#everyone go read vigilantes challenge
Gang, the Vigilantes artist gave us one more rooftop gang drawing
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and Shota is so, so angry
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blughxreader · 5 months
platonic yandere batfam thoughts...
how you end up integrating into the family.
I think we often forget how insidious the long-term effects of kidnapping are. Your whole world narrows and you have nothing fulfilling outside of them.
Realistically, how many weeks straight can you do nothing but look at your phone/watch TV? I know we do this every day, but we have school/work/friends/family to provide actual fulfillment and joy. But when you take that away? And have to decide whether you should scroll through monitored social media or talk to your captors?
Especially because the TV doesn't distract from the cold, hard gaze of the surveillance cameras in your room.
Even if you read and craft and cook, it's so difficult to keep your mental health in-tact without having a positive interaction with another human being.
It would start small.
It's morning and Cass smiles at you from across the breakfast table. Not wanting to be rude, you smile tightly back.
Jason wordlessly slides you a book. You take it.
After a few months, you feel slightly more comfortable about taking up space in the manor. Alfred is out of town for the weekend, so you make a sandwich with Tim.
Bruce talks to you about the new scientific breakthrough at Wayne Enterprises and keeps you relatively up-to-date on major world events. You begrudgingly learn more interesting facts than public school has ever taught you.
Soon, you've watched everything good on Netflix. You exhausted your tolerance for social media. You've given yourself headaches reading so much. You've hit an art/writers block like never before because your input has run dry.
With no other source of entertainment, you become more attentive to the Bats.
Of course, you've always watched them out of fear. But as months tick by and you've learned their hearts (and delusions), it's obvious that they would never hurt you. Furthermore, operating within their expectations is easy enough as long as you never challenge them, so the constant danger-sense slowly turns off.
However, because you don't have any outside noise to occupy your mind, drama in the house becomes almost life-and-death to you.
Peace is so fragile, and it's all you have.
Damian and Bruce return from patrol in a rage one night. Damian's furious echoes bouncing upstairs, followed by Bruce's low, indistinguishable scorn.
Fuck, you think. Now your and Bruce's talks are going to be stilted and uncomfortable. Now Damian is going to sulk in your room for hours, unwilling to talk about what happened yet wanting some kind of reassurance.
You can't keep them from fighting, but you want to protect your peace.
When you first arrived in this dreadful manor, you never would have imagined you'd offer them kind words and affection. However it's the only thing you can do now.
There's conflict. The house is tense--your world is tense.
Should you call Dick? He has a day job again, so he can't come over until tomorrow night. It's up to you to ease the tension.
So you do, slowly, with homemade food and Bruce's favorite coffee blend and Damian's favorite hot chocolate. You sit with them individually, shoulder to shoulder (much closer than you would normally sit), and pretend everything is alright. They're surprised but very quick to snap back into a good mood.
The house is suddenly back in order and you did it all by yourself.
And with these vigilantes, conflict is ripe. There's always people coming and going, fighting and playing, and you're unwillingly the most in-tune with the well-being of everyone's relationships.
You protect your peace. You protect the house.
this shit makes me gnaw at my enclosure. if you're fem, it's worse because ✨ stereotypical woman archetype ✨ anyway this has been on my mind because i've been taking care of my baby chicks and cooking dinner most nights, so i'm like 💁‍♀️ i could be a captive house wife click here for my yandere batfam masterlist
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heathersdesk · 4 months
Confession Time:
I don't like Come Follow Me and never have. And I haven't been able to articulate why until I tried to buckle down and start with the Book of Mormon this year.
The first paragraph of the first section for 1 Nephi 1-5 ends with this sentence:
"Overall, there is power in this imperfect family’s examples of faith."
I was rocked by that a little bit the first time I read it.
I thought to myself, "Wow. Are we really going to confront the hero worship and unhealthy worldviews our community has internalized about this book because of the way the negative behaviors of the characters are never challenged or confronted for what they are? That many of the details are included because they're cautionary tales about what NOT to do, but you'd never know that based on how the material is presented and talked about by our people at large because the conversation is driven by the needless compulsion to focus on the same tired perspectives of faith promotion that the subjects sometimes don't deserve?"
*reads the section, which is full of the same "I will go and do" about Nephi that they always do, without once confronting the conflicts, doubts, and struggles of anyone but Nephi in any serious way, some of which are exacerbated (if not cause) by Nephi being insufferable and self-righteous to everyone around him*
Nephi is an unreliable narrator, y'all. You're not supposed to believe everything he says, thinks, and does. Especially when he's younger. His view of the people around him and their motivations lack depth because he was totally unconcerned with their feelings and struggles. He was bad at helping and honoring people in their darkest moments, having nothing better to offer them for support than glib and shallow assertions that they would be struggling less if they were more like him. An attitude he learned from his father's blatant and unapologetic favoritism.
Nephi is not an example of what to do when there is conflict in your family. And it takes him until "O wretched man that I am" to realize he's not the most important man in every room. His disrespect for other people in his leadership is the reason they want nothing to do with him, and it takes him a lifetime of chasing people away from God to realize he's not as good of a person as he thinks he is. He has failed people from his need to be seen as being better than he is, better than everyone else is at loving God and knowing what that means. And this becomes a cultural artifact, a baked-in foregone conclusion in the minds of his people that ends up shaping their self-perceptions until it destroys them. His personal failures, viewed for their long-term ramifications and consequences, is part of what this book is supposed to be about.
But sure. Let's do "I will go and do" again, without pondering in any serious way if Nephi's interpretation of his interaction with the Holy Ghost might be lacking in credibility because the alternative is to say something closer to "We really botched this job and killing Laban was not a forgone conclusion or a necessary evil that I can acquit myself of because God said it was okay."
Maybe we don't have to believe that. Maybe we can examine how our culture in the modern church has perpetuated this same logical fallacy with vigilante violence, justified by appeals to this exact story.
Point being, never read the story of Nephi without keeping it firmly fixed in your mind that he's going to regret and repent of most of this later. That cross reference to 2 Nephi 4 is probably the most important thing you can have in your margins every time he says or does something totally uncalled for. 🖖
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inklore · 1 year
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this is not a writing challenge, this is just a list of summer au's that have been collecting dust in my google docs that i'm both sick of looking at, and also feel like for those who also really enjoy writing summery fics, could always use more inspiration or ideas for au's or scenario's (even if it's just smutty or fluffy blurbs).
please make note that anyone can use these for any fandom or character. it's literally for everyone, for whatever ship, gender, or verse. no one owns au's and everyone makes them their own and writes differently. so please do with the content below as you wish!!
you don't gotta tag me if you use one but would i love to read your beautiful work? hell yeah so feel free to if ya feel like it.
i separated each into categories + some might have added context or prompts because i have zero self control and like to be extra and add ideas onto things lmao.
hopefully someone finds these fun and helpful, happy writing my loves <3
ice cream parlor
lake town
summer camp
summer school
fishing town
the woods
national park
public pool
destination wedding
renaissance fair
lake house
theme park
winery / vinyards
country club
cruise ship
brothers best friend ('unfortunately' spending the summer with your family)
neighbors au
exes back for the summer
bodyguard au (character a has to follow around reader whose some princess/rich girl on a vacation, bonus points if she's supposed to be on lockdown but refuses to stay at the hotel, even more bonus points if her parents sent her on this vacation as a rehabilitation for her bad habits)
best friends dad (you're spending the summer with your bestie and god her dads hot as hell)
mermaid x human
frat boy x good girl (last minute studying together before summer break, or maybe the frat is throwing a big grad party and reader decides to let loose for the first time in forever)
frat boy x sorority girl (it's giving rich hoes who can't stand each other who get caught doing something and have to do community service with each other alllll summerrrrr long, can you think of anything worse?!)
sitcom stars (they're both on some summer love show but fall for each other instead, or you're two celebs supposed to be fake dating on some mtv drama show in palm springs but you actually fall for each other)
park ranger x someone who thought going camping alone would be fun but oh shit i know nothing about the wilderness au
ex-best friends ex (a summer love but put revenge and 'we're only fucking because this friend screwed me over and it'll really show them' au anyone??)
lifeguard x parent au (or you saved my life let me repay you wink wink)
dads best friend
house sitter x house owner (or neighbor, or family member who came home early and wtf are you doing here and who are you?? or even the old i asked the neighbor to watch our house but also my wife wink wink)
babysitter who tags along on vacation with the family au
fake dating (for the summer)
friends to lovers was made for summer au's!!!
superhero x vigilante (nightly meet ups to keep the streets safe)
friends with benefits but only for the summer au
painter x muse
body found on beach x person who found them (+ the added bonus of the two of them working together to figure out wtf happened and how they got there)
sugar baby x sugar whathaveyou (free vacation? hell yeah)
roommates (renting a room for summer what could go wrong)
tour guide / local x tourist
camp counselor x parent of camper
friend group on a drama filled vacay au
the only single people at this resort for couples au
sad housewife x pool boy
cult au
slasher au
hitchhiking gone wrong (or right)
monster au (summer is the perfect time to go exploring for the monster in the woods or the lake, ocean even, obviously)
haunted house au
ghost hunting au
hunter x prey (bonus points if they don't know they're being hunted until it's too late)
safe house au (gone wrong)
kidnapping au (it's giving 365 days but less shitty ok)
stranded au (on an island, in a creepy town, etc)
bestie's trip gone wrong au (the innocent looking guys at the pool who are gorgeous are actually super shitty and deadly omg, or the couple in the hotel room next to us are insane wow, or someone is killing us off...but it's someone within the friend group)
stuck in an abandoned amusement park au
grease au
dirty dancing au
x au (70s-80s pornstars au + added slasher element if ya wanna make it dark)
daisy jones & the six / rocker au (summer tour anyone?)
the white lotus (cheating au?? a couple hoping a vacation will fix their marriage, maybe even the whole shitty husband leaves you there and you fall for one of the resort workers)
50 first dates au (but make it 'i bet i can make you fall in love with me by the end of summer)
jurassic park au
i know what you did last summer au
friday the 13th au
the final girls au (aka you end up in your favorite movie and have to find your way out with a side of 'oh shit there's my fav character what if i stayed and made them fall in love with me instead', or go full final girls au and you're stuck in a cult horror movie and have to survive the night to get out of it)
outer banks / goonies au
schitt's creek au
romeo and juliet (1996) au
mama mia au (the prequeal tho aka boning a bunch of people and omg i'm pregnant who is the baby daddy tho??)
overboard au
farmers market vender
dog walker / dog sitter
dive bar singer
swim instructor
camp counselor
undercover pi
car wash attendant
gardener / landscaper
summer intern
tour guide
theme park owner
house sitter
summer farmhand
golf course caddy
movie theatre worker
uber driver
wedding photographer
hotel receptionist
heatwave (how ever will we stay cool?)
shipwreck / stranded on an island au
rainstorm / hurricane au (stuck inside oh no what will we do??)
love triangle that shit
matchmaking au
love letters in a bottle au
drunken karaoke
kissing in the rain is top tier
workaholic letting loose au
(illegal) car racing au
road trip au
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5 and 8 for Jason, and 19 and 21 for Tim?
Hello laufire :D I've seen you around in my notes a fair few times, thank you for the ask!
Jason first bc I am predictable 😌
5. First song that comes to mind for this character?
Dana Dan by Bloodywood! I had it as his theme song long before I started headcanoning him as religiously Hindu and the music video feels all the more appropriate now that I do!
There are a LOT of runners up, sixteen in specific I could name off the top of my head bc I made a whole character playlist for him and I listen to it every time I drive (burned CD in my car :3)
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Hoo boy, that competition is FIERCE lol I try my best not to talk about it in terms of complaints though. That's just not the energy I wanna have most of the time. That being said, since you asked for some salt ye shall receive hehehe!
I think the through line of the most annoying stuff is that people will point at something Jason did in his villain era and twist it wildly out of proportion into something unequivocally EVIL and then everyone else will (incorrectly imo!!!) claim that it's out of character and due to writers that hated him and we should throw it out.
The worst example of this by far is his fight with Mia Dearden
First of all, it was written by JUDD FUCKING WINICK so yeah this was not a matter of an unfavorable writer!! Second of all, I think it's a goddamned masterpiece of a comic, and THE successor to UtRH
So like you have the second Robin, born into grinding poverty, having to commit crime to survive, joining up with a vigilante mentor, and killing someone for the greater good, and then being utterly destroyed... and then you have the second Speedy, born into grinding poverty, having to commit crime to survive, joining up with a vigilante mentor, and killing someone for the greater good, and then growing from that to become a fully fledged hero in her own right! So similar and yet their paths have been so different with Mia healing and becoming even stronger and Jason having been isolated and pushed to villainous extremes.
Then during that confrontation each of them know about the other through hearsay and research, but have never met before. Each make their own assumptions and then prove that they are more than what was assumed of them! Jason makes a deeply flawed but earnest attempt to try and connect with Mia and she rejects it because she has the support he never did and therefore has already long ago grown passed what has destroyed and consumed him!!
And some people REDUCE their fight to just "evil scawy Jason trying to hurt poor widdwe Mia"???????????????????????????? Might I challenge those responsible to a duel of paintball rifles at dawn?!?!?!?
Kinda the entire fucking point of an antagonist is to let the complexities and nuances of the characters shine, and that's doubly true of antagonists that used to be protagonists! Mia and Jason are such amazing narrative foils for each other, and tbh, Jason himself is an extremely good foil in general! On top of that the Arrows have long been foils of the Bats, so Bruce and Ollie also foil each other in the background brilliantly as Jason runs rings around them both!!!!
I would need to start pulling up pictures of comic pages and write a full length essay to get into proper depth with it (And I do intend to eventually!!) but the way they each interact with that fight and with their own histories going into it is great for both characters and it's just... gah... basically my favorite comic ever and it's stuck in this meaningless tug of war over "characterization" from two sides who both mostly haven't read the damned thing, let alone properly dug into the analysis of why Jason did any of that or what it might mean to Mia beyond just being unpleasant...
I would KILL to get DC to let me write a Mia and Jason comic. There's so much fun shit that they could do together, no matter if they were allied or enemies, I'm gonna have to write it as fanfiction tbh, but the fact that Green Arrow (2001) #69 - #72 is completely ignored until someone wants to use it as flat proof of 'Jason bad and ur bad for liking him' is just...
Le sigh...
Anyway what the fuck was I doing? Answering an ask lol??
Okay here we go: Timmy Time!
19. A relationship in canon that you don't like?
Its gotta be Steph simply due to how badly it was mishandled. As usual with female characters, I feel like Steph's nuance and strength as a character was in direct conflict with how the authors implemented her narrative role as a love interest. The fact that Tim was flat out casually misogynistic to her for her whole introduction and it wasn't treated properly as a flaw is a deal-breaker for me. The amount of Steph's Wikipedia biography that's Tim's love life makes me want to commit arson. The ship itself in isolation from much of the canon may have potential, and the canon material itself isn't all bad by any means, but to me the relationship still feels like a net loss.
21. I do indeed write, uh, a considerable amount of fanfiction about this dude, so: What's your favorite thing to do in fics when it comes to this character? Something that you don't like?
I like making him more unhinged. Or rather, I interpret his early actions as having been spectacularly unhinged, and like to imagine he kept that energy up into later years. I'm so not interested in Tim being a well adjusted person tbh I want him in my wonderful little Freak 4 Freak ship being spectacularly messed up and incredibly weird with nonsensical ideas about how boundaries work
For what I don't like... Hmmmm, this one's a little hard to answer because most of that falls into the neutral category of stuff I have no interest in writing at all, and so I just don't lol
I suppose I don't like to do apologies, though I have written one. I like to get down into the messy depths of sympathy and resentment by having him talk about those conflicts with the allies that have hurt him. However, I think the direct contrition and simplicity of apologies has less and less appeal to me the more I develop as a writer. Apologies retroactively cement an idea of fault and blame. I think there's more room for exploration in having the characters talk through all of the components of the issue without ever having that particular kind of confrontation.
Thank you very much again for the ask!!! I hope this was a fun read :3
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iwasthewind · 7 months
I feel like Monoma was the mouth piece for people who actually raised logical and important questions pertaining to the class 1A and other stuff. Notice how he's quickly shunned, ridiculed. mocked at and used as a gag every time he is onscreen. It's like Hori is more than AWARE of what he's doing so he's using one of his characters to represent people like us to insult and shut us up and tell us to think like the rest, that including his cast of characters and the majority of this god forsaken fandom. When it comes to Hori, I cant separate the art from the artist at this point. What do you feel?
To be honest, I don't think Hori meant for that to happen- at least not at first. The Monoma that was introduced in the Sports Festival arc is a bit difference from the Monoma in more recent arcs.
I think Hori genuinely liked Monoma at first, and wanted to set him up as a minor character that would challenge bkg (it was never about Izuku, was it?) and showcase his growth.
But Monoma received so much hate from fans because he spoke against class A that Hori chickened out and turned him into a gag lmao
I do think Hori (kind of) likes Monoma since he gave him a (kind of) major moment in the war, as well as showed him comforting Eri. Even so, it's clear that he doesn't care about Monoma enough- the asspull after asspull Shiggy & Gang™ keep performing have turned Monoma's efforts effectively useless and everyone's forgotten about him, again :')
I do think you're right, though. Although Hori didn't intend for it to happen, he quickly turned Monoma into a manic mouthpiece for the people that have valid, rational criticisms against some of the things in his story. And you're right, the way he's treated and immediately shut down, even by his own friends, despite being right... if I were Hori, it'd feel pretty damn cathartic lmaoo. Hori comes off as so insanely petty sometimes sighh
Also, the fact that Monoma's not present in any of panels in which Class A and Class B hang out? Hori knows what he wrote Monoma as and that's the reason he can't let Monoma see Class A as just people. Monoma's an empathetic person- he understands people well and cares very deeply for his loved ones. Imagine if he saw Class A as just themselves! Not caricatures he angrily imagines in his head or the way they're painted in the news. He'd feel awful lmfao, and he'd end up liking most of class A. Even so, he'd still hate bkg, and Hori isn't going to let Monoma single bkg out.
It still doesn't mean Monoma's just a mouthpiece though- he's still his own character, he just also serves as a convenient prop sometimes.
Also, kind of irrelevant but can you like imagine Monoma's reaction if he heard of how Class A treated Izuku when he tried to run away from them in his Vigilante arc? Izuku's motivations, while self sacrificing, were noble. The way he was?? Aggressively smacked down and restrained?? I don't recall exactly what happened because there was no Monoma in those panels but I can remember my rage when I read that 😭
As for bkg's "apology..." I'm not even going there pfft
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iwanthermidnightz · 8 months
Wow. Really great songs and videos that Maren released today. Please give it a watch! The article below is also a really good read. She’s so real for exposing the cracks in the facade of country music. Love this for her! Everyone go support Maren 🤍
Maren Morris calls her new two-track EP “The Bridge,” which is just one of several metaphors she deploys in imagining a path out of the world of country music in which she became a star.
On “The Tree,” the Grammy-winning singer-songwriter says she’s “done filling a cup with a hole in the bottom”; “Get the Hell Out of Here” opens with the admission that she “watered the garden but forgot to fill the well.”
It’s not that Morris, 33, has tired of twanging guitars or neatly cornered rhymes, both of which define the tunes that came out Friday, a decade after she moved to Nashville from her native Texas, first to write songs for established country acts such as Tim McGraw and later to sign a major-label record deal of her own. Rather, she says she’s leaving because of what she views as the country music industry’s unwillingness to honestly reckon with its history of racism and misogyny and to open its gates to more women and queer people and people of color.
“I thought I’d like to burn it to the ground and start over,” she says of country music. “But it’s burning itself down without my help.”
The singer acknowledges that, as a white woman, she’s benefited from the system as it is. Yet Morris, who says, “Allyship begins with waking up from something really comfortable,” has been vocal in her criticisms onstage and on social media, where she tangled last year with country star Jason Aldean and his wife over young people seeking gender-affirming healthcare. The spat even made it to Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, where the right-wing host described Morris as a “lunatic.”
“The Bridge,” which marks Morris’ move to Columbia Records from the label’s Nashville division, arrives accompanied by a music video for “The Tree” in which she strolls through an emptied-out small town as she hears “the sound of a new wind blowing.” A sign welcomes visitors to the place “from sunrise to sundown” — a reference, perhaps, to the threat of racist vigilantism many perceived in Aldean’s recent “Try That in a Small Town” video; other signs in front of boarded-up buildings read “GO WOKE GO BROKE” and “DON’T TREAD ON ME.”
Morris is currently at work on her next LP with prolific pop producer Jack Antonoff, with whom she recorded “Get the Hell Out of Here.”
Obviously, being one of the few women that had any success on country radio, everything you do is looked at under a microscope. You’re scrutinized more than your male peers, even when you’re doing well. So I’ve had to clear all of that out of my head this year and just write songs. A lot of the drama within the community, I’ve chosen to step outside out of it.
Did that drama — your feud with the Aldeans, let’s say — push you in that direction? Or were you headed that way from the beginning?
I’ve always been an asker of questions and a status quo challenger just by being a woman. So it wasn’t really even a choice. I didn’t think of myself as a political artist. I just wrote songs about real life through a lens of deep respect for my country heroes. But the further you get into the country music business, that’s when you start to see the cracks. And once you see it, you can’t un-see it. So you start doing everything you can with the little power you have to make things better.
That doesn’t make you popular. But I don’t think that biting the hand that fed you is a real thing. It’s kind of a fallacy at this point, with all this fear-mongering about getting Dixie Chick-ed and whatnot. Country music is a business, but it gets sold, particularly to young writers and artists who come up within it, as almost a god. It kind of feels like indoctrination. If you truly love this type of music and you start to see problems arise, it needs to be criticized. Anything this popular should be scrutinized if we want to see progress.
But I’ve kind of said everything I can say. I always thought I’d have to do middle fingers in the air jumping out of an airplane, but I’m trying to mature here and realize I can just walk away from the parts of this that no longer make me happy.
Does your leaving country music mean the libs have been owned?
I’m sure some people may think that. And I would say, “Feel free. Go ahead.” I don’t want to have an adversarial relationship to country music. I still find myself weirdly wanting to protect it. But it’s not a family member. That’s the f—ed-up part, is that I’m talking about it as if it’s a person, but it’s not. So it’s a lot of deep deconstructing that I’m still unraveling.
These songs are obviously the result of that — the aftermath of walking away from something that was really important to you and the betrayal that you felt very righteously. But also knowing there’s a thread of hope as you get to the other side. I hope it comes across that way because I truly was in a space of hope when I wrote the two songs, even though “Get the Hell Out of Here” is really heavy. It’s about disarming that trauma and saying, “I can’t bail water out of this sinking ship anymore. It’s so futile. I choose happiness.”
Whose career path do you admire in terms of the ability to move from one style to another?
Certainly Taylor Swift. She’s been such a great friend over the years and has been really helpful in ways she probably doesn’t even realize in conversations I’ve had with her about everything you and I have been talking about.
You performed a song with Swift at an Eras tour stop in Chicago. What did you think of the show?
It was so inspiring. Performing for 3½ hours, three days in a row — no one can do that but her. And it’s such a supportive crowd: 90% women and 10% gays and dads. I’ve never felt so safe at a live show before. No one’s hammered or puking in the aisles or getting into a fight or anything. It’s just so joyful. And the way she makes that huge stadium setting feel intimate is astounding to me. In Chicago, I started running down the catwalk toward her after I came out of the hydraulic lift. She said, “Take your time,” and I was like, “OK, good, because this thing’s a mile long.”
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Thank for you previous answer ! The girls do deserve more attention 😔
Since your requests seems to be still open, may I please request something for Tenya and our favorite girlboss Mei dating a 1-A student who's a nepo baby and thus, their relationship being the subject of a lot of gossip ? (You write tenya really well I can't help myself but ask something for him)
I hope you're having a great week-end 😌
[ Ironically enough, Mei is my second favorite ship with Iida. The first would be Uraraka. Either way, this request sounds awesome! If you're familiar with My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, you'll recognize who the father of the "nepo baby" reader is. If you haven't read that manga, I suggest doing so because it is amazing. ]
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Who could have imagined years and years after your father visited Japan, you'd make the choice to enroll at Yuuei. Of course, being from America and the child of the Playboy Hero: Captain Celebrity was a big deal.
From the start, you recalled how others stared at you. Bewildered at your existence. Well, all except one. "Hello!" he bellowed out, chopping his hand through the air. "My name is Tenya Iida. I am very honored to have a student of such high status join us at this prestigious learning establishment!"
You hated that your father's playboy reputation followed you, unlike him you preferred to remain loyal to the one you loved. Of course, this didn't stop rumors from starting the moment everyone found out that you and Tenya were dating. "I suppose that is rather troubling, but I do not believe rumors are made in just," Part of you wanted to know how long that perspective would last.
"Pardon, please step away from Y/n," he said, clenching his fists by his sides and staring daggers at Neito who had pinned you against the wall. "Oh, come now, they were flirting with me! And rumor has it they have a bit of a crush on me, heh. Perhaps you're too ordinary for them, after all as a bit of a celebrity baby myself, I think Y/n and I would make the perfect couple," Tenya naturally became infuriated with those words and explained the wrongs Neito had committed before politely dragging you away.
"It's somewhat disheartening to know our relationship has garnered so much attention," he stated, tapping his chin as he looked outside at the group of paparazzi. "It's not so bad once you get used to it kid!" your father, otherwise known as Captain Celebrity said, slapping Tenya on the shoulder with a bright smile. "Forgive me," he replied, shrugging your father's hand off. "But I do not wish to make Y/n go through such complications," although part of him hated the rumors that continued to circulate about your relationship.
"I...I am not quite sure how to respond to...such a thing," Tenya stated, looking at his phone. There was an article published with a picture of you and him. He was wearing his Ingenium suit with his arm wrapped around you, but it appeared as though you were in some weird love triangle because you were also holding onto Deku's hand. You frowned when you noticed the title of the article, 'Celebrity Student Love Affairs.'
Gossip was strenuous, to say the least, and you were more than certain Tenya would end your relationship due to the unwanted attention. But as usual, he used logic to make it work. "Perhaps this is but a taste of the inner workings of a hero's life. I am well aware that you are rather...famous in your own regard and I...I am quite honored to be with you and our romantic endeavor regardless of the challenges it presents," sometimes you wondered if he'd make a better poet than a hero student.
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Mei was the bubbliest girl you had ever met, and when she found out you were a celebrity baby. Well, she took advantage of it as she often did with others if it meant her inventions, or "babies" as she called them, got attention. In the words of Shota Aizawa, "She's a born saleswoman" and boy did she sell you right into a relationship.
"Oh, try this on! It's baby number 5706!" she exclaimed excitedly with that bright smile that made your heart race. "Now strike a pose!" she demanded, holding her phone up. "Once they see my babies are used by a celebrity baby, there'll be no stopping the businesses that will contact me!" While you were happy to help Mei become more recognized, you had your hopes you were more than just an advertisement opportunity for her.
Mei was rarely serious, but when you brought up your suspicions that she was using your "relationship" to boost her ego for the first time you saw her frown. "Don't get me wrong, my babies are super important to me! And it's good to have someone in the spotlight to advertise them! But...you're my ultimate baby!"
"Yeah, I swear man! Y/n flirted with me yesterday!" Hanta announced, purposely allowing Mei to overhear. But she was either too busy with her current invention to bother or she was ignoring him. "Hey Hatsume!" he called, "How do you feel about that!?" She paused and turned to look at him with a smile. "Sorry, what was your name again?" she honestly didn't care about the rumors and even if you were flirting, she'd figure out a way to keep your heart. After all, she wasn't one to easily give up.
She handled the paparazzi pretty well or at least better than you imagined. In fact, she took the opportunity to hold you close and do just about anything publicly acceptable to show her affection for you. She also answered any curious questions or rumors about your relationship and what it was like to date the child of famous celebrity heroes. It all boiled down to her accepting you for who you were rather than your predetermined title as a celebrity baby.
She was strangely protective of you, especially when you invited her to high-class events that your parents attended. "That's the power of my latest baby!" She announced after successfully crushing the lens of a paparazzi member's camera who had tried to take scandalous pictures of you with someone else. They got frightened away and Mei proceeded to hold you close for the rest of the night.
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teresalace · 1 year
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Author note: 😭💖Thank you to everyone who got me to 1000 likes! THANK YOUUU ALL SO MUCH- I'm very grateful for all the support 😚yes I'm still writing the Tyler Galpin x Reader fic!! Part 2 will be out before Saturday (I hope), but here's a little something to celebrate 1000 likes!!! 🥺💞
Batman x Gender Neutral Reader
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words: 887 . 🥺💞Song suggestion while reading: Cherries by Madison beer
Summary: It's been one year since you've started dating the Bruce Wayne of Wayne Enterprise and still, it feels like you're living in a dream to know both you and him are in love and are together! Though not always together physically, unfortunately due to Brucey's secret vigilante life- You could only hope he makes it in time to celebrate your and his anniversary. . .
"Speak." Oh how you missed hearing that gentle, masterful calm voice of his.
He's most likely in his batmobile right now, flying over the city or doing something genius you haven't figured out yet.
"Mm, got any plans for tonight, Batman?" With your hip, you leaned on the coffee table and stared out the floor-to-ceiling glass window of a penthouse. (One of many you shared with your future husband all over the city.)
"Depends on who's the lovely person asking. And I thought I've told you not to call me during–"
"–Night patrols, yes but. . ." You twisted the silky curtain fabric around your finger, "I just really wanted to hear your voice." Also to see if he remembered your anniversary date.
There was a small pause before a delicious low chuckle trailed down your body tenderly in vibrations through the phone. "Will that be all?"
Oh no it won't be once he gets his ass here.
You tightened the lavish bathrobe around you, "hopefully I'm not disturbing you too much, Mr Batman. But if you have some time to spare, I'd appreciate it if you'd spend it on me."
Another one of his entertained chuckle runs through your nerves like silk.
You sighed dreamily, "it would really make my night. . ."
"I'll come to you within 24 hours," you swear you heard a teasing smile in his lovely deep voice. (He had no idea what a chase you'll be giving him this time. If it'll even be a chase at all for the big brain he has.)
"I'm not at my (our) usual place. . . " That was the first clue you gave him, "how ever will you find me?"
He guaranteed before hanging up, "you're never far from me. If that's all, I'll need to get going to see you soon." Oh he'd better.
You left the phone on the coffee table and laid out on the lounge sofa to relax, looking out at the world-wide view and specks of stars in the great sky. If he's late, you planned to sleep here for the night. . .
But true to his words, you didn't have to wait long, sensually alone, drinking some juice in your fluffy bathrobe when the sound of the doors opening gently alerted you.
"Baby," his footsteps ring from behind you and closer they reached until a large warm hand lands on your hip.
"It didn't take you very long to get here," you pouted and turned your head around to see the handsome love of your life- though internally your heart jumped for joy at how early he arrived.
They were piercing in the shadows, but sweet in the lights as Bruce's sapphire blue eyes would sweep across your whole body from head to toe for a minute (something like his routine as Alfred, his butler, had once said) admiring you.
"I tried to delay myself as best as I can to give you some space, (Name), but it is almost midnight." So he knew all along. What an eyeroll moment if not for how wonderful he is looking down at you with that sweet loving smile and his burning hand on your covered skin.
He then crouched and leaned in closer to softly- like a butterfly- kiss the center of your forehead, the ironed tie of his suit hung and grazed at your arm as he held that kiss for a while.
Then you couldn't help speaking, "I thought I'd give you a little challenge. . ." Which wasn't very hard in the first place if he had placed a tracker on you somewhere, somehow like he'd usually do. For safety reasons, you'd assume.
"Oh yeah? And how did that go," he cocked his eyebrow sharply.
"Not very effective but I don't care," you reached out your arms around his neck and tugged him down onto your body. "I hope you have alot more time because I'm not letting you go until tomorrow night."
Bruce allowed this, you were well aware of his extremely superior strength and how much you had an effect on this hero who'd melt in your proximity.
His strong chest pressed down on yours and suddenly you could feel his heart beat racing against yours. . . Like there was nothing except both of your flesh and bones being the obstacle for your hearts to join into one. . . He kissed the side of your lips like he couldn't resist your pull. "Of course not, I don't expect anything less from you, (Name) Wayne. . . I couldn't stop loving you even if I had tried."
"No complaints, Brucey. I'm having you all for myself for the day." You said confidently though didn't mean it completely, sure you could be selfish but the city needed Batman more than you do. . . You have his heart and that's more than enough. (Also his wealth but that's not the point)
Many times in your life you've seen the absolute lovestruck way he's looked at you, but the warmth shimmering between your body and his as he, unblinking, gazed seriously into your soul. . . Made you fall in love again and again. As if you couldn't love him enough.
Bruce whispered near your jaw in the sweetest voice, cracking near the end. "(Name). . . Happy anniversary."
"Happy anniversary too, Brucey." You kissed him back, deeper than ever. The night was still young after all.
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creativealmonds · 1 year
In Justice League: Unlimited there is an episode that will always be my favorite: Patriot Act. Implicitly Pretentious on YouTube has a great video on it. Check him out for this and other DC analysis videos.
The reason I love this episode is that is shows what it means to be a hero. A few c-list heroes with no powers and Green Arrow get called in to sun for Superman in a parade celebrating heroes. There are police and firemen and these c-listers.
A super-powered general comes in and starts recking shop, saying how he wants to fight Superman to show that no one can challenge American power. Several people almost die due to his actions and other heroes, more c and b listers with no powers, are called in quickly but are defeated until there's only the general and Shining Knight. SH gets beat but the civilians they saved surround him.
These heroes aren't popular, a lot of them don't have powers, they use tech or some type of mythical artifact. The only thing that separates them from the policeman and the firemen are their costumes, their gear, and their origins. And throughout the episode of highlights different aspects of heroism. Vigilante gives some kids the job of rounding up people and getting them away from the area. Shining Knight saves a man from some ruble, and he says if there was a car in front of him. It shows that the heroes just help people.
Shining Knight gets beat very badly by the general, but even when he's bruised and broken and very much going to die, he still stands up and tries to help. When Green Arrow and Speedy run out of arrows, they still charge him with their bows. When S.T.R.P.E’s chest is exposed, he's still fights.
"Anyone can wear the mask." Miles Morales says in Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. People usually take it as be a superhero but the way I see it is that to be a hero is to show humanity, to show the kindness in all people.
Not everyone is gonna be able to save a city by themselves or lift buildings, in My Hero Academia only the kids with the best powers can get into UA. In the beginning Toshinori says Midoriya could be a police officer since he's quirkless.
And I'd like to see how the DCAU would interact with this. Because not everyone can be a superhero, anyone can be a hero. Its in the small acts of kindness, in the things that won't matter or be written down in a history book of epics, but that will make someone's day and make them feel something good when they think back on it.
I haven't read the manga and the last I watched was around the end of Raid arc. In MHA, being a hero is a popularity contest about merch sales, photoshoots, whether a person uses their quirk with a liscene. It's a marketable brand of heroism that sells toys, funds hero schools and draws heroes into big cities to get good media coverage.
Midoriya and Toshinori are examples of doing good for the sake of doing good. The heroes in Patrol Act show that do be a hero is to be kind, to share the bit of humanity inside all of us.
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I read a good post by aquariusdegel on how they want Yuri to get a healing arc and change HeroTV so it doesn’t destroy more lives or make more Lunatics. That made me think, what would happen if Yuri did get a healing arc? I think Lunatic would stick around, even if he did heal from his trauma. Especially if he did.
He’s a vigilante because the system was designed to hurt.
HeroTV is corrupt because it's a product of a corrupt system. Yuri would need to begin the journey of healing himself in order to see this system clearly—he’s really only holding onto pieces of the puzzle, not seeing all of it. I think the knowledge and understanding that this system created him and his father, would lead him to destroy it. Which would include HeroTV.
Make no mistake, Sternbild is a dystopia. Vigilantes operate outside the laws a system creates, which in TnB are harsh, unjust, and favor businesses. Yuri would have to tear down the entire system of profits over people that HeroTV enshrines in order to reach his goal and he'd have to be a vigilante to do it.
Fighting the system
Once he sees and understands the system responsible, he would hate it. Knowing his father supported this system, never challenged it and would do anything for it, including having his memories altered, would give Yuri a healthy target for his rage.
Asking for and believing you deserve help is part of the healing process. Yuri can’t fix something so massive alone, so he nudges Kotestsu and Barnaby, and therefore the rest of the Heroes into helping him. Yuri’s smart and a great manipulator. He’d figure it out somehow. Now Heroes are going after corrupt CEO’s, politicians, and billionaires.
HeroTV wouldn’t stand for it, and would probably fire all the Heroes for breach of contact. If Yuri healed, he’d have the confidence to stay and keep undermining the programming. I doubt once Kotetsu started destroying the misery he sees daily that he’d just stop, which means I think he’d be a vigilante. (read this amazing theory on how that could happen in cour 2)
Yuri would still do the dirty work because he loves holding that feeling of true justice in his hands. I could absolutely see him burn into existence in some slimy billionaire’s hidden estate and light him up.* Billionaires never see jail time or suffer consequences. Yuri really should be going after them.
All out war.                                                  
If politicians and corporations felt their power was threatened by vigilantes going after them, the backlash would be extreme. Oppression would be codified into law. The underlying authoritarianism in TnB would be unmasked.
I once compared Yuri to Robespierre, the lawyer who helped bring about the French Revolution. I could see Yuri revealing himself as Lunatic to Kotestsu and offering to help build a resistance with him. Instead of, “If you want true justice, only I can give it to you,” Yuri’s now “True justice is only achieved by the community that creates it.” That’s healing.
I think Yuri can resolve his trauma, find happiness and love, and still be a vigilante. If Yuri does heal, I’d say he might be compelled to keep being Lunatic—he wouldn’t be able to unlearn the lessons from that journey. And it’s the end of the hero’s journey to come back to the place you started, changed and with sacred knowledge.
For Yuri that knowledge is that the world is crazy, brutal, and everyone thinks that’s how it should be. Maybe that’s why Yuri named himself Lunatic, because if you’re the only sane person in the asylum, doesn’t that make you a lunatic to everyone else in there?
*Note: Our boy’s still dark. You don’t heal a decade of trauma in a few years. So I’d say in cour 2, even if he was midway in healing, he’d be still kinda fucked up. Would love to see him in three years after therapy and healing.
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Hello I’ve been very silent here but this is a reminder that I love every part of vigilantes.
I love Koichi. I love pop. I love Knuckleduster. I love the narrative. I love how the characters grow. I love how things unapologetically change. I love how we can’t go back to what happened before. I love how growth is the small things. I love how community care is shown. I love how we disregard the rules and care about people. I love how the narrative really doesn’t end because they’re still living. I love how Koichi’s dream isn’t an endpoint and it’s something that has to be lived. I love how I know that these characters are going to change and grow even after the story is finished. I miss it,
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themosleyreview · 6 months
The Mosley Review: Silent Night
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Anyone else remember the gritty vigilante 2007 thriller Death Sentence starring Kevin Bacon? It was a pure revenge film that had an everyday man going after a murderous street gang and it went through the usually story beats of the justice system failing and the main character taking things into his own hands. Its a concept that repeats itself every few years and I guess it was time for a revisit. The question is: What makes this version of that concept different from the rest? The answer is that we skip all the usual tropes and focus solely on the action and there's zero dialogue. Its everything the legendary action director John Woo is known for and almost all of his trademarks are here. Its a risk to have no dialogue at all and to have the action tell the story these days. It paid off in great fashion because its not that complicated of a plot and it gets us to the brutal action quicker. It’s plus and minus in a sense that the action may be great, but I do miss the days of a great story that was married to and informed the action.
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Joel Kinnanman leads the film as the vengeful father Brian and he is challenged with acting with no dialogue. He delivers a powerful and emotionally charged performance and expertly conveys the many stages of grief through a variety of scowls. I loved that we get to see Brian learn how to become a vigilante and he wasn't an over night action hero. He was clumsy and he takes his cuts and bruises so well and I loved that he gets tired. Catalina Sandino Moreno was great as his wife Saya. She carries the emotional weight early on in the story and she nailed the supportive role. She wasn't the focus and nor did she get in the way as the story progressed as she had her own intentions. Scott Mescudi was fun as Detective Dennis Vassel and like everyone else, he delivered a great, dialogueless performance. He doesn't have much to do, but when he does, you can tell he was having the time of his life in the action. Harold Torres was good as the main villain, Playa. He may have been your typical drug lord, but he did have a cool and distinct villainous look. There really wasn't much to him after that, but you truly can't wait to see him and Brian face off.
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The score by Marco Beltrami was fantastic when present and he underscored the gritty tone and helped intensive the action in the film. The action was the bread and butter of the film and its all done practically with very little CGI. The driving sequences were realistic and the last 20 minutes of the film feature the best parts of John Woo's signature style of one takes and slow motion. I did notice that he may have been a little rusty with the camera work since there were many occasions where the frame rate was jittery in some simple panning shots. In the end, this wasn't a story that you'll remember for its originality, but you'll remember the film for its lack of dialogue from the characters and how they convey their emotions. The action sequences were brutal and fed the gritty tone and made the film all the more enjoyable. I do wish there was a random dove to fly by though. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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roipecheur · 11 months
Dick's had amnesia for a year? Did he remember Slade?
Ok, so I waited until I had actually read the Ric Grayson arc to answer this, and the short answer is no because Dick didn't remember anyone.
However, here's a page from when he's talking to his therapist (Scarecrow in disguise because of course it's Scarecrow in disguise).
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He may not exactly remember the history that goes along with these faces or why they register as a threat, but the vague flashes and echoes his brain's throwing at him here are 1) Scarecrow, who is in fact currently talking to, 2) Two-Face, who if we go off Robin Year 1 was the first rogue to seriously challenge him and almost killed him / did kill someone else in front of him when Dick was first starting out as a vigilante, and 3) Deathstroke. So, fair to say that even in Dick's amnesiac brain, Slade left enough of an impression to leave something behind.
And here's a page from right after Dick (kinda) gets his memories back.
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Slade is not the most prominently featured on Dick's page of villains, but what's interesting to me is that he's (1) mirroring Tarantula in that they're both standing in a similar pose that no one else on the page shares, and (2) Slade is the only one of these people that usually wears a mask, but isn't here.
Now, Tarantula / Catalina Flores has not appeared in the 2016 Nightwing run yet, so I'm not sure what her relationship with Dick is up to this point, or if the artists just forgot. I also don't know when the Riddler became a gay porn star instead of a weird little guy, but that's neither here nor there.
So, if you want to read too much into this, which I'm going to lol, Slade's pose could just be the artist adding people on the page wherever they fit. But Slade's lack of a mask is interesting, because the split black and orange is recognizable and iconic, so there was no real reason to set Slade apart by drawing him without it here. Slade and Catalina are also the only characters who aren't directly facing the viewer/Dick. You could interpret this as them being in a grey area--definitely still villains, but less of a direct threat compared to everyone else shown here. Both of these characters have a complicated history of both working with and against Dick (or at least Catalina does in preboot). Slade's grey area status is compounded by his lack of a mask here.
Ric Grayson remembered Deathstroke as much as he remembered anyone--as a shadow, or as an echo in his nightmares. But Dick, once he started to get his memories back, remembered Slade in a way that set him apart from everyone else in his rogues gallery. If Slade had shown up for some reason or other during the Ric Grayson arc--we'll never know now, but I think that interaction could've really gone either way.
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possumteeths · 1 year
2022 Writing Wrap Up
Tagged by: @screwyouflightlieutenant (thanks for thinking of me! 💖)
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Total words published: 308,920 (christ???)
Additional words written:
Im gonna ballpark and say maybe 150 k other words with additional projects that arent fanfic lol (as well as fanfic wip)
Grand Total of Words: 458k ish?
Various horror movies, Dragon age, Fallout, Mass effect, RDR, the boys
Highest Everything (raw kudos, hits, comments):
Unsurprisingly, its my the Boy chaptered fic Love Me Cancerously, This blew tf up and I really didn't expect it to. It is SO cool that other people like this not great movie and are so down for this rollercoaster i've been writing.
Highest Kudos to Hits Ratio:
It's still my Brahms fic, and the runner up is ANOTHER Brahms fic but that one's a oneshot.
New Things I Tried:
x readers! I never really liked reading or writing x readers ever until recently. I really like second person as a device and I just refuse to acknowledge things that use like blanks or the Y/N device lol. Realizing this totally changed the way I like to write. I think second person is excellent for storytelling. Leaving the reader insert extremely vague and writing from the perspective of the character is SO fun.
Fic I Spent The Most Time On:
Love Me Cancerously AGAIN lol. Usually I just kinda write things in one go, but for this fic I put it through multiple stages of editing.
Favorite Thing I Wrote:
This completely nonsensical fallout raider gangbang. I rarely enjoy reading or writing OC x OC works, but I really unlocked something in my brain with this fic. I am so in love with the characters, they still live in my head. I wanted it to be SILLY DUMB and it was just so much fun to write. This is the most "me" I think of anything I've ever written, and I fully just went balls to the wall ridiculously porny and it was so much fun.
Favorite Thing I Read:
dude ANYTHING by my buddy @ventiswampwater (here's her ao3) every single one of her fics make me INSANE. We have such similar ideas of characterization for this DUMB movie that for some reason we're obsessed with. I love cerebral poetic weirdo porn I just consume everything she's done over and over again. Seriously some of the best x readers i've ever come across.
@some27-url 's Deacon X SS series, I cant get ENOUGH of this fucked up dynamic. I gush on and on about this and I dont want to be annoying but I cannot shut up about how much I love this series
OH! This Yautja harem x OC work I found, literally I've never had the patience for LONG LONG fics before but I honestly wish there was MORE of this. I loved!! the characters and everyone involved, the story was so smutty and good. You dont need to know shit about predator lore this fic may as well be its own story. This fanfic is better than any smutty xenophilia/monsterfuckery romance book that i've ever read.
@brimbrimbrimbrim 's Vigilante x reader fic was so much fun, characterized SO well. It was silly fun and I loved it hahaha like I love this author but this fic really stuck out to me hahaha.
Writing goals for 2023:
I'd like to just bite the bullet and submit to publications as well as random magazine challenges or whatever else. I often debate whether I should or shouldnt for so long that I then miss the deadline for the actual challenge lmao! I submitted to a few horror magazines as well as some poems to indie publications asking for submissions this year but I'd like to just submit as much as I possibly can because fuck it y'know. This year, I got ONE poem selected to be in a book and then it was actually removed from the eventual publication coming out in 2023 so like... lmao?
New Works:
I've actually been editing my short story horror anthology off and on, cleaning it up and formatting it and all the boring shit. I'm looking to trad pub or at least submit certain stories to challenges. I'm also hoping to saddle up and adapt my raider gangbang fanfic into a more developed story that I'll eventually KDP publish. As for fanfics, I've got SO many fkn horror baddies x readers in the works rn, and like 21u314398240 90% done fanfics that I just need to edit and publish to ao3 lol.
tagging: @some27-url @gaeadene (girl I gotta know how many words u uploaded this year LOL) @ventiswampwater @korblez @wolfbirbisme @flaggermuser @butterbabyflapjack
Happy new year yall! Lets go full nuts and write WHATEVER ur silly lil heart desires. I declare this year the year of balls to the wall FUCK IT on ao3 lmfao
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cata-strophes · 2 years
Fic Recommendations Because I Want To
Theme: superpowered society (or just like three people sometimes)
Please Make Sure To Read All Tags Thoroughly Before Reading, some fics are the fluffiest and some are a bit dark
disclaimer: most, if not all, are tommy-centric bc. i am an inniter
Number One Villain's Waffle House by Not_That_Dude (on-going)
Tommy is a villain called Borrower who can steal powers for a limited amount of time. This is his journey through becoming the number one villain, finding himself a family, defeating a brainwashing Egg, and overthrowing a corrupt Government for one of his acquaintances, while also running the adored Waffle House of the city at sixteen years old.
Not in that order.
But With Everybody Watching Us (Our Every Move) We Do Have Reputations by whoknowsidont (completed, only epilogue left)
The story of how Tommy became New York City's first and only superhero. All while trying to make amends with his broken family.
i will look at love as more than just an instrument of pain by Anonymous (on-going)
Or, The Syndicate took down the Heroes Association. Tommy's an ex-hero who has no idea what he's supposed to do now, especially without Dream's guidance. Help comes from unexpected people, namely ex-villain and retired leader of The Syndicate, The Angel of Death himself. And his annoying sons.
Technoblade's Entirely Average Babysitting Gig by opheliabloo (completed)
Techno takes on a sketchy babysitting gig to make some money. He’s not entirely sure they’re not trying to murder him.
The Oath of Hippocrates by Melatonin_High (on-going)
Superhero AU where Tommy is a doctor and Wilbur is the villain, Tragedy, who also happens to work at a bakery.
run, boy, run by 212rime (on-going)
Tommy--who went into hiding after becoming one of the most feared villains in L'Manberg--accidentally befriends the new big bad supervillains, except he doesn't know that.
A Friend of Villains (By Association) by unnamedmystery (on-going)
Where Jack Manifold is just a beginner vigilante named Rocket, who’s gradually growing in fame after a fight against a top hero went viral on the internet, and Jack’s little brother, Tommy, is painfully oblivious to his older brothers alter ego.
Oh! And not to mention that Tommy seems to befriend literally every villain in Essempi (in their civilian form) and the villains, for some odd reason, believe that means Jack is also their friend by association??
Listen, even Jack doesn’t know what’s going on...
Just Keep Talking by whoknowsidont (one-shot)
Tommy gets trapped underneath a collapsed building after a hero-villain fight gone wrong. It just so happens that the notorious villain 'Angel of Death' is trapped there with him.
(Or, Two guys talk about family, morality, and struggling to survive in a hero oriented world, as they wait to be saved from the rubble.)
TommyInnit's Services for Villains, Vigilantes and Various Other Vagabonds by I_Have_An_Alibi (on-going)
5 times Tommy dropped everything to help everyone else, and 1 time they dropped everything to help him.
Kings To You by Flustered (on-going)
In which the world class master thief Tommy Innit is given the ultimate challenge: steal a Technoblade.
It goes as bad as you’d think it would.
ok, i could keep going but i think ten is a good place to stop lol, otherwise this post would be extremely long
this list is themed because i really really like to read fics, and i want to do at least a few more lists to recommend my faves, for now i have started on a horror/cryptid/apocalyptic list and a modern/foster/found family list, might do a merpeople au one with all the fics ive been reading like that lol, might even do a superpowered society part 2 because there are still so many i love with this theme
idk, i just wanted to share them <:) i hope you guys dont mind it, and go spread the love to these writers and fics!!! they truly are amazing <3
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