#evening q
twinkinspector · 1 year
wh… what about Shinsou’s and Kaminari’s hands…. I just know Kaminari has long fingers
denki has suuuuch pretty hands i have to clock out for the day....... i'm not as focused on veins for him because his hands are pretty smooth as far as that goes, but he has those really big joints............ do u know what i am saying
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shinsou's hands are thicker than kami's and i surprisingly don't have a ton to say about his. BUT i would still like to gag on his fingers!
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
I love you translator notes I love you translators caring that I fully grasp the meaning of the original text I love you translators adding cultural context and specifics so I can better understand what's going on I love you long rants on why a joke is impossible to translate I love you translators adding their little comments to the scene I love you translators feeling human and involved in the material I love you translating as a form of art I love you little t/n abbreviation
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tojisun · 2 months
simon “i cant do one-night stands because i catch feelings” riley but it’s in an obsessive way.
he realizes how your bodies are so compatible with each other that he begins to track you down to ‘accidentally’ bump into you. but this only ever happens on very specific days—days when fucking sort of becomes the natural next thing to do and who else could be the best option for you when simon, the man who made you cum more than three times within the short hours you two were together, was right there?
and you’re not foolish enough to deny yourself of the razing euphoria that only he could give to you—your bodies locking together, his hand a steady weight on the back of your neck, the other bruising as it gripped your hip, and his cock slammed so far in you that you swear he was hitting places you never knew were your pleasure points—so of course you would choose him. you miss him, after all.
(you miss the way he made you beg. the way he made you cry. he was so perfect. so gentle and kind. but he was also so mean. so dominating and overwhelming.
he was all you ever needed—someone to fuck you right.)
“one more round, yeah?” simon croons, chest heaving as he catches his breath.
your walls clamp down on him at hearing his words, before a garbled whine trickles from your kiss-swollen lips. he watches as your head shuffles against the pillows with your abrupt nods, further muffling your gasped out mewls.
simon giggles, his lips pulled into a grin that is a bite too mean.
seems like he’s fucked you stupid again, huh?
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min3nc · 5 months
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qsmp members seeing miku and immediately going “i GOTTA show this to jaiden” is everything.
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
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Pain is a great motivator…
Part 26 || First || Previous || Next
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Meanwhile Toriel:
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(Loud noises don't wake her up usually.)
Artist note: I’m so proud of this :))) I know it’s a lot of dialogue and reading, but dialogue is grueling work for me. I’m glad with the art and for the amount of pages I made in such a relatively short time span -w- page 5 was super fun to work on. A lot of blood, sweat, and hours here... :) The backgrounds were a big bore tbh, but I finished them! Yippie!
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bitternanami · 8 days
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oh you know
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qcomicsy · 8 months
I think a thing that people get wrong about Jason's anger is that it's not explosive.
It's cold. Jason isn't the type of person who storms off at every little thing or goes throwing tantrums and setting things on fire blindfully.
He's the type of person who's very practical. He keeps to himself, always. You rarely see issues where Jason's anger is reactive at the moment where the trigger happens to him. If you see his character up close, most of the time when he's triggered his reaction is calm. Even cold.
He gets triggered -> He keeps to himself → He makes a plan → And then he reacts.
Jason's anger being something explosive and out of character and out of place is actually how other people (characters) see it, because they have no idea on how it's playing out on Jason's head.
And that's a thing you can see operating since he was a child.
Where the only exceptions about this effect is either when someone he believes needs his help is involved.
See Nightwing Annual (2021)
But In Batman #411 when Jason learns the fact that Two-Face was responsible for his father's death and Bruce was keeping that from him as a secret his first reaction isn't to blow up on him.
Was to seethe.
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Bruce goes up home after dealing with a Two-Face case (in my field we call that poetic irony) and asks Alfred where Jason is, Alfred's answer is that he's been sleeping all day (which is a conclusion that Alfred drew probably after going to check on Jason and seeing him in fact on his bed all day).
But when you see the next panel, even though he is on the bed, He's fully awake and both his expression and his body language shows that he's in fact angry.
This is the first time he appears again in the comics after learning that Two Face killed his dad.
Jason doesn't go towards Bruce immediately to demand an explanation or ask why he did this, or even to throw the truth on his face.
(Which could be debatable that that's something the Dick would usually do, but I'm not that literate on Dick's comics)
His reaction wasn't immediate.
His reaction was to go to his bed and stay quiet. Jason stayed calm and collected the whole trip until meeting Two Face again.
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But the moment Jason as Robin has the opportunity to get his hands on Two-Face he does this
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From Bruce, and maybe Alfred's perspective it could be interpreted as out of place or him storming off.
But it isn't. Jason was able to keep his cool (even though he shut off), until he was face a face to Two Face.
Does that mean he planned that to happen?
That's debatable, in any moment of this issue it is shown that Jason was actually planning to get to Two Face and do this. I my personal opinion, other and much more plausible explanation is: That he was in fact trying to keep to himself but couldn't hold back the moment that he saw his dad's murder.
You can see the same thing happening as Jason learns that Batman got another Robin in Red Hood: Lost Days.
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Talia asks "You all right?" and Jason's first answer is "Sure Why Wouldn't I Be Alright?"
When he's alone he finally has the moment to break down.
(Actually both Red Hood: The lost days and Batman: Under the Red Hood are great case studies on how that usually play out on Jason's head.)
Jason is way more in control of his emotions than people ever give him credit for. The thing is that Jason holds it back until he either blows off or is capable to throw it back in someone's face.
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jq37 · 2 months
I love Brennan being shocked at Siobhan translating elvish as if she hasn't translated Latin on this show without blinking. Come on, man.
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You ever have those moments where an idea just... won't leave your head?
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valictini · 4 months
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That feeling when your dad is actively dying right next to you, and doesn’t recognise you, and all you can do is listen to him writing his last words to you and your brother, and of course when he asks you if you could deliver the letters when you see his kids you immediately play along, and no, you won’t allow yourself to break until the very end
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twinkinspector · 1 year
rlly on the bolin brainrot rn!!!! just want to ride his thigh and put his mouth to good use!! stupid himbo so cute. he's so breedable :,)
his thighs are insanely rideable, so i understand where you're coming from. i feel like he's also the kind of guy that would always want you to sit on his lap ykwim
he pats his lap and you come drape yourself over him, wrapping your arm around his big shoulders, nuzzling your face into his neck, sitting on those powerful thighs
and he knows you like to ride his thigh too so he bounces his leg juuuuust enough to tease, just enough to remind you how good it feels to rub your little clit on him
you readjust yourself on his leg, straddling him and turning to look him in the eye while you grind your hips and rut against his thigh, dragging that poor aching pussy back and forth across his skin
"what is it, y/n?" he asks, feigning innocence – because of course he does – green eyes widening with fake concern as he watches you writhe on his lap
"you know what," you whine. there's no way he doesn't feel how wet you are, even through the shorts you have on. and you're right – he does feel how wet and warm you are with every desperate grind
but he's going to keep pressing you. "no, i r-," he starts, but he's cut off by your lips enveloping his, swallowing whatever he's about to say – because it's not nearly as important as the growing ache in your core
you pull away for a moment, your eyes locking with his. "i guarantee i can think of a better use for your mouth," you purr, and he chuckles softly
"alright," he sighs and smiles, starting to move. he easily scoops you up in his arms, already heading upstairs, eager to throw you on the bed and show you the best way to put his mouth to work
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deancasforcutie · 11 months
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"Now you live in a secret bunker with an angel and Lucifer’s kid", AKA queering domesticity par excellence
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solaneceae · 5 months
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i miss q!baghera so much. please let her come back broken, let her rage, let her be angry and flawed and bitter.
commission, art by the very skilled @blackberry-s0da
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cathartic-crypt · 3 months
my collection of poorly made fallout memes
p.s. i havent played old world blues
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cube-cumb3r · 1 year
while im at it neopronoun opposition is weird to me as a swedish person.. the whole debate is so anglocentric that they assume every language landed on the same solution they did, to reuse a plural pronoun as a gender neutral one and then they think any other solution is absurd or unheard of. what do you mean you just made another pronoun up you cant do that!! etc
coz its like here in the 2014 the swedish academy accepted 3rd person pronoun "hen" (as opposed to hon/han) like officially into our word list after it gained some popularity in the 2010s. like that is a NEOPRONOUN that someone just Came Up With in like the 60s and then people just started using it and now its just a recognized part of our language. sure we could've also reused our plural pronoun "de/dem" as a gender neutral one but we just made up a new one instead. and to like imply that mainstream use of a neopronoun is just UNHEARD OF and that neopronouns is something the mainstream could NEVER GET USED TO EVER!!! is... your perspective is very limited to the english speaking world is all i can say
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lilybug-02 · 1 month
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Eimmet High...temmiE high. OMG!
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Next update may take...much longer! I have finals and an internship and not to mention I have to draw- A LOT :')
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