#gramophone's favorite
crackships-osc · 3 months
Baseball x lifering because they have complementing color palettes, different yet compatible personalities, and similar struggles that they could help each other resolve
This. This is like, a perfect crackship. This makes sense, this has a reasoning to be shipped.
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endlesslyanya · 1 year
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I get into very niche and obscure things, which is awesome and I love it, but then I have this problem where I can't share what I love about something to my friends without 50 different layers of context and I don't want to blab for a half hour to my friend about it and scare them off
#its the worst#for example#there's this musical motif that plays on a gramophone for like 10 seconds#in one of the 30 or so randomly chosen main menu scenes for starcraft 2#and that motif is one that's actually a full song from the original starcraft called the Brood War Aria#which was playing on a gramophone in the background of a cutscene on a spaceship for like 30 seconds#and there is a full version sung by this woman that you can find in the soundtrack#and it's really good#but the original song isn't the one I like#the one I like is a different version they did for the second game#and the two minute song is tucked into a 9 minute song on spotify#so I can't listen to my favorite version of it on command#but i can for the original#also the version for the second game is done by this one really good opera singer dude#and his voice is heavenly and he sings a duet with himself in the song#and i don't know both versions of the song are so awesome to listen to#it feels like wrapping my ears in soft silk#and it does so much in the context of the story as well#because the song is very peaceful and stress free#and when it was playing in the original game the guys in the spaceship#or battlecruiser as it's called in the game#are kinda chilling and watching this terrible battle go on between their fellow humans and these aliens#and they do absolutely nothing and leave them be even though they can save them with no risk to themselves#which is exactly what this guy named Mengsk did with the love interest to our protagonist#he abandoned her to die to that same race of aliens even though she was on his side#just for him to tie off loose ends#and that motif is attributed to him#and the one that plays in his main menu scene#and it's just representative of how unbothered he is by brutality and making others suffer#while he lives a lavish life and wields extraordinarily large amounts of power gained by those he betrayed and accuses of treason
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monmuses · 2 years
Gives Tails a collection of "the chocolate man" videos.
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     “The... ‘Chocolate Man’? I don’t get it.” After this, he was shown a few videos by the man and was left bewildered.
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rxmqnova · 4 months
WandaNat x fem!reader request!!
Reader is the youngest and the compound and it’s our first birthday there and everyone has forgotten but not Wanda and nat and they try to make the day extra special because they couldn’t be there on our birthday since they were at a mission
Best birthday
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Y/N: 18 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV Being the youngest Avenger sucks. At least that's what Y/N thinks. She just wants to help people and go on missions like all of the others, yet she's not allowed to, because she's 'too young' as all the others say.
She loves every single one of the Avengers, even though a few of them really piss her off sometimes. And especially when they use her just to do their work for them.
It's just not fair. Peter was even younger than her when he joined the Avengers and still Y/N's only good for doing the others' paper work.
With a smile on her face Y/N makes her way over to the kitchen for breakfast. It's her 18th birthday today and she was promised that once she turns 18, she'll be allowed to start going on missions.
"Morning, kiddo. I'm happy to see you. I have some work in the lab today and don't really have time to work on my mission report. Fury wants it by tonight, could you do that for me please?" Tony gets straight to the point.
"Oh. Well. It's my bir-"
"I'll pay you. I really need to have it done by tonight. Please" He cuts Y/N's sentence off, making the girl sigh.
"… Fine, I'll do it" Y/N gives up. It's definitely not how she was hoping to spend her birthday, but it still doesn't ruin her birthday mood.
"Thanks, kiddo. I'll bring it to you after breakfast" Tony says, patting Y/N's shoulder and earning a nod from the young girl.
Just like Tony said, he dropped off the papers at Y/N's room after both left the kitchen after breakfast. So she gets into work right away, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, the day hasn't contained just this one task and every time Y/N tried to ask someone to spend time with her, they just didn't have time for her…
Wanda and Natasha smile widely, standing in front of Y/N's room, each holding a gift wrapped in a wrapping paper for the youngest Avenger.
It might not have been the best birthday for Y/N, especially when every single Avenger that was on the compound forgot, but that's about to change now.
Both, Natasha and Wanda, returned from a mission in the middle of the night. Of course they're quite disappointed because they couldn't spend the special day with Y/N, but that doesn't stop them from making today the best day for the birthday girl.
"Good morning, Y/N/N. It's time to wake up" Wanda says softly, sitting down on the bed next to Y/N's sleeping body, Natasha sitting down on the other side.
Y/N groans in response, opening her eyes to find her two favorite redheads in front of her.
"What are you guys doing here?" A smile immediately forms on the youngest girl's face.
"Well, it was someone's birthday yesterday and because we couldn't spend it with her, we decided to celebrate the special day today" Wanda explains on which Y/N can't help but wrap her arms around both redheads, hugging them tightly.
"Alright, детка. We can cuddle later, now it's time for you to open your gifts. We have quite a busy day ahead of us" Natasha smiles, letting go of the girl and handing her the present she got her. (baby)
"You didn't have to give me anything, guys. I-"
"Hush. It's your birthday. Now open your present" Natasha shushes the younger girl, making Y/N's cheeks turn a bit red.
Y/N carefully unwraps her first present, gasping when she sees what's inside.
A while ago Tony got Y/N an old gramophone for helping him out with something and Y/N took quite an interest in it. She likes to collect old vinyl records and listening to them, so seeing Natasha got her a few old vinyl records she's been trying to get for a long time made her really happy.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Y/N squeals happily, jumping into Natasha's arms once again which makes the redhead let out a chuckle.
That's not the only thing Y/N's interested in though. Lately she's been really into photographing and making photo albums, so Wanda got her a brand new polaroid camera.
"Alright, alright. Now my present" Wanda interrupts, hoping to get some hugs from the birthday girl as well.
Just like with the first present, Y/N opens it very carefully and gasping once again.
"Oh my god, how did you know I've been wanting one of those?!" Y/N squeals, repeating her actions and jumping into Wanda's arms, hugging her tightly. "It must have cost you so much, guys. You really didn't have to give me anything"
"Okay, again. It's your birthday, so just enjoy it… Besides, it was Tony's money, so who cares" Natasha shrugs, making Y/N let out a chuckle. "But now it's time for breakfast, so follow us, birthday girl"
The day hasn't ended with birthday breakfast though. For lunch the redheads took Y/N to her favorite restaurant. And after a little walk around the Central park, the three ended up on a fair.
They had a lot of cotton candy, Natasha won a huge teddy bear for Y/N and they went on so many fair rides which wasn't Wanda's favorite, but what wouldn't she do for the birthday girl.
Now it's dinner time though and the redheads prepared a picnic on the roof of the compound. So now the three are sitting there, watching the sunset.
"I've never ever had a birthday picnic on the roof and we should definitely make it a tradition. It's so beautiful!" Y/N squeals, referring to the sunset and making both redheads chuckle.
"Well, I agree. We should definitely make it our tradition" Wanda agrees, receiving a huge grin from Y/N.
Silence fill the air as the three get back to watching the sun setting down, Y/N smiling and wondering how did she get so lucky to have Wanda and Natasha in her life.
"… Thank you" Y/N breaks the silence, both redheads turning their heads to look at her. "It's been the best birthday i've ever had. No one has ever done anything like this for me and I will never be able to thank you enough for this"
"Y/N/N, you don't have to thank us for anything. We've had the best time with you today and we're so happy that we could celebrate your birthday with you" Wanda smiles, pulling the younger girl in for a hug.
"I can only agree with Wanda, детка. And the day hasn't ended yet, there's still a movie night planned" Natasha smiles, receiving a hug from Y/N as well. "The sun is down now anyway, so who's ready for the movie night?" (baby)
WandaNat masterlist
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scoutswritingcorner · 3 months
Dreamers Don't Dream
Alastor x GN!Reader
TW:Panic Attacks, Nightmares, descriptions of murder/death.
A/N: I know Alastor is a deranged Serial killer but I just want to sit in his lap sometimes.
You usually didn’t dream much but when you did, it was always a fleeting feeling, touch or smell of what could’ve been if you didn’t take the chance. If you didn’t play the “hero”. The voice of your mother calling you in from digging into the dirt as a kid to merely hours before the accident as you recalled the smell of your favorite body wash. Then it was washed away with the face of the man that killed you, the blood on the knife in his hand and the insane way he stared at you. The eyes of your best friend. The eyes that you trusted..the eyes that ripped you away from your family.
Sitting up from the couch in one of the many lounge rooms in the hotel. You felt your skin crawl, you needed to get out of it. Shakily getting off the couch, you noticed the familiar red jacket laying on the couch, as your vision blurred and your breath shortened as you gripped the familiar article of clothing, only one thought crossed your mind. You wanted to find Alastor. No, you needed to find Alastor. You needed to feel safe again.
Your feet robotically walked out of the lounge as your breath quickened and you felt like you were suffocating on nothing but air. As you walked faster you ignored how you almost tripped over your own feet that dragged behind you, your brain getting lost in the halls of the hotel. But your feet knew exactly where you needed to go..a small part of you knew where to find him. One hand carefully grasping onto his jacket as the other one clawed at your own neck as you tried to keep your breathing under control.
Take a left..then go down until you reach one of the maintenance doors and then take a right, then keep going straight. 
A choked sob ripped through your throat as you began to speed walk down the longer hallways, his voice could be heard laughing at someone or something. But then you heard footsteps behind you. Oh Satan, why were they so fast? Was he running at you again? Chasing you down an endless hallway for your Father to find you dead later? Was he here to kill you again and again? To keep torturing you in the afterlife? You already paid the price. Why couldn’t he leave you alone for good?
Then it stopped- all of it came to an abrupt stop. Like a record scratch on a gramophone as cool fingers wiped your tears away and soft jazz started to play from the familiar cane leaned against the bar. “Deep breaths, Cher.” His voice called out the radio filter gone for now. One of his hands slowly guided your hand to his chest as he took a deep breath in and then slowly let it out, watching as you slowly started to do the same. 
“Good..one more deep breath for me?” He whispered, leaning his head down to allow you to finally look up into his scarlet eyes. Taking in one last deep, shaky breath for him before exhaling the panic and fear gone. “There we are, Darling. That pesky nightmare bothering you again?” He asked as you silently nodded, scared to say anything right now. He hummed the radio filter back as he held his arms open in an asked question. ‘Can I hold you?’, it was a simple question but it was one that made your undead heart flutter. He never asked to hold you or touch you, he always did it without thought and you never really minded but now? Now it makes you feel ten times better.
With a quick nod to him he easily snapped his fingers and both of you were on the couch in the foyer. His arms wrapped snugly around you as you got comfortable on his lap, head hiding into his shoulder. His red jacket wrapped around your frame as you mindlessly messed with his undone bowtie, as his thumb rubbed up and down your lower back.
“Did I tell you about the time I made Vox short circuit at one of my meetings? Oh you should’ve seen everyone’s faces, Cher. It was to die for.”
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minkdelovely · 2 months
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Alastor x GN!Reader
tags: domestic!alastor, fluff, established relationship, alcohol consumption, not “explicit” but as a general rule MDNI 18+
word count: 1.2k
author’s note: more self-indulgence. just a little something that’s been on my mind since i watched ‘casablanca’ over the weekend. i tried my best not to get too ooc, but idk - i feel like under the right circumstance, alastor has great potential for coziness. here’s looking at you, kid.
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Tonight was the night. The decision was made a week ago and there was no way you would be backing down.
You didn’t know why you had gotten the urge one day, but once it was there you were determined on getting an antique TV. It had taken visiting several antique shoppes throughout Cannibal Town, but you had managed to find one: a 1949 Packard Bell television (or possibly Hell’s greatest dupe) that was in beautiful shape.
It had been so exciting rearranging your furniture to make room for it, and you set it up to play some of the movies you had also found. The perfect cozy piece that had been missing from the lounge area in your suite. You loved how it looked with the rest of your things, fitting in seamlessly with some of your other antique finds; the morning glory gramophone being one of yours and Alastor’s favorites.
Thinking of him, you began to feel a little nervous about your impulse buy. You knew how he felt about modern technology but… would a TV from 1949 really count? If the concern was Vox, surely the Vees wouldn’t be interested in bugging this old thing?
Uncertainty won out, and you decided to conceal it with a scalloped, ivory tablecloth, placing a vase of flowers on top to complete the transformation. Just until you could work up the courage to show it to him.
You had given yourself a week, and it was finally time. It had been all planned out, from what you’d be having for dinner to the movie you would ask him to watch. The two of you had a long-standing routine of staying in on Friday nights, with activities ranging from you each settling down with a book to dancing in the lounge all while the radio played. Needless to say, it had been a long time since you had felt so nervous about him coming over. What if he really hated it? Or worse… thought it was silly?
A distinct rapping at the door interrupted your spiral, Alastor peaking his head in before fully entering your suite. Despite the number of times you had told him he didn’t need to, the knocking was a habit he refused to give up. Tonight you were grateful, as it gave you the slightest bit of warning to pull yourself together before you hurried to greet him.
He was already removing his coat by the time you reached him, and he kissed your hand in greeting when you tried to take it. A gesture that still left you with butterflies.
“Evening, dearest. Tonight couldn’t have come soon enough, I’ve been looking forward to it for days,” he sighed, finally allowing you to take his coat as he loosened his bow tie with a tug of his fingers.
You would never get used to seeing him be so relaxed around you. He was always so composed and properly dressed that the moments in which he was casual were precious to you, like a secret.
“I know, you’ve been busy this week,” you commiserated, already reconsidering your plan of action as you put the coat away. It was rare that he was tired like this. “What would you like to drink? I’ll get it for you.”
Maybe this isn’t be the best time to try and spring something new on him, you thought as he took a seat at the small table in your makeshift dining area.
“Surprise me,” he said, resting his head in his hand. His eyes trailed you as you made your way to the bar cart, the lazy smile on his face making your heart jump.
Husker had recently taught you how to make a few cocktails, the Negroni turning out to be a surprise favorite. You made two and set his glass down in front of him, exchanging a silent cheers before taking a sip.
Dinner went off without a hitch, and you took turns catching each other up with superfluous details of the week now that you finally had the time. It was during all of this that you worked up your courage to stick to the plan. Maybe a movie might be a nice distraction?
“I bought something last week that I’ve been meaning to show you,” you said, fiddling with your glass.
He raised a brow and hummed. “And why the wait?”
“I was nervous at first, how you’d react to it — it’s nothing bad!” you added quickly, seeing the look on his face. His imagination could be the worst sometimes. “Just… unexpected? I bought a TV from 1949. It’s been hiding in the lounge.”
Alastor turned to look and you got up to remove its disguise. Seeing it for the first time since covering it, you fell in love all over again. It really did fit your space so perfectly.
“It’s not… terrible,” he conceded, standing over it with a suspicious air. “It doesn’t stick out, at least. And you intend to watch it, I presume?”
Here goes nothing.
“I do,” you said, not as confidently as you’d have liked. “I, um… I was actually wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me? It’s from 1942.”
“You don’t have to keep telling me which years they’re from, dearest,” he sighed, taking a seat on the couch. “But first, I’d like another drink.”
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧
“I’d like to think that you killed a man. It’s the romantic in me,” Louis said from the television, and to your surprise Alastor chuckled. Was he… enjoying this? You couldn’t help but dare take a peak, and the relaxed smile you found nearly killed you.
He was actually watching it! This was a victory you’d soon not forget.
You started to covertly look over at him as the movie moved along, curious to see which parts of it he reacted to. He was so absorbed that you were able to get away with it for nearly half the movie.
Alastor nearly caught you when the Paris flashback was over, giving you an unmistakable ‘are you fucking kidding me?’ look. You couldn’t help but laugh, and he soon joined in.
You picked up on moments here and there throughout the rest of it, mostly when involving Rick and Louis. And he really enjoyed when Victor began to sing La Marseillaise, singing along with just as much passion. Laughing when Ilsa pulled a gun on Rick, disappointed when she didn’t follow through.
Before you knew it, Rick and Louis were walking off into the proverbial sunset and the movie was over.
“I wouldn’t mind if you ever wanted to watch that again,” he said, looking down at you. You had been inching closer and closer to him throughout the movie, until he tucked you under his arm.
“Really? I’m so glad you liked it!” You couldn’t fight the smile on your face. This had gone so much better than expected, and you were just so happy. “Can I kiss you?” you asked, barely above a whisper.
“Goodness, so well-mannered tonight,” he teased with a laugh, voice low and eyes heavy. “I suppose, since you asked so nicely.”
The kiss had started chaste enough, before he said he wanted ‘payback’.
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tag list: @fairyv-ice, @wat4r, @midorichoco
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soracities · 10 months
would you be willing to share books or poems with your favorite or even pretty writing / prose? thank you 😊
oh Absolutely
A Moth to a Flame, Stig Dagerman
For Two Thousand Years, Mihail Sebastian
The Bloody Chamber, Angela Carter
Her Body and Other Parties, Carmen Maria Machado
The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros
The Waves, Virginia Woolf
Mrs Dalloway, Virginia Woolf
The Sea, John Banville
The Tenderness of Wolves, Stef Penney
Possession, A.S. Byatt
The Memory Police, Yoko Ogawa
The Thirteenth Tale, Diane Setterfield
The Book of Delights, Ross Gay
Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys
i am lewy, Eoghan Ó Tuairisc
A Tale for the Time Being, Ruth Ozeki
Seiobo There Below, Laszlo Krasznahorkai
The History of Love, Nicole Krauss
The Carpenters Pencil, Manuel Rivas
Books Burn Badly, Manuel Rivas (full disclosure: the language in this book is HARD)
How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone,  Saša Stanišić
From A to X: A Story in Letters, John Berger
Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy
A Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini
Still Life with Oysters and Lemon, Mark Doty
The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera
Paris, When It's Naked, Etel Adnan
A Ghost in the Throat, Doireann Ní Ghríofa
Four Bare Legs in a Bed: Stories, Helen Simpson
South of the Border, West of the Sun, Haruki Murakami
A Field Guide to Getting Lost, Rebecca Solnit
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, Patrick Süskind
The Things We Don't Do, Andrés Neuman
We Love Glenda So Much and Other Tales, Julio Cortázar
Letters to a Young Poet, Rilke
All We Saw, Anne Michaels (poetry)
Collected Poems of Vasko Popa, Vasko Popa (poetry)
Barefoot Souls, Maram al-Masri (poetry)
Without an Alphabet, Without a Face, Saadi Youssef (poetry)
"In Spite of Everything, the Stars" by Edward Hirsch
"I Can Tell You a Story" by Chuck Carlise
"The Roses of Saadi" by Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
"The Stare" by Sujata Bhatt
"Stolen Moments" by Kim Addonizio
"Moonlight Sonata" by Yannis Ritsos
"No Title Required" by Wislawa Szymborska
"I Sleep A Lot" by Czeslaw Milosz
"Prayer for the Mutilated World" by sam sax
"Try to Praise the Mutilated World" by Adam Zagajewski
"I Cannot be Known" by Paul Eluard
"The Cinnamon Peeler" by Michael Ondaatje
"Filling Spice Jars as Your Wife" by Kai Coggin
"Persimmons" by Li-Young Lee
"This Room and Everything in It" by Li-Young Lee
"When We With Sappho" by Kenneth Rexroth
"On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous" by Ocean Vuong
"Not Even This" by Ocean Vuong
"Elegy of Fortinbras" by Zbigniew Herbert
"Wedding Poem" by Ross Gay
"Transformations of the Lover" by Adonis
"Cloves" by Saadi Youssef
"Punishment" by Seamus Heaney
"I've Dreamed of You So Much" by Robert Desnos
"Bleecker Street, Summer" by Derek Walcott
"Cave Dwellers" by A. Poulain Jr.
"De Humani Corporis Fabrica" by John Burnside
"The Great Fires" by Jack Gilbert
"The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart" by Jack Gilbert
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hooid · 10 months
I love cut content
You know, when people ask me what my favorite bench in Hollow Knight is I usually end up saying Queen's Gardens.
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Watching the Aluba fly and hearing Reflections through the gramophone while The Knight falls asleep feels so peaceful to me, a placid island of tranquility in the middle of the graveyard that is Hallownest.
But there's another bench, hidden in the game files, that I like more than this one (in terms of the design, not the whole thing like Queen's Garden's). A bench so outstanding yet so cool:
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"ancient_bench" is the name of this thing in the game files, a bench for The Abyss (most likely) made out of goddamn vessel corpses!
Team Cherry! What the fuck!
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fanfictionsworld · 11 months
Things in L/n,Michaelis and Faustus household that just make sense
I have been thinking about this for a long time so lets get into it.
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Spider webs for Clauds spiders which by the way are everywhere.
Three pet cats which Sebastian found on the street,whcih y/n and Claude told that he should wash since he found them on the streets.He was deeply offended by you since you sided with Claude on this one.You just simply told him that you do not what flees or any type of disease they might carry,and reminded him that your just as much a cat person as is he.
Dancing shows that Claude owns which are always by the door.
Picture of three of you at the amusement park on which you look happy and both of them look like they wanna kill each other.
A first aid kit for when you hurt your self or bump into the doors,wall,wardrobes,etc.Which is very concerning.
A cabinet just for you favorite snacks,drinks,sweets,etc.
Five bedrooms in the house.
One is Sebastians for his free time which is petting the cats.
One for Claude for his knitting and for his spiders.
One for you when you just can not deal with them,there is also a bag of sault in your room for times when you mad at them and you draw a line which they can not pass unless you remove.
One big room for three of you which consistes of a very large bed with five pillows and blanket made of silk,two sofas,book shelfs,a gramophone,one big wardrobe,rug with spider and crow prints,one large mahogany desk filled with your work and there work and a fire place.
The fifth room is for the cats which you insisted on having because your jealous that they spend to much time with him which Sebastian teases' you about relentlessly.
Two bathrooms with large tubs,botells of your favourite shampoo,thooth brushes,hair brush the best kind,pads,for some reason condoms,skin care products of the highst caulitly,large mirror above the sink decorated in the Victorian style.
A large sittingroom with a coffiee table,all sort's of your favorite flowers,beautiful curtness made from the finest matirials,a very long sofa with a two armchairs and a few fluffy blankets which you three use mostly you when its cold,a big screen television and under it is a very large fire place.
Beautiful garden with lots of fruit and vegetables which Sebastian and Claude planted them selfs,they love when they have fresh ingredients cooking you the finest meals with them.
Small table with a few chairs and lounge chairs when you wanna sun tan.
Kitchen consistes of a large oven a small table with four chairs,a pantry which they keep all sorts of spices,flower,suger,vegertables,fruit,etc.
Large refrigerator for oil,meat,milk,yougrt,chesse,egss,etc.
And at last a front porch with a very comfortable bench and a table where in the dusk you three sit as you talk about anything and everything.
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crackships-osc · 2 months
Saw someone make a crack ship with Airy from hfjONE and Daddy long legs from BURNER, and I low key see the vision
they would fit each other like a.. a remote and battery.. like.. the way they act and stuff would kinda.. complete them both in a way [if that makes sense].
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The Perfect Gift - O. Gaunt
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Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
Word Count: 4,129
Rating: T
Summary: Ominis overhears the girls talking about some singer, and decides to write MC a song for Christmas. Sebastian can't help but be his wingman.
A/N: @darch7995 sent me a song and I had to write something fluffy and happy for Ominis! Listen to the audio HERE. Merry Christmas!
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Ominis Gaunt was rarely stopped in his tracks, but once he’d heard the low warbling coming from the gramophone, he halted, holding his hands to his ears. He hated the insinuation that his blindness enhanced his other senses, but he did have impeccable hearing, and the song emitting from the sun room next to the Charms classroom had his ears ringing.
“Isn’t he just so dreamy?” Poppy sighed.
“Clarence Warbeck is my favorite singer of all time.” Leonora Everleigh declared. “I would listen to him all day if I could.”
Ominis rolled his milky blue eyes, ready to walk into the warm, sunlit room to say something snarky, until he heard her voice.
“I think he’s quite the romantic,” she said. His dear friend had a lilt in her voice towards the end of her sentence, as if she hadn’t finished her thought.  
“You mean easy on the eyes?” Leonora teased.
She let out a laugh that had Ominis shivering, stumbling behind the column to avoid them seeing him. 
“I just think music is quite lovely.” she mused. “And a song?  I think that’s the sweetest gift a person could ever give.”
Ominis bit his bottom lip as he blushed.  That was valuable information, he thought, especially with the holidays approaching.  The wheels started spinning in his mind as he imagined a song, especially one about her–
“Oh, hi Ominis!”
He blinked, turning towards the voice.  His friend had seen him, and now he had nowhere to hide.
“Hello, ladies.” Ominis said smoothly.
“Come to take a nap in the light?” Poppy said kindly.  He blushed again; clearly his napping habits were quite public knowledge at this point.  
“Come over,” his friend beckoned him closer. “We can sit on the cushions, if you’d like.”
“If you insist,” he stuttered.
Ominis awkwardly scampered over to the sound of her voice, settling down on the various plush cushions that were set on the floor.  He felt her sit down next to him, tucking her feet under herself as he splayed out on the floor.  One of the many cats that lived in the DADA tower slid against the two of them, purring.
“Comfortable?” she asked softly, the sound of the music dulled by her voice.
“Very,” Ominis hummed.  He settled onto the cushions, his head falling into her lap.  She continued her conversation with the girls as he drifted into a light sleep, the crooning of Clarence Warbeck filling the background noise.
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Ominis and Sebastian sat at the Slytherin table in the great hall; with the holidays quickly approaching, most students were busy packing their trunks for the journey home. The Hogwarts Express was departing Hogsmeade station for the holidays the next morning, but per usual, Ominis and Sebastian were spending the holiday at the castle. As Professor Ronen decorated the Christmas tree, the boys sat at the table, loitering before dinner.
“And honestly, I took that quite personally.  So I don’t think I should have gotten a detention for setting Leander on fire, he was the one who was in my way…Ominis, are you paying any attention to me?” Sebastian asked, eyebrows quirked. 
Ominis rolled his unseeing eyes, waving off his best friend. “Yes, yes, something about nearly giving Leander Prewett third degree burns because he looked at you funny in potions again.” he said lazily, waving his wand again.  His eyebrows were furrowed as he waved his wand again.  His dictation quill scratched out a few words on the parchment in front of him.
“What are you doing?” Sebastian asked, narrowing his eyes at the many pages in front of his friend.
“Nothing,” Ominis said hastily, snatching his pages together before Sebastian could get his grubby hands on them. 
“Why so secretive?” Sebastian asked, clearly intrigued by the change in Ominis’s attitude.
“It’s none of your business,” Ominis sniffed. “Back off.”
From the blond’s biting tone, Sebastian knew it was in his best interests not to press.  However, his best interests were rarely ever actually on his mind.  Lurching forward, Sebastian snatched a piece of parchment from Ominis’s hands, taking glee in how the blond panicked.
“Each year I ask for many different things–”
“Sebastian stop,” Ominis panted. “It’s not funny.”
“But now I know what my heart–”
“Sebastian!” Ominis screeched, nearly ripping the parchment from his best friend’s hands. “Stop it, I’m begging you.”
“What in Merlin’s name are you writing?” Sebastian laughed, watching as his normally impenetrable friend reddened, pushing the wrinkled parchment into his bookbag. “Is that a poem?”
Ominis’s face was bright red. “It’s a song, if you want to know so bad.” he scowled.
Sebastian’s face softened. “I didn’t know you were back at the old piano again.”
It wasn’t common knowledge that Ominis was an accomplished pianist.  Mrs. Gaunt had insisted every child in the Gaunt family mastered an instrument, and he’d spent most of his childhood dreading piano lessons. Despite his initial disdain, Ominis had taken quite well to the instrument, and it became a hobby. Once he was at Hogwarts, he’d slip into the music room every now and then, practicing his rusty skills whenever he was under duress.
“It’s for a gift,” Ominis mumbled. 
“Pardon?” Sebastian asked, now grinning.  He had an idea of Ominis’s motivation, but wanted to hear the words from the boy himself.
“It is a Christmas gift,” Ominis hissed. “For her.  Are you happy, Sebastian?”
“Blissful.” Sebastian leaned into the table, tucking his chin in hand. “This is rich–you’re writing a song for a girl.” he crooned. “How sweet, Omi.  What gave you the idea?”
Ominis gave him a rude hand gesture, sparking laughter from the brunette. “I overheard her talking with Poppy and Leonora about that singer–Clarence Warbeck–and how they loved his songs.”
“Right, the prat who sings all those cheesy love songs the girls are obsessed with.” Sebastian noted. “Isn’t he doing a show in London over the holiday break?”
Ominis gave him a dry look. “Precisely.  His lyrics are…uninspired, to say the least.  And I was already thinking of what to give her for the holidays–you know she’s impossible to shop for.  The girl has every piece of clothing known to mankind, every potion, book, broom at her disposal.  I thought to myself, she deserves a song. You know, something actually personalized to her.” he said sheepishly.
“Well, I think it’s very kindhearted of you.” Sebastian said smugly. “Are you admitting it then?”
“Admitting what?” Ominis feigned indifference.
“Your crush on her.”
“Could you be any louder, Sebastian?” Ominis hissed. His hands flew to his temples as his best friend chortled next to him. “I just–”
“Just writing her a lovely, romantic song for the holidays.” Sebastian snorted. “Oh come on, I’m just teasing you.  I think it’s great; you never play the piano, so it must mean something special.”
Ominis felt his face flush; despite his disdain for Sebastian in the moment, his best friend was right.  Ominis had minimal experience with the fairer sex.  The concept of romance was lost on the Gaunts, choosing to pair their children in arranged matches to bring honor to the bloodline.  He’d never even imagined the idea of dating someone until she’d arrived at Hogwarts. Their friendship had gotten off to a rocky start, thanks to the freckled heathen sitting next to him, but the events of their fifth year had only drawn them closer to one another.  What had started as an admiration for her bravery turned into a funny twist in his stomach whenever he heard her laughing.  As of late, it had gotten so unbearable, Ominis had turned into a blushing mess whenever she sat next to him in class.  
“Speak of the devil–she’s coming in.” Sebastian murmured. “Hide your sheets, then.”
Ominis heard her footsteps draw closer and closer as he hurriedly shoved his parchment back into his school bag.  
“Hello you two,” she said sweetly, standing next to them.  Ominis could smell her perfume wafting towards him, still smelling like the sweet scent of strawberries in the dead of winter. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing,” both boys said in unison.
Despite his blindness, Ominis could almost sense the arch of her brow. “Alright, weirdos.”  she chuckled. “I have good and bad news.”
“Do tell,” Sebastian said.
“Good news, Leonora’s mother surprised us with tickets to Clarence Warbeck’s show in London!” she said gleefully.  “I was going to stay in the castle for the holidays, but Leonora’s parents decided to surprise her early so she could bring friends, and she invited me to join!”
“O-oh.” Ominis said, feeling his heart crack in half. “So you’ll be gone, then?”
“Yes, well that’s the bad news, you see. I know it’s such late notice, but I hope the two of you won’t be cross with me,” she said wistfully. “It’s just such a good opportunity, and I’ve never been to a real show before–”
“Of course we’re not mad,” Ominis interjected. “If it makes you happy, we’ll be happy for you.”
“Oh, I’m so glad you understand,” she sighed in relief. “I am going to miss you over the holidays, I hope you know that.”
Ominis pursed his lips. “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.”
“Speak for yourself,” Sebastian chuckled. “I’m positively bereft you’re leaving us.”
Despite his inner turmoil, Ominis knew she was excited for the opportunity to visit London.  It was silly of him to write the song, he thought; he was no great wordsmith, nor half the performer that Clarence Warbeck was.  He felt a pit of jealousy in his stomach as he pictured her singing and cheering for him in a crowd, waiting for his autograph at the side door to the theater–
He was broken out of his thoughts at the feeling of her kissing his cheek.  
“Don’t miss me too much, Ominis.” she said kindly. 
“I’ll be counting down the days until you’re back,” he said softly. Realizing just how lovesick he sounded, he quickly covered with a cough. “Can’t forgive you for leaving me with this one,” he elbowed Sebastian, who yelped in return.
She gave a sparkling laugh, which brought warmth to his cheeks once more. “I’ll try to see you before I leave tomorrow.” she promised, her voice getting further and further away as he heard her walk towards the door. 
The boys were silent until they heard the door properly shut.
“Lots of talk, use of the word we,” Sebastian noted. “When you’re the one supposedly preparing a love song for her.”
“Shove off,” Ominis mumbled. “I knew it was a stupid idea.”
“Don’t say that,” Sebastian assured him. “You can give it to her when she’s back.”
Ominis knew he was right, but he was rather hoping to give her his song over the holidays.  He’d already spent so much time planning his confession, and her leaving for the holiday was a major setback.  Ominis wasn’t sure he could muster up the confidence to play his music for her again, let alone with a castle full of other students who might walk in on them.
“Whatever,” Ominis sighed. 
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It had been a few days since the train had departed for London, taking her to London and far, far away from Hogwarts for the holidays.  Ominis had since retreated to the music room nearly every night, wishing to be alone. It was late, and Ominis was seated at the piano again.  His long, lithe fingers softly danced across the keys, playing the tune he’d written for her song.  Under his breath, he mumbled the lyrics; deep down, he didn’t really want to be alone, but she had been the only company he’d desired. He imagined her, standing at the Clarence Warbeck show, swaying to the lame lyrics with her girlfriends, and it made his piano strokes a bit heavier and angrier than he’d wanted them to be.
He was so lost in thought, he hardly noticed the sound of skittering feet approaching the music room.  It wasn’t until the door burst open that he stumbled over the keys, lifting his wand to identify the intruder.
“Sebastian?  What in Merlin’s name are you doing?” Ominis barked.
“She’s–Ominis, they–show got canceled–she’s here,” Sebastian rambled, panting for air.
“What are you even talking about?”
Sebastian took a big gulp of air. “The Clarence Warbeck show got canceled,” he breathed. “She caught the train back to Hogsmeade instead.”
Ominis blinked at his best friend. “She’s here?” he said, voice strained.
“Do you have your song written?” Sebastian demanded.
“Er, yes–I was just finishing the melody.” Ominis admitted.
“That settles it–you have a song to deliver then, Ominis.” Sebastian said proudly. “I can grab her, if you like–”
“Are you insane?” Ominis gaped. “It’s not–I’m not ready!” he panicked. 
Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “There’s a piano, you have your lyrics, what aren’t you ready for?” he asked.
Ominis began wringing his hands. “But it has to be romantic,” he wheezed. “And this isn’t romantic at all.  For Merlin’s sake, I’m wearing pajamas!”
Sebastian was quiet for a few moments; Ominis could tell the cogs were moving in his best friend’s head. The brunette snapped his fingers. “I’ve got it!” he said gleefully. “The perfect idea.”  He could hear Sebastian’s boots scuffling around him, muttering under his breath.
“What are you doing?” Ominis asked curiously.
“Candles.” Sebastian said simply, muttering a conjuration charm. “You’ll need a lot of candles, girls love them.”
“I’m not even going to ask how you know that,” Ominis scowled, standing up and raising his wand.  He could sense Sebastian conjuring dozens candles, setting them around the piano. 
“And you–you should change into something a little nicer.” Sebastian tutted. “Not that your pajamas aren’t cute and all, but you’ll want to look your best.”
“I know that,” Ominis rolled his eyes.  However, he couldn’t contain the flutter of excitement in his stomach. “Are you suggesting I change now?”
“Run down to the dungeons, I’ll take care of the room.” Sebastian assured him. “Ambiance, by Sebastian Sallow.” he joked.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Ominis said earnestly.
“Get fewer girls, that’s for sure.” The brunette snorted.
“Don’t start.” Ominis warned him, backing up towards the door.
“Is that any way to treat your personal elf?” He didn’t need sight to know there was a smug grin stretched across Sebastian’s face. “Go on, get prettied up.  I’ll be here, getting everything prepared.”
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“I know you can’t see yourself, but you look quite dashing.” Sebastian hummed.  He adjusted Ominis’s tie, the blonde slapping his hands away in return.  “Don’t be nervous.”
“I’m not nervous,” Ominis lied.  “What’s to be nervous about?”
“I dunno–the fact that it’s nearly midnight and you’re about to host your first solo concert to the girl you’re in love with.” Sebastian hummed. “I know I had some mistletoe around here somewhere…”
“Hello?” A feminine voice called out. “Is anyone there?”
Ominis slapped Sebastian’s arm. “She’s here!” He hissed. “Get out!”
Sebastian yelped in response; Ominis straightened his waistcoat as he heard his best friend stumble across the music room, his boots clacking against the stairs.  
“Ominis, are you in there?” Her voice sounded nearer, about to turn the corner into the room.
He gulped, twirling his wand rather anxiously at his side. “I am,” he choked out.  “Do come in.”
He could hear her delicate footsteps as she walked into the music room; first quickly, and then stopping in her tracks.  It felt like eons before her feet picked up again, taking slow deliberate steps towards him in the corner, next to the piano.
“Sebastian sent me an owl, saying it was rather time-sensitive.” she said hesitantly. “That it was an emergency.”
“That twat,” Ominis grumbled. “It’s not an emergency, per say, but I did want you to meet me here.”
“So no one is dying, gravely wounded, or in need of protection?”
“Did he say that was the issue?” Ominis choked.
She snorted. “Rather implied it was a life or death matter.”
Ominis scolded Sebastian in his head, rolling his eyes.  He’d have to set him straight later on.
“I wanted to ask you to come meet me here,” Ominis chewed on his lower lip. “Because I knew you were quite disappointed when the Clarence Warbeck show was canceled.”
“Oh, right.” she said quickly. “Yeah, Leonora was a bit upset over it, and I didn’t really have any other reason to be in London, so I caught the train home.”
“Well, with that being the case, I thought this was a good time to give you your Christmas present.” Ominis swallowed thickly. 
“Omi, I thought we weren’t doing presents,” she said, her voice slightly panicked. “I haven’t gotten you anything–”
“This,” Ominis interjected, pointing his wand towards the piano. “This is the present.”
She paused, clearly confused. “The piano?  The one that’s always here in the music room? I mean, thanks Ominis, but I doubt we can steal the school piano–”
“No,” Ominis groaned. He tugged her hand towards the bench, gesturing for her to sit next to him. “This is the present. Me–er, rather, a song for you.”
There was a pregnant pause as she slowly slid into the bench next to him.  Her shoulder bumped into his, and he could feel the ends of her braid tickling his skin.  They’d never sat so closely before–not under the pretense of anything other than a friendly afternoon nap in the corridor. 
“You wrote a song for me?” she asked, her voice suddenly small and subdued. “Ominis, I didn’t even know that you could play the piano.”
Ominis set his wand down on the piano’s ledge with shaky hands. “I did–I do play the piano.  I learned when I was younger,” he admitted, his fingers finding the ivory keys. “I’m actually quite good, if I do say so myself.  Sebastian tells me I am too.”
“You’ve played for Sebastian, but not me?” she scoffed, a playful tone returning to her voice. 
Ominis began playing the tune he’d written, the one he’d memorized in a matter of days just for her. “I only share this with people I love,” he said softly.  Realizing what he’d just said, he coughed quickly to cover his blunder. “Like my friends.  Anne, Sebastian, and now you.”
She rested her chin on Ominis’s shoulder. “Well, go on then.  Let me hear it.”
“And you won’t make fun of me if I’m a lousy singer?” Ominis asked, feeling the back of his neck heating up.
“I would never,” she reassured him.
Ominis began singing; he could hear her breath catch as his voice echoed in the room.  The words tumbled out of his mouth as his fingers danced across the keys.  Despite not having his wand in hand, he started to feel more confident as his tune went on, his voice only cracking slightly when he felt her soft hand on his leg.  
So just please fall in love with me, this Christmas
There’s nothing else that I would need, this Christmas
Won’t be wrapped under a tree, I wish that this would last forever,
So kiss me on this cold December night;
They call it the season of giving; I’m here, yours for the taking
I’m here, I’m yours
The notes trailed off, Ominis’s fingers lifting from the keys.  He wasn’t sure what to do with his hands; in his nervousness, he clenched his fists in his lap.
“I tried to copy Warbeck’s style,” he gulped. “Since you like him so much.  I overheard you talking with the girls last week, that you thought a song was the sweetest gift a person could give.”
“You listened to me,” she murmured.
Ominis squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to articulate his feelings. “I…I’m always listening to you.  I want to make you happy.” he wrung his hands together.
“Ominis, this is…the song…” she trailed off.
“Do you hate it?” he asked nervously. 
She threw her arms around him; he yelped as she squeezed him tight.
“How could one hate a song so beautiful? This is my favorite Christmas gift I’ve ever received, the most perfect gift.” she gasped. “No one has ever written me a song before.”
Ominis sighed in relief, blushing as he found the courage to wrap his arms around her waist, hugging her in return. “I’m glad you liked it.” he murmured into her shoulder.
She pulled away, pressing her small, warm hands against his cheeks. “Liked it?  Ominis, I loved it!” she exclaimed.  “I never knew you had such talent.  You need to play more often for me.”
Ominis smiled as he pressed her forehead against hers. “Well, now that you know, I’d be happy to play for you whenever you’d like.”
Her warm hands left his cheeks, falling to hold his hands.  There was a brief pause; he could tell she was chewing on her lower lip.
“The lyrics,” she murmured. “You…you mean them, right?  They’re not just lyrics?”
Ominis took in a sharp breath as her fingers entwined with his. “Well, Mr. Warbeck is quite forward with his feelings in all of his songs, so I thought I should do the same.” he whispered. “I wanted it to be romantic, and all I could think of wanting this Christmas was you.” he confessed.
“I thought so,” she mused. “So you would like me to kiss you?”
Ominis blinked rapidly, his cheeks burning hot. “Only if–” he started to say, quickly cut off by her lips pressing against his. 
She smiled against his lips, and Ominis melted into her touch.  His hands cradled her face while she held onto his forearms, keeping him close.  He whined softly as she pulled away, pressing a quick kiss to the tip of his nose. 
“Only what?” she asked.
“If you mean it, truly.” Ominis fought the smile that tugged on the corner of his lips. “I hope you do. Or I guess in this case, did.”
She laughed; the melodic sound of her giggles rivaled even the sweetest of songs. Her chin dropped to his shoulder again, and she nuzzled closer. 
“You didn’t need to write a song to capture my heart, Ominis.” she breathed. “It’s been yours for a while now.”
Ominis went slack jawed. “What?”
“Why do you think I caught the first train back to Hogwarts?” she nudged him with her nose. “I wanted to be back here, to spend Christmas with you, Ominis.”  
“But the show–Clarence Warbeck–”
“He’s a good singer,” she laughed. “But he’s not you.” 
Ominis surged forward, and she yelped when he pressed his lips against her face, slightly missing her lips.  No matter; she chuckled again, angling her face to meet him perfectly.  One of Ominis’s hands tugged her closer at the waist, the other trailing up to her soft, strawberry scented hair.  
“I love you,” he admitted, rubbing the tip of his nose against hers.
Just as she was about to open her mouth in response, the two heard a cough from the rafters.  They jolted apart, Ominis nearly falling off the bench to maintain a proper distance from her in case it was a professor.
It wasn’t–he could hear a familiar voice huffing at them.
“Can I come down now?”
Ominis furrowed his eyebrows. “Sebastian, what the bloody hell are you still doing here?” he gasped.
“Well you didn’t give me much time to get down from the rafters,” Sebastian complained. “I was trying to hang the mistletoe for you two.”
“Get out!” Ominis groaned, while she laughed next to him on the piano bench.
Ominis could hear Sebastian’s snickering, and the familiar beat of his steps as he ran out of the music room.  He groaned, his head falling against her shoulder.
“So embarrassing.” he muttered into the fabric of her shirt. “I can’t believe he heard the song.”
“Not at all,” she cooed. “Wouldn’t quite be a moment between us without Sebastian interrupting, would it?” she pressed a soft kiss against his hair. “Play the song for me again?”
“Only if I get to kiss you more.” Ominis whispered.
“That can be arranged,” she said coyly, tilting his chin up towards her. She adoringly pressed kisses against his forehead, his cheeks, the tip of his nose, and then finally his lips again.  Pulling away, she leaned her head on his shoulder once more, sighing happily as his fingers started dancing across the keys again. 
“Happy Christmas, Ominis.  I love you too.”
Those four words were music to Ominis’s ears.  He played the song for her over and over again, his voice more confident every time he repeated the lyrics. The fourth time he repeated, she stopped him, kissing him breathless.  
“Saw the mistletoe,” she whispered against his lips, slithering her arms around his waist. “He managed to hang it after all.”
Grinning into her kiss once more, Ominis reminded himself to thank Sebastian. 
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risustravelogue · 7 months
In the psychiatrist's waiting room and thinking about Wriothesley finally finding out what your regular visits to the surface is all about.
cw. mental health issues, specifically bipolar II disorder. contains heavy lore of my s/i (f!reader, she/her pronouns used).
You've told Wriothesley during your job interview that you'd require once-a-month visits to the surface if he were to employ you. He agreed without prying further, much to your relief.
Sigewinne had known from the start, of course—it's her duty to know everything about the people in her care, after all. Yet, she passed your files over to the Duke anyway, because she knew he'd grant you, the most excellent apprentice of Estelle's, this small relief. The only thing she told him was "she needs to maintain her health, but it's out of the scope of my knowledge of human well-being."
He'd lie if he said he wasn't curious about Sigewinne's words, but his need of a mechanic to maintain and improve his gauntlets was greater. And so he stayed out of the issue... until he decides to confess his attraction for you.
He doesn't even try persuading Sigewinne to tell him about your issues, knowing how strict she is with doctor-patient confidentiality. So after a few private investigations, he decides to go straight to the source.
That afternoon, he welcomes you to his office. He sits on his desk with the sound of soft piano—your favorite piece—flowing from his gramophone.
"I need to talk about your monthly visits to the surface," he says, and your gaze goes downward to your shifting feet, your fingers fidgeting behind your back.
Sensing your nervous energy, he smiles and says, "Relax. I'm not going to fire you or anything like that. A small issue like this won't affect what I think about you."
You chuckle derisively. "That's what they all say before rejecting my job application," you say. "And it's not exactly a 'small' issue. It affects everything you know about me."
"Try me," he says, sipping his tea. "Please."
"... I guess you're going to find out sooner or later..." you mumble. You inhale and exhale, your breath trembling in fear of being rejected by him.
"I have... depression. Specifically, bipolar two disorder. That's why I seem more irritable some days and like I've lost interest in everything on others," you blurt out. "I've been on both medication and counseling, so it doesn't stand out too much anymore, but it still gets in the way of my work sometimes. That's why I need to visit my doctor on the surface once a month. Believe me when I said this is not the worst I've been—"
You stop speaking when you realize that your boss is staring at you in sympathy.
"I—I'm sorry. For rambling," you mutter.
"No, no," he says with a sigh. "If anything, I'm sorry for not asking sooner."
"Sure... well. Are you still not going to fire me?" you ask bluntly.
Wriothesley's eyes soften.
"No. Why would I? I love you."
"... What?"
"I love you," he repeats as he steps closer to you. Your heart beats loud and fast from the adrenaline, thoughts racing through your head: screw this, screw everything, if I'm going to lose him, might as well be now—
"I... I don't... My ex dumped me when I told him this," you ramble, tears welling up in your eyes. "You– you're sure? You don't... see me as someone problematic? You don't... hate me?"
His fingers rest on your chin as he lifts your face. You instinctively gasp and close your eyes at his touch, only to feel his soft, warm lips meeting yours in a chaste kiss.
"I'm glad you're able to be honest with me," he says against your lips. His breath smells like the tea he just sipped, and somehow it's so intoxicating this way—
"I love you," he says again, his icy blue eyes now gazing softly into yours. "And I don't mind being a place for you to rest, your home in this foreign country. Will you allow me to be such?"
"Y– you would?" you stutter, the good kind of disbelief flooding your chest with warmth. "I... would love for you to be my home," you say with a grin. "I love you, too."
"Good," he breathes, his arms pulling your body flush against his. You feel your worries melt away as he kisses you in his embrace.
"Very good... my love."
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© @risustravelogue 2023 • no to reposting, yes to reblogging. feel free to send an ask to suggest, chat, etc. :)
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orqheuss · 1 year
Seven new ways that you can eat your young
(Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow/F!Reader SMUT)
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I'm starvin', darlin', let me put my lips to something, let me wrap my teeth around the world. *** In the midst of the end-of-the-year Slytherin party for the graduating seventh years, Ominis hears something that makes his blood boil. *** Smut based on the Hozier song, "Eat Your Young."
word count: 6.4K
AN: I'm reposting all of my fics from ao3 on to here for easier access! We're starting with the smut.
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Slytherin’s always threw the best parties. That’s what everyone said, at least. It was the eve of the last week before the seventh-year’s graduated. All of the older students gathered in the Slytherin common room, ready to shake off any stress they had about the inevitable future. The merriment flowed like the goblets filled with firewhiskey and butterbeer sloshing in their hands. The room smelled heavily like sweat, alcohol, and sex. Some couples had already retired to their respective common rooms, leaving the main living area filled with green-colored horny teenagers and a few singletons still floating around. 
Ominis stood off to the side of the party, back leaning against the cool wall of the common room. The glow of the black lake through the large cathedral style windows danced across his face, making him look ethereal. He wasn’t a fan of parties— much too loud for him. But, he promised Sebastian that he would try to have fun at the last party of their school career. Many people have approached to ask him for a dance, but he declined each time. He did not dance, even with his closest friends. His limbs were too long, too gangly to move smoothly. While he had filled out some since he was a newly minted young adult, he was still made out of all bony angles. From his vantage point in the room, he could hear absolutely everything that was happening. With his enhanced hearing, he could even go as far as pinpoint exactly where his companions were and what they were doing. He had memorized their sounds long ago— their distinct walking pattern, their strong heartbeats, their melodic voices. It was like recognizing his favorite song coming out of a gramophone across the room from him. 
Sebastian was in the far corner of the room, over by the fireplace. There were multiple, feminine shaped forms around him. Ominis could hear him laugh at something one of them said, or maybe at a joke that came out of his mouth. Either way, the man was most definitely trying to have some unseemly fun with one of his many admirers that night. His heart was beating at a steady pace in his chest; the alcohol definitely calmed his nerves. Sebastian may have been a ladies man, but he fumbled around like the best of them when he thought too hard. There was something so drawing, so enticing about him. Maybe it was the cadence that he held himself with, how he was so confident in himself but still so humble about his achievements. Or maybe it was his charismatic voice— he could charm the pants off of the Minister of Magic. Either way, Sebastian Sallow was attractive. To anyone else in the common room, it would just seem like the brunette was just using his charm on the ladies of Slytherin house. But, Ominis knew the truth; Sebastian always liked to tease him about his jealous tendencies. Even if they weren’t together, not unless they were drunk, of course, the brunette knew that it bothered the blond to his very core that he was so irresistible to the rest of the student body. Any other time of the day, or other level of sobriety, it probably would bother the Gaunt man, but he knew that once this night was over and all of the others had gone to bed, he would be in the Undercroft absolutely pounding the brattiness out of his best friend. The blond smirked to himself, looking down at his foaming drink and taking a long sip to hide his smugness. Images of the last Slytherin party filled his mind, like when Sebastian danced into their shared room and took his hand before eagerly dragging him to their secret hideaway. He remembered the feeling of his smooth skin against his fingertips as he shoved him over the arm of the settee he had conjured up and lined up with his entrance; the mental image caused the slight bulge in his trousers to jump. He was pleasantly tipsy, the alcoholic concoction that Imelda made him sending little shivers of warmth through his system and making his thoughts disapparate into a lovely fog. Oh yes, he knew that he would have a good night tonight. What he hadn’t expected was for his other best friend to be a part of it, as well. 
Ominis’ ears twitched in the direction of his female companion, hearing your twinkling giggle coming from the dance floor. He could sense the shape of your body dancing against the pelvis of someone else, someone much taller and much more muscular. The soft curves of your body were visible for once to the boy— the sound waves from the thumping music cascaded around you and formed a distinct shape in his mind. You were truly captivating, each sound you made jumped from his ears directly to his heart and more private places. A new feeling of jealousy bubbled under the surface of his skin at the idea of someone else touching you. The man’s hands were on your hips, pressing your behind into his front in a raunchy show of lust. A deep chuckle filled his ears, his eyebrows stitching together in annoyance. Weasley. That rat had his hands on his best friend, drawing those delicious mewls from your throat. He could hear your harsh breathing from his post; you were absolutely panting in need. Your hips gyrated on the redhead’s lap, swinging back and forth in captivating circles that caused Ominis’ mind to go to some dark places. He could see the shadow of the Gryffindor’s pinky enter the band of your skirt, his head tip towards your stretched taut neck, and his vision filled with red. Jealousy flooded his body at the thought of Garreth Weasley, of all people, touching something that was rightfully his . He didn’t know when his subconscious had taken ownership of you, but in that moment it was singing for revenge. 
Absolutely not. Fuck that.  
Downing the rest of his drink, the blond slammed his goblet on the nearest bookshelf and stalked towards the pair grinding on each other. Steam seemed to come out of his nose in anger like a charging bull. Grasping you by her shoulder in a strong grip, he spun you away from the redhead and pressed your backside against his front, a protective arm wrapped around the top of your chest. Ominis glowered at the startled Gryffindor, shoving a finger against his chest and sending him stumbling back slightly. 
“No Gryffindor’s allowed, get out.” 
Garreth stuttered in confusion and outrage, gesturing with his hands to the people around him. “What, who said that?” 
Ominis growled, “I did. Now leave, Weaselby, before I make you.” 
With a huff, the redhead stalked off of the dance floor, mumbling about how he didn’t even want to be there anyway. The blond smirked triumphantly in his direction, raising his hand from his side and twiddling his fingers in a snarky goodbye. The woman he had taken wiggled against his chest slightly, turning your head towards his arm and looking up at his face. 
“Ominis, what was that—”
He squeezed the arm across your chest tighter, pressing you back further into his chest. It was now or never, he supposed. He leaned down towards your ear, his hot breath fanning against your pulse point with captivating warmth. He nosed at the base of your throat, dragging the tip up, up, up and behind your ear, slightly nibbling at the cuff before pulling away and hovering his lips over your ear canal. 
“Saucy thing, you are, thinking you could dance with someone else when you belong to Sebastian and I.” 
Your breathing caught in your throat, a warmth spreading down your chest and straight down to what was between your legs at his tone of voice. You had never heard Ominis sound so hot and bothered before. 
He chuckled at how tense you had gotten, licking the edge of your ear and whispering, “Only we are allowed to touch you like that, darling.” 
Ominis had never thought these words about his companion, never once considered the idea of them being together, but something about it felt so damned right. Your heartbeat stuttered against his arm, speeding up to a rapid rate. You gasped a small sigh, your breath fluttering out of your chest in captivated bliss. 
“Ominis, I—”
“Shh, pet.” He leaned down once again and pressed his lips to the part where your shoulder met your throat, leaving a bruising kiss on the skin. “Just let me worship you.” 
He didn’t think that your heart could beat any faster— the organ thumping against your rib cage at the speed of a hummingbird's wings. Ominis smiled against your skin, lightly biting where he had kissed and beginning to move his hips against your plump rear. His hot breath fluttered over your neck and down your chest, a soft “fuck,” leaving his mouth at the new friction. The crassness of his language sent another burst of warmth to your most intimate place; the blond very rarely swore, and the taboo-ness of it sent a shiver down your spine in pleasure. You slowly began to rotate your hips against the lithe man, pressing further into his pelvic bone and feeling his prominent arousal against your lower back. Soft moans of pleasure drifted out of your parted lips, your eyes shut in ecstasy as a hand reached up and buried itself into the man’s silken hair. His other arm stretched around your waist, gripping your skin there with enough pressure to leave fingerprints on you tomorrow. If you were to die here, on that dance floor, you would consider it a blessing. 
In your state of bliss, you did not notice the second man approaching the pair of you from the front. Another pair of strong arms wrapped around your form, one hand resting on the small of your back and the other pressing the blond closer by his rear. A familiar, gruff voice filled the ears of the two. 
“Please, don’t let me stop you both from enjoying yourself.” Sebastian laughed breathily against the other side of your neck, releasing you from his grip, pulling the collar of your shirt down slightly further, and pressing a hot, open mouthed kiss on your newly exposed shoulder. You were now sandwiched between your two best friends, and Merlin, you loved every second of it. Sebastian grinded his hard-on against the front of your clothed center, drawing a startled whimper from your throat and a buck of your hips against his. He groaned softly, his hand trailing to your neck and closing around it, slightly cutting off your air supply. Ominis grasped the brunette by the scruff of his neck, pulling him slightly further into the throes of your hot bodies and pushing him to mouth at his pulse point. A near silent moan rumbled against your back, his voice bleeding into your sensitive skin and lighting your nerves on fire. 
Visions filled your mind of the two boys and what you wanted them to do to you.
You were on your back, stripped of your clothes and your legs spread and pressed up near your ears. The brunette pounded into you with the strength of ten men, sending pleasurable shock waves through your entire body and causing a cascade of moans to leave your open throat. Ominis soon joined you both in the sweet sin, crawling towards the pair of students on his hands and knees with a look of hunger decorating his face. He leaned up and whispered something in Sebastian’s ear, grinning in delighted villainy. Sebastian smirked down at you, grasping you by the hips and flipping you quickly over onto your stomach, pulling your rear towards his awaiting cock and sliding in once again. You mewled at the new angle that his hot member could reach inside you. Ominis made his way to your face, his cock swinging in your eyesight and causing your mouth to water. He lifted your chin, gently rubbing his thumb against your cheekbone and smiling down at you. He pressed the tip of his dick against your slightly parted lips, dragging it along your bottom lip and wetting it with his excitement. 
He swore at the feeling, whispering, “Be a good girl and pleasure me with your mouth. I want to feel your moans around my hard cock. Let me know how much you’re enjoying us.” 
Your jaw went slack at his words, eyes rolling into the back of your head at the dirty words that flowed from his kiss-bruised lips. He took your hair into his hand, gathering it up into a ponytail at the base of your skull before pulling you gently forward and letting your lips wrap around his head. You stuck your tongue out and ran it along the prominent vein on the underside, drawing a stuttered moan from the boy above you. The one behind you gave you a particularly harsh thrust, pressing your soft behind roughly against his crotch. You groaned at the feeling, sending vibrations around the swollen member filling your mouth and throat.
A sharp tug at your hair brought you back to reality, both boys harshly grinding against you at the same time sending a moan rocketing out of your lips. Ominis laughed behind you, leaning down and whispering in your ear, “Dirty girl! Thinking those crass things about us and what we could do to you. Were those thoughts just for me to see?” 
Fuck. You forgot he was a legilimens. 
He laughed even more when you stiffened against him in embarrassed shock. He leaned away from you, instead slightly craning his neck towards the other boy you were sandwiched between. 
“Sebastian, if only you could see the things going through her mind right now. It’s downright filthy.” 
The boy groaned at the sharp thrust the blond made against you, sending your clothed heat directly into his waiting, throbbing bulge, before humming in thought against the side of your neck. 
“I suppose we should go fulfill her dreams, then.” 
The men detached themselves from you, both grabbing a hand and pulling you towards the direction of the exit. Hoots and hollers could be heard at their back, their fellow Slytherin’s cheering them on for the show. Ominis could hear Imelda amongst the masses, cheering alongside them and shouting, “About bloody time, ya bastards!” 
You three stumbled out of the common room exit and spilled into the castle dungeon hallway, giggles wracking your frames as the warmth of firewhiskey and pure arousal burned through your bodies. Sebastian quickly turned towards you, wrapping an arm around your waist and heaving you over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. You laughed hysterically, hands playing bongos against his peachy rump. He swatted yours in return, before turning towards the Grand Staircase and sprinting off towards the Undercroft, Ominis on his heels and laughing into the wind. 
The three of you bounded down the abandoned castle halls, laughter bouncing off the tall ceilings and echoing into the beautiful night sky. Ghosts watched as you all passed by, before turning their heads back towards each other and shrugging, softly smiling at the feeling of young love shedding off of the trio in waves. 
Sebastian did not place you back on the ground until you crossed the threshold of the secret hideaway. As soon as your feet touched stone once again, he quickly pulled you against his chest and brought your lips to his, teeth clashing together in his rush and desire to feel your kiss for the first time. Ominis listened to both of your sounds, his cock pulsing once again and threatening to burst through the zipper of his trousers. He quickly transformed three of the crates lined up next to each other into a large, four poster bed. He ran towards the cushioned surface, leaping into the air and body slamming on to the linen quilt adorning the top. He laughed heartily into the blanket before turning on to his back and leaning against the bed frame, his legs crossed elegantly in front of him and his arms raising to cross behind his head in relaxation. 
The brunette released you from the bruising kiss, looking over to his companion across the room and feeling a large smile stretch across his cheeks. He grasped your hand in his, pulling you towards the large bed and lifting you up, setting you down right on the edge and pushing his way between your thighs. His arms caged you on either side of your hips as his lips found yours again, tongue tracing your bottom lip and asking for access to your awaiting mouth. You laughed against his soft lips before opening yours, deepening the kiss and drawing a growl from his chest. You felt the blond behind you push your hair to the side, leaning down and nibbling at your pulse point once again. His teeth nipped at your skin before smoothing away the slight pain with his tongue, doing this all the way up your neck and stopping just below your jawbone where he sucked a dark hickey into your skin. His hands trailed down your shoulders and over your chest, slowly undoing the laces of your corset and throwing it over the side of the bed before grabbing your collared shirt by the top and pulling it apart. Buttons broke away from the fabric and scattered along the stone ground, but you couldn’t care less if they suddenly came to life and started doing a tap dance routine— you would tell them to fuck right off and leave you to the absolute pleasure you were about to experience. 
Sebastian hungrily grasped at the skin of your waist, now exposed to the cooling air of the Undercroft and littering you with goosebumps. He slid his palms up your sides before brushing his thumbs gently against the band of your brassiere, his mouth still ravishing yours. You nodded your head minutely against his lips, and he slid his fingers carefully under the fabric, tracing your rib cage and sending a shudder down your spine. Ominis put his nimble fingers to use once again, unhooking the stays at the front and sliding the straps down your shoulders before tossing the undergarment in the same direction of your shirt. 
You shifted on the bed, bringing your body to kneel in the middle of the mattress. Your chest was heaving in lust, a rouge color spreading from your cheeks to your collarbones. Sebastian stood enraptured by the rise and fall of your breasts, your nipples standing at attention in arousal. He quickly made his way fully onto the bed, kicking off his boots and yanking the tie around his neck undone before kneeling at your side, each thigh pressed on either side of yours and his hardness rubbing against the area where your thigh met your hip. He grasped at one of your breasts, shoving his face back into your neck and biting . He could hear the other man do the same on the other side of you before assuming the same position as the brunette. Ominis pawed at your other breast, taking your nipple between his pointer finger and thumb and pinching it while capturing your lips with his. Both boys kissed you with a bruising strength, biting at your bottom lip in ownership and sending fire to your loins. Sebastian reached around your hips, undoing the button at the side of your skirt and shucking it from your body, leaving you just in your knickers. Moans and whimpers filled the space around you, the three of you deep in the throes of pleasure. 
Ominis pulled away, your lips chasing his in a desperate attempt to keep the kiss going. He grabbed ahold of your throat, gently squeezing your windpipe and turning your head in his direction. He spoke directly to you, his voice flushed with absolute debauchery and seriousness. "Say the word and this stops right now. I need your explicit consent before this goes any farther."
He released your neck so you could reply to his demand. Your heart fluttered slightly at his concern for your well being; you didn't need to think hard about your decision at all. "Yes, I want this, Ominis. From the both of you." You grinned cheekily at his predatory gaze, meeting it in a silent challenge. You were nothing if not competitive. You giggled at his shift in demeanor, whispering teasingly against his lips, "My safe word is Graphorn."
The blond barked a laugh, before grasping you by the neck once again and pulling you back in for a searing kiss.
With your consent still fresh in the air, Sebastian leaned back against the plush pillows, dragging your body down with him and twisting you so your back was against his chest and his feet held your legs apart. Ominis could smell your arousal, similar to your normal scent but more musky, more primal. He licked his lips hungrily, his pupils blowing up to twice their size. He felt around the bed, finding first the brunette’s leg and then one of yours. He slotted himself between your supple thighs, elbows bent and pushing down further on both sides while his fingertips dug into the meat of your hips. He breathed hotly against your clothed sex, mouthing at the damp cloth and drawing a loud gasp from your open lips. Sebastian continued to fondle at your chest, taking turns twisting each nipple between his two fingers and squeezing at the soft flesh. Ominis turned towards your left inner thigh, placing open mouthed kisses at the burning flesh and sucking hickeys into your skin before turning to the other thigh and doing the same. More lust filled mewls spilled from your lips and were swallowed by the plush comforter below. The blond grasped at the sides of your panties, silently asking for permission to fully expose yourself to the both of them. You went to nod your head, but thought better and instead stretched your hand towards the boy, running your fingers through his hair and pulling lightly. He nipped at your hip in warning before pulling the cloth down your legs— you raising your hips slightly to help him get them all the way off. He was the one in charge tonight, not you, with your increasingly strong ancient magic and domineering personality. The hums that slid from your throat filled the blond with pride, his ego expanding tenfold. He was doing this to you; he was the one reducing your once boisterous energy to complete putty at his hands and mouth.
You were now completely nude before your best friends. Sebastian choked on his inhale at the sight of your glistening lips, absolutely dripping with arousal and emitting enough heat to keep them warm all winter. Ominis stretched his lips in a wide, toothy smile, looking very similar to the Cheshire cat, and whispered against your dripping cunt.
“You smell so wonderful. I am going to devour you.”
He then dove into your sweet paradise, lapping at your folds like a starving dog and drawing loud groans from your chest. Each flick of his tongue sent a shock wave of pleasure through your stomach, the knot in your lower abdomen beginning to form and tighten. Sebastian continued his assault on your breasts, but you craved even more. Grasping at the ends of his tie still dangling loosely around his neck, you pulled him roughly under your arm and brought his mouth level with your heaving chest. The boy got the message quickly, taking your nipple between his teeth and lightly biting— his other hand reaching around and tweaking the other once again. You cried out in pleasure, their names flowing into the air and disappearing like a puff of smoke. Ominis moved up towards your throbbing clit, taking it in his mouth and sucking it. Your cries got louder, your orgasm teetering at the very edge of the precipice. Each wiggle of your hips rubbed against the straining bulge in Sebastian’s pants, causing him to groan and rut against you in desire. Ominis couldn’t take the sounds of both of your moans, his composure completely dissolving around him and leaving him panting and thrusting his hips against the silk sheets. Each of his groans sent a vibration through your clit, heightening your pleasure and sending more whimpers from your lips. 
"Fuck! Ominis, Sebastian."
You distantly remembered a conversation you had with Imelda a few days ago about his particularly long fingers when he ran his middle finger along your opening before slowly entering your pussy. Absolutely abhorrent sounds flowed from where your opening met his hand, wet noises filling the room and permeating the air with the smell of sex. He listened to your arousal spiking in captivated awe, pushing in a second finger and curling them against the spot that made you see stars. It became a competition about who would cum first, you, Sebastian, or Ominis. Both boys continued to rut against you and the bed respectively while also providing you immense amounts of pleasure. Your legs shook, an inhuman strength ripping them away from their confinement, and clamping around the face of the handsome blond. Ominis grasped onto your thigh with his free hand, shoving you deeper into his awaiting mouth. If this was where he died, he would go out a happy man. The knot in your stomach pulled taut, threatening to snap at any moment. Your hips were moving against your will, circling and bucking into the air while you chased the orgasm just out of your reach. You pulled harder at the blond’s hair, a loud grunt leaving him and causing a harsh thrust against the mattress below him. One particularly hard bump downwards and against Sebastian’s cock made him exhale harshly out of his nose and roughly bite at the skin of your side to muffle his shout. You felt his teeth sink into you and draw blood, and with that little taste of pain, the knot inside you snapped and you were launched into sweet oblivion. 
Ominis happily helped you through your orgasm, gently licking the slick from your leaking cunt and cleaning up the cum that spilled out of you. You whined from over-stimulation, and with a chuckle he detached his lips from your dripping pussy and leaned up on his elbows, resting his chin against your pubic bone and listening to the sweet sounds that flowed from your throat; your drippings coated his mouth and chin, glittering in the low lamplight. 
In your blissed-out state, you decided that your boys were wearing far too many pieces of clothing. You tugged at their sleeves, hoping that they would get the message without you having to say anything. You did not trust your voice at the moment, your bones feeling like jelly inside your skin. Luckily they did, and Ominis stood up from the bed and began to quickly disrobe. Sebastian followed soon after, gently moving you from his chest and resting you against the soft pillows as you continued to hopelessly try and catch your breath. You turn to the side and gaze at your best friends, their hands fumbling uselessly around the other’s body and pulling at the cloth like it’ll come off on its own. Their mouths clashed together, uncouth moans spilling from their mouths only to be swallowed by the other. Ominis reached his hands down frantically towards Sebastian’s belt, threading the leather through the buckle and unlatching it, quickly pulling it from his belt loops and tossing it to the ground with a loud clang. Sebastian undid the buttons of the Gaunt boy’s shirt, throwing it off of his shoulders and chucking it to the ground like it affronted him. He mouthed hotly against the blond's collarbone, causing Ominis to throw his head back and whine . Pure burning heat shot down to your pussy at the sound and made your clit throb. The boy threaded his fingers through the brunette’s curly hair, gliding up the back and stopping just at the back of his skull before yanking as hard as he could. It was Sebastian’s turn to whine, and you had never heard a more beautiful, more filthy sound. Ominis let go of his hair and clasped his hand around his throat, squeezing slightly like the brunette had done to you in the common room. With his other hand, he undid the buttons of his companion’s shirt, tossing it unceremoniously somewhere in the vast cavern below Hogwarts, before shoving his trousers and pants down his toned thighs, leaving him bare and ready. Ominis then grabbed at his burning cock, giving it a sharp stroke. The brunette’s head fell back in pleasure, a silent moan leaving his open, smiling mouth. 
The blond leaned closer, whispering at the column of his neck, “You go get her ready, I’ll be there in a moment.” 
Sebastian turned towards you once again, hunger still burning in his irises, and began to climb back up the bed. He positioned himself between your spread thighs, leaning down and capturing your lips in a searing kiss. His hard cock rubbed against your slick folds, sending moans out of both of your lips only to be swallowed by the other. The tip of his dick found your entrance, slightly pushing in before pausing. A hiss left his clenched teeth as he clutched at the pillows on either side of your head with his fists. 
“I am going to ruin that pretty pussy of yours. Please, can I feel you?” He begged against your lips. 
“Yes, Merlin, please, yes,” you cooed at him, lashes fluttering at the sweet taste of fullness.
Slowly, he began to stretch you out, the both of you releasing relieved groans in tandem. Slight pain knit your eyebrows together, and the boy inside you kissed at the wrinkles until it disapparated into sweet pleasure. You could feel every ridge of him inside you, he filled you up so well. Needy whines left your throat at each thrust, the heat of his member absolutely setting your insides on fire. You had never been so happy to burn. You grasped at the comforter under you, your knuckles turning white in the strength of your grip. 
Just like your dream, Ominis crawled onto the bed and smiled at you like a predator hunting his prey. You were suddenly on your stomach, and Sebastian was pounding into you from behind with the greediest grip on your hips. The blond boy tilted your head up, his weeping cock inches from your mouth. 
He chuckled at your fucked-out expression. “Let’s make that dream of yours a reality, hmm?” 
You nodded, opening your mouth and allowing him to slide into your throat. He groaned at the sweet, wet feeling of your mouth around him, gathering your hair and holding it gently as he rocked his hips against you. You stuck your tongue out, letting him slide even deeper and vibrating his entire member with your moans. He gripped at your hair harder, fully fucking your face. 
His eyes shut tightly in raptured pleasure, his mouth falling open and moans leaving his throat at a volume that would make a nun blush. He groaned, whispering from his very soul, “This is so much better than I ever imagined. Take my cock just like that, my darling. You’re doing so good, sweet girl.” 
You nearly came on the spot from his filthy words. Sebastian growled behind you, thrusting faster into your boiling heat. You felt his hips stutter— he was getting close. You reached your hand down in between your legs in ecstasy, finding your button and circling it with your middle finger. Moans poured from your mouth like a leaking faucet, each vocalization sending Ominis closer to his own release. He heard the sound of you playing with yourself and he bit his lip, running his fingers through your hair in a strange moment of gentleness. 
“Yes, my darling, pleasure yourself. Make yourself cum on his delicious cock. Show us exactly what we do to you— how we make you feel.” 
Your steadily creeping second orgasm hit its all time spike at his direction. You circle your bud even faster, rocking back and meeting the brunette’s thrusts. He swore, grabbing your hips with a bruising strength as he felt you clench around him as your release tore through you. Ominis groaned at your sounds, quickly pulling his leaking member out of your mouth and edging off his orgasm. 
"Shit,” he whispered, “I have to feel your hot cunt. I need to be inside you.” 
He felt around the bed, sliding down underneath you and lining up with your bruised pussy. Sebastian stilled in his movements, pulling out and causing you to whine at the sudden emptiness inside you. He leaned back on his hands, closing his eyes and trying to steady his rapid breathing. Ominis shifted under you until he was in the perfect spot, tapping you lightly on the thigh and grabbing at your waist.
“Slide down on me, my darling. I crave you. I want your heat wrapped around me.” 
You quickly complied, spreading your shaking knees further apart and slowly lowering yourself onto his swollen cock with little assistance. Ominis’ mouth dropped open in a silent moan, the warmth and tightness around him sending stars behind his eyes. 
You groan above him, giving in to the dirty talk flowing around the room and gathering in the air, “You feel so good inside me. You both do, fuck.” 
That was enough for the blond boy to lose his last shred of composure. With renewed strength, he grabbed you by the rear and began pounding into you like an animal in heat. Both of your voices blended together in sweet, blissful harmony. 
Sebastian watched the show before him like it was the last thing he would ever see. He leaned back up on his knees behind you, spreading your cheeks and gently thumbing at your other hole. A startled gasp escaped out of your mouth and you pushed back lightly on his finger. He groaned in agony, wetting his thumb in your juices and slowly stretching you out. He didn’t know that you could get louder. If the room wasn’t so far below the school, he was sure they would somehow get caught. He carefully pumped in and out of you, feeling the other man thrusting into you through your skin. He slowly eased in two more fingers, stretching you out enough so he could fit himself inside. Once satisfied with his job, he took his still throbbing member and rubbed it along your wetness, gathering enough to serve as lube. 
He leaned down over you, the head of his cock pressing lightly against your ass, and kissed a freckle on the back of your shoulder before groaning against your skin. 
“May I please enter you again, my love? Do you think you can handle the both of us at once? You dirty girl, I know these pretty holes of yours can take it.” 
You nodded your head rapidly, nearly giving yourself whiplash in your aroused excitement— a sound very similar to the word “please” made its way out of your mewling throat. Sebastian slowly pushed in, his teeth biting into your shoulder, drawing blood once again at the tightness surrounding him, before gently thrusting in and out. You were filled to the brim with pleasure, rocking back and forth against both of your boys and matching their rhythms. The feeling of their members rubbing against each other inside of you sent both boys rocketing close to their orgasms. 
Sebastian panted against your shoulder, echoing an earlier statement from the blond below the both of you, “Merlin, you're beautiful. Touch yourself, pretty girl. Cum around our cocks.” 
You brought your hand back down to where you and Ominis were connected, rubbing frantically against your clit and speeding yourself closer to your orgasm. No words were said from the three friends, each lost in their own personal raptures. 
Stars danced behind your closed eyelids, your third orgasm crashing over you like a sudden wave, thrice as strong as the other two. You cry out both of your friend’s names, clenching around their throbbing members and sending them both into a state of pure bliss. You felt them release inside of both of your holes, their delicious cum painting your inner walls white. Your legs gave out, sending you sprawling across the chest of the blond boy under you and bringing down the brunette at your back with you. The three of you lied there for a moment, panting as the breath desperately tried to enter your lungs once again, before the blond began to struggle under the combined weight of you both. 
Now on your sides, your head resting on Ominis’ chest and Sebastian’s arm strewn across your waist, you let your eyes shut into the beginnings of a blissful sleep. The brunette took a deep breath, preparing to speak and inevitably ask what all of this means now— he was always the more anxious of the three— when the blond patted around his cheek with his hand before eventually landing across his mouth. He quietly shushed the brown eyed Slytherin, smiling in happiness and whispering against the tuft of your hair tickling his nose.
“Quiet, we’ll talk about it tomorrow. Just sleep now.” 
Sebastian thought for a moment before shrugging against your back, tucking himself closer to his two best friends and digging deeper under the soft covers, a soft smile dancing at the corners of his mouth. Ominis closed his eyes, a fullness filling his chest and sending butterflies into his stomach. Yes, they would all talk about it tomorrow, and inevitably admit the feelings that they had been most definitely harboring for the others in their trio for a long while. But for now, the three students were lulled into a gentle sleep, the sounds of each other's heartbeats filling their ears and becoming the sweetest lullaby each of you had ever heard. 
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acewritesfics · 7 months
Nothing Else Matters | Tommy Shelby
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Request: No.  
Warnings: Mentions of war. Not my favorite imagine that I've ever written. 
Word count: 800
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"Nothing else matters as long as we are together," Tommy speaks softly to Y/N as they slow dance to the classical tune that is playing through the gramophone in the corner of their living room. "You make me forget about everything and everyone but you." 
She shuts her eyes and rests her head on his shoulder. His arm around her waist pulls her closer to him as he sways to the rhythm of the music. His words make her heart skip a beat. Tommy hardly ever talked about his feelings. When he did, he was alone with her. 
Y/N was his longest and dearest friend before she became his wife. Tommy and Y/N have known each other since they were babies since their mothers were more like sisters than best friends. 
The two women became pregnant around the same time, with Tommy being born two months before Y/N. 
Even though Y/N's affections for the Birmingham mobster deepened throughout the years before Tommy was sent to war, their friendship never blossomed romantically until Tommy returned home when the war was over. She didn't confess her love to Tommy until he was ready to board the train that was taking him away from her and his family. She pleaded with him to return home because she couldn't bear to live without him. 
Throughout the war, the two exchanged letters between his visits home. Once his letters stopped closer to the end, she feared the worst. During his visits home she could see how much the war was changing him and the others. He wasn't the Tommy she'd grown up with but her love for him never wavered. 
She hugged Arthur and John after they hugged their aunt and sister, kissing their cheeks, delighted to have them home alive. Her heart ached for John, whose wife had died not long before his return. She had helped Polly and Ada take care of the kids and Finn, the youngest of the Shelby siblings. 
It wasn't until the most of the families had left the station that she spotted the Shelby brother, whom she had feared was lost. She was filled with emotion when she saw him standing there, bruised and broken but still alive. Her eyes welled up with tears as she ran towards the man she loves, his arms stretched out to greet her as she landed in his arms. Tommy kissed her before she could say anything, afraid that this was all a dream. 
The couple's relationship was not easy. Tommy was overcoming the trauma he had experienced while in France and readjusting back into society. Tommy frequently awoke believing he was still in the French trenches and that he was still being tortured all over again. He tried numerous times to convince Y/N to leave him, but the more he tried, the more she proved she would not leave him. The nights he spent with her, the nightmares, the memories, and the mental scars faded to the back of his mind. 
He realises in those moments just how much he loves her, how much he appreciates her, and how much he had been taking her for granted. It's always been her for Thomas Shelby. And for her, it's always been him. It took a war and years apart for him to realise it. 
"Tommy?" she asks, lifting her head from his shoulder to look into his magnificent icy blue eyes. 
He responds, looking intently into her eyes, "Yes, love?" 
"I need you to be safe tomorrow," she says, recalling his meeting at the horse races. She is aware that things with the Shelby Brothers hardly ever go as anticipated. "At the first sign of trouble, you get out of there." 
Her greatest fear throughout the war was Tommy not returning home. She still feels the same fear even though there is no longer a war. 
"I may come home a little banged up from time to time, but I always return home to you," He makes an attempt to soothe her worries. 
She moves away from him and says, "It's not only me you have to return home to, Thomas; I'm not raising our child without you." His gaze travels to her belly, to the small bump where his baby is growing. "And you still have to marry me. We can't be married if you're not here." 
"Everything will be alright," Tommy promises her as he brings her back into his arms. He places his hand on her tiny bump, "Now, instead of worrying about me, you worry about Tommy Jr. in there." 
He sways to the music once more as she puts her head back on his shoulder. "I'll always worry about you, Tommy, the both of you because I have no doubt this child will be his father's son." 
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missannwinchester · 9 months
Plaything, Joel x Reader SMUT
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Thank you for the moodboard, @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog 💕
adults only
SUMMARY: You're Joel's pretty doll.
part 2 here
WARNINGS: creepy behaviour, Joel dresses reader up like a doll, sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship mentioned, oral sex, sex, rough sex, hair pulling, pet names (baby, doll, darling, etc.), spanking, age gap (reader is in her late 20s) You sighed in your sleep when Joel opened up the blinds. The sun was shining straight at your face and you rolled over, facing away from the window, but Joel didn’t give up. You heard him walk around the bedroom and fiddle with his old, beloved record player. He always corrected you, “it’s a gramophone”, he would always say, but you didn’t really care.
Stars shining bright above you
You smiled when you heard the song, hiding your face in one of the pillows.
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Joel walked up to the bed and sat on the edge. His calloused fingers stroked your hair, gently, almost hesitantly. You hummed to encourage him to keep going. It was way too early to get up, but you knew you didn’t have much of a choice.
The thing with Joel was that he liked his routine. He was strongly set in his ways and some people found it bizarre, but it never bothered you. Before every work day he needed to prepare his clothes for the following day. He always ironed what had to be ironed, and folded what had to be folded… or more like he folded even the things that you would never bother to fold. After that, he always poured two glasses of water and brought them on a tray to your nightstands. In the morning he liked his coffee strong and bitter, his toast crispy and with butter. For you, however, he was willing to scramble eggs or even make something as extravagant as chocolate chip pancakes. There were days though, when his routine looked different. Like today.
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Still stroking your hair, he started humming the song, admiring your soft smile and barely noticeable, shallow wrinkles. He leaned down and kissed your cheek, making you finally open your eyes. “Come on, sweetheart,” he encouraged you and pulled down the comforter.
“I wanna sleep,” you argued. “Not now,” he said and grabbed your shoulders to pull you up to a sitting position.
He was very strong, never had problems with lifting you up. Sometimes it made you wonder how that was even possible because most men his age couldn’t stop complaining about back problems.
“Get up, I need to get you all ready,” he said, holding you by your chin and you reluctantly got up.
Was Joel a weirdo? Most definitely. You tried not to think about it because it creeped you out too much. At first you thought of it as a deal breaker, but you quickly realized that it was actually one of your favorite things.
“Get in the shower, I’ll be right there,” he instructed and you nodded before kissing him on the lips.
He smiled and watched you go. You left the bathroom door open and you knew he could see how you stripped from your pajama set and turned the water on. After a short while he joined you in the shower, and placing his big palms on your hips he turned you around to face him. You were both standing under a wide stream of water, watching each other’s bodies, tracing water droplets down your shoulders and chests. Joel’s cock was semi - hard, and your fingers traveled so far down his chest you could now brush your thumb along his length. Joel took your shampoo and poured a generous amount on his hand, getting ready to wash your hair. Your eyes closed as soon as his hands touched your head. His fingers rubbed the shampoo into your hair, applying just the right amount of pressure. He massaged every inch of your head and you’d lie if you said you didn’t enjoy it. When he was convinced that your scalp and hair had enough, he directed you gently under the stream of water again. He made sure to leave no foam, rinsing your hair thoroughly. Then, he put some conditioner on and you had to wait. It was a well practiced routine by now. You knew exactly he didn’t want you to be idle. He helped you kneel down on the slippery shower floor and he took his bar of soap and started cleaning himself.
Your greedy hand rushed to his balls, caressing them, feeling every inch. Your other hand grabbed his cock at the base. He sighed, loud enough for you to hear it over the running water, when you took his tip into your mouth. You sucked on it, still massaging his balls. He grew harder under your touch and you smiled, licking water off Joel’s shaft with your tongue. The bitterness you tasted came from the soap and you grimaced. You waited a short while for water to rinse the soap residue from his body, using your hand to pleasure him. Then, you licked the side of his length again before taking him into your mouth as deep as it would go. He let you control this experience so you picked your own pace, taking breaks to suck his balls too, pressing your nose into his pubic hair as you did. After a while his hips started rolling into your face uncontrollably and you knew it was a sign that he’s close. You focused all your attention on his balls for a little longer and then swirled your tongue around the tip to tease him just a little. Then finally your mouth slid down his length and the tip brushed your throat. You bobbed your head, picking up the pace until he grunted, grabbed your head pressing you into him and spilled his cum inside your mouth. Some of it ran down your chin, mixed with your saliva and water, but you managed to swallow most of it.
You stood up and Joel ran his thumb across your chin in an attempt to clean it. He turned water off and wrapped you in a towel before drying himself.
“Head,” he muttered and you bent over.
He wrapped another towel around your hair and let you straighten up.
“Upstairs now,” he ordered before kissing you softly on your lips.
Upstairs. The upstairs was a part of the house that the two of you would never ever want anyone to know about. You walked up the stairs slowly and as always you felt as if you were flying backwards through time. You knew you could open a museum here. You walked through the dark corridor towards one particular bedroom. You opened the door and walked up to the windows and started opening the old fashioned drapes, letting the sunlight into the room. Everything here wasn’t just old. It was historical. From the carpet to the chandelier. You unwrapped your hair, letting it fall down your shoulders and you took off the towel covering your body as well. You hid those under the bed just in time for Joel to walk into the room.
“So beautiful,” he admired you.
At the beginning of your unique relationship it bothered you that Joel wasn’t a talker. You couldn’t get out of him what he liked, not even his favorite color. Even though you were very uncomfortable the first time he took you upstairs for this, you really appreciated how he could open up here.
“Come here, my doll,” he requested and you took a few steps to get to him.
He was wearing the clothes he had prepared for himself last night - dress pants and a shirt. The sleeves hugged his bicep perfectly and stretched dangerously when he grabbed you and pulled you against him, kissing you passionately. He could still taste himself on your tongue.
“Come on, let’s get you all ready,” he whispered and walked up to a chest of drawers.
He pulled a pair of white underpants, the kind that women used to wear sometime in the past, and kneeled down to your feet. You grabbed onto his shoulder and lifted one of your legs, sliding your foot into the underpants. Then you did the same with your other leg.
“That’s right, sweetheart,” he praised you and ran his fingers up your legs before pulling the underpants on.
“Now something for the top,” he told you, stuffing you into something that resembled a corset, but wasn’t as restrictive as you imagined a corset to be.
“Beautiful. Who’s my most beautiful doll?” He asked and you knew he expected an answer.
“I am, Joel,” you said and reached out to caress his cheek.
“Yes, dear. Sit down, I don’t have much time,” he said lovingly and you let him lead you to the most extraordinary vanity in the whole world (at least according to you).
The carvings in the dark wood were very detailed, gold elements around the edges looked like the most thoughtful embroideries. You looked at yourself in the framed mirror of the vanity, completely unbothered by a crack in the top left corner. You remembered asking Joel why he never replaced it, but he told you that it just wouldn’t have been the same vanity.
“When do you have to be at work?” You asked.
“At 9,” he sighed. “I think it’s gonna be a really tough day today, you know?”
Joel reached for a vintage perfume bottle that you knew had been filled with your very modern detangling spray. He sprayed your wet hair with it and grabbed a hair brush. Gently, starting with your ends, he slowly brushed through your hair.
“Why, what’s going on?”
“The boss is coming over, you know how he is,” he explained.
He took a hairdryer from a drawer and plugged it in and you remembered the first time you saw it. You laughed hysterically at the absurdity of all of it and life flashed before your eyes because you were sure that your perverted sugar daddy would choke you to death with a medieval pillow and bury you in the backyard. Since that hadn’t happened, you convinced yourself to just go with it until you started enjoying it probably as much as he did.
Joel finished drying your hair leaving it damp and hid the dryer meticulously. He gently ran a brush through it again and then clipped a section at the top of your head. He took a basket with rag rolls he made himself and started carefully putting them on your hair.
“Your hair is so soft,” he commented and you caught his gaze in the mirror. “And so shiny,” he said and leaned down to smell it.
He slid his lips down a strand of your hair before putting it in a rag roller. It was things like that that used to make your skin curl, but you got used to them. Sure, if you thought about it it was still creepy, and even though your mind was telling you to run and never look back, your heart always gave you excuses to stay.
“It’s because of all those fancy conditioners that you use on it,” you say with a smile and the corners of his lips also lift up.
“Anything for you, my pretty doll,” he hummed in your ear, brushed his stubble against the soft skin on your neck and left a sloppy kiss on your pulse spot. 
You had been wet since the shower, but feeling his lips on your neck awoke the desire in you again. The desire you knew you had to repress for now. Joel’s thick fingers were surprisingly skilled and he quickly managed to curl the whole bottom section of your hair and unclipped the rest. He was humming Dream a little dream of me.
“I’m gonna be thinking about you all day, you know? I’m gonna be thinking of your hair and your lips and your thighs and your breasts, all of you, you know that, darling?” He told you when he was done.
“I’m gonna be thinking about you too,” you confessed and he kneeled next to you.
Joel put his hand on your lap and rested his forehead on your shoulder. You would have turned to face him, but the massive chair you were in didn’t allow it.
“I know, my doll, I know,” he said and brushed his fingers against your clothed clit.
“Please, Joel, I need you to touch me,” you told him huskily, but he shook his head.
“Not now, now get up,” he instructed and you bucked your hips to chase his hand. “Up!”
You reluctantly obeyed and walked up to the bed. You crawled on top of the embroidered blanket and sat, looking at him with a pout.
“Now, be a good doll and wait for me,” he said and kissed your forehead, stroking your cheek. “I’ll come play with you at 5.”
You nodded and watched him leave the room. You heard his heavy steps  on the creaking stairs and you lied down, waiting for him to leave the house.
Your days always looked the same. You ate breakfast, cleaned up a little, watched tv, and listened to music. When you didn’t have anything in your hair you could go to a mall or on a walk, but today you just read a book in the garden. You kept checking the time so that you didn’t disappoint Joel. You wondered what he might do if he didn’t find his doll where he left her, but you decided not to check. Not today, probably not ever. He was a peculiar man and you thought he was fairly docile, but you knew his rough side and you certainly knew how strong he was. So, you made a compromise with your brain to at least be obedient if you chose not to run away.
You heard the creaking steps before Joel opened the door to the bedroom. He looked tired and you knew that his day was just as bad as he had predicted.
“Good afternoon, darling,” he muttered tiredly and crawled onto the bed to kiss you.
“You’re such a good baby, waiting here for me,” he whispered in your ear and grabbed your hands, pulling you off the bed.
You let him lead you towards a big closet, the one you were told not to open under any circumstances because the heavy door had a tendency to fall out of hinges. Joel opened the door carefully and you took a few hesitant steps. You reached out to touch a collection of old dresses, well to be fair some of them only looked old, but were made for you by Joel who had a few hidden, pretty unusual talents.
Joel chose a dress of his liking and started dressing you up. Corset, ribbons, lace inserts, tiny buttons. He looked like he was in a trance and you didn’t dare to interrupt him, just wanting him to relax. Next, he sat you on a stool to put on your stockings. He gently caressed your legs while putting them on, and kissed both of your knees. Your least favorite part was the uncomfortable shoes, but it wasn’t like you had to do a lot of walking anyway.
“My prettiest doll,” Joel said and looked at you with a shy smile. “Go sit in front of the mirror, darling, look how pretty you are.”
You did your best not to wince with every step, but soon you made it to the vanity and sat on the massive chair in front of it. You knew that now, Joel would take your rag rollers off and he did. One by one, they were gone, being put into a basket you held for him. He pinned half of your hair up, leaving the rest of the curls intact and took a dark green ribbon to tie it on top of your half updo. When he was satisfied with the look, he grabbed the massive chair by its armrests and turned it towards him. He kneeled in front of you and wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his nose in the crook of your breasts. His hot breath tingled you and sent a wave of arousal down your body. The corset had your breasts pushed upwards and Joel rested his face on them as if they were pillows. He moved his head to the sides, scratching your delicate skin with his graying scruff, making it red. He pressed his clothed crotch into your calf with a grunt and looked up.
“Almost ready,” he panted.
You wondered if he didn’t take more pleasure from this than from sex and you thought about asking him, but you weren’t sure you wanted to know the answer.
Joel searched for something in a leather bag and a while later he pulled out a lipstick. He put it on your lips with precision, then he colored your eyelids and he glued on fake eyelashes.
“Perfect,” he gasped, still on his knees in front of you.
“Am I your prettiest doll now?” You asked, stroking his cheek.
“You are,” he nodded eagerly. “You are my prettiest doll, darling, you always are.”
Even though Joel was a fan of routine, he still managed to surprise you. This time you didn’t expect him to grab your head and kiss you as passionately as he did, smearing your red lipstick all over you. One of his hands made its way up your leg, under the long dress, the other was behind your head, fisting your curls, pushing your face into his with unprecedented strength. He pressed his thumb against your clit over the underpants and your hips rolled in search for some friction. Joel reluctantly pulled his tongue out of your mouth and started rubbing your lipstick down your neck. Still assaulting your neck, he nestled himself between your legs and wrapped them around his waist.
“Hold on tight,” he instructed and you clung to him.
Joel lifted himself up from his knees and carried you to the bed. He laid you down only partially so that your butt was still in the air and kneeled down again to pull the underpants down. Then, he lifted both of your legs to rest them on his shoulders and hiked the dress up, covering you with it. Your arms freed you from under the dress, but it was so big that you could only see your feet swaying in the air as Joel ate you out like a man starved.
He made a dozen new hickeys on the inside of your thighs and nuzzled your wet heat with his nose, inhaling your arousal. His tongue slid between your folds and he lapped at your wet pussy humming contently from time to time. You were horny all day long and waiting finally paid off. You squirmed on the bed, desperately trying to stop yourself from pressing his head into your crotch. Joel’s mouth was now on your clit as one of his thick fingers slid inside you. Your pussy was making obscene sounds as he finger fucked you, the vibrations from his muffed moans were sending waves of pleasure through your whole body. You started whimpering, tossing your head left and right, fisting the sheets beneath you and then, finally, you let out a husky moan and your legs trembled around Joel’s head as you came hard on his tongue. Joel brought his wet fingers to your lips and you sucked on the greedily, tasting your own juices.
“Perfect little doll,” he commented.
He let you sit on the edge of the bed and he stood up, your face level with his crotch. He pressed your face into it, and your cheek pressed into his considerable hardness. Your tongue nudged at the side of his still clothed cock and he guided your hands to his belt. You quickly took off his pants and he slid his boxers down his legs, freeing himself finally. He grabbed you by your hair, pulling lightly, then forcing you down on his length. Tears streamed down your face and saliva dripped down your chin as he face fucked you for about a minute. Then, he pulled out of your mouth and wiped the tears off your cheeks. You unbuttoned his shirt and he tossed it behind him before climbing on the bed. You followed, moving to the center of the mattress. He never fully undressed you. This time the only thing he took off were the underpants.
“Turn around, all fours,” he instructed and you obeyed, struggling to move in the layered dress.
When you finally managed to assume your position, he pushed your head into a white pillow and hiked the dress up. He pulled your hands behind your back for leverage. One of his strong hands was holding your hands behind your back by the thick material of the sleeves and the other was slapping your butt, with each slap your buttcheeks jiggled harder. You whimpered into the pillow, the white embroidery was scratching your cheek. When Joel was satisfied with your rosy butt cheeks he entered your wet pussy, bottoming out with a grunt. You moaned as his big cock split you in half, but he probably couldn’t hear you. Now, both of his hands were squeezing your wrists, using your own body as something to hold on to as he fucked you relentlessly. You could feel his tip so deep inside you you thought you might come any second. He didn’t show his rough side very often, actually probably just in the bedroom. You knew it was pointless to try and match his rhythm so you didn’t move, letting him rut into you, moving your body further up the bed with each powerful thrust.
“Fuck so tight!” He panted. “Fuck, you’re taking me so well, pretty doll,” he praised you.
This position was your favorite, it really allowed deep penetration, nudging spots inside you you never even knew about.
“I’m gonna fuck you so good, baby, so fucking deep, fuck! Yeah!” He gritted through his teeth.
Next, he let go of your hands and they fell, limp on your sides. He dug his fingers into your waist and literally fucked you on his dick, moving you effortlessly as you lied, being a whimpering mess, unable to move as another orgasm shook your whole body. Joel felt your walls fluttered around him and it only made him more feral. You could feel that his movements were becoming more erratic, less rhythmic and you knew he was close. His stamina was incredibly impressive, but it didn’t surprise you anymore. Finally, he bent over, pressing your body into the bed, you now laid flat on top of it, under his pressing weight. You couldn’t feel him as deep inside you anymore, but his strong movements rubbed your clit against the tactile bedding. His nose was buried in your hair, he was grunting right into your ear, a little too loud, but there wasn’t much you could do about it. The next thrust pressed you under the bed for a longer while and you knew Joel was cumming deep inside you. You didn’t know if it was the thought of his cum inside you or the harsh bedding under your clit, but you came again, just as strongly as before.
Joel was panting on top of you now, but a moment later he rolled off you, his softening dick sliding out of you and you whimpered quietly. You lied like that, with Joel by your side, his heavy arm draped over your worn out body. He kissed the back of your neck and sighed. When your heart finally calmed down a little, you rolled over on your back. You brought your hand to your face to discover that one of your eyelashes fell off and the bow that was once in your hair was now just a dangling ribbon, sticking to your sweaty forehead like the majority of formerly perfect curls. Joel’s face was covered in your lipstick and you could only imagine what your face looked like. Even your corset came loose and somehow got a bit twisted to the side. Both of your stockings were pooled around your ankles and one of your shoes fell off and was nowhere in sight.
Joel moved closer to you and his hand moved all the sweaty hair off your face before leaving an open mouthed kiss in the corner of your lips. You lazily caught his lips and slid your tongue along his bottom lip.
“Look at you, little doll…” he muttered, still panting heavily.
He picked up the lash from the bed and shook his head with disapproval.
“Did I play too hard with you, little one?” He wondered.
He sat up and looked at you with a sigh. He reached out to pull your stockings up.
“All broken now…” he muttered, looking for your shoe.
You supported yourself on your elbows and looked at him, his hands running through his disheveled hair.
“Let’s get you fixed up, pretty doll.”
Thank you for reading ~missannwinchester
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