#friendship prompt
Small platonic or romantic touches to write about
• A casually takes B's hand to look at the nail polish or rings they're wearing while B is talking to someone
• A having cold hands and holding B's hand cause it's warm
• A has something in their hair and B helps them take it out
• A's necklace is backward and B fixes it
• A is having trouble rolling up their sleeves with one hand so B helps them
• There's not enough room on the couch so A is sitting on the floor leaning against B's legs, B is playing with A's hair
• There is enough room on the couch but sitting close together and leaning against each other is more comforting
• A playing with B's hand to distract themself from being overwhelmed by too much social interaction
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whygodohgodwhy · 1 year
Quote Prompt
“He’s my rival, my best friend, my enemy, and the one man I will love wholeheartedly until I die. And, I say this with absolute love, he has never seen a problem that he has not wanted to fix, or make worse, and he neither knows nor cares which when he throws himself into the fray.”
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Funny Fantasy Friendship/Romance Prompt
*Dramatic* "You're a woodland elf, and I'm a couch potato. How can we make our racial differences work?"
"I could make you a couch of moss." 💕🌿🌱
What (LotR) characters can you see this saying? I think this but be a realistic plot for self-insert fanfiction.😂🤔
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Excessive Characters #1 :}
A: Who even buys these things? //Points to a baby names book// Just hang out in a graveyard long enough, smh.
B: Is THAT what you spend all your time in those doing?? I thought you were sketching—or like burying someone, I don’t know.
A: I’m a multitasker with zero inhibitions, of course I was. :}
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Prompt #870
Throughout their friendship they had established some kind of secret language between them, that no one else would ever even try to decipher.
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ilovecherries2 · 2 years
Prompt 8
"Well, it was all fake, right? We hate each other. It was just to mess with Other Villain."
[tears in their eyes] "Oh. It was never real."
"Never." [then to their people] "Take them away."
[Could be requited but one's too stubborn to admit, both too stubborn, or unrequited
OR they could have become besties and one or both is too stubborn to admit]
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seaside-writings · 11 months
Prompt #1,091
"Just don't laugh,"
"We would never!
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platonic-prompt · 2 years
Platonic Prompt #28
"X keeps asking for their sibling! Does anyone have their number?" Y runs a hand through their hair, panicked and stressed about X's unwell state. "I didn't even know they had a sibling. What am I going to do, they clearly want them to be there!"
"Y. They mean you."
"X is asking for you. You're family to them.” 
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syahaz · 2 years
A: Do you ever feel like you're losing your mind?
B: On a daily basis.
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promptandstuff · 2 years
Friendships out of convenience (Prompt List)
"Can I be your friend ?"
"It's hard being alone... you don't have to be."
"What about sharing a hotel room because it's cheaper that way?"
"You can't eat that, there's peanut in it. Here I got you something else"
"I didn't knew that you like this artist. They are my favorite too!"
Sharing a car because one of them doesn't have a license and the other needs the money
A is waiting for the other to go home after work/school so B doesn't have to be alone and A can rant about their day
A loves small talk and B lets them make all the calls (doctor appointments, insurance, meetings, etc)
B loves baking but can't eat much, so they regularly feed A with it
B has a hard time speaking in public but find it easy to protect A
They're not each other favorite person but still appreciate each other presences
2. Angry
"How come you didn't tell me about your family?" - I didn't know we were that close
"Why do you always have something to do, when I want to hang out ? But if you want to go out, I'm supposed to be ready?"
"Stop screaming at me! I never asked to be involved in all this"
"I wish I would have stayed home, because this is a waste of time"
"The truth is that I just wanted someone to drive me. I never really cared."
A is cancelling plans with B to hang out with their partner, B founds out and is angry
B invites their close friend to their birthday but doesn't realize how hurt A is
A lost their money and suspect B
B only calls if they want something from A, and A is fed up
A tends to ghost B which B hates
3. Angsty/Sad
"I just wish that I were important to someone" - That's not fair
"It was just aquestion of time. You didnt really thought this friendship would last?"- Actually, I did
"Do you have a minute?"- I don´t have time for that, sorry
"How does it feel to be someones priority?"
"No, you have a lot of good qualities... you're smart" (They are not)
B watches the social media of A with their friend
A wants to spend more time with B but gets stood up
The Parents of B wants to meet A, but B has a hard time explaining that its not that important
A forgets Bs interests, since they usually talk
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whygodohgodwhy · 9 months
Conversation Prompt
“I knew we were good friends, but you lost all of your memories and you still decided that you loved me and that I was your best friend within ten seconds of meeting me.”
“That’s pretty much how it went the first time we met too. Something about you registers in my brain as ‘friend’. And you’ve yet to prove me wrong.”
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krumsprompts · 2 years
prompt # 111
“If the next word that comes out of your mouth is I’m sorry, I apologize, or anything similar, I will actually whack you over the head with my walking stick.”
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My brother fighting off the ravenous beast that lives in our house: Stop. Trying. to Eat. My. FOOD!!
My other brother, singing: 🎶SKILLL ISSUEEEE🎶
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Character A is a cold-blooded killer, bred for battle. But when their life is saved by Character B, A swears to protect B to the end of their days.
...Which would be a lot easier if B even wanted their services. But that was okay. Character A would prove their usefulness.
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yikeshereiam · 2 years
I love bitchy men and their do-gooder bffs (or bfs) who are just like ‘he’s nice to me’ whenever anyone asks them why on earth they are still friends
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wpffw · 1 year
Tumblr media
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