#felix did NOT think and was just trying to keep them both alive during an akuma attack :
edorazzi · 29 days
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Page 12 of my Miraculous Mentor AU comic A Matter of Trust! In which Felix unlocks his first Miraculous power (Black Hole!) and ruins Mr. Pigeon's heroic fight for bird justice. He's made a sworn enemy this night! 3:<
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themadlostgirl · 2 years
Forbidden Meetings
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*The alive being me! Hi! I bring you Felix content this spooky season!*
Prompt: Felix x Reader forbidden romance
Neverland is an island of youth and irresponsibility. As such, there are no rules. Well…except one. It only came into effect some few years ago. But when Pan declared it to the camp, no one was allowed to object.
The one rule of Neverland: The Lost Girl is a sister, not a lover. No one attempt any sort of affair with her.
You understood why Pan had created the rule. As the only girl among the Lost Boy ranks that carried special challenges. This was meant to help protect you from the rampant hormones of an entire encampment of teenage boys. If Pan heard that anyone had tried anything with you, well then, they would long for something as sweet as death.
The only hiccup with that rule was that it stopped any consensual relationship from blossoming. You did not think it would be a problem. The boys were your brothers and you thought of them dearly as friends. You had no intention of being romantically entangled with any of them. Then something changed. And suddenly the rule that had been put in place to protect you was a barrier, keeping you from pursuing the one person you thought of as more than a friend.
At some point during your time on Neverland, you couldn’t even say when, but you ended up falling in love with Pan’s second in command, Felix. There was just something about him that drew you in. You two spent plenty of time together and you considered him one of your closest if not your best friend on the entire island. He understood you in a way no one else did and you admired everything about him.
You tried to shove the feelings away when you realized what was happening. Crushed them down into the darkest recesses of your heart and ran away from Felix when he drew near. The distance only made you miss him more.
It all came to a head one evening when Pan’s foul mood had sent a massive storm onto the island. You had been away from camp when it hit and stumbled through the jungle trying to find shelter from the pouring rain and harsh wind. Then, out of the darkness, barely heard over the howl of the storm, was Felix, shouting your name.
He caught up to you and asked what you were doing out in the storm. You could have asked him the same thing. Why was he out here instead of hunkering down with the others? Why had he come looking for you?
“You idiot,” he shouted over the rain, “Of course I came looking for you! I wasn’t going to abandon you out here by yourself.”
“I can take care of myself!”
“I know. But I still want to be the one to take care of you.”
There was a long moment of silence as you stared at each other, rain pouring down around you and thunder shaking the ground. He reached out a hand and pushed some of the wet hair plastered to your head out of your face. You caught his hand and kept it pressed to your cheek. Felix sighed, “Fuck it.”
He pulled you close and kissed you hard. Another boom of thunder shook the island or at least it felt that way. Your toes curled in your soggy boots. You both had just broken the one rule on Neverland.
It had been a few months since that day out in the storm. You tried to go back to a normal relationship afterwards but it was like that kiss had unlocked everything you had been pushing away and refused to be locked down again. So, you made a plan. Devised times you could meet in secret and be together.
It was exhilarating and terrifying. You loved your time together but lived in fear that someone would discover what you were doing.
On one such a day the two of you had stolen away to a spot near the mermaid lagoon where none of the boys liked to venture. You had left the camp at different times so to not make it obvious that you were actually leaving together. You had kicked off your boots and were letting the ocean lap at your toes when a pair of arms slid around your waist.
“Why hello there,” you craned your neck back to look at Felix. “Took you long enough.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, did me having to leave after you make me late? How foolish.”
“Very.” you reclined against him. “I wish we could go swimming.”
“We can.”
“Not anywhere where we won’t be caught. Here’s basically the only safe spot and its invested with mermaids.”
“Well,” Felix gazed at the lagoon, “The mermaids usually only come around here at night. So, if we wanted to we could go swimming here.”
“And you’re positive about that information?”
“More or less.” he shrugged. “Besides, if any mean mermaid tries to drown you, I’ll gut her and we’ll cook her fishy tail for dinner tonight.”
“Always the romantic.” you gazed up at the sky with its pulsing hot sun then back at the cool call of the crystal clear water. You could see down into the lagoon. There was nothing more than a few small fish swimming around.
It was incredibly hot out today and if you went swimming then that meant you’d have to strip down to your undergarments. Which also meant that Felix would be shirtless. That was a sight you were dying to see. Were you willing to risk mermaid infested waters for that though?
Yes. Yes you were.
“Fine. You’ve convinced me.” You laughed and retreated back to the sand to start disrobing. You were left in only your tunic and undergarments as you stared down at the cool, perhaps deadly, water.
“Is there a reason you’re hesitating?” Felix asked, arms looping around you from behind again. Your heart began hammering harder in your chest. You could feel the warmth of his bare chest through the thin material of your tunic as he held you close.
“I’m not hesitating.” you answered but refused to move another inch into the water.
“Uh huh,”  he chuckled low in your ear. “Not scared, are you?”
“Never!” you huffed.
“Then you won’t mind if I do this!” he hauled you off the ground and charged into the water with you.
“Felix!” you shrieked before he got deep enough and threw you. You sunk under the water and thrashed to the surface. Felix was standing in water up to his knees dying of laughter.
“You’re an ass!” you splashed him.
“What? Are you not feeling refreshed?” he smirked.
You wanted to yell at him for it but as of the moment all you could focus on was his naked chest. There was an array of scars littering his otherwise pale skin. Other than that you were surprised to see just what good shape he was in. You knew he had to be, seeing as how he is the best fighter on the island. But you had never considered what a cut that would give him and you couldn’t get your eyes to look away.
He saw you staring and crossed his arms over his chest. “What?”
“Nothing.” you sunk down to your nose, embarrassed at being caught gawking.
Felix grimaced. “Listen, I know they’re not pretty to look at. I’m not usually running around shirtless so I’ve never cared about them. But you don’t have to act so disgusted by them either.”
“No! That’s not it!” you swam over to him, wading out of the water so you were standing with him. “I don’t think your scars are ugly. They were a little surprising but I was mainly staring because um…I think you look good without a shirt on. Very good.”
The grimace was replaced with surprise and he slowly uncrossed his arms. “Really?”
“Yeah,” just to show him you meant it you hugged him close. “Honestly, the scars give you this rugged wildman look that I am finding incredibly appealing.”
“I see,” he cupped your face, “And I have to say, I like this version of you too. Half dressed and soaking wet.” When he ran a hand along your side, skimming the hem of your tunic up just enough to touch your bare skin, “We need to do this more often.”
A blushed burned its way up your neck to the tips of your ears.
You shoved him into the water. “Hey!”
You dove out deeper into the water forcing him to come swim out to you. He caught you and you clung tight to his shoulders, scared he may try to dunk you. Instead, he smiled. “You’re such a little terror.”
He leaned in to kiss you but you caught sight of something back on the shore and dunked under the water. Felix dunked down with you and together you swam behind a rock jutting out of the lagoon. You peaked around and saw some of the Lost Boys come out of the jungle. What were they doing here? Oh god, what if they saw your clothes? They were going to figure you out!
You waited in tense silence as you watched the boys. They lingered for a few minutes before disappearing further down the beach and away from you. You let out a breath of relief. “That was a little too close for comfort.”
“If we do this again we should probably hide our clothes.” Felix said.
“Agreed.” you turned around to face him. “Do you think we’ll ever get to stop hiding and sneaking around?”
“I don’t know.” he answered honestly, “I hope so.” He brought you close and kissed you tenderly. There was a taste of salt on his lips.
One day you’d be able to love him in the open…hopefully.
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violentlydone · 1 year
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annie cresta, victor from district 4 faceclaim : karmay ngai
-annie was a career tribute, but not really of her own volition. her family wanted her to win to gain prestige, and they trained her since birth with that exact project in mind. perhaps despite her parents' wishes, she grew up to be kind and sensitive. still, they thought she had all her chances of being chosen as the capitol's sweetheart. -however she didnt volunteer during all her earlier years -her family was pretty wealthy. she was an older daughter. her little sister, nettie, died of drowning around seven or eight. -the male tribute, felix cove, was a career tribute too, very ambitious. his family was... rough, especially on him. had been beating him for years, ever since he had turned 11 and hadn't volunteered. being now 18, this was their last chance... they both knew that if felix didn't participate in the games, his family would never forgive him (they probably threatened him too). and annie knew that if she wasn't the one volunteering first, he wouldn't go (ambitious, but not brave) annie and him were basically best friends, so when her hand was raised, it was as much for him than it was for her own family -she didn't know what she was getting into when she joined the games. she followed her mother's expectations of her, she did it for felix, but she didn't really realize what these expectations actually meant until felix's death -felix was her first friend, her first boyfriend, her first everything. while it didn't work out romantically, they both agreed they were each other's soulmates. they were extremely close, almost twin-like, always in each other's space. -felix and annie knew finnick rather well, had been training with him for a long time. felix used a trident too, while annie's specialities were traps with fishnets and being endurant. -she had a crush on finnick, which felix was well-aware of. he probably tried to set them up during the tour (mostly to avoid talking abt what it would mean if one of them came back and not the other) she definitely fell in love with him. -she got along with mags very well, and immediately saw a family figure in her. finnick probably noticed that too. annie is a gentle person, who doesn't really mind quirks and accomodating her personality to make it easier for others to interact. literally the kind of person to go on her knees despite being in a beautiful and precious dress just to say hi to a kid, so the kid won't have to look up and feel self-conscious.
-during the games, felix and her sided together. they survived a few days, until other tributes found her. the tributes were... more hungry for violence than they were for actual death, which is probably why few had been killed after the first bloodbath. the career tributes liked to Play. -people often assume annie's trauma comes from the beheading, but it's a little bit more complicated : they held her while they did it, making sure she'd see, and then told her to run so they'd be able to chase her. -them letting her go just to make the game go on longer pissed off the gamemakers, who triggered the earthquake, which. definitely made the games go faster -she ran and hid until the dam broke. i think she might have already been near the water when it happened, which made it "easier" to welcome the added water rather than try to outrun it as most would. once the water filled the arena, she didn't really want to swim, but she couldn't let herself die either. maybe she got a gift that she knew finnick had obtained for her, so she held on and started swimming -she spent a Long time swimming, fr. she is strong. like. swimming for days & keeping herself alive despite having no solid ground to stand and rest on kind of strong. -also note that all that time was spent listening to other tributes drowning, or drowning others. she got her win by drowning a desperate tribute who attacked her. this is probably what truly broke her : this last act of violence that wasn't the arena, but hers -when she won, she didn't really. realize
-they didn't celebrate her as much as they usually do with victors because... she didn't really kill much, and to people watching on tv, her accomplishment didn't seem that big. on top of that, it was evident from the moment that she stepped out of the arena that she had very severe ptsd and physical conditions that couldn't be ignored -because of how long she spent in the water, she had ear infections relatively severe that needed to be treated immediately. because the capitol wanted to parade her a little, and because she didn't express her pain in a way they understood/believed, they didn't immediately give her the treatments she needed, which led to a loss of hearing -she can hear loud noises, as well as guess what has been said from reading lips. with people close to her (such as finnick and mags) or people who know how to, she usually signs -she is believed to hear noises that don't exist, which is often sounds from the sea, like waves rushing against the shore. triggering events or very loud noises can lead to hallucinations of screams similar to the gurgling sounds of drowning tributes, hence why she puts her hands over her ears. she also hears the voice of nettie, which is why she may giggle at inappropriate times -after the games, she has settled in the victors' house and spent a year without approaching the water. its finnick who helped her get reacquainted with what she loved most. after that, she can be found floating in the water, eyes closed, smiling slightly. it helps her calm herself down
-when she was reaped her second time, it was so triggering that she felt like the dam had broken once more. she thought she was back there, that she was going to die. it's like all these years of trying to learn how to be alive didn't matter, because the capitol was going to steal it all from her. -when mags volunteered instead, annie couldn't stop crying. contrary to popular belief, she is aware, she is extremely aware. she knew what it meant for mags to go instead of her. the guilt of her death is still with her -she made finnick promise a thousand times to come back to her. it was all that seemed to matter to her. -i think annie made the choice not to be told about the rebels. told finnick to do what it takes to get out. told him that she didn't care what happened as long as he came back -when the capitol captured her… let's say it was both triggering and underwhelming. the torture was good in the sense that it was real. it was bad in the sense that it felt like dying. the most triggering and scarring for her wasn't the torture but the screams from the others, like peeta and johanna. -i think even if she shies away from the truth of that event, she knows what happened and she has an acute understanding of the bond shared between peeta, johanna and her. especially so with peeta bc they're definitely made of the same wood, both fighting for someone else and both suffering from an unstable sense of reality -the wedding was the most beautiful day of her life. the proof that they had survived. -annie was not aware of her pregnancy when finnick left. -they kept his death from her for as long as they could afford, which was not a very long time. despite what everyone expected, annie did not fall to the ground wailing crying sobbing throwing up. she went incredibly quiet. an uneasy aura circled her and swallowed her. -she continued to help as much as she could. especially with children and food. she did what she was asked, stared into oblivion when she had nothing to do -when came the votes for new games, not only did annie vote no, she also explicitly stated that finnick wouldn't have wanted that either. it's the first time she showed any kind of assurance, a brief reflection of who she might have been prior to the games -when the war ended, she went back to district four and had her son, tild.

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fruitcoops · 3 years
Accidental Family
Hey folks! This is one of two fics for the six month celebration of this blog! Woohoo! Blood on the Ice is one of the most popular series I've written, and expanding it into Josie’s (@prohibitionincurls ) Winging It world with her was unbelievably fun. Disclaimer: one of the OCs has ADHD and it is a central theme of the story--while Josie based some of his characteristics on her own experience, we both recognize that this is not a one-size-fits-all situation. Thank you again for six amazing months, and I hope you enjoy!
Lots of love,
Eve <3
TW for mentioned injury
“Oh my god, they’re gonna kill me,” the kid whispered in a wavering voice, sounding much younger than he actually was as he left the penalty box.
“They’re not going to kill you,” Bowie soothed, still watching the tunnel where Remus had disappeared mere minutes earlier. From what he saw, there had been a bit of blood, but the bruising didn’t look too bad. Then again, there had barely been enough time for anything to visibly swell before he was whisked away.
“Can I just stay in the box?” Felix cast a look toward the Lions bench and his voice cracked. “They can’t yell at me in the box, right?”
“Hey. Look at me, Marty.” Bowie took him by the shoulders and gave him a gentle shake. “The Lions are good guys. They’re not going to hurt you, but you did just fuck up one of their best friends. What would you do if someone hit me in the face?”
“Come on, man, I’m a terrible fighter. I don’t know how well I’d be able to defend your honor after something like that. It was an accident. Do you think they know it was an accident? Should I go tell them?”
“I know. They know. Loops definitely knows. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re a little cold at first.” He ruffled the rookie’s hair and turned back to the game; the Lions were moving fast and brutal, slicing right through their defense for yet another goal. Shit. Felix clearly felt bad enough already--losing the game wouldn’t make him feel any better. 
They ended up losing the game.
Bowie had figured it might happen; he would have had the same fire if it had been his teammate that got clocked like that. Hell, he used to have the same fire when he and Remus had played together, so he completely understood. 
That did not change the fact that once they got home, Felix was still borderline inconsolable. The 18-year-old wasn’t technically billeting with them, but the apartment he was renting just so happened to be in the same building, on the same floor, and right across the hall from his and Simon’s. This led to an informal adoption of the rookie and he was around their house at least five times a week, if not more. 
Felix Martin was a good kid, and that idea was confirmed when Kronk immediately took a liking to him; the cat loved nobody but the three of them. Bowie was grateful that he and Simon were there to quell some of the homesickness that came from moving out to a new city on his own for the first time. The transition was always tough, but they could provide a little support.
They parted ways from the team when the bus got back from the rink and drove to their building in silence. Once they made their way up the stairs and down the hall, Felix moved to go back to his apartment. 
“Nope,” Bowie said immediately, placing a hand on his shoulder and steering him through the door to his and Simon’s place. It wasn’t a good idea for Felix to be alone right now--there was nothing to do alone after a loss aside from beat himself up about it, and Bowie would be damned before he let that happen. 
Simon and Kronk were perched on the couch, but they both moved into the kitchen as soon as the door clicked closed. Simon took one look at the pair and carefully wrapped his arms around Felix; the kid practically melted. The three of them stood there for a moment until Simon pulled back a bit and tilted his head toward the living room. Felix nodded and Bowie followed the two, sharing the couch with Simon while the rookie curled up in the large armchair diagonal to them. 
He...well, if Bowie was being honest, Felix looked like hell. He chewed his lower lip like an anxious beaver and fiddled with the loose threads of the closest armrest; everything about him screamed discomfort. Bowie caught Simon’s worried glance in his periphery and let out a slow breath, trying to relieve at least a little of the tension in the room.
“You don’t have to relive it if you don’t want to. I saw the game. But if you want to talk about it…” Simon trailed off with a significant look.
Felix sighed and his shoulders caved in a bit. “It was just one of those moments. All of a sudden, I didn’t really have a grasp on what was going on, which feels like shit because I’ve been doing pretty well so far. I dunno. It was just...bad.” 
That was it. Bowie knew Felix had seemed a little off. When Felix mentioned he had ADHD at the start of the season during one of their ‘getting to know your neighbor’ chats, Bowie hadn’t thought much of it. But as they grew closer, he began to notice when Felix forgot to eat or drink, or got overwhelmingly excited about something, or when he suddenly spaced out. It wasn’t just Felix being Felix.
The whole team stepped up and became intensely protective, of course. They not only helped him remember meal times, but also scheduling, directions, and everything in between. Bowie felt especially responsible for reasons he didn’t entirely understand--there was just something about the kid’s sweet heart that struck a chord.
He also knew that Felix was highly emotionally intelligent, but had no concept of whether people liked him or not. He was someone who assumed the worst, all the time. So, Bowie decided to do the only thing he knew would work: after a few more beats of uncomfortable silence, he pulled his phone out, tapped a few buttons, and pressed ‘call’.
“Hey, Remus, are you alive?” 
An amused snort came from the speaker even as Felix blanched. “Hello to you, too, Bowie. Jeez, you’re worse than Sirius.  I’m one hundred percent alive, just a little swollen. Your rookie’s got a helluva shot, but maybe tell the kid to hit the puck and not my face next time.” 
Felix flushed red and put his face between his knees, though hearing the laughter in Remus’s voice and knowing that he was okay clearly took some of the weight off his shoulders. Bowie whooped internally and shot him a quick, reassuring smile.
“Yeah, the kid’s got spirit, but he’s also got ADHD. He’s great most of the time, but sometimes under extreme pressure he can’t figure out where the fuck he--or anything else around him--is. Something about focusing or neurons firing the wrong way, maybe? Either way, it’s why he’s a terrible fuckin’ driver.”
Felix flopped back against the chair with a groan. “How the hell am I supposed to know how far away the cars around me are based on the mirrors? And how am I supposed to park?!” 
Remus’s laugh echoed once again. “Don’t ask me, kid, I’m not allowed to drive, either. Not because I’m ADHD, but because I’m terrible at it.” 
“You can say that again!” a muffled voice called from behind Remus. 
“Please excuse my fiance,” Remus said politely. “He’s a jackass who’s trying to make me lay down again.”
Felix smiled, though it was a bit pained. “I didn’t get a chance to apologize earlier. That stick was totally on me. And--I mean, I heard some of the guys talking afterward and it sounded like you got pretty banged up, so I’m really sorry. Like, really sorry.”
“Hey, woah, you’re fine,” Remus soothed. Bowie recognized his ‘talking to newbies’ voice and hid a smile in the cuff of his hoodie. “It’s the name of the game, after all. Did Bowie ever tell you about the time I accidentally checked him into a wall? Or when I broke his visor with a puck? For context, this was when we were on the same team.”
“Or that time you kicked my legs out from under me and sent me sprawling across the ice during practice.”
“That one was on purpose.” 
Bowie glared at the phone, but Felix was snickering and his grin was genuine. It calmed him a bit. “Thanks, Loops.”
“No problem, kiddo.” Remus paused for a moment, then mumbled something inaudible to someone in the background before clearing his throat. “Bowie.”
“Yes?” Remus had never been a wild card, per se, but he certainly had a knack for asking strange questions out of the blue.
“Did you accidentally adopt a child or do my ears deceive me?”
Bowie was about to laugh at the absurdity of it, but then he took a moment to think, looking back and forth between Simon and Felix. “Fuckin’--maybe I did, Re, but he’s ours now. And if that’s the case, I’m going to formally request that you tell your fiance to quit being mean to my son.”
Remus laughed on the other end of the line. “Will do. Felix seems like a sweetheart, I’m glad he’s got you two.” 
Bowie nodded with a slight smile, even though Remus couldn’t see him. “So are we. I can practically sense Sirius hovering, so go let your boyfriend fuss over you for a little while.” 
An offended noise came from Remus’s side, followed by a lower laugh and the click of the call ending. 
Simon looked Felix dead in the eyes. “I’m seconding the ‘kid’ thing. You may just barely be a legal adult, but it doesn’t mean we can’t adopt you. Congrats on your new gay dads.” 
Felix’s bright laugh sent a wave of relief through Bowie. “You guys are only, like, eight years older than me.”
“Silence, spawn,” Simon said, pointing a playful finger at him as his grin widened into something sweet and lopsided. “Now both of you need to come eat something. I made cookies while you were getting pushed around for a living.”
Bowie was still worried about Remus’ face--he made a mental note to call the next day to check in--but all his concerns disappeared as Felix scooped the cat up for a snuggle and followed Simon into the kitchen. They may have lost the game, but he would lose a million Cups to keep that moment forever: his Simon fussing over them both, his cat purring in pure bliss, and his kid settling into place at last.
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thevoidscreams · 3 years
ok, so can i request quentin,yui, and felix with a survivor s/o! that’s a killers ex? like they’ll be in a chase together then the s/o and killer will stop and talk shit for 30 minutes while everyone else works on gens. or even worse if they are friends with ex (friends is pushing it, they’re on good terms because they’re scared for their frickin life), and will get along with killer during the trial and try to sacerfice them last. it can be any format, whatever works for you! have a great day/night! ❤️
(Sorry about any spelling or grammatical errors. Also the wait.)
It would be an understatement to say that you were the world to Quentin Smith. You were his go to pillar for support and he was yours. Life outside the realm had been hard but existence in the Entity’s realm was a whole over nightmare and it was one he couldn’t wake up from.
Despite all that, there was one good thing about this new nightmare, and that was that he got to spend it with you. 
New people arrived periodically, as did new killers, but none of that seemed to bother you. Quentin had heard about the new monsters all the time from other survivors. Knowing that soon enough it would be something that he’d have to face. So he did his best to prepare. Staying with you when the Entity allowed, being calmed by your presence.
He despaired of being put in trials with you, the thought of hearing your screams as you were hooked, or watching you get downed by a killer’s weapon, it was simply something he could not become accustomed to. He loved you after all and seeing you hurt, especially by freddy, was unbearable. So his heart grew heavy as the fog that rolled over the camp swallowed you as well, depositing you alongside himself, Ash and Claudette in the AutoHaven. Grasping your hand he pulled you closer. “Come on, let's stick together.” You didn’t argue, squeezing his hand and giving him a soft smile. 
That plan quickly went to absolute hell. The Entity’s unfortunate choice of killer this round made you want to pull your hair out.
Rin Yamaoka. 
You'd dated briefly during your time as an exchange student in Japan. She was so beautiful and You'd fallen for her so fast. But it became too difficult to hide the nature of your relationship from her family and her father just about lost his mind when he discovered the two of you alone in her room holding each other. The jerk didn't even have the decency to knock, just burst in right as you kissed her cheek.
His yelling was still ingrained in your mind. His harsh biting words and the way he roughly grabbed you and quite literally threw you out of his house. Rin begging and crying the whole time for him not to hurt you.
You weren't allowed back over to their place after that.
The relationship petered out despite your best efforts to keep it alive with secret meetings in the park at night.
You cried when Rin officially broke things off. It was at one of your secret  rendezvous, she kissed you one last time and told you that despite how her heart was so full of love for you that her parents disapproved and the students were starting to catch on. She didn't want that kind of ridicule to fall on you.
You remained close for the whole of your time studying in Japan. When you left she saw you off and you gave her one last hug. Then she was gone and you got on the plane and flew away, but you left your heart in Japan.
Seeing her now you were frozen, stuck in place as your mind flashed through all your memories together and the tragic news of her death. Tears streamed down your cheeks and fell heavy to the ground below.
Likewise she stood frozen in place just staring at your face. "Rin…" the sound of her name was heavy on your tongue but even heavier on your heart.
Slowly your hand lifted to reach for her so close you could almost feel the chill of her ghostly form.
Your body jolted as you were pulled away and forced into a run. The heat of the hand holding yours was so very unlike the chill of Rin's body. 
"Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" Quentin gasped, panic dripping from every syllable.
"a long time ago." You whispered as you ran with your boyfriend, through the exit gate and far away from the phantom from your past.
Yui was a tough nut to crack but when she finally opened up you found a sweet and very loving interior. She was everything you could want in a girlfriend. The others remarked on the relative ease with which you had gotten her to fall.
All of the other survivors took up a bet whether or not you could romance her before you had managed to get all the killers in a trial.
Turns out those betting on before were right on the money. At first you had thought it was fine to not have had to face all the creepy monsters this place had to offer. Turns out not knowing made things all that much harder, or rather, more awkward. 
Staring down Philip Ojomo was surreal to say the least.
Even as transformed as he was there was no doubt about it. The tall tree looking monster was your old boyfriend. To be honest he seemed just as lost for what to do about the situation as you.
"Uh… hi Philip." You waved a little, shyly almost and took a step forward. He shifted his feet as if to take a step back but stopped himself. "It sure has been a while huh?"
Your break up had been amiable, he was leaving to start a new job and your work was calling for you to leave as well, far away from the town with the junkyard and bloody car crusher that he had been called to. 
"May we talk?" The question was completely unorthodox, and probably not a good idea.
Sitting down to speak with a man meant to kill and sacrifice you to the Entity. But you asked him nonetheless.
To your surprise he did. He sat with you on the damp earth and you both spoke for a long time, until the exit gates opened and you had to leave.
He offered you his hand cordially, and you accepted it happily.
At long last you had managed to catch up and had learned about what happened to each other. His story saddened you but it was good to finally know. 
When you told Yui about it she was more worried than you'd ever seen her outside the trials. She drilled you for all the details about what happened. Only stopping when you managed to asure her that you weren't hurt.
But then her face took on a look you had never seen before. She look uncertain and almost insecure.
"You aren't still love in love with him are you?"
The question left you floored.
"What?" You couldn't help but laugh. "No Yui I love you. My feelings for him have long since passed. I promise."
You kissed her hard and the tension melted from her shoulders as she kissed back.
"Good," she said when she pulled away, "because I don't plan on sharing you." 
"For fuck's sake! Chase someone else for once!" You shouted over your shoulder. 
Ghostface apparently didn't care about doing anything for the sake of fuck because he didn't ,infact, stop chasing you.
You heard your name being shouted from the other side of the map. Felix was helping Meg off a hook. He was calling out to you. "Just a bit longer, we're almost done."
You nodded and pumped your legs harder. Hopping a pallet you laughed as Ghostface swore behind you. "Sorry Danny guess you just can't keep up…. Like always."
"Just you wait sweetheart. Once I get my hands on you..." He growled as he crushed the pallet with a few heavy stomps.
"I don't think I have much to be worried about." You laughed.
"Oh yeah?" He asked.
"Yeah. I mean if you're as bad at killing as you were in bed then I'm gonna get out of here scot free." You cackled.
"EXCUSE YOU!?" His mask may not have been able to change but the rest of his body said it all. He was both offended and pissed.
"You take that back this instant you know damn well that that isn't true I was always…" he was absolutely raving behind you. Going on and on about how he had been attentive and how he always made you cum and on and on.
The last generator popped and you wooped happily. 
"Oh you little fucker." Danny shouted as you made for the gate. "That is what I was!" You called back.
"I will hook your ass don't think I won't!" 
He never got the chance as you dashed past the escape gate and out into the field beyond to join your loving boyfriend. "You okay?" Felix asked, taking your hand as you both slowed, nearing the survivors' camp.
"Yes I'm okay. Are you okay? I know he got a few hits in during the match."
His smile was warm and reassuring. "Yes I'm okay. Cluadette had a good med kit."
You leaned up to peck his cheek. "Good." You walked with him hand in hand into the camp and forgot about anything that wasn't being in his arms.
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scxrlettwxtches · 4 years
[3:30p.m.] kiss for a bet + hurt feelings (the aftermath) | hwang hyunjin
warnings: nothing!
requested: technically yes haha
a/n: you asked, and i have delivered. to everyone who wanted a pt. 2 of this hyunjin drabble, it has finally arrived! i apologize in advance if it didn’t really meet expectations ahhhh 
Something was bothering Hyunjin, and the worst part was that he couldn’t figure out what it was.
Nothing was wrong, technically. He was still the star captain of the soccer team, still had stellar grades, still managed to sneak into college parties with his friends and not get caught. Life was going quite well, if he had to say so himself.
But still, there was a nagging feeling in his gut that something had changed, and Hyunjin didn’t like change very much.
“...Hyunjin, Hyunjin!” Changbin snapped his fingers in front of the poor boy’s face, “What is up with you lately? It’s like you’re daydreaming every day!”
Hyunjin blinked, taking in his surroundings, the artificial grass he was sitting on, the sound of his classmates surrounding him, the sound of basketballs hitting the pavement. Ah, right. The schoolyard during lunchtime.
“Dunno,” he answered his friend as he rubbed his eyes, “Just, don’t feel right somehow.”
“Do you need to see the nurse? Did you hit your head during soccer practice?” For as psycho as Changbin could be when he was drunk, he was quite the mom friend when anyone so much as mentioned getting a paper cut.
“No, at least, I don’t remember that happening.”
“You’re concussed, too?!” Changbin’s voice reached almost an octave higher.
Before Hyunjin could snap that no, of course he wasn’t fucking concussed, he heard familiar laughter coming from nearby. Turning around, he saw Seungmin, Felix and you walking past his group, probably heading to your typical lunch spot under the trees.
Changbin decided it was a good moment to publicly embarrass him, and he yelled out to Felix, “Hey, Lix! Did Hyunjin hit his head in practice yesterday?” Jisung snickered from his spot lying on the grass, and Hyunjin wanted to shoot both of them.
Felix shook his head, “No?” his tone was light and friendly, but the moment his eyes fell on Hyunjin, something shifted. Suddenly, the air seemed to get colder as Felix’s gaze turned almost icy. 
Changbin noticed the shift in mood, and tried his best to salvage the conversation, “Are you coming to the you know what this Saturday?”
Ah, another party. Normally, Felix and Seungmin would jump at the opportunity. Anything to relieve stress and live a little. But this time, neither of them seemed the least bit excited.
“Maybe next time,” Seungmin replied in a tone that decidedly sounded like there wouldn’t be a next time ever. Shutting down the conversation as quick as it started, the three of you walked away without so much as another word.
Hyunjin didn’t think much of the encounter, merely putting it in the pile of “unreasonable decisions of a ticked off Seungmin” when it finally hit him. The true cause of his grievances.
You didn’t look at him. 
Now, Hyunjin wasn’t an idiot (he was, but he wasn’t a very self aware lad). He knew you liked him. He’d seen your unabashed stares whenever you thought he wasn’t looking. He’d seen the way you can talk to all of his friends normally but get flustered when he addresses you directly. 
He never thought it was uncomfortable or anything. To be honest, he thought it was quite cute.
But you stopped doing that. Whenever your friends approached him, Changbin, or Jisung, your eyes were always distant, either looking at the sky, the ground, or literally anyone besides him. Hyunjin tried not to be bothered by it, but in actuality, it miffed him, just a bit. 
He didn’t like it when people blatantly disliked him. 
What had he done? Hyunjin wouldn’t admit that he wracked his brain thinking about it late at night, but he absolutely wracked his brain thinking about it during multiple late nights. 
The final straw was unexpected. Your friend group was convinced to have lunch with Hyunjin’s, something about getting together “like old times,” as if you guys didn’t literally pass each other at school every day. Stupid Changbin and his stupid ideas. 
But then, before his very eyes, Jisung started flirting with you. (No, he wasn’t looking at you, his eyes just happened to glance over at your part of the table.) What was worse, you started blushing, looking flustered and rather flattered by his cheeky words. 
It tugged on the muscle that Hyunjin had discarded as useless except for keeping him alive, and he just about had it with you making him feel pain. 
“Are you angry at me?” He asked bluntly after school, trapping you as he leaned on his arm against the locker, rolling his tongue under his cheek.
Your eyes darted up at his, and for a moment, he felt a flash of victory. He made you flustered; nothing was wrong. But as his focus went back to you, he didn’t see a hint of a blush on your cheeks, nor did you look flustered at his presence, just frightened by his sudden appearance.
“Sorry, busy,” you muttered, your eyes falling back to the ground as you grabbed your books with urgency. That stung, how obviously you were trying to run away from him.
“Hey, sweetheart, you didn’t answer my question,” he leaned in closer, invading your personal space and causing you tilt your head to the side.
“I’m not mad at you, Hyunjin,” you replied flatly, closing your locker as you escaped his arms with surprising ease, practically bolting to the exit. 
Hyunjin pouted as your back was faced to him. Well, that was certainly a disaster. The only thing he really got out of you was that you were angry, and Hyunjin could tell that was true even before seeing you face to face. 
When you were a few feet away from him and at the brink of disappearing again, he uttered out the words that he never thought he’d say, “I’m sorry!”
You froze, and Hyunjin felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe that did the trick? The hopeful smile on his face died as you whirled around, walking back over to him with a deliberate coldness. If he was being honest, it rather unnerved him to see you, always so cheerful and relaxed, wearing such an icy expression.
“What exactly are you sorry for?”
The question threw Hyunjin off guard, and he immediately knew he fucked up. Fuck, what was he sorry for? Till that moment, he still had no idea what he’d done wrong. Don’t people just say they’re sorry and then never discuss it again?! 
Your disappointed smile was almost scarier than your emotionless expression from before, “See, you don’t even know how fucking cruel you were.”
Hyunjin flinched, hearing the vulgar words grate at his ears like nails against a chalkboard. The boy was no stranger to cussing, but to hear it from you? To hear those scathing words directed from you to him? That hurt. 
“Well, since you don’t know, I guess our conversation is done, right?” you didn’t leave time for him to answer, spinning on your heel and beginning to walk out of the school.
“Wait!” Hyunjin blurted out as a final Hail Mary throw, “Is it because of the kiss?”
Bingo. He knew the moment he saw your hand twitch ever so slightly. You were mad about the kiss? What part of the kiss was bad? Was he a bad kisser? Have girls been lying to him this whole time?
“If you didn’t want to be kissed, I’m sorry,” Hyunjin said, his words tumbling out of his mouth like an unstoppable waterfall, “I did it because I know you like me!”
Oh, Hwang Hyunjin, you fucking idiot, what are you saying?
You seemed to think those exact words as well, because you turned around, your expression not holding an ounce of sympathy in it as you replied, “I liked you. Past tense,” with that, you kept walking, pushing open the door and leaving Hyunjin to wallow in his own thoughts.
Hyunjin has felt his fair share of pain. With Changbin and Jisung as his best friends, it meant an unlimited number of stupid, dangerous dares that appeared out of thin air, and that meant getting hurt was common. But this? This weird twisty feeling that Hyunjin got as he tried to wrap his head around the notion that you had moved on?
It hurt more than he cared to admit. 
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phantom-curve · 3 years
Second birthday is such a cool thing to call that! 8 or 35 if you are feeling so inclined.
Thank you! When I was a kid my mom always tried to call it my rebirth-day and I was like no❤️ I went with some Willex whump (with a fluffy end) for this one! Set in the gimme a chance AU, featuring pro-skateboarder Willie and anxious Alex. This is also a bit of a companion piece to the #8 prompt I wrote earlier!
#35: kissing their bruises and scars (Trigger Warning: mentions of injury, mild description of panic attack, and mentions of a car accident. Rated T for language) 
Alex generally tried not to think about worst case scenarios when Willie was competing. If he let himself, it was way too easy to imagine all types of situations that ended with Willie broken and bleeding at the base of a halfpipe while Alex stood helplessly on the sidelines. It didn’t help anything for him to obsess over what could happen, especially because at this point, Alex knew skateboarding was as much a part of Willie as drumming was a part of him.
It was just that ever since Willie had gotten his first sponsorship and moved to the pro circuit six months ago, he had started taking bigger risks. More complex tricks and a lot less hesitation to go big when he was representing the brands that were paying his bills. And that meant longer hours practicing and a higher chance of injury on a daily basis. Alex wanted to be a supportive boyfriend, the kind that would show up at the skate park to cheer and not have a panic attack every time that Willie wiped out, but he wasn’t. He was just an anxious guy in love with a dude who seemed determined to break every single bone in his body.
Things only got worse when Willie started traveling for competitions. He was gone almost every weekend, and Luke had finally convinced the manager at the bar he worked at to let Sunset Curve preform regular Saturday shows, and so, more often than not, Willie would be somewhere else in California flinging his body down an insanely tall ramp with nothing but a helmet and some pads to protect him while Alex was trapped in LA losing himself in the familiar pattern of sticks against drums in an attempt to control his raging anxiety. It had about a 68% success rate. That success rate increased dramatically when Willie called Alex the second he knew his set was ending. It plummeted on the nights Alex didn’t hear from him until much later, or worse, heard from a different skater entirely.
Tonight was unfortunately one of those nights.
When their set ended, Reggie called out the same line he had coined after their first performance, a couple audience members chiming in with him because they actually had a bit of a fan following now, and Alex wasted no time in grabbing his phone from the fanny pack he kept behind his kit during shows. Instead of it lighting up with a picture of his boyfriend’s face, he was met with a series of missed calls and text messages from the guys Willie was rooming with for the weekend. He tried not to panic, tried to breathe in deeply to a count of five, holding it for just as long before exhaling again. It kept the anxiety at bay for as long as it took for him to unlock the phone and read the last missed message.
Don’t worry, bro. They’re gonna airlift him back to LA so you can just meet him at the hospital whenever.
Panic hit full force. What the actual fuck had happened to his boyfriend?! Alex’s fingers were shaking too much for him to open the other messages, his vision going blurry and a distant ringing sounding out in his ears. It took him longer than it should to realize Luke was crouched down in front of him, Reggie hovering just beyond the drum kit.
“You have to breathe, Lex. C’mon, follow me.”
Luke inhaled deeply before letting his breath out in a loud woosh. Alex tried to copy him, but his chest felt too tight, his throat closing in the more he tried to open it. Luke kept talking, his voice low and calm.
“Try again, we can do it together. We just have to breathe, nothing else.”
Alex inhaled with Luke that time, not quite as deeply and not quite as steady, but more air than he had managed to get before. It took several long moments before he was able to match Luke completely, the fog starting to clear from his brain, surroundings snapping back into focus.
“Great, good, just keep breathing, okay? I’m gonna go grab the office keys and we’ll take a minute in there to talk, okay?”
Alex nodded, not exactly wanting Luke to leave but knowing whatever his best friend was saying logically made sense. Reggie slipped into the space Luke had been occupying, breathing in the exact same pattern, and Alex refocused on him. When Reggie stood, Alex copied him, reaching out to grip the back of Reggie’s red flannel as he led them both off of the stage and down the hallway to the office in the back of the bar. Alex dropped onto the couch, burying his face in his hands.
“Lex? Can you tell us what’s going on?”
Reggie’s voice was soft and quiet, like a gentle melody. Alex let it wash over him, knew his boys would be able to help if he could just figure out how to get his mouth to form the words it desperately didn’t want to say out loud. He fought to speak for a few moments before finally just thrusting his phone forward. A hush fell over the room as Luke and Reggie scrolled through the texts and Alex was suddenly grateful that he wouldn’t have to read through them himself. After what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few minutes, Luke cleared his throat and spoke.
“Okay, so good news or bad news first?”
“How can there possibly be good news?”
Alex’s throat felt raw and scratchy, the words coming out broken and strangled. Luke and Reggie exchanged a quick glance before Reggie sat next to Alex on the couch. Not touching, but close enough for Alex to feel comforted all the same.
“Willie isn’t dead or dying, so yes, there is good news. Which one do you want first?”
A significant amount of the panic left Alex’s system at the reassurance that his boyfriend was alive and going to stay that way for the time being. It hit him all at once, sending him into Reggie’s side as he let out a cry of relief. Reggie’s hand stroked up and down Alex’s arm, a low hum sounding in the back of his throat. Luke spoke again.
“Okay, so good news is that Willie is probably already back in LA, he’s at the best hospital he can be at, and he’s going to be fine.”
Alex clung to the words like a life raft. Willie was going to be fine. He turned it into a mantra, repeating it over and over again until he felt like he was back in control, no longer on the precipice of drowning. He disentangled himself from Reggie’s arms, took a deep breath, and met Luke’s gaze.
“I’m ready. Gimme the bad news.”
Luke let out a long breath before sitting down on Alex’s other side.
“The guys were in a car accident. They didn’t even make it to the competition. Willie was in the passenger seat and he took the worst hit in the collision. The other guys got taken to a local hospital, but they had to send Willie to Cedars-Sinai because of some special orthopedic department there. Max said they mentioned he would be admitted to the post-trauma floor.”
A car accident. He didn’t even make it to the competition. Alex had considered himself prepared for the worst when it came to Willie and his chosen profession. He had told himself that loving Willie meant accepting the risk that came with skateboarding, especially at the level that Willie did it. He had not once considered the fact that Willie could be hurt in some type of freak accident that had nothing to do with skating. The life raft slipped from his mental fingers, hurtling him back into the sea of despair once again.
“We got this, okay?” Luke was still speaking. “Reg is gonna call an Uber and take you to the hospital, and I’m gonna get Dante and Felix to help pack up stuff here and then come meet you. It’s gonna be okay.”
Luke’s words painted a path for Alex to follow, a way to move forward without having to fight so hard to do so. He nodded, allowed himself to be bundled out of the employee entrance and into the car Reggie had called. Clung to Reggie’s flannel again as they traversed the white hallways of the hospital, eventually making their way to a nurse’s station situated on the post-trauma surgical floor. Alex didn’t even let himself think about what that string of words implied. Not until Reggie nudged him forward to speak with the blonde-haired woman with kind brown eyes sitting behind the welcome desk. He forced himself to clear the lump in his throat and scrape some words together.
“Hi, I’m uh, my name is Alex. Alex Mercer? I’m looking for my boyfriend Willie? William, actually, his name is William Stewart. He was...he was in a car crash.”
The words came out in starts and stops, cracking at the edges as Alex forced them through numb lips. The nurse nodded, her fingers tapping across the keyboard in a sharp staccato.
“He’s out of surgery, but might still be a bit groggy. The limit is one visitor at a time, so your friend will have to wait out here.”
Alex turned to Reggie with a blank stare.
“You got this, Lex. Remember, he’s gonna be fine. I’ll be right here, and Luke is on his way too. Whatever you need, okay? We got you.”
Alex nodded even though the movement itself felt like a lie. The nurse smiled softly at him and for one split moment Alex wished he could call his mom, hear her comforting voice the way he used to when he was a scared little kid. But he had Luke and Reggie now. And Willie, who was alive somewhere in this hospital.
“He’s in room 604, just down the hall.”
Alex forced his feet to move. Forced himself to count the numbers on the wall until he found 604. Forced himself to open the door and enter the room.
Willie looked so small on the bed, his dark hair a mess across the stark white pillowcase, his leg encased in plaster and suspended from some contraption that hung down from the ceiling. He turned his head at the noise of the door opening, eyes half open and soft with sleep or maybe painkillers. The smile on his face was a mere shadow of its normal sunshine.
“Hey, Hotdog.”
Alex wanted to cry. He wanted to scream and curl into a ball and absolutely lose it. But instead, he walked to the side of Willie’s bed and sat down in the chair next to it that seemed to have been waiting just for him.
“Have you been crying? Please tell me you weren’t crying.”
Okay, Willie was definitely on drugs. Because of course, Alex had been crying.
“Yes, I’ve been crying! Are you kidding me?”
Willie winced slightly and Alex was instantly swamped with guilt.
“No, okay, let me try that again.”
He took a deep breath and reached up to brush a few stray hairs away from Willie’s face. There were a number of cuts and bruises marring his skin, a few of them hidden under bandages.
“Hey pretty boy, I’m so glad you’re not dead. I’ve never been more scared than when I saw that text from Max. I thought you cracked your head open on a halfpipe or something, what the hell happened?”
Willie tried to shrug and grimaced, like it hurt. Alex’s hands fluttered uselessly above his boyfriend’s body, unsure where would be safe to touch. He settled for grabbing the hand that Willie offered which was thankfully unmarked, nothing but some leftover scars from catching himself at the skatepark.
“I think our car flipped? There was a lot of crashing and my leg really fuckin hurt. It’s still hurts.”
Willie frowned, clearly addled from the leftover anesthesia and whatever they were giving him for the pain. Alex pulled his hand up to press a series of kisses across Willie’s knuckles, making sure to cover each scar at least once.
“You can’t die on me, Wills. I fucking love you, okay? I know you do insane stunts and regularly let yourself get beat to crap at the skate park, but you can’t fucking die on me in some stupid car accident. I’d lose my goddamn mind without you.”
“You love me?”
Willie’s voice was soft and awed and Alex suddenly realized he hadn’t ever actually said those words out loud before even though they’d been living in his brain for months now. When he looked into Willie’s eyes he saw a hint of wetness there, and his heart melted.
“Yes, I love you, you fucking dork. I’ve been in love with you for months.”
Willie grinned, dopey eyed and pink cheeked.
“Well, I’ve been in love with you for like, ever. So, I win. Gimme a kiss for my prize.”
Alex laughed and rolled his eyes, but obliged, nonetheless. Willie might not remember this interaction, but Alex would never forget it. A look of absolute peace settled onto his boyfriend’s face.
“I knew you’d come. I knew as soon as that car hit us that when I woke up, you’d be here. You’re the best boyfriend ever, that’s why I love you. And you’re so hot. Like, really hot.”
Alex’s cheeks burned, his heart kicking into overdrive.
“C’mere,” Willie nodded his head to the side and tried to shuffle over, like he was inviting Alex to climb in next to him. He made a disgruntled sound when the contraption his leg was in refused to budge, frowning up at the suspension system.
“That’s so lame, what the fuck? I wanna cuddle.”
And Alex, unable to resist even when he knew it would probably be better for Willie if he did, climbed up to wedge his body into the small space between Willie and the guardrails on his bed. He tucked one arm behind Willie’s head, pulling his face into the space between his neck and shoulder. Willie let out a contented sigh, his breath sending shivers down Alex’s spine.
“You smell like you,” Willie whispered, the sound happy and relaxed. “I love you, Lex.”
“I love you, too.” Alex sighed, kissing his way across every single cut and bruise he could reach without moving.
Willie settled into place, his body going lax and soft snores sounding out against Alex’s chest within moments. Alex let his own head fall to rest against the top of Willie’s, finally allowing himself to believe everything would be okay. When the same nurse came to tell him that his other friend had arrived and maybe it would be best to come back in the morning, he accepted it without complaint. She gave him a final moment to say goodnight, Alex taking the time to make sure Willie was tucked in tight before kissing his temple softly.
Willie was going to be okay, and Alex was going to spend the rest of his life making sure he was always the one there to kiss his scrapes and bruises.
Send me prompts for my second birthday!
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cassava-49 · 4 years
Death 3
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 4/ Part 5/ Part 7
"Lila, why are still not in school?" Mrs. Rossi asked her daughter. "Oh, it's just that after Ladybug was replaced by Lady Luck the school couldn't possibly trust her, given the rise of more akumatizations," Lila replied smoothly. Her mother smiled and and nodded as she placed a kiss on the girl's head. "Alright, be safe here and I'll bring it up in the meeting. Tell me when the school will reopen again," her mother said as she took her leave.
However, the truth behind her it all was that Lila didn't want to see them all. She hated Marinette more because of what she had done. "If that bitch didn't kill herself I would've been living in luxury by now," Lila exclaimed, still blaming her for what had happened. She still couldn't accept that her tower of lies would fall down in front of her. "I hope that she'd choke on her respiratory," she says. "You couldn't do one thing right even when you're about to die. It's because of that damn cat that you're still alive," Lila continued to banter on how Monsieur Noir saved Marinette at the final second.
"Sir, Lila's anger has reached a devastatingly high level. Ever since Marinette's parasuicide she had become more wrathful and petty," Natalie stated. This made Gabriel smile wickedly at the thought. Ever since the death of his son he couldn't handle it any more. He akumatized Natalie in order to retrieve his son's body, which now lies with his wife's. His drive was twice more powerful now that he had nothing to lose at all, making him double the number of akumatizations.
However, he was still highly disappointed at the predicament of Marinette. She was supposed to be his masterpiece. She was going to be the one to guide him to victory, if it weren't for Lila's pets for going too far, he would have had her. Or if it weren't for that cat for summoning his cataclysm to destroy the akuma he sent for her. Although it had paved the way for a more malicious Lila Rossi that will likely succeed this time.
"Hmm, this is an absolutely wonderful predicament. Nothing better than a vengeful heart in need of help," he began. "Nooro, dark wings rise," he called as Nooro entered the brooch and powered his master.
"Ah, such a vengeful soul who only wishes for the rightful punishment to those who had wronged her. A perfect prey for my akuma. Fly away evil one and reunite with this toy," Hawkmoth stated as he released an akuma to Lila.
Lila, on the other hand, continued her anger tantrum by checking the Ladyblog only to find hate comments on her after Alya posted the truth and took down all her interviews. As she was about to throw her phone away, the butterfly immediately entered it taking control over her.
"Castigare," Hawkmoth greeted as a smile appeared on her face. "I'm giving you the ability to cast the suitable punishments to those who have wronged you in terms of Dante's Inferno. In return, as always, I ask for the miraculouses," he conditioned as Lila replied, "Of course Hawkmoth."
With that Lila was engulfed by the purple and black plasma and transformed her. Her hair stayed the same with an addition of a golden crown. However, her skin turned to ivory while her clothes were the typical skin tight costume with the colour of balconies and purple. Her gloves, boots and top are in the colour black, while the rest of it was purple. Her phone turned into a sceptre that she would be able to use against those who wronged her.
Looking in the mirror, Lila—Castigate smiled wickedly as she stalked out for her rebelling subjects. "First, François Dupont, next you, Marinette!" she declared as she laughed manically.
"Allan, Allan. Where are you? Come back before you hurt someone," Marinette called. "Did you find him on your end?" Felix asked Marinette as they met at the corridor. "No," she replied with worry. "I-I don't want to see him like that again," she said anxiously. "It's alright, we'll find him. Don't worry, Claude will know what to do like always," Felix consoled. "I'm sure that he would not try to possess anyone again," he added. "It's just that, I can't. I can't see that much sorrow in him. Not to mention how that girl almost died," Marinette began to panic.
"Hey," Felix said as he touched both her arms as she began to panic. "We'll find him. I know how spiteful he could be, but we have to stay calm. We don't want your heart monitor to go haywire," he added as he tried to calm her down. "I just, I just don't want anyone to get hurt. You know how he is when he realized what he had done," Marinette said as she slowly calmed down. "I know, depressed souls aren't the best to see," Felix agreed as they reminisced on how Allan had almost cut off the electricity and generators around two days ago, and because of that there were surgeries that were almost undone. It was terrifying, not to mention that almost all of their life support was cut off.
"Let's just wait for the rest to finish their side and see if they found him. Come on," Felix suggested as he guided her to a chair. Marinette nodded as she followed and tried to calm down her worrying mind. "Everything will be alright, I assure you. He'll have his temper tantrum for a moment, without any causalities, and calm down on his own," Felix consoled.
After a moment of silence Marinette decided to break it. "I wonder what it would be like if I died when I tried to kill myself?" Marinette asked out of the blue. "I'll probably never met you and you would go to heaven," Felix replied. "How sure are you that I'd go to heaven, I'm not a good person? What if I would end up like Allan? To wander the earth aimlessly waiting for my turn to crossover," she pondered. "Why are suddenly having an existential crisis?" Felix asked curiously. Marinette sighed and kept quiet as she waited for the rest of the gang to arrive.
"It's because you're a good person," Felix replied after a few moments. "What?" Marinette asked, wondering what he meant. "I know that you're going to heaven. You're a way too good person to even begin with," Felix added as he turned his head away from hers trying not to make eye contact with her. "You always put other's needs before yours. You're kind to everyone you meet and you always have a silver lining to those who are misunderstood," he continued.
"I'm more of a doormat than a 'good person.' I let everyone walk all over me even when I'm hurting. I mean look where it got me," she denied as she tucked her legs and hugged her knees. "I even feel responsible for Adrien's death. If I just took the high road maybe, maybe he wouldn't have been sent to America. It's too much of a heavy sin for me to think of going to heaven," she continued as she began to feel more of the guilt that's been eating her. "I-I just think that what if—."
"You are not responsible for his death!" Felix stated in a stern voice as he looked her in the eyes. He placed his left hand on her cheek as he wiped away the tears and made her face him. "It's not your fault," he said in a more comforting manner. "Remember that. Accidents happen, none of us meant for that to happen. No one expected it and no one is to blame. Mostly you, you did nothing wrong," he said in a soft voice that was now her rock during her distressed times. "You're too much of an angel to even be here. You care so much for everyone, but sometimes you neglect yourself. But you are a good person who deserves to live like everyone else. Please, don't stress yourself for thinking that you're not one," he added with a consoling voice as he took the girl into his arms and embraced her whole body.
Marinette buried her face into his chest as she sought comfort in his touch and words. She doesn't know if she regretted her failed suicide or not. She sometimes felt like if it weren't for it, she wouldn't have met them all, specially Felix. But she can't help but feel guilty, guilty that she's loving him more than she could've loved Adrien, not to mention that they're cousins.
The more that she's with Felix, the more she felt that Adrien was more of a fleeting crush and a brother like figure who would be there for her. Adrien is someone she could trust to catch her when she falls, someone who would trust her with his private life. But the life that she dreamt for them slowly faded when she found out that he was Chat. Chat is very much a brother to her. A brother who would be ready to defend her when someone wronged her or would not hesitate to tell her that she's wrong. It was probably the rush she felt when she found that they were the same person that she didn't realize that Adrien couldn't be more than a brother to her now.
Felix, on the other hand, after getting to know him these five days, she realized that he was more of an attentive companion than Adrien. He would always be there to comfort her and hear her out. He's ready to be there for her through thick and thin. He would understand her during her depressing moments, something that Adrien couldn't do due to his own situation. Felix helped her cope with her new state and guide her gently with care. He always challenges her, which made him more endearing, and he is equally attractive as his cousin. He also always knew the right things to say and would tell her to love herself more than what others did. He taught her how to be a stronger character and learn how to say no unlike others who just ignore that attitude, which got her there in the first place. However, they're both not exactly alive which could make their situation a bit difficult.
These thoughts continued to invade her mind as she buried her face deeper, wishing she could smell his scent to confirm more of her confused emotions. As Felix had one arm around her waist to keep her from falling as the other calmly brushed her hair and rubbed circles on her back. He, too, felt to same for her, wishing that they were both alive right now to make it feel more  warm, than the cold that they felt from each other.
"We couldn't find him," Lindalee interrupted as she and Kenya arrived. Both of their heads turned to the girl's direction like a deer caught in the headlights. "Oops, are we interrupting something?" she asked with a giggle as they both grinned at the couple. Instead of pulling away, Marinette placed her head on his chest again and mumbled, "In a way." This made Felix blush lightly at what she had said as she sighed. "No, but do you have any news from Claude or Allegra?" she asked. "No, and Allan wasn't in any of our areas. I'm afraid he would be heading for the door," Kenya solemnly replied.
"This is bad, this is bad," Lindalee said as she began pacing. "Sit down Linda, before you burn a hole on the floor," Felix said as he patted the chair beside them. "I just hope that Claude finds him," Kenya said as she sat beside the two. "Don't worry, I'm sure that he will," Felix reassured the child. Not long after, Claude appeared with a displeased look on his face. Marinette looked at him to which he slowly shook his head no. This made her slump more at the disappointment.
"He wasn't in the morgue. I checked every container and observed the dieners to make sure he didn't possess any of them," Claude rolled as he ran his hands through his hair. "I always worry about him ever since he began his temper tantrums. I don't want him to regret anything he does in the end," he added as he looked at his friends who were already standing up as they looked behind him.
There, Allegra was running with all her might to reach them and stopped. Despite being ghosts, they still get tired since they're not really dead. Once she caught her breath she said, "I saw him. He, he." She continued to pant, still not getting used to running as a ghost. "He what? Where is he?" Kenya interrupted, since she always see Allan as an older brother. "He, he got out. I couldn't stop him. He stormed right out the hospital," she replied sadly. "I guess this would be a big one," Claude commented as he turned to look out the windows. "Big enough to not let us see him so dejected," Felix added as he looked down. "I hope that he'll just be in the cemetery," Lindalee piped up. "Yeah, he's more docile at cemeteries than anywhere else," Claude seconded.
Allegra sighed as well as she went to stand next to Claude. Both of them looking over the city of Paris. She looked over and tried to take in every detail of the city that she didn't appreciate until she was stuck in a hospital. But in the distance she could see something odd. It wasn't a building and she was sure that there would be no parades any time soon. But as she looked closely, she knew what it was and it was heading straight to the hospital.
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walker-journal · 3 years
Legend of the Vermilion Bird (Adam +Leah)
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Characters: Leah Ramirez (Phoenix- Julie), Adam Walker (Hunter-Tapir)
Location: Just outside the Vural Property
Timing: Shortly before the events of And From the Ashes
Summary: After killing a Torple, Adam consults a wary Leah about the nature of phoenixes 
Content Warning: Woerm gore
The forest road was alive with the subtle rustling and animal calls of spring as Adam skinned a large Torple that’d shuffled onto the Vural’s property, instinctually drawn by the taste of spellcraft that practically saturated the area. The Hunter supposed such predators were a hazard of having so much mojo concentrated in one place. Being a muggle himself, Adam wasn’t in much danger from these lumbering magic-eating worms, but the Hunter felt it behooved him to quietly take care of threats to his significant other’s family. 
The Torple looked like the big-mouthed lovechild of a naked mole-rat and an earthworm with massive human teeth. Even seated on a hefty moss-covered rock, Adam was barely taller than the corpulent segmented creature. It’s webbed limbs were spindly in comparison to its body while its enormous yet unsettlingly humanoid mouth made it a wonder the Torple could move at all. It jaws were immovable once latched on, but it was the thick glistening layer of magic negating mucus covering the magivore that made Adam preemptively take a machete to it outside the boundary of his hostesses’ wards, lest its mere presence unravel them. 
Adam worked a curved ulu knife down the dead Torples’ sides, scraping the anti-magic slime off with the skinning blade and scooping it into nearby barrels. He vaguely felt Leah’s approach before he heard her footsteps, the icy-heat of her paranormal presence growing stronger as she approached. Once he caught sight of the familiar face, the Hunter took his hand  off the handle of a hidden blade and got back to scraping Torple slime. 
“Hey Library Warrior, could I have a minute? I need to ask you about something.” 
Having Bea back in town felt like relief.  When she died, Leah had been so caught off guard that she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop now that she was back to life.  At any given moment, she expected another phone call from Nell or Felix or anyone telling her that it happened again, that there was no way to fix it this time.  And New York felt so tauntingly far away, especially to someone who had barely ever left White Crest.  And so the news that her best friend was coming back to town made the tension ease from her neck- had she been holding her shoulders that tight the whole time she’d been away?
Maybe she had been spending too much time at the Vural Sister’s house that weekend (to be fair, one-third of the sister trio would have said any time Leah spent there was too much, but that’s besides the point), but for the tension to truly escape her, she need some real, tangible time with her friend. 
While Bea was busy inside cooking, Leah chose to explore the property outside, eager to soak up some sun and enjoy the chill of winter finally breaking.  She grimaced when she happened upon Adam, and watched him with an unamused expression.  It was kind of easy to ignore that he was a hunter, most of the time, but not when he was slicing something up right in front of her.  She let out a breath when he called out to her, sitting on her hip.
“What’s up?”, she asked.  She was sure he was just curious about a book, or something- maybe he lost his copy of Green Eggs and Ham.
“What is that there?” she asked, gesturing to the creature he was scraping.  Damn her and her innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
“I need to ask you about Phoenixs,” Adam replied with the blunt directness that frequently came when one was focused on multiple tasks at once. “There is a fire chicken that’s gone supernova in a valley. Luce is like...a fire scientist but she isn’t sure what would make em go..” Adam made a sound in his throat evocative of an explosion. I was wondering if you’d heard of anything like that,” the Hunter asked of the Not-Spriggan. 
Adam patted the enormous human-mouthed earthworm with a gloved hand as he scrapped more slime from the corpse into a bucket. “This is a Torple, they hunt people who do magic,” Adam supplied. “The Vural place is kinna a beacon with the Hogwarts stuff going on.” 
Leah felt her eyebrows furrow at Adam’s statement- both at the boldness with which he said it, and the statement itself.  She felt heat rise to her cheeks- did he know about her?  Was the knife he held over the creature actually intended for her- her tears or information or life? But no, Nell wouldn’t let that happen, right?  Nell would have at least warned her if he found out.   She felt herself visibly relax when he explained more, swallowing before she responded.  “Luce told me about this, but… what makes you think I know anything about phoenixes?”, she asked, trying to remain stoic and unblinking.  “They’re just about the rarest known creatures- information is pretty rare on them.”  The last time they spoke on the subject, Adam himself had thought phoenixes only ever spent time in their firestate, which was laughable, at best.  “You want to explode them?  I don’t think Luce is down with that idea. And neither am I, if you’re taking my help.  You need to find a way to cure them, not kill them.”  Killing the corrupted phoenix would be very, very easy.  Adam could take notes from Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West, if he wanted to be cruel like hunters tended to be.  
She pressed her lips together, unable to look at the slaughtered earthworm for too long.  Torples.  She’d heard of them, but not a ton.  She’d have to see if they had anything written up on them when she went home later tonight.  “Well- it’s good that you got it, then”, she said with an awkward nod, glancing at the bucket.  “Is the slime useful, or something?”
“Because you’re like... a supernatural librarian lady,” Adam pointed out as if this somehow gave Leah some form of nerd-omniscience. “I figured that you’d be a person to ask about something that rare y’know?”
Leah seemed to misinterpreted his amazing sound effects. “Hey hey hey,” Adam exclaimed with a note of petulance, holding up his slimy free hand in a staying gesture. “Look, that Phoenix was already exploding when we found it ok,” he asserted with boyish pique. “What I mean is that I was wondering if you knew how we could switch them into I dunno... unexplode mode, like a song, some herbs they like, an off button, we’ll take anything.” 
Adam went back to driving his blade into the annelid’s side, exposing the yellowish nerve cords beneath its ridged skin. “It interferes with magic,” he explained. “Honestly, because of how many damn Chickcharneys there are around here, I end up dunking alotta people in this slime to try and bounce the Chickcharney curse off them.” Adam chose not to mention the part where he’d erased a wizards wards with this slime and accidentally become an accessory to murder. 
Leah let out a slow breath, watching Adam carefully.  He wasn’t… wrong.  But what were the ethical implications involved with helping a hunter learn about one of the rarest, most vulnerable species that existed? 
What were they if she let someone like Adam try to figure it out on his own?
She rolled her eyes at his defense, but held her hands up in apology.  “Sorry- I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”  Even though it was so hard not to with a hunter. She walked closer to him as she continued.  “I told Luce that I have an idea of how the phoenix got so out of control, but up until now, I thought it was only a myth.”  She paused- could she really trust him?  When she thought about it, she wasn’t sure, but maybe it didn’t matter.  What difference would it make if Luce and Adam were working together in this?  One way or another, Adam was going to find out.  Better it be out of the horse’s mouth.  
“We call them corrupted- it means that their ashes were on corrupted ground when they were reborn.  Sometimes the corruption happens right away, and other times the phoenix could be well into adulthood, with a life and a family before it happens.  There are no warning signs, either.   I don’t… I still haven’t found a cure in my research, but…”  She took a deep breath before continuing, and her next words came out faster than she intended.  “If this phoenix doesn’t survive…whatever you end up doing... the best way to help them in the next life is to keep their ashes somewhere safe and sacred.”
At that imagery, Leah couldn’t help but crack a smile.  “Are you telling me you make a habit out of performing Torple Slime Baptisms, so to speak?”
The palpable feelings of otherness intensified as Leah got closer, there’d been a time when Adam would have immediately gone into fight or flight mode when his Hunter senses reacted. But in White Crest he’d had to acclimate. That conditioning was an asset when hunting alghoul out in the sticks, but here it could end up him going all kill-zone on a librarian. 
Adam paused his gory worm skinning and listened to Leah as she spoke. He noticed the use of the word ‘we’ but kept silent and impassive during the explanation. It turned out that Luce had already tapped Leah on this matter, which was unsurprising. But while he’d hadn’t doubted that she was knowledgeable, Adam’d already suspected that Ramirez wasn’t your average bibliophile, but she knew even legends of the legend. 
“We ….as in the Maine librarian’s union?”  Adam’s question was playfully phrased. There were many species, secret societies, and so on that did not appreciate their ways being pried into, and Adam didn’t want to start shit with the one person who seemed to have solid intel on Chernobyl phoenix. 
“I would rather they survive,” Adam assured. “At the end of the day I’ll do what it takes to protect civilians, but from what you’ve said it sounds like this is some demon radiation juju that they didn’t have any say in.” 
Adam inhaled. “But, if it does come to that, has your research given you any idea of a holy place that’d work for keeping the ashes safe? Maybe some place sacred to uh...I don’t know if Phoenixes worship any gods,” he admitted. “But maybe somewhere that means alot to their culture?”
The unexpected jocularity of the question, from Leah especially, took Adam openly off-guard, teasing a sheepish smile from him. “Uh yeah actually,” he admitted while scrapping some more slime off the giant mage-eater worm into a bucket. “It’s not glamorous and the clients always hate it, but the Torple-dunkage sometimes works for really minor stuff like that.”
Leah blanched, blinking at Adam’s question.  Had she been so careless to say we?  “I uh… we as in, me.  Of course. Me,us.  And the other people who are interested in supernatural history.”  She swallowed, unsure if Adam were picking up on her status as a phoenix or her status as a scribe.  Possibly both, right?  This close, he had to be having those creepy senses that she wasn’t as human as she appeared.  Either way, it was bad news.  
“I’d rather that too, but I don’t think it’s unrealistic to prepare for the worst, either.” Something Adam said struck a chord in Leah, and she couldn’t stop herself before she commented.  “I mean, that’s true of most supernatural creatures though, isn’t it?  Born or bitten, werewolves, zombies, and vampires didn’t have a say in.  Do you grant them the same courtesy when they’re out of control?”
“I know a few places that could work”, she said, crossing her arms over her chest.  Whether she would tell Adam unless he absolutely needed them- that was another story.  “Not necessarily a culture to be had per say.  Because of their rarity and ability to blend in, it’s not often a phoenix ever meets another like them in their lifetime.”  She and her family were so incredibly lucky to have each other to love; to grow and learn from when they were the most vulnerable.  “I...know a family that would take care of the baby once they’re reborn, too, so-... if it comes to that, it’ll be all covered.”   
Leah let herself get a good look at the creature, taking as many mental notes as she could to write down later.  Sometimes Adam wasn’t as bad as he seemed.  “I think most people would be pissed if you dunked them into a baby pool of slime and sludge.  I certainly would.”
“It depends,” Adam answered without any attempt at dissemblance. “Gotta measure their life against the lives of those they’d kill when outta control,” the Hunter continued as he got down from the rock he’d been perched on to move his flaying blade to the Torple’s lower portion. “Most humans just get ripped in half if they meet a vamp that's gone all hunger frenzy, but I was born strong enough to match them,” he reasoned. “In the ideal scenario I wrestle the vamp or whatever off the civilian and get them to snap out of it.” 
Adam took the long strip of worm skin over to a tree and slung it over one of the branches to dry in the sunshine. “But uh, reality doesn’t give ideal scenarios most of the time y’know? Sometimes you have to make a split-second judgement or alotta people die,” the Hunter admitted. “ But yeah, I guess the best answer I can give you is that I try.” 
“That uh...sounds pretty lonely, being all human torchy and not having anything to relate to what the hell is going on,” Adam admitted, as he walked back to the Torple corpse. “Do you do the supernatural foster care stuff alot Leah?” 
Adam rolled his eyes amiably at the resistance to necessary alien-worm slime dunking. “Hey  Chick-a-Curses are worse though. Like all of their hexes are bad, but the one your head twists backwards...gah!  I either have to bribe a witch to visit their hospital room and decurse them, or I have to sneak in and pour worm slime over some poor bastard in a hospital bed and hope it works.” 
“Most vamps get stabbed if they meet an egotistical hunter”, Leah countered immediately.  “I appreciate your attempt to be civil in the way you handle things, but I don’t find the same to be true for most hunters.”  She couldn’t help but get into these debates with the hunters in her life, and if she were being honest, she didn’t really tire of them, either.
“It’s not all bad.  I know you assumed at first that they’re literal chickens, but like I said- phoenixes spend most of their time looking like humans.  And while a lot of them end up growing up not knowing what they are until they sneeze some smoke or look for a reason feathers are popping out of their foreheads, they’re not lost for companionship.  I’ve even heard tell of families who are able to stay together throughout their cyclical lives, raising each other generation after generation.  This is incredibly rare, of course.”
She blanched at Adam’s next question, opening her mouth and closing it.  She thought of the golden goose egg, still safely incubating in her basement, surely ready to hatch at any moment.  “I… how did you know I meant myself?”
Leah couldn’t help but laugh at his anecdotes, no matter how much she wanted to disavow them for being those of a hunter.  “That doesn’t sound like a fun way to wake up- are witches so untrustworthy of you that they don’t trust that your slime is for good?”
Adam rolled his eyes with a smirk. “Y’know, if I made the same argument in reverse about ‘most vamps’ being violent and evil you’d call me out for generalizing and being a bigot Ramirez,” he pointed out. 
Adam decided not to point out the fact that statistically the deaths on humans at the hands of vampires were uncountable orders of magnitude greater than vampires dying to Hunters. But frankly, it was pretty fucking obvious that Leah considered one supernatural life precious, but human lives were just numbers to her, devoid of emotional significance unless she knew them personally. 
It’s pointless to argue with people like that. 
“You don’t know ‘most Hunters’ Leah, not even close,” Adam pointed out bluntly, “Look Ramirez you hate people like me for reasons that are obviously personal. I’m fine with that.” the footballer said with a shrug of his broad shoulders, as if he felt this truce of hate sufficient. “It’s chill. 
Despite the slip into harsh words, Adam continued to listen patiently to the talk of phoenixes, families, and cycles of rebirth. It was all pretty surreal honestly. What would it be like to be with his family across a thousand lives over and over?
He wouldn’t know. Adam had grown up being raised with the knowledge that every moment with his family was precious, that he needed to learn how to survive on his own before they fell one by one in the line of duty. 
Adam hacked into the Torple with an unnecessary force as his chest constricted. 
“Do they line...remember each other each rebirth? Or are they all new different people each time?”
Leah’s unexpected motion of surprise caused Adam’s attention to flick to her instinctively, but her following question dispelled the moment of tenseness. “I didn’t,” he admitted. “I more meant that you seemed to already have homes in mind as if you were a supernatural social worker or somethin.” 
“You….really down to be a fire mom Leah?”
Adam considered Leah’s question for a moment. “I think that magic, like all resources, should be used for the betterment of society,” Adam said, hinting at a certain level of utopianism behind the memes and crass commentary. “But I can’t force everyone to think that way. If I’m going to bug a busy sorceress to leave her research to cure some rando she doesn’t know, I need to be able to pay her. Just how it is.’ 
Leah rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.  Adam was ignoring the fact that the violence that came from vampires was out of their control, and many of the deaths that came from them were for a need to survive.  Hunters, however, had plenty of control over what they did, and though there were a few gentle ones like Adam or Kaden, most would do what they did for sport, if given the chance.
“Neither do you”, she shot back.  And he’d never had to fear them, either.  She’d read countless stories about the atrocities they’d committed, and so excuse her if she didn’t trust a hunter as far as she could through them.
Again, his questions about phoenixes gave her pause.  Was this information relevant?  “It depends”, she explained.  “Not always concrete memories that you or I might have from last week or last year, but it’s more like… glimpses or feelings.  Sometimes even that doesn’t pop up right away, either.  Most phoenixes end up with a touchstone through most of their lives to help them connect.”  The touchstones didn’t always work.  She felt an invisible buzzing pull from the stone around her neck, taunting and teasing.  
She blanched at his elaboration, embarrassed that she’d assumed so quickly.  She didn’t hate the idea of that type of job, if she were being honest- supernatural social work sounded extremely fulfilling.  “Maybe I am on the side”, she teased.
“If it came down to it, yes.  But even if I couldn’t, there are arrangements I could make, if I’m being completely transparent.  Do you think you’d do the same thing, if you needed to?”
“I agree- but sometimes an idea like that is hard, because the idea of a better society can be so subjective and even divisive, you know?  What you and I think might be wonderful isn’t going to be the same as Joe who works at Excalibur.”  It was true,  Excalibur Joe had told her more than once that he thought the world would be better off without traffic lights.  “That’s not to say I don’t think betterment can happen- it’s just that the hard part is figuring out exactly what that betterment is for everyone.”
“You're right,” Adam allowed with the rueful triumph of someone who felt pain after a headbutt but took satisfaction in his opponent getting the worst of it. 
“Hmmm that sucks,” Adam mused as Leah explained firebird memories. “Guess that’s why we haven’t just solved all history questions with a few Phoenix interviews,” he reasoned.
Adam was quiet for a time as he flayed off more worm skin and yellow cutaneous tissues. “Maybe that’s better though,” he admitted after a while. “Dealing with one lifetime of going through shit is hard enough to deal with,” said the young man who trained and exercised himself to exhaustion in order to sleep. “Having to remember like other lives of horrible crap too? Don't think I could deal with it, i’d completely lose it.” 
Well ok, lose it sooner than most Hunters, Adam admitted to himself, knowing that after a time the human brain can only see so much before you start to break inside. 
“I think you’d do good at it,” Adam noted, meeting Leah’s joke with earnestness. “A foster advocate for kids i mean.” 
“Mhm. My parents adopted Hunters who were orphaned or whatnot, and I’d do the same,” Adam explained, to the question of whether he’d adopt as if there were only one answer. “Whether I take in kids or am a father, I’ll teach em how to survive,” said the Hunter, something in his tone suggesting this grim promise was the purest expression of parental love. 
“People are never going to agree on betterment,” asserted the young man born into a world of war with a shrug. “We just gotta decide what parts of our ideal world we have to get by force,”  and when talking things out is better,” said Adam. 
Leah had her mouth open, ready and willing to argue more, when Adam said that she was right.  She closed her mouth, sending him a resolute nod.  She sure was.   If only it were this easy to convince Kaden.
“Maybe, but I think it’s more the fact that they’re so rare.  Knowledge about them might even be scarce on purpose, in order to protect them.”  Did Adam know about the healing tears? Would he understand why they needed protection?  “Perhaps every life doesn’t have to be horrible, though.  It must be torture to know you’ve lived, say… three or four lifetimes before but have no idea about everything you learned throughout them”.
She smiled sheepishly at his compliment, pressing her lips together in earnest.  “Thank you”, she started.  “It means a lot.”
Adam raising children into more hunters was decidedly not what Leah was talking about, but his comments about his parents intrigued her.  “You had a lot of adopted siblings growing up, then?”  She didn’t want to delve into what he might have meant by ‘teach them how to survive’.
“I guess I just wonder who gets to decide”, she mused, turning back toward the house as she heard her name called in the distance. “My ideal would be to not have to do it by force, but I suppose that’s why Luce insists I’m an optimist.” She let out a breath, pressing her lips together in a smile.  “Did you have any other questions… about phoenixes?”
Adam nodded. “I mean I have alot of family in general like siblings, cousins, so on. As a kid it didn’t make much difference which ones had my blood or not. Some little Hunters were adopted fully, others just came to live with us and be trained for a few years,” the Hunter shrugged, indicating perhaps that his household had been a lively place full of both laughter and endless preparations for war. 
“That’s always the trick huh,” Adam affirmed with a grimace. “With Democracy you just get mob rule and decisions made without long term planning. With some elite body you get corruption and unaccountability,” the frat boy noted with a salience his professors would never hear him express in class. “I don’t think anybody’s solved that question yet.” 
Adam glanced toward the house and looked back to Leah, brown eyes intent for a time, hands dripping with the slime and blood of the massive witcheater. 
“Thanks Ramirez, I think I have what I need,” said the Hunter with the soft finality of someone who’d just come to a decision. “....sorry for keeping ya,” 
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How would the blue lions react to facing/killing their s/o from pre-timeskip in battle?
[Wow, this actually upset me pretty hard when thinking about it lol. This kind of trope always gets me even if it’s being done by two characters that I don’t really like. It doesn’t help that there’s a thunder storm outside that’s making me feel emo. Thank you for the request, I hope you like it!] 
He’s slaughtered so many enemies that there is no more hesitance. His past self felt remorse for those he killed, and after each battle he would reflect on the dead. Unlike now. 
He still remembers, but he doesn’t feel guilty. They opposed him and stood in the way of his revenge. To Dimitri, the people he faces in battle are nothing but walking corpses awaiting his blade 
The professor had given him orders not to approach any of his old classmates. They wanted to try and save them 
He brushed it off as a wasteful effort
“An enemy is an enemy. I care not for who they are or were, I will kill them if they stand in my way” 
A regret he’ll live with for the rest of his life 
The entire battle was a blurred frenzy. In his state of mind all the cries of those he killed mixed together. He knew not of who or what met his blade 
Only when he saw the distress among his inner circle did he realize: he killed you, and he did it without pause
The professor didn’t get their opportunity to talk with you, and you barely stood a chance against his onslaught 
Another soul to haunt him 
Another loss he has no right to mourn 
Another reason to be called a monster 
Once reacquainted with his fellow Lions Dedue swore himself to the cause. He would fight without pause till his dying breath 
It seemed that having him back was a boost for moral on their end as well, and he felt genuinely relieved to see that ‘everyone’ was alive and safe 
Originally he assumed that you weren’t recruited for the battle at Gronder and that he could visit you at the monestary. 
When inquiring about your whereabouts to his highness he only received a scowl. It wasn’t something new for Dimitri’s personality so Dedue decided to search during his free time
He spent ages walking around with the expectation of finding you...so, why weren’t you there? 
He’d ask the professor if you’ve gone on another mission only to see one of their rare grimaces
Hearing that you’re fighting for Edelgard confuses him. He was certain that your loyalties lied with the kingdom. With a stoic demeanor he’d drop the topic and never bring it up again 
Dedue may seem like a blind puppy who serves Dimitri, but he does have his own opinions. He just holds them back well 
People mistake it for indifference. Felix takes a few shots at him for his lack of emotion 
“You’re telling me that (Y/N)’s not here and you don’t care? Weren’t they your s/o?”                                                                                                 “My personal feelings do not matter. If they oppose his highness then there is nothing left to discuss”                                                                “You two really are a match made by the goddess. A heartless dog for a feral boar” 
When the time comes to cut you down he hovers near your body after the battle. When your buried the grave will never be empty. Every week comes with fresh flowers, and never is there any debris on your stone 
It was your own fault. If you had backed down like the others then this could have been avoided 
If he didn’t do it then someone else would have. If he didn’t then you would have killed him instead
No. No you wouldn’t. 
Felix knows that if the roles were reversed he would still be alive
How many people is he going to lose for the sake of the boar? First his father...now- now this 
He assumed that after not seeing you in battle once that he was in the clear. You weren’t at the reunion so clearly something else must have been keeping you from coming back 
He still could find you after this ended and you both could test your metal like the old days 
It was the one relief he had  
He wasn’t expecting to see you fighting at her side. Despite his stubborn behavior his affections towards you were obvious to everyone during his youth; something the ‘Emperor’ must have saved as a trump card 
It was his responsibility to either make you see reason, or to end it all. He had not come this far just to die from old sentiments 
“I will say this once. Get out of my way (Y/N) or I will cut you down” 
You wouldn’t move or even fight back. They obviously made you into a human blockade. It was a swift death, something he continues to remind himself of
That was his final battle, one that left his sword heavy and thoughts lax 
The future he longed for is gone, so this damn war better have been worth it 
Ashe doesn’t like violence. He’s a firm believer that everyone is worthy of a second chance and that people sometimes do bad things for the right reasons. A life is a life, and it is precious 
Each morning he wakes is a reminder of how lucky he is to be alive. There is no guaranteed tomorrow, and each day could be his last 
He knows because he watches. He watches as the people he used to call friends die for what they believe in. In their mind they are fighting for what they think is right, just as he is 
but he wasn’t prepared to fight you
Anyone but you. He prayed to the goddess the moment he noticed that you weren’t at the reunion. He wished for your safety, and hoped that you were not on the opposing side
He prayed that the goddess wouldn’t take you to her side 
Despite being away for so long, he still loved you. That feeling was one of the few things he still held onto from his teen years 
All faith was shattered when you appeared at the Valley of Torment. What a fitting scenery for how he felt 
“Professor, let me try to convince them. No matter what happens I have to try” 
and try he did. He begged you to switch sides once you were defeated but it was no use. You were doing what you thought was right 
He couldn’t kill you, his bow wouldn’t hold steady even if he tried. The professor took it upon themselves to do it in his stead 
He was grateful for their interference, but the image of your body won’t ever be erased from his mind 
From then on he visits the church after every battle. He’ll sit at the same pew for hours and reconcile over what he could have done differently 
He’d wonder why good people had to die for another’s benefit 
Sylvain finds the situation deplorable. Yet another person fallen to the system
Seeing you on the other side reminded him of Miklan, except you weren’t fighting to gain something. You fought for the side that wanted complete reorder
He thought your loyalties lied with the Kingdom, with him, but people change. The fire behind your attacks only fueled the questions within him. 
Questions that he wasn’t 100% sure that he wanted answers to 
Sylvain knows hatred, but just what happened to make you willing to give up everything? 
He knows better than to blame himself. People didn’t know him for being the perfect partner, but there was nothing he or anyone else could have done to change your mind 
What was he supposed to do? Lock you in the prison?Then what? It would only cause more issues. Seeing you in chains or in a cell isn’t something he could handle 
You were one of the few people to break his barriers and see beyond the stigmas that others gave him. It was his turn to try and see your side of things, but he was too late 
Just one more failure to add to the list. He failed his house, his brother, his friends, country, and now you 
After the encounter he’ll be even more unmotivated than before. He only trains because Felix forces him, and never attends any of the extra lectures offered. His humorous mask basically dissolves to reveal what he’s always been hiding: exhaustion and despondence 
If anyone tries to comfort him they’ll be brushed off
“Look, would you leave me alone? Don’t act like you understand when you can’t”
No one can, and he doesn’t want them to. He wouldn’t wish this hurt onto his worst enemy. 
She knew. It wasn’t the first time someone important had vanished from her life. People do not leave without reason 
She knew that you were on the Empire’s side. She knew that there was a high chance of facing you in combat 
Her father even brought up the possibility when they were alone together. He encouraged her to back down, but she insisted that all would be okay
It did not brace her for the hollow feeling of seeing your corpse 
Normally when Annette is sad she’ll garden. If she can’t sleep then the first thing she does is go water the plants while humming one of her little tunes 
So, she does. She pretends as if you two never reunited because it’s the only way she can push forward. With the situation as it is there is little optimism among the troops, she can’t afford to give in 
She turns her grief into strength and volunteers to help around the monastery 
As long as she’s busy then it’s okay. When she’s working then her thoughts can’t wander 
Eventually it will settle in though, and she’ll want to vent. Out of everyone she’ll most likely go to Mercedes since she also has someone dear to her on the other side 
“I-I don’t know what to do Mercie. It h-happened so fast but I can’t forget it!” 
Annette is strong, and will remember you as you were to her. Not a ruthless enemy, but as someone she cherishes 
After the fight she’ll visit your old room. It hadn’t been touched in so long that dust coated nearly everything 
The Empire had claimed Emile, and now you as well. When you fell it took all her willpower not to cast a healing incantation 
It wasn’t what you wanted. The professor had offered mercy, but you chose death 
A freedom she had no right to take away. With swift words she ended your life as peacefully as possible 
It came as a shock to those nearby. If she had let the professor handle the deed then perhaps the pain would be lessened  
But for some reason she couldn’t do it. Despite the tears in her eyes she refused to let you be pierced by a blade. An incantation would be more swift, painless, and leave your body as it was 
While reminiscing in your quarters she’ll tidy up the space. She’ll admire your handwriting on the withered papers, sift through what books you had been reading, and eventually the room will be good enough to be inhabited again 
Except no one would ever sleep here again, she knew it in her heart 
However, Mercedes also knows that it was your choice. She won’t blame herself over your death, but instead use it as a driving force to protect the people she cares about who are still alive 
“May the goddess guide you to eternal peace. I will never forget our time together (Y/N)” 
She wonders if it’s ‘her’ that’s the issue 
Everyone she loves is gone. Dimitri is a shell of his former self, Glenn passed, her family’s in shambles, and now you have vanished as well
Ingrid doesn't like to show weakness in front of others, but there’s only so much one person can handle 
Even a war-machine feels anguish from striking down people they care about. Ingrid has felt the hardship of losing a lover, but to be the hand striking the blow? How much strain can someone put on their emotions before everything snaps 
The days after the world is unanimated. She continues on with her normal regime as if it was a minor bump in the road. Yet food has no flavor, training leaves her body weak, sleep is difficult to come by, and when people speak it’s as if there’s no tone to their voice 
He sorrows become rage. She focuses all her negative feelings towards ending the war and it’s horrifying. Ingrid is known for her composure but if you gave her an eye-patch then the prince might have a twin
“This fight has drawn out for too long. Too many innocents have perished, and at the rate we’re going at there will be no future to speak of. Professor, my sword is yours. Let us finish this once and for all”
Pity those who cross her path. If women truly are made of ‘sugar, spice, and everything nice’ then your death has tossed five tablespoons of cayenne pepper into her mix.
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
Stray Kids Playing Minecraft~
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A/n: I hope you all enjoy, and if you liked, please leave a like! 💖💖💖💖
Tags: @straysrachaa @lordseochangbin @channiesmixtape @starryseung​ @felixsanxchatbot @jisungsjheekies​ @mrbangchannie
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- doesn't know almost anything about Minecraft the first time around but he plays with you to make you happy
- you have to baby him for a while
- He goes and learns about the game in his free time
- and then he pleasantly surprises you now that you he doesn't suck anymore
- and most peculiar of all
- he got really interested in redstone
- boi can make some INVENTIONS
- His house is like, fully automated - farm and all
- it makes you jealous but also very proud
- a pretty big pacifist
- shears, veggies and bread is all he needs
- he still big soft baby but he smart baby now
- also, would totally run around with a pumpkin on his head if you could still wear them in the latest version
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Lee Know
- would kill everything that moves
- would hoard all the meat and refuse to give you any
- deforestation at its finest
- king of surplus
- playing with him is actually playing by yourself cuz he goes off on his own
- builds himself a goddamn empire!
- and no one knows where it is
- if he catches you inside his house without permission: shoot first, ask questions never
- mobs fear him, not the other way around
- will give you items cuz you're a charity cause
- actually shares when you both go mining though
- but let's face it, he's just OP
- would try to get all the cats
- totally to chase away creepers
- not because he wants an army of them or anything
- gets annoyed that he has to constantly fish because the cats keep taking them but won't be tamed by him
- he totally did not search for mine shafts just for name tags to name his cats
- or he'd cancel you in-game and irl too
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- would be super excited to play Minecraft with his friends
- he would be the first on the server to scout out the land and get resources
- however, no one warned him about night fall
- and all the creepy, scary things that spawned
- changbin lives in the ground now
- he dug a hole at the base of the mountain to take refuge during the night and never looked back
- normal person? No way! He was a mole now!
- the best at mining and interior rock design
- he would only resurface to seek out food and animals
- it was Changbin who stole all the cows and sheep, so you couldn't find them for felix
- he would have three large pins just next to his mountain
- lots of cows, rainbow sheep and pigs with saddles
- " uh...so I found these pins of animals and like...no house?"
- "What?"
- "I think the magical Minecraft fairy spawned it into the world?"
- "It's super weird. But I'm gonna kill some cows for their leather"
- and to your shock, a secret door in the mountain opens and Changbin comes running out
- the door made courtesy of Chan
- "He's got a diamond sword already?!?"
- it's the last thing you scream as he kills you for being near his cows
- and after a round of feeding and breeding, he disappears back into his hole
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- would only be about building
- he would be the first one to have a diamond pickaxe just so he could mine cobblestone faster
- would also get efficiency V just so he could speed run through the mines
- would wander through different biomes for days to collect clay so he could make concrete
- and while you're busy actually playing the game, he would beg for you to pick flowers on your trip so he can dye the concrete different colors
- his first house would be a mansion
- but he would give up half way because he kept falling off the roof and dying
- would forget he is actually playing the game and would get scared when night falls and mobs start spawning in his unlit house
- not like you didn't tell him countless times to put down torches
- but he kept saying they ruined his aesthetic
- but now he keeps dying because mobs are literally waiting at his spawn point, killing him over and over and over again
- and he begs you to set the time to day and kill the mobs for him
- but you just laugh uncontrollably at him because karma really is a bitch
- but in the end, he ends up making an entire city, and invites the others to come and play on the server.
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- would be just like Chan
- a pure ass baby when it comes to playing minecraft, but super eager to play the game
- his first spawn would be in the middle of the night (because of server)
- and you would try to tell him to not leave the safety of spawn, but he just wouldn't listen
- "Listen, Y/n, I know what I'm doing! I'm a pro at this!"
- and he would run confidently into the night, like the actual idiot that he is
- he wouldn't get too far before he was attacked by all the mobs and got killed
- "Well that was just rude!"
- "Oh my god Jisung, I told you not to do it."
- "Well how was I supposed to know they were going to kill me?!"
- and you can only shake your head at his stupidity
- he would eventually wait until daytime, but unfortunately all of his items would be lost due to despawning
- it's not like either one of you were equipped to go and retrieve his items
- zombies sucked man! And skeletons are the worst!
- but with a new day comes a new adventure and you both head out to find a place to call home
- Jisung would run the entire way, even though he had no food to keep his hunger up
- he also wouldn't be paying attention to where he was going and would fall into a hole
- a very BIG hole
- 'J.One fell from a high place'
- "Really Jisung?"
- "I couldn't see it!"
- playing with Jisung would be a very challenging task, because he would never learn
- because by the time he had diamond armor and ready to fight the wither, he would have fallen from fifteen cliffs, twenty holes in caves and three ravines
- "Jisung if you die one more time I swear to god!"
- 'J.One fell from a high place'
- "That's it! I quit!"
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- You would be so hyped to play with Felix
- You've seen him play other games, so you knew he'd be great at minecraft
- Getting the server had been his idea, the easiest way everyone could play together
- First day of spawn, Felix would already be listing off the things that you would need to accomplish
- wood, cobblestone, iron, seeds, sheep
- it was all just so overwhelming
- by the time you make your first complete set of wooden tools, felix would have iron tools already
- he'd been ten feet underground, digging for more resources while tasking you to find the animals for food, wool and feathers
- easier said then done
- and when he resurfaces and you don't have animals, he would simply sigh and go do it himself
- which would upset you because you would spend hours looking for just one god damn cow
- meanwhile, Felix would take five steps in one direction and come across hundreds of cows!!!
- he'd travel the whole map just to find a jungle to get coco beans
- seriously though, how did he find the fucking jungle?
- it like doesn't exist
- except it does and Minho most likely lives there with all his cats
- Also, there's pandas!!!!!
- Felix would try and tame a panda, even though it's not possible
- When not trying to show off, Felix would be in his crappy little hut (cause hyunjin was still making the city), making cookies and cakes because why wouldn't he?
- at least he shares, unlike someone.....
- Felix would be absolutely unstoppable at the game, while you struggle to get to iron level armor (while trying to keep Jisung alive)
- Felix would have just a big ego
- it's okay though. One strike from Seungmin's sword and he'd be put back into his place
- Revenge is a dish best served Seungmin.
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- the worst of the worst
- he would be the one to pretend to not know the game
- but really, he would be a minecraft expert
- read: troll
- every chance he would get, Seungmin would try to do something to ruin your day
- don't ever go mining with him. EVER!
- he would be the one to lead over a creeper to you in a ravine while you're trying to mine diamonds, right next to a lava pool
- the first one to explode wouldn't do any damage, thankfully
- "Don't you dare bring a creeper over here!"
- "I wouldn't."
- somehow, you wouldn't be convinced
- but you decided to trust him
- y/n clown
- you're just mining away at the diamond when a big explosion happens
- and you notice two things
- 1. the diamonds and the surrounding area were blown up
- 2. you were now in the pool of lava, dying
- meanwhile, Seungmin was running away, cackling like the evil little shit that he was
- the holy terror, that's what they would call him
- he would purposefully go out and fight creepers just to gather their gunpowder so he could make dynamite
- no one was safe from him
- except Minho
- because no one knew where he was
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- Jeongin would spend at least two days researching things for the game before actually playing
- he would want to have some knowledge before walking into hell that was the Stray Kids server
- it's okay though, because everyone loves Jeongin
- really, he wouldn't need to do a thing
- diamond armor, enchanted? check
- enchanted weapons? check
- his own cat and dog? double check
- everyone would do anything for this baby
- but Jeongin isn't one to mooch *coughJisungcough*
- even with all his presents, he would still start with the basics of punching a tree
- while others have found this skills in cooking, mining, falling into holes, redstone and building
- jeongin would be more interested in potions and enchanting
- Jeongin would quickly master potion brewing
- even if it meant battling the scary blazes in the nether
- huh, so that's why Changbin was screaming so much
- he would be hired by Minho to make him potions of breathing so he could go claim an ocean monument
- Jeongin would only do it if he could help
- surprisingly Minho agrees and for the first time in 84 years, everyone gets to see Minho's character
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vampiregirl1797 · 4 years
When I Stare into Your Eyes
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Aro Volturi x Reader
 GIF Not Mine
 Word Count: 1,672
 Click Here For Masterlist
 Summary: Y/N has been a part of the Olympic Coven since she crossed paths with them in Forks in 1945. She lived with them most of the time, but occasionally she’d travel on her own to visit the friends she’d made during the years before the Cullen’s. When Edward decides to leave Bella for her own safety, and then takes off on his own, Y/N decides to take some time to visit her friends. She’s in Budapest when she receives a frantic call from Alice telling her that Edward is on his way to Italy to ask the Volturi for their assistance in committing suicide. Seeing as she’s the closest, she’s their best shot, especially with her gift. However, in her attempt to save her brother, she meets the three Kings of Volterra. One in particular takes a shine to her. Has Y/N just found her one true mate? Or does Aro just see another gift he wishes to add to his collection?
 Of all of the stupid, self-sacrificing, idiotic things Edward had done in the sixty-seven years I’d known him, this one definitely took the cake. Stomping off to Italy to ask the Volturi to kill him because he thought Bella was dead was absolutely ridiculous. Maybe my lack of sympathy was dampened by the fact that I’d yet to meet my mate, and so I couldn’t imagine the pain if I were separated from them, or maybe it was because he was my brother and the idea of him dying sent my over protective instincts into overdrive. Either way, anger was overriding sympathy for the moment, at least until I knew he was safe and not about to get himself killed.
Alice told me that tonight is when he would arrive, and I stood, encased in the shadows as I waited for his appearance. My sister’s assurance that I would find him before he could make his request was the only thing preventing me from nervously fidgeting. I watched as the tourists were ushered from the heart of the city so that the gates could be closed at 8pm promptly. Those allowed to remain were the locals, and the few vampires that eluded the human guards attention. It wasn’t hard to do, while we as a species tended to attract human attention due to our evolutionary advantage of drawing in prey, we could just as easily escape it with the proper motivation. The clock tower that I was stood underneath—which was also the only way to get to the three Kings— had just chimed eleven times when Edward finally reached the entrance.
 My anger simmered down when I saw the empty look in his dark eyes; the heartache was clear on his face and I couldn’t bring myself to unleash the built up anger in that moment.
 ‘Eddie.’ I murmured, taking his hand and pulling him into the alley underneath the clock tower, ‘listen to me.’ My hands gently but firmly gripped either side of his face, ‘Bella is fine. She’s alive, apparently she jumped off that cliff for fun and Alice didn’t see her get pulled out because a werewolf pulled her out and she can’t see their future.’
 His eyes stared into mine and I met his gaze without flinching, knowing he could read the sincerity on my expression as well as he could read any lie I was trying to conceal. I dropped my shield and allowed him to read my mind—I knew he would find it suspicious if I kept it up when I was trying to convince him Bella was alright. Eventually a deep exhale fell from his lips, his eyes fluttered shut and he practically collapsed into my arms as the relief overcame him.
 ‘It’s okay, Eddie. Let’s get out of here and get you back to Forks so you can see her with your own two eyes.’ I kissed his hair as I stroked his back comfortingly.
 ‘Okay.’ He agreed, pulling back but keeping hold of my hand.
 We turned to exit the way we came but the sight of three cloaked beings stopped us short. I looked over to Edward, silently asking him if they were members of the Volturi, or just three random vampires. I got my answer when the female in the middle dropped her hood, her smile wicked and malicious. This had to be Jane, one of the Volturi’s most prized possessions—she could inflict unbearable pain on anyone by simply willing it in her mind. Carlisle had told us about her a few decades ago when those of us who hadn’t heard the story of the three Kings asked to hear it. And this girl fit his description perfectly: if you were to take her in by her appearance alone, you would only see an innocent teenager, an angel sent to earth by god himself. That is, of course, if you don’t notice the glimmer of danger in her eyes or the malice behind her smile. She is one of the most dangerous vampires in the Volturi’s collection; you do not want to cross her.
 I didn’t think her gift would work on me, seeing as I could block Edward’s gifts at will, I believed it would be the same kind of idea. Though, I wasn’t exactly willing to risk it if it wasn’t necessary—unbearable pain didn’t exactly sound inviting nor did it sound like something I was willing to experiment with. But, if nothing else, Carlisle had managed to keep a good standing with this coven for hundreds of years, and I wasn’t about to ruin it by being deliberately antagonistic. So before they even spoke I decided that I would be polite and do my best to refrain from being unnecessarily antagonistic.
 ‘Jane, Demetri, Felix,’ Edward greeted them each stiffly after he gave me an almost imperceptible nod, silently telling me he agreed with my thoughts.
 ‘Edward, Aro is most eager to see you.’ Jane said, her voice soft but it held a hint of enthusiasm.
 My guess? She wasn’t excited for our company, but most likely she was hoping we would resist, giving her an opportunity to hurt us. I squeezed Edward’s hand, thinking he could handle the interactions seeing as I was notorious for letting my temper speak for me.
 ‘Lead the way.’ Edward replied, tugging me forward to follow. I stood closer to him when Felix and Demetri moved to walk behind us.
 We were led underneath the city and back up into the main castle where the three Kings must have resided. I felt my shield expand to cover both Edward and I as we crossed the threshold to meet three men sat on wooden thrones on the far side of the room. I tried to assure myself my shield had only done that as a precaution rather than a defence for impending danger.
 ‘Edward! What a pleasant surprise.’ The man in the middle stood in front of us in a flash, his ink black shoulder length hair swaying as it caught up to his new position.
 I was surprised as a wave of security washed over me, and I deliberated if his gift was similar to Jasper’s in being able to manipulate the emotions of others. I glanced over to Edward and saw him discretely shake his head in a negative to my wonderment. As my gaze returned to the inky haired, beautiful vampire, I found myself wondering if it was as soft as it looked and felt the fingertips of my free hand itching to find out. Edward squeezed the hand he was still holding and sent me a look of exasperation. I ducked my head in embarrassment; he was right of course, now wasn’t the time to ogle the man in front of us. Now was the time to focus on getting out of here alive.
 ‘I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure,’ the man said, holding out his hand, ‘I’m Aro, mia bella.’
 ‘I’m Y/N,’ I forced a smile and slid my hand into his.
 I barely managed to hold back the surprised sound that attempted to escape my throat, as his touch generated a fire that travelled up my arm to encase my entire body. The redness in his eyes dulled a little as he stared at me with an intense look of realisation and awe. My skin tingled with awareness, but the cloud of confusion didn’t dissipate from my mind—it was as if my body knew what was happening and my mind was having a hard time catching up.
 ‘Il mio compagno,’ he whispered and I felt Edward stiffen at his words, and most likely his thoughts as well.
 I pulled my hand back from his, a spark of irritation echoing thought my body as Edward and Aro seemed to know something they weren’t being quick about sharing. My brother looked over at me with concern and a hint of relief shining in his dark eyes—that did nothing to quell my perplexity.
 What is going on, Edward? I thought, knowing he’d be able to pick up on my impatience in my mind.
 ‘The connection you feel to Aro,’ he began, his eyes shifting between me and him, ‘it’s the connection of true mates, Y/N.’
 ‘W-what?’ I gasped, but I wasn’t really asking because his explanation cleared the fog in my mind like a brisk wind.
 Mates. Of course, it made sense—the instant attraction, the feeling of security—it all fit. My golden eyes returned to Aro’s crimson ones. I could feel the happiness on my face, the incredulity—I’d never truly believed I’d find the one I was destined to be with, but I’d always hoped. And now here he was, in front of me, looking at me if I were the most important thing in the room. His eyes softened to a ruby shade as he returned my adoring stare and held out his hand to me. I released Edward’s with a squeeze and stepped forward, my eyes fluttering shut at the feel of his rough yet smooth skin on mine.
 ‘I’ve been waiting a long time to find you, Il mio compagno.’ His voice was gentle and when he reached up to caress my face the others in the room faded away—I was overwhelmed with him, his touch, his scent, and his beauty, ‘If you wouldn’t mind, I’d very much like it if you would stay here for a while. I’d like to get to know you better.’
 I didn’t mind in the slightest. After all this time, all these years of wondering if it were ever going to happen, I’d finally found the other half of my soul. I wasn’t eager to leave it, not now that I knew how it felt to be near him—I felt complete, content and safe. Why would I want to leave that? I knew in that moment, that I’d always be truly happy as long as I was by his side. Forever.
 A/N: Don’t know how I feel about this one, it’s a by-product of binge reading a lot of Aro fanfics last night haha. I hope you liked it!
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Talk + Vodka = Truth (Marvel AU)
Plot: AU The Avenger caught the blonde stalking him for the past few weeks and he wants answers.
Characters: Hawkeye/Ronin!Changbin (SKZ) x Yelena Belova!Felix (SKZ), plus mention of Black Widow!Minho, Kate Bishop!Yeji, and other MARVEL characters
Rating: PG-13 (Language, spy behaviors, the Snap/the Blip, Red Room, assassin work, death, drinking, mention of PTSD)
Notes: This one shot is based on the MARVEL x SKZ moodboards I’ve been making for fun. The story is set between the events after Black Widow, Avengers: Endgame, and before the Hawkeye Disney+ show. If you’ve not watched the first two films and wish to avoid spoilers, please skip this story. Additionally, the contents of this one-shot are fictional and were created for fun.
Happy Birthday Changbin!
“You sure you’re old enough to be here, Kid?”
The blonde rolled his eyes, before reaching into his jacket to produce an ID.
The waiter and the man seated across from him watched as the ID was handed over. The former scanned the front and sighed as he passed it back to the blonde.
“Sorry, guess The Blip screwed you over - you look young for your age,” the waiter apologized. “What can I get you?”
“Vodka,” the blonde replied. “How much for the bottle?”
Changbin raised a brow and stared at the young man seated across from him. This guy could put away a whole bottle of vodka? It didn’t seem right, plus that was pretty unhealthy to be drinking that much. 
“Let me check with the bartender on that,” the waiter said. He turned to face Changbin and asked if he wanted the usual.
“Unless he intends to drink the entire bottle, I’ll take whatever vodka he wants,” Changbin responded.
The waiter excused himself and went to check on the vodka situation.
“Drinking a whole bottle of vodka in one go is bad for your liver,” Changbin noted as he folded his hands in front of him.
The blonde snorted and quipped that Changbin sounded like his brother. The comment made the Avenger raise a brow and he straightened up in his seat.
“The bottle is gonna cost you $35, tip not included,” the waiter announced when he returned.
Before Changbin could grab his wallet, the blonde beat him to it and placed a crumpled $50 into the waiter’s hand. “Keep the change.”
The waiter unfolded the bill and immediately left to grab the bottle and some glasses for serving. The place wasn’t busy for the early to mid-afternoon, but Changbin had a feeling the waiter wasn’t used to getting a larger than average tip during this time. The pair watched as the waiter returned within seconds with the bottle and two glasses.
Changbin flashed the waiter a light smile and told him to take it easy. He slid the bottle closer and opened it, before pouring some of the contents into one glass and nudging it across the table. “So, wanna tell me who the hell you are and why you’ve been stalking me for 2.5 weeks?”
The blonde barely had the glass raised to his lips when he heard the questions. He looked up from his glass and parted his lips slightly in shock. This made the Avenger snicker as he poured some vodka into the other glass for himself.
About a month and a half after burying Tony and Minho, Changbin noticed that the same blonde guy would show up in various places around the same time. The guy tried to be less obvious with disguises and using remote ways to track him, but after working with Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. for years, the Avenger’s picked up on people attempting to trail him.
Earlier today, he sensed he was being followed and urged his new protege to take Lucky and get somewhere safe. Sure Yeji gave him lip for trying to protect her, but the last thing he’d want is for her to get killed, thanks to someone hunting for him. Once the young woman had left with the dog, he hung around the area and pulled his bow on the blonde, who had a regular sidearm pointed at him. For a while, he tried urging the blonde to drop the gun before he shot first, but the blonde remained defiant with his gun pointed at the Avenger. What made them stand down was the sound of a siren and the blonde looked a little concerned when he heard the alarm.
Changbin made up his mind and told the young man to follow him so they could get under cover somewhere to finish the matter. He chose this hole-in-the-wall place that he visited at times during The Blip, often sitting and brooding over his missing family in between kills.
The blonde swore in Russian and put his glass down. “All right Old Man, I’ll make this easy for both of us. Name’s Felix. My employer told me you killed my brother and that I’m supposed to bring you in. But before I do that, why did you do it? He was telling me before The Blip that the Avengers were his real family, not me or our parents.”
Changbin tilted his head as he looked closely at the blonde across from him. If the kid wasn’t an assassin, he looked like the good kid you’d find in a suburban neighborhood, probably playing sports and making lots of friends. But the Russian, the mention of his brother again – wait, was this...?
“Min,” he offered in a soft voice.
The blonde nodded sharply and he picked up his glass again. “He’s dead, thanks to you. I’d like to know why you killed him, before I decide if I wanna bring you in dead or alive.”
The Avenger stiffened when he heard the accusation. His partner told him to go for counseling after fighting Thanos, as he was suffering terribly from losing Tony and Minho. Talking to the counselor about Minho was hard and the former couldn’t convince him that it wasn’t his fault that Minho insisted he sacrifice himself for the Soul Stone. Telling his kids that their Uncle Min wasn’t coming home was horrible, as they asked where he was and talked about their favorite memories of the red-haired “uncle” they had come to love.
“Do you know anything about Thanos and the Infinity Stones in that goddamn gauntlet he wore?” Changbin asked after prolonged silence.
When Felix shrugged, Changbin sighed and pushed his glass away as he recounted the attempts to stop Thanos from killing Vision for the Mind Stone, losing everyone he knew, then trying to get the stones again to undo what happened 5 years ago.
“It was the shrinking guy’s idea, some kind of time heist,” Changbin said. “Minho and I went to some planet in space, while the others went elsewhere in time for the other stones. We get there, this creepy red skeleton guy tells us that one of us has to sacrifice ourselves –”
“So you chose my brother?”
“YOH! I wasn’t done talking, you little shit,” Changbin snapped as he narrowed his eyes. He took a deep breath and groaned as he tried to explain what happened next. This was the hard part whenever he went to therapy – it was difficult to talk about Vormir without getting choked up and replaying the images of Minho using a stun function in his cuff to distract him, and Changbin trying to grab his hand to stop the former spy.
“Damn it, I told him I was supposed to do it!” Changbin yelled as he slammed his fist on the table. “He actually tried to keep shit together after The Blip. Me, I, I lost it. I lost my whole family. My partner. My kids. All while we were at home, having a normal day. Then I went out and I hunted down every bad guy, every gang, every criminal organization, everyone that survived and didn’t deserve it!”
The Avenger hung his head and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to keep it together without crying. He could hear Minho’s voice, urging him to let go of his hand on Vormir.
“Let me go.”
                                        “No. Please don’t.”
“It’s okay...”
The blonde took small sips from his glass as he watched and listened to the Avenger. Despite hating his time in the Red Room, he has to give his instructors some credit for teaching him the art of lying and reading a target’s body language. Based on what he’s seeing right now, the Avenger is telling the truth and Minho actually sacrificed his life to save the world. Which means, his employer lied or she exaggerated the story a bit, just to force him to cut his time off short. It wouldn’t surprise him – Val refused his request for a pay raise before handing over Changbin’s information for his next assignment.
Sometimes I wonder if I’m working for a female version of Dreykov, Felix thought. He put his glass down and stared across the table at the Avenger.
“Surprisingly, I believe you,” Felix replied. “Last time I saw my brother, he was going on about how he was trying to do good and forget about...yeah, well he was telling me how great things were with the Avengers before the Accords.” He played with his glass and tilted his head slightly. “You weren’t...dating my brother, were you?”
Changbin jerked his head up at the question and he paused for a few seconds, before laughing loudly. The blonde shot him a quizzical look and Changbin shook his head as he tried to compose himself.
“Oh man no, no way. Min was my colleague and sometimes, he thought it was funnier to ignore most of the shit I said,” Changbin said. “I swear he did it to piss me off, but other than that, we were friends.” He propped his elbow on the table and looked thoughtful as he recalled their mission in Budapest.
“He ever tell you about Budapest?”
Felix nodded and recounted his story of running from Dreykov’s project, otherwise known as Taskmaster, while protecting a serum to remove the brainwashing effect on the other Widows. “He makes me bleed out a bit, then we’re crammed in an air vent. An air vent. Think I saw tic-tac-toe games scratched inside the vent.”
“Wait, in the subway?”
“You mean it was the same vent you two hid in after you tried to kill Dreykov?” Felix asked. “That must have been...”
“Oh that was a weird three days!” Changbin laughed. “He got so annoyed by me complaining that I was hungry and said I was too loud. Once we got outta Budapest, he complained on the Quinjet that it was amazing I had someone in my life at all. But wait, what do you mean by ‘tried to kill Dreykov’? I thought Min said it was a hit – I saw the building go up in flames after the guy’s daughter went in. Don’t tell me that guy’s your employer.”
Felix made a face and he picked up his glass again.
“We’re going to be here a while...”
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justpan · 4 years
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Title: Unwilling Bride
Pairing: Peter x Reader
Summary: Pirates are planning an attack and all hands are on board to prepare for battle...maybe even the wrong hands.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30
Now that Bae had “escaped” the island, it was just a waiting game. 
Waiting for him to grow up and meet the product of true love so that they could create the truest believer.
Peter of course kept his eyes on this but there was very little he could do to hurry things along, no matter how much he wished he could have.
You wished that there was something you could do to help him, but there wasn’t anything that you could do either; plus you weren’t sure if he wanted to talk to you at all at this point.
Now that you and Rufio were an item.
It seemed like things around camp were still trying to find a new way to operate; everyone was walking on eggshells either around Pan or you and Rufio. Despite how often you assured the Lost Boys that you no longer harbored any ill feelings for your ex.
Of course you and Peter weren’t exactly friendly enough to spend time together away from camp business but you were at least able to speak with each other directly, which was a huge improvement. 
Business was all it was though, it was like he had decided to keep you at an arm's length, and you understood why.
You couldn’t stand to even see him walking toward Wendy’s hut back when you had first divorced, you couldn’t imagine seeing him with her the way he saw you with Rufio.
Laughing by fires, playfully wrestling during training and sneaking off to your little hide away for more...intense making out.
To his credit Peter never seemed to hold a grudge against Rufio, not that he really could without being obvious. Rufio was a great addition to the Lost Boys; he was an amazing hunter and he had even begun training other boys in acrobatics, showing them how to use the trees of Neverland to their advantage.
Things were tense but they were working, you were happy.
Only one thing seemed to be an issue… Wendy.
She had apparently complained and whined enough about feeling cooped up in that hut that Pan had finally caved and given her one simple task.
Berry and herb collecting.
The most basic chore, and it had been basically marked as pointless since the pirates delivered plenty of food and herbs, but the little twit felt like she was contributing to the camp.
You were sitting down skinning today’s kill when Wendy came and sat next to you, staring at you wordlessly.
‘What do you want?’ you asked in annoyance as you stayed focused on the rabbit you were busy with.
‘I want to be friends with you.’ she said quickly.
‘Why? Because I’m the only girl here, want to braid each other’s hair and talk about all the cute boys here?’  you scoffed.
You looked at her from the corner of your eye.
‘Well, we don’t have to braid hair or talk about boys...but it would be nice to be friends with at least one person here, and I have nothing in common with the boys.’ Wendy confessed.
‘You have nothing in common with me, other than what’s between your legs.’ 
‘That can’t be true, my mother always told me every woman has something in common with another.’
‘Really? Have you ever shot an arrow, or been hit by one?’ you asked.
‘No!’ Wendy gasped in horror.
‘Skinned any squirrels?’
‘Then not a lot in common.’
‘Have you ever...bled through your skirts?’ Wendy tried.
The laugh that shot out of you nearly startled you, you had never thought that she would bring up the thing one the two of you would have in common.
‘Of course I have!’ you laughed.
As you continued to laugh Wendy joined in as well and you thought of how confused all the boys must be to see the two of you laughing together, and that just made you laugh harder.
‘Oh my God! Sit down you daffodil, if you can handle the shit show that is your period then you can handle skinning a few squirrels.’ you invited, handing her a squirrel and a skinning knife.
The girl looked horrified, but she took the two items, holding them like they were poisonous.
‘We are not friends, but I think your life here would be better if you stopped being so soft. That’s why the boys are so annoyed by you, you try to apply your stupid manners to them; manners that mean dog shit in a place like this.’ you explained as you showed her how to cut through the skin and pull it off in one go.
‘I know...it's just hard to forget how I was raised.’ 
‘Where you from Wendy, Oz? Boys from there always seem to be more polite.’ you conversed as you watched her struggle to remove the skin like you showed her.
‘Oz...no I’m from England.’
‘England? As in my world? Do you know anything about America?’ you asked, suddenly interested.
‘America? Yes I believe that’s where the bad people are sent to work.’ she said as she finally completed her task, proudly showing off her feat. 
‘Yikes so you are from WAY back in the day.’ you sighed.
The two of you conversed while you skinned the game, Wendy of course sticking to the smaller animals while you tackled the deer and boar.
Eventually Rufio came up to you and kissed your cheek.
‘Stop it, I'm busy.’ you smiled, making no move to push him off.
‘What if I came to help? Can I stay then?’ he asked, holding up his own knife.
‘Depends, did you sharpen all the weapons, that was your chore for the day.’ 
Your boyfriend made a completely offended face, showing you his knife again.
‘Look at this beauty, have you ever seen a blade so sharp? I think I might cut myself just by looking at it.’ he boasted.
‘It is a lovely piece of work.’ Wendy spoke up politely.
Rufio sent her a look as if he was only now seeing her right there, then he looked over to you in confusion.
‘We’ve found common ground over the fact that both of our vaginas shed.’ you smiled.
‘Great...is this that feminism you told me about?’ he asked as he took hold of a boar and started skinning it.
‘Part of it.’ you answered.
The three of you made basic small talk as you skinned all your animals and once you were finished Tootles came to take them and make jerky.
‘I don’t understand why everyone still hunts, the pirates bring us plenty of food.’ Wendy said.
‘Keeps my boys sharp, I don’t need a camp full of fat lazy hormonal idiots. This island would eat them alive, and Pan has a reputation that is bound to lead someone with bad intentions our way. If my parents did me any favors it was teaching me to always be prepared for a shit show.’ you said.
‘And it’s fun, not like there is anything else to do but beat the hell out of each other and descend into chaos. We need the organization.’ Rufio said as you all looked over at a random brawl that was taking place.
‘This is organized?’ Wendy asked in horror.
‘Completely organized.’ Felix said as he approached your little trio.
‘Oh looky here, where have you been Fruitcake?’ Rufio smiled.
‘With Pan.’ the scarred boy replied.
‘With Pan as in...with Pan.’ you teased, lowering the tone in your voice.
‘As in we have real business to discuss, come on I’ll fill you in on the way.’ he said as he walked past.
‘His bedside manner needs a lot of work.’ you sighed as you bid your boyfriend and Wendy farewell.
Felix led you toward Peter’s Thinking Tree, a place you were not too fond of, considering he had tied you to it when you first met.
‘What’s going on?’ you asked.
‘Pirates, looks like they might be up to something, deliveries are coming later and shorter and they seem to be getting a bit too bold. Pan thinks they might be preparing to attack.’
‘That makes no sense, from how it was explained to me they got a pretty sweet deal with us. Why attack and risk losing it?’
‘They are dumb adults with too much pride.’ Felix said in annoyance.
‘Now that you know what I do, tell me something I don’t know. Like how are things with you and the Rooster.’
‘Things are great, he’s great and he treats me great. Things with him just flow naturally with no rush and no hesitation. I really like him.’ you answered.
‘So it’s boring.’ Felix hummed.
‘No! It is not boring, it's...safe. I like him and he likes me, we get along and he’s sweet and attractive as hell. Nothing is wrong with us, we are a good couple.’ you defended.
‘Safe? Look at where you live...you don’t like safe (Y/N).’ he said.
‘I do like safe, when it comes to relationships. I like knowing that I’m never going to wake up one day and everything between me and Rufio has just...changed. Or worry that the whole time it was all just some scheme.’
‘I can’t speak on whatever Pan’s plans are or were, but I can say he seemed happier with you. I think it was real.’ Felix reasoned.
‘So did I, but then it wasn’t, then he told me it was. It was all such a yo-yo game and I just can’t get back on the string man. Rufio is safe and I like that...I need that.’ you finished.
‘Fine, your business I guess, but my curiosity begs to know...how safe is my friend.’ Felix asked.
‘What do you mean?’ 
‘How far have you two gotten? The bastard won’t tell me anything.’
‘Well Nosy, if you must know; we’ve done…’ you paused.
‘You’ve done what?’ he urged.
‘...pretty much the same as I did with Peter.’ you grinned as your friend rolled his eyes.
‘So still no real sex, I honestly don’t know how you’ve waited this long, Lord knows I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a good chunk of these boys.’ 
‘Even Rufio?’ you gasped.
‘Ew no...it’s practically incest, even I have some morality.’ he laughed.
At last you two arrived at the thinking tree and saw Peter sitting at the roots, twirling the vile of fairy dust he wore on his neck.
About a year ago the Thinking Tree went dry and he couldn’t get anymore so he was saving the last of his supply for an emergency. So that meant no more flying for him and you could all tell that it depressed the hell out of him.
‘Felix filled me in. What’s the plan and what do I need to do?’ you asked as you crouched down in front of him.
‘They’re camping near Mermaid Lagoon, which is risky but smart. If I weren’t so clever I’d never expect anyone to anchor their ship in such a dangerous spot and they could creep on through the woods around the Forgotten Forest and ambush our camp.’ Pan explained as he drew a crude map in the dirt to show the path from the Lagoon to your camp.
‘But you are clever, so what are we going to do when they attack?’ Felix asked as he leaned against the tree.
‘Place the archers in the trees, clubs and swords in the bushes, nice and swift battle.
‘Are you kidding me?’ you scoffed.
‘What is wrong with that plan?’ Pan asked.
‘Nothing, if you want casualties and a boring fight no one is going to think about next week.’ you said.
With a slightly disappointed sigh you wiped away his map and drew your own.
‘Move the camp, leave the clearing empty to make the battlefield, have fences built in to trap the pirates in once they arrive. When that is done clubs and swords drop down from the trees; leave the archers on the ground behind the trees and bushes. Once they are ready to flee we let down the fence and send them off knowing not to attack us ever again.’ you explain as you drew out your plan in the dirt.
‘That’s huge.’ Felix said as he also crouched down to look over your plan.
‘It is...so big no one would even think to expect it… but it might be too big. I expect an attack in a matter of weeks. We don’t have time to build fences and move the camp.’ Pan argued.
‘Then I will magic the camp into a new spot and that will give the boys more time to work on the fences.’
‘I can have our best builders working on it now. And the rest can compact the camp so it's easier for (Y/N) to move.’ Felix added.
Peter looked hesitant but he nodded and sent Felix off.
You were considering leaving too but something in your gut was telling you that Peter was upset about something.
‘What’s wrong?’ 
‘Try that with someone else who doesn’t know you, you’ve been frowning since you heard my plan.’
‘Your plan is great...perfect even.’
‘So what is the issue, do you think it’s too risky?’
‘No, I just...I would have liked to have been a part of it more but I can’t do much to help with how weak my magic is becoming. If it weren’t for my shadow, I wouldn’t have even known something was wrong since I can’t patrol the island anymore.’ he said as he stood up.
‘Hey, you are doing plenty and we will get through this, it’s child’s play.’ you assured him.
‘You don’t need to placate me (Y/N), it doesn’t help. I’ll just keep eyes on the pirates for now and I’ll let you know when they are close.’ Peter said as he turned to walk away.
Peter turned back and looked at you.
‘The boys miss you at camp, and now more than ever they are going to want to see you. It’s nice to see the person you follow into battle and I don’t think they want to see you full of doubt.’ 
‘I doubt they want to see how useless I am now, do you think they follow me because of my winning personality? It’s my power that they respect and I’m losing it (Y/N), once that’s gone I’m going to lose them.’ he said before walking away.
You wished you could say something to say make him feel better but you know deep down he was right. Every single Lost Boy survived their old lives by being cut throat and while here there was an obvious hierarchy you had to imagine a good amount of them still had ambition. 
Without Pan at the helm the island would descend into pure chaos and mutiny.
You had to shake away those thoughts and focus on what was happening now; pirate attacks.
There was a lot of work to be done and thankfully Felix wasted no time on briefing the boys on what was about to go down and got them in action immediately.
‘Pull as much as you can into your tents, its easier to move full tents than everything item by item! Move it boys, this isn’t a game, pack this shit in, fill the tent’s to the brim!’ you yelled as you entered the camp.
It was full on panic as everyone was running around picking up everything they could pick up and placing it in tents. Whenever one was full you would send it off to another clearing that was closer to your little room but further from the Lagoon.
You found it so odd sometimes, your magic still felt as strong as it had always been, but Peter’s seemed to fade more and more as the days went on. You imagined it had to do with his ties to that Hourglass and the island.
Eventually the sun was setting, another thing that was odd to you, daylight felt like it only lasted five hours. At first you wanted to chop it all up to time being useless here and you simply losing track of it, but one day you took the time to pay attention and you knew it for sure.
Plants were drying, animals were becoming harder to find, days were shortening and Peter’s magic was weakening...it wasn’t hard for you to put it all together.
The island was dying, and Peter was scared.
With it being dark now and the temperature dropping you let them all turn in, letting everyone know it was going to be an early start tomorrow.
You noticed Wendy hadn’t been helping too much with heavy lifting but it looked like she was at least trying. Took her about thirty seven years but she was finally putting in the effort to try and help around camp.
For the next two weeks everyone was focused on the tasks at hand, building fences and preparing for the attack.
Everything was perfect and everyone was excited for what was sure to be an easy win and an epic battle; even Wendy who was certainly not fighting in it, but she would play a very big part in it.
You had sent her off to make sure the tents were being sent to the right clearing, in other words you were getting her out of the way.
What you didn’t plan on  was her being dumb enough to get lost in the Forgotten Forest, the one place even Pan’s shadow couldn’t navigate and you certainly didn’t think the Pirates were also that foolish.
But at last they were, and they did cross paths.
Wendy stood before this large group of filthy men and their weapons and she felt frozen with fear as they looked at her, taking in her stupid cute dress and defenseless self.
‘Well boys looky what we have here, I guess even Pan needs to have his needs met.’ Hook smiled dangerously as he approached the frozen girl.
He raised his hook and threateningly slid it down her face, leaving a trail of reddened skin in his wake.
‘P-please don’t.’ she said as a tear fell from her eyes.
‘Oh sweetheart what do you think of us? We would never hurt such a young...cooperative girl like you.’ he said with a dark look.
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scentedflowersong · 3 years
12 Days of Swan-Mills Saga X-Mas - Day 7
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love Swan-Mills Saga gave to me…
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Welcome, dear friends, to the seventh of our twelve holiday meetings, during which we recall some of the best bits of the five Swan-Mills saga stories by the marvellous @swanqueeneverafter​ (thank you for the artworks used here).
The seventh day belongs to the ghastly gang - the villains of The Story of Us.
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!WARNING! Spoilers ahead !WARNING! 
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Status: dead, killed by Emma (TSOU), after ressurection killed by Queen Annis’ champion (TO&FQ) Notable dark deeds: enchanting Guinevere and the whole kingdom into obedience, killing king Fergus, binding Merlin to Excalibur (with Zelena’s help) Evil Rank: 7/10 - literally an evil bastard (*sighs* Pendragons)
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Status: dead, killed by Rumplestiltskin Notable dark deeds: creating the Dark Curse, kidnapping children and raising them as her slaves in the Dark World, kidnapping and brainwashing Gideon, casting the Dark Curse (with Gothel and Facilier) in search of the ultimate power Evil Rank: 9/10 - Blue was a bitch to her, but torturing children (especially her own grandson?) can’t be excused
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Status: alive Notable dark deeds: never bloody heping anyone!, not telling Snow and Charming the truth about the wardrobe, baishing Fiona to the Dark World, never helping Rumplestiltskin (and thus causing 90% of evil the Stiltsking family is responsible for), bullying other fairies, prevennting Nova and Grumpy to be together, powerful as hell yet never using her powers Evil Rank: 11/10 - shady bitch
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: killing numerous people (namely his own father and David’s father), trading Bealfire for (ultimately) useless information about Rumplestiltskin, repeatedly choosing revenge over love/family, teaming up wih Cora, locking Snow and Emma in Rumplestiltskin’s cell, shooting Belle and causing her to lose her memories, working with Tamara and Spencer Evil Rank: 9/10 - yo ho ho, the pirate’s life for me
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Status: dead, killed by Snow White (redeemed/moved on) Notable dark deeds: killing queen Eve, taking Zelena in to heal Regina only to throw her out afterwards, killing Daniel, “selling” Regina to king Leopold, almost being responsible for Regina taking the infertility poition, turning Anastasia into the Red Queen, killing countless people Evil Rank: 10/10 - the queen without a heart
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Status: dead, killed by Emma Notable dark deeds: killing her own mother and her husbands, using her animal-controlling skills for evil, kidnapping Henry, probably one of the few actually born evil Evil Rank: 7/10 - if she doesn’t scare you, no evil things will?
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Status: dead, utimately killed by Emma (WDMC) Notable dark deeds (in TSOU): trying to bring the Dark Ones to our world, teaming up with Black Fairy and Gothel to cast the Dark Curse, posing as Hook and maintaining an abusive relationship with Emma during the curse (the aftermath of which - Emma’s PTSD was already mentioned) Evil Rank: 10/10 - NOPE
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Status: dead, killed by Emma (WDMC) Notable dark deeds (in TSOU): kidnapping Alice and keeping her in the tower, putting the curse of poisoned heart on Alice and Will, teaming up with Facilier and Black Fairy to cast the Dark Curse, making Robyn grow up fast, posing as Robin Hood and being intimate with Zelena during the curse (like, alright, that was sort of a call from karma to Zelena, but still), Evil Rank: 10/10 - try being more like Poison Ivy, sis
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Status: dead, killed by Zelena Notable dark deeds: trying to overthow Zeus, bringing the Underworld to Storybrooke, trapping Storybrooke’s inhabitants in an underground prison, killing Robin Hood Evil Rank: 6/10 - nothing much for the king of Underworld
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Status: alive Notable dark deeds: abusing his powers as the Author (leading for example to sending newborn Lily into the world without magic), writing the “Heroes & Villains” storybook Evil Rank: 6/10 - not evil, just a prick, bonus points for disabling Cruella’s powers for murder
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Status: dead/turned into a wooden staff Notable dark deeds: mindcontrolling the sultan, trying to get Jasmine to marry him, breaking Aladdin’s spirit and convincing him he’s not a Saviour, shrinking Agrabah into a ring Evil Rank: 6/10 - not bad, but we’ve seen worse
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: putting Briar Rose and then Aurora under the sleeping curse, turning Prince Phillip into the Yaoguai, helping Regina finding her “inner spark” (mastering dark magic), helping Rumplestiltskin getting the Author out of the book by kidnapping Pinocchio (with Regina) Evil Rank: 6/10 - not really the mistress of all evil, eh?
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Status: dead, killed by Morgana (TO&FQ) Notable dark deeds: toying with everyone and never doing anything useful, being resposible for the creation of the Dark One Evil Rank: 6/10 - he’s not evil, just immensely useless, which is eve worse when he’s the “most powerful man”, right?
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Status: dead Notable dark deeds: becoming the first Dark One, using Facilier to return to our world and trying to kill most of the ‘heroes’ Evil Rank: 6/10 - victim of Merlin’s selfishness, but extra bad points for working with Facilier
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Status: dead, killed by Rumplestiltskin Notable dark deeds: abandoning Rumplestiltskin for eternal youth, kidnapping children in his search for Henry, kidnapping the Darling family and keeping Wendy captive, pursuing Henry into giving up his heart, switching bodies with Henry, killing Felix and casting the Dark Curse Evil Rank: 8/10 - the head of the Stiltskins, no wonder they all turned out bad
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: becoming the Dark One, abandoning Baelfire, responsible for all of the Mills girls turning dark (to some degree), creating the Evil Queen and convincing Regina to cast the Dark Curse, killing countless people, marking Regina for the Wraith, teaming up with the Snow Queen, making deals with Hades, helping Isaac write the “Heroes & Villans” storybook, repeatedly choosing power over love/family, killing both of his parents Evil Rank: 10/10 - Rumple’s fingers are all over the story, rarely in a good way
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Status: dead, killed by Rumplestiltskin Notable dark deeds: torturing Regina (with Spencer), shooting Neal, kidnapping Henry and taking him to Neverland Evil Rank: 4/10 - just a bitch who didn’t know she was Pan’s pawn
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: using Violet to break Henry’s heart, killing Arthur, trapping Merlin inside the tree once more, ripping out Merida’s heart and using her as a poppet, speeding up Zelena’s pregnancy, trying to use Zelena as a vessel for darkness Evil Rank: 5/10 - look, half of the things she did as the Dark One were ultimately for the better
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: casting the Dark Curse, killing countless people, putting Snow under the sleeping curse, killing her father, manipulating the Genie/Sidney into killing Leopold, framing Snow for Leopold’s murder, hiring Hook to kill Cora, ripping the Huntsman’s heart out and using him as a poppet, killing Owen’s father, killing Graham, teaming up with Cora, teaming up with Hades (after the Split), trapping Regina and Emma in the mirror (after the Split), putting the sleeping curse on Snow and David’s shared heart (after the Split), creating the Wish Realm and sending Emma there (after the Split) Evil Rank: 10/10 - it’s the EVIL Queen for a reason (”yea, she’s a mass murderer BUT you can aknowledge someone’s dark deeds AND still love them uncoditionally” - Emma Swan-Mills, probably)
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Status: dead, sacrificed herself to stop the curse of the Shattered Sight Notable dark deeds: casting the curse of the Shattered Sight, killing her sister (by accident), freezing Arendelle Evil Rank: 3/10 - Inngrid was more of a victim than a true villain
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Status: alive, redeemed Notable dark deeds: terrorising Oz, putting Dorothy under the sleeping curse sending Walsh after Emma, killing Neal, kidnapping baby Neal, opening the time portal, killing Marian and posing as her (+ tricking Robin Hood into leaving Storybrooke with her and even using the guise to have a child with him), teaming up with Arthur and binding Merlin to Excalibur, interrupting Emma’s proposal Evil Rank: 8/10 - gloriously wicked, could’ve done worse atricities though
Please, feel free to let me know what you think of the ranking, the picks, the misdeeds listed (the lists are not definitive), or anything else :)
Stay tuned for more…  
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ziracona · 4 years
Hi! I just realised I havn't popped in in awhile. Do you have any headcanons u feel like sharing about the newer survivors?? (I love them all, they're so cool but I think imma have to say cheryl is my bby gurl. she's tired. let her rest.) also. i am. going insane. from a toothache :) - Sleepy
Hey! Hope your tooth pain clears up! I’m so sorry—that’s one of the worst. : /
Hmmm, I do, but I’m trying to think of ones I haven’t said in asks before. 😬 Unfortunately my memory of fictional characters is great, and my memory of what I said in asks is shitty. :’-]
I don’t know the newer survivors—except Nancy and Steve—as well as I do the older ones, because I’ve never written them, and I haven’t played Silent Hill. I like Zarina, Yui, and Cheryl a lot though. Poor fkn Cheryl can join Quentin in the “Please God, just one good day?” Existence. Rip to them both. 😭
Poor kid gets out of hell once, and ya throw her back in. :’-]
Let’s see—headcanon I am fairly sure I haven’t already shared. I think Yui and Min would get along really well, and Jane and Zarina would too.
Yui hates the serial killers especially, from her own personal experience, and goes to bat hard against them every time.
Ash flirts with everyone to a point it’s even more than Ace does, and for a while it becomes a competition between them to see who can flirt more and better than the other (not in a shitty way—everybody knows they have the competition going on and it’s more a ‘I can act better than you’ than a ‘I can win more hearts’ one.) Ace is declared the winner in class, Ash the winner in sheer quantity he’s able to churn out, and they agree to call it a semi-draw. It’s actually a really fun week for everyone, because they’re all constantly being complemented and flirted with in a way they know is performative and seeks 0 real actions from them in return, so essentially they are just showererd with ‘drunk girl in a bar bathroom’ levels of praise for seven days.
Felix and Nancy are the only two with significant others waiting back home, and they bond over talking about their wife/boyfriend and sharing stories and having someone around who understands that specific brand of pain and can encourage them that they’ll make it back home.
Tapp is a dad, so he gives Felix a lot of advice on stuff since he was an expecting father. Not so much “do this” advice, since his relationship with his family didn’t go so well, and he feels like he’s in absolutely no position to teach—more like “It’s okay. Women have been giving birth for thousands of years. She’s gonna make it just fine even if you’re not home yet, and you’ll get back to them. And I’m gonna teach you some of the tricks so you’ll be ready when you do. You can even surprise her by already knowing how to change a diaper and warm a formula bottle. I’ll show you how to do it,” and talking him through some of the stuff he would have been able to learn from infant care books. It’s sweet, but Tapp almost dies when Jane says its “Very heartwarming” and teases him, so they cut him some slack. Felix is really appreciative. Laurie has taken care of a ton of kids, and gives him some advice too, and so does Nancy, who had two younger siblings.
Steve is a disaster who suffers from “I like you and you are a girl, so *pigeon meme* Is this falling in love?” syndrome. Gets shot down hard by Laurie, who is ridiculously pissed at him for bringing it up during a trial when their lives are on the line, but after he gets over being super awkward around her, and she reaches out to be like, ‘Look, dumbass, why did you even like me?’ And he’s like ‘...because you’re, uh, really cool? A-and pretty? And...’ and eventually she’s like ‘Buddy, you don’t even really know me. You’re just lonely. You’re not in love with me, you just want to be, because you want to be in love with somebody, and that’s not gonna cut it, for me, or anyone. Be in love with a person—not with the concept of being in love. And for that to happen, you have to know them first.” And since Steve is good af self-improvement, he realizes she’s got a real point, and tries to find his worth outside of needing a girlfriend, and becomes both a lot happier, and one of Laurie’s closer friends. (Side note—this extends probably only to my initial Steve ideas. I had the idea batted around that in that universe, Stranger Things /is/ an existing show, but it’s based on a mix of urban legend and history from the 80s, and Nancy and Steve are the version from the actual 80s, and I think in that pitch Steve is dating Barb, who is still alive, and already worked through this specific issue, because many things happened differently for wild comedic ‘But in the show’ effect, becuase both them repeatedly going “WELL REALITY WAS A LITTLE DIFFERENT” when like, monster hunting shit from the show won’t work on the Demogorgan, and *Spit take* “THEY HAD ME HIT ON ROBIN?” “Ewwww” “YEAH ewww! She’s basically my lesbian little sister! We’ve been best friends since grade school! What the fuck :’-]” make for amazing joke potential. )
Cheryl starts having nightmares where she sees things from the Entity’s eyes she was never meant to see, and finding out dangerous amounts of information this way. The Entity decides at some point this is too big a threat, but because it’s proud, it doesn’t want to just kill her, as that would be admitting a human is a threat, so it starts having killers gun for her mercilessly to try to get her to give up, and the poor girl is in agony.
Zarina documents stuff form the realm constantly, and has a careful scrapbook collection of all notes and paraphernalia from past survivors. She also keeps conspiracy pages tacked together trying to figure out who they were becuase they deserve at least the justice of people somehow knowing how they died and what they went through. Laurie is a big help with this, and so is Claudette, who has been keeping stuff for a long time.
Yui is very no-nonsense, and protective. She gives off strong big sister vibes. She especially also loves board games/puzzles/other games like Shogi or Go and such, and Dwight and Adam create game pieces for her to play Go with when she mentions how much she used to like that kind of thing, and Yui is incredibly touched, and makes several other ones for people to play with too, and it becomes a very enjoyed pastime between trials. It’s engaging and competitive, but much more relaxed and low energy than sports or training or going for a run, so it’s a great alternative. Meg gets super into making puzzles, and all the artists do too, and take turns painting pictures on boards, cutting them into puzzle pieces with extreme painstakingly slow care, and then doing puzzles together. Jake is invaluable in the actual cutting pieces out area, but actually enjoys to do it.
Felix knows a lot more than anyone else about the Entity when he’s taken, so he spends a bunch of time with the research team trying to recall whatever he can from his childhood and sharing any information he has, then just stays on it because he wants to. He’s desperate to meet Benedict Baker someday himself, becuase that man seems to get around, and he really wants to know what happend to his father.
Everyone becomes protective as fuck of Cheryl when the Entity starts targeting her, and someone—I think Kate and or Meg—probably both together—as a one-off joke call themselves her knights at some point, becuase they’re running such dedicated protection detail, but it becomes a whole thing, and several more start to do it. They’ll like ‘fist clasped arm across chest at attention, quick bow’ when they see her, and it’s goofy as fuck, but it helps a lot making Cheryl’s reality more bearable. Plus, it’s really sweet. Nea gets in on this and comes back one day with a little daisy chain she made cause she was bored, sees Cheryl, it clicks, runs over and offers it as a ‘favor’. Zarina sees and comes back later that day from a trial and kneels and presents Cheryl with a rescued toolbox with a brand new part. This becomes increasingly common and extravagant, and Cheryl /cannot/ deal, but it’s like, genius, becuase it takes exactly this level of surreal goofy friend bullshit to distract from the hell she is living. She ends up just regularly having someone come back from a trial or trip to the woods, salute with an arm across their chest, bow, and present her with anything from a pinecone or pretty rock, to flowers or a medkit, to a salt statue or key, to a painting or hand made bracelet, to a makeshift weapon or a pillow. Everyone always tries to outdo each other, so the gifts tend to be extravagant. Zarina considers herself Cheryl’s righthand woman/personal knight by chocie, because she wanted a cause to fight for and has found one she truly loves, and she makes Cheryl her favorite gift so far, coming up to her at the end of a long day, after a very bad trial where Cheryl was mercilessly and slowly killed by the Pig, kneeling, and offering a thick shard of stained glass from the chapel, made sturdy and held in place with a few chunks of soldered and wrapped iron along the blade and down the grip, forming a razor sharp and reinforced stained glass knife.
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