#g.c.f. in osaka
aricastmblr · 7 months
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G.C.F in Budapest
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G.C.F in Helsinki
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G.C.F 3J @2018 MMA Practice
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G.C.F in Newark VHS ver.
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G.C.F in Tokyo (정국&지민)
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G.C.F in Osaka
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G.C.F in USA
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G.C.F in Saipan
Golden Closet Film by JK BANGTANTV
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
"I'd love to see me from your point of view" I was listening to this song by Ariana and it hit me, JM will never have to wonder. He already knows cause JK showed him with GCF Tokyo. Jimin through JK's eyes. Wow are we ever so lucky we were allowed to see something so vulnerable and intimate. And to think a young in love JK is who created that masterpiece for his boyfriend. The shot of JM on the teacups. That is JK's, Jimin on full display. A smiling, happy carefree JM, enjoying every moment, looking at JK, not the camera, knowing JK was making all his wishes come true. You could feel the love through the screen in that moment, how much JK is in love with Jimin and how much Jimin is in love with JK. And JM gets to look back on it all the time and see himself through JK's eyes. JK was so brave for this, esp with that song choice. Excuse me, I am going to go cry now.
Oh God
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This is a none shipper who analyses BTS ot7 content and even he said this
You don't ship Jikook? Great. That's awesome. But claiming JK hates Jimin just shows how fucking deluded you are.
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chimggukchim · 2 years
I’ve been in this fandom since early 2017 (5 ½ years). That’s way shorter than a lot of ARMYs but it’s also way longer as well. So I think I’ve consumed enough content in real time to have the opinion I’m about to share.
Taekookers are increasingly becoming louder and more unhinged by the passing day in this fandom.
And THAT is a truly frightening thing.
Let me explain…
At the beginning of my ARMYdom, I knew nothing of shippers and shipping except for what ships were in the fictional world. I never imagined anyone ever ‘shipped’ real people (for fun or otherwise).
So colour me confused when a Jikook video popped up on my YT page. Anyway, after trying to avoid anything and everything related to shipping where BTS members were concerned, I eventually watched a VLive where Jeon Jungkook made me finally question the nature of his relationship with Park Jimin. And I essentially went down that Jikook Rabbit/Chicky hole.
For a good length of time, I read/heard/saw nothing about Taekook as a romantic pair.
Namjin? Umm…yeah. Sope? Obviously. Taekook? Negative.
Hell, I had never even seen any content which remotely looked like Taekook were anything other than those BFF’s who are inseparable and are a collective menace to those around them.
Until I did. I can’t remember exactly but I’m guessing it might have been the G.C.F. in Osaka. Some ‘fans’ were suddenly loud about Tae and JK. But they were definitely in the minority.
That was in 2018.
And over the years, the Taekook loudness, from my experience, has gone through these phases:
Ø  Hoping for content
Ø  Celebrating content
Ø  Overanalysing content (that really was mostly non-content)
Ø  Subtly throwing barbs about Jimin
Ø  Blatantly throwing barbs about Jimin
Ø  Calling Jikook complete fan service
Ø  Dubbing Bang PD the greatest fanfic writer
Ø  BigHit is keeping Taekook apart and the boys are miserable.
Ø  Jimin is a borderline molester who always makes Jungkook uncomfortable (save JK!)
Ø  Taekook have had it and are now rebelling against the evil machine and giving hidden content in plain sight.
Ø  Oh, but wait! Their relationship is only for them so they keep their moments private.
Ø  Jimin the homewrecker and sl*t is keeping Taekook apart. He and Bang PD are forcing JK to do fan-service cuz it pays the bills.
Ø  Completely, 100% making stuff up about dates with absolutely NO proof but being loud about it so everyone believes.
Ø  Oh, someone showed Jikook some love so let’s harass them until they either go private, delete or deactivate.
Ø  Jimin is the scum of the Earth – Taekook REAL – Jikook FANSERVICE
 Needless to say, their presence on social media (and in real life, I will never forget that b!tch at the airport with that damn sign where the boys could see!) has only gotten louder and more disturbing as the years have progressed.
And I have seen it.
And this is worrying to me because if this behaviour continues to go unchecked by this fandom, I can only see it escalating.
And eventually meandering into actual dangerous territory – the frightening part.
Because with the way they’ve been moving lately, I am truly terrified that there is a very real possibility that these psychopaths could have intentions of physically harming Jimin and/or Jungkook. Because they see our mochi as an obstacle.
And if ONE was brave (and f#%%ing STUPID) enough to physically show up with a sign to the airport, what’s stopping some truly disturbed psycho from physically approaching Jimin in some form or fashion?
So here I am praying for the boys’ safety and hoping it never comes to this.
…But the thought is sobering and chilling.
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ffjj5 · 2 years
Colour me intrigued and call me David.
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Possibly showing my age here but The Lost Boys is my vampire movie of choice always.
Jungkook's photo is dark and gothic, and I am loving the dark era BTS.
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It looks like we could be seeing the return of JK's other passion, taking pictures/filming and editing and he is damn good at it.
As a stand alone project or as part of his album release we don't know but either way I am excited. He has an eye for photography, filming and editing and with the lack of GCF's recently this will be a welcome gift.
Jungkook's art is always there to say something, it is intentional with its look and sound.
The similarities between Tokyo and Osaka, Japan is a special place for Jimin and JK.
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And Saipan was beautiful 🥰
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Now before anyone starts throwing their toys out of the pram I am aware Jimin wasn't the only one in the Saipan and Osaka G.C.F's but this is a Jikook blog so....
Plus Jimin has said himself he is the main model in JK's work
And I'm not 100% convinced by Jungkook's attempt to say that Jimin isn't his main model but a nice try JK 🤣.
There are A LOT of examples of Jimin being JK's main model over the years but that's for another time.
Anyway I digress, whatever is coming our way from Jungkook I am excited, he is a very talented and intelligent young man who, dare I say, is often underestimated by parts of the fandom. I feel he has a lot he wants to say and things he wants to address. When you can't say something outright then art is the perfect way to express it 🌈
Vampires and sexuality have a history, they are seen by some as an embodiment of the cultural fears of the time including homosexuality. In times of extreme repression and fear for gay people, authors and artists have used their vampire characters as a metaphor for their own hidden sexuality and as an outlet for self-expression.
I may be reading too much into this but that's my nature, I'm curious and I want to know more.
Jungkook I am ready for whatever your wonderful mind has created for us.
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G. C. F. in Osaka 2018: "I can't sleep, cause he's where you're supposed to be and he's getting all the songs you used to get ... He is sleeping on your side of the bed, But it's still your side". G.C.F in Helsinki 2019: "You ignored all the darkest of warnings, Found our end in the silence of morning". Their songs and even JK's covers should be interpreted literally: "While doing covers, I always look up the content of the lyrics before recording! Please look up the meaning of the lyrics too".
In the grand scheme of things, I disagree with a lot of Taekookers... GCFs don't really have much baring on Taekook's relationship aside from a few moments... GCF Saipan (Summer Package 2018) and the sunrise beach walk, GCF Newark and the VLive the night before he filmed that clearly shows that Taekook shared a room.
But you're doing exactly what you did in you're first ask... cherry picking lyrics to suit you're narrative. The songs lyrically have very little to do with content ofthe GCFs, they're clearly just songs he likes and think musically fit the aesthetic.
JK has being singing/liking break up songs as far back as 2015, same with Tae (oddly, gay men tend to like those type of songs). Most of the time it's not about the lyrics but the sentiment.
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lokisasylum · 4 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4hEyy5JABuNw8ib4baDIDD?si=F72eglguSeuczPRZp5HVEA)
G.C.F.’s Infinite Playlist
- A playlist of all the songs that were used by JK during his G.C.F videos so far and will continue to be updated for as long as Jungkook continues to make his videos.
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hoeseok · 6 years
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happy birthday to one of my closest friends @seokkieverse
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bananochu · 6 years
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firefeerie · 6 years
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While the Director and Main Model of G.C.F dancing to the famous G.C.F Osaka choreography 😏😏
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prplocks · 6 years
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G.C.F in Osaka
like or reblog
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hope-film · 6 years
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Hoseok // G.C.F in Osaka
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ye0ntan · 6 years
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20/100 - ☾
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jiminwinks · 6 years
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Jimin in G.C.F
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reblogor · 6 years
Shippers making “moments” out of nothing
Things that count as “questionable moments”:
Jimin talking about wanting to go on a date with JK
"지민씨” for no other fucking reason then the fact that it gets under Jimin’s skin
JK feeding Jimin cake
Selfies with just the two of them 
JK being exposed for only treating Jimin to birthday gifts and telling the other members to eat his ass
Q: “What is Jimin to you?” A: “Honey”
Always together, all the time, and hovering 
Things that DO NOT count as “questionable moments”:
JK looking in the general direction of where Jimin may or may not be standing and Jimin possibly but most likely not being the subject of his gaze
General skinship (more on that later)
“Jiminie hyung is nice to me”
Jimin being touchy-feely (more on that later)
“JK is cute” (more on that later)
JK looking with a blank face/anything other than pure happiness when Jimin is interacting with someone else (more on that later)
Things that should be taken on a case by case basis:
Clearly staring directly at each other for abnormal amounts of time - Staring is something that can easily be harmless and not at all questionable as people with eyes tend to look at things. This, however, quickly becomes questionable if it’s a forever-stare and it’s paired with numerous other clear signs of attraction OR when Jimin is hovering above JK wearing only a robe with their faces inches apart until Taehyung clears his throat and they have to abruptly end the VLIVE
General skinship/Jimin being touchy-feely - If it’s Jimin playing footsy with JK under the table, JK giving Jimin backhug, Jimin rubbing on JK’s thigh, or even JK resting his head in Jimin’s lap during leisure time, I can see how those things can be read as questionable, particularly from a western perspective. BUT holding hands, regular hugs, touching/brushing over in anyway, and even shoulder massages aren’t really substantive moments. Korean men are extremely affectionate with one another and Jimin can often be seen touching anyone he can get those paws on, so I wouldn’t take that and run with it 
“JK is cute” - They all call each other handsome/cool/sexy/etc., especially Jimin to the members. But this can be questionable depending on the context. If it’s just Jimin & JK on VLIVE or whatever and they’re doing other questionable things at the same time, I’d put more stock into it as a ‘moment’ than if it’s from an interview
‘Jealousy’ or ‘Jeonlousy’(?? I hate that term) - Just because JK didn’t burst out laughing and seal clapping when their manager played the ‘guess the finger’ game with Jimin doesn’t mean he was jealous?? Like why the hell would he be jealous of someone Jimin clearly isn’t attracted to, who also clearly isn’t attracted to Jimin, who has a working relationship with Jimin only, who didn’t do anything remotely sexual/romantic toward Jimin? On that note, why would JK be jealous of Jimin’s bro circle (namely Taemin’s ‘foreign girls can call me oppa’ ass, as a lot of people seem to think)? Jimin and JK seem like close friends, why would JK want to alienate his close friend from his other close friends?
The only time I would say the jealousy thing could be questionable is the playful jealousy they usually engage in. Also like...JK zones out all the time. Lord help him he reminds me of Aaron Samuels from Mean Girls. Jocks often have that blank look on their faces so I wouldn’t immediately jump on the JK is jealous bandwagon there
I think Jikook is fun and their friendship/whatever it is is definitely cute. I don’t have an opinion on if it’s more than just dudes being bros (and it’s none of my business to find out unless they say it is). I will say they do some pretty sus shit and I know if it were two people I knew personally doing these things I’d be more than a little suspicious of the nature of their relation. It just gets annoying to see everything painted as a ship ‘moment’ when it’s just normal shit, especially when JK and Jimin have a ton of real moments that make you go hmmm
Stay thirsty my friends.
*this is only in the Jikook tag because it’s only about Jikook like...it’s not about the rest so why would I put it in any other tag?
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7legends · 6 years
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lokisasylum · 6 years
G.C.F.  Playlist (updated)
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Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan - There For You (G.C.F. in Tokyo)
Loote - Your Side Of The Bed (G.C.F. in Osaka)
JOHN.K - Best Of Me (G.C.F. in Saipan)
Lost Kings feat. Norma Jean Martinez - When We Were Young (G.C.F. in USA)
The Newest one: 🔻
📢 Alex Lustig - No Pressure   (G.C.F. 3J @2018 MMA Practice )
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