#gosh we're really alive oh my oh my
keeps-ache · 2 years
mmmm it's late you know what that means!!
i go insane
brayn starts going 500 knots per light particle and analyzes the entirety of the universe
all of the above
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astonmartingf · 2 months
yuki tsunoda x gasly!reader . . . in big brother fashion, pierre wants you to go on a date with yuki to convince him to move closer to milan. however, yuki already lives in milan, and pierre is still not putting the pieces together
amgf see this is what yuki brainrot gets you, i love this omg one of my best works yet, i might come back to this type of format because i am not writing pt2s anymore!!!!!! (lovingly ofc) just like always, enjoy 👍 @viennakarma it's done 🫡
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liked by pierregasly, francisca.cgomes, and 12 others
yourusername i get why my brother likes him so much now. he's a fucking child! feels like another day spent with pierre.
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francisca.cgomes awww they're bonding look pierregasly
pierregasly you had me in the first half, wym a child he's older than you
yourusername doesn't seem like it, seeing how you act, understandable
charles_leclerc oh chérie, what is your brother up to?
yourusername he's up to no good as usual, but if he's constantly yapping to you then you must know what he's up to
charles_leclerc i'm more surprised that you agreed to this?
yourusername he threatened to throw me back to university for a master's degree this time FFS
charles_leclerc well, if it's a master's degree or a date... understandable
yourusername control him please, i can't be the victim of his antics no more
pierregasly he said he had fun!!!
pierregasly now go on another date with him 🫣
yourusername ???? what is actually wrong with you
pierregasly you're acting like you didn't have fun, you even posted it for the whole family to see
yourusername get off my back pierre, my account my rules
pierregasly yeah you constantly yapping to your 20 followers which half are our family members
yourusername i'm blocking you next
pierregasly try me bitch
yourusername oh i will, you are no longer welcome in my account, get out
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yourusername uploaded a new story
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[he's taking me somewhere... i hope i come out alive 😀]
pierregasly replied to your story
oh my gosh, is this progress?
apparently he's in milan, and now we're on the coast so... i guess
wym he's in milan?
he's here?
he's with me atm but yeah
i saw him earlier and he asked if i was free
did he say ask about me?
sorry pierre 😐
non no, it's fine
i'm a bit sad he didn't contact me but i'm glad you're together
francisca.cgomes replied to your story
a boat date 🥰
it's not a date...
we're just hanging out
uh huh... cool
that's it?
that's it? you're just letting me off the hook like that? no teasing about being yuki's future lover or smth?
you want me to tease you about it?
non, not really i was just thinking about it
you're thinking about being yuki's future lover?
shut up kika, you know i didn't mean it that way
yeah yeah, sure 😏
you're absolutely telling this to pierre huh?
you know, i'm on your side for this one
your secret's safe with me 😉
what secret?
oh yn, for someone older than me you're a bit out of it but it's okay you'll get it one day 😊
get what?
what are you talking about?
yukitsunoda511 replied to your story
wow, you don't trust me one bit
i thought we had something going on
yeah right, shut up yuki
am i your boyfriend?
good girl 😊
yourusername uploaded a new story
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[it's him again... annoying asf]
yukitsunoda0511 replied to your story
why would you lie to your audience like that?
because it's way more fun this way
everyday i'm reminded that you are pierre's sister when you pull shit like this
excuse me?
are you calling my soft launching methods shit 😕
i'm just kidding
you totally aren't
you're right, i am not
it's just i didn't think he'd be that dense about it
i'm sure i told him we were dating
he's forgetful like that
don't start talking, you didn't even tell him about us
i did!
uh huh....
well, it's funny to me because look, he's so desperately trying to get us together because we're so perfect for each other (ikr) and if he would've just listened like a year ago he would've known about us already
i mean, even alex knows what's up and she's seen us like twice already
alex has seen us a couple of times, even kika but pierre...
he'll figure it out, it's like he's been waiting so long for us to date, i don't know when he'll realize it
let's pray for him
praying for pierre 🙏
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, charles_leclerc, and 13 others
yourusername road trip with 💋 + we met alex on her field trip, it's a win 😊
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alexandrasaintmleux it's nice to see you two ❤️ have fun on your road trip
yourusername ahhhh thank you, we'll see you soonest 😠
charles_leclerc come visit us next time ^^
pierregasly are you in monaco? hello? who is that person 🤨 where are you going? you said to update me? where are my updates?
yourusername i told you where we're going dumbass, check your messages be for fucking real
pierregasly oh you did send me updates
yourusername 🙄
pierregasly OWAH? YUKI IN THE LIKES? liked by yukitsunoda0511!!!!! we're winning today
yourusername what is actually wrong with you?
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liked by pierregasly, yukitsunoda0511, and 22 others
yourusername milan. my man.
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pierregasly can't believe i'm finding out through an instagram post and not IRL, fake sister 👎
yourusername is it our fault if you didn't listen?
pierregasly i was already shipping you in my head with yuki, i thought of it first
yourusername okay and? doesn't change the fact that we've been mentioning it for a long time already
yukitsunoda0511 i mean yn is right, i did tell you as well
pierregasly okay everyone is ganging up on pierre for not knowing blah blah blah
francisca.cgomes i mean babe, you are the only one who didn't catch up
alexandrasaintmleux it was clear as daylight, they're not only dating but they're clearly fucking you're so dumb in your own delusions to see
pierregasly okay wow, i'm going to ignore the last few texts but first it was my sister, next my teammate, then my girlfriend, next my friend's girlfriend okay charles i know you're with me here buddy defend me please 🙏
charles_leclerc do you want me to add more salt to the wound? because i agree with all of them...
yourusername see? this didn't just happen out of nowhere, it was already happening and you were just too invested to see the truth
yukitsunoda0511 i look good there, next time i'm posting 😊
yourusername noooo i want to gatekeep you 😠 no no non
yukitsunoda0511 okay, whatever you say goes 🫡
yukitsunoda0511 can i soft launch?
yourusername yes 🥰
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lousypotatoes · 2 months
The Sun's In My Heart
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Warning! This post contains murder, mentions of sex, and lots of cussing. If any of these make you uncomfy, please read with caution.
Song Recommendation:
you should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
"Hey Vaggie?"
"What do you want?" Vaggie said.
"Do you and Charlie have a second?" she asked. "Me and Alastor made something that we think could help get more guests for the hotel."
"What exactly did you and Alastor make?" Vaggie asked, eyeing Y/N suspiciously.
"Find Charlie and find out," she giggled, walking away. "We'll be downstairs."
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"They'll be here in a minute," she said as she walked down the stairs.
"Ah wonderful!" Alastor said. "Thank you for telling them, dear."
"It's nothing to thank me over," she waved off, walking over to stand next to Alastor. "But you're welcome."
"Alright," Angel Dust said from the couch. "What's the deal with you two? You fuckin' or what?"
Alastor didn't say anything, but Y/N saw that his eye started to twitch, his smile becoming more forced.
"It's nothing like that Angel," she awkwardly laughed. "We were just really close when we were alive,"
"You're not doin' a good job of convincin' me, toots."
"Oh my Satan, how many times do I have to explain it to you?"
"This will be the last time, dear," Alastor said, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Unless our friend wants to hear his screams broadcasted to all of Hell."
Before Angel Dust could reply, Charlie came downstairs, dragging Vaggie by her hand.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to see what you guys made!" she gushed, sitting on the couch. "Thank you guys so much for taking the time to make whatever it is,"
"You don't have to thank us, Charlie," Y/N said. "Besides, it was Alastor's idea to make the whole thing."
"Yes, but you also had part in making it," Alastor said.
"Can we just watch whatever it is now?" Vaggie asked, annoyed.
"Oh, right," Y/N said sheepishly, turning on the TV.
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"So, what'd ya think?" Alastor said, turning off the TV after the commercial ended.
For a moment, Charlie and Vaggie didn't say anything, they just had looks of confusion and shock on both their faces.
"I'm sorry, what the fuck was that?" Vaggie said angrily.
"Hey, we worked hard on puttin' that together!" Y/N said, putting her hands on her hips.
"It's good," Charlie said, a fake smile on her face. "Alastor, Y/N-I mean," Charlie couldn't find the words to say.
"Do you not like it?" Y/N asked.
"No! No!" Charlie exclaimed, waving her arms around. "It's amazing! Thank you both so much for making it, but um..maybe the tone is a bit off?"
Neither Alastor or Y/N said anything. Vaggie continued to glare at both of them angrily.
"We want people to want to come here," Charlie continued. "This makes it look...umm-"
"Bad," Vaggie interrupted. "The word you're looking for is bad."
"We made it like that 'cause we thought it was funny," Y/N said, glaring at Vaggie.
"Hilarious is a better term for it, my dear," Alastor said, tilting his head.
"It didn't explain anything about how we're trying to save demons from extermination, which is the whole fucking point!"
"The commercial explained all of that," Y/N said.
"It didn't explain any of it!" Vaggie said angrily, crossing her arms.
"Vaggie is right," Charlie said. "The commercial was to let Sinners know we are trying to help them."
"Well, my dear," Alastor said, running his fingers across his cane. "I haven't been active in Hell for some time, and everyone remembers me from my radio show. The proper medium to express oneself! But you insisted on this noisy picture box advertisement, so we had a little fun with it." he finished, smirking.
"Oh, fun. You had a little fun with it?" Vaggie said, standing up. "Well, this is not what we want representing us."
"You said you wanted help," Y/N said, a small frown on her face. "This is us tryin' to help."
"Well then try harder," Vaggie said. "When you two showed up, both of you said you would help run the hotel, instead you're mocking us! Nobody's going to want to come to a place where two powerful Overlords think is a big waste of time!" she finished, sitting back down, scowling.
"Just be grateful we're actually trying to help," Y/N said as calmly as she could, taking a seat next to Angel. "You know what people think of this place. They all think it's the most stupidest idea ever. At least you have people like me and Al wantin' to help."
Before Vaggie could respond, Angel raised his gloved hand from the couch.
Vaggie turned her attention to him, "What?"
"If'n ya filmin' a commercial, can I suggest you take better advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here?" he said, all four of his hands pointing to himself.
"Angel, you're a porn star."
"A famous porn star," he corrected her, putting his legs on Y/N's lap. "I'll have the horniest sinners knockin' down these walls to get in."
"We are not filming a porn as a commercial." Vaggie said. Charlie just looked concerned.
"Why not?" Angel asked. "Sex sells, don't it? I swear, you film a threesome with mister fancy talk creepy voice and miss dommy mommy vibes and me, you'd be rollin' in participates willin' to stay at this tacky hotel."
Blushing, Y/N immediately pushed his legs off her.
"Gross, Angel,"
"Haha! Never going to happen!"
"Angel," Charlie began, smiling awkwardly. "I appreciate you wanting to use your special skills to, um, attract folks to the hotel, but- I don't want to exploit you in that way!"
"Oh, please, baby," Angel waved off. "This body was made to be exploited. I got the arms, I got stamina, I got the legs, I got the lung capacity-"
Y/N walked over to Alastor as Angel continued to talk about his body.
"Told you she wouldn't like the commercial," she muttered as Charlie's phone began to ring.
"All that matters is that it's entertaining, dear." he said. "Everybody likes a good laugh, don't you think?"
"Hey, I have a question," Angel said, interrupting Y/N and Alastor. "Why can't you just make people stay here babycakes? Since you're so powerful and all."
"I can," Y/N said, her eyes glowing red for a split second. "I just don't feel like doin' it."
Vaggie scoffed.
"What about you freaky face?" Angel asked
"Oh, trust me, I can!" Alastor said ominously, his antlers beginning to grow.
"Why do you think I'm here?" Husk called from the bar.
Everyone turned to look at him.
"You actually think I'd be cleaning bottles and listening to you fuck's bitch and moan all the time if he wasn't forcin' me?" he said as he cleaned a bottle.
"I like being forced," Nifty said, popping up from behind the bar.
"Keep that to yourself, Niff,"
"What, you don't love being here with me, Whiskers?" Angel teased.
"Call me Whiskers again and I'll jam that bottle down your throat!" Husk threatened.
"Kinky. Come one keep talkin' dirty."
"Angel, let Husk do his job," Vaggie sighed. "And no, we can't force sinners to stay here. They need to choose to."
"I'm choosing to be here, and I think it's all stupid." he said. "We're in Hell, toots. That's kind of the end of the road, ain't it?"
"Well maybe it doesn't have to be."
"Nobody's made it out Vaggie," Y/N pointed out. "How do we know getting redeemed is even possible?"
"We just have to try," Vaggie said. "It doesn't mean it's not possible."
"Hey," Angel said, putting his hand on Vaggie's shoulder. "Whatever means I can keep crashin' here rent free. Crack is expensive."
"I've been meanin' to ask, Al," Y/N said quietly. "Are you here to get redeemed?"
"Heavens no!" Alastor chuckled. "I'm simply here for entertainment!"
"Explain more, please," Y/N said.
"I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful and fail spectacularly!" he exclaimed. "Isn't that why you came here?"
"A little bit yes, but-"
Before Y/N could finish, she heard Vaggie and Charlie.
"But-But the extermination just happened. What could they want this soon after-"
Charlie cut off Vaggie "This is the perfect opportunity, Vaggie," she smiled. "I could get Heaven on board with my plan."
"Charlie hold on-"
Charlie ignored Vaggie. "There's no way I can mess this up!" she said, pacing all around the room. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"
"It's just a meeting," Vaggie groaned.
"When I speak to them, I'm going to change their minds and touch their hearts, or whatever angels have, actually."
"This could be bad," Vaggie said.
"Vaggie, it's gonna be alright!" Charlie said, taking Vaggie's hands and spinning around. "Something tells me that today will be a happy day in Hell!"
And with that, Charlie bolted out the door.
Everyone but Husk and Vaggie crowded around the door.
"She's halfway down the street," Y/N called out, giggling.
"Is she-?" Vaggie started
"Oh, she's dancin'," Angel finished, taking a drink of his booze.
"Ugh, no!" Vaggie groaned.
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Y/N was currently sitting in her room, going through paperwork of all the demons she killed. Something about seeing the number of lives she took away really boosted up her ego.
Going through the paperwork, she remembered the conversation she had with that woman on the phone before Alastor came in and brought up the idea for the commercial.
Remembering it, her eyes glowed a dangerous red. She was going to hunt down this woman, and she was going to do it now.
She opened her bedroom door and strode out, giving out a dangerous energy that even Angel and Vaggie knew not to mess with.
"I'll be back soon, Vaggie," she said, knowing that Vaggie wanted to ask. "I have some business to take care of, I shouldn't be gone long."
"What kind of business, hm?" Alastor suddenly asked, startling her. "You seem to be in a rush."
"It's something that I want done and I want it done right now." She said. Alastor saw the dangerous glint and his grin grew wider. "You're welcome to join me. Or not, I don't care."
Wanting to see Y/N in action, Alastor nodded eagerly. "Alright then,"
Y/N smirked. "I suggest you find another to keep up with me,then," she said in a way that caused Alastor to get goosebumps. "'Cause I'm not walkin' to my destination."
With that she walked out the door and unfurled her wings. Alastor was amazed on how big her wings actually were. He wanted to touch them.
"Y'know, it's quite rude to stare."
Alastor blushed, not knowing that Y/N saw him staring.
"My apologies, Y/N," he said, his eye twitching in embarrassment. "I'll meet you at our destination,"
"How do you know where I'm goin?"
"I have my ways."
Y/N grinned. She liked this side of Alastor, and she liked it a lot. She wanted to see this side of Alastor more often.
"Good luck keepin' up,"
As soon as she finished her sentence, she shot up into the air, flying gracefully. Alastor had never seen anything like this before, she was so beautiful and graceful, just like she was when she was alive. But something about seeing shoot up in the sky like that made something stir in his heart that he hadn't felt in a long time. He smiled genuinely, then melted into the shadows, following Y/N as best as he could.
As Y/N flew over Pentagram city, she tried to smell out and hear that bitch as best as she could. She had never done this before but decided that she wasn't going back to the hotel until that woman's head was off her body.
Flying past The Vee's Tower, she finally found her target. She didn't know how, but she just knew that it was her. The woman was walking out of the tower, a coffee in her hand and texting on her phone.
Swooping down, Y/N grabbed the woman and flung her into the wall of a nearby alleyway. As soon as Y/N landed on the ground, Alastor materialized out of the shadows, his grin wider than ever.
The woman's eyes were closed "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU A-?" she screamed, but as soon as she saw Y/N and Alastor in front of her she stopped talking.
"Is this the business you had to take care of?" Alastor asked, leaning on his cane.
"Unfortunately, yes," she said, not taking her eyes off the woman.
"I'm assuming this is has to deal with the services you offer?"
"No, she just really fuckin' annoyed me," Y/N said. Her eyes glowing red, she walked over the woman. "No wonder you're so stupid. You work for the Vee's don't you?"
"If you kill me," the woman said meekly. "They'll come after you."
Y/N laughed. "They won't do anything," she grabbed the woman up by her throat. Alastor was watching intently. "You think I'm scared of the Vees? Sweetie, it's the other around."
One of the woman's arms ripped off. The woman screamed in pain.
"This is what happens when you piss me off, do you understand?"
The woman nodded, tears streaming down her face.
"I don't think you do," Y/N said
She summoned an angelic knife and pushed it straight through the womans throat. The woman gurgled but died quickly.
Alastor stared at Y/N with wide eyes. He had never seen anything more attractive.
"Did you enjoy watchin'" Y/N asked cockily.
"Immensely, my dear," Alastor breathed out. "I wish I would of saw you like that when we were alive.
Y/N giggled "So do I. Now we should head back to the Hotel," she said, dusting off her pants. "I'd hate to attract an audience."
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Back at the Hotel, everyone was sitting on the couch, Vaggie pacing in front of them.
"Okay, so Charlie is dealing with something very important, so while she's gone, we are making a new commercial." Vaggie said. "One that represents her vision and what we're doing here. Alastor, we need a camera."
Alastor snapped his fingers and a camera from back when Y/N was alive popped up in Vaggie's hand.
"A video camera," Vaggie said.
Alastor hummed in dissaproval, but snapped again. The old camera disappeared and a modern video camera popped up in Vaggie's hand.
"All right! Let's do this!" Vaggie said, pumping her fist into the air.
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Y/N watched as Vaggie recorded a scene of Husk and Angel at the bar.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel," Husk said, the script in front of his face. "Can I help you with anything?"
"I've been a bad boy," Angel said suggestively, climbing onto the bar. "And I need a big strong daddy to put me in my place...on the path to redemption!"
Seeing Husk's face made Y/N feel bad for the cat but also giggle.
Husk rolled his eyes and groaned. "Well, you come-"
"Oh yes!" Angel interrupted.
"-to the right place."
"Cut!" Vaggie cried out. "Okay Angel, I need you to be less horny, if possible. And Husk, could you maybe not have the script in front of your face?"
"I ain't no actor! I can't memorize this shit!" Husk said, throwing the paper on the bar.
"We could improve this shit, babycakes," Angel purred. "Rawrr~"
Husk pushed Angel off the bar. "Whoops,"
Vaggie sighed. "Husk, come on!"
Y/N went back upstairs, killing that woman made her tired and she wanted to take a tiny nap.
"Not going to watch them down there?"
Y/N jumped and saw Alastor standing in front of her.
"Jesus Christ, Alastor, what is it with and scarin' me all the damn time?"
Alastor chuckled. "I can't help it, my dear. "You're too easy to scare."
Y/N scoffed and continued to walk to her room. Alastor followed her.
"I'm way too tired to argue with you right now,"
"Maybe you should get some rest then, dear,"
"I was on my way too when you scared me,"
"Am I annoying you?" Alastor asked, still following her.
"A little bit, yes," Y/N mumbled, as they reached her room. "I know Vaggie wants me to film a part, so could you maybe wake me up?"
"If you need me too, then of course,"
"Thank you Al," she smiled genuinely. "And thanks for comin' with me earlier. Usually, I like doin' stuff like that by myself, but you added somethin' nice to it."
"If anything, I should be thanking you," he said. "You put on quite the show for me today. I applaud you. I'll leave you to rest now."
Alastor melted into the shadows, leaving Y/N flustered and grinning cheesily. He was just like how he was on Earth, despite the psychopath tendencies, she liked that part of him too. She went into her bedroom and flopped onto her bed, sighing happily, her dead heart beating rapidly in her chest.
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Y/N woke up from her nap to a knock on her door.
"Come in," she said, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
The door opened and Alastor stepped in the room. He smiled genuinely when he saw Y/N in her sleepy form.
"Vaggie wants you downstairs," Alastor said quietly, an amused smile coming to his face.
"I'll be down there in a minute," Y/N said groggily. "Thanks for wakin me up, Al,"
"You don't have to thank me," Alastor waved off before heading out the door. "I'm glad you slept well, my dear."
After he left, Y/N got out of bed and straightened out her outfit and her hair before heading downstairs. When she got down there, she saw that the whole downstairs area looked like a set from a movie. There were lights and cameras everywhere, and everyone besides Alastor was dressed in outfits from the time you and Alastor were alive.
Y/N was impressed.
"Alright everyone!" Vaggie said as soon as she saw Y/N. "Let's make a fucking commercial.
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After all of them were done filming for the commercial, they sat around or on the couch, waiting for Charlie to come back, and for the commercial to air.
Y/N heard Charlie come in through the front door. Vaggie heard it to, getting up to greet her.
"Charlie!" Vaggie said, hugging her. "How did it go? Did they listen?"
"Oh, uh...They sure did..hear it! But um-" Charlie said.
"Oh! Come here!" Vaggie exclaimed, pulling Charlie towards the couch. "We have something exciting to show you!"
"Alastor and Y/N pulled some strings and it's about to air," Vaggie said as her and Charlie.
"We pulled a few limbs too," Y/N giggled.
"Wait? The commercial?" Charlie said, confused. "You all made a new one?"
"Yeah, one of my better performances, if I do say so myself," Angel said, grinning.
"That's...amazing," Charlie said, her eyes sparkling.
"Shh! It's starting!" Angel shushed.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hot-" Vaggie said on the TV before the signal got interrupted.
"Oh, what the fuck?" Y/N said in anger. Everyone reacted the same way she did.
A news broadcast came on.
"Breaking news in Hell today!" Katie Killjoy said on the TV. "We have just received word from the Heaven Embassy that the next extermination is happening sooner than ever before."
Hearing those words, Y/N's eyes widened in shock and fear.
"Do you know what that means Tom?"
"No, what does that mean, Katie?" Tom Trench asked.
"It means we're all royally fucked!" she answered, her neck snapping.
The camera cut to the Extermination Day timer, the numbers going down from 358 to 176.
"Wait...what? Why!?" Angel exclaimed.
Everyone in the room besides Nifty had looks of shock and confusion on their faces. Even Alastor didn't have his usual grin on his face.
"We are so fucked," Y/N muttered
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sorry it took me so long to upload, i've been really busy lol
angel dust and husker are my spirit animals
stay safe and drink lots of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
Taglist 💋
@maksdust @trippoverrt @slytherin4ever @lucifers-silhouette @a-small-tyrant @leviwife1 @mo-0-o @cutiebimbo
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
im kind of imagining for revolutionary!sanji that maybe theres a moment in alabasta where luffy and ace say something that sabo always used to say, maybe an inside joke, and everyone is confused but sanji kind of unintentionally mutters "youre just like sabo" and their heads snap towards him. cue an intense and furious interrogation that sanji is trying to evade bc he thinks sabo maybe pissed them off during a mission and they have no clue how the fuck sanji knows their dead brother's name
maybe not canon to your au but a fixit alternative?
Oh my gosh..... Ace and Luffy pester Sanji until they find out who Sabo is.
Sanji who is just watching these two feral adults, one of which lit his cigarette with his fruit. He's mentioned offhandedly having a brother he doesn't get to see often. Probably only once like when he talks about being from the North Blue. Sanji can't talk about a lot of stuff just because of how high ranking he is the Revolutionary Army.
So he's watching them and all the dumb shit they're doing and is just like "you're both just like Sabo" under his breath and they whip around to look at him. He doesn't know Sabo is their dead brother and they didn't know another Sabo could exist in the world. When Luffy and Ace ask about him Sanji doesn't really answer.
Can't risk whatever Sabo is doing right now. They keep pestering him throughout Alabasta. After a while Sanji is like "he's my brother! Okay! I don't get to see him a lot!" And then Luffy rubbers his way into Sanji's pockets and finds a photo of him and Sabo in their early teens, Sabo who has a massive scar covering one of his eyes and going into his hairline. Ace and Luffy are just staring at it and crying because that's their brother and everyone is confused and Nami and Zoro are hitting Sanji because he didn't tell them!
"It's not my fault Sabo never mentioned them! And it's not Sabo's either because he doesn't have his memory from before showing up!" Sanji defends himself and Sabo and everyone is like "he's at Baratie?" And Sanji shrugs and says he doesn't know where Sabo is right now and he probably won't for a while. It's just how it is.
Fuck it if this happens Sanji is like "Hey, we need to get to Marineford right now." To Sabo and Sabo is like "SWEET WE'RE FUCKING UP AN EXECUTION AND DRAGON DOESNT KNOW!"
Sanji and Sabo make it and Sanji is dressed in his Revolutionary best. Ace and Luffy are looking at these blond dumbass revolutionaries. And once Ace is free and Sanji and Sabo send them to the White Beard fleet Sanji and Sabo are grinning at these top Government officials like "haha dragon is going to be pissed" only for Ivankov to have them scruffed and hauled off too.
"I would expect better from our chief of staff and head of espionage! Honestly, what do these two have do with you two?" Ivankov demands as they gesture between the four of them and Sanji is like "well he's my Captain, he's my Captains brother, and they think the know Sabo from before times."
Ivankov is looking between them as Ace is reeling because he almost died, his pops did die, Luffy saved him, his other dead brother is alive and the cook is a revolutionary and so is his dead brother and they are high ranking? What the fuck? Also the before times?
And Ivankov is just leaning over them like "explain yourselves, we raised you better than this!" As Sabo and Sanji point out they were raised soldiers and Sabo doesn't remember anything before showing up on Baltigo when he woke up to Sanji staring at him. Koala grabs Sabo's pipe and nails both of the blonds with it and screams obscenities that belong in the void century.
Sabo is blinking at Sanji as blood is running down their faces then at Ace and Luffy. "If that's all it took to bring your memories back I'm going to hit you again." Koala threatens and Sabo fucking runs from her making her give chase and Ivankov is muttering to themself as Koala chases Sabo around the ship. And seeing an opportunity to make it worse Sanji is like "Koala, look at this!" As he lights his legs on fire.
Sabo throws Sanji into the ocean and Koala hits him with the pipe like a baseball sending Sabo flying after him. Ivankov can't believe this is head of espionage and the chief of staff. Ace and Luffy are crying their brother is alive but also very confused at the pipe weilding woman who just brained both Sanji and Sabo. She's kind of scary.
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amphibiahawks321 · 7 months
M!Reader : I wonder where lumine is? I mean yes she is doing commissions but she never took this long to finish them
[From the distance]
Paimon : y/n!
Lumine : Y/N!
M!Reader : W-wait is that!?
[It was paimon and Lumine wearing a black coat to cover their face]
Millelith 1 : Get back here you two! You two are in so much trouble!
[lumine grabs Y/N's hand and runs away with him]
M!Reader : W-what did you guys do?!
Paimon : U-ummmm
Lumine : We may or may have broken a few laws to do commissions!
M!Reader : Lumine define a few!?
Lumine : ......Like seven laws
M!Reader : seven!?
[The 3 runs on top of the mountain]
Lumine : you might want to hold onto me sweets!
[Holds her shoulders]
[jumps off the mountain]
M!Reader : Aaaaaah!
[Lumine activates her glider]
Lumine : Ha! We're alive!
Millelith 1 : Gosh darn it!
[The millelith said on top of the mountain]
Paimon : Woah that was close!
Lumine & M!Reader : ......
Paimon : what?
Lumine & M!Reader : Easy for you to say! You can fly!
Paimon : Eh!?
[10 minutes later, they three land on another mountain but a little shorter]
Lumine : Y/N....
M!Reader : ......
Lumine : Y/N....
M!Reader : .......
[Lumine about to tear up]
M!Reader : h-hey! Don't cry!
[M!Reader wipes her tears]
Lumine : A-are you mad?
[She said with a sad tone]
M!Reader : no I'm not mad you loveable idiot
[kiss her cheek]
Lumine : ╹////v////╹yay
M!Reader : if you're gonna break some laws Atleast message me first dear I could've figure out a plan
Lumine : You're willing to help? 0v0
M!Reader : [sighs] rather seeing you behind bars I'm willing to help you
Paimon : Oh thank goodness! Paimon was really worry Y/N would go ballistic mad on us
M!Reader : you guys didn't like kill somebody right?
Paimon : Hey! Do we look like psychopaths to you?
M!Reader : .....Yes
Paimon : Hey!
M!Reader : wait the millelith didn't see your faces right?
Lumine : Nope! We wore these black coats really quickly to not be seen
M!Reader : [sighs] come on let's go get some food you guys must've been exhausted from the running from that millelith
Paimon : [gasp] Your treat!? Then What are we waiting for? Let's go!
M!Reader : and you
Lumine : Eek!
Lumine : ummmm yes my awesome humble and nice Boyfriend?
[she said with a Smile]
M!Reader : ......
Lumine : not working?
[kiss her forehead]
M!Reader : [sighs] it worked [smiles]
[Lumine hugs Y/N's immediately]
Lumine : I'll pay you back i promise! ^w^
M!Reader : You better! [Chuckles]
M!Reader : Now come on before paimon order every food on the menu
Lumine : I would probably do the same thing
[She said looking at him with a sly grin]
M!Reader : want me to ignore you?
Lumine : No don't :<
M!Reader : [laughs] I'm just kidding! come on you troublemaker don't want you to lose your appetite right?
Lumine : right!
[grabs M!Reader's right hand]
Lumine : Food here we come!
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oizysian · 4 months
All Eyes on Me masterlist
Word count: 1k
I crept back into the hotel room as quietly as I could, sneaking into the little kitchenette so I could put the sandwich I bought for Brie away. As I was putting the bag into the small fridge, I heard something behind me. I spun around, ready to fight - or flee, really - and came face to face with Brie, who had her phone out and was smirking.
"Jesus, you scared me half to death." I let out a sigh of relief at the sight of her.
"I see that." She peeked over my shoulder and her eyes lit up. "Is that for me?"
"Yeah." I breathed, turning around and grabbing it before handing it over to her. "I hope you like it. I wasn't sure what to get so I just got something simple."
"I'll eat almost anything. I'm like a human garbage disposal."
I looked her up and down as she put her phone on the counter and dug around inside the bag.
"Where does it all go, though? You're all muscle."
"I work out a lot." She said, her face stuffed with the sandwich I had gotten for her.
I shook my head, chuckling at her, when I noticed her phone was unlocked and there was a picture on the screen.
"What's that?" I pointed to it and she let out a soft hum of questioning before her eyes followed my own to her phone.
"An iPhone."
"The picture, smart ass." I reached out and took it, my jaw dropping at what I was seeing.
"Surprise, I guess." She spoke between bites.
"This ... this isn't good. This looks not good, Brie."
It was a photo of Elizabeth and myself at lunch. We really looked like we were enjoying ourselves but it also looked like a date. We were sitting rather close and she was very animated; very touchy and it seemed as though we were more than friendly.
And they figured out who I was. Oh no.
"Your chat is gonna have a field day with you, babes."
"They're gonna eat me alive." I groaned, placing her phone back down on the counter.
"I can't wait to see that." She smiled, scarfing down the rest of her sandwich.
"Brie, this isn't funny. This looks like ..."
"A date?" She offered and I nodded pathetically. "It's obvious it's not a date - she's married. She would be a fool to go out on a date in public."
"We know it wasn't a date, but look how close we're sitting. Oh gosh." I rubbed my hand over my face before looking up at Brie again, who was still smiling.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You're about to blow up, baby."
"Huh?" What was she talking about?
"You were just seen out with one of Marvel's biggest stars."
"You're one of Marvel's biggest stars." I softly reminded her.
"Yes, but she's a star right now. 'Multiverse of Madness' is a hit, Scarlet Witch is bigger now than she's ever been before - and you just had lunch with her."
My eyes widened in realization at what she was saying, shaking my head desperately in denial.
"No, no, I-I'm not -!"
"You're an influencer now! Get out there and influence!"
"Brie, I don't want this responsibility. I'm just a streamer. I sit in my room and play video games, that's it."
"You're more than that now." She grabbed me gently by the shoulders. "You can do great things. That charity stream was just the beginning. Use this publicity to do all the things you wanted to do."
"You make it sound like I should use her popularity for my own gain."
"I didn't say that." But the look in her eyes said differently. "No matter where you go from here, I know I can't wait to watch your next stream where your chat goes absolutely apeshit."
I groaned, momentarily forgetting about how they would all react. They knew about my crush on Elizabeth, but seeing me with her was a completely different story.
"I'm afraid to stream now."
"They're gonna be happy for you." She said, her smirk almost hiding a hint of emotion in her eyes, her voice laced with a slight bitterness I didn't understand. "They're gonna be proud of you for finally landing your dream girl."
"I didn't land anything." I pulled away from her and walked over to one of the chairs at the small table, sitting down in it. "I don't even know why this conversation is a thing - we're just friends. We're all just friends!"
A flash of hurt colored her face before she snapped back to the present and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Maybe so," she leaned against the counter. "But I still say you get what you can out of this."
"She's my friend. I'm not gonna do that."
She shrugged, her shoulders dropping with relaxation.
"Enough of this Lizzie talk. Let's go for a swim in the pool."
"I don't really feel like swimming." I grumbled when my phone went off, indicating I got a text.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked to see who messaged me - Lizzie.
"What'd she say?" Brie asked, apparently realizing who it was at the look on my face.
"She said she's sorry."
"That's it?"
I shot Brie a look before returning my attention to my phone, typing out a response to her quickly. No, that hadn't been all. She hoped that this incident wouldn't affect our friendship and she asked if she could see me again before I left so she could apologize in person.
"So no pool?"
I sighed and looked up at her.
"Brie, I don't even have a bathing suit."
"So go out in your undies. It's the same thing."
"Elizabeth is coming to talk to me in person." I finally spoke, my eyes glued to my shoes.
It was quiet for a moment before Brie spoke again.
"Tell her to bring her bathing suit then, 'cos we're going swimming."
@oh-thats-cute @marvelwomen-simp
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you ain't woman enough
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Summary : some crazy diehard fan claims to steal your man, of course- you won't let that happen
Word Count : not too long, I hope
Warnings : 18+ Rockstar!Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, reader and Eddie are both (25) also they're MARRIED to each other, no use of y/n, Gareth is (18), Jeff is (20) mentions of a fan having self-harm history, the lunatic fan (I named her Delancy, she's 18) can be very invasive, disrespectful, delusional and too obsessed with Eddie, alcohol consumption, mentions of pregnancy at the end, I think that's just it tho
What to Expect : angst and fluff teehee
Note To Reader : guys, you're not going to believe this because my fever just bounced back again making me suffer once more 💀 (but I'm good right now don't worry)
Author Note : LOVE LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH- OF COURSE YOU KNOW I'VE HAD TO MAKE A FIC WITH IT ;)) (idk if I feel satisfied about this fic but here it goes)
You and Eddie have been together for ages
A bit dramatic, isn't it?
But no, seriously, it's like you spend a lifetime every minute, hour and seconds being with him
Since high school, Eddie thought it's cruel joke when you talked to him for the first time
He had a bit of time to grow on you back then, but when you finally get to know him when he unsheds his layers of showing the tough act to people at school
He is actually very sweet
That's where it all took off
You're always been there
The Hellfire Club campaigns, The Hideout sessions, the best part is that you we're also there when he got his long-awaited diploma
Wayne loves you, gosh, Eddie can still vividly remember the teasing moments that make him so freaking embarrassed when it revealed that Eddie has a crush on you
It's the most silliest confession that you both shared to each other, giggling at the same time
It's also wholesome in a way that you feel like yourself when you're with him than you're own
That's says something
You watch him grew to become one of the highest paid rock bands all of time, Corroded Coffin
Back in graduation in college, he said that he'll marry you and you'll be on his side while he's touring around the world
The words you told him never left his mind
"Always keep your dreams alive, Ed's"
You both love metal music, films, obviously certified nerds, always excited when you're both talking about your favorites
I mean- what's not to love?
"You're ready? sweetheart?"
You gave him 360° turn to your full ensemble for the tonight's show
Oh, he was stunned at it, he takes a minute to process
"You look fantastic- I mean- hot, super super hot"
You snort "Okay, let's go rockstar"
You've prepared yourself for this since the beginning, the moment that Eddie got himself big time at a record label
You know what you're in for
You're ready to face it all, the tabloids, loads of paparazzi everywhere, awestruck fans that recognize the both of you walking in the streets of L.A
You also know once you entered this business, there's no longer privacy that you knew before
The fandom that Eddie has is like a freaking movement almost like an activist, every false lies, rumors, gossips, they defend him with his bandmates
You adore them, really, grateful for it
The head of the official fanbase of Corroded Coffin is really nice and respects everyone of you, even treat you like normal human beings
They organized parties when it's time for an occasion like Corroded Coffin won a Grammy, New Year's, when someone in the band has a birthday, it's really great
Sometimes, you wish every fan is just like that, or sometimes even not a fan, you wished they'll treat you kindly
While eating lunch with Eddie at a local diner downtown
"You know, there's a young girl keeps looking at our spot for like 30 mins now" Eddie is wearing Ray-Ban black sunglasses as he quietly speaks as he takes a sip of his coffee
You had a mouth full of philly cheesesteak as you turned around to find what your husband is referring to
There, you spot her, when you catch her eyes, she simply look away shyly
You hum as you shrug "It looks like she wants to say something"
"Oh, boy, here she comes"
Before you can react to what he just said, she's now standing to where you both seated but she gave a distance for personal space that leaves an impression to the both of you
Eddie caught a glimpse of the young girl's wrist with marks of healed pocks, you saw it too, he watches her intently but when he saw how genuine her eyes are, he knows this isn't some weird fanatic
You cleared your throat as you smile at the young girl
"Uh- hi, I'm so very sorry, if I made you both uncomfortable but I- I just want to express my gratitude, your songs really helped me a lot and ever since I stopped doing it for 5 years already and I feel a whole lot better and uh- your love story has always been my favorite- it's very inspiring and I've always been looking up to the both of you and uh- yeah thanks for everything" she leaves at that
the young girl went on and on with her slightly ducked down too shy to even look at the both of your eyes
"That's really sweet" you say with twinkling eyes as you kept your eyes on the young girl
"Wow, see- this is why I'm doing this! I will keep on making music when something like that happens! I can help people!" He beams exhilaratingly with a smile
"Eddie, haven't you realized you've been doing this since highschool?" You hold his hand across the table
"Yes, I know and I will do what I do best" he winks and you by that look
You know he's gonna make this interaction memorable
"Hey, kid"
The young girl almost can't believe the Eddie Munson called her out
"We appreciate you so much" he says as he picked the whole new latest album from his bag
Young girl is appalled, felt weak on the knees almost, you giggled at her reaction
To make everything go insane, he even signed the album cover
You hand it out to her "We're so proud of you"
She takes it with shaky hands as she laughs "I-I'm sorry, I'm freaking out inside, thank you so very much"
"You'll be the first person to hear it"
"I'll listen to it once I get home, I will never forget this day in my life!"
You and Eddie both chuckled "Treasure it, sweetie! You deserve it!"
"I love you both so much, you have absolutely no idea! um- I'll be attending your show this coming Saturday" you shyly added with a grin
You squealed as you look at Eddie with excitement, he took his glasses off
"That's very metal, dear" he makes a rock n roll sign as the kid does the same time, both shared laughs
You watched the kid happily as she runs over to her parents with the album in hand as they become starstrucked when they saw both of you, waving at their daughter
You sigh in content "Isn't that just awesome?!?" You slam your hands on the table feeling giddy
Eddie throws his head back in laughter as his mind replays the endearing interaction earlier
"My manager is going to kill me after this"
"Oh, yeah right- you weren't supposed to reveal your latest album yet"
"I doubt it she'll not spread it to everyone"
"I'll drink to that"
Turns out, both of your guts we're right, the young girl didn't leaked the whole ass album for the whole world to hear
The tour was going fantastic, the crowd roars, screams, cheers everyone is going nuts once the band came out the stage
The after-party is your favorite part when the set is done, it's just you, Eddie, Jeff and Gareth hanging out
It's like old times, the difference is that all of you are a part of public figures now
But, no, never once or anyone of you let that get into your head, you don't want to believe or let yourself be aware of that "I'm a celebrity and you're nothing" type of shit, all of you remained humble since day one
No wonder why people adored you so much
Jeff finished his degree last year, now he's got himself a babe beside him, Gareth only have 2 years left at his college
He is so sick of it already, but he won't stop until he finally graduated
"Now, I get it why- Eddie feels so fucking drained after college" Gareth groans as he sats down next to you
"But my tutoring while on the tour bus helped, right?" You gave him an sympathetic smile
He smiles tiredly "Yeah, I'm just so exhausted but I'm almost there"
"That's the spirit!"
"Man, I don't know how you do it, are you getting enough sleep?" Jeff chimes in as he drinks his beer as he awaits for his friend to answer
"I don't even remember when's the last time I got a good night's sleep"
"Your time has run out" a voice rudely interrupted your conversation
You, Jeff, Gareth turn around at the girl who is standing closer to you
Jeff and Gareth shared confusion looks to each other
"Excuse me?" You say as look at her directly
"I said he's done with you"
Jeff makes a face and Gareth is unamused, offended by it
You tried your best to be polite as you wave your hand in front of her dismissively, maybe it's just some girl who mistakenly thought you're someone that she knew
"He doesn't love you anymore"
Who is this person? You think to yourself
You laugh incredulously as you lean forward, Jeff and Gareth looked at you and thinks why you're aren't doing anything to be mean just for once
They're watching the nicest argument ever
"You have to let him go" she says as she crossed both of her arms
"Why would I do that?"
"So, I can take him"
You, Jeff and Gareth looked at each other with knowing looks as you tried to keep your composure stable
The bartender is clearly knows what the fuck is going on and couldn't help but to bite back a laughter as well
"Ooh- okay, hot shot- gimme a sec" you say with a mockery on your voice as you bit your lip to stop bursting to any second
You kick Jeff and elbowed Gareth to stop them from snickering
"Hey, Francis" you paid for the tabs, you treat the guys for the drink tonight
"You didn't have to-"
"I insist, you always gave me fine drinks and you never let me pay? Come on- take it"
The older man smiles and sighs and muttered a small thank you
All of you go down to your rotating circle chairs, but before you left her, you twirl around with a teasing smile
She became annoyed at you, you didn't even know what the hell she's annoyed at you for
"Sorry to burst your bubble, you can't do that"
"What makes you think that I can't?" She snaps and it makes you amused
Jeff and Gareth make a teasing "Oooh's" as you flipped the guys off behind your back
"Because-" you looked at her from top to bottom
She really wasted her beauty for pulling a stunt like this?
"You aren't there yet"
You know, she ain't gonna understand that phrase because she's young, you didn't even bother to explain what it means so you turn heel and left her at it
You wiggle your fingers at her as you wave goodbye and she watches the three you finally booming the streets with the loud cackles
At the backstage, 10 mins left before the show starts
"Eddie! Stand still!" You say as you fix his outfit
"I've been performing for years and I still get nervous" he says with a unsure smile
"That's totally normal, Eddie, once you get out of there and feel all of the people energy and literally once you start singing? You'd be great like you always do" you say as you finish doing touch ups to his look
He didn't replied, he instead hugged you
"Oh" you got startled at his sudden action but you melt with it
"Thank you, sweetheart"
"Anytime, Ed's"
A frequent knock is going on the door, almost breaking it, he swung it open- he got cutt off by someone
"Alright, alright! I'll be there-"
"Where have you been?!? I've looked for you everywhere!"
"Didn't you missed me?!?"
You lean onto your side of the doorframe with arms crossed as Eddie looked at you for help almost like he's saying "Do you have any idea who is this person?!?"
The young lady who you encountered last night meet your eyes, you swore you saw the fire ignited once you came into the frame
"What is she doing here?!?"
Eddie is so perplexed as he continues to look at the random girl and you just smirk to yourself
She reached for Eddie's hand as he became so stunned at her action and you raised both of your eyebrows at her boldness
The audacity of this person is wild
"Honey? Care to explain, please?" Eddie is obviously trying to let go of the grip that she's holding onto him
"Oh, I just met her last night and how rude of me not knowing your name- if you even had one" you sarcastically speak up, it's very comedic to watch her face crumpled up to your smugness
"It's Delancy"
"Yeah, right- Delancy!" You act like it was the most interesting information ever
Eddie is watching you with a wolfish grin, he finally understood it
"I'm here to support my boyfriend" she lOviNgLy looks up at Eddie, the situation doesn't even get worse from there as he looks at you through his bangs as he purses his lips together
"Sweetie, before you can get to him, I'll have to move over and I'm gonna stand right here"
"You can't!"
"It will be over my dead body"
Eddie finally got away from the hold as he looks at her with fake sympathetic smile with a pout as he throws both of his hands in defense
You glanced at the corner and saw the security guards probably looking for her
You lean closer as you say "So, get out while you can" you nudge your chin towards the guards and she panic as she runs away
"Oh my fucking god" Jeff jogs as he tries to catch up his breath
"Give me a minute" Gareth holds up a finger as he pants
"So, she's the girl that you little shitheads talking about, huh?"
Both of the young men nod as they chuckled slightly
"Can't believe she got herself inside" you scoff as you shake your head
"Hmm, maybe there's a way to end this ridiculousness" Eddie smirks as all of you looked at him in confusion
The show is exhilaratingly amazing, Eddie called out for you, is this his plan?
You shyly get up on the stage as the crowd cheers for your name
Once you walked closer to Eddie he pulled you in for a kiss
You're surprised but managed to recover as you wrap your arms around him as you kiss him back
Jeff whistles as Gareth clapped aggressively
The whole crowd screamed harder as Eddie pulled you closer more to him as if that were possible, you became flustered as you break the kiss from running out of breath but Eddie?!? Kept stealing kisses as you giggled
"My beautiful wife everybody!" Eddie announces in the microphone not caring if your lipstick is all over his face
"Thank you guys for the insane night! We love you! We appreciate all of your support! Take care and we'll see you soon! Keep on rockin'!" Eddie left with that as Jeff and Gareth came onto your side as they join you for a bow before all of you waved goodbye and exit the stage
The interview is happening in the morning after the last night's show
"Have you heard about the rumor? There's basically a young girl claiming your husband, Eddie, to be as her boyfriend? What is your comment about this?"
Gareth chimes in with a smirk on his face as he leans over to steal a moment in the camera "No comment" he says as Eddie, Jeff snickered as you chuckled as well
"Yeah, I did, I even interacted with her- she seems....interesting"
"Interesting for a therapy" Jeff adds as the three man crack up to his joke
"She even said that Eddie looked at her at the concert last evening" the interviewer spoke up as you can watch Eddie genuinely reacted to this
"Oh my god" Eddie rubs his face as he hides his face buried on his palms as he tries not to laugh
"Well, a man looks at things sometimes that he doesn't need, I think she's referring to what happened at the backstage-"
"I took a second look-" Eddie narrows his eyes at you
"But he's in love with me" you point to yourself ignoring your cheeks blush
"Exactly" Eddie grins as you held his hand
"She even said that the kiss that happened was a fake"
"I don't know where that leaves her" you shrug at the interviewer
"You know where you stand"
You chortled at the interviewer's remark, knowing that this will even more pissed her off
"Precisely, I know where I stand" you agree as you nod
"And there you have it, folks, The Corroded Coffin, it's such a delight to finally to get to talk to you all and the man of the hour, Eddie Munson with his wife, Jeff and Gareth the icons behind the band, Thank you for tuning in!" The interviewer wraps it all up
"Please, do invite your fans to come on over to your tours"
"it's our pleasure, to share our music around the world and all we wanna do is just inspire people" Eddie smiles at the camera while he always pulled you into his side, you love that he never fails to show you off
As the airing ends, Eddie whispers to your ear
"Let's make her even more furious" Eddie bites his lips as he could think for a conniving idea
You snorted at him with a playful smile
"Telling to everyone that you're having a baby" he winks
"Eddie!" You push him playfully on the chest but he laughs as he carries you and spins around at the studio
But he ain't wrong with that, you'll even consider it later ;))
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lewkwoodnco · 7 months
omg hi you said you were opening requests for lockwood in general and not just songfics so i was wondering if you could write one where lockwood gets hurt in a mission trying to protect reader (they’re dating) and when they get back to portland row she gets mad at him and they have a really bad argument that ends up with the reader saying she doesn’t love him anymore (shes lying) and wants to leave lockwood and co !! (if it’s possible for you to end it on a happy note it would be amazing but if it’s hard to write there’s no pressure)
only love can hurt like this - Lockwood x Reader
Psst I now have a taglist! yippee!
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A/N: okay SO I know the title is from a song but it’s nottt a song fic and gosh this made me realise what a crutch music has been in my writing 😭 if any of y’all have more non-songfic requests I would rlly appreciate it 🙏the beginning's a lil fluffy hehe, inspired by this post! P.S. condolences for shadow and bone </3, wc 4.7k She was in the kitchen when George and Lockwood returned from their case, dusty and exhausted, and fixed up some tea for them. George took his tea up to his room with a mumbled thanks and Lockwood pressed a distracted kiss to her temple as he pulled out the biscuit tin. She made a calculatedly casual remark about going down to the basement to help Lucy sort out their storage, at which he rolled his eyes and pulled her into the chair next to his.
But that was about an hour ago, and now she could hear the tired flipping of pages and stacking of files from the library, where he was buckling down to fight the growing pile of paperwork on his desk. He's facing away from her when she steps in, and from the looks of it, the paperwork seems to be winning.
"I know you wouldn't want to make a fuss..."
He stiffens, and when he turns there's an incredulous tilt to his eyebrows and the ghost of a smile tugging on his lips. She keeps a hand over the candle's flame as she walks in balancing a card and cupcake on her palm.
"How did you find out?"
"I badgered Barnes for your birth certificate. Took me months."
"That can't be legal."
"Don't think he minded much in the end. Anyway, the card was like a pound and the cupcake is a gift from Arif so you can't refuse either of them."
He smiles despite himself, glancing through the card with a bemused interest, red glitter coating his fingertips.
"Well, I didn't know I was your 'precious sweetheart.'"
"Oh, shut up. It was that or a condolences card."
"Hmm, this card really is the gift that keeps giving. 'To my dearest darling...'"
"Maybe I should have had a look through."
"...blah blah blah 'perfect day for my adorable sweetheart -'"
"What on earth kind of a shop is Arif keeping?"
"'Happy birthday handsome'?"
"I think we're done with the card!" She snatches it from him and stuffs it under the large stack of papers on his desk, face burning, but it still takes him a while to laugh it out of the system. It's an endearing sight to see him so carefree, if exhausted, and even after months of dating she watches him shyly through her eyelashes. His haggard face makes it easy to see him as far more than only a year older, but for now it's enough that he's laughing and alive.
"First and last time I trust Arif's judgement on birthday cards."
That sets him off again, though he has the decency to try and choke it down, but even his suppressed amusement is infectious enough to make her lips twitch. She hadn't realised what a stirring experience it would be to watch him celebrate another year alive. He looks like he wants to say something, but she's not sure she can bear it.
"Shh, just blow the candle out. Wait! You have to make a wish."
He sighs dramatically, but acquiesces, briefly muttering invisible words under his breath with closed eyes before blowing out the candle. She tries to match the fluttering of his lips to words but nothing quite fits, and she half wonders if he's spouting incomprehensible gibberish just to appease her. It isn't until he pulls out the candle and jabs her with it that she realises she was staring.
"You want to know what I wished for?"
"It's killing me."
"I -"
"No! You can't tell me or it won't come true."
"Y/N, it's a candle in a cupcake."
"I'm not putting up with any of your cynicism on your birthday." She thinks about the overly zealous card, and the crumbling cupcake that would be gone in a few minutes. "Should have gotten you a gift. At least a small one."
"This is perfect. Really."
"Still. Could have scrounged up a keychain, or a mug."
"What, from the kitchen? My kitchen?"
"You know me so well."
"Well," he leans back in his chair, almost superficially nonchalant. "I suppose there is one gift you could give me."
"What's it going to take for you to read the card out loud?"
That day had a sluggish quality which made it feel like years had passed by the time they set out for their job at sprawling, if ancient, mansion on the outskirts of London. Looking up at the giant house that nearly completely blocked out the setting sun, relief over knowing where the haunting was centralised washed over her; she wasn't quite in the mood to be running up and down impractically ornate flights of stairs.
The neighbours had reported seeing a ghostly figure drifting aimlessly in one of the open-air courtyards, and occasionally it would appear on the balcony directly above the courtyard, climbing over the railing before vanishing into thin air. Lockwood and George were stationed at the courtyard, Lucy at the stairs, and she on the balcony.
She stepped onto the balcony hesitantly, eyeing a thin, jagged crack running through the stone. The house was too cavernous to be considered flimsy but some of the crumbling walls made her feel as though one good thump would bring the whole place crashing down. She started to unzip her duffel bag when an ear-splitting scream ran through the courtyard.
She jumped, her ear prickling unpleasantly. It was as though the visitor had been standing right next to her, but as her heart rate came down, she realised she wasn't even feeling chilly. She peered down, where George was squinting up at her, Lockwood already with one foot out of their chains. She shook her head, trying to muster a thumbs-up with her fumbling hands, but he was already walking towards the stairs briskly.
She wasn't sure how long it took him to reach her, but it definitely felt longer than it should have. The adrenaline from the scream had made her especially nervy, with a sickly fog of paranoia settling over her mind. Those trees seemed too lush, too dense, dark green leaves quivering under the whims of some invisible wind. She tried to think about the cupcake, and Lockwood's face when he first saw it, and it was enough to stop the balcony from dissolving under her fingertips.
But when he reached her, hair tousled, his grip on her shoulder just a little too strong to be entirely comfortable, she saw a very different version of Lockwood. His lips were moving but there was something rampant in his eyes, something that gave her pause. She glanced at the monstrous night sky, which seemed to threaten to swallow them whole, and then at the inky black heat in Lockwood’s eyes, and she suddenly felt overwhelmed by them both.
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Wha - hm?"
"Are you hurt?"
“No, I’m fine. You didn't need to come up here."
His hand slipped from her shoulder, sliding down to her hand, which he stared at as if he couldn't quite understand it.
"Are you okay?"
He looked up, the furrow in his brows dissolving, though he didn't seem ready to let go of her hand yet. “Hm? Oh, yes, I'm fine. It's just...I...I could have sworn..."
“Breathe, Lockwood. You look like you’re stretched thin.”
"I'm fine," he repeated, but it's somehow more hollow than the last. Part of him turned to leave, but something made him stop. He opened his mouth, then closed it again as if he thought better of whatever he was about to say. The burning in her chest grew.
"You feel it too, don't you?"
He exhaled wearily. "He's playing tricks on us. Maybe Luce should join you here -"
"No, it's best she stay halfway. It'll be fine; we can see each other."
He nodded stiffly, before finally walking away with considerable effort. The balcony somehow felt more alive as Lockwood left, the trees rustling louder than they should as the air around her seemed to contract. It unsettled her.
Eventually the visitor made his appearance, and though her Sight wasn't the best it helped calm her nerves to have something solid to watch out for. He was in the courtyard, dodging Lockwood's salt bombs while trying to fly at George, who was desperately looking for the source. There was only so much help she could give as any flares she threw from her height were only going to hit George or Lockwood rather than the visitor, so she focused on hunting for loose panels or hidden latches in the balcony and the walls of the house from which it protruded.
When she walked back to the railing, she felt a stab of panic at the blanket of grey mist that obscured her vision of the courtyard. She gripped the railing, trying to calm down. She could still hear them, but given what Lockwood had said about the visitor playing tricks, she wasn't sure how much faith she could place in any of her senses. A crash sounded, as if one of the weaker walls had caved in, making her wince. She put her hand on her rapier, steeling herself to make the trip downstairs.
Another crash sounded, but this one seemed to resonate through the mansion's skeleton. There was an awful grinding sound and she felt the floor beneath her feet tilt. She clutched what she could reach of the balcony's doorframe, hanging on by her fingertips, not daring to even breathe as she desperately tried to plant her slippery soles onto the marble floor. Her palms were sweating, and her grip was slipping. She closed her eyes, fed up with the hallucinations, and braced herself for the fall.
Instead of the swooping sensation of falling, she feels strong fingers closing around her wrist. She opened her eyes to the sight of Lockwood pulling her to the safety with a badly scratched cheek, but otherwise unhurt. It makes her want to sob with relief, but she settles for scrabbling for his palm with numb fingers. She leans against the doorframe, reveling in the solid wall pressing against her back, though her relief was short-lived.
The visitor shrieked much closer now, startling her as she turned to watch it hurtling towards them, obsessively staring at the chalice in Lockwood's hand. The growing pit in her stomach swells as she rifles through her belt with increasing agitation, panic stabbing her in the eye with every empty pocket. Lockwood twisted his hand out of her relaxed grip, and in that split second she realised what he was about to do. He took a final step onto what was left of the balcony, and the whole structure came crashing down.
Among the roar of the rubble, she picked out what she thought was the sickening crunch of bones, and it took everything in her to fly down the stairs instead of jumping after him. Lucy was already there with George talking on a phone nearby, and their faces paled when they only saw her coming down the stairs. The three of them frantically started shifting through the rubble, yanking at the larger pieces together. She couldn't see the visitor as the dust settled, which saved her the trouble of ripping it to shreds, limb by limb.
She heard a familiar cough coming from under one of the pieces, and with strength she hadn't known that she possessed, she pulls the piece away to reveal a dusty, battered Lockwood. George and Lucy aren't far behind, quickly freeing him from the mountain of debris. This time she does cry out in relief, pressing her fingers into the skull behind his ears insistently, shaking from the blessing that it was to see him alive and breathing. He winces, and her grip on his head tightens reflexively.
"What? What hurts?"
"Your screaming, right now."
As the DEPRAC vans pulled up, George filled out the necessary paperwork on behalf of Lockwood, who was impatiently letting the paramedics check only for broken bones. As the relief of finding him alive faded, all that was left was a smarting irritation. Lockwood would forever and always remain addicted to playing the hero, she knew that, but it didn't piss her off any less, especially when he put his life on the line for it.
Once Lockwood finally managed to shrug off the last exceptionally persistent paramedic, the four of them trudged over to one of the cabs DEPRAC had flagged down for them.
"Hang on - what about the source?"
George turned and she followed his gaze to the team of DEPRAC officers delicately draping an iron net over the rubble.
"Given that it was the balcony itself, I think it's been taken care of."
As they settle into the cab, Lockwood carefully scans her face which is still as inscrutable as it was ten minutes ago. She relents, but only a little, giving his hand a light squeeze. She closes her eyes and leans her head on his shoulder, whispering quietly.
"I wish you'd let them look over you properly."
"M'alright. I can deal with a few scrapes myself. Fractures, not so much."
George's tired voice floats from the front seat.
"You better not have a concussion, idiot."
She feels him still next to her, and suppresses the urge to roll her eyes. Why couldn't he let the paramedics do their job properly? Why did he have to be so stubborn?
She thinks about a night from long ago, before they were dating and before she learnt how to bully him into taking care of himself. They had just come home from a case, and he was sitting in his room in a curious manner: staring at the wall without even realising his door was ajar, or that he was still fully clothed. The patches of skin peeking out from under his clothes were littered with scratches and cuts, but nothing major enough to warrant first aid, save for the bruise on the side of his face. She paused at his door, watching him, and wondered if he knew she was even there.
“No library?”
“Not tonight.”
She didn’t like the way he was speaking. The response wasn’t immediate, as if it had taken him a while to detangle himself from his absorbing thoughts. The tone of his voice was as cordial as always, but there was some kind of agency missing, as if he were in a trance, and it unnerved her. And yet, something tethered her to him, some desire to protect him from some violence brewing close at hand.
“You should really get some ointment on that.”
“I know.”
But he made no movement to do so, and she felt awkward leaving him alone. That was how she ended up sitting next to Lockwood on his bed as the sun started to peek in. There was a misty tinge to the first strains of light, and Lockwood looked so pale she wondered if he was fully solid. She had watched his fragile and ambivalent spirit restlessly pace in the room for the past few hours, while his corporeal form withered lifelessly, but she didn’t understand him any better.
She slipped her fingers in his own, mildly frowning, as if trying to hold on to an increasingly amorphous Lockwood. His fingers reflexively tightened around hers before relaxing just as quickly, his first movement in hours, though his face remained impasssive. His hand remained relaxed, but when she didn't pull her hand away, he allowed his thumb to rest on hers. She had felt some kind of tension then, between the part of him that wanted to drift away and the part of her holding onto him for dear life. But now, the Lockwood sitting opposite her at the kitchen table was slipping through her fingers like sand.
"Y/N, about those conflicting jobs in Hackney - do you want to split up or should I cancel?"
"I don't know, Luce. Why don't you ask Lockwood? Since he seems to always know best."
Lockwood frowns, briefly looking away from the torch George was shining into his eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
She ignores him, muttering under her breath.
"God forbid someone ask him to try to stay alive."
"Will you cut it out?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, which one of us has a head injury again?"
"I'm fine."
"How dare you lie to my face?"
George clicks the torch off, hastily moving to another corner of the kitchen, while Lucy's weary drifting slows down. Lockwood still looks peeved, but there's a hint of bewilderment on his face. She sighs irritably, pressing her eyelids.
"What I mean is...you don't look fine."
"It's only a bump. Not even a concussion - George checked."
"At least let me ice it for a bit."
"Don't fuss. I'm fine. Just sit and have your tea."
I’m begging you to let me help you, she wants to say. But she doesn't, because she's tired and angry and still very much scared, so she's in no mood for tea. He glances at her face when she continued to stand, and his jaw set when he sees she's in the mood to pick a fight.
"It's like you don't even think you did anything wrong." Do you know how much that terrifies me?
"I was only doing my job as your...employer, landlord, boyfriend...one of them."
"Why must everything be so complicated with you?”
"Fine. I'm sorry I didn't want to watch you break your neck."
And I didn't want to watch the life leave your eyes. "Oh, but yours is fair game?"
He doesn't respond, and it's almost as though she can see the invisible barriers he's putting up between them. She feels a brief stab of panic that she mistakes for anger.
Don't shut me out. "And now the silent treatment! God, you're such a child."
He stops drinking his tea entirely, and it doesn't give her the satisfaction she thought it would. Between the exhaustion from the case and the frustration over the brick wall that was Lockwood, her tongue gets the better of her and she sees red.
"Sometimes I wonder how I ever loved you."
The activity in the kitchen grinds to a halt for a few, terribly long seconds, before George walks out, Lucy not-so-subtlely following him with their tea. The anger on Lockwood's face evaporates, leaving an irritatingly smooth expression of mild surprise. She Silence suspends on the precariously thin string connecting them. He waits, but she doesn't backtrack. She turns away, unable to bear the look on his face.
"I'm...I'm sorry you feel that way."
"I've been thinking about leaving for a while."
"...leave...Portland Row? And go where?"
"I don't know. Anywhere's better than here." Anywhere I don't have to see you make stupid, reckless decisions because of me. Anywhere I don't have to look at you nursing fractures in barely-healed bones. Anywhere I don't have to watch you dither for peace you can never quite seem to reach.
He doesn't say anything, and she's not sure if there's anything he could say. She leaves the kitchen, dragging her feet up to their shared room. She empties the contents of her drawers and closet into a bag as if on autopilot, as she hid in some dark corner of her mind, waiting, begging for some force of God to tell her to stop. Her bags get packed, she gets undressed, and it is only after she turns out the light that she lets herself grieve the life she's leaving behind.
She's looking out of the window when the door swings open, warm light from the hallway spilling into the dark, illuminating her barren nightstand. He pauses at the threshold but she remains completely still, and after a moment or two he steps in, closing the door behind him. He shuffles about, getting ready for bed in the dark, and doesn't look at her face even when climbing into bed. She wants to tell him to try to get some sleep, but she isn't sure if it's her place, so the words remain unsaid.
He was so close she could just...extend her arm...brush her fingers on his back...clumsily soothe the unfettered demons which came out at night. There's a heady oppressiveness to the dark which weighs her down, not as cool and fluid as it normally is, waxing and waning around their shifting bodies and burning skin. The moonlight reflected on the pale patch of skin above the collar of his t-shirt, skin which looked like liquid glass. Close. She was so close to this delicate, temporal force which wrought a religious kind of faith from her hopelessly melancholic soul.
What a misery it was to love.
She wakes up to the sun streaming over the rumpled sheets of the empty bed. She sits up, the house significantly quieter than it usually is at this time of morning. In the kitchen, George is standing by the toaster and Lucy's pulling out the sugar bowl, making tea. Lockwood's sitting stiffly in his chair, and he looks much more whole in the daylight, though oddly fragile with the protection of his suit stripped away. Their eyes instinctively meet when she walks in, after which they avoid each other's gaze until much later.
She gently takes her mug from Lucy, brushing off her protests with a distracted pat on her hand. The emptiness from last night hasn't faded, and she puts together a cup of tea and collects 2 pieces of toast mechanically.
Without thinking, she swaps the mug Lucy's placed in front of Lockwood with her own, only realising what she's done when she feels three pairs of eyes on her, her own eyes fixed on the mug in front of him. She clears her throat awkwardly.
"Lockwood doesn't take sugar with his tea."
Lucy probably mumbles an apology, but she isn't entirely sure given how all she can think about is how close his fingers are to hers. She wills her hand to let go of the mug, and it takes a moment to reluctantly cooperate.
"Thank you."
Lucy takes advantage of her pause to place her mug next to his, so she hesitantly takes her seat next to him. She picks up a piece of toast and starts buttering it while Lockwood talks in an unfamiliar voice.
"So...any plans on where you're going?"
"I've got an aunt in Brixton. Might stay there for a while, until I sort out something more permanent."
He gives a half-nod, as if he hasn't bothered to listen to her words too closely. "Well, you're more than welcome to...stay, at least for a while. If you'd like."
"I...don't think that's a good idea."
"I see."
She can't bear the way his face falls before he attempts an unconvincing smile. It makes her heart ache. Even though they're sitting close enough to have their knees occasionally brush, here in this grimly-lit, transparent kitchen, she's never felt more disconnected from Lockwood. She wants to reach out, slip her fingers in his, btu all of a sudden she's paralysed by doubt and she doesn't know how. She slips the buttered toast into his plate. His lips quirk into a faint cursory smile, but it's gone as soon as he turns back to his plate, a vaguely miserable twist to his pallid lips. They eat in silence, and it's the hardest breakfast she's had to endure at Portland Row.
In another life I’m easier to love. I’m less complicated, less convoluted, less given to bursts of self-destructive/violent tendencies.
Afterwards, she gets dressed, but she cant bring herself to leave just yet, so she sits on the bed vacantly, looking up when he . He pauses at the door, looking at where his fingers delicately rest on the doorframe, the same way they always rested on her shoulder when he wanted to dip his head to whisper something into her ear, as if compelled by some unrecognised desire to hold her close. She steels her face but her eyes desperately drink him in, all of his rough edges and limp shadows, the hazy outline of his body. He holds out an envelope.
"What's this?"
"Your paycheck. The last one." He adds in the later bit almost as an afterthought, and it's almost enough to make her stay. She slips it into her bag, choosing not to point out how he had just given out their most recent paychecks just last week.
"I know I can't change your mind, so...thank you for...everything."
He glances at the birthday card on his nightstand, and any regret she had over buying the card instantly evaporates. At least she managed to somehow get out how she felt once upon a time.
"You'll get another next year."
"Don't think George shares my love for cheesy birthday cards quite like you do."
"Do you think I'm making a horrible mistake?"
She wants to feel the comforting weight of his hand in hers, wants to lean against him weakly and have him tell her everything would be alright. But her bags were packed, her dresser as bare as her heart, and she can't help but feel as though she would never be happy again.
"Humour me. Please."
He sighs, but relents.
"Up till yesterday I thought George didn't love me quite like you did, so, frankly...I don't know what to think."
"So...you want me to leave?"
"I didn't say that."
"So you want me to stay?"
"I didn't say that either."
"You make me…so scared, Lockwood. And...sometimes...I don’t think you realise it.”
He moves from where he's leaning against the doorway to sit next to her. She leans her head against his shoulder. He lets her.
"You and I both know I won't be around for long. I just want to keep you safe while I'm still here."
"You don't honestly believe that. Right?"
"It's...hard to say. Some days I feel normal. Mostly. Some days I feel like no amount of candles, eyelashes or wishbones can keep me from an early grave. I don't want you around to see it. I put you through so much, Y/N. I can't say you won't be better off without me."
"What about you?"
He smiles bittersweetly. "You're too...kind to see it now, but one day you'll realise that...it's what I deserve."
A silence fills the room, until she breaks it by violently chucking the envelope at his face.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
He gasps and splutters incoherently, still in shock from her attemoted assault.
"It's 'what you deserve'? What you deserve is a good knock on the head!"
"Fine, I'm sorry!"
"Don't ever let me catch you thinking like that again!"
"I won't!"
"What's it going to take to get it into your thick skull? I love you!"
"I mean it!"
"I get it."
"And don't you forget it!"
"I won't." He wraps his arms around her, and she squeezes his torso aggressively, muttering increasingly extreme threats darkly under her breath. It's a sobering moment to hold each other as a new day blooms outside their window. "I won't."
They pull apart, but she still leans against him, and in that moment it's a dream to be sitting there, pressed impossibly close together, listening to each other breathe.
"I want to take evening walks with you. I want to watch you iron your ties on sleepy Sunday afternoons. I want to lose to you in chess. I want to manhandle you into celebrating your birthdays. I want to rub away the crease between your eyebrows whenever you’re thinking too hard."
Her hand drops from his waist to his wrist.
"Damn it, Lockwood. I want to hold your hand. I want to love you."
He interlocks his fings into hers, distractedly running his thumb over hers.
“Let me help you. Please.”
”I don’t think I know how.”
She tightens her arms around him again, overwhelmed by the burdens stretching out in front of them. Nothing was easy, not even this. Not even him.
"Just...hold on."
"I'm holding on. I'm holding on...to you. I'm holding on...for you."
TAGLIST: @mitskiswift99 @dangelnleif
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seas-storyarchive · 3 months
Demon Mother, Angel Son - Swap Au
Alastor Altruist is in heaven, the Radio Angel. He died during a shoot out that broke out at a marti gras hosted in French Quarter. Just wanting to have some fun, get drunk for a night.. but he died instead.
His mother is in Hell, Mama Lenora, Hell's most powerful Voodoo Queen and former mass murderer. She didn't let her son know about her activities - letting him believe she worked at a butcher's in addition to her cleaning job. As ironic as those two jobs were being paired together, her baby never questioned her and believed her. She had been killed, a few years after her son, as she was murdering some abusive man that she tracked into the bayou - his dog had come to his defense and gave him time to get his gun and kill her.
Lenora finds Charlie's attempts adorable, sticking around the hotel with Husk too - she owns his soul from a game of cards that she beat him in Niffty is her housekeeper and the younger woman seemed happy to move to a bigger place where there were more bugs.
When Charlie goes to Heaven, she meets a red deer angel who was talking to St. Peter and Emily after their song - Sera brushes him off and flies away.
"Oh, hi! My name's princess Charlie Morningstar!"
"Pleasure to meet you, your majesty! Truly a pleasure! My name is Alastor Altruist, the Radio Angel! Welcome to Heaven." Alastor shakes her hand, and then looks to Vaggie. "Ah, you have a companion! The more the merrier! Hello to you as well, Miss..?"
"Um, Vaggie.." Vaggie hesitantly shook his hand.
"So, Alastor, what is heaven like? We're trying to get sinners redeemed, and we'd love to know about it." Charlie said.
Alastor smiles, wistfully. He took a breath, and his accent suddenly changes, "it's fine, miss. Splend'd, even. But, in truth, Ah miss mah Maman." He pulls out a locket and then shows them the picture.
"Hey, it's Lenora!" Charlie was excited. "You're Lenora's son! Oh my gosh!" She grabbed Alastor and shook him. "Your mother is at our rehabilitation hotel! Look!" She let got of Alastor to show him a group picture of the hotel inhabitants, including his mother.
"Maman's really there? Gettin' rehabilitated, misses?" Alastor asked, looking up from the photo to the women with hope in his eyes.
"Uh, yeah. It's .. progress." Vaggie said, making avague hand gesture.
"Alastor, this could be the proof we need!" Emily said, excitedly.
"Proof, for what?" Charlie asked, her and Vaggie now curious.
"To open a line to Heaven." Alastor answered excitedly.
Emily was equally as excited. "Alastor and I have been trying to get Sera to agree to let him broadcast from Heaven to Hell and let those in both places at the very least share something. Maybe some of the sinners remember Alastor, his voice might bring them some bit of comfort."
Charlie nodded, "okay. Well, I'm not entirely sure how that would work, but let's give it a try."
At the trial, Alastor is taking notes in Sera and Emily's box. And then he joins in, letting them see his view - only to get Adam in his face.
"Wait! My mother has agreed to make a change! They say she's making progress, this whole thing can't be deranged!"
"Oh look! The mama's boy spoke! Look here, you spineless like dope, Mama's not coming here! She's better off staying down there!"
"See here, first man. From what I hear, you didn't always have a plan! Sloppy, amatuerish. You say we came from your loins? Pfft! Then, my your angels pray I don't toss you a few pity coins!" He then tosses a few cent pieces from his time alive at Adam (which hit the floor).
"You old timey, little bitch! Southern fuckin' hick! Go back to your box, radio dying cock!" Adam tried to grab Alastor, but he jumped out out of the box and fluttered down.
"I concur, that Adam and his angels do whatever and remain in the sky! Why should they," he points to the orb, "not get a second chance, why must they die? Why can't they stay? My suspicion is that some pray! Some may even pray to powers on high! Why must it be this way? Seraphim, what have you to say?" He lands in front of Vaggie, Emily and Charlie, between Lute and Adam - who was lowering himself down - his wings spread out as far as they can to protect them.
Skip ahead, to after the meeting.
"Princess Morningstar! Princess, wait! Please!" Alastor was rushing to Charlie, with an old timey radio in his hands.
"Oh, Alastor!" Charlie looked at the radio. "Um, what's that?"
"A radio, well my personal one. I want you to give it to my mother. Hopefully it will pick up my broadcasts from up here."
Charlie took it, smiling. "Of course, Alastor. Thanks. And.. I'm sorry about-"
"Non, princess." Alastor said, waving his hand to quiet her. "The outcome of everything? Is not your fault. Those on the ninth cloud are a bit slow to come down, yeah?"
Charlie nodded. "Yeah. Oh! Um, can I take a picture if you for your mother?"
"Of course!" Alastor smiled at her, before looking to St. Peter. "Oi! St. Petey! Wanna take a picture?"
Peter laughed at his question. "No thanks, I spent enough time away from my post. Thanks though."
Alastor rolled his eyes, before he fixed his hair and then said, "alright, ready when you are."
When Lenora recieved the radio, and saw the picture, she cried. Her baby, in heaven! A successful man!
Hearing her son over the radio, for the first time in almost a hundred years, it made Lenora cry.
"This song, a very old timey one if I may say, goes out to my dear mother. I hope you are safe, Maman, and that you can hear me. Sleep well."
Their favorite song, that she would dance to during sadder and happier times. He remembered. Her boy remembered.
"Don' worrah, mon petite cher. Maman's gonna be better." Lenora said to the radio, summoning Husk's contract. "Startin' tonight, I'ma do anything I can to get to you, bebe." She ripped the contract in half. "Trus' me."
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 months
So I'm a newbie in the VC universe that discovered the books only a few months ago through the series and I have a question regarding Louis character so I came here because I believe it's a safe space for that. Well, to begin with, I'm not really into the vampire lore before so the show was okay to me and since I'm more of the reading type, I plan on reading the books after watching the movie too because I kinda like the aesthetic of that century. And oh gosh, that was the best decision I ever made because I am madly in love with it especially with Louis whom I find so relatable, but then that's when I realised that though I find myself relatable in Book Louis, that never came across me with Show Louis and I wonder what could be the main reason for it. Is it my lack of understanding the story in the show or the show doesn't show me the side of that Louis? I suppressed this thought for a long time because of the constant fandom war going around regarding the book vs movie vs show on Twitter and I only upload Tumblr not long ago so I really got no one to ask at that time. Sorry if my question is hard to understand/lacking in any sense, I'm not really good in voicing out my thoughts.
Hi! So like, TLDR; they are two completely different stories and two completely different sets of characters that happen to share names. I don't think it's a big mystery that one resonates with you and the other doesn't, that's just how it goes! And I hesitate to compare & contrast the two canons too deeply because I don't need any drama lol. But I'll try to parse some of this: I don't think you're missing something in the show. Unless I missed it too. 😅 But truly the show has a completely new character, and while I think they have some things in common, and I definitely really SAW LOUIS a couple times, they really aren't the same. And even in moments where I think I see Louis (ie: thoughtful, brooding, spiritually tortured) I think some of the decisions the show made to change the story just really narratively don't work for the book character. I really think these two pieces are best enjoyed as completely unrelated series, because we can tie ourselves in knots trying to make the book fit what we're watching, and vice versa, and every character on the show is essentially an OC. Of all the characters we've met on the show, I don't think ANY of them feel like the book counterparts. (Lestat is the worst offender for me personally LOL.)
The book I think also is about grief and Anne Rice often discussed using "the vampire as the other" as a means to write stories about feeling isolated. I think that's a huge reason why the books are so successful and why they reach so many people! It's such a broad theme and using vampires as a symbolic conversation means that we can make it about anything when we're reading. And especially like IWTV being written IN GRIEF I think makes that theme so so powerful like not just the pain but like, how disorienting it is, how lost you feel, how small and powerless. And feelings of grief come up over and over in the series, and not just literally about people, but about the sun, about life, about things we lose when we're forced to go on without. And I don't think the show really got into that topic; even using vampirism as a conversation the timeline of the canon is so short it doesn't really stick the landing. We get some brief glimpses of the life Louis had before, but by the end of the season his family is still alive. Barely any time has gone by. If this will be sort of an overarching theme over the longevity of the whole series we shall see, but tbh S1 was so absolutely unrecognizable to me as a book fan that I'm not super interested in following up lol. You'll have to get back to me in a few years and let me know how it went. 😂
ANYWAY. I outsourced this ask to a couple friends because admittedly I've never been a huge Louis fucker so some of the show changes were lost on me and I hesitate to speak deeply on either version of him for that reason but!
@somevagrantchild says: [...] the tv show created a whole new character in Louis’s place, in a different century with different values and a different background that gave him his own unique personality and struggles that are very different from book Louis. Which means the decisions and choices he makes are also very different as well as the way he relates to Lestat.
An example is show Louis using his vampire powers to get revenge on people from his mortal life vs book vampires becoming detached and not caring about those things anymore Also show Louis being selective about who he kills (coming up with the evildoer idea on his own) vs book Louis just never wanting to know, so being the most indiscriminate killer of them all @covenofthearticulate says: i mean god the whole goddamn point of louis' character is that he only really values humanity after losing it, so after being turned he's like desperately grappling to find some sense of humanity and identity and goodness and i think that's something that resonated with a lot of readers who feel Othered………whereas the show gave him vampire powers that were basically an excuse for gore porn and weird revenge power fantasy @covenofthearticulate also wrote this post (in her @sangcreole blog) about the decision to have Louis kill Lestat rather than Claudia and I think it sums up a lot of the dissonance as well.
Anyway yeah the fandom can be a nightmare about this topic because I think people can be very defensive and emotional, and unfortunately there's a lot of cult behavior and bullying when people step out of the party line, and it makes it difficult to discuss these as two pieces of media which are different from each other, without saying that one or the other is bad. And we all relate to characters differently, and for random reasons, and we often DO NOT PICK OUR BLORBOS LOL, so like it makes sense that a book character might resonate with you when the TV character didn't, because they aren't the same character, and they are acting from different backgrounds, they are being used for completely different narrative functions, and their relationships to the people & places & centuries around them are totally different stories.
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twistedtalking · 1 year
3 Dormleaders and the Adeuce Duo's Reaction to
TW: Ace is a jerk, slight mention of Exams, Idk how to write Idia/Malleus/Azul, new to the internet and it's slang writer trying to imagine what Idia would say, slightly cringe, slight T*ey slander, intentional wrong grammar, Azul so confused he forget he doesn't have morals, Mentions of camera, weirdo prefect, I made this when I was bored, and braindead from school, shirtless Malleus, grossed-out Azul, etc.
Ace: ...Oh. So I'm just a video game character... No real feelings, no real emotions. My family is just a figment of my imagination. My personality, just pieces of code.
Life has lost all it's meaning.
...Or was I ever truly alive in the first place?
Man, you should have seen the look on your face. It was HILARIOUS!
What? Did you really think you could fool me with such a basic prank? Come on, my brother already done that one when I was five. ...which I completely did not fall for whatsoever! Nope. Not at all.
Anyways, you should really hide your props better. I could see the camera from miles away.
(Prefect: What do you mean "camera"?)
Ace: ...
(Prefect: ...)
Ace: ...we're dead.
"Huh?! REALLY?? Was My whole life a lie?! Oh gosh, does this mean I've never existed?!?! Are the words coming from my mouth really from my thoughts or am I just reading from a script done by some bored writer?!
Does this mean my exam results mean NOTHING?!?!"
(Ace: What? You really fell for that? Dude, you're so gullible. It's just a prank, man. Right, Prefect?)
(Prefect: ...)
(Ace: ...right?)
(Prefect: ...)
(Ace: Dude, this isn't funny anymore)
(Prefect: ...)
"We're all gonna die!!!"
(Ace: We can't die if we were never alive in the first place, idiot. Oh great, now I'm saying weird stuff too!)
(Prefect: Sorry for the long wait, guys. Mind catching me up on what happened when I was AFK?)
(Adeuce duo: When you were WHAT?!?!?)
"Rlly? Who'd believe that? Like srsly, I'm not even that marketable. I'm too floopy to be in a shooter game, too boring to be in a gacha-"
(Prefect: It's a gacha)
Dude, who in their right mind would pull for me?? I'm the boringest character ever!
(Prefect: Nah, that's Trey)
Nah, Trey's the untrustable kind
(Prefect: Nah, that's Jade)
...okay, fair.
Anyways, I just don't see the appeal. Like, why? I'm just a weirdo who hates people, and stays in my room to play video games 21/7! And I read manga the rest of the time. I'm a total loser!
(Prefect: And that's what makes you the relatable character. Jokes aside, your saracasm is pretty funny, man, the ghost bride event was hilarious, and your character design is pretty cool. That's some of the reasons. Honestly, just gonna pull 4 u on ur next banner.)
"You should get your eyes checked"
(Prefect: I should. It's been a while since I changed my glasses. I can't even see your eyes lol.)
(Prefect: Anyways, Want to play the game? We got Rhythm games, card battles-)
"Sounds great. Better question, are there any, ahem, hot mommies?"
(Prefect: We got...Leona? And Vil! Man, how could I forget Vil? I love that man)
"Who doesn't?! I mean, whoever doesn't must be BLIND. He's totally SSR tier! If he was in the game, I'd whale for him whenever he gets a banner! He's pogchamp.
Well, As long as he isn't trying to get me to take care of myself. He's way better behind a screen. Like man, I don't care if I'll die quicker, give me my cup noodles and pomegranate candies. Actually, it's much better if I die-"
(Ortho: Nee-san! We talked about this!)
(Prefect: You tell him, Ortho!)
Could you send the game now?
(Prefect: yeah, sure. But the boss battles are pretty hard to beat-)
"Heh, I could beat that game in 3 weeks top"
(Prefect: Alright, you're on!)
Child of man, what is this "video game character" that you speak of, and how am I such one?
(Prefect: it just means a whole lot of people all around the world- Scratch that. All around the universe, simp for you!)
What does "simp" mean?
(Prefect: Imagine Sebek but, well... Yeah, never mind. Just imagine Sebek. But for like, fictional characters)
But I am not a work of fiction though, child of man? What dost thou mean?
(Prefect: ...heh. um, actually...)
A talking portrait of me in your digital device. I still do not understand what you are trying to convey.
(Prefect: Never mind. Let's just look at fanarts of you)
(Prefect: portraits of you done in my realm)
I am fine with that. Show me these "fanarts" you speak of.
"These are not at all accurate. Some of them look completely different from each other. And why do some of them portray me without my clothing-"
(Prefect: OKAY, THAT'S ENOUGH INTERNET FOR TODAY! Yeah, let's just look at gargoyles or something! ...wait. Is that Lilia with a bag of groceries?!?! Oop. We're doomed.)
Ah, good afternoon Prefect. I wish to speak to you. You see, while we were stealing-
I mean, checking your phone-
(Prefect: Why are you stealing checking my phone??)
Not important.
Anyways, we found this. Care to explain why you have a picture of me as your lock screen? I mean, I AM quite handsome, but the use of photos of me taken without permission could and would get you sued!
I don't really want to sue you, so I've came up with a good compromise. How about a-
(Prefect: thank God, you didn't see the home screen.)
...Well, of course I did. It was quite...odd.
(Prefect: Really? That's all? I thought you'd make a bigger reaction, you know, with it being you in an nsfw outfit)
In a WHAT!?!?
(Prefect: Aha! So you didn't see my lock screen! I was just joking. FYI, it was just a cute chibi Azul in his octomer form.)
(Prefect: The bunny girl outfit was last week)
WHAT?!?! I could sue you right now, you know?!
(Prefect: you have no proof)
You admitted it!
(Prefect: You have no witnesses)
Nonsense! Jade and Floyd are-
Ah. Right...
Ahem. Pray tell, where did you find such...things.
(Prefect: The internet Is a weird place)
(Prefect: Octavinelle's the most popular game in Twisted Wonderland. At least, in tumblr. Poll-wise, I mean. I prefer Heartslabyul though. Ah, By the way, I mean the videogame, not this world.)
Impossible. I am not from a video game. I'm not some weird anime character-
(Prefect: *shows gameplay*)
Okay, but-
(Prefect: *shows chapter 3*)
...do I at least get a share on the income?
No? What do you mean "No"?! THEY'RE USING MY FACE! FOR INCOME! AND I DON'T EVEN GET 48%?! This is unfair. This is ILLEGAL! I'm going to sue!
(Prefect: You're going to sue...D*sney. The one who made you? The one who made Ursula??)
Yeah, what's the problem with that-
Wait, Ursula?! What do you mean-
(Prefect: does that mean I can buy twst merch from you now? Hey, can I order a body pillow?)
What? T-that's disgusting!
(Prefect: *puts down bag of money*)
Did I say disgusting? No, I meant odd. But everyone's a little odd.
So, who do you want a body pillow of? Come now, Let us discuss the price in the VIP room.
Original ask:
(Argument with Idia)
You're just a game character anyways!
(For Deuce)
I'm pulling for your banner cuz you're my fav character. Wish me luck! What do I mean? I mean, you are a video game character, you know.
(For Ace)
Dude, you're from a video game.
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
So in comics there's definitely been and are characters that everyone just agrees that they have to die.
And stay dead.
Think of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Uncle Ben etc.
Now these have changed from what they were initially
After Death in the Family, Jason Todd was supposed to stay dead.
And he did, for 17 years before coming back as the Red Hood.
Like there was a fake out in Batman: Hush that it was Jason and it was wild.
Bucky Barnes, also meant to stay dead and did so for 37 years.
... 37?!
Before becoming the Winter Soilder.
And these aren't in universe years, this is real world time.
Now it's hard to imagine them not wandering about.
So I'm trying to think what 3 characters I think should stay dead.
At least for the forcible future.
And who's dead that should be bought back.
Staying dead: Jason Grace (Percy Jackson: Heroes of Olympus.)
Yeah... I know.
I love him I'm still holding out hope he will return but I don't think it's coming.
I say think because... Leo.
Jason Grace is the perfect example of, I followed the rules, I did everything I was supposed to and I still lost everything.
He's the perfect soilder, the paragon of heroism and he fell sacrificing himself to save his friends.
I think it's best if Jason stays dead because his death is used to show the fragility of human life.
Of the harrowing lives demigods lead.
His final words are punctuated by him staring at Lester, Apollo in his eyes as he's stabbed.
And telling him to remember.
Remember what you saw, remember the way my life drained from eyes.
Remember this day, and know I'm not the first nor the last.
It's such a powerful moment.
Especially because Apollo gets to know Jason and is hit throughout the book that Jason is so young.
That he's just a kid.... that they all are.
Demigods aren't promised happy endings.
Most don't live to be adults, and it's perfectly and tragically shown perfectly through Jason's death.
He just got the life he wanted, found out Leo's alive... And than in a moment it was all gone.
Also, for Jason who's served 14 years at 16, he deserves to rest a while.
Coming back to life: Summer Rose (RWBY)
Didnt see that coming, I was very much on the "Oh my gosh can we not... Can she just stay dead" train.
Now look at me.
To be fair we know more than we did than and I am really interested to know what happened to Summer.
What happened to STRQ in general to be honest.The tragic death that no one speaks of.
Who's events seem to be only known by Summer herself.
And with the rise of Grimm like the Hound, a beast made of both grimm and silver eyed warriors.
With the note from Ruby and Yang that Summer could have been the turning point.
From Salem killing silver eyed warriors to capturing them.
Given Salem was trying to kill Maria when she was young, now am old lady.And has only ever tried to capture Ruby.
That and Grimm Summer is just the concept ever, I wanna see Summer Rose the paragon of being a huntress be an underling for Salem.
Especially if she's not as reluctant of a follower as we may believe.
Staying dead: Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Junko is that werid one of I want her to stay dead but like keep her memory alive.
Because it makes sense too, woman caused the apocalypse.
And if we're still operating in that universe it makes sense she'd be bought up, especially after the fact.
But I don't think Junko herself should be bought back.
I get why they did it in Danganronpa 2 because it made sense.
But after, I don't think Junko needs to keep being our main bad guy.
I think exploring the word, her followers and hell people have nothing to do with her would be a lot of fun.
If they do bring her back I'm not gonna be mad, just think hey if we can have multiple protags it'd be fun to have multiple villians too.
She can't carry all of this on her own.
If they do bring her back, kinda defeats the purpose of her death.
Of why it meant so much to her, why she had to lose to Makoto the ultimate hope and her own class.
She lost but she also won.
It's such a huge thing and to bring her back and than kill her later it really deminishes the impact her death had.
... That and...She'd need a whole new body because who knows what happened to her corpse.
Coming back to life: Matsuda Yasuke (Danganronpa)
Speaking of followers of Junko I'd like to see.
We know little about Matsuda, given he's only appeared in Danganronpa Zero.
I think him being around would be really interesting especially in a world where Junko stays dead.
Because Matsuda is that complex thing of being someone infatuated and in love with Junko.
He was her childhood friend and boyfriend after all.
But also someone who wants her to change.
He created a version of her devoid of despair and he'd be happy to keep her that way.
Which is a unique perspective because most Junko followers think she's the most perfect thing ever.
And I think having that perspective would make for an interesting story.
Because no one really sees Junko as a fully realised person, not even Mukuro her own sister.
Also even aside from Junko, Matsuda also plays a huge role in the killing game's.
He's the one responsible for the memory wipes.
Being the Ultimate Neurologist.
I personally would love to see the memory stuff explored given it was always second to the killing games.
I get why but it's so cool and not something we talk enough about. Wonder if he was scouted by Hope's Peak not just for having a talent but for it's usages.
Say... The Kamakura project 👀.
I dunno but I think Junko's boy toy deserves some time in the spotlight.
Staying dead: The Grabber (The Black Phone)
His death was not only deserved.
It was fucking satisfying.
Watching Finney use everything the other boys gave him to beat that fucker.
That has kept him hostage, killed several others and is now getting his just deserts.
Was glorious.
... And I'm well aware that there's a sequel coming.
And I'm just hoping he stays dead.
Because not only do the ghost boys, Finney and Gwenny deserve to rest.
The Grabbers death was just perfectly set up and delivered so brutally.
That him being alive and returning to die later kinda ruins the ending.
Because it's Finney's fight to freedom.
I mean if that's the way they go with it, I can't say I'm not intrigued but yeah... Not in a rush to see him again.
Would much rather see someone else wear that mask.
Coming back to life: Sammy Emily (Five nights at Freddy’s)
The fact everyone dies and comes back to life in this series.
But not Sammy is a crime.
I'm sorry but the story about the mysterious twin brother of the girl who becomes the puppet.
Is something I wanna see.
I know he's only been mentioned vaguely in the Silver Eyes books.
But that's only more reason.
Just Sammy who's thought be dead for years raised by his mother and having an unexplainable connection to Freddys.
I mean tons of kids in the Fazbear Frights books have been drawn or compelled to go to Freddys.
His would make the most sense.
Maybe Williams after him?
Maybe it's Charlie in the Pizzaplex recognising and calling out to him.
Maybe he's the new night guard at the place trying to figure out what happened here... And why it feels familiar.
Maybe he knows about Freddy’s but he knows Charlie was taken and killed.
A parallel to Charlie thinking it was him in the original books.
Maybe he's out for revenge or just trying to find his missing sister.
There's so many possibilities.
I'm just saying if we can get a book about Sea Bonnie's we can get a Sammy Emily story.
Well that's my list.
Feel free to add your own, I'm curious.
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Taliesin: I must say, you've a very good nose for finding injured people, Inigo.
Inigo: Thank you. They are just up this hill.
Kaidan: Peak's Shade?
Lucien: Oh dear, I hope S'vashni hasn't killed anybody again..
Xelzaz: No, this one is still alive.
Inigo: There they are!
Gore: *sitting on the ground with his leg caught in a bear trap*
Lucien: Oh gosh. I suppose asking if you're okay wouldn't be very helpful here.
Gore: N-Not really- *sees Morana standing near the front of the group* Uh.
Morana: *sighs, shaking her head. She pulls out her notebook and begins writing in it, showing the finished phrase to Gore* Hello, my name is Morana. No I am not here to kill you or lead you to your death. *she tilts her head, considering, before turning the notebook back towards her and adding more* Or enslave you.
Gore: You- What? I mean, the killing or leading me to my death I would have believed, but where did enslavement come from?
Morana: *points at Yaksha* That one.
Yaksha: Haha. She saved me from a slaver.
Gore: That.. makes more sense. But, if you're not here to kill me, then... *he stares at the group, confused. His gaze finds Taliesin, and his expression falls into a glare* You're here to imprison me. You're with the Thalmor.
Taliesin: What.
Morana: *waving her hands frantically* No, we're not. *turns to Taliesin* I told you to stop wearing those robes!
Taliesin: Well I don't have anything else to wear!
Morana: I just bought you new Vagrant robes!
Taliesin: When???
Morana: Like a week ago! I told you about them!
Gore: What is happening.
Lucien: Ah, Morana can't speak very well, so she uses sign language. Me, Taliesin and Yaksha can understand her, and the others are learning.
Kaidan: *speaking over Taliesin's arguing* Anyways, Taliesin won't imprison you or anything. If he were still a Thalmor Justiciar he wouldn't be alive right now. I'd have made sure of it.
Inigo: Yes, do not worry.
Gore: ... Right. I suppose I'll believe it for now.. Um. *he winces* Can you guys- just get me out of this thing?
Kaidan: Oh shit I forgot about that- Yeah, we'll get you out. Yaksha!
Yaksha: Right here. Please bite down on this while we get your leg free. *hands him a leather strip*
Gore: Thanks..
Morana: *looks over at Gore's muffled yelling* Oh, you got him free.
Xelzaz: *sigh* No thanks to you!
Taliesin: Don't you look away from me, I am still talking to you!
Morana: *shakes her head*
Taliesin: Don't roll your eyes at me!
Morana: I wasn't even looking at you!
Yaksha: *checking for broken bones and applying healing salve to Gore's wound* How does that feel? Better?
Gore: Very much so. Thank you, er..
Yaksha: Yaksha. And that's Kaidan, Lucien, Inigo, Xelzaz, Taliesin, Styx, and Morana.
Gore: Quite a crowd you all have. Cute nightmare dog.
Lucien: Isn't she?
Styx: *barks*
Taliesin: *still rambling* It's not as if it is my fault the Thalmor hunt anyone suspicious! Of course people like Kaidan are going to be targeted if they stand out enough!
Morana: You're really not helping your case here.
Gore: Er, my name's Gore.
Inigo: Gore? That is quite a strange name.
Gore: It's a long story. Any chance we could talk about it back in town?
Lucien: Oh yes- Yes of course! Is he well enough to stand yet, Yaksha?
Yaksha: I am unsure. If need be, I can carry him.
Gore: I don't think that'll be necessary, big guy.
Morana: *still arguing* For claiming to know so much about fashion, you're certainly attached to those ugly robes.
Taliesin: UGLY?! Why you-!
Morana: *perks up, hearing twigs snapping at the bottom of the hill* Wait shut up.
Taliesin: You dare tell me to-?!
Morana: I said shut up!
Inigo: You heard it too?
Morana: *nods* ...
Kaidan: Yaksha, watch the lad.
Gore: Who the hell are you calling a lad-?
Thalmor Soldier: Well the mutt couldn't have gone off far! Spread out and search for him! And be careful, there are hunting traps everywhere.
Inigo: *whispers, sword drawn* We go on your signal, my friend.
Morana: *nods, drawing her dagger and dousing it in poison* Go.
Morana: *taps Gore's shoulder*
Gore: *sitting by the fire, leg bandaged* Hm? What is it?
Morana: *showing him her notebook* How's your leg?
Gore: Fine. Your healer works wonders.
Morana: Yeah, he's the best we could ask for.
Yaksha: *competing with Inigo to see who can fit the most honey nut treats in their mouths*
Morana: ... Assuming he doesn't choke to death himself.
Gore: Haha! I can see there's no end of excitement with these ones.
Morana: Are you sure you're okay travelling with someone who used to be a Thalmor? I'll understand if you don't want to.
Gore: Hm, well.. It'll take some getting used to. I think I'll survive, though. As long as he doesn't try anything funny.
Morana: You sound like Kaidan.
Gore: Ha!
Taliesin: *walks out of the tent wearing his new Vagrant robes* ...
Morana: Well, how are they?
Taliesin: ... They are. Acceptable. I thought most Vagrant robes had conjuration enchantments though. Are these destruction?
Morana: I enchanted them myself.
Taliesin: ... I suppose I must thank you, then.
Morana: I suppose so.
Gore: I'm really gonna have to learn your sign language so I know what you're saying without that book.
Taliesin: It seems Lucien has taken up the mantle of resident sign language teacher, if you'd like to ask him.
Gore: I'll be sure to do that.
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deadendtracks · 2 months
I was thinking about 'Not' the other week -> after that scene where Alfie x Tommy x Tatiana went wrong, the doctor talks to Alfie about what it might have done to their ‘bond’ and Alfie’s thought process does something like, 'oh no mate we are *not* bonded, that was his (beta) wife.'
And it’s been niggling at me! I didn’t really have a specific question but wondered if you had more thoughts and context on how bonds work in your version of the omegaverse? Like, were Grace and Tommy bonded? What did that mean? What did her dying do to him as the one left alive with that broken bond? Can Tommy bond again? What would bonding with Alfie do to him, would they ever do it, want to do it, etc?
Oh gosh, let me try to reconstruct my thinking/backstory for all of this, which has always been pretty seat-of-the-pants. I also kinda kept it vague because a) i hate expositioning in AUs about things the characters would just understand and b) i wanted to leave it open to play with or lock down whenever it became important to the evolving series/story/world.
But yeah, I think Grace and Tommy being bonded was mentioned in earlier fic in the series? I'm blanking at the moment where that came up, but the idea that when a bondmate dies suddenly/violently the remaining partner tends to off themselves was a belief in the society -- whether this is some kind of physiological reality or more like a type of urban legend is left somewhat ambiguous. I wanted it to be a little ambiguous because peaky tends to be like that with the supernatural, and that felt a bit analogous. I think I wrote something about the idea that soldiers during the war believed that if one of their comrades got a letter that a bondmate back home had died that soldier was likely to walk into a bullet.
My understanding is that fandom omegaverse bonding typically involves some kind of bite. I haven't established if that's the case/how that works in this universe but I also like the idea of Grace biting the back of Tommy's neck, given he's the omega in that partnership. A n y w a y. But I haven't nailed it down. Most likely it will be something like that; I've sort of had fun picking and choosing which typical omegaverse tropes I want to use versus drop and do differently.
My vague concept of bonding in this universe is that it has roots in that sexual physiological/chemical thing that does happen between people even in our reality. The pheromones of sexual attraction. So maybe it starts that way, which is why the veterinarian thinks Alfie and Tommy are bonded: there's a certain smell, probably.
I think I implied at some point that bonding doesn't have to be exactly consensual, because i find the whole omegaverse heat/rut thing to be something of a ... body horror situation personally.
I don't have answers to whether Tommy can bond again and what bonding with Alfie would do to him. In my mind *theoretically* people can bond again; the issue in the series where it stands right now is that we're still in the period between season 3 and season 4, so Grace's death is still a very vivid wound for Tommy and he's not interested, willing, capable or ready for that kind of thing.
Bottom line I'm not really someone who works out world building in a lot of detail ahead of time but I do have some basic thematic things I'm interested in playing with.
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My gosh I loved your last request you did for me and I've been reading your other requests and oh my gosh, all of your works are amazing 👏 💖 ♥️!!! If possible I had another request, could you write one where I'm Laenor and Rhaenyra's only child, a year younger than Jacaerys and Aemond calls me the true heir since I'm Laenor's child? But I'm devout to my family and often visit my grandfather since my mother doesn't trust Otto and it's me that helps Rhaenys break out, us both having been locked away, my brother Jace greetijg me first when we aerive at dragonstone cause we're close. It's okay if you don't, feel free to use as brain rot lol
Thank you very , very much @freelyunlikelykingdom I'm really glad you like my works and I always like your request they are so interesting and fun to write and I really like them. This was originaly not so long but oh well I really hope you like it
~ The true heir ~
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warning : emotional , fluff , comfort
A year after the birth of Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, heir to the throne after his mother Rhaenyra Targaryen, his only sister Y/n Targaryen was born. The little baby girl was something that silenced the court when the princess first presented her. All parties at the court seemed completely silent for a moment.
The baby had the white hair of her parents and the bright violet eyes of the dragon and seahorse families. Her skin was not as pale as the dragons', a touch darker, and yet the resemblance of her parents was evident in the child. She was something that silenced the rumors, at least as far as the daughter was concerned.
The firstborn son Jacaerys and his little brother Lucerys as well as the youngest Joffrey they would always hear the rumors. They themselves doubted their legitimacy at some point. But their sister was not, she was the jewel of the family. She seemed to be the only thing that kept the Targaryens, the Hightowers and the Velaryons from a final war for the throne.
The years passed and the infants became children. Jacaerys and his sister were inseparable and helped each other. But even though she knew deep inside that she was surrounded only by half-brothers, it was not her concern. They were still her flesh and blood and that was what mattered.
She loved sailing with her grandfather as he proudly showed her everything about his ships and visiting Meleys with her grandmother and riding on her. She loved the sea as much as a true Velaryon. And yet her fascination with dragons was just as strong because she was also a Targaryen. Which is why her mother and the king decided that she should keep her maternal surname as the only daughter. Although the Velaryons eventually relented, they seemed to have calmed down enough to have a true heir of the Velayrin blood. Jacaerys was a good fighter and knew how to use a sword.
He helped her defend herself which ended in hours of laughter and training with Lucerys excitedly watching his older siblings. But even the youngest brother of theirs for the moment was more like Harwin Strong than anything else. Jacaerys and Lucerys both sported the brown hair and brown eyes.
They were the shame of the family and they would realize that over the years. But what they were all aware of after the incident with Aemond and Lucerys where the prince lost his eye. That the children of Rhaenyra, at least their sons, were only alive because of their grandfather Viserys the First. The king of all Westeros. But again the years passed and children became young adults. So did Y/n Targaryen, who in the meantime was also in the whispering of the people as the heir to the throne after the death of Rhaenyra or Aegon.
But up to these words she was still far away. ,,My dear, take care of yourself, the sea is always unpredictable," said her grandfather and pulled her into a warm embrace. ,,You taught me how to sail, I can do it," she replied with a smile before joining the small crew on one of Lord Corlys Velaryon's ships. She had spent a lot of time with her paternal grandfather because Rhaenyra couldn't stand Otto Hightower and she was hardly allowed to visit Viserys.
She liked her grandfather Corlys the coldness he had shown her brothers had faded. He also seemed to accept her gradually now. But she, his starfish as he always called her, was still his favorite. She had overheard him say to Rhaenys that she looked like his deceased daughter. Even though she felt queasy, she felt proud that she was recognized by the sea serpent. Something she could not deny since her birth was that she was just another break in the line of succession.
Shaking off the thought, she readied the ship and sailed to the family meeting in the direction of King's Landing. Something she tried to avoid. It was not that she did not like her family but this constant arguing and bickering she could not stand. In this moment she had to smile, Rhaenyra and Rhaenys always said that she had the soft and gentle Viserys.
Even though she didn't see him very often, she always saw the sparkle in his eyes when he saw her. Because I am the only true heiress of Rhaenyra she thought bitterly before she concentrated back on her crew and sailed towards the capital.
It only took a few hours, but when she docked in King's Landing, she knew that her family had changed as well. She had spent the last few years with the Velaryons and had hardly seen her mother and brothers.
The further division of her own family also hurt. Her father was killed, so it was said by her own mother and Daemon. She was not stupid, she knew they were not, at least they would never dare. So she hoped.
But even though Daemon was now something like her new foster father, she knew that her pain was shared with her brothers. Since Harwin's death, she saw that they were also fatherless. All of Princess Rhaenyra's children were fatherless except for Aegon and Viserys, the youngest children and half-siblings of Y/n again. She continued her way through King's Landing before finally arriving at the castle.
To her surprise and amazement there was no reception. Neither the king nor the queen, not even her own mother or foster father. Sounds of battle reached her ears and she followed them in wonder. The sword at her hip nestled with its dark brown and blue tones hervroragend to her clothes. The dark blue blouse with the golden puckers and the dark pants in the leather boots. A dress she wore to honor the Velaryons and to remember her father.
Even though it pains her, Rhaenyra and Daemon had never really introduced her to the Targaryan customs. Since she was sent away years ago for safety she knew it was the sea that became her home, but now. She seemed a stranger among the dragons who were actually her family, even though she was the only true daughter.
She saw that on the training ground people had gathered around Ser Criston and Aemond. With surprise in her eyes she saw how much her uncle had changed. He was a little older than her, but in the years he had become beautiful. Not that she had deep feelings for him, but it was the scar that made him so interesting.
Lucerys has scarred him forever she thought bitterly as she recognized two brown heads of hair. ,,If it isn't my little and big dragon!" she exclaimed and saw her half-brothers turn around. ,,Oh, Y/n, you're back!" Lucerys exclaimed excitedly and hugged them. Jacaerys also came to her and there was a warm embrace, a deep connection between them. It was something she never had with anyone else, this understanding of each other. Something she was proud to have, because from what she had heard, her uncles and aunt all seemed to barely understand each other.
She had heard rumors and was almost horrified at how the three of them had turned out. All except Helena who seemed to have isolated herself more and more from her beetles since her marriage to Aegon. I should visit her she thought before the three went in the direction of the castle. Knowing that Aemond was watching them curiously. He also knew the truth, the prince also had an opinion that was often shared in the castle. But no one dared to speak it.
The three walked through the corridors of the castle before arriving at Rhaenyra's room. Knocking on the door, they entered and were greeted by an overjoyed Rhaenyra. ,,My daughter, at last I have you back, I have missed you," she said, slowly releasing her daughter from her embrace. ,,It has truly been a long time mother. ,,I am glad to be back as the sea is my home and so is the fire of the dragons" she said and heard giggling from the fireplace.
Daemon stood there and the flames were reflected in his violet eyes. ,,You truly take after my brother," he said, and she was about to bow slightly when he pulled her into a brief embrace. ,,Good to have you back," he said and she was relieved and pleased that apparently even the rouge prince had missed her. ,,I'm afraid we won't have long to rest, though, we have to get ready for the meeting right away," Rhaenyra said and the others nodded understandably. Y/n also went to her room to which Jacaerys led her. ,,It's not that big but hopefully it will be enough" he said and she saw his eyes passing over her eyes and the sword. ,,You should also go to Lord Corlys, he is also a good swordsman," she said, leaving out her grandfather. It would only have a bitter taste. ,,I'm sure he's not as good as I am," he said and she giggled before going to her room. Her half-brother was right, it wasn't as big as Dragonstone or the Velaryons, but it would do. Going to her chest she knew it was time to bow to the customs.
She decided to wear a dark dress, the fabric seemed black, but in the light she saw that it shimmered dark blue. In silver decorated flames that could have been mistaken for waves stretched over her arms. Covered with white pearls and dark stones, it was a gift as she had always been told from both houses. And for a moment she wished she could see her father again.
He would surely be proud she thought and heard a knock on her door. ,,Come in" she said and saw that it was Jace who came in, he was also dressed up and looked more grown up. ,,You look pretty," he said, looking at the dress, even though there was a moment of sadness in his eyes. ,,Please don't take this personally Jace, it's just-" ,,Our duty" he interrupted her and she nodded. He came closer and helped her tie the laces at her back. ,,Thank you," the younger said shortly before they both gave each other a last encouraging look before they also turned to eat. The torches and lamps lit their way until they arrived in the large room and what she saw did not make her mood any better.
Rhaenyra and Alicent seemed to cast glances at each other between sadness and hatred. Otto seemed to turn only to his granddaughter, and Helena tried to distance herself from the others, which was understandable when she saw Aegon, who was probably already shooing down his third wine glass.
Daemon just smiled silently while Rhaena and Baela almost tried to escape from their chairs with Lucerys. Viserys looked worse than ever and the golden mask from his face reflected the flames of the candles. But Aemond seemed to be the only one who was calm in his seat and said nothing.
It's just dinner, she reminded herself before sitting down at the table with Jace, putting herself between Jace and Aegon, much to her chagrin. ,,I'm glad you're back, too," she heard Viserys say quietly as silence fell. ,,It's good to be back after all this time, my king," she said, smiling slightly. And she was right for a while. Until she heard Aegon reach for the carafe of wine. ,,Tell me, Lady Targaryen or Velaryon, do you have a husband so far?" he asked and poured her wine.
His intentions with her were clear as he knew that he liked to whore as much as he liked to drink. ,,Aegon" came a warning from Jace who overheard the whispering. ,,Nobody talked to you, bastard," Aegon hissed and took a sip of his wine. Y/n slapped her hand on the table and gave the prince a warning look. ,,And a drunken idiot should watch what he says to a prince," she said angrily. ,,I'm going to be the king!" said the blond with hatred, the drunkenness audible in his voice.
Even though he was using his position as the eldest son for the first time, it seemed to be an empty threat. ,,Aegon, enough!" came from Alicent, who gave her son a warning look. ,,No, I will be king as the eldest son, you said it!" he shouted drunkenly and it was clear to everyone that this was not only one of the truths but also the official last crack. ,,The only true heir to the throne is Y/n as the official daughter of Rhaenyra and Laenor" suddenly came from Aemond who had also stood up.
Silence fell between the three families and everyone seemed to have made his position clear. ,,Enough, you're family, take heart and do it for my sake and get along!" came from Viserys who, breathing heavily, dropped back into his chair. And that was the point where everything just went down. Rhaenyra and Daemond as well as Jace and Lucerys retreated to Dragonstone.
They had seen that they would not be able to get to Viserys. Not with the green ones all around them. But what brought tears to their mother's eyes was that Viserys wanted his granddaughter to stay with him in King's Landing.
The only family she had besides her seriously ill grandfather was Rhaenys. Her grandmother was again the only one she had to support her and she did. Rhaenys was a more than intelligent woman and she also knew that Rhaenyra's sons were all bastards.
But also this allowed the only thing that she did to support Y/n as heiress to the throne after Rhaenyra. Even if it was clear that the green ones would take the king's mouth and the throne. The minutes, hours and days passed by in her room. Not locked up, but guarded, even if it was practically the same.
Her sword in her hand, she walked up and down for minutes, going over the plan again and again. I have to get back to Mother, she thought as she realized that she was the only true heir to the throne besides Aemond.
Gripping her sword and taking one last deep breath, she slammed the door open and stabbed the guards with her sword. It was exhausting, but the surprise somehow gave her the upper hand. She knew it was too loud, the fight was taking too long, and yet she had no time.
She ran to Rhaenys room and tried to open the door but it was locked. ,,Rhaenys, it's me, I'm going to get you out of there!" she shouted and hit the door with her sword. It would have been much easier with an axe, but the choice was not there. ,,We have to talk to Viserys, he can stop it," she said to her grandmother and wanted to run with her towards the king's room. ,,Viserys is dead," said the Velaryon, seeing the tearing in her granddaughter's eyes. ,,What? No, she must have lied, he's alive," she countered, not wanting to believe it.
Rhaenys briefly put a hand on the younger girl's shoulder. ,,My cousin is dead Y/n Alicent doesn't lie," said Rhaenys and she pulled the younger one behind her towards the dragon pit. ,,But that means they're taking over everything," Y/n realized, and she knew there was only one solution. War. ,,We have to get out of here, they will kill you just like Rhaenyra and Daemond they kill everyone who gets in their way," Rhaenys said the obvious and they came closer to the dragon pit. ,,You take care of Meleys, I'll take care of the guards," she said to her grandmother before moving forward to make room for Velaryon. The swords were banging against each other and she felt that she would not last long against them.
The gold sticks had been placed at the entrance so that no dragon could be mounted. She lunged again and stabbed the sword of one of her opponents right into the small unprotected part of his arm. Bleeding and screaming, he fell to the ground. But she couldn't turn around fast enough and the other's sword hit her in the arm.
She felt the warm blood running down her clothes and arm, but she could not give up. She was just about to attack when a flash of fire came out of the entrance and burned the man. ,,Get on!" Rhaenys shouted and she sat behind her grandmother before the red dragoness flew off.
She saw the masses going towards the big church. ,,They are already crowning Aegon king," she told Rhaenys, who concentrated on flying. ,,My child, you know there will be a war, I'm going to Dragonstone while we still can," she said before Meleys flew faster. Always with the fear that Vhagar or Sunfyre might show up to kill them. But they didn't, injured and nervous, they both arrived at Dragonstone. ,,Sister you are alive I have no we were all worried when we saw Meleys in the sky" Jace told her and they embraced.
She felt her heart calm down and was glad that her half brothers were still alive. ,,Jace, where is mother, I need to see her right away?" she asked and her brother took her into the main hall with Rhaenys following. ,,Y/n !" Rhaenyra exclaimed when she saw her daughter again and concern was in her voice when she saw the wound. ,,A master now!" she ordered and was surprised when her daughter waved her off. ,,Rhaenyra King Viserys is dead," she said at last, and the princess had to lean on a chair as she clutched her stomach. ,,How?" asked Daemon, but Rhaenys waved him off. ,,I don't know, but one thing is for sure, the green ones are coming for you, Rhaenyra, for all your children," she said, and it was clear that she was not joking.
Jace went to his half-sister and took her hand. ,,We can do this," he said to her and stroked her hand. ,,We'll survive this war, mother, don't worry. The dragons will fight and the Velaryons will survive, I won't let them hurt you," she vowed, her eyes fixed on the illuminated map on the table. ,,I will take back your throne," she made her point. But in her eyes resonated the mix of the Targaryen madness of her mother Rhaenyra and the wild sea that was her father Laenor.
The sea dragon as she was she would burn the Hightowers to the ground and drown them. No one would ever harm her beloved family again. Never again. Because once she was on the throne, it was clear what she was. The only true heir to the throne.
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So.... Y'all know that post that @lemonwisp made?
Well, I did it :3
For reference:
Red= Octavious
Blue= Jedediah
Purple= both
Also warning: this has the f slur in it
I’m Octavius, I’m Jedediah
He’s Jed, He’s Oct
Our life at
The museum
Totally rocks
Started as rivals
but now we are friends
Totally platonic
Which makes this next bit quite ironic
Jed’s like my husband
And Oct is like mine
Alive to the end of the night
Had nothing much in common
Loves horses
Loves swords
But we were attached at the hip
Jed’s so intriguing, so wild and brash
Oct is a nerd and a drip
But we would be together every our of the night
We would be recognized on sight
It's Jed and Octavious
Two peas in pod
Well if one pea had armor
And one pea did not
They're together
Are not!
No i don't think he's hot
Though I think he's quite gorgeous
But our people would not support us
Just watching him fight
My gosh its a site
Alive till the end of the night
Octavious looks so damn fine, I just admit
Just look at the way he walks
It cant be that bad to give him one little kiss
I really wanna see his.... Clock!
Why would being together make us social refugees?
'Cause there's no you can fall in love with me
Oh right
So we were
Octavious and Jedediah
A vulgar display
Like some weird romcom
Except we're totally straight
He's so fine
He's so nice
But no way we would date
I mean we could just have a a fling
But im scared that we would be seen
We were contrary forces, who somehow combined
Alive till the end of the night
Then something crazy happened, when I came to his aid
I was tending to Jedediahs wound
I decided this was the best time
I was no longer afraid
I told him how I feel but he refused
I didn't want to hurt him i wasn't trying to be mean
But what we have is very unclean
Um, Jedediah?
Sorry, thanks for the bandages
We walked around the museum and no need to pretend
What he said had made me sad
And everyone was asking "Octavious who's your friend?
The one thats a-"
"... F*g?"
All this malice aimed at Jedediah was quite startling and new
So I did what any best friend would do
I said
"I'm Octy, he's Jed...
We used to be close
But now he's malicious and stupid
It came from his folks
Used to have a crush on him but now we are foes
In this world is there a site
More tragic than this parasite?
So that is our story
And ain't it divine?
Alive till the end of the
Cold bitter end
I cant wait for the end of the night
Yeah sorry, I don't know what you were expecting
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