#frog tag
zukkaoru · 3 months
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i need to hold the google leap day frog in my hands so badly
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phykoha · 9 months
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//slides him on your doorstep
I drew you a froggy :3
GSKDHSGDJJSD literally before I opened it I was reading it and was like "I drew you a fro- OOOOOO" HDJDHSHDJD CUZ OMG LOOK AT THAT LITTLE GUY 😭😭😭😭 GSHGAJXBEHSHSHDJDNDHJD HE LOOKS SO FULL OF WHIMSY 💕💓💘💗💕💓💘💗💘💓💘💗💘💝💓💕💗💝💓💘💗
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floxy-offical · 9 months
Frog tax
Reblog this with a frog picture
I'll start
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abearbutch · 1 year
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belated pics of my birthday fit! 🐻🎂
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davidthephoneguy · 2 months
Hehe Moss's pet frog
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@the-real-jack-dsaf cause I think you'd like em
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fruitsilly · 1 year
ribbit! ribbit! 🐸 (← blogging from the lilypad)
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cardworksartblog · 11 months
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Hi. Scug sketchdump for u all. I havent drawn the guys in Awhile so my general style has changed a lil but i think its for the better hehe
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frogboiart · 1 year
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Pond life
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universalfanfic · 5 months
i miss sutton!! can we get anything, even a snippet or doodle?! also, hope you had a lovely christmas and new year!!🐸💫
I swear I haven't meant to neglect her. T-T She's just been my muse for so long that I felt Peyton deserved more time!
But the squeaky wheel gets the grease! Here's a snippet I'm working on for the next chapter of AMH :)
Volstagg eyed Sutton curiously. 
“Now which kingdom do you represent?” Sutton was told what to say about this. 
“I’m His Majesty’s guest, of Andolasia.” 
A few new pairs of eyes shifted to study her; Volstagg’s brows and lips pulled down as he nodded.
“Well, that’s quite an honor then. Are you from a house I’d have heard of?”
Sutton shifted in her seat and picked at her food. She didn’t remember if there was a right answer for this one.
“Um. No. It’s just me.” 
Volstagg seemed to find this even more intriguing. The other eyes in the room stared more openly.  
“Interesting,” Volstagg commented. 
He didn’t seem to know quite what to do with her situation, and Sutton wasn’t quite sure what was entirely wrong with it. Perhaps he wasn’t as easy going as he appeared, and was insulted to be speaking with someone of lower standing, given she didn’t have a name to bolster her. 
But this was a fairy tale world, not some gritty fantasy world. No one in the castle, even the people she knew had more power and standing than her, treated her poorly or as lesser.
Was hospitality just an Andolasia thing? Sutton did Volstagg a favor and didn’t comment that ‘interesting’ didn’t feel like a very diplomatic response to your host’s guest.
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fiishboowl · 10 months
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i think i’ve mentioned before how remus finally getting sirius is probably like so surreal for him! i loved the little moments in the last chapter- remus smiling to himself at the window smoking (so cute!!!) and also fucking off to the bathroom (for 356 seconds). i was just thinking that sirius getting out of a serious relationship (7 years! that’s crazy) probably taps into remus’ insecurities and feeling/thinking he’s a rebound n all that. but anyways i love your characterization’s for them both!!! and i can’t wait for the fwb to play out (they’re soooo stupid n in love)
froggie <333 it always makes me happy seeing you in my notifs x
yes!! i shan't say too much because... well!! but remus's insecurities are very real and v valid (at least, if you're looking at everything from his perspective. obvi we have seen right into sirius's brain and know exactly what's happening there (horny lovesick thoughts) but remus doesn't !!) yes, sirius is being soooo tender and sweet, but how much of that is just their friendship? how much of that is just sirius and his desire for closeness? how much of that is sirius grieving his relationship and searching for it in other places?
also, sirius has a tendency to throw himself into things whereas remus is more cautious and considered (except 4 when he's drunk and his frontal lobe peaces out), so the way they interpret things will often be at odds. they know each other so well, but they don't always understand each other
thank you babe MWAH xooxoxo (soooo stupid!)
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szappan · 6 months
helló hiii i'd like to request song number 9 💕💖
coming right up! ooh, it's
9. Alarulu Kuriyaga by Swapna Sundari from one of her Kuchipudi dance songs albums, and as far as I'm informed and what the lyrics (by Annamayya?) suggest, it's Padmavathi's dance, but i've also heard it in connection to Lakshmi, which would make sense, as Padmavathi is Lakshmi's avatar (?). as far as i know. i was never as knowledgeable in this as i wanted to be
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maybebabyplease · 1 year
glitter + tea!!
hiiiii frog! great picks :)
glitter: do you enjoy staying in hotels?
yes omg so much! there's something really fancy about it to me. my partner travels a lot for work and sometimes i get to go too and those hotels are always NICE nice. i also read eloise maybe 5000 times as a child + wanted to live in the plaza, so i've just always had a very positive view of them.
tea: favorite films?
oof. well. this is where i out myself as a snob. my fav film is called rams and it's this weird ass icelandic dark comedy that i just ADORE. i love foreign language film! and then i lost my mind over banshees of inisherin this year bc i am obsessed with colin farrell. if i had to pick a third, i think maybe portrait of a lady on fire? i love celine sciamma!
(ask game)
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sunday-ruby · 2 years
lance!! where do you watch doctor who? i wanna get back into it but idk where i can watch it
it's on hbomax!! but if you don't have that im sure i could find some links for you to use!!
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bluebayard · 2 years
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coldhardbinch · 1 year
I can't stop making gifs
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