#for once i actually dont want to talk into the void
psychojetcocktail · 3 months
Alright, since my previous post about Vulpes was so positively perceived, heres a long post going more into detail about how I genuinely believe all members of Caesar’s Legion to be representative of real life romans.
I mean obviously a lot of named legionaries dont have a backstory in-game or are even mentioned outside of you interacting with them, but some of them, like Lucius, Aurelius, Vulpes, Lanius and (obviously) Caesar himself, are very similar to some actual real life people.
Like for example I’m gonna start with Aurelius. Yes there was in fact a roman leader called Aurelius, but Marcus Aurelius has not that many similarities with our in game character. Sure in a way he is helping Caesar rule, but as we can all tell and see Edward doesnt have a triumvirate. However, Aurelius is in a way similar to Octavian Augustus, the way he is put to sort of mirror how Caesar(Edward Sallow) rules, but on a smaller scale. (also, he looks very very similar to Octavian Augustus)
(I will take a moment to apologise because I am very barely educated on Sulla so, if anyone was hoping for an in depth analysis of Lucius, im sorry. However their identical names and even their facial features are similar too)
Lanius too has similarities to roman leaders like Nero and war tactician Hannibal, with his brutal and extremist approach of handling things. He also is similar to Nero since even if he didnt get chosen at random, people still regretted their decision to have him as a leader in one way or another.
And of course, Vulpes. He too was raised and praised by a man named Caesar. Told he was part of his family he doesn’t have, grew up around him and learned everything he knows from him. But the stoicism and sort of indifference he shows after Caesar dies(if you botch the surgery) has lead me to believe that he never fully cared. Yes sure I’m not here to only defend Vulpes’ actions and say he did no wrong. But it is very obvious that Caesar never treated him well, never showed him what he expected out of him. Vulpes has only been given orders to kill and to pillage since he was a child. And hate this man all you would like, people are still people.
In more ways than the way he was brought up is he similar to Brutus, he obviously cannot kill Caesar because killing him would have him exiled, and clearly he cares about the Legion so that would be a bad idea. So he waits and when you finally kill him, you can even see a tonal shift in his speech, the words he uses, he is obviously relieved to some extent. I dont think I’m just stating the obvious right now, so if you didn’t understand what I was getting at, thats fine. But I really do see Brutus in Vulpes, always have, even the way their names sound, even the way they both look, and I’m talking about the Vulpes depiction with white hair, he has a haircut similar to how the romans would wear it.
In conclusion, why do I think Brutus and Vulpes are so very similar? Because they both want to get rid of a man named Caesar and they both don’t want to do it to become leader instead.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 9 months
Origins server officially dead you know what that means (starborne jord’s my OC now and i can forrealz consider all my headcanons canon >:]c)
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
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#vent/rant ahead i just wanna say stuff:#forcing myself to draw for my friends and post content for my friends and keep Being Active just for other ppl is wearing me out#i WANT to continue to be a part of the community but. man this sucks fkjdhsg#it's entirely my fault. the situations i've put myself in that i dont wanna make public#(not just stuff related to art and content motivation but also Oops i Upset A Friend And Feel Horrible)#but it still sucks even if it is my fault#idk man im just running out of stuff to care about. everything is getting worse 🧍#i'm sure i'll be here every once in a while but will i ever post a full drawing again? great question#clips? very very rarely#actual content? not likely#i have like. one thing i wanna post about at christmas (i know one of my gifts already). besides that uhhhhhhhh i've got nothing#might have one drawing/sketch for december but that's very up in the air#if you know my priv and wanna request go ahead. im always active there and that wont change unless twitter explodes#even if you've requested before and aren't in it now you can request again. i'll try to be more lenient with it (again this is my fault)#i doubt i could ever make myself straight up abandon this blog. i'll continue to answer asks and ramble when i want to#but forcing myself to be a Content Provider sucks. it's not working. i'm still sad. he's still dead. my friends are leaving.#i'm not gonna have anyone left by this time next year it'll just be me and the void lmao#too nervous to follow anyone new. too nervous to talk the friends i already have. cant hold a conversation to save my life#this is why i have like... 3 friends here (i think we're friends). sorry i never talk to you guys it's just Difficult :/#and it's not getting any easier. not since june/july !#all goat knows is talk about skyblock (getting harder to do). post link to song. and make 50 more non-rebloggable posts#chat#come back later#(to delete probably idk)#now the real question: is this all related to [current issues causing mood swings] or is this something that's been building since june#we'll see i guess#i could be fine a month or so from now. or tomorrow. or all the way in the summer. who knows#*attaches a picture of techno to make this seem slightly less miserable* jkfhdkg#i hate there being like 2000 people here. nearly 3000 i think. idk#i want to talk and rant without feeling like im making the world's worst apology video KJFDHKG i dont like having so many eyes on me
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saintfrenetic · 2 years
i think i want to break up with my girlfriend because i don't have the energy or the drive to be the partner she deserves and wants anymore and i miss being alone and having independence and being alone i really miss being alone and having time to myself or a place that is just Mine and isn't shared but i also don't want to break up with her because i do still love her so much and i don't want to break her heart or lose her and we're both already struggling to function financially together and my main option if we break up is to move back in with my mom but. i don't feel like i can do this anymore and i genuinely don't know what to fucking do anymore
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gorgeouslypink · 1 year
FILD Challenge
Hey guys! So originally this was just one of my normal, informational posts on how to enter the void state but this method is just so easy and so I decided to convert it into a challenge because I really want everyone who is struggling it to try it and succeed getting into the void state and living their best life.
So in one of my previous posts, I talked about how a lucid dream is probably one of the easiest ways to enter the void state. Honestly, there's a lot of posts on this too ( a few examples are 1, 2, 3, 4). But I think the major problem people had was acctually entering the void state. I recommended a subliminal and it worked for some people but not others but this method I am going to share right now is going to work for literally everyone.
So what is this method? It's the name of this challenge, FILD or a finger induced lucid dream. This method is super popular in the lucid dream community as it has helped so many people lucid dream, from beginners to people who have struggling for months and it is super quick (takes anywhere between 10 to 30 seconds) and easy.
So tonight, I want you to set an alarm clock for roughly 6 hours. Make sure your alarm clock will shut off on its own because you don't want to move. I recommend Alarm Clock Xtreme if your usual alarm clock doesn't do this. Once you wake up, slightly tap your index and middle finger as if you were playing the piano or typing on a keyboard and fall back to sleep. Make sure to do this lightly as roughly doing so will most likely make you wake up. You will start lucid dreaming really quickly, although some people have reported that this method actually takes them to the void state. If that happens, then obviously that's pretty good in itself, but if you do end up in a lucid dream, find your way to the void state. The closing eyes method worked for some and I've heard a lot about creating portals or asking someone in your lucid dream to just take you to the void state or to just meditate and affirm that you will enter the void and enter it through that. There was even this post that I can't find where a guy simply walked to edge of his dream landscape and entered the void and some other person said they backflipped into the void. Choose whichever method stands out to you the most and enter the void through that and manifest everything you want!!!
That's the challenge. There's no need to persist or affirm for 3 days or anything so I dont want to hear any excuses or procastination. Just set your alarm clock and try it out and let me know how it goes. It's honestly really cool and easy so I really hope everyone tries it 💗
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mondaymelon · 6 months
MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! gifts ensue.
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he really went. blep. hi user @ilyuu. im proud of this one so congrats wanderer takes home first gift wooo
lmao id like to apologise in advance as this was brought on because of me but I got super burnt out drawing like 20 of these over the course of 2 days... if you see the quality of the drawings declining ( which you will ) please don't mind it!! thank you.
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@anonbinaryweirdo. sigh. i get whiplash whenever you're super nice and then in the span of the next three seconds immediately do something vile
@soleillunne. we don't talk much but from what I know you are such a sweet person omg !! and your works??? dies inside (in a good way). the way you write xiao maks me so. puddle like
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@realkavehgf. we agree on one things (amongst others) and that is that kaveh is. kAVEH IS. MALFUNCTIONS PERISHES.
@emphasisondrvgs. you scare me. please take your ranpo and quietly see yourself out LMAO /j
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@pjsk-writin. AMIMI ONE OF MY FIRST EVER MOOTS !!! im so proud of mikoto. sighs. straitjackets are smth else to draw .. BUT HES SO. MMMMMM !!!!
@circyexistforcontent AAAHHH HI PRECIOUS. I LIKE YOU BUT I DONT REALLY LIKE DILUC SO. TAKE THIS... quietly throws up
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@whats-it-mean. puka puka. head empty. puka puka. please stop your affairs with my mother.
@falors. UGLY SOBS. UGLY CRIES. I LOVE YOU /P SM. WAAHHHH TEARS TEARS TEARS you are the most talented person ever I S T G gRAAAHHH YOU BETTER GET 18412409128410948 FOLLOWERS THIS YEAR OR I WILL RIOT. mwah.
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@dustofthedailylife. omg. hi dust... tbh ive been so concerned for you recently with how much life is running you over with a pickup truck so wishing for your improved health soon !! alhaith is a smort guy what can I say
@the-white-void. DEAREST. literally one of the first people I ever interacted with on this platform and you're actually. like. literally one of the sweetest people I have ever met. KLEE IS SUCH A CUTIE FJSFJDK
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@kaeffeinee. OMG. m..my kitten- woah WHO just said that. wild shit right there. have something you don't like?? have something that's been pestering you for far too long?? no worries. its the official nag seal of mendokusai !!!!
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@absolutelyobsessedkiya. HELP WHY IS MINORI SO BRIGHT.... she's literally shining what. we need to talk more pspsspsp I just now found out that you're a fan of milgram!! remember like last year I was all 'whose that pretty pink person on their pfp??' AND NOW I FINALLY KNOW THATS ITS MUU RAHHHH
@auroratumbles. meow. cat. what a sweetie. I don't even know what my art style is doing here anymore Istg what even. what even BYE LETS TALK ABOUT XIAO LATER !!
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@yinyinggie. hihihi ying !! it honestly amazes me how you're able to juggle so many events and servers at once. im actually in awe. always look at xiao he's so emo and short
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@solxima. GRAHHH HI. I DONT LIKE HOW JINGYUAN LOOKS IN THIS BUT. DLJFLSDJ DIES> I CANT DO THIS AN Y M O RE. your honor. hes so cat coded hes so cat coded he's so PERISHS
@yelshin. WAIIIIT NO YOUR NAME GOT CUT OFF> iM SORRY. I don't know why he looks... so r e g a l in this but its definitely giving off oRAtRice MecAnIquE DAnAlySe CARdiNAle .
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@vennnnn-diagram. LOUD SCREAMING N O . YOUR NAME GOT CUT OFF TOOOODJSKFLSD JGAIJFAD JKLJFD:LFS. anyways. I need to see nahida smiling more she deserves everything and then some. aranaras are so silly giggles
@lume-nosity. I hold the slightest bit of guilt for putting your angsty ish drawing right next to happy lil nahida buT AHAHAH IT MAKES IT HURT MORE IG. took some inspo from your blog title... mwah ily lume. I WAS SO SCARED TO TALK TO YOU AT FIRST WHEN I SENT YOU THAT MOOT ASK BUT I AM EVER SO HAPPY THAT I DID !!!
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th end. im actually so dead lmao my fingers actually were starting to bleed afklsdjfaskdjfklsdjflkasdjflksjflkjowejtoij enjoy your Christmas gifts mooties !! if anyone asks why I haven't been posting fics as promised. this is why. ill be in a coffin for a while please let my soul rest
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were--ralph · 4 months
oversharing vent time
im literally the only person in this house with a job and i can't afford to find another one right now because I'm the -only- one with a job and i don't have the luxury of not having health insurance or income at all. because of that i can't buy things i want besides the occasional furry commission once every month if that
its also like. my brother is a complete deadbeat and legally we can't put him out so he's just a cancer on this household and mooches money while I essentially take care of two disabled people, him, and his kids who are here every fucking day because their mother is a shit
then like aside from that I have to work at a place that literally makes me want to kms like actually literally daily and It's draining me so much the only real shot i have of working in an industry i enjoy im too tired to do homework or stream when i get home and i take a nap and wake up with only a few hours before i do it all over again. being at work has become an actual struggle to finish one shift to the point I often leave early and just....don't care if i get fired or what the fuck happens
then aside from all that school is the absolute worst experience ive had in my life with learning new skills and everyone has seen me talk about it but i can't learn anything from it and im too exhausted and depressed when i get home to find a way to learn on my own
then aside from all that I'm constantly plagued with lonely thoughts and not even due to like wanting sex or even romantic stuff i just need an outlet to feel normal and good and not stressed and my therapist is no help literally at all so i dropped her so I really can't do like anything at all
then the closest family member ive cared for in my life cut me off abruptly with no explanation and im still reeling over that
i genuinely like. do not enjoy being alive in the sense that pretty much every aspect of my life right now sucks. I have no escape, I have no money, I am exhausted daily, I'm depressed daily, I'm overworked, all i have are my three cats who I don't even have the time or energy to play with anymore, i keep cutting off my friends because.....i dont even know anymore
I almost want to just quit my job and not have any income just to make people have to do things and let myself just.......exist. just exist.
i just needed to vent to the void and i feel much better now but still not good
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ranposgirlboss · 11 months
~bsd comfort hcs~
this came about while i was cleaning dishes and scanning my check in from work LMAOAKSIUJSAHb (this is pretty much just a more elaborate ver of my other one)
can also be seen as romantic or platonic!!
charas: sigma, ranpo, poe, chuuya, and nikolai
genre: FLUFF!!!!!!! some mild hurt comfort <3
(it slowly goes more and more downhill)
LESSGOOO ₍₍ ◝( ^∀ ^ )◟ ⁾⁾
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-SIGMAA (my crush on this man grows bigger by the day), so as i mentioned last time he would know when there's something wrong pretty quickly!!
-sigma would probably play a game of cards with you to distract you for a bit tbh (he will hesitantly agree to play uno AJHNMAKBHJS HIM PKAYING UNO WOULD BE SO FUNNY but anyways.)
-may or may not try to lose on purpose in an attempt to make you happier
-seems like a speed typa guy (that card game is so fun its the best one)
-after a bit and once youve calmed down, he'll ask what happened to you
-if you to choose to explain, he would probably gossip about it with you, or tell you its ok and you're doing great <33
-if you choose not to, he totally understands! he'll just keep on playing the card game with you, or yall could go do something else!!
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-lets all be honest with ourselves
-he isnt the BEST at comfort
-however, that doesnt necessarily mean that hes BAD at it
-he will take a bit to notice, as he is pretty absorbed in cases, eating snacks, and being a dense genius that cant tell peoples emotions that well!!
-but, you can always ask him to distract you for a bit if your emotions are very big
-hes very good at distracting you
-probably will say "stop staying cooped up inside!! >:(" and just grab you and take you to some bakery to eat sweets with him, to play video games with you!!
-since he gets that youre not in the best mood, hell try his best not to steal your food. keyword: best.
-playing games with ranpo is so fun don't even
-he probably wouldnt be the best at responding well if you ranted to him, would probably say that he's sorry but that's kinda the best he can do
-if you dont wanna talk about it, perfect!! ranpo is internally scared you might lash out at him due to his lack of actual response ಥ‿ಥ
-pretty good at comfort, mostly just turns to yall hanging out tho!!
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-im never gonna stop writing for him be prepared to see him in every hcs <33
-at first he wouldnt know what to do
-i mean, hes barely even had any FRIENDS to comfort.....sooooooooooooooo
-his version of comfort is like buying a mansion if you feel sad
-i mean thats somehow the ONLY conclusion
-"you dont feel sad anymore right y/n ( ꈍᴗꈍ)"
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-he just doesnt wanna see you sad, BUT HE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO ACTUALLY COMFORT PEOPLE
-so, he will make you laugh. to distract you from the problem.
-he very well knows that this wont help in the long run, but i mean, what is he gonna do?? learn how to ACTUALLY comfort you?? why would he do that when he can be silly instead????? (same)
-if you didnt laugh at his jokes, well, then he'll shock you out of sadness.
-will literally fucking teleport your whole body some place random. (use his silly ability, idfk what its called 😭)
-like im not fucking joking
-so laugh for your own sake
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-i eat my manga chuuya'os everyday (get it??? because cheerios and chuuya, so if you combine the names you get chuuyios/chuuya'os. laugh.)
-he would probably just bluntly ask you what was wrong, and if you don't want to explain, that's alright.
-im not gonna shut up about him taking you on motorcycle rides.
-i never WILL >:(
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darkwolf989 · 22 days
Hello 🐝🚬 is back!
Could I request male! reader,Valentino's son that is dating Angel Dust and Valentino's reaction to him being told that ( it is fine if you dont want to do it)
Of course I want to do it! It’s just a matter of inspiration- I will always tell the requestor (either privately via PM or if anonymous a published response) if I don’t feel comfortable writing something. Thankfully, I happened upon a bit of thought earlier that this request seemed to fit, so enjoy!
TW: Valentino is fucking evil. Rape. Porn. All of the things that make Valentino NOT a good demon. 
That is all <3 Feedback is always appreciated! 
I took a deep breath and walked into my father’s studio. At the age of eighteen, I had become more than familiar with the inner workings of my fathers business for far longer than I cared to consider. More than once, I had followed in my father’s footsteps, taking center stage both directing and starring. 
“Ah. Reader. Come. You’re just about to see our favorite actor…take center stage.” 
The way my father said it made me wince. I watched my now boyfriend strut across the stage and take his place, his legs spread wide open as he was tied down to the bed. 
“Dad, stop, I need to talk to you before this scene.”
My father gave me an annoyed look before returning his attention to the stage. “What the fuck is going on that is so important that you need to interrupt my art?”
“My boyfriend isn’t your art,” I shot back as my temper flared up. 
My father chuckled and took a long drag from his cigarette. “Boyfriend, you say? Angel?” He leaned forward as his eyes flashed red. “Angel is my property, little boy. His life depends on the salvia from my mouth. Not yours. And I couldn’t give less of a damn what you do with him in his off time, but while he’s on my stage, his dick is mine.” He leaned forward and I saw the familiar glint of darkness flit in his eyes. “Unless you want to join him? Make a bit more money for your Papito?” 
I gritted my teeth. “Mom would be pissed if she ever….”
The slap sent me flying across the room. I struggled to stand as my fathers footsteps clinked across the room, his eyes blazing. “Do not ever, ever talk about your mother in front of me, do you understand? She’s dead. And there is nothing you, or I can ever do about it. Now piss off, or get on the stage before I get really angry.” He turned on a heel and retook his place in his chair. 
I brought myself to my feet and wiped the blood off my cheek as I slowly made my way to the stage. I shoved aside the demon that straddled him and took his place. 
“Hey,” Angel said softly as I leaned into him. “I didn’t think you’d actually do it.”
“Better me than him,” I replied as loudly as I dared. The lights flickered and dimmed. I took the cue to push myself into Angel. He gasped, the loud overdramatic screams I had come to learn firsthand were so incredibly faked. Every inch of me wanted to kill the man who put me in this position, but I knew that unless that contract was null and void, Angel would disappear along with him. 
I held Angel against me in the dressing room after the shoot and stroked his back as he curled into me. Bruises, not by my hand, blossomed across his body. Angel’s pet pig, Fat Nuggets, nuzzled into us, circled twice and laid down. As I held Angel as tight as I dared, only one thought crossed my mind. 
I would get him away from my father if it was the last thing I did.
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degenderates · 11 months
What would almost-terf talking points look like? Genuinely curious because I never see stuff like that, though I may just not be aware of it. Thank you in advance ❤️
hey! no worries, it takes a lot of being on the internet (unfortunately lol) to notice the patterns of how online terfs talk about gender and make their stuff palatable for the masses, so here are a few pointers. keep in mind that people who post this kind of rhetoric aren't always terfs and you should be skeptical of ANYBODY who tells you that there are a complete set of "rules" you must follow or subjects you must avoid. think for yourself, but also be careful. with that being said, here are some things i've noticed after being on the trans internet for a few years:
1- "radfem"/"radfem-safe"/"radblr"/etc. usually they're a terf they just dont want to add the te- to the acronym. funny thing is they're not all that radical lol.
2- gender essentialism. this is one of the most insidious i think, because it's so well disguised, or simply poised as common sense. this can include anything about men and women being inherently different, whether this is about sexual violence, sexuality in general (including types of queerness), love, understanding/intuition/empathy, certain skills, whatever. sometimes it's just a joke but be careful because humor is a form of persuasion as well, just easily able to avoid blame. the reason why gender essentialism is terfy is because it posits that gender is immutable. ie. can't change. women are inherently like this, so someone who identifies as a man now will never get it, even if they end up being trans later. though some of these takes might have an addendum of, "trans women are women" or something like that, supposedly being inclusive of trans ppl, they don't account for people who aren't secretly eggs their whole lives. sure, a transfem who always knew she was a girl might be "included," but not a trans person who lived as their agab for their first 20, 30, or even 40 years. etc. tldr: this kind of rhetoric reveals how people truly feel about gender difference regardless of what they claim to support.
3- "male/female socialization." this one's tricky because yes we as humans in a society are socialized and yes that includes gender (which is a social construct in and of itself), but the vast majority of times i've seen this phrasing used is by terfs, so much so that if trans people want to talk about gender socialization, we have to use other terminology. the problem here is that folks' "current" gender is considered null and void due to how they were raised. this one is sort of the opposite of the phenomenon of "including" trans people in gender essentialism--it blocks us out from our actual gender in favor of seeing us as what we once were.
4- a weird fascination with militant genetalia. urls or bios that include stuff about vaginas and cunts killing people or whatever...i'm not against this, but most people who have this on their blog are terfs lol. aside from the jokes, people who see phallic imagery as something inherently violent or the penis as a body part as violent instead of like, the person as violent (if they are) is a big one. i guess the militant vagina is like reclaiming this somehow. i'm not sure. but it's a thing.
5- gatekeeping queerness. people who try to limit queerness to being lesbian/gay/bisexual, acephobes, arophobes, people who have this very basic understanding of queerness as same-sex attraction. sometimes they hate the word "queer." people who don't understand queerness as a culture and a way to play with gender and identity and presentation as well as sexuality, or as a political entity. queerness isn't just about being gay or straight. now not all acephobes are terfs, but because terfs have admitted to using acephobia to induct people into being radfems, and most terfs are acephobic....well. that's just one example, of course, but the point stands. anyone attempting to divide the queer community is inherently sus to me.
and finally, 6- if you download shinigami eyes, people marked as terfs show up in red. be careful because sometimes people mark others as red out of malintent, but if the person is showing other signs of being a terf and is red, they probably are one, lol. hope this helps, and other people feel free to add on! as always, take my post as just the observations of one individual, as a grain of salt!
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im transfem/nonbinary and honestly the whole cutesy uwu anime girl puppy girl aesthetic is making me feel ill. i recently got harrassed by a cis woman chaser who saw the transflag in my bio and started talking to me in this really weird overly cutesy way and started flirting with me, i told her im taken and not interested and this is weird and she said something like "oki u silly transie, if u ever need a girly to do something for you im here, cuz nornal girls are boring" and then the next day she sent me some image of some anime girl w/ the caption "im not like other girls, i have a massive cock" and asked "this u?" and she was so weird and gross and overly cutesy. and like the fact im trans is part of me and im proud of it but i want to be seen as me, as a person, as smthn beyond arbitrary boxes. thats why im nonbinary, i dont wanna be forced into some made up vague perception of how i have to be and instead just be me and do my own thing. i dont label my sexuality either but im pretty sure im like pretty aromantic. greyromantic or whatever its called. and my sexuality i kinda tie together with my romantic attraction, so its often incredibly odd to me how prevalent sexual language and stuff is online and how weirdly its treated as smthn normal, especially in more queer communities. and when i feel terrible and get support online, ppl will say ooo ur pretty ooo ur cute dont be sad and downplay it when i need someone to talk to qnd need to be acknoledged beyond how i physically am, it makes me feel rlly objectified and like my only value is in the fact that i am trans and how i look, and its my only thing and the only way ppl refer to me and boil me down to. but i dont want to be some cutesy meme girl, i want ppl to acknowledge me and what i do and like and love and enjoy and hate and dislike and think and say, i want to be seen and understood regardless of and beyond my transness. because im a raw, living breathing human person thats infinitely complex, and i just wanna be me and do what i enjoy. i dont want my personality boiled down to superficial aspects of me that exists solely because outside society needed a label for it to ostrasize or fetishize it. im sorry for the long rant its just rlly frustrating, especially when you try to find communities and its just so weirdly sexual and condescending and objectifying 😭
hey unfortunately, i do not have the mental capacity to be able to read all of this and actually respond to it, i just lose 80% of the ask once I'm finished reading, so I'll just say: damn fuck that cis bitch.
While i get that after your experiences this "aesthetic" might make you feel ill, i really don't see why i should be told this.
I do not choose the way i present to other people because it's what i feel i should look or act like, i act however feels good to me. the reason my blog looks like this is because, put simply, i like it.
I may not be just a puppy, girl or gay, in fact the most accurate way to describe me would be "thing that should not be alive as far as anyone knows, but it persists, it's also a puppy that is a girl, a robot, a void and divine flesh"
but i go with my current aesthetic, username, and whatever else because they're the descriptions I'm most confident in, they make me feel nice, i love them.
I am quite literally a tranny girl faggot that acts like a puppy sometimes.
Sometimes i feel like I'm a shattered vessel built of divine flesh that's empty and yet so completely full.
Sometimes i wish my flesh melted away, permanently fusing me with the outer shell of a mech.
None of my identities are fully separate or stable, but they also feel distinct enough that i only choose one at a time (and even then sometimes they can split apart).
I don't act like this because i wanna be "haha silly cute trans girl that's an adorable puppy and is so so overly sexual", it's just what i act like, in general, if I don't worry about pretending to be someone else.
I guess put simply: if you don't like me: fucking leave, block me, get rid of me, i won't hold it against you, I'll continue to do what i like, the way i like doing it, because this is my blog.
i forgot where i was going with this post, y'all just get this really long one i guess.
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majorproblems77 · 16 days
Bonus links update! Which means it's analysis time! (Only slightly late haha)
Hi all!
I emerge from the void! Exams are a doozy man, but here i am, And i am ready to analyse the hell out of this update cause ohhh man stuff is happening and I'm loving it.
For the important stuff! All art belongs to @bonus-links and the artist @ezdotjpg. Please go and look at their other stuff too! And I once again thank you for letting me do these. Its awesome to be able to ramble about things like this.
Find the original comic here! go reblog it, please? For me? :D
It's so much fun!
Grab some popcorn and some water because we hydrate here. LETS GOOOOO
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Slate taking pictures of all the plants and stuff is so sweet! I love them.
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Shout out to the pig picture, it's so cuteeeeeee
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The lil bug carrying his bag is giving me actual life okay i love him smsm
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Look at this little guy he is beloved, number 1 sidekick you can't stop me and my beetle propaganda
Speaking of little guys
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And I love his little headband hello that's the sweetest lil thing? did he bring that with him? Did Aryll give him one to useee?
were you not expecting me to yell about loft in the first panel I could? Then you came to the wrong post friend! :DDDDDDDD
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These two defo need to talk about it at one point, maybe after the entire team is together? Having a divide like this (While 100% understandable, loft was kinda a dick about it) will impact things.
Makes me wonder how it's gonna work. Will someone snap some sense into them? Will someone get hurt because they were arguing?
We know they dont really get along too well so I feel like this is the beginning of a greater arc with these two.
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Poor loft, he wants to make amends. Maybe try again in a bit? You'll get it.
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This made me chuckle, when in doubt, wolf is there to assist.
Also, these two have no beef, do we know if Wake knows the wolf from his adventure? I cant actually remember if it was mentioned at all. It would explain why he's so willing to apologise to him and not Loft.
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I love Aryll she is wonderful and deserves the world.
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As peony should, because peony is wonderful
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Tetra's face gives me, as soon as you finish talking I am going to grab you and shake you like a bag of potatoes while asking you a million and one questions.
Small Aryll hiding like that gives so much little sister energy i love her so much okay.
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oh... OH
SLATE? Who is sheeee? A sister?
Alsoooo, She looks an awful lot like loft....
More on this in a minute cause I've got a whole thing.
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Peony pulling them back from the memory, this is why i love her okay. She's wonderful.
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Okay okay okay I am excited about this so hear me outtttttt
I have a theory
Loft reminds Slate of a family member. More specifically his sister.
Thats why they are so cold to him.
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So, it's not just me right? There's a resemblance here. The way the hair falls and the colour.
If Loft got given that headband by someone here as he was helping and now that Slate has seen him wearing it and also not he's had this memory it would explain why he looks to the side like that.
He's looking in the direction that Loft left the screen, perhaps looking for him...
The response from Slate might be a trauma response without them realising it. He's acting cold to Loft because he reminds him of a member of his family that he can't put a face too.
Just a thought of course.
Thats all from me! :D
Have a great day yeah?
(Again sorry this is a little later than normal, I've been head's deep in exam revision for weeks now haha.)
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xwiedzmax · 6 months
Fable- sir what are your intentions
Fable is so confusing and i do not undertstand that man. things he says dont line up (saying that taking out the shards from Rae could kill him, but later mentioning that they would have to do that, whole 'who cursed Isla' thing, blaming Enderian for literally everything) but he's also being weirdly nice to Rae right now. comforting him, letting him actually speak up, listening to what he has to say. he still feels somewhat manipulative though. we know Fable has done bad stuff before, obviously he isnt totally innocent because of not knowing stuff, there are still inconsistencies. with the recent lore, he has acted very impusively with some stuff, and he said that he was too focused on being worried about Icarus, he nearly lost Rae. after that immidiately claiming that he is Rae's father.. my man i think that is a lil bit too soon- he totally ignored Rae's mental health, caring too much about Icarus, if he cared for Rae as much as he claims to, he wouldnt ignore that, i think at least. he also claimed the town peeps were his family, which is also a very quick decision, he hasnt even interacted with many of them more than once. he has done some good stuff tho, looking for Arisanna, helping Momboo, stopping Quixis (in Unlocked), comforting Rae, helping with the raid on town. he might be a bit paranoid like Ocie said, but that man is still sus, im so confused what his intentions are right now. depends how he talks to Icarus next time, its gonna be a bit more clear what he wants to do ..i go back to the void now :] actually i just remembered, Ari has said before that she doesnt really like Fable, and that she doesnt remember him very well, which is another sus thing about him ..now i go into the void
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glitchdollmemoria · 1 year
that last post mentioning masks got me thinking about how like... i quite literally cannot wear a mask at all times due to one of my disabilities. i TRY to wear one when i can but it isnt always an option for me, which fucking sucks because im terrified of getting sick and potentially worsening the very disability that prevents me from consistently masking. and hardly anyone masks anymore so its not like theyre helping to keep me or anyone else safe lmfao. to spell it out very plainly i am PRO-MASK so dont put words in my mouth here please.
i experience heat intolerance, as a symptom of some kind of muscle weakness fatigue issue that still hasnt been properly diagnosed. my body temperature runs warm, im overly sensitive to my environment, and physical activity makes it worse. if i overheat, my muscle weakness (and nausea, and brain fog, and-) will flare up and ill be forced to rest for what could range from minutes to hours to days to weeks to months depending on how bad it is. i have to take IMMEDIATE action when i notice myself getting too warm because i cant risk that, and taking immediate action includes removing anything i can thats keeping me warm, including masks.
so when i walk to work in the summer bc i have exactly zero alternate options? most likely cant mask right away when i come in unless the weather is cooler than usual, because i need to take like half an hour for my body temperature to go back to normal.
moving around more than usual during my shift? the physical activity is gonna increase my temperature and ill have to take my mask off.
going somewhere other than work, having to either walk or take the bus? either way i have to spend time in the sun and so again i will probably need a cool down period once i get inside / on the bus, depending on how hot the weather is.
and theres an intersection here of my multiple disabilities and my poverty. i cant drive due to another illness, and i cant afford to use a rideshare service or even regularly take the bus, so walking in the heat is my only option to get to work. my work options are limited because i couldnt complete college and cant perform heavy physical labor, so i have to stick with a retail job that requires a lot of moving throughout the store, which itself is physical labor that can potentially make me sick if i go overboard.
mostly i just wanted to put this out there because i never really see people talk about actual reasons they cant wear masks, its almost always antimaskers who dont give a damn about people like me. but if you take anything from my ranting, let it be these two points:
while most people who dont wear masks are just making that choice because they dont like doing so or dont think its important anymore, a few of us out here literally cannot always mask despite knowing its a risk to ourselves and others; and
IF YOU CAN MASK PLEASE KEEP FUCKING MASKING. covid still exists! disabled people still exist! many of us are extra susceptible to the long term effects of covid! please fucking help to protect us! please give a shit about us! i feel like im shouting into the void here because i hardly see anyone mask anymore but please.
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goldendunite · 4 months
Location: The Execution Tower
... Dunite?
..... Odette?! Wh- what are you-
No, shh, I am just here to talk to you....
..... you shouldn't. You're gonna get in trouble.
If Hexe was so adamant to keep me away, she would have made certain of it. Here.... I brought you cake.
.... it's delicious.
It would certainly be more delicious if you made it.. you never did quite lose your baking abilities.
..... I can't eat anymore, 'm sorry... I feel like I'm gonna fucking puke....
Did... did I add too much sugar by mistake?
No, not that... you could actually do with more I think. But no, just.... everything.
..... you're scared.
'Dette, you'd be terrified too if you were about to get fucking executed and kicked into the void forever. Icia spent 5 years there, she tells me. She says it feels like nothing but falling. I don't wanna be falling!!
.... Dunite....
No, don't fucking "Dunite" me, there's NOTHING you can do for me! I'm going to die! I'm going to get beheaded or stabbed or SOMETHING! IM GONNA BE IN THE VOID, ALL ALONE, 'N I WONT HAVE YOU OR AOKI OR ICIA OR SAMMY OR AOKI-
.... I said him twice, didn't I..? *sob* ... why.... whywhywhywhywhy did the cosmos align in such a way....
Dunite, come here...
... 'm sorry. Y'didnt deserve that.
.. well, you don't deserve to be in this situation either... so let's declare it even, hm?
.... you miss him. Or both of them.?
.... well yeah, I miss both.... but. He's just...... I miss him in a different way.
..... in a love way?
..... I don't know?! I think?! He's so cute and his smile and he's so sweet and cute and....
.... and I dunno if I'll ever get to see it again. He's an AI, didja know....?
... you fell for an AI?
I DONT KNOW, I THINK SO?! I mean- I fucking HATE AI and you KNOW this! But... he's so nice and acts so human and....
... am I gonna get my heart broken?
..... I.... I do not have an answer, Dunite.
.... do you know when they're doing it?
.... 8 PM. Tomorrow.
So it gets to be dark outside.... maybe there'll be stars?
No. She is making it bright and sunny.
Oh of fucking COURSE she is. Bet this day is a great JOY to EVERYONE in the kingdom. Flynn's right, no one wants me here... 'xcept you and Sammy.
.... I really wish I went with Icia. Stupid, stupid Dunite....
Hey, please stop hitting yourself- It does you no good.!
What else can I do..? I'm going to die. I can't beat myself up over my stupidity one more time?
Absolutely not.
.... when i.... I die, guard all my stuffed animals. Especially the Deedees.
With my life.
.... do you think she'll let me hold the first Deedee? Or the bunny Aoki gave me?
I have high doubts.
Shit...... okay....
..... but...
Wh- how did you get into my room for this?!
.. well apparently the enchanted music book you gifted me once had a spell for phasing through walls, by adjusting my own body's frequency... much less complex than first glance, given.. well... me. Is this the right bunny?
... y-yeah.... 's the bunny Aoki gave me. Hehe.... it still smells like him.
He smells like rain...?
My dear Dunite, you truly do love him... it's a beautiful thing to truly love like that. Even if it is forbidden.
.... do you... do you think they'll be there? Icia and Aoki? She'll make them be there? Because of... them having visited?
......... she may.
.... if that happens, try and make sure they don't see. I... I don't want 'em to watch me die.
I will do my best, Dunite. It's all going to be okay.
..... yeah. It'll be okay. I just wish he was here.
Did he see Flynn hit you?
I hope not.... it broke my wood. I... I think he was weakening me for the execution.
I can see it.... the peridot's chipping out.
Mhm..... I'm sleepy. What... what time did you say again?
8 PM.
.... 'Kay. Thanks Odette....
.... I'll miss you when I'm gone.
.... I-.... I'll miss you too, Dunite. Both Sammy and I will very, very much.
8 PM EST, tomorrow.
We shall await your arrival.
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pangyham · 7 months
sorry to anyone who has to see this HAHAHA i think it's a little fun to ramble to.. a void i guess. i'm typing this under the assumption no one's gonna read it, let alone find it, so, sure, i'll talk!
on pangytine, my current and only instagram account, i sometimes get these spontaneous urges to post a huge a long overdue thank-you paragraph to my followers on my story. gratitude for indulging my artistic endeavors when i still had tangypine. i just never did it because.. well it's kinda.. cheesy... i had no idea how to deliver it in a way that didn't seem dramatic or "humble" because cmon, i'm not that relevant. It felt a bit weird addressing it because it just made it seem like i was this huge influencer who suddenly disappeared (and yes i know i was technically considered a big artist on both ig and twitter but.. it's not like i was unique; i think.. the state of Fandom and the art community these past few years makes accumulating thousands of followers a little less unattainable, and i was one of those artists. and my work is not phenomenal- i did not leave an impact on the art community. but these nuances will just have to be generalized for now because i think you all know what i mean) and so i couldn't help but laugh and cringe and think, "i am not this relevant-" because i really wasn't. why make a big deal out of it?
but i can't help it being a little dramatic though, because i still get emails from my followers asking where i am, and i get comments and messages on pangytine ("i finally found you!"), and i even get messages from my shop's contact form! a shop that i've abandoned for months! and my heart swells. I don't want to dismiss that; i think i will always be a sensitive, emotional person and so stuff like this just makes me overwhelmed. it's sweet, and it will never fail to make me a little bit nostalgic and thankful. I will always have a soft spot for tangypine and my time spent in the anime + genshin communities… i dunno.. people are just so kind and i'm thankful i've encountered a lot of them
i've been a lot less.. chronically online (LOL) that the thought of having 200k followers is completely foreign to me. i forget that i had a huge following, that people actually looked at my stuff. I dont mean for this to come across as modesty though because i'm just being honest, truly. but this just makes the occasional "where are you? i miss your art" hit a little harder 🥲 i mean, i was able to somehow sell my art through tangypine. i was able to do commissions.. had so many say they loved my art- of course a part of me misses that. i don't think i yearn for it, and knowing that makes me a little sad.
i genuinely am thankful for every kind comment people have left me, and every kind message. I think i'm just ultimately thankful i had a kind following. people are so nice! and that's what i wanted to say, that's all ive always wanted to say before i deleted my accounts. here it is
aha and again i dont really expect anyone to see this (except maybe a few handful just because my very first post here has a whopping 4 notes, me included, and that genuinely shocked me HAHAHA). perhaps i just find closure in publishing these particular thoughts somewhere, and here they are sorry this is cringe to the people who read it. my friend once told me i'm notorious for overexplaining. This is will be the only time i get to say this, so gah whatever. i don't think i can bring myself to post this lengthy ramble on my more public account on instagram
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