#gods!cod au
frogchiro · 7 months
hi^^i js wanna say i’m hooked abt the god of war! ghost prompts, holy shit like imagine the domesticity it will bring. like he’s the god of war many men pray to him but they don’t know that he turns putty when he’s with his wife😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
All men and warriors pray to him for bravery, strength and prowess in battle. They offer him in his temple furs and teeth of great beasts, swords, meats and cattle and if a battle is near or the men need to prepare to march out for war they sacrifice the best black stallions in hopes of appeasing the godly warrior and hoping for his blessings.
What they don't know or see is Ghost being absolutely whipped for his new bride that was sacrifaced to him not so long ago :(( He's the biggest simp ever and literally turns into a puddle of goo when you lay him down and press close against his side to caress his broad hairy chest and nuzzle against your husband ♡
Will gift you anything you may want; the best wines, fat cuts of meat, the warmes furs and bedding and the best fucking of your life♡ He was the one to take your virginity, called you his goddess and future mother of his offspring. He's a God of virility and male fertility too y'know? His seed is potent and thick, perfect for making strong healthy babies like their papa :(
Overall War God!Ghost is the biggest simp ever and will literally melt when he lays his head down in your soft lap and has you stroke his stubble and golden hair as he purrs in delight♡
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justadeadreaper · 7 months
Hey, this is for @frogchiro and her COD Gods AU. I hope she is comfortable with this, and I'm sorry if she isn't and will remove it if she asks me. But, let me just say thank you for blessing us with this idea and I am so happy that you are back as you are one of my favourite Tumblr accounts and your ideas are always amazing.
This will be very long and could be confusing so please hear me out as this is 4771 words of explanation.
My idea for God König could be him being a mysterious God that not many people know about entirely but they'll know his cults. He has many, many cults (like the cults of Dionysus or Pan) worshipping him, but all for different things due to how he randomly appeared one day and had all these cults popping up like it was planned, but all these cults fight each other over what he's the God of as they can't seem to agree but to try and beat each other they try to spread their worship to more people, not knowing that it makes König more powerful. I can also break down each aspect, why he has them, how powerful each aspect is due to the size of the cult, and what parts of the world would worship which aspect.
To make this make sense I have made a hypothetical world which I hope @frogchiro is okay with. So for this hypothetical world which I'm basing on other fantasy worlds and our Earth, we can say that most of the mountain ranges would be a majority in the North, going through the North-East and a lot of the East. Now forests would go across the whole world but would be more focused in the North all across to the West, although the North would be thicker deciduous or timber forests compared to the West where it would be mostly oak or birch forests, but the South-West would have some tropical rainforests while the East has a mixture of tropical forests and normal forests. The East going into the West, which would be the middle, would be mostly desert area, which has some oases here and there. Most of the South is a coastal region with the upper parts being sand deserts while on the South-West and East-West would be tropical rainforests with the furthest parts of the South being pure beaches that are mainly used for fishing villages. Of course, there are offshore islands that come off the mainland, with the South and East having the most islands.
  Wildlife/Nature/Earth- I see König being worshipped as the God of Wildlife/Nature/Earth due to how we see in his Ghillie Monster and Desidia skins we see that he is tanned and he gives the vibes of an outdoorsman who loves nature and wildlife but also feral animal vibes especially when on field, plus the gun we see with his The Wolf skin (look on the wiki) reminds me of the hunting rifles my great-great uncle owns and he is a giant outdoorsman. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the North and West because those are the regions where it is mostly land thick with nature and forests. The powers König gets from this are the ability to talk to animals and have some control over them but not complete control, he can also morph forests to make them thicker or more confusing, he can also help plants grow but he doesn’t have to much control over it, and he can mimic animal calls but also shift into the animal if he has a part of that animal and he can grant a safe passage through forests or safety from predators to his followers for this aspect.
  Mountains/Caves- I see König being worshipped as the God of Mountains/Caves due to how he is a mountain of a man, so it would make sense for him to be associated with them and I thought to add in caves due to caves being closely linked with nature and caves but also due to how caves are natural shelters and it made sense in my mind that people would worship and thank him for these shelters within nature. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the North and North-East because those are the regions where it is mostly mountain ranges and mountains tend to have tunnel systems. The powers König gets from this are being able to be so tall and use mountains as his territory and he can grant shelter and to grant big, strong children to his followers for this aspect.
  Shadows- I see König being worshipped as the God of Shadows due to how it was one of the easiest for him to steal first and I always find it funny when someone so big is so quiet and sneaky that they blend into the shadows. This aspect is mainly worshipped by assassins so it can be anywhere but normally there is a designated spot in a city where the assassins can pray to him. The powers König gets from this are being able to travel through the shadows and sneak around and he can grant similar abilities to his followers for this aspect.
  Death- I see König being worshipped as the God of Death due to how he probably has the highest kill count and if I saw him on the field I would think that it was Death coming me himself and because it fits into the backstory I have for him. This aspect is mainly worshipped by a select few cults, which would mostly be his most original followers. The powers König gets from this are to be able to see when someone is going to die, to easily kill anyone and to have control over the dead, and he can’t “grant” anything to his followers for this aspect unless they want him to kill someone after they’ve given him a big enough sacrifice.
  Oceans- I see König being worshipped as the God of Oceans due to how there’s the whole Eldritch König thing in the fandom which was made worse by his Deep Lord skin and paired with his ability to change into animals from being the God of Wilderness he could have transformed into a Kraken once so people started worshipping this Kraken form so it did not hurt them when they are fishing and allows the to fish in its territory. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the South because it is mostly fishing villages on the coast. The powers König gets from this are the ability to control the ocean and sea storms and he can’t “grant” to his followers for this aspect as he isn’t really aware of this aspect yet.
  Fertility- This is inspired by @stariepie 's idea for God König, and I hope she is okay with this, and if not I don't mind removing it as I don't know if she doesn’t mind me expanding on the idea. I see König being worshipped as the God of Fertility due to how much of a fine specimen of a man he is, like who wouldn’t and I see him as a family man, so it just works. This aspect is worshipped anywhere because people want to have kids. The powers König gets from this is boosted fertility and being good at you know what and he can grant a boost of fertility to his followers for this aspect.
  Physique- This is inspired by @stariepie 's idea for God König, and I hope she is okay with this, and if not I don't mind removing it as I don't know if she doesn’t mind me expanding on the idea. I see König being worshipped as the God of Physique due to him in my eyes being one of the perfect specimens of a man based on my type, he could easily protect his family and he could give the best of cuddles and he is carrying a whole battle axe down there. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the North because his physique would be most suited for the North region and the men who survive the most there would be like him as you need to be strong and warm to live there. The power König gets from this is his amazing physique and he can grant advantages to get stronger and more muscular to his followers for this aspect.
  Secrets/Mysteries- I see König being worshipped as the God of Secrets/Mysteries due to how mysterious he would be to most humans and because canonically we know virtually nothing about actual König but also due to how I think König tries to hide his past and plans to make it easier for him to achieve his goal. This aspect is mainly worshipped by people who worship König as to not piss him off but not because they actually care about him.   Music/Poetry/Literature- I see König being worshipped as the God of Music/Poetry/Literature due to how I envision each God having a wholesome part of their aspects which is worshipped and I envision these for him as I think it fits him as I get the vibe he’d probably be a poetry snob and enjoy learning to play and actually playing instruments even if most are too small for him, plus it’s a nod to all the AI covers people make of him singing. This aspect is mainly worshipped by artists because it first came about due to artists romanticising the aspects of König, and he was seen as a martyr for the outcasts of society, which artists tend to be, so he became their God in return. The powers König gets from this is the ability to be able to play most instruments and have a beautiful singing voice, and he can grant the ability to have a breakthrough song or poem to his followers for this aspect.
  Madness- I see König being worshipped as the God of Madness due to his social anxiety and the paranoia it causes as I have social anxiety myself which causes me to have paranoia, and I thought it would be cool nod to his social anxiety and how he is feared on the field even by the people he is rescuing. This aspect is mainly worshipped by a select few cults, which would mostly be his most original followers. The powers König gets from this aspect is to cause madness and panic, which is generally in the form of paranoia or anxiety through his screams or he can cause people to become paranoid to the point of changing their memories to something that involves him, and he can grant the ability to cause madness in the enemies of his followers for this aspect.
  Royalty- I see König being worshipped as the God of Royalty due to how in German ‘König’ means King, so I thought it was fitting, and royals would see him as powerful and would want him on their side so they could continue ruling. This aspect is mainly worshipped by royalty all over the world. The powers König gets from this are nothing but just being known as the favourite God of certain royal families and he is seen to grant strong heirs to his royal followers for this aspect.
  Lost/Forgotten/Outcasts- I see König being worshipped as the God of the Lost/Forgotten/Outcasts due to the backstory I made for him and with his backstory of being bullied outside the AU as I can see how he’d relate to people who are outcasted from society or forgotten about especially for physical differences. This aspect is mainly worshipped by people who are outcasts. König doesn’t exactly have any powers for this aspect, but he has an elite form of guards who are outcasts that he picked out himself as he saw something in them that no one else could, and he uses these guards to protect certain areas that are extremely sacred to him. I could honestly spend hours explaining each aspect and the backstory of how he got it and how it would be worshipped and explain the influences more clearly, but that is the basics for each one, and if I get permission I may go into them more and explain them more.
Strength of the aspects from strongest to weakest: -Madness -Lost/Forgotten/Outcasts -Shadows -Death -Mountains/Caves -Wildlife/Nature/Earth -Secrets/Mysteries -Physique -Royalty -Oceans -Music/Poetry/Literature
My inspiration for God König was actually Persephone due to her history as it's really interesting, and the same for Pan as his history is really interesting as well. I ask you to please watch Overly Sarcastic Productions' videos on the two Gods (their video about Persephone and Hermes as it depicts the history of the two) since if you do, my ideas will make a lot more sense, but I will do a summary.   Persephone and Demeter predated the Greek Pantheon due to their mysterious cult and were already associated with Death due to being linked to Poseidon before the Pantheon we know, as he was originally the God of the Underworld, which linked to the Earth and the God of the Oceans as that was seen more important at that time. Persephone had many titles and many things associated with her since people didn't directly talk about her due to being genuinely terrified of her as she was powerful and she was a Dread Goddess linked to Death.    Pan is equally as mysterious as Persephone as he is described as a rustic, ancient God of the wilderness and was primarily worshipped exclusively in Arcadia like Persephone. Barely anything is known about him, but we know he's the reason we panic due to the noises he would make.
I also have a backstory for König, which isn't totally figured out yet, but here is what I have so far. So König started off as a God of Madness and Death. He wasn't well known or worshipped at all as being a God of Madness and Death; no one wanted to worship him as those things are associated with very negative things, which caused König to be extremely jealous of the Gods that were being worshipped, which affected his insecurity. So, as the God of Death, he started going and killing other Gods and taking their place; it's why he suddenly appeared as he previously had no worshippers, and he took over the place of one God. The first aspect was the aspect of being the God of Shadows from Graves, and this started by having a cult in a ring of assassins, who needed the shadows to do their job, as he used his powers as the God of Madness to change the minds of that cult to believe he was the original God of Shadows the entire time. But, our dear König got greedy and cocky with his new sense of power and wanted more, so he sent out his assassins when on their killing missions to spread the word of him. Now each assassin was given a different aspect to start cults on depending on the region he was in. These original members are his original court and infested many small cults and would build them up until König was worshipped for that aspect more than the original God, which boosted his power but weakened the powers of those Gods, giving him the chance to go in and kill them. And König isn't going to stop until he gets someone to pacify him or until he's the God of everything, as he wants all the power and he's paranoid about being forgotten and being reduced to a powerless God again.
I imagine König to look very cryptid-like to fit his theme of being inspired by a Dread God and to fit how mysterious and all-encompassing he is. For his body, I say that he is tanned, as I mentioned earlier, as we see that he is somewhat tanned in Desidia and Ghillie Monster skins, and I see him as an outdoorsman, but he would be the tallest God and be a mountain of a man in his height but also in his build, as I imagine him to be pure muscle with a layer of fat on top so think of something similar to a dad bod but muscular which makes him all the more warm and cuddly. Now I see him as someone who is a bit hairy, and for his hair colour, I’m basing on my own family where we are dark strawberry blonde, but at different angles it looks like different colours, so from the back he could look ginger or the front he looks blonde since I can’t pick one colour for him and I thought it would look so pretty on him. I think his head hair, it’s long and puffy to the point that when he takes his mask off, just a bush of hair falls out and it’s an absolute wild mess. His body is riddled with scars, but some noticeable ones would be his cleft lip scar, a clipping of his right ear which is missing, one that runs down the whole of his spine, multiple stab wounds going from the upper area of the left of his chest to the lower of the right of his chest, a burn scar on the top of the right side of his forehead and the bottom left side of his face, and multiple scars on his hands from when the knife in his hand would slip out or from when he was stopping attacks. I feel like his tattoos would either be runes or statement pieces of animals, and he would have piercings in his ears which use bones of bandits he has killed. For his clothing, I imagine him using a mask which is a deer skull with a veil coming out of the bottom of it to cover his face, and he mostly wears furs from a mixture of furs from elk, bears, and wolves -mostly so he can transform into them to scare off hunters from his temple- which he uses as a cloak and to cover his lower half but I would imagine him not covering his chest as a cocky show of strength and to show off his body in general as he is proud of it. For decoration, I see him having chains/necklaces that have small trinkets on them as references to what aspects he has (e.g. for Ocean he has a belt-like chain of shark teeth, but for Wilderness he has vines wrapping around his body, but for Death he uses bones as decorations).
I'd say his sacred animal would either be an eagle due to it being the national animal of Austria and Germany as an eagle represents boldness, power, and victory, which fit König well, or it could be a wolf due to The Wolf skin König has, but also due to how I headcanon him as part Serbian due to @would_tbh on X/Twitter and for the family history I headcanon him to have and due to how wolves are Serbian’s national animal and it fits him well as wolves are described as lone creatures which fits his social anxiety but also how they’re pack animals which fits how König has his own team he has to take care of as a Colonel and wolves are supposed to represent loyalty, strong family ties, good communication, education, understanding, and intelligence which you’d need to be a Colonel and I see him being a big family man. Although I have two more unique choices of what his sacred animal could be. The first is a bear, as in Germanic regions, it was used to represent a warrior, which fits our big guy well and bears are big just like him, and bears can be deadly or cuddly like him as well. While for Indigenous people, a bear can represent strength, family, vitality, courage, health, thoughtfulness and independence, with little need for fellowship with it being self-contained and strong-willed in nature, which are all attributes I would associate with our Colonel. But my second and most unique choice is a winged boar. This is due to how wild boars are surprisingly shy animals that generally try to avoid humans, which fits how the fandom sees König as shy even though he’d probably just want to avoid other people; however, wild boars are also formidable assholes -I don’t get recommended being chased by one- when cornered or angry or threatened so it has come to represent courage and ferocity. The reason why I say a winged boar though is due to Khrysaor, as it was supposed a winged boar that was born when Medusa’s head was cut off. I thought this could be a nod to the eagle, but also a nod to how Medusa’s eyes are deadly as they can turn anyone to stone and the only part of König that isn’t covered is his eyes, and if he were to look at you, with his size and demeanour, you’d probably freeze on the spot like you were a stone statue.
König's relationship with the other gods is messy, and when I say messy I mean messy:
  Ghost- Fucking hate each other. Just plain enemies to the point that they have fake versions of each other in their temples that they train with and brutally murder. König hates Ghost as due to Ghost being the God of War, Strength, and Fertility; he is König's biggest enemy due to how much power and influence Ghost has since it's an equal amount to König and Ghost has the strength as the God of War and Strength to be able to attack König and actually be able to beat him in combat. While Ghost hates König as some people have started worshipping König for fertility instead of Ghost, and due to Ghost thinking Madness should be under the aspects that Ghost is the God of as Madness induced by Fear and Panic is what is experienced in War (this is based on the sons of Ares: Deimos and Phobos).
  Soap- Surprisingly, these two actually get along. I imagine Soap is also the God of Art, as in painting and drawing, so the two get along due to their love of the arts. Soap loves making paintings of König's poems, songs, or stories, and in turn, König loves making songs, poems, or stories based on Soap's drawings or paintings. They are also friends as Soap being the God of Spring means that König's nature flourishes more and is reborn after it's destroyed by Makarov in Winter.
  Gaz- This is based on how people replace Gaz with König but these two are hostile to each other. The reason why I say this is because Gaz is the God of the Hunt, König is the God of Wildlife. To hunt in König's forests and kill the animals under his protection, you need his permission and sacrifice some of the hunt to him. Gaz did not do that as he didn't know, and Gaz accidentally killed König's favourite winged boar, which pissed König off greatly, so he went to fight Gaz and so the two have hated each other ever since.
  Krueger- I headcanon Krueger and König to be cousins, so these two do get along but they annoy each other like all cousins do as even not in the Gods AU, I see König as the older cousin who used to be the main problem maker of the family before Krueger -who was an accident- was born; they may not have much of an age difference as I see it as König being five years older, but once König realised that Krueger was as chaotic as him, or even more so, he would get Krueger to do his schemes with him or just encouraging Krueger’s schemes. But back to the AU, originally, Krueger was a more powerful God than König, but as König grew in power, he became more powerful than Krueger, but as they have that cousin love for each other König helped Krueger by giving him an aspect or two that he didn't want. I don't know what Krueger would be the God of, but I know it would link to König somehow.
  Makarov- I headcanon Makarov to be the God of Winter and Plagues. This has caused him and König to be respectful rivals as sadly Makarov's plagues and Winter kill König's animals and nature but he benefits from Makarov's plagues killing people as it means he has more souls due to people dying. Makarov, like König is trying to kill the other Gods to become more powerful, so it has caused a rivalry. Makarov is slightly jealous of König being the God of Death but the two do have some respect for each other because of their similar goals and how their aspects affect each other.
  Valeria- I headcanon that Valeria is the Goddess of Deserts and Poisons/Venoms. She and König both don't like Alejandro since König sees him as a risk due to Alejandro being the God of Rage like @stariepie said, and as we see in the campaign, she hates Alejandro. So due to both having a mutual dislike of him, they made an alliance where Valeria's poisonous and venomous animals are protected in König's forest, and in return, König has oases through Valeria's deserts so his followers can have some water when traveling through to get him more followers.
  Horangi- Everyone headcanons these two as friends, and I do too, so I imagine these two became friends as Horangi is the God of Bad Luck and Gambling; one time challenged König to a game of Matgo where the first to get enough points to say "Go" then "Stop" got to take an aspect from the other God. Horangi, due to being the God of Bad Luck, lost but König liked Horangi's balls to challenge him to such a challenge, so he gave Horangi the aspect of tigers from König's aspect of Wildlife, which made Horangi also the God of Tigers.
  Roach- I headcanon that Roach is also a God of Outcasts, but unlike König who focuses more on people who are outcasted due to their physical appearance, instead Roach focuses more on people who are outcasted due to being different by having a mental disability as I see him as autistic and mute. They are allies since they are the only few people who are accepting of outcasts and they sometimes trade their chosen outcasts with each other as I also see König having autism and sometimes he sees one of Roach’s outcasts that he thinks is a lot like him and the same with Roach as König may have an outcast who’s mute due to a physical disability or scarring.
  Price- Based on @stariepie 's idea of God Price being the God of Knowledge and Wisdom and my idea of him also being the God of Stratedy makes König either fear or be uncomfortable about Price. Unlike with Ghost, who constantly fights or acts snarky with König which created the hatred for each other on top of the other issues, Price doesn’t take notice of König as he just sees König as another God but does judge König’s friendliness with Makarov. But, König fears Price due to that, as König is smart enough to understand that with Price being the literal God of Knowledge it means that Price knows König’s weaknesses and knows ways to defeat him, which does not help König’s anxiety-induced paranoia as he sees Price’s indifference as Price plotting something.   Graves- Our poor Phillip hates König for obvious reasons. I also see Graves as the original God of Shadows because he started the Cult of Shadows, which was a ring of assassins, but König accidentally became it as well as some assassins saw him and thought oh Death God if we worship him he could help us kill more König saw it as a perfect opportunity to steal his first aspect by making them think he was the God of Death and Shadows. This, of course, created hate between him and Phillip as Graves sees him as an undeserving thief who’s overstepping and trying to take over, while König hates Phillip as half of all assassins still worship Graves and König thinks that they should be worshipping him.
One little fun fact: a headcanon I have for God König is he is actually the God that gets sick the most as he is the blood type AB- as seen on The Wolf skin and said on the wiki, and all my relatives that are AB+ or (especially) AB- get sick really easily and seriously so I imagine him to be the worst when he’s sick; he genuinely makes man-flu seem like it’s nothing as he’s overdramatic and tries to push through it even if he is near enough dying.
Sorry about this, but I'm just a giant König fanboy and adore this man and have so many fucking ideas and headcanons for this man which I may post at a later date if anyone is interested because I have so fucking many, and I have made a full backstory and family tree and the same goes for Price, Makarov, and Soap which I can talk about for days. If I have anything more to add to it, I'll probably post it or send it to @frogchiro 's inbox, but if you have questions, you should honestly ask her as it’s her AU unless I get permission from her to answer the ones I receive.
Now, if either person mentioned in this are uncomfortable with this or needs me to remove anything, just please tell me, and I'll remove it when I see it. But I hope they are okay with me expanding it with my own ideas, but if not I do not mind removing it. If there’s anything offensive or any mistakes, please tell me. I also may come back and edit this at a later point if I think I need to. I just saw the posts and got inspired as I adore König, especially God König. Also sorry if the formatting is weird this is my first ever post on Tumblr instead of being a lurker so I may change the format if I'm not happy with it and if I need to add any tags to this I will just tell me if I need to.
-This is Ozzie signing out, and I hope you have a fantastic night.
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helcef · 2 months
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many thoughts abt @mizushibart ’s metalhead/skater ghostsoap au
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temeyes · 3 months
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//i wont say (im in love) plays in the background//
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ghouljams · 2 months
Thinking about professor!Ghost and his stupid motorcycle, abs how he definitely isn't stalking the hot Anthropology professor but he does notice she hasn't left the parking lot at her usual time so he goes to check what's up with that. And when he finds out someone let the air out of not one but two of her tires, thus rendering her one spare useless, he offers her a ride home. Something he never does, because he doesn't like carting people around he likes going fast and not worrying about cargo, but he settles next to Love's car and offers her a ride home. He does tell her to stay put while he runs to his office for his extra helmet and when she finally gets it in her hands she tells him,
"Its pink," with a sort of soft smile that melts his heart, he just grunts and responds,
"I thought you liked pink."
Which is immediately met with laughter like bells and a smile that feels a lot more genuine as she pulls the full face helmet over her head. She steps close to the bike and Ghost stops her to check that the helmet is on right, his gloved fingers skirting under her chin to make sure the strap is on tight. He offers her a hand, holding the bike steady as she climbs on behind him, and he's maybe a little too eager when her arms wrap around his middle and squeeze.
Ghost's never liked feeling a helmet against his shoulder, but somehow when it's her it's tolerable. Somehow he doesn't want to go as fast, meandering down the streets until she taps his thigh and Ghost feels all his blood rush south. He stops in front of her flat and helps her climb off, staring a little too much at the way she swings her leg over his bike until she's fiddling with the helmet and again he reaches out to help.
She shakes her hair out with a smile as soon as it's off and offers the helmet back. Ghost doesn't have a good reason to tell her he got it for her, so he takes it back and watches her make her way inside. He can still feel the squeeze of her arms around him. Maybe he should make a move.
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saturncodedstarlette · 2 months
God!Ghost : I’m craving something sweet
Y/N : *eagerly points to self*
God!Ghost : I said sweet, not spicy right now, little bird
Y/N : . . .
Y/N : Heyy you told me I tasted like honey last night :(
God!Ghost : NO I don’t mean it like that-
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imagine-shenanigans · 6 months
werewolf soap who was raised in a pack/healthy dynamics etc etc and is very very well versed in wolf life because hes got neices and nephews and he's got cousins who had partners turn... and he discovers freshly turned werewolf reader
maybe a victim of one of the enemies, but werewolves and creatures and such are still largely hidden from the public eye so he scoops reader up and reader imprints on him without realizjng it but Soap just knows. Immediately uses all his knowledge to make it worse, make reader more dependent on him, his poor sweet pup :( Doesn't know anything about the world. No matter he'll teach them :)
And reader KNOWS something is wrong but the wires in their brain from not being helped by a sire and imprinting on Soap are all crossed and mangled in the early stages of their transformation. Most wolves nowadays are born into it, because it takes a signifcant effort to turn someone (not just a bite in this case. I'm imagining like. exchange of blood of varying amounts but typically a couple cups worth at least bc lycanthropy tends to be blood-bound like vampirism) so his poor baby is just so confused and distraught, all sickly and needy and confused :(
He's more than happy to help of course, and poor reader KNOWS that Soap isn't being normal about it, some gut instinct says this can't be right, and he's way too into this, but they also didn't know werewolves were real until like. a week ago when some douchebag kidnapped them.
So reader is trying to be understanding but can't because they're also feverish and the longer the month goes on the worse it gets as they get closer to becoming an actual werewolf.
By the time reader has any inclination that Soap has been treating them like a mate, not even courting, jsut straight into it, it's FAR too late for them, his metaphorical and literal jaws have snapped around their neck and he's never letting them go.
and if we're throwing a lil ghoap x reader into it, ghost as a vampire or some other creature who also knows jack shit abt werewolves other than Johnny (who is a bad example and has also been taking advantage of his ignorance to press Ghost's boundaries until Ghost asserts dominance. Soap swears one day he'll win, even if it means losing. Ghost thinks it's cute but narrows his eyes at Johnny anyway.)
And Soap is using this cute, disoriented civillian who he's got on him at all times to brush right past Ghost's boundaries because rhwy were ALL given the order to keep an eye on them. So Soap just walks up to Ghost and tucks reader into his arms with a blanket wrapped around them and presses reader's nose to Ghost's pulse point so they'll get used to his scent. Says soemthing about training recruits, and Ghost thinks its awfully cute the way reader sniffs so curiously like a new puppy at him, memorizing his scent. Thinks the smug way Soap looks when Ghost lets reader sleep on his chest is cute too, but instead of coddling Soap like he does reader a bit, Ghost wants to make Soap beg for forgiveness, the man grinding up into the sole of his boot desperately.
Ghost just snorts and says "Pushing it, MacTavish." and continues to let reader sleep on his chest, aware only that Soap is up to soemthing but hasn't quite figured out what yet. (He's not up to that chapter in the book about werewolves he's been reading, but Ghost decides he'll put in extra time later.)
Meanwhile poor reader who is literally in constant pain/feeling sick/etc is now undergoing a significantly more painful process of imprinting on TWO people, and the poor wires in their brain are so jumbled they'll never escape (which is what Soap wants)
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queermentaldisaster · 5 months
Retired!Ghost, who heard rumors of a god named Soap, who was infamous for being cruel to those who prayed to him, often granting them bad luck or death, so Ghost figures why not?
God!Soap, who for millennia has hated mortals praying to him, until this guy with scars and a face mask shows up to his altar one day, praying for a life of peace after he retires from the military.
And damnit, he can't help but be charmed by this guy, so he decides that he's gonna grant Ghost's wish to the best of his ability...and that is protecting Ghost.
So Soap begins watching over this mortal, granting him small aids that can't be connected back to him, and Ghost keeps returning to Soap's altar and praying.
One day, Konni catches up to Ghost and has him on the edge of death, when all of a sudden the guy who's holding Ghost at gunpoint gets his head ripped off.
Imagine Ghost's surprise when he sees the figure he's been praying to for months is protecting him. He's convinced he must be either hallucinating or dead, until he passes out from blood loss and wakes up in his bed with Soap watching over him.
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cookiepie111 · 8 months
࿐Drink from the leche of sirens࿐
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Synopsis - An injury könig comes across a lake and pretty nymph. Greek au könig x black nymph reader. No minors. Smut
Part 2 here
An alternate to the fountain girl fic I wrote.
Think this might be the longest thing I've written. There is a Pinterest mood board here. Shout out to @cinnamonbunboii cause their comment inspired this fic. Please like and reblog!
Tags: @terra-713 @cinnamonbunboii @kneelingshadowsalome @bucca2
       𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼 - - - - - - - - 𓇼
Deities are petty beings, twisting the hearts of humans when things don't go their way. König and his army may have won the battle but the casualties were high, he himself was beat and bruised. Its just a game to them and what do you do when you're losing and angry, you flip out, over turn the board and scatter the pieces. Think of a new way to win while your opponent garthers up their fallen pieces.
Scattered by the wind, what a cliche but it works, in all the commotion the soldiers were separated, placed in every which direction, on land, and both above and below the heavens. How petty all this because you lost. Somehow this wasn't the worst part of könig's day just the final cherry on top the shitty Sunday the gods gave him. His lover betrayed him, separated from his allies, battered and bruised and now there's nothing around him but trees. If not for the situation and burning rage in his heart he'd find the place quite peaceful, beautiful even, a nice place to die.
The deeper könig went into the forest the more the atmosphere changed, trees bend and shift, covering the sky above. The slow dance of leaves and bright glow of the fireflies. All of it leading up to a lake in the clearing. It all felt too to unnatural to be real, like sweet honey leading him a trap. Pressing into the wound at his side, the sharp pain brought him back to his senses, this isn't the place to lose one's mind he'd need to keep his wits about him if he wanted to live.
Even if he doesn't want to accept it there's no denying this would be a beautiful place to die. Even now he hates himself for still thinking of her, even at the moment of his death she still has place in his mind. she'd love this place, a backdrop like this would only accentuate her beauty more.
He walked close to the lake feeling the trees shift around him again. Laying back on the trees bark sword placed on the ground.
The waters surface ripples altering könig to the figure in the lake, its shape he couldn't quite make out. A head, a person maybe. This place could be cursed, it wouldn't surprise him. He stares back never removing his eyes from them watching as they stay just below the water.
If he's intruded on some beings land they'll just have to put up with him or force him out. He's got enough strength for one last fight. It is after all the way of the warrior to go out fighting he thinks, unsteady as he pushes off the tree bark.
You can't remember the last time you saw another human here, they often end up with your older sister although you doubt they've all been this large and imposing. Even injured he carries himself very well. The cut in his stomach only causing him to hunch over, you doubt the blood covering him is his own.
Once at the water's edge the thoughts of battle quickly die down. It a woman in the water, human she is not but a woman still. The skin of human women doesn't glow or shine. Their skin isn't adorned with scales of greans and blue hues around their eyes nor does their hair shift and swirl like small currents atop the waters surface like yours. No those features that were that of nymph. Women of nature blessed with great beauty. And unfortunately for könig drowners of men.
His odds are about 50/50 he wouldn't drown so easily but that wasn't a risk he wanted to take, with his body is failing him now, heavy breaths as he falls back to the ground. Eyes still on the nymph at his front, she makes no move, just watching.
It takes a few moments for her to move a few more heavy breaths and groans from könig for her to lift from the water.
When she comes out to meet him she bare. Thin pieces of fabric dropping over her waist and chest slipping under her right breast, past her womanhood, more like an accessory one would add cause they thought it looked nice than a piece of clothing. Thick curly hair swirling around her body
To think he could still get hard at a time like this.
Drowning doesn't seem so bad now if it is by her hand.Maybe a kiss from them would send him peaceful into the afterlife.
She stood over him head tilling side from side,trying to figure the man out. He hasn't said anything, he doesn't shout or draw his sword like the other men she's seen. He's also taller, bigger, more.... solid than other men, gracing a hand down his arm. Kneeling beside him, the injury is worse than she thought. did one of the gods bring him here? Or did he just wonder here himself? You held your chin swaying on your heels deep in thought
König felt delirious, he's injured, lost and now there's a pretty nymph circling round, staring, pocking and prodding at him. If this was any other situation he'd take her in the moment. Hull her over his shoulder and fuck her till scream or blesses him, gives him heavenly children. But he's tired and weak, he can do nothing but watch as she frees his egear cock from his tunic.
He's never felt like this before, grunting and wincing under her touch. He's sure she's sucking the energy out of him.  Maybe its the bloodloss maybe it the fire at the groin the licking and kissing along his shaft causing the dizziness in him, eyes shut tight and panting as he comes closer to the edge but the release never comes. feeling her tongue stroke the entire length of him as she comes up.
The next moment for könig were pure bliss, something straight out of dream. To have her now Straddling him bouncing so eagerly on his cock, was a feeling he could never forget. The sweet stretch as she sank. It was frustrating not being able to touch her, She didn't move fast enough not for könig liking. He was too weak to set the pace, his hand only able to rest on the plush of her hip. Even if she used him like a toy könig couldn't help but throw his head back in pleasure at the squeeze of her soft walls.
Her hands explored the body under her, digging into the wounds, ignoring his hisses and complaints, pushing him back down before he finds the strength to push her off. It felt hot then numb, as she dug into his wounds.
With new found strength he bucked his hips, against her. The sound of their love making filling the forest air, his hands firmly at her hips to move her at a pace he found fit, fast and messy before emptying himself inside her.
When he finally came back down from the high he finds her form shake and ripple above him. The words die on his tongue, as her form melts down, and fades away into the water
He gets up able without stumbling this time walking straight finding himself back at the army base. König's honestly not sure if that really happened or if he was just crazy. He has nothing to show for the whole ordeal to prove it was real. He knows on the brink of the death the mind can conger all sorts of things to keep one alive but nothing could explain sleeping with a water nymph. he'd like to think he wasn't deranged...To imagine sleeping with being that would normally drown you but...
The only evidence he had was his body. The open wound in his stomach gone, his whole body intact even stronger than before. He'll think about this alot after wondering if you were really real. It would be best to get you out of his mind. Yet he sees you in the lakes and bodies of water and in the faces of women passing him by
You on the other hand couldn't believe your luck! Showing off the keepsake you'd got from the soldiers.
Red bracelet shining under the sun as you turned it on your wrist to show off to your sisters. Giggling and splashing round the waters edge. You're so lucky such a strong and handsome man!
"Wow what's his name".... "You did get his name right???" ... you didn't get his name. You didn't get his name! And honestly you're not sure which army he's with you can't tell the difference between the armours
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wordstome · 8 months
what is it with me and school/university settings because I can't stop thinking about having a nasty one night stand with König at some frat party and he becomes obsessed with you while you don't even know his name. you're just trying to get through uni without crashing and burning while coping using drugs and sex and there's just this fucking guy who you slept with once and now he's everywhere, caring about you to an infuriating degree
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cod-dump · 8 months
Teen!Rudy visiting teen!Ghost: How many swords do you have?
Teen!Ghost: Sword of a lot
Teen!Rudy, immediately turning to leave the room: Blocked
Teen!Ghost, jumping in front of him: Parried!
Teen!Rudy: *stares intensely with his eye twitching*
Teen!Ghost: Uh-
Teen!Gaz: Ale, do you think it was a good idea to leave Rudy and Si alone?
Teen!Alejandro, focused on his switch: Rudy can defend himself
Teen!Gaz, hearing a yelp: Yea, that’s what I’m concerned about
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frogchiro · 7 months
soap as the god of of harvest and spring yes yes YESSS!! i personally hc him as an aries so him being the god of spring makes so much sense.
if he’s the god of spring i feel like he’d also be associated with fertility since that’s when plants start budding - which also tracks for him. he’s a burly, virile man. i feel like if you were sacrificed to him he’d breed you over and over again until he had at least a dozen kids running around his temple <3
He would💔
Soap's big and healthy and loud, loves to drink good wine and party with other gods after a good harvest! And yes I totally agree that he'd be often associated with fertility too, couples often praying to him for healthy offspring and a safe pregnancy :(
So it would only be natural for Johnny to have a pretty fertile wifey too :(( he loves babies and wants children so much!! Please let him breed you with little, chubby demigods :(
All your children would be strong and happy and healthy just like their father, the pitter patter of many tiny feet against the stone floors of his temple as they laugh and coo and toddle after they momma and papa as they continue to put up pretty flower arrangements around the temple for the upcoming spring festivities♡
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justadeadreaper · 6 months
This is another part to part to me adding to the God COD AU which I was inspired to write as @frogchiro said that my idea for Makarov is “literally the same thing I planned for Makarov, I wanted him to be the god of death, illness, disease and Winter, bringing pain and suffering wherever he appears so please do go ahead with your idea since it's literally the same” and since she gave me the go ahead to write it and she’s probably busy with all of her asks and other things planned I decided to write for Makarov to give his fans (cough cough me cough cough) some content. This will be very long as it is longer than my ideas for God König as I have thought of a few more things and could be even more confusing as my brain is absolutely fried at the moment so please hear me out as this is 7440 words of explanation. TW: they are mentions of death and a brief mention of suicide in the backstory so be warned and mentions of what happened with Modern Warfare III.
My idea for God Makarov could be him being one of the most hated and feared Gods to exist in the AU but due to the fear he inhibits into every mortal in existence he is one of the most heavily worshipped Gods as people believe that if they do not give him any sacrifices or worship him that they receive his wrath. Surprisingly there is not many cults worshipping him, but instead his worship is nearly exclusively done privately in homes of individuals, although, recently a certain big cult has been growing him that are situated in the undergrounds of the North who see themselves as superior due to believing they are part of Makarov’s bloodline due to coming from the North where he first formed. Now the reason as to why they are underground is due to how they worship Makarov with the sacrifices they make; this includes torturing people, experimenting on people to make new diseases, brainwashing people to create new followers, and so much more. Due to the cult’s practices this has caused a new wave of fear surrounding Makarov so this has begun a spike in the worship he receives privately as they are begging him to save them when he is revealing in their fear. Like how I did with the last one of these, I will be breaking down each aspect, why he has them, how powerful each aspect is due to the size of the cult, and what parts of the world would worship which aspect. Winter- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of due to how he is as cold and destructive as Winter itself. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the North because that is the region where it is most affected by Winter due to how it is an already snowy and rugged region that has horribly low temperatures and snowstorms more times than it sees the Sun which would only be made ten times worse when it is actually Winter as we all know that Makarov will not be easy on people so I see them as worshipping Makarov for his Winters to try and make him more merciful and have him move the brunt of his Winter to other places that do not experiences as horrid Winters so they for once can experience some peace. The powers Makarov gets from this are the abilities to control snow, ice, bring Winter, a tiny bit of control over Winter animals, and resistance to the cold and he can grant to his followers resistance from Winter for this aspect so they can more easily survive the harsh Winter compared to others.
Plagues/Diseases- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of due to how he is a literal plague upon the world with all the horrifying acts which mimic how horrifying and gruesome plagues can be, and because of the fact that we romanticise him and act like he is good for us which people have been doing to plagues for years as there was the whole romanticism of tuberculosis. This aspect is mainly worshipped in no region but instead the slums of the most major cities in the world where disease is rampant due to the poorest of citizens having to live there and them not being able to access the medicines that are needed compared to others. The powers Makarov gets from this are the ability to control and inflict diseases or unleash plagues on any person or settlement he sees fit and he can grant to his followers a certain immunity to different diseases for this aspect so they do not suffer from it as badly as compared to others.
Death- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Death due to how he causes so much death but compared to König who is the overall God of Death Makarov is instead the God of specific torturous and meaningless Death that have no reason for occurring except for the matter of fact that the person who wanted them dead did it. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the dungeons of the major cities where many murderers are or it is being worshipped by similar cults that worship König or the big cult that is growing around him. The powers Makarov gets from this are the ability to cause an agonising death upon any mortal he wants and he can grant to his followers a type of luck that means they are less likely to die that type of death for this aspect.
Obsession- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Obsession due to how obsessive he is with completing his goals. This aspect is mainly worshipped by stalkers, royalty, and the armies of the world as they need the obsession to drive them forward in what they are doing and they hope that Makarov will make the obsession come to fruition. The powers Makarov gets from this are the ability to easily obsess over something until it comes to the point of it coming true and he can grant the fruition of the obsession to his followers for this aspect.
Strategy- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Strategy due to my idea of Price also being worshipped as the God of Strategy. Makarov and Price are seen as equals and enemies so I wanted them to have a common factor that links them but also sets them about in their own ways by them being worshipped for the different kinds of strategy. We know from Modern Warfare III that Price does not think ahead as much as we like to think he does as we see that he tends to make a strategy for the moment and not further ahead in time otherwise he would have killed Makarov when he easily had the chance as he knew how risky that man was but we know Makarov is the opposite of that where he will plan everything out ahead of time with meticulous detail so everything goes according to his plan so I envision Makarov being worshipped as the God of Long Term Strategy compared to Price who is the God of Short Term Strategy. This aspect is mainly worshipped by generals and royals as if they plan out everything ahead it means they can stay in power or win battles depending on what is needed at the moment. The powers Makarov gets from this is the ability to easily make convoluted plans that are extremely long but always seem to work out and he can grant the exact same thing to his followers for this aspect.
Horses- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Horses due to a story I used to be told as some of my family is dodgy and my uncle was friends with this Russian man (do not ask because that man was friends with many dodgy people that he had no right knowing) who used to babysit me and a few of my other cousins a lot and he would tell me a lot of stories as it kept me from playing up; this story in particular is Vasilisa the beautiful as I was obsessed with Cinderella and it was the most similar one he could think of. It is distinctly this story I remember because he had actually brought some figurines that me and my cousins got to decorate to go along with the story and three of these figurines were men riding horses. A man in white armour on a white horse followed by daybreak, a man in red armour on a red horse followed by the rising sun, and a man in black armour on a black horse followed by the cloak of the night sky, all horseman distinctly linked to time and Baba Yaga who is such a feared figure that even I was terrified of as a child as I he also threatened me with her if I misbehaved. These men also remind me of the “Four” Horsemen of the Apocalypse as there are technically seven depending on which ones you believe in as you have Chaos, War, Conquest, Pollution, Pestilence, Famine, and Death which can very much depend on what you grew up with but these are the seven I know of. These horsemen are linked to horrible things such as death and plague which are linked to my version of Makarov and due to the story inspired me to make Makarov the God of Horses as a reference to these two groups of horsemen. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the North and West because in the North horses are needed for transport due to the long ranges and harsh conditions and for work while horses are more common in the West due to the large plains of wildlands next to forests where these horses can live freely. The powers Makarov gets from this is the ability to talk to horses but to also control them and see through their eyes to an extent and he can grant lineages of strong horses to his followers for this aspect.
Mothers- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Mothers as the protectors of mothers due to his backstory that I have made for this AU and how we know from the somewhat joke trailer for Modern Warfare III that they have a close bond. This aspect is mainly worshipped by nowhere as it is absolutely everyone who worships it, especially the cult members as there are rumours that Makarov will smite anyone who hurts their mother. There are no real powers Makarov gets from this ability and he can not grant anything to his followers for this aspect but he is known to have a temple that is a safe haven for mothers to flee to if they are in danger and need somewhere safe to go.
Philosophy- I see Makarov being worshipped as the God of Philosophy due to how inside Makarov's bedroom in the safehouse, there was a book titled ‘Philosophy, Politics, and Poetry’ and because I headcanon that each God has a more wholesome aspect that you would not expect them to have as that did happen with real Gods as they would have an aspect you would not expect from them and so for Makarov I picked Philosophy. This aspect is mainly worshipped in the major cities where most of the philosophers are. The powers Makarov gets from this is the very useful ability for him that allows him to get into the minds of others and make them question many things that philosophers normally debate but he always makes sure it will land in his favour and he can grant the knowledge to know and understand the answers to his followers for this aspect or if they are a particular favourite follower of his he will allow them to win the philosophy debate.
Like with König, I could honestly spend hours explaining each aspect and the backstory of how he got it and how it would be worshipped and explain the influences more clearly, but that is the basics for each one, and if people ask I may go into them more and explain them more.
Strength of the aspects from strongest to weakest: -Winter -Plagues/Diseases -Death -Mothers -Strategy -Obsession -Philosophy -Horses
My inspiration for God Makarov was not actually from an already existing God but instead from a surprising source. I do not know if most people who will see this are the ones who have heard of her as we are quite unholy people but my inspiration was Saint Olga of Kiev. This will seem extremely strange at first but I will give some context as to why I picked her and how she relates to this.
Unlike how unholy I act as I simp over these men online and write analyse of them to make the smut I write later make sense, I was born and raised as a Catholic, I grew up going to Church and a Catholic school and read about the bible and about Saints a lot to satisfy a special interest which had been born from how my older cousin had read these stories to me mixed with undiagnosed autism at the time. Surprisingly, for my confirmation I was allowed to pick Olga as my Saint but I think they just allowed me to get me to shut up with the two hour rants I was yapping on about when talking about her. Now it may sound strange but please watch the video Puppet History did about her because it may not as thorough as other videos but is honestly extremely fun and has an amazing song at the end or the video by Biographics which is more thorough and pact to the brim with facts; they both explain her history which is the main reason why I picked her but if you do not want to watch it I will be giving a summary that you can skip if you have watched it.
Saint Olga of Kiev who was also known as Olga of Rus or Russia was a very big figure in the early history of Russia (and technically going into some surrounding areas as Rus also covered some of Ukraine and Finland) and a key player in the Christianization of the Kievan Rus. Olga was born in Pskov around 890AD and belonged to a noble family. She married Igor I, the ruler of the Kievan Rus, around 903AD. Her husband Igor's died in 945AD as he was killed by the Drevlians, which were a tribe that refused to pay so Igor went there to get the tributes but they tied him to two birch trees to rip him apart. Their son, Sviatoslav, was too young to rule so until he came of age Olga served as the regent for him. With the power she had she enacted her revenge for her husband. The first step was by killing around twenty people in the Drevlian leadership after they came to offer her a marriage to their Prince Mal after he had killed her husband; her people carried the men in their boat to a trench before dropping them in and having them buried alive under rocks. The next act of vengeance was to have Mal send more of his most powerful delegations to her and he did just that, but Olga had those men go to the bath house because by the time they got to her they were filthy. While those men were in they she had people lock the door before commanding it to be burnt to the ground including the men inside. Now to avoid Mal getting suspicious about all of his men disappearing and to enact the next step, Olga finally went to the Prince but she had requested that while she was travelling there that they prepare food and mead so she could have a funeral feast for her late husband. For some unknown reason Mal agreed and Olga had ordered her men to not drink but to keep pouring out drinks for the Drevlians and when the Drevlians were drunk enough she ordered her men to slaughter them all which ended up in around five thousand deaths. The surviving members of the Drevlians bordered themselves up in Iskorosten and after a year Olga was fed up. Olga decided to enact her last bit of revenge upon them. She requested a tribute of three pigeons and three sparrows from each house which seemed like a reasonable request so the Drevlians did but this sealed their fate. Olga turned the birds into weapons by making her guards tie a piece of burning sulphur and cloth to each birds’ talons; she then released them and the birds flew home to their nests and spread the fires causing the city to burn down and when people fled the city they were killed or kept as slaves. Her revenge may have been over but later in life when she wanted to get out of a marriage to Constantine the seventh who had asked for a hand in marriage. At first she said she could not as a Pagan could not marry a Christian but once she was baptised as an Orthodox Christian she had him be her godfather and so she technically counted as his daughter meaning they weren't allowed to marry.
It may seem odd and you may be thinking about how this relates to Makarov but it will make more sense when you have heard his backstory as Olga reminds me a lot of Makarov with how strategic they both are and the acts of violence they commit for their cause.
Like I mentioned earlier I have a backstory for Makarov, which would be considered very thought out compared to the backstory I have for God König but it will be a lot longer as it has a lot more context to it compared to König's mainly as it revolves around some history I have thought of for this AU.
We will start this backstory by talking about some of the history which will provide the needed context. I see Makarov being one of the oldest of the Gods alongside Nikolai, König, Graves, Shepherd, and Price although I think that Makarov may be the oldest as it would make the most sense for the history I have thought of. Makarov, like the others, was born in the Dark Age of the AU he was in fact the first modern God to be born as most were born after the Great War that ended the Dark Age. What I envision the Dark Age to be was a point in history where there was not Gods as we have now currently in the AU where they are well known across multiple regions for their aspects but instead there were much smaller Gods that would be worshipped by a small village or town in a specific territory for what they did for the place that was their own. This led to multiple Gods being worshipped for the same aspect but it made them extremely weak due to how small and localised their worship was which in turn led to the much smaller Gods having their followers plunder other villages and take the people from there as prisoners and slaves who would worship the God that sent the attack. Now that we have that context I will explain how it relates to Makarov.
Makarov was originally a Demigod. I envision that his mother was a small Goddess of Ice and Snow in the village that Makarov grew up in while his father was one of the leaders of the village due to marrying and having a child with a Goddess. Due to his unique DNA Makarov could not be a normal child as he was forbidden with playing with normal children as he was seen above them while he was worshipped by the other villagers, this in turn caused Makarov to have an extremely close bond to his mother as she was one of the only few people who understand him. As I am mixing both the original and reboot Makarov together for the God Makarov I have given him the extremely close bond with his mother as in the trailer for the reboot as even if it is a joke we see that they are close and Makarov’s mother has influenced him as he made a promise to her relating to what he is doing. Since I have made this version of Makarov close to his mother I can not make him a psychopath even if in the original games he has most of the traits so instead I have made him high functioning autistic with psychopathic traits meaning that he can form emotional bonds but they are unique but he has no empathy to most but even with the people he has bonded with he has low empathy. I envision that he inherited it off his mother as it is just in their nature as Gods of Ice and Snow to be more psychopathic due to having a cold heart, and so she encouraged his violent and manipulative tendencies as a way to stay in power but also because she only saw it as natural which did make them closer as it drove home the idea of only her understanding him. Then one day his village was attacked. Makarov watched as the world he knew crumbled around him as he watched with his very own eyes, taking his father and nearly his mother alongside it. A young Makarov woke up one morning to find the villagers that had worshipped his mother running and screaming for their lives as everything burnt around them, and just a few feet away from him was his father's hanging body. His father had killed himself instead of fighting to save their village as he had seen it as the easy way out instead of dying in battle or being humiliated and made a slave. Meanwhile Makarov’s mother had been tied to the sacred birch tree she had planted when the village had just started out and Makarov had to watch as the villagers from a village that was located in the West tried to burn her alive as their God was pissed that she dared reject his marriage proposal. Makarov had to watch as his mother burnt alive in front of him as fire is a God of Ice and Snow’s only weakness. Although Makarov was lucky enough to be able to save her as in an adrenaline rage he unleashed his powers as he may have been a Demigod but a Demigod filled with rage is as powerful as any other God. He unleashed a fury of snow upon everyone, even his mother in a bid to save her life. Makarov then carried her away to a nearby mountain where he had to defend for himself and his mother as he slowly healed her back to full health but she never fully recovered, making her weaker then she already was at full power. As Makarov spent years healing his mother he came to despise his father and hated how humans could be so weak willed especially a man who had promised to take care of them both, not to mention the utter volatile rage that he felt to people of other regions as no one in the North would have dared to attack his village but those villagers from the West had ruined everything. He also hated how the other leaders of the village had failed which had brought about the loss of everything, his home, his father, his life, his everything. He had made a promise to his mother that he would not make the same mistakes as those humans and so began his lifelong obsession that was driven by a will to keep himself and his mother safe.
It may have started off small but his plan was never small to begin with. Once his mother was strong enough to be able to stay by herself and not worry about predators, Makarov went to the West. His plan was to kill off villages all over the world and cause fights between the different Gods until there was none left but only him. For places that weren’t used to harsh Winters like what would appear in the North, the snow storms Makarov brought with him were fatal. They killed thousands of people and it caused Gods to turn their backs on each other thinking that their once allies were the ones who did it. This started the Great War between the Gods and where Makarov got his moniker of the Winter King as all the Gods knew of a God much powerful than them who brought Winter and death with him wherever he stepped, who only grew more powerful as more people feared him. And Makarov turned up his antics. Makarov started carrying rats along with him as they were able to survive his Winter but also for their ability to spread plagues, only killing more as he would release them to go back to the villages he found them at after they were fully infected so as to infect the rest of the villages. Of course the Great War had to end as most Gods had been killed but it also left a power vacuum which the leftover Gods and Gods that had newly formed due to the bloodshed took.
I imagine Makarov to look like his original design mixed in with the reboot design and the Winter King from Adventure Time as he seems the closest to what the Snow Queen would look like and that is what I imagine Makarov’s mother to look like. He is stocky like in the games but with longer legs and arms that give him an unnerving edge as the proportions are not fully like a human and make his body stand out compared to humans but he has been affected by the plague and Winter he carries along with him. His forearms, hands, feet, and calves are frozen and have been blackened by the plagues and frost, which if anyone touches will immediately freeze whatever part of them touched it as their body is overcome with the plague. Like in the original game he has heterochromia, with his left eye being blue and his right eye being green but surprisingly his green eyes is actually from his mother and is like it was made from the finest of emeralds as it glows slightly in the dark while his blue eye is from his father, a fading blue and a constant reminder of how he is technically still only half a God genetically even if he is considered a full God by everyone else. He has pale skin which makes him look like he is a snow sculpture that has come to life. His hair is short and spiky like in the original but is a mixture of dark brown and black as in the reboot his hair is black while in the original his hair was a dark brown but as a God his hair has slighted frosted tips on each hair follicle from him always being in the snow. His body has multiple scars, but some noticeable ones would be the one on his right shoulder and the ones covering his face but you can find other scars lining the rest of his body with a few burn scars from when his village was burnt down. Makarov has tattoos similar to ones in the games that are mostly based on his ones from the reboot with them covering his arms and torso and I feel like his tattoos would mostly be references like his godly symbol or what he has been nicknamed as in his centuries haunting the Earth. A breakdown of all his tattoos are his god symbol that is above the mountain range where his village once was on his back with the Northern Star on his right shoulder blade and a snowflake on his left shoulder blade, a ice themed Grim Reaper on his right pec as a reference to how his plagues caused so many deaths, ruins of protection from his mother on his stomach, a two headed bird on his left pec that looks like a mixture between a raven and an eagle with one head being more eagle like with the other more raven like, a skull on his right arm that has blood trickling down its sockets into a river of blood that gets bigger as there are impaled bodies oozing blood surrounding it, and his left arm is decorated in a flurry of snowflakes that blanket a forest in a snowstorm as one glowing green eye looks out from the darkness. He has more tattoos but I can not decide on what so anyone can add to that. For his clothing, I imagine him being a lot more clean or sophisticated compared to the other Gods as he dresses like the royalty of the North that have grown in wealth and power due to deposits of crystals in the area. https://www.thevintagenews.com/2019/07/16/romanov-costume-ball-1903/ , I want people to look at this and find Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich as I imagine Makarov wearing something similar in appearance to it but with Winter inspired patterns or it being a lot more simpler and sleek which gives it that luxurious but still cold and menacing vibe to it.
I would say his sacred animal would be a rat as when someone is a traitor they are normally called a rat and we know that Makarov would betray anyone with no remorse if he saw that it was for his greater good and help him progress in his goals. But also because rats are typically associated with bad things like disease, pestilence, and dirt which fits with how Makarov is the God of Plagues and he is just purely known for terrible things as he is considered scum of the Earth and it fits as those creatures helped him out with spreading his plagues as they were loyal to him so it would make sense to honour them in such a way by making them his sacred animal for helping out in such a significant way. Another point to add could be how rats when not being associated with disease are actually associated with cunning, resourcefulness, and survival in certain cultures which fits Makarov well as he would do anything to see himself and his ideas survive, he is extremely cunning and resourceful as he is portrayed to be extremely smart and an amazing strategist. Plus rats are extremely smart like Makarov, I have three pet rats and they can easily solve the puzzles I make them and they can do some basic tricks that I have taught them, also in lab settings when scientists test on rats they are known to pick up on skills easily and pass through experiments that show they have a high cognitive ability. So overall I think rats fit him a lot.
Although another option could be the main birds in the corvid family that you think of when you hear the words corvid. Most people know how smart birds such as magpies, ravens, and crows are as they can mimic humans and will use cars and wolves to their benefit (if you do not know crows will drop nuts and seeds into the road so cars can run over them and break them open so the crows can eat what is inside while ravens form relationship with wolf pups and basically adopt them even if that wolf is kicked out of the pack when they are older so they can eat the scraps that the wolves leave behind or to take the wolves to carcasses so the wolves can eat). This reminds me about how Makarov will make bonds and use others to get to goal and to his own benefit to keep himself alive. Also magpies are known to be some of the most revengeful, petty, and obsessive birds. If you do not know Australian magpies are known to hate particular humans that piss them off and they teach that to the rest of the group of magpies and even future generations of magpies just so if that human comes near them again the whole pack will attack them. I just thought it was funny but also matched how Makarov will attack anyone who he has deemed as betraying him and can be obsessive in his goals that he will build an entire army to get revenge.
Now I am adding in something that I did not do in the original idea for God König but will be doing when I do his part two. This is a God symbol, a sacred tree, a sacred crystal, and a sacred flower as I want to flesh out the characters more and I noticed how Gods tend to have sacred things such as those.
I would say that his sacred tree would be a birch tree due to it being significant to his mother as I purposely made the tree his mother plant be a reference to the influence of Saint Olga that I had when making Makarov’s backstory and making him a powerhouse. The reason why I gave his mother the birch tree as well was due to its symbolism of being a tree of new beginnings and purification which made sense for when his mother planted it as it was supposed to represent how she was beginning a new start by having her own village that would not be tainted by the influence of other Gods who could take over her power over her own village. Plus, birch trees reminded me of trees in Winter that are covered in snow due to the tree’s colours and pattern.
However, if we take out his mother’s influence his sacred tree could instead be the strychnine tree. It may seem a weird choice at first but it makes sense once you hear about the fruit the strychnine tree has as these fruits contain a unique type of toxin called strychnine that if consumed can have some fatal effects such as muscle spasms that lead to a fever and surprisingly fevers can be very deadly as I can attest to as it can cook your brain alive if you are not careful enough. Also, the inside of the fruit and the powdered version are both white and crystalline just like snow and ice which is a very good reference to Makarov as it kills people while still having a reference to his snow theme, and the tree blooms in Winter, not to forget how fevers make you feel cold when you are actually boiling alive. The part about it causing a fever is also interesting as there is a phenomenon called paradox undressing related to hypothermia where people are close to death due to hypothermia and are overwhelmed by an excruciating feeling of warmth that they have to take off their clothes which is the opposite of what can happen with the overwhelming feeling of cold you can get from a fever and I believe that Makarov when on his killing sprees have given both of these to people. I hope people can see my vision with this tree but if anyone has better suggestions I wholeheartedly welcome them.
I would say that his sacred flower would be an Autumn Crocus as purple colours such as violet are traditionally colours of royalty, nobility, spirituality, mystery, and magic so the purple crocus and consequently the autumn crocus stands for all these qualities with it is also being a symbol of success, pride, dignity, merriment, hope, and youthfulness. I thought it would be a good fit for Makarov as merriment, hope, and youthfulness are the exact opposite of what you would think of when thinking of Makarov but actually makes sense if you put yourselves in the shoes of the people who worship him as they may think that by associating him with such things would actually help them in the long run as they think they would be dulling him down a bit which would make him safer as those traits go against his actual traits and could be used to cancel each other out making him less dangerous overall. But the other traits such as success, pride, and mystery fit him as he is very successful in his plans especially in the original games and we know he is very proud of himself and his heritage even if we do not know much about his life before joining the military in both games except for the reboot where we know his father died by suicide. Also, I think nobility fits him due to how infamous he has made himself that he is on the level of royalty with how well known he is but also how he is virtually the Winter King in this AU due to being the God of Winter.
I would say that his sacred crystal would be topaz, specifically blue topaz. This was an easy pick as it is a reference to his backstory as topaz is not seen as a more precious stone in my experience compared to other stones such as emeralds or diamonds which reflects how he would have not originally be seen as much of a God compared to full Gods such as Ghost or Price due to being born as a Demigod and one of the biggest topaz deposits in Russia are found in the Ural Mountains which I fits Makarov nicely as he was a gem that came forth from the mountain region compared to the other Gods of the time which were like stone in comparison in worth and power. Not to mention blue topaz is normally associated with clarity which you need when strategising to make sure everything goes perfectly.
Makarov’s God symbol is very similar to the Konni symbol but I would change what type of skull it is to a raven skull that instead has a frozen branch going through the middle of it which I think is so simple but at the same time horrifying and I really wish I could draw so I could show it (if I can I will try to get someone I know to draw it). Why I picked a raven is because ravens are associated with death, my favourite use is in Macbeth when Lady Macbeth talks about how when the raven croaks the call of Duncan’s death, and it could possibly be one of his sacred animals but it is also a fun reference to how he is going to kill Price one day as ravens are less popular symbols of Wisdom and @stariepie headcanons Price as the God of Knowledge/Wisdom so it would be funny if Makarov’s symbol is a somewhat threat to Price. I also decided on a frozen branch instead of a dagger as he can easily make branches weapons by making them stronger and more solid by freezing them and it is a reference to one of my favourite birds the Great Grey Shrike which impale their prey on spiked branches which is normally through the head.
If König’s relationship with the other Gods are messy then Makarov’s relationships with the other Gods is an unholy dumpster fire mixed with nuclear waste that should not be touched by anyone who wants to stay alive: Of course due to the games Makarov is going to hate all the members of Task Force 141 but I will specifically say why for each one.
Price- Like how in the games Price and Makarov are the absolute biggest enemies but the reason for it in this world is because of the Great War that Makarov caused as Price was alive to see it. Price and Makarov actually fought against each other in the War as at the time Price was a minor God compared to the God he is now and led his own group of Gods to fight in the War but due to his strategies being small scale in the grand scheme of things led to his whole group being killed slowly one by one where he had to watch them all die and be the only survivor and of course Makarov was the one who killed them all. This rightfully made Price hate Makarov and Makarov hates Price in return as Price keeps trying to find ways to kill Makarov or at least stop him but somehow Makarov seems to escape by an inch at the last minute every time due to Price not thinking of one little detail and Makarov always sends Price teasing gifts to taunt Price about how he is still alive and still oh so powerful.
Ghost- Ghost hates Makarov for a few reasons while Makarov just hates Ghost because he is in an alliance with Price. First reason Ghost hates Makarov is because he tried killing Soap and Roach who I headcanon as being his best friends which is an obvious reason as to why he would hate Makarov. The second reason is more petty but Makarov had purposely killed off all of the gladiators at Ghost's favourite colosseum which obviously infuriated Ghost. The third reason is that Ghost hates how Makarov reaps some of the benefits when Ghost kills people in torturous and horrendous ways. And the fourth reason is just because it is Makarov and he has tried to kill Ghost multiple times.
Soap- Based on what happened in Modern Warfare III I imagine that one time Makarov tried killing Soap after Soap had tried to stop Makarov from inflicting a plague upon Soap’s favourite city due to it having one of Soap’s main temples there but it went horribly wrong as the plague was still released. Makarov had laid a trap by purposely keeping Winter in a certain area instead of letting Soap’s Spring take over and Soap of course went to see what was going on but Makarov was waiting there with an icicle blast forming in his hand that he then launch at Soap and it pierced through Soap’s skull as if an icicle is strong enough and is going fast enough it can actually penetrate and kill someone. Luckily Soap did not die due to hitting his frontal lobe which he could easily heal from due to being a God but ever since then the two have hated each other and try everything to kill each other when they have the chance.
Gaz- Makarov only really hates Gaz due to him having an alliance and being close to Price as I see Gaz as the golden boy of the Gods who is the most behaved and can not really do any wrong and has barely caused any wrongs.
Roach- Makarov hates Roach for the same reasons as Gaz but also because he somehow always survives all of Makarov’s plagues and has survived being attacked by Shepherd which was annoying as Makarov now has to find a new way to get rid of him.
Shepherd- Makarov and Shepherd have a weird relationship. Yes they hate each other as Shepherd wants Makarov dead but Makarov also has some respect for Shepherd as I see Shepherd and Price as enemies due to both games and just because I hate Shepherd in both games. But, Makarov purposely uses Shepherd’s pride against him to drive Shepherd insane so one day Shepherd will break and go on a killing spree like Shepherd has tried to do before so Makarov sees Shepherd as a toy that he hates but has to keep in his box for the future so his plan can happen with the least amount of casualties for him.
Yuri- Before the Great War and during some of it Makarov and Yuri used to be friends and had an alliance after Makarov saved Yuri from being killed by some other Gods back when the two were much younger but once Makarov got a bit too crazy Yuri cut off all his ties to Makarov to join Price and his groups of Gods. Makarov hates Yuri for this as he was betrayed by one of his only friends and he nearly successfully killed Yuri but Yuri luckily survived as being a God makes it extremely hard for you to be killed but he now has to live in hiding because Makarov hates him but wants him dead.
König- Like I mentioned when talking about God König these two are rivals with respect for each other and a sort of alliance between the two of them. They have things they want from each other and know that there is no reason to kill each other yet as it will be better for them in the long run if both stay around for longer as more Gods will die and they both have less work to do.
One little fun fact: a headcanon I have for God Makarov is he is actually the God who is the best at mimicking accents to the point he can make people believe he is from another place entirely he is that good which is inspired by how he mimics an American accent then a Scottish accent when speaking to Soap and then a British accent when he spoke to Price in the newest Modern Warfare game when they were flying away once they had captured Makarov. It is not well known at all so sadly he is not the God of it.
Credits: @frogchiro for the AU.
-This is Ozzie signing out, and I am extremely sorry for not posting for a while and going on a few tangents in this, also sorry for any mistakes as I have finished writing this at 2AM and I honestly do not have the brain cells to reread this and check for any mistakes so please tell me if there are any and I am so fucking sorry if there are any formatting issues Tumblr is being a total fucking nightmare and a bitch which I will try to fix when I have time. I also caught some unbeknownst sickness that had been taking out all of my professors and it just left me dead in my bed for a while and then I had to catch up on all the work I missed but hopefully now I can post every few days and I will finally post the summaries for my AUs. My next post will most likely either be for the Slashers, a part to for God König, or one of the summaries.
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bunnys-kisses · 1 month
"the bounties & death au" (a modern gods au)
a/n: 'sunlight' by hozier is burned into my brain
god of death!simon has been locked away for centuries, not able to return to the surface of the earth after being casted away into the shadows of the underworld. but once he finds himself free, in the countryside of england.
the world feels and looks different than what he remembered. it even smelled different. but the familiar grey sky of england loomed in a familiar way. the only thing in the distance was a small stone cottage with smoke coming out of the chimney. his legs felt weak, but he managed to make it to the cottage. it had been so long since he walked, after being chained on his knees. to walk again felt like being a newborn deer.
who was he to see on the other side of the door, was none other than you. you looked scared and quickly closed the door. you squeaked, "no one's home! please leave."
simon was a bit confused, his eyebrows knitted together as he knocked once more. he said in his low voice, "i know yer in there. please, let me in."
"are you going to kill me?" "no." "are you sure?" "i need help, i have no interest in killing ya." he lit up when he saw you open the door and look up at him.
you took him in but told him that he had to sit at the chair in the kitchen and not move. you knew it was a risk but, there was something familiar about him that you couldn't quite put your finger on. (you'd later recall when you felt close to death after the death of your previous boyfriend).
but simon is kind, you find it comforting to speak to him. he was calm and didn't move from the chair. when he moved as he ate, his movements were slow as to not scare you. simon thought of you like a rabbit. small and delicate, easily nervous.
the first act of kindness he had received in a long time was you sharing a meal with him. the gods didn't need to eat, but the warmth of the stew you made had him feeling warm.
you were an author who had stayed out in the country for some time in order to get a break from the weight of being in the city. you remarked that london was beautiful, and while simon had no way of imagining a city that big, he knew it was nowhere as beautiful as you.
he wouldn't make a move until your last night in the cottage before you headed back to the city. you said you'd drive him wherever he needed to be, but he said he had no home.
you asked him why and he said, "the place i came from. i cannot go back to." and while he hunched his shoulders, you reached up to him and allowed him to stay with you. you had grown to feel affection towards the man, even if you had many more questions about him than answers.
but that night, you shared wine together. you were all over him, your smaller body up against him. when he held onto your ass so you wouldn't fall over, you moaned. you giggled and told him you hadn't been held like that in a long time.
and for the first time in eternity, as simon thrusted into you, he would worship you rather than people worshiping him. as he held your hands onto the bed while you made love, he wondered if it was possible to build a shrine to you. to allow others to worship you the way he wished to do to you.
"you make me feel alive." you whispered in his ear.
an exhale left simon's lips, he then kissed you deeply once more. as you moaned into the kiss and wrapped your legs around his waist, all simon could think about was that he understood why humans were so desperate to get into the heavens. because if it felt anywhere close to how he felt next to you, he would scramble to get through the gates.
his little human, his little fruitful bounty <3
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celestialprincesse · 2 months
𝟏. 𝐀 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞
Part One of Foreigner's God King Simon Riley X F! Faerie Reader
WC: 2k
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Sunlight fractures through the leaves of age old oaks and ancient pines, dappling against your back, weaving through long strands of untamed hair to brush a kiss against your thinly clothed shoulders, spiders silk and gauze just barely fluttering on a phantom breeze stirred by the muted clopping of horse hooves on the forest floor. The mare beneath you holds tension in her withers, matching the unpleasant knotting of the muscle between your shoulder blades. She knows what’s coming just as well as you do. 
It’s been a long time since you’ve felt anxiety this way. It’s the kind of gnawing, unsettling feeling at the pit of your stomach that comes only from venturing away from the safety of the trees and caves, brooks and hollow roots you call home. Your people call home. You force yourself to swallow down the fear - remind yourself that you’re doing this for them. Without this sacrifice, your sacrifice, the woods and forests which serve as sanctuary for your entire species, would be gone. The sick feeling in your stomach refuses to be soothed. 
In an attempt to calm yourself, to tear your mind away from the images you’ve conjured of what may await you on the forest edge, you focus intently on every slow stride of your companion. You draw your thoughts to counting every rhythmic movement of her shoulders, the way they gently jostle your hips as you follow each motion of hers with one of your own. A push and pull of a gentle tide. She and you melt into one being, acting and reacting in such effortless synchrony, such enviable elegance. An innate ability for which your kind are revered. 
Humans long lost touch with nature - shunned it in favor of such rapid growth, such vast power. They burned the trees to make room for their sprawling palaces, dug up the earth and all of her riches to build their roads, to grow their crops, never once wondering what she could provide had they simply respected her instead. Your people had never done such a thing, and for that, you’d been blessed. She’d provided you with everything you could ever have needed, and all you’d ever had to do was provide for her in turn. That balance, that equilibrium, is what humans have long since forgotten. Compromise, to them, is an impossible thing. To you and your kind, it’s an intrinsic part of life. 
At this moment, you feel that perhaps you know compromise better than any. 
The journey so far has been painstakingly long. On the one hand, it’s something you feel grateful for, that you’ve time to prepare yourself for the life that lies beyond the treeline. On the other, however, it’s excruciating. To ride through the forest, down the path away from the only life you’ve ever known, to mourn something you’ve not yet even lost. Every blazing orange dusk is another grain of sand dripping through the fingers of time, and every golden lighted dawn a death knell. You wonder if your sisters miss you the way you miss them. Your mother, too. Maybe they sit in quiet solitude, wondering what you’re doing at any given moment, or maybe they cry tears of frustration and anger at the fact that it could’ve been anyone else. Anyone but you. 
The days before had been spent in a resigned sort of mourning. You’d saved your tears for the first days of your voyage. 
You still so vividly remember sitting with your mother as she twisted up your hair, pinning it with flowers as she reminisced upon the girl taken by the last king. She’d been only as old as your youngest sister, Ophelia, when it had happened. Once every generation, every two, if you were at all lucky. You, unfortunately, were not. She’d spoken of how silent everything fell when the girl had been sent away - the strange, pained feeling that had settled over your people as they’d watched her go resigned into the trees. She’d never come back, of course, a fate that you too share. The small hope flickering like a fading ember at the bottom of your heart sings songs of longing. Such a foolish thing it is, holding out that perhaps the man who waits beyond the woods will love you, guide you to him with coaxing words and the gentlest of touches. You feel pathetic even thinking of it. 
You never had quite outgrown your childish fantasies of love, and in turn, had given the humans holed up behind their cold stone walls another innocent heart to break. 
When the sun shrinks back to nothing but a hazy golden glow, like that of a dying fire or burning star, you realize that more for your horse’s sake than your own, that it’s time to stop, to rest before you carry on with your journey. A day or two more and you’ll have reached the place where the canopy dwindles and the roots which cover the forest floor grow sparse, travel under the earth as though to hide from the human feet which march upon them. You hope for at least one more blissful sleep under the stars, moss under your head and night creatures watching your rest with vigilant, unseeing eyes. 
Settling aside the small pond where your horse bends at her withers to drink, you lay up against the gnarled stump of a fallen tree, which yields to accommodate your body, just one of the many perks of being so connected with nature. You’ve no need to set up a campsite when the forest welcomes and provides for you with such ease. It’s not easy to forget the fact that the forest probably recognises the way you’re feeling - sympathizes with your predicament.
As you drift off into a fitful sleep, under the comforting twinkle of the stars, A king is waking.  Behind the fortified stone walls of the palace, the revelry celebrating the lead up to King Simon’s wedding has lasted for days. To most, it’s an opportunity to celebrate. Their cold, reclusive king finally taking a wife. When the betrothal had been announced, the sigh of relief collectively exhaled by the nation had been palpable. He hadn’t wanted to do it - marry some wild forest thing and rut her full of little fat wailing babies. Johnny had been the unfortunate soul tasked with convincing him - reminding him that since Tommy passed, so did the soul heir to the Riley line. With enemies poised in the south, ready to exploit any weakness they could find, Simon hadn’t exactly had much choice. His being backed into a corner, however, hasn’t made him the most pleasant to deal with during the preamble to his rapidly inbound nuptials. For not only his sake, but also everyone else’s, he hopes that his bride-to-be is at least reasonably tame. With his luck? Highly doubtful.
His closest men had shared their theories and fantasies of some nymph-like creature, lovely and demure, happy to bend to Simon’s every whim, less wife, more well trained pet. Whilst he can appreciate a beautiful woman just as much as any man can, he keeps his expectations low - pleasant to be around and a decent conversationalist is enough for him. 
He’s tried to expel the thoughts of marriage from his mind for as long as possible. He’s far too busy to be distracted with silly fantasies of rose petal decorated aisles and which rings he’ll select for his betrothed. Keeping a kingdom running and the vulture-like men that are his enemies at bay is no mindless thing. Simon barely has time enough to sleep, let alone celebrate a wedding he doesn’t want, nor to take the day-long trek to the agreed meeting place to collect his new wife. To collect his new wife. Parade her on horseback like some exotic acquisition to be flaunted, to grow bored with when the novelty inevitably wears off. 
It’s impossible to ignore the way his knees creak as he rolls tiredly from his bed, the fathomless cold embedded in the very core of the flagstone floors seeping into his bare feet as he dresses himself. In spite of his status as King, Simon keeps his appearance reasonably simple, his tunics plain and armor scarcely decorated. Easier to dress. Simon Riley is a man of convenience, the bells and whistles of being monarch are nothing but a hindrance. 
The celebrations have thankfully quieted, all of his courtiers and castle residents undoubtedly tired, hungover and sore from the days of singing, dancing and drinking - days which he’s mostly spent holed away in his study, playing chess with wooden carved soldiers on battle maps, giving the occasional go-ahead to wedding planners and burying his nose in any literature on strategy he can find.  Today, unfortunately, his kingly duties outweigh his reclusiveness. He’ll only travel with Price to the meeting point - having originally wanted to go alone so as to make your initial meeting less intimidating, a point to which the head of his Kingsguard had made his disagreement abundantly clear. Yes, Price knows that Simon is fully capable of looking out for himself, but he sure as hell isn’t giving him any chance of proving that. He’s also desperate to get out of the castle and away from the mothers attempting to shove their daughters at his feet. So, with huffed complaints about the weather, and the threat of oncoming rain, signaled by the gritty gray clouds blotting out the starlight, the two men set off. Hooves beat thunderously across stone, dirt and grass as they make their way past the walls of the city, through the dwindling suburbs of thatched roofs and smoking chimneys and out into the vast plains of the countryside. The fresh air is a welcome reprieve from the smoke and burning metal of forges, the grassy hills and fields stretching for miles a refreshing break from the towering monoliths of stone that make up the palace. He can see why people would like it out here, away from the banal chatter of gossip and the unrelenting noise, left to grow stagnant within the confines of winding alleys or houses packed so closely together. Simon hasn’t even met you, and yet he already finds himself sympathizing for the adjustment you’ll have to make. 
You, meanwhile, feel surprisingly more grounded following your nap, having allowed both yourself and your horse to rest for a while before continuing your journey. The gnawing anxiety in your stomach is soothed by the handful of blackberries you’d found and snacked on as you continued through the slowly more sparse woodland, and although you’re still wallowing, at least you’re not wallowing on an empty stomach and no sleep. 
The sun slowly inches west behind the cloud cover, which quickly replaces the forest canopy you’ve always known, and tells you that in your mental absence, another day has nearly come and gone, and with that, the mileage covered which draws you closer to your inevitable fate. The birdsong has long since gone quiet, and there’s no longer movement indicative of life in the shrubbery. Just you, and the parapet on which you seem to endlessly walk. 
Until the forest seems to stop entirely. The trees halt their growth at some invisible boundary, wildflowers cease their spread with an unnatural abruptness and your stomach goes lurching. Like you’ve jumped from a cliff. You’ve jumped from a cliff, you’re about to hit the ground, and everything in you is screaming for time to stop, for fate to twist, for the inevitable to be somehow avoided. 
You could turn back. You could still turn back, and the forest would welcome you home with open arms. You could go home to your sisters, to your mother and the magic woven into everything you’ve ever known.
You could turn back - but in turning back, you’d only shatter the fragile peace forged so weakly between your own people, and those who’ve come to take you away. 
“Looks petrified.” Price observes from where he and Simon stand proud upon the hill, watching as a faerie on a white horse comes emerging tentatively from the treeline. You do, you poor, delicate thing, Simon thinks to himself as he, Price, and their imposing black friesians make their way to greet you. 
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Happy Foreigner's God day to those who celebrate 1.8k and 2k are basically the same so pls enjoy the 1st chapter 💕
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ghouljams · 7 months
Mmm regency!Konig... Bee has a fiance, and is forced to follow him wherever he goes, but she always sees in the corner of her eye Konig in the shadows of pillers, behind trees, he's watching her- and she likes it. She's so board and feels so trapped, that when she sees her mystery man, who looks at her like she's hung the stars in the sky and her Fiance like the scum of the earth.
Oh yesyesyesyesyesyesyes OK coupled with another anon that asked about regency König being, well, an Austrian King?
Not a shadow, a presence. A massive, powerful, presence that no one can ignore. Since he's a visiting royal König would of course be introduced at the first major ball of the season, he'd be the guest of honor at the most important and influential parties. Your fiance makes it a point to introduce himself to König, he's got dreams of international business and a king is a big fish. You're used to him passing over you, used to not being introduced, to being ignored, but König's eyes hold you in place. They burn with a barely concealed fury that you have yet to be introduced to him. He holds up a hand to stop your fiance's blathering and bows his head to you. A king! Bowing to you! You drop into a low curtsy and he offers a hand to help you up, leans down to press his lips against your knuckles. Your fiance makes a hasty introduction, but you hardly hear it.
König's eyes hold you with every promise that your fiance has never made to you. Every warmth and pleasure, respect you never would have dreamed of. "If you were mine," they seem to say, "I would never let you forget it." You and your fiance are hurried away so he can greet the next guest, your fiance muttering about how he's sure König had been interested in his business proposal. You hum, and look over your shoulder to find him watching you. In fact every time you look around for König he's watching you. It's like he can't stop, doesn't want to stop. It burns in your stomach, you try to move more elegantly, tip your head prettily. Your fiance hardly notices, but you suspect König does.
And oh, he does. He can't help but notice every twitch, every movement, every centimeter of you. You're fiance is either an idiot or a pile of shit made sentient not to know what he has following him around. You're like an angel. Your smile, your laugh, your poise(and lack of it, he smiles watching you step on your fiance's toes dancing), you're captivating. König has always gotten what he wants, he is king after all, and what he wants is you. He won't leave until he has you. You'll be married by the end of the season, but not to that fucker standing next to you, oh no. You'll be marrying König, you just don't know it yet.
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