#finn writes fluff
totallynuwonhere · 4 months
The Wolf and The Cowboy
I know it's late but in honor of Darlin' and Sam's 2nd anniversary, I present you this little vomit of words I managed to pull during the late hours. Eat up pookies, we deserve this after that rollercoaster that was Sam's latest audio.
Note: Might have errors cuz me and grammarly refuse to cooperate.
You’d know he was up when the aroma of roasted beans danced through the air. 
The low timbre humming, bringing a smile to your face as you walk in the room. He swears he doesn’t sing, even went as far as to compare himself to a grater but you know that’s a lie. 
During the slow days, when he’d work around the house, too focused on a task to notice you’ve entered the room. Watching, examining his every move. You’ve done it so much, you can practically read his expressions. 
The way his eyebrows would furrow when he’d tighten a screw, or puff out his cheeks as he pretends to understand another IKEA manual, and of course, your favorite; when he’d be so focused and then a smile would appear on his face, and he’d picture how it’d look when it comes together. A soft chuckle leaving his lips as he thinks about how you’d react to his newest creation, or how you’d pretend to complain about how the house slowly morphed into his own personal wood gallery, knowing full well you love it. 
Those were your favorite moments, front seat view of your mate breaking a sweat and nothing else mattered and the two of you could just..live. 
But as the saying goes, you can only go so long before your cowboy with enhanced senses notices, or something like that. 
His eyes would meet yours and he’d scoff, shooting you that all too familiar grin. That very same grin the night of your infamous encounter. The very same grin the night he came to take care of you, that you very easily followed with a snappy retort and every precious memory you made to this two years from then. It’s crazy how a lot has both changed and remained the same. 
You laugh, returning his grin with a smirk of your own, making your way towards him. You rest your hand on his shoulder, leaning in and pressing a featherlight kiss right on his jaw. He pulls you in close, pressing his forehead against yours, letting out a content hum, enjoying this quiet moment with his big bag wolf.
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moumouton4 · 9 months
Can you make Mash x female reader please?
When everyone want to know why Mash don't love lemon. And he just say that he keep reader love.
How To Divide Love || Mashle Burnedead x fem!reader
A/n : I think that's my first Mashle request ! I love this character so much ! I'm just so disappointed no one ( except me ) wrote a smut about him ( ofc aged up )
A/n 2 : Finn, Lance and Dot are here as well !
Warnings : Fluff fluff fluff, but you can understand that Y/n and Mashlego at it from time to time, Mashle being clueless, kinda comedish
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 499
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In Mash and Finn’s dorm the boys were discussing as per usual when suddenly an unusual question popped
Dot, who still didn’t understand why Mashle was having all the girls’ attention asked “So Mashle how is it going between you and Lemon ?”
Finn and Lance’s heads snapped towards Mashle waiting for him to answer the redhead
But Mashle’s face only became cuter as his big eyes blinked slowly “Huh ?” ( it sounds like the Villager in Minecraft )
Finn mused “Yes she seems so infatuated with you”
But Mashle still looked out of it
Lance continued “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice ?”
But before the raven haired boy could even ask further Dot chipped in “Just give her some love man or I will !”
“I can’t give her love. I have to keep some for Y/n” he said plunging the room into a heavy silence
“What are you saying ?” Lance asked, visibly not knowing anything in this matter
“I can’t love cream puffs, Y/n and Lemon all together. Besides I don’t love Lemon”
Finn’s eyes widened “But she is your friend, isn’t she ?”
“Yes, only a friend. That’s why don’t love her”
The boys were choked. Did that mean that he loved you ? A fall a questions suddenly dropped on Mashle who was munching on a cream puff he just took out of his pocket
“Don’t you have enough to steal all the girls ?!?”
“So you guys are dating now ?”
“Are you even sure to know what love is ?”
After a moment Mashle looked at them “What ? I couldn’t hear anything when I was chewing” he casually said
The two boys exhaled heavily while Lance facepalmed
Suddenly the door opened, revealing your smaller form as you stepped in your boyfriend’s dorm “Oh hello y’all. I didn’t think I’d find you all gathered here today”
Dot couldn’t take it anymore “What ?!? Did he ask you to come knowing you both would be here all alone ?!?”
“Erm no hehe” you bashfully answered. But Mashle seemed not to care “Yes”
“Not in our dorm” almost squeaked Finn who was heavily blushing
“I only have one bed” he simply answered as if he didn’t just say something big
They continued to knock him with more questions but Mashle didn’t even seem to listen. He was digging in his pockets to give you a cream puff as well 
Then as Mashle opened his mouth the boys finally thought that their questions will get their answers
“Lance, where did you find that necklace you have ? I’d like to have one as well to put a photo of Y/n eating a cream puff in it”
“H-HE DIDN’T EVEN ANSWER !” they screamed altogether but Mashle couldn’t care less
With his arm wrapped around your waist he gently nudged you outside the dorm before he added “We’re going to buy more cream puffs. I hope you won’t be there when we’ll get back”
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fandoms--fluff · 5 months
They're Back
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Vampire female reader x Mikael (+ the siblings)
Summary: au where Mikael is a good dad and married the reader who has been like a mother to his kids for a thousand years.
He's never beaten, treated them horribly, or try to kill them. And Esther is the one who forced vampirism and killed all of them.
A/n: I'm experimenting with an idea I had in the middle of the night. Please leave feedback and if you would maybe want a second part.
We're also gonna pretend that rhe picture isn't Balthazar
Warnings: swearing
You listen in to the conversation taking place inside the mansion and look over to your husband.
"They've been on this earth together how long and they still don't know how to get along" Mikael chuckles as you smack his arm lightly.
You both look back to where Kol is being held back by Finn from trying to pounce on Klaus you're presuming by the way he looks like he wants to charge right at his older brother.
"We should get inside before things go down" you sigh, knowing the kids' antics.
"Definitely" Mikael quickly says as he sees Kol about to get out of the oldest's arms.
You guys vamp inside the house through the unlocked door and just before Kol attacks Klaus, you grab him so he's constrained in your arms. His back pulled against your chest.
"Okay, just breathe. There are many other ways to deal with problems that don't involve attacking your brother" you tell Kol as you slowly start to slacken your grip on the younger one (biologically/physically younger).
The five vampires look at both of you, shocked at your guys' appearance.
"Mother, Father!" Rebekah's the first to break out of the trance and runs over, hugging you guys.
"Rebekah, my lovely daughter" you hear Mikael whisper in her blond hair. You smile at how soft he turns when he's with his children.
"How did you guys find us?" Klaus spoke up.
"Well, people talk when five originals are in a small town, causing havoc" You sit down on the armrest of one of the couches in the room.
You give a pointed look over to Kol, who's advancing towards Klaus. He grumbles about it not being fair, before plopping back into the couch beside you. He leans his head against your side.
"Have they also talked about how Esther is back from the dead?" Klaus more so retorts.
You and Mikael both turn your attention to the hybrid pouring himself a drink. "What are you talking about?" Mikael asks his voice hard at hearing his ex-wife's name.
"She has come back to wipe out the existence of vampires" Finn answers.
"That bitch!" You exclaim. Everyone snaps their gaze on you, not used to you ever swearing. Even Mikael is surprised by your reaction.
"What? You expect me to be calm and stoic all the time?" You raise an eyebrow. "So where is she exactly?" You ask them.
"We have no clue" Kol mumbles into your shoulder.
"Then we'll just have to find out" Mikael says after a couple moment of silence.
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seneon · 10 days
Could I perhaps ask for some first time kissing (or first time intimately together 👀💕) with either Finn or Rayne?? ( or one for each if you’re feeling like spoiling!!)
Either way thank you for considering!! I appreciate you sharing your work it’s so so good!!
notes. i'll do both bc i love both ames so badly
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kissing finn ames for the first time feels very pure, natural, and it's filled with butterflies and flowers all around the air. he's so shy to kiss you that he's red as the finest wine in the kingdom. a lot of stuttering and questions such as "a-are you sure?" "are you like.. positively sure!?" then he'd go all >﹏< before quickly cupping your face to kiss your nose first. then quickly pecking your lips. maybe he'll sneak in a few cheek kisses after a direct kiss on the lips. he hasn't kissed you on the lip before, it was all on the cheek or your hand. but surely, seeing finn all flustered and shy after his first kiss with you, it made you flutter on the inside. the type to hold your fingers or hands after your first kiss (or he malfunctions afterwards)
however, kissing rayne ames for the first time is full of tension. you notice it recently— that his beautiful golden honey eyes are always on your lips. his eyes tells you he wants something to do with your lips. rayne will blush, look away, and then at your eyes. he will not say a single word, but you understand what he wants. you only need to point your finger to your lips and smiled. he'd called you crazy and whatnot, but he ends up eating his own words and drown in a pool of sudden shyness. in the end he gives up and just gently grabs the back of your head and pushes his lips against yours lolz. he'd pull away and most definitely kissed you over and over again.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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snowflakeanimelover · 21 days
Just imagine the Shelby family from Peaky Blinders is teleported to modern day somewhere in America(lets say around 2024)
You were taking your time walking back home on the street, just having left the small store. But you almost bump into a small group of…
“Holy fuck,” you gasp, staring up at the people wearing 1900’s clothes and suits. “You’re the Peaky Blinders.”
“Damn straight we are,” Arthur steps forward, looking pissed then ever. “Now where the bloody hell are we, girl?”
“No, I mean, you’re from the show.” You tell them.
“Show? You think we’re just for show?” John steps up next, looking rather upset.
“No, thats not….you know what? Never mind.”
The reader just…
Has to often tell them they cant smoke in certain areas, which makes them somewhat irritated.
Or explain that they cant do whatever they want because they will get caught and will be arrested, no matter who they are.
Has to explain how cars are now in modern day.
Has to explain practically everything that they don’t understand.
Has to explain that women don’t just wear skirt and dresses anymore, and they cannot get used to that and find it weird how their clothes are now.
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murdrdocs · 1 year
girl i need more loving and caring finnick rn like i can’t even
(ignore the pink my text broke and won’t show up white)
l i need more lovingirl i need more loving and caring finnick rn i can’t even
during your relationship with finnick, you realize he doesn't have a single true love language. there's not only one way he expresses his love and admiration for you.
he adores physical touch. a hand on your back when he's passing you in the kitchen, paired with a kiss to your neck or shoulder or cheek. offering to take your makeup off for you so he has an excuse to massage your face and feel your skin. holding your hand or interlocking pinkies when you're in the market in four.
he lives for acts of service and gift giving. making sure to bring something back for you if he's called to the capitol. going to your favorite stall in the market before you wake up for fresh fruit or bread. he makes you breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and offers to grab a snack for you when you're watching old movies together. he knows your favorite foods and your favorite everything's, and so casually mentions it, causing you to swoon and kiss his cheeks.
words of affirmation give him life. he's been praised his entire life, so it's almost nothing to him, unless the words are coming from you. but he will die if he doesn't praise you at least 10 times a day. he's always encouraging you, pushing you to become the best version of yourself. he's always there to hug and kiss away your tears, giving them space before letting you in on his god-like view of you.
and quality time is practically his favorite. he just likes being near you. spending days on the beach with you, the both of you sharing a picnic that you'd domestically created together the morning before. he loves to do house chores with you; cooking, cleaning, laundry. life with you is something he hadn't imagined himself having. or, maybe he did, before the reaping at 14. but after that, and all of the life that came with the aftermath, he couldn't see himself sharing a coastal home that smelled like equal parts you and him. he lives for the late mornings where you snuggle closer to his chest and sleepily talk to him until your words die down to deep breaths. he lives for the morning routine you've both curated, how easily you two move around the spacious bathroom, both in each other's space but out of each other's way.
he doesn't have a favorite form of a love language, but quality time comes to him the easiest, so maybe it takes the cake.
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 6 months
• JD McDonagh x Reader
Summary: You and JD have been dating since you were both in NXT. Since you both got called up to Raw, you have joined The Judgement Day and JD has been trying to get into The Judgement Day. Things get a little heated after the members find out something about you and JD.
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Sitting on the bathroom counter in me and JD's hotel room, I am putting some makeup on and straighten my hair for Monday Night Raw tonight. I hear a knock on the bathroom door.
"It's open."
JD walks in and looks over at me in the mirror.
"Damn babe. You are so gorgeous."
He puts his hands on my sides and his chin on my shoulder. I giggle, turn my head and kiss his cheek.
"Thank you babe."
"SO Y/N. When you are done, can you come out to the bedroom? I have a question for you."
"Of course honey."
He lets me go and leaves the bathroom. I finish up with my hair and my makeup and get off the counter. I come around the corner and JD is standing at the end of the bed holding a rose. I walk over to him taking the rose.
"What's this?"
"Well I have been waiting to ask you this for years and I can't wait any longer. I can't find the right time to do it so I'm just gonna do it now."
He gets down on one knee and grabs my hand. I look down at him with a shocked face starting to tear up dropping the rose on the ground. He pulls a little black box out of his pocket and opens it showing this beautiful ring.
"Y/N. You make me the happiest man on the planet. We have been together for a few years now and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my soulmate. Will you marry me?"
"Yes! Yes!"
He stands up and kisses me. I kiss him back than look down at the ring.
"Babe. This ring is beautiful."
He grabs my hand and puts it on my finger. I look up at him.
"Do you possibly have a ring for yourself?"
"Oh I'm way ahead of you baby."
He shows me his hand with a black band ring on his finger. He hands me one for myself as well. I giggle, grab his face and kiss him. I pull back and hear a knock at the door. His eyes go wide realizing what time it is.
"I lost track of time."
He whispers to me and goes into the bathroom locking the door. I quickly grab my wrestling bag and my phone and walk to the door. I quickly change my diamond ring for my black rubber ring. I open the door and see Damian Priest standing there.
"Hey Damian!"
"Hey Y/N. Was there someone in your room with you? I thought I heard someone talking."
I give him a confused look and shake my head no.
"Nope. Just had the TV on. Anyways, let's get going."
I grab his wrist, drag him away from the hotel room and out to his car. We head off to the arena. I text JD letting him know that we have left.
*20 minutes before Raw starts*
I am sitting on the couch in The Judgement Day locker room. Damian is sitting next to me with his arm behind me on the couch. He has been trying to flirt with me and get with me since I joined them. Rhea comes into the locker room with Dominick and JD. I am scrolling on my phone not noticing Damian slowly sliding his arm down the couch to my side. I feel him grab my side so I decide to elbow him in the chest. He grunts, grabs his chest and starts coughing.
"That's what you get Priest."
Rhea starts laughing at him along with Dom and JD. I get up and go sit with Dom and JD on the other couch. We hear a knock on the door and Rhea gets up to answer it. Adam Pearce walks into the locker room looking at all of us.
"Rhea. Dom. Y/N. JD. You are opening Raw tonight. Better get ready."
Adam turns and walks out. I get up, go to the bathroom and get changed into a Judgement Day shirt, my black and purple leather shorts, purple leather jacket and my black wrestling boots. I walk out of the bathroom fixing my hair and look up to see Damian's jaw almost on the floor.
"And.... and I can't come out.. out with you guys?"
He points at me with his jaw dropped. I roll my eyes and follow Rhea out of the locker room with Dom and JD right behind us.
We are in the ring cutting a promo. Me and Rhea are calling out the women's tag team champions Chelsea Green and Piper Niven.
"Piper. Chelsea. Get your asses out here. We want those tag team titles!"
I throw my mic down and motion for them to come out. Rhea grabs my arm and shakes her head yes meaning I did good on our promo. Piper and Chelsea make their way out to the ring and get in our faces. Piper grabs the mic out of Rhea's hand and I go to swing at her, but JD grabs my waist and pulls me away from her. Dom grabs Rhea's arm and pulls her away too. We all climb out of the ring and get ready for our match.
*near the end of the match*
Piper is kneeling infront of the commentary table and Chelsea is in the ring getting beat up by Rhea. I run and give Piper my signature shining wizard to take her out. Rhea picks up Chelsea and gives her a Riptide. Rhea pins her and wins us the tag team titles. Dom slides into the ring and hugs her. JD picks me up and spins me around as I wrap my legs around his waist.
"You did it baby."
He says to me setting me down making me smile. I walk over grabbing the titles and go into the ring. Rhea hugs me than takes one of the titles from me. We celebrate with a bunch of Pyro going off. We roll out of the ring walking up the ramp and to the back to our locker room.
"There is the champs!!"
We walk in with Damian and Finn yelling for us! I walk over and hug Finn than turn to Damian. He has his arms out signaling for a hug. I roll my eyes and hug him lightly. He pulls me closer to him and goes to kiss my forehead. I move away from him and over towards JD. I give him a big hug smiling really big. Damian pulls me away from him and pushes him against the wall wrapping his hands around his neck choking him hard. I gasp and grab Damian's arm trying to get him off JD. Dom, Finn and Rhea grab Damian's waist and arms trying to get him off as well. Damian looks over at my hand on his arm trying to get him off and notices my black rubber ring. He looks at JD and see a black rubber ring on his finger as well. He drops JD and looks over at me with a serious look on his face. I look up at him slightly scared.
"When were you gonna tell us?! Tell me?!" He grabs my hand pointing to my ring. My eyes go wide looking up at him. He grabs JD's hand and holds it next to mine. The rest of Judgement Day gasps seeing our rings. I look down feeling my face get red slowly pulling my hand away. JD looks at Damian pulling his hand away as well.
"Answer me! Y/N! JD! When were you going to tell us?!"
I look up at Damian than back at Rhea, Finn and Dom.
"Well everyone..... this happened before we left for Raw earlier."
I hold my hand up showing the black ring.
"SO you two just randomly are engaged? Like when did you two even start dating?"
"No Damian. Me and JD have been together since our NXT days."
Rhea, Finn and Dom are silently laughing at Damian. He turns and looks at them with an angry face.
"What is so funny you three?"
"Ummm Damian?"
I tap his shoulder making him turn back to look at me.
"Everyone knew I was dating JD.... but you. We didn't want to tell you because look how you reacted...."
"What?! Are you kidding me?!"
I shake my head yes looking up at him. He looks at me than looks at JD. He grabs JD's shirt pulling him closer to himself.
"You better take care of her or lord help you if you don't. It won't be pretty for you."
I roll my eyes and everyone else starts congratulating me and JD on our engagement. I take the real engagement ring out of my wrestling bag and show it off to them......
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musical-shit-show · 8 months
dancing is a dangerous game
Pairing: Dewey Finn x Reader
Inspiration: Prompts #2 (“apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”) from Prompt List 1 and #15 (“would you ever consider going on a date with me?”) from Prompt List 2 requested by @animetattoochick
Warnings: mentions of drinking, strong language, suggestive dialogue, anxiety, mutual pining
Word Count: 2,305
Author's Note: We’re back baby! Thank you so much to @animetattoochick for this request and so sorry for the delay. I’m working through my other requests now and have more time this coming month to catch up. And very fitting since it’s spooky season and I have some more BJ requests in the pipeline ;) As always, check out my Masterlist, About Me page, and Prompt Lists if you’d like to submit a request! Happy reading!
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“Do you want to go? I feel like it’s getting a bit crowded in here and the door’s right there—”
“Are you drunk?” Dewey asked incredulously, “We just got here!”
You groaned, wishing you were more drunk than you were. Dewey had a natural charm that allowed him to get away with way too much, including convincing you to go out. This time, it was a birthday party for one of Ned’s friends, and the degrees of separation barely warranted you being there.
The party was in the back room of the Roadhouse, and you nodded at some familiar faces as you still tried to formulate an escape plan. You weren’t the biggest partier, and would much rather be hanging out with your best friend on his couch.
You didn’t know when you first became friends with Dewey. You occasionally moonlighted as a substitute teacher, and after a few instances of bumping into Ned, he introduced you to his girlfriend, Patty, and Dewey.
The rest was history.
And although he was one of the only people you could truly rely on, you still found yourself cursing him for pushing you out of your comfort zone.
“Come on, I thought you liked the Roadhouse,” he egged, noticing your arms crossed over your chest in protest, “And they’re actually taking requests tonight! Maybe they’ll play some of that pop bullshit you like.”
Your mouth fell open slightly, then lilted upwards in an indignant smile. Dewey was also a master of getting under your skin.
“Excuse me, Finn,” you responded, “Just because you listen to metal and classic rock 24/7 doesn’t make your music taste any more superior to mine.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart,” he joked, pressing the bottle of beer he was nursing to his lips.
You scanned the room, and relaxed your shoulders as you noticed some familiar faces. Dewey was always the more adventurous one, the one who lit up a room. You didn’t mind fading into the background.
“I’ll uh, go find Patty,” you said, and Dewey’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. He really thought you’d put up more of a fight, “I’ll stay. For now. If you buy me a drink.”
He flashed a toothy smile, glad he could keep you around for a little while longer. “A fair trade. I’ll get right on it.” He gave a small salute, causing you to break into a grin of your own.
You made your way over to the other side of the bar to greet Patty, who was furrowing her brow at her phone. Never a good sign with her.
“Hey, sorry, just finishing up this email,” she droned, rolling her eyes.
“Work?” She nodded wordlessly, and after a few silent moments, she locked her phone with a click and breathed a sigh of relief.
“I love my job, I love my job, I love my job…” she affirmed, rubbing her temples. You sat down at a stool next to her.
“Hey, well, at least it’s done, right?”
“Right, and I don’t have to think about the mayor’s schedule for another 48 hours, so I’m gonna get wasted,” you laughed at her directness as Ned sat on the other side of her, “You in?”
“Oh, uh, maybe?” you were still on the fence about staying too late, and the thought of a hangover did not sound enticing. “Dewey’s grabbing me a drink now, so—”
“Ugh, Dewey,” Patty said, earning an eye roll from Ned. You guessed he wasn’t thrilled about his best friend and girlfriend constantly warring, “When are you two going to hook up already, anyways?”
Your felt your face get hot with blush at the question. You and Dewey? The thought hadn’t crossed your mind. Not for a while, that is.
“Oh my god, you’ve already hooked up, haven’t you?” she said, pulling you closer. You could feel sweat forming on the back of your neck, “Tell me everything.”
“Ned, I swear to god—”
“No!” you said over their bickering, “I mean, sorry, no. Dewey and I, we’re not, I mean, we’re just friends.”
Patty looked at Ned, who quirked an eyebrow. Suddenly you felt very out of the loop.
“Does he know that?” she asked, a devious smirk spread across her face. You loved Patty, but sometimes her gossiping was beyond dangerous.
Before you could answer, Dewey arrived, a drink in each hand. “Jack and Coke, per usual,” he smiled, handing you the glass. You grabbed it, and immediately took a long swig.
“Whoa, killer, slow your roll,” he laughed. Patty and Ned both shifted on their stools. Dewey eyed the three of you suspiciously, “Why do I feel like I missed something?”
“Don’t worry about it, Dew,” Ned replied. For all of his nervous tendencies, he was pretty good at deflecting, “Wanna play some pool?”
You breathed a small sigh of relief as the two men headed towards the billiards tables, leaving you to finish off your drink and work quickly to order another.
“Why do you think me and Dewey hooked up?” you asked Patty, several hours and drinks later. Though you hadn’t crossed the threshold into full drunkenness, you were just tipsy enough to gain some courage.
She sighed, twirling the straw in her gin and tonic. “Because, my love, I see the way he looks at you,” she said, not an ounce of irony or sarcasm in her voice, “And don’t act like you don’t spend every waking moment together—”
“Because we’re friends!” you shot back defensively, “I mean, I’ve never even…I didn’t think he’d like me that way.”
Patty quirked an eyebrow. “Well, do you like him that way?”
A pit formed in your stomach almost instantly as you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. The alcohol in your veins was making you particularly honest.
“I guess, I don’t know…yes. I think. It’s complicated, okay?” you finally spat out, your voice hushed in fear that someone else would hear you, “He’s my best friend, and I didn’t want to ruin what we have so…I never did anything about it.”
For once, she shot you an empathetic look. Her and Dewey were reluctant roommates on the best of days, but even she was heartened by your babbling. “Well, no time but the present,” she said with a smirk.
Patty grabbed your shoulders to turn you ninety degrees, and you saw Dewey standing next to Ned, also a few beers in and clearly having a good time. You gulped, a slower pop song blaring in your ears as the weathered disco ball spun languidly.
“Move along now,” Patty taunted in your ear, “Ned and I have a little bet going about you two.”
“Just for fun,” she said, giving you a little nudge forward, “we have to entertain ourselves somehow, don’t we?”
You walked away from her, and before you had time to think, you heard yourself asking “Wanna dance?” to Dewey, who looked genuinely surprised by your proposition. Ned snuck off without a word, leaving the two of you alone.
A small smirk played on Dewey’s face as the two of you stepped towards the dance floor; there were several other couples dancing near you, and despite your liquid courage, you were praying you wouldn’t be the center of attention.
There was a brief moment of awkwardness as you placed your arms around his neck. It wasn’t like you and Dewey had never danced with each other before; he always had a way of dragging you to the dance floor when one of his favorite classics was played.
But now, you were acutely aware of the way his hands rested on your hips, and how your breath smelled like vodka, and the thin veil of sweat that was making his usually unruly hair stick to his forehead.
“Oh, come on,” he teased, his eyes flickering to your stance, “I think we can do better than the ‘leave room for Jesus’ bullshit, don’t you?” You laughed, realizing how far you were standing from him. It was as if you had been transported back to your 8th grade school dance.
Dewey grabbed one of your hands and laced his fingers with your own. You couldn’t help but let out a small gasp as he pulled your body flush to his, while his other palm gripped your waist tightly.
“That’s better,” he smiled, giving you another once over. Clearly the booze had made him more daring as well. You grinned back, doing your best to hide your newfound nerves.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“I don’t know, I’m just having a good night,” he shrugged, the two of you swaying in sync as the song continued, “You should try it sometime.”
Your mouth fell open slightly at his jab, “Hey, I’m the one who asked you to dance, remember?” you fired back, “Or are you drunker than I thought?” He shook his head in denial. “Quick,” you mocked, removing your hand from his and flashing three digits, “How many fingers am I holding up?” Dewey barked a laugh, gently grabbing your hand again. You smiled nervously at the gesture, your heart beating faster in your chest.
“Why did you ask me, by the way?” his voice uncharacteristically soft, “Not that I mind, but you know I’m used to more headbanging while I dance.”
You smiled, glancing over at Patty and Ned. They were watching you intently, drinks in hand. Of course.
“Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together,” you tried to say nonchalantly, “Or more accurately, that we’ll sleep together. Or, have slept together. I don’t know—”
“Breathe,” Dewey stopped you, “It was Patty, wasn’t it?” You nodded sheepishly, and he shook his head in disbelief, “I swear that woman knows exactly how to drive me insane…I told her nothing is going on between us.” You couldn’t help but notice that his voice had a slight tinge of sadness.
Now was your chance. You said a silent prayer that your nerves wouldn’t get the best of you.
“I mean…it’s not that crazy of an idea, is it?” you probed, doing your best to not shift your eye contact away from Dewey’s brown ones, “We do spend a ton of time together…honestly thinking about it, I kinda get why everyone thinks we’ve…”
Dewey’s eyes widened in mild surprise as you trailed off, the implication clearly hanging in the air. He never would’ve thought he’d be the cautious one when it came to this topic.
“Yeah, sure,” he conceded, “But wouldn’t that, ya know…change things?”
He always had feelings for you, but he didn’t want to risk ruining your friendship. You were too important to him, and an amazing friend, so he had silently resigned himself to hold those feelings close to his chest.
You swallowed your fear and shoved it down your throat. “Of course,” you became acutely aware of your palms growing sweatier by the second and hoped he didn’t notice, “But is it bad that I don’t care? Maybe we could give it a try. It could be good. Really good, even.”
“Goddamn, what has gotten into you tonight?” he threw your own question back at you as you felt your face getting flush.
“Maybe I don’t want to be a wuss anymore,” you smiled, “You should take notes, Finn.” He barked a laugh at your teasing.
Your stomach flipped as a completely new expression came over Dewey’s face. Well, at least completely new to you; who knows how he looked at you when you weren’t paying attention.
But you could tell from the way he eyed you that something finally shifted. “So,” he said coyly, “Since I’m a gentleman, I’m just going to make sure I do this the right way: Would you ever consider going on a date with me?”
Before you could answer, he spun you around and dipped you playfully, a giggle bubbling out of you as the song came to a close.
“Duh, you idiot,” you laughed, heart swelling in your chest now that the pent-up feelings you held onto for years were finally released. How could you have missed what was right in front of you for so long? You were almost embarrassed that Patty had to spell it out for you.
“Or maybe we could skip the date and go back to your place instead?” Dewey couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow suggestively. He certainly didn’t wait to start the blatant flirting, and you weren’t exactly complaining.
Still, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, “Why, so you can avoid Patty for the rest of the night?”
“Can you blame me? She’s a nightmare.”
“She’s fine, Dew,” you said as you both walked away from the dance floor, “And you have to admit, she clocked us pretty well.”
“I am not drunk enough to pay that woman a compliment,” he retorted, crossing his arms across his chest. You knew he was only partially kidding but still laughed anyways, “And she wasn’t right about everything. We haven’t hooked up. Again, we can definitely change that—”
“Don’t make me punch you, Finn,” you threatened, a playful smile dancing on your lips. You couldn’t believe how easily you both slipped into casual flirting; then again, you wondered if you had always been doing it without even realizing.
It was clear everyone else noticed, not that it mattered anymore.
“Kidding,” he said, throwing his hands up in mock surrender, “Kind of.”
“How about this,” you proposed, reaching the bar again. Luckily none of your friends were around to grill you just yet, “You buy me another drink, we dance some more, and see where the night takes us?”
Dewey’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Looks like you’ve got yourself a deal.”
Thanks for reading! Like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed :)
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dollywony · 2 years
bet - m.w
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pairing(s): mike x reader
summary: michael wheeler accepts a bet to make you fall in love with him before the school year ends but what ends up happening when he starts to fall too?
a/n: if you can’t tell I’m a whore for angst + i was typing this in the lab 💀
warnings: cursing, fluff 2 angst back 2 somewhat fluff?? 😭
wc: 2.25k+
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It had been three months since you and Mike had made it official. Three months since Mike Wheeler had made the bet with his friends.
A bet to make anyone of their choice to fall in love with him until the last day of school. If he had won, his friends would pitch in and give him 200 dollars. If he had lost, he would have to give his Atari up to his friends. And god, Mike Wheeler was not one to turn down bets.
That same day, Mike had approached you by your lockers saying he found you cute and wanted to know if you would accept his proposal for dinner at Bennys. You had said yes, for goodness sake you thought no one ever saw you as attractive. Especially someone like Mike Wheeler.
To say you were on the moon when you heard those words was an understatement. You felt as if your grin was going to leave a permanent mark on your face from how hard you were smiling.
Over the months you and Mike had dated, you felt like you knew him better than you knew yourself. Mike liked his mom's apple pie the best, he despised the fumes of nail polish, he kept his hair messy because he thinks the ladies love it, and so much more.
You were the same, opening up to Mike about almost everything. Your insecurities, your relationship with your parents, and practically everything else in your life. Like the time in third grade when your crush had laughed in your face when you had confessed your feelings.
You were the same, opening up to Mike about almost everything. Your insecurities, your relationship with your parents, and practically everything else in your life. Like the time in third grade when your crush had laughed in your face when you had confessed your feelings.
You were the same, opening up to Mike about almost everything. Your insecurities, your relationship with your parents, and practically everything else in your life. Like the time in third grade when your crush had laughed in your face when you had confessed your feelings.
You were the same, opening up to Mike about almost everything. Your insecurities, your relationship with your parents, and practically everything else in your life. Like the time in third grade when your crush had laughed in your face when you had confessed your feelings.
You were the same, opening up to Mike about almost everything. Your insecurities, your relationship with your parents, and practically everything else in your life. Like the time in third grade when your crush had laughed in your face when you had confessed your feelings.
Mike had cheered you up nethertheless, saying that he missed out bigtime. And you believed him. Mike made you feel wanted, he made you feel important.
It wasn't like Mike Wheeler was lying, he did see something special in you. Something he hadn't seen in other girls.
He liked that you weren't afraid to let him see who you truly were. Not just your perfect side, a side where a majority of people like to hide.
He saw someone who was refreshing to look at. He saw someone who made him feel free. He didn’t want stupid, silly hair gel, he would be more than content with a girlfriend who brushed his hair to help him maintain it.
Six months into their relationship Mike had gifted you a scrapbook full of images of memories and messages from him. You had bursted into tears when you were finished taking in every detail of the book. You felt pathetic with the bracelet you had made him but Mike assured you that he wasn’t disappointed.
Their could be no fucking way he was disappointed, he loved it. He loved the charms attached to it representing important key details in your relationship. A milkshake charm to represent the strawberry milkshakes you two always shared at Benny’s. A pie charm to represent the endless amount of times you stole a slice or two from Mrs. Wheeler’s freshly baked apple pie. A music charm to represent the love you both held for AC/DC. God he couldn’t be happier.
As your relationship was nearing the ten month mark, Mike had slowly forgotten about the bet he made with his friends.
That is until he was approached. “Mike you haven’t forgotten about our little bet right?” Troy had questioned stepping closer to Mike. realization slowly sank into Mike as he remembered the bet he had made carelessly months ago. “Oh.. yea right the bet! No I didn’t forget? What made you think that?” Mike shamelessly lied to his friends, scratching his neck.
As you were walking down the hall trying to reach the lab before the bell rang, you overheard Troy retort, “Oh you know, you and Y/n have been really close these days. I wouldn’t be surprised if you fell in love with that hag instead.”, laughing with his goons.
A fucking hag? Would it hurt him to look in a mirror? You had thought. You quickly hid behind the lockers trying to hear what they were saying. As you peered at the group, your eyes laid upon Mike. Huh, that was weird.
“Oh hell no dude!”, Mike's voice spewed out, disguising itself as grossed out. “Why would I ever fall in love with her? I mean, have you seen her? She looks digusting with those fucking eyebags and don’t even get me started on the daddy issues with this one. It's insane. You better prepare the $200 because I am not losing this bet.” Mike rushed out, as if these words were acid.
Nothing ran through your head. You didn’t hear Troy and his goons laughing and leaving. You didn’t hear the loud thud your chemistry book made when it fell to the ground.
All you heard was Mike's response over and over. The words rang through your head like an alarm. He didn’t love me. He thought I was hideous. As the tears began to bubble up in your eyes, you ran.
You didn’t know where you were going, but you had to go somewhere. Somewhere that wasn’t tainted by mike. Somewhere where your apparent lover hadn’t left his mark.
You kept on running and running. Wiping the constant tears away while running had exhausted you but nothing hurt more than his words. Then that was it? All the words he had told you, all the messages, everything?
Everything was fake?
As you approached your house, you barged in. you didn’t bother to answer your mother, concerned why you had so much rage in doing simple tasks.
You didn’t care. All that circled your head was that Mike never loved you. It was fake. All part of some fucking, stupid bet. As you scramble through your drawers, dumping out everything that Mike had gifted you, the heartache only grew.
You shoved all of the gifts he had made you in a tote bag. You didn’t care about anything else. How could you have been so stupid? How did you let yourself spiral down this mess?
Those were Mike’s exact thoughts too. As he heard the thud of your book, he had looked near your direction only to see your back as you ran away, Mary Janes clicking against the ground. He had known it was you.
Only you were brave enough to engrave your initials into the heels. As Mike had connected the dots, he realized that you must’ve overheard his conversation.
He should have explained a long time ago. No, fuck that. He should have admitted how he felt before falling down a hole he would never be able to get out of. He knew, he knew that this was a situation that was bound to happen but he was terrified.
Terrified on how you would react. Terrified that you wouldn’t give him a second chance.
Fingers grasping around the scrapbook Mike made for the both of you, you couldn’t help but think how could have done this all for a bet. A measly fucking bet. 
Shoving the scrapbook into the tote bag, you stormed out of your house, riding your bike into the middle of the woods.
Oh how you wanted to scream. Scream at Mike, scream at Troy, scream at anyone who was willing to listen. Scream how you felt. You weren’t even sure how to describe it. All you saw was red. 
As Mike scurried around Hawkins on his bike, wondering where the hell you were, he had caught sight of your figure running into the woods. He had ditched his bike wherever he was, he finally could explain himself.
You threw the bag onto the floor, dumping all the gifts out without care. As you ripped and destroyed everything in your sight, you kept on crying. Fuck. It hurt like a bitch. 
What have you ever done to Mike Wheeler huh? What did they gain from this? What was the whole fucking reason? Sure you weren’t the best looking or the most popular but you had never gone out of your way to harm them like they had done to you. 
As your eyes laid on the unharmed scrapbook, you slowly picked it up. Flipping through the pages frantically, you try to find any signs that showed that he truly loved you.
Maybe, just maybe he really did like you for one moment. You needed to cling into the last spark of hope you had. As you scanned the last page, the letter he had left you to read for your first anniversary was there, untouched. 
“Promise me, promise me you won’t read it until time comes.” Mike had said, gazing into your eyes. “I won’t Mikey, I promise.” You replied, hugging him. 
Fuck that promise. It was basically nearing a year. What’s the harm? Your relationship was practically over. 
Dear Y/n,
If you’re reading this, we’ve most likely broken up. To be honest, I didn’t really even know who you were until Troy pointed out that you existed. That’s really shitty to admit but, it’s true. But I am so fucking grateful that I met you. 
I know this is such an asshole move, but I got dared to make you fall in love with me. And I accepted because number one, I didn’t know who you were, number two, I treasured my Atari so much, and number three, I wanted that two-hundred. But now? Fuck that. Fuck my Atari. Fuck the two-hundred. They can have all that if it means that I can have you. 
These past few months have probably been one of the best months of my life. Meeting you, getting to know you, has been so thrilling. You’re like a fresh breath of air. 
I want us to try again if you’ll allow it. If you’ll allow it, I’ll do anything. I’ll restart everything, pretend I've never known you. Fuck maybe you’ll forgive me and we’ll progress from there on. I don't care. Everyday since the night at Benny’s you’ve been on my mind since then. 
You are a fucking pearl in the massive heaps of sand. I’d be a fool to try and not make myself look foolish to keep you than just to let you go.
So I beg you, y/n please give me another chance. I wont fuck this one up. I swear, every word I said to you, I meant it. Your smile, the fact that your lips taste like grapes, no. I love everything about you. I'll understand if you won’t accept my apology, but please. Please think it over.
                                                                                                    Forever yours,
Mikey ♡
Oh my god. You didn’t know what to believe. You heard nothing. All the leaves crumbling under Mikes converse, your intense heartbeat, the sudden thunder. Nothing.
As you felt someone’s gaze on you, you looked up. Regrettably, you immediately avoided eye contact. Mike. Fuck. How were you going to explain this?
“Y/n-” Mike started, a mixture of emotions in his voice. “Mike, no.” You said, getting back up. “Mike is this- is this real?” your voice cracked.
You were terrified of his answer. You were terrified of the thought of starting over. Terrified that this is linked to another bet.
But this terror didn’t overcome the terror of the whole letter being a joke.
“Y/n.. Why would you question that?” Mike's voice came out, hurt. As he approached you, taking off his sweater he spoke. “Of course the letter is real. Everything, every single thing I wrote out, I meant it. I love you more than anything.”
You felt his sweater around you, trying to shield the fierce bullets of rain pouring onto the two of you. “B-but then why.. Why’d you say all those things?” You blubbered out, avoided eye contact with the only person who gave you sparks. Sparks of love.
“Y/n, I didn’t really mean it. I know it was unnecessary, but I froze up and blurted out random fucking shit. I feel like an asshole. Really.” Mike stammered, cupping your face. As your eyes lock, you examine his face, trying to detect a lie.
None. You could tell that Mike truly meant this. But it still hurts. You’ve only told Mike about the problems you’ve been having physically and mentally and he used it against you whether he liked it or not.
“Mike,” you started, tearing up once again. “I think I’m going to need some time to think it over..”. Sobs erupted out of you. “You know? It’s just too much at once.” You said, removing your hand from Mike's grasp.
“O-oh yea! Totally no no it’s okay!” Mike had said, and he genuinely meant it. He had known that what he said had hurt you. He would by all means give up everything to go back in time to not say that.
“Just know Y/n, I’ll always love you and I never meant what I said. I fucked up big time.” Mike let 
out, eyes watery. “Thank you Mike.” You said, leaving, bringing the unharmed scrapbook with you. 
You felt guilty of course, Mike had seen that you destroyed mainly everything he gifted you. But that didn’t matter. What really mattered was if you were going to give him another chance. 
Mike didn’t ask for his sweater back. Neither did Y/n give it back. He hoped that this could be an opportunity for him. Any opening or signs he would receive from you, he’d run them to the ground.
He was letting go of this bet for you.
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thetopichot · 6 months
•°♧ Finn Fluff Alphabet ♧°•
6/7 of the boys. SHADYS BACK! I'm back from kicking sickness in the BALLS. Nothing can stop me from this challenge.
CW: Suggestive
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A = Abundance Of Love (Are they a loud lover that loves to express their love in many ways or are they a quiet lover that loves those quiet intimate moments?)
I would say he's a bit of a quiet lover. He enjoys those special moments with you where you both are alone & just embracing eachother.
B = Brave (Were they the first to confess? If so, how did the confession go?)
He was going to be the first to confess, but you beat him to it. However, not in the way that you expect. He was actually planning on confessing to you until you came to him for a bouquet. You said it was for your crush that you were going to confess & that poor boy's heart was absolutely shattered, but WAIT, there's more!
As he was finishing up the bouquet & handed to you, you paid for it & told him to keep it. He was absolutely confused about why you would hand back the bouquet to him. This was a confession to your crush, wasn't it? Why are you handing it to him? Then, something flickered in his mind. DING! OH SHIT IT WAS HIM. 😳 He started blushing as red as a tomato.
C = Control (Do they take the wheel of the relationship or do they let someone else do the driving?)
Yeah, no. You're the one who does the driving. White boy is not the guy that takes initiative. Although sometimes he plans dates & he takes care of you, everything else he leaves to you.
D = Dreamboat (What do they find attractive in their partner(s)?)
THIS *SOBS LOUDLY* WHITEY. I love him so much bro oh my God. He couldn't even pinpoint what he finds attractive about you. You are just genuinely so beautiful to him. From your head to your toes. Inside & Out. He's just happy that he is yours & you are his.
E = Empathetic (If their partner(s) was in a not so good mood, how would they cheer them up?)
Hell yeah, cuddle time with the boy! He is holding you in his arms as he soothes you with his voice. You guys would be doing breathing exercises & you can hug him as tightly as you need to. You don't have to talk about whatever you're feeling as of the moment. Take as long as you need if you like. All that matters to him is that you're okay & that he's always by your side whenever you need him.
F = Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
Honestly, Finn would NEVER. He doesn't initiate fights & he would fucking hate himself if he made you upset. Like he wouldn't let that shit slide. That's becoming a core memory, brother. Also to piss off Finn takes A LOT OF FUCKING WORK. Either you're the one being the dick or something REALLY pissed him off that wasn't caused by you but of course he will always apologize. Regardless who fault it is or even if it was nobody's fault.
Please let the boy know that not everything is his fault.
G = General (Random Fluff Headcanon)
I keep thinking about Finn hitting the fucking griddy but I feel like he's more cupid shuffle guy. Either way seeing him dancing would be fucking funny.
H = Home (How would they feel living with their partner(s)?)
Living with you is great, but expect him to out & about in his garden 5 in the morning. Ahem, ahem. TOPPLESS. Yeah, caught your attention, didn't I? Anyway, you would also be woken to the smell of some good ass food & honestly, hell yeah. He loves living with you & he gets to spend more time with you. Also, seeing you very sleepy when you wake up is adorable to him.
I = Idealistic (What's their personal preference in a special someone?)
Doesn't really have one.
J = Jealousy (Do they get protective of their partner(s) when someone flirts with them?)
He's giving that person a fucking side eye & a nervous smile to you. He's not much of a jealous type since he trusts you, but he does get a little emotional punch in his stomach when someone flirts with you. He shakes it off, but if it makes you uncomfortable that someone is flirting with you, he's holding your hand tightly & keeping an eye on the weirdo.
He doesn't resort to violence because he's not a violent person, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't politely go off on that person. He wants to make sure that you are safe.
K = Key To The Heart (What is something that will make them fall in love instantly?)
If you let him nerd out to his silly floral facts, that's enough to capture his heart.
L = Luxurious (Do they spoil their partner(s) rotten? If they do, how do they spoil them?)
I would say so. With baked goods & tea! He would make those specialized tea blends where each ingredient represents you. Of course, he's very careful of his ingredients & treats it with care. Also, baked goods basket only for you, pookie. 😘
M = Marriage (How would they feel about getting married?)
Honestly, he is so down for it. He would give anything to spend the rest of his life with you. He treasures you a lot. More than anything that you can imagine.
Proposing to you is the most romantic shit you have ever been in. He's on one knee in a beautiful butterfly garden & he's in a suit. Of course, he says the most important phrase of your lives.
"My dear sunflower. The sun that lights up my blue skies. It would mean the world to me if you were by my side. Will you be the sunflower in my garden for the rest of all time?"
N = Nobility (How honest are they to their partner(s)? Do they hide anything?)
He's pretty honest. It's not like he hides anything bad. If anything, Finn is pretty shit at lying because every time he lies, he smiles.
O = Overwhelmed (If they were in a not so good mood, how can their partner(s) help them out?)
Hold him & please tell him everything is going to be okay. Bro is at his breaking point & he's like an inch away from just straight busting into tears. It's too much for him & he just wants to go home with you. Help him around the shop & then cuddle him when you guys get back home. There is nothing he wants more than just to be held right now.
P = Passionate (What is something to them that means a lot to them that only their partner(s) knows about it?)
Floral Facts, broski. It's what makes Finn, Finn! He worries about rambling about plant facts, history, & whatnot. You letting him nerd out about his passion makes him feel so free. Like he can talk about anything & you always seem so genuinely interested in what he talks about. HE IS CRINGE, BUT BY JOVE IS HE FREE‼️‼️
Q = Quirky (Something silly that they do.)
Finn messes up his speech sometimes. There was a time he messed up so bad with you where he just said something absolutely WILD.
"Hey, love? You would like some nuts in your mouth?"
Give him like 2 minutes & now he's on the floor crying.
R = Romantic (What is their love language?)
Quality Time & Physical Touch! He loves holding your hands or cuddling on the couch during a rainy day. Of course, him talking about his facts is his love language. Bro is gonna infodump the FUCK outta you & that's what we love about him. Mwah, mwah.
S = Sublime (What is the best gift that their partner(s) can give them?)
Honestly, you are the best gift that he can ever ask for. There isn't really anything he can ask for besides your love, concern, & your time. There is nothing more he wants than you.
T = Touching (How do they feel about PDA?)
U = Undeniable (Did everyone know about their crush on their partner(s)?)
Hell yeah, brother‼️‼️🗣🗣
He enjoys showing how much he loves you through hand holding & little kisses on ya face. He's just a wholesome lover & he just enjoys you very much.
V = Visionary (What do they want their future to look like with their partner(s)?)
JACK knew, PATTY knew, & BITCH, YOU KNEW. Bro did not hide that shit well. HELL, EVEN THE CUSTOMERS KNEW. He can't hide his feelings for you for shit without smiling like a goober.
He wants to live together with you in a cottage & raise a garden together. Maybe you guys could run the shop together & be those cute old couples that love each other very much. Ya’ll are so fucking cute together, oh my god.
W = Wacky (General Fluff Headcanon. Again.)
He plays Animal Crossing & he's a fucking GOD at it. Like his island is fucking beautiful & well built. He doesn't do the time traveling technique either since he would rather take his time enjoying the game.
X = Xaroncharoo (Yes, that's a word. Look it up. In a domestic sense, what are they exceptional at in the home?)
Cooking. OH MY GOD. I shall emphasize this until the day I die. This shall be put onto my tombstone. Finn's food is probably the best fucking food known to man. I just KNOW if you were to take a bite outta of his food, tears shall fall outta ya eyes because it's just THAT good. Bro he put his love & devotion to you into that fucking omelet.
Y = Yearning (If their partner(s) went out to get something without them/went off to work, how would they feel about it?)
He would feel sad. Especially during the wintertime, he's quite needy & he will take a bit of your time before ya go. However, if you need to go, he would whine a bit, but he would eventually accept it. It's something that has to happen & he doesn't wanna keep you for long. When you do comeback, he's waiting for you on the couch for cuddles.
Z = Zonked (How do they cuddle?)
Speaking of which, I feel like it doesn't really matter to him. Although his two favorite positions would be you on top of him laying on his stomach as he rubs your back or the both of you just facing each other while his face is in the crook of your neck.
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath 👇 ☆ミ
🩷 - IM ALMOST DONE WITH THIS SHIT. ONE MORE BOY & I CAN LIVE IN PEACE WITH THE FACT THAT WROTE ALL 7 BOYS. I also wrote this in 1 whole day, lol. I just forgot to post it.
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deepdisireslonging · 3 months
A Throne Fit for a Queen
The Reader escapes her own birthday with her lover to see what gift he’s hidden away for her. They put it to use, learning together only the beginning of its capabilities.
Pairing: Finn Balor x Reader
Warnings/Promises: SMUT, sex chair, oral (female receiving), creampie, cw Food mention
Word Count: 2500
Note: Happy birthday to my writing bestie, @neversatisfiedgirl! This was going to be a quick smutty fluffy ficlet… and then I fell down a research hole. Happy reading!
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It had been a well-meant gesture. Kenny had planned everything. Had been since the beginning of the year, seemingly more excited for your birthday than you or your own mother. We’re talking the venue, the cake, the pile of presents in one corner. And what felt like hundreds of your closest friends and family from across multiple wrestling companies. All gathered together for you. The extravagance awed you.
“I just completed another orbit around the sun. I’m not retiring,” you muttered under your breath. Still, a smile wasn’t far off as you watched the master of ceremonies pelt Damian with a series of streamers, hopelessly entangling his victim. You giggled behind your hand as Rhea tried to help him out.
Then warm hands slid around your middle. A lingering kiss nestled into the curve of your neck. When you hummed and leaned into the strong torso behind you, a growl answered.
“How’d you know it was me?”
“As if anyone else would dare to hold me like this.” You turned in his arms, draping your own across his shoulders to play with the short hairs at the base of his neck. “Finn, darling, what are you up to?”
He pursed his lips and looked up at the ceiling. “I can’t wish my best girl a happy birthday?”
“I suppose.” You dragged your teeth over your bottom lip. “Your best girl, huh? How many girls you got in reserve there, Cassanova?”
“Ha. Ha.” He gave your hips a squeeze. “Just one. Even if I tried to have other girls, they’d always be jealous about how much time and affection I lavish on you.”
“Good to hear.”
Finn smiled into the kiss you gave him, smirking when a few whistles and hoots tried to distract him. “Looks like this party’s in full swing. Would you like your present before Kenny pulls us back into the fray?”
You rolled your eyes. “You already gave me my presents. They were lovely. I really don’t need anything-“
“I know. But,” he bobbled his head with a sparkle in his eye, “I’ve got something else that I hope you can use year-round.”
Intriguing. All of his other presents had been wonderful. Just what you wished for. Apparently, he had been keeping a list whenever you mentioned needing or wanting something, and taking note of things you let linger through your hands while out shopping. You wondered what this one could be, and when you had wished for it. “What is it?”
“Do. You. Want. Your. Present?”
With a big sigh, you dragged out your answer, “yes.”
Off to one side, a flash of red hair darted behind Kevin Owens. A slice of cake splattered all over his face a second later. You’d have to find out later if it was Becky or Sami from one of the closer witnesses. If anyone hazarded to squeal. Finn used the distraction to his advantage. He took hold of your wrist, deftly dragging you through the crowd of laughing and partying guests, until you made the escape to a back hallway. Like a child about to get into infinite trouble, he looked both ways before crashing through a door with you.
The lighting was dim. But candles flickered all around the small space that was probably nothing more than a large closet.
Finn cut off your question with a smoldering kiss that made your knees wobble. “Kenny asked me for tips about celebrating you, of course. Originally planned today as a surprise party-“
“Oh, dear-“
“Exactly. But I talked him out of it. And set up my own party space while he was directing everyone else.” His hands lingered up your sides, leaving tingling, hot trails in their wake. You whimpered into his mouth as his touch toyed with the flowy hem of your party dress. “Liking everything so far?”
“Mhmm.” You caught his bottom of lip between your teeth, sucking on it till he pulled himself away to bury his face in your cleavage. “So… I get to use you year-round?”
Then you caught sight of what was in the center of the room. You had wondered if a “pinned-to-the-wall” quickie was the present. Not that it was a bad thing, but not usually Finn’s detailed style. But the centerpiece, that made a lot more sense. How in the world had he gotten that thing in here without anyone noticing?
Finn felt your breath stutter under his ministrations. He followed your gaze. “Oh, yes. That. You are always welcome to use me all year, but I figured maybe you could use and be used on something ornate enough to enthrone my Queen.”
It was a King Edward chair. You knew the one. Designed for the “playboy prince” of the Victorian era. Scholars still didn’t know all the positions that could be accomplished on it. Now that you had your own, and a willing partner to experiment with, maybe you could find out. Already your imagination was swirling with the possibilities. How Finn could take you with you spread across it. Or vise versa. Whereas the original was in white and gold with floral cushions, this one was black and silver with red cushions. The perfect private throne for a Demon King or his Queen.
But Finn wasn’t letting you move. He sank to his knees, pinning you against the door by your hips while his head disappeared under your dress. You covered your mouth as his nose pressed into the front of your sensible undergarments. He nipped your inner thigh for it.
“Everyone’s at the party. No one around to hear you.” With a chuckle, he peeked out from under the fabric. “Unless we really get into it.” From one kneecap to the next, he placed a gentle kiss on your skin. “Don’t hold back, m'aingeal. It’s your day and I want you to feel everything.”
You nodded, letting your hand drop to his hair. With the other, you held back your skirt to watch what he was doing to you. With a pleased hum, he again pressed his nose into your sex, nudging about before catching the fabric waistband with his teeth. His nails and teeth lightly scraped against your skin as he desperately worked to bare you to him. The sight of your slick made him ferocious. He hiked one of your legs over his shoulder. Then, he really began to work. Tongue and fingers. Humming and sucking. You leaned your head back against the door, panting and doing your best not to thrust into his face.
All the while, you could see the chair. A pleasurable threat. A dangerous promise.
“Getting close, féileacán?”
You were. But all you could do was moan an affirmation. Your release was approaching. Fluttering nearer with each curl of his fingers, or jolting you with a nip to your thigh.
He added another digit to the ones already stretching you out. Then, when his mouth enveloped you, you fell apart. Your fingers shakily dug into his scalp, making him groan and prolong your pleasure with the vibrations. Those vibrations told hold of your whole body. Your lungs quaked in their cage next to your frantically beating heart, aiding the spotting of your vision. Your other hand dropped your skirt, reaching above you to claw against the door. You were aware of his movements to bring you down slowly, and to bring himself back into the flickering light. But mostly you were trying to remember how to breathe.
Then he was kissing at the underside of your jaw. He smeared your skin with the essence he had just drawn from you.
“We-“ you licked your lips, “we need to go back-“
“Do you really think I was going to show you your present… and then not use it with you at least till one orgasm? Oh, leanbh,” he tugged on your waist, “we’re just getting started.”
That promise dragged a whimper from your soul.
But once you stood in front of the chair, you had to wonder: how were you supposed to… mount this thing? Tilting your head, you considered a few ways. Maybe if you climbed up on it first, you could rotate to lay on your back?
You had just leaned over it to do just that when Finn flicked up the back of your skirt and began to knead the globes of your seat.
“Forget that iced monstrosity out there,” he gave your ass a slap, “I’ve got the sweetest treat right here.”
Another few slaps helped you up, where you could turn to lay on your back. The foot rests (stirrups?) did help you keep your position instead of sliding off. But they also arched your legs *way* open. Finn’s brilliant blue eyes were enraptured by the sight. Unblinking, he ran his hands up and down your thighs. Like a moth to a flame, he drew closer until the bulge trapped in his jeans was close enough for your sex to feel the heat. He took hold of the grips standing up next to your ribs. His knuckles turned white, the only evidence how much this man was holding back from blowing his load from the view alone.
You sat up. And reached for his front button. His hands met yours there. Together, you raced to release his cock into the open. When it finally sprung free, he gave a gasp of relief. The eagerness of it, warm and stiff in your hand, made your mouth water. But leaned over you, making sure to place your hands on the grips firmly enough to tell you that you needed to hang on.
Murmuring filthy Irish curses under his breath, he toyed with you further by sliding his cock through your slick. The head bumped your clit from time to time, making you whine.
“Please. Don’t make me wait.”
“Of course not, Love. I just- hmm. I can’t get enough of you being so wet for me. So ready. Making those sounds of yours. Calling out for me like you do when you beg. But you’re right. I can’t make the birthday girl wait.”
Inch by glorious inch, he filled you. You fully leaned back into the chair, hanging onto the grips for dear life. When he was fully seated within you, and panting with the feel of you around his length, his own hands joined yours on the grips. Thankfully, he started slow. You would have flown apart instantly at that angle if he’d pounded into you immediate like he wanted to. Faintly you could hear the music of the party still going on beyond the walls. But soon, all you could focus on hearing was the slapping of Finn’s hips colliding with yours. His grunts and gasps as he speared deeper and deeper. Your own cries and jumbled words as you pleaded with him to move one way or the other. And the creaking of the chair. The faster he went, the more his hands slid down the grips until they rested over yours. That slightest contact of skin dazzled you.
“Please, please, please-“
Whatever you were begging for, Finn answered in full force. It didn’t take long, despite feeling like you’d been dangling on the edge of a precipice for an eternity, before Finn’s thrusts stuttered. He reached for your clit, thumbing over it until you were weeping his name. He watched, enraptured, as you came apart. Chest heaving. Hair plastered around your forehead. And he watched your lips murmuring like he was waiting.
Your grip on the bars faltered as he kept moving, chasing his own release. “Come on, mo rí diabhal. Fill me, possess me, like only you can-“
With a roar, he did just that. He pumped all he had to give into you. When he was finally spent, he fell over you, his head resting on your breasts.
Again, the distant drifting of the party sounds found you. And, despite the incredible desire to stay just where you were, curling your fingers into his hair, you eventually made the first move to leave. He groaned, irritated when he had to pull himself out of you. He fixed his pants, but stood in the way of your dismount. You cradled his head to your shoulder, wondering if he could still smell the post-orgasmic kiss he gave you earlier.
“We need to go back.”
“We smell like sex.” You shot him a playful frown when he seemed unperturbed. “What are going to tell people when they ask where we’ve been?”
“The truth.” He held your chin between his thumb and forefinger so you couldn’t avoid his gaze. “I had to give the birthday girl her present.”
Your eyebrows raised. “Oh? Just like that?”
“Just like that.”
“And if they ask what the present was?” You gripped his wrist, but he refused to budge.
“We’ll tell them, ‘what do you think’ and leave it at that.” He quickly kissed you before letting you go. “You don’t think I’d tell them about our new toy, did you?” He helped you off the chair and back into your panties, not missing an opportunity to feel you up again. “I would never. It’s our secret. Though we’ve got to end this shindig quick. I’m not through with you.”
You rolled your eyes, starting to wonder who the present was actually for. “No?”
“Not in the slightest. And it’s portable. I’m thinking about attaching wheels to the bottom so we can move it around.”
You startled. Then grinned. “It might look a little odd… rolling this thing around the airport.” You giggled when his surprised face matched yours at what he had insinuated.
“I was thinking-“ his voice cracked. After clearing his throat he tried again, “I was thinking about moving it to different rooms in the house.” He stepped close, once again pinning you to the door so he could whisper in your ear. “Perhaps tie you down to it. Cover those pretty eyes of yours so you’re disorientated. Only able to think about what I’ll do to you.” He snickered and stepped back. “But I like the way you think. Maybe I can borrow someone’s jet sometime and really take you higher than the mile-high club. Remember that flight to Toronto?”
Your pussy threatened to gush again with the memory. “Maybe.”
A wicked gleam filled his gaze. “Then let’s finish up this party quick so I can get you home.”
Wrestling Masterlist
Other Finn Fics:
Fright Club (Fluff)
The Forbidden Door (Stripper!Balor, Smut)
Dangerous (Smut) [Prince Devitt]
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thehollowwriter · 4 months
Summary: Jade and Finn enjoy a moment in the forest together
(Pls reblog and leave a comment ❤️)
The feeling of grass under his feet was like heaven on earth.
Finn gazed silently at the lush green blades, awed. Soft and cold, the sweet grass tickling at his toes made his brain tingle in delight.
How ironic. He hated the feeling of sand, the dreadful rough, coarse stuff that always managed to worm its way into places he didn't know he had. Sand, abundant in his home, left such a sour taste in his mouth.
But grass? A notable land feature? It was a pleasant sensation.
"I see you're enjoying yourself over there."
Finn turned his head to see Jade entering the clearing he was standing in with his arms full of jars filled with the various flora and fauna of the forest.
Jade looked positively delighted, smiling brightly as he placed the jars and his large bag on the ground.
"Prefer the grass over sand, then?" The eel asked, tilting his head. "You look happy."
Finn nodded his head and padded over to where Jade was standing, sighing.
"It's nice." He murmured. "Soft. Quiet. I like it here."
He gazed at the shaded clearing they had decided to rest in. Soft glittering sunlight streamed through the trees, and a gentle breeze made leaves rustle and grass away, joining the music caused by a bubbling creek.
The calls of various birds and insects sounded from all around them, and a sweet smell filled the air.
It was serene.
Jade unzipped his bag, pulled out a large blanket, and rolled it onto the grass.
"Come. Sit." He insisted. "It's lunchtime."
Finn rolled his eyes. It was barely noon. Nonetheless, he humoured his partner and sat down across from him.
"You're awfully impatient. It's only eleven-thirty."
Jade's smile was placid and unbothered.
"For your food, darling, I can never wait." He said sweetly, taking a large container of food and some flasks from the bag.
"It's only sandwiches and tea," Finn said softly. "Papa sent up the meat."
Jade simply chuckled. "True, but every little thing you make should be served to a prince."
Finn's cheeks warmed, and he busied himself with staring at the creek.
"Don't say stupid things like that." He mumbled. "A prince won't eat sandwiches."
"Not unless it's yours." Jade teased, laughing when Finn covered his face with his hands. "Here, just grab something to eat."
To the surmise of absolutely nobody, both of them reached for the sliced meat first. The meat was cut so beautifully and tasted so delicious it was almost unreal. Finn was delighted his father sent some up, as were his three parasites - uh, boyfriends.
Sharp teeth tore through the flesh of raw fish easily, allowing an explosion of flavour to burst forth. One would expect it to taste salty, but Finn's father truly had a gift with flavour.
They ate in comfortable silence, happy to simply enjoy each other's company and admire the scenery.
Finn shifted his gaze away from the gentle creek to find Jade staring at something with wide eyes.
"It's pink deathcaps!' Jade exclaimed, a positively delighted smile crossing onto his face. He began shuffling through the bag for his camera and notebook, mumbling about how rare this was.
Finn smiled and closed his eyes, humming in acknowledgement to Jade's words.
At first, Finn had little interest in mushrooms, but after listening to Jade's excited ramblings about them, he realised they were beautiful and horrifying little things. Nowadays, it was not uncommon to find them in his paintings, whether it be a few in the background or a wave of mycelium engulfing his main piece.
Jade, positively beaming in excitement, scribbled in his notebook and posted the surprisingly high quality Polaroid he had taken inside.
"Come look!"
Sighing, Finn shuffled across the blanket so he was next to Jade, squinting.
Jade, much to Finn's surprise, locked their fingers together and used his free hand to point at a large tree.
There, sprouting out of one of the branches, was a sizable group of pink deathcap mushrooms.
"Aren't they beautiful?"
Finn nodded. His head slowly turned to face Jade.
Sunshine bathed the eel's face in a gentle golden light, catching the glittering gold and olive of his excited eyes and the teal of his hair. His lips, shiny and soft, were pulled into a wide smile that showed off viciously sharp teeth. His voice, warm and deep, was like music.
"Yes." Finn whispered, unable to tear his gaze away. "Beautiful."
A/N:.I hope you liked this one! Finn and Floyd's is up next <3
Tagging: @distant-velleity @krenenbaker @whspermy-name @theleechyskrunkly @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @the-banana-0verlord @kitwasnothere
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Christmas at the Compound: "Couple" Days of Christmas
Day Five: Gingerbread Houses
Pretty self explanatory.
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It was mostly a disaster at first. The walls kept caving in and the roof slipped once or twice but eventually you got something pretty presentable.
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Perfection. Not a drop of icing out of place. Subtle notes of Japanese and Russian architecture can be found in the variety of Runt candies dotting the roof.
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Oh... Oh geez it's bad. Between the two of you, most of the frosting disappeared pretty quick and what was left was barely enough to hold that poor excuse for a shack together.
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In a word... Chaos. There's a large pool of those little rainbow dots with a little gingerbread man being ritualistically sacrificed via drowning by his fellow gingerbread men. Just behind this pool is a snowman as big as the house itself, he is the gingerbread village's god. The house is somewhat neat but not near as well decorated as the sacrificial alter/pool.
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(A/N: I had to.)
An actually decent house that the average gingerbread person would be comfortable living in, that is until you point out that such a person would be living in a structure made of his own flesh. Stefan couldn't finish decorating after that.
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the-chaos-crew · 8 months
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so I might just take my comic thing a little serious (I'm having too much fun with it I was kicking my feet and giggling all day today at school doodling in my notebook)
made some references for Simon and Finn since I wanna stop having to open a new tab and google screenshots of the two- plus I want consistent outfits yk how it be
yes I shaded Simon with cool colors + gave him a blue shirt and scarf
yes I know how evil that is and I will own it
I can't not have fun with his tragic story aight
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seneon · 10 days
hii! <3 may i request a hc about mashle characters if they found out they had a little sister in the middle of their school year and how they would act to her, also if possible, can you add a small part where they first interacted?
i have a sister..? ──── mashle various.
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featuring. mash squad + ames brothers.
notes. this is an interesting req! all platonic fluff.
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sweet, poor, mash would be so confused. she has the same honey eyes as him. even more miraculously, the same bangs and the same smooth silky hair that's in a specificly round shape. a one liner with pretty average magic. she does not like cream puffs. she likes tarts. obsessively. so when she's in the dormitory kitchen making berry tarts for herself and mash came in to make cream puffs, they stared at each other and she immediately screamed "you just look like me!!" and mash tilts his head. "i didn't know i had a twin." and she replied, head also tilting, "we're twins..?" both of them are equally dumb cuz why not.. mash's sis is based on this art.
little female version of them with black and yellow/blonde hair definitely stands out. so it was made into a commotion then rayne being a d.v. came to the commotion where one day it just exploded. his sister didn't even hesitate to call him brother at first sight. he froze at the sight of her and suddenly all the memories came flushing in of her being taken away. (oo mysterious) "tell me your name. now." he demands and she tells him and he covers his mouth at her voice. his sister who was taken away from him so long ago is now here, standing right in front of him. rayne caught sight of finn standing afar, also frozen. then finn runs to catch his long lost sister in a hug. omg so emotional
new victim to siscon about. im kidding. he doesn't know he has a wayyyy elder sister that's like d.v. level. she left the crown family long ago before lance was born so he know not of her existence. she came to visit the school one day as a special guest to demonstrate magic to the students. accidentally introduced as a crown before saying she has no surname cuz if fam issues. uses gravitiy magic, but hers is more intense and solid. lance knew they were related of some sort but he is unsure. confronts her after the demo as she's leaving the school. honestly, his sister would be shocked that there are two of her little successors. would tell lance to keep doing what's he's doing and she's very motivating! lance knows she wants nothing to do w the fam anymore and he respects her for it, wishing her luck in life.
in denial. there's a big difference in their appearance. she'd probably won't have such striking red hair as he does but more to a softer colour. i'm betting on her having a calm personality. but her ability tho. it's the same exact magical ability, hereditary, in fact. so when she appeared in school right in front of him, they were staring at each other in silence before dot started freaking out and started accusing her of looking similar to him. they also have the same line marking!! she's just there like "...?" then she'll ask, "are you dot barrett?" he nods. "oh wow! i'm a barrett too! although i was absent pretty much your whole life. lemme introduce myself, i am your sister bla bla bla" super respectful.
lemon having a sister??? younger or older, it doesn't matter. she's just really happy to find out she has a sister kept secret from her for the longest time. probably has super long hair. very confident and charismatic. she's under the wing of another family as that family wanted lemon's sister to be a bride of their son. they first met when she came to visit the irvine house and lemon immediately recognised her as she's that one cool girl in school. they immediately clicked and become close to each other after lemon's parents told lemon abt her secret sister. vv wholesome and sweet. the next day at school they're already besties doing whatever sisterish things they've always wanted to do if they hv a sister.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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snowflakeanimelover · 16 days
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Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: (Y/N) Rose has no choice but to explain her purpose of lying to the Shelby family. More questions are made than answered, and Thomas Shelby has to think quickly on what he wants to do with Rose.
Warnings: Cussing, swearing, typical Peaky Blinders violence, readers true self is revealed, Relationships end and begin
Notes: Sorry if it’s a bit odd. I’m really trying to get Thomas’ personality down, and trying to copy their speech mannerisms and how they talk.
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Chapter 2: The Interrogation
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The air was tense as the Shelby brothers stared at the woman before them. Confusion and anger took over their expressions, but Tommy kept his stoic demeanor. All three boys held their guns tightly, pointing the barrels right at Rose.
”What the fuck is happening, eh?!” Arthur shouts, feeling panicked but trying to maintain composure.
The call of her name leaves Thomas’ lips, grabbing her attention just by a little. He’s in disbelief, confused about seeing the woman he knows to work in the bidding shop for a few months now killing a man. Never had he seen her like that, and never has he seen her look so different.
The sounds of guns cocking and being taken out reverberated in the air as women in the same style of clothing surrounded them, pointing their weapons at the Shelby’s. They are outnumbered.
A woman approaches Rose, standing beside her as she holds her hat and trench coat. Rose shrugs on her coat, and sets the hat on her head as she smiles. “Now, now,” she mutters, sticking a toothpick in her mouth to chew on, “I don’t want to fight.”
Rose looks up, observing the boys before her. Her eyes soon meet Thomas’ and she can tell he’s angry. He feels betrayed. “Let’s talk, yeah?” She offers, looking relaxed and confident.
“Shut the fuck up!” John takes a threatening step forward, his hold on his gun steady. “What the fuck is this, eh? You’ve been lying to us this whole time?!”
His words are cut short when Thomas rests a hand on his arm, slowly lowering his gun. “That’s enough,” he demands, tone stern to his brothers. “Lower your weapons.”
”Tommy,” Arthur tries, refusing to lower his gun.
”I said lower your gun!” Tommy yells out at Arthur, frustration boiling in his system. “We’re outnumbered.” Arthur soon realizes that, eventually lowering his weapon.
Rose smiles, her hands shoved in her trouser pockets. “Very good. I knew you were smart, Mr. Shelby,” she says, nodding to Thomas.
In the sunlight, dust danced in the air of the cold room, illuminated by a window. Rose and the Shelby brothers sat at a small table in an empty warehouse. She was on one side, with the brothers on the other. Some of her girls stood around the room, guarding and protecting.
Rose leans back in her chair, smiling as she observes the faces of the big bad wolves. “Well?” She starts, motioning towards them to start, “Shall we start with questions?”
Arthur and John knew to leave it to Thomas to ask the questions. After all, it’s his business. Although they fidgeted, ready to fight and protect themselves if needed, they sat, staying silent. Thomas readjusts himself in his chair, taking his time as he pulls out a cigarette to smoke. After he puffs out the first round of smoke, he turns to Rose. “Rose, was it?”
Rose nods, “That’s right. My last name, that is. What I’m known for,” she adds.
“What else did you lie about?” He asks quickly. She looks at him for a moment, studying his expression. It’s stoic, as always. She has noticed, over the months of observing the Shelby’s, he doesn't like to show his emotions. “Where you came from? What you did for a living?” Thomas continues.
Rose huffs a small laugh, “Where I lived before here? No. What I did before the betting shop?” She pauses, looking up at the ceiling to think, “that one was partially a lie. I was a farmer girl, just not anytime recently.”
Thomas doesn’t ask anymore questions, his eyes narrowing at her in judgment as he thinks. Rose then leans forward, sighing as she gets down to business. “We can talk about me all you want later, yeah?” She starts, resting her arms on the table, “You see, Mr. Shelby, I’m not here to pick a fight, start a war, or be your enemy.”
”Then what are you here for?” John pipes up, clearly itching to get some words in.
“I want to be your ally,” she answers.
“Ally?” Arthur scoffs. “You really think we’d let you be our ally after lying to us about every fucking thing?” Rose knows him to be the hot headed one out of all of the brothers. The oldest is itching to shoot her in the head, she can tell. But the thought of that doesn't faze her.
Thomas stays calm, continuing to smoke as he ponders the situation. Rose continues to explain, "I make sure my allies are reliable, people I can trust. Like everyone else. But I ensure my allies are good by doing more than what others do."
Rose leaned back a little, raising her arm to wave at someone who stood to the side. One of her girls stepped forward, giving her a file of some sorts. “You see, I lied so I could be on the inside of your organization. I wanted to see what you were capable of, what you deal with, and how you do things.” She flipped open the file, looking through the papers in it. “And what I’ve noticed, Mr. Shelby, is that you’re good. You’re honest, keep things in order. You’re smart, capable of a lot.”
Rose turned the file around and slid it over to Thomas for him to look at. "These are the major gangs and families that you are either allied with or doing business with, right? I've noticed that you're having trouble with some of them."
Thomas leans forward and picks up the file, examining it with his blue irises and glancing her way in question.
"You can trust me, Mr. Shelby," she says with a confident smile, leaning back in her seat. "I can help you with your business, guide you in finding the right allies, and ultimately contribute to making you successful."
Silence soon takes over the room. She observes their faces once more, both John and Arthur looking over Thomas’ shoulders to look at the file. Their expressions were in disbelief, yet unable to believe everything she told her. Thomas doesn't seem to want to respond right away, his mind spiraling on what to do.
Rose eventually sighs, standing up from her seat when she realizes he needed time. “I’ll give you a few days to think about this,” she states, “When you decide, my girls are around. Ask them questions if you’d like.”
She suddenly stops before leaving through the door held open by one of her members, “Oh, and I’ll send my right hand woman on the third day, see what you decide.” With that, she leaves, all of the women in the room following close behind. The door shuts loudly behind them, leaving the Shelby brothers alone in the room.
The Shelbys were not to be messed with. They were the founders of the Peaky Blinders gang from Birmingham, England, operating in the Small Heath area. Anyone who betrayed them or tried to take them down never stood a chance.
The Shelbys have endured war, hardships, and pain. They grew up poor but slowly gained prominence in the city, becoming powerful and relatively wealthy. While they have money now, it's not as much as they desire, and not enough to make them comfortable.
The Shelbys always seem to face tough times, but they consistently manage to overcome every challenge that comes their way.
The laugh that escapes from Arthur's lips is undeniably one of amusement. Did that woman really think she could convince them? He thought this whole situation was just a joke. It was so ridiculous that he was certain his brother wouldn't fall for such words from a woman like that. However, when he turns to Thomas to see if he was laughing along with him...
He wasn’t.
John looked worried as he watched his brother Thomas staring at the file in his hands, the cigarette in his hand long forgotten. Arthur’s laugh slowly faded, along with his amused smile. “You can’t be fucking serious, Tommy,” he muttered.
Thomas doesn't respond, staring at the words and pictures on the file.
“She’s a fucking lying whore!” Arthur shouts.
”A good one, at that,” John comments slowly, fidgeting with his hat in his hands.
Thomas suddenly clears his throat as he tosses the cigarette somewhere in the room and stands up from his seat. The file in his hands lands on the table in front of John. "Burn it," Thomas orders, walking towards the door.
"Tommy!" Arthur calls after Tommy in annoyance as he leaves the room, giving John a nervous glance before storming out.
John gazed quietly at the file. After a long minute, he picked it up, slowly stood out of his seat, and followed the instructions given to him.
The low murmur of activity in the main room leaked through the walls into her office, creating a distant but constant background noise. In the midst of this, Rose sat at her desk, cradling a warm cup of tea in one hand while the other propped up her chin. Her gaze was fixed on nothingness, lost in deep contemplation of the recent events.
The woman standing next to her, her right hand man, had noticed her boss had been like this for a better half of an hour. Daisy couldn’t help but to glance at Rose here and there, seeing if she was even alive. She was in such deep thought, it almost looked dangerous.
Daisy takes the courage to clear her throat, rocking on her heels as she stands there. “Was it really a good idea to pick them?” She finally asks.
Another long minute passes, making Daisy worried to think her boss was actually dead. However, Rose takes a deep breath and slowly sips on her tea, before setting it town to reply. “Do you not trust them?”
Although Rose wasn’t looking at her, Daisy glances away, observing the many books on the shelves lined alongside the wall. “I only trust you, Miss Rose.”
Rose smiles in amusement, nodding her head. Daisy has always kept to that saying for as long as she has known her. “Thomas is a good man.” She hums as she shuffles in her seat, leaning forward to get back to work.
”Not the Shelby’s?” Daisy perks up, “Just Thomas?”
”Arthur is a hot-headed man who refuses to let go of war and can be quite reckless,” Rose starts, her hands shuffling over her desk to look for a pen, “John is reckless, as well, but is loyal to his kids, wife, and family. Finn is a teen boy who just follows his brothers. Ada wants nothing to do with the Shelby name.”
”And Thomas? Well, he’s far different than his whole family combined.”
Daisy nods. She has always known Rose to be smart and very observant. Just by being a simple counter in the Shelby’s Betting Shop for a few months, she has learned all of that about the Shelby family without hardly ever speaking to them.
“So you like him?” The right hand woman concludes, a small smile gracing her features.
”I’d watch your mouth if I were you,” Rose says sternly, but she, too, had a small smile on her face.
Daisy smirks, biting her lip to hold in her giggle. “Yes, Ma’am.”
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