#fake uncle Bobby
piedpiperart · 1 year
DC x SPN prompt idea
Sam and Dean get a tip about a haunted mansion from Bobby and they go check it out. It’s Drake Manor in Gotham City, which wouldn’t be a problem since no one was supposed to be living there. Except there was.
Sam and Dean meet Tim as they break into his house. Tim at first thinks they’re burglars but notices they’re carrying strange occult stuff. Tim looks at their stuff for a sec and just goes oh, are you here for the ghost?
And the boys, who had thought the kid was a) not alive or b) some sort of creature, are a bit thrown that this tiny child was left alone for months dealing with this ghost haunting his house.
Tim explains that he thinks she’s the ghost of his previous nanny before his parents fired her, but says she doesn’t do anything harmful, just tries to keep him company or get him to eat more often. She only breaks stuff when his parents are around but she stopped after it got him in trouble.
While Tim is sad for his ghost friend to be gone, he absolutely questions the heck out of Sam and Dean about all sorts of supernatural creatures and ghosts. Sam shows him ways to stay safe and avoid places with signs, etc. Dean teaches him how to fight and shoot weapons.
Tim is like seven or eight and pretty much blackmails Sam and Dean into teaching him how to be a hunter, and Tim ends up finding missions for them because he turns out to be a better hacker than Sam and Bobby. He gets the hunters money, sets up a network of information where hunters work together, and makes gadgets and gizmos for the guys to use against creatures.
Dean and Sam are worried about this small child alone in the house but think he’s better off there than as a hunter out in the real world. They don’t expect Tim to force his way into helping them, and every so often when they need help or info they call Tim then remind him to do homework or eat something.
Their road-trips now have frequent stops by Gotham, and even Bobby’s been able to make the trip to meet the lil guy who hacks his computer every week.
Tim also still knows Bruce is batman, and eventually becomes Robin, right. So he’s off doing that and keeping the whole supernatural world secret from Batman. Sam and Dean however, know the kid too well and eventually find out Tim is Robin. They may or may not take that well.
But! Since Tim is already aware of the ways of browsing the news and internet for crazy interesting cases and crimes, he comes across some posts about a potential zombie. Lo and behold- it’s Jason! So Tim calls Bruce and gets them sorted out. Maybe Talia still finds a way to kidnap him though, or Tim fights her on his own to keep Jason and loses, etc.
Either way, Tim ends up on the outs with the family still because he thinks he’s just filling in for Jason. So when his parents die and Tim is in need of a fake uncle? Who else would he call but Bobby!!
Just imagining Bruce and Bobby in the same room oh man. No doubt Alfred and Bobby would get along or absolutely hate each-other and no in between. I think Bobby would win in a fight against Alfred though. Just sayin.
Que Tim taking a call from Dean while he’s patrolling, thinking he’s alone as he details how to graphically kill someone, only to hang up and turn to see Jason standing right there.
Just, many shenanigans for how Tim seems a bit more unhinged than they thought. Like yeah Robin doesn’t kill, can’t kill when you work for Bats, but Tim Drake the Hunter made no such promises. Tim’s like ‘my first kill-‘ and freaks out the bats until he saves it by saying he’s talking about a game.
Sam and Dean come for a visit and Dick is suspicious. Tim goes on hunter missions and comes back with unexplained wounds. One of the bats might see him kill something and the guy turns to dust. Tim’s like no one will ever believe you.
As Tim drifts away from the bats he goes on trips with sam and Dean or helps bobby upgrade his tech. He lets Dean keep a batarang.
Maybe when Bruce is stuck in the time stream the first person he calls is Dean and Sam and Bobby. They’re like oh hey meet Cas, who then is like “Batman should not be allowed to alter the timeline” and just brings him back. He starts maybe using Cas for emergencies, or Dean tells Cas to keep an eye on tim only for him to step in whenever Tim seems in danger, even when he isn’t. Que Tim trying to convince Cas to wear a disguise when rescuing him in the field, etc..
Or maybe Tim makes a deal with a demon! He brings back Bruce but is fantastic at loopholes and gets out of hell card. Maybe Crowley is angry and takes his spleen just cuz. Dean is not happy.
Supernatural occurrences in the field happen and Tim solves it easily. No explanation. Maybe Constantine comes to solve it only to take one look at Tim and go “fuckin’ hunters, geez”. Or alternatively Tim corrects Constantine, saying stuff like you mispronounced (insert Latin word) or something like that.
Just, overall Tim shenanigans because if one of the bats had knowledge of the supernatural it would totally be Tim.
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sergeifyodorov · 4 months
i love auston and mitch but neither of them have organically taken the ttc in their entire lives and you can tell
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innytoes · 1 year
Inny i am so far behind on things and I am going to be honest with you, a/b/o is my fandom Can't, but: am I correct in saying it's your birthday soon?
Anyway, in honor of that and if not, just the fact that you are awesome, consider this a prompt for the a/b/o prompt and pairing you wish someone would have sent 💖
Thank you, it was my birthday on the 7th! And in honour of your prompt I went with 22: Dystopian AU, because who doesn't love a good dystopia. Except then I made it 'crack taken seriously'.
Even though he’d known it had been coming, Willie still felt a little shell-shocked. He knew he didn’t have much rights or even a say as an Omega, but he thought he’d proven to Caleb that he was worth keeping on. He’d seemed like such a nice guy when he took him in as a twelve year old orphan, an estranged brother of his dad’s. Willie always figured they were estranged because his grandparents had been hella homophobic, but now that he was older, maybe it was just because Caleb was kind of evil.
He certainly didn’t seem to have any qualms selling his nephew to Sunset Curve.
God, that sounded like something out of a bad fanfiction.
It wasn’t even that Caleb had sold him to Sunset Curve on purpose. Caleb had managed to snag Sunset Curve to play in between the regular show. Which was kind of Willie’s dream come true, since he’d been a massive fan since before the got famous. Ever since that time he’d snuck out at fifteen and found them playing in front of a club he’d been trying to sneak into.
So he hadn’t even thought about it when Caleb told him to make sure he looked presentable, like, of course he was going to. His favourite celebrities ever got a special table up front. And he hadn’t really noticed that the scent-blocking spray Caleb made him put on so he ‘wouldn’t be a distraction’ had been replaced with something else. And he didn’t think about how Caleb had let him go off his suppressants a week ago, saying something about how it was healthy to take a break every so often, and he’d get paid vacation time when he had his heat.
He just danced his heart out and tried not to laugh when Luke exclaimed, his mouth half full ‘this is a meatball sub, ohmygooood’ just as Willie was bringing out their new drinks. He shamelessly flirted a little with the entire band, but only like, as a joke. Sure they were kind of the same age but it wasn’t like Willie, an Omega waiter, had any shot with these rich and famous Alphas.
He hadn’t noticed that the table next to Sunset Curve had been watching him, too.
It wasn’t until after Sunset Curve’s show and Caleb’s ‘dessert’ were over that he noticed something was up. Because Caleb put his hand on the back of Willie’s neck and steered him right towards the reserved tables. For a hot second, Willie thought his uncle had remembered that he was a big fan of Sunset Curve, but then he was lead to the table next to them, and slowly it dawned on him.
Caleb wanted to sell him to the creepily smirking, oily-looking hedge fund manager at table two.
But before the deal could be finished, the drummer – Alex, his favourite – had leaned over and looked Caleb right in the eye and told him he’d pay ten thousand more.
Which was how he ended up on a tour bus, with a bag that Fuego had randomly shoved some of his belongings into at his feet. At least he’d been nice enough to include his skateboard.
Except unlike in the fanfictions, there was a lot of yelling going on.
“What the hell, dude?” Bobby had said almost as soon as the door closed. Reggie had guided Willie further to the back, awkward smiles and a gentle hand on his shoulder, and Willie looked out the window as the Club – his only home for the last six years – slowly disappeared from view.
Reggie had been nice, getting him a water, asking his name, asking his favourite pizza toppings, anything to distract from the shouting up front, the shaking of Willie’s hands, the tears he was trying very valiantly not to shed.
They were already nearing the city limits when Luke bit out: “Is Reggie not enough for you?”
At hearing his name, Reggie’s head jerked up, and he looked hurt. Which, what? Oh wait. Oh. Oh.
“Luke, shut up,” Bobby said, and Luke glared at him.
“What? Just because a cute Omega flirts with Alex once, all of a sudden he’s willing to-”
“No, shut up,” Bobby stressed. “Because that Omega hasn’t signed an NDA yet.”
All three of the Alphas stopped and turned to look at him, and Willie ducked his head. It wasn’t like he could do anything, anyway, now that Alex owned him. Like, signed the paperwork, got to decide if Willie gets to eat and sleep and get medical care, never mind if he was allowed to talk to anyone, owned him.
“I won’t tell anyone,” he said, because yeah, Reggie being an Omega when everyone thought Sunset Curve was an all-Alpha band was a pretty big secret. “Please, I’ll do anything. I can be a good roadie, or I can do your laundry, or whatever.” Don’t think about the stuff they want in fanfiction, don’t do it, even though he wasn’t going to lie, he’d thought about that from time to time, staring at the poster above his bed, because how could he not?
“I’m glad Alex helped Willie,” Reggie said firmly, which seemed to soften the postures of the other three band members. “Did you hear how creepy that other guy was being? Asking about his virginity and stuff? Besides, having some Omega arm candy might actually be helpful, you know?” He shot Willie a crooked grin, and Willie tried not to flush at the idea of hanging off Reggie’s arm on the red carpet. Like, even if he wasn’t an Alpha, he was still Reggie Peters, and Willie wouldn’t be faking any kind of swooning.
“He could be a good cover for Reggie’s heats,” Alex offered, nervously. “That way we don’t have to worry about any more rehab stories popping up.”
That had been last year, some gossip rag wondering why Reggie wasn’t out and about for a week off, when various members of Sunset Curve had been spotted in public. Though now that Willie thought about it, never all three of them at once. Which meant someone was probably always with Reggie, helping him… yeah, don’t think about that, or he’d go very, very flushed. Sunset Curve had played it off as food poisoning, and #poisonhotdogs had been a meme for a while, but that wouldn’t work every time.
“I can do that,” he eagerly agreed. He’d probably have to stay on suppressants then for his own heats, but if that meant he wasn’t going to be some creepy business dude’s live-in sex slave, he was all for it.
“You’re still signing an NDA,” Bobby muttered grumpily, flopping down in one of the chairs opposite of him and Reggie. “And doing laundry. Except Luke’s, I’m pretty sure that stuff is a biohazard.”
“Be nice,” Reggie warned. “Willie said he likes pineapple on pizza, so now you finally have someone who will go halfsies with you when we order pizza.”
Bobby blinked, and then shrugged. “Good enough for me,” he agreed. “Welcome aboard, Willie.”
“It’s still coming out of your money, not the band’s fund,” Luke grumbled at Alex, but he flopped down, basically on top of Bobby, so there was room for Alex to scoot in as well. Bobby just wrapped his arm around Luke’s waist, and oh, the whole ‘band as pack’ thing wasn’t something they played up for the press. They were actually like that. That was kind of nice, since so often it was just some marketing ploy.
The sight of three Alphas staring him down was kind of intimidating, though. Especially when one of them basically owned his very soul. Except Alex gave a self-conscious smile, just as cute and dorky as he was in the interviews Willie watched over and over, and he couldn’t help but smile back. Maybe it would all be okay. Maybe it would be better than a fanfiction.  
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deanswhiskey · 6 months
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐞 - 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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summary; while stuck at home, you find some christmas decorations in a storage closet
wc; 1935
warnings; kissing, tooth-rotting christmas themed fluff, that’s really it
authors note; merry christmas and happy holidays!!
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christmas had always been your favorite holiday growing up. you hadn’t spent much time celebrating since you started hunting. your parents were hunters but they sent you to your uncle bobby’s whenever they’d hunt. you didn’t know what was happening, just excited to see your uncle.
when you started hunting, looking for whoever, or whatever, killed your parents, you didn’t get to celebrate much anymore. the days mushed together half the time.
after you met sam and dean, and eventually joined them, you tried to bring as much of the holidays as you could, seeing as they didn’t get to much.
you find little plastic decorations at the shitty gas stations you’d stop at in different cities and states. hanging christmas scented air fresheners from the mirror in deans car, even when he’d get annoyed, he couldn't say anything because he knew how much you loved it. you’d always buy funny little headbands for sam and dean to wear too, just so you could snap pictures of them on your camera.
it was midday in december when the boys were leaning up against baby while you were inside the gas station. “geez, what’s takin’ her so friggin long?” dean asked while checking his watch. he’d finished pumping gasoline what felt like a half hour ago.
you walked out of the gas station with a slightly full grocery bag and a huge smile on your face. they knew that smile. that ‘i-just-got-something-you-won’t-like-smile’.
you walked up to the boys and before you could even say anything, dean interrupted, “what did you get this time?”
you fake acted offended, “how dare you, dean!” you then giggled and pulled out two silly christmas headbands. one was reindeer antlers one had to little santa hats on springs that moved around.
they both gave you a look. they didn’t want to wear them but they were anyways. you ripped the little bit of packaging tbh eh had and held them out, silently telling them to pick one.
sam grabbed the one with the reindeer antlers and set them on his head. you continued to hold out the santa hat one. dean rolled his eyes and put them on. “don’t give me that, dean, you love it.” you chuckled at the dancing santa hats on his head.
you reached down into the backseat through the window to grab your camera out of your bag. “smile!” you said turning on your camera. and they did, they smiled for you. you snapped the picture of your two boys looking adorable in their christmas headbands.
when the three of you found the bunker, there were rooms upon rooms upon rooms to discover.
during a hunt, you got badly injured. one of the vamps had harshly shoved you and you fell down some old stairs, leading you to breaking your foot.
now the boys stopped hunting for a little less than a month so they could tend to you, even against your wishes not to.
sam spent most of the time right next to you; he didn’t want you out of his sight. he acted as if you were sick and could hardly stand.
“i’m not terminally ill, sam,” you said with a giggle as he picked you up to move you from the kitchen to the couch in the living room.
“i know, my love, i’m just being cautious,” he said stopping and giving your forehead a kiss.
once the doctor released you of your crutches, leaving you with just a boot, the boys finally went back to hunting. sam, reluctantly, agreed, with the exception that he’d call you multiple times to make sure you’re okay.
one of the days the boys were away, you decided to go through some of the storage closets you three had yet to go through.
you limped down the halls making your way to one of many. the room was lined with various boxes and cabinets that had a thin coat of dust.
you opened the first box which had nothing but spare bedding. thankful it was the first box you opened; definitely setting that aside to take out and put them in a closer storage closet.
the next box had old clothes, along with the next few boxes.
the next box you picked up and dusted off made a noise; a jingle sort of noise. you took your box cutter and quickly opened the box.
to your surprise, it was christmas decorations. the men of letters must’ve loved christmas. you couldn't find a tree in sight, nor any ornaments. that was okay, there were plenty of other decorations to do the trick.
you looked over at the pile the box was in to see if there were any more. you only found one more box which was full of string lights. you carried the boxes, one at a time, to the living room to start setting up what decorations you had.
your phone was set out on a table with a speaker connected to it and you had christmas music blaring through the bunker. you wanted to start with the lights. so that’s what you did. you grabbed the step ladder from a closet, the bag of push pins, and many extension cords and went to work. you wrapped the main staircase railing and many door frames and miscellaneous pieces of furniture with the yellow christmas lights.
next up was this little christmas village you found. there was a perfect table in the library for this. you grabbed the empty light box and put all the different pieces into it and carried that to the library. you meticulously placed each little building and extra pieces just the way you wanted.
the last of the decorations went up and there was only one left. the mistletoe. where could i put it, you thought to yourself.
it had to be somewhere where everyone could see but not in a doorway where everyone stands often. you decided to put it on the doorway to the living room. it was a simple and easy place to put it.
you grabbed a thumb tack and hung it up there, careful not to fall off the ladder with your boot. if sam knew that you were climbing on a ladder with a boot on your foot, he’d throw a fit, demand you sit on the couch and he do all the work.
not long after you hung the mistletoe, you made yourself some hot chocolate and cozied on up on the couch with the book you were currently reading. the christmas music was still playing but it was soft now.
sam had texted you he’d be home soon about 15 minutes ago and now you were just anticipating their arrival. you were so excited to show the boys the new and improved, and festive, bunker.
your ears perked up as you heard the best bunker door begin to open. you all but threw your blanket off of you and placed your book open face down and rushed to the door.
“holy shit,” you heard dean say in the distance. you fretted the boys as they were walking down the stairs. their eyes lit up and they scanned the room and beyond of the decorations.
“what’s all this, sweetheart?” sam said leaning to give you a kiss, half still distracted at all the decor.
“i was going through some closets and found a whole bunch of christmas decorations!” you beamed.
dean set his duffel bag on the table in the war room and went to go look around in the library and further.
sam set his duffel done too but stayed with you. you were admiring the joy on his face; you could tell he needed some holiday joy, especially since he never really got to have this.
“this is,” sam paused, speechless. he didn’t know how to describe this. “amazing. i can't believe you did all of this.” he smile wide as he looked at you.
you smiled back, impossibly harder since your smile was already big. sam interrupted you before you could get a word out. “wait,” you brows furrowed slightly. “did you climb up on a ladder to hang this stuff?” he questioned.
you simply nodded. you knew he was gonna be upset, he won’t be too upset with you, just concerned. “y/n, you could’ve hurt yourself further.”
“sam, baby, i’m okay. i promise i was extra extra careful. just for you.” you grabbed his hands, rubbing the back of them with your thumb to reassure him.
he just looked at you with worry in his eyes. “i’m okay, baby. why don’t you go take a shower,” you lean up closer to his face. “then meet me under the mistletoe.” you gave him a sweet kiss before patting his butt, the two of you giggling.
a little while later, you sat in the living room waiting for the love of your life. christmas music still softly filled the living room while you sipped on the last of your hot chocolate.
sam walked in, his sweatpants hanging low and his navy blue v-neck hugged him perfectly. his hair still wet but not dripping. he looked beautiful. he stood under the mistletoe and leaned against the door frame.
you looked up at him and smiled with adoration. you made your way over to your beautiful boyfriend.
standing in front of his tall frame you look up at him, “can we dance?” you ask.
“of course, my love.” he says contently taking your right hand in his left. his right went around your waist. your left rested on his chest.
the two of you just gazed into each others eyes while you rocked back and forth. elvis’ ‘blue christmas’ played softly in the background. it was one of your and sams favorite christmas songs.
occasionally, sam would spin you just to hear those melodic, beautiful giggles.
your head now resting on his chest; hearing his heartbeat was so relaxing to you.
“hey,” you look up at him. “we’re still under the mistletoe, you know.” sam smiled.
you look up and the mistletoe you hung up earlier, “huh, i guess so.”
the two of you kept your gaze before sam slowly dipped his head down. the two of you fit perfectly like a puzzle piece.
his lips soft against your as they moved in sync with yours. sams hands found theirs way to your thighs, lifting you up while your hands made their way around his neck, tangling in his hair; his lips never left yours.
sam blindly made his way to the couch, sitting down with you straddling him. the kiss didn’t last much longer. you pulled away and laid back against his chest, cuddling into him.
sam was the first to speak up, “this place looks amazing, baby, i’m proud of you.”
“thank you, sam.” you gave him a kiss on the cheek, laying back down against him.
the cinnamon candle you lit earlier was still burning and the christmas music still played as the two of you fell asleep on the couch.
the next morning, dean made his way to the kitchen and brewed himself a fresh cup of coffee. the coffee finished breeding and he added whatever he did necessary for the perfect cup. he took that cup and walked to the living room, unsuspecting of the two of you sleeping there.
he approached the living room and saw the two of you, you were in almost the exact same position as when you fell asleep. dean chuckled to himself, “those kids.” he said before sipping his coffee and walking back to the kitchen.
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kickingitwithkirk · 2 months
Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Pairing: Alpha Dean x Omega!Reader x Alpha Sam
Word Count: 1261
*Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter
Warnings: A/B/O, non/con elements , dub/con elements, enslavement, pandemic, non/con drug use, collaring/leashing, forced mating, forced breeding, BDSM elements, show-level violence
*Additional warnings to be added
*Square filled: @spnabobingo -Rut Suppressant @spnaubingo -Sub!Dean @anyfandomdarkbingo - Voyeurism
A/N: * UPDATED 3/24 They say the third time is the charm, this will be the last rework of the Prologue.
A/N II: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
A/N III: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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Five weeks ago 
John had grown tired of Sam’s constant complaining about finishing his sophomore year in one place, so he found a case out west and left his sons in this backwater town. The little money he’d left was running out, and when Dean couldn’t hustle anymore, he took a job at a local garage. 
It wasn’t long after another problem arose.
Dean ran out of suppressants in one of the few states requiring a doctor's prescription. He was unsuccessful in obtaining them through less-than-legal channels. Out of options, Dean made sure his brother had everything needed for a few days before taking off to find someone to sink his knot into. He was chatting up a pretty brunette Beta in one of the low-end bars when their irate Alpha showed, and a rut-induced fight ensued. 
When the local sheriff showed up at the ER, a doctor informed him the Alpha had died from exsanguination by canine perforation of the carotid artery. Dean, because he was now in full rut, was on IV sedatives, and the sheriff ordered him handcuffed to the hospital bed and posted a twenty-four-hour guard so he couldn’t escape. When Sam could not reach their dad, he called Bobby Singer, even though they were forbidden to contact the Beta after their Alpha fell out with the grumpy hunter. 
The young Alphas' words spilled out in a jumble of profuse apologies and explanations, making Bobby’s temper flare. He always considered the brothers to be his kids, and upon hearing Dean’s going to jail and Sam was in North Dakota’s CYF custody, he wanted another shot at the elder Winchester with something more potent than rock salt. Reassuring Sam he’d be there by nightfall, Bobby pulled out his hunter contacts and started dialing, asking everyone in the vicinity to track John down ASAP.
When hitting town, Bobby’s first stop was the CYF holding facility. He presented the fake documentation verifying he was the brother's blood uncle and allowed temporary custody of Sam. Then, to find out what was happening with Dean, they headed to the police station, where Bobby flashed his FBI credentials to the officer in charge, whose response was that information would only be released when his Alpha arrived. He wasn’t allowed visitors except the public defender assigned to the case but slipped them a paper saying that Dean was charged with voluntary manslaughter. 
Unable to do anything else and unwilling to sit around the rental while waiting for their pack Alpha, Sam went to the local library to research the state’s laws on his brother's case. At the same time, Bobby interviewed the witnesses from the bar that night, ensuring no unnatural forces seeking revenge against John had a hand in Dean's predicament. 
Several days later, John rolled into town and went directly to the police station, where they informed him of the situation and then allowed a brief visit with his eldest. His fuming turned into a boiling rage as he walked towards the interrogation room. Out of all the shit Dean had done over the years, this proved what John always considered his subordinate offspring to be, a worthless fuck-up who was only good at taking orders, and John no longer wanted to deal with him. 
Entering the interrogation room, he sees Dean seated at the table, tethered to it by his shackled ankles. The ruddy cast in John’s eyes that'd begun when Caleb found him envelopes his irises, and Dean suddenly found himself airborne, legs flailing as far as the chain aloud, kicks over the chair, then is slammed onto the table, the back of his head impacts the table with a sicking crack, trapped under the weight of his Alpha, his dad, whose hands that used to carry him as a young pup now are wrapped around his throat strangulating him.
Dean flashed back to the night his dad laid baby Sammy in his arms and ordered take your brother outside as fast as you can! And not look back! Over the next sixteen years, John’s mantra, watch out for Sammy, was burned into his psyche, but before he’d even been born, Dean already knew Sam was his in every sense of the word. He was about to lose consciousness when the door burst open, and three deputies barreled and tasered John, shocking the raging Alpha into unconsciousness.
Sam maneuvers around the chaos, drops to his knees next to Dean on the floor and rolls him onto his back, helplessly watches him gasping for air between bluish lips. Sam can sense that dark, angry thing that’s always there, slithering through his veins at the finger-shaped bruising developing around his brother’s neck makes his canines elongate and releases a bloodcurdling wrawl. 
Silence fills the air except for Dean’s rasping breath as he watches his brother slowly stand up, appearing confused as to why everything is tinted a strange color. Sam, scanning the room with his glowing, extraordinary shade of red eyes, finally landed on John, feeling the deep-seat anger that while Dean’s lower status didn’t interfere with hunting, it’d never allow him to stand up to their Alpha about to explode.
 “Son, don’t.” 
Sam finds Bobby’s voice absurdly loud and agitating but heeds the Beta’s advice as the deputies drag the eldest Winchester out of the room.
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Twenty-seven days later
At Dean Winchester's arraignment, the assistant DA said that due to the extenuating circumstances, him being on the cusp of a rut, and the Beta’s signed confession of deception in retribution for their deceased Alpha purchasing a House O, their office was willing to offer a plea deal. The Public Defender asked for a brief recess to discuss the terms when John stood up and said, “Your honor, there’s no need for a recess. I accept the deal.”
 The court clerk read the agreement out loud for the record.
 “Alpha John Winchester agrees to procure an Omega for the defendant, Subordinate Alpha Dean Winchester, within ten days from this date and time, and will present them before this court with the proper documentation. If he fails, the defendant will serve the mandatory five-year imprisonment per the state law of North Dakota. At that time, Alpha Winchester must also surrender custody of his other minor Alpha son, Samuel Winchester, who will be taken to foster care and placed in a court-sanctioned home until he is of age.” 
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T-Minus forty hours                     
Shouting and loud banging at the far end of the warehouse drew the attention of several patrons and suddenly stopped just as it started.
 “Dean, go wait by the entrance.” 
“What?” Dean snapped without thinking, and John grabbed his leather jacket collar, “Don’t you take that tone with me, boy,” he snarled in a low voice. “I’m having to clean up your fucking mess so your brother doesn’t end up in the system.”  Dean submissively replied, ”Yes, sir,” and walked away with Sam automatically following.
“No, Sam, you’re staying with me.” 
Dean felt terrible for getting his brother mixed up in his mistake, noticing after they’d entered the warehouse, Sam kept trying to hide his natural, recently presented Alpha reaction to the scent of the O’s under his too-short hoodie, now forced by their Alpha to stay in the thick of it, so to speak. He watched Sam reluctantly fell behind his elder. “Let's get down to brass tacks, shall we?” The dealer gestures around. “Is there a specific type your son prefers?”
“Dean's preference of type doesn’t matter, but I want one under eighteen.”
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Part II
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva   @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Sam/Jared:  @idreamofplaid
Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl 
WF: @slamminmine @ladysparkles78 @deans-spinster-witch @ilovetaquitosmmmm
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jjtheresidentbaby · 6 months
Could I ask for a caregiver Uncle Bobby Singer babysitting a little (around 3-5 year regressed) reader fic?
And if possible, the reader is usually a hunter with Dean and Sam (and they're the usual caregivers), but they don't feel comfortable hunting with regressed reader so they drop the reader off at Bobby's as backstory?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Favors ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| bobby singer & reader
warnings: set sometime in the earlier seasons, mentions of canon typical hunting/violence, reader being referred to as a Winchester
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Bobby scratches at the back of his head for a moment, looking down at you with a bit of apprehension in his eyes. Sam and Dean had called three hours ago asking the older man if he could do them a favor, he agreed as he knew saying no would only get him a earful of pleading and low-grade guilt tripping, but he hadn’t expected the boys to drop off a human.
As far as favors go Bobby Singer is known for doing a lot of them- finding out lore, helping burn some bones, posing as fake fbi agents to talk to local pd, he’s even tracked down the closest gas station on a few occasions when Dean thought he was going to die off on the side of the road. Babysitting is not on that list, unless of course you count how Bobby got to know the two Winchester brothers so well, but that was twenty something years ago.
He in no way thought he’d have a toddler sitting in front of him. Sam had given a brief rundown of how to care for you and what age regression is- which Bobby already knew, idjit - and Dean all but threatened murder if anything happened to you while they were out hunting a wendigo only a state over from Bobby. Real assuring speeches from both of them, Bobby swears it’s like those two forget who taught them half the things they know.
“So, what do you wanna do today? I think I have some of those old westerns that Dean used to watch, but those might be a bit grown up for you, um…” His voice trails off to nothing as he wracks his brain trying to think of what the boys did as toddlers.
He didn’t see much of Dean at that age but Sam was around, always doing whatever his brother was doing, or trying to read too advanced books in Bobby’s library til Bobby would come and pluck him away to— he can’t remember what they’d do. It’s moments like these he wishes he had a parenting book around but he knows he handed those off to a local couple a few years back when he helped them rid their house of an angry spirit that was particularly upset with the nursery they were building.
“Can you play army men with me?” God you sound just like Sam did. But it’s a solid plan and Bobby’s able to quickly grab the baggie of plastic army men stuffed into the backpack the boys left behind for you, not that they should be gone more than the night based on how apprehensive they both were to leave you.
“Sure thing sweetie.” The army men get dumped onto the coffee table once Bobby clears away a few lore books, you definitely don’t need to be seeing all that.
“Your troop goes there and mine goes here, then we go to war.” You explain in a cheery voice as you push a group of the toys over towards Bobby’s side of the table.
Soon enough the two of you are battling against one another and Bobby’s worries about watching over you slip away. It becomes easy, a familiar comfortability of caring for a Winchester kid - let’s face it that’s what you are now, blood or not - and Singer’s able to throw himself into the task as he would during a hunt or research binge. Although he has to admit that taking care of you is much more fun.
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itsthestutterforme · 8 months
A Night in Charlotte 1/3 (Rafe Cameron x black!reader)
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Summary: After Pope lies to Bobby about where he was taking his truck, you were left stranded in Charlotte for the night. And what better idea then to go to the nearest bar?
Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, this will be a three part series, requests are open for OBX, sexual themes (dry humping, praise kink, fingering, oral sex, p in v penetration, morning sex), MINORS DNI
Prompt credit @mostlyheinous : “No seats? Bummer.. my lap is feelin’ empty though.”
Rafe’s deal fell through again. They ran countless tests on the gold and even went as far as to ask how him and Barry got it. Rafe grew impatient and yelled a few profanities before leaving with the suitcase filled a pound of gold. He finds that’s a common theme. Better established businesses questioning his credibility and turning him away.
How was he suppose to make any money? It’s not like he can go back to Ward with his tail between his legs. He’s on his own now. He had to make things work. He took a deep breath after he downed the rest of his whiskey. He jingled the ice in his cup at the bartender and the bartender acknowledged him with a nod before reaching for the whiskey bottle.
The bell above the door rung when you stepped into the bar. Your plane landed two hours ago and you were met with a chaotic mess. You called the number from your grandma’s phone book that was labeled Bobby Heyward. He’s your uncle and one of the fewest family you could get into contact with since your grandma’s passing.
Bobby seemed to think your plane landed tomorrow and gave his son the truck for the day. Apparently he still has the truck, which means you were stranded in Charlotte until tomorrow night at the latest. After finding a hotel with some vacancy, you randomly decided to go to the nearest bar.
Nothing is more depressed than spending a Friday night indoors watching the same Law and Order reruns. You beelined to the bar stools, your box braids swaying with every step, only to see all the stools were taken by someone.
You’ve got to be kidding me, you thought to yourself. You felt your face getting hot so you pulled your braids into a low bun to keep your neck cool. Rafe’s gaze locked on you as soon as you stepped foot into the bar. You wore a red, floral sundress and matching red Vans. You never were one to wear sandals, even on the hottest of days. You were the perfect distraction for Rafe until Barry calls with a reality check.
Rafe decides to make his presence known by saying, “No seats? Bummer.. my lap is feelin’ empty though.” “Please tell me that line doesn’t actually work,” you crossed your arms with an eye roll. “What if it does?” “Then the women here have absolutely no game and neither do you,” “Ouch,” he presses his hand on his chest with fake offense.
He takes out his wallet and pulls out $200 before dropping it on the table in front of the man next to him. “Hey buddy, you mind?” He cocks his head to the door and the man looks between him and the $200. “I was just about to leave anyway,” the man says, sliding the money into his front pocket as he stood.
“Good man,” Rafe said with a kind smile. A smile that only grew wider when he pats the now empty seat for you to sit. “I’ll have a Bahama Mama please,” you tell the bartender. “Bahama Mama- you know, how come you’re nice to him but not to me?”
“One, you have to be a special kind of douche to be rude to people in the hospitality industry. And two, he didn’t try to get me to sit in his lap within ten seconds of meeting me.” “Thank you,” you state when the bartender hands you your drink. “I’m Rafe,” he offers you his hand and you opened your mouth to say something else snarky but you realized he spent $200 on you without so much as knowing your name.
“Y/N,” you say after a pause, sliding your hand into his. He repeats your name softly, twisting your hand to kiss your knuckles individually. “You’re not drunk, are you?” You blatantly ask and he laughs at your bluntness. “Not at all. This is my third.” He states, raising his glass for emphasis. “And I assume you’re not a lightweight?”
“I think the better question is are you?” He raises a brow and you bit your lip to hold back your laugh. “I am more the capable of holding my liquor. Thank you.” He watches you circle your finger around the rim of your glass a moment before meeting your gaze. His eyes never left yours for an entirety of ten seconds.
He leans in closer and whispers, “You want me to try another pick up line?” “Absolutely not,”
A proud smile tugs on Rafe’s lips when you push him on the bed before you kick off your shoes. “What?” You start. “Nothing,” he sits up and leans back on the palms of his hands. Your legs felt like jelly after he just fingered you against the door for ten long minutes, holding you in place so you couldn’t squirm away.
You pulled the dress over your head, not caring that it pulled your box braids out of the loose bun you had it in. As soon as you were close enough to him, he pulled you into his lap and buried his face into your boobs that were pushed up by your bra.
Your core throbs against the hard bulge pressed against you. He lifts you up a bit and starts rocking you against him, grazing your sensitive clit against the zipper of his jeans. Your mouth fell open when his jeans rubbed you just right, making your thighs clench around him. “That feel good?”
“Use your words, baby.” “Y-yes,” “Yeah?” He pressed his lips to yours, nipping at your bottom lip. You let out a gasp and he took the opportunity lick the tip of your tongue. You tugged his shirt open and buttons flew everywhere. You pushed him on his back and kissed down his chest, occasionally scratching down his stomach.
“Fuck,” he moans, bringing your lips back to his. His hands smooth down your body before sending a smack to your ass. He held you close to him as he switched positions so you were laying on your back. He gave you a kiss before pulling away from you to take off his mangled shirt and his jeans.
He lifted your ankle on to his shoulder and kissed up your entire leg until he reached your throbbing core. “Please,” you begged. “You sound so pretty when you beg,” he rips the seams of your panties until they were torn completely off and laid flat on his stomach. He lifts both of your legs over his shoulder before sealing his lips over your clit, massaging your walls with his tongue.
“R-Rafe,” your back arched off the bed and you started to twist away from him. He licks up your broad stripe, giving you a small break before using his thumb to rub hard circles on your clit. Growing impatient with your twitching body, he wrapped his arms around your hips tightly and burying his face in your pussy, kitten licking you until he felt your legs seize and straighten.
Fireworks went off behind your eyes, your hand gently held his head feeling as he bobbed his head with every lick. “Fuck!” You pushed his head away when he continued to lick you through your orgasm. He soon replaces his tongue with his fingers, curling them into your upper wall.
“Beg,” he taunts, smiling when he sees tears brimming in your eyes. “Please,” you croak. “Please what?” He says, leaning in to whisper in your ear. The action alone sent chills down your body. “Fuck me,” he sent a thrust with his fingers, rubbing your throbbing clit with his calloused palm. “Please, Rafe.” You whimpered, your body twitching consistently under the movement of his palm.
“Attagirl, so pretty.” You held back a whine when he harshly pulls his fingers away from you. He sucks them dry before crawling up your body, pecking your lips as he pulls his boxers down to his ankles. Instinctively, you spread you legs for him. He holds one of your legs straight up into the air, slowly pushing the tip against your folds.
“Do you think we’ll need lube?” You answered his question by wrapping your ankles around his waist and pulling until he bottomed out inside or you. The two of your moaned in unison, the tip of his dick already nudging a gspot without much movement. His eyes rolled to the back of his head when you adjust your hips to take more of him.
“I’m not going too last long. Fuck you feel so good.” He groans, looking down at where your bodies met. He sent an experimental thrust, watching your face contort with pleasure. “Fuck me,” he says under his breath. He rolls his hips to make short, heavy thrusts. You clung to the sheets for dear life as he fucked you within an inch of your life.
You clenched around him and he thrusted hard enough to knock the wind out of you with every thrust. Whining when he comes to a complete stop, he bent down to kiss you warmly. You were about to ask what happened when he extended both of your legs straight up and pressed them flush against his chest.
He used your legs as handles to hold you in place when he fucked you relentlessly. The bed creaks under his quick thrusts. He licks his thumb before spreading your legs just enough to rub quick circles on your clit. “Shit, shit, shit!” You chanted as your toes curled for your third orgasm that night.
The convulsion of your walls sent Rafe over the edge. He sent a few thrusts more before pulling out and sending his cum across your chest. The two of you caught your breath and he reached down to grab his ripped shirt. To your surprise, he cleans up his cum with the shirt before tossing it clear across the room.
Without missing a beat, he collapses next to you, draping an arm across your stomach. Your eyes felt heavier the more you blinked. You turned on your side facing away from him and his body naturally fit with yours as he spooned you.
Maybe North Carolina wasn’t as bad as you thought.
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We Should Kiss Like Real People Do
It’s finally time! This was so much fun! @jatpfebfanfest
This is for @princessmuk
“Wait, wait, wait, explain this to me again?” Julie says, tilting her head at him in confusion.
“Aragagh,” Alex groans, “I’ve explained it twice already,” he tilts his head at her, “Shouldn’t you know all about this, already? Willie is basically your brother.”  
Julie flings herself down next to him, “I know about the stupid family reunion thing, yeah, but why are you going?”
“Because Willie doesn’t want to go alone,” Alex supplies.
“Right, but…” and then she seems to stop herself, “You know what? Never mind. So, Willie asked you to be his fake boyfriend, and you said yes?”
Alex face plants into Julie’s pile of pillows, “Yes,” he mutters. This does nothing to block out the sound of Julie’s giggles, “I hate you,” he adds, rolling over and hugging a pillow to his chest.
After a moment he feels Julie’s arm press up against his side, “I’m sorry, Lexi,” she says seriously, “this is just a situation so ridiculous only you could have managed to end up in it.”
“Thanks, that just make me feel loads better.” 
Julie sighs, “It’s really going to be okay, Alex.”
“You think? Because I think I’m gonna get my heart broken.”
“I’m fairly confident that’s not going to happen, besides you already said yes,” she points out.
“I know,” he whispers.
“So, what are you going to do?”
And that’s the thing, isn’t it? There’s nothing he can do. Willie is his best friend and he needs help. Alex has to do this even if it destroys him, “I’m going to be Willie’s fake boyfriend.”
The time of his demise is delayed slightly by the fact this “favor” Willie asked him for is actually a week away. For someone with a normally functioning brain that might be a good thing, but Alex is far too anxious, and simply comes up with ten new ways it could go horribly wrong with each passing day.
His friends are unsurprisingly the opposite of helpful. Bobby straight up laughs in his face when he finds out, pats him on the shoulder, and says, “Good luck with that.” Reggie gets really excited and insists that this is the start of Alex’s very own rom-com, and then goes on a long-winded tangent about movies where the two main characters start fake dating and end up falling in actual love. Luke, at least, seems properly sympathetic but offers exactly zero practical advice.
Willie, for his part seems remarkably unconcerned about the many possible ramifications of this deal of theirs. Then again, Willie seems remarkably unconcerned about most things. It’s part of the reason Alex likes him so much, Willie balances him out somehow. Calms the whirlwind in his brain.
Willie is holding his hand.
Honestly, he’s having a hard time focusing on anything other than that fact. And he knows it’s for show, that they’re walking up Willie’s uncle’s driveway and someone might see, but none of that matters because Willie is holding his hand.
“This is going to be easy. You already know everything about me and they know practically nothing. You probably won’t even have to lie that much,” Willie is saying and Alex is nodding like a bobble head even though he’s only half listening, “Besides,” Willie adds, “it’s only for the day anyway.”
And that snaps Alex right back to reality. Because tomorrow he’s going to have to go back to pretending like he isn’t in love with his best friend. And he’s going to have to pretend like that fact isn’t slowly killing him. And none of this is real and Alex sort of wants to cry.
Instead, he says, “Right, no big deal.”
Willie yanks them to a stop on the bottom step, tugging his lip between his teeth for a second, “Seriously, Lexi, thank you for doing this.” And then he does the most unbelievable thing and reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind Alex’s ear. It does absolutely nothing since his hair is not actually long enough to stay put, but Alex melts anyway.
“Hey,” he says, squeezing Willie’s hand, “anytime.”
Willie blushes, “Yeah,” he breathes, turning away, “um, ready to do this?”
Alex shrugs, “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
As Willie introduces him around, Alex starts to relax. Really, pretending to be Willie’s boyfriend is not nearly as hard as he thought it would be. They hold hands and when anyone asks how they met, they tell the truth, “We were friends first.” Willie calls him truly ridiculous pet names like, “Hotdog” and “Honeyboo” which make some of his aunts coo at them.
Willie had basically said that he didn’t want to go to this party alone because all his relatives were awful, but that he’d only be allowed to bring someone if they were dating.
And yeah, Willie’s aunts and uncles are all a little distant and awkward, but seems mostly unbothered by their snubs.
His cousins, on the other hand are admittedly sort of awful, the kind of spoiled rich kids who think their money entitles them to look down on everyone else, but they pretty much leave the two of them alone too.
Willie’s mom had been the black sheep of the family, a free-spirit artist, who had run off with Willie’s dad right out of high school. Willie had never seen his mom’s family growing up, but after she and his dad died in a car accident, his attendance at these yearly reunions had become mandatory out of some twisted sense of duty or something. The rest of the year, Willie lives with his dad’s best friend, Ray, who is apparently not allowed to attend either.
Alex isn’t quite sure how to help, but Willie never once lets go of his hand, so maybe just being there is enough.
It’s a long afternoon, but only slightly painful, and then suddenly they’re climbing back into the car.
It takes a few seconds for Alex to realize that Willie hasn’t actually put the key into the ignition, or for that matter, let go of Alex’s hand.
“Hey,” Alex murmurs, “you okay?”
Willie drops his head onto Alex’s shoulder, “It’s just so exhausting, you know?”
Alex hums, because he doesn’t really.
“They’re all so fake, being all polite, and acting like they want to know me, but they didn’t fucking want me.”
Alex realizes then that Willie is crying, and he tries to shift so he can pull him into a hug, but Willie won’t let go of his hand.
“And I love Ray, I do, and it’s not like I want to live with them, but they spent my whole childhood pretending I didn’t exist and then when they were forced to acknowledge me, they still didn’t want me. And I lied to you. Ray usually goes with me and they wouldn’t have cared if I’d brought a friend as long as they could put on their little ‘happy family show,’ but I wanted you, and I wanted to be able to hold your hand, and now I don’t want to let go because I love you so much, but you probably don’t want me either.”
And Alex is, well, Alex is trying to wrap his head around the fact that his whole entire world just got rewritten. Because even if that was a bunch of heartbreaking word salad, he’s pretty sure Willie just said he loved him.
And this is why he doesn’t respond nearly fast enough, giving Willie the time to realize what he just said and freak out about it. Honestly, it’s all very Alex of him.
He tries to pull away, but this time, it’s Alex who won’t let go.
“Hey,” he says softly, and when Willie just keeps fighting against him, he says it louder, “Hey!” Willie freezes, staring at him, wide-eyed, “I’m, like, stupid in love with you too.”
Willie blinks, and Alex has a feeling his whole world is rewriting itself too.
“Oh,” he says, “Well, that’s convenient.”
Alex smiles at him, “Yeah, it is, isn’t it?”
The sit there smiling at each other, and they’re both crying still too, but none of that matters because Willie loves him.
“So, um, I’m gonna kiss you now,” Willie whispers.
“Okay,” Alex whispers back.
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Master Post of My Stuff That I’m Proud of :) (I update this ALL the time!)
My Hangaroo/Hangster Relationship Playlist (Youtube)
My Icemav Relationship Playlist
My Ineffable Husbands Playlist (Aziraphale x Crowley from Good Omens) 
My BUDDIE Playlist
(^ I am constantly adding on to these on YouTube, just FYI ^)
Fairytale AU’s
“Two Princesses Fell in Love...” (Rapunzel x Sleeping Beauty AU)
Cinderella Fake Dating AU potential
Top Gun
If Maverick isn’t flying that day, he comes home early... (IceMav ficlet)
Slider Gets an Inheritance from Iceman
“All-American Boy” (Goose x Carole and Hangaroo/Hangster ficlet based on ”All-American Girl” by Carrie Underwood)
What If Wolfman wanted to “adopt” Hangman (original post)
Hangaroo/Hangster Time Travel back to 1986 (very open ending in that I didn’t really end it, so if you want to take it and finish it just let me know so I can read it :) )
Parallel between the Top Gun awards ceremony and another event a few years later (IceMav)
Mav adopts little Bradley after Carole dies and Iceman becomes “Uncle Iceman”...
(^ this one was like the first story-post I did about IceMav and I cannot believe I didn’t have it on here already)
IceMav Holiday Headcanons (Thanksgiving & Christmas)
The REAL IceMav Ending of Top Gun: Maverick
“Top Gun” + “Top Gun Maverick” = “The Notebook” (IceMav)
TGM HEADCANON: The Daggers Take Care of Mav After Ice’s Funeral
Rooster and Hangman Talk after Iceman’s Funeral (Hangaroo/IceMav)
Poker Night Between the Daggers and the 86′ers
“Even Though I’m Leaving” by Luke Combs in the POV of Bradley with Goose, Maverick, and Iceman 
“Hungry Eyes” Hangaroo/Hangster Edit
Hangaroo & Bobnix 27 Dresses AU (27 Tuxes)
IceMav Sweet Home Alabama AU
Hangaroo/Hangster How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days AU
IceMav & Hangaroo/Hangster Letters to Juliet AU
IceMav Ocean’s Eleven AU
IceMav The Wedding Planner AU
IceMav Sleepless in Seattle AU
IceMav + “Long Live”
Hangaroo/Hangster + “Style”
Hangaroo/Hangster + “Blank Space”
Hangaroo/Hangster + “I’d Lie”
MCU Characters x Wizard of Oz Parallels
Tony/Pepper/Peter (Parker) Part 1
Tony/Pepper/Peter(Parker) Part 2
Peter Wants to be a Superhero like his Dad Iron Man (but Mom Pepper Finds Out)
Mamma Mia Spideriron Family AU
MCU Characters as Star Wars Characters
Peter Grows Up Knowing Tony (because he’s friends with Ben)
After Tony gets to heaven (IronDad-Spider-son post)
Tony Walks In On His Young Son Peter Drawing Pictures of a Guy Named Star-Lord (IronQuill)
Stranger Things
Billy Being Raised By His Grandma AU (ft. Harringrove)
Billy Being Raised by His Grandma AU Part 2 (ft. Harringrove)
Billy and Steve go to See “Top Gun” and need a second (or third) opinion
Our Flag Means Death
OFMD x “Grease” Parallels
Ed and Stede are the Parents of Another Famous Pirate
Blackbonnet (Stede x Ed) Corpse Bride AU
(S2 FINALE SPOILERS) There is an Inn near the RoP...(Blackbonnet)
Buck’s s7 Bi Journey set to “Defying Gravity” lyrics (fan art/fan-edit)
Chimney Creates a Bachelor-inspired Office Pool (Bucktommy, Buddie)
Chimney, Hen and Ravi argue about altering the original office pool (Buddie)
What if Eddie kisses Buck while he’s with Tommy...? (Buddie, Bucktommy)
Three Earth-Shattering Events in One Week (7x04)
What if Tommy is in a Helicopter Crash...? (Bucktommy, Buddie)
“911″ -> “8 Simple Rules”-style (Bi Buck, Dad!Bobby, Buddie)
Athena Going Mama Bear on Tommy (Mom!Athena, Bucktommy)
Cruise Ship Doc Asks Buck if Bathena are His Parents (Dad!Bobby, Mom!Athena)
 “He Didn’t Have to Be” by Brad Paisley (Buck & Christopher, Buck & Bobby)
Bobby is the Parent Buck Has Always Needed (Buck & Bobby, Dad!Bobby)
The Theme of Parents and Children in 6x10 (Buck & Bobby, Dad!Bobby)
6x11 “Which one?” (Buckley-Diaz family)
Bobby Watching Buck Sleep in the Hospital after 6x11 (Dad!Bobby, Buck & Bobby)
Buck and Eddie Have Trouble Getting Engaged... (Buddie, Firefam)
When Buck and Eddie Become a Couple, They Have to Work Separately (Buddie)
“Hamilton”-inspired Buddie (Buddie, Dad!Bobby)
Multifandom Posts
This Blog Loves Found Father-Son Relationships
Gibbs & Tony - Bobby & Buck Parallel
Mary Poppins was the Doctor’s Nanny (Doctor Who x Disney)
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doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
Happy Thanksgiving to Dean Winchester, who made 25 pies, his angel husband, the nephil son they're raising with his brother and his wife Eileen along with their kid who Dean jokingly calls Dean, Jr., the daughter of his husband's meat suit who's somehow a clone of Dean, her girlfriend Kaia, her mom, Jody, her mom's girlfriend Donna, and their other kids Patience and Alex. His best friend's AU version and her girlfriend Stevie, his half-brother and his brother-in-law/his half-brother's husband, both of whom think he's an idiot for the dumb turkey hat he's wearing, his Uncle Carlos and and his Aunt Lata and their partners.
And their heaven-based family that Jack flew in: his mom, his dad, his dad's ex-gf/baby mama, Jack's mom (but neither of his biological dads who are Lucifer and a Republican senator, so equally evil), Claire's parents (why can't anyone tell Jimmy and Cas apart? Dean thinks they look nothing alike), his real/chosen dad Bobby and his wife Karen and boyfriend Rufus, his chosen sister Jo and her mom Ellen, his chosen sister Charlie who keeps flirting with his chosen sister Jo, his other brothers-in-law (who are speaking to them), Balthazar and Gabriel, his ex and sister-in-law Anna, and Jody's husband and son.
And their hell-based family who just showed up unannounced: Rowena, her girlfriend Bela, her son, Crowley, her son's boyfriend whose name nobody bothered to get (and he's mad because he'd hoped to make Dean jealous and stupid Benny refused to be his fake boyfriend), Meg (who is also mocking the hat), and for some ridiculous reason, Ketch pretending to be his own triplet.
Here's hoping nobody gets stabbed other than the turkey.
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wrestlingarsenal · 7 months
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TLDR - I recap a poignant short story posted in 2000 which describes seeing beautiful young Bobby Shane rassle on TV back in the homophobic 1970s.
Bobby Shane would later morph into a cocky, flamboyant bleached-blond Heel like Ric Flair or Gorgeous George. However, he began his career as a fresh young pretty boy that made all the young gays swoon. I recently stumbled across a provocative short story that references him.
The author recalls being 10 years old, watching wrestling on TV with his redneck uncles down in Georgia: Ray age 19 and Kent age 25. Uncle Kent apparently had a man-crush on babyface Bobby Shane, who was suffering on TV that night. The author notes that Kent "truly did love Bobby Shane—in fact ached blue for him." (I know that feeling.)
In the match, Bobby takes a beating from an aggressive Black heel performing the old jungle savage gimmick. I'm guessing it looked something like this:
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That's when homophobic Uncle Ray begins to taunt Uncle Kent for being queer for young Bobby Shane, which pisses Kent off because, back then, it was considered despicable and unmanly to be aroused by other men, including pro wrestlers if you can believe that. (I mean, we're SUPPOSED to be turned on by pro wrestlers, that's the whole POINT of pro wrestling. Am I right?! And who the hell WOULDN'T be attracted to young Bobby Shane?? But in the 70's, you had to keep that queer shit on the Down Low as I recall.)
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Anyway, witnessing the grappling on TV becomes too stimulating and the Drunken Uncles tag team suddenly wanted to dominate someone (hey, I get it!) So they begin to roughhouse their little nephew, giving him Indian Burns and Red Bellies, all that grab-ass shit that young men do. And then it all goes downhill from there.
Anyway there is a lot more angst and regret to the story, but this scene just felt familiar to me as a horn-dog for wrestling who grew up around the same era. I can recall the hopeless yearning for the handsome Babyface in peril (mixed with vehement denials of any queer feelings); that tawdry and violent 1970s Rasslin on TV, holding everyone's rapt attention in case something hot should happen; those horny cravings to grapple somebody triggered by watching shirtless men on TV going at it; the sloppy rough-housing on the couch or floor, knocking over lamps while giving zero shits. Been there, done that, bought the skimpy briefs.
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Trigger warnings: the original story contains homophobic, racist, and ableist slurs (including the N word and R word - which is how many people talked during the 1970s when this story takes place) and descriptions of violence. I do not condone the crude language, I do not condone frightening children or making them cry - I just felt the wrestling scene sounded familiar.
The story was posted in 2000 to the Arkansas Literary Forum, an early and short-lived attempt to use the Internet for intelligent discourse rather than just porn, gossip, and fake news (we were still idealistic 23 years ago -- it hurts me to remember how earnest we were.) The story was written by journalist Phillip Martin and is titled, "Before Bobby Shane Grew a Mustache and Became Evil."
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chemistryread · 2 years
had another thought.
that sleepover laughter. the one where you’re fighting to hold it in because you should really be quiet right now.
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STEVE would be the worst to be with in these moments, because he’s just open-mouth-but-no-sound cackling. that stupid swoopy wall of hair would be jiggling up and down, eyes shut and tears sneaking out the corners. maybe you’re hiding behind a couch, on the floor of a basement at this rando’s party, motive for your fit completely forgotten. steve’s supported by his left forearm stuck to the ground, blue jeans covered in dust, one leg bent and the other stretched in front of you. white shoes squeak against the tiles. leaning on both elbows next to him, you’re left with sore ab muscles solely from the visual of his body jittering with laughter like he’s stuck on repeat, occasional mousy noise escaping when he needs to suck in a breath. a smile is stuck on your face as you look up at him thinking “how are you so pretty when you’re being this stupid?”
EDDIE would blush like crazy. no doubt in my mind that it would start by laughing at him, instead of with. maybe you’re skipping class together and trying to keep quiet in the same bathroom stall. or it’s 5 A.M., you stayed up all night and his uncle just got home. eddie’s quickly turning off the small tape player you had bought for his last birthday, chucking the joint out the window and waving his hand in the air to try and dissipate the strong smell. it’s not like mr. munson wasn’t aware of his hobbies, but he would not like to find both of you awake this late on a school night. you weren’t even supposed to be there. eddie trips on your jacket - which you had forgotten on the floor, on top of your shoes - and cuts his own “mother of fuc-” off by gritting his teeth and making a fist before throwing himself on the bed with you. the mattress dips, springs moving too loud, and an inevitable laugh starts to ripple through your body. laying on his side and over the sheets, he desperately puts a finger in front of your lips, brown eyes widening. until he gives in and a contagious smile begins to spread across his face, slowly mirroring you. his biceps look good, accentuated by the tight hellfire shirt when his arms fold in front of his chest, which is heaving up and down. a few minutes go by with you grinning at each other, eyes puffy from the pot. barely registering how close your noses are, biting down giggles. his skin is red and his beautiful eyes are darting to your lips, where one of his fingers remains. reefer making you feel untied, you give it a small kiss before turning your back to him, slumber pulling you away. “good night, eds.”
ROBIN snorts. it’s a given. so when you’re watching a movie at the wheeler’s and the two of you are the last ones up, of course it’s you who worries about not awaking the others. the choice for tonight was a truly laughable B horror, fake blood resembling ketchup spurting out of a sickly looking young girl trying to pass as a zombie. robin seems to think it is the single funniest sequence she’s ever watched, husky tone coming through even as she cackles at the absurdity on screen. you’ve warned her thrice. “nance looks so peaceful, we can’t disturb her, bobbi. she’s right next to you.” ring-clad fingers gesturing at the ceiling, toothy smile shining in the dark TV room, unstoppable giggles muffling her apologies. you’re both laying on the arm chair, robin’s body splayed on top of yours. you swore you didn’t mind, “it’s no problem”. but her breathy whispers are music to your ears, hair tickling your face when she moves to chuckle. when the next violent scene starts, there’s just enough time to cut off robin’s supersonic snort before it wakes up the entire neighborhood. your hand is covering half of her face and her head is poking back against your chest, your reaction multiplying hers by ten. her legs are squirming at the end of the chair and you can’t help but to giggle at the lack of composure from the hyper girl. it was endearing, if stressful, managing her energy. she’s still chuckling when her fingers close around your wrist, forcing you to let go. robin holds on. and so you wake up with terrible back pain, right hand on the girl’s collarbone with her own placed on top of yours, and left arm across her stomach. nobody voices their questions over breakfast, but robin has the most beautiful sleepy, oblivious smile.
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hb-writes · 7 months
Holiday Spirit
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Summary: When the Winchesters decide to take a few days off hunting around Halloween, Nora gets in the spirit of the holiday and decides to do a little decorating.
Prompt: "If I go outside and find my car covered in stringed lights I'm smacking you."
Characters: Dean Winchester & Nora Winchester
Warnings: just the smacking referenced in the prompt.
Nora stilled her fingers, the piece of candy she held in her hands half-way unwrapped as she studied her brother as he finally stirred. He looked grumpy as hell, as if Dean was already dressed in his Halloween costume—a miserable old curmudgeon. 
A curmudgeon who was already complaining even though he had yet to open his eyes. 
“What’s all that noise?”
Nora bit her tongue to keep from asking him ‘what noise?’ considering that the last fifteen minutes was the quietest she had been all morning. She’d even managed to stop the microwave before it started beeping after rewarming her coffee.
Decorating had been much louder, but all of her flitting about the motel room and the microwaving hadn’t woken her brother. She had checked each time, wincing and tip-toeing to his bedside after every slightly too loud noise she made. 
He had slept like the dead through all of it, something she supposed he deserved seeing as they’d been driving for so long and he had refused to share the burden with his siblings, insisting they both rest. But go figure, Dean would wake up at the sound of junk food—Nora’s brothers both seemed to have a hypersonic radar for that…for vastly different reasons, of course, but they both seemed to always know when Nora had something delicious and terrible for you in her grasp. 
Dean sat up suddenly when Nora didn’t answer, but before his glare could land on her face, he caught sight of all of the decorations—the fake cobwebs and glow-in-the-dark skeletons, the miniature ghosts and bats dangling from the ceiling…as if they didn’t get enough of that crap outside of the motel rooms they so frequently called home.
“Where did all this crap come from?” Dean was still taking it all in.
“Dollar store,” Nora answered quietly, suddenly a bit sheepish as she confirmed that it was indeed a bunch of crap she had strung up around their barely 2-star motel room. 
“Here, have some breakfast,” she said as she tossed the half-opened candy to him. 
Dean finished unwrapping and popped it into his mouth without complaint, just as Nora hoped he would.
“And before you start lecturing, Sammy took me—” Nora reached for a second paper coffee cup, holding it out— “and we got you coffee. You might want to reheat it.” 
Dean pulled himself out of the bed, the movements slow, as if he was still sore. As if he still needed another sixteen hours of sleep. Good thing they were planning on hanging out for a few days, assuming another job didn’t present itself, at least.
Nora hoped one wouldn’t. Her brothers were exhausted. She was exhausted. She just wanted to exist for a few days. It would’ve been nice to just exist for a few days somewhere a little nicer, a little more comfortable—at Uncle Bobby’s, maybe—but she wasn’t going to be picky. Relaxing was relaxing even if the motel room was shitty. At least the town had a nice little coffee house.
Dean pulled the coffee from Nora’s hand as he passed her, standing at the counter a few steps behind her, his back to her for a few moments as he fussed with the ancient microwave. 
He’d let the microwave beep, zoning out long enough that he didn’t catch it before the time ran out, the incessant alarm so loud in the little motel room that Nora cringed. Dean took a sip of the hot liquid, sighing a bit as the flavor hit his tongue. It was re-warmed via microwave, a method of preparation that probably impacted the quality and taste of the coffee, but Dean could tell it was a decent brew. It wasn’t any of that gas station crap they were used to. 
He took another sip before setting the cup on the counter and turning to his sister. Without a word, Dean snatched the candy bag from her lap, his hand digging through to find his favorite. 
Nora bit down her complaint as his fingers retrieved the last four chocolates—they were her favorite, too. He set them down on the counter beside his coffee cup before tossing the bag back on the table. A bag full of second-best options that she didn’t particularly like. Still, she didn’t complain. The last hunt had been rough and Nora was trying to keep things light. Fun. Fighting over chocolate bars before he’d even finished a cup of coffee wasn’t fun.
“So…do you like the decorations?” she asked.
Dean’s eyes slid down to her as he opened his third piece of chocolate, an eyebrow raised. 
Nora slid her foot from the chair where she had propped it up and pressed it into Dean’s thigh. He shifted his balance to accommodate the shove.
“Aw, c’mon, Dean. You said we were staying a few days, so I figured we might as well get into the holiday spirit.”
“Holiday spirit?” Dean asked, fingering the line of multicolored string lights she’d put up along the kitchen. “I think you’ve got the wrong holiday, bucko.” 
Nora rolled her eyes and in rebuttal, she reached for the two pieces of candy Dean had yet to devour. She figured if he was awake enough to make fun, he was awake enough for her to take back some of the candy. Dean’s hand slammed down over hers before she could pull them into her grasp. He raised an eyebrow and she sighed, a show of defeat that had him releasing his grip on her. 
Nora set her feet back up on the chair beside her, folding her arms across her chest. It had been hard enough convincing Sam to even buy the candy and she’d barely get any of the good ones now that Dean was hogging them. She should’ve known better and hid a few away for herself.
“Quit your pouting,” Dean said as he tossed one of the remaining candies on the table in front of her. 
Dean couldn’t help but smile as Nora’s face lit up a bit and she quickly opened the candy, setting it in her mouth. He teased and he played the grump, but Dean was glad that his sister still got excited about stuff like this—stuff like Halloween decorations and candy and the fact that this rat hole of a motel somehow had extra channels so she could watch all those silly Halloween movies she’d watched as a kid. He was glad that Sam and Nora had been so enthusiastic about sitting down to watch It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown the night before. He was glad that the two of them had the capacity to be nostalgic for childhood even when he didn’t.
Dean strung his finger along the slowly flashing lights affixed to the counter once again. “Since when are Christmas lights Halloween decorations?” 
“They’re string lights, Dean. Not Christmas lights. Indoor-outdoor. Multi-holiday use. They’re very versatile. And I like them,” she said as she took a sip of coffee to wash down the chocolate.
Dean snorted. “Yeah, well, if I go outside and find my car covered in stringed lights I'm smacking you."
Nora gasped, choking on the coffee as it went down wrong. She forced herself to laugh at the end of her coughing, as if Dean’s words were funny to her, as if it was nothing more than a joke. 
Nora knew the words weren’t an idle threat though. Dean wouldn’t hesitate to hurt anyone who hurt his Baby. Not that she had really hurt his baby… The hand prints smeared across the windows were nothing more than fake blood. And the pumpkin-shaped antenna ball was easy enough to remove… 
But Dean was staring at her, waiting for something. Waiting for confirmation.
Nora snorted. “I didn’t put any stupid stringed lights on your car, Dean. I’m not an idiot. How would I even plug them in?” 
It wasn’t technically a lie, and Dean seemed content with her answer as he brought the coffee cup to his lips again, but Nora wondered how long it would be before he went to check. Nora had been adamantly against going for a run with Sam, but just now she wished she had agreed to go, if only to avoid being the only one here when Dean saw the car.
“We’ll, now that you’re up, I’m going to take a shower,” Nora said as she stood from the table, trying not to move too quickly, trying to take her time with gathering her things before heading for the bathroom.
As Nora closed the bathroom door, she heard her brother take up her spot at the table, his hand once again fishing in the bag of candy. 
Her spot at the table where one could see out the window perfectly, the Impala perfectly visible between the threadbare curtains…
She had just started the water when Dean roared her name. 
Actually roared. Nora cringed at the sound, but stepped into the warming water anyway. The flimsy door and fact that she was showering would at least offer her some protection. Dean wouldn’t come in, no matter how angry he was. No matter how much he wanted to throttle her.
Nora could stay there until the water ran cold, until Sam returned.
That, she decided, was the best course of action. To stay here until Sam got back. Until he could remind Dean that even though she could be a pain in the ass, he loved his sister.
That was the hope, at least.
Supernatural (Bye, Bye, Apple Pie) Masterlist
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kachowthunder · 1 year
This is really important information anyone in the Cars fandom need to know about The Weathers Family...
༆ Strip is basically the father figure, Lynda is the mother figure, Cal is like Nephew who's basically a son now, and Tex is the weird Uncle-Grandpa. This is how is it.. Oh and Ig Lighting and Bobby are the unofficially adopted children, just because they're best friends with Cal and basically treat the Weather's Ranch as their second home; will come inside like it is their own damn house. They've never heard Strip curse though... so not full Weathers family. Actually they heard Strip curse ONCE. And that's because he stubbed his toe on the dinner table while Lighting, Bobby, and Cal where throwing a football in the yard. ༆ Strip might seem calm in the movies, but it is widely accepting that his southern butt is nothing but crazy once he's out of public eye. Sometimes, not even Lynda can tame him no matter how hard she tries... she loves him so much but girlie need a break from Strip sometimes; like, seriously, give her a vacation!! Poor Lynda is the only Weathers with a head screwed on correctly. Literally. Strip, if not in the cameras, is unhinged. Tex eats Jimmy Dean's frozen breakfast sandwiches frozen b/c he cannot go through the trouble to unwrap them. Cal is... basically Strip Jr. (/j), and Lightly and Bobby... are Lighting and Bobby. The most unhinged you'll get Lynda is when she starts preforming derby stunts again; then you'll have chaos reigning over the Weathers family. ༆ Strip has gotten String cheese banned from being served in the Dinoco tent. He has also gotten Dinosaur chicken nuggets banned from being served in the Dinoco tent. This is because he cannot handle that food properly. He bites into cheese sticks and traumatizes Cal with gore scenes of dinosaurs eating each other whenever those food items are out. Tex almost had a heart attack when he first saw Strip chomp into a cheese stick. He thought Strip was the devil himself for a few minutes... But, lowkey, he probably is. And we'd still love him for that. Because we love the Weathers Family. ༆ Lynda's word is always final. Always. Don't question her. Ever. ༆ Tex... thought joints were joints and not joints; Strip was not amused (/ref to that one drawing) ༆ Cal was totally abandoned by his family.. probably most likely... left on Lynda and Strip's door step by Strip's like- brother or sister or something. and like-
Lynda and Strip raised him like they were his own kid. ༆ Tex used to make little fake races for Cal when he was young! It was really cute. Strip and Lynda would participate and always make it seem like Cal was better at them at racing, just to boost his confidence. it's what made Cal start to love racing and now they plan to do it with every Weathers generation. ༆ THIS FAMILY IS JUST A CHAOTIC LITTLE SOUTHERN FAMILY WHO WE LOVE AND STAND /J ༆ AND JUST TO REMIND EVERYTHING, CAL'S NAME WAS SUPPOSED TO BE STRIP JR. AND HIS RACING NICKNAMES ARE 'THE BLUE FALCON' AND 'PRINCE'. PLEASE- DON'T EVER FORGET THIS BECAUSE IT IS REALLY, REALLY CUTE.
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kickingitwithkirk · 1 year
Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Word Count: 1143
Warnings: A/B/O, subjugation, pandemic, mentions of nudity, leering, mention of collaring/leashed, rut/heat, physical altercation, murder conviction, parental dominance
*Additional warnings will be added
*Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter.
*Square filled: @spnabobingo -Rut Suppressant @spnaubingo -Sub!Dean @anyfandomdarkbingo - Voyeurism
A/N: Each part follows in sequence
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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Part I
Five weeks ago 
Dean Winchester had been arrested.
Their dad grew tired of Sam’s constant complaining about finishing up his junior year in one place and had left his sons in this backwater town.
Several more weeks passed and it was obvious their dad wasn’t coming back anytime soon, the little money they had began to run out and when he couldn’t hustle pool anymore, Dean took a job at a local garage. 
It wasn’t long after another problem arose.
Dean ran out of rut suppressants and was stuck in one of the few states that required a prescription. He tried obtaining them through less than-legal channels but began feeling the restlessness simmering underneath his skin; it was too late.
Out of options he made sure his brother had everything required for a few days, went looking for something to sink his knot into, and found himself chatting up a Beta at the only local bar until their irate Alpha came looking for them. 
By night's end, Dean found himself with an IV in one arm and the other handcuffed to a bed in the hospital after a rut-induced fight with their Alpha.
When the local sheriff showed the ER doctor told him the Alpha was DOA and the cause of death was exsanguination from canine perforation of the carotid artery.
Sam was unable to reach their dad, and in a panic called Bobby Singer. They’d been forbidden to make contact after his sires fell out with the grumpy hunter the young Alphas' words spilled out a jumble of profuse apologies and explanations.
Bobby felt his temper flare, he’d always considered the brothers like his own kids, and hearing Dean was headed for jail and Sam in CPS custody wanted another shot at the elder Winchester with something stronger than rock salt. Reassuring Sam he’d be there by nightfall pulled out his hunters' contacts and started dialing, putting out John's last known location.
Bobby’s first stop was at CPS. He presented the faked documentation verifying he was their blood uncle then took him to the police station to find out what was happening with Dean. 
At the station Bobby flashed his law enforcement credentials to the officer in charge whose response was information would be only released when his Alpha arrived, wasn’t allowed any visitors except the public defender assigned but slipped that Dean what he was being charged with.
Unable to do anything else and unwilling to sit around the rental where the brothers were staying to wait for the Alpha, Sam had Bobby take him to the local library to research the state’s laws pertaining to his brother's case.
Two days later John rolled into town and went directly to the station where he was informed of the situation and then allowed a brief visit with his son.
John entered the interrogation room and saw Dean seated wrists and ankles shackled and tethered to the table, the reddish cast in his eyes that'd begun when Caleb found him, fully turning his irises red.
Out of all the shit he’d done over the years this proved what he always thought; Dean was a worthless fuck-up and offspring or not, he no longer wanted to deal with.
Dean suddenly found himself airborne, legs flailing, and kicked over the chair he’d been sitting in before being slammed face-first on the table, trapped, at the mercy of his sire who he knew was going to kill him. 
His final thoughts were only about one person, flashing back to the night baby Sammy was placed in his arms and his dad ordered; take your brother outside as fast as you can and don’t look back he was Dean's responsibility to protect and care for. As he lost consciousness the door burst open and three deputies drew their tasers shocking the incensed Alpha. 
Sam maneuvered around the chaos and sank to his knees next to Dean lying on the floor, gasping air between his bluish lips and a thick band of purplish discoloration around his neck felt the dark and angry thing that lived under his skin flare up, slithering through his veins felt his canines elongating releases a bloodcurdling wrawl. 
Silence filled the air except for Dean’s raspy breath as Sam slowly stood up scanning the room, unsure why everything was tinted a strange color when his eyes landed on his dad, angered that while his brother's lower status didn’t interfere with hunting, it’d never allow him to stand up to their dad.
“Son, don’t,” Bobby’s voice was absurdly loud, agitating, like nails on a chalkboard but his gaze never left John as the deputies dragged him out.
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At the arraignment hearing they found out Dean was being charged with voluntary manslaughter. 
The district attorney said due to the extenuating circumstances; an Alpha on the cusp of their rut and the Betas signed a confession of intentionally seeking out another for infidelity as retribution because their Alpha recently purchased a House Omega against their wishes they were willing to accept a plea deal.
“As stipulated by state law, Alpha John Winchester will have ten days to procure an Omega for  his pack's lower-ranked Alpha, Dean Winchester, and present them in court with the proper documentation or the defendant will be reprimanded into custody to serve the mandatory five-year imprisonment.” 
The DA paused and glances towards the gallery, “the Alpha will also be required to surrender custody of Samuel Winchester, his other minor Alpha son, to be placed in a state-sanctioned home.” The defense attorney asked for a brief recess to discuss the terms when John stood up.
“Your honor, there’s no need for a recess, I accept the deal.”
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Shouting and loud banging at the far end of the showroom drew the attention of several patrons then stopped just as suddenly as it started.
 “Dean, go wait by the entrance.” 
“What?” Dean disbelievingly barked and John grabbed his leather jacket collar, “don’t you take that tone with me boy,” he snarled in a low voice. “I’m having to clean up your fucking mess so your brother doesn’t end up in the system.”
 ”Yes sir,” Dean replies chastised, turning towards the warehouse's entrance with his brother naturally following hearing their dad say, “no Sam, you’re with me,” peeks back to see his brothers' cheeks flushed in embarrassment, trying to not gawk at the naked Omegas as he reluctantly falls in behind them.
Their dad had raised them to not only hunt evil but protect the innocent and this situation went against everything ingrained in them, knowing these O’s were destined for servitude or used as breeding stock and couldn’t help them. 
“Let's get down to brass tacks shall we,” the dealer gestures around. “As you can see, our stock has a diverse selection, is there a particular type you’re interested in purchasing?”
“I need one under 18.”
Part II
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SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @b3autyfuldisast3r @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
Hi!! Can you talk about this WIP?
teddy high school reunion
THAT specific wip is a concept I was working on where teddy is invited to his 30th high school reunion and because he wants to impress his old classmates and not seem like as much of a divorced loser he asks bob and linda if he can borrow the kids and pretend they're HIS kids for the evening. bob is skeptical bcuz he doesn't really want his kids going to a random party he doesn't know anything about but through a series of events (and the kids wanting to go bcuz of the Chocolate Dipped Shrimp) bob and teddy end up going together and pretending to be husbands while the kids are bob and teddy's kids. like a weird fake dating au except nothing really happens its just teddy trying to convince everyone the belchers are actually his family (which they are <3)
"I was invited to my thirty years high school reunion this weekend," Teddy explained. He was still trying to catch his breath. "I actually got the invitation, like, two weeks ago, but I don't check my email very often. Too many website subscriptions in my inbox, and I can never figure out how to unsubscribe! Anyway, I was thinkin' about my life, and where I thought I was going to be in thirty years when I was a teenager… I thought I'd be married, maybe I'd have a couple kids and a good, steady job. I'd have a family of my own."
Bob grunted in response. He'd never attended his own high school reunion because there were very few people from his high school that he would want to talk to after so many years, and he wasn't a big fan of socializing with people outside of his family. Even Teddy could be too much for him.
Linda had gone to her reunion, and it had been a terrible experience for everybody even though she was much more extroverted than Bob and could easily get along with most people. High school was just a terrible place to be.
"Teddy, if you're going to ask me to pretend to be your husband and go with you to your high school reunion…" Bob started before he was interrupted by Teddy protesting him.
"What? No! I mean—I wouldn't… No! Not my husband. They're sayin' that this event is going to be kid-friendly and I was thinkin' that… you know, I could bring your kids along with me, and, uh, pretend that they're my own. Doesn't that sound fun?" Teddy asked.
"I don't know," Bob said.
"C'mon, Bobby! Think of it as free babysitting from their favorite Uncle Teddy. You and Linda can go out on a date-night while I take your kids to a fun, age-appropriate high school reunion party! I heard they'll have a bouncy castle for the kids to play in together, and a chocolate fountain with shrimp! I mean, that's only for the adults, but—they could still enjoy lookin' at it."
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