#gAH that's my boy
lucassinclaer · 3 months
oh my god, i love dustin henderson the character the boy the legend. he's obsessed with girls, he's smarter than everyone, he lets them know, he develops an ego. but he's kind and he puts his problems on the backburner. he's endlessly curious, an early stage of the aloof scientist archetype, but his mom and his friends and he himself made him developed a deep well of empathy. he's oblivious to subtlety and the most observant person in the room. he's a science whiz but falters when it comes to language. every feeling he has shows on his face. he shouts for people to listen to him. he just wants to belong. he's a brony.
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kenchann · 2 months
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ph-cutie · 5 months
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top 10 reasons you should NEVER visit revachol
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therealcallmekd · 5 months
Enjoy these dumb Trigun cosplay Starlo doodles while I'm busy working on other stuffs!!!
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Guys can we spread Starlo the Stampede propaganda??? please???
Anime dub vash is literally my headcanon voice for this man, it just fits so perfectly to me- I can't explain it...
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hungharrington · 1 year
So uh in continuation of our Steve insane thoughts™️ I really want him to lay on top of me. Just fully on top. Heavy. Hefty. Hiding all of my problems with those shoulders. Sigh
YESYESYES absolutely. first time he does it, he’s a little unsure because he doesn’t want to crush you- you’re waving him over, slumped on his bed and a bit exhausted, and ur just like patting your chest for him to come lie and he’s all ??? tilting his head like a puppy and you give a little sigh and murmur quietly, “can you… come lie on me?” and he’s like oh! “yeah honey, of course i’ll come lie with you,” wandering over to the bed but he pauses at the side of the bed when you’re like “no, no. not with me, on me.” and then he’s bursting into are you sure and won’t i crush you? and you just coax him down, like “i wouldn’t ask if i didn’t want it. i just need,” you give a big sigh, avoiding his eyes as you think bout the hard week you’ve had. “just need all things to be steve right now,” you decide on, finally meeting his eyes and steve has got a bit of an awed look of fondness on his face, a grace of a smile and then he’s climbing on and sinking on top of you and you get to hide your face into his shoulder and wrap your arms around him and hold and when he asks, “s’this good?” you can only hope he can hear all of your love in you tiny little mmhmm - but he kisses you on your head, gentle and sweet, so you think he probably does :’)
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mashollings · 1 year
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Dreamy Noct ~
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
"The body and face of this sculpture are in idealized youth, with plump cheeks and round face, and his hair is usually unkempt..his youthful appearance, large eyes, pouting lips, and layered locks of hair over his forehead are some of the iconography that can be used to identify him"
^ this quote is genuinely still fucking plaguing me. THIS IS LITERALLY SEB???? LIKE LITERALLY 2010 SEB SPECIFICALLY????? It is actually fucking me up how it is literally quintessentially Seb. Like big eyes...plump cheeks and round face...unkempt hair...pouty lips...okay okay okay!!!! And that Antinous is basically the peak perfection of pretty boy from that time, I'm like, yeah that's Seb to me 🥹🥹🤧🤧
But god the "youthful appearance, big eyes, pouting lips, and layered locks of hair over his forehead" Does that quote not evoke pictures like these in your head???????
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I feel so unwell about it 😭😭 I am going through it 😭😭
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lil-inky · 1 year
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Im going insane, perhaps wacky, one might even say cra—
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scholastic-dragon · 1 year
Hiii can i get a headcanon on how fast the bayverse turtle boys gain a crush on someone? Thank youu!
Oooo this is fun, I put the turtles in order from fast to slow!
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I know it's sounds surprising but I feel like raph is really easy when it comes to crushes
He just likes people
Like he's so fascinated by them, that when someone new comes around, he kinda gets attached
With crushes it's more physical stuff he's attracted too: your hair whether it be long or short. The color or your eyes. Any and all accessories you wear daily. Your height, are you super short or tall when compared to him?
Now, raph crushing is easy, but falling in love, that's when his walls go up
After about a month or so, when the friendship doesn't go anywhere or the person just doesn't have a fun personality, the crush kinda simmers away
But, if you prove to him that you value him as a friend, that's when you're in for it
If you stand up for him or his brothers in front of people that'll get you some extra Raphie points
If you can take his angry jabs and throw them right back at him, even more points
Then the physical stuff doesn't matter, he spends every moment learning everything he can about you
When this stage happens, he thinks it's just a strong crush, but no, it's the early stages of love <3
(Look at his cute little smile in the picture!!!)
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This might also be a shock, but Donnie is also very quick to get a crush
Well not quick, he's very picky when it comes to any possible romantic partner
He's a 'friends to lovers' kinda guy, ya know
But if you come down to the lair often, and always make a point to visit and check in with him, he'll start to get happy by your visits
If you bring him food or coffee (just the way he likes it) something clicks in his brain
Like the way you're taking care of him suddenly makes him realize how sweet and caring you are
How warm and bright your eyes are. How enviting your smile is. Have you always had those dimples on your cheeks?
Like Raph, if you show him how much he means to you and how much you value your friendship, it'll make his heart skip a beat
He'll be reserved with his feelings for quite a bit, scoping out your movements to see if they're just friendly or if it's something more
In the meantime, he's happy to just sit with you and learn all about you
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At a shocking third place we find Mikey
Now, you may think Mikey gets crushes easy, but no, no no no, those are not crushes and feelings, that's admiration
He admires humans, all humans, all traits, literally everything
In the first movie he had a bit of a "crush" on April, that was simply because she was new, she was a girl, and actually took the time to get to know him and his family
But that crush quickly went away before the second movie
Mikey admires people, but there are certain ones that catch his attention.
Your hobbies and your job are the most interesting things about you to Mikey, he thinks they say a lot about a person
If you share hobbies he'll try to do them with you, but if not he's happy to listen anyway or watch silently
And then if you show interest in his hobbies.....!!!!!!!
Very few people actually bother to get to know the real Mikey, the Mikey behind all the funny faces and jokes, but if you put in that effort, he's practically head over heels for you in that very moment
You have to show him that you care about who is his not what he is
Once you do that you're in
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Hardest to impress and hardest to keep, Mr. Fearless himself
He's not very trusting of people, he can be a bit of a negative Nelly when it comes to new people
He constantly thinks everyone is out to get his family and is going to turn them in the second they get a chance
So if you manage to actually get past all those walls, now starts the friendship stage
It takes Leo a while to form romantic feelings so it's a slow burn
But when you show him how much you care for his family (maybe getting Splinter tea, or playing games with Mikey, or working out with Raph and helping Donnie clean up his lab) he'll start to let his walls down
He's a bit of a dumbass and won't try to make a move because he is scared shitless that he'll make you uncomfortable
But when your attention suddenly goes from his brothers to him, he's thrown through a loop
He already knows everything about you, and now he sees just how amazing you are
Show him how much he and his family means to you and you'll have him eating out of the palm of your hand
tags: @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @post-apocalyptic-daydream @happymoonangel @mysticboombox @sharpwindow @dilucsflame33 @strawberrycakeblog @sketch-and-write-lover
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pansyfemme · 17 days
did you guys know texting a pretty boy can cure all of your ailments immediatly
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inkclover · 2 years
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Day 2: Color Wheel 🌈
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Just a piece with a different filter on aeueueueu
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mitamicah · 4 months
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More Bojan + Protagonist art because I felt like experimenting :3
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kyoobie · 10 months
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So this is love 💕
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sunnnfish · 3 months
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
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{Headcanons to Dabbles: CLOSED!}
THE WALL PINNING AHH! *flails* I love that troupe so much kjerkjarjkeajlrejkjk I adore your brain, Nym- this is amazing! I've gotcah covered!
“Thanks, doll.”
Shinsou fullbody shivered, cheeks warming as he shot a dirty glare at his grinning boyfriend. Midoriya was back at it again with the pet names, and Shinsou was absolutely hating it!
Well…at least that he was telling himself anyway.
“What’s wrong, sugar snap?” He asked innocently, pure evil shadowing those brilliant green eyes. “You look red- are you getting sick?”
Diabolical! Shinsou closed his eyes as he willed his face to cool. He’d get him back! He had to! There was no way he was gonna let this…
Oh. That might work.
“Pumpkin?” Midoriya was still smiling, though his voice took on a touch of concern when Shinsou stared back at him, unreadable. “Babe? You good?”
“Izuku, do me a favor?” Shinsou used his soft voice- the one that made his boyfriend weak in the knees without the need of his brainwashing. “Make your hands like this.”
“Oh…oh, okay?” Stunned momentarily, Midoriya did as told, bringing both hands into a conjoined fist. Then he raised one set of fingers up. “Now what?”
Shinsou didn’t respond. Instead he locked his fingers into Midoriya’s raised ones. Seconds later he lifted their joined hands before pinning him to the wall, a hand on the back of his head protecting it. Midoriya let out a high pitched squeal before laughing, face flushing to a bright pink as he looked up at the other. “Ohoohho my- hehehello there!”
Still not speaking, Shinsou leaned in close so they were nose to nose. That only worsened the smaller boy’s blush, his giggles increasing in speed and pitch. “Hiihitoshi! Sahahahy sooohohohomething!”
But he didn’t. He just kept him there, pressing their foreheads together as his hand came back around, brushing his flaming cheek. “Izuku- look at me.” When Midoriya did, Shinsou let a slow grin pull on his lips. “Good boy.”
That did it. Midoriya made a soundless noise as his legs gave out, just barely held up by Shinsou’s steady hand. “Oh my GOD! You’re a menace!”
“Says the one insisting on pet names. You’re lucky you’re cute.” Shinsou snickered as he gently pulled Midoriya back by the chin, pecking him on the lips.
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neverevan · 6 months
Fuck It Friday ☔️
I was tagged by @daffi-990 @jamespearce9-1-1 @eddiebabygirldiaz @wikiangela and @jeeyuns thank youuu 💛
Aside from some editing, my Christmas fics are all done and now I can slowly return to my main wips, so I thought I'll post a snippet from Eddie's pov in the mudslide fic (most of that part is just too spoilery and I rarely share from it, but this bit was waiting to come out for a while now, so here 🫶).
He mostly thought about Christopher; imagined him waking up in the morning, pestering Buck for breakfast and news he couldn't give, going to school and coming home, sitting at the dining table, doing his homework… Just normal things.
He would’ve given anything to be with them right now. To walk out of his room in the morning and see Buck’s sleep-rumpled face, his curls flat on top of his head, his smile lazy and crooked and his bare feet on Eddie’s living room carpet.
To watch the tattoos shift on Buck’s naked shoulders as he stretched and to hear his hoarse voice as he mumbled out a quiet “morning” on his way to the bathroom. To smell the scent of his overnight sweat still lingering on his skin while making their coffees side by side, waiting for Christopher to finally shuffle out of his room for breakfast.
To hear the sleepy mumble stifled in his own ribs as Chris gave him his good morning hug and see the toothy grin tugging at his lips as Buck entertained him throughout breakfast, making him giggle with his silly facts and jokes.
To yell “come on, we're gonna be late” at the front door as Chris ran back inside for a book he forgot and then to yell again after Chris was back but Buck just realised he had left his phone on the kitchen counter.
To sit in the car and talk about after-school plans and listen to the radio on a low volume before dropping Chris off with a hug each and then to bundle back into the truck and head to work together, barely just having enough time to stop for one of those creamy coffee monstrosities Buck liked so much — that somehow Eddie learned to like too, only if to indulge in the fantasy of what Buck’s lips would taste like on his own.
✨no pressure tagging: @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz @nmcggg @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @theotherbuckley @fortheloveofbuddie @ladydorian05 @rainbow-nerdss
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