#friend did a reading for a relationship I was looking to get into and HOO BOY WERE WE ON A SHITTY COURSE
patchwork-crow-writes · 9 months
Thoughts on Kris x Ralsei
This is so long I had to split it up into parts - this is Part 1, which looks into how the roles that Kris and Ralsei are given contributes to the idea of their romance. As more parts are written, they'll be linked below in this handy-dandy TOC!
Part 1: And They Lived Happily Ever After <- (You Are Here!) Part 1.5: I Believe Your Choices DO Matter Part 2: A Pair of Star-Cross'd Lovers Part 2.5: In Another World, We Could Have Been (Just) Friends
Okay, so.
Wanted to elaborate a bit on my viewpoint of this ship, because I don't think it's something I've ever really discussed before and I think it's actually a very interesting dynamic (or at least has the potential to be, depending on where the rest of Deltarune goes).
So, Kralsei is cute, isn't it? It's fun to hug the fluffy boy and watch him melt into incomprehensible stuttering and blushing. All the little signs he's really, really into Kris, all the cute little snippets of dialogue you can initiate with him, all the alone time they spend together, in both chapters... honestly, the game makes it hard not to root for this pairing.
And yeah, it's cute... in a very surface-level, don't-think-about-it-too-hard kind of way. But once you start thinking about it... hoo boy. There is. A LOT to unpack here. So much more is going on just under the surface, and once you see it, it's difficult to un-see it. And in my opinion, it makes the Kralsei dynamic so much more nuanced, more compelling, and potentially quite tragic.
Now, a disclaimer: it's fine to like this ship on a surface level. No real harm is being done, these are fictional characters and it doesn't matter what reason you enjoy it for - if it provides comfort to you and gets you through, then more power to you! This is more me sorting through my thoughts on the subject and is not a judgment on how others approach it. With that said, and in the spirit of full disclosure, this will go into slightly uncomfortable territory - picking apart the idea of destined love, the deconstruction of common romance tropes, how outside manipulation might play a part, and even the potentially incest-adjacent nature of the relationship. If you don't want to deal with any of that, you can stop reading right now, and that's okay. Please continue to enjoy Deltarune in the manner that is best for you, and thank you for your attention thus far :)
If you're still with me, then please click the read more and we'll get started.
Part 1: And They Lived Happily Ever After
The first thing you have to understand is that Deltarune is utterly determined to cram the notion of Kralsei down the player's throat. The game is not subtle about this in any way, shape or form. Everything from the narration, to the dialogue, to major game events, to item interactions, and even the roles that Kris and Ralsei play both in the story and the party, serves to reinforce the notion that these two are very likely to end up romantically involved with each other in some way.
Let's look at the characters first. Kris is portrayed as the noble knight - stoic, unwavering, courageous, a natural leader - clad in medieval-inspired plate armour and wielding a sword and shield. And Ralsei is the archetypal princess - demure, dainty, kindhearted, nurturing - who uses magic to heal his allies and pacify enemies.
I did not mistype there - Ralsei is a prince, but the characteristics associated with him are more commonly found amongst female healers in JRPGs. Think Fina from Skies of Arcadia, or Marle from Chrono Trigger (minus the temperment), and you might have an idea of what I'm on about.
Think of knights and princesses for a moment. Imagine St. George slaying the dragon to save a helpless damsel. Imagine Lancelot and Gwenevere. Robin Hood and Maid Marion. Link and Zelda. Squall and Rinoa. Every single fairy tale involving an imperilled princess and a knightly rescuer. For a more modern take, imagine The Bodyguard. Ness and Paula. I could go on, but then we'd be here all day.
Suffice it to say that there is a pretty entrenched tradition surrounding these archetypes - a male-coded, phsyically-adept, courageous, stoic, action-oriented figure, is paired with a female-coded, magically-adept (depending on the medium of course), less-physically-capable by comparison, emotional, and more passive foil. The (male-coded) knight protects and rescues, the (female-coded) princess nurtures and soothes.
It is a very, VERY emotionally-charged dynamic, by its very nature. Through their acts of service to their protectee, the Knight displays their devotion and care for the Princess, and is in turn emotionally-enriched and cared-for. There is a great deal of physical and emotional vulnerability between them, and it is therefore ideal for romance stories.
Look at Kris and Ralsei again, through this lens. Kris is immediately put into the role of Knight, and Ralsei quickly establishes himself as a classic Princess. Almost instantly, before you've even become aware of it, you've made the connection - they're going to fall in love, because that's what ALWAYS happens in these stories. Ralsei supports and encourages Kris, both in dialogue and in battle, and Kris...
...Kris, uh...
...hug Ralsei sometimes...?
...they... they give him a ribbon...?
...no, that can't be right.
But it is right, for two reasons. One, Kris doesn't have to do anything. The roles are already established, and Ralsei is playing his part like a pro. And two, Kris doesn't do any of those things in the first place - you do. It's the player who hugs Ralsei, who gives him the ribbon, who picks the dialogue options, who makes the connections. You're the Knight in this scenario, not Kris.
Because Kris doesn't get to make that choice. Kris has to do what you tell them to do. And many of us have already jumped to the conlusion that this romance is happening, becuase that's what always happens. The Knight and the Princess fall in love. They get married. They live happily ever after.
So we ship them, because hey, it's cute, and it's easy. I can't stress enough how easy the game makes this. I'm fairly convinced that Ralsei was designed by comittee, like the Funzo toy in that one episode of the Simpsons. Like he was created with the sole purpose of being the most disgustingly adorable, lovable, awkward little cinnamon bun that ever existed. Like he was created to generate the maximum emotional response in players. It's the cuteness response dialled up to 11, and we are almost hard-wired to want to protect this little bundle of fluff from any and all danger, because lookit how sweet and adorable he is! The glasses make his eyes look all big, his fluffiness is reminscent of that of baby animals, he stutters and fumbles his way through dialogue, and you just want to scoop him up and put him in your pocket or something.
And so, we're more than happy to fulfil the role of the Knight to Ralsei's Princess. Whether Kris actually wants to or not. Because it does become increasingly obvious that outside of our influence, Kris is still their own person, with their own goals and desires, but no real agency with which to pursue them. Would that we could know what they truly want, but we are never presented with an opportunity to find out.
The thing is, Kris is not particularly... knightly. They play pranks on their friends, they swipe sweet treats from their mother, they seem to enjoy getting a rise out of people, and particularly from Asriel, if the story about "dropping the lizard into the pit to jump higher" is any indication. They sleep through class, yet by Berdly's grudging admission they are the "third smartest in the class". The only reason they go to church is so they can drink the "sick fruit juice". They don't seem to have any issue with prank-calling their mom, while she's taking about them with their tutor, while they're standing just out of sight, while they're balancing a trash orb on their head.
Nothing about this behaviour screams "Knight." If anything, it would make more sense for Kris to have become a Rogue-type character upon entering the dark world. So the question remains - why is Kris forced into that role? And to what extent is the seemingly "fated" romance between Kris and Ralsei part of that role?
Folks, we have barely scratched the surface here. If I keep writing here this will become a novel, so I have to stop for everyone's sanity. But I will follow up soon, looking into the ideas of Purpose and Destiny and how they relate to Kralsei in-game. If you've stuck with me up to this point, let me just say thanks, because wow I wrote a lot here, and it's probably a bit rambly and says the same things two or three times, but I just. Had to get this onto the page in some way or another, so... here it is.
Thanks for reading, and see you in the next one :)
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seijorhi · 6 months
Hi, bonten ask anon here! Thanks so much for your answer, I really appreciate you taking time to answer our questions and going into detail, it has me kicking my legs reading your writing haha. I admire how much world building you do for each of your fics, and it’s really cool how you’re able to answer questions about minute details! Not to mention that every fic you release is an absolute masterpiece ✨✨
No pressure if it’s too much, but since you mentioned Mikey, Kaku, and Koko being different from the others I asked about, would you mind talking about what they’re like in regards to non-sexual physical intimacy and talking/conversations with reader? Even between the ‘less insane’ ones, I feel like they still range quite a bit on their relationship with reader.
Okay first of all, ily, secondly it is a bold assumption that mikey and Koko are in any way saner than the other three. Less rabid, sure. Saner, hell no dhdhdjjdls
So we’ll start with Koko because he’s probably the closest to your ‘typical’ yandere. Intimacy is a big thing with Koko - in a perfect world he’d have her all to himself, but if he’s forced to share, he’ll take a mile for every inch she reluctantly cedes. He wants the illusion of affection between them; showering together, sweet kisses that inevitably spiral into something more, her curled up on his chest while he works late going through the books. If he had it his way, she’d never be more than an arm’s reach away from him and, ideally, always tucked into his side, her fingers swallowed up beneath his. Koko also just fucking loves kissing, did I mention that?? Man’s never happier than when his tongue is shoved down your throat <33. He wants you to tell him things, wants you to see him as yours as much as you’re his, but that’s one hell of a tightrope for the reader to walk. He does tend to get nasty when that illusion is shattered.
Now Kakucho is a whole lot less fucking delusional. he's sympathetic in that he recognises what they're doing to her is beyond fucked up, but at the same time, he's not going to look a gift horse in the mouth either y'know? He’s big on touch, but in a different way to Koko. It’s knuckles grazing against her arm, a hand on her thigh, smoking and drinking with her perched on his lap, his thumb rubbing slow circles against her waist. He’s not all that interested in opening up about his own stuff, but he’ll listen when she eventually – inevitably – ends up coming to him. And maybe he gets a little sick satisfaction out of that too.
Now Mikey… hoo boy. Mikey is a fucking wreck, spiralling towards a bad, bitter end and dragging her down with him. He’s not going to pretend this is healthy, to pretend like he gives a single fuck whether the reader wants to be there or not. He’s starved of genuine human interaction, emotion, all of it, and the reader bears the brunt of that. It’s not necessarily intimacy when he drags her into his chest in bed at night, or when he gets so deep in that dead state that, terrified, she starts to sing a lullaby, or comb through his hair the way that draken used to – anything to bring him back. Mikey is fine without his friends, without his family, without hope. He has her.
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pendragonsclotpole · 5 months
i’ve watched the first three episodes of the pjo series and then decided to wait. ostensibly this is because once season one is done i can binge it all in one go like i read the book, but i have a confession to make. i can’t stand to watch it.
hear me out: i read these books when i was in grade school. tlt? fifth grade. the rest of the original series? powered me through sixth grade and into seventh. hoo? eighth grade and first year or two of high school. i was a baby. percy jackson and his friends were either my age or older than me and doing shit i could not even comprehend.
i’ve seen a lot of discourse online about the changes made in the show and how they don’t align with how some fans remember the books, and i think that criticism perfectly echoes my feelings on this series. when i read pjo, i saw myself in the characters and saw my interactions with people older than me in their interactions with adults or older characters. case in point sally and luke.
i’m gonna have to make another post about my feelings for show!sally vs book!sally (tldr: book!sally reminds me of how i thought of the adults in my life and their complicated relationships with other adults as a kid, show!sally shows me that things were never so clear cut, surviving/being a survivor is mastering how to balance on a tight tope into adulthood, and sometimes the monsters we remember from our childhoods are a lot more pathetic than we ever realized. don’t even get me started on how i spent my whole life thinking of sally as a woman in her late twenties/early thirties with nothing in her life put together. seeing her in the show was a slap to the face for that notion, because sally seems so much older, but also so much closer to my age than percy in terms of maturity if not actually and what does that mean for me?)
but now about luke. jfc he looks so young. i think it was so easy to demonize luke because he was older, described as college aged, and perfect and popular and a mentor. he felt so responsible, so caring that the betrayal from him in tlt felt so much worse because as a reader i inherently related to percy, annabeth and thalia.
but growing up is realizing i’m now older than book!Luke in tlt and if i was faced with the loneliness of not having at least one good parent, i might be just as bitter as him. heck i do have one good parent, and i think i’m just as bitter as him about somethings. i’m older than him and somehow still feel so much younger. and also, show!luke’s actor is so young looking! i didn’t expect that to be such a hard pill to swallow, realizing the actor is actually 19 made me want to roll up into a ball and cry because fuck, did i look that young at 19??? i’m still in my early 20s, but somehow you do so much growth in the span of those years that just blows my mind. it isn’t fair and it feels like loss and at the same time, i think i understand why rick riordan and the rest of the writing/production team made the choices they did. on the one hand, they could have stuck to the books as faithfully as possible and recreated word for word the story we remembered from when we were kids, but on the other hand, they had the chance of portraying the story as it was and now would be now that we’re the grown ups.
i’m gonna finish the season, eventually, but i don’t yet have the emotional maturity to not hate every little change.
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dominimoonbeam · 11 months
Domini!! Wa-hoo, I am vibrating with excitement at the prospect of sending in a request to you. Now, I'm sure you already know I'm going to ask for Milo/Sweetheart as the pairing, because, I am me. As for the prompts, I'm going to send you a few from each list and let you choose from the list, as many or as few as you feel fits with your ideas. Please feel free to adapt to your liking. Thank you thank you thank you for considering to take on my request, and no pressure to do so if you've got other ideas to chase. I'm excited to read whatever you chose to write! No matter what, have fun, my talented and kind friend!
[ WAIT ]: realizing the receiver is about to leave the room, the sender hastily reaches out and catches their wrist, preventing them from continuing their departure.
[ GAZE ] : sender watches receiver from across a crowded room.
[ WRAP ]: when sitting astride a horse/motorcycle/etc. together, the sender reaches back, takes the receiver’s wrists, and gently pulls their arms around the sender’s waist in an embrace designed to keep the receiver safe, despite feeling remarkably intimate.
[ GUIDE ] : in order to guide the receiver, sender presses a hand against the small of their back.
ROMI!!!!! Thank you so much for this ask!! I don't write nearly enough Milo/Sweetheart but they steal the show when I bring them into other fics!
I got all of these EXCEPT for [Wrap] and I'm now planning to turn my college au into a series and put that into it with Milo/Sweetheart and Milo's motorcycle... It's happening!!
Until then, here's the first fic. <3 <3 <3
Milo/Sweetheart. Early relationship moment.
He hadn’t expected to see them there, but maybe he should have.
The bar was a popular empowered hang out, and one that was known for a mix of clientele.
“What’s wrong?” Asher asked over the music, leaning onto his shoulder and casting his gaze through the crowd.
Milo tore his eyes off of Sweetheart, pivoting into Asher instead of away. “What?” He pretended not to know what he meant. “Did you lose the boss already?”
Asher’s eyes grew and he whirled around to catch David trying to walk back out now that a bunch of the pack were in the door, getting drinks and arguing about table location preferences. “No! Nonono! You have to stay for at least two drinks!” Asher was calling, laughing and grabbing David before he could escape. They had been out on a job and then gone to dinner before Asher spotted the bar and decided they needed a few beers before going home. He was on a rant about bonding and team building again, like they hadn’t all been a family longer than the company had existed.
But Asher wasn’t wrong, about trying to pull David along. He had gotten distant the last year since he became alpha. Asher was just doing what he could to get everyone back in sync.
The last thing they needed was Milo possibly dating a Department agent. He and Sweetheart had danced around the topic the few times it had come up, neither sure what sort of conflicts of interest they were flirting with by….well, by flirting with each other.
More than flirting. He’d helped them catch a shade and they’d patched him up and stayed the night. They were something but whether that something was friends that sometimes shared a bed or something else, he didn’t know.
Milo leaned against the bar, half in a conversation with Arden and David. His gaze strayed again. It was too easy to find Sweetheart in the crowd. The group they were sitting with were clearly Department. Sweetheart wore a tight smile, polite but not entirely interested while the others carried on and laughed. And then their gaze cut to him. He knew instantly that they’d already seen him, probably when the pack first walked in.
Their smile softened, reaching their eyes, and Milo felt like he might fly. He smiled back.
Their eyes narrowed at something someone at their table said, their attention swinging back to their group, smile gone. The group looked back at Milo. He sipped his beer and pretended not to be looking at the stealth across the room.
Unfortunately, David was looking right at him, eyebrow lifted.
Milo flushed and swallowed the beer in his mouth.
“You know them?” David asked, something unreadable in that question.
Milo almost lied. He could say he didn’t know them and try to make that true—try to convince himself that he really barely even did. But as soon as he considered it, he knew it was bullshit. He knew Sweetheart’s smile, he knew their laugh, the way they threw a punch, and what an absolutely rough healer they were. He knew how their hands felt on him, how they moaned, and how they kissed. He knew how smart they were, how quick their thoughts moved, and that they were a good person. “The Stealth, yeah.”
David sipped his beer and glanced at the table again and then back to Milo. “Department?”
Milo nodded but didn’t look.
David frowned, seeming to choose his words carefully.
Milo waited, shoulders pulling close. Was he going to tell him what a bad idea that was? How they didn’t need some Department agent in their business right now? David had already been dealing with so much this last year…
“You’re okay with that?” David asked.
Milo blinked.
He looked uncomfortable, the way David always did when he felt like he had to tread personal ground. “I know how you feel about your dad, Milo… His career was hard on you guys.”
Milo stared at him, surprised. He felt a pang of guilt that he’d thought David would be worried about anything else. “Yeah. I mean, it was hard, but this… I don’t know. It’s new. It might not be anything. But they’re…” He tried to find the right words and failed.
David nodded like he understood and took another swig of his beer. “You should probably catch them before they go then.”
“What?” Milo swung around in time to see Sweetheart cutting through the crowd toward the exit, alone.
He cast a quick look around, the table of Department employees had scattered, some having left and some moving on to the dance floor or to the bar for more drinks.
Milo pushed away from the bar and left his barely touched beer.
They moved so easily through a crowd, but they weren’t in a hurry and he intercepted them before the door, catching their wrist to stop them. The way their hand turned to link with his told him they knew it was him even before they turned around. The worry he’d had that he was overstepping, possibly putting them in a bad position with their colleagues, fell away when they looked at him. They looked surprised, in the best way, something bright in their eyes.
“Hey,” they said first, looking down at his hand and theirs.
“Hey,” Milo said back. “Is this okay?”
Sweetheart sighed, nodding. “I was going to ask you that.” They glanced past him to the pack at the bar. “I don’t want to cause problems for you…”
Milo smiled, lifting their hand in his to brush their knuckles against his lips. “I think you’re going to cause me plenty of problems, Sweetheart, but not like that.”
Sweetheart smirked, biting at their lip to try to hide it. He loved when they did that. “So, we’re a thing, Milo Greer?”
Milo almost laughed. No one had ever said his name like they did. “Yeah, we’re definitely a thing. If… If you’re okay with that?”
Sweetheart nodded, stepping up to close that small distance between them. They kissed him. It was chaste but it was public and that was a first. His heart fluttered in his chest and they were blushing when they stepped back.
Milo glanced back, more than a few of the pack watching them.
“Do you want to make a run for it, Sweetheart, or do you want to come meet some people?” he asked, hoping they heard in his voice that both options were absolutely okay by him. He’d go anywhere with them.
For the first time since he met them, he saw Sweetheart hesitate, looking past his shoulder at the pack like they were intimidating. It would be laughable after having seen them run headlong at a damn shade if it wasn’t making his knees weak. They put real consideration into this. Of course, he’d like them to put that level of thought into actual danger but, he could appreciate this too.
They swallowed and nodded. “Let’s meet some people.” They pushed their shoulders back and chin up, fearless as ever once decided.
Milo touched the small of their back, falling in at their side and gently guiding them forward. “No one’s going to give you trouble, and if they do, you can take ‘em,” he said low, close to their ear. It earned him a laugh and a grin. He kept his hand against their back when they reached the bar and the pack. He liked the way their heartbeat calmed down when his hand was there, the way they subtly leaned back into his touch, and the way they trusted him to guide them.
He was already determined never to let them regret that.
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int3r3st1ng · 4 months
Percy and Nico
Not a full analysis, just some minor points I need to make and my opinion.
Firstly, Percy never suggested leaving Nico for dead. Below is a copy of Mark of Athena. Read Page 139 of this pdf and you'll see, he was conflicted and confused, but he definitely didn't want Nico to die.
Secondly, in Titan's Curse he literally says that he will take on the prophecy to save Nico. Below is another PDF, page 206-207.
Thirdly, during a lot of The Battle of the Labyrinth, Percy was consistently worrying about Nico.
Fourthly, I've got a question. If someone, who may not have known all the details of a deal they made, but was knowingly tricking you into a conversation that would not go well, would you trust them? As yourself that when you talk about Percy choking Nico.
Fifthly, Rick completely butchered Nico and Percy's relationship. Percy never wanted Nico to die and they've known each other longer. He gave Nico and Jason some sort of arc, but I really wonder why he couldn't have smoothed things over with Percy and Nico. I feel that if HOO was rewritten by me or maybe someone with similar opinions, Nico and Percy would adress the problem and not just destroy their relationship completely. I've met so many Percy haters who say they would rewrite HOO so Percy dies or their is a lot of Percy bashing. Some of them even said that Jason should kill Percy in Kansas.
Finally, I think they had an interesting relationship from the start. Percy had just lost his best friend and here was jumpy 10 year old Nico asking so many questions. They meet a again a few months later and Nico is emo and depressed. Another few months and now they are getting back Hades' secret sword in the underworld. More months and that was when Nico "betrays" Percy then helps him. I just feel that if Rick had tried a little harder, they could have had such an interesting dynamic. Also they are the strongest Big Three kids, so technically they would have been a two-person army if Rick wrote it so that their potential platonic,familial relationship was destroyed.
Now, I know Percy was also wrong on many parts, but I've seen/heard worse. Percy was never outright abusive, just that one choke (which could've been dealt with better by Percy). Percy didn't speak up on Nico's behalf, but he did say he didn't want him to die. I'm not going to apologize for everything Percy has done but Nico stans need to look at things from both perspectives and question themselves.
There is literally no hate on either character, just writing. I love Rick's books, but I honestly think he destroyed some character arcs.
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captainkirkk · 1 year
I have some nice pjo recs for you (many crossovers bc I'm a sucker for those) :
the ship of theseus by zipadeea - i think one of the best pjo crossovers i've read (dcu/pjo) afaik it readable without having to read HoO. Absolutely heartwrenching.
the ship of theseus (14839 words) by zipadeea Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Batman (Comics), Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), <a href="https://archiveofourown.org
Baby Blofis College Fund also by zipadeea: very funny
Baby Blofis College Fund (2908 words) by zipadeea Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Sally Jackson/Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson Characters: Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), Paul Blofis, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Estelle Blofis Additional Tags: Humor, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Humor, Family Feels, Pregnancy Series: Part 3 of how to co-parent your reckless demigod 101 Summary:
Valerie calls her an hour later.
“Sally, what the hell?”
“That bad, huh?”
“Bad? Sally, it’s gold. I went from squirming in my seat to crying genuine tears. And that twist, making him a Greek god, it’s exactly what we’re looking for right now. How soon can you get me the next chapter?”
In which Sally Jackson realizes by the time the new baby is eighteen, a semester of college will cost an arm and a leg. And those Fifty Shades of Grey books sure did make a lot of money.
glass figures by ahermioneh: epic marvel/pjo crossover that is partly responsible for me to actually get an ao3 account, deviates from pjo canon a lot but uses a lot of the world building
glass figures (211796 words) by ahermioneh Chapters: 36/36 Fandom: Marvel, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clint Barton & Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton & Percy Jackson & Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Minor or Background Relationship(s), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson Characters: Percy Jackson, Clint Barton, Sally Jackson, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace, Paul Blofis, Steve Rogers, Most of The Ensemble from Both Universes Appear Additional Tags: the timeline is screwed to hell, demigod powers kick in in their twenties, clint is so young, Like, vaguely, Phil Coulson: Ace Recruiter, Nat is honestly so suspicious, Not graphic depictions of violence, but also like possibly, Year by year, POV First Person, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pre-Canon, percy literally shows up to mess with MCU canon, Be Nice to Clint Barton, Canon-Typical Violence, does this count as, Childhood Friends, Spies & Secret Agents, Angst, full disclaimer: we haven't seen agents of shield at all, and we've barely read toa, Complete, just to be clear this is an incredibly self-indulgent crossover, Goode High School (Percy Jackson) Series: Part 1 of closing the cracks Summary:
I lifted my gun, pointing it towards the minefield of shattered fragments, and kicked the small coffee table out of the way.
Only to stare down at an awfully familiar face, which split into a somewhat lopsided grin. The intruder raised his hands in a mocking surrender. “Long time no see, dude.”
I lowered the gun. “What the hell are you doing in South Peru?”
Or in which Clint Barton and Percy Jackson have a long personal history that starts in high school.
The File (series) by denimbeans: Another epic (long) crossover series for marvel/pjo, very spoilery for HoO tho: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2375215
Nothing to make a song about but kings by iwilllpassthis: all the world building, all the politics. Also post-HoO
Nothing to make a song about but kings (201210 words) by iwillpassthis Chapters: 59/59 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Amphitrite & Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Poseidon Characters: Percy Jackson, Amphitrite (Percy Jackson), Poseidon (Percy Jackson) Additional Tags: King!Percy, Undersea politcs, Merpeople, Atlantis, My boy truly has no idea what he's doing, Do I? We shall never know, Powerful Percy Jackson Summary: Percy knelt before Atlantis’ throne, feeling the ancient power of the sea run through his veins in an uncoordinated dance. You are the sea now, it whispered, and the sea is you. A crown of gold and emeralds was placed on his head. Long live the king. Long live the king. . It’s a fortune that Poseidon has a mortal son, because when an ancient curse hits his kingdom and all the sea gods disappear… well, someone must rule.
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pleasejustletpercyrest · 10 months
I’m surprised I haven’t caved and done this yet, but I NEED to talk about how fucked up it is that ole Papa Ricky missed out on prime ace/aro representation via Leo Valdez in favor of? Ruining part of his character arc? Let’s get into it.
Essentially, Leo’s entire character is based off of the loser boy who relentlessly flirts with anything that moves because he’s desperate. We see this in almost every book until he starts to get serious, and of course when the Calypso plot line begins. IGNORING THAT ENTIRE SECTION OF THE BOOKS, and instead looking more closely towards the whole “seventh wheel” thing, I would very much like to point my gay little finger and declare Leo on the a-spec.
Leo as a character is very performative, and we see him taking the role of the comedian, or the resident funny guy along with his throwaway usefulness as the engineer and repairer. In his POV multiple times we see a deeper exploration to his thoughts and actions, while in everyone else’s eyes, he’s just annoying, funny, and hyperactive. While this is an entirely different post I should be making in the name of Leo Valdez and all of his quirks and flaws, I also think that this inherently plays into the loneliness and separation that we see over and over again casting him as the third/fifth/seventh wheel.
I think there’s also something very telling about that desperation. Besides Rick very quickly throwing him into a romance to solve most of his “problems”, a lot of the earlier books show him flirting and throwing himself at women, but there’s no SUBSTANCE to it. In my personal experience, and in something very often seen in the aro/Ace community, to fit into social norms, you often try to attach yourself quickly to people, or convince yourself and your peers that you are experiencing crushes/attraction for a way to fit in to conversation and convention. Unintentionally, Rick wrote this little playboy character who is SO EASILY read as queer, specifically ace/aro!!!!
While we can only give the books so much credit for diversity and representation (as they are written by a cishet white man well past his 30s), the way that Leo is written so stereotypically gives me FUEL to headcanon that he is better than written. I like to think of his third wheel era with Piper and Jason as a sort of PART 1 to this realization, and then PART 2 comes around with Hazel and Frank. There could have been so many silly interactions if he was actually pursued as a queer character, and I will forever rage because of the sloppily thrown labels after HoO with Nico’s coming out arc.
(Once again, big W for the representation being shown, but I do have some issues with the execution)
I just imagine Leo, confused, watching these relationships on the Argo II and taking notes about what romantic attraction looks like. He has messy notes scribbled on his palm like:
-Laughs at joke that is NOT funny because they are blinded by love???
-Look like idiots holding hands and staring into each others eyes
-‘I would die for you’ but in a sexy way (aka how to date in demigod 101)
-Whatever the fuck Percy and Annabeth have going on
Relationships, specifically romantic ones, seem to be the only way that Rick truly allows important interactions to happen. What happened to declaring your loyalty but in a platonic sense? What happened to fighting for the power of friendship? What happened to Grover?!?!!!
I also truly believe that there could have been an entirely new angle explored between Nico and Leo’s relationship, and how they could’ve become tentative friends after Leo comes back from the dead, especially after the death of Jason Grace. I see perfectly an interaction that would go something like:
Leo, approaching Nico wearily at the dining pavilion: hey man, how did you realize you were gay?
Nico, not paying much attention, absolutely destroying a bowl of cereal: didn’t like women, liked men
Leo, nodding seriously, knowing full well that he isn’t gay but also not straight: I see…
ADDITIONALLY there could have been such a fun friendship with Piper and Leo if Rick Riordan wasn’t a coward and actually gave Piper a character arc where she was established as queer instead of just sprinkling it in at random. Piper, as a daughter of Aphrodite, with that ‘love sense’, I truly believe they’re could have been such fun scenes such as:
Piper, suspicious that Leo isn’t straight: so…you have any crushes?
Leo, panicking because now he has to think of someone who could reasonably be seen as someone he was crushing on: uh, um, uh, what’re you? A cop???
Piper, getting literally no vibes of any attraction whatsoever from Leo, throwing her tf off: uh, maybe
This also leaves the very real, very hilarious question of what Leo would see if he ever met Aphrodite. As Jason sees a lot of Piper, and Percy sees basically just Annabeth, I think it would be interesting to have an internal dialogue of Leo meeting the goddess of love and having her features shift constantly to try and fit an impossible attraction by melding together traits that are stereotypically pretty or beautiful.
Not all of this was entirely coherent, but I have very strong feelings on this headcanon and I am HORRIBLE at articulating anything in a way that makes sense. Thank you for, once again, coming to my Teddy Talky.
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haven-of-dusk · 5 months
for the ask game: headcanons for nico di angelo? (if you haven’t read the books, then ricky bowen 🤠)
Sorry this took me so long... I have indeed read the books, so I'll tackle both! Nico Di Angelo:
Sexuality - Gay
A ship - I actually do like Solangelo a fair bit, they're not my faves per se, but I don't have glaring issues with them (especially compared with say, Caleo).
However for the sake of fun, I also love Jasico (I hope I have that name right). Minor aside that I'm about 90% sure Jason is (he's fine, TBM didn't happen I promise) a closeted gay man based on a number of hints dropped in TBM, plus vibes plus he just screams internalized heteronormativity. So I really wish we could've explored more of Nico and Jason's dynamic. Plus they'd be incredibly adorable about one-upping each other's displays of "touch him and die" imo.
A BROTP - Percico, I totally get why shipping them romantically is a thing, but I also adore the dynamic idea that Nico completely got over Percy and Percy's a little salty about it, plus the level of trust they eventually displayed regardless of the definition of their relationship is very special to me. (End of MoA always gets me right in the feels).
A NOTP - I don't have any specific ones...so I guess I'll just say any ship that tries to get him involved romantically with a woman.
A random headcanon - Though he mostly put Mythomagic behind him, he has since become a massive D&D nerd, with multiple fully fleshed out characters and a couple campaign ideas that he badgers people to play with him. (Also the main cast of HoO playing D&D is a podcast I wish was real, Critical Role style...)
General Opinion - I love Nico, top 3 Percy Jackson Universe characters (I think, I haven't gone through and put together an exact ranking ever since I love almost all of them), not super happy when the writing leans too far into the 'edgy' side of him, but his dry wit is always a pleasure, and he's also capable of backing up the edge with badassery.
His original artwork will always give me nightmares though.
Richard 'Ricky' Bowen:
Sexuality - Bisexual
Gender - Cis Male, though he did experiment with they/them pronouns to see if they felt better to him. They didn't, but he's glad he tried.
A ship - Caswen. Obviously. I think my canon rewrite of half the show serves as adequate explanation of my love for them.
A BROTP - Redky. The friendship/brotherhood between Big Red and Ricky was something I really enjoyed in the first two seasons, it felt quite accurate to my high school experiences and I also find their interactions in fanfiction very endearing. Plus it provides more fuel to my fire that Caswen are NOT brotherly since we have a perfect brotherly relationship for Ricky right there and it looks nothing like his relationship to EJ imo.
Plus I'm still extra irritated that in addition to the rampant biphobia in how Big Red's storyline was handled, they also tried to shove him out of the picture and replace him with Jet in S4, with a scene in E3 especially feeling like the dialogue was written for BR and then they had Jet read it for...no discernable reason.
A NOTP - ...Rina /s.
In all seriousness the only answer I can readily come up with is Rily, because wtf was that subplot even supposed to be, but I struggle to think of NOTPs for Ricky since my brain is mostly Caswen or bust. I thought of the EJ alternatives purely because Tim is so militant about Rina, but I really don't know what Ricky would do outside of preferably Caswen or Tim's beloved 'canon' Rina. And while I do think Rini work better as friends, I also wouldn't call them a NOTP since I feel kind of bad for some Rini shippers (not the creepy ones, the normies for lack of a better term).
Idk, I guess I'll just say Rily and move on.
A random headcanon - Ricky loves the Spice Girls. Where did this HC come from you ask? I have no idea. But I feel like it fits.
The urge to write a mini-fic of Ricky and EJ dancing at their wedding to 'Spice up Your Life' is rising. (Totally not influenced by Doctor Who)
General Opinion - I love Ricky. Not quite as much as Elton, but that's a pretty high bar to clear since Elton rose to my top ten of all time list pretty easily. I have mixed feelings about S3 and S4 Ricky since I felt like they made him overly obsessed with Gina and lost a lot of the charm of his earlier plotlines centering on familial trauma and figuring out his own desires in life, but he's still high ranking for HSMTMTS characters, and I obviously love Caswen to death, so it's hard for me to say I don't also adore Ricky as a special little guy.
That spiraled into a bit of a ramble. Point is that I do really like Ricky, I just wish the writing for him later in the show was less...self-parodic...if that makes any sense.
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ikeasharksss · 2 years
hello! i dont usually make original posts on this blog, but lately i remembered all the thoughts i have about the Three Days In The Infirmary trope in the solangelo community. i wrote this essay, so check it out if you please <3
In my time reading solangelo fics, I have noticed that the most popular trope for this pairing is Three Days In The Infirmary. Everytime I scroll through the recently updated fics for solangelo on AO3, I am bound to encounter at least 1 fic w/ this trope. And I’m not too surprised by that! Solangelo writers don't have a lot to work with, so we take what we can get. Will makes the Three Days statement at the end of BOO, and literally in the next RR book– which takes place six months later– he and Nico are dating! Speculation as to what happened during those three days is to be expected, even more so among fanfic writers. 
I have read many Three Days fics in my time in the solangelo corner of AO3, both before and after I began writing for the pair myself. This week, I spent some time scrolling through the recently updated solangelo fics and found two Three Days fics. I opened both of them. This leads me to the main point of this Tumblr essay, my friends: Three Days In The Infirmary fics have the potential to be really amazing stories on found family and recovery! However, they also have the potential to have harmful/lazy depictions of trauma and just awful characterization. For the purposes of this essay, I will be dividing the Three Days fics I have read into two categories: worse Three Days fics and good Three Days fics. This is not to say that this trope is black and white. Every fic– no matter the trope– can have bad and good elements. However, I can’t use this essay to dissect every Three Days fics I’ve encountered and give them a unique rating, so I will use the worse and good categories for convenience. 
First, let’s talk about the depictions of trauma. If this would make you uncomfortable, skip to the next paragraph. I notice that, in the worst Three Days fics I have read, Nico's trauma is handled in one of two ways: it is glossed over or it is romanticized. Both of those depictions promote unhealthy views of trauma for everyone & it takes a critical writer to not fall into those traps. When it is glossed over, Nico's trauma is dismissed as just a part of his character– such as his hair color or his sense of humor– or even made into a joke by the less-traumatized characters. This irks me and the first sign of one of these depictions is enough to turn me off a fic. In HOO alone, Nico goes through an immense journey to save the world. He comes out of that exhausted and in need of physical and mental rest, but some Three Days writers forget that. Their fics consist of Nico walking into the infirmary, chatting with Will and others while in a bed, probably having an angsty moment or two about how he wants to leave, then, all of a sudden, the “am I in love with Will?” scene. It doesn't make sense! Anyone in need of such rest and care wouldn’t be looking for a new crush. If they did start to have feelings for someone, pursuing that relationship should never be at the forefront of their mind. However, that’s how these kinds of Three Days fics work. This brings me to my next topic: romanticization. This depiction is on the flip side of glossing over but it is just as harmful as irritating. Here, Nico's trauma is used as a plot point. For example, I read a Three Days fic once where Will has to pull Nico out of a nightmare (a common trope within this trope), which is the inciting incident for Will realizing he’s in love with Nico. In another example, Nico's poor health, whether it be him fading into the shadows or something new and creative, drives him to realize that he loves Will and needs to do something about it before it’s too late. In both of these instances, Nico's trauma is used to further the romance of the fic. There's no detailing of Nico recovering or learning to care for himself, just a jump straight into romance. Both the glossing over and romanticization of Nico's trauma makes an uncomfortable read for me. As I said before, Nico has seen some horrors! He's not going to jump into the infirmary A) completely ignoring them or B) ready to fall in love! Before I wrap up this paragraph, here is a quick note: notice how I didn't talk about Will's trauma? Neither do these Three Days authors. Most of their fics center on Nico’s POV and, if they do have Will’s POV, he’s mostly talking about how smitten he is. I think the Three Days trope as a whole could benefit with Will recovering from his own battle against gaea but, then again, RR doesn’t give solangelo writers much to work off with that one. This shouldn’t be an excuse to ignore Will’s own backstory, but, instead, should be an invitation for writers to explore the potential Will has as a character. 
Now for the characterization in these worse fics: it’s always lazy. In fics where Nico's trauma is glossed over, he is babied by Will and is written to look like he can’t take care of himself. This often bleeds into Hurt/Comfort, but with Will as the perpetual comforter and Nico as the perpetual hurt one. Not only is this characterization of Nico not true to the books (Nico is, in fact, one of the more mature characters in the rrverse), but is a harmful and frankly stale take on trauma. His pain does not turn him into a baby! Furthermore, Nico ignoring his trauma is just as unrealistic. The war is fresh in everyone’s lives, who is going to turn from it after three days or less? But that’s not just for Nico– Will's characterization is a whole other can of worms. I will state, however, that Three Days writers aren’t given a lot of source material on Will's character. Despite this, some of the Three Days fics I’ve read write him as, what i like to call, The Forever Doctor. This trope means that the character is always in doctor mode: commenting and supporting others’ health, stressing over their loved ones' well being, and never needing support or care themselves. It's like these Three Days authors forget that Will fought two wars as a teenager, too! Not to be all like “Will has been traumatized, too!” but he does have a decent backstory that anybody with an imagination can learn and write with. In summary: glossing over/romanticizing Nico’s trauma is a poor characterization for him and is a harmful depiction of trauma. Trauma victims are not babies, and they can’t forget about their trauma in a few days. Adding on, this weak characterization of Nico and Will as The Forever Doctor make for a boring story. If these characters are rendered down to a patient and doctor who fall in love, there is no room for conflict and character growth. It would be way more interesting for both writers and readers to see Nico and Will develop as characters and in their relationship over time. 
Good Three Days fics also discuss trauma but in a much different way than the worse ones. Again, this paragraph will be discussing trauma in this trope. If that makes you comfortable, scroll away, my friend. Good Three Days authors care about both Nico and Will's trauma. It’s not glossed over because it is always addressed with care and respect, but it is not romanticized because, when it is discussed, it is not to help the romance progress. These Three Days authors strike a balance between having a discussion on trauma and allowing the romance plot to continue. Usually, this is done when the two topics are separated: romance is not mentioned in the trauma moments, and trauma is not mentioned in the romance moments. (However, I’d like to make an exception: personally, I enjoy when Three Days authors discuss Nico’s internalized homophobia in romance scenes. It is consistent with his character!) It is helpful to a Three Days fic when there is one plot for trauma and another for romance. Which brings me to my next point: recovery! The worst Three Days fics I've read never handle this topic properly. The recovery is either rushed for the sake of romance or it literally doesn’t take place at all! But in the good Three Days fics, Nico and Will recover from the war, physically and mentally. Nico learns to live at peace with himself, makes some friends, and tries to find a home at CHB, while Will finds a new friend, relaxes from his Forever Doctor trope, and becomes a regular camper again. Recovery is always handled with as much sensitivity as trauma, which creates a well rounded piece and the perfect amount of catharsis for the reader. 
Good Three Days fics have characterization that is consistent w/ the source material. Nico isn’t infantilized, & Will isn’t a Forever Doctor. Instead, they are introduced as complex survivors, and, throughout the fic, grow into peace. It isn’t like the worst Three Days fics where every word is spent for Hurt/Comfort. Instead, Nico and Will (and sometimes other characters!) have time to breathe. I can't stress enough how important it is to give characters time to breathe in any fic! 
I have read a lot of bad Three Days fics, but I have also read some great ones! The first Three Days fic I read that really blew me away was “A Myriad of Stars” by chameleonwrites on AO3. It's a 25k one shot following Nico & Will's relationship, from when they were strangers after Gaea, friends in the infirmary, and falling for each other in the weeks after the war. I love this fic so much because the author is so gentle with Nico’s trauma, from battling his internalized homophobia to making friends for the first time. And what made this fic stand out so much to me when I first read it is that there’s no romance at all during the actual three days!! Instead, the romance plot is introduced after Nico is discharged from the infirmary. 
More recently, I read “oh, the whole world, it is sleeping, but my world is you” by thelordofshrimp on AO3. This is an untraditional take on the Three Days fic but I won't go any more into that because no spoilers! The reason this fic represents everything that can go well with a Three Days fic is because of the sheer imagination the author had while writing it. And there’s no dramatic confession of love at the end! Sure, there’s a bit of romance because it’s a Three Days fic and that’s to be expected, but the story focuses on Nico’s growth & his friendship with Will. In my opinion, too many Three Days fics take inspiration from RR and shove Nico & Will together ASAP, but this fic (& the last one) take their time in writing Nico and Will’s relationship, which is why they stand out so vividly in the sea of Three Days fics I’ve read. 
I originally shared this essay in a Discord server with other solangelo fans, and I learned something that definitely contributes to the mix of quality Three Days fics have. The RR books are targeted for young audiences, namely for middle schoolers, and solangelo is a very popular ship in this fandom. Therefore, young fandom members who want to try their hand at fanfic writing often gravitate to solangelo. It might even be their first pairing in any fandom! Similarly, Three Days is a very popular solangelo trope, so it makes sense that these young fandom members are driven to write this. I know that, when I began writing fanfic at fourteen-years-old, I didn’t have the ability to write nuance about trauma and romance. I see this in the worst Three Days fics I’ve read, because this trope requires nuance. I fear that young fanfic writers and readers who engage with this lack of nuance will grow into people who don’t know how to discuss trauma, recovery, and healthy romance. 
I’m not saying the Three Days trope should be abandoned entirely. I still think it has potential! However, Three Days writers need to think critically about what they are writing. Glossing over and romanticizing trauma feeds into harmful ideas and stereotypes about trauma. Nico, Will, and the other PJO characters who have fought wars deserve to have their stories told with respect. In a lighter area, lazy characterizations such as Will The Forever Doctor and infantilized Nico are just painful to read. I believe the Three Days trope can be used to tell wonderful, touching stories, and I believe that because I’ve read those stories. It shouldn’t be retired, forgotten, abandoned, or ridiculed: it should be used as a learning experience. 
This essay was inspired by my recent return to the solangelo tag on AO3. Everytime I read a good Three Days fic, I am well fed and have a deeper love for the characters than I did before reading it. Everytime I read a worse Three Days fic, I wonder how I would write my own version of this trope. The only reason I’ve never tried my hand at it is because I don’t know what I would write that hasn’t already been written. 
I would like to leave one last message on the Three Days trope before I complete this essay: it’s just fanfiction. Nico, Will, and the universe they live in doesn’ t exist. Don’t get too pressed. Just because I expressed my critical views on a fanfiction trope does not mean you, the reader, can never enjoy that trope again. I enjoy it myself! If you’ve read this far, thank you for indulging me. 
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"Wishing it Wasn't" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 3/18: Catching Up To Do Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: General Word Count: (1K/19.5K) Summary: Season 2 Canon Divergence: When Neal tells Emma he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and blurts out the first fairytale name she can think of: Captain Hook. Killian agrees to this ruse, but when feelings grow between the two, will the con be more than they can handle? Chapter Summary: Emma and Killian meet up with Neal, Tamara and Henry at Granny's. Afterwards, so that she can avoid keeping any more secrets from her son, she explains a little bit of her and Killian's fake relationship. Tags: season 2, canon divergence, gun violence in later chapters, angst with a happy ending, fake dating, mild character death, mildly anti neal Author's notes: none Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Emma stood outside Granny's with Hook, who, she supposed, couldn't really be called "Hook" right now, as he'd traded his hook out for a prosthetic and ditched the Captain's jacket- Tamara still didn't know they'd come from a magic fairytale land.
 "I still think this is a ridiculous plot." Hook said.
 "Then why are you going along with it?"
 "Can't stand to see a damsel in distress going through that distress alone."
 Emma rolled her eyes. "Just remember- obvious enough for Neal but not too obvious for Henry. And Tamara knows nothing of the fairytales."
 "Aye, love." He said. "You go first, I'll join you in a bit."
 The bell above the door jingled as Emma walked in.
 "Hi, mom!" Henry waved at her from a booth with Tamara and Neal.
 "Hey, kid." Emma said. She ruffled his hair a little. "Have you given them the whole Storybrooke tour?"
 "You know it." Henry said. "Ending with cinnamon cocoa at Granny's."
 "He sure knows this town well." Tamara said.
 "He's lived here his whole life." Emma said, taking a seat next to him.
 "And you as well?" Tamara asked.
 Emma shook her head. "It's a little more complicated than that. I put Henry up for adoption to give him his best chance at life."
 "And then I brought her back here to Storybrooke last year." Henry said.
 "And it's been the best year of my life." Emma made eye contact with Neal, and he glanced away at his hot chocolate.
 The bell by the door rang again, heralding Hook's entrance.
 Emma waved at him from their booth, and he walked over to them as Emma turned back to read Neal's expression- a cross between nostalgia and pain.
 "'Ello, love." Hook said, addressing Emma. "Who're your friends here?"
 "Hoo- Killian?" Neal asked, and Emma was thankful he did, because she'd forgotten her fake boyfriend's real name.
 "Yes?" Killian said. "And you are…?"
 Emma knew Killian knew who he was, but she also knew that Neal didn't know Killian knew who he was, and Killian was too smart to blow the whole ruse this early in the game.
 "Neal." He said. "Mr. Gold's son."
 Killian raised his eyebrows in feigned surprise. "You've grown up a lot since I last saw you. We've got a lot of catching up to do."
 "I guess." Neal crossed his arms.
 "And who's this?" Killian asked.
 "Tamara." Neal brightened up a little at the opportunity to brag on his girl. "My fianceé. We met in New York, and we really hit it off."
 "Phenomenal!" Killian held out his hand to Tamara and shook her hand. "I'm a close family friend of Ba- Neal."
 "A little too close." Neal muttered.
 Emma read Henry's expression of confusion and gave him an "I'll explain everything later" eyebrow, to which he nodded, still looking suspiciously at her.
 "Care to join us?" Tamara asked.
 "No," Emma said. "I've got to get Henry back home to get caught up on his homework."
 Henry rolled his eyes. "Do I have to?"
 "Yes," Emma said. "Besides, you've spent all weekend away with me. Grandma and Grandpa probably miss you a lot."
 "Okay." Henry said.
 And with that, Henry and Emma left the diner, Emma's ruse so far working.
 "Mom, why were you and Captain Hook acting like friends?" Henry asked as she drove him back to the loft.
 "What do you mean?" Emma looked back at him.
 "Well, after everything I heard about when you and grandma went to the Enchanted Forest, I didn't think you guys got along well." Henry said. "But today at Granny's you guys were getting along great."
 "It's a long story, kid." Emma said.
 "I see." Henry nodded and looked out the window. "Like the one where my dad wasn't actually a firefighter."
 Emma bit her lip, wondering where Henry got his cutting wit from, and knowing that he was absolutely right.
 "I shouldn't keep secrets from you, should I, kid?" Emma made eye contact with him in the rear view mirror. "How would you like to keep a secret with me?"
 Henry leaned forward. "Like Operation Cobra?" "Just like that." Emma said. "But you have to promise not to tell anyone."
 "Duh." Henry said. "That's the point of a secret operation."
 "Okay, kid." Emma said. "When your dad told me he had a fiancee, I might've lied to him. I didn't want him to feel bad about leaving me and finding someone else, and I didn't want him to think I was unhappy."
 "Are you unhappy?" Henry asked. 
 "I've got the coolest kid in the world, two parents that love me, and a really great job, Henry." Emma said. "I don't need anything more."
 "So what did you tell my dad?" "I told him I have a boyfriend." Emma said. "And that we met in the Enchanted Forest, and that he happens to be Captain Hook."
 "Mom?" Henry asked, appalled. "Haven't you read the storybook? That's like, the worst character you could've told him!"
 "I panicked and said the first name that came to mind, alright?"
 "That must've made him feel bad."
 "You're right, it did." Emma said. "But after I realized it, I couldn't take it back if I wanted to."
 "Did you want to?" Henry asked.
 Emma shook her head. "Not really. Your dad and I shared a lot of good memories, but we shared a lot of hurt too."
 "I'm sorry." Henry said.
 "It's alright, kid." Emma said. "It'll work out in the end."
 "The best stories always do." Henry smiled.
 "And until it does, Captain Hook agreed to help me."
 "Why?" "I'm not sure." Emma said. "I guess he'd rather date me then end up in jail."
 She looked back it her son. This was a lot of complicated stuff that he didn't need to get involved in- he'd already been through so much, even in the past few days.
 "You good back there, kid?"
 "Yeah," Henry said. "It's just. I don't know what to call this Operation."
 "Do we need to give all of them a name?" Emma asked.
 "Operation Pancake." Henry said.
 "Why would we call it that?" Emma asked.
 "We don't need a 'why,' remember?" Henry said. "That would make it suspicious."
"Alright, kid." Emma said. "Operation Pancake it is."
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hamliet · 2 years
How To Write Badly 101: The Season
Or, I review The Dragon Prince season 4, at the urging of a friend who is much more invested than I am. If you do not want to read immense salt and criticism, this is your warning.
My expectations for were extremely low and somehow the show managed to dig a tunnel beneath and go lower than I thought possible. Disclaimer: I've never been hugely invested, so I'm mostly amused about this game of how low can you go?
Claudia continues to be the only actual character of substance, while Once Characters Rayla and Soren slowly lose their potential. Never a Character Callum continues to be a lamp passed around the plot who gets things just for being a lamp.
A lamp character is a character who could be replaced by a lamp and there'd be minimal to no change on the actual story. It's pretty bad when your main protagonist is a lamp. What makes him even worse than, say, Alina in Grishaverse, is that Callum is treated like he's a special lamp when there's canonically zilch special about him. At least Alina is like, literally light and no one is like her. Callum is just an IKEA piece. He's a mage but cool, what does that cost him?
The time gap supposedly had major events happen off screen--especially romantically. Except... none of it is really explained, and thus it falls flat. Rayla and Callum broke up because there's never been tension between them and they offer each other nothing at all in a ship, which becomes apparent especially when they're together. Breaking them up is a way to at least manufacture tension. If you can call that tension, because their breakup added nothing at all to their character arcs.
Not that Callum's ever had an arc. But honestly, like, you need to show conflict. You need to have Callum saying that it triggers his fear of losing people, show him distressed more than just moping. Show him distressed by his actions, or present passivity as a flaw, but Callum has never had an actual flaw introduced so there's no place for this plotpoint to build besides "let's create tension for shippers."
Rayla... I like her. I want to like her even more, but her leaving is never explained. She seeks Claudia for... reasons? Presumably her parents? But y'know, you need to actually show consequences for leaving, and explain why she decided to come back more than just "the dragon queen was coming!" Was she lonely? What provoked her to come back? What are you trying to tell us? (Nothing. They don't have a story.)
Rayla's choice towards the end of the season was utterly ridiculous. The coins needed to be mentioned, like, way earlier in the season to remind us rather than just coming out of nowhere. Her grief needed to be explored, and her running away was like... an opportunity there, but it wasn't explored, so her choice to trade Terry for the coins had no resonance at the end. There were no consequences, no results, no impact of that choice. It was just empty. Like the show.
Terry... hoo boy. I want to like Terry. I kind of do despite how much of an obvious "morality pet" he is in the plot. His relationship with Claudia is very sweet, but again, it comes from nowhere. We have no exploration of what this means to them, no idea of what drew Terry and Claudia together, no idea of the basis of their emotional bond. You can't build a compelling ship without that.
Lastly, Terry's rebuke of Claudia towards the end was... bizarre, and nonsensical writing-wise. Like. The end of the last season showed a body. Claudia clearly killed people to bring her father back. So why is Terry horrified by Claudia taunting Rayla with fake coins about her parents, especially when it's to save his life? Terry also has previously killed someone who was about to kill Claudia. Make it make sense.
Soren... baby. You absolutely cannot cut the reunion between him and Viren. And yet! They did! I'm sorry but???? You absolutely can't skip that? For either Soren or Viren's arcs? Unless you're dropping both arcs, which it sure looks like you're doing.
Also, the plot. Nothing. Happened. The entire season. We need to free Aaravos in 30 days! At the end of the season, he still ain't free, and I'm begging him to appear because dear dragons someone needs to shake up this world.
Oh, okay, sometimes threats needed to happen. I wouldn't really call it plot, but there were occasional moments of pretend peril. The dragon went nuts in the end and almost killed them for... reasons I guess? I'm sorry but I don't understand why and the why doesn't matter in the end; it was the peril that was important because stakes! Except there aren't any.
Rule 1 of writing: anytime you have "and then" instead of "because" or "but" linking events/plot points, you're f*cked. It's boring.
Also, the sun elf subplot... was awful. Janai had no arc, and the story didn't parallel or link with the A plot. Her romance with Amaya is cute but again, the bond between them is not explored this season--it's told. Show us moments where they only have each other, moments where duty and love both tug at the heart!
The actual story itself was like an attempt to copy Black Panther, with the brother challenging the heir, but make it pointless because boring is clearly the vision they're aiming for. Because the Sun Elf Queen just wins because she's good, and people are good. Which is not itself a bad theme, but the point is that this whole plotline went nowhere and changed nothing for the story as a whole. It's dumb. Listen I am all for optimism in stories, especially those catered towards kids, but make it matter! Otherwise it's just boring!
And sure, maybe these things will matter towards the endgame? Maybe? But it should matter this season as well, and considering how poorly the show has done making everything matter so far, well, I am not holding my breath.
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seaweedbraens · 2 years
i originally wasn’t gonna read wcwsthwas until it was finished but last week i gave in. and i absolutely love your writing so much you provide for us in ways we will never be worthy of. i’m frothing at that mouth after that much needed percabeth fight and you actually got me to SOB when zoe and jason died because the scenes were just too powerful. i didn’t even care about jason in hoo but reading your fic made me sad about his death 😭 also so looking forward to them realizing that which of the big three kids are heroes of the prophecy i wonder how rachel’s gonna communicate that. i cheered when nico showed up !!! you write the characters so well and i always loved how you don’t ignore the fact that they’ll all clash sometimes and can’t be perfect friends all the time you’ve always been so good about that (especially in if i fell tbh that was the first time i remember you writing character conflicts and you did it so well).
can’t wait to see annabeth’s perspective of the fight + everyone’s reaction to percy leaving. how is she supposed to get an army ready to fight when she doesn’t even know if percy will show up???
omg if youre read if i fell then you're an OG from ffnet holy shit thank u for sticking around for so long!!! and im so so glad you like the fic, especially the death scenes because i was suuper nervous about those. i like exploring character dynamics a lot, especially between characters not in a romantic relationship, which is why you'll sort of see a lot of interesting interactions between charactrs, which i'm glad you enjoy! although, i gotta admit, the percabeth fight has been one of my favorite scenes to write, like, ever.
annabeth's in for a lot of self reflection next chapter. like you said, she's got a lot on her plate right now, and she's finally dealing with a lot of her internal blocks about the ay she feels about luke and percy. she'll learn to trust her own judgement again and she becomes a better leader and a better person because of it. i can't wait!
ty for the support ily <3
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Things my friend said during our House of Ashes playthrough part 2
Babe stop coughing we were about to kiss (about Clarice and Rachel)
Did I just abandon Clarice oh no I'm sorry I'm sorry oh no no no no! Go back go back can we please replay that?!?! I can't leave my vampire girlfriend! (We did replay the blood pit chapter lol)
What you doing offering him a bottle when his hands are tied what the fuck he gonna do?!? (Eric offering Salim a drink)
(I knew you were trouble softly playing in the next room as Nick follows Jason) ah shit they about to fuck right?
(Chooses the 'they attacked our country option by accident') wait no! No! I became racist!? Wait no! First I lost my girlfriend (Clarice) and then I lost my boyfriend (Joey) and now I'm racist? Please please can we replay this again (we replayed the Blood pit chapter 3 times lol)
(About Eric dissecting the vampire) ur a nuclear engineer what the fuck do u know about biology?
(Playing as Jason again) ok let's try to not be racist this time
(Nick says "this is the closest I've been to hell") That's OK baby I'll take you to heaven right here
I want Rachel to live so she can be with Clarice
(After being told Clarice dies no matter what but that they could both become vampires) oooo then that's the ending I'm going for
(When we finally get back to the blood pit) God I hate this part I just want to get back to my girlfriend. Also ma'am ur hoo-ha is gonna be infected after this
I don't care what u say those vampires are sneaking out of that fucking cave. They are coming out. It's pride month and the demons are coming out
(Proceeds to replace every unintelligible part for randolphs journal with the word masturbating and cries laughing)
(Having completely forgotten what the vampire looks like) Oh God it's like the xenomorph but uglier!
(Sees Joey as a vampire) Damn he kind of Sexier like this
(About to go over the chasm with Clarice) I swing that way do you swing that way?
(Manages to replay the Blood pit only to choose the options where Clarice ends up deciding to stay behind) I did all that and my girlfriend left me? Fuck it I'm not playing that again let's finally continue (we did finally continue lol)
Men be talking about fighting demons when really it's just bisexual thoughts
Are we ever gonna talk about Nick killing Merwin or are we gonna gloss over that like it was just a war thing?
I'm getting to Eric levels of hatred with Dar
Dar is a burden on humanity but Eric is a cum stain on life (what did Eric do to my friend lol she hated him so much hahaha)
(Jason says "this is our house our rules!") It really isn't though?
(Reading the relationship updates) what do u mean Rachel broke the news of her relationship with Nick harshly? How else do u break that to someone? Oh I'm sorry. I accidently penetrated another man?
I don't care about turning Rachel into a vampire anymore. My vampire girlfriend left me so I'm leaving her like I left my husband-wait is this karma?
(Me surviving as Eric even though my friend abandoned me as Rachel) I'm comin for ya treacherous wife
(Eric to Nick "you stay out of my way") ill just stay in your wife then
Jason just looking for excuses to touch Salim huh?
So this is hr Geiger's wet dream
Can we have a part 2 where the US government tries to use it as a weapon and fucks up?
Please blink (immediately screams when the fluid covered surviving prologue character blinks)
(When the crucifix didn't help as Nick) God said this was not one of mine abort
(When Salim crawled into the star chamber first) bye yall I got a son
Who am I talking to? Salim? (Tells her its Eric) God damn it
(When Rachel and Eric talk in the star chamber) I'm just gonna leave now cause we can't both be on our period
(When the cocoons is blowing up) its 5 o clock in the morning? I'd crawl into a cocoon and have a catnap
(About Jason and Salim) I want to see them on 90 day fiance
Maybe the solution to racism is aliens
(When vampire Clarice popped out in the waterfall) my girlfriend!
(When the eclipse happens) ah hell no
(When poppin flares) Marvel has 24hrs to respond avengers endgame who?
(When the Curator started talking at the end after we saved everyone) mother fucker just congratulate me
(During the interviews specifically with Rachel) can I take a shower? Please??? I was a blonde before this I am now a red head
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algumaideia · 1 year
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I posted 8,360 times in 2022
That's 7,916 more posts than 2021!
1,487 posts created (18%)
6,873 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,365 of my posts in 2022
#octavian hoo - 283 posts
#octavian - 258 posts
#nico di angelo - 230 posts
#personal - 211 posts
#hoo - 198 posts
#ask - 176 posts
#jason grace - 94 posts
#anonymous - 76 posts
#rick riordan critical - 72 posts
#heartstopper netflix - 68 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#if i understand this well basically the opinion or interpretation the author has about his book/series/movie/whatever is not more important
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Boy Savior
When Jinx calls Ekko "The Boy Savior", she does it with so much anger, spite, she sounds hurt. And this is a new nickname to Ekko, he wasn't called that for anyone just her, so I wonder what is the story behind this nickname. Ekko also seems hurt and mad.
I imagine it was really messy and sad. My idea of what happened is that Ekko after sometime went to rescue Powder from Silco, she was her friend, the only one that survived as far as he knew. Therefore he went after her and I imagine Jinx was so happy to see him. From the videoclip and the rest of the bridge scene we can see they were really good friends in the past.
But then Ekko says he wants to save her from Silco, her father, the person who loves her the most, that didn't abandon her. And maybe he calls Silco a monster, maybe Silco appears and Ekko tries to hurt him because he is a monster. And Jinx gets mad and tries to protect Silco.
And this is when Ekko realizes she likes him, she isn't forced to work for him. And I just imagine Jinx getting so mad at Ekko and him getting so confused. But eventually he just gave up on Jinx.
And Jinx gets so hurt by this. Ekko said he would save her, but then he tried to kill/hurt her father and abandoned her.
So "look who it is, The Boy Savior"
The boy who said that would save her, abandoned her is now protecing her sister, who also abandoned her and is doing it now again over some enforcer girl.
This is all headcanons, but I think it is plausible something like that happened.
Best regards,
Ps. Their relationship deserved more screen time.
244 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
I was thinking about We don't talk about Bruno and one line really got my attention.
"Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read"
Which basically means all those people think the bad things only happened to them because Bruno read the prophecy and saw it. Which is nuts, Bruno's prophecys are just warnings, he is just telling thigns that will happen, he is not changing the future.
And during the entire song people say: "He told me". I think one the lines that exemplify this idea better is, Félix one: "Why did he tell us?"
And then what Bruno did to protect Mirabel? He broke her prophecy and hid it. If no one sees it maybe it won't be true. Because the fate is sealed when the prophecy is read.
I'm not sure if Bruno himself believes or believed it, but he was aware that people did.
253 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
Nico and talking about death
In the books, a lot of times Nico is the person talking about death. If death is near, if he feels an aura of death, if someone is dying. And it often makes people feel uncomfortable.
I realized that in toa this was used incorrectly and I'm once again saying that Nico is becoming a caricature.
Nico doesn't talk about death to make people feel uncomfortable, he doesn't do that with malice or with the intent to be mean.
Nico is simply the information guy. He is just delievering information because that is what he does. He told Percy about how Luke became invincible, he told the Romans about the anti Hades giant, he told Frank about the weird cows who look down, he told the seven about the legends about the Diocleciano scepter, etc.
Nico tells stuff. And death is something the demigods often avoid to think about, to talk about. But Nico doesn't seem to see death as the other demigods. He doesn't seem to think about it as something bad, but as something that happens. I mean look at him talking about it at the battle of labyrinth:
"I wanted to see Daedalus for myself. Minos was right, in a way. Daedalus should die. Nobody should be able to avoid death that long. It’s not natural.”
"Will you take my soul for ransom, then?” Daedalus asked. “You could use it to reclaim your sister.” “No,” Nico said. “I will help you release your spirit. But Bianca has passed. She must stay where she is.”
The manner he makes Daedalus go:
Daedalus turned toward Nico, who drew his sword. At first I was afraid Nico would kill the old inventor, but he simply said, “Your time is long since come. Be released and rest.” A smile of relief spread across Daedalus’s face.
When he talks about death he is simply letting the other demigods know about it. He knows they cannot feel it, he knows they don't understand it like he does.
Nico nodded slowly. “He’s dying. He should have died long ago. This…this is more like a memory.“
In the line above, Nico might not be delievering the information in the best way, but he wasn't mean in any way. He understood the importance of the moment, he tried to explain the best he could.
He never had bad intentions.
"Rachel," Nico said, "your life aura almost faded completely. I could see you dying."
This is him being worried for Rachel.
So in toa he saying how he can feel a death aura around Apollo and then it being treated as Nico not know how to talk to people (which is bullshit and it obviously started at hoo), was a huge diservice for his character. He was made dirty and for nothing.
379 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Rick made everyone on hoo overly antagonist toward Nico and for what? Like, most of them didn't learn it was bad to be shitty to this traumatized kid. Leo and Piper thought it was weird Jason was defending Nico, it is so messed up. One of Leo's first thoughts about Nico after the boy spent days trapped in a ajar without food, air and water was how creepy Nico was. Most of the seven are traumatized kids who were loners and none of them has empathy for Nico? I mean, Rick even made Frank someone who was okay with Nico started thinking he was weird. And again all of this for what? What was the purpose?
591 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Love how Nico after being trapped in the jar for days decided to not stay on a closed place like a room, but decided to always stay in a place on the ship where it was clear he was in an open place, and the Seven looked to this situation and decided it meant Nico was creepy.
1,755 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
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iolite-wyvern-art · 2 years
Worldbuilding with OCs!
I’m finally getting around to the other two ocs that @shyyren​ asked about! 
First up is Ferrel!! As with Al’s, I’m putting most of it under Read More. 
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Who are they? Full name? - Ferrel Leonas  Nicknames? - “Firebug” from Vlazia  Gender/pronouns? - He/they, some flavor of masc nonbinary, boy but in a funky way   Orientation? - Bisexual?  Age/Birthday? - 19 years, Nellune 29th  Fun fact! Zodiac? - (I haven’t figured out the zodiac yet, but based on his blood his is the Taurus equivalent) 
What’s their personality? Major good traits? - cares deeply, energetic, determined, smart  Major flaws? - extremely self-depreciating sometimes, snarky, reckless, overconfident  Goals? - To professionally make his own fireworks!  Fears? - deep water, people manipulating him  Optimistic or pessimistic? - Learning to be more optimistic! He’s trying really hard.  Introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? - More extroverted than not but maybe not 100% extrovert.  Empathetic or un-empathetic? - Empathetic!  Do they wait and plan or dive right in? - Jumps in head-first! Very reckless, save for when he’s working on pyrotechnics.  Do they go with the flow or forge their own path? - Very head-strong and stubborn.  Fun fact! Other defining traits? - He’s trying really hard to not be as self-destructive as he used to be. 
Relations to the world?  Who’s their family? - SalamanderDad! (The giant six-legged dragon-adjacent variety)  Where are they from? - Renascence  Where do they live now? - Fisint Atharon (it’s a big city on the side of a volcano) Do they have a job? If so, what is it? - Used to work fast food, currently looking for a new job  How are they with technology? - Pretty good! Has set strict rules to not be too attached to tech for various reasons. The exception to this is research (which can be done at the library) and cute animals.  Connections to religion or spirituality? - Follower of the Volcano God (I’m still working on a name for him).  Powers or magic? - Pyrokinesis!  Fun fact! Connections to the lore? - The only mutant bronze! Stayed in the caverns with Vlazia and Chkepi for a couple years when he was super little. 
Favorites? Favorite season/weather? - Spring! He loves summer in theory but it’s too hot for him.  Favorite place? - Rhyers’ hive, or the empty lot outside town where he works on explosives.  Favorite food? - red pepper jelly and bacon sandwiches, and ginger beer floats  Favorite clothes/accessories? - His scale cardigan!  Favorite animal? - Dragons. And Ember Yirrant (they’re small rodents that burrow in old volcanic rock)  Favorite/most frequently used mode of transportation? - Skateboard  Favorite holiday? - Summer Solstice!  Hobbies? - Aside from setting things on fire, he likes dragon mythology and stargazing with Rhyers  Favorite thing about themself? - “+ Hoo, boy, uh. ++ I’m clever and I care about my friends!”  Fun fact! Favorite [fill in the blank]? - His favorite dragon myth is one from the northern-most archipelago. An adventurer had helped a sea dragon, who proceeded to follow her and her crew and protect them from other sea monsters. 
Relationships? Best friends? - Aside from Rhyers, he’s also good friends with Trenis and Rin  Closest family member? - SalamanderDad lol Partner/s? - His moirail is Rhyers <>  What organizations/clubs/etc are they in? - He’s in some kind of science group and one of the dnd groups. And the Volcano God church  Who are their antagonists? - I dunno exactly what he did yet, but he pissed off Sakiina. Gilein also really doesn’t like him.  Fun fact! What are they like with their best friend or partner? - Rhyers is the person he trusts the most and is the most open with. They’re incredibly patient with each other. They’re both still assholes but they’re also so good at helping each other. 
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titansarmy · 1 year
(Hi same anon as before I’m just shy TT) I stopped keeping up with the series until recently because of willnico and how I saw nicos character be assassinated in the name of facilitating their relationship. I really hate the doctor x patient dynamic in general so pairing that with a lack of respect for established boundaries … what a mess imo. Still haunted by the text comparing wills looks to Jason in (I believe?) boo it says they have completely different personalities but uh. Hell of a choice to include that? I just feel so bummed out thinking about solangelo because I really hoped ever since I was a kid reading the series that nico would get friends who respected him and maybe date a nice boy along the way but it feels like I’ve just been hit in the face several times over with what we actually got in canon. A forced between one of the more important characters to the canon and a guy who was first mentioned in tlo then brought back later into the hoo series. People don’t care about either of them being ooc because as I’ve seen in the tags people prefer will being a blank slate for them to make into whatever they want for fanfic and they’ll rationalize any of his actions while demonizing other characters because they want to defend their fanfic love interest turned canon significant bother
i also stopped keeping up until literally a few months back when i decided to revisit the books and then they crept up on me again :) it happens. but yeah omg nico's character....... idk what's happened but that's not my boy. GOD YES OMG i also dislike doctor x patient dynamics and/or grumpy x sunshine so solangelo was a tough sell but still i was OPEN to them and yet.
WAIT THE BOO COMPARISON YES omg. i think it's something like "jason's a fighter. will is not". it was definitely a Choice. they did will so dirty from the very start :’(
no because for real !!!! will is a blank slate which i think also makes it easy for a lot of people to have created a very lovely cute and nice solangelo and will image so criticism is not taken very lightly. even if people are criticizing canon it gets all mixed up with fanon and then it all becomes a big misunderstanding mess. especially will bc i think he’s grown as a fanon character and now suddenly he has an actual more developed canon and it’s well it makes things tricky
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