#eventually we all reap what we sow
dreamlover31 · 11 months
We'll it's been 5 seasons but we've reached the end of the Mayans MC series, for those of you who have yet to watch the series finale I suggest you avoid reading this post... especially for you Miguel Galindo fans
First I'd like to start with the moment we've all been waiting for...the timely demise of Ezekiel Reyes, when Bishop reveals to everyone that EZ the rat and Creeper was killed because he knew, he gets both EZ and Angel pinned down by Gilley and the others...at that moment Bishop gives Angel a choice, kill your brother to prove to us that you had no knowledge or they kill them both
Now naturally Angel is not going to lose the only living blood relative he has but EZ reassures him that it's the only way he can be there for his son Maverick...so reluctantly Angel stabs his brother and the rest of the MC take turns stabbing him until he's dead, now I know it's a fucked up position to be in but in the end Angel gets to be a father to Maverick and that's good enough for me
Speaking of which, turns out that Sofia... EZ's girlfriend is in fact pregnant and if course I had my reservations about it given her track record as a mother and the baby daddy but that problem took care of itself when Bottles shoots Sofia after they've finished killing EZ... tying up loose ends as they say
And then of course Marcus has welcomed another son with his wife, basically the theme of fatherhood is apparent in this episode but the fact that both Angel and Marcus will be there to raise their sons and not have a dark cloud looming over them made it the perfect way to end the series
However, there will be one little boy who won't have that chance...sorry to say guys but Cristobal won't be having anymore playful moments with his dad because his mother shot him. Emily avenged her sister's death by shooting not only Miguel but the bodyguard Luis...I know this is devastating to all you Miguel fans out there but I never cared for the man so his death like EZ's was a long time coming
So all in all, I'm so glad at the way everything turned out, 3 psychopaths dead (EZ, Miguel and Isaac) both Emily and Angel as well as Marcus are free to raise their children without fear and death hanging over them although it is a bittersweet victory since everyone's favorite corrupt DEA agent Potter is still running the show but you take what you can get right lol
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I just came across your empress work with kylo ren and i absolutely loved it.
But i was wondering...
Could you maybe write something like that but with kylo marring a jedi reader to restore balance and peace to the galaxy?
Say That Again
"-- say it," Kylo mutters. His voice becomes shaky, "I want to hear you say it."
Kylo Ren x Jedi!Reader | 1k+ | cw: gender neutra!reader, implied kidnapping, violence/mentions of injury, lovers to enemies, pining, angst, typos, etc.
A/N: this req is remix of this anon's and @copiasratsstuff request where basically YN refers to Kylo with his first name and it makes him snap. also T_T i had to send myself this anon ask because i accidentally posted this WITHOUT ANYTHING on the post LMAO. i hope you enjoy it my loves <3 <3 <3 tbh I think this turned out better than what I had in mind slayyyyed
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My heart pounds as I run down the halls. My hands were tingling and moistened with agitation. I huff when I catch sight of the space craft.
I swipe an arm and, using my Force, a pair of stormtroopers crash to the side, clearing my passage.
The footsteps thundering towards me grows louder when I get to the ship and pry the door open with my Force. Just as I'm about to get into the vehicle, a scorching blow hits my leg, then my shoulder. A loud cry leaves my lips before I can even think.
Similarly, I hear painful screaming from afar. "Didn't I say to hold your fire?!"
My panic heightens at the echo of that voice. Through the excruciating pain, I tell myself to push forward. This was it, after all, this was the opening to the freedom I was waiting for.
But the next thing I knew, a dark Force overcame me, and I didn't have enough strength to break free of it.
I thud into the arms of my captor, and whine in pain. I clench my jaw and slowly lift my eyes, glaring at him.
My expression is vaguely reflected on the Supreme Leader's black mask. He sighs before speaking, "you reap what you sow."
I growl and hiss, "and soon will you."
He carries me in his arms, all the way back to my prison cell. He sets me down on his bed l, and as he takes off his helmet, I fling him back with Force, making him lose his balance.
The man doesn't topple though. What only happens is his dark hair falls onto his face. He tilts his head, "childish."
I scoff, "I'm glad you're self-aware."
The Sith Lord says nothing in response. He walks off, props his helmet on his cabinet, and opens a drawer. He walks over to me with bandages and ointment.
I raise a brow as he sits on my side, "you're not going to heal me?"
"The pain will be good for you," he replies, grabbing my injured leg with little regard.
I whine and shift to lessen my discomfort. He begins to lather ointment on my laser gash.
As he does this in silence, and as I behold his profile, his nose, his lips, his lashes, I see flashes of the past from his face. I see a memory of when we were younger, both still under the guidance of our master, Luke. I see his sweet smile, hear his soft laugh, feel his tender kiss... my Ben.
Of course, we were young fools in love. Deep down, we knew we could never be; attachments were dangerous. And yet he promised me himself and I promised him myself, and somehow he believes that was the same as us being married.
That was why he captured me. That was why he was binding my wounds. That was why he was unwilling to let me go. According to him, I was the balance the galaxy craved, I was the balance he long yearned for.
"We are married," he says, a-matter-of-factly.
My face sours, "get out of my head."
"Even if you did, even if you managed to run," he turns to me, one hand gripping my knee, "you think I would just let you go?"
We stare at each other for a while.
"After all I've done to have you?" he narrows his eyes.
"You wouldn't be able to find me," I lean in as I retort.
He leans closer, "and yet you would eventually surrender because your heart is weak."
I whine when he pulls the bandage around me tighter than necessary.
"Your soft heart would not bear the destruction I'd exact on the stars to find you," he ties the bandage and turns back to me. He scoffs under his breath, "you and your empathy."
The last of what remained of Ben Solo stared at me. Perhaps I was the only one delusional enough to see it. He was barely there in face, and in soul, I fear he may be lost forever.
I turn away.
He releases my leg and grabs my arm, "take your top off."
I decide not to put up a fight, there was no point. I take my burnt top off so he could wrap the injury on my shoulder blade.
He moves me so my back is turned to him. He stares at my wound for a prolonged moment. I am tempted to look back at him when I realize he felt pity for me.
"You shouldn't have run."
I don't look back, "you shouldn't have chased after-" I hiss when he applies ointment on my burn.
"You shouldn't have run," he repeats, harder this time.
"Kylo, please-"
I look over my shoulder.
"What did you just call me?"
His expression is that of shock and excitement. I quickly correct myself, "Ben. Your name is B-"
"That's not my name," he raises a finger, "that's not what you said-"
"That's what I mea-"
"Say that again, say it," Kylo mutters. His voice becomes shaky, "I want to hear you say it."
I clench my jaw and shake my head. "Your name is Ben Solo."
He releases a deep breath.
I grab his cheeks. It was the first time I had ever willingly touched him, and so tenderly at that, "that is your name. That is who you--"
"Ben is dead," Kylo grabs my wrists, yanking me away from him.
My heart races when I feel the hot air from his lungs.
"I am all that's left," he whispers, brows furrowing. His voice is shaky again, "Ben was weak. He could not even speak his love for you out loud," he shakes his head, "not me. I would make sure the whole galaxy knows my love for you."
I gasp when he grabs my face and kisses me. I immediately shove him away, and when I do, this man with wide, glassy eyes stares back at me.
For once, his face evokes something more than anger out of me. I see his desperation and it pinches my heart.
"That's not my name," he blurts, snapping out of his trance and jumping to his feet. His moment of vulnerability was over. Staring down at me now was no one else besides the Supreme Leader of the First Order. He wipes his face and blankness falls on his features.
I mean to call his name out again but he speaks before I can.
"I will have a medic attend to your wounds," he says flatly, "don't think to flee while I'm gone."
I watch him walk out of the door.
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which jungkook says i love you for the first time.
> fluff, a twinge of angst / wc: 2.8k
> warnings: making out, false stealing accusation </3 not exactly a warning but jungkook moles appreciation moment that did things to my heart
note: hehehhe look at me procrastinating again :] as always feedback is always appreciated <3
“why are we hiding?”
you sigh, resting your head on jungkook’s chest. you can hear the pounding of his heart in your left ear, loud and fast from adrenaline caused by a reason still left untold.
“i’m scared of him. let’s wait for him to go inside.”
“what’s wrong? did he do something to you?” he tenses up, his protective arms wrapping themselves around your body. as if it’s possible to be further pressed up against each other in this small gap that separates the two houses sandwiching the two of you. it’s not. you’re not even quite sure how you managed to squeeze yourself in here along with your boyfriend, who is wearing a backpack.
you wince, embarrassed about your current situation. sometimes you find yourself fearing that your inborn magnet for trouble might drive him away before you can even celebrate your first anniversary. ironic. funny.
you take another glance at your neighbor’s porch, only to be disappointed to find that he’s still there, reading the newspaper while sipping on a mug. he’s an old man who lives with his teenage grandson. he’s quite famous around your neighborhood for his beautiful garden. having spent all of his precious time making the best out of the earth he was blessed with, he is deserving of the lovely compliments.
you’ve grown quite fond of this little tourist spot as well. you allow yourself a minute or two every morning to admire the flowers before going on your merry way. it’s a good reminder that you reap what you sow. perhaps one day, you will also live in your own house. with a porch, and a flower garden. and if it’s not too much to ask, a peach tree would be nice, too.
but the thing is . . . today’s visit didn’t exactly go well.
to summarize it quickly: “uhm, how do i explain this?” you chuckle nervously, looking up at jungkook. “this morning, i saw a sunflower that fell on the ground. so you know, uh- just like what any other person would do, i picked it up. but then he saw me holding it, and he accused me of stealing. which i didn’t do! clearly! then he started jogging to me while holding up his cane, so of course i got scared . . . and ran away.”
“but you’re not hurt anywhere, right?” he tenderly strokes your face, illuminated by the warm streetlamp, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“i’m alright.” your abashed eyes meet his, and he breathes out a sigh of relief. “i probably overreacted, honestly. my flight response just activated.”
“no- he sounded threatening. of course you got scared.” he interjects, frowning.
“if i avoid him for a while, he would forget about me eventually, right?”
“oh, my baby,” he surprises you with a quick kiss on the lips, followed by another. “how can anyone accuse you of stealing?”
you unsuccessfully hold back a smile, hiding yourself between the unzipped confines of his jacket to muffle the loud beating of your heart inside your ribcage. you can hear it in your ears, and you’re embarrassed that he might also does.
he chuckles, pressing a kiss on the back of your head. “let’s come out, baby. there’s no reason to hide. i’ll protect you if he comes for you again. we’ll clear things up.”
“but i just don’t want to put you in that situation, you know? i’ll figure it out myself.” you come out for air, but his sweet perfume lingers in your nose like a vivid memory. “and this is so comfortable. let’s just hug here for a little while.”
nobody speaks for a beat.
“okay then. let’s keep each other warm.” his embrace tightens, and you hear the crinkle of the plastic bag hanging on his forearm.
“hmmm, sounds nice.” you hum, closing your eyes to bask in the peaceful atmosphere.
this is one of the things that makes jungkook’s presence in your life very special. when you’re with him, you’re only aware of your heart. your mind stills and quiets, and your heart takes over. pumping to the beat of ‘hold on to this, hold on to him’. and that’s not difficult to do, especially when he makes it clear that he bears no plans of letting go of you either.
it’s been seven days since you last saw him, since you were last held like this. you know you’re both busy, but seeing his face on a tiny screen before bed just isn’t the same as feeling his warm body.
when you got home earlier this evening, you discovered that the lightbulb in your bathroom went out. it’s the first time you’ve had to change one since you moved to this apartment, so you never really realized that the ceiling is too high for you to reach. you attemped to remove the lightbulb to see if you could handle the task yourself. you stacked the two chairs you have and stood on the tips of your toes, but to no avail. your efforts proved futile.
when jungkook called, you were already at the hardware store to pick up lightbulbs with extras to keep for future emergencies.
“can i sleep over tonight? i miss you.”
“of course, baby. but i’m at the hardware store right now. i need my bathroom light changed.”
you heard a zipper closing from the other line, followed by rustling. “the one infront of a pet shop?”
“yeah,” you were browsing through the wide selection of lightbulbs, having an existential crisis because you’ve never truly given this object much thought in your life. you used to just grab one and leave, but you were talking to jungkook, so you took your time tonight.
they even sell four-foor-long lightbulbs in here? wow, there are chandeliers over there. are you in this stage of your life now? finding stuff such as house fixtures interesting?
“okay, wait for me there so we can walk home together. it’s getting late.”
“okay,” you responded with a foolish grin. the thought of holding hands with him while walking got your ankle twisting before the sole of your shoe brushed across the floor to express your giddiness.
if jungkook carries on spoiling you like this, it’s going to become harder and harder to imagine your life without him. having him, and belonging to him, it could make or break you. it’s . . . terrifying. nevertheless, it’s a risk you found yourself wanting to take no matter the consequences.
you love him. you love him. damn it, you love him. the lights laid out infront of you could light up all at once, and in your eyes, he would still shine brighter. your hands shook, restless in your limbs, craving to be touched by your man.
“have you eaten dinner?” you ask, knowing how hard he worked today.
for a guy who claims to hate texting, he sure does text you a lot. he sent you pictures throughout dance practice. he had a big smile on his face at the beginning, saying he was ready to work hard. later on, he showed what he had for lunch. and then it ended with him slumped in a corner, face and neck sweaty, zoning out.
“i had meat and rice. but i feel more energized after seeing you.” you jokingly huff at his answer, and he chuckles. “did you not miss me too?”
“why else do you think i’ve been hugging you for the past ten minutes?” you remove your hold on his waist, throwing your arms over his shoulders instead. his earring brushes against your cheek, but you endure the cold metal to keep him this close.
“can i have a kiss?”
you pull away slightly, just enough to look into his eyes. “come get it then.”
and one hell of a magnet for trouble you are.
enchanted, he drinks in your features. from the arch of your eyelids, down to your cupid’s bow. he marvels at the stars that make up your beauty, the stars he crawls home to at the end of each passing day.
he offers you a sweet smile, and next thing you know, your back is pressed against the wall, your weak knees buckling, and your fidgety hands tangled in his soft hair. you don’t know how kissing came to be an act of intimacy and romance, but your lips caressing jungkook’s lips, the subtle brush of his tongue against yours, and his hands squeezing your hips— visceral, euphoric, devotion. it makes sense. it all makes sense to you. when is the mouth at its most honest, if not when it is kissing?
he pulls away to nuzzle his face on your neck, warm breath contrasting the chilly spring night. “don’t pick up flowers on the ground again. i promise i’ll get them for you more often from now on.”
“you promise?”
“i promise.” and he seals it with one final kiss on the corner of your lips, curved upwards by a delighted smile.
you take another peek at the porch, itching to finally take off your shoes and to change into your snug pajamas. “oh my god, he’s gone. all the lights are out.”
jungkook is the first one to wiggle out from the confined space, and you follow suit with your hand held tightly by his. you whimper in discomfort when you feel numbness and tingling on your right foot, pausing for a second to stomp it on the ground before catching up to your boyfriend’s pace. a breeze blows as you pass by the house you ran away from this morning, causing you to visibly shiver. your boyfriend notices, and so, he pulls you to his side and rubs your arm to provide you warmth to the best of his abilities.
“you’re so cold, baby. why don’t you wear gloves?”
“it’s too hot when i wear them.” you complain with lips forming a pout. “being cold is better.”
you’d rather have his hands keep you warm, so at least until winter arrives again, you will remain stubborn and gloveless. however, you are forced to briefly part when you reach the staircase leading to your apartment. you hold onto the left railing, him to the right, and you reunite at the final step.
your apartment is the fourth door straight ahead. you enter your personal space with jungkook secretly excited about getting to use his spare key. two pairs of sneakers are lazily left on the welcome home mat, and two pairs of socks are tossed in the laundry basket.
after shrugging off his backpack and jacket on your bed, your boyfriend goes straight to the bathroom with one of your newly bought lightbulbs. the stacked chairs are still there, and he laughs to himself when he realizes that you attempted to reach for the ceiling.
he makes sure the switch is turned off before climbing on the chairs, his heels slightly rising so he can use strength without losing balance. he replaces the burnt out lightbulb with the new one in under a minute.
“you already changed it?” you exclaim in surprise, flicking the switch to see it for yourself. alas, a bright light fills every corner of your bathroom. “you’re a lifesaver!”
your cheek is rewarded with a kiss as he passes by to bring back the chairs to your kitchen. “you’re welcome.”
“oh, babe! if you get hungry, i still have chicken in the fridge from earlier. do you want me to heat them up?” you trail behind him while hugging your bath towel.
“i’ll do it myself. go wash up now, so we can go to bed.” he separates the chairs and places them back at their designated places around your dining table.
you sigh as you are reminded of the task assigned to you tonight. “i need to do my readings before bed, though.”
“you’re not done with that yet?”
”i have two chapters left.”
you fell asleep on your desk last night doing the same thing. and if yelling at you through the video call didn’t work? he would’ve gone all the way to your house just to carry you to bed. but he’s with you tonight, so he doesn’t need to worry about that anymore.
“then can i watch a movie on your laptop?”
you originally planned to study on your desk, as a diligent and studious person would normally do. does lying on the bed, where you rest and sleep, make sense? no. however, it’s not exactly the bed you find inviting. it’s jungkook, looking all cuddly in his oversized shirt and pajama bottoms, with your laptop sitting on his naked lap (he bunched up his bottoms to his thighs because he realized it’s warmer on your bed than he initially predicted). it also seems that he found the headphones you forgot you left on the couch yesterday.
compared to your bed, the desk looks awfully grim. and so, you crawl between your boyfriend’s legs, carrying your two-inch thick book and blue highlighter. he squeezes your body for a second, not missing a chance to plant another kiss on your face before letting you settle down with your back against his torso.
the next hour and a half is spent in silence, mostly. you’re leaning to the side, the lamp shading the pages of your book. your eyes are watering under your glasses, and you wipe the tears away carefully with your thumb. beneath you, jungkook is watching the notebook, said it’s been years since he saw it for the first time and he already forgot the plot.
you can hear the sounds spilling from the headphones, barely, really, but it’s still there. you can also feel the laptop starting to heat up, slightly burning your thighs carrying its weight. it’s been sleeping on your desk the whole time you were gone, after all. you don’t mind. it feels oddly comfortable, warm. you’re not sure if it’ll remain that way by the time the movie concludes, but you’ll just have to cross the bridge when you get there.
your eyes. your eyes just won’t stop bothering you. the tears are streaming down into your ear. they’re begging for a rest. left with no other choice, you put down the book, sliding the highlighter in between the open pages. you close your eyes for a minute, and using your finger, you write the alphabet on jungkook’s knee to keep your mind awake. you’ll never know, but the heart you draw after the letters j and k puts a fond smile on his face.
your eyelids flutter open, and your gaze lands on his thigh. bewitched, the tip of your finger has a mind of its own. this time, it traces the two moles adorning his delicate honey skin, crossing the distance between them back and forth.
“these are my favorite.” you whisper absentmindedly, unaware that your boyfriend has paused his movie due to your distracting touches.
he leans his cheek on your temple, warm hands sliding under your shirt to rest on your tummy. “i thought your favorite is the one under my lip?”
“oh,” you sleepily blink in realization. “i’m torn. the ones on your thigh are so cute. and unique. they’re like childhood friends.”
his quiet laughter turns into a fit of giggles when you pinch at the space in between, drawing an elephant with his moles as the eyes, just as he demonstrated the first night you slept on the same bed.
“i think you need to go to sleep, baby.”
you contemplate between work and sleep, blankly staring at the book. “how much longer until you finish the movie?”
“mhmmm,” his finger slides across the touchpad to make the remaining time appear at the bottom of the screen. “thirty-two minutes?”
“then i’ll wait for you so we can sleep together.” you force yourself to pick up the book again, scanning the paragraphs to find where you left off.
another scattered kiss is placed on your skin, where your shoulder and collarbone meet. and he doesn’t understand why this feels like the perfect moment to say the three magical words for the first time, when you’re barely awake and his heart is beating so fast he’s afraid he’s going faint. he planned for this to be more special and romantic, but this, tonight . . . it only feels right.
more than a confession, it’s an everlasting promise. he wants to let you know that he’s not going anywhere. you don’t have to grasp your time with him like water in your hands. when you wake up later this morning, he’s going to be by your side. and the next hundred thousand mornings after that. it means he is steady, and he is sure— body, heart, and soul. it means he is honest, and he is patient. it means he carries you in his heart like a locket hanging on his neck everywhere he goes. it means he believes love is true when it is given.
he stutters your name, which he rarely uses when talking to you. but your brain is too fuzzy to recognize that fact, and you only hum in question as you try your damn hardest to absorb the words you’re reading.
“i love you. i don’t mind if you sleep first. i know you had a long day.”
taglist! @alanniys @jjkeverlast @queenofdragonsandcats @yvesismywife @enhypenslay @cramseys @witchfqllen @virgogentlejk @rkie @jeonwiixard @monilyv @bermudaisy @ameliejeannelaurent @takochelle @the1921-monsters @investedreader @seagulljk @yeow6n @yoonqkiss @hopeworldjimin @lllucere @unnatae @zqynmlk @bxbyyyjocelyn @zkdlllin @koostarcandy @tswisal1 @fragmentof-indifference @laylasbunbunny @jjk-jeongirl @cherishoshi @taexidriver @luaspersona + send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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zivazivc · 2 months
I could imagine Poppy moving in with branch and having her own spot while jd floyd and clay have one
Hmm maybe, tho I imagine Branch moving in with Poppy before the other way around. The bunker would just be his storage or something when/if that happens. I don't think JD would ever live live there because he has Rhonda. And i think Clay continues to live with the put put trolls and Viva after the movie.
@sapphireskeletons told me such a good fucked up headcanon where Branch moves out to go live with Poppy, and JD eventually gets antsy and starts traveling the Hinterlands with Rhonda again. And Floyd ends up all alone in the bunker, feeling stuck there because he had encouraged his baby bro to build it for him and he doesn't have a good enough reason to leave (even though he does not want to live there) and just feeling trapped like 🧍 ... Reap what you sow, bitch. (Sorry, but we are both a bit of Floyd haters and think he deserves to get yelled at by Branch)
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dappledpaintbrush · 3 months
What do you think of the SPM villains as a whole? I'm going to make a wild guess and assume your favourite is Dimentio based off only my obvious mind reading intellect-
Please go into as much detail as your heart desires. I love this game a lot and hearing about it makes me very happy. It's my special interest, and I am deprived of obsessive rants over this game that aren't my own.
I hate dimentio fym. Let’s kill him.
I apologize if I’m misinterpreting and you have already seen the post, but I have answered an ask before that is what you’re looking for- here it is! :3 I went into hefty detail on each member of Team Bleck. Trust me, it’s very long LMAOAO
HOWEVER�� if you are not talking about just Team Bleck and are referring to the other villains as well- then…
Fracktail has always. Stuck with me. First of all, his theme goes HARD????? Good lord, go ACTUALLY listen to it if you haven’t. It’s the equivalent of this
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Anyways, Fracktail has always made me feel sad. And when I was younger, he scared me. It scared me that he died for something that wasn’t even his fault. Like dude usually when characters get brainwashed and they eventually regain control, they get a happy ending and stuff. Fracktail BLEW UP??? I personally just can’t stand it when characters reap something they never sowed- and this applies to characters as minuscule as Fracktail.
Now. Wracktail. He is. Interesting.
Both Fracktail and Wracktail are incredible examples of how INSANELY POWERFUL Ancient magic is, but Wracktail is a bit different. Wracktail refers to himself as a god multiple times. Is this actually true, or is he “making it up” or exaggerating? Were the Ancients capable of CREATING DEITIES? Were Grambi and Jaydes former Ancients who turned themselves into gods? Are the Pixls classified as gods? After all, both the Pixls and Wracktail are immortal unless harmed, and they were both created by the ancients. But if you can die from an injury, are you really a god? Or, like I stated before, is Wracktail not actually a god?Something else interesting is that Wracktail seems to be aware of Shadoo’s existence. HOW? Does Wracktail posses some kind of omnipotence? Did Shadoo reveal herself to Wracktail out of pity because they were both created and ruined by the Ancients? HOW. WHAT. WHY. Ugh I could go on FOREVER. It’s not that deep, sure, but it’s fun to ponder.
Bonechill. Was. Wasted.
One of the MOST intriguing parts about Super Paper Mario is- and I’ve talked about this a lot- the extremely bold references to Christianity. Bonechill is a carbon fucking copy of Satan, and he was BOOOOOOOORRRINGG
But on a funnier note this part in KoopaKungFu’s let’s play always made me laugh as a kid
But What do you mean Bonechill was just. Standing there. I know nobody commented on it because this is a video game (it’s funny regardless LMAO). BUT WERE GRAMBI AND BONECHILL TALKING (I say talking, but this doesn’t mean they were calm about it) ABOUT THEIR PAST? OR DID THEY FIGHT BECAUSE GRAMBI IS INJURED. DID THEY DO BOTH? WHY. WAS . THE FACT. BONECHILL. KNOWS. ABOUT. LUVBI. AND. THAT. HE. WAS. A . FALLEN. ANGEL. NEVER. TALKED. ABOUT. MY BLOOD. PRESSURE. IS. RISING.
Blumiere’s Father:
I wish I could say a lot more about him, but surprisingly I’ve never gotten around to making headcanons for him/Blumiere. It’s crazy because you know that in his head he believes he is doing the right thing for his son and for the Tribe of Darkness as a whole. What kind of indoctrination did he have to go through to believe that KILLING somebody simply because she and his son loved one another was a rational and reasonable course of action. God I wish we knew at least a LITTLE more about him- but the minuscule amount of scenes he has makes his impact on the story that much more harrowing.
King Croacus:
I fw King Croacus heavy. My favorite drag queen of all time. God he’s so cool.
As somebody who is lore obsessed, I ADORE the fact we got so many details on the rulers of the Floro Sapiens. It’s something the developers did not have to do yet they did it anyways. Every time I walk through that hall in the game I read every single plaque.
It’s also? Really disturbing how we KILLED this guy? I know he comes back post-game but like regardless we did kill a guy who’s mind was deteriorating because of polluted water. Like that shit wasn’t his fault. He died for the faults of the Cragnons, who basically got off scot-free (unless you killed some of the brainwashed individuals). It’s an interesting metaphor for a variety of things that occur in reality.
Also, his theme is REALLY underrated. I know it’s simple, but I love it so much. King Croacus fans ASSEMBLE!
When you’re trying to save all worlds but this fuckass Redditor downvotes you
Francis was one of the most genius parts of this game. Holy shit. I don’t even know what to say. He was so ahead of his time it’s actually scary. That whole chapter is one of the funnest parts of the game. All the niche references, the poking fun at Francis-like people, god it’s PEAK.
Something that’s interesting is that his Castle is implied to be where the Tribe of Darkness lived. Which is fucking hilarious. I personally prefer the idea that Castle Bleck was the old TOD home but that’s literally wrong. Carson said the TOD lives in a castle in the woods. Where do we see a castle in the woods. Uh huh. (I can get even more insane- the podium where Tippi’s cage was held. The podium that for some reason has a mechanism to hide it deep in the ground. Hmmm. A book can fit there. Can’t it. HMMMM) (I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel man somebody save me).
Also. Wokackness aside. Francis is terrifyingly smart. He created a PIXL. That’s something that I feel like is incredibly overlooked. How did he do that. How. ? HUH. ????????
Pixl Queen/Shadoo:
well you see uh
Tumblr media
(no but seriously. I don’t even know where to begin. She’s one of my favorite characters in the game and we never ever get to see her. She’s heartbreaking. She’s devastating. She’s terrifying. She has nobody looking out for her. She is alone. But she fights so hard to be seen. She starts a war. She tries to kill every walking Ancient and the heroes of the Light Prognosticus. She screams and she cries and she begs and she pleas but nobody can hear her nor is listening. She is punished for being loved. She is punished for her wrath. She is still here in the form of shadows in the cracks on the Trial walls but is that even her anymore? She did not deserve to die so young, but that death was infinitely more merciful than all that occurred after. She was born to die. It’s why she is still alive.)
Big Blooper:
blooooop lmao
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heliosthegriffin · 6 months
Shadow Knight and Magic Girls XX
Chapter 20
Ao3 Link
Jaune got into the car, pushing his scroll up to the front. "I need to get here." He pointed to an address on his scroll.
Miltiades, seated in the front passenger seat, looked at him miserably. "This is the fifth place this afternoon," She whined. "I'm bored!"
"We have ten more places to hit up before we're done."
Melanie tapped the steering wheel. "Are you going to tell us what you're doing?"
"Nope. Drive." The blonde said, leaning into the back seat, and counting lien out in the back seat.
Melanie felt a flash of annoyance, then sighed, taking off down the road.
They stopped at a local pizzeria place in a decaying neighborhood, Jaune got out went inside, a couple minutes passed by, and then he exited, carrying a couple boxes of hot steaming pizza.
"Alright, now, we go here." He pushed a box into Miltiades lap, while he started devouring a meat-lovers in the back.
"We're not just going on food-runs, are we?" Melanie asked.
"No." He said between bites. "I was coming here anyway, got hungry, and it'd be awkward to be the only one eating."
Melanie reached for a slice, taken extra care to avoid her sisters hissing swipes for daring to take her food. "Alright, where to next?"
They went to several more small business, all in similarly low-income areas, with Jaune repeating his actions, leaving the car, going inside for a couple minutes, then return back, and going to the next locations.
Eventually, they hit all the locations that he had on his list.
"That it?"
"For today, at least."
Miltiades let out a whoop of joy. "Yay! Now, we can do something fun! Ooh, how about the gun-range, or ice-skating?"
Jaune looked at the clock, then shrugged. He could spare an hour. "Sounds fun."
"Awesome!" Miltiades cheered, then tapped her red lips. "By the way, will you at least give us a hint to what you're doing?" She gave him a sly look. "Not paying off baby-mamas, are you?"
Jaune blushed. "No! Nothing of the s-sort. I'm just doing something like, uh, ever heard of putting a chip on every horse in the race?"
Melanie looked at him curiously. "Yeah, but what's that got to do with you?"
Jaune shrugged. "I'm just making a bet,"
"And, if you lose?"
He shrugged. "Oh well, then. Gambles don't always pay off, and I'll have the experience."
Melanie shot him a calculating look through the rear-view mirror, the lien he had stacked back there was gone. Well, not like she could say that Miltia and her had been more responsible with their money. Let him reap what he sows.
Where the Wicked Ones went
'Once upon time, there was a great king.
In his kingdom, he did not accept any wickedness, and He chased from his lands the wicked and evil ones with the endless power of the Sun, and those that stood against him and his mighty knights, they were like livestock to the slaughterhouse.
The ones who fled, left this world entirely, fleeing to the Other World.
A place of different time and space, but not separate from our own world. It was not above the world, or under it, but overlapped in places, with stitching vein, and scars covered with stones.
Those who fled into this Other World, they took a different name, different bodies, but their wickedness remained. As they spread across the Other World, they founded many different kingdoms, still practicing their evilness, while fighting meaninglessly and cruel wars between each other.
However, on weird days, under rare stars, they stop fighting and turn to gaze at the World. The World changed, covered with layers of fallen ages and cycles of ever turning light and darkness, and they still yet remember, and most of all, fear that the King of Seasons will find them.
Or, if not him, one with a spirit to succeed him. In their arrogance, though, they are soon to forget that fear. Quickly, they turn their attentions to back to each other, and occasionally, with a bit of foolish pride, venture forth into their former home.
Jaune turned the page, the story ended there. He closed the book.
"Are elves, real?" He mused.
"Of course they are!" A voice shouted next to him, making Jaune jump back a step. He turned to look at the short ginger next to him.
"Thanks, Nora. I really needed those minutes off my life."
"You're welcome!" She circled around him, looking at the book. "Why are you reading a cookbook? You know Renny is always going to beat you in a cookoff!"
Jaune rolled his eyes. "Shut up." He didn't needed to be reminded that Ren had magic hands, metaphorically speaking. Hopefully. He didn't want Ren involved in this whole magic business, he had a whole life of him ahead of beating the snot of people in the CKMC* to be risking life and limb.
*(Cross-Kingdom Martial-Arts Circuit)
Or at least, more than he would otherwise, but at least there were rules there.
Nora circled around him. "Wait, is this an elven cookbook?! Are you trying to cook for elves, or trying to cook elves?! If so, you may have a lead on Renny, as I don't think he has the heart to eat elf heart."
Jaune paused, looking at Nora. Despite his downright magical life, she still found a way to say the most downright weird things. Not that he'd have it any other way. "No."
"Oh," She paused. "But, what if-"
Jaune decided to end that train of thought, now. "No." Still, another person, who says something different about the cover. A idea sprang to mind. "Hey, read this off for me." Jaune pointed to a random sentence."
"I can read, no need to test me!" She squinted her eyes on the page. "Two egg, half cup of honey, a cup of milk-, Oh, are you making pancakes?!" Nora vibrated in places. "Never-mind, you're the best cook in the worlds!" She leaned in, whispering. "Don't tell Renny."
Jaune looked at the page. Not the same, what so ever. This was a paragraph detailing how a girl forged a sword from a shooting star and a matching shield too.
This likely meant that the book changed perception of whoever read it. What did that mean? ... Was he even reading anything at all, or was the book just having his mind fill in the blanks that he wanted to see. What in the world was this book? What was its purpose? Why did it do this, was it some kind of mind-eater thing, that fed off attention?
Maybe, he should get rid of it, or at least, copy what he finds out of the book, and cross-references it. So, that if he found something, a story that existed inside the book, one he had no prior knowledge of before he opened the book, he could know that, it at least wasn't making anything up.
He felt a pull on his sleeve, Nora was looking at him excitedly. "So, pancakes?" He looked at the book in his hand, then put it away, it could wait. "Sure, lets go get some pancakes."
She let out a cheer, jumping up and latching onto his back. "Onward, my mighty knight! To pancakes!"
Smiling contently, he started walking. "Ay, my great queen."
Jaune opened the door for the twins into their home, a light sheen of sweat on himself, while behind him, said twins, shambled in like they were on the verge of passing out, heading to the shower.
"Good run, girls." He tried to sound encouraging, as he was taking off his fifty pound vest. Amber looked at the vest, then twins, then back at barely sweating blonde. "Those poor girls, how far did you make them run?"
"Not that far, just a light run, about ten miles or so,"
Amber sighed, she didn't even want to imagine running one mile, let alone at the intense pace he set. She threw a hot towel at him. "Get cleaned up, and I'll work on any knots who might have."
Jaune nodded, closing the door behind him, stripped his shirt off, and wiped off his chest and back. Then laid down on his stomach on a futon next to Amber.
"Been feeling any discomforts recently?" She asked, working on his right arm.
Jaune grunted, feeling a sense warmth go up his arm. "Not really."
"Good, don't be afraid to tell me anything, though. Even if you think it might be personal. Remember, I've already seen it all, you got nothing to be embarrassed about." Amber felt up his arm, it felt heavier, harder to massage, and looked at him surprised. "You gained more muscle?"
"I guess?" Jaune almost shrugged. "I've just-, oh. Yeah, the armor, the extra weight. It's pretty heavy, heavier than anything I wore before, despite how well it's balanced over me."
Amber let out a breath of disbelief. "You were already ready to compete in any inter-national team I can think of, and you're still growing? Thanks just plain unfair."
"Hey, I'll trade places if they want, then we can have a conversation about fairness."
Amber laughed. "Good point, I suppose, hard times breed hard men, and all that."
"Tell me about it, you should meet my grandfather."
The futon bounced a little, as someone sat right in front of his face, a someone with a pair of curvy, athletics legs, wearing a pair of short black shorts. "What's up, superhero?" Vernal asked him with a wink.
"Not a hero, if I'm getting paid for it."
"If so, most legends wouldn't count as heroes."
"Fair, enough."
A beat passed.
"You think about how you want to get inked, yet?" Vernal asked, curiously, looking at his back like a painter looked at a raw canvas.
Jaune had nearly forgotten about that, Big Bear did want him to get the clan symbol on his back. "I just figured I get the clan symbol."
Vernal looked at him harshly. "Don't be half hearted about this, this is a important piece of work that going to happen, and it's going tell the world about you. Think on it hard, this is something to define you to the rest of the world."
Jaune looked at her. "Woah, didn't think you had much about yourself besides ogling me."
Vernal smirked. "I don't just ogle anyone, just the finer pieces of art. Besides, you don't know all of me." She poked his nose. "I have all sorts of tricks that might surprise you."
Looking into her eyes, not to one to back down, Jaune gave her a smile. "You'll have to show me them one day."
There came a moment them looking at each other, with Vernal slightly flushing, looked away. "One day."
Amber sighed. "Please, no flirting while the doctor's at work."
"It's harmless fun, Am!" Vernal shot back. "Besides, you'll get your chance, later." The she looked back at Jaune. "Back to what I was saying, it doesn't matter what Big Bear wants on your back, it's up to you in the end. So, think about what you want the World to see back there."
"I ... I don't know, what it is, that I want back there. It's hard to think about something I can't see."
"Then, don't rush in. Wait, till you can see it." Vernal waved her hand over his back. "Me, though? I can see all the images in the world, and I can pen any of them, you want."
"What do you personally think would look good?"
Vernal sneered for a moment. "It's not about looking good, it's about the message. It can be the ugliest, bat-shit insane tattoo in the world, and still be a work of art on a living canvas, as long as its on the right person." Her arm made phantom motions over his shoulders, and Jaune briefly saw, among her many tattoos, a red-eyed Raven staring at him ominously. "I could ink almost anything here, something heroic, monstrous, or just strong-looking, but, in the end, it's up to you, and what you want it to be. What do you want to be Jaune?"
Jaune looked at the futon beneath him, thinking for a moment. What did he want to say to the world? That was a pretty deep question, or it felt like one. But, he wasn't one for deep thought, and found his answer quickly.
"Hopeful." Jaune said, his answer naturally coming off his tongue. "If I have to show anything to someone else, I just want it to give a bit of hope."
Vernal looked at him, surprised. Then looked at his bare back, her mind turning. "I can work with that," Then she got up, going to her room, the sounds of intense scribbling could be heard inside.
Velvet stood in front of the mirror, anxiously looking over herself for any flaws in her appearance. Her ears twitching over head, hair shaking with it, hadn't even left her room, but felt like her heart was about to give from stress alone.
Looking over herself in the mirror, dare she say it, she looked cute. Wearing a simple brown and white dress that showed off her neck and shoulders, it felt a little daring, at least compared to her conservative normal outfits.
"Ah, look at my little bun-bun! Just the absolute cutest!" Velvet nearly jumped out of her skin at Coco's sudden remark. Turning around so fast that she nearly tripped over herself, she glared at Coco. "Don't scare me, like that!"
Coco shrugged, as she smugly looked at her. "What's a woman to do, not compliment you?" She pulled up her scroll, showing going through the pictures she had taken of her. "So, are you excited for your date?"
Velvet lost her steam, blushing fiercly. "Its not a date, Nora, and her friend, Ren, are coming along to. It's just a friendly outing." Her ears drooped. "He didn't even seem like he wanted to come."
"Vel, my baby-bun, no man, or woman, could say no to you!" Coco slid up against her. "Including me!" She said giving her friend a flirty smile. "Mr. Buff-tough, is just nervous, he's probably never even kissed a girl, so going out with you? It must be mind-blowing to him, and so what, if you have some tag-alongs? Make a polycule out of it, girl! That Ren chick is hot as hell, and Nora? I'd kill to be alone with her."
Velvet relaxed, feeling her heart-slow a bit. "Your way with words never ceases to make feel better. Also, Ren's a guy."
Coco froze, color draining from her face. "What?"
"Yeah, he's a man. With, a-ahem, the bits, according to Nora."
"Oh..." Coco looked at her Scroll. "I have some pictures to get rid of later. Enjoy your date, and if Mr. Moody gives you any trouble, call me, and I'll take care of him, got it?"
Velvet nodded, smiling. "I'll do that." Velvet chuckled, imaging Coco trying to brow-beat Jaune down, amused her. Though, she also couldn't see it working, she was pretty sure that if Coco tried to slap him, any part of him, she'd break her hand.
Getting off the bus, Velvet arrived at Vale's Historical Exhibits and Museum. She was surprised by how many people where flowing around the yard of the building, and was equally surprised to see the amount of couples here.
Looking up at the banner on the building, it explained nothing, just relics from Vales past wars when it was a series of squabbling micro-kingdoms. Though, she had to admit, there was a certain energy in the air that made her heartbeat faster, drew her attention towards the Exhibits.
A hand clapped her shoulder, making her jump in place. "Vel-vel!" She felt herself turn around, looking at the short ginger, who was unnaturally strong despite her size.
"Ha-hello, Nora." Velvet stammered out, she hadn't known Nora long, but the short and strong girl had quickly made a place for herself in her heart. Though, she wished she wasn't so forceful!
"Velvet, you're here! That means we can get this party started!"
Velvet nodded, Nora's energy starting to infect her. "Oh, everyone is else is here?"
"Yep! Jaune and Renny are off getting-, oh! There they are walking this way!" Nora pointed away from them, pointing to where the crowd was parting ways from two men walking towards them.
Looking at Jaune exit the crowd of people, or rather, the people rushing to move away from his unstoppable walk towards them, she paused, as something was off about him that took her a moment to figure out. His atmosphere was different, and it clicked.
He was relaxed, today he didn't have any tension about himself like he normally did, he was fully there with them. She gave him a shy smile, and he paused for a moment, before giving a calm smile back at her.
"So, what are we here to see?" Jaune asked, Ren following behind him like a remora fish.
Nora shot up. "I want to see the iron maiden and warhammers!"
The other three of them looked at Nora bouncing with excitement, Velvet didn't doubt for a moment they were going to see those exhibits.
"Sounds good." Jaune said, Velvet barely catching the concealed glee in his eyes.
"Don't try and touch them, they're artifacts and we're not here to get banned." Ren said strictly, though, Velvet noticed that he wasn't saying that just to Nora, as he made sure to give a look at Jaune. There was touch of humor in his voice, though.
"That sounds, great." Velvet found herself agree, she didn't have much interest in torture devices or weapons, but if she was with these three, she would be happy.
"So, we ready to go then?" Jaune asked.
"As we ever can be."
Velvet felt a push on her shoulder, and looked back to she the ginger culprit, as she landed against Jaune, who caught her easily.
"Jaune-jaune, make sure you don't lose that, she's precious cargo!" Nora said firmly.
Jaune looked confused, then looked at the sea of people around them. "Oh, good idea." Holding out his arm to her. "Don't want to get separated."
Velvet looked at his out-stretch arm, noticing how his many-times thicker his arm was than hers, it almost made her feel like a child by comparison. As she linked her arm into his though, it made her feel secure too, that Jaune would protect.
In that sense of security, Velvet dared to pull herself closer.
Deep, deep into the mountains, away from the vices of civilization, in the bosom of mother nature. Where the fat of the land was thickest, and beasts that would rightly be called monsters roamed, a man with a glorious mustache led his disciples into the mouth of a dark, ominous cave.
He swung his axe down in front of the cave, spraying the blood of beasts off of his blade. Peter Port turned to regard his young students with admiration. When he first met them, they were unpolished, and aimless children, with nary a hope of a future worth living. But now? Now, they did not need to hope for a future, they could make their own!
They stood before him, bare chested and raw-muscles, covered in mud and filth from the world over, scratched, bruised, and likely had some broken bones that needed treated, but unbowed and unafraid.
Their leader Cardin had taken to wield the femur of a oxen creature they had fought, while Russel had made a pair of primitive stone axes during their camping adventures, Sky had his warpaint on and crude rucksack of javelins and his onyx-head spear, and Dove? He had a sling, which was good enough.
It was almost enough to make him shed a tear. Sucking in a deep breath, he bellowed out with enough power to rival a landslide. "Student!"
"Teacher!" They returned back, while not having the same power as their teacher, they equaled, no surpassed his energy.
It was time, Peter knew, they were ready. "My children, our final lesson is upon us! Soon, you will be men among men!|
They looked shocked at this news.
"But, Teacher!" Cardin interjected. "We've only just begun to learn! How can we be done?"
Peter sniffled a bit. "That, that is how you know, my child, that you know that you've only just begun to learn, that is the sign you've matured. That you understand that to be a man is to know there is always more to see, more to know, and more room to grow. So, that is why, it's time for you leave the nest and fly!"
They bravely held back tears. Manly tears. "Thank you, teacher. We won't forget our lessons." Sky spoke through his tears.
"You will be alright, my students. You are ready for your final test!" He swung his ax at the cave. "Be wary, though! This cave houses dangers you can't even imagine, but what you encounter inside, will change you forever, it will be your cocoon, one for your boyish state, to enters only to emerge as a man! Now go!"
With another sweep of his ax, he signal for them to run in. With a nod between the four young boys, no, the soon to be young men ran into their final trials of adolescences.
Humming to himself, a red-head man sauntered without a care around the back of the museum. A outfit and set of keys that weren't his adorning his person. He opened the backdoor and entered the storage rooms of the place.
Immediately his senses lit up, the feel of magic in the air, and not just from relics either. The ley-lines were practically clogged with power and that was great news! It'd make his goal all the more easy tonight!
Oh how excited he was, so very excited, and there was no-way he was going to be stopped. Not by those Maidens, and not by any questing heroes. Tonight was a new moon, that meant no locks on his power, and whole ley-line to use, oh, how rich was he going to be?
A door opened across the room, and elderly man exited, a janitor. The old man nodded at him, then peered at him curiously. "Are you a new hire? I know most everyone around here, and I don't recall seeing you before?" His voice was raspy, but friendly.
"I'm just a temporary-worker, no need to remember me."
"Oh, that's a shame, its a good place to work here. Maybe, you'll change your mind, once you get the feel of the place?"
The red-head paused, humming to him deviously. "You know what, I think by the end of my shift, they'll always be a piece of the place with me."
The old man smiled kindly. "That's good, sonny. Ah, I didn't catch your name?"
Tapping his head in mock-embarrassment. "Oh, how could I forget to introduce meself? I am the one, the only, Roman Torchwick." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a bone-chilling mask. "Hey, how do feel about presents, Mr...?"
"... Alans." The janitor said a second. He looked at the young man with concern, unnerved by his presence now. "What, what do you got there sonny, that don't seem right?" The bone-mask was strange to his eyes, and didn't seem to be capable of being made by any person.
Roman approached, Sam took a step back in fear, but in a flash of movement, he grabbed Sam's collar and forcefully put the mask on the old man. Sam's body contorted in pain, as if he wanted to have screamed, but couldn't, as the mask meld into his flesh. The old mans kind, bright eyes going dull and cloudy.
"Hmm, that was easy." He patted his newest servants head. "Good work, keep it up!" Then sauntered out, twirling another mask in hand.
Omake: Another build - Horse Arc(h)er
Jaune crept into his secret-shack, where he built and managed his gear, bruised and tired after another night of fighting shadow-monsters. He was so tired of this, they just seemed to keep getting stronger, and he stayed the same. He needed a equalizer for this mess, as it was only a matter of time before he got offed, either by luck on the monster side, or unluck on his.
Looking across his limited arsenal, he got to thinking. He looked over his plans and blueprints, but he had already tried them, or just too expensive or plainly impossible for him. He sighed, forehead against table.
In his childhood, Jaune liked to play knights with his sisters, even if it was him playing the princess in distress. It still was something he admired, the man with the sword, in the shining armor, on a noble and beautiful steed.
It was a shame though, that he couldn't get a suit of heavy-metal armor, or a sword that could cut shadow-monsters to pieces. A suit of armor would just give away his best defense against them anyway, not getting hit at all. Plus, he had done some research, and metal armor was good for turning away a blade, but actually made blunt hits worse, and the shadow-monsters were more than strong enough to tear apart cars, dumpsters, and metal railings, it wasn't really worth the effort.
His luck getting close was dice as well, as all it would take is one good hit to be dead and done with. Where as Jaune knew he would need to put sustained force on the bigger ones, while rolling the dice to dodge their strikes, not that he couldn't do it, but the thing is, chance adds up and eventually, he'd critically fail.
Still, a horse? That sounded nice, there wasn't a night that he didn't feel dead on his feet afterwards, so even just to lower his recovery time, well, that almost sounded worth it.
But, would that even work with hit and run still of fighting? The guns, well all he had was the shotgun, and didn't horses need to be trained to not get startled from shots? That didn't even bring up how he'd train one against getting frightened from the monsters.
Walking out of the shed, he needed some fresh air to think. Unconsciously, he ended up walking home. Stopping in the backyard, he saw his father, bow in hand and aiming at target. Jaune stood there for a moment, just watching gears turning.
His father let loose arrow after arrow in a stream of projectiles, it wasn't hard for Jaune to understand why his father was a former pro archer. All the arrows hit, tightly clustered around the center. Jaune felt a phantom feeling in his shoulder, rushing down his arms.
His father turned around, nearly jumping. "Son? What are you-, uh, why aren't you in bed?"
Jaune looked at the bow in his dads hands. "Can I, try shooting that?"
All confusion dropped from his fathers face, lighting up in joy. "WIthout question."
Across the dark streets of Vale, there came a sound, a sound that was forgotten to all, but the streets themselves. If there were thoughts in the cobblestone and concrete, this was a sound that would bringing them back a century, to when horses ran the streets. When carriages were pulled down the street, when horses carried passengers and messages, it was a sound of a different time.
It was the sound of hooves and horseshoes hitting stone, clamoring of nimble hooves hitting and pacing, as it raced down the streets. Ceaseless neighing, panting snorts and breaths, it was the sound of a large, powerful steed. No, not just one steed, but several. A rider changing steed regularly, ones he had stored across the city, as one became too tired from battle and the endless pace set by their rider.
Then it was followed, by another archaic sound, that of the endless stringing of a bow. All through out the night, outside on the streets was a shadowy rider, swaying over the back of a horse, never falling as he was aiming a mighty bow, firing tens of arrows every minute at some unseen quarry. Never seeming to run out of arrows, as on each horse were quivers of arrows lining the sides of the animals.
Beasts would pursue them, out from the shadows, the alleys, and forgotten corners of the city, only to pelted with a endless stream of arrows. Falling to the ground, finished off by being trampled by other monsters, or a horde of arrows ending them.
There was a new rider in town, and he was here to hunt the night away.
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blnk338 · 2 years
Here's the link to the first b/c y'all loved it sm ty &lt;3
Go read my Ghost x Reader on AO3 | Reap What You Sow
Relationship hcs!!!
Undiagnosed dyslexia
Soap will say some dumb shit about it and Gaz will fire back with something like “you need autocorrect irl b/c no one can fucking understand you”
Hates winter; this is a summer boy!
Ghost told him that Soap’s Halloween party was a dress-up party, but Gaz took it as a sexy dress-up party and came in a slutty nun outfit
Ghost had to go to the bathroom because he was tearing up from trying to hold back his laughter
Can’t pull all-nighters
This bitch NEEDS 8 hours or he’s not happy
Like… he can pull them, but you unlock this secret character trait of “ultimate fucking bitch Kyle”
Got really into Overwatch and then didn’t tell anyone after it died (pre OW2), then was fucking insane at every character when OW2 came out
Soap hates his ass for this
Flexes, only character he doesn’t like is Hanzo (still upset about the scatter arrow removal)
Tinyass bladder
“I have to pee”
Really gentle with his friends, him and Soap’s bromance goes crazy like they’ll do that thing where they almost kiss and they pull back and go “WOAAAAAAH WOAHHHHHHH”
Thinks hairless cats are gross
The kind of guy to sit back and watch shit unfold unless the person who (is getting / is about to get) their shit rocked is someone he respects
Previously had an allergy to shellfish
Raw dogged it until the allergy literally went away
Exposure therapy, man
Knows what “L + Ratio” means and HAS used it against Soap once
Soap and Gaz lost their fuckin beans when he said it and they’ve never forgotten it
Sorta plain texter – really just like “K,” “Ok,” “Did you eat.”
Doesn’t use a lot of question marks
No question marks or really any punctuation other than a period at the end of EVERY text
Doesn’t use Apple emojis or Android, but the text version
Like :)
Eventually unlearns this but ending everything like a sentence lasted for a while
He won’t say openly if he’s annoyed, but will add a little extra sharpness to his stare
Great at FPS games, chooses to not use the mic because he likes shitting on dumb mfkrs and listening to them bitch when he wins 1v1’s
Played OW for Soap and Gaz and got really fucking good at Zen, but almost always plays DPS
Learned how to build computers and finds it really relaxing
Soap and Gaz both asked for him to make them PCs and he said “no,” then did both of them in the span of one 3-week break cycle
Knows everyone’s addresses
How the fuck does he know everyone’s addresses
Definitely the guy to say a random set of numbers pretending like its someone’s IP address
“The Riley Murders” is a popular true-crime segment; literally avoids all true-crime media because of this
Not really a fan of the holidays, but he does put in the effort to be at the 141 parties and get-togethers for his team
Panic attacks for him aren’t obvious. He just stands there, holding his gaze at one spot while he clenches his jaw/fist, trying to push out the ringing in his ears
Doesn’t dress up for Halloween or does the bare minimum (antlers on top of his head, a single bowtie, etc)
Uses all emojis
Weird about how much he likes Minions
Fucked up knee from tearing his ACL as a kid
Like his knees pop when he kneel down and shit
Bros so anti-drug he doesn’t like prescription drugs
*Bleeding out* “Tylenol? Why would I need that?”
His whole house is carpeted aside from the kitchen
No, you don’t understand. Carpeted bathrooms
Man has cold feet
Socks and indoor slippers but he’s got those luxury Ugg slippers that he wears religiously
Hates it when people chew with their mouth open
Plays Candy Crush
Owns an old Dell laptop, doesn’t play PC or console games
POP POP POP his joints are shit but good enough for the army ig
Tried yoga, didn’t have enough motivation to keep going, but still says he does yoga (it’s been like four years n Laswell gets on his ass about it)
“Overwatch? We’re off right now, why are we talking about this?”
“You have three guys on you? What are you talking about?”
Confused dad
Heavyweight drinker; man likes his beers
Gaz called him "dad" once and he owns it like a fucking medal
Says “back in my day” to fuck with everyone
Sings the Star Spangled Banner in the most heinously British accent he can
He only knows “Oh say can you see, by the dawns early light, oh so proud…” and then bullshits the rest
Bisexual. No preference.
Not really a “will kiss anyone” but more of a “please let me kiss someone”
Flirts with fuckin’ anyone and everyone but the issue is that he just doesn’t stay in one place because of work, so unless he’s dating someone in the field (which is super rare), it’s mostly just flings
“Guys, let’s do the brown note endurance contest.” (Google “brown note youtube”)
Spells Spongebob like “Spunch Bob”
“I am not paid enough to do that.”
OW junkie, but likes story games a lot
Support/Tank main (Mercy and Reinhardt)
The Last Of Us fucking ended him; fav character is Joel :)
Hard of hearing in his right ear
Yells “WOT?” all the fucking time
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eunkitarot · 2 months
hello, can you do sunoo's ideal type.thankiesss💜💜
Hiii sure💜 since im free from exams I can finally relax and channel my energy😭
So here are the cards I pulled for Sunoo's Ideal type:
The magician: with this card I am getting someone that is confident. Sunoo like someone that seem to have this air of charisma.The migician is someone that is persuasive, often exuding a powerful aura that draws others to them. They possess an innate ability to influence and inspire, using their emotional intelligence to connect with people on various levels. The Magician’s charm is their tool, enabling them to navigate social situations with ease and grace. So possibly someone that works in a career that influences others like musicians, idols etc. Someone that is charming is what he likes. But even though this person is charming they dont use that skill against others or selfishly for their own benefit.
King of wands: again this card too points so someone that is charismatic. Sunoo is attracted to someone with leadership vibes to them. Someone that can be in control and can lead him. King of wands too means this person that he prefers is someone that is intelligent and passionate about their life. Does not matter what aspect it may be. Whether their career or their personal. So Sunoo likes people who are determined and fiery when it comes to achieving thier goals. I think he find someone that is focused on their goals and not letting other stuff distract them is so attractive. He admires people like that.
I dont know why i am getting a feeling this is a specific person he thought of. Someone he knows that is like this but he is not on talking terms / close with them. I am getting someone he is admiring from afar. Someone he just greets and bumps into. Its giving out of reach here, and i dont think he wants to reach out either because he thinks that this person is working hard right now and he dont want to disturb.
Ten of pentacles: so to sunoo he wants someone that he can eventually settle down with. Someone he can have stability and family. I think he is thinking when all of this is over, when he can finally reap what he sow, maybe his finance and everything is in place, he can live happily with this other person that also already achieve abundance in their live. He seeks something permanent and stable, so someone family oriented and slightly traditional would be great. He wants the simple and chill life.
The Emperor:again another leadership vibes so far we have 2 cards that have massive masculine energy. (we are not touching gender here, it could be a female that has masculine energy). So sunoo likes some authoritative and structured. He prefers someone that is calm that have their shit together and someone that don't panic easily. They just know how to deal with stuff. Someone that is composed is what he likes. This person might also be very disciplined and someone that prefers to use logic. A head over heart type of person. Someone strategic.
Overall/bottom of deck justice: overall sunoo prefers someone that is fair minded, balanced, and operates with a strong sense of ethics and equality. Despite all the characteristics above, Sunoo wants someone that utalises their ability in a good way and not abuse it. He likes someone that is decent and someone simple that can understand him. Sunoo wants someone that can be independent , i dont think he likes a person that is too reliant on him. He believes in equal partnership.
In conclusion, i think Sunoo just like someone that is confident, have thier shit together, self-reliant and know their self worth. To him he wants a partner that he can be proud with. Someone that is brave to get through life and make no regrets. He actually like someone that He can rely on too. Someone he can lean on.
I hope you like my read dont forget to like
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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“If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.” —1 Corinthians 13:3 (ESV)
“And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body [ a]to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.” —1 Corinthians 13:3 (NKJV)
“Passion for God” By Joyce Meyer:
“Beginning in the book of Genesis and throughout Scripture, we read about the law of sowing and reaping. The kind of seed we sow determines the type of harvest we receive. Some people think they can sow bad seed (make bad choices) and then pray for a good crop (good results with no negative consequences), but it doesn’t work that way.
Thankfully, God is merciful and patient, and He forgives our sins if we repent of them. But those who continually sow seeds of anger, selfishness, laziness, or other unrighteous deeds will eventually reap a harvest they will not enjoy. I love the law of sowing and reaping because it excites me to think that I can draw blessings into my life by blessing others. As we sow seeds of obedience to God, we can be assured that He will send a harvest of many good things our way.
Our thoughts, words, and deeds are equivalent to seeds sown. I encourage you to examine what you are sowing and to sow according to what you desire to reap in your life. The Bible says that if we sow to please our own flesh, we will reap corruption, but if we sow to please the Spirit, we will reap eternal life (see Galatians 6:8). If you sow mercy, you will reap mercy; if you sow judgment, you will reap judgment; if you sow generously, you will reap generously. Get started today sowing more good seed than ever before.
Prayer of the Day: Father, help me to sow good seed and live a life that pleases You. Give me the wisdom to examine what I am sowing and to sow with a cheerful heart. I ask You to help me begin today, so I can reap a good harvest in my life. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.” 🙏
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princesssarcastia · 8 months
the way public discourse is profoundly failing both Palestinians and Israelis in turns isn't surprising, but it sure is a depressing refresher on the importance of refusing to dehumanize anyone. the importance of remembering that states are not moral actors; and that a nation's government is not its people, and often does not represent the will of its people.
i mean, shit, as an american, how fucked would i be if people in other countries tried to hold me responsible for the bloody things my government has done in my name? pretty goddamn fucked. so i should refuse to level that condemnation at anyone else.
so as we watch netanyahu call this terrorist attack israel's 9/11, and watch his administration gear up to carry out what might charitably be labeled ethnic cleansing, if not outright genocide, against people who had fuck all to do with it, in some twisted strongman show of force and revenge, in a continuation of the same violence that will only beget more violence as it always does...
i can only see the specters of the american wars in afghanistan and iraq. and i can refuse to condemn israeli people for the actions of their government. all while expressing grief and outrage at the atrocity hamas committed against israel. its truly fucking horrifying what they did, and what israeli people suffered.
and also, as someone whose government has a long, torrid history supporting right-wing dictatorships and leaders, to the detriment of those leaders' peoples and also, to the eventual detriment of americans...
as someone whose country literally lived through the frame of reference that netanyahu is using to contextualize what israel's government is about to do...
i can say firmly that israel's government, much like america's government, creates its own demons. this is what happens when you visit nothing but war and cruelty upon a group of people. this is the end result! this is always the end result of oppression and violence. you reap what you sow.
that doesn't justify what hamas did, or what it will continue to do in the coming days. but goddamn, if you spend decades taking away people's homes, taking away their opportunities for economic advancement, refusing them any meaningful participation in their own governance, penning them in with no resources and no hope, and then gunning them down in the streets when they try to protest it or otherwise acceptably fight for change and progress—
you will always end up where we are right now. always. if you leave a group of people with no other option within a system but to wait for better days and kinder enemies and suffer horrors in the meantime, some of them will inevitably radicalize and seek violent options outside that system.
and millions of Palestinian people are now going to suffer, and die, and become further displaced, as they have suffered for decades. because israel's government, like america's government, can't stop sowing the seeds that inevitably grow into its deadliest enemies.
so long as they continue to oppress palestinian people, things like this will continue to happen. which is why we should take every opportunity to condemn that oppression, and why i can refuse to condemn palestinian people for the actions of hamas. all while expressing grief and outrage at the atrocity the israeli government is committing against paelstine.
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jav-uni · 11 days
It’s late and I’m venting, words have power I wish Chris well but I have to call a spade a fucking spade!
Even in real life, It’s amazing how we go hard in the paint for people we care about or think we “love” especially when they do us wrong. I try to be understanding but the reason so many can’t forgive is due to the fact when you forgive and the person screws you over agin……at what point do you consider yourself an idiot.
People do fucked up shit and should have to deal with the consequences, PERIOD!
If Chris was remorseful you’d think he’d do more to show it like end this bs, but it’s like he didn’t give a flying fuck so why should I? I can see how I projected onto his image and it was a blow to the gut when this mess went live because I truly thought he was a decent guy in Hollywood but never playing hollywoods bullshit. But to see he pulled the same 40yr with a 20yr old disgusting crap was like WTF?!
He’ll forever have people defending him and kissing his ass no matter what. I hope he reaps what he sows, I’m tired of people taking advantage of others and not taking any accountability. We have real people getting sent death threats over this bs, people have displayed such evilness. Emotions were real due to this. The world will say the fans are crazy, get over it. But people have been hurt due to this. The rift in this fandom, former online friends now enemies. Yes we have to take accountability for our actions to be here discussing this. People celebrate his losses not to be spiteful but so his ass can feel the disappointment he caused his fans. Maybe he cares and is aware, maybe not. We may be mere strangers to him but our support helped his pockets over the years, that was real, going to see movies because his ass was in it, filled his pockets, paying to see him at cons for years, etc. so for him to not only try to use that fanbase to push bs but not just pr but with a racist childish woman and her friends who’ve tainted his fandom and called him names, who he allowed to troll because like Scott said….”we’re crazy”. Like their asses know nothing about crazy fans compared to Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and others. This fandom is fucking tame compared to most. Chris fandom is like the 1% percentile where his ass should have been grateful to even have a fandom at all let alone one who thought he was decent thus feeling the need to defend him and this bs image.
People have a right to be pissed, he used them.
So many called him out on shit for years but people would be like omg no he’s a good guy. Any time he fucked up he’d just use Dodger to the point it was a running joke in the fandom.
Yeah Chris is human but like the rest of us humans if we do bad shit, we have to deal with the aftermath of our decisions. I try to have compassion too but I expect highly of myself and shame myself when I screw up, unfortunately those who do major screw ups do the opposite and never learn from shit and then claim to be sorry only to do it again.
Chris needs to take a break from Hollywood and get in therapy to gain some self awareness, focus on himself and not wasting time looking at leaves. He needs to learn why he thought this was okay to even participate in.
I’m pissed at those who can do anything, and it’s magically swept under the rug. Half the dumb and serious shit most celebs do would have their asses in jail, unemployed, broke, homeless in the real world. Actions have consequences.
This dude……He really Got his ass on stage and said I’m married. At this point this shit better be real because everything that’s done in the dark eventually gets exposed and man if this leaks that he had a fake pr marriage, I fear it’ll be too much for him to deal with and when I think like that my heart hurts but celebs using fans for gain needs to fucking stop. These celebs want to act like they are so aware, yet end up in stupid ass situations in order to stay relevant and get money. So many of us would have said fuck Hollywood before getting involved in selling bullshit. I don’t do fake shit, it’s never worth it nor does it ever end well. Had he lost everything, he’d still be fine I’m sure. He could have taken a break and recharged. Look if I’m wrong and it comes to light there’s more to this then we all assume and his hands were indeed tied, then I’ll throw some grace, but I doubt anyone had power over him like that.
See it shows true character of how you choose to navigate Hollywood or when you walk away from the industry and refuse to be a pawn of their bullshit. I’m sure Brenden Fraser was terrified in his situation but he stood up spoke his truth and was blackballed. Can you imagine where his career might’ve been. Fortunately, Decades later he’s back, wins his Oscar and STILL refuses to support the association tied to those who hurt him. That’s TRUE COURAGE!!!!
Chris Evans is a poser, talked a big game for years, even caught an attitude with that white boots reporter over the word “brand” and then two years later fucked his up. 🙄 The fucking audacity!
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twilightmalachite · 6 months
2×2 - Children on the Streets 1
Author: Akira
Characters: Yuuta, Shinobu
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Actually, why do you continue being an idol if you’re so dissatisfied, Yuuta-kun?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Spring
Location: Downtown
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Two days later, on the third day of shooting 2×2 episode 5, noon…
Shinobu: … …
Uu, uuu, uuuu…
Yuuta: Shinobu-kun looks like a wandering zombie during an apocalypse…
Shinobu: It’s so hard~, usually… My standard of living has dropped to the lowest level possible.
Yuuta: W-well things are going surprisingly well, right? Better than we expected!
It’s like riding a bike! Thankfully we lived in extreme poverty for the fourth episode, so we knew to find dollar stores and thrift shops to buy our essentials—
We then save money for that using our idol skills we honed at Yumenosaki and ES, a.k.a., performing on the street and asking money from those who pass by!
Since ES is nearby, there are often performers around town, which helps a ton. Passerbys are used to them, and typically give a bill or two.
Shinobu: Because ES promotes music, or rather, idol activities.
If this were the Special Music Zone, for example, that centers around “that”, we could have made money more efficiently, but…
Yuuta: We really don’t have either the money or energy to travel that far out… We’ve been doing a lot of street performances with the sun high in the sky, so I’m seriously starting to hit my limit.
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Shinobu: And I wonder if it’s even harder on me… Uu~, maybe it’s a genetic thing, but no matter how hard I train, I can’t build up physical strength.
Yuuta: We both have our genetic disadvantages, don’t we?
Shinobu: And to make things worse, our beds are atrocious, so we can’t recover our lost energy at all…
Yuuta: We were able to eventually save up enough money for a decent cardboard house, but…
There was a horrible draft in the end, and the blanket from the thrift store wasn’t enough to keep me warm.
Shinobu: Though if the temperature gets too low, we’ve been going to a cheap public bath to wash up and sleep in the break room.
Yuuta: We get two birds with one stone with that. We used to use those places when we were kids, I’m so glad those cheap bathhouses haven’t gone out of business~!
This is a show about idols, after all, we have to keep reasonably clean.
Shinobu: So every day, we make sure to wash our clothes at a laundromat and our body at a public bathhouse or internet cafe shower room.
It’s more than a matter of looking good, we also gotta keep clean so we don’t get sick, usually.
Yuuta: Living in the streets seriously is so tough. It’s just staying alive, but it’s so tough.
I seriously don’t know how we did it back then.
Shinobu: Yeah… I can say this from my heart now that I’ve experienced the hardship myself, it truly is amazing. It’s commendable.
At that time, you and Hinata-kun were just small children who still needed the protection of their parent.
Yuuta: And we ran away from that parent~. Didn’t we just reap what we sowed in a way?
Shinobu: Seriously though, I don’t know how you did it.
Yuuta: Aniki was strangely talented with these things, and I recall being able to live in this area rather comfortably.
But, back then too, Aniki was also just a small child, the same age as me—
He must’ve been having a really hard time, I just didn’t realize it… I’m sure.
Shinobu: Fufu, Hinata-kun’s done a lot for you, hasn’t he, Yuuta-kun.
Yuuta: Uu~… I didn’t ask for him to, though! He did it all on his own, meaning it was all just for his ego.
Aniki must have just been happy because was able to do what he wanted to do.
Whenever I wanted to do something, he wouldn’t let me. That is what was tough, you know!
So this time around, I’m rather satisfied. I’m able to do what I want, without anyone getting in my way or denying me.
Shinobu: But the burden of that’s being pushed onto me.
Yuuta: What? You have complaints? You know, if you don’t like it you can just quit, 2×2 is our show after all—Meaning you have nothing to do with it, Shinobu-kun.
Shinobu: That’s not an option… To abandon a job once undertaken goes against the code of a ninja.
Yuuta: Sounds inconvenient and a lot of work to me, but do what you want to do I guess, ninja.
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Shinobu: Actually, why do you continue being an idol if you’re so dissatisfied, Yuuta-kun?
If you hate it so much, why don’t you just quit?
Yuuta: … …
Shinobu: Ah… S-Sorry. I said a bit too much. Living marginally like this has put me on edge.
Yuuta: No, nevermind that. Look, over there.
Shinobu: Huh…?
Hmm? Over there, could that be—
Yuuta: —Aniki!
That bastard Aniki~! I thought since we were having such a hard time, surely he must have been as well!
What is this? Why on earth are those guys looking so happy!?
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metaldeputy · 1 month
Cherrybomb by hyperrbolic_orange
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationship: Eddie Munson/Gator Tillman Additional Tags: Crossover Pairings, Organized Crime, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings(eventually despite their best efforts), Hurt/Comfort, gator tillman has trauma, like a lifetime of trauma, dont worry were going to solve it with the power of That Dick, and also Talking About Our Feelings, Bad BDSM Etiquette, Service Top Eddie Munson, Bottom Gator Tillman, Sub Gator Tillman, Mean Dom Eddie Munson, Under-negotiated Kink, Happy Ending, despite the subject matter not a very angsty tone, sometimes humourous, well I think I'm funny, more trigger warnings in notes, Extremely Dubious Consent, consent becomes more enthusiastic as we progress, but the premise itself is super dubious so like, again this is a fic not real life so thats all okeydokey, Gator POV
Munson just shook his head. “You’ve got nothing I want,” he said bluntly. Even as he said it, Munson looked back down at the polaroids still clutched in his hands. And then, watching him stare like he just couldn't help himself... it suddenly clicked. Bullshit, he had nothing he wanted. He sure as fuck did. “I do,” Gator said, his voice shaking just a bit. “I got something you want.” *** Bad things have happened to Gator Tillman. He’s had some not-so-good run-ins with some not-so-good people. Knowing it’s all just karma, reaping what he sowed, doesn’t make him feel better about it. And it won’t stop the nightmares, either. Two years later, Gator is working for the Chicago PD, trying to put the past behind him. But old habits die hard. After his partner sells him out, Gator finds himself in the hole with notoriously sadistic crime lord Eddie Munson. With no money and nothing to bargain with, Gator offers up the only he has left: himself. One week; that’s the deal. Gator belongs to Eddie for one week. But what starts as nothing but a deal to satisfy a debt quickly turns into something neither of them expected... but maybe something they both needed anyhow.
Additional little blurb from Chapter 1 under the cut!
This needed to work, ‘cause if it didn’t... he had no more cards left to play. Munson’s eyes were wide. Not angry anymore, but not excited either. They flicked from Gator’s face to the picture he was holding up and back again. He chewed his lower lip, then wet it with his tongue. “What are you offering?” He spoke quieter now, his tone almost hesitant. Like Gator might be pulling the sort of shit he’d seen in those old cartoons, offering him a football to kick only to yank it away at the last second. Gator lowered his own voice to match. “What do you want?” he asked. Eddie gave him a hard stare, wheels and gears clearly turning in his mind as he did some kind of mental math. Two hundred thousand dollars taken out of his flesh was one whole hand. Gator wondered what it added up to, if he took it from his flesh this other way. “One week,” Munson said.   “Huh?”   “You heard me. One week. You’re mine for seven whole days, Deputy.” His eyes drifted down Gator’s body, still backed up against the dresser. That smile was back again, the one that made Gator think of hungry monsters. “One week to do whatever I want with you. Deal?”  Gator gulped. “Deal,” he said.  
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💗 Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love! 💗
I've finally gotten around to doing this. Weeee! Thank you so much for sending me the ask!
Shattered Remains | Ava/Deborah (Hacks) | rated T: I really fucking loved writing the prose for this, especially at the end of chapter 1. I think it turned out SO well. The thing is that, because I can't bear sad/unhappy endings, especially not in my own fics, I'll usually crawl back out of my hole a few days later and add a happy/happier ending. So guess what happened here? Exactly that. Lol. I couldn't stand them being apart forever. What I like most about this fic, though, is that I managed to refrain from making it too unrealistically happy. Deborah does confess her feelings, yes, but it doesn't undo what she's done. It will take a while. It will take a lot of work. That's, really, what I wanted to convey in chapter 2--that just because they're together, it's not suddenly all sunshine and rainbows. Ava's heart has been broken, and it will take a while for her to heal.
Talk to me (like lovers do) | Ava/Deborah | rated E: Partners made me realize how much I love humor, and showed me how fun it can be to just play around with dialogue. I genuinely think these two fics are some of my best works, and this one in particular taught me that it is very much possible to incorporate smut into dialogue-only fics. Lol. Granted, it didn't stay entirely dialogue-only in chapter 2, but anyway. I just love a bit of humor, a bit of fluff, a bit of honesty/communication, and a bit of dirty talk. All mixed together and stirred thoroughly--perfect. This is obviously exactly who I am as a fic writer these days.
Too Soon, Not Soon Enough | Miranda/Andy (The Devil Wears Prada) | rated G: Oh, I am SUCH a sucker for soulmate AUs. Always have been. Writing this felt sooo good!!! I got to dive into these relationships which just don't seem to be working for some reason; and I got to explore exactly that reason. I got to explain why. Why are Nate and Andy suddenly drifting apart? Why are Stephen and Miranda getting a divorce? Everything doesn't fall into place as soon as they meet--I wanted to avoid that specifically--but it happens. Eventually. Definitely one of my best fics!
Sensual | Miranda/Andy | rated E: Period sex needs to be talked about more and written about more. It needs to be destigmatized. And, just in general, we need to normalize talking about sex--our wants and needs--with our partner, which is why I try to incorporate the communication aspect into many of my fics. Now, I know I don't have any real influence on the world, but I still like to think I made a tiny little difference by writing and posting this piece. Because someone out there may have seen it--and they may have started feeling better about themselves/their relationship, or changed their views on the matter.
The Kink Series | Miranda/Andy | rated E: I guess including an entire series in this is technically cheating, but I genuinely can't decide which fic I like best. They're all good in their own way. I like that I get to do whatever the heck I want. I get to explore kinks I haven't tried my hand at before (like orgasm denial or the breeding kink), but I also get to go back to things I've done before and to feature them more (like voyeurism and spanking). I may not update the series regularly anymore, but there's still so much more out there that I haven't written about yet. I really want to do an omorashi fic at some point, for example. Now, if I did have to choose a few favorites from the series, I'd go with Four Play (a foursome fic), Pretty, Dirty Girl (a voyeurism/spanking/degradation kink fic in which they both get to top the other), Reap What You Sow (a breeding kink fic), and Breathless (a choking fic).
Thank you, again, so much! <3
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cosmictulips · 2 years
Reaping What You Sow :: Harvest Blessings (PAC)
hello! Star Cadets! it's been a hot minute. I hope you're all doing well. it's harvest season =D. and I wanted to do a little pac for you guys while I got a decent grip on my classes.
the reading is very simple, it's simply what is coming to you by the end of this year. harvest season if you didn't know is from... mid-september ish to the end of november. so it's fall essentially lol. I just like to call it harvest season because it's the time of the harvest! lol and it's fun to celebrate what spring and summer have gifted us as we walk into the arms of dying autumn and lonely winter.
so! choose a harvest. come sit, and be grateful for what this year has bestowed upon you. and what you have yet to recieve.
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Pile 1!
The Knight of Cups, 04 of Pentacles, 03 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, The Devil :: Adventure, Idyll Hours, Uncertainty
My dearest Pile 1's. you are reaping what you sow. quite literally. a lot of you worked hard this year. you have been working hard. some of you, almost obessively. I can't tell you for certain that the road is going to be a lot less bumpy from here on out. but what I can tell you is that you're going to be jumping into something worth your while.
You are accomplishing much in terms of material gains. money, stability, and in some sense, relationships. I feel like this year has had you guys tightly by the neck, and you were forced to focus on your goals. to reimagine what you wanted and most importantly how you are going about those goals.
Now, I want you to know that something big is coming your way. and unfortunately, it's going to require your patience. you may hit a bump in the road just before it comes to you, so note this as your heads up. when that disapointment comes, use that fire. because that final push is going to get you to that sweet reward.
and this is something worth waiting for. pentacle energy, and that massive capricorn energy that is brought on by that Devil swears by it. pentacle energy is slow moving. so if you are looking for a sign to keep moving, this is it.
this pile is the literal definition of reaping what you sow. working through the spring and the summer for the beautiful fall gains. to enjoy the coldness of winter knowing that you have put your heart and soul into the rewards.
Your prayers, your dedication, isn't going unheard. tested? sure. but nothing worth having comes easy. and a lot of you learned this this year. and a lot of you are going to be getting helping hands soon as well.
your advice comes from the Trees. Adventure as in, living wild and free. Idyll hours, they tell me you need to take some time to take care of yourself. rest a little bit. and uncertainty. the fog will lift eventually. it's okay to be lost right now. you may not see the rewards, but they are coming for you.
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Pile 2
The Emperor, The Lovers, Knight of Wands, Page of Swords, 07 of swords, 09 of Swords || Uncertainty, Resilience, Journey
My dear, dear Pile 2's. this message is a bit mixed. for some of you, it's a very and I mean very long time coming release. the sweetest, most heartbreaking release. for others of you, it's a painful, bittersweet moment.
but for both of you it's a new beginning. it's a new passion. it's finally letting go of what doesn't feed you. it's fighting the hand that gave you poision. it's letting go lockets of old memories. it's freedom. plain and simple.
for some of you this is coming in the form of a new lover that will heal you in some way. for others, it's loving yourself enough to walk away. it's finally putting that desire back into your heart and moving on.
there's also a lot of clarity coming in. no surprises here. you know something is changing and some of you are fearing it. but do not. fearing change will only make things harder for you. You need to let go so you can step into your Emperor energy. so you can find that fight. that passion again.
Anxiety is riding high for you. and it may continue to do so as you step fully into your power. but change isn't meant to be easy. you're finally being given your chance to shine and you might be worried that you'll mess it up.
But don't be. you've been training for this. things may move quickly once you decide. and that's on purpose. move with the passion you haven't felt before. don't give that anxiety that time of day anymore. it no longer serves you.
your advice comes from the mountains. Uncertaintiy for the path ahead. but do you think the mountain crumbles to the winds? it would never. do you think the mountain can see the very stones that make its base? no. it only sees the direction ahead of him. he only sees what he needs to see and trusts the foundations he built for himself.
resilence. stand the test of time. stand against what has worked against you for so long. you are being thrusted into your power whether or not you are ready.
journey. it's okay to make mistakes. branch out if you must. there are others like you. a mountain is never alone. you are not as alone as you think. reach out and see who takes your hands.
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Pile 3
Strength, the Sun, The Tower, Justice, the World, 08 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, 05 of Pentacles :: Music, Strength, Grounded
there was a LOT that wanted to come out for this pile. a lot of you need to know that you are more powerful than you think you are. I feel like, some of you may have related to pile 2. and if that's the case, welcome.
but, for those of you who didn't click with pile 2 and are just here cause ya wanted to read it :: this message still applies.
the Harvest is quite literally, giving you the Harvest. it is giving you the strength that you need. the confidence, the silence from the chaos. there may have been some relaizations this year. and some of you really came out of your comfort zone. and for that, you are being celebrated.
and for those of you who really struggled, you are getting relief. this could be in the form of a new job for a lot of you. a raise, a new friend, something new in general is beginning for you. and it's all coming to you because you are ending a cycle.
something is ending because it has to. this doesn't have to be a painful transition. to me, this feels like a mindset. the way you perceive something is going to change. this could literally be a physical change like I mentioned.
but, I see you guys becoming stronger and people taking notice of that. I see you having more fun, and enjoying what life really has to offer. it feels like a brand new chapter. like something you guys almost gave up on is coming to you.
I don't think it's romantic, but it can be. I think..if anything this is more about you finding your home in the universe. finding where you belong, who loves you and just how successful you can really be. and this time, YOU get to make the choices.
Your advice comes from the woodland creatures. Music to inspire you by. listen to the mundane and find the magic in it. laugh with the wind and listen to your heartbeat. you are alive and just as much a part of the ecosystem as everyone and everything else. show the world what you have to offer.
strength & grounded. to be strong with your roots and to not fear the storm that you have faced and may faced. to know that you can go home if you must and retreat into yourself. to know that being emotional is okay and that you are stronger than what you fear. You know you can accomplish anything because you have. you are strong because you needed to be. you are soft because it is your act of defiance.
when your roots are deep.... as in, when you know who you are, you won't fear no howling wind. no predator. nothing will shake you. you are stepping into your power. unfathomable, unshakeable power. and nothing will stop you now.
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trustfallwithgod · 13 days
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Day 36, 37 & 38: Gratitude and Trust
Blessed are you Lord, King of the Universe
From Philippians to Matthew, the Bible preaches a consistent attitude of gratitude and trust. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, we see God's instruction to always be thankful: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” In the storms of life, God is our only hope. His faithfulness and His goodness are present even during the darkest storm.
As advances in neuroscience have shown: you cannot be anxious and grateful at the same time, it is a remainder that this simple act of recognizing your blessings is the thing that reminds you of God’s provision and providence in your life. It makes concrete that which was previously un-perceived.
When life is easy, gratefulness is easy. But in the storms, in the hospital pacing, or simply watching your finances circle to nothingness, our gratefulness hinges on our willingness to accept God’s will over our own. In essence, can we accept that He is in control? Which ultimately begs the question: can we trust Him?
Colossians 2:7, “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”
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Anxiety is from Satan: false narratives from the enemy
Let’s return to Genesis, God literally gives Adam dominion and stewardship over all creation:
Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Adam gets to name everything in creation. Eventually, when Eve is added to the mix, we learn that they can partake of everything except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But Satan inverts that narrative, he plants the seeds of anxiety in their head - “Did God really say, 'You must not eat fruit from any tree in the garden'?” With this act of sophistry, the enemy makes us forget that we already have control of pretty much everything except one thing but yet he successfully plants the doubt and makes us wonder if God is withholding things from us and this is where it starts to unravel. Satan has tugged upon the smallest of threads: doubt leads to fear, fear leads to temptation, temptation to sin. Anxiety over what God really intends for us cause the first couple to eat of the tree that they were expressly told not to eat from.
“In this world you will have trouble… but… I have overcome the world” (John 16:33)
In every chapter since the exile from Eden, God has proven His faithfulness. Adam and Eve did not die immediately, animal skins were provided for (what is left unsaid is that when animals in Eden didn’t have to die for us, now they did to give us life and protection from the elements), in every circumstance, God has chosen us over every other thing He has created - all other aspects of creation now suffer the consequences of our mistake. Think about it: Abraham did not have to sacrifice Isaac, but God did not spare His son. We are let off the hook Every. Single. Time.
In the face of that, how can we choose to believe the enemy’s false narratives rather than giving our trust and gratitude to our Heavenly Father?
I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? . . . Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. (Matthew 6:25–26, 34)
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Trust in the Lord is the greatest act of worship. Conversely, worry is an act of worshipping the devil
One of the greatest tools to help counter the temptation to worry is recalling the faithfulness of God. In every situation, worry wants you to think, "This is the one where everything is going to go off the rails". But the faithfulness of God tells you otherwise. Jesus asked, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” Think about that for a moment. None of us can add even a second to our day. He continued, “Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?” (Luke 12:25–26).
Why is trust the greatest act of worship? Think back to how much of a compliment it is when you realise that someone has fully depended on you. In pop culture and media, it is no coincidence that they build pivotal high tension dramatic scenes merely to deliver a line of simple dialogue: “I’ve got you! I’ve got you!”
Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, you have all the power you need to win. Romans 8:11 says, “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit, who lives in you.” When you manage this, God is given all the glory. He’s got you.
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