#father son duo
guttercoop · 1 month
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yaoigoddess9158 · 26 days
I never thought I would need a Shang Qinghua and Luo Binghe friendship but this is amazing lol
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shu-box-puns · 1 year
Leaning to put on an exopack
'You lose that mask, you’re unconscious in twenty seconds, you’re dead in four minutes.'
More of my Dad!Tsu'tey and Spider brain rot.
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Right so when the school was still an active thing and before Sylwanin died, Tsu'tey attended with the other children. He was one of Grace's best students. Incredibly bright and eager to learn. Very competitive with Neytiri to see who could learn the most English words in the least amount of time.
Tsu'tey was not part of the group that set the bulldozer on fire. He wasn't even in school that day since his father had taken him and his brother out on a hunt for the day. By some dumb luck, he missed the entire situation.
The school got closed down. Sylwanin died of her wounds. And the Omaticaya learnt all they needed to about the Sky People.
But Tsu’tey wasn't done. He noticed that Grace's demon body often visited the school. She tidied the learning resources and swept the leaves.
He approached her on impulse one day, intending to chase her off but instead growing curious.
He demanded she teach him about the breathing masks the Sky People wore. How to disable them, how they worked. Anything he could use to his advantage should they turn their attention on HomeTree.
Grace had agreed easily enough. Tsu'tey assumed it was her love of teaching that convinced her, but he had a sneaking suspision she had simply had a soft spot for him.
She had turned to one of the cupboards facing the far wall, mercilessly untouched by bullet wounds, and began pulling out various exopacks for him to practice on.
If she was disturbed by his reasonings, she didn't show it as she cleared one of the tables and began setting the spare exopacks down. She turned away again, ducking down to drag out a human-sized silicone dummy for him to practise disarming. 
The exopacks turned out to be easy to break. All he had to do was break the glass front covering the face or slash the breathing tube that connected the face to the small pack that typically hung from a belt or was attached to a backpack.
He found them incredibly bothersome. 
"Very good." Grace complimented, and Tsu’tey returned his gaze to her. He recognised the challenge in her tone. Similar to how she used to goad him into pushing himself further during English lessons. His head tilted in silent question and the corner of her mouth quirked upwards. "Can you take them off without destroying them?"
He scoffed. Of course he could.
And then he attempted to do so and failed miserably.
Tsu'tey quickly discovered that the straps that secured the mask to the back of the skull were too small for his fingers and he often ended up tearing them clean off by accident. The valves were too fiddly and popped off easily. By the time he could confidently put on and take off the exopack from the human-sized mannequin Grace provided, she had a small mountain of packs in need of repairing. 
Carefully removing the mask from the mannequin was counter productive and far more time consuming than breaking it. He told her as such and she merely laughed.
In hindsight and years down the line, Tsu’tey thanked Grace with all he had for her challenge. He prayed to the Great Mother, praising her for putting those curious thoughts into his head and encouraging him to take those lessons from his late teacher. 
Every prayer of gratitude he'd ever learnt fell from his lips as he knelt curled over his vulnerable, sky person son. The limp boy lay unconscious in his arms, completely shielded from the forest within Tsu'tey's protective embrace.
At the hunter's feet sat Spider's old exopack, the glass front smashed in and the cables in disarray after he'd hit the ground hard and collided with a rock concealed by moss. By some miracle, Tsu'tey had remembered to strap a spare to his belt earlier that morning.
It had happened so fast. Terrifyingly fast.
By nature, Spider had always been clumsy. So Tsu'tey had assumed this fall was like all the others. With a roll of his eyes, he'd hooked his arms under Spider's armpits and hauled him to his feet. He hadn't stood when Tsu'tey had gone to set him back down.
The hunter's ears flickered uncertainly at the strange wheezing sound the boy was making. He realised that the mask was no longer hissing in time with every breath. Time had slowed as Tsu'tey glanced to the moss cloaked rock and recognised the shape and shine of broken glass. His blood had run cold and Spider stopped making that awful noise.
Somehow that was far worse than his son struggling to breath.
Instinct had had Tsu'tey scooping his son up into his arms. He spun him round and Spider had gone limp in his grasp. His lips turning blue and his eyes unseeing. He was still breathing. But each breath was shallow. Unfufilling.
Muscle memory had Tsu’tey scrambling for the exopack at his belt. His eyes were narrowed in concentration despite the sickeningly fast pounding of his heart. Those hours spent crouched over the silicon mannequin came in handy as he managed to slip the straps over his boy's face and turn on the air flow. His large fingers fiddled frantically with the buttons, eyes flicking all over Spider's face as the mask audibly suctioned on.
Spider did not wake. But the blue tint to his face had immediately subsided as Earth air flooded his system; filling his suffocating lungs. The seizing of his chest ceased and he finally stopped twitching. He looked like he'd fallen asleep again.
Tsu’tey could've wept with relief as he clutched Spider to his chest; fingers spread between his shoulder blades to support his back where he could feel the steady beat of his heart beneath his hand. His head was cradled against his neck, where the rhythmic inhale and click of the exopack further calmed Tsu'tey's nerves.
He would live, he knew.
After years of war, he knew first hand what a dying human sounded like. How their body seized from the lack of breathable air, how they went deathly still, eyes unseeing. 
In contrast, Spider was peaceful. Cuddling into his warmth and practically melting under his touch.
He’s been fast enough, he reassured himself. 
And for now, that was enough.
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frogdottir · 1 year
Slow burn romance ??? No no, slow burn father son relationship 😌✨
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4ophh · 1 year
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Compensating for the inevitable disappointment that is the Hunter & Darius father-son reunion getting taken away from us next ep
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midnightstar-90 · 9 months
Look at Matt Rife and Cillian Murphy next to each other. TELL ME YOU DON'T SEE A FATHER AND SON DUO!!!
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 8 months
not only did we get an adorable video of a happy gavin but we also get ryan liking the post???? idk why this makes me so emotional 😭😂😂
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biffbulliedmetoo · 3 months
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George and Marty, the best father son duo 💙⚡️
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prettyrei-rei · 1 month
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Does anyone know a good build for this little guy might use him with jing yuan or teams
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Spider and quaritch having a HEAVY conversation just wanting to experience with drawing these two I love them sm I'mma have to find more fics abt these two 💔 more quaritch content to come 🤗 (maybes spider?!)
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movedted06 · 1 year
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Some silly/experimental doodles :]
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gokustormofficial22 · 5 months
Wild Thought
So they confirmed Dadow (Shadow being Silver's true dad/adoptive dad) was Unreal but I didn't hear shit about Neo Metal Sonic/Metal Sonic being Silver's adoptive dad.
Just Because Omega got Wrecked does not mean that Metal Sonic didn't survive the purge of 06's timeline.
#Metaldad anyone?
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shu-box-puns · 4 months
Sometimes i think of the family photo of Spider, Tsu’tey (and sometimes reader too) would take. Like the one that the Sully’s took.
Bro if I could do the art I would have cooked it up already 😞🥲
OMG! With Jake taking the picture because Tsu'tey can't for the life of him figure out how cameras work, let alone how to set them up properly and put them on a timer :D Just Tsu'tey wanting a cute little momento for Spider's room, and fighting with the tripod whilst his son watches - he already offered to help but Tsu'tey was having none of it.
In summary:
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nabiiiiii3 · 1 year
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The fact that he was crying under his mask is so frickin sad!!😭😭😭
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theavefinn · 4 months
i cannot stop thinking about invincible. recent obsession fr
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lucky-whispers · 5 months
Something about Q!Fit calling Ramon his beautiful baby boy and the letter to Tubbo from Ramon (saying that he doesn't understand why fit calls him that since he's older now)-
It just reminds me of my parents and something my dad said-
That I would always be his baby no matter how old I am. That he would still hold me when I was scared because I am his baby.
I can't with fit and Ramon 😭💕
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