geekys-corner · 11 months
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Onyx with his boyfriend's daughter, Jackie <3
He's happy, I promise /gen
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a-sprinkle-of-geeky · 4 years
12 Hours (Part Six - End)
Welcome.      Part One.    Part Two.       Part Three.       Part Four.     Part Five
This story contains blood, murder and quite a bit of violent angst.
This particular part contains extreme injuries yet recovery, please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Levi had expected this to be the end, preparing himself to be shot or thrown off of a bridge. He was an unconscious heap and his thoughts were foggy, his body unable to wake yet his mind alert. He thought about Sage and JoJo, Lucas and Clyde and anyone else he was going to let down.
He was prepared to accept the fact that he was going to die for nothing.
Levi took a controlled breath, the first one since he had been drugged, and groaned as the drug slowly began to unleash his mind from its grasp. He coughed and clenched his eyes, his body tingling with pins and needles.
He wasn’t at the bottom of a river, at least.
It took him a minute before he felt conscious enough to move and began by spreading out his fingers, tracing the rough ground of a pavement and immediately forced his eyes open. There he saw dark blurs illuminated by orange streetlights, the silhouettes of the nightly figures passing by.
Levi pressed his hand to his face to ensure that his glasses were still there, yet cursed when he found them vacant, and he pushed himself up onto his elbows to try and locate them. Levi groped the ground and touched something different than the familiar shape of his glasses, gazing down as he picked it up and squinted. Though it was a messy blur, it was unmistakable. It was the jar containing Clyde’s soul. 
He let out a short cry and clutched it to his chest, sitting up and feeling his knee press into his glasses. Levi grabbed them clumsily and put them back on, glad to see clearly despite there being a crack in the left lens. He looked at the soul and breathed out, thankful that its surface was intact and, most importantly, unharmed.
Levi raised his head and looked around, immediately recognising where he was. He was a block away from the facility, he could see the towering building in the distance. He saw two passers by who looked concerned at him but hurried along, not wishing to speak to the man clutching a soul and hadn’t seen a bed or a shower in three days.
He staggered up to his feet, stumbling against the wall as the drug still lingered in his body. He breathed heavily and pressed the jar close to himself, the pain in his chest becoming apparent in his laboured breaths. Still, Levi didn’t give up. He didn’t care anymore. He was getting this soul back to Clyde, even if it meant he collapsed.
The doctor began running, a limp in his step and his face full of his last, dying determination.
Clyde’s surgery could not legally continue without his soul. 
The past three days had been constant surgery and tests on his fragile body but at least now they had managed to mend his knee and properly treat his spine. Lucas was absolutely broken by now, breaking down into his bandaged hands and crying his apologies for hours on end. Yet Clyde just kept looking at the light mindlessly, the heart monitor signalling his only sign of sentience.
The law had a rule that any Husks that had not had their soul returned within a week would have to be put to sleep, since they knew that it was only torture to the person who experienced it.
Lucas’ mind was breaking as each day passed yet there was no hope in tracking the soul, Levi or the murderous couple. All of them were completely off the grid and he did not know what to do other than cry and drink away his sorrows.
As Lucas’ mind swirled, so did his anger. Every moment he saw the love of his life wounded like this was only making his desire to slaughter those maniacs even greater. They were going to pay for their actions and he would get them off of this planet, even if it killed him. He was sick to death of their abuse and tyranny over the city. They had committed so much crime that people were terrified to leave their homes, they had shot Tyrell through the chest and he was only just starting to properly heal, they had killed three of his men and had most likely done the same to Levi.
He had been missing in action for three days now and the inability to track him was driving Sage to a breakdown. He had called Levi hundreds of times, refused to sleep, ran patrols whenever he could and sent out countless search parties just to try and track his husband. No amount of reasoning or reassurance could reach him and it was clear he wasn’t going to stop until he knew where Levi was. He panicked endlessly about his safety, his lack of medication or proper physical care for his body and broke down into tears at the thought of him being trapped somewhere with no help. They were all lost and their hope was depleting. 
The only one who had the slightest bit of hope was Daniel, who was still close to giving up but only holding on because Tyrell had woken up and was able to start speaking again.
“Do you need anything?” Dan asked for the third time this hour, interlocking his fingers with him.
“No, no... I’m alright,” Ty said quietly, contently gazing into his eyes, “You should sleep, darling...”
“I don’t want to leave you,” Dan admitted fearfully, reaching out and stroking his cheek, “I’m too scared.”
“I told you, I’m alright...” He assured him gently, leaning into his hand and kissing his palm. He looked at the bed and, with effort, managed to moved himself to the side.
“D-Don’t move, Ty, you’ll hurt yourself,” Dan stood up anxiously, hovering his hand over the bandaged would, “What’s the matter? Do you need me to get Dr Eren?”
“No..” Ty replied, holding his hand securely, “You can get in the bed with me...so I can stay with you whilst you sleep.”
“I don’t want to dislodge any of your IVs-” He tried to protest but Ty gently pulled him down and he couldn’t resist it. He needed a hug so badly...
He snuggled under Ty’s arm and slid his hand under his back, looking up at him tearfully. The scarred demon smiled softly and wrapped his arm around him, just managing to kiss his head and keep his arm in a position that would not disrupt any of the wires connected to his skin. Dan hugged his stomach and gently nestled his head on his shoulder, curling up and tangling his legs with Ty’s as he closed his eyes and listened to his heartbeat whilst Ty lovingly stroked his hair.
“Just sleep, babe, you’ve been awake long enough...” He murmured soothingly, closing his own eyes and listening to Dan gradually start to slip asleep. Just before they could, however, a yell startles them awake as Sage stormed past outside.
“Sage, calm down!” Lydia warned him.
“No! No, I will not be calm!” He cried, “Levi is out there and no one else is trying to help him! Clyde was found in less than a day but when it is Levi you all just deem him to be dead!”
“Clyde was different, we had evidence to track him,” She raised her hands to try and settle him, “We’re doing everything we can to find him, you need to calm down.”
“I don’t need to do anything but find my husband,” He insisted, “Just let me go on another patrol!”
“We’ve been on ten in the last few days, what makes you think that this one will bring any evidence?”
“I need to try!” Sage said, clutching his hair, “He could be trapped somewhere and be unable to talk o-or call out! He could have been wounded by Zyren or Flin, you saw what they do to doctors!”
Ty tensed up, holding his chest and pulled Dan, who was breathing quickly, closer to himself to try and calm him down.
“I know you’re upset, Sage, just please listen to me,” Lydia said, “Just lower your voice, you’re upsetting the patients...”
Sage gazed over at them and covered his face, letting out a frustrated cry before breaking for the elevator with Lydia running after him.
He collapsed against the wall and looked at the ascending elevator, repeatedly pressing the button in desperation and shifting on his feet with impatience. Why was the elevator taking so long?
Sage was just about to run for the stairs when the doors pulled back and revealed a shocking sight.
It was Levi. He was standing there in dirty clothing with a determined expression but endless pain and exhaustion in his worn features. He was clutching something to his chest and his glasses were cracked. When he saw Sage he did a double take.
Sage gasped at the sight of him and cried out his name whilst Levi did the same. Levi staggered into his arms and Sage picked him up, clinging to him as tightly as he could without hurting him.
“Levi!” He wept, “I was so scared! I was so scared!”
“Oh thank god, Levi-” Lydia breathed out, “We’re so glad you’re okay.”
“Le-Levi, I’m- I’m- so glad you’re...I thought...” Sage stammered, holding his hand against Levi’s hair, “Oh fuck, what happened to you? Where were you!? I was so worried!”
Levi held him tightly. He wanted to just let his legs give way and stay in his arms forever, but he had one last thing to do before he could let himself rest. It took effort, but he reluctantly pulled away with a dreary voice. “I need Clyde,” He looked around, “I need to get to him, what ward is he in?”
“Levi...” Sage tried to hold onto him but the doctor was already stumbling off. He looked at Lydia with worry and followed after him with her at his side. 
Lydia glanced at Levi’s hand as he rushed around the corner and her eyes widened. “Holy shit, he’s got Clyde’s soul!”
Clyde’s mother, Marie, was weeping into her hands whilst his father, Otto, tried to console her with tears running down his own cheeks. They were initially deployed overseas on military business but rushed back as soon as they could when they received a phone call of what had happened. They were two German military workers with Marie as the lead nurse in first aid and Otto as the lead General, they were confident and collected in their profession but when it came down to their only child getting hurt, it shattered them to pieces.
Eren tried to warn them of the extent of their son’s injuries but Otto pushed past him. Lucas had never seen Otto show such horror and pain before and his chest burned with guilt and he held his hand.
“My baby...” Marie sobbed when she saw him, running her hand through his hair and resting her forehead on his before collapsing on the chair and covering her face.
“Who did this to him?” Otto asked, anger in his tone.
“Flinar and Zyren,” Lucas replied coldly, his chin rested against Clyde’s loose fingers, “I am going to kill them for what they’ve done.”
“What... what the person said over the phone about him being...” She couldn’t say it but Lucas’ ears lowered, immediately knowing what she was referring to, “Please tell me it isn’t true...”
He looked away tearfully and she only wailed more, having to be pulled into Otto’s arms so she could sob. Otto was shaking.
“I’ll kill them with my bare hands,” He stated shakily with fury, “I’ll put them through exactly what they did to him but ten times worse!”
“My baby boy... they were so cruel!” Marie sobbed, “He didn’t do anything to deserve treatment like this!”
“I will do everything in my power to make sure he is safe and happy...” Lucas said, trying not to break down himself, “I’ll-”
He was cut off by someone bursting inside the ward, making them flinch in surprise when a very dishevelled Levi staggered inside and held up a jar containing Clyde’s soul. Lucas sprung up to his feet in an instant and caught Levi before he could fall, yet the doctor pulled away and grabbed the bed railings with a heavy stumble.
“Where were you, Levi?” Lucas asked in shock, “How did you get it back?!”
“Just fucking shut up,” Levi wheezed, Sage putting his arm around his waist. He pulled the lid off the top and let the soul drift outward into his palm, its surface flickering. Clyde’s eyes finally drifted from the light and rested on his soul, making a weak whimper as his hand tried to reach out for it.
Levi pulled away once more and leaned over him, turning his hand over and pressing the mint coloured orb against Clyde’s chest, watching as his chest glowed a soft turquoise and feeling the soul sink into his being. The wounded doctor took a deep, sentient breath as the colour soaked back into his eyes and returned some colour to his cheeks.
He rolled his head and opened his eyes as much as he could, seeing Levi standing over him and watching him in pained confusion as he broke down and smiled. “You fucking idiot,” Levi choked out, but he was smiling, “You better appreciate being alive, don’t you ever scare us like that again.”
Clyde was too dizzy to comprehend what he said, it sounded like his head was underwater.. there was so much going on.
He reached into his pocket and set something on the foot of his bed before his mind clouded over and he found himself collapsing backwards into Sage’s arms and falling unconscious. Sage caught him and picked him up, worriedly shaking him but Lydia put her arm around him as Lucas stood there dumbfounded on what to do.
“Let’s get him patched up,” She said, guiding him out of the ward to the office.
Marie was holding Clyde’s cheek in her hand and running her thumb under his bruised eye whilst Otto held his other hand.
“..mami...” He croaked, trying his best to lean into her hand, “It hurts...”
“I know, Seerose, I know,” She whispered, “We’re going to take good care of you, we’ll make you better.”
Clyde tried to sit up but let out a cry of pain and Lucas panicked, lying him down again as he looked at him.
“Oh god, Clyde... I’m so sorry,” Lucas said. He had so much he wanted to apologise for. He wanted to collapse to his knees and sob for hours whilst begging him to forgive his foolishness. He wanted to say so much but he knew now wasn’t the time, he knew he needed the most support right now. “You’re safe now, they’re never going to hurt you again, I promise.”
He gazed down at his fingers and then at the foot of the bed where he saw Levi place something. It was glinting in the light above. His wedding ring. He let out a desperate whine for it and Lucas turned towards where he was looking, retrieving it and gently shushing him. He slipped it onto his finger and kissed his forehead.
“Thought...lost it,” He whispered in relief, looking down at it but still wanting to cry... it made him feel better but his pain would not stop.
Clyde was overwhelmed with emotions and pain, he could not move and he could not feel his leg. He whimpered, gripping Lucas’ hand as tight as he could, he needed support more than ever. Especially when he twitched his leg, which made the colour drain from his face when he realised.
The memories flooded back and he struggled for breath, forcing his arms despite the pain and pulling off the sheets.
“Clyde, don’t look-” Otto tried but he couldn’t stop the inevitable truth and he clenched his fist around the bed’s support handles. He pressed his lips together.
Clyde stared in disbelief. Up until now he had hoped it was all bad dream, a nightmare that took too long to end and was all but over. But it was all true. His right leg was in a brace and his left one... was gone.
“Leg...” He got out, the ventilator forcing him to take deep breaths which drugged his dizzy mind, “My leg...”
“Baby... it is okay, you’re gonna be okay...” Lucas stroked his hair but Clyde wasn’t in the condition to be reassured. He stared wide eyed and pressed his sore head into the pillow, crying out as Marie stroked his cheek.
Clyde finally broke down, letting out all of his trauma in broken, hoarse wails whilst his family comforted him all the while.
Several months had gone by since the incident. It was difficult for everyone at first since Clyde needed so much treatment, which made him incredibly guilty and upset. It was a long road before he was allowed home.
He was taken out in a wheelchair by Lucas, who was so supportive and loving despite Clyde worrying that he was too much of a burden. Otto and Marie followed at his sides as they took him home for the first time, greeted by their children and Tyrell, who was still in psychical therapy but looked happier than ever. Dan was also slowly improving from the mental stress he was put under and managed a few smiles and hugs where he could.
Lucas was determined to kill Flinar and Zyren once and for all and was just about to leave on his mission that night when Clyde took his sleeve and quietly begged him not to. He had a pained expression talking about them but despite everything they had done, he still believed that they could have a chance to improve. Lucas gave in, unable to protest against his sweetheart and took off his armour to spend the night watching a movie in bed despite Clyde falling asleep on him only a quarter way through. As for Flinar and Zyren, there was no criminal reports from them at all, whether it was because of Flinar’s injury or something else, he didn’t know, but Levi refused to tell anyone what had happened whilst he was gone.
For two months Clyde was practically bed bound, merely watching the world go by from his bedroom window when he wasn’t being taken back to the facility for endless amounts of treatment, surgery and therapy. He was dead silent for most of it, flinching at anything that moved too quickly and panicking whenever he could see the basement or any kind of mechanical tool. He was self conscious, hiding away in bed and not smiling at all since his missing tooth made him incredibly embarrassed. Clyde felt like a burden to the entire family, feeling ashamed of his continuous nightmares which made him sleep with the light on and hug Lucas’ arm whilst he slept.
He was clingy to his family members, getting frightened when he was left on his own for too long so, to help ease his worries, they gave him a plush rabbit which helped improve the fear, especially when Shadow - Clyde’s cat - came to console him. After that things gradually began to improve.
He would eat his entire dinner and make conversation, giving loving kisses and hugs to all of his family members when they got close to him. He and Dan would sit in the living room together and give each other manicures, watch movies all day or just eat take away food and talk. The therapy with Levi was finally starting to pay off and the physio with Sage started to improve his overall health, especially when the prosthetic came in to play.
It was a long process getting him to adjust, with many tears, falls and meltdowns but Lucas remembered watching Clyde successfully walk down the walkway for the first time with absolutely no support. He waited at the other end tearfully and held out his arms. Clyde had wobbled and paused twice but he eventually reached his husband and grasped his hands, kissing him. Lucas had looked at his face and held it in his hands, telling him over and over how proud he was and then Clyde smiled for the first time in months.
He had a new, fake tooth fitted into his mouth but even then he hadn’t smiled until now. He was grinning and holding Lucas’ hands in his own, his cheeks tinted pink and his eyes shining. It was the most beautiful thing Lucas had ever seen.
((The End))
This was super messy and definitely rushed but I really wanted to get this done! Despite it all, it was still fun to spill this lore into a story and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
Thank you for reading. See you later! <3
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Look! It’s the cover for Vol. I of Just Gets Worse! :0
Oh, I wonder what will happen…
—— Inspiration for making this comic: @//wasted-jack @//idonutevenknow-anymore @//veykun @//geekyfox2
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Hey, Mona, you know geekfox right? Um, for some reason I can't get on her Tumblr. Is everything alright?
For anyone who knows my dear friend geekyfox1 her account has been deactivated by tumblr itself. She’s in the process of getting it back (fingers crossed) but according to emails it was an automatic removal. So hopefully she’ll be back soon.
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geekys-corner · 7 months
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Lucas was initially terrified of being a parent, but when the twins arrived, he immediately fell in love. <3
While there was a lot of heartbreak involving Lucas when he was given to me, he's always been one of my closest comforts. It's lovely to draw him again. :)
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a-sprinkle-of-geeky · 4 years
12 Hours (Part Five)
Welcome.            Part One.         Part Two.       Part Three.     Part Four.
This story contains blood, murder and quite a bit of violent angst.
This particular part contains extreme injuries, please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
“Has anyone seen Levi?” Sage, Levi’s husband, asked to anyone who wasn’t preoccupied. The mission was officially successful but they had faced their fair share of wounded and dead; with fifteen injured and three deaths. Sage had first assumed Levi was in the surgery rooms but when he glanced at the digital list stating which doctors were inside, his name did not show on any of them. He had then assumed that he was in the garage where the rest of the uninjured teams were unpacking, so he hurried down.
He had gotten the same answers. The remaining front line teams hadn’t seen him, the flanks weren’t aware that he even went along, the medical team didn’t remember him being in the ambulances. Sage was becoming increasingly worried as he weaved between the cars, ambulances and passing workers, trying to spot his partner but to no avail. Eventually he turned the corner and saw the bodies of the three dead, covered by bloody white tarps and he saw the flick of a lab coat beneath it. His stomach flipped and he raced towards it, skidding to his knees.
Please, please, please. Don’t let it be him. Don’t let it be him.
Sage tore away the tarp from their heads and his heart nearly stopped.
It wasn’t Levi but another doctor, an older man with a bullet in his forehead. Sage pulled back and covered his mouth, his body flooding with a mix of morbid relief and horror. There was no hesitation against this doctor, it was no doubt at the hand of Zyren’s gun. Sage was certain that even the guards Nate mentioned earlier knew better than to purposely shoot someone in first aid. 
He didn’t dare look at the other two and hurriedly pulled the tarp over them once more, clutching his head as he breathed out. He cursed beneath his breath, trying to blink the image out of his brain and focus.
He got up, his arm feeling numb and heavy whilst his prosthetic gripped his hair.
If Levi isn’t here, where is he?
“Sage?” A voice called him and he turned around, seeing Lydia behind him. She was a doctor who focused and studied the mythical and supernatural - someone who knew how to treat a werewolf’s violence or a vampire’s blood-lust whilst still being incredibly skilled in medicinal treatment. “What are you doing over here?”
“I-I’m looking for Levi,” He replied shakily, not sure what to do with himself, “You haven’t seen him have you?”
“He hasn’t reported back at all, I thought he was recovering with you,” She slowly guided him away from the tarps.
“No, I was- I was looking for him, I thought for a second that he was...” He looked back at at the bodies but Lydia quickly averted his attention, “What do you mean he hasn’t reported back?”
“There’s no record of him stating his return on the lists,” She looked around bit her nail as she pondered.
“So he’s not here?” Sage’s heart was prepared to stop again, “Everyone else said they hadn’t seen him, he’s not picking up his phone and his GPS isn’t responding.”
Lydia looked concerned. “Sage, do not panic, we will find him.”
“What if they left him behind?” He exclaimed, “What if he was wounded and no one realised!”
“I need to look for him, tell me where you just were!”
“I will, but only if you let me come with you,” She stated, “I’m not going to risk you getting wounded on your own.”
He nodded and took her arm, rushing over to a vacant 4x4, snatching a rifle and climbing inside. Lydia climbed inside and filled her pistol with a fresh magazine, turning on her tablet to try and track Levi. Nate had spotted them at the last moment and ran after them to try and stop them but they were gone before he could reach them.
It had been hours now.
Clyde had only just been released from his continuous surgery and x-rays and was finally laid in the recovery ward with an official list of his injuries. Lucas had been forced into the shower to wash off the blood and bandage himself up, yet he had only cleaned himself off, dressed and rushed back to his side.
By now he knew that his husband was a husk, yet was far too overwhelmed to be any more distraught than he already was. Night had fallen and the long room was illuminated by white light, highlighting his injuries. Without the blood covering his body he could see the true extent of what he endured. 
His body was covered head to toe in bandages, cotton, wires and tubes, his lip and left cheek were swollen and he had two black eyes which made his eyes appear sunken. His hands, that were wrapped up like a mummy’s, were covered in IV needles and were trembling against the covers. His hair was the faintest shade of blue now that they were gradually re-hydrating him and his once soft skin was clammy, cold, chapped and bruised - as fragile as paper. There was an oxygen mask over his face that was connected to a ventilator and his bed was so surrounded by machines that they had to remove the bedside table to make room. He was bundled up in a heated blanket and warm clothing to treat the hypothermia he had come down with but Lucas could still tell he was very sick.
Lucas sat down at his side and took his hand, looking into his open grey eyes. He was looking at the light again but he didn’t react to anything at all, his trembling hand limp in his husband’s own. He didn’t know what to say, every time he closed his eyes he could hear him screaming and begging, the guard pinning him down and chuckling at his agony. No matter how hard he tried to believe that what he did to that guard was enough, his rage cursed at him for killing him so mercilessly yet he doubted that anything he inflicted on him could satisfy his anger.
Lucas’ ear perked as he heard someone enter and turned towards him, seeing Frazier - one of the senior doctors - holding a clipboard.
“What’s that?” Lucas asked worriedly, his grip on Clyde’s hand gently tightening.
“It is his finalised list of injuries,” Frazier replied, “I don’t think you should look at it.”
Lucas ignored that and silently held his hand out for it, his eyes pleading, and the doctor sighed and handed it to him. It was nearly a page long.
Removed left leg. Shattered patella in the right leg. Three broken ribs. Concussion. Loss of left premolar. Right lung bruised. Loss of all fingernails. Small impalement wound through the left hand. Ten lashes across torso and lower back, which has caused spinal bruising and minor spine compression. Bruised throat. Severely dehydrated. Infection found in the lower back lashes and left knee. Severe hypothermia.
Loss of Soul. Return as soon as possible.
By the end of the page, Lucas’ tears dripped onto the paper. There were more but he felt too sick to read them as they were related to the sixth hour and that guard. He trembled as he lifted the paper and read through the three pages worth of treatment he was going to have to endure. Surgery for his patella and ribs, surgery for his lungs, his spine, then further stitches for his lashes when his soul was returned, scans, medication, psychical restoration, therapy...
Lucas put his head in his hands and let out a broken sob. “I should never have let him out of my sight,” He wept as Frazier put his hand on his back, “I was a careless fool and now he’s hurt and sick, so so sick... he’s in so much pain because of me!”
“Lucas, he isn’t in pain - we have him on strict morphine doses but I doubt that would have made a difference - he wouldn’t have survived if he wasn’t a Husk.” Frazier tried to reassure him but what he said only seemed to make matters worse.
“Don’t say that like it’s a good thing!” Lucas snapped, “His soul never should have been taken, he should have never had been the one to pay for my profession! I should have been the one who was hurt! It should have been me!”
Frazier was quiet for a moment before he sighed and rethought of what he was going to say. “Do not say that, he wouldn’t have wanted any of this to happen to you and you know it - please, be thankful that he is back with us, alive.”
“But it is just his body!” Lucas looked up and stared at Clyde, who hadn’t moved, “Those fuckers still have him and they could kill him in an instant! They could just crush his soul into... into dust and I wouldn’t be able to stop it!”
“He is going to get through this,” Frazier promised, “We’re going to bring him back to the state he was before all of this, we will find his soul before they can hurt him any more, we’ll heal him, get him a prosthetic and all of the help he needs. We cannot change what has happened but the most we can do is be here now.”
Lucas didn’t know how to reply, he was distraught, guilty and broken. All he wanted was to see his husband safe in his arms. He wanted to take him away from all of this pain and trauma, to make sure that he never endured a single second under the hands of those murderers. But he was useless. He could do nothing to help him, all he could do is sit and cry at his bedside.
He opened his eyes once more and looked at his face, his poor face, and shuffled closer with tears streaming down his cheeks.
“I don’t care how much it costs,” He stated, reaching out and clinging to Clyde’s hand once more as he doubled up, “I’ll make you better, I promise darling... even if it takes everything I have, I’ll make sure that you’re happy again...”
Meanwhile, Daniel was sat in a separate ward of the facility next to his own partner, who was lying in the bed with a large, bandaged would over his chest. He was shirtless and his arms were lain upon the covers, pierced with IVs and vital trackers as he breathed deeply into a ventilator. He was unconscious as of now and was pale as death, a second blood transfusion being slowly inserted into his system via a tube since he had only just come out of his surgery.
He was exhausted from crying and was doubled up, his head rested on Ty’s stomach to hear his breathing and pulse. He had one hand interlocked with Ty’s whilst the other soothingly stroked his skin, watching as the heart monitor signalled his finally steady heartbeat. Despite him knowing that Ty was alive and was going to recover, he was still terrified that something was going to turn for the worst.
He was scared for him and his best friend, scared that he wouldn’t get to say goodbye should they die. He wanted to visit Clyde to see what had happened to him yet Lucas was adamant against letting anyone see him besides the doctors or his parents. He was all alone, he had no one to talk to other than Ty and hope he could listen but he didn’t want to bombard him with even more stress. He had never felt so alone and scared before, frightened that Ty would suddenly perish without warning, that he would never be able to tell him how much he loved him. Dan didn’t know what to do without him, so he just sat there silently and prayed he would recover soon.
Zyren had been cleaning the house religiously, always pulling things out to reorganise them in alphabetical order, then an hour later in colour order, then back to alphabetical. The bookshelf had been de-cluttered, then stuffed back to its usual, crowded state as the spaces between the books made Zy agitated, then it was soon de-cluttered once again. The kitchen had been vigorously sanitised, the dishes cleaned on two seperate occasions and all of the food in the fridge had been organised alphabetically and by their various categories.
He was stressed beyond comprehension, trying to cope with Flin’s injury and running up the stairs whenever he called out to him in pain. He was lying in bed, clawing the covers and crying at his leg, which had bled through the bandages for the third time. It was rested on a bloody towel and was swelling quite severely, which greatly disgusted Zy but he tried not to let it show.
“Zy...” Flin wept, pressing his head back into the pillows, “Zy, it hurts...I need pain killers, please...”
“If you have any more you will overdose,” Zy sat on the bed and hugged him. Flin desperately held onto him and cried, his body shaking as his leg twitched. He was still wearing the flannel and it did seem to be helping him stay calm, but the pain was too much for him to stay calm.
His skin was clammy and his breaths were laboured, he couldn’t sit up because of the dizziness and the blood - whilst it did reduce - hadn’t stopped weeping through.
He wasn’t going to make it through the night if this carried on.
“Make it stop, please...” He begged, “I promise I’ll listen to you properly, just please make it stop!”
“I... I cannot,” Zyren admitted, that pain in his chest returning with a pang. “You need to be braver.”
Flin arched his back and let out a loud whimper of agony. “I can’t, I can’t!” He cried, “Please make it end!”
As he kept crying, the front door was opened and Kaito returned with his gun pushed into Levi’s back as they walked in.
Levi had been thrown into the back of a van, had his GPS removed and destroyed and was driven off to god knows where. He tried to keep track of each turn but he had eventually lost count and just sat there silently until the van stopped and he was heaved out. He was guided down a slab pathway and pushed inside a house, the smell of sanitiser hitting his nose immediately, which made him wrinkle his nose.
He was pushed into the centre of another room and, after Kaito drew all of the curtains, the cotton sack was finally pulled from his head, revealing the living room of a house that was so spotless that it reminded him of a dollhouse. “Why the hell did you bring me here?” He asked.
“Just get upstairs,” Kaito ordered, shoving him towards the stairs, “Keep your mouth shut or I’ll crush the twat’s soul right here.”
Levi scowled and ascended the staircase, the smell of blood replacing the scent of cleaning supplies. He began to hear groaning and crying, no doubt from pain, and the moment he reached the landing he stopped.
Flinar was lying on the bed, squirming and wailing and kicking his leg, which had had been quite brutally amputated. Levi saw from first glance that it was not a clean sever and could tell that his bone was protruding openly. They wanted him to treat him.
There was no way in hell Levi was ever going to heal this psychopath’s leg. He would gladly watch him bleed out right now, but his hatred did not stop the gun being pushed into his back to coax him into the bedroom.
“I’ve brought a facility doctor,” Kaito said and Zyren looked up them. Levi refused to show fear.
“Is he bugged?” Zyren asked, 
“No, I made sure of it,” Kaito replied but he didn’t seem convinced, standing up and clearly trying to stop himself from holding Flin when he reached out for him. He walked over and physically inspected Levi, pulling at his arms and legs to make sure that he didn’t have anything that could track them. When he was satisfied, he stepped back with a cold expression.
“Get to work,” He ordered.
“Excuse me?” Levi retorted.
“I said get to work,” Zy’s tone was gruffer now, but Levi still didn’t give in.
“No,” He crossed his arms, “I am not going to give him treatment after what he’s done.”
“I am not giving you a choice,” Zyren hissed, “Now help him recover or it is your life.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, did I miss the sudden moment where you two became saints? Do you honestly expect me to bow to your will when you both have slaughtered hundreds and affected thousands more, just because you deem it enjoyable?” Levi said, “I have watched innocent people die on my table to his hand and you believe that I am just going to help him?”
Zyren lifted his gun at him and loaded it, gritting his teeth. Yet he didn’t shoot. He was hesitating. He was desperate.
“You have ruined countless lives and killed my co-workers without mercy, Clyde is never going to be the same again just because you two selfish pricks wanted to escape to a new country!” He continued, his fists clenched as he walked up to the bed. If he was going to die here then he wasn’t going to go down without speaking his mind. “You, Flinar, deserve every ounce of pain that you are enduring right now! You can go ahead and cry because this is your karma for being a cruel, demonic little shit!”
“Enough!” Zyren roared, yet his finger still didn’t pull the trigger. He knew that Flinar wouldn’t survive if they waited any longer. Flin gazed up at Levi in pain, yet the doctor held no sympathy for him.
“Zy...” Flin begged, curling up on his side, “Please... please...”
“You are childish,” Levi stood up straight and frowned, “But my co-worker’s life is on the line, so I will stop his karma if you agree to my conditions.”
“I will not accept the conditions of a low-life old man who needs to learn to hold his tongue,” Zyren spat. “This is your final warning.”
“Go ahead and put a bullet in my head then,” Levi threatened him. “I suppose you and I both know that he’ll be dead in a few hours and from how long that car journey took, you are not going to find another doctor. But that is fine by me, he can meet me in Hell.”
Zyren growled and bared his teeth, yet he looked at Flinar with desperation and his hand shook. He let out a scowl.
“Name them.”
“I’ll give him treatment if you give me Clyde’s soul in return,” He turned to Kaito, who had the jar in his hand and promptly gave it to Zyren. “Completely unharmed. If I see a crack on its surface I will make you pay. You never hurt another person ever again and you put your fucking guns down and let me leave when this is done.”
Zyren didn’t look pleased but he was so desperate that he unloaded his gun and threw it aside. Levi was convinced that they were still going to hurt people the moment that he healed Flin but he would at least going to give it a try. At this point, he had accepted that they were probably going to have him killed sooner or later but he was too enraged to care.
“Fine,” Zy finally gave in, “You’ll get the fucking soul when you’ve done your job.”
“One more thing,” Levi said as Kaito cut the zip tie around his wrists, “You are going to let me do my job, if you stop me then he is going to die before dawn, do you understand me?”
Zyren walked up to him and loomed over him, his glare icy cold. “Sabotage him and I will put your head on a platter.”
“I am under an oath not to sabotage my patients’ recovery,” Levi leaned just as close, glaring back without fear, “I am not as cruel as you.”
Zy scowled and barged his shoulder against him, tossing a first aid kit on the bed, “Just help him.”
Levi made no further comment and took a fresh packet of sterilised gloves and a mask from his pocket, pulling them on and beginning to unravel the bandage.
“Stop squirming,” He told Flin, who was struggling in pain. Zy sat down and pulled him against his chest, holding his torso so he calmed down. He removed the bandage and took a pair of scissors from the first aid kit, cutting up his jeans to stop them from pressing into the swelling limb. He looked at it and inspected it closely. He pressed a swollen spot of skin that was a disgusting yellow colour and wrinkled his nose as pus dribbled out. “Just as I suspected, it is severely infected up to his knee.”
“What does that mean?” Zyren asked harshly as Flin tried to struggle further.
“It means he’s going to need further amputation or he’s going to get sick and die, that’s if the blood loss doesn’t get him first.”
“You are not going to take his leg.” He snarled, which only made Flin more panicked.
“I don’t have to, but it’ll be his life,” Levi shrugged, then rolled his eyes and took a serious tone, “Listen, I am not trying to cause him more pain but if you let it fester any longer then gangrene will consume his whole leg and eventually kill him - do you want that to happen?”
Zy frowned, then relented. “How long will it take?”
“An hour, including stitching and proper cleaning,” Levi said. “Do you have anaesthesia?”
“No! No no no!” Flin cried, “Zy, stop him, stop him!!”
He tried to struggle as Zy picked him up, carefully elevating his leg as he walked downstairs. Kaito pushed Levi to follow once he had collected the first aid kit and had to listen to Flinar screaming the entire way down to the basement. He wouldn’t deny that he enjoyed hearing him get what he deserved, but he did want to stop his suffering. Even if Flin was a horrible person, no one deserved to endure pain like this.
The amputation passed smoothly. Zyren had set him down on a metallic table - which was no doubt used for torture in the past  - in the basement and injected him with a clean syringe of anaesthesia. He had stroked his hair apologetically the entire time he slipped under and watched Levi intently as he worked. He had to use a bone saw and any useful supplies he could find whilst the elf held an oxygen mask to his lover’s face.
Levi amputated to his knee and ensured that he had a safe and evenly cut stub which contained healthy tissues and no infection. He spent the next forty five minutes properly cleaning, sterilising and closing up the would and ensured it would not swell further. Kaito disposed of the infected leg when Levi had tied the last stitches, finally binding it in bandage soaked in antiseptic.
He let the elf tend to the demon once he was done and cleaned up before being sent upstairs by Kaito at gunpoint where he was locked in the van to sleep with simply a blanket to keep himself warm, a glass of water and a single carelessly made sandwich. Yet they still zip-tied his wrists together, but luckily they were at his front this time.
Levi was under their roof for three days, worked to the bone caring for a psychopath who had the pain tolerance of a sheltered child. He was given cold meals, three glasses of water a day and had to use the bathroom under supervision. He was not permitted near any windows nor was he allowed outside. His back was killing him as being on his feet all day and sleeping on metal flooring was the furthest thing from comfortable, and his chest pain had kicked in now that he didn’t have his medication. Yet he didn’t let anything break his confidence or attitude, making sure the three knew that their actions were wrong.
In return he was tossed one single cigarette by Zyren and Levi made sure to blow the smoke in his face. Their patience for one another was running thin and it was clear Zy wanted Levi gone one way or another.
Flinar was improving, now able to sleep peacefully and sit up with assistance, though he still begged for pain killers whenever he could. When Levi watched over him, he found his behaviour to be fascinating. He would talk to himself and move around in the bed when he hadn’t taken the medication for his schizophrenia yet. He would growl one minute then whimper the next, apologising over and over to “the crying doctor” that he stated would “cry and cry to him and wouldn’t stop”.
He didn’t make conversation with him nor try to prevent him from helping, but he did act particularly dramatic whenever Zyren was in the room and Levi soon learned that he was trying to get him killed, since it was known that Zyren would be merciless if anyone hurt his partner. None the less, the elf left him alone and even shushed his lover a few times, which Levi found amusing.
By the third evening, he was absolutely exhausted. He was leaning over the kitchen sink with his glass of water and was trying to repress the swelling pain he felt in his chest and back. He was so tired and he desperately needed a change of clothes and a good night’s sleep. He thought deeply of his actions and wondered if he had made the right ones.
He had promised himself that he would never put his life on the line for Clyde, insisting that he would save himself if he ever had to make a choice between them. Yet here he was, forcing on an attitude and healing the psychopath who tortured that same, sobbing doctor to try and save him. He no doubt regretted what he stated before but he didn’t think he could ever come to admit that. He held sympathy for him and was prepared to give him an easier time if they ever survived this, he just hoped he could have even a single day to redeem himself.
Levi sighed, praying that they would keep up their end of the deal but at this point, he was starting to lose hope. They were probably waiting until he broke under exhaustion to use him just like they used Clyde, but Levi knew that Lucas would never send out such a rescue party for him, not after what he’d done to his husband.
He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t hear Kaito behind him, who had poured chloroform onto a rag.
“Zyren sends his thanks.” He said, making Levi jump as the rag was pressed harshly into his face.
I’m on such a writing surge that this chapter is no doubt rushed and messy as well. But not many people read this stuff so I don’t really care. It was fun to write though! The next part will be the last, so stay tuned!
See you soon. <3
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Chase Brody doodles and a sneak peek 👀
—— Inspiration for the makings of this comic: @//wasted-jack @//idonutevenknow-anymore @//veykun @//geekyfox2
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geekys-corner · 1 year
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(A WIP animation for my final assignment! :D)
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a-sprinkle-of-geeky · 4 years
12 Hours (Part Four)
Welcome.            Part One.            Part Two.          Part Three.
This story contains blood, murder and quite a bit of violent angst.
This particular part contains extreme injuries, death and violence. Be cautious when reading if you are sensitive.
The atmosphere had morphed from tension to urgency in a matter of seconds. The moment Lucas’ voice was heard over the speakers, everyone in the required teams stood up before their orders were even given. Their work was abandoned, a rush of orders and feet bolting down the stairs filled the lower floors with waves of emergency.
Tyrell, the general of Team One - the front lines - was tugging on his equipment with haste as his husband, Dan, did the same. The medical team ran past them as he was strapping on his belt, their hands full of required supplies they needed to treat Clyde when they found him. The facility had never experienced such level of frenzy before yet every staff member prepared as if it were rehearsed, each step playing out in a morbid sequence that they knew by heart.
Ty was a dark-skinned and muscular demon with long, thick brown hair tied back in a ponytail. The most prominent thing about him besides his size was the scar that overtook the right side of his face, a raw pink burn with a damaged eye that he struggled to see out of. Despite that, he was a family-orientated and loving man.
His freckle covered husband, Daniel, was significantly smaller with a pair of black feathery wings and a head of fluffy purple hair. The gun he was holding looked too big for him but there was an unmistakable expression of determination and anger on his features. 
Although Lucas had aggressively restricted them from entering his office or listening to the videos that Zyren had sent him, they knew for a fact that they were torturing Clyde. Dan was determined on rescuing his best friend, he didn’t care what it took.
The couple turn to each other once they had finished preparing and hugged, Ty cupping his cheek in his hand and kissing him lovingly. They never knew whether each mission would be their last and always ensured that they knew they loved one another.
Just as Dan kissed back, they were pulled apart and pushed through by Lucas, who had a dark and menacing expression on his broken face.
“Get moving,” He ordered coldly, loading his own gun before climbing into the passenger seat of a black 4x4. Tyrell glanced at Dan worriedly.
“That ain’t a good sign...” Ty said as they began jogging to their own vehicle.
“We just need to stay calm.” Dan replied, though he now looked nervous. Lucas was never this unstable - something was definitely severely wrong.
The team set out the moment they were in the car, barely having time to pull their seat belts on as Lucas had Nate - one of his drivers - speed off down the road.
“Lerman isn’t going to stick with our system,” Said Levi, who was sat next to Daniel and was not helping with his rising anxiety, “He is going to get himself or one of us killed with this recklessness - all because Jadestone wasn’t observant.”
“Levi, shut up,” Dan snapped, his hands sweating beneath his gloves, “It wasn’t his fault, can you show him sympathy for once? He’s probably been brutally tortured all day and you still tease him!”
Levi turned away without further comment, a frown furrowing on his aged features.
“It’s gonna be fine,” Ty said to him, kissing his hair reassuringly, “We’re going to make it out of this, alive, I promise.”
Dan clutched his hand, taking a deep breath. “I hope so.”
Flinar stepped back from the table, wiping his brow with his bloodied arm and grinning as he watched Clyde writhe in agony, his shredded voice barely able to scream as he stared at the bleeding stump that was now his left leg.
Zyren was looming over his head, visually recording the whole session to send to Lucas. He had reluctantly returned Clyde’s soul briefly to his body, so Flin could obtain the fear he wanted from the doctor. They had strapped him down to an old, rusted table and Flin had picked up a bone saw, mercilessly carving and tugging his leg from his body. He had toyed with it for a moment before tossing it aside, revelling in Clyde’s pain.
By now the doctor was dying. He had lost so much blood and was too dehydrated for his body to properly try and heal himself. It was three hours early, but he supposed that a broken promise wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world considering that his precious husband had allowed him to be tortured for this long.
“He’s not coming for you,” Flin told him, leaning close to his face as he sobbed with no tears and whimpered, “He’s let you suffer this long ‘cause he hates you and he’s gonna be so happy when you’re dead.”
“No..” Clyde wept, closing his eyes as his chest heaved, “Liebling...”
He didn’t even cry when Zyren plunged his hand into his chest, closing his fist around his fragile soul and pulling it from his body once again. He simply stared up at the ceiling and gawked like a fish out of water, his eyes soaking to a dull and lifeless grey as he slipped away.
“Are you happy now?” Zyren asked, dropping the soul into the jar once more, “This is the last session, he’s going to die if we do any more.”
“Good! His whining has been giving me a fucking headache,” Flin shoved at the Husk’s body and frowned when it didn’t react, “But at least I did what I wanted~ Thank you so much, baby.”
Zyren hummed, inspecting the stump of the Husk’s leg. “Being Husked slows the blood flow, he has another hour at most.”
“We should film it when he-” Flin’s suggestion was cut off by an explosion from above ground, followed by furious yelling and gunshots. Zyren cursed and snatched his gun.
“They’re here,”
“What!? How! I stopped him from texting for help!” Flinar exclaimed.
Zyren grunted and grabbed his arm, running up the stairs with him in tow and looking back at him as he shut the basement door. “Do not leave my side.”
The elf didn’t respond and instead tugged him towards safety.
With a press of a button, the explosive detonated in an instant and blew the entrance door off of its hinges. Lucas had separated his front line teams into quarters, stationing them in front of every possible entrance and sending them bursting into the building, flooding it with gunfire and seamlessly organised attacks despite the lack of preparation. 
With thirty five men attacking on the front lines, they easily got the upper hand on the twenty five guardsmen within the factory - yet that didn’t mean it was an easy execution. The sheer amount of machinery and conveyor belts provided great cover for both parties and made it exceedingly difficult to progress forward.
The medical team stayed far out of the firing line and waited for commands once the coast was clear whilst the others charged onward. Lucas was on a rampage, killing anything that wasn’t his own men without hesitation. He wanted that guard’s head. The guard who defiled Clyde was going to be torn apart at his hands, he was going to make him regret every second he abused his husband.
Tyrell was getting increasingly worried about his behaviour and struggled to cover him. He and Dan were tailing behind him, firing back against anyone trying to stop him from getting to the basement and were only just able to keep up. Dan ducked out of the way of a bullet that lodged into a machine behind him and he let out an overwhelmed heave of breath. Ty held his shoulder as they knelt for cover, trying to reassure him whilst attempting to not lose sight of Lucas. Yet it was too late.
“Shit, I’ve lost track of him!” He exclaimed, desperately scanning the area.
“We need to move forward, they’re changing positions and we’re gonna be out in the open!” Dan started to crouch run behind the safety of the conveyor belts, guiding Ty along and hiding behind machines whenever the bullets changed directions.
“Flinar and Zyren are located in the upper left corner of the building! I repeat, upper left corner!” Nate’s voice uttered through their earpieces, making Ty skilfully poke his head up to catch sight of the infamous couple only thirty yards away. Their exit was blocked off by the team but they were viciously fighting back. Flinar, to Zyren’s dismay, ran recklessly away from him in pursuit of something. Ty turned and his eyes widened, seeing Lucas in the midst of murdering a guard.
Lucas had recognised his voice from the recording, hearing him yell orders to three of his comrades. There was no doubt about it, he was certain that this was the man who violated his husband - that disgusting hiss in his tone every time he spoke made the rage boil. 
Though His first agenda was to rescue Clyde, he could do nothing to stop the violent outburst that suddenly consumed him. Without hesitation, he shot him in the knee the moment the other three men were out of range and leapt on him, tearing his weapon from his grasp and slamming his head into the ground.
The guard, although he attempted to, could not escape from Lucas’ wrath  as he repeatedly beat, stabbed, shot and crushed his body in horrific ways, screaming all the while. The guard’s body was mangled beyond comprehension and a mess of horrifying wounds and injuries which Lucas knew would haunt him when this was over, but for now he could not care less. He growled in his face before throwing his dying body into the corner and loading his gun with a fresh magazine, which he promptly emptied into the guard’s skull and officially killed him.
Lucas lowered the gun, his breaths heavy and his mind foggy. Find Clyde, he told himself, I have to find Clyde.
Yet he was so overcome with shock that he didn’t realise that Flinar was running straight for him and was intent on stabbing his knife through his throat. He had ruined their chance to get away and live a new life! All because he was a coward!
By now the gunfire was beginning to cease slightly as the guardsmen were overpowered by the rescue team, but it was definitely not the end.
Tyrell was cursing continuously as he fumbled for a grenade at his hip, watching Flin vault over a conveyor belt with an angry grin on his face. His mind had no thoughts other than to stop Flin from killing his best friend and, with a deep breath, he pulled the pin.
The next moment was a blur.
He stood up and threw it directly into Flin’s path just as he leapt over another conveyor and noticed it at the very moment his feet touched the ground. His grin fell in an instant yet he had no time to respond and thus the grenade exploded at his left side, causing a pile of crates to collapse atop him and Lucas to be pushed back against the wall, knocking him from his trance.
“FLINAR!” Zyren shrieked as the explosive detonated, his glare snapping to Tyrell in an instant and in one single moment, raised his gun and set a bullet ripping straight through his chest. He began to run to his partner’s aid whilst Ty clutched his chest and collapsed backwards.
Dan stared in horror and tried desperately to catch him but it just resulted in the two of them falling together. He sat up and gasped, his stomach lurching when he saw a gaping hole through his husband’s chest and immediately pressed his hand into it to try and reduce the bleeding.
“Oh fuck! MEDIC!” He yelled, “Fuck, fuck fuck! Ty, stay with me!”
Ty stared at the wound in shock as blood trickled from his mouth, his head lolling against Dan’s knee as he stared up at his face. He breathed deeply, trying desperately to stay awake but something was already pulling him towards unconsciousness. 
“No no no no, baby...” Dan held his face with his free hand as he broke down into tears, “Look at me, just look at me! You’re alright, you’re gonna be alright...God please, stay with me!”
He looked into Dan’s eyes as he cried soundlessly at him and he took a choked breath, whispering his name as the pain set in, which made him groan. He started to gasp and tremble, lifting his hand again and clutching his with fear. It hurt.
“MEDIC!!” Dan screamed and finally someone responded, moving towards them as quickly as possible. Ty started to go limp, his eyes glazing over and his gaze drifting from him to the worn ceiling above, Dan moved his head to look at him again and he was just barely seeing him. “TY! Ty please! Don’t leave me!”
The last thing Tyrell saw was Eren running towards them and Dan’s face before his vision blurred.
Lucas was too emotional to realise what had happened to Tyrell and it was a good thing he didn’t, as knowing it was his fault would have destroyed him right then and there. 
Instead, he was trying to break the basement door open, yelling for Clyde and hoping for a response. When he couldn’t snap the lock off, he backed away and pulled out his shotgun, loading it and firing. With a burst of sparks and a metallic snap, the lock swung off and Lucas bolted inside; tripping down the stairs.
“Clyde!” He called, “Clyde, call out to me!”
He descended the steps and caught the shining glint of blood, his heart wrenching as he leapt down the rest of the steps. The basement was freezing, wet and reeked of blood, sweat and vomit. Yet under the flickering light bulb he saw his husband, bleeding and heavily wounded, his amputated leg thrown onto the floor.
Lucas nearly threw up, but he swallowed it down and ran up to him, shaking him pulling out his knife to cut the buckles. “Darling! Darling, I’m here!” He cried, “I’m here, you’re okay, I’ve got you!”
Clyde was in horrible shape. His body was bruised, beaten and broken and he only wore a pair of torn briefs - his hair was completely brown, signalling that he was severely dehydrated. Lucas cried as he lifted him from the table and collapsed on the ground with him. He was so, so cold... “Clyde, look at me,” He pleaded, cupping his face in his hand and looking over his body in panic. There was so much pain, so much blood... he couldn’t stop it. “Sweetheart, I’m here... It’s Lucas, you’re safe now, okay?”
The doctor didn’t respond, he just stared up at the light bulb as if it were daylight, his eyes a dull grey. He was breathing and wheezing yet he wouldn’t even look at him.
“Y-Your leg, they...they...” Lucas hurriedly shook off his coat, tearing off a strip and tying it around the stump to stop the bleeding whilst wrapping the rest of it around his freezing body, he pulled him closer and turned towards the door, “HELP!”
Lucas looked around. His leg, his smashed glasses, his clothes, a bloody tooth and ten fingernails... this was all his fault.
“Help, I-I’ve got to get you help,” He picked him up, “You just need medical help... you’re going to be alright, I promise you...y-you’re just dehydrated and hurt...”
Lucas rushed up the stairs and Clyde made a weak whimper, his gaze staying locked on the light bulb for as long as he could.
He didn’t know what was happening, whether the fight was over or who was hurt, all he could focus on was his poor husband. He was so cold and small in his arms, he should have protected him. He should have been better.
The rest of the medical team were ready for him the moment he ran outside and he had to force himself to let go, but he did not leave his side. Meanwhile Nate and Eren were carrying Tyrell out of the building and into the ambulance whilst a sobbing Dan ran behind.
By now the mission was over. The guardsmen were dead, tending to their wounded or had fled.
“Flinar!” Zyren shouted, vaulting over the conveyors and running into the drifting smoke. He looked around desperately and saw his lover’s arm beneath some rubble. He collapsed to his knees and tore the debris away, lifting a crate away and catching a view at Flin. He was lying on the ground, twitching in pain. Zyren’s gaze drifted downwards to his legs and his eyes shot wide open.
Flin’s lower left leg had been blown straight off, leaving behind a jagged wound with blood pooling around it. Zy stared in disbelief, lifting Flin into his arms and clinging to him.
Why did he ever agree to his silly little plan? He knew it would never work and yet he was a fool and played along anyway. Now he was staring at the consequences.
“Flinny,” He shook him, “Flinar!”
The wrath demon coughed and opened his eyes by a slither, his body trembling. “Zy...” He got out, “It hurts... I can’t feel my leg...”
“Don’t look,” Zyren told him, trying his best to cover his eyes but Flin peered over his arm, moving what was left of his leg and taking a hitched breath. “Flin-”
Flin stared in horror as the voices started to yell so loudly that he couldn’t think. Pain, pain, pain, pain! He let out a scream and arched his back, Zy struggling with him in his grasp and hugging him tightly as he gasped for breath. 
“Calm down, deep breaths-” The elf was trying to support him but he wouldn’t stop screaming in agony, his shaking hands tugging at his flannel. “Flin... baby...l-listen to me...”
Zy had never felt so useless. There was something in his chest that he could not explain, a burning sensation that made him want to scream. He couldn’t take away his pain and it was breaking him from the inside.
Zyren blinked the wetness from his eyes and took off his flannel, going to tear it up as bandage but his partner clung to it desperately. His ears twitched and he pulled it around him, finally letting him wear it. Flin stopped screaming and stared at him with tears flooding his eyes whilst Zy removed his shirt and used that as bandage instead. He sobbed like a child as he bound up his leg and hugged his chest with shaking arms whilst he blabbered and coughed in pain. Zy shushed him and told him to calm down as he tied the knot, cupping his cheek in his hand and wiping away his tears.
This would not do, he needed to get Flin proper care.
Yet the moment he brought Flin to any hospital in the country or even worse, beg for help from the faculty, they would probably be killed on sight.
Kaito ran towards them, seeing Flin clinging to Zy’s chest. “Holy shit, what the hell happened?”
“Get him a doctor.”
“What the fuck do you mean, a doctor? Zy, no doctor is gonna wanna treat him!”
“Get him a doctor, Kaito!” Zy exclaimed, picking him up in his arms.
“I do not care how, just do it!”
Levi knew what he saw when he was stabilising Clyde in the ambulance. The grey eyes, the lack of pain or basic response to light or voices. He was a Husk. Of course they would steal something so important, they wouldn’t let Clyde recover normally - not that he could. 
Lucas was still in a state of denial, insisting that he needed a heated blanket and water to return the colour to his eyes and the warmth in his chest. Levi didn’t blame him, he was grieving and the others were not denying since they were too preoccupied with Clyde’s countless other injuries.
Levi slipped out of the ambulance at the last second before the doors were shut and they sped away. He didn’t care if he had to walk six hours back home, he was not going to let those psychopaths steal Clyde’s soul. They could murder him in a heartbeat.
The building was suddenly silent, besides the wounded chatter of the guardsmen still alive. The rescue teams were completely gone now, leaving as if it never happened. Yet there was so much blood that said otherwise.
Levi had his gun loaded in case any of the guardsmen tried to fire at him and simply walked in. The building seemed so much smaller now that it wasn’t being used as a firing range and the basement door was in his line of sight. He adjusted his glasses and walked down, stepping over a dead body and glancing at the group of wounded men in the corner. They were watching him pass, but they were too preoccupied and defeated to care.
He stepped over the pool of Tyrell’s blood and sighed, having to focus his eyes forward and also ignore the mangled body in the corner that Lucas no doubt got to first. He pushed open the door and tried flipping a light switch yet it only managed to turn the single light source further down on and off again. He descended the stairs using a small flashlight attached to his keys and looked around at the basement, spotting old sacks used to store all of the cotton the factory produced and old machinery pieces. 
He gazed at the rusted table, the broken chair, blood and torture weapons and had to swallow down his horror, especially at the sight of Clyde’s leg. It reeked of almost every kind of bodily fluid and it was absolutely freezing. Levi groaned in disgust and began searching. Surely they must of left his soul behind in the mess...
He looked around as thoroughly as he could and did consider taking Clyde’s leg with him for possible replantation but it was in such bad shape that he was doubtful that they could even fuse the bone back together. Not to mention that carrying a bloodied leg through the city for six hours would not look good for his public image.
Levi turned around and his flashlight eventually caught sight of something silver gleaming within the pools of blood, so he begrudgingly knelt down and picked it up, discovering it to be Clyde’s wedding ring. It - arguably - wasn’t his soul, but he supposed it would be good to bring back, so he wiped it off and put it in his pocket with a deep sigh.
Levi turned his flashlight again and finally caught sight of the shimmering surface of a fragile soul trapped within a jar. It was set under the desk and he hurried to go retrieve it, only to feel something cold press into the back of his head.
He froze up and eventually raised his arms with a deep sigh.
“Are you going to shoot me or not?” He asked nonchalantly.
“Depends, are you a doctor?” A hard voice asked aggressively, loading the gun.
“Yes, I am.”
“Then you’re coming with me,” He ordered, “Drop your gun or I’ll put a bullet through your head.”
“I suppose I am not going to get an explanation, am I?” He huffed, yet hurried along when he felt the gun’s barrel be pushed irritably against his skull, “Alright, give me a second.”
Levi reached beneath his coat, dropping his gun and huffed once more when the man patted him down to ensure he hadn’t got an extra weapon.
“May I at least pick up that jar?” Levi asked, supposing that if this man needed a doctor so badly that he was going to kidnap a faculty one, that it was highly unlikely he was going to shoot. He did, however, tug Levi’s hands behind his back and zip-tie them before pulling one of the cotton sacks over his head. “I guess not.”
Levi did briefly sigh with relief when he heard the man pick the jar up and put it away, before swinging the doctor over his shoulder and carrying him away.
This has been in my drafts for a long while and I suddenly wanted to continue it. This was quite rushed so please excuse any mistakes, I will try to get round and fix them!
Flinar did get his karma for his actions and now it seems Levi is going to be a part of it. I love writing Levi, might I add, he has no fear when it comes to situations like these.
Hopefully I can write the next part soon. Sorry for all of the angst!
See you soon. <3
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These were already drawn, so I decided to just compile them all together in one post, and go ahead and get them outta the way. . . Inspiration for making this comic: @//wasted-jack @//idonutevenknow-anymore @//veykun @//geekyfox2 . .
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geekys-corner · 1 year
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Here’s an ink illustration I did during class, plus after I “bloodied” it up!
Onyx do be chilling tho
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geekys-corner · 1 year
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I’ve never been one for vent art, but I felt I needed this after everything.
Clyde means the absolute world to me. I don’t know why, but thinking about him is the one thing that makes me cry despite everything else, even as I’m writing this. Not real life, not any other OC, even Onyx. Just him.
He isn’t real, but I imagine what he would think after what happened. Part of me tried to imagine him resenting me, but I know he just wouldn’t.
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