#fanfare connory
From KAMIKAZE ch.3
Cole laughs, some of the brightness returning, “Alright then. I was gonna ask if you were just questioning but uh, are you gay?”
The question makes Kennedy feel like running.
Cole raises an eyebrow at him.
“I-I mean, it’s like… I don’t… I uh, I can’t. That’s all.”
“Come to club.”
“Come to club,” Cole says, “You don’t even have to sign up if you’re not comfortable with it, I’ll text you the details. I think coming would help you figure things out. There’s straight people there too, so if anyone figures out you’re going you can use that as an excuse.”
Kennedy draws his eyebrows together, “Why are you--”
“Because a lot of us go through the same thing,” Cole sighs, looking out at the crowd of high schoolers moving between the booths, the chatter and the booming music masking their conversation in a veil of noise, “We grow up in religious houses that teach us that what we are is wrong. Unnatural. That we shouldn’t exist.”
Kennedy nods, looking down at the ground.
They’re right.
“Hey,” Cole says, and Kennedy feels a hand on his shoulder. Kennedy looks up sharply at Cole, his heartbeat speeding up at the closeness and the contact.
He hates this.
“They’re wrong.”
“Come to club. It’ll help, I promise.”
The offer simultaneously repulses and intrigues Kennedy. He thinks about it the entire rest of the day, but he also can’t forget the cookie Micah had given him, and the words Neyda had said in math class earlier that week.
Find the original work here: https://www.fictionpress.com/s/3316045/1/KAMIKAZE
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theunrulyrogue · 6 years
,,, number 50 for the oc ask meme,,, and for Fanfare
Oof god I had to sit there for a good few minutes before answering. Damn, okay uhhh he’d probably have a bit of a panic attack at first, but later it wouldn’t be something extremely obvious. He’d initially be really just kind of shell shocked and come off as really distant and it would be really confusing since he’s normally very friendly and relatively rowdy, especially if it happened while captaining the Ambrosia. It would mostly be a lot of processing on Kennedy’s part. “Is there really no way to escape this?” “Have I done everything I wanted to?” “What should I do in the meantime?” “How can I keep going knowing this?” etc. Thanis would be the first one to notice, and if Lilac’s around she’d notice at the same time as Thanis. They’d probably have a worried heart to heart and confront Fanfare about it, filling in Zora beforehand. But, I think Fanfare would gather them all to tell them before they could force it out of him, and he’d want to spend as much time as he could adventuring and pirating with the three of them. He wouldn’t try to escape his fate, I don’t think. If anything, he’d have thoughts of it in the beginning, but having seen every movie or show and read every book, epic poem, whatever about trying to escape fate and having it happen anyway, he’d decide against it. Besides, so long as he has his crew, best friend, sister, and love of his life with him till the end, he’d accept death on peaceful terms. 
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theunrulyrogue · 6 years
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Pride Month Art Challenge Days 27 and 28: Shopping and Flowers
Cue the if-Thanis-was-in-the-future au for Tomb of Zaliok~ 
This is my last pride month post! It was fun while it lasted and I got pretty far, so I’m proud of me lol
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theunrulyrogue · 6 years
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Pride Month Art Challenge Day 22: Wedding
I’ve gone back and tweaked it like A MILLION times but oh my god!!!! I got super inspired for this prompt way before the prompt date thanks to the song I linked above and I’m SO happy with how this came out! Fanfare and Thanis’ gay pirate wedding is what I live for honestly ;o; I love them so much
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theunrulyrogue · 6 years
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Pride Month Art Challenge Day 25: Midnight Snacks
Haha, get it, cuz they’re both snacks? 
Jk they were actually eating stuff and then some make outs probably started happening, and then the clothes happened and Kennedy started singing bc he’s a sap and loves how Thanis makes him feel lol 
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theunrulyrogue · 6 years
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Also I’ve been obsessed with Kennedy/Fanfare’s book 3 design ;~; look at him, he is T H R I V I N G! At this point in Tomb of Zaliok he’s had to go through a lot of shit but damn does he own it. He also makes a great gay pirate captain of the gayest ship in the English Channel lmao
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theunrulyrogue · 7 years
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Holy FUCK this took me forever but omg I’m so proud of how this came out and I’m so excited to use it for the cover of the short story I’m working on :’) 
I thought way too much about this thing like holy HECK I’m never getting my homework done now
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Lilac stands in front of him, towering over him as he leans back against the headboard of his bed. Kennedy shivers, but it’s not cold. He feels so small sitting here, half-naked and vulnerable under the gaze of his older sister. Maybe he should talk to her? Maybe she could help?
What if she hates you? What if she tells your parents?
The thought enters Kennedy’s mind like a knife through the heart. Lilac wouldn’t.
But she could.
Kennedy wants to scream. He needs her.
Lie to her.
He already did.
Find the original work here: https://www.fictionpress.com/s/3316045/2/KAMIKAZE
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