#feels very moon core. TO ME.
http-byler · 1 year
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richard siken, anyway // stranger things 04x08
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starheirxero · 9 months
Hello Lunar angst enjoyers. Places this here
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momentary-moss · 1 year
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Human Particle
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age-of-moonknight · 5 months
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“Reese,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #1.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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dragqueenpentheus · 2 years
this vest looks INCREDIBLE bro. i cant wait to post pics like. i cannot believe this.
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darkromanceenthusiast · 7 months
Okay so I was gonna ask about a MM fic but I saw you do werewolves….
Maybe a witch is doing a ritual under the full moon in the forest? Maybe it feels so good that the werewolf just needs to keep fucking you…
I’m an extremely shy person and have no idea on how to request but I just have a BIG thing for werewolves so pretty please
M!werewolf x human!witch!reader
Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, reader is AFAB, Cunnilingus, degradation and praise, breeding kink, reader is very okay with it, but still dub/non-con, cursing, kidnapping, not proof read
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This was not, how you were expecting this night to go, face down ass up in the dirt as the panting werewolf man above you tried his best to move your restrictive clothing, one large hairy paw-hand keeping you still. The full moon was high above you and you could see your crystals and herbs for your ritual spilled before you.
“You’re practically begging for it, you know? Pretty little thing like you coming into the woods as if you’re not going to get fucked.” The werewolf says, your attention snapping back to him, he must have had enough of the struggle game because he finally ripped everything from the waist down off, you feel a rush of cold air and shiver, feeling your nipples harden a bit as your blood rushes through your veins in a perverse mix of fear and arousal, the smell making him groan as he nudges his face forward, taking a deep whiff of your cunt and letting out a growl that went straight to your core. You’re not…. Into this… are you? No absolutely not! You’re just frustrated… it’s just been a while since-
A gasp is pulled from your lips as you feel his warm, rough tongue lap at your folds, you can feel the small puffs of hot air coming from his nose as he laps at you, a few whines escaping him.
“You just keep getting wetter and wetter, do you like this, having your gorgeous pussy eaten by me?” He asked tauntingly, he knew you wouldn’t answer but he didn’t care, you didn’t know it yet but you would he his mate, his pretty little witch. He gives another long lap before finally plunging his tongue in your hole, swirling around and making you moan softly, embarrassment flooding you, his tongue was bigger and thicker than any human man’s tongue after a while he pulls back from your cunt with a squelch and gives a deep chuckle as he grabs your hips tighter and forces you on your back so you’re looking up at him, he smiles down at you, sharp canines glistening in his half wolf-half man form.
“Fuckin hell, princess, I can’t wait to give you my knot… I bet you’ll take it so well, huh?” He growls and you nod slowly, he raises an eyebrow before he leans down, licking your neck softly as he inhaled your scent before finally ripping your top off, he wastes no time running his tongue all over your nipples, letting out soft pants and whines as he did, it wasn’t long until you felt his cock poking at your entrance before he ran it through your folds a few times, growling as he did,
“Fuck I’m not even inside ya yet and you feel amazing.” He huffs out, your face flooding red as he spits on his cock and pushes the tip to your entrance, you can feel his large, hairy paw like hands pressing right above your womb as he enters you, the sensation of being filled and the pressure causing your breath to hitch a bit, he moved his thumb down and made lazy circles on your clit, mumbling curses and praise under his breath. You could feel his dick twitching and throbbing inside you, begging for some friction. You gave your hips a small roll and he snapped, growling as his hand flew to your throat, pining you as his other hand lifted your hips and began to pound you.
“I was gonna be gentle… but if you want to act like a whore I’ll fuck you like one.” He says but you don’t entirely hear him you’re too focused on the feelings. Him filling you, cock pressing against your cervix with every thrust, his thumb tracing your clit, and his hand wrapped firmly around your throat making everything feel more intense. Finally he pulls his hand off your throat, air flooding your lungs as you cough and sputter a bit making him laugh, you feel a dizzy rush and stare at the spinning wolf man above you, feeling a familiar tug building in your stomach. You’re so close already, he’s filling you in ways you didn’t think could happen.
“God fucking damnit,” he says as his claws dig into your hips a bit, “You feel so good… look at you taking me so well.” He says, gripping the back of your thighs and pushing them back, giving you the perfect view of his cock stretching you out, you can already see it beginning to swell at the base and you bite your lip, he rubs your clit a bit faster and the tension finally snaps, your orgasm running through your body as he continued to pound you, you hear him growl as you tighten around him, after a few seconds you feel his knot pressing against you.
“C’mon… take my knot, little witch, take my pups.” He growls into your ear, still pounding your sensitive and overworked cunt, you felt your eyes roll back as his knot popped in, stretching you impossibly full before he finally gave one last thrust, filling you with his first load of the night.
“Fuck, fuck yes, little mate… you did so good… such a good girl.” He says, his tongue lapping at your back as he wraps his arms around you.
“We’ll be stuck with you on my cock for a bit, pretty girl.” He says, standing up as he used his hands under your ass to keep you balanced and close to him, now that he quite literally had you trapped on his cock you couldn’t run as he took you to a small cabin, you doubt you’d be let to leave anytime soon though.
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astrobydalia · 5 months
🪐 Astro Observations!!!✨
Happy 2024 babes! Here’s to another year sharing astrology stuff with all of you 🤩
work by astrobydalia
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Yes water moons have great intuition and could be psychic but I very often notice they tend to allow their personal feelings interfere with their decisions and could tend to not follow their intuition as much. The ones that have a more reliable or unbiased intuition imo are Earth moons and Aquarius moon.
Scorpio Venus really do gravitate to unhealthy relationships… All their connections tend to have unfair or imbalanced dynamics to them where there’s no equal give and take. They believe love means throwing yourself and your life away for another person (or they expect someone to give everything away for them) with little to nothing in return. They may not understand the difference between deep intimacy and unhealthy attachment
Libra placements and their ability to appear likable even when they have the shittiest personality deep down
In my opinion Moon is the most important planet if you really wanna begin to know someone at their core. Ultimately no planet can give you full info without the context of the whole chart tho (#AllPlanetsMatter), but you can really uncarcarve sm about someone just by moon placement/aspects/degree, etc. Moon rules your needs and so it really cements your personality and its an energy that you'll project in so many areas of your life (relationships, career, etc)
Fixed Mars are ARGUMENTATIVE fr fr. They need to have the last word and will die on that hill if they have to💀Honorable mention: Virgo/Gemini Mars due to Mercury influence but they’re more about friendly banter and aren’t as stubborn
80% of Aries Moons I've met were very philosophical/spiritual/religious. They can develop a self-awareness that gives them a lot of wisdom. The other 20% were just adult toddlers and very egotistic...
Capricorn placements and their internalized elitism. They really do believe some people are better than others which is the shadow of Capricorn unfortunately
Aquarius Moons are some of the most traumatized people I know fr fr. Whenever I get to know their life and backstory Im always like bro….😶😶 It makes me so sad cause they always bring such good vibes everywhere (they have a playful aura) when in reality there’s a depth of pain underneath you wouldn’t even fathom through that unbothered persona. The OG misunderstood.
We all know Scorpio is all about depth, intensity and looking beyond the surface but I’ve very often observed the exact opposite in scorpio placements. They could tend to be very superficial, greedy and materialistic, more obsessed with wealth and status than any earth placement (it all comes down to power). In such cases their interest in occult or deep topics could also be superficial or opportunistic, like they only see it as something that could give them a leg up in life or help them avoid unseen threats but that's about it.
Cancer Risings do not come across as sensitive at all. They tend to have a rather sassy personality and are pretty defensive 90% of the time tbh. Think about it, are crabs 🦀 cute and cuddly? No, you actually actually have to be very careful around one cause they sting lol. They do wear their heart on their sleeves and are very sensitive and perceptive but because of this they constantly feel like their vulnerability is out for everyone to see hence the guarded attitude.
^I've also noticed they are VERY opinionated and will hold on very tightly to how they think/feel about something. This results in having a reputation for being kinda bold and sharp (Aries 10th). Pro tip: do NOT question these native's morals or integrity unless you wanna see a very snappy side to them, they respond very very very badly if you even insinuate that they might be hypocritical in their values/what matters to them
The interpretation that Aquarius in the 4th house means you’re an outcasted black sheep in the family low-key doesn’t make sense to me tbh. Aquarius is the sign of camaraderie, friendship, inclusivity and community. All the people that I’ve seen with this placement were actually very bonded to their roots and considered their family (and the people they bonded with during childhood) to be "their people" (they also keep their friends close to heart). These natives do tend to distinct themselves as they grow up but this is due to Leo 10th house. I've noticed their family is in general very supportive of them or at the very least they received some input in their upbringing that made them feel special and/or like their uniqueness was celebrated. Feel free to share your opinion/experience tho
I've noticed Virgo Mars people have a perfect balance between being confident in themselves and fulling trusting their abilities while also staying humble and acknowledge room for improvement. Very mature and self-accountable and they're also great people to work with cause they are highly appreciative of good contribution
Sagittarius placements and their ability to be casually rude in a charming way??? 😭
Moon in the 10th house do not have a reputation for being emotional at all, it's quite the opposite they dislike exposing their feelings like that. A lot of their energy is spent trying to appear put-together and emotionally stable. The ones I've noticed have a reputation for being moody or sensitive are Mars in the 10th house
Venus-Moon aspects probably grew up in an environment that fed up this idea they had to be beautiful and conventionally likable in order to be worthy of love. These natives tend to base their self-worth on the amount of emotional validation they get from others and struggle telling the difference between kindness and love
A couple notes on everyone’s fave topic: 8th house synastry
We all know this overlay deals with power dynamics. On a general basis I’ve noticed it’s the planet person who tends to have the upper hand. Exeption: Moon. When your moon falls in someone’s 8th house you tend to be vulnerable one due to the soft nature of this planet, but the house person secretly feels more intimidated
You will NAWT be able to keep secrets from someone you have 8th house synastry with specially if you’re the house person. Sooner or later they’ll see through you, circumstances might force you to expose yourself or you’ll simply feel drawn to revealing the truth to them. With water synastry in general you will feel drawn to share more deep or hidden parts of yourself/your life but with the 8th house you can’t help it, like there’s almost an accusatory tension between the two that grows the more you try to hide something from them
Something I see no one mentioning about 8th house synastry is the planet person always feels intimidated by the house person's success. The planet person will try to take part in the house person's success by taking some credit and have a sense of control over what belongs to the house person, it's giving Kanye's "I made that bitch famous". At best the planet person would want to help boost the house person's endeavors. Either way, when someone's planets land on your 8th house, you will never feel like something is completely yours anymore, somehow the planet person will "take" something away from you that you can't get back making you feel like you owe them or they owe you something big (8th house=debt), which is why this overlay very often goes south and tends to be very depleting.
If we're talking business (which 8th house deals with that) the house person is likely to take a risk on the planet person, invest on them (can be money, time, resources, trust, etc) in hopes that it'll pay off. The house person is most likely to loose something from their involvement with the planet person, but they can also gain a lot from the planet person if the investment pays off. In either case, one could tend to exploit the other if there’s any ill intent from the individual
Water mars people are very smothering in their affection tbh. Once you’ve been chosen, get ready to be bombarded by their attention a bit more each time. Secret stalker vibes.This doesn’t always mean they love you tho, if underdeveloped they may want to “bond” in order to have emotional control over you and use you. For them it’s easy to get what they want through manipulation so leading people on or fooling around is something they tend to do a lot
Going back to the affection topic, water venus are smothering too but they go about their obsession devotion in a much more soft and non-domineering way where they give a lot of power away to their partner
People with Gemini+Scorpio placements in their chart embody the mischievous trickster archetype fr fr. They’re funny but also a menace. Have an ease to become that type of deceitful manipulator who thrives in chaos
I have a theory that your Moon represents the kind of bond or relationship you have with your mother but Ceres represents how your mother actually is
Capricorn and Scorpio placements are huge tsunderes imo 😭
Chiron in Sagittarius/9th house have become disappointed with religious and/or academic institutions. For them both systems are essentially flawed and don't work or don't make sense
+When it comes to religion I've seen a lot of them being atheist and skeptics. Some others still believed in god/universe/etc. but they did not want to support any stablished religious institution and instead have preferred to craft their own belief system. In both cases, they saw the institutionalization of believe systems as something that hindered their freedom of thought and expansion
+When it comes to academics a very similar thing happens. They felt like collage and the educational system restricted their mind instead of expanding it so they just preferred to walk their own path and find growth elsewhere. A friend of mine with this placement quit collage and the other people I've seen who did finish it all said they had a kinda dreadful and/or unfulfilling collage experience which they low-key regret
If you’ve ever felt powerless in the house where you have your pluto, that’s because you gave your power away to the opposite house. For example, if you have Pluto in the 5th house and you felt powerless when it comes to expression, your creativity, etc that’s because you gave too much power to the public opinion/peer pressure (11th house) and what they may say about you if you express yourself genuinely
Scorpio Moons always battle with that "am I a good person?", "am I a monster deep down?" inner conflict. They are more in touch with darker emotions and experiences than the average person so for them it's particularly easy to channel their shadow. This can often make them doubt their own integrity or think they are doomed to never feel happiness and inner peace. This is moon's debilitation for a reason, their inner emotional world is ruled by chaos and turmoil and they tend to be a bit too comfortable (moon) in toxicity and drama, nothing is ever light-hearted for them. If developed this ability of staying in touch with the shadow side of things can actually give them lots of awareness and resilience for the darker sides of the world as well as a very solid moral compass and compassion
Leo Moons likely had grandiose standards forced on them that inflated their self-importance. It's giving "mommy told me I am the best and most special of all" which is great but now they be carrying that mindset for the rest of their lives and this is where lot of their infamous sensitivity and fragile ego comes from cause not fulfilling these standards deeply hurts their heart. In consequence they tend to be more unprepared to accept humbling experiences that'll make them mature
virgo risings are funny!!!! I haven't seen anyone mention this, but every virgo rising I've met cracked me UP, they are so witty and never misse a chance to throw in a cheeky joke every 2 minutes. I think this is overlooked because they keep a rather awkward demeanor to them which often makes for a rather dry delivery. Best examples of this are Ryan Raynolds, Keanue Reeves, Emma Watson, Cole Sprouse...
Also, all Virgo risings I've met tend to come across as huge snobs so it's very common that people don't take their humor or friendliness seriously
Honestly I've noticed this theme with Virgo/6th house inner placements in general where their judgemental nature always makes them unfriendly or snarky to some degree. They can be the kind of people who are never happy with anything and always have a bone to pick.
My main theory as to why Leo risings are the most shy out of all Leo placements is because a lot of them grew up in very problematic and dysfunctional families (Scorpio 4th house) where they were shamed for showing vulnerability or being genuine (Cancer 12th house)
I’ve noticed Aries Suns and Capricorn Suns tend to relate a lot to their fathers, they tend to have very similar character traits as their fathers. For good or for bad their relationship with their father is always very important in their personality.
I find that LEO Suns and Sagittarius Suns always be having daddy issues tho like 😭😭😭😭
One thing about Capricorn is they can be literal billionaires and yet will still refuse to spend a dime on something they think is not worth it
Mutable Moons don’t commit 10000% to things, they’re the type to always have a foot out just in case. They're most likely to commit to things if they don't feel forced or expected to stay permanently
Cardinal energy is very consistent and responsable. People with prominent cardinal placements have a really developed sense of agency, focus and direction (imo this will be more obvious with moon, mars and asc). There's something about them that always gives me this put together "I've got this" kinda vibe, they always seem like they've got it together and always know what to do even when they're lost.
Fixed mercuries and their inability to understand or accept that two different points can be true
Sun/Leo in the 3rd house could want to have a nice car, an expensive or luxurious car from a well-known brand
I’ve seen people saying Venus-Mars conjunction gives it girl vibes. This is also HIGHLY true for Mars-ruled Venus (Aries/Scorpio Venus) or Venus-ruled Mars (Libra/Taurus Mars)
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work by astrobydalia
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celestialscatterbrain · 5 months
1. Natal Chart Observations
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1. Libra Moon: decision paralysis that comes from feeling two contradicting ways about an issue. “I want my cake but I want to eat it too.” I feel like libra moons are the most sentimental of the air moon signs. Libra moons can constantly weigh out the pros and cons for every emotion you feel. “I want to do this but I don’t want to deal with how messy it’ll make things.” When libra moons are feeling a little lost, they can over-schedule themselves and their commitments to friends to avoid thinking about overly-vulnerable feelings. There is zero tolerance for imbalance in relationships. Poor behavior from a partner will be met with matched behavior to tip the scales back to a balanced one, even if the overall locational of the scale is descending into negativity. “You get what you give” mentality. Libra moons can be keen on the idea of karma. “Come to me with sweetness, or don’t come to me at all.” Daydreaming about romance is a relaxing way to pass time. Before maturity, libra moons might suffer from social anxieties when they find themselves in group settings where there isn’t a cohesive vibe. If someone around a libra moon doesn’t look like they are having a good time, it subconsciously makes it difficult for a libra moon to relax. The libra moon will then play the role of a diplomat or host/hostess to ensure the vibes equalize to restore their peace.
2. Mars in the 10th house: these natives are always making money. They are known for their side hustles too. They are always looking for new ways to make money and I feel like they are good at getting clientele. They will get their hands dirty for their job. For a man, this can point to a “blue collar ‘manly’ job.” I noticed 10H mars can be pretty generous with their money and services, but feel extremely terrible about getting help from others. If these natives aren’t confident where they are in their career or skill set(s), I noticed that they are likely to undersell themselves or undercharge for their services/time. It can also point to people in the workplace as perceiving the 10H mars person to be brash and outspoken. The authority figures in their career can feel a sense of competition with the 10H mars person, or wants to humble them in some way. I feel like it’s really easy for them to get good jobs or climb up the ladder when they do things the right way. They get impatient when they aren’t growing in their careers as fast as they want to. “Why am I not a millionaire yet.” They work hard for what they want and are very ambitious once they find their niche. I feel like these are often people who can find jobs that don’t necessarily need a degree. Their career mistakes feel explosive. They can be seen as “sharks” in their fields because they go in for the attack. They like to be the best and the most competent at what they do, and want their colleagues to see them as competition. “I’m the best and no one will tell me otherwise.” They can be known for being assertive and extremely determined in meeting their goals. They will work themselves to the core and utilize all their energy towards elevating themselves career and reputation wise.
3. Mars in the 1st House: These people might often be noticed for their bodies. They might be seen as someone you shouldn’t mess around with. They look athletic. Maybe they are known for fitness or for being athletic. These natives can be associated with the military, and probably look incredible in their uniforms. This is a man-eater or womanizer placement, for sure. “I get what I want when I want it.” They look like they have a rough exterior, even if they are sweethearts. They can be into martial arts. Commanding presence. They can make wonderful personal trainers. Regardless of gender, they can come off as being comfortable with their masculine energy. Reds look great on them. They might have thick eyebrows and a nice jawline. They look attractive when they are angry. They know how to make someone feel sexy. They have people chasing them or falling for them fast.
4. Pisces and 12th house placements: these people have no problem ghosting you. Pisces placements and 12H placements are always made out to be innocent and naive, but they are attracted to people and situations that have something a little “bad” about them. Savior complex. They can go through feelings where they feel detached from social settings and those they love, where they cannot fully escape the role of observer. They will always be able to fully escape into their internal landscape and get consumed by it— but it seems as though no matter how hard they try, they can’t have that same presence in the material world. This can lead to frustrating feelings of disconnection from the world and people around them. They can be smiling and staring off, but you will never fully know what they are thinking. They can make people really curious about them, because their thoughts always catch you off guard. Having an existential crisis on the daily. Casual things might have a bigger internal meaning to them that others might not always understand. We can find plenty of people attractive, but if the spark isn’t felt in the soul and doesn’t pique a deep curiosity, we will get bored and swim away. Liking people who are a bit “mean and dark” but wanting them to be sweet and soft with you. Using music to paint your daydreams, or to escape. Finding music that relates almost entirely to whatever they have on their mind feels like striking gold. They can like someone just for having the same interests as them. Feeling like a ghost in a flesh suit. Enigmatic. Can embody different vibes and personas depending on who they are around. They are sensitive and can adapt to the situations at hand. Too much self awareness can lock them in their heads. “I only jump into waters with the depth of an abyss.” Laying down for hours just to daydream and process your thoughts. Long baths feel like therapy. Moderation isn’t in our vocabulary. We love what we like, and we want to get lost in what we love. Not being able to properly process your day or interactions until you’re alone and can replay them in isolation.
5. Taurus Placements: I noticed Taurus moon women get spoiled financially by their partners. The type for their partners to say “don’t worry, I’ll work and you can be at home,” or that being their partners goal at a point. I noticed Taurus placements can enjoy the occasional shoplifting. They are not going to compromise their comfort, and if you come after that it will be met with intense stubbornness. They can seem nonchalant about a lot of things, but can be extremely unwavering in their opinions on certain things. In some cases, they can have strange eating habits or relationship to food. Thankfully, the Tauruses I’ve been around don’t project that on those around them. It’s more internal from what I’ve noticed, and they can enjoy feeding those they love and care for. They can have great taste in food. They love sensual vices and sex. They look great with pearls. They master an aesthetic and can stick to it. They are fiercely protective of those they love. They can be lazy at their worst and will not want to do anything that requires too much effort. They can be impressively good at couponing. Making money from home is the ideal setup for them. They will spoil their loved ones too, and can be great gift givers. They don’t cheap out with presents for their loved ones. They get much enjoyment from decorating their spaces and hosting their loved ones. They can be prone to overthinking and some may obsessive behaviors or crippling anxiety as well. They can honestly make the best scammers, as terrible as that sounds. They can sell someone a dream and make it sound beautiful, but can be lying through their teeth. Their jealousies can sometimes come from a place of vanity. Watch out for envying others, and appreciate your own beauty. They can focus so much on the beauty around them they forget about their own. They can be the image of beauty and grace, or strive deeply for that. They have pretty and soothing voices. Taurus placements can easily be the funniest person you know when they are in a joyful mood. I also noticed Taurus placements are wonderful at finding vintage pieces and re-selling them!
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dark-tides-in-faerun · 6 months
Boiling Point (1/2)
Astarion x You!
Your party stumble across a hot spring in the wilds and agree to take turns bathing. It turns out, Astarion isn’t very good at taking turns but is more than happy to share…
🌶️mature🌶️ (fair warning that this chapter is just a little steamy but the next one will be very nsfw!)
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You lay on your back in the recently discovered hot spring, eyes closed, basking in the delicious warmth. If this wasn't heaven, you weren't sure what was. The moon lights up the little clearing you’re in, giving everything that it touches a lovely, silvery sheen, and you close your eyes and relax into it, feeling at ease for the first time in weeks.
“Well, hello.”
You almost jump out of your skin.
“Astarion.” You gasp, spluttering up a lungful of water as you quickly sink lower beneath the surface, arms crossing against your chest in a bid to protect your modesty as you twist toward him. The water’s cloudy enough that he wouldn’t be able to see anything, but that knowledge does very little to make you feel less exposed. “What in the nine hells is wrong with you?”
“Nothing that a little dip couldn’t fix.” He quips, lounging against a rock, his face the picture of innocence and your eyes narrow as you notice he’s clutching a crimson towel in one pale hand.
“It’s not your turn.” You warn, narrow eyes meeting his as his carefully blank face looks back at you. You’d all agreed on a schedule for hot spring use and given that he’d already talked you into letting him steal all of your allocated time, it definitely wasn’t his turn.
“Oh, I know that.” He replies, the picture of unaffected grace as he looks at his nails and then back at you. “I just think it’s a little selfish of you to be… indulging yourself with so little regard for other people’s feelings.”
“Is it?” You say, slowly, and his lips quirk up in response. “Or is it a ‘little selfish’ to interrupt someone during the only time they’ve had to themselves in days. Especially when that person in question has already given up every other opportunity to bathe in the hot spring for you.”
“Yes, yes, that was very generous of you darling, but try to look at it from my perspective. You generate your own heat, but what about me? Do you know what it feels like to spend night after night in this frozen and miserable, knowing that there’s something warm and wet that I could sink myself into just meters away?”
His voice is innocent, but as his eyes drop to where your skin disappears beneath the water, the smile he gives you is anything but. It's obvious he’s trying to use your physical response to him to manipulate you, because he's always trying to do that and you flush, desire flooding to your core just as he intends it. But you're not just flushing because of the obscene way he's looking at you. It's because that smile has reminded you of how he looked when he returned from the springs last night. All pink skin and delighted exuberance. He’d been light, playful, exhilarated... Happy. And you knew enough about his past to know that happiness wasn’t something he’d known much of in his long life.
“Why can't you just go and bother someone else for a change.” You grumble, but the delighted shine in his eyes shows you that he knows he's getting his way and you scowl at him. “Gods give me strength. Turn around.”
“Why?” he asks, mouth blooming into a full smile and you can’t help the extra little flip your stomach gives at the sight of it.
“Because I’m naked and I’m not getting out with you staring at me. Turn around.”
“Darling, I’m hurt. Are you really suggesting we can’t share? There’s more than enough room for two.” He pouts, eyes shining as he stares down at you, sparkling with mischief and butterflies flutter to life in your stomach at the suggestion. You know he’s only trying to get a rise out of you but damn it, if it isn’t working. "Besides, I promise to keep my hands to myself.”
You choke back a strangled laugh because it really wasn’t him you were worried about. The butterflies have gone into overdrive just from the suggestion, and you can feel the heat staining your cheeks a darker pink than the warmth of the hot spring. You stare up at him, eyes a little too wide, and he gives you a self-satisfied smile. You can see in his gaze that he expects you to balk. Expects you to surrender the hot spring and slink away with your pink cheeks and pounding heart.
Well fuck him.
You force a sweet smile, feeling a thrum of satisfaction at the slight widening of his eyes as instead of moving toward him you wade to the far edge and turn around. For a long moment there’s nothing and you wonder if he’s even still there.
“Well? Are you getting in or not?” You demand, proud that your voice is only a little shaky, and he lets out a laugh. You swallow, focusing on trying to keep your heart rate level as you hear the sound of rustling fabric and then the water ripples around you as he slips in behind you.
“You can look now, darling, I assure you I’m quite decent.”
You turn around and immediately regret not getting out when you had the chance.
There is nothing decent about the way he looks right now.
The moonlight floods the broad expanse of his naked chest, staining it an ethereal, shining white, and he looks like he was carved from marble. The steam from the water has already tightened the hair at the nape of his neck into little curls. He’s stark and beautiful in the silver moonlight, but it’s not even that, that’s most striking.
It’s his expression.
His eyes are closed, head resting against the grassy bank behind him and the little smile that plays at the edges of his lips is a million miles away from his usual shit-eating grin. It’s small and soft and decidedly content and you swallow. It’s the full force of the little smile you’d seen at camp. It’s true happiness, you realize and it makes your heart pound and ache in equal measure to acknowledge that you’ve never seen that particular smile before.
He shifts, lifting his arms from the water and resting them against the rocky edge of the pool, blinking up at you and that little smile dissolves into something darker. Water streams from his skin, running between the dips and crevices of his muscular biceps and you shrink into yourself a little, sinking into the water until just your chin hovers above it. There’s nothing you can do about your heart now, it’s pounding against your ribs like it wants to escape from your chest and his crimson eyes are fixed on you as you try your best to keep yourself in check.
“Happy now?” you ask, and though your voice is a little breathy you feel like the fact that you’ve even gotten the words out is a feat of heroic proportions.
“Very.” He replies closing his eyes, and you can’t help but smile at that. He looks more content than you’ve ever seen him and that thought triggers a reaction in you that’s so strong that you suddenly realize that you can’t stay here. He doesn’t deserve to be ogled like this, when he’s just trying to relax. From the little snippets he’s given you from his past he’s had enough of that to last several lifetimes.
You clear your throat and he opens his eyes again, one eyebrow raised questioningly you swallow, gesturing at him to swap places with you. He sits up at that, a surprised smile on his lips and you shake your head, not wanting him to get the wrong idea about your intentions.
“I’m going to leave you to it.” You say, your words only catching a little in your throat as he cocks his head to the side, looking at you thoughtfully.
“Leave me to what, exactly?” He asks, voice low and teasing, and heat rises beneath your cheeks as steam curls up in silvery tendrils around his chest.
“This. Warming up.” You manage, trying not to look at him as you edge your way around the to the other side of the spring, nearer to the grassy knoll, but you really need him to move out of the way if you want to make a graceful exit. “I’ll see you back at camp.”
“I can think of better ways to warm up.” He says, voice a little too innocent, and your gaze flicks to him before you can stop yourself. His eyes are fixed on you and the look in them is dark and predatory and you falter, heart in your throat. You’ve seen that look before, and you swallow as his gaze slips to your neck, the hunger in it apparent.
“I-I-“ you start, but your words die in your throat. The way he’s looking at you has melted your insides into a puddle of lust and your really, really need to get yourself under control. You take a breath. Blood. He means blood. You try to distract your pounding heart by thinking through the implications of what he’s asking. You’re no cleric, but surely bloodletting in hot water wasn’t the best of ideas... “Is it safe?”
He frowns at that, cocking his head to the side as if trying to work out your meaning and you swallow and touch your neck.
“Is it safe to feed in the water?” You say, again. He freezes for a second, and then some unreadable expression passes over his face before he quickly looks away. If you didn’t know him better, you’d have said it was disappointment.
“Of course.” He says, seemingly to himself, and when he looks up the expression has been swallowed up by his usual confidence. “Don’t worry, my sweet. I’ll take very good care of you.”
He holds out his hand and you bite your lip, hesitating for a moment. It’s not that you don’t trust him. If he says it’s safe you believe him, but you’re just suddenly very aware of your lack of clothes. You shift uncertainly, edging a tiny bit closer to him and a slow smile spread over his lips.
“I think you’ll find you need to be a little closer than that.” He says in a voice that spreads beneath your skin like treacle, and for the second time in one night you regret not leaving when you had the chance.
You shiver despite the heat as you place your hand in his and he wraps his pale fingers around yours, tugging you gently towards him. For one panicked second you think he's going to pull you onto his lap, but he stops when you're a few inches apart. You put your free hand on the grassy bank to steady yourself as he lifts your hand to his mouth, rotating it so that the soft skin of your wrist presses gently against his lips. He's fed from you before but, other than the very first time when he almost lost himself, he’s been almost clinical in his approach. Careful to only touch as much as he needs to.
This is not that.
You watch, dumbstruck, as his pink tongue slips out from between his lips to swipe a cool stripe across the overheated plane of your wrist. Your breath catches, a small hitch at the back of your throat, but he catches it and drowning crimson orbs flick up to meet your startled gaze. He does it again, staring at you darkly from beneath his eyelashes and licks another tortuously slow line across your aching skin.
You try not to, but you can't help but gasp, hand gripping tightly into the grass, and his pupils dilate with bloodlust as his fingers tighten against your skin. Gods.
“A-Astarion.” Your voice is breathy and tight, barely audible and you feel almost drunk from just this small amount of contact. He closes his eyes at the sound, a pained expression passing over his face as a shudder runs through his body, and then, before you can say anything else, his fangs sink into your wrist.
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brewed-pangolin · 2 months
MDNI 18+ (totally unedited. I'm going down with the gym rat soap ship)
Imagine being woken up in the middle of the night by Gym Rat Soap burying himself between your thighs.
His mouth fully encapsulating over your mound, sliding his tongue between the velvety flesh of your folds to urge you awake and pinpoint that sensitive bundle of nerves just around your entrance.
"Johnny," you mumbled. Voice hoarse, muffled in drowsy wakefulness while your body vigorously reacted to the pleasure of his languid expertise.
"Sorry, bonnie. Jus' needed a little snack."
You felt him smile against your throbbing womanhood. Words dampened by the cusp of your heat and lessened through the delicate Egyptian cotton that loosely draped over him.
A silent protest quickly ran over the supple flesh over your lips. Only to be immediately plucked away. Replaced with strangled gasp as he lowered his mouth further and plunged his broad tongue into the fluttering hole of your cunt.
"Ooohhh, my God!"
Arching your back off the bed, your bellowing mewls wafting up into the crown molding of the bedroom as your body writhed beneath him. His hands holding you steadily against the mattress as he leisurely thrusted his tongue into your soaking canal.
Your eyes were just beginning to adjust to the darkness that hung heavy around the room. Only the soft light of the moon illuminated the brighter shades within the dense blackness. Casting elongated shadows along the bedsheets as the distinct crest of Soap's mohawk peeked between the covered valley of between your thighs.
A sudden adjustment to the angle of his tongue had you clenching your thighs tightly around his head. A throaty growl then reverberated into the deep crevices of your folds in unfettered retaliation, bucking your hips against him as you suddenly took notice of a most peculiar synthetic sensation between your thighs.
Immediately, your hand flew to pull the sheet away. And you were met with the familiar blue eyes of your Johnny set behind a very prominent and very darkened red brow.
"Johnny. What the fuck is on your face?"
And as if he were abruptly pulled out of a deep trance, he reluctantly withdrew his tongue from your core and met your gaze with an impish and slick covered grin.
"What'ya think, bonnie? Ya like it?"
"Are you-, is that a mask?"
"Aye. Ghost gave it t'me."
Your expression then shifted to utter bewilderment. Lips curling into a perplexed smile as you took in the details of the demon like covering in the blanketing darkness.
"And did he give you strict instructions to wear it only while eating me out at 2:30 in the morning?"
"No. Well, no' exactly."
Narrowing your eyes at him, your lips curled into a half cocked smirk as you extended your hand to get a feel of the hellish veil atop his forehead.
"Well, gotta hand it to him, Johnny. I kinda like it."
"Aye? 'Nough fer me t'keep it on?"
"Yeah. You're like my little pussy demon."
He retorted with another growl. Your fingers fisting into his hair to guide him back down to your core as his blue eyes glistened in the dim light, accentuated by the red trim pronounced brow.
"I'll make sure to pass the word, bonnie." He crooned lowly into the silken walls of your heat.
"You better. But for now, I want you to get back to work."
"Yes, ma'am."
Even beneath the mask, you could see the smile etched into his cheeks. Keeping the sheets pulled back to take in the sight of your Scottish demon feasting like a fiend on your soaking soul.
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Gym Rat Soap Masterlist
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azure-cherie · 8 months
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What does Pluto represent?
It represents regeneration, metamorphosis, to change and become into something new , it represents innermost feelings, what have you discarded, thrown locked away , it can show where your blockages might be , and acknowledging them and healing them will lead you to embody yourself more , the core step of regeneration is acception so accept yourself for all the darks and lights and greys they will show you your own soul beautiful, empowering, unfearful.
This post is based on what's observed if it doesn't resonate please check other placements 🌷 This post can be read for tropical as well as vedic astrology however in vedic the outer planets don't matter as much .
Tw : I have tried to be honest and some stuff can be triggering please know that these are general observations
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Sun 🌞
Conjunct: These people go through a lot early on , like rejections, rumours that their kindness is fake , as they get older they get famous for a new look of theirs for example, someone maybe known for being a chocolate boy when younger but they age like fine wine as they get older , they like to take major risks in life . Their energy stays hidden from people who don't appreciate it in a way they will only embody their true self when they're truely appreciated . Their inner child is oftentimes locked and can be accessed and healed through breathing exercises, sunbathing, helping out poor children or lost souls.
Trine : They are known mostly for having a profound balance in what they do , like a beauty with brains type of vibe , they get famous for things they do authentically , are you ready to show yourself to the world if yes it will take you for all that you got , now you choose . A good placement for bombshell beauties , they are known for their unique looks eg : Angelina jolie, grace kelly , really revolutionary.
Sextile: They have a very experimental fashion and with every look of theirs , their outlook towards life changes , change in styles give them growth . Might be kind of control freaks and perfectionists but they actually work best in chaos and unpredictability gains a lot for them. Men with this are known to be very brave and powerful. People with this take challenges and criticism very well and use it to their advantage .let go of the mentality that society will only love you when you have all of the best things , infact the people who love you will love you regardless.
Square: These people literally have cults , their views are so strong that only people who really want to believe and deal take them , they will throw your triggers at your face. Believers of tough love , they might be a little too misunderstood, it takes time for people to get through their layers . You may think , here finally i know this person, but you'll be shocked about how much more they have to offer .
Opposite: These people have a lot of internal struggles , they often choose the wrong people to trust , fame isn't the best thing for them , a quite luxurious happy life is something they are content with . They have a very sophisticated face , they have a look of I'm satisfied but watch me do more kinda face . They are often famous for their aesthetic choices . Tw : fame may lead to early death , unless they learn to navigate it .
Moon 🌙
Conjunct: People have too many views about them and their mental health, they may suffer from a lot but you don't have to remind them , they already know and are working. They have a great spectrum of emotions and can be well known for writing their innermost thoughts. Intuitive and good at channeling and connected to their daimon. Divine inspiration always leads them . They have a very enticing and captivating face . Sometimes their speech is confusing, but they are trying to do good for you , might be a little rough at times.
Trine : They are intellectual and can provide anyone with sufficient motivation to do something. Good at telepathy and communication. They hold the power to influence people for good and bad . Have an easy navigation about their emotions. Some people might hate or be jealous because of how well they can navigate their triggers.
Sextile: They are soft and pure hearted , oftentimes known for their activism and support all the people around them with open hearts , it's a good placement for psychologists . They are known to persist despite all the hurdles around them . They like punk rock , and like to speak on dark topics for the welfare of society . Liked by many because of their authenticity .
Square : They like to mainly stay away from social media , as too much presence leads to people building wrong assumptions about them . They have revolutionary and conflicting views about things . These people regret not taking the right action at the right time . Can turn out to be manipulative and self sabotaging .
Opposite: They can be narcissistic, too absorbed. Though they introduce new trails of ideas , their speech is oftentimes too extreme and unacceptable. They are well known for their work . Known for their sad personality they feel things really deeply and are often confused about their own emotions. They have deep voices. People can really relate to their cries for help , they just need to have peace with themselves, and know that not everything shouldn't be known by everyone.
Mars ♦️
Conjunct : makes one a visionary for change , sometimes destruction. They have violent control of their emotions. Feels isolated initially which they turn into super power and channel it through their art and daily life . They can give great advice on just about anything, people trust them but also fear them .
Trine : hates to be ignored , when someone disregards them they get in moods of ignorance . Likes attention. They attract men who are a bit passive aggressive. Good at calisthenics , a lot of people consider their body to be a piece of art . Prone to knee injuries.
Sextile : common placement for royalty and fame after marriage ( rich powerful men ) . The people with this placement need to learn to love themselves, can be too fixated on others to love them which in turn creates a void, when they are developed , they enjoy themselves a lot , a very nice business mind and can give a good sense of life and the game of it . Lowkey reminds me of Shera .
Square : They like boyish clothing, can be stuck in scandals for example : Mila kunis for her age, courtney for the m*****r of Kurt, Kristin Stewart for cheating . They have a great sense of confidence , people try to copy them a lot . Usually they are trend setters in rare sectors . They tend to have a pull for life and the purpose of it but are confused often .
Opposite: Gives one strong sense of justice , however at times it could bounce back on them , for example they raised their voice against some injustice, it indeed hampers their image . Being a mediator is a peaceful case for them but if they choose to go for their heart that is true, they experience turbulence , initially until they realise life is all about give and take . Might give you a square face and lean body .
Venus 🦪
Conjunct : god knows you know about the deadly charm they exude , when Venus is conjunct pluto every step that you take towards healing and facing that is coming towards you , you are blessed in beauty ( how don't ask me try ) you become so self assured and so much more confident, they also have an air of knowing a lot even though they are still learning holy shit the grasp they have upon us .
Trine : These people can really turn their hurt into their power , they strive to get something in life, they know that whatever happens they can get out of it, so beautifully reminds me of the phoenix , rise like a beautiful song .
Sextile : you're intense you're full of depth and beauty, they have deep philosophical and in the core know that money cant buy all happiness but it's essential for their survival, they know how to strike a balance in life and really are the masters of their own fate
Square : Venus and Pluto forming squares gives one a drastic drive to be their authentic self to accept themselves in all their forms be it good bad or weird they aren't afraid to go through the little deaths in the self discovery of finding themselves again and again . They have many aha moments as they are always learning something new about themselves.
Opposite: this placement could bring internal struggles about looks and money , they think they can't manifest money but it's already written, these placements agree for you to accept them and work with them for your benefit. However this could also lead to them having a god complex and a feeling that they can do no wrong .
Jupiter ✨
Conjunct : These people are one of a kind very wise and you know those kinda people who give great advice because they have f*****d up in real time so with all they have gone through they try to live the best lives for themselves and everyone around them , these people are also very lucky in gambling, lottery and stock market .
Trine : blessed in marriage and business with people who see themselves in their true aura and still choose to love them. These people are dominating and they know what they want , don't like people correcting them too much.
Sextile : with a trine in this position one might go through this thing of being bad or fluctuating with money , once you have a lot other time you're blaming yourself for spending too much but be assured that no matter what , what you lose you will earn it back again too . They like to help the oppressed and the outcast .
Square : when in square you really go through the challenging times , the key to why you're great is because you can always self discover yourself again that's why the people around you see you in such a light of a leader , you're like a hierophant to the lost people because you found yourself again .
Opposite: you might feel unlucky that your luck doesn't work in your favour but her we talk about the solution so the thing is you're meant to work alright this pretty much like working on a child , you have to love your inner child so much so truly . you work hard for the benefits they work a little late but they def work c'mon it's with jupiter ain't no way jup ain't blessing you.
Mercury 🖊️
Conjunct: they know that the emotions they have good or bad are a result of innermost issues , very aware of their problems and solutions . Makes one a very good person to go for advice . Good in the logical sector , they like to chill or spend time reading stuff. They study or seek mental stimulation in times of distress
Trine : they can bring out their innermost desires easily through art and literature, healing when it comes to skin is fast for them , their brains work in a very result oriented manner , they think about the consequences and possibilities before doing something drastic . Makes one a lover of fiction of all kinds .
Sextile : They really find inspiration in the things most people don't see . They pay attention to the things most people ignore and find a way to use it to get a hold of information. These are the people with a variety of information in all sectors ,though conjunction and trine gives the intelligence, they choose to restore more as a built mechanism to enchant people
Square: this gives a hard time accepting this for what they truly are might lead to some anxiety and adhd issues , this could make one scared of changes . Early age bullying could be seen but with time , the youth of mercury and the resilience of Pluto makes one a visionary, someone who knows so much.
Opposite: might have a hard time to channel logic , though their emotions are alright . Might fall for fake promises and they have to work on their people pleasing tendencies. This gives one a hunger to do better in life , eventually they see that all that their mind is feeding them isn't true and they can always do better than what they have been taught .
Saturn 🪐
Conjunct :makes one a very disciplined person , they strive to work hard . You know the lana lyric " I'm doing it for all of us who never got the chance , and all my birds of Paradise " like wise they work hard so everyone around them can be happy and healthy, they make great people to bond with if you wanna succed in life and are looking for like minded people.
Trine : they are very hardworking towards what they want very goal oriented people. One thing i have seen is they can never work unless their work space is really clean , an organised view of things make their mind work better . People see them as someone who can be stiff at times , you can sometimes let loose is alright and appreciated to enjoy life .
Sextile : This works kind of like Saturn retrograde, the initial obstacles remain while Saturn gives the bad later in life when one has proven worthy to have something . Since life has thrown away them a lot of times they learn to be really humble , and try to assess all the possibilities before being sad about something. They understand that life is what you make it.
Square : might have a hard time following routines , they blame their luck a lot for having problems . When they get into healing themselves they have to deal with a lot of intense inner conflict and they might not take it very well , however to have a strong mind one has to deal with this tw might fall into depression. They come out stronger than ever knowing the power of free will .
Opposition: they believe rules are meant to be broken and i believe though this is opposition and might be malefic but being with Saturn and Pluto this gives one a very idgaf mentality which it turns out good for most times as one doesn't spend too much time contemplating. Might ignore their problems at times . But once in life the urge to get their life on track will occur and they will set things right for themselves. They want what they want by hook or by crook .
Uranus 🪻
Conjunct : They orchestrate changes, they are potent in telling people why they should do some things and why some things will bring them the better , they can really motivate people to live life for themselves. Usually they have strong sense of justice and remain very grounded .
Trine : They are free spirited, charming people , one thing about them is they can really see what others don't they can really put up the themes regarding what's beautiful and what's ugly and bring it to the world , work really hard to bring about equality in the society .
Sextile : This is a placement for the psychics healers and mystical beings , they learn that their position in the world is to heal and through their consistent efforts they heal themselves as well as others . They might find themselves in a state of dilemma sometimes as they are always energized with new ideas , they learn to channel it eventually.
Square : people with this can be a little stiff and scared about changes , they want things to be the same but to realise life's all about changes and how good one does to cope with it . These people are also very good at keep people on their toes. They guide themselves back to themselves. With this placement you don't loose your sense of self.
Opposite: A lot of people have their eyes on them and every move they make so they feel anxious and try to avoid changes . This placement can make one a control freak but if you choose to have faith in yourself and flow sometimes in life you will see the beauty of things that aren't forced , changes are necessary, cultivate the courage it requires to change .
Neptune 🌀
Conjunct : makes one a good artist , bestows beauty , other worldliness . Your dreams make so much impact in you daily life . Manifestation is your power you make it work for you all the damn time . It could bestow good healing powers and career in the therapy sector of all kinds. And this gives so much mystery to people.
Trine : They find very creative ways to channel their energy, might make one a bit lazy . They can work their emotions in a very creative way and achieve great things in life on the basis of their belief systems . Also good at predictions and reiki and astrology.
Sextile : These people are always full of surprises they have so much to give to the world , often they can come off as delusional but eventually they prove everyone wrong by getting all they want . However to warn the laziness if given a chance to grow will grow, so avoid it and go make the life you deserve
Square :. They have bizarre dreams , they aspire for a dreamland and seek ways to make the world a paradise , this in positive sense as they work hard to do things their way . Their homes are always so pretty and decorated . They can make anyone relax and calm down from the chaos . To truly grow in life they have to move with wisdom and have to accept all changes and chances with bravery.
Opposite : tw , this could lead to some sort of depression, addiction or inner conflicts , they seem and feel lonely or left out , they are great artists but their minds might be a little dark place to be in . To channel this energy properly is one great thing to live with the darkness and transmute it into light is great . Be sure of what you want and never ever bow down to what is trying to bring you down
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I hope you enjoyed reading this post 🫂thank you so much, please consider reblogs and feedback it helps .
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Have a great day/ night 😚
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leashaoki · 22 days
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Gojo wanted a baby; more specifically, Gojo wanted a baby with you. He was practically a Dad anyway, his students loved him and Megumi - well, he tolerated him anyway. He’d love to be a Father, to cherish a little bundle of joy of whom he could see the both of you in. That isn’t the only reason, as much as he tries to convince himself - truthfully he’s riddled with thoughts of you plump with his child, glowing and marked by him, only him. It had been on his mind for a while now, the fantasy possessing his very being every time he looked at you.
One night when he’s buried deep inside of you, lay between your thighs and rutting into your heat; he accepts that he can’t keep it contained any longer. It’s the way you’re looking at him, eyes hazy with adoration and lust as your arch yourself into him, whimpering his name lewdly and cutting small moon crescents into his shoulders with your nails.
He grunts your name between particularly harsh thrusts, his gaze boring into you intensely as his jaw tightens. For once, Gojo’s struggling to formulate the words he wants to say, practically growling at the filthy thoughts swimming through his brain while the urge to fill you up with his cum gets stronger with each snap of his hips, “Baby, I- Can I? Shit.” He looks away, cheeks flushing and biting his lip. You tilt your head slightly as if to cue his continuation, bringing your mouth to his collar bone briefly before catching his downright hypnotising orbs again with your own.
“Wanna-.” Gojo grunts and his jaw tenses, a shudder coming over him as his hips stutter slightly at even the thought of filling you up. A strained moan escapes him as his buries his head in your neck, muttering your name into the skin before groaning, “Wanna put a baby in you, please.” His voice breaks a little when he pleads, a whine breaking free from his throat.
Your core flushes at the thought, lost in the fantasy as you grind up into him, earning a lewd cry as you tug at his hair softly. He brings his forehead to rest against yours and you nod, a smirk teasing the corners of your lips, “Then do it.”
His expression flares at your words and you feel him throb inside of you. A growl rumbles low in his chest and he plants his hands either side of your face, wasting no time as he begins rutting into you with a ferocity that you thought was impossible. Not once does he avert his gaze from yours, his features painted with an open-mouthed, slack-jawed grin and wild eyes. “Yeah? Gonna, fuck baby- Gonna fucking breed you, make you mine.” He pauses momentarily, pulling all the way out before fucking into you rough and hard, punctuating his thrusts with the words, “All. Fucking. Mine.”
Gojo shifts his weight to one arm effortlessly, the other snaking downwards towards your swollen clit, rubbing small circles as his pace picks back up again. You see stars, mumbling out curses and praises that you’re not even sure make sense. Feeling the knot in your stomach tighten, you start grinding up into his thumb and the extra friction leaves Gojo a moaning mess, brows furrowing and his lip pulled between his teeth.
His thrusts are relentless, pushing you closer and closer to your climax. “My pretty girls gonna look so fucking good with my baby in her belly.” He murmurs mostly to himself, tilting his head like a predator watching it’s prey, observing each of the pretty little expressions you flit between. Gojo’s drunk on the thought of filling you up, mind hazed and dazed with the intoxication of the thought.
“Want me to fill you up baby? Yeah? Want me to- Oh…Ah shit.” You notice his hips begin to stutter, signalling him nearing his peak; you are too, spiralling towards euphoria with every movement of his hips. He applies more pressure to your clit and that’s all it takes for you, your back arches up into him, blinding flashes of white filling your vision as you leave reality is ripped away from you.
Gojo can’t take his eyes off of you, hips snapping animalistically into your heat while he grunts, groans and cries your name. Chasing his own orgasm while he watches yours dissipate; he all but whines when he releases inside of you, not slowing his rhythm in the slightest as he makes sure you take each and every drop of him.
Your vision begins to clear when you hear his pretty noises, looking up at him and revelling in the crazed looked in his eyes, obsessive and infatuated. His hips don’t let up, grinding down into your core despite him already finishing inside of you, unable to stop as he whimpers wantonly above you, “Fuck…baby mm- Filled you up so good, look at you, my good fucking girl.”
Once his movements finally slow and his breathing evens out, you move slightly as if to shift away from his length. His hand grabs roughly at your waist and he clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “You think I’m done?” He smirks, chuckling darkly and pressing a kiss to your forehead before slamming into you once again, “That was only the beginning, princess.”
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royal-bubble-tea · 3 months
Stray Kıds - Bang Chan - Imagine
Have you seen the Clip of Bang Chan working out and lifting 140kg!!! Like what the hell?! This man is soooooo fine! He is bias wrecking me so hard lately, I can barely handle it.
Breathing, working, moving
Bang Chan x gn! Reader (smut🔥)
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Imagine Bang Chan invited you to work out with him. Nothing to serious just working up a healthy sweat and spending some quality time together.
Bang Chan was already working out when you entered to gym. He looks up to to greet you but his mind imediatly goes into overdrive. There you are in tight sports wear, the curves of your body for everyone to see. Not that your clothes are very revealing but as someone who prevers wider and more baggy clothes on a daily basis Bang Chan is over the moon to be able to admire you so freely.
As you walk over to him with a big smile on your face, happy to see your ray of sunshine and spend some time with him, he has to remind himself to stay calm and not alert you to his current struggle to not make the heat in his stomach spread. While hugging you in greeting he might hold you a little bit longer, squeeze you closer and making sure as many body parts of yours as possible are touching. The two of you start with a light warm up and while you are enjoying yourself Bang Chan is to busy to watch your body move. The movement of your thighs as you work out is hypnotising to him. As you move on to some more strenous exercises Bang Chan has a a hard time controlling himself. Seeing you work up a sweat has images occupying his mind. His eyes trace a pearl of sweat starting at you temple trailing down your neck and finally dissapearing underneath you shirt. He wants nothing more than to trace those sweet pearls with his tongue. He wants to taste you, feel the veins in your neck move underneath you skin as he traces it with his tongue. Hear you stuttering breaths.
You are oblivious to Chan's internal struggle as you are fighting your own demons. Seeing him lift those weights as if its nothing, still being able to smile at you and make you to laugh has heat spreading trough your stomach. With every bang of those weights against the floor more and more butterflies flutter inside you. But it's him winking at you as if he knows what you are thinking causes those butterflies to turn into something hotter. Something that spreads like lava through your core. Images of pushing him to the floor and straddling his thick thighs start flooding your mind but a particular one sticks with you, causes your cheeks to turn pink and making you want to press you legs together to give you some well deserved friction. It is about him walking up to you, grabbing you underneath your thighs and lifting you up like you weigh nothing. Him smirking at you before bringing your lips together into a searing kiss.
Chan still faced with his internal struggle almost groans out loud when you walk over to the bench press. There he is standing in front of you, between your spread legs thinking dark and dirty toughts while he is supposed to spot you, to support you but he is barely able to hold it together. Finally Chan snaps when he hears you take a deep breath and exhaling shakily. He pulls the bar up and away from you. Now without anything in his way he looks down at you. Your body drenched in sweat, breathing heavily and splayed out for him.
You are confused as to what is going on with Chan but before you can ask him why he put the bar away he is aleady lowring himself. Slotting himself between you spread legs and slowly making his way up your body. His warm breath is hitting you and you search his face for an answer, which you find quickly. He is breathing hard and his pupils are blown. You notice that his eyes are moving between yours and your lips and before he can ask you if this is okay with you, the tension between you two snaps. You lean up, bring your arms around his broad shoulders and slot your mouths together. This is what you have been thinking about for the past 30 minutes. This is what you both were craving. You start by nipping at his bottom lip. Catching it between your teeth, pulling it back a little bit and hearing him whimper is exactly what you want. Chan is putty in your hands. He is loving the feeling of your lips against his, your hands running trough his hair and pulling slightly, making him exhale into your mouth. You use this chance to swipe your tongue into his mouth. Tracing his with yours, he moans breathlessly into your mouth. While he is distracted chasing your mouth and your tongue, you move your hands down his body and underneath his shirt. You feel the muscles in his back move, from him holding himself up to not crush you. But this is exactly what you want. You trace your hands down his back again, nails scratching him and hearing him whimper again, gives you the confidence you need for your next move. You grab his hips and pull him down on you, your legs coming up to squeeze him between your thighs and rolling your pelvis into his. He stopps kissing you, buries his head into your neck and moans out loud. You repeat the same move over and over again and Chan is at a loss for words. He continues to moan into your neck, to overrun by emotions and sensations to do much else. You can feel him getting hard and pressing into you, the friction making you moan and whimper as well. Hearing your sweet noises pulls Chan out of his own head. He traces one hand down your body, he squeezes your chest, loving the moan that leaves your lips. His hand moves to your hips, he grabs you tightly and pushes you even closer to him. You both can feel each others body heat and the sweat clinging to you. Chan starts rolling his hips into you causing you to throw you head back and he finally leans in to lick the sweat of your neck. You can feel is tongue tracing your neck, sucking and biting at your skin. Your hands claw their way up his back again, hips moving into his more passionatly. You can feel the heat in your lower stomach spreading. Chan is no different than you. His hips move more irregular, his moans getting louder and more out of control. He grips your hips tighter and grinds down with more purpose, just wanting to make you both feel good. The heat inside your lower stomach is boderline painful. What finally pushes you over the edge, is hearing his deep moans right into your ear. The heavy inhales and shaky exhales are music for you. You come with white blotches in the corner of your vision. The heat in your stomach explodes and you breathily moan his name.
Hearing his name falling from your lips. Your head thrown back in ecstasy has him stumbling over the edge as well. He throws his head back, brockenly moaning your name.
You both are trying to catch you breath, coming down from you highs. Chan is leaning back up again and you follow him. You both look at each other and start laughing. Realising the situation you both are in, being incredibly lucky that you were alone at this time of day in JYP's own company gym. "I think that was one of the most intense work-outs I have done in a while", Chan says while looking at you and smiling cutely, dimples full on display. "If this is your definition of a work-out I might join you more often", you reply with a wink.
He helps you stand up and you both make your way towards the showers. This had to be the fastest shower each of you had ever taken as you both are to exited to go back to his dorm, continuing were you left of.
Phew, that was a lot. After this I am really craving some Matcha Latte with Taro Boba. My bestie makes the best I ever had🤤🥺
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frxxxncx · 9 months
happy birthday - c. seungcheol
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»idol!¡Choi Seungcheol x fem!¡reader.
»Summary: It´s midnight and you´re alone in your apartment for your birthday.
»Tags: smut (MDNI), oral (f. receiving), cunnilingus, pet names, establish relationship, idolau, fingering, countertop oral(?, body worship, dom!seungcheol, sub!reader, reader is mention to have her ears pierced, seungcheol is strong af.
»Words: 1.4k (idk)
note: i feel like as much as Cheol likes people to congratulate him on his birthday, he would try his best to do the same for his partner, idk, it was my birthday like three days ago and i just miss him so much ;c
note 2: Any typo or incoherence that you might find was completely intentional, it’s for the sake of learning about my mistakes.
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Your hair tickled on the back of your neck, the soft air of the night making it dance on your skin.
In this particularly cold night, you looked at the moon with a solemn expression in your face, you were sitting in the balcony... alone, with the big and shining sphere who has always been the witness of your bittersweet nights filled in loneliness, but also bystander of those you spent with company.
The memories of his warm body beside you, tugging you into a warm hug seem very distant, like they have been only a long and wonderful dream.
You closed your eyes trying to imagine your boyfriend being there, his hoarse voice congratulating you for your birthday as soon as the clock hits midnight like he always used to do.
Filling your face with kisses and caressing your body with softness, but he wasn't there.
It's been four months since the last time you saw him, his schedule always filled to the brim, presentations, concerts, interviews, flights, pre-recording, you didn't know what to do, you talk all the time, texts, calls, FaceTime, but it's not enough, it's just to little of him for you.
You hugged yourself and the clock rang announcing midnight.
"Happy birthday to me" you said while an uncontrollable tear slipped through your reddened cheek.
You got up, and palmed the dirt of your shirt to get inside the apartment. Dragging your feet, you threw yourself in your bed, crashing into the mattress, hurting your back with the tv controller that was laying there before.
You took the controller from behind your back, to settle in the bed hugging your pillow tightly, arching your back making your shirt -your boyfriend's shirt- lift.
"Fuck, what a nice view" the velvety yet masculine voice of your boyfriend rang in your ears, and startled you sat in your bed.
There he was, standing in the door frame, with a big box of chocolates, a bottle of wine and a cute bouquet of your favourite flowers. His pearly smile lighted the gloominess in the room, making your heart flutter.
"Happy birthday, baby" he said sweetly but with an apologetic smile, maybe thinking you were upset by his tardiness.
You wanted to cry big time, you were certain that he was extremely tired from his rehearsals, but yet you were so happy that he took the time to come.
Euphoric you got out of bed, running to him and jumping on his arms, pinning your legs on his hips and locking your arms in his neck. Seungcheol, was in a tough position, his arms were full with the gifts and now you were clinging onto him like a tick, he has to admit it, his core balance is pretty sick.
Your face rested in the crock of his neck and the woody smell stroke your nostrils, and with that you were sure that him being there was not a dream.
You raised your face, his eyes were like two shining stars and his sweet smile almost made you melt in his arms. With his hands still very occupied, he managed to hug you back and give a loud kiss on your temple.
"I missed you so much" he whispered in your ear, his soft lips caressing your earlobe sending shivers down your spine.
A chill ran down your body making you tighten your grip on his neck.
"I missed you too, Cheolie"
Seungcheol, who was somehow still lifting you, got out of the room and went straight to the kitchen, putting everything in place, the chocolates in the table, the flowers in the pot and the wine, well, the wine in the wine fridge. When his hands were free he decided to sit you in the aisle in the middle of the kitchen.
Your legs and arms untangled from his figure, but he didn't move an inch, with your legs on each side of his hips, he started to leave kisses in the soft skin of your neck, sweet kisses in the freckles of your shoulders, but biting and sucking your collarbone.
His black shirt which you were using was starting to get in the way and quickly he got rid of it. He admired your bare chest, your beautiful and delicate skin, your breasts that fit in his hands just perfectly.
He kept kissing your skin while his hands were now fondling your breast enjoying the soft moans that escaped your mouth. A loud whimper dance away from your mouth, when his lips started to give pecks at your breasts.
He missed you so much, he just wanted you to touch you, draw your whole body with his fingers, engrave every curve of your body in his memory.
The tips of his fingers were now caressing your thighs doing imaginary figures, stroking with care. His kisses got to the base of your stomach, your fingers were starting to curl thrilled.
"God, you're so perfect" he whispered against your belly, making you shiver.
Your hands squeezed tightly the edge of the isle, knuckles whitening at the action and almost losing feeling in your fingers. You laid, your body suddenly feeling heavy, a whine slipped from your lips as Seungcheol’s fingers ran over your clotted cunt, just a little caress over your clothes making you shiver, not even directly and still it felt so good.
He tugged with his thumbs in the elastic of your underwear, stroking faintly with his fingers the journey to your ankles, making your skin burn exquisitely.
Now with your underwear long forgotten in some dark corner of the kitchen, Seungcheol's fingers travelled through the inside of your thighs once again.
As his digits got closer and closer to your core, he stopped, gripping the soft flesh of your legs tightly, making you moan.
Seungcheol put his rough palms in your knees, and testing your flexibility he pushed as much as he could without hurting you, his eyes travelled from your eyes to your cunt, licking his lips at the stirring view, your core sopping in your arousal.
His breath was hot against your wet and puffy lips, how was it even possible for you to feel this worked up when you haven't even started yet?, you were eager to know what was about to come next.
Like two petals the kisses were soft and silky, lips dancing skilfully on your cunt, making you chant his name in an obscene mantra, he drank till the last drop of your arousal, like it was one of his favourite wines.  
His tongue strokes over your sex, drawing fat strips with the hot muscle, enjoying your exquisite flavour like a starving man, but also pleased for being able to make you moan just like a porn star.
You could feel his hot tongue inside of you, his nose bumping with your clit, making your toes curl, you are not sure if it is because you love him so much, but Seungcheol is just so fucking good at giving you head, he knew where to touch, where to suck, he knows your body like the palm of his hand and that makes you even wetter.
And when he pressed his big hand onto your belly you felt how the coil that has been building up started to erupt, like firework exploiting inside of you, and when your orgasm washed you over, he drank it all, leaving you a trembling mess, receiving more pleasure from hearing you become such a mess just from giving you head, ignoring completely the hard on pressing painfully against his jeans.
His blonde hair felt soft against your thighs, when he lifted his face to looked at you, you could help but let a pathetic cry slip your mouth, his lips were bright red and glossy, chin covered in your arousal, he was panting, expression denoting adoration, making your heart melt in the spot.
His eyes looked at you lovingly, his tongue licking what it could from your excitement from his lips, his face got close to yours, lips kissing your earlobe feeling the cold metal of your piercing in his lips.
"I love you"
Your chest tightened, happiness overflowing your body, you stole a soft and innocent kiss from Seungcheol, making him laugh.
"I love you too"
"Happy birthday"
"Well now I'll go get your present" he got up and started to walk towards the door but you were confused.
"Wait" you said and he stopped in the door frame to look at you with a smile, head tilted to the side "My presents weren't the chocolates, the wine and the flowers?" the disorientation in your voice was obvious.
"No, that was just a small gift" he furrowed his eyebrows still smiling, yet his expression was showered in disbelief "Do you think I'm broke or something?"
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diveinyouastro · 10 months
~ Some observations ~
Aries with pisces placements - always the one to chase their love interests.
Lilith in the 1st house women - crushing on every siren eyed girl or someone who embody dark feminine energy.
Capricorn sun with pisces venus - yall fall in LOVE love. Once you love someone, there's no going back for you all. Very loyal.
Taurus and libra placements - yall love makeup, jewellery, piercings, anything cute. Also your smiles???????? So freaking adorable omg.
Also with taurus and libra placements, I've noticed yall also like chubby cheeks on people????
Libra sun's- wanting to mother anyone you find cute.
Personal planets in 12th house - I've noticed whenever they're SAD sad, they either sing or try hard to cry but can't :(
Sun in the 12 - how does it feel to always trying to figure out how you are at your core?
Underdeveloped pisces placements - LIARS. Tries to put other people down just to make themselves feel good. Manipulators ofcourse.
Especially women with Underdeveloped pisces placements - straight up jealous of their female friends. Tries to steal their boyfriend's. Pathetic.
Most aquarius placements want fwb.
Lilith in the 5th - center of attention. Always. Also with this, when they're in a club or any other entertaining place, they tend to get negative comments from people???? They try to put you down then say " oh I was just joking" .
Underdeveloped Capricorn placement- A BITCH. Very rude and mean. Plays victim card. Again just pathetic.
But developed Capricorn placements- omg yall teach alot. Your mentality >>>>>>>. a friend everyone should deserve. The guidance yall give.
Pisces venus women- please leave that toxic ass relationship. Please. Yall deserve much better. And trust me yall will get it.
Underdeveloped Capricorn men - omg yall just stay away from loyal girls please. Very unloyal. I've seen many times men with this placement, they be in a long term relationship but still be fucking around.
Underdeveloped pisces men - yall think you know everything. No honey you don't. Also stop trying to get into people's business. Also they ignore communication???? Very silent treatment type.
Underdeveloped Leo placements- yall keep on crossing boundaries in your relationships, and try to make your partner jealous then complain why they leave you.
Cancer placements, especially sun, moon, venus, saturn- so giving and like to nurture people. I've seen that yall heal people. Like people generally come to you to vent out. But yall rarely get a shoulder to cry on :(
Dasssss itt
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themoonitselff · 6 months
Okay but just imagine Mizu getting dominated by her s/o and feeling that safe she can actually let her femenine side out.
Very explicit nsfw under the cut. (afab reader)
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The taste of her lips against yours was already making your thighs warm and wet, her hands were already searching for the sweet points in your body that makes you jolt and whimper for more, but this time was different. You wanted to make her feel different.
Since she's always manhandling you, always taking care of you, always pleasuring your needs, sometimes she gets really stressed by the thoughts of responsibility, like, she needed a break, a release from all the pain and suffering in this path full of blood. You were thinking about this since last week, and you just couldn't stand there again and let her do all the job. Not again.
Before she could take your kimono down, you took her hands gently, stopping her, your gaze connected with her as you whisper “Let me take control of this, tonight is all about you.” Your voice immediately made her relax, but it still was weird for her since she had this icanmakeeverythingbymyown mindset in her head.
She saw you getting on your knees as you sat her in a rock, in front of a waterfall, in the middle of the night, where the only expectator was the moon. “Hey, you don't have t-”
“But I want to. ” You replied, taking her pants off, she denied at first, scared of what could have happened, what could possibly put you and her in danger and that she cannot do anything about it. It's not like she treats you like a stupid young child that doesn't know how to take care of their self, in fact, Mizu thinks you're amazing at fighting when the situation merits it, your thin blade passes through the enemies bodies like it's a leaf, you're talented, but when she started falling in love with you, she had this need to protect you and own you, because she wants you to calm and not endure, like her. Now it's the other way around.
You place her hand in your head, as your mouth sinks in her arousal, your tongue gently caressed her clit, it was pumping against your lips as you kissed it with an indescribable romance, you were actually enjoying it, your pussy was like a water slide.
The sense of your tongue against her body made her change mind instantly, her hand pushed you deeper in her core, the moans that were low, raspy and groaning at first now were sweet and high pitched, her head tilted back as she just stopped being so hard like a rock and let herself just enjoy the moment, her hips moving into your mouth like wanting more, as you smiled against her lower lips.
“You're so beautiful when your off guard.” You babbled between her legs, your mouth left her throbbing cunt to make some kisses and hickeys on her crotch, your ears were hearing and orchest of whimpers and moans, at this point, she sounded like a woman fallen from heaven, and whatever you were doing, she was satisfied with it, more than satisfied, grateful.
“Keep doing it.. You're so fucking good at this-” She demanded, it was so cute you couldn't believe it, Mizu can be very submissive when it comes to.
Your ears now were hearing a wonderful orchest of whimpers and moans, they were so loud you had to get up and kiss her passionately to get her mouth shut, you tongues were dancing roughly, eating each other, it was so erotic you couldn't believe it. You? Making the cold Mizu whimper and cry for you?
“Come here, let me feel you closer.” You hummed.
“ I'll regret this later- Fuck! ” She panted in your mouth.
Mizu's legs were now hugging your waist, her hand was scratching your back and the other supporting her weight in the rock, you thrusted into her a bit rough until you felt her squirting all over your arm and a bit of your kimono, she was breathing hard against your lips, panting and squeezing your fingers full of her cum.
You stayed like this, close to her, your foreheads touched each other as Mizu and you closed your eyes, recovering from action, then you laughed a bit and pulled your fingers off, just to taste them later. “I told you this night was about you. ”
“I-.. ” She hided her face, trying to get back her pride. “Just shut the fuck up.” Mizu pulled you back again to her lips, kissing you like feral.
Maybe you could start being her stress-releaser since now.
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