#for the glow of spent enervation
headlesssamurai · 5 months
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raytm-moved · 1 year
how long had passed since the deep reds and muted mauve had been immersed in the spilling of sable ink. twilight came in the emergence of countless, scintillating stars. It was a sight he had almost forgotten. It was as if time were an insignificant factor, the curtains drawn to cast the room in an eternal tenebrosity. It wasn’t the sort that would bother him, after all, the shafts of light would cast his screen to an exasperating glare, even with preemptive measures, it was far more comfortable to be mantled in the solace of darkness. he knows @paramythas is nestled within it, a surge of blankets in a swathing warmth, a haven which he too has become fond of. there was no room within the inundating anxiety to confess it, but the warmth of yuu settled beside him, a warmth that until now he was unfamiliar with, allowed him to ease into sleep in ways nothing else could. whether he was awake or had dozed during the grueling conflict between warrior and beast was hard to discern, cast in the dim light of the screen, yuu's blanket base was nothing but a vague silhouette. he couldn’t allow focus to drift, not at this dire moment, so until the climax, until the magic imbued sword penetrated the beast in finality those stolen moments had been glimpses from the corner of his eye. finally. all the tension abates, his shoulders slump and the groan that passes his lips is the enervated battle cry of triumph. long, svelte fingers slip from the subtle glow of the mouse, his other hand drifting from the keyboard to lay spent upon the edge of a branded mouse pad.  “ i did it…” and as if those words were a summoning yuu stirs, hand gingerly settling upon his knee, encouraging him to permit his weary bones a moment of reprieve and as much as the next area called to him even he, under the thrall of the game’s intensity, could feel it settling leaden in the apertures of his prostrated self.  he grumbled, arising from the leather as if it were his final resting place. the crack his spine echos is both appeasing and concerning, his arms too, as they stretch above his head, pop in a way that only confirms their stiffness. “ are you happy now … ?” he echos, his voice a dull drone but somewhere, a place perhaps only yuu might be familiar with, there is appreciation. he would possibly fossilize in place had they not nudged him towards release. what was the time ? didn’t yuu have class tomorrow ? he casts his gaze downward to where yuu’s chin was propped with absurd comfort atop a bony knee. a solitary brow raises, a wordless inquiry; can you go on ? or are you too exhausted ? there was a concerning amount of stamina that warded off the wisps of somnolence that curled at the corners of his vision. he was used to denying its whims but he could not say the same for yuu. yet, there it was. A languid shrug which confirmed what he yearned for the most, another hour, no maybe two, of being accompanied in this journey into the unknown. Yuu notices him, the way his mouth curves with thrill, the way his eyes shine a little more in the glow of the monitor. suddenly, his chest tightens. he had been in yuu’s company since yesterday. they had booted up the newly released mmorpg around noon and he’d been at it since but … it was as if the room that was previously vacant had been filled with something that made anxiety burgeon within his chest. they hold eye contact for a moment too long and he pulls himself away, desperately, hastily and yet, those eyes follow him, making a shudder roll along his spine, his stomach churning into knots. he needs to say something, anything, the tension was almost too much to bear but it’s the very thing that prevents him from doing so, ossifying in his throat until all he can manage is a soft whine. Idia feels so seen, so utterly vulnerable and his cheeks are heating up, he’s growing hot in the face and that means ; oh god that means. his hair is also, at its very tips, transposing from a lurid cerulean to a vibrant, abashed pink.
the way his hair cascades through yuu’s fingers feels surreal, as if he were something soft, as if he was able to be handled with such tender care. It makes his heart thrum until he can feel it at the base of his throat, until its strident cacophony is all but deafening. how despairingly does he want to jerk away, to save yuu from the misery of having to lay eyes upon him. but he doesn’t. It’s as if he’s stagnant, rigid with trepidation, apprehension and the recognition of what that feeling meant. when he lifts the strand, a solitary lock of undulating warmth and presses it chastely to his lips idia is convinced he’s going to implode, that he will meet his end in the pinnacle of surmounting mortification.
the strand slinks from where his fingers part and his hand splayed across idia’s knee, rising in a way that made his heart hasten in ways he thought moribund. he doesn’t know what to do, how to react, they’re so close now he can note the curve of his mouth, the way his eyes captivated idia from beneath soft lashes. he was humming, a mellifluous melody of adventure, of the game that he’d been so engrossed in for hours upon hours. It was the realization that yuu had been attentive all of that time, had been reveling in the same things he had found such enjoyment in. the pink, once staining only the tips of his hair, surges to his very scalpe, his entire face a complimentary hue. what is happening, it’s a mantra that repeated in his mind, diffidence coaxing him to shield his face with his arm but not for long. tentative fingers coax it away and somewhere amidst the chaos yuu’s lips press gently against his own. idia doesn’t know how to react, his fingers curl into the arm of his chair, yearning to sink into yuu’s crumpled clothes and when yuu claims him, drawing in his bottom lip he’s certain he gasps. yuu was kissing him, yuu was kissing him yuu was ..
the two pull apart, it’s abrupt, as if the gravity of the situation had impacted them both. idia has slunk as far as possible into his chair, his hands covering his face in a futile attempt to hide how flustered he was. his hair, once a vibrant cerulean, hovers around him in gradients of luminous roseate. he wants to look to yuu for answers - even more so wants their mouths to touch once more but his chest flutters frenetically and he cannot quite bring himself to meet his eyes.  “ y-you .. y-ou..”  he stumbles over the words, a solitary finger coming to rest against his lips.  “ i want to..” he averts his eyes, his breath shaky.  “ do it again..” 
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hoe-imaginess · 4 years
a helping hand (or two) | dabi
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Dabi x fem!Reader
summary: Dabi is suffering from an aphrodisiac quirk. Now he’s got a dick that just won’t quit, and you have to take care of it.
word count: 10.4k
contains: almost dub-con, handies, bjs, dick riding, dirty talk, slight violence, a very stubborn Dabi who has to be restrained 
a/n: self-indulgent & vaguely crack-ish. my idea of an aphrodisiac includes an overload of the five senses bc...idk I wanted to play w/ descriptive prose. my kink is describing Dabi’s horniness in paragraphs ok. meaty intro before the smut, hang in there
Dabi entertained the alley-dweller’s angry outbursts with sadistic patience. The man yelled at him, threatened him, boasted of all the ways in which he was going to make Dabi suffer for attacking and underestimating him—
Then, finally having decided that the fodder was no longer amusing him, the flame-user extended a glowing palm in preparation to finish the job. 
When you read the intention in Dabi’s movement, you fidgeted where you stood and calculated the risk of opposing him. 
“You can’t just keep burning everyone you don’t like,” you said, calculations made, deciding that you might as well attempt to be a voice of reason while you were paired up with him on this job. 
It was a voice he happily ignored. The white-hot glare of his palm smoldered into the bursting blue of his flames as they lit up his fingers.  
“Says who?” 
Trash was trash. If you couldn’t see that, then oh well. Folly on your part for thinking the tedious task of recruiting didn’t require this sort of disposal; what better to do with underwhelming candidates than permanently remove them from the talent pool? You shouldn’t have tagged along if you weren’t prepared for his methods. 
When the alley-villain realized that Dabi’s patience for his empty, arrogant threats had been spent, his dirt-stained face colored with fear, and his wild eyes darted in every direction of the alley to seek refuge from the imminent flames. He started to plead—which Dabi found grimly amusing given that the man had been spouting insults about his patchwork skin just moments before—then he shrank back against the alley wall, sinking to the ground in fear.
“The more bodies you leave the easier it will be for the police to track us.” You’d taken to your persuasions again, fruitless though you knew it was. 
“And you’ll be compromising the entire League.”
“If all you’re gonna do is complain then you don’t have to tag along, ya know.” He spared a glance your way, with that drolly exasperated look on his face he always gave when he felt you were speaking out of turn. 
But his diverted attention proved costly: the alley-dweller suddenly went berserk, and was rushing at him with a final, rogue desperation to escape. 
The charge, surprisingly swift as it was, was also uncalculated, and Dabi narrowly side-stepped to avoid a blow. With an indignant sneer, he rounded his hand and kindled his flames anew: no more games, it was time to kill. But before he could retaliate, the lunatic was on him again, barreling toward him. 
Though fatally seared by the sudden discharge of flame that Dabi released, the derelict’s bulk was still sufficient to topple into Dabi and throw him off balance. He might have fallen from the impact if not for the way the man gave a wailing, pained shriek and threw himself away from the flames. 
Torched and agonized as the man was, his mounted attack hadn’t been a complete failure: though Dabi’s flames had mostly protected him, there was an unmistakable sensation of damage in him which left him suddenly rigid with alarm. 
Had he been wounded?
He looked down at himself, saw no injuries from which the bodily distress might have been roused. After a few moments the distress was gone, and he decided it was just adrenaline. Then, there returned the enervated frustration. 
“Trash,” he muttered indignantly, glaring at the steaming heap of the man, who’d stumbled over a litter of aluminum trash bins and capsized with them onto the ground. He wasn’t moving. But he was still whole, and not the pile of burning ash he could have been, should have been, now, after that little effrontery—
Your arm was on him before he could pursue the murderous thoughts. 
“Are you alright?” you asked, inspecting him carefully. 
Instantly and fiercely, he shrugged away from your touch. 
“Fine,” he grunted out, straightening and stiffening his limbs to convince himself of it. But that odd feeling was still there, burgeoning slowly at the sight of the man’s body fuming on the ground, at your own body standing so close to him. “If you hadn’t been running your damn mouth—”
“Sorry,” you conceded, more concerned with his demeanor than with defending yourself. In all likelihood he didn’t even realize how ruffled he looked. “Did he… are you hurt?”
“I said I’m fine,” he insisted firmly. 
While you stared at him in doubtful concern, an energetic heat crept up his spine. Slow, like an insect bite bringing its stinging warmth to a crawl over his skin, skin both scarred and unscarred alike. 
There was a smell, then, when he took his shallow breaths: something sweet, like lingering perfume, or fragrant incense—
Fairly quickly he realized the smell was coming from you, and glared at you in puzzled indignation, like the fact that this scent was yours and that he could smell it now—why could he smell it so profusely now, when he hadn’t before? What the hell?—was somehow offensive. Worst of all it smelled damn good. Had you always smelled that good?
“...What is it?” you asked carefully, not quite able to place the look on his face, but considerably unnerved by it, nonetheless. “Dabi…?”
Your voice—it held such particular tones that he hadn’t before noticed until now, as though he’d been deaf to what you really sounded like; how sleek and enticing your words were when they came out of your pretty mouth. 
Oh, and your mouth: lips parted fretfully in preparation for another concerned inquiry on his well-being, objectively innocent but suddenly, and infuriatingly, looking very much like they were tempting him for a kiss. 
Then when your pink tongue came to wet your lips in anxious trepidation, that too he saw as a maddeningly teasing gesture that made his hands feel hot. Then it was his feet; then his whole body. 
He began to fidget where he stood. 
Then, at the sudden onset of warmth in his head, he slid over to the alley wall, a splayed hand against the brick keeping his balance while he hung his dizzy head low. 
“What the hell,” he muttered to himself woozily. 
“Dabi?” You went to inspect him cautiously. You couldn’t see his expression through the curtain of black that had fallen over his face, but you knew something was amiss. “Are you okay?” you asked again. 
“I’m fine,” he huffed out, and you’d been oblivious to his hoarse breathing up until the moment you stopped in front of him. 
“Dabi,” you begged his attention now that his eyes had closed shut, his features pinched. “What’s wrong?”
His eyes, dizzied by the heat, began to play tricks on him. Even behind the closed lids he saw sparks flying, and swirls of white-hot passion dancing.
When the heat in him turned to a near-burning sensation, he opened his eyes and stared down at his body. Was his quirk activated? he thought confusedly. Or was the heat that licked his skin just a hallucination: flames that failed to consume him wholly? What the hell was happening? What was this—
The heat finally centered—mortifyingly—between his legs, and what had been confusion before was now full-blown bafflement. 
“Dabi,” you were saying again. 
The sound of your voice inflamed him not in aggravation, but something else. 
“You don’t look good,” you said. The way his breath had thinned to long, rough pants put anxiety in you. “...I’ll call Kurogiri.” You fished your phone from your pocket with the intention of doing so. 
A grunt was his response; he couldn’t coherently pick his words. Then, the anticipation of your voice again, on the phone, speaking in those tones and that sweet melody, made him shudder.
“No,” he muttered. 
You looked at him, the phone to your ear, the line ringing. “What?” 
“Don’t,” was all he could say, lower this time, almost in a growl. 
“But Dabi, you—”
Suddenly, at the thought of hearing your voice for even another second, the fire overtook him. 
First he slapped the phone from your grip. Its screen broke against the pavement and the voice that answered the call—too late, you thought fleetingly—stuttered on the line. Then he slammed you against the wall. 
Winded and bewildered, it took you several seconds to find your bearings. In that time he’d pressed against you, his breath so hot and so angry that it flushed perspiration over your skin. 
Gaping, your lips trembled. “Dabi, what—” 
“Shut up,” he seethed quietly, teeth baring. 
You recognized the wild look of violence on his face, but the lust in his hazy eyes wasn’t anticipated. Nor was the erection you felt pressing against your leg. You stared wide-eyed as the sinking realization came over you.
In desperation you pushed at him; he pushed back, corralling you against the wall even harder. 
The air was knocked out of your lungs, and with it, a dying protest, “Wait—”
He clamped a too-warm hand over your mouth, and pressed his face against yours. His forehead on your own felt feverish and sweaty; his eyes, like blue-burned coals, pierced into yours. You could smell the heat smoldering off of him. 
He loosed a shaky, unhinged breath. “Shut. Up.” 
Unthinking, your hand tugged at the one on your mouth, inadvertently digging into his staples. But his wild passion lent him a worrisome insensitivity to the hurt, and his other hand was going for your waist, squeezing into your shirt and wrenching you impossibly closer against him. 
The pain which erupted from his compromised staples only fanned the flames of his arousal. He didn’t know why. Of course he fucking didn’t. He didn’t even know why his body was moving the way it was: rutting against you, seeking friction for his aching dick. 
His mouth went to your neck but applied no kisses or intimate caresses; he just pressed against the skin and breathed in pants. He put his free hand to your breast, the movement not a calculated one, more like he was seeking leverage to his imbalance. The stuttering beat of your heart was palpable under his palm. 
"Fuck,” he sputtered out angrily, disoriented, and dug his fingers into your chest. You moaned behind his palm, both in shock and pleasure. 
All he needed to hear was the latter. 
The sound made him hiss a low and dangerous curse, and when he peeked his head back up, his pulsing eyes shone with something beyond just lust now: pure hunger. 
Just as he moved his hand away from your mouth with the intent of crashing his own against you in a bruising kiss, there was a sound behind him. 
In the back of his mind he recognized it: Warp Gate. 
Kurogiri, and possibly someone else, had answered your call for aid. 
Dabi utterly ignored it. 
It had nothing to do with him. 
He was only concerned with the heat. All he felt was the heat; all he saw was your lips: parted in dumbfoundment, dry, and begging to be wetted by his tongue–
There was a commotion, and then an angry voice that Dabi distantly recognized as Shigaraki’s. 
Then a blow to the back of his head took everything away.
A subtle transformation had overtaken his body by the time he woke. 
No longer was the heat excruciating, but it was still there, nevertheless: a curling medium beneath his skin which he felt the instant consciousness came back to him. With it, the dizzy ache in his head and the haze in his eyes. Then, finally: his limbs refusing to move when he tried to stretch them. 
At once he realized he was back in the bar, confined in a chair, with people gawking at him from all sides. 
He blinked his vision back to clarity, then scowled. “The hell?”
“Do you remember anything, Dabi?” That was Kurogiri somewhere to his left. Looking, Dabi confirmed his usual station behind the bar. 
Delaying an answer, the flame-user glanced around. Not all of the League was there, he saw. Besides Kurogiri, only Shigaraki and you were audience to the spectacle. 
You tried to avoid his harsh eyes when they landed on you, when they flitted across your features as if in an elaborate struggle to put pieces of a disoriented puzzle together. Solved, apparently, as his memory came back, his confused scowl worked into a realizing frown. 
“Shit,” he muttered in annoyance. 
Shuffling uncomfortably in the chair, he surmised it was rope binding his wrists behind his back, and his ankles to the chair legs. But the movement also brought attention to the hot pressure in his gut. 
Or at the least, he thought that’s where it was—until he glanced down and realized that despite the abatement of the wild heat, his erection still peeked proudly underneath his jeans.
Now he was scowling again. 
“What the hell,” he spat out, and suddenly, with his frustration flourishing, the heat was returning in slow order. 
He cursed under his breath. He looked up and glared at the first onlooker he set his eyes upon: Kurogiri. 
“Get me out of this shit.”
“I can’t do that,” the man replied regrettably. “When I came to retrieve you from the scene we had no choice except to put you down when you refused to listen. Given the nature of the quirk that you’ve been struck with, we have to take precautions until we know it’s out of your system.”
Dabi listened with steely suspicion. “What quirk?”
“An aphrodisiac—” You almost bit your tongue once you’d started, because the quick and fierce glance he gave you suggested he wasn’t entirely happy with you, and even less happy to hear your voice. 
“It’s an aphrodisiac quirk,” you stated, more calmly now. 
Dabi blinked, brows knotting in concentration. Spoken plainly that way, it seemed absurd, stupid. 
He scoffed dryly. “You’re joking.” 
“Really fucked up this time, didn’t you?” came Shigaraki from a spot at the bar, his arms crossed. “Serves you right, searching the alleys for trash. I told you to stop doing that shit.”
“Fuck off,” Dabi spat. “How was I supposed to know the guy’d have such a stupid fuckin’…” 
Dabi tsked and shuffled uncomfortably in his chair again. The bitterness he felt for his confinement was quickly gaining, and so was the returning arousal. A sweltering, uncomfortable warmth on his skin made him hyperaware of his flushed face, and he could practically feel the sweat teeming on his unscarred flesh. 
“I’m serious,” he muttered, glaring at Shigaraki. “Get me out of this.”
“So you can go ape shit again? No. It’s disgusting.” 
“I’m not gonna do shit, relax.”
Dabi was aware then that focus was being pulled in the room, pulled directly to you: the victim of his unbidden arousal.
With a roll of his eyes, he huffed a frustrated breath and gave you what might have passed for an apology, if he’d even bothered looking at you. “My bad, and all that.”
Shigaraki’s arrogant snort derailed whatever amendment you might have transpired to make. 
“You’re lucky the guy was still alive when we got there—barely,” your leader went on. “Told us a bit about what to expect from you in the next few hours though, once we promised we’d let him go.”
Dabi gave him a flat look of doubt. 
Shigaraki scoffed. “Didn’t keep that promise, obviously.” Then he was scowling behind Father. “I don’t like having to clean up your messes. Shouldn’t have to finish off your fodder for you. You can’t even do that right, can you?”
Dabi’s frustration was in full bloom now, despite reason persuading him against it; he’d gathered enough at this point—at the expense of his own body—to know that agitation of any kind would feed the quirk’s effects. 
Heat pooled low in his stomach when he demanded again, “Let me out of this shit right now or I’m gonna get mad.”
“Supposed to be a 24-hour thing unless you take care of it, to put it plainly,” Shigaraki responded.
“I assumed as much. So get me outta this shit and I’ll fuck off for a while.”
“Nah. Don’t need you going and causing a scene somewhere because you don’t know how to keep your pants on.”
You could feel the conflagration of tension in the room. Maybe it was Dabi’s quirk, maybe it was the alley-dweller’s mixing with it, making it dangerously palpable. Regardless, Shigaraki’s snark seemed to bring Dabi’s attention back to his body, to the insufferable bulge between his legs that demanded relief.
“This is stupid,” he declared bitterly, and tugged on the knots tied at his wrists, the throbbing heat in his lower-half lending itself to his quirk as it activated in licking flames along his arms. He was tired of this shit. He lost his temper all at once. “You’re damn crazy if you think I’m just gonna sit here—”
Then there was blue flame torching the back of the chair, blackening the rope which bound him and making the tethers frail enough to tear apart under a strong tug. He was freeing himself. 
From there, it all happened relatively swiftly. 
As he went to work on the binds at his feet with newly liberated arms, Shigaraki was in a conniption of angry protests, and Kurogiri fluttered nervously between taking action or remaining an onlooker. 
Then there was you, probably the least equipped to do much of anything to alleviate the situation, but nevertheless skipping to your feet the moment the chaos ensued. There was arguing, cursing, insults—then your voice, attempting to wedge some conciliatory reason into the room.
It did the exact opposite. 
Dabi had apparently forgotten of the trigger in your voice that sent his body into a frenzy. When you spoke up, your voice just loud enough to cut above the rest of the uproar, his aspiration to free himself tapered off as his sharp eyes honed in on you. 
His arousal came back with a vengeance; in his pants, his dick twitched angrily for relief, and that frenzy took over his thought process again. 
His flames burned the rope at his feet and he came at you, so close, so very close, not knowing why he was doing it but only that he needed to touch you—
You were frozen on the spot. But Shigaraki was reaching for something along the bar, and Dabi’s world went black again soon after. 
When he woke this time, his rope bonds had been replaced for something cold and metallic, something stronger to withstand the vehemence of his flames. Even the chair to which he was bound had been swapped for something sturdier than wood.
“You fuckin’ serious?” he spat out, even before his vision had centered. He knew where he was, and why he was there. No need for context clues. 
“You gave us no other choice,” Kurogiri amended carefully, the black vapors that composed him flitting about anxiously. 
“Told you that you’d lose it,” Shigaraki said, anger having replaced all his snarky tones of condescension from before. “You’re like a damn animal.”
Dabi hissed and put his head back, feeling the soreness at his nape from consecutive blows. If he weren’t so presently occupied with the curl of heat welcoming him afresh, he might have simmered on the idea of burning his relatively recent—but entirely disagreeable—boss to a crisp when this was over. 
Then for the first time Dabi realized you were absent, and glanced around as if in search of you. Good, he thought, when he confirmed that you were missing. You just... complicated things. 
“I’m fine now,” he insisted, as placidly as possible as if to give stock to his lie. The respite had done nothing for the arousal harassing him; the longer it having gone unsatiated, even in unconsciousness, making it all the more demanding. 
Mellowing his urgency to a non-existent degree was almost impossible, however. Dabi knew the way the soles of his shoes twisted and flattened restlessly into the ground below was anything but inconspicuous. 
“Just warp me outta here, Kurogiri,” he implored. 
“No,” Shigaraki answered. “Shut up. Consider this a lesson. No more rummaging for allies in shithole parts of town. This is what happens when you go dumpster-diving for recruits.”
“You want me to burn this place down?” Dabi threatened, testing the strength of his bonds. A flicker of blue teased along his jawline. “‘Cause I got no problem doing that.”
Shigaraki shrugged. “Sure. You’ll just burn up with it, since you’ve got no way out of that chair.”
He knew it was true, and worked his jaw. “For all you know the damn guy was lyin’,” he said as a final act of contempt, and gave his leader a leery, side-long glare. “And this shit might not go away on its own.”
“Guess we’ll have to see, won’t we?” 
Dabi sneered. Foiled, but regardlessly frustrated by the truth of it, he put his head back with an angry sigh and resigned himself to an attempted calm. 
You’d lingered in the bar’s back rooms for the better part of an hour before emerging. 
Shigaraki had instructed you to make yourself scarce, but you were drafted to stay by some guilty—and admittedly curious—sentiment. 
It was awfully unfair, you agreed, to keep Dabi chained up like he was—even in spite of the danger he posed under the quirk’s influence. But you must have overlooked that danger when you decided to slip into the main room where he was being held, long after you had been assured that Kurogiri and Shigaraki were gone. 
His back to the door, Dabi didn’t glance over his shoulder at the sound of your footsteps. It seemed he was sour enough not to offer greeting, and preferred to be left alone in his turmoil. 
He especially didn’t want your company, which he made clear by way of a harsh frown when you came into his peripheral. 
He tsked and readjusted uncomfortably in his seat at your arrival. “The hell do you want?”
“How are you feeling?” 
“Never been better,” he muttered. 
You were aware of how he avoided your gaze, and couldn’t know whether it was in an effort to stave off the arousal your presence had so viciously wrought before, or because he simply didn’t appreciate your company. The latter seemed just as likely as the first, though neither stopped you from taking a seat in one of the room’s couches so you could sit across at him. 
Your eyes were trained on his face, on the agitation creased into his expression. It was almost indecipherable under his otherwise cold demeanor. Clearly, the quirk was still in effect. If his tried composure wasn’t enough, there was a subtle tent in his pants that hadn’t gone away, not since its first appearance hours ago, you imagined. 
You didn’t realize you were ogling until he noticed. He tsked. 
“Take a picture,” he offered spitefully, immediately dissuading your eyes away from him. 
“Sorry,” you let slip, embarrassment flushing your cheeks, and in response he only lulled his head back again and shut his eyes. 
All was silent for a while, and might have remained thereby, if not for the way that the curt apology brought back the weight of guilt you’d felt to see his sorry state. 
“And I’m sorry for bringing you back here,” you spoke up. “Or at least, sorry that I called the others. I didn’t realize you’d be held up like this–”
“Stop talking,” he muttered. 
Mouth opening, then closing again, you almost swallowed down your next words. But again, they refused to stay unspoken. 
“I wouldn’t have called them,” you insisted, “if you didn’t—if you didn’t come after me like that. I was confused.”
No response. Only another uncomfortable shuffle in the chair while his eyes remained shut and his mouth a thin line. 
They’d put his hands in a sort of metallic sleeve since you last saw him, to discourage any more pyromania, you guessed. Though they weren’t visible, you could see how his arms shifted, how his tendons worked, and could imagine his fingers flitting anxiously inside the restraints. 
“Is… me being here making it worse?” you chanced to ask. 
He scoffed, and finally gave you his attention. “What?” Then, fully understanding your train of thought, rolled his eyes, and resigned them shut again while he relaxed into the chair. “Sorry to break it to you, sweetheart, but that dumb look you got on your face all the time isn’t exactly alluring.”
You frowned, and it was almost with cross touchiness that you argued, “But you came after me—”
“I’m guessin’ the point of the quirk is to make anything look fuckable.  So don’t flatter yourself.”
Despite all your caution, you couldn’t help but give the man a sour look. “You’re rude.”
He shrugged, the movement impeded considerably by his restraints. “Whatever. Anyways, you just gonna sit there and watch me? I’m not exactly in the mood for company.” He moved in his seat again, fighting the heat between his legs the best he could. “Unless you’re gettin’ off on my suffering and what not. Kinda twisted of you, if you ask me. Didn’t peg you as the type.”
“That’s not it,” you insisted quickly. “I just wanted to…well—”
“To what? Check in on me? Nice of you. But you can fuck off now.” 
A sudden twitch in his legs took the tension from the repartee. You looked down at the limb as he did. 
The burning heat in his veins took away practically all control he had of his extremities, rallied them into unconscious servants of the damn quirk until they were twitching, then relaxing, then twitching again.
You noticed this, too, and though his efforts to conceal the struggle were commendable, they left you in a state of shame, as if it were you bound in the chair with your arousal on display. Seeing someone so normally composed as he was in such a state was distressing, and admittedly, absorbing.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and let your rampant thoughts form to words. “Will it go away if you…”
“If I what?” Then once understanding, the smallest of smirks twisted his scarred lips. “Rub one out? How the hell am I supposed to know?”
You ignored the heat that dropped down your spine to hear him say it so unabashedly. “I don’t have the key to your locks,” you explained. “So I couldn’t let you out even if I wanted to.”
He gave no response, just looked away from you again. 
And here now was the adrenaline pulsing nonsense out of you, making you think crazy and debauched thoughts that would in any other situation be put down immediately by rationale. 
He glanced at you when you tapered off. “But?”
Your silence annoyed him, now that he was interested. Before he could hound you to continue, you sputtered out your proposal:
“Do you want me to do something about it?”
He looked at you, an eyebrow raised, as if demanding clarification. But you had a resolute feeling that he was toying with you by choosing silence. 
“You know what I mean,” you asserted. 
The blank, cold stare you received in kind made you wonder if he actually did know what you meant. Maybe he didn’t understand—
“No,” he then said. 
The defeat you felt was utterly uncalled for, you knew. But you felt it anyways: a wash of humiliation plummeting down your body and swelling up again in frustration. 
But you let it be, knowing anything more you had to say would probably earn you tenfold embarrassment. 
Twenty minutes must have passed—though he wasn’t counting, and he wasn’t so sure that the affliction in his body wasn’t twisting his sense of time—each entailing another dredge of painful heat in his groin that worsened the longer his arousal went unattended to.
All the fail safes he’d practiced in his adolescence to ward off unwanted arousals were utterly useless now. He might as well have been on cloud nine when he filled his head with repulsive concepts: the smell of antiseptic, the smell of fish—fucking disgusting fish—even images of roadkill and dead bodies, putrefying and blackened. 
The thoughts themselves were off-putting, as promised, but it wasn’t thoughts at all that fueled his libido: it was a completely physical and natural arousal. 
Even shuffling his legs around, as meager of friction as it gave, made his hips inch forward in search of more when the fabric of his jeans teased his hard cock. It was fucking humiliating. 
He looked at you. You were too occupied searching the floor for an answer to your anxieties to notice the way he studied you.
You weren’t bad looking, he decided. Not that he’d ever really thought of you that way before. Not thoroughly, anyways. In this little group of delinquents he’d surrounded himself with—a grand mistake on his part, he thought, especially during times like these—you were the only fuel he had for his imagination on nights he needed to let off some steam. 
There was no intimacy behind it, no real passion for you that extended beyond the time from when he shoved a hand into his jeans, to when he was cleaning thick ropes of cum from his knuckles afterwards. 
You were only ever given credence in his brain then, when he was giving his cock hard and angry tugs to the thought of you on your knees for him, or against a wall with his hand curled around your throat, and sometimes bent over his knee while he spanked your ass raw (a more recent daydream now, ever since that time a few weeks ago when you’d bent down in front of him to pick something up off the floor).
Suddenly aware of an alarming change in his body, he paused his thoughts to immerse himself back into his too-hot skin again. 
He felt a wetness against his swollen cock, and after squirming covertly, frowned, realizing with loathing that the stickiness chafing his briefs was pre-cum. 
He stubbornly decided that it was just an inevitable response to his body’s raging war with arousal, and not—not at all—because he’d been thinking of you. 
Letting his body endure until his pants were dampened with pre-cum was an unwanted solution. Or even worse, until the sensitivity in his cock went haywire and even the tiniest of movements might make him cream his pants. 
A frustrated breath whistled out from his nose and he grit his teeth. Goddamnit. This was fucking stupid. 
“Fuck,” he said aloud, shaking his head as if to condemn the words he was about to say, knowing how they would haunt his ego later, “Fine. Come here.”
You glanced up, and, unable to fulfill the request with your mind suddenly racing, simply stared. 
That insipid look of failed registry on your face irritated him, and he scowled. “Are you deaf?”
“You want me to—” A sweep of your eyes down to his crotch elucidated what you were too hesitant to say. 
“You offered,” he reminded you, and decided that in order to make this even a fraction less humiliating, he’d need to emphasize your culpability. “Kinda been thinking it’s your fault, anyways. If you hadn’t been such a dumbass back there I would’ve finished the guy off like I wanted to. But you were too busy spouting your nitpicky bullshit.”
There was a guilty look on your face now, like you’d been considering the accusation in your own time. Now having it confirmed, you were more susceptible to the reasoning, and even more willing to rectify yourself. 
Still, you struggled to swallow down hesitation. “You’re sure that you want me to—”
“You’re gonna start pissin’ me off if you get all shy,” he said, trying as hard as his dancing nerves would allow to keep the desperation out of his voice. 
Since yielding to the ludicrous idea, his body had apparently taken up a premature celebration at the thought of your hands on him. His balls were tight and his dick was throbbing hard enough to make his legs tense with each pulse. 
“I just want to make sure,” you insisted. “I mean, if you really–”
“I’ll make it easy for you then. Either get over here, or piss off.”
He was relieved, pleased, and somewhat amused when the hesitation left you and you obeyed. When you came to stand idly in front of him, he glanced up, watching your confusion. 
Your eyes flicked from his face to his crotch, where the dim light of the room caught the curve of his hard dick pressing against his jeans. 
“You gonna stare at it all day?” he asked. 
You looked at him. “What do you want me to do?”
“When you offered to do something about it I assumed you already had some ideas. You need me to give you an instruction manual?” 
Your silence frustrated him again, and he tsked, glancing away from you as the reality of what you two were doing finally set in. 
“Take it out,” he muttered. 
So you did, reaching numbly down and carefully undoing his pants. The bulge that awaited underneath his jeans gave you pause. You stared at it, and a shot of adrenaline pumped through you when it twitched in his briefs, as if feeling your eyes ogling it and begging you to give it attention.
You tried to clear your conscience. This was Dabi, Dabi who treated you with such disregard that you sometimes wondered if he even knew your name; Dabi, who was letting you even breathe next to him without trying to scorch you.
A trickling, somewhat fatally comedic thought entered your mind: was he going to light you ablaze the second you touched him? Or maybe after, once you’d relieved him, as a way to permanently silence you against ever speaking a word of this to anyone?
Shivering at the morbidity of your own creation, you reached for his briefs and pulled them down carefully until his cockhead showed itself, pink-hued and shiny with an excess amount of pre-cum. 
You worked a hand underneath the briefs instead of exposing him completely, thinking he might want some semblance of modesty during this. Your convictions were rattled from their mounts when your fingers wrapped gently around the tip of his cock and gave a firm squeeze. 
In response: silence. 
You’d thought with how viciously his arousal had seemed to harangue him that he might give a stronger reaction: a moan, a sigh, a grunt, maybe even an audible breath. 
He just stared at you, looking as utterly bored as he usually did.
Then your fingers decided to retreat, and the sound you’d been displeased to be robbed of came finally as a frustrated grunt when your grip left him. 
“Seriously?” he huffed, staring at you. The irritation left its first but considerable split in his composure. The rest was quickly chipping away. He couldn’t pretend to be aloof about this for much longer. “You got cold feet now?”
“That’s not it.”
“What then? Never seen one before?”
“I don't know… how you want it,” you explained. 
“The hell does that mean?”
“Do you want me to use my hands?” you clarified hesitantly. “Or…” 
The little huff of derisive laughter that fell from his open lips made an eerie picture of his otherwise blank face. 
“Or what?” he taunted. “You got something else in mind? You been dyin’ for a taste of it or something–”
“No,” you finished, and that flustered look of anger on your face was pissing him off again, instead of amusing him like it might have under another context.
“So then cut the shit and do whatever.”
With a frown you went to your knees, unwilling to get further embroiled. 
When you started to stroke him, more pre-cum squeezed from the tip in generous pumps. You didn’t bother asking him how hard or fast he wanted it—you started hastily, hand gliding quickly over his cock, urgently enough that pre-cum eased the motion and made wet, sharp sounds with every stroke. 
His knee twitched like he’d been checked for reflex, which you took as encouragement to keep going despite his loyalty to silence. 
The veins along his dick pulsed needily and you swore you could feel the throb under your palm. The throb became more palpable as time went on. You thought you were doing well. But apparently not. 
“Harder,” he muttered, not a minute after you’d started. 
You glanced up at him. He wasn’t looking at you, but instead had shut his eyes in concentration. It looked to you as though he was trying to find the pleasure in your pace—which was apparently too soft for his likings. 
You did as instructed, nevertheless: you tightened your grip a fraction, fingers curling and making your strokes face slightly more resistance as they worked more pre-cum from the red tip. 
Another twitch in his leg, then a deep exhale that ended in a shiver; you saw his toned stomach shudder with the motion beneath his clothes, and fleetingly considered inching his shirt up a bit more out curiosity: how far did the burnt skin go down his body?
But then he was grunting, and breathing more stiffly than before. You thought that was another sign of a job well done, when his eyes peeled open and looked down upon you with such emphasized frustration that you realized you were not, in fact, meeting his standards. 
“Harder,” he demanded again, more rigidly this time. Despite the command, your hand slowed. For that, he frowned at you. “Can barely feel that shit. You gotta do better than that. I like it rough.”
A flush of humiliation put purpose back into your rigid fingers, and you were moving your hand again, albeit slowly as you tested the new grip, this time with such purposeful pressure that you were tugging his dick now more than stroking it. 
“I thought it might hurt,” you started meekly.
“It doesn’t. Keep going.” 
You did, picking up speed again. The adrenaline put some more initiative into you, and you made a purposeful attempt to drag your thumb down hard on his swollen cock with every jerk of your hand. 
A croaky hum from his throat brought your attention to his face; his eyes watched your hand stroking him with fuzzy scrutiny. 
“Yeah,” he breathed thinly, his eyes fluttering closed again, finally satisfied. “Just like that.” 
That made your chest tight with excitement and your legs fidget beneath you. Your own arousal was wetting the inside of your thighs by now, but you were able to ignore it momentarily in favor of serving his.
At some point his hips stuttered up to start meeting your hand, but in a much slower rhythm than you were stroking; lazy pumps up into your grip. Every synchronic motion when you jerked up and his hips rolled down, there was an amazing tightness on the head of his cock that made his breath catch every time. 
You decided on using both hands (he was big, unexpectedly big, so much so that it was staggering and you decided you would think about that later when he wasn’t filling your palms so generously) and started twisting your grip in time with your strokes. It was then he finally loosed a low and breathy groan. 
Then his hips were pumping into your hands roughly, fucking himself in slow but hard thrusts—so hard that you had to steel yourself and tighten your grip to keep from getting bucked off. 
Another low moan from his throat. “Shit…” Then, when a surge of confidence urged you to quickly run your tongue along the head of his dick, his breath caught in a hard grunt.
“Shit,” he hissed out, and spread his thighs wider, pushing them up eagerly in demand that you give him more. 
To the best of your ability you tried, spreading your tongue underneath the head and rapidly swiping it back and forth. That got his hips stuttering, and his body jolting in its confines. 
“Fuck,” he bit out. “Yes, fuck.... Just like that.”
Without prompting your lips came into the fold, closing tightly around the tip and sucking in time with the hands that fisted his cock until you were lavishing every inch of him in some way. 
The feeling alone was ridiculously good, but watching you made his jaw go slack and mouth open as he panted. Maybe it was just the stupid quirk making him delirious, but you looked a hell of a lot hotter doing this than what his fantasies had led him to believe. Fuck. You weren’t half bad. 
A particularly hard thrust into your mouth had one of your hands slipping loose, and his next thrust, unimpeded by the length of one your fists around him, shoved his dick to the tight heat at the back of your throat.
He grunted hard, “Fucking shit—” Then arched up quickly, jumping at the opportunity to sink his cock deeper. 
Without a pause to steady yourself you had little choice but to oblige, and his cockhead shoved in, cramming itself against your hot tongue, pumping farther back inch by inch. 
The hand still jerking him off covered what your throat was too inexperienced to swallow down, and the rhythm of your tight mouth and vice-like hand made him moan deeply. 
But it might have been too much, and a strength lent to him by the quirk’s desperation made his hips lift off the chair forcibly, driving his cockhead to the very back of your throat until you were sputtering and choking. 
“Fuck.” It made him dizzy with pleasure, and he shut his eyes to keep them from rolling as he frantically pumped his hips upwards to get you gagging on him again. “Yeah, fuck, fuck, fuck–”
But then you were pulling off completely with a gasping breath.
His eyes opened, wild with exasperation. “The hell–”
You coughed wetly and started to plead, “Don’t choke me–” 
“Fine—fine. Hurry the hell up.” His hips jutted up impatiently in search of your mouth again, his swelling cock bouncing and twitching urgently. “Put that fuckin’ mouth back on it right now—” 
You obeyed, and his hips shuddered down into the chair, following the motion of your lips as they tightened over his length—only to start thrusting up into the hot and wet cavern again once his cockhead hit the roof of your mouth. 
It was like a fire had been kindled underneath him and was rapidly boiling all his thoughts to a vapor. It was stupidly good, so damn hot and tight and wet he couldn’t remember a mouth on his cock ever feeling this amazing. He wished his hands were free so he could fist them into your hair, so he could push you down more, get you gagging and sputtering on his cock. 
His eyes squeezed shut, face flexing with occasional twitches. His lips pulled back into a desperate grimace and long, shaky breaths whistled out through his clenched teeth. 
With his vision released of the sight of you on your knees, his mind was free to give the hot wetness on his cock another name, and he instead imagined that it was your pussy he was shoving into, gripping him nice and tight. 
He felt his quirk stirring underneath the pleasure; every vein in his body warmed at the mere thought of shoving into you raw, and until that very moment he hadn’t itched to break through his constraints like he did now, hadn’t wanted to be free of them so he could wrestle you to the floor and fuck you like he needed to. 
You were doing something particularly creative with your tongue on the underside of his cock, and a full body shudder brought him back to present. He watched you in your task: your eyes were shut tight in concentration, your brows furrowed as you struggled to accept his dick while it rammed against the back of your throat. Even your hand’s grip on his cock was a little tighter, he noticed appreciatively. 
It would have been fucking fantastic: a real goddamn sight to see that he might have honestly applauded you for later—if he wasn’t suddenly so absurdly enraptured with his fantasies. 
Dabi wanted more. Something deeper and hotter, something to bury his cock into and relish the velvety grip, something he could ravage and fuck away the ache in his body—
The thought of pounding his dick inside of you suddenly encompassed all other thought; it wasn’t a notion his frenzied mind would let remain as a fantasy. He wanted nothing else. Your mouth on his cock, your throat curdling around him, choking on him in a way that made his legs shake...
It was all insufficient now. He needed to be inside of you. As soon as fucking possible. 
“Shit,” he spat out. It was a curse different from the others, not breathed on arousal, but frustration. 
You looked up at him, and read him to be just as disgruntled as he sounded. 
“This ain’t doin’ it,” he said, and slowed his thrusting hips, which was a more hard-fought task to complete than he imagined; he may have been getting greedy with his fantasies, but his cock was still more than happy to use your mouth as a warm sleeve.
When you slipped off, you must have been giving him one of those dumb looks he hated, because he frowned. 
“You hear me?”
You nodded, licking the wetness from your lips as you caught your breath. You were lightheaded. The taste of him lingered on your tongue, and you swore you would smell the smoky salt of his skin on you for days. But now there was more? 
The heat pooling in your thighs demanded your attention again, and you fidgeted on your sore knees. “Well... what do you want me to do–”
“Sit on it.”
You gawked at him. “Sit on it?” 
That got him smirking just a little, his tongue peeking out to wet dried lips as he slowly panted. He cocked his head. 
“Worried it won’t fit?”
Your body surged with wild ambition. “That’s not it, but—”
“Bet you’re nice and tight, but you can work it in. I’d offer to stretch you open a little, but my hands are tied.” He flexed his fingers and arms in his binds for show, then grinned to see how flustered his words made you. “Besides, looked like you were enjoyin’ yourself. I’m sure you’re wet enough.”
God why couldn’t he shut up and let you think for a second? The teasing was horribly nauseating; his voice even worse, spoken with his smirk seeped into it. You realized the very sound of it would probably make you shiver now in all the wrong ways after this, even in casual conversation. 
“I… don’t have condoms,” you said by way of reply. 
He shrugged, the gesture lacking his usual languor now that he’d been worked up without release. “Me neither. They’re annoying.” 
He noticed you were frowning at him, and scoffed. “What, not on the pill?” He didn’t wait for a response; maybe that was the heat making him forgo on better judgment. “Well, guess it’s a good thing they got me pinned down, then. You’re free to pull off when I’m about to bust.”
The way in which he spoke it made your stomach queasy, and the first true lick of doubt ruined your mood as you stood up. “Fine. Just… tell me before you’re about to.”
He grunted in response, inwardly absorbed with impatience. 
You took off your bottoms and pushed your panties—yes, very wet, you confirmed—down, then hiked a leg over and climbed somewhat clumsily onto the chair.  
Only when you’d awkwardly positioned yourself over him did you notice that his eyes were fixated down below, where your hands steadily worked his dick against you. A raspy sigh passed his lips, and it was then you noticed his body teeming with eager spasms. 
Awkwardly, you sank down onto him, staring between you two the whole time and watching his thick length press tightly inside. 
The binds on his feet jabbed sharply against his ankles as they shuffled for leverage, desperate to rut up into the tight heat that welcomed him—but your legs resting on his thighs kept the movement to nothing but shallow thrusts. 
Whatever this fucking quirk was had a ridiculous effect on his sensitivity. You felt good—fucking amazing, even—though he couldn’t decide if that was just the quirk deluding him into thinking your cunt was the best he’d ever had, or if it really was: if you really were just that fucking incredible. 
Normally he would have managed that with stilled hips and practiced control; just sat back and enjoyed the ride. But shit it took a monumental effort not to fuck up into you, especially with how damn... slow you were going. 
Your pussy was gripping him so nicely, and that tight look on your face as you seated yourself onto his lap, accepting him fully and staggering from the size of him, was thrilling. But when you finally started to move your hips, you were going about it so cautiously, so boringly, that his patience all but thinned in a matter of seconds. 
“Could you go any slower?” he muttered. 
The words guilted you. “I thought it might… hurt?” you explained.
“How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not in pain, dumbass. I need to cum. Which ain’t gonna happen if you keep this up.” He shuffled his legs, widening them so he could better press up into you. The pressure made him grunt, and you shiver. “C’mon, you were putting on a real good show before. Ride me like you mean it. I know you can.”
And there it was again, the words and the voice that threw repose out the window and made you all the more eager to see this through. 
With arms linked around his neck you started to roll your hips. He didn’t seem to mind the contact, helpful as it was in balancing yourself on his lap. 
You weren’t entirely surprised when the first sighs and grunts came from your own lips. Every time you thought a new angle of your hips or a quick thrust of his own had finally hit that one pleasurable spot inside, you would sink down harder on his cock and gasp when his thickness dragged over another. 
It made you go faster, turned the fluid rolling of your hips into quick grinding, then finally when you’d adjusted to his size, a steady bouncing on his cock. 
“Fuck yes...” he muttered, then moaned low, licking his lips; that was what he needed, feeling you sink down over and over, lifting yourself a little higher each time then dropping so hastily that his hips started jutting up to meet you. 
“Shit.” Lolling his head back he breathed heavily, deeply. “Ah shit...”
It encouraged you to circle your hips with every motion, which garnered a throaty growl in response. A string of curses under his breath accompanied it, and you pressed your face into his shoulder, keeping careful of his staples, and moaned along with him. 
Only when you started getting noisier did you think of anything except what you two were doing: what if Shigaraki or Kurogiri were to come back now? What if any of the others decided to waltz in? 
You bit your lip to keep your next few moans low, but you swore Dabi must have had a sixth sense for your timidity, and didn’t at all appreciate the way you were holding back. 
He shifted his hips on the chair in a precise motion, and suddenly his cockhead shoved against the right spot over and over again as you bounced on top of him. All your logical thoughts were fucked into the back burner immediately.
All you could hear was your own panting and the slap of your thighs against his. He would give his heedy approval in an occasional growl or moan, rasping it against your ear. It made you shiver uncontrollably. 
You lost rhythm soon enough and took to grinding again, the chair scraping along the floor beneath you. His thick cock drove you crazy, until you were panting and moaning and whining. If that wasn’t enough to signal an orgasm, he could feel it, could feel your pussy gripping him in a desperate flutter. 
“Oi,” he got your attention, turning his head, his breath thin at your cheek, “You serious? Are you actually gonna–”
And you did, legs stretching and contracting, tightening around his thighs as you came hard. He cursed and dipped his head low when you squeezed around him, panting through the ridiculously good pressure on his cock. 
Your body jerked and shivered in any way it could, anything to expel the white-hot pleasure that shot up your spine and then back down again. You couldn’t breathe, shaking on top of him so violently he was sure you were going to keel over at any second and start convulsing on the floor. 
“Hey shithead,” he snapped after he’d let your shivers die down. Using what little leverage his tied legs allowed him, he pushed his shoes off the floor, bouncing you impatiently in his lap and jarring you back to awareness. You gasped in hypersensitivity, his cock digging against you.
“I’m flattered you like my dick that much,” he went on, your body languid and slouched against him. The heat was nearing again; his cock twitched miserably inside of you, desperate for release and so damn close to getting it. “But you’re not the one in need of attention here, in case you forgot. Keep it up. I’m close.” 
With a moan you pushed yourself up, sucking in breaths of renewal through parted lips. Legs tensing and aching, you tried your best to grind on him again, but the task left you oversensitive. 
He needed to finish, you reminded yourself. He needed to cum, like he’d said. You were sure, so blissfully sure you might be rewarded with more of his unhinged reactions that you forced your muscles to be ignorant to their ache, and started to ride him in earnest.
That was when you noticed it: the heat wracking you wasn’t just your own, it was his. His skin too hot, too hot to be normal, furnace-warm to the touch. 
You lifted your head from his shoulder and peered over at him. His eyes were screwed shut, his lips pulled back into a tense snarl. Perspiration dewed on the portions of his untainted skin, dampened his brows and fell in droplets along his temple. 
You felt his body heating rapidly against yours—the clothes keeping your skin apart might as well have been paper-thin. His chest, rising desperately with heavy pants, was concerningly feverish. He felt it too. 
Fuck, he thought. Not fucking now. 
“Damn it—” he sputtered out, body going suddenly rigid, craning his neck away from you. “Move,” he warned you.
“Move your damn head—”
Just as you did, your eyes stretched in shock as flames broke out from his jawline. Their angry blue reflected threateningly in your eyes, made you come to a shivering slow on his cock as the dry heat blistered out over your skin. 
The fire was out in a second, forcefully extinguished with his frustrated grunt; smoke puttered out from beneath his staples instead. He breathed out an angry sigh from the effort of combating his own quirk.
You hesitated to put your hand out and touch him, hovering over his face. “Dabi, your skin—”
“Shut up it’s fine,” he breathed raggedly, turning his head away from you. When was the last time that had happened? Fuck. He made himself believe it was just the quirk. Just the quirk. And not you. Not because you felt so fucking good. 
His legs jolted up in desperation to make you move on top of him. “Don’t you fuckin’ stop—shit—I’m almost there—”
You didn’t know whether to be frightened or exhilarated by the display of fire, but you were moving again regardless, bouncing on his lap for all you were worth until your legs were begging for mercy and your lungs ached. 
He sucked in tight breaths through his teeth, then exhaled them as gravelly moans. You pressed against him, arms wrapped about his frame, ignoring his sweltering skin and abandoning any fear that his quirk might disobey his control again. You bit your lip and whined excitedly when you felt him bow his head against your shoulder and pant heavily against the clothed skin there. 
The heat was fucking blinding now. And it was loud: a numbing and seductive beat in his chest that made his heart stutter to keep up. Every slam of your hips down onto him, and every one of his thrusts up into you in turn, made the heat louder, ache more, and burn.
“Now,” he grit out against your ear, body seizing in warning. In his enclosed binds, his fingers clenched into fists, so hard that the joints popped in protest.  
A whine in your throat was the response. You were ignorant to much else except the wetness making a mess of your thighs, of his searing skin against you and his belt buckle digging harshly into your legs. 
“Right now,” he sputtered hurriedly, hips rising from the seat. All he could do was shove up into you once, violent and hard, digging his way as deep as he could as his balls went tight and fiery pleasure raced up his body. “Right fuckin’ now move, I’m gonna—goddamnit… fuck!” 
He wasn’t prepared for the way you slammed your hips down as you came again with a cry. He stiffened hard, body bowing down into yours as much as the restraints allowed, shoving his face into your neck.
“Holy fuck,” he gasped out, “fuck—” You shivered wildly around him and in an instant he was cumming hard, legs jolting in their restraints, shaking under your thighs. 
“Fuck!” he shouted again, the exclamation muffled against your skin. “Motherfucker—fuck—” His voice puttered off into a series of strained, frantic groans. Unthinking and delirious on pleasure, he closed his mouth around the soft flesh of your neck and bit hard. 
You gasped, tried to wriggle free, but his hips were desperately snapping up into you, effectively throwing off your balance. 
Your hips hadn’t stopped their determination either. They had a mind of their own, rutting fast to squeeze him dry. All the while, he growled hotly against your skin, teeth leaving deep marks, sucking blemishes into the flesh despite all restraint that told him otherwise. 
After the last, hard spurts inside of you, he sank back into the chair, utterly wasted. Little spasms harassed his body and made him shiver weakly. Only his mouth persevered, teeth still digging into the soft flesh of your shoulder.
The pleasure ebbed into raw sensation, and you could feel the marks his incisors left in you, the heated metal of his staples singeing you.
“Dabi,” you stuttered out, a shaky hand coming to push at his forehead in protest. 
It shook him back to reality. He brought his dizzy head back to look at you through hooded eyes, then down at the wound he’d left on your neck. 
Shit, he thought fleetingly, but not very regrettably. That was gonna bruise. 
He put his head back against the chair and heaved, shutting his eyes to dispel the lightheadedness. 
“Told you... to get off,” he muttered. 
You knew it was a mistake you would dwell on later, but you could barely move now, let alone think. 
When you shifted your legs, wanting to move and put some blood back into your limbs, it set off a chain reaction of oversensitive-pleasure; dwindling sparks went off inside you and you shuddered, making him jerk and grunt in tandem. 
“Don’t move,” he chided, his head still bent to the ceiling. “Just gimme a minute... Fuck...” he breathed. “You fuckin’...” He shook his head, in disbelief of the pleasure, even more so that you’d been the one to give it to him.
Then he thought: he wouldn’t need to conjure up fantasies of you anymore when he was getting himself off. He could go by memory now. 
Once he’d regained partial composure, he shifted, glad to find his dick was going limp—fucking finally—inside of you. 
“You got a way to take care of that?” he asked, leaning back and looking down at the wet mess between both your thighs. 
You blinked, hazy. “What?”
“I’m not tryna knock you up just ‘cause you’re too horny to listen,” he said disdainfully. “You on the pill? Gotta get one of those morning-afters otherwise–”
“It’s fine.” You nodded. “Don’t worry.”
It was easier said than done, he thought to himself sourly. But he was having trouble thinking of much else besides how fucking fantastic it was to feel the arousal leaving him in blissful waves.
He took a heavy breath. “Now get off and get me outta this shit.”
“But you might still be…” You wriggled a little on top of him, felt him soft inside of you. It was uncomfortable, but even if you’d wanted to move, your muscles were spent. “What if you’re still… ”
“Still what? Still horny? Bet you’d like that, wouldn't you?”
You wouldn’t let the comment fluster you, and obeyed as a way to prove him wrong, slowly lifting yourself off of him. The ache of your insides as he slipped out was raw and hot and wet, but unmistakably satisfying.
“Let me out,” he demanded again. “Now.”
“I told you I don’t have the key.”
He sighed in frustration, blinking sweat from his eyes. “Then go get Kurogiri. Go get someone. And at least be nice enough to cover me up. Don’t want my dick hanging out.”
It was shiny, wet, and red from stimulation. When you went to tuck it back in his pants, it twitched.
“Oi, clean it first,” he snapped.
You glanced around. “With?”
“Whatever the hell’s lying around. Shirt, rag, your mouth.” He scoffed when you put on a frown. “Don’t give me that look. This is your mess on my dick, ya know.”
With barely contained insolence you went down shakily on your knees, ready to go about the particularly humiliating task, when he laughed dryly under his breath. 
“You’re a real slut,” he muttered, looking down on you with a cheeky smirk, “aren’t you?”
That guaranteed your spite, and you stood up just as quickly as you’d gone down, then nudged his still-messy dick into his pants and zipped them closed. 
“Oi, oi—” The wetness squished uncomfortably underneath the fabric and he shifted awkwardly, glaring at you. “You fuckin’ serious?”
“You’ll be fine,” you muttered, turning away from him in search of your clothes, hiding an indulgent smile. 
As you redressed, he sneered and pulled at his bindings. “Don’t get smart with me.”
“Or what?” 
You were too exhausted to wrangle with his temper, or your own self-preservation; you knew it was a dangerous game to tease him. But you couldn’t help it. Your mind was foggy, your body teeming with giddy pleasure. Not to mention, you were free. He wasn’t. And that was remarkably funny. 
Now he was scowling. “You little shit. Letting it all go to your head now, huh?” When you didn’t answer, when he caught a flash of your teasing smile, his frustration started to run rampant. “Not gonna be so funny when I’m out of this shit—”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
In response, he just glowered, and despite the front you were trying to put up, it threw an excited shiver down your spine. You were perilously tempted to egg him on, but decided against it.
You pulled your shoes back on and breathed, looking at him with something that resembled soft smugness. “I’ll go find Kurogiri.”
“Yeah, you fuckin’ better,” he muttered under his breath, keeping his critical eye-contact with you up until the very moment you disappeared out of his line of vision. 
When he heard your footsteps finally dwindle down an adjacent hall, he let out a long-suffering sigh and tilted his head back. “Fuck.”
The quirk had gone, the heat and arousal with it. 
But what hadn’t gone were the thoughts of you. 
Angry thoughts, confusing thoughts, and most of all, intriguing thoughts.
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ikevamp-shrine · 4 years
What do you think each of the suitors smell like?
Thank you for requesting. I honestly never thought about what they would smell like until now so this was pretty cool for me. Please enjoy. (I hit the 10 photo limit😭 I couldn’t put all the boy’s picture day photos.😢) such a tragedy. 
Lavender, the subtle cleanliness of soap, and a touch of something bitter sweet.
Mozart’s scent is calming, almost like a cold room or freshly cleaned linen. His natural perfume draws you in, making you crave more with each deep, slow breath. There is always a tart sweetness on his tongue. It reminds those who smell it of dark chocolate and expensive desserts.
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Cedar wood, the musk of horse hair, and a gentle vanilla.
There is a matureness in his scent- a gift of the cedar which had followed him around since he was a small boy running through the worn-down trails of his homeland. The horse hair is a result of spoiling his noble stead with bareback canters through the woods as Napoleon’s unrestrained laughs bounced off the leaves, echoing along the large branches the bonded pair cleared. The delicate vanilla, though very different from the other layers of his scent, resembles that of the crepes Napoleon adores and eats almost religiously.
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Frost, dew, and ice on a pure body of water.
Jean’s scent is sharp, almost a pure smell that makes you shiver with pleasure. Frost from the earth on a cold morning follows his form like a phantom figure. The fresh smell of dew coated leaves is ingrained in his pale flesh. Like ice along a lake, Jean’s scent spreads along any surface, overtaking and conquering, leaving a trace of his existence.
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Spice, cedar wood, and nickel.
There’s a hint of spice in his scent. It is close to cinnamon, but different enough to where your mind runs with the possibilities of other deductions. Isaac isn’t too sure where the cedar originated from, he deduced it was either from his days spent with Napoleon, or a result of the constant tinkering with the large Leonardo on new inventions. The metallic scent of nickel follows the flustered physicist around like a puff of smoke. Some would think the smell seeps from the blush constantly staining his cheeks, but the sad truth is the fragrance is a result of his weakness towards the sticky, red liquid dubbed rogue. The poor male is clumsy and enervated by blood, so much so he often spills the fluid, causing it to dribble down his chin and soil his clothes.
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Linseed oil, flowers on a warm sunny day, turpentine, and a hint of Theo.
Vincent’s scent is warm, invigorating, and intense. When kissing his cheek a subtle scent of linseed oil wafts up your nose. Vincent has tried to wash the smell off but it seems to be engraved in his flesh- a result from paint being continuously spread along his skin. He soon gave up. Now the scent is almost a comforting reminder of his passions. The mental image of sunflowers blowing in a warm breeze on a sunny day comes to mind when Vincent walks past. The earthy scent is probably why he is usually compared to a sunflower. The chemical sharpness of turpentine appears every so often on his clothes due to the unfocused movements of his hand knocking over the toxic substance. The strong scent of Theo can be smelt on Vincent’s sleeves or scarf before the cloth is washed.
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Whiskey, the slightest touch of king, sweet syrup on his tongue.
Theo’s aroma is strong, demanding, and hard to forget. Like his personality, there is layers upon layers when it comes to his fragrance; the most apparent being the whiskey he drinks with Arthur on hard days. Woody, and pleasant with a touch of aldehydes that makes Theo smell like he ran through a field of grain. The familiar scent of King follows the whiskey perfume reminding Theo of laughter filled moments with his beloved partner when he catches a whiff on his clothing. Sweet syrup floats from his mouth each time words roll from his tongue. Its almost impossible to breath in Theo’s words without becoming ravenous for sugary foods.
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Zesty lemon, comforting cleaning solutions, rosemary, mint, and a warm meal.
The tang of cleaning solutions follows the butler through the halls. The scent noticeable enough to know he uses disinfecting products often, but not so overwhelming that it makes your nose crinkle. His skin smells as if he uses a bar of soap made with baked goods and a lemon. His hair is coated with the fresh scent of rosemary and mint. He smells like a warm meal surrounded by the comforting glow of candles. Sebastian smells like home.
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Fudge, a gentle kiss of Vic, cheap perfume, pine needles, and coffee.
The strong scent of black coffee is always on his skin like the deep fragrance of fudge on his lips. It is a wonderful blend truly. The warming smell of his beloved Vic, the slightest touch of cheap perfume, and pine needles accompany the delicious mix of edibles. Arthur smells like a man sitting on a leather recliner, a book in his hands, his lips sipping at a steaming mug of black coffee, a fire roaring in the chimney as his trusted dog sleeps at his worn, sock covered feet. 
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Rain, cherry blossoms, the chilly night air.
The writer smells like the air on a chilly night, silencing, soothing, and depressing, immediately bring to mind a dark sky filled with stars and a bright shining moon. The scent of freshly fallen rain stains his hair as the relaxing aroma of cherry blossoms drift around his form like a delicate breeze. Dazai smells like loneliness and relaxation.
Spiciness of black tea, eucalyptus, fresh linen, and tobacco.
Comte’s odor is hard to miss. It has a spice in the scent that tickles at your nose, resembling that of black tea. There is also a calming softness of eucalyptus that pairs perfectly with the sharp spice of the tea. Though Comte does not smoke, tobacco seems to be engrained into the fibers of his clothes which in-turn caused the pureblood to ask his butler to use a stronger deodorizer on his expensive silks. Sebastian had tried his hardest but the only fruits of his efforts were a wonderful mix of the tobacco and fresh linen scent. It’s not as if Comte dislikes the scent, he finds the scent of tobacco rather calming- he just honestly didn’t wish to hear the gloating of his fellow pureblood.
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Natural male musk, the sweetness of cigarillos, leather, and a hint of something metallic.
Leonardo’s smell is that of a confident man- strong, demanding, and addictive. The roughness of natural male musk on his skin is far from overwhelming, comforting is what it truly is. The addictive sweetness of his cigarillos imprinted in his clothes makes you remember a time of your grandfather telling war stories on the porch as he released puffs of smoke from his lips, even if you hadn’t had the memory. Leather and the sharp hint of something metallic stains his fingers. Leonardo smells like asylum.
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Coconut, tea, worn clothes, and musk.
The scent of coconut is barely noticeable on the famed playwright. The only time it is smelt is when he reaches up to place a lock of hair behind your ear, or when he leans in to place a kiss upon your cheek in greetings. The aroma of old clothes and the slight dampness pierces his skin, as well as the sweet, floral tea on his lips. Shakespeare’s smell isn’t unpleasant, far from it in fact. His scent is comforting, relaxing, and able to force anyone who walks past to miss a home they never had. His smell smells like nostalgia 
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keoghans · 4 years
the dust
This is a non explicit smut thing I wrote about Oliver Phelps George Weasley one time, around 4am, when I was having a lot of feelings about life, love and shit we think about in the deep of the night. 
Pairings: George Weasley x OC (I’m sorry, I hate writing y/n)
Warnings: none other than nothing explicit about sex between two people that love each other lol. 
This is the first fic I post here SO PLS, don’t feel weird about sending me a message about it, let me know if u like it, or hate it, whatever you feel while reading this. 
Feedback and reblogs appreciated.-
When we spent the night together, and we stayed up making love, the sun would hit at the right moment around 5.03am. That’s when the sun rose in summer.
That’s when the dust could be seen flying around the air, dancing just on top of the skin of his naked shoulder, that showed some of the pink trails my nails left in the heat of the moment.
I bet they still burn a tiny bit.
He was moaning, as a roll of sweat dripped from his eyebrow down his temple, and the sound mixed with our skins meeting, and my rapid breathing, rougher but enerving with love.
I loved watching him moan.
And I knew he loved watching me as well.
We weren’t just fucking. We weren’t looking to show off our bed skills, without trying to actually have a good time and maybe even reach an orgasm.
We were rediscovering each other’s bodies.
George’s tall frame packed so many things with it, I think I never get to see it all.
6’3 of broad shoulders that I loved to cross my arms around while he guides himself into me, that I dig my fingers into while he looks for my lips as we both settle.
And his lips, oh, they taste like the beer he was drinking earlier, and a bitter trace that came from him kissing my bare, covered in sweat skin when he was over me.
A stifled moan erupted from me every time I got down to his eye level, while his hands clasped around my hips.
I loved being so close to him.
When he insists on sitting down when I’m riding him and he mumbles that he loves how my chest feels against him, making me giggle slightly.
But I love even more pushing him down, and my stomach does flips inside me at the sight of his very nice, marked chest covered in sweat, while his arms do everything in their power to at least keep his palms against me.
Sometimes he keeps them in me, sometimes he’s so overwhelmed with pleasure and love, he has to cover his face as he grunts and my name slips like honey off of his tongue.
The only dim light we had made his body look almost bronze, even though he was as pale as our best friend, who’s irish as hell, and practically glows in the dark.
My hands would drag down his body, until they met my favorite part of it: his hips.
He found it weird that it was my favorite part, but it was. The curve that mixed it all together. His thick, usually cold thighs started there. They would meet his curvy, very well filled bottom, that never failed to make me smile, and lastly, his legs.
George has legs that would go on for days, and I love dragging my hands through them.
“My love, oh my—Merlin!”
My love
My favorite nickname.
When he can’t hold himself any longer, when he is a mess of moans, grunting, heavy breathing and sweat, when his chest heaves up and down, George holds himself in his elbows, and let’s me watch him come.
Sometimes he just cries out, twitching a bit as his red hair is spiking out in different directions.
Sometimes he embraces me as his legs give out underneath me.
Sometimes he wants to scream and let it all out and it’s like a roaring thunderstorm.
And sometimes he comes up, mumbling very drunk I love you’s to my lips. The one he meets with tremble and love and even vulnerability.
A man of his age, who rarely ever shows vulnerability, didn’t mind me watching him as tears fell out of his dark brown eyes after he reached the high.
At first, he didn't even dare. But I told him he could and when he finally did, he had told me afterwards that he didn’t feel weak, as he expected to.
He felt very much fulfilled, and in love.
Because he understood he wasn’t crying per se. He was releasing himself, and sometimes with weeks of stress upon himself.
Most of the time, it was him, showing his true self to the only woman he felt he could do it with, and it was the feeling of the overwhelming love I feel for you he would say.
So in the mornings, while he snored slightly, and the dust danced around his fair and gorgeous nakedness, I stared at him.
Sometimes the blanket would be a mess and he would be completely uncovered. That was my favorite one.
His skin glowing under the morning sun, when the dust just barely dared to fly above his bareness. And all I did was run my fingers through his messy hair, and admire him completely.
And maybe, plant a kiss or two in his arms.
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posidven · 5 years
《nepenthe》- RK900 x Reader
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warnings: character death, mentions of gore, implied smut (kinda?? barely??)
word count: 1.2k
a/n: hihihi so number one i poured my heart and soul into this so i really hope you guys like it and two it’s also for sadie ( @connorshero )’s 1.6k challenge!! i’ve never been more proud of something i’ve written, so thank you for that!
It was the nights where he bathed in moonlight that you truly tasted rapture. The evenings where he slipped into stasis earlier than you could fall asleep, a rarity that you relished so lovingly.
The ones where you spent what you wish could be eternity slipping through the sheets, skin against skin, bare for exclusively the other’s eyes to intercept.
The tender sensation of his fingertips upon your skin always evaporated too abruptly. You eternally yearned for the feeling of his lips against yours once more, returning you to your disposition of ecstasy, to no avail.
It was nights like this where all you could do was hark to the vibration of his thirium pump simulate the movements of a human heart, trapped beneath a slate of plastic and the ever so sleek synthetic skin.
Midnight hours where you could scrutinize his features, piece by piece that you felt alive. The ones where your fingers helplessly outline his frame.
You crossed each freckle dusting his figure, planted there deliberately by his creator. The salient line of his jaw, that flawlessly orchestrates his dark exterior. His lips, still lingering with the warmth superintended to cater to your touch.
It was natural to disregard the wicked things when bodies merge with sheets. The rhythm of one another apprehending your thoughts for the moment.
The strain of the day to day, the stinging of the antiquity, all swept aside by the tangibility of manufactured lips against your skin.
It’s simple to shift elsewhere from your existence when a being as faultless as him wavered over you. He was perfect, constructed to be so. Though somehow you can’t help but question, at what cost?
He appeared consequently different tonight. The harmony was wiped from his image, replaced by a look of derision as his eyes fasten amidst yours.
You shiver in the crisp air, longing for heat, yet he remains motionless. It was all so pleasant at first. Resting on a park bench, observing the river as it progressed, however, something had shifted. His LED wavered amidst a golden yellow and burning red. He nictitated suddenly and presently you’re here.
You gaze down the barrel of the gun, aimed flawlessly between your eyebrows. Burning tears discharged from your eyes, spilling down your features.
He bared no regression. Stoic and absent, utterly converged on his mission.
You aspired to beg and implore. Assure him you love him and he didn’t have to perform this rancorous symphony; was any of that worth it? This isn’t the person you fell in love with anymore. This is an automaton.
He wouldn’t observe the rattling sobs and shakey pleads, you grasped that. Still, notwithstanding any judgment you nevertheless did it. You ached to live.
Nines trembles irregularly. He was convinced he was in Hell. He’d never considered that variety of thought, but if the world incorporated a Hell for androids, this would signify it.
He discerned it was the Zen Garden, but something was altered. The ornamental trees that formerly streamed overhead were distorted, ravaged of their leaves. Presently transcendent structures that hung hauntingly.
Snow plundered in rich flakes, the wind prompting it to encompass the neighboring area. Temperatures were exceedingly dejected for living conditions.
He embraces his jacket parsimoniously throughout himself, striving for any fraction of buffer from the cold.
He was remarkably bewildered. One instant he was beyond with you. He was able to analyze your peculiarities as you reposed your head on his shoulder. Forthwith he was here.
The android called out to you over and over, but with each diminutive commotion he made, the howling of the wind got more boisterous.
Over it all, he could detect your voice. Your appeals for him to spare you. His chest perceived as if was caving in.
“It’s okay, Nines. I love you.”
“Please don’t kill me.”
“I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Your voice was misconstrued, encircled by static, still, it was you. What were they doing to you? what was he doing to you?
Abruptly he was actuating within what once was the garden. His mechanical body battled the wind the greatest it allotted.
The further he propelled himself the more warped your speech had become. He could scarcely decipher your words anymore.
“Nines I’m-“
He couldn’t help but recapitulate onward. This wouldn’t be the concluding moment he heard you; it cannot be.
An enervated glow intercepts his attention beyond the rivulet. He struggles to accost it, the rigid contingencies growing worse by the instant.
His body is rapped to the ground by the collapse of a branch, only he proceeds to haul himself towards the luminosity.
The wind is too strenuous to get back up yet he advances to push on. His terror of whatever he may be perpetrating on you drives him onward. He was only a few feet from the object now. the glowing outline of a hand blaring through the snow. The world around him was spinning, his vision beginning to blur. He was losing control. 
A ringing noise in the background grew in intensity by the second. He was positive these were his final moments. The space blossomed to become darker and darker, the only whisp of light belonging to his chance of escape. 
It demanded the entirety of his strength to strike his hand onto the object and peel back the layer of manufactured epidermis. The melancholy hue whirled before scanning his hand. He fastened his eyes closed, anticipating whatever prevailed advanced of him, yet abruptly all was still. 
The weight of the garden and the nibbling cold melted, vanishing in an instant. He reopened his eyes, half expecting to view a landscape of emptiness, but he’s exactly where he started. He’s with you. 
The stream cascaded elegantly in the environment, naive to the agony of the preceding minutes. He sighs composedly to himself before his scanners expose an object in the field. 
A human silhouette extended dormant in the grass, the mix of residual rainfall and dense blood seeping through their attire. It was you.
His mind suddenly began to bounce to the situation that had unfolded while he was trapped in his mind palace.
He pointed the gun to your head. He watched you beg for mercy from the one person you’d presumed you could esteem. He tugged the trigger and allowed the bullet to shatter through your skull, regarding your body as it crumbled to the ground. 
It was a putrid symphony. The concise crescendo leading up to the nauseating snap-the cartridge bringing the production to a screeching halt. 
The android, believed to be incapable of emotion leaned down towards your corpse. The light benevolently diverted from your eyes, your soul slipping elsewhere amidst it. 
Bewailings deserted him in onerous quantities, the most astonishing of all. He pines for the song of your heartbeat as his fingertips graze your figure, scrutinizing every detail. He crosses any mole, freckle, plus scar, each placed by the tenderness of nature. He sketches your lips, still soaked by the antecedent waterworks. He lifts his hands from your face, stained by crimson gore, the aroma or iron prowling in the air.
It was easy for Nines to forget the pain of daily life as watched you smile. The tainted feeling of grief, all washed away by your features. He concluded you were faultless, yet somehow he nevertheless questioned, at what cost?
taglist; @thirium-bae
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divinitive · 7 years
The sparks i spent a forever fanning,
sparks that flew from stones i desperately salvaged
from amongst rubble and decrepit reveries- that i alone destroyed-
have finally caught to the near-rotting logs that tower above me,
expectant yet enervated.
Wildfire scorches the bark on their surfaces,
igniting, incandescent,
into a burgeoning burst of white-hot Opportunity.
In the heart of that damn-near heathen flame
glows an intensity and paroxysm
never once acknowledged, never once expended.
An untouched level of rampancy that was kept flickering quietly for years,
in the hope of one day fully igniting
into the bonfire it has now become.
The sparks have found their outlet, their purpose,
and dance above the flames, teasing them
and finding individual flight paths.
A thousand minute explosions melding with wild, flowing flames
racing each other and sparking with glee
as they reach their peaks,
rushing across the forever sky.
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tailwiind-blog · 7 years
he's always been a creature of the seas, of belligerent depths, and malevolent waves that swallow men whole. born and raised on the coasts of aberdeen, the miasmic aroma of salt and sand are no more foreign to him than that of the sight of distant sails, or the brilliant embrace of a lighthouse’s glow. he may as well been born solely of ocean waters than of blood and flesh, the progeny of some grandiose sea god and the poor, forsaken widow of a rollicking fisherman. adolescence had been spent traversing cliffs and beaches, building elaborate castles of sand and shells, floating buoyant on the surface of harsh, bitter waters, and completely at their fickle mercy. there was nothing to fear of the ocean, nothing to dread, and yet, for all of his perpetual devotion, it sought to consume him.
when his spitfire collides with the water, it’s as though he’s all but just run headlong into a titanic mass of concrete, robbing him of the oxygen in his lungs. he’s trained for this, god he has, countless hours spent relaying simulation after simulation, outcome after outcome. he knows better than to chance even a meagre junction of delirium but just as soon as he’s managed to achieve some pretense of composure, as soon as he’s allowed himself a single, fleeting gasp, his beautiful bird’s begun to sink. the pit floods, a steady, powerful surge. it seeps through his boots, through the heavy fabric of his uniform and chills him to the very bone.
later when he’s fighting for release from his casket of glass and alloy, the scent of lingering petrol burning his nostrils, the sea, his sea, finally lays siege and overwhelms him. his movements are wild, sporadic, and then ━ weak, languid. he manages to swallow, a mouthful of salt and brine. it’s all he can do but inhale the stuff, choking back a bloodless howl. 
should get that bloody hatch fixed, collins. ya think someone’s jus’ gonna come pop in and save yer arse when yer sittin’ there all pretty n’ drownin’ cos ya couldn’t get the damn thing open? drowning. christ, he’s drowning. a realisation accompanied by pain, nothing but pain and ━━━━━━ fear. for the first time in his life, he’s replete with trepidation, incapable of nary but to allow it to envelop him, to eat him alive. 
he surfaces sometime thereafter, flesh damp with sweat and plastered flaxen strands, chest heaving with laboured breaths. his fingers find purchase in the ivory folds of his bed sheets, grasping, in the enervated pursuit of purging his consciousness of the horrors used to plague him. the nightmare is one of recurrence, constant and unchanging. he didn’t drown that day in the channel, no, but each and every time he sees it, that vast, stygnian expanse, his chest tightens. it seeks to consume him and won’t allow him peace until it does.
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The Warlock and the Prince (part 1)
“No. I won’t kill the child,” Gaalin, eyes downcast, murmured under his breath.                                   
“Say. That. Again,” the voice hissed in his mind, laced with a pregnant, unchained viciousness that he’d never heard before.
Emotions swirled. Anger at being used, deceived and manipulated; frustration, at having walked into this situation so blindly; and terror, at what would happen next; to name just a few.
The anger won out.
Gaalin drew his staff from its holster on his back, raised himself to his full height, and glared defiantly at the gigantic amethyst in the ceiling.
Striking the staff on the stone floor, he shouted. “I said NO! I won’t kill the child!”
And in the next instant, all the air was gone from his lungs. He crumpled to his knees, gasping, as he felt his powers quickly fade. The amusing visage he’d crafted of a portly old biddy seemed much less amusing as it disappeared, leaving plain, unadorned Gaalin behind. Normal eyes. Normal brows. Dusty clothes, and normal hair with all its grey streaks and split ends.
This certainly wasn’t how he’d planned on meeting with the Lady.
But his anger was far from spent.
Gaalin didn’t see the looks of surprise on the faces of his fellow travellers, but he did see the brute next to the throne reach for her sword as she started to advance. He looked at the brute, and at the crystal, weighing his options. No power left but that in his limbs.
He staggered to his feet and, with all the strength his enervated frame could summon, hurled the staff directly at the crystal.
It bounced directly off.
Tumbling to the stone floor, it smashed apart. Splinters of wood flew hither and yon - and yet somehow, the deep purple of the gems chose not to scatter, but rather to coalesce.
Gaalin dove for it.
Grabbed it.
Scooped it up, clasped it to his breast, closed his eyes and focused his entire mind.
“Hear me, my dearest, and bring me to you,” he said under his breath.
Suddenly, he was somewhere else. ….
“Gaalin! My love. You’ve been gone so long.” Gaalin squinted as his eyes adjusted to the half-light. Sunrise - morning - he hadn’t realised how much he’d missed something so mundane as a time of day until he felt it in his bones upon being there. The Amethyst Prince was before him, clad in a simple sarong. Leaning on the frame of a waist-height window of a simple, familiar shack, turning toward Gaalin, violet eyes glowing with surprised delight. “I know. I’m sorry. Things out there are so busy and so complicated and I hardly get any time to myself and… wait.” Gaalin shook his head, stiffened, and stood up as straight as he could. “This is important. It’s the Emerald Lady. She’s trying to break through.” “Break through? To where?” “To my world.”
A pause.
“She is? Oh, I am jealous! All those tiny little people living their tiny little lives. So fascinating.” Gaalin stepped back, staring. He took in a sharp breath. He’d been expecting rather a different sort of reaction to this shocking revelation. “Like insects,” the Prince said dreamily, without any hint of malefaction. “Like ants, or bees, but, far, oh, far more entertaining.” He gazed out the window, smiling a faraway smile. Breathing out, Gaalin looked around, and, glancing out the window, realised. His brow furrowed. “Ah. I see. She’s put you in the Orchard.” “You see?”, the Prince spoke languidly. He stepped forward and cupped Gaalin’s cheek. “How dashing. You must have seen so much in the Realm. I wonder, dear, what have those pretty eyes seen?”
Gaalin, his stare softening, stepped cautiously closer, and took the Prince’s hands in his own.
“Come pick herbs with me, my Prince?” he said.
Outside, hands entwined, the Prince and the Warlock walked in the orchard, chatting. Knowing that the Prince could lose interest at any moment, Gaalin tried to keep the conversation flowing while they meandered toward the herb garden. “My Prince, you could go anywhere in the Forest. Why do you stay here?” “It’s nice”, the Prince relied airily. “Things are nice here. The days are long and warm. It’s peaceful, the animals are kind and the apples are just so juicy. Why would I go anywhere else?” Gaalin looked around. The Prince spoke true. The Apples of Forgetting were indeed fruiting beautifully. “Did you know that in the Realm, the days go on forever?” “How beastly. How could one fully appreciate the daytime without the night?” “Or the light without the darkness. It is quite, quite beastly. Ah, here we are.”
Gaalin and the Prince had spent countless days and nights together in the Orchard, planting and tending the seeds Gaalin had brought with him from the Realm. Their herb garden was a slight distance from the shack, and had thankfully escaped the notice of the Lady and her minions. The vegetable gardens, further out and larger, had not been so lucky. Gaalin bade the placid, pliant Prince sit with him on the dewy grass. Plucking a stem of lavender, he crumpled it in his hand and opened his palm under the Prince’s perfectly sculpted nose. Cooing over the bold purple flowers, the Prince breathed deep and his eyes became a little more focused. Gaalin spoke. “The Emerald Lady wants to break through to my world. She means to wage war. She wants to hurt people. She meant to use me to do it.” A sense of mild shock moved across the Prince’s face. “Why would she do that? What ill manners. What is she doing?”, he wondered out loud. “She wants to invade and conquer. I don’t understand why. Perhaps the thought of having something of her own has driven her mad.” “Power in the wrong hands always leads those hands to grasp for more.” “Quite so. And those hands played me like a lyre.” Gaalin threw the lavender dramatically into the air to giggles from the Prince, and reached for the basil. Plucking a leaf and deftly sliding it into the Prince’s mouth, he smiled and clicked his teeth together. The Prince, winking back, did the same. Eyes closed and head cast back, his face twitched barely perceptibly as the herb struck his senses like a bell, pushing through the fog. “She’s invading the Realm to fight battles with other gods, and to do Pelor knows what to the people there. The only thing standing in her way is me and the closest thing I have to allies. I’ve been using the power she gave me to try to help people, and she’s furious. She was trying to raise an army of dead flesh, and have me arm it, but instead we stopped it. She demanded that I murder a child. That I open the way for her with the blood of an innocent. I said no. And now she's taken all my powers from me.” The Prince’s eyes snapped open. Violet flared from them. The muscles around his dramatically high cheekbones tensed. “This won’t do.” The Prince stood and stepped away, back turned, fists clenched. Muscles flexing in the morning light. Gaalin’s heart was in his throat. “That’s beastly. She should know better. We can’t allow this.” “She manipulated me - us - from the start. Sending me away to find a way for us to travel to the Realm together. Those earrings she gave me, always there, right at my ears, linking me to her. Even as she put the stones you gave me into a staff to keep them at arm’s length. How could we not see it?” The Prince sighed with his whole body, swept his hair back with his hand and leaned his elbow on a tree with a sense of malaise. “She’s always been a clever one, my aunt.” “Not clever enough. We can stop her.” Gaalin, grabbing two more things from the garden, stepped toward the tree and slid his arms around the Prince, a sprig of peppermint crumbling in his hands. “Most insulting of all, she’s using one of your crystals to try and breach the gap.” The invigorating scent filling his nostrils, the Prince tensed, stood up straighter. “She’s doing what?” Gaalin held him tighter. “Pathetic, I know.” With considerable effort, Gaalin willed into existence before the Prince a diorama portraying the scene he had left behind. Although the Lady had turned off his tap, here in the Forest he could still draw together the faintest of power - just enough, he hoped, to get his point across.
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