#giggling and cackling
dailykugisaki · 2 months
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Day 146 | id in alt
Gojo should evaporate people simply because his eyes too bright.
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honkygay · 1 year
the spiral must feel like a fucking idiot about mike crew cuz like,,, the spiral wanted his ass so bad it chased after mike for fucking years and the guy got swept up LITERALLY by another entity cuz he hated the spiral so bad. like damn can’t have SHIT in the distortion
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satoruluvies · 2 months
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me whenever i receive asks and submissions
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amesliu · 2 years
based on the reactions today, i fear you will all be straight up Not having a good time on saturday
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holywaterzzz · 1 year
the divine irony of seeing a terf reblog something from a user with a bridget guilty gear icon,, x
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corvuscanidae · 8 months
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silverskye13 · 8 months
Tango: We got a little procrastination going on here?
Doc: Well I have two more embers to go, but -- I wanna, you know, I wanna go in the morning when I'm rested well and such
Cleo: [cackling]
Tango: Every bit helps, yeah
Doc: I might've drunk half a bottle of wine at the moment--
[Laughter from all the hermits in the lobby]
Cleo: Only half?! Lightweight!
Doc, defensively: I had to share!!
God I love these idiots.
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halfa-failure · 4 months
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Yo why is there a kid here
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A real "Eat your fucking dice!" moment from Zac oyama
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the1trueanon · 7 months
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hehehehe finally got these done!! Reboot is so fun to draw; I swear drawing him just bursting into laughter immediately made me feel so much better about literally everything 🥰 He has such a pretty smile, especially when it's genuine. I love him being silly and giggly 🥰 I want him to just be able to laugh and be happy .....buuuut at the same time I also want to put him through so many of The Horrors(TM), so maybe my wants shouldn't be trusted XD
As always, Welcome Home belongs to Clown (partycoffin), and Reboot!Wally/the Reboot AU belongs to @bloodrediscream!💖💖
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
The story of my 3-year-long quest to identify a very rare bird
So I've been trying almost since I moved here to figure out what bird made this strange call that I sometimes heard near my house:
I tried to google "european bird that sounds like a laughing hyena?" and also to imitate the noise over the phone for a friend who once took an online bird course, but she had no idea. (Well, she said "that's a hyena." I said, "but I hear it all the time! Near my house!! Wait I'll do it better." She said, please stop making a hyena noise :(( and I stopped because the cats thought I was losing my mind)
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Eventually I managed to record the actual bird call on my phone, and used a Shazam app for birds—but once again, no luck. The first app I tried just assumed it was being trolled and was like "it's you, isn't it? That's not a bird that's your stupid human laugh, you're making fun of me. I'm not an idiot"
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The second birdsong app was more insecure and apologised a lot for failing to identify my bird. I thought it must be a rare bird! (The only uncommon bird I know of in this region is the vulture but it sounds less like a hyena and more like if elephants were birds.) Every time I heard the call (usually during the day) I opened the window trying to a) get a better recording so my app would finally have an epiphany, and b) see something flying off a tree.
At one point I was cutting brooms in the pasture and heard the call very loudly, as if the bird was just a few metres away, and it wasn't coming from the sky. I googled every possible version of "flightless (?) bird that nests in thorny bushes?" and found nothing, and started wondering if it was actually a mammal. But I couldn't think of any plausible local mammal that would make this sound—definitely not a fox or badger, who say WAOOHHH, and nothing like the polite whistle of marmots. We've got pine martens in the woods and I found a video called "mating pine marten scream bark" and thought oh!! that must be it! ... but then I listened to it and it sounded like yiiiaaaaaeeeeee, like if you stepped on a baby banshee's toe, nothing at all like the heheeheuruurhh of a hyena who just heard a good joke.
Anyway, this morning I was in the pasture and I once again heard the hyena laugh! I was standing by the moose butler tying up the hay net, away from any trees or shrubs and the call came from just behind me. I turned around thinking there was absolutely no way for the mystery bird to hide, it had landed on the ground behind me and this time I was going to see it!
it was HER:
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Absolutely no doubt. I saw Pampy's throat vibrating along with the last echoes of the hyena laugh. All these years I've been saying that llamas are very quiet animals who just make cute little "hum-hum" sounds (I rarely hear adult llamas humming to one another, it's mostly for mother llamas to communicate with their baby and with me) and I had no idea that the shrieking hyena-bird I occasionally heard outside my house was Pampelune! I googled "llama alarm cry" and immediately found youtube videos featuring llamas making this exact sound. There was a stray dog nearby this morning that Pandolf eventually chased away, so maybe Pampy was the first to hear him and sounded the alarm. Maybe she uses this cry to tell Pan to go do his guard dog job, because he left the pasture and ran into the woods when she made the sound (while I was turning round like "aha! you can't run, hyena-bird!")
I wanted to share this discovery! I've had llamas for nearly 4 years and I'm only now finding out that they can laugh like hyenas when the situation calls for it. I feel bad for the poor birdsong app that I've repeatedly gaslighted feeding it a llama call and insisting that it identify this bird for me while it hung its head in shame like "I swear I don't have your bird in my database. I'm so sorry. I'm a bad app."
Llamas are fascinating creatures. Please experience their majestic alarm call again, and be alarmed:
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transvampireboyfriend · 9 months
i need more Steve being a nuisance in Eddie's life.
don't get me wrong, i love the reverse, but just picture: Eddie acting all tough and in your face and Steve turning the charm up to a thousand with him, always pressing and pressing until he breaks through, until he makes Eddie snarl or fume or god forbid blush.
Steve playing up their competition, Eddie refusing to take his ideas seriously just on principle and Steve getting all up in his space when they work, saying "I told you, Munson" or "see? I was right, and you were wrong" and Eddie bares his teeth to him all mean and scary, but it doesn't scare Steve, he's all bark and no bite. Unfortunately.
Steve being overly sweet and flirty just to get on Eddie's nerves, catching Eddie staring and saying "you like what you see, Eds?" and Eddie's almost convincing with his "There's blood on your side. You should patch that up, Harrington" spitting out his name like it's a dirty word. It almost works, if only Eddie wasn't blushing so hard.
Instead Steve only grabs his chin and says "no need to worry, baby, i got it", throwing in a wink for good measure. Eddie yanks his face away and storms out, cigarette pack already out.
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dwaekkibabie · 4 months
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I see no difference
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hestiashand · 1 year
this is how the end of classic went, right?
[ ID: a comic in video format of tsunade and naruto talking in the hokage office. the audio is originally from a barbara walters interview and goes as such “can you tell me what your relationship with [uchiha sasuke] is?” “i’m [sasukes’] right hand arm… man. i’m [sasuke] everything. his confidente, his best friend…. his silly rabbit.” “his what?” “his silly rabbit.” “his silly rabbit?” “yes.” “is that what he calls you?” “no.” END ID. ]
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manchesterau · 6 months
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petition for them to play charades again just to see how frustrated dan gets
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explodingstarlight · 1 year
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i did it. i drew edgy Mikey. my sacred duty as a MCR listener is complete <3
[see the OG edit and post link below!]
behold, the OG post and the edit link: X
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gives immaculate chaotic vibes, he had to be drawn
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