocery list in his head!)
What I was not expecting was that my favorite character so far would not be one of the queer ones, but Jack Rackham. And I must say that, as someone with access to Wikipedia, I am unhappy with this situation! I always want my favorites to be survivors, and they never are. But I just can’t resist this guy, he’s so damn funny and smart-alecky, I love his nasally little voice, his weird glasses, his eighteenth-century mullet, those freaking sideburns... And I’m so excited to see the development of the Rackham/Anne/Max dynamic.
Other fun characters: I really like Silver! He makes me laugh! And Billy Bones is Sir Percival of the Sleeveless Chainmail from Merlin, of course I’m happy to see him again. And I enjoyed Gates, RIP. And I liked the nerdy accountant guy who bit a man’s throat out until he shot Flint (but then again, see my earlier comment about how these guys are honestly right to mutiny). And I don’t know that I like Vane, but every time I see him, my head just goes IT’S JODY FROM SHAMELESS, so that’s something, I guess.
It’s been a long time since I watched a Starz series--not since my beloved Spartacus, I think, and honestly it took me a while to readjust to all the naked people. Especially at first, I think this show isn’t as good at justifying it as Spartacus, where the aesthetic was just so joyously over-the-top and absurd that the copious numbers of naked people were just part of the canvas alongside the gore and violence (BS is pleasantly gory, though, I honestly have laughed a number of times at the gross corpse presentations. You can tell the makeup/effects people were having fun!). In this show, all the nakedness feels very much like network notes, especially since it skews so heavily female (say what you will about Spartacus, a huge proportion of the cast was beefcake in loincloths, it’s impossible to argue that the male body was not lasciviously displayed). By the end of the season, I’m maybe slightly less disgruntled, thanks to the valiant efforts of Vane and Rackham to even the playing field somewhat.
Uh, I guess that’s it? I’m honestly just planning on going straight to S2, because I’m having a good time.
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herasyndlla · 3 years
how would you rank the dceu?
ooooh okay i have thought a lot about this. it will be undercut cause it is Long lol
1) wonder woman: oh how i just love this movie so much. it’s so good. it’s so full of love. the women are amazing. i love how themyscira is so bright and colourful and then the world of man is so grey. amazing. diana and steve? damn i love their short romance and how tragic it was and how still there’s hope. “i can save today, you can save the world” 
2) batman v superman: LOOK i know it’s a mess. i know a lot of people hate it. i just love it. i love the complicated plot from luther because of course he had one. i love luther in it so much, jesse was the perfect modern day lex luther and i love that it went there. he would be a silicon valley asshole. i love lois figuring everything out. i love the flip from enemies to friends lovers bruce had towards clark. i just love this over the top movie! i could say so much more about this lol
3) birds of prey: what can i say, i love women!!!!!!!! it was so fun and unique but so a part of the dccu. the costumes were amazing. the fights, amazing. i think the only meh thing is how the changed cass. i loved cass but it was like... the cass from the comics at all so why call her cass cain? but like she was still so good and cute and perfect kiddo.
4) man of steel: i love clark! i love how he was a drifter for so long and then he meets lois and boom! purpose in life. very good narrative choice. i loved that mos set up lois as this equal lead in the superman story. she’s a hero too! love that this movie focused so much on moms. how jonathan died was so fucking stupid lol. just give him a heart attack like in smallville.
5) zack snyder’s justice league: is this one actually ranked this high or am i still just riding the high of it actually being released? both maybe lol. i love the culmination of mos and bvs and actually getting diana thinking and feeling things about themyscira. i just love that it was a true passion project and art from zack. he really wanted to make a movie that was for any dc fan, not just white nerd dudes. yes not everyone will like it, just like mos and bvs, but it was truly the end of that little (long) trilogy and it was satisfying. even though i loved it all so much, four hours is a very long movie lol.
6) aquaman: DO YOU LOVE ADVENTURE? i do! love that arthur got to have is pirates of the caribbean meets king arthur movie and look amazing doing it. a little cluttered from bts meddling but this movie was just so fun and nice and love filled. also, as always, dccu movies love moms and we have to respect that about dc. i love that this movie embraced everything about aquaman’s powers. they didn’t try to make it cool, they said “it is cool what he can do” and that is just !!!!!!!! (i also think in a year this will be #5 and zsjl will be #6 but again, i’m on a high from zsjl lol)
7) shazam: FOUND FAMILIES AND LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE. and it was filmed in my city, how could i not love that. my favourite part of the movie was when i correctly guessed what subway station billy ran into. NO BUT ACTUALLY what a fun movie, so cute. billy batson is an angel boy. loved all the kids having powers. 
8) wonder woman 1984: if you cut everything i didn’t at all like in this movie it would have easily shaved a half hour off the movie and it would have been pretty decent. however there was still all that stuff that was bad. i wanted to like this but i was so bored. didn’t like how little themyscira played in diana’s life. why does she just.... never get to really hang out with woman. why was barbara just a second thought villain to max? why did diana get two prices to pay from her sort of wish (losing her powers and the gross bs of steve hijacking someone’s body). i think steve should have been saved for the third movie so we had more time with just diana and her relationship with women and then we can bring him back as a temptation. that said: the actors were great and i cried when diana had to let go of steve again and then flew. 
9) suicide squad: mariekondoilovemess.jpg
10) justice league (2017): this is a bad movie.
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breanime · 3 years
It’s California anon. I really should interact with you more than I do.
1. I’ve never watched bobs burgers (yes I live in shame)
2. Ooh I love billy Russo or Bucky Barnes. There are so many great writers in the marvel fandom
3. Pine then Evans then hemsworth. Hemsworth isn’t really my type but apparently that’s an unpopular opinion.
4. I would love time manipulation, or matter/energy manipulation
5. I do not watch the boys. Should I?
6. Billy is the then Logan
7. Tommy Shelby then Caspian (I have a thing for brunette boys with tragic pasts apparently. It’s a thing, I don’t know why)
8. Female, Demi-bisexual. I don’t know I’m pretty boring; I like reading, baking, writing postcards, playing with my dog, watching baseball, uhhhhhh idk I’m really boring. I really hope we’d be friends because you seem cool but interestingly we’re very different. I come from a VERY conservative background- southeast Asian and conservative Christian where the very thought of partying or even doing weed is very frowned upon (don’t even get me started on dating. Long story short if you don’t see yourself marrying a person you shouldn’t even go on a date with them). That being said, I hope we would be friends. You’ve definitely taught me a lot (I was the 19F female so I definitely have taken your advice). I am not high right now. I currently live with my parents so it’s not an option. And yes, I have terrible anxiety so I am always nervous.
Okay now it’s your turn:
Sexuality and pronouns?
Ethnic background/culture?
Favorite music?
Whose your favorite bre’s boy?
Favorite quote?
Favorite movie or tv show (or both)?
Favorite sport?
Is your family close? Do you have a favorite sibling?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have a favorite animal?
Are you in school? If so, what are you studying?
Are you working? If so, doing what?
Dream career?
If you reply with more questions I’d love to go back and forth with this q and a:)
Ah, yay! California anon! My friend! You should watch The Boys if you can tolerate a lot of violence and gore, it's all related to the plot, but it can get bloody. Also, I'm gonna need you to watch Bob's Burgers whenever you can because it's a masterpiece of a show. I like your superpower, and I am CERTAIN we'd be friend IRL! I really like learning about you and your family! So do you have siblings? Are you the youngest? How about pets? I told my Mom I smoke weed sometimes and she doesn't approve, but we're always open about stuff, thankfully, so it wasn't a hard conversation at all. We joke about it now, and I don't smoke in her house since she doesn't approve. But she does let me smoke outside while she scolds me haha.
Ok, to answer your (awesome) questions:
I'm a bisexual disaster, she/her
I'm Black, my family is from the South Side of Chicago, but my mom moved us to the suburbs, so I always feel like I've got a nice mix of hood and suburbia in me haha
Oof, music is hard. I love all music except screamer music, right now I'm really obsessed with early 2000s r&b cause it was damn near perfection. I also LOVE a good Broadway album. Say what you will about LMm, but the Hamilton soundtrack SLAPS!
My favorite Bre's Boy as a character is the LOML Johnny Tuturro, but my favorite to write for is Angel....or Coco.
My fav quote is a quote from Riley Freeman from The Boondocks "late to bed and late to wake keeps you long on money and short on mistakes".
Like music, my movie list is LONG. One of my favorite movies though is definitely Undrafted, it's such a fun and easy watch. I also LOVE Spirited Away. Fav TV show... hm, The Get Down is a classic masterpiece, and I also love Peaky Blinders (season 2 especially).
I guess basketball is my favorite sport (I like the way it dribbles up and down the court), I'm not really a sports person.
My family is kind of close, kind of messy. We're messy right now though, unfortunate 🙄 My favorite sibling is my big brother Brandon. He's only like 17 months older than me or something. When we were little, we pretended to have a show called the Brandon and BreAnn Show and we had a theme song haha!
I HAD a pet turtle named Speedy, but he ran away. No joke. I also had a cat as a kid that my Dad took and then gave to my step sister so... eh. My little sister has a Maltese named Jasper now who I tolerate haha.
Fav animal is the sloth. I envy their lives.
Not in school, but I graduated from Indiana University in 2015 with a BS in English Education. I also considered minoring in Sociology or Theater, but I never got around to it. I'd love to go back to school someday though.
Not working! I quit my job and have been kind of just bumming for the past 4 months, but I'm looking for a remote job (so if you or anyone else have any suggestions, please let me know!)
My dream career is a professional writer and an actor. Ugh, how I wish.
What's your dream career?
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kodzuken-pie · 4 years
•——— “ 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 “ ———•
[ A/N : This is a self indulgent fic! I’ve been on my Bakugo bs for awhile now and so I thought I should write about it, this doesn’t mean I’m going to start writing for BNHA alright? Hope you guys understand! ]
Pairing : Bakugo x reader
Genre : Songfic
Warnings : swearing
Word count : 1528
“I love you.” He says, making you turn back around to look at him.
You don’t know if you should get even angrier or to melt at his confession. After all, Bakugo Katsuki isn’t really the type to show how he really feels.
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𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚐𝚘...
You had invited Katsuki to join you in the park to hangout. At least to him that’s all it was but for you it was a plan. A plan to confess and hope that he accepts but you knew otherwise.
“It’s a nice day today isn’t it?” You give him a small smile as you look at him.
“Yeah, I guess.” He sighs and closes his eyes, laying back down on the picnic blanket.
You internally scream at yourself as you work up the courage to tell him how you feel. He doesn’t seem to notice how nervous you were because if he did, he would’ve told you off already. You take a deep breath and exhale to calm yourself.
“Hey, Katsuki?” You say as sweet and as innocent as you possibly can.
He opens one of his eyes to look at you then the other opens as well. “What is it?” His voice was soft and calm, the way it usually was when he was around you.
“I like you and not in just a friendly way.” Your eyes bore into his and he stares back.
It takes a moment for him to respond, he blinks and averts his gaze from yours. The expression on his face was unreadable until you saw him blush. You sat there and looked at him until he spoke, his answer was something you didn’t expect.
“I like you too. In the way that you’re talking about.” He says as his vermilion eyes meet yours.
You sat there for a second as you tried to process what he just said. Then your eyes widened and you felt your heart jump. All of a sudden you feel his hand cup your face, in turn making you blink rapidly.
“I’ve liked you for awhile now actually.” His voice was almost a whisper but you still heard it.
He closes the gap between the two of you and he plants a soft kiss on your lips. You gasped as he pulled away, not even realizing the tears streaming down your face. He thumbs your cheek, wiping the tears away.
“Hey, hey. None of that.” He says in a soothing manner.
Your tears fall faster, your face feeling hot as you tackle him. Your lips meet his as you feel your love for him take over you.
“Is this real life?” You ask him jokingly as you pull away, giggling softly.
“Oh, fuck off.” He said as he looked away, his cheeks turning pink and he rolled his eyes.
You laughed at his expression and you two spent the day in each other’s arms.
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”You, you what?” You whip your head back to look at him and he scans your face, hoping to see what you were feeling but your expression was unreadable.
Tears are suddenly on the brim of his eyes, his beautiful red eyes. All you could do was stand there in shock. Crying was so not like him and he’s never been the type that you could see right through.
“Y-you’re lying right? You just said that to make me laugh, right?” Now tears are forming in your eyes and your heart twists in your chest, feeling nothing but pain. “Did you really mean it, Katsuki?” Your voice cracks, hot tears now quickly rushing down your face.
He shakes his head and he reaches for you but doesn’t touch you. He didn’t know if you still wanted him the way he wanted you. After all, he only remembers the times that he hurt you and he knew it was his fault that things turned out the way they were. He looks down, his head hanging low as he drops his hand. You unexpectedly took his hand and held it up to your face.
“Katsuki, I know what you’re thinking but none of this was your fault. I shouldn’t have pestered you and pushed you like that. I knew it would take time for you to say it back and I should’ve been more patient but…” You trail off, a sob escaping your mouth.
He looks up at you, tears falling down his cheeks. “If I said it back in the first place, this wouldn’t have happened. I’ve loved you from the very moment I laid my eyes on you and I couldn’t say it back. You know why? Cause I’m a coward.” His voice was shaky, his eyes held sadness.
The same eyes that were always full of love whenever he looked at you no matter what you were doing, was filled with sadness. You feel your heart twist again and you pull him into your arms then he starts crying harder.
“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.” He whispers against your neck, repeating it over and over.
You stood there for who knows how long, him in your arms, apologizing repeatedly. You shush him and rub circles on his back. At this moment you didn’t know what to do. You two had a big fight and you ended up breaking up with him a month ago. Now here you were, your heart in a disarray.
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𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚐𝚘...
“Why Katsuki? Why is it so hard for you to accept my feelings?!” You were screaming your lungs out at him.
“WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER SO DAMN MUCH?!” He barks back, his hands clenched into fists. “AREN’T MY ACTIONS ENOUGH?”
You were taken aback by what he said, realizing that yes, he does show you how much you mean to him with every little thing he does for you. You just couldn’t understand why, why he can’t just say it back.
“SAY IT BACK!” You growled at him, your anger getting the best of you.
He loses it and throws a chair across the room. You look at the chair that was now broken then turn your head to look at him. His jaw was tightly clenched, all you could feel was anger.
“WE ARE DONE.” You say then your eyes widen.
Did you mean to say it? Or did you say it because of what was happening? The room went quiet, the silence was unbearably uncomfortable.
“Then I guess we are.” He breaks the silence, his voice low but it wasn’t filled with anger anymore.
“I-“ You wanted to say more but didn’t.
Instead, you moved to grab your things from his apartment. He stood in the middle of the room, fists still clenched tightly and he had his head hung low. You finish gathering your belongings, putting it all in one bag and move towards the front door.
“Katsuki?” You say quietly and sadly.
“What?” He kept his eyes glued to the floor, his voice was soft and surprisingly calm.
“Goodbye, Bakugo.” You open the door and turn around to leave.
You can feel the pain in your chest grow the more you move away from him. He lifted his head up and watched you leave and close the door behind you. He then falls to the floor, knees hitting the wood and his hands still hang on his sides. His eyes widen as he feels his tears fall down his face, he relaxes his hands and looks at them.
“You really fucked up now, didn’t you?” He whispered to himself while looking at his shaky hands
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You sigh as you recall the events of that night. His embrace felt very welcoming but you still didn’t know how you felt at that exact moment. Your heart aches for him and you want to be with him again. The way he showed you that he was just as vulnerable as everyone else.
“Katsuki.. hey, everything’s fine. I’m here now right?” You cooed at him, hoping to calm him.
“I failed you and I hurt you. I promised I wouldn’t do that but I did. I don’t deserve you.* He pulled away from you and gave you a small smile even though he must’ve felt like he was dying inside.
Your breathing hitched as you see his smile, his tears still falling hot and heavy. You hear your heartbeat loudly, love overthrowing any anger or pain. At that moment you knew, you would never escape the way you loved him.
“Don’t say that.” You wiped his tears away as you spoke gently to him. “I love you Bakugo Katsuki and that will never change, not in a million years.” You showed him your resolve and his expression grew soft.
“I love you too.” He says simply, three little words holding all of his feelings.
He wraps his arms around your waist, his bright red eyes glinting with love and adoration. He kisses your lips softly and gently, smiling at you again as he pulls away.
“I will love you for a million years and more.” He whispers, connecting your lips with his once again.
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waterloou · 4 years
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Helloooo all! I’m bringing back oc Saturday for these trying times to showcase some brilliant ocs! If you’d like to nominate your oc or somebody else’s, feel free to shoot me a msg, ask, or tag #ocextravaganzasaturday ! Also, there’s an option to submit a blurb!
Oc extravaganza Saturday guidelines
Below are links/blurbs for the featured ocs this week! Go check them out!
Amreen Carr created by @emiliachrstine
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Headcannons 2
Headcannons 3
Game of Survival
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Gotta love a kick ass mama to baby yoda. Her and mando and the whole family are just wholesome and cool and please go give them some love! They deserve it!
Belle Sinclair created by @lilhemmo
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Multifandom Queen:
Soon to be Riverdale
“her name is belle sinclair - she was kind of a tom boy growing up, but her brother died when she started high school. he died while she was driving him home from a new years eve date and he was drunk so he was distracting her, but then they got t-boned by another drunk driver. however, her whole family blames her for his death and she has extreme survivors guilt.”
“she's a sunshine, little sun drop, sunflower! she's really kind and very forgiving and a people pleaser”
Go show her some love!
Billy Holmes created by @humangrumpycat
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Mythology moodboard
Billy cackles, turning his chair to face an irritated Sweet Pea.
'I'm sorry,' Billy wheezes, wiping the tears from his face.
'You saw some dude spray paint a wall, and when you threatened him, he pulled a gun on you?' he asks, his lips pressed in an attempt to stop laughing.
'Yes,' Sweet Pea grits through his teeth.
'That's the best thing I've heard all week,' Billy smiles. 'Thank you for telling me this.'
Sweet Pea clenches his jaw, taking a deep breath.
'It's not funny,' he hisses.
'It was, though,' Phoenix snickers. 'You should've seen his face,' he says to Billy. 'Dude pulled out an M1911A1.'
'Holy shit,' Billy gasps.
'He pulled out a what?' Fangs asks.
'Colt .45,' Billy explains, followed by Fangs nodding.
'How would you know?' Sweet Pea asks Phoenix. 'You weren't even there.'
'I was right across the street, leaving the candle shop,' he answers.
'Why were you at the candle shop?' Fangs scoffs.
'Buying candles,' Phoenix comments, raising the bag on eye-level. 'I thought that was pretty obvious.'
'Can we focus on my problem?' Sweet Pea interrupts. 'And how I need to take care of it?'
'"Take care of it"?' Billy mocks.
'You got something for me?' Sweet Pea asks, nodding to the closet to his left.
'Oh, NOW you want a new weapon?' Billy scoffs. 'I've been telling you that for years now. I mean, I get the nostalgia bullshit. But like I said: we're big guys, and big guys need big weapons or it'll just look weird.'
'Like he's holding a toothpick,' Phoenix adds, followed by both Phoenix and Billy nodding at each other.
'Shut up, Phoenix, I don't see you carrying a machete around.'
'Don't I?' Phoenix smirks, opening his jacket to show a machete strapped on the inside.
'What the-' Fangs gasps. 'How-'
'Gem sewed in the straps for me,' Phoenix explains with the widest grin.
'So, can you get me something new?' Sweet Pea asks, growing more impatient by the minute.
'I might could,' Billy says. 'But not tonight.'
Both Fangs and Sweet Pea throw up their hands.
'I'm sure y'all can beat him up tomorrow, and I'd love to join,' Billy comments. 'But it's Tequila Tuesday at the LOVE Club downtown, and I'm meeting Ace, Spades, and Snow White in ten, so I'll be a wreck tomorrow.'
'Can I join?' Phoenix begs. 'I can dump my shit at Viper's on the way.'
'Got your fake ID?'
'Always,' Phoenix answers.
'Why the LOVE Club, by the way?' Phoenix asks. 'Don't we normally go to The Maple Leaf?'
'Well,' Billy smirks. 'There's this pretty blonde who sings there every Tuesday, and we've had some "eye-contact" for the last couple of weeks.'
'You mean, real-life Disney princess? Nice!' he chants.
'Also, The Maple Leaf's starting to attract more Ghoulies, and we don't need that shit,' Billy mentions.
Billy is a great bad boy. He’s hilarious, resourceful and it’s just extremely easy to like. Go give him some love!
Oli Parker created by @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
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About ramble
Summer Camp AU
This boy is a hardworking, wholesome, compassionate ray of sunshine! Go give him some love!
Rhett Butler created by @s-s-southsideserpentine
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The common room of the boys dormitories was a ghost-town during this time of the night. Usually it was alive with haughty Stonewall Prep males, bragging about the colleges their showboat parents bought their way into, laughing at crude jokes and arguing loudly about theory and theology. Now though, in the late hours of the night after the RA’s were done skulking around the hallways with citations in hand, it was almost peaceful. Rhett Butler liked to sneak out of his dorm room and sit at the piano, basked in the milky color of the moonlight as it streamed in through the large, glass-paned windows. The high archways and ceilings made the soft tinkling of the piano keys sound like they filled the air around him and tucked themselves into every corner. He liked the emptiness of it all, how serene it could be to take comfort in his own loneliness. Rhett would wait until after lights out, way after the final few night owls broke themselves away from their studies, and would tiptoe out into the common room with his composition book in hand, jotting down music notes and time signatures while still trying his best to be quiet. A big anthology of British Literature is wedged in the doorframe, with Rhett trying his best to close himself away to conceal the noise. He’s too busy tinkering away at his next assignment for music class that he doesn’t hear the quiet thunk of the anthology hitting the parquet floor as someone slipped into the room with him.
“What the hell are you doing?” A voice pipes up from behind Rhett’s left shoulder, nearly scaring him out of his wits as he jumps, slamming the piano case down hard onto the keyboard.
“Holy hell” He chuckles, trying his best to recover and even out his breathing. His spindly fingers are shaking as he turns around to see the new scholarship student, Bianca something, in her pajamas, her curly hair dented and pressed from where her head pressed into her pillow.
Rhett had seen her around before, he sat in on the advanced writing seminar on the right day, he guessed, because he heard the girl make a snarky remark to that asshole Bret. It cost her an after-school detention but she gained Rhett’s respect immediately, and he had been intrigued by her ever since. Everyone knew about the scholarship kids, it was kind of hard not to. There were only a handful of them, a losers club of their own. But most of them kept their heads down and cowered at the taunts being thrown by their snooty classmates, making remarks about their thrifted textbooks and not-so-pristine school uniforms. Not this girl, though; it was a strange twist of fate, how he had wondered about her and now she was here.
“You know what time it is?” She asks with a raised eyebrow that doesn’t seem malicious, but Rhett doesn’t know how to take it.
Rhett palms the top of the upright piano until he finds where he tossed his phone, he clicks the home button, 3:13 am. “The witching hour” He muses, running a hand though his hair.
“Are you the one who’s always out here?” She asks again with that same hint of mischief. “That girl Donna’s convinced a bunch of freshman that there’s a ghost.”
“S’just me” Rhett mumbles, feeling embarrassed at the idea that his late-night musicalities weren’t as secret as he thought.
The girl walks across the room and sits on the other side of the piano bench next to Rhett. There was a funny sort of confidence she had, giving him an all-teeth smile as she says “So you’re the ghost”. Rhett smiles, excitement brewing in his stomach.
“Name’s Rhett Butler” He offers his skinny hand for the girl to shake and she does.
Gotta love a good, malnourished, take no bs academic boy. And he’s musically talented??? King. Give him some love!
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msbeccieboo · 4 years
Arrow 8x09 Brain Dump
It was...not all bad. I really want to like this. I love Mia, William and FTA. I want to enjoy BS like I did in S7. I want to see Dinah written consistently with any kind of actual character. Well, at least my love for FTA is still intact 😂😂
Kat was brilliant in this episode. Her leading lady really jumped out 😂😂 Her emotional moments hit the mark, and I think she juggled her post-Crisis new life with her old memories brilliantly.
We opened on her waking up in the Queen mansion(!), with a very yummy Diggle Jr in her bed, only it’s JJ not Connor 😱😱 She’s also surrounded by adorable family photos, showing that Oliver got his wish of her and William growing up together (and confirmation that the Olicity Love Cabin still existed!) Basically, she’s living the best life that Oliver could have wished for her, without him in it, of course 😭
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Probably the most notable change in ‘new Mia’ (other than her being infinitely happier and living in a crime-free city) was her social poise. She’s been brought up in Oliver Queen’s old world, and is quite the socialite, only without any of the haughty frivolity that one might expect (I imagine we have Felicity for that 😍). She loves her life and her friends, and she defends them, especially in the face of Laurel, who seemingly does nothing but scoff at her lifestyle for the whole episode 😒 I loved her addressing the press!! That was pure Queen! Maybe the influence of a certain Aunt Thea?
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Source: feilcityqueen
More below the cut…
Basically this Mia is smart and loving and happy, and Oliver gave her a warm and otherwise full life, save for finding her true purpose (which is gonna be vigilanteing, of course). So of course BS and Dinah rock up and upend it all 😂 I really liked how they made the returning of Mia’s memories a source of conflict, as well they should. It was so brutal to just return them with no preamble, to destroy what happiness Oliver had given back to her, just because, what? BS couldn’t complete her own fucking mission? (More of that later lol) Then Mia standing up to BS when she went as far as to mock Mia’s new world, just gave me life!!!
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Anyway, with her memories restored, and bad guys to track down, of course Mia couldn’t resist her heroic calling and suited up, then proceeded to be the epic badass that we have grown to love.
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Source: kathmcnamara
I loved seeing her struggle with her memories returning, and the guilt that they brought with them of not living up to Oliver’s legacy. At the same time, she appreciates what Oliver did for her, that all he wanted for his family and the city was to be safe and happy. She ultimately decides to remain the Green Arrow, taking up the guard of her city in her father’s memory, to protect the new world that he sacrificed himself to create.
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Source: felicityqueen
We’d seen she’d developed her ‘street smarts’ in the flash-forwards, so I think she’ll end up bringing these together with her new social skills, and badass moves, and be an unstoppable force!! Hopefully that will include her old FTA team as well, and not just the two feathered ones 🙄
God this needed more FTA.
We got a small amount of William, more of JJ, what with him being Mia’s fiance (!!), and little more than fleeting glances of Zoe (!) and Connor. The disrespect!! 😂
William (who even knows his surname in this new life?) continues to hold my whole heart in his hands 😍😍
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Source: oliverxfelicity
LOOK AT HIM!!!!💗💗💗
He seems to have been least affected in terms of his character, post-crisis. It’s implied that he’s running Smoak Tech, and that he and Mia grew up together and are basically each others’ ride-or-dies 😭😍😭 
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I truly hope if the show is picked up, that they increase the William content by a solid 1000% 😂 He brings so much heart and a certain humour and lightness, just like Felicity brought to Arrow, and Ben is such an amazing actor. The new show will need a William. BADLY. He really seems to have his shit together (in the very limited time we have seen him of course 😒), but I’m hoping that that doesn’t lead to Mia keeping her memories from him for long (although remembering who their Dad is, I’m guessing she could take a while 😂😂).
So JJ proposes to Mia at the beginning of the episode!!!! Apparently they are the love of each others lives here. Dig clearly learned from what Connor told him, and steered JJ away from becoming a murdering gangster...YAY! Although it seems that in doing so, our darling boy Connor ran into a few issues of his own 😫😫 It looks like there is no love lost between him and Mia, that he has been in and out of rehab, and is now somewhat of a bad boy 😏😏 But when they first lock eyes there is still definite history and heat there and, just HJJHDFVGDFK 🔥 BACKSTORY IS NEEDED!! Then at the end, JJ has his memories restored by scary-dude-in-cloak (who I was totally hoping would be Dig or Oliver tbh 😂), so I’m super interested to see how he copes with his dual memories!! So now Mia loves JJ, but knows he was evil and killed Zoe, and she hated Connor, but now remembers they had feelings for each other and that he is a beautiful soul, and all the shit is gonna hit the fan!!! I usually hate love triangles, but this is so exciting, with the good boy/bad boy switch up, and then the opposite memories being returned...YAAAAASSSS!! Although I’d like to make it clear that, whilst I’m going to enjoy the drama getting there, I am firmly in the SmoaknHawke end game camp!! 
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And as excited as I just got, all of this took up just about 5 mins of screen time 😫😫 It reminds me of what Arrow was lacking in its early episodes...heart and hope. They lucked into it with Felicity/Emily, but they have it here, ready and waiting, and are so far not using it.
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Kat knows what’s what. This is the show we deserve. 
There was a lot of bird action. Apparently in shaping a perfect future, Oliver saw fit that Mia never met BS or Dinah...this is why we stan 😂😂 Dinah has also seemingly been erased from the history books 😬, waking up after Oliver’s funeral (😒😭) 20 years in the future, so naturally becomes a bohemian, opens a bar and sings a lot. Cool, I’d probably do the same 😂😂 Laurel, it seems, went off to spend time with Sara, and has apparently become a solo time-traveller, trying to stop 2041 from becoming a really bad year. Righto. 
Dinah was actually ok in this episode, if not hugely out of character, but that in itself has been inconsistent throughout the show, so here’s hoping that the zen-filled peacemaker that she was in this episode continues! Dinah’s new-found peace and bearability seemingly comes at the cost of Laurel being utterly awful. She rocked up in the future like Billy Big Bollocks with a huge chip on her shoulder, just sneering her way through the episode. She had such bitterness, disdain and anger directed towards Mia (and Dinah, at times) for no apparent reason, when they seemed to have somewhat bonded previously?! She spent the majority of the episode sauntering around looking down on everyone, portraying a bitchy-tomboy type, deeming anything vaguely typically feminine or not hard-moody-’badass’ as beneath her. This is not #girlpower. Fuck off.
Then we have that clusterfuck of a scene at the exhibition 🙈🙈 where BS tries to tell Mia that she used to date her Dad, before quickly correcting herself to “some version of him, anyway”, as if they were one and the same 🙄 Laurel’s continual need to imply that she knows, or has history with our Oliver is infuriating as hell. E2 Oliver died on the Gambit in his early 20s. Even if he was similar in character to E1 Oliver up until then, that person bears no likeness to the man he became. Her past with her ‘Ollie’ is entirely irrelevant to the man that was Mia’s father, who she barely even got to know at all save for a couple of episodes in S8. And not only the implication that she knew him, but then to actually try to trash him as well, to his kid?! All to push her idea that all versions of people are the same (which was refuted when JJ doesn’t even turn out to be behind the Deathstroke mask anyhow)? NO! At least Dinah and Mia were cringing along with us 😂
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It’s just astounding, the turnaround they’ve managed with Laurel/BS. They already did the unthinkable in S7 and got a lot of people from this side of the fandom to empathise and warm to her, without pissing off her existing fans. I really did grow to like her in S7 (check my reviews, I still can’t believe it 😂), she was snarky, but not bitchy, and showed some heart and vulnerability. So it’s mind-blowing how they took all that growth and just obliterated it this season, and then even more so in this episode where she is just plain nasty and unlikeable. 
I do think, however, that giving BS and Mia a tempestuous relationship from the off was a good idea, cos let’s face it, you can tell there is no love lost between them. But they could have made them clash in a better way than BS just being an arsehole to Mia for most of the episode. My best guess is her anger comes from Mia coming out of Crisis with a life untouched by violence, whilst her earth was still lost? (Was it? I can’t actually remember if E2 came back.) She can’t complete her self-appointed mission on her own and knows she needs Mia’s help to do it?? I don’t know. She had a lot to say about JJ supposedly being a ‘homicidal manic’...pot, kettle much?! She also seemed to find the notion of Mia initially wanting to just appreciate the peaceful life she had been given and not becoming a vigilante reprehensible, but why? BS is the one that needs to atone for past sins. Mia does not. 
Stray thoughts
That cliffhanger!!! WHO TOOK OUR WILLIAM?!?!?!
The music was...not good. Especially during the fight scenes. Arrow was always so on-point with its score. I don’t understand how this can be so bad?! I did like hearing Mia’s theme in there, though, that was a nice tie-in the old flash-forwards.
Who is this Kevin that cheated on William? He must be destroyed!😡
Some of that future make-up was really something 😬😬 2040 is all about the severe/dead and unblended looks, apparently. The fashion was fabulous though!
The dialogue in the action scenes was soooo hammy.
Who is the mysterious, villainous “she”???
“Frack you!” and “I’m not interested in joining your Canary club” YAASS MIA 😂
William and Mia’s “pet rock” talk was super cute 😍 
Oliver’s statue!! 😭😭😭
Hopes for the future, if series gets picked up:
Increased focus on Mia/FTA. We have such a fresh, interesting, diverse cast, with intertwined back stories ready to go for this show here already, waiting to be used. USE THEM.
A deadly outbreak of avian flu 😂🙊
Failing said outbreak...keep the birds in the background or MAKE THEM LIKEABLE. This is a chance for a clean slate!
I wanna see Papa Dig so bad. David had said we’d get to see 2040 Dig in Arrow, but looks like that isn’t going to happen now, and I’d just love to see how he is. I can also imagine David being entirely done, and not wanting to be a part of this, however, but a cheeky little cameo would be amazing 😂
SmoaknHawke to RISE 🔥🔥🔥
As it stands, I’ll watch if it goes to series, but for how long remains in question. I just know I cannot get on board with the faux feminist “heart/vulnerability/girly is ‘weak’! Let’s be hard/edgy/angry badasses and fight men and show the world we’re strong pow pow pow” narrative that BS in particular, but also the general tone of the show overall, is trying to portray. I really think that if the show is picked up that they should look to see what is working and what is falling flat on its arse. It’s in dire need of more heart and fewer birds imo, but we can have both, if they’d just write them as better people.
Thank you to the beautiful gif-makers 😘 Any uncredited gifs are mine.
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blackmuzak8484 · 3 years
nortey dowuona’s best of 2020
to be completely honest, I decided to do this entirely for TSJ. otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered at all. Best end lists are for music nerds and billboard chart nerds and industry vultures, and i happen to be subscribed, in the discord and in the comments of the youtube vids of these folk. so, i decided to pick 10 out of random from the big best of 2020 i was compiling for the whole of the year, which I was gonna post to this Tumblr at the end of the damn year, but I guess I can just post the link to the playlist in the bottom of this post. Here, i’m gonna write about 10 songs I personally love, and pick out a few artists i specifically loved:
artist of the year.
RAP Ferreira put out his best album and best verses in a year everybody either stagnated, fell off or got rendered irrelevant by the world at large. He was ebullient, hilarious, thoughtful and even surprisingly honest. I enjoyed the fact that now he’s begun to create a real platform for many talented folx, and I hope he continues to do that in the margins and make even more beautiful music in the years to come.
rookie of the year.
Enny by a mile. Everybody else who debuted this year got hamstrung by the pandemic but she created 3 great songs, each thoughtful, insightful and a joy. Apparently she just started publicly releasing music to a large audience, and I hope she gets better and better, and even gets bigger than J-
most pleasant surprise.
Vic Mensa’s V Tape. An artist who I though had no more moves left completely turned around his whole career with a fantastic performance at Lollapalooza, a fantastic fleet of features and tis gorgeously produced EP which had some of his most brilliant songs on it. I love it all, Vic Mensah is well and truly back. Welcome back bro. (ALSO, DROP THE DRILL TRACK.)
Strongman Burner, Amarae, Okunta Kinte, Vic Mensah in general.
cool things my friends and classmates did.
Justine Darcenne’s #4TheBaeless. Valencia Rae’s Siren thyhomebodies’s Coming of Age. (Phil, a producer in the group, made his own studio!) Brad built his own computer. petit abri put a track on APT9 Record’s compiliation album Volume II. khaalid anderson’s transitions. (khaalid will also be performing at Beats & Brunch on January 23, 2021 at 11 am.) Yannick Paul’s Bear Fruit. The Big Climax’s This Is Ya Boy kxng jetson’s Waves (ft. Kokko Williams & Mike Mezzl) Nicole Gonzalez performed in The Composer’s Melody. Victoria Marie released a bunch of beaufiful covers on her Insta, @toriiii_marie @ph0ssy_jaw works as a counselor online. Pay her at her PayPal. Johnny Aperano Yoba was on People AND Vogue. Dalitso is a wonderful pianist at his church back home in Zambia. Kobina is a fantastic drummer at his church. Kayla graduated with a BS in Music Technology and Industry! Damian been cookin on his insta. Travis graduated! (Look out for Clan of Dragons.) Rorghino Flores made a documentary! Francis (and Animax FYB) put out Mmofra on AmaLexPrime! (play it with yo kids.) A Hype has been dropping crazy all year, roll by his SoundCloud and check out Persistence Of Memory. Reina H been doing great covers on her Insta, @challenges_inlife. Hannah placed music on C. B. S.
best albums of the year (that nobody’s written about).
Maya Huyana -1991 DaWeirdo - Broke and Ugly $ilkMoney - Attack of the Future Shocked, Flesh Covered, Meatbags of the 85 VI Seconds - Because Why Not/Never Knows Best Erik Cain - Heart & Soul Vol. 2 Dimitri & the Scarecrow - Messenger is Sender (from 2015, finally got released onto streaming this year, still pretty great and another great Zimbabwean rapper for us to all fawn over, just like billy woods) Flowking Stone - Gifted 1 The Hoodies - Incommunicado Jayy Grams - Every Gram Counts Domo Genesis/Mike and Keys - Just in Case1/2 Madwiz - God’s Gold Teeth Maez301 - Hasaan Daara J Family - Yaamatele Dai Burger - Dessert EP TeePhlow - Road To Phlowducation II Tef Poe/Blvck Spade - Preacher in the Trap Terrell Hines - Portal One: The Mixtape redveil - niagara Nyukyung - Trap Harmonix AdrianXpression - Sucka Deante Hitchcock - Better (Deluxe) maassai & jWords - ve.loc.i.ty tobe nwigwe - cincoriginals everything Kelsey Lu did this year.
strangest things happening in music in general.
vic mensah actually making a great record. goldlink going through a narcissistic collapse and winding up making the best music of his career. redveil blowing up off Fantano calling him wack. pharoahe monch finally making a rock pivot and it actually works. meet me@the garden coming 10 years too late for my 14 year old self. RAP Ferreira being in the NYTimes, selling a vinyl record for $72, creating an actual nostrum grocers in a video game so we can listen to his next record. The entirety of the playboi carti phenomenom. The entirety of the lil uzi vert phenomenom. The entirety of Chance’s instagram EP being far more money worthy then the entirety of the Big Day and yet being released on Insta and not immediately monetized. Deante Hitchcock releasing a great album and being completely forgotten armand hammer releasing their underground kings wayyy too early. my ass continually not actually looking into amapiano despite always loving it when I review it. several good songs needing to be tacked on to a prior youtube vid as an ad for me to find them instead of actually listening to the artists. santan dave still releasing good verses after he made his illmatic. (expect his new album to suck.) slowthai becoming cake. (we let that go way too far.) Guapdad and BfB Packman being wonderful. Finding out BfB PAckman is a better rapper than Sada Baby. John Boyega putting on Ego Ella May. Having to admit Young Dolph was good all this time and i missed out like a fool.
best tv performance.
Chance The Rapper’s “A Chi-Town Christmas.” IDK’s “Change The Channel.” Sa-Roc’s Tiny Desk Concert. Chika in general. Robert Glapser’s “This Changes Everything (ft. Denzel Curry).” SZA at the Roots Picnic. Sampa The Great at the Roots Picnic. RAP Ferreira in general. Umi’s “Introspection Live Show.” Alexa Esperanza’s cover of “Is It A Crime.” Bad Bunny in general. the jwords, nappy nina and MIKE performances at Satellite Syndicate
most embarrassing piece of music i love with all my heart
Logic’s No Pressure. In all sense of the words I should not love this album like I love my siblings but I do. It is beautiful.
best 10 songs of this year objectively
1 - RAP Ferriera - An Idea Is A Work Of Art (ft. Mike Ladd) [prod. by Kenny Segal, mr. carmack and Mike Parvizi]
I know, I know. In all honesty Doldrums should be here. Then Noz put it on his best list and I had to be all ChiTown Go-Getter and pick the next better thing: this. And in all honesty, it has the best lyric RAP spits on the album: “we build better answers.” But it’s not just that, it’s RAP’s most animated performance, the most dexterous piece on the whole album and the most gorgeous beat, a loping bassline sliding behind the flatfooted drum, allowing Mike Ladd, his musical father, to gently drift through, saying, “what if royalty depised us?” and knowing the only gold is soul and giving it to all of us, all us maggots and vultures and locusts and weevils, to hold to the light so we can finally see. On the quest to get open and free, we continue.
2 - Chika - U Should [prod. by Lido]
I heard this the night it dropped and shot 2 insta videos playacting as it played. But apart from that, it’s a intimate, beautiful song about getting to know a new lady love, so tenderly sung it might melt and disappear if not held gently, with a sweeping guitar lick and purring trumpets sliding all over the place, Chika softly holding each frayed piece together into a considered, gorgeous piece - wait, she’s talking her shit.
3 - Issa Gold - Boys Don’t Cry [prod. by Kingjet & Sherwyn and Matt Zara]
The only reason this isn’t number one is because it dropped on Christmas Eve. But otherwise, it’s a openheart letter to us all. “it’s a lonely path being different,” Issa says, swimming in the melted ice caps as he once danced happily on the edges of melting glaciers that failed to drown him, looking at the world that keeps hurting his heart, yet he still opens his eyes and smiles, and dances. The heavy drums are so bouncy the whole song suddenly flies, formerly a hidden murmur becoming a bright sunlit flight across the sky so we can all see. I can’t wait to see Tempus, if it’s anything as good as this was.
4 - Deante Hitchcock - Growing Up/Mother God [prod. by Brandon Phillips-Taylor]
In all honesty, “Growing Up” is really not the best song on Better. It’s a sweet, happy song with a smooth, crackling bassline with soft, ghostly synths, but still kinda ok. It’s the song added at the end, “Mother God”, that has warm, sizzling piano chords and gorgeous singing in the back. It’s one of the few time I’ve ever heard a man pay homage to the woman in his life and to the God above while being entirely sincere and not faking the funk. The way he praises his mom, his lady, remembering the women in his family taking care of him and him foolishly neglecting Breonna due to his overburdened mind feels full of details, remembrances, explanations and praises. Plus, it actually makes sense that God, if she exists (she does) is a woman since -
5 - Yana Perrault - whiskey and weed [prod. by slate]
Apparently, Yana Perrault is verified now. Excellent. {YES YES MY GOD YESS}, It means more folks know about how great this song, and Yana herself is. If I had any sense, I would’ve written up 12:21 as the best song of 2018, but such is life. Anyway, we have this smooth, bass heavy slinker with shimmering percussion and lumbering drums about hooking up with a former flame who’s “sober” yet keeps on calling Yana to break their sobriety, “know we ain’t talked in a while but you still know my address,” she wryly mentions. As the beat sprints away under a warm cocoon of accapella echoes, it mirrors a relationship so tenuous it might disappear into the wind. Yet still strong enough to have whiskey on call.
6 - Marlon Craft - Culture Sick Freestyle [prod. by Cormill]
Apparently this was supposed to be a shot at Flex. And since Flex is a woman beater and a lame, good for him. Shouldn’t have even gone on Flex to be honest, but then again neither should Jay Critch or Tyler or Black Thought and besides, I watch those freestyles too. And on the freestyle, Marlon frankly put things in perspective. “You don’t want us to better, you just want to be cool still.” This describes all of rap media to be real. And tellingly, it only has 310,000 views. Methinks nobody really wants real. But I do. Thank u Marlon, you continue to be the best white rapper alive. (Nowhere near the best rapper tho, and if Token hadn’t fell off -)
7 - Miah - Cascades [prod. by Cedes]
I’m sideeyeing the boy Miah cuz I had to search up his Audiomack to find the producer’s name (it’s Cedes, and they have a really great avalanche of Drake Type Beats is you like that kind of thing). Were you trying to trick folk into thinking you produced it yourself? You don’t need to do that shit. Especially since you’re writing stuff like “back in high school all my peers were tryin to hit the league / until the league too far from reach so they tap dancing over beats.” When you can frankly break down life that clearly, don’t be trying to hide producer’s names unless you actually learn to produce too. Plaster your name all over that shit.
8 - Justine Darcenne - Off Days [prod. by Mikhail Miller] / Enny - Peng Black Girls (ft. Amia Brave [prod. by Paya]
Justine is indeed my classmate, but that’s not why this song is here. it’s here because it’s a nice little guitar driven song with a spellbinding bridge that’s the best thing I’ve heard her do yet. And I’mma keep it short cuz I already wrote this up at the Singles Jukebox.
Enny released this soft, cushiony record with washed out synths over bulky drums and floated FLOATED over them without even trying to run in the tar, saying frankly, “He said to me, 'they put guns in the streets, that’s what they wanted for me.’ And I said, ‘G, someone can fix you a plate but no one can force you to eat.’” After all, why not try to live for something greater than what the world has expected you to be. And Amia sings, “We’re gon be alright, ok?” with the joy and excitement of someone realizing the words coming alive on their tongue. One of the best songs of this miserable year, and it’s kinda funny watching Jorja accidentally Drake out Amia and even Enny (and by funny I mean irritating.)
9 - Tobi Lou - okay (ft. Dreezy) [prod. by Matteo Woods & Dilip]
Fun fact: Dilip did some great songs with Otxhello, a producer who recorded and mixed 2 records on my first album. That again is not why this song is here. The warm, swinging synths and heavy, bouncy drums are why this is here. Oh, and Tobi’s goofy, silly lyrics and his surprisingly effective Missy Elliott tribute are great too. But obviously, the verse that vaulted this into top 10 was Dreezy, which opens with such a openhearted line, “i can’t help it, it’s too hard to say I’m sorry.” And every line is harder than the last, until she closes with “and I ain’t talkin frontals but we got the city sown up.” Absolutely amazing.
10 - Strongman Burner - Pilolo (ft. KelvynBoy) [prod. by Nixie]
The sweet, gooey synths are poured over the soft, zipping and smooth drums as the wiry bass whirls between Kelvyn’s soft, thin crooning as Stoneman tap dances over the drums, both desperate and defiant, trying to salvage a sinking relationship that he knows is already gathering coral and snappers. It’s the best afropop song of the year and yet it still has a Nigerian on it (well, I put 4 Nigerians on here, next year I’m rectifying that.) And they even did a song together last year , not as good as this. At all. (still pretty good tho.)
best 10 songs i love (but not enough to write full paragraphs for, I already put 10 in and this is already 5 goddamn pages)
11 - Logic - Heard ‘Em Say
best song on the project that isn’t Dadbod but at least it isn’t tempting fate.
12 - Deqn Sue - Creep
I already love this for having a gorgeous bridge, and is cute af. Yes Sue, you can creep.
13 - Quelle Chris & Chris Keys - Sudden Death/ka - i love {moms, mimi, kev}
QUELLE CHIS CAN SANG SANG./ka can heart heart write.
14 - IDK - Square Up (ft. Juicy J)
I don’t know why this is here either but this slaps regardless.
15 - Nappy Nina - Modestly (ft. Maassai)
Maassai is creating some of the best raps out here. so is Nappy Nina.
16 - Kehlani - Lexii’s Outro (ft. Lexii Ajaii)
Let’s celebrate our great rappers when they’re alive (and this includes me. Pls Chika, don’t win Best New Artist.)
17 - Samad Savage - Goodnight
What Travis Scott should’ve tried to be instead of what he is now. Samad still dope af regardless.
18 - Bad Bunny - Si Veo Tu Mama
The way Bad Bunny actually hits that last note makes me feel so excited and alive.
19 - Fat Tony - Back In The Saddle
I fucked up. But I’m getting back in the saddle, back in the saddle next year. NO NIGERIANS ALL NIGERIENS. #ENDSARS tho.
20 - Lady A - the truth is loud
Why am I the only one who has this on a best list? I have 34 bot followers. Vibe, step it up.
best of 2020 music right here folxs.
worst music things of the year:
The Pop Smoke album. Just in all areas. (Better win that Grammy tho.) Travis Scott in general. (So loud and empty and boring.) Big Sean’s Detroit 2. (why does this exist? Just put out Deep Reverence and Detroit Night Cypher and leave everything on the cutting room floor fo the next album.) Remembering all the great rappers who are dead or incarcerated. No Kendrick album (just leaks. Not good enough.) J. Cole and Noname beefing and Noname getting strung up by twitter. Jay Rock pushing being anti-vaccinations. The realization that Normani might never drop a single record ever again. Tory Lanez in general. Joyner Lucas making actually good songs and falling off almost immediately. Cardi B in general. Anything positive being said about steven Universe songs. Luzamity shipping (until it’s canon please stop! Willuz is RIGHT THERE!)
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When the Moon Fell in Love with the Sun (pt 1)
Fandom: Shazam
Pairing: Freddy Freeman/Reader
Summary: An old friend of Billy’s resurfaces and Freddy is sure she’s in love with Billy. Why else would she put up with him? You’ve lived your life in darkness, and you never stay in one place for long. Freddy is a literal human ray of sunshine and you find yourself wanting to stay in spite of your instincts.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse in later chapters
“Billy Batson, Freddy Freeman to the principal’s office please,” the school receptionist voice announced over the speaker.
“What did you do,” Billy whispered as they walked the hall.
“Me?! You’re Captain Make Trouble,” Freddy exclaimed.
“And your Super-always-looks-like-He’s-up-to-something-boy what’s your point?”
The two whisper argued back and forth until they reached the office. The receptionist signaled for them to take a seat and wait for the principal. When she came out of her office she didn’t look angry and the boys were even more confused.
“Mr. Batson, Mr. Freeman, I have a very important job for you two,” she started, “we have a new student and I’d like the two of you to show her around, make her feel welcome.”
“Why us,” Freddy asked nervously.
“Well, she’s in a similar situation and I feel you two would be best equipped to make her feel welcome around here,” she said straightening up.
Freddy still look confused and Billy muttered under his breath, “Foster kid.”
“Y/N you can come out now this is -“
“BILLY FREAKING BATSON,” you shout as you run to give him a hug.
“Y/N WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE,” Billy shouted back excitedly as he hugged her back.
“Language and volume Mr. Batson,” the principal warned, “I know I still picked the right two for the job. Carry on.”
“You two know each other I take it,” Freddy said as he tried to get a look at you.
Billy let you go and explained, “We were in the same home in New York. Before you guys, she was the only other kid I got along with...helped to teach me how to look out for myself.”
Freddy went to say something but words caught in his throat as he looked at you. You wore a maroon t-shirt dress with Queen’s emblem on it, black fishnets, and black combat boots.
You finally looked from Billy to the boy behind him and it felt as if you were struck down. He had the kindest brown eyes and beautiful curly hair you just wanted to run your fingers through. He radiated good and you found that you couldn’t stop staring.
Billy smirked and decided to catalogue this scene for later. “Y/N this is my foster brother Freddy, Freddy this is Y/N,” he said happily.
The two of you just nodded and continued staring. The bell rang jolting you and Freddy out of your stupor.
“That’s the lunch bell, we can catch up there,” Billy said as he opened the door.
When neither one of you moved he said, “You can stare there too guys come on let’s go.”
“You’re really pretty,” Darla said sweetly, “It looks like Freddy -“
“Needs to eat,” Billy finished quickly, “lunch period doesn’t last that long.”
“So was Billy always a jerk,” Eugene asked as he stuffed French fries into his mouth.
You laughed and side eyed Billy, “So I see you really let your charming side out for these guys.”
Billy shrugged.
“So what changed,” she asked, “last time I saw you was after we busted out of the Outten’s and you were headed towards fifth street....thank you, by the way.”
Billy nodded somberly, “I went through 4 more houses before I met these weirdos.”
“And your mom?”
“WCS,” he said cryptically, “WCS #3 to be exact.”
You put a hand on his shoulder and whispered, “I’m sorry.”
“What’s WCS,” Freddy asked.
“Y/N loves playing WCS,” Billy said with a bittersweet smile.
“Hey it’s gotten me through so far,” you said defensively, “WCS is Worse Case Scenario. I analyze the situation I’m in and think of the absolute worst things that could happen and I pick the lesser evil of my options.”
“So no BCS,” Freddy said jokingly.
“BCS? More like BS,” you said with an edge in your voice, “but what can I say I’m a cynic.”
“So how long do you think you’ll be around,” Billy asked.
You glanced at Freddy and adjusted your typical two weeks. He could be worth sticking around a little longer for even if just to look at for a while.
“Probably a month,” you said shrugging.
“But we just met and you seem so cool,” Darla said sadly.
“You never know,” Billy said smirking as he watched you and Freddy continue to steal glances at each other when you thought no one was looking, “these guys have a way of making you want to stay.”
You took a sip of your water and looked over at Freddy before saying, “I don’t doubt it. So which one of you two has science next?”
“You don’t have to walk so fast ya know,” you said as you kept up with Freddy easily, “you look like you’re getting out of breath. I promise the science lab is still going to be there if you don’t run a marathon to get there.”
Freddy didn’t say anything he just slowed down automatically. His heart was pounding she noticed him overcompensating. He wasn’t even embarrassed about it; in fact, he was overjoyed that someone not only saw but cared.
“Introduction time, my favorite,” you muttered to him sarcastically as the science teacher waved you to him.
Freddy snickered and went to his typical seat.
“Class we have a new student joining us for the remainder of this year, please Y/N introduce yourself,” the teacher said way too enthusiastically.
“My name is Y/N, I enjoy classic rock, Tim Burton movies, and writing twisted stories to ease my disturbed mind,” you said as you stared off dramatically in the distance.
Freddy had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
“Ummm okay...well I’m Mr. Wilkes and uh,” he started stammering, “why don’t we just break up into lab partners. Choose wisely they’re your partner for the rest of the year.”
Freddy leaned back in his seat sighing thinking, “Another year of being stuck with whoever didn’t get picked....”
“Hey bae, I can think of a few other ways to calm that mentally disturbed mind,” a tall blonde guy said in a tone meant to be seductive.
You walked right past him as if he didn’t exist.
“Hey there partner,” you said as you slid in the seat next to Freddy.
“Unless you had another preference,” you said coolly.
“No! No, you’re perfect...perfect partner material. People say I’m disturbed too,” Freddy said and cringed at his last sentence.
“Choice,” you said as you smiled and nodded in approval, “of course all extra curricular studies will be at your place though.”
Freddy’s smile faded. Of course you’d want to be at his place, that’s where Billy was.
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timingmatters · 5 years
Opinions on ST S3 (I’m on mobile so I can’t do a cut below im sorry shdjdj)
I loved mileven and think this season explored very well Mike’s abandonment issues with El ( a product of s2) and how overprotective he was of her. He definitely had a point over people being careless with her powers and treating her like a machine. Max wasn’t right saying he treated her like a pet, because he really doesn’t, but she was right on him not trusting her knowing her limits. She knows how to take care of herself and Mike had to understand that. I loved that although their break up was over a dumb misunderstanding thanks to Hopper pressuring Mike and Max misunderstanding him, it ultimately helped them grow stronger as individuals and a couple. And Max also gave El the opportunity to explore herself as an individual outside just her powers or boyfriend. I def think Mike wanted to be sort of like an anchor to her, and El thought so too, but she had to learn to be her own anchor and Mike had to learn that although he wants to protect her, she also has to be on her own. Love when the issues relationships have are to make them stronger as a couple and not cheap love triangles. Which I felt the same with Jancy. He has always understood her, but for the first time he learned that he also has to speak up when OTHERS underestimate her. He has always just let her do her thing but theybare learning to work as a team not only during missions but throughout life in general. Overall i loved mileven and jancy and think their development was realistically done and they still had their cute moments (their moments at the last minutes of the season were incredibly cute and heartwarming). Lots of people didn’t like this season so much but i loved it. However I still got things that I disliked or would at least like to see on s4 because we didn’t get to see during this season.
Things I would have liked to see and hope s4 brings:
- Will was pushed to the side, and while I’ve seen people that hated it, I sort of enjoyed it?? I love Will but both previous seasons have focused soso much on him so it was nice for him not to be the main point suffering and just sitting bck and having a normal teen (gay) boy crisis and helping his friends.
- HOWEVER I did think friendships were pushed to the side. It wasn’t for no reason, it was a storyline that had a climax and even a resolution, but even so friendships had little time to shine and they are the heart of the show so I’m hoping for more next season. Especially Mike and Will, I’m not a byler shipper but they definitely have a very very strong bond and I wanted more. S4 has a lot of potential on that because clearly Mike knows Will is gay (if we are going down that path which it genuinely looks like it!!!) and I think him being a support for Will when coming to terms with it could be such an amazing storyline. Hell, they have (what for me is as friendship) AMAZING chemistry together, one of the ultimate best scenes on s2 was Mike recalling when they became friends to get Will back. Hope we see more of that in s4.
- some people said this season had too much Eleven. Sadly, I agree. I won’t complain bc like I said I get it and enjoy it. Also understand she’s sort of the main character, but truly a lot of characters didn’t get much of an arc and Eleven was given tons of screen time. Characters like Lucas barely had a storyline apart from just being there and I would have enjoyed for of them, especially considering his little sister almost died by the hands of the russian gov, like I can’t believe he didn’t at least have a big brother moment where he freaked out for her safety
- Max and Mike. I think they could be such friends. I understand, again with the abandonment issues Mike had where he came from being harsh to her, and obviously her not standing for that bs. But they could be such good friends and I thought they would at least have a talk towards the end to get a redemption arc on their friendship. If I was truly disappointed by something on this season it was probably that, I hope next season they become better friends and we get to see it
- On the same note, I wished we had seen El bonding with also thei other boys not just Max. On s1 she had developed strong friendships with Dustin and Lucas, and her friendship especially with Lucas had a rocky start so it would have been good to see them bond more. And Will who is lowkey her brother. Will had a rage moment and called her dumb and that’s just?? Only solved thro the friendship moment with the boys?? But he never attempted to actually bond with her and like shdhdj she saved his ass a lot and I hope s4 brings siblings moments with them (and Jonathan).
- Karen being a pedophile sucked ass and I’m disappointed I honestly wanted so much for her shdhhdhd. I CRAVED for her to be as involved as Joyce but they just made her a pedo with bad taste :/
- I understand how Max still sort of loves Billy even though he was her abuser. When the abuser comes from family is complicated like that. Still, I don’t think the redemption arc he had was enough to make me truly care for him. The moment with El and his mom’s memories at the end was a beautiful directing work and incredibly well acted, sadly, because as a viewer I don’t care much for him it wasn’t as impactful and emotional as I think they aimed for. Had he at least TRIED to touch on his past abusive and racist behavior, apologizing, blaming his dad, literally anything, I would have felt A LITTLE bad for him. But just because he lost his mom in a sad way doesn’t mean I will care for him lmao. And I can’t believe after making a point of his dad abusing him with homophobic slurs and showing those had an impact on him, the idea of him being gay was never explored. That honestly kinda shocked me.
- Hopper was an ass to Mike point blank lmao. I always find it creepy when dads in prom pics take pictures with their daughters’ dates and their guns as a “threatening” moment. I got the same vibe from Hopper during the first episodes which sort of ruined how I viewed him. ESPECIALLY after s2 when he holds Mike as he is having a breakdown over Hopper not telling him El was alive, he should be a lot more understanding towards Mike. Hopefully when he gets rescued from the russians in s4 Mike will be there to help him and they will bond
- again, MORE FRIENDSHIP PARTY MOMENTS. I truly loved the Dustin/Erica dynamic and Dustin/Steve, but the heart of the show will always be the party and I was sort of sad to see how little screen time Dustin had with the other kids.
- lastly, s2 went on a whole thing over other people like Eleven that were experimented on, and the promos for this s3 had a whole thing over Will having powers/being a key (which never happened all he did was feel a cold on his neck shdhdj). So I’m hoping s4 explores more on the power origins while El tries to get them back, and perhaps Will gains powers. And thus also introducing other people who were experimented on, not like in s2 where that storyline never merged, but also having the others involved.
Despite all the things I complained about, I understand the choices that were made with storylines and screen times for each character, and I did truly loved the season. I think Mileven’s issues were realistic regarding what they have been through and I loved them still seeking for each other and holding on to each other the moment things go badly. I did loved Mileven this season and hope they have learned and will be more stable on s4 and give us more cute moments. I feel the same with Jancy. I hope if there’s any relationship that gets more focus next season is lumax and jopper and hope they get drama and development while jancy and mileven just chill and have cute moments asjdjdjdj. Also hope Will gets a boy love interest!!!!! I loved Robin and her dynamic with Steve. They have an amazing friendship dynamic but i also understand not wanting to leave Steve forever single and alone unless s4 introduces him a new love interest and Robin remains as his bestie. On the same note, since s1 all I want is for Jonathan and Steve to be besties. Shhdhdjd still gonna hope for it for s4. I HOPE THE EVERYONE GOES TO RUSSIA TO SAVE HOPPER THAT WOULD BE COOL.
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