#get worse duo
narabea06 · 1 year
I redrew a TFF thumbnail bc why not :>>>>>
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Foolish: No- thank you, I– I appreciate it, sorry.
Bad: No, you're welcome–
Foolish: I'm sorry I didn't show my–
Bad: I also gave you tons of cobblestone.
Foolish: No! And- oh I don't think I said "thank you" either, oh you're right.
Bad: Oh ok. I just– you know how you could really show me thanks?
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chanstopher · 5 months
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bungobble-my-balls · 6 months
Sigma and Lucy and their connection to Atsushi (+the pattern with people Atsushi wants to help and how Sigma falls into it)
(Or how they all fall into it, and quite literally fall since for some reason there's a repeated pattern of important moments between Kyouka, Lucy and Sigma when it comes to Atsushi and one or both of them falling or jumping from a high ledge)
I've never been able to stop thinking about this so I'm finally making a post on this.
I'm gonna mainly compare chapter 28 and chapter 76, and the events surrounding these chapters that take place on the same day as them and in relation to them.
The chapters show us more on a member of the enemy terrorist organisation that the ADA are currently up against. In the chapter (or around this chapter for Sigma), we see the backstory of a member and bit of their ideology.
This character started out life with no family and no home, being used and abused in their early years.
It's noted that their backstory is similar to Atsushi's, and that they are actually very similar to him.
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The character loses their home in this chapter (or implied in this chapter for Lucy), and the only family they had that they desperately clung onto and fought for. Even if it wasn't a proper family, it was all they had. They'd been alone their whole lives and didn't want to be alone again.
The home and family in question are on a floating structure in the sky. This is also where the chapter takes place.
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Atsushi says something to this character that affects them. The character ends up helping him just before the two part ways.
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This is the last look they give Atsushi before they leave eachother
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The character and Atsushi leave eachother by one of them falling. For Chapter 28 it's Atsushi who jumps off leaving Lucy, and they leave with a hopeful interaction of them meeting again. For Chapter 76, it's Sigma who falls leaving Atsushi, with a less hopeful interaction of Atsushi believing Sigma is dead and Sigma letting go believing he would die.
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Notably in this chapter, right after Sigma falls Lucy shows up. The last ex-terrorist now friend/ally to Atsushi. And in opposition to both Chapter 28 (where Atsushi jumped away from her) and the scene that just happened (with Atsushi failing to save an enemy) she jumps off a high ledge TOWARDS Atsushi to save him. Lucy was where Sigma currently is, and both her and her bond with Atsushi have grown a lot since then, and this could also be the future for Sigma.
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There is a promise for Atsushi to save this character. Unfortunately, he doesn't end up saving them. They also get taken again by their organisation, no longer by any will of their own.
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Chapter 76 including these three with notable moments definitely feels to me like a comparison of Lucy and Sigma and their relationship with Atsushi. Sigma's situation is very similar to Lucy's as I've previously shown. Terrorists that have recently suffered loss in regards to their found home and family, that get a connection with Atsushi in this chapter. Unlike with Lucy, Sigma and Atsushi left eachother without hope of seeing the other again or Atsushi being able to help them (for the characters, the story itself does give hope of this happening). Then Lucy shows up, as a reminder of the last enemy he helped that DID turn out OK, and to show how far Lucy has come since then, since she was where Sigma is. It shows that hope might not be lost for Sigma either.
With it already being established that Sigma now wants to become an ADA member, the possibility of seeing Sigma grow like Lucy did and develop a bond with Atsushi like she did gets closer to being canon. There's something there and I'm really looking forward to seeing how Sigma's character could possibly develop after this arc (and when he wakes up because my guy is likely in a coma rn 😔)
The Pattern
I've stated that Lucy being in chapter 76 is important to show the connection Sigma could eventually have with Atsushi, but even though she's not in that chapter it's also important to note Kyouka. In the sky Casino mission to retrieve Sigma, where Sigma and Atsushi meet for the first time, it was specifically Lucy and Kyouka who went with Atsushi.
For both Lucy and Kyouka, there were three notable incidents with Atsushi until they become allied with the ADA permanently.
- Atsushi saving her from the train
- Atsushi saving her from Akutagawa
- Kyouka escaping the Guild and becoming an official ADA member
- Atsushi beating Lucy
- Atsushi and Lucy's talk on the Whale
- Atsushi and Lucy's meeting in the cafe
The pattern here was there being a first meeting where Atsushi is shown wanting to help the character even though they're an enemy that he just thought against and a terrorist.
The next incident takes place a while after the first and is a pivotal point where its made certain in the story that things will turn out OK for the enemy character. A bond is set between them and Atsushi. -------------------------- After the second incident, things in fact do not turn out OK for the character and the audience was actually led into a false security. Kouyou shows up after to try and take back Kyouka, and the Guild kidnaps Lucy from her room before Atsushi can 'come back and save her'. Now the character is in danger again and their fate is once again up in the air, only now there's more at stake since a bond with Atsushi has already been established and the audience has been given the chance to grow attached to them. Whether or not this character will be able to join 'the side of the light' and have a home and family like they wanted is uncertain again
It's the third incident that sets into stone again that the character does in fact turn out OK. They reunite with Atsushi, and they finally get to live a good life with a home and the freedom to live how they wished to. The character is now connected with the ADA and after this point in the story, no matter what happens to the character their place in the light is never thrown into question again, they belong here.
So I believe this could happen with Sigma. He doesn't follow the exact same process, considering that Sigma is also being helped by Dazai, and could be grouped with Atsushi as someone Dazai saved, but chapter 76 still follows the pattern well enough that I believe this could happen.
We've already had our first incident with their meeting. Despite me comparing this chapter to Lucy and Atsushi's second meeting, for Sigma and Atsushi this still fits into the territory of the first part of the pattern.
(Intetesting note: Unlike with Lucy and Kyouka, after it was established that Atsushi wanted to help the enemy, this was the first time where Atsushi 'failed' to. He jumped from the train with Kyouka, he jumped off the Whale after promising to come back for Lucy, but at the sky Casino it was Sigma who fell instead, and Atsushi stayed thinking that he just saw the last of a now dead man that he failed to help. Then again, it could just be following the pattern and we'll see a more hopeful outcome with their second meeting)
The second incident will likely be them meeting again. It will end more hopefully, with a further bond between Atsushi and Sigma and more hope for Sigma joining the ADA.
If we then follow the pattern, something bad will happen to Sigma to throw this off course, and put into question whether he'll actually be able to join the ADA and get a home.
This will last for some time, until the third part eventually comes where Sigma finally gets to stay with his new home and new life. After this, it should be permanent to the story and Sigma shouldn't have his status as an ADA member/ally put into question or at risk again.
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Ok I haven't seen a post about this yet so I'm breaking my no-original post streak to say:
Can we pretty please talk about the exchange between Cleo and Etho in the most recent secret life session where Cleo is saying that, right below teammates, Scott is someone that she'd never kill unless it came down to Scott vs. Cleo's team. And Etho just goes:
"Oh, so he's your Bdubs, basically."
And Cleo responds, "Yes, he's my Bdubs."
Anyway the bonds between the players in this series that transcend the boundaries of each season and carry over throughout multiple seasons are something that is actually so special to me.
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nomsfaultau · 7 months
I adore how toxic Mandatory Family Reunion emerald duo is. They're both completely incapable of objectively viewing the situation through their respective delusions (catastrophizing vs severe denial). Techno manipulates Philza for months. Philza traumatizes Techno to the point he's a shell of the man he once was. They both have entirely warped concepts of love. Each's entire life revolves around the other. They're so wonderfully dysfunctional that by the time Techno tells Philza he loves him it's one of the most devastating scenes in the fic.
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puhpandas · 8 months
You Stress Me Out
(4,135 words)
Gregory shows up at Evan's house during a storm with a wood carving knife stuck in his stomach. It may not be that bad of a wound, but that doesn't mean having a knife sticking out of you is any less scary. Or that Evan will freak out any less.
warnings: blood, mentions of a fistfight, an unsafe home environment, stitches, and of course, a blade being stuck inside flesh
Evans incredibly on edge right now. Which, nothing new here. But this time, it's less of his normal state and more of a genuine, rational kind of edge.
First off; a storm is on it's way. Not only does a storm mean that outside is a no-go, meaning that Evan is trapped inside his house with no way to leave, but hes absolutely terrified of thunder.
Which is why as soon as he'd heard about the bad weather, when his fathers back was turned and Michael had been focusing on something other than messing with him, he'd snuck to the kitchen, grabbed all the snacks and water he could need, and took them to his hidden stash in his bedroom.
This way, he didnt have to leave his room. And he could do his old trick of blocking the door leading from the shortest route to his room with his dresser, which could give him enough time to shut Michael out if he decides to persist on the other side.
Unlockable doors. The bane of Evan's existence.
The other reason hes on edge isnt because of himself, even though his body is locked up and sense, waiting for the thunder to start booming outside and send him flying off of his bed from how hard he flinches. Its because of Gregory.
Evan's brows furrow from his place on his bed, curtains drawn, but just open enough to see the rain start so he can brace himself. He takes one look at the gray clouds and white sky and frowns deeply.
Evan knows all about his friends... situation. Honestly, after being friends for almost a year, you'd think he would have known sooner, but nope. Evan had just been giving Gregory the benefit of the doubt too much. when Gregory'd refuse to let Evan go to his house, he'd assume he had parents like his, who he didnt want Gregory to have to see either, which was why he had been asking. When Gregory would have new bruises and cuts and rips in his clothing the next time Evan would see him, he would deliberately choose not to pry, or wonder, because he would think maybe it was worse than he thought.
But Evan had figured it out eventually, and he'd understood why Gregory kept it from him so long. Evan wouldnt want Gregory to see him differently for being a certain way.
But like Gregory, Evan had made it clear he didnt. He understands, really. Like he understands that with the knowledge comes the worry.
Evan knows Gregory doesnt always have stable shelter. The city and it's people arent so kind to homeless people like Gregory, even when hes outside and theres about to be a hurricane. Which is why Evan is hoping, wishing, praying that Gregory will come to Evan, this time.
It's why he's reading a book, sitting on his bed next to his window instead of on his phone like usual. Evan's on edge because he cant stop thinking about what would happen to Gregory if he didn't come, and if he does, will Evan hear him to let him in.
Evans room is on the ground floor, which makes it very easy for Gregory to come and go as he pleases (also for Evan to make an escape when he needs to. It's not rare for Evan to ditch his room to flee to the city with Cassidy, sometimes).
Evan's eyes trail over the words on the pages, but he isnt taking them in. He huffs, letting the book drop to his lap, and tries to ignore how cold-but-on-fire his stomach feels. He can't focus. Not when Gregory's supposed to trust Evan enough to come to him when he needs help and he hasnt yet.
Evan only waits a while longer, foot tapping on the side of his comforter and fingers drumming. When the first few thick drops of water land on his window, he goes for his phone.
Gregory said to never call him unless it's important. But right now, with how much Evan's stomach swims with nausea over uncertainty about Gregory's safety, Evan thinks this is important enough.
Evan only has enough time to enter his fifteen digit pin and tap the phone app before the sound hes been waiting for rings out by his window.
Evan can feel his shoulders drop when the familiar jingle of a Fazbear song is knocked on his window. He smiles, hurrying over to his window and almost ripping the curtains off the wall with how fast he opens them.
When Evan reaches to open the window, Gregory's there, if not a bit weary, if his half lidded eyes and the cut on his cheekbone are any indication, but Evan doesnt worry too much. Just unclicking the locks on his window and helping Gregory step inside when its apparent he needs help.
He has a hand clutching at his stomach, which is worrying, but Gregory looks like hes okay. Not about to die, which is what Evan's thoughts always end up going to, so he thinks that's a good thing.
Evan shuts the window and locks it just as the rain starts to drop harder, and he shuts the curtains, sending a glance at his door (the one not covered up with a dresser) out of paranoia. When his father doesnt burst in and send Gregory away like Evan's imagining, he turns his attention back to Gregory.
Hes huffing, like he cant catch his breath, which makes Evan furrow his brows. Gregory's bent over, like when you have a stomach cramp and try to curl in on yourself as much as possible. If Evan looks hard enough, he can see the inklings of bruises on Gregory's knuckles.
Evan frowns. Okay, probably a fight, but it wouldnt be the first time he would have to pull out the first aid kit.
"Gregory." Evan catches his attention. Gregory's eyes dart up to him, and he offers a shaky smile. "Hey. You had me worried sick."
"Me too." Gregory says, but it sounds strained. He still has that hand pressed firmly over a spot on his stomach, and when he looks pained, Evan guides him over to his bed, letting him sit down. "I know you don't like thunder and stuff. A-And you'd be stuck with Michael.
Evan crosses his arms, trying to look stern but coming off as incredibly worried instead. "Gregory. You're acting weird." He points out. "Listen, I know you're hurt. You know I've seen you get into fights before. Can you just tell me what's wrong?"
Gregory, suspiciously, looks away, focused on one of Evan's toys hes had since he was younger that he never bothered to put away. "Um. I-I dont think this is like those times, though."
Well. If Gregory can be this difficult, he cant be feeling too bad. Doesnt do anything for the anxiety digging a hole in Evan's stomach, though. "No matter what it is, you need help, okay? I wont judge. Just let me patch you up."
Gregory doesnt respond for a moment, then, "Promise not to freak out."
"Promise not to wig out." Gregory meets his eyes, looking pained. "This is gonna make you freak. I know it. Just... try to stay calm. It's not that bad, I swear."
"Just show me already!" Evan presses, getting jittery from nerves. "You saying that is already making me freak out!"
"Okay! Jeez." Gregory huffs, and takes a deep breath. "Just dont look at it too hard."
"Gregory!" Evan yells.
"Okay, okay!" Gregory says placatingly. He doesnt say anything else, just takes his hand off of his stomach like ripping off a bandaid.
Evan's eyes blow wide, and his legs turn cold. "Oh my god."
"There it is." Gregory sighs.
"Gregory." Evan says, just above a whisper, because he cant manage anything louder at that moment. He stares at Gregory's stomach, feeling a pit in his own stomach when he cant tear his eyes away. "Gregory!"
"I told you you'd freak out." Gregory mutters, like he doesnt have a literal knife sticking out of his flesh.
"Why would I not freak out?!" Evan whisper yells, because wow he does not need his father or Michael to walk in right now. He gestures wildly, trying to put all of his emotions I into the single movement. "You have a knife in you!"
Despite what Gregory said not to do, Evan looks hard at it anyway. It isnt super deep; it's one of those really tiny pocket knives, like what you would use to carve wood with. He can still see some of the blade sticking out, which means the inch and a half long blade isnt plundged very deep.
"I know." Gregory says. "Can you help me get it out?"
Evan gapes. "Help you--" He giggles maniacally. "Gregory, if I pull it out, I'll have no clue how to make it so you wont bleed out."
"Well," Gregory glances away. "I cant really go to the hospital, and I cant just leave it in." He says. "You're my best bet. Besides, I promise it isnt that bad. It could have been way worse. I dont need a hospital."
Wow. No pressure, or anything. Evan implodes, shaking his hands out and doing laps around the room. "I'm gonna have to pull a knife out of you."
"Okay. Stay calm, remember?" Gregory repeats, and when Evan's facing Gregory's direction again after another lap, he can see him wincing. "Look, I know you're wigging out, but I really dont want this knife to me stuck inside me anymore."
"I would assume so!" Evan hisses, coming to a stop in the middle of his room and wringing his hands through his sweater sleeves. "Gregory--"
"Okay, listen." Gregory sounds strained, and Evan takes a moment to pause, worry taking ahold of his stomach like a giant hand and squeezing. "You have a phone, don't you? I need you to Google what to do, and pull this stupid knife out of my stomach."
Evan gets queasy just thinking about it. "Gregory."
"I know." He says. "But, look. I'm not gonna be awake much longer, since I pretty much ran from the city to here while I was bleeding, and the guy who attacked me had already beat me up a bit before stabbing me."
Evan's heart seizes at that. He returns to Gregory's side, sitting down with him. "But, isnt it not good if you're unconscious--"
"I dont know." He interrupts, eyes squeezed shut. "Look, I'm feeling kinda woozy, so I dont know how much longer I have left, but I'll try to stay awake."
Evan frowns. "You're acting like you're gonna die or something." He jokes, but his hand shake at the thought. "...Okay. Come here."
Gregory perks up, sitting up with great effort and putting an arm around Evan's neck when he gestures to. "We're doing this?"
"Yeah." Evan says shakily. He supports Gregory as he leads him lay down, pressed up against the wall, where if the door opened, hed be hidden behind it. Evan grabs a few of the towels he hides in his room to always have a clean one, -since he can never rely on laundry being done in his house-, and lays them under Gregory to soak up any blood. His father would kill Evan if he got the carpet stained with blood.
Evan grabs the first aid kit he always has hidden under his bed, and clicks it open, settling on his knees in front of Gregory's slack form on the floor with hovering hands as he glances at each of the kits contends uncertainly.
He grabs his phone, fingers trembling and pressing all the wrong buttons. Gregorys harsh breathing doesnt help.
"How did this even happen?" Evan asks as he desperately types in 'how to pull a wood carving knife out of your stomach at home' into the search bar. "Like-- I know you get into fights sometimes, but this?"
"Okay okay." Gregory coughs a bit. "Ill tell you. So, you know how it's about to storm?"
Evan glances at the crack through the curtains just enough to see the dark gray clouds swirling. "Yeah."
"So, I wasnt at my usual spot, but it was really close to starting to pour. And getting sick is like, the worst case scenario." Gregory says while Evan reads the random article he found at the speed of light. "So, I had to find some other place closer to where I was to wait out the storm, because I couldnt travel that far in the rain."
Evan pauses in reading, frowning and looking at Gregory's face. "You know you can always come here, right?"
Gregory frowns, looking away. "Yeah, but..." He trails off. "Its not fair to dump my problems on you like that."
Evan scoffs, breathing out a light chuckle. "Like you didnt dump your problems on me right now. And even then, I dont mind. I would much rather you come to me then be in pain somewhere else. Okay?"
Evan doesnt look at Gregory's face, too busy looking down at the article he has pulled up on his phone in his trembling hand, but he can tell hes smiling.
"Also, don't act like you don't make my problems your own, too. Im allowed to do the same as well, you know."
"Okay, okay." Gregory huffs. "I get it. I'll come to you right away next time. Happy?"
"Yes." Evan says, and he really is. Knowing that Gregory is sure to come to Evan when the weather gets bad, or something happens that makes the city unsafe, Evan will be able to sleep soundly knowing Gregory will either be safe with him, or he will be if need be. "You never finished telling me how you ended up with a pocket knife stuck in you, though."
"Right." Gregory chuckles. "So, I find this kind of hidden away spot, right? And I'm thinking I got really lucky, and set my stuff down. But then this other older kid shows up, and its obvious hes like me. But he gets really mad that I'm in his spot and starts yelling at me to get out."
"Jerk." Evan says, pulling the things he needs out of the first aid kit. "You should help eachother out, not fight. I'm sure he could have lended you some space."
"I'm sure you would have." Gregory chuckles. "But anyway, I'm packing up my stuff to leave, because this guy hurting me is a bigger concern than the weather at this point, and I dont want to mess with him."
Evan nods along, and goes to begin, but pauses when the first step is to take out the knife. Nausea curls in his gut, and he winces, glancing at Gregory.
"Hey." He cuts Gregory off in his story, and tries to look as apologetic as possible. "I, um. Have to take the knife out."
Gregory's eyes blow wide, and he frowns. "Oh."
Evan fidgets, having no idea how to make this better for Gregory. "Do you want me to count to three, or...?"
"Just do it." Gregory puts that steely exterior on. "I can handle it. Just do what you need to do."
Evan feels awful; this must suck for Gregory. Even if the knife is small and not very deep, having something sharp ripped out of your flesh cant be fun. "If you're sure."
He props himself on his knees, getting as close to Gregory as possible, and wraps a hand firmly around the small handle of the wood carving knife.
He can see it in Gregory's eyes. Neither of them want to do this.
"Keep telling your story." Evan says softly. Maybe itll distract Gregory from it, even a little bit. And Evan, as well. He can already feel bile working it's way up his throat at the thought.
Gregory nods minutely, jaw locked and tense. He breathes out a bit. "...Kay. So, I'm trying to tell him that I'll leave if he let's me get my stuff, but hes really impatient, and when I dont leave right away, he tries to scare me away faster by beating me."
Evan winces, pointedly twisting his neck away from the knife, as he tightens his grip, anticipation sending lightning through his veins. "That explains the bruises." He says shakily.
Gregory pauses, waiting for something that doesn't come. "...Yeah. He uh, he got me pretty good... but he didnt leave unscathed either. But, I think I got it worse."
"Definitely." Evan agrees ghastily, his stomach rolling when he feels the cold handle of the knife pressing idents in his skin. "Keep going."
Gregory gives him a look, but continues. "...So when I start fighting back, even though I'm smaller, he took that as a bad thing, apparently, and wanted me gone so he didnt get hurt. So what does he do?"
Evan doesn't respond, just squeezing his eyes shut, biting his tongue, and ripping off the bandaid.
Evan rips the knife out with a quick flick of his shoulder, and gags when it makes a fleeting metal-on-flesh sound as its removed. Gregory lurches lightly next to him, making a garbled, suprised sound, and when it's over, just lays flat on the floor.
"G-God." Gregory coughs, stuttering. "Okay, that wasnt that bad. I guess."
"I'm sorry." Evan frets, flinching and dropping the knife on the towel when some of Gregory's blood drips down his fingers. "I'm sorry, Gregory."
"You didnt do it." Gregory chuckles, his face white as a sheet. He brings up an arm to clutch at a spot just above the wound on his chest. "Jesus."
"I'll fix you up." Evan says softly, setting a hand on Gregory's own and taking it away just as quickly when he rushes to go wash his hands. "Okay? It might hurt, but you'll be okay. I'll make sure of it."
"...Kay." Is all Gregory says, and Evan rushes faster when he just let's his head fall against the floor.
When Evan comes back, he all but dives onto the floor, grabbing the things he layed out on the carpet and beginning. "Gregory, hey!"
"What?" Gregory asks, and Evan sinks in relief when hes still awake. He rolls up Gregory's shirt, inspecting the wound, and he finds it looks more like just a deep cut than anything. "I know you're trying to stay awake, but I'm probably gonna have to find a way to close this cut, so you might want to go ahead and go to sleep."
Gregory pales. "Like, stitches?"
"Probably." Evan shudders. A wave of sickness washes over his body when he realizes hes probably gonna have to find a needle and thread, and stitch Gregory's flesh closed, even if the cut is only an inch or so long. "Better safe than sorry. And I really dont think having a wood carving knife stabbed into you, even if it wasnt that deep, is okay to just put a bandaid over."
"...Alright." Gregory sighs, and his head rolls against the floor, his body relaxing. "I don't want to be awake for that."
"Me neither." Evan huffs, and Gregory breathes the air of a laugh through his nose. "But I think you'll be okay. Just sleep, and you'll be patched up when you wake up."
Gregory sighs a deep sigh, and Evan thinks it sounds like deep relief just settled. "Okay. Thank you, Evan."
"Of course." Evan replies, and when Gregory shuts his eyes and no doubt falls asleep pretty quick, Evan glances around his room, and realizes hes gonna have to go on a scavenger hunt for a needle and thread.
He sighs, hoping and wishing that he wont run into his father or Michael when he has to venture out of the safety of his room, but he relaxes at the moment, taking in a deep breath and reaching for some supplies.
First, he has to clean the wound.
When Gregory creaks his eyes open, it's not to Evan's carpeted floor like he had expected. Well, he is on the floor, he finds when he finally takes in his surroundings. But he isnt laying down completely. Some pillows and blankets have been posed and laid around him, like a nest, and Evan is sitting next to him in the middle, scrolling and watching something on his phone.
Gregory twists his neck and puts pressure in his arm, trying to prop himself up. He yawns, and Evan startles, taking out the crappy Walmart earbuds he'd bought. "Gregory!"
"Hi." Gregory groans, feeling the effects of his fistfight and intense sprint take hold, his body groaning and aching with soreness at his movement. He feels warm; which is something he wasnt expecting when he'd initially thought he'd spend the span of the storm outside in it. "Ugh."
Evan shuts his phone off lays it and his earbuds on the blanket, twisting his torso and shimmying in his spot laying against a pillow against the wall and legs covered with a throw blanket to face him. "You probably dont feel too good."
"Like crap." Gregory agrees. When he shifts again, back and head cushioned against two pillows without cases on them, he can feel the sore sort of throbbing pain of whatever stitches Evan had sewn in him. He wrinkles his nose at the thought, feeling guilty on Evan's behalf. "But... the stitches feel secure. I'm sorry you had to do that, it must have sucked really hard."
"It did." Evan shudders, but chuckles at the same time. "You know, I had to go in my Moms room to get the needle and thread and steal the pills from my Dad."
Gregory quirks a brow. "What pills?" He asks at the same time Evan hands him a small bottle of Advil. "Oh."
Evan hands him some snacks, too. A water bottle and some crackers. He smiles softly and takes them, taking two Advil with a swig of the water bottle. "You did all that for me?" Gregory asks, voice small. "...I know you hate your Dad, and your parents would get mad at you if they saw you snooping."
"I know." Evan says, fidgeting with one of the blankets and laying his head on the pillow propped against the wall. "But I wanted you to feel better more than I was scared of my parents."
Theres a short stretch of silence after that, only the harsh rain and wind against the house being heard. Gregory stays silent, turning over Evan's words in his head.
His eyes burn slightly, but he pushes it down with precise practice. "Thank you" Is all he can find in him to say. Theres too many feelings, too many emotions he has to put them into words.
But Evan knows him, and Gregory knows he understands when he nods, and smiles that small, kind smile that just screams 'and I'd do it again'. "Of course." Evan insists, and looks away for a moment. "I want you to trust me, okay? I want to show you that if you come to me because you need help, I'll be here, and I wont discount you, or-- or shrug you off."
Gregory doesn't smile, but he feels warmth spread through his chest at that. Gregory knows Evan, so he knows exactly why he would want Gregory to feel that way. He knows exactly why Evan holds himself to that, even though Gregorys confident a lot of it has to do with just the kindness in Evan's own heart.
"I-I know." Gregory whispers. "I came here because I do trust you. I came here because I know that."
It's really hard for Gregory to say that, and he knows Evan understands, because he doesnt comment, just nods, relief sagging his shoulders.
Theres a short burst of silence for a moment, the two of them just soaking up the atmosphere of being warm and comfortable, despite the circumstances.
"You're staying here, by the way." Evan's voice rips him out of his thoughts suddenly, and Gregory snaps to attention to see Evan looking at him sternly, but worriedly. "I know you're gonna try to say something stupid about how you're fine to go back into the rain. You arent going anywhere near the city, alright? I don't care if the storm lasts a week. I'll find a way to hide you so Michael or my father dont find you, okay?"
Gregory snorts at Evan's intense voice, but his heart bursts all the same. "Okay, Evan. I promise."
"Good." Evan sounds appeased. He twists his body, reaching for something, and grabs his phone, putting one earbud in and giving Gregory the other. He opens YouTube, handing the phone to Gregory. "You can pick. Honor of the patient."
Gregory grins, giggling. "Thanks, Doctor Evan."
ao3 link
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mage-witha-glock · 4 months
Zorian and Zach canonically """prank""" each other by triggering each other's trauma
After Zach makes Kirelle jump on Zorian and wake him up in the same way she used to in the time loop, Zorian decides to pretend to have lost all memories of the time loop.
They keep doing these """pranks""" and triggering each other until Imaya makes them call a truce because she's seen them nearly give each other panic attacks enough times and she doesn't want them causing each other emotional distress in her home.
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dol--blathanna · 1 year
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Lucinda what is this......Lucinda you could have at least used OWL FEATHERS..........
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 month
why the fuck did i write about birds this fucking sucks. i just found out birds only sleep for a few minutes at a time, hundreds of times a day. do you know what this is going to do to my structure? the logistics of their road trip? this is already like three days late and i've been fighting for my life to get A Plot Like Any Plot That Makes Sense out and now the birds fucking sleep for 5 minutes at a time.
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#i should've just bailed and written another story when i had the chance#i'm not joking i've never fought a fiction piece this hard before. usually because i'm not writing for specific deadlines#and not a piece so big. and not one that's gonna be workshopped. i wanna blow them away but if things keep going the way they are everyone'#gonna tell me the pacing sucks and it feels pointless and the characters feel really confused. I KNOW. I KNOW THAT. FUCKK#i'm the type to do about 15 passes before i let someone see my 'first draft' and i'm just not gonna be able to do that if i want to get it#in time for a workshop. every day i delay is making things harder for my classmates y'know?? but i've been writing like 1k words a day#and it's still not done. GUHH#I DON'T LIKE WRITING THESE CHARACTERS THAT MUCH THEY'RE NOT FUNNY OR ENDEARING AND THAT'S MY LIKE.#MAIN SKILL AND VIBE WITH SHORT STORY DUOS. BUT NOOOO I HAD TO MAKE THEM DIFFERENT CUZ I WAS SICK OF DOING#THE SAME DYNAMIC OVER AND OVER. BITCH THIS IS YOUR FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRIED AND TRUE GETS THE BLUE (RIBBON)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#head in my hands head in my hands head in my hands head in my hands head#going to work on it some more. fuckk#the voices aren't consistent and i'm trying to make it clear that this is toxic bird yuri and not a mother/daughter thing but the maternal#themes are kind of fucking with that but they're important and i don't wanna get rid of them but it feels forced cuz im forcing it#sigh. i'm gonna have to cut the yuri. these two don't work romantically at all. what a waste of time.#i watched the entirety of mnthly girls' nozaki-kun in the past two days while avoiding writing. did you know that? the lengths to which i'l#go? anyway it was fun i appreciate fellow creative agony and i uh never knew how they did screen tones and wasn't expecting that somehow#so i learned something new (hooray). anyway back to. fucking. bird story stuff#i'm so mad i hate these two (<- lying. just pissy) i hate this story (<- mostly exaggerating. throwing a tantrum)#eughhhhhh i just wanna lie on the floor and cryyyyyyyyyy (<- completely deadpan irl. not That upset just kind of sick of shit)#i'm so burnt out and it's only gonna get worse. ughh#why can't someone just come in and write it for meeeeeeeeeeheheuhhh (<- would hate that)
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420-what-you-smokin · 9 months
I made this monstrosity literally a day after sonic idw 63 came out because the idea kept haunting me enjoy
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narabea06 · 7 months
HAIIII i dunno if ur still doing the silly shipping ask game thing but im curious to see urs for bryan...... /nf
I absolutely can do that!! Forewarning tho, most, if not all of this, is platonic bc I don't ship Bryan with like anyone but Vendi really (and even then, i acknowledge they aren't realistically a healthy couple, i just find their relationship interesting to pick apart and watch)
My NOTP for them - Bryan x Molten. Always despised this ship and just find it makes me incredibly uncomfortable. I'll always love Bomb Duo tho, I just don't like them shipped together
My BROTP for them - Brother Duo/Portal Duo!! (Dylan and Bryan) (I genuinely hope BROTP does not mean i ship them, bc I don't, I just like to see their brother relationship)
My OTP for them - ChaiLatte (Bryan x Vendi) probably? Idk, again they're terrible for each other but they're so interesting.
My second choice pairing for them - Again, not in a shipping way, but I do love Bomb Duo!! (Molten and Bryan) (Tho i probably would put them above ChaiLatte)
My fluffy pairing for them - Platonic Bryan and Ballora def- I've always loved their dynamic so much, she was like his own good mother figure i swear-
My angsty pairing for them - Platonic Get Worse Duo!! (Adrien and Bryan) Again, they both bring out the worst in each other but they're so sad and so interesting to pick apart and watch. It's like a car accident, like I can't not watch their relationship fall apart yknow-
My favorite poly pairing for them - None really. Favorite trio tho is probably Traffic Trio (Bryan, Dylan, and Adrien) bc of fucking course
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
If Peter Parker and Morgan Stark got to grow up as legit siblings they would have the EXACT same dynamic as T'Challa and Shuri in Black Panther send tweet
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my contribution btw
#waving my hands about madly#the vibes are there even if the text cant quite get them through#cascarab/pr1cada/grandpa duo is all about. like. the idea of being constantly on edge and constantly at risk#relationships where at least one person in the party has asked the other to kill them#and the other has (largely) obliged#something about the dangers of how thats how little it takes#something about animals finding one another#cascarab/bugboy is like. nothing can convey that. but#its something about leaving and its something about how you cope#something about relationships snapping in half#and leaving you with the remains#and what you do and what you think#with all this grief you have nowhere to put down#because theyre not dead; theyre doing /well/. theyre doing better than you. they deserve better than you.#how are you supposed to deal with that?#and cicadas so right its also about branding to me#but its about branding because its about what you have left once everythings over#be that a brand or a fraying bracelet or a broken nose#and what the hell you do with that. do you hate it? resent it? treasure it?#its all youve got left of someone who loved you. maybe that makes you feel worse about it. but its all youve got.#get rid of it. heal it. hide it. whatever. the person you love still isnt coming back.#this is probably also wildly incorrect (i did as much research on the topic as i could in like two minutes)#(which is not much)#so im sure theres something ive missed or forgotten or got wrong#and for that i am sorry#please correct me about it and i totally wont take this as a chance to sneakily learn more about yalls ocs (lies x3c)#cascarab#someone's grandpa duo#it feels weird only tagging two but i dont have enough tags left to tag them all noooooooo
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adanseydivorce · 3 months
remembering on my circa 2017 booklr I used to tell people to read Gemma Doyle by describing it as trc but with an all girls boarding school / all girl group in a historical setting… I was trying to do the lord’s work she deserved tumblr fame
#I do think that was an oversimplification of both but. Not totally off base there are some similar char tropes used I’m proud of past me for#the attempt. Also I think I’m going to start advocating for Diviners in that way now that trc fandom is apparently quite miserable post GW#you like gay people doing dream magic? you like witchcraft and ghosts and strong ensemble casts?#you like an ambitious abuse survivor getting a healing arc with learning to control magic/psychic abilities as a metaphor? you like four#book series where the first three books rock and the last book which is named king + corvid is a bit underwhelm who said that?#a positive point in diviners favor is Ling x Wei Mei >>>> RonanKavinsky. Generally find the take on dream magic in diviners more compelling#(although LingHenry + RonanHennessy both being mlm wlw duos who are the dreamers is kinda fun)#anyway. This is not actually a fair comparison because Ling is my fav or at least top two w Theta of the leads and I love Ronan but he is m#least favorite of the trc leads of which there are four all of whom I love so it says nothing bad about him. But it does put me as an#outlier re: fandom priorities..#on the flip side while I love diviners dynamics sadly I don’t think they ever come anywhere close to Gangsey levels of extreme codependency#so I can not care quite as much….#from what I remember the girls in Gemma Doyle are a lot more codependent good for them. Would have to reread to compare codependency levels#Ling and Theta are both my favorite in diviners in the same way Blue and Adam are my favorite in trc and Abed and Annie are both my fav for#community. basically one char who I love and overidentify with (Ling/Blue/Abed) and one char I love who in many ways I’m not like#but in a handful of very niche specific ways I also relate quite a bit. And am fascinated with (Theta/Adam/Annie)#s speaks#very off topic from my initial point which was you should read Libba Bray’s books#and in both cases I have a second and a half tier fav (Evie/Gansey/Britta) who I love fictionally but if I was trapped in a room w them I’d#kill myself. with the white blonde women I’d also want to make out w them debatable if that makes it better or worse#but like. I could not stand listening to them speak for that long I know this#Gansey might just die a third time by my hands…
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mangora · 4 months
Jake and Ashley allying with Fiore because Jake’s insecure and wants revenge for perceived wrongs no matter the long-term cost and because Ashley wants to hold on to someone she barely knows because they’re the closest person she has to a friend even though she knows Fiore is bad news. God
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