#grandparents day 2022 ideas
expobazzar · 1 year
Fun ways to celebrate Grandparents' Day 2022
Looking for entertaining ideas to honour grandparents in 2022? Look nowhere else! Get motivated by our imaginative suggestions for enhancing this day for your cherished grandparents. There are many ways to express your love and gratitude for the people who have always been there for you, from personalised presents to outdoor activities and online festivities. Make 2022's Grandparents' Day one to remember!
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nicromancytarot · 28 days
so how did you manage to find the exact name of your spouse thats quite cool!
It’s a long story in all honesty. 2022 I liked this guy, and I stumbled across pick a cards on YouTube, I watched one about my future spouse and it mentioned some specific things that unfortunately for 2022 me did not add up with the guy I liked. At the end of 2022 I interacted with my future spouse unknowingly, and he’s always been under my nose which sounds insane and creepy at the same time. My friend sent me a video of him in 2021 and I had no idea who he was, I used an audio of him on tiktok in 2022 and still hasn’t a clue of his existence, even as far back to 2020 when I saw him on youtube and vowed to never watch his content ‼️
He’s somewhat in the influencing space if you can’t already tell (I’ll keep his name private for the sake of both of our privacies and timing, since obviously things can change) so I didn’t think much of it. Then mid 2023 I got back into Tarot and pick a cards, I was feeling really demotivated so I decided to watch some about my future spouse again, same thing as always happens, I put two and two together and was like “oh, hang on a minute” then bro got semi cancelled and I was onto bigger and greater things, hoping Louis Partridge was my husband instead 😔
I always felt verrrry drawn to this person no matter what and it pissed me off cus this was my era of loving Miguel Ohara and wishing that he was real, but it was spoiled by this man being on my mind. So around 5 months later I got back into his content (very loosely) and I was a tad more content with him being my future spouse.
I then started learning more about astrology, he hasn’t got many chart analysis posts about him as he’s not mainstream or anything, but the ones that he does have, the “soulmate” ones weirdly describe me and it’s creepy, because it makes me feel parasocial, I only know one other person with a “famous” future spouse so I don’t really know how to feel about it, since there’s so many unsuspecting, but it’s weird to know who you’re going to marry.
Another thing I should probably say is that my spirit guides don’t hide much from me anymore, the start of 2023 they gave me a blob of information about the universe and how it works and all these things about the afterlife (which again, makes me sound psycho, so I don’t speak about it) I’m writing a book on it, have been for the last year, it’s definitely going to be a lot when I one day release it lmao, but because of them telling me all this stuff, they don’t really care to hide my future spouse’s identity for me, I think they figured that it will motivate me to actually get my ass up and become who I want to become so we can meet.
But going back to the astrology, I was told by my spirit guides via pendulum that I was going to meet him at 21, that was told to me October last year, December last year I was looking through our astrology transits, we both have a 5th house (love and relationships) transit on November 24th 2026, 14 days after my 21st birthday. So that was certainly confirmation lmao. His 7th house ruler (where you could meet) in astrocartography goes over the country I live in, and my 7th house ruler also goes over that place too, so again, very strange.
During my October pendulum time, I spoke with one of my great grandparents who had a specific message for me, and she proceeded to spell out his name, so that’s how I know that lmao.
I’ve done so many readings on it since because it does make you feel absolutely, incredibly insane and possibly out of your mind, and they’ve always added up. I did a “how he’s going to meet his future spouse” and then mine, they added up too much, it was terrifying (bro feels rejected by me, L) and I also asked for confirmation a few nights later for just a single sign that he is indeed my future spouse, I pulled AT THE SAME TIME the lovers and two of cups, I genuinely sobbed when I realised I could’ve recorded it, it’s the craziest thing that’s happened to me in Tarot I swear.
I also received a few readings since during exchanges and games where people have straight up confirmed that he is who I think he is. So hopefully we both make the right decisions to be together in the end, it’s definitely not an opportunity I plan on missing out on.
I can’t lie, knowing your future spouse is hard, especially if they’re somewhat someone you look up to, I’m not necessarily a “fan” of him, I don’t really interact with his content anymore, I haven’t really done so since early 2023, but I feel guilty for not doing so now as of who he is to me, and who he shall be. I constantly have doubts about it, my guides get pissed off at me all the time because I’m always asking for confirmation or searching for something, but really all I know now is that if I make all the right choices, and he does too, then we will become what we will be, but for now I guess I feel isolated in that.
I won’t get into the whole negative side of knowing your future spouse, unless some asks me to lmao, it’s certainly too much for this already too long rant.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk xoxo
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powerofelvis · 2 years
Hi I don't know if your requests are still open but I had this idea and I would love to see your work more because it's just amazing. I saw this video
And it just screamed Elvis
So Elvis x reader (can be the real Elvis or Austin! Elvis) if he got better and the reader was next to him through everything. Just his grandkids asking dating advice from their granddad 🌹🌹
If your not comfortable with this it's okay but I hope you have a wonderful week and I can't wait to read more of your work
Everlasting Love
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Pairing: Elvis x Reader, Austin!Elvis x Reader (wc: 1021)
Warning/Notes: Fluff, Elvis being a sweetheart, teeth-rotting love, flashbacks, Elvis being silly
Author’s note: I had a lot of fun writing this one because I was able to imagine what life for Elvis would have been like if he was still alive today with his family. Not to mention, the love that Elvis and the reader have is magical. It reminds me of my grandparents when they were still alive. Anywho, I hope y’all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
September 2022.
It was a hot day in Memphis as summer was slowly coming to a close. It was almost Labor Day, so you were getting your list together to go grocery shopping for the upcoming barbecue that was held at Graceland every year. You were excited because the children and grandchildren were going to come visit after being away for months. It was hard for you and Elvis to be home in Memphis while your children and their children were growing up and doing great things. It reminded you of the time when you and Elvis were doing the exact same thing back in the early 50’s. Oh, if only I could go back, you thought. Your children and grandchildren would arrive later that day for a weekend of fun and good food. As you were getting back from the grocery store, you noticed that there were cars in the driveway. You immediately recognized that it were your children and grandchildren finally making it into town. You walked inside of the house, immediately being greeted by your daughter Linda.
“Hi, mom!” She hugged her as her children followed behind her with hugs of their own. Andrew and Rebecca were the youngest of the grandchildren and were closer to you and Elvis. They would always come up for the summer when they were out of school, following Elvis wherever he went. At this time, Elvis was finally retired from show business so he was able to spend more time with family. “Hello hun, I’m so glad to see you all here.” Elvis peeked his head into the room, smiling as he saw you hugging Linda, Andrew, and Rebecca. Rebecca looked over, seeing her grandfather walking into the room and she immediately broke away from you. You chuckled, realizing that Rebecca would be glued to Elvis until they would have to leave.
“Grandpa!” The twins hugged him, looking excited to see him after being away. He chuckled and hugged them back, looking up at you. “Well, look how you two have grown. You two ain’t little weeds, no more.” He laughed. Andrew and Rebecca were in high school now so they definitely were no longer little tykes who ran around Graceland with their grandfather and his mafia. You asked for Linda’s help putting the groceries away, kissing Elvis on the cheek as you passed by. “Keep your grandpa company, you two.” Their mother grinned as she disappeared into the kitchen. Elvis and the twins walked out to the backyard where the pool and lounge chairs were. “Grandpa, we wanted to ask you about your relationship with grandma. You two have been married for 55 years. Yet you still call her darling, beautiful, doll, and mama. Why is that?” Rebecca asked her grandfather as he sat in the lounge chair with his sunglasses over his eyes. Elvis laughed, reminiscing on the time that you and he dated back in the late 50’s through the year of your wedding.
It was 1967 and he was at the peak of his career. You were the only woman that could hold a candle to his mama, Gladys. It was like you two were the same soul, always ensuring that he was taken care of. It was then that he realized that he wouldn’t be able to live without you. As years went on, your relationship grew stronger. Even when he was battling drugs and exhaustion, you never left his side. It was until you told Elvis that he had to change or he would not live to see their children having their own children. That scared him because he knew that his parents wanted to see their grandchildren grow. Although his mother never got the chance to witness the growth of their family, his father lived to see all of their children be born. He passed away in 1979 after your last child, Linda was born. Elvis was sober then and had long left the Colonel behind. Still, you never gave up on him even when he attended rehab and battled with staying sober for years. He finally kicked the habit once the 80’s were hitting its peak. As he continued reminiscing on the memories that you two shared, he teared up a bit, realizing that he was truly blessed having you as his wife.
“Grandpa?” Andrew called out to him, leading Elvis to look over at them. Elvis chuckled and rubbed his chin with his ring clad fingers. “I forgot your grandmother’s name five years ago and I’m afraid to ask her what it is.” He said. The twins looked bewildered, their jaw dropping at the revelation that Elvis forgot his own wife’s name. Elvis laughed at their expression, clapping his hands together. “I’m pulling your leg, Andy.” He smirked as the twins finally laughed at their grandpa’s joke. “If you want to be married as long as me and your grandma have, ya have to be willin’ to compromise.” He said as he smiled.
“Compromise? That’s all?” They asked.
Elvis nodded his head at them, pausing before he continued to speak. “Everything else will fall into place. I’m sure you both know that I was into the party lifestyle while I was with your grandma. But I was willin’ to give all of that up to be with her. Everything else fell into place after that. We communicated better, shared our problems, and even created a stronger familial element that you both are a part of today.” He smiled. “I still call her those sweet names because she deserves it.” He nodded his head. As he finished his speech, you and Linda walked out with a tray of sandwiches and lemonade. You sat next to your husband, kissing his cheek.
“What were you all talking about, honey?” You asked. Elvis wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in. “We are talking about how lucky I am to be married to such a pretty lady like you.” He said as he pulled you in a kiss, as Andrew and Rebecca chuckled in fake disgust and Linda swoons over her parents’ everlasting love.
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marvelmaniac715 · 2 months
I can’t remember if I’ve posted this before or not but this is a winter themed gothic horror story I wrote for a class in December 2022 which I could and should probably improve upon at some point:
At first I wasn’t frightened. Of course, the notion was so absurd that it was easy enough to laugh off as a figment of my addled, sleep-deprived imagination. The construct of a strained psyche, nothing more. The idea that my daughter’s haphazardly built snowman was a living, breathing being was outlandish.
The thought of this concept came about when my five year old daughter Mathilde came running inside to me, insisting that her new friend was moving. Her mother and I indulged this fantasy when it became clear that the child simply wouldn’t see sense, and a small saucer’s worth of table scraps was left outside for ‘Mr Frost’ as he was now known, as Mathilde insisted that he was hungry.
Mathilde was heartbroken when we had to deconstruct the snowman in order to shovel our front path and retrieve my hat and scarf, she wept for hours on end. We couldn’t convince her to move from the window all of that day. At bedtime, we had to pry her away with our full strength in order to shift her.
My wife and I had hoped that she would be in better spirits by the morning, but alas, she was as solemn as the day before. Some friends of hers from school came over asking to play, but she refused. It was unsettling to see such grief from such a young child, who had no concept of death. Both sets of grandparents were still alive, and the family pet was a foul tempered cat named Spice who was still very much in the prime of life.
Two more days passed in a similar fashion, but after three days, my wife and I woke up to Mathilde bouncing up and down excitedly on our bed, imploring us to come outside. We noticed that she was already in her winter coat (half in, to be precise, she always struggled with the sleeves) and her face was flushed rose pink with the cold.
We were so thrilled to see her return to her former self that we immediately agreed to come downstairs to see what miraculous thing has restored her spirit. But when I went to grab my hat and scarf from the hook, they weren’t there. A feeling of deep wrongness took root in the pit of my stomach, and I shared an anxious glance with my wife. Could Mathilde have possibly rebuilt her snowman whilst we slept?
Sure enough, right outside, where he had stood less than a week before, was Mr Frost, glaring cooly from his coal eyes, gleaming in a solitary ray of early morning sunlight. Mathilde was beaming as she went to throw her arms around her cold companion, but her joy was quelled when my wife Gretchen gently admonished her.
“Now Mathilde, what have we told you about your friend here? He prevents us from leaving the house, and your Papa needs his hat and scarf. And it was naughty of you to sneak out at night, anything could have happened to you!”
Slightly downhearted but still glowing with the faintest hint of excitement, Mathilde grinned conspiratorially and whispered.
“But Mama, I was asleep all night, I came downstairs to fetch a glass of water and saw him outside. Don’t you see? He’s come back to me!”
This… this was clearly the fantasy of a foolish child, there was no conceivable way that a snowman (a manmade creation) could build itself overnight. Mathilde must have been trying to lie her way out of punishment, but the lie was so obvious that it was easy to see through it.
We had to deconstruct the snowman again, of course, but this time, Mathilde didn’t cry. Instead, she stood still, smiling eerily as she gazed at the front door, just beyond which lay the remains of her companion. My wife and I were unsettled, and this image stuck with me as I went to bed that night, I couldn’t sleep.
Against my better judgement, I crept downstairs and took my coat from its hook. Trying desperately to make no sound, I painstakingly opened the door, and each second my hand was exposed to the air the wind nipped at my skin. I couldn’t find my gloves. Or my hat. But Mathilde was sound asleep, I’d made sure to lock her door and window. She couldn’t have done this.
The moment I stepped outside, I was met with a bone chilling sight. The wind itself whipped the snow skywards, moulding it into a disturbingly familiar shape. My hat and gloves rose into the air, the gloves settling on two sticks that had jerked upwards like a macabre marionette, and the hat just hovering in empty space. But not for long.
The snow had settled into its final resting place, the shape of a snowman. I suddenly felt the greatest urge to rush up to my daughter’s room and apologise profusely. She was telling the truth all along, and I had dismissed her as a foolish child.
The snowman’s coal mouth grinned at me in satisfaction. The sticks jolted forwards, reaching out towards me. Then the wind blew fiercely, pelting me with angry hail and bullet-like snowflakes. This wind wrapped around the snowman and lifted it (whole) into the air. With one powerful blast, it exploded, showering the ground with snow and coal.
Shaken by what I had seen, I returned to bed, but the cold clung to me like a blanket, or more fittingly, a funeral shroud. I couldn’t shake it, even when I went entirely under my duvet. It was like the snowman was right there behind me, breathing down my neck, smiling and smiling.
It wouldn’t stop. Why wouldn’t it stop? Everywhere I went, every time I went outside or just sat in my kitchen, it was there. Mathilde was delighted to find her friend waiting outside for her, Gretchen just assumed that I had caved in and decided to let her have her snowman. She didn’t understand. When I tried to explain the horrors I had witnessed, she had merely laughed and told me that I was a wonderful father for indulging my child’s fantasies.
It occurred to me that Mathilde would probably know something about this. Sure enough, when I asked if she knew how he kept coming back, she beamed at me and invited me to sit down next to her. Once I was settled, and Mathilde had been assured that her mother was not around, she whispered in my ear.
“The day I built him, I accidentally spilled some water I had taken from Moon Rock Lake onto the snow he was made from. The second he had a mouth, he whispered to me that we would be best friends forever, and that he would never ever leave me. I’m so glad you’ve seen him come back too, Papa, now I have someone else to play with!”
Moon Rock Lake was said to be cursed by a vengeful witch centuries ago, spurned by a lover who went on to wed another. But that was a simple story that the village elders told to children to stop them from playing in our main water source, or so I was led to believe. There was no other explanation for what I had seen though, so I didn’t know what to think.
That night, I didn’t care if I was heard. I raced downstairs and threw open the front door. I paused to grab a shovel, but forgot my coat in my rush to get outside. Outside, I rushed at the snowman and whacked it repeatedly with my shovel until it was no more. I did what I could to separate the snow into several piles, far apart from each other, and I burned the coal, and the sticks. Regretfully, I had to burn my hat and gloves as well. Now this snow demon would be vanquished.
I slept peacefully that night, but when I awoke, my wife Gretchen was not beside me. The house was deathly silent. I crept downstairs in fright, constantly looking over my shoulder as if I was being followed. Sitting near the front door with a knife in hand was my daughter, Mathilde. She tapped the knife against the door and stared at me unblinkingly. Then she spoke.
“You shouldn’t have done that, Papa. You shouldn’t have done that at all.”
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Los Angeles Times: Arctic Monkeys’ Alex Turner on fame, Frank Sinatra and the elusive search for the ‘mega-riff’
Written by Mikael Wood, 21/10/2022
Arctic Monkeys blasted out of the U.K. in 2006 with “Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not,” a scrappy modern-classic debut that framed the young quartet as a kind of transatlantic counterpart to the new wave of American garage-revival acts.
Seven years and a part-time move to Los Angeles later, the band conquered U.S. rock radio with the stomping and sexy “AM,” which spun off hits like “R U Mine?” and “Do I Wanna Know?” (Current Spotify play count for the latter: 1.4 billion.) Now the Monkeys — singer Alex Turner, guitarist Jamie Cook, bassist Nick O’Malley and drummer Matt Helders — are two albums deep into their older-and-weirder phase: On “The Car,” which came out Friday and follows 2018’s “Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino,” Turner croons enigmatically about disco balls and snooker clubs over slo-mo psychedelic funk that suggests an otherworldly wedding band.
Which was actually a gig Turner, 36, took up recently when he serenaded a couple of just-married friends with Dion’s “Only You Know” at their nuptials in L.A. “How’d you hear about that?” he asked a few days later over tea in a deserted Los Feliz bar. Told a guest had posted a clip of his performance on Instagram, he laughed and said, “Suppose it would be astonishing these days if that didn’t happen.”
Indeed, though the Monkeys can fill arenas and headline festivals in the U.S., Turner is a proper tabloid-level celebrity (and low-key style icon) in London, where he’s back to living most of the time with his girlfriend, French singer Louise Verneuil. Dressed in a filmy floral-print shirt and smartly tailored trousers, he discussed Frank Sinatra, great hair and the death of England’s queen.
When you were 17 or 18, could you have envisioned yourself singing the way you’re singing now? No. At first I didn’t even accept that I was a singer. I can’t remember really thinking about the idea of melody within the vocal performances. It was focused a lot more on just getting the words out. I can’t put a percentage on it, but I feel like there were a lot more words per 30 seconds of music in that original stage.
Does the early stuff seem overly wordy to you now? I wouldn’t put it like that. But some of the choices I find amusing.
I caught your set at Primavera Sound a couple of weeks ago and there was this funny moment after “Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?” where you said to the audience, “Simple stuff — let’s hear it for simple stuff.” Well, I’d just repeated that phrase four times in the song, and by the fourth time I said it, people were still saying it back to me. So it seemed like I needed to give some recognition to simple stuff. Not that I necessarily think what we’re doing now is extremely complicated in comparison. But a song like that — that’s on “AM,” and I reckon we had a feeling before that record of trying to go more direct in that moment. I think that tune was probably the most direct you could go.
Do you find the idea of someone asking you to explain your songs excruciating? I don’t know if I’d go all the way to excruciating. I’m just not sure what I would say if someone were to ask me.
As a listener, are you drawn to music that can be kind of confusing? Absolutely not. I’m drawn to straightforward things. For some reason I’m thinking about this “Sinatra at the Sands” record that I love. There’s this song, “Don’t Worry ’Bout Me” — that’s one where you can guess what it’s about from the title. But there’s stuff going on in the band and in the music that’s intricate. He does this bit that always gets me — a sound comes out of his mouth, but it’s not any of the notes. He just kind of swoops up: [Sings] “Look out for yourself.”
How’d you get into Sinatra? Through my dad when I was a little kid. He was playing in a big band, and his stepdad was part of a big band. Between being in my dad’s car and being with my grandparents, that music was around a lot.
Does it feel reasonable to compare “The Car” to something like Sinatra? I’d certainly be careful with that. But the fact that that kind of music has been there is probably partly responsible for why I’ve arrived at a place where I thought it was all right to scratch whatever we’ve been scratching on these last couple of records.
A thing I love about Sinatra is that he still had swagger even as he got older, lost his hair and gained some weight. I remember when I was a kid my grandmother trying to convince me that, you know, “This is what a pop star used to be.” I was like, “What? No, that’s in a different world.” This was when the thing was, like, boy bands or whatever it was. But she was like, “This is what young people used to be mad for.”
You have famously great hair. As a pop star, do you worry about losing it? On some level, no one’s thrilled about that. But I suppose the guy with the microphone has more of a cause for concern. It’s one show at a time, isn’t it?
Say more about being the guy with the microphone. Your performance style these days feels to me like a kind of riff on that idea. There’s a self-awareness to the way you carry yourself. Because we’re back onstage again [after the pandemic], I’m trying not to let myself do things that I would have done three years ago. I’m trying to wrangle the gestures into what’s right for this music, and I think I’m kind of starting to figure it out. It’s not as if I’m sitting down with video after a show and making notes, though in a weird way, I don’t mind that idea.
There are some historical through lines to the role, right? Harry Styles’ act runs back through you and through guys from the ’70s and back to Sinatra. When you see Harry, are you like, “Yeah, I know what that guy’s doing”? What is the answer to that? [Laughs] I feel like I’d have to go see his show to be able to properly answer. Sooner or later I’ll get the chance.
Some Arctic Monkeys fans will hear this album and wish it was more of a loud rock thing. I’m sure. But the rock-guitar side of things, it’s still in there — more than I expected it to be, if I’m honest. I’d been working on this for a while by myself before we had a session with the band. And in that session I started to find myself wanting to stand up and turn up the guitar amp.
Your drummer, Matt, recently told an interviewer that the “heavy riffs” were never coming back. I can’t rule out the possibility that we’re gonna write another mega-riff. But I didn’t find one this time.
Do you enjoy being a pop star? I have very little basis for comparison. The band has been going on for a larger fraction of my lifetime than it hasn’t, which is a threshold that’s only just been crossed. That’s the point at which you cease to be able to give a valid answer to that question.
You ever long for a more traditional life? I mean, just like writing a mega-riff, I don’t want to rule it out. I’m not taking anything off the table.
Last thing. I saw Duran Duran play the Hollywood Bowl in September, and they put a photo of the late Queen Elizabeth on the big video screens and asked the crowd for a moment of silence. What did the crowd do?
Kept respectfully quiet. I don’t know if you’ll have an answer to this, but if you’d been playing a show that weekend, would you have felt some impulse to comment onstage? [Pauses] I think you were right when you said I might not have an answer to that.
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angelicsaggie · 1 year
Kwanzaa 2022-23
I have been celebrating Kwanzaa for 2 years and I noticed that my wisdoms always enhance around and during this holiday. Since it’s such an enlightening holiday, why is it not talked about as much? I believe that Kwanzaa is not celebrated throughout most households due to programming which is "accepting someone else's ideas and thoughts as your own." Racism still exists, but since it's no longer the social norm (in some places) it is not always in our faces or it is in a roundabout way, therefore many people forget about the past and ignore current issues. In the 1960's our ancestors were still fighting for the right to be treated with respect and equality. In addition, our people could not live in specific/rich neighborhoods, work full-time jobs, and were (and is still) targeted by police because it is a legal excuse to mistreat and kill black people. Even Kwanzaa was created during The Black Power movement in 1966 as a way to unite, empower, and restore culture.
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Pirkle Jones, Kathleen Cleaver and the Black Panthers (“Free Huey” rally, Bobby Hutton Memorial Park, Oakland, CA, Sept. 22, 1968, from: Black Panther), 1968–69.
What Kwanzaa Represents
Why would a holiday that teaches you about African culture, value, and coming together as a community and family be considered stupid? Because of programming, that is why it is essential to ground yourself and remember about your bloodline and who you are. You have been given back the opportunity to create businesses and shape the world how you want it to be, hence that I said "given back the opportunity." If a TikToker can influence the world with a simple dance then you can do anything you put your mind to.
Why Your Family Has Issues
Programming is dangerous and it is destroying our community, so before you blame your dysfunctional family, it is important to remember the reason it is dysfunctional. It is not because of your parents, it is because of the enslavement of your people that rearranged the black family structure to focus on survival and dominance. Could you imagine being enslaved and having your children pulled out of your arms to be killed or sent away? Could you imagine trying to be a good family man but you are forced to relocate and never see your family again? Or how about being forced to impregnate many women and not have the right to be an active father when you deeply wanted to? These things and more went on for thousands of years which affects the psychology of the future bloodline which is your grandparents, your parents, and you. Did you know that many black people were still working on plantations in the 1960's?
You Are What You Eat
They are still trying to separate our community in a roundabout way! What music are you listening to and what is it saying? Is the music telling you that you should disrespect, mistreat, and speak badly about your opposite gender? Or is it telling you to do drugs, disrespect people who are in poorer situations than you, and to praise money over morality? Before you blame the celebrities, you have to remember that they are working for the puppet masters, hence the word "masters." If you listen to the hip hop station there are barely or no songs that are positive for your brain but if you turn on the pop station then it is a little bit different... Listen to Tank talk about this. Music is not only about rhythm, it teaches you how to think and live your life.
December 26 2022- January 1, 2023
I will post each day during Kwanzaa about the 7 principles. (Series finished early)
I will post about teachings that our ancestors would have taught us during the end of each article.
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Samiha Hamdi
The Black Panther Party had an established free breakfast program for children in 1969. The United States had a free breakfast program for children also but after the Black Panther Party it suddenly got funded more and took off in the early 1970's.
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tf2fansderogatory · 2 years
Ok genuine question. How old do you guys think the mercs are? 🤔 Personally I'm very bad at guessing sy's age so I'm curious
I'm throwing aside all official lore and chronological hypotheses, as well assuming that this is at the time they joined their respective teams.
Pyro is an enigma, but they read 50s or even 60s to me, simply because of all of the fun, agile, literally haywire midlife people that I meet in my part of the world. If you were desperate enough to trust them with a child, it wouldn't be completely horrible. Pyro for crime grandparent energy 2022.
Soldier, probably a graying 38, if not the same as Pyro. He is a prodigy of patriotic violence, and his back should only hurt sometimes, even if he's reasonably graying. He's old enough that, in special moments, he understands what kinds of people he's met to make on-the-mark jokes about them.
Scout, I'm pinning at 24, younger than his brothers, fresh, not completely crazy, and ready to cause trouble. He's an adult, but he has some growing to do, and none of needing to be a hyper-alert reconnaissance soldier has helped with wizening up his self-centered or completely nonexistent outlook on other people. He reads like a person who needs to follow, but tries to lead.
Demo is a hard 34, for me, but he's got an old soul for a party animal. This is the guy you meet who tells you about everything he's done at the same age you've done absolutely nothing with yourself. He's passionate, hard-working, and by God he'll do whatever he wants, or you're gonna get it. (Bombs and chemicals. You get bombs and chemicals.)
Engineer? 42. He's old enough to drink bourbon in front of your mom's fireplace, mean enough to miss his medical appointments, and well-socialized enough to worm his way into just about anywhere he wants to be. Watch out for his steel boots, and keep your hands to yourself.
Heavy? 47. The reason that Heavy is terrifying is because he's probably one of the most wizened people on the planet— And fully understands that there is nothing to stop him from his favorite hobby: wreckless, merciless, splattering homicide. He mows his lawn with a gun and the grass is people. That doesn't sound like the peaceable saint most stereotypically wizened elders are, but listen, he knows what he loves. All of that comes with living a gritty, satisfying life for a long time.
Sniper? Anywhere from 28-32, aged by hot sun and hard work. This is a confident man who has not yet accepted something about himself, but trusts his talents to make up for it. He's certainly not as polite as he leads on, but he is merciful in the way you'll go out, and he has a loose understanding of how things should be in a. . . generally normal setting. He's surely seen the world and all of its places, but he doesn't yet care to know any of the people in it. He'll make a great godfather, one day.
Spy? 45, similar to Sniper, but he has a deeper trust in his sense of self, no matter how bad (or great) that might be for other people. He's funny, crass, knows what he thinks he deserves, and has definitely gone off the deep end at some point. Keep an eye out for this guy, but don't look too close.
Medic is very in key with Heavy. I'd say 50. He's insatiably curious and beautifully optimistic all the time. He's reached a point in life where common sense doesn't have to matter, and he's burned enough bridges that nobody really wants to challenge that idea. He does whatever he wants, and his method of madness always works. If it happens to save your life, well, good for you! I promise that he doesn't have a deep apathetic hatred for humanity. . . Just a deep love for what he was built to do. He's one of the most human people here.
Thanks for the fun question! I have to go oil my digits, now <3
- Modbot
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oldtakakweek · 2 years
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Oldtakak Week 2022 is now a-go!
Planned date for the week is from November 27th to December 3rd!
Prompts are as follow:
Day 1: Birthdays, morning/night routine, disability
Day 2: “Parenting”/“grandparenting”, cooking, bickering
Day 3: Friends, night out/date night, anniversary
Day 4: Sleepless, PTSD, scars
Day 5: Travel, work/retirement, outdoors
Day 6: Beach, museum, art
Day 7: Vows/promises, rest, safe/content
Current rules are as follow:
When submitting something for this project on twitter or tumblr, please tag @oldtakakweek and tag it #oldtakakweek2022! This way your submission will for sure be seen
Beyond minimal usage of flashbacks, NO depictions of these two as minors for this project; please only depict them from the ending of part 4 and on. This project is to celebrate getting older and the life these two in particular could’ve had. So, while there’s nothing wrong with exploring younger jotakak and their dynamic from then, this is not the project for you if that’s what you want to focus on! It’s silly middle-age-to-old-men time
NSFW is ALLOWED considering all portrayals of these two should be well into adulthood in this project. No NSFW-specific prompts will be made, but the prompts are open-ended – so if you get an idea for one that ends up NSFW, feel free
Do NOT participate if you are “proship”/“anti-anti”. Beyond the given moral complications of being willing to sexualize minors, the moderator has experienced personal issues in their life that make it so they don’t want to work creatively with proshippers — so if nothing else, respect that.
No EARLY submissions please, but LATE submissions are 100 percent allowed! Hell, if you see this two years after it’s over and still want to participate, or if it takes you two years to finish a submission, please do still submit and tag!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Please keep this document on hand so you can see updated rules and answers to questions as the event draws nearer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1--0jaWN87Iv4RAmz5jwffbrcXy-29pW_xLOkTLEScyw/edit?usp=sharing
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eldritchsurveys · 4 months
1. Do you enjoy rhododendrons? >> Sure, they're very pretty.
2. Have you ever met someone who supports Nazism? >> On the internet, yeah. Fortunately not in meatspace where they can actually do something to me. 3. If you’ve ever been to another country, what was the best thing you did there? .
4. Which is your favorite print: Plaid, animal, stripes, spots, other? >> Plaid is the one I dislike the least...
5. Have you ever owned a cell phone for over a year? If so, was it still working well? >> There is no way I would voluntarily get a new phone after less than a year. That is horrifying to me.
6. What’s the worst sickness you’ve ever had? >> Food poisoning. Also, the sickness that comes with bad menstrual cramps.
7. What do you enjoy more: Fairs or circuses? .
8. Is your favorite animal something you can have as a pet? . 9. Are you good at gardening? >> I am not because I don't practice it.
10. What was the last classic novel you read? Did you enjoy it? >> Hmm... I have no idea. 11. Do you think you would actually read any of the epic poems, such as Beowulf or The Iliad? >> Probably not. 12. Are you the type of person who feels guilty after eating junk food? >> I don’t feel guilty after eating anything. God, what a concept. :/
13. Tell me about a time when you felt like you had no real friends: >> I always feel like that. It might be a side effect of having no fulfilling friendships (aside from Sparrow, I suppose, but the "fulfilling" part is, uh, variable).
14. Have you ever felt betrayed by someone? If so, what did they do to make you feel that way? >> Possibly. I never use this term so I don't have an associated memory handy.
15. Which is better: Xbox 360 or PS3? Or are you someone who doesn’t care? >> I don’t have an opinion.
16. Have you gotten registered to vote yet? >> I am registered.
17. What do you like best about your favorite actor? How about favorite actress? >> Usually what makes an actor a favourite for me is that they do something to me, viscerally. It's something like attraction, I suppose. Certainly as hard to explain.
18. Tell me how you’re feeling in another language: .
19. Would you rather drink water all day or Coca Cola all day? >> Water. I rarely drink Coke in the first place.
20. Name three movies which have a soundtrack you really love: >> Requiem for a Dream, Speak No Evil (2022), Sunshine.
21. Do you think Gatorade tastes refreshing or just gross? >> I don't know, I haven't had Gatorade in years.
22. What’s the scariest video game you’ve ever played? .
23. Do either of your parents get angry over small things? . 24. What is the most dramatic TV show that you watch? >> I don't really know how to measure this. I mean, Riverdale is basically a soap opera, so I guess that? 25. Do you still watch VHS tapes? >> I have not watched those since the early aughts. 26. Have you ever visited one of the states that doesn’t have sales tax? Was it a nice change? >> I have not.
27. Have you ever had Dutch Brothers’ coffee? >> I have not.
28. What are your grandparents like? Are they nice or mean? . 29. Do you own any pet fish? What kind of fish are they? .
30. Do you have a turntable and vinyls that you regularly play? >> I do have these things but I don't regularly use them. It's just so much more of a hassle to do so than it is to just play Spotify. Also, I don't think my record player has Bluetooth capability and I usually listen to music through wireless headphones.
31. What is the most irritating thing that a boyfriend or girlfriend has ever done to you? >> I am so easily irritated by people that this is impossible to determine, lol.
32. Have you ever thrown up from being so nervous? What was happening that made you so nervous? >> I have not.
33. Would you rather be uncomfortable but fashionable or comfortable but unfashionable? >> I will always choose to be comfortable, but I don't think that excludes me from being fashionable. It just requires some cleverness.
34. When was the last time you took your pet to the vet? What was wrong with it? . 35. Have you ever known someone who was in an abusive relationship? >> Well, yeah. Unfortunately, that is extremely common.
36. If you smoke/drink/do drugs, do you feel insulted when someone tells you that it’s bad for you? >> If someone tried to tell me that, I would be extremely irritated at best. I am quite capable of evaluating personal risk and making informed decisions, thank you.
37. Do you like skiing or snowboarding? >> I have never done this. 38. Do you find government buildings dreary and uncomfortable? >> Sometimes, but mostly I don't think about them at all.
39. Name the last horror story you read. If you can’t remember any, name the last horror movie you saw. >> A Short Stay in Hell by Steven Peck. It's a novella about a Tower of Babel situation, pretty neat.
40. What happened the last time you were embarrassed? .
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seyoonlgc · 1 year
hello hello, it's mr. calm, cool & super awesome!
just kidding, he's actually just some cheerful guy from a rural city in canada, here to try out his luck. where did all of his optimism come from? well, he must have soaked up a lot of sunshine while picking through the blueberry fields during the summer time.
more info about him is under the cut. please like this post if you would like to plot & i'll hit you up! i came up with some plots but am better off just brain storming. if you want something in particular, please bring those ideas to the table. i am open to most things!
thanks for all the welcomes and i look forward in writing with everyone.
seyoon's parents divorced soon after he was born. neither of them wanted the kid, but one had a softer heart than the other. seyoon's dad took him back to canada, and raised him with the help of grandparents and experienced neighbors. he remarried a few years later, to a woman who had more gentleness in her eyes. she treated seyoon well, taking care of him as if he was her own.
but it wasn't enough. when he was old enough to learn he was born from another, seyoon insisted on sending a letter to his real mom. his birth mother responded right away, but his step mother hid the letter until he was much older because the words in there would have been too cruel for a child.
seyoon played in the blueberry fields with his step siblings. healthy, energetic, and adored by all the elderly nearby. he liked bears, and his grandmother would hand stitch a bear onto every piece of his clothing item. she knitted him sweaters and scarves, socks and gloves. she told him that he was her favorite.
grandma was the only one who reassured him like that, though. did his dad really love him if he was willing to let him go once? could a step mother truly see him as an actual son? did his snuggly lil step siblings know they weren't actually related by blood?
tw: implied suicide
average academically, but great at sports. seyoon/abie (his english name) was well liked by his peers and made tons of friends. he's out socialing five out of seven nights of the week, and so popular that kids from the nearby schools knew him. both of his ex-girlfriends were really smart and total knockouts.
but he wasn't there for someone who desperately needed him. twelve calls on that night and he never picked up. he cried at the funeral, asher, but he forgot about you not too long after. you don't blame him, do you? you want him to move on, right?
end of tw.
after high school, his birth mother wanted him to visit so they can reconnect-
he resented her.
-and he said sure, why not! because seyoon understood it was not good to hold onto negative emotions, and that he should forgive people for their mistakes. seoul was a beautiful big city and he fell in love! his mother asked him if he would stay with her in korea, at least for a while longer and he agreed.
it's not like he loved the apartment she rented for him or anything...but it was fucking gorgeous. with giant windows and high ceiling, the most wonderful view at night time. it was worth saying goodbye to his family back home...at least for a little while.
seyoon worked at a fried chicken place for two years, practicing his korean and getting to know the city. took some dance classes on the side for fun.
his mother paid for those classes. she married wealthy and could afford to be kind now.
in 2022, he joined legacy and it's been fun so far. seyoon loves singing and dancing and making people smile!
there's sincerity in silence - he's not smiling when he comforted you on that particularly rough day, and that's how you know it was real.
oh hey, is that my ex? - awkward reunion? he's acting nonchalant, so maybe we are still be friends? [female, must have been in canada at some point]
even on the longest day, the sun must surrender to darkness - kim seyoon has a problem with nightmares? he mumbles the same name but doesn't seem to recall a wink of it by the next morning. you, as his dormmate, is really troubled. or maybe you just want some goddamn sleep. [must be in the same dorm as him]
knock knock knocking on your heart - is a smile enough to make you fall in love? even if it only lasts for...45 seconds?
would you backstab a friend? - your character got some sort of injury or sickness that affected an important evaluation and my character has something to do with it. maybe he accidentally made you twist your ankle or gave you spicy soup that temporarily rip'd your voice. there's no way he would do such a thing on purpose, right?
sleep spell - your character suffers from insomnia, and seyoon's quietly hummed lullaby can put them to sleep. [same dorm preferred]
i know what you did - your character believes seyoon knows one of their secrets and...well, the guy seems kinda loose mouth wise. maybe y'all should have a discussion and make sure he doesn't spill
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isobelleposts · 2 years
The Flawed Women of Gilmore Girls
by Isobelle Cruz [October 30, 2022]
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After spending two months' worth of days and nights with the Gilmore Girls—Emily, Lorelai, and Rory—I could finally write my review and thoughts about the rollercoaster and hold these fictional characters had on me for quite some time. Other than motivating me to take my education more seriously and providing me with something to look forward to at the end of a long day, the show unexpectedly made me reflect on some of the life decisions I would inevitably have to take some time into the future.
The original plan was to write up a post discussing which Gilmore boyfriend was the best and deserved to stay until the end, until I reached the final episode and realized how much more the show is than just a mother and daughter featuring the men in their lives. I see myself a lot in Rory Gilmore—with not only her same bursting passion for writing but with her pride that leads to her flaws and mistakes.
RORY: See? I hate that. / Everyone thinking I’m doing an amazing job all the time, like it’s a given. It’s not a given. What if I’m a terrible reporter?
Gilmore Girls S7:E22 “Bon Voyage”
Rory Gilmore, painted as an intelligent girl ahead of her peers in the education and literary field, grows up with people constantly sharing their praise which leads the girl with high standards and pride for herself. Although I don’t necessarily live in a community as open and supportive as Rory’s world, I find myself deep with pride at times and struggle to shake it away for my own good.
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Rory had a sort of victim mentality, refusing to associate herself with the luxury that her grandparent’s wealth gives her or refusing to embrace her privilege, which, no matter what she does, she will always have and benefit from.
LOGAN: Whether you like it or not, you’re one of us. You went to prep school. You go to Yale. Your grandparents are building a whole damn astronomy building in your name. 
Gilmore Girl S7:E8 “Introducing Lorelai Planetarium”
Although Logan wasn’t exactly the best guy out there, like all of Rory’s other beaus, I admired him at least for acknowledging his privilege and wealth and using it to uplift himself in terms of business and career. Despite not being on the best terms with his father, Logan didn’t deny the easy head start he got into the working industry due to his connections, unlike Rory who would constantly deny her privilege while continually benefiting from it.
Rory’s greatest villain was herself.
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No matter how frustrating the situations may have been at times, especially in the later seasons, I was kin to the idea of throwing away some fantasy fairytale-ending in exchange for the truth of life’s hardships.
I hated Rory the same way I would have hated myself when stuck in a situation wherein the wrong would obviously be pointed at me, with a mix of bittersweet understanding and guilt. You’ve witnessed this person grow up from being a perfect daughter and student, experience their first kisses and days at school and college, and only makes it awfully harder to turn against them completely when they’ve become a flaw-filled wreck just like everyone else.
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The Gilmore Girls are more than just two women with mouths that speak in nothing but references, but is an accurate representation of flawed female characters, with topics such as teenage pregnancy, family trauma, and privilege amongst others which bring depth to the story.
I was comforted, conflicted, and given a piece of mind for what the writing industry would more or less be, especially for someone so full of willpower to make her extremely high dreams come true.
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hext00ns · 2 years
Sick As A Duck {@sicktember}
AO3 l!nk in comments
Ships: Della & Donald & Fethry & Gladstone
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Description: When Fethry falls ill at Grandma’s farm, the cousins make it their job to help him feel better!
{Sicktember 2022 Day 18: Nausea / Upset Stomach}
Fethry’s number one plan was to not throw up. He thought that was a pretty good plan, if he was honest. In fact he liked that plan a whole lot. Now if he could just convince his stomach of that plan he would be golden. Unfortunately, he wasn’t sure how well that was going to work.
He was curled up on Grandma Duck’s couch, holding his stomach and periodically giving out soft groans of discomfort. His cousins were outside helping their Grandparents with work that Fethry was also supposed to be helping with. Unfortunately, he’d somehow caught some kind of bug that was currently making him feel more nauseous than he thought possible.
Around noon he finally heard the call of, “Alright kids! Lunch!”
Gus was the first to practically barrel through the house and to the kitchen. Soon after followed by Grandma Duck, Gladstone, Donald, and Della.
Grandma paused before the couch and gave Fethry a concerned look. “Are you still feelin’ bad, Sweetpea?”
Fethry gave a sad nod.
The elder duck placed her hand on Fethry’s forehead and felt across it and down his cheek. “Well, at least you ain’t got a fever. I guess I could call your Pa to come and getcha early-“
“No!” Fethry interrupted her. “I-I’m sure I’ll be okay in a bit.”
Grandma raised a brow at that. Instead of trying to argue it, she just walked towards the kitchen to start making lunch and called out, “Alright but you start feelin’ worse y’all better tell me.”
Fethry breathed out a sigh of relief as he felt the couch suddenly dip under Della’s weight.
“If you’re sick, shouldn’t you go home?” questioned Donald.
Fethry shook his head. “I can’t. If dad comes and picks me up, he’s gonna take Abner too. Abner likes it here too much. I can’t ruin that.”
“Aww, Feathers,” Della cooed out. “You’re too nice.” Her face then lit up with an idea. “Say! Why don’t we take care of ya!”
“What?” Donald hissed out.
“Yeah! That way you’ll have company too!”
Gladstone made a face at that. “But what if whatever he has is contagious?”
“Aw please,” Della scoffed. “A lucky duck like you isn’t gonna catch nothin’! ‘Sides, would you rather be in here with us or out there, workin’ with Gus ‘n’ Abner.”
Gladstone frowned in thought but ultimately didn’t return another argument.
“I’m gonna go find somethin’ in the kitchen to help,” Della explained. “You boys, go get some herbs out the garden!” She then pushed herself off the couch and scampered off.
Donald and Gladstone both ran off towards the garden. They both rummaged through the potted herbs that lined the windows of the house. Donald reached into one to pull out ginger as Gladstone pulled out a handful of mint.
“Why would you grab ginger?” Gladstone asked the other with a raised brow. ”Mint is obviously the one you should go with for nausea.”
Donald frowned at him. “My parents always give us ginger ale when we’re sick. So, obviously ginger would work best.” He crossed his arms with a huff. “What’s mint supposed to do? Make his breath smell fresher? You might as well just give him gum.”
Gladstone scoffed. “Mint is fresh and clean and perfect for an easy home remedy.”
“Yeah well, well…” Donald frowned, gripping his ginger before yelling out, “Ginger is cooler! Shut up!”
“You boys know just about any strong herb can help with nausea, right?” Grandma questioned as she walked out to their yelling.
Both young ducks looked over at her in surprise before watching her and Gus walk back out to the barn. They looked to each other before yelling “first one to Fethry wins!” And running off.
Back inside, Della had just walked back from the kitchen with a bag of her own to see the other two running in, shoving each other as they went.
“What is wrong with you two,” she hissed out at them.
Fethry looked down at the three and gave a weak little smile. “What are those?”
“I got mint,” Gladstone explained, “because it’s good for sick stomachs and tastes much better than ginger.”
“Yeah well, I got ginger,” Donald explained, shooting a glare at Gladstone, “‘cause Gladstone is stupid and anything he picks is probably dumb.”
“Guys,” Della hissed at them before they could start fighting. She gave a sigh and lifted up her bag to Fethry. “I grabbed some crackers. I think bread is supposed to help some, right?”
The youngest cousin gave them all a soft smile. “Thank you guys but, um, I think if I put anything in my mouth right now I really will be sick.”
The three looked down at their respective items then to each other.
Donald sighed and threw the cloves of ginger behind his shoulder to discard them. “Now what?”
”Well,” Della started as he walked back into the kitchen to put up the crackers. “There are other ways to help.” She came back out with a wet rag and hopped up onto the couch next to Fethry. She gently placed it to the back of his neck and held it against him. “This always works on Donald.”
The duck in question blushed at the comment. He crawled up onto the couch with them to sit.
“I think there’s also a pressure point in the wrist,” Gladstone said as he climbed up as well. “I remember Aunt Matilda told me about it once.” He took Fethry’s arm and started to massage his wrist. “Right here I think.”
“That’s so cool,” Fethry cooed quietly. It wasn’t long before the comfort lulled him to sleep. His cousins falling soon after alongside him.
By the time Grandma Duck came back in she smiled at the sight. It was nice to know the kids had each other. She hoped this closeness lasted as long as possible.
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Book Review: The Soulmate Equation by Christina Lauren
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I've come to find that reading a Christina Lauren romance is like slipping into an old cardigan. The stories they create are cozy, heartwarming, and familiar, with two characters curling up, hunkering down, and finding home in each other. I like the simplicity of that, the effortless evocation of charm that wraps me up in its arms and deposits a kiss against my forehead.
Everybody needs a dose of connection every now and again, of hope and cheer too, and that's something their books do so well. I always feel lighter after I finish one. Fuller, not just with warmth, but with laughter. And, of course, I always leave the last page more ready than ever to believe that true love will always win the day.
Now, that might sound silly or sappy or cliché to some of you, but personally, I think there's magic in that. And what can I say? I'll always been a fan of happy magic.
The Soulmate Equation was adorable! So heartfelt and entertaining! It was the fluffy distraction I needed to finish out 2022.
Single mom and data analyst, Jess, submits a sample to a dating service called GeneticAlly that uses DNA matching to pair up its users and is predicted to change the face of dating forever. However, when she scores an unprecedented 98-percent it changes everything. Why? Because her "Diamond Match" is Dr. River Peña, a man who not only founded the company but also happens to be someone she knows...and doesn't like. The man is as rude as can be!
Skeptical as all hell that he could be her soulmate, Jess initially writes the results off, but GeneticAlly comes back with a proposition. They will pay her to get to know him. Since she's struggling financially with a 7-year-old daughter to raise, she agrees to the arrangement, coming to learn that there's more to River and their compatibility than any algorithm could possibly quantify.
What ensnared me from the get-go was this idea that relationship compatibility could be encoded in our DNA. It was a blast to imagine River, and GeneticAlly, "cracking the code" so to speak and taking this innovative dating service/technology to the masses. That said, what I liked most was that "free choice" was still preserved. At the end of the day, high compatibility score or not, Jess and River still had to choose each other. Choose love. And I appreciated that.
The side characters were great as well. We all wish we had a support team like Jess's grandparents, they were wonderful. Fizzy was an absolute hoot. Her one-liners shot to kill in the best way possible, making me laugh out loud multiple times. Juno Merriam was precocious, curious, and full of factoids. I loved that she was constantly trekking back and forth to the library--talk about a girl after my own heart! The two of them were total scene-stealers and I was never bored when they were around.
Jess and River's romance started off a little cold and slow, but it picked up more as the story went along and I was fully Team Trio (Jess-Juno-River) by the end.
Though I'm not fond of mathing, I'm 98% positive this is worth the read.
3.5/5 stars
**Follow me on Goodreads
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naminethewriter · 2 years
One Good Thing
Day 6 and I chose a medical setting despite knowing I couldn’t do the research to do it properly... I’m a fool. Anyway, all the medical stuff is kinda vague so it’s not so bad, I think 😅 Also I’m finally back to Loceit being a romantic pairing, so that’s something. Hope you enjoy! @loceitweek2022
Here on Ao3
Masterpost | Loceit Week 2022 Masterpost
Summary:  Janus is stuck in a hospital after an accident. Logan is his doctor and Janus is very intrigued by him.
Janus hated hospitals. Ever since the fire happened when he’d been ten years old. To this day he didn’t know who of the neighbours in the apartment building he’d been living with his single father set it ablaze but Janus didn’t really care. He got out alive with most of his left side scarred and his father hadn’t been home so he didn’t lose anyone he cared about.
 After the incident he’d been stuck in a hospital for month, bored out of his mind since any toys he had had been destroyed. He didn’t have any friends who’d visit him and his father had to work long hours to make up for their loss. At least his grandparents supported the both of them so they didn’t end up on the street.
Now Janus was bound to a hospital bed again, this time because he’d been run over by a distracted driver. Thankfully he’d been more attentive and managed to react fast enough to protect his head from heavy injuries. But his right leg was broken, as were a few ribs and most of his fingers on his right hand.
 Good thing he was lefthanded otherwise he’d be bored beyond belief. This way he could still do some stuff.
 It’s been a month and he was finally going to be discharged in a few days. His ribs were basically healed, as were his fingers but his leg would take more time. But he could deal with using crutches as long as he could go back home. He got a roommate to rely on if he really needed it, though most would question whether describing Remus as reliable was supposed to be a joke. Janus knew better though. If it came down to it Remus would be there for him.
 There was one good thing that came out of his stay though.
 A knock on the door brought him out of his revelry. Looking over he spotted one of the nurses, Patton, poking his head in.
 “Hey there, kiddo! Mind if I come in?”
 “Sure.” Janus had quickly learned that Patton called everyone ‘kiddo’ and it was futile to get him to stop.
 “I’ll just give everything a quick look, Logan will come for a proper check-up in a bit,” Patton said with that bright smile he wore pretty much all the time. Janus had no idea how he was so chipper while in the most dreadful environment he could imagine. But again, he was totally biased in that regard.
 “You called him by his first name again.”
 “Did I?” Patton giggled. “It’s so weird to call my cousin Dr. Sanders, I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it.”
 “He’s going to get angry again if you don’t.”
 “Don’t tell him please. He said if I did it again he’ll insist that I call him that outside of work, too!” Janus snickered.
 “Your secret’s safe with me.”
 “Thanks!” Patton beamed before he finished checking everything. “Everything looks good on my end. I’m sure Lo- the doctor will agree.”
 “Thanks, Pat.”
 “No problem, it’s my job! Literally!”
 “Speaking of which,” Janus quickly spoke up as he saw an opportunity to ask something he’d wanted to know since his first week there. “I was wondering – and you don’t have to answer if it’s too personal – but do Doctors work a lot more than nurses? It feels like I’ve seen Dr. Sanders run around the place more than you and I always thought it was the other way around.”
 “It’s okay to ask, kiddo,” Patton reassured with a sadder smile than Janus had seen from him before. “I’m not entirely sure what normal hours are supposed to be in our jobs, basically everyone here works overtime most days. But Logan sure goes even beyond that, sometimes I think he only goes home to sleep. Getting him to take a day off is a feat, I’ll tell you that much.” He chuckled but even that sounded strained. “He’s always had trouble forming connections with people, so he doesn’t really have connections outside of work. He’s married to his job as some would say.”
 It was obvious that Patton was very worried and trying to hide it. Janus gave him a reassuring smile.
 “Tell you what, I’m good with getting people to take care of themselves, I’ll see if I can’t get him to loosen up a bit.” Patton beamed.
 “Would you? Thanks so much! I think if it’s you he might listen. He really took a liking to you.” Janus blushed a bit at that and Patton’s smile widened. But before either could say any more, another knock sounded from the door and Dr. Sanders himself appeared.
 “Oh, Patton. I wasn’t aware that you were here.”
 “It’s fine, I’m done anyway. You go on with the check-up.” He practically skipped out of the room and Logan looked after him with a look of confusion.
 “Well, Doctor?” Janus called, burying his slight embarrassment behind his usual confident façade. Logan startled before remembering where he was.
 “My apologies. I will start with the check-up right away.”
 There was no small talk during check-ups. Dr. Sanders was entirely focused on his work and Janus was only allowed to talk to answer his questions about his physical condition. He didn’t mind. It gave him time to admire the handsome features of his doctor.
 Meeting Logan truly was the only good thing about him being stuck in a hospital. The man was first and foremost great at his job. Janus felt respected, informed, and cared for since day one. No matter how many questions he had, Logan had taken the time to answer them all (as long as they revolved around Janus’ condition, of course).
 But he was also exactly Janus’ type. Tall, lean, dark hair, piercing blue eyes and glasses. He had no idea why but Janus had always been weak for men in glasses. Plus he was smart, curious and a good listener.
 Janus had attempted to flirt with the doctor a few times but was either met with confusion (the man was very literal and often didn’t understand what Janus was implying) or immediate rejection since accepting advances from a patient was not professional. But this time Janus wouldn’t let it go as easily. Especially since Patton very clearly implied that Logan was single.
 “Everything is well, Mr. Lawrence. Nothing stands in the way of your discharge the day after tomorrow once we take another x-ray of your injuries tomorrow and no complications arise.” Janus nodded.
 “Thank you, doctor.”
 “No problem, Mr. Lawrence.” With that Logan turned to leave, but Janus stopped him.
 “If you could lend me a bit more of your time, Doctor. I have one last question.”
 “Would you be willing to go on a date with me?” Logan blinked, confused for a moment before he straightened his pose and cleared his throat.
 “I believe I was quite clear in the past, Mr. Lawrence, that I do not start relationships with patients.”
 “I am well aware. But if there are no complications I will no longer be your patient the day after tomorrow, correct?”
 “I suppose,” Logan said slowly, his face tinting red slightly. Janus grinned.
 “I will need some time to build up a new routine when I get back home, especially with my foot like this.” He gestured towards the cast around his foot. “But I’m sure I will have it figured out in two weeks’ time. And then I would like to see you again in a more… private setting.”
 “I am not… I mean…” Janus found it adorable to watch this man he’d seen so confident the entire time he’d been treating him stumble over his words by an invitation to a date.
 “I only ask for this one time, Logan.” At the mention of his first name, the doctor’s face turned deep red but Janus kept going. “If you do not want to see me again after that I will back off. But see it this way: Laughter is the best medicine as they say. And if you agree to this, I will have something to look forward to which will improve my mindset significantly.”
 Logan held up a hand to get him to stop while burying his face in the other.
 “Please stop, I understand already.” He took a deep breath before lifting his head and looking Janus in the eyes. “I admit that I find myself drawn to you in a very unexpected way which is why I insisted on a professional relationship during your stay here. But you are right that since said stay is almost over, I cannot use that as an excuse anymore.” He took another deep breath.
 “I am interested in trying out a relationship with you that is more than platonic. I will go on a date with you once you are discharged and acclimated to your daily life.”
 “Wonderful. I feel healthier already.”
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tinalbion · 2 years
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I posted 850 times in 2022
That's 391 more posts than 2021!
341 posts created (40%)
509 posts reblogged (60%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 674 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#tinalbion speaks - 250 posts
#shut up tina - 77 posts
#adrian chase - 61 posts
#vigilante - 60 posts
#adrian chase thoughts - 59 posts
#juniebugg - 38 posts
#tinalbion writings - 32 posts
#anon speaks - 29 posts
#robert englund - 25 posts
#adrian chase x reader - 22 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#he wouldn't mind you winning but i swear he'd fight tooth and claw to make you think a made up rule is an official rule
My Top Posts in 2022:
okay so i got inspired by mitski’s pink in the night “i know I've kissed you before, but I didn't do it right. can I try again, try again, try again?" cause i can’t go a day w/o making scenarios and thinking abt adrian and this is what i have so far and it’s long whoops
so one of adrian’s coworkers throws a party and he asks the you to be his date. to make it believable he kisses u in front of them but he makes it a little to real and passionate, u not giving the same energy and it never leaves ur head till he drops u off. u invite him inside cause ur both tipsy or something so ur both just rambling on the floor and u ask if that was the first time he kissed someone in a while. u felt bad for not returning the same passion and u just crawl towards him asking if he wants to try again and he’s trying not to lose it as u do so. it’s just a messy/heartfelt confession and soft loving from them
Omg Nat, you have such lovely ideas and I am more than happy to write this, so sorry it took this long for me to get it out but hey, it's here and it's ready! Thank you again for sending this in, I really appreciate it~ I hope you like it!
"Nights In White Satin"
Pairing: Vigilante x GN!Reader Rating: Slightly Explicit; drinking, partying, creep being a creep to the reader, Adrian being a soft boy, soft sex, making out, groping, just all of it Length: 3.6k
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362 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
A  R E A L  H E R O | t h r e e
You move to Evergreen for a fresh start, you've inherited your grandparents' place, and then you meet the sweetest guy. But there's a duality to him, something a bit darker. Then you meet Vigilante, a killer anti-hero who just looks out for the safety of Evergreen, but the dangerous side of him appeals to you more than you care to admit.
Pairing: Vigilante x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit; smut (oral female receiving), drinking, cussing, murder, Adrian being a little peeping tom
Length: 8.6k (I am unhinged...)   
p a r t  3  ⎮ f e e l i n g s
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See the full post
436 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
A  R E A L  H E R O | f o u r
You move to Evergreen for a fresh start, you’ve inherited your grandparents’ place, and then you meet the sweetest guy. But there’s a duality to him, something a bit darker. Then you meet Vigilante, a killer anti-hero who just looks out for the safety of Evergreen, but the dangerous side of him appeals to you more than you care to admit.
Pairing: Vigilante x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit; smut; blow job, dirty talk, teasing, vaginal sex, praise kink. Fluff, cuddling, comfort, angst, feelings, learning how to shoot, murder threats
Length: 7.8k
p a r t  4  ⎮ n e r v o u s  
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439 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
A  R E A L  H E R O | t w o
You move to Evergreen for a fresh start, you've inherited your grandparents' place, and then you meet the sweetest guy. But there's a duality to him, something a bit darker. Then you meet Vigilante, a killer anti-hero who just looks out for the safety of Evergreen, but the dangerous side of him appeals to you more than you care to admit.
Pairing: Vigilante x f!Reader 
Rating: Explicit; smut, drinking, and so much fluff and angst
Length: 7.3k (guys I am SO sorry...) 
p a r t  2   | a f t e r t h o u g h t
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594 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A  R E A L  H E R O   |  o n e
A/N: I needed to do this for myself because I HAD to write for my new favorite best boy, Vigilante/ Adrian Chase. He's been on my mind a LOT lately, so I'm using the prompts from this list here. 
➵ “Can I kiss you?”
➵ “You’ve got that look again.” “what look?” “that look when I kiss you. when you get all flustered on me.”
Pairing: Vigilante x f!Reader - 
Rating: Explicit
Length: 5.6k
p a r t  1   |  a  w a r m  w e l c o m e 
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1,069 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lexiklecksi · 1 year
Bucket list for 2022 completed!
In the beginning of 2022, I've reflected on all the things I couldn't do in 2021 due to the pandemic and other reasons. Instead of making New Year's resolution, I wrote down the following bucket list (in no particular order). I have no idea how I achieved so much in one year, but I've completed my bucket list for 2022! This is deeply personal, so only read furthermore if you are interested in my personal life.
publish my poetry anthology: published on 22.01.22 via BooksonDemand. Buy it here!
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write 15k words for my wip during NaNoWriMo: I only wrote 7k, mostly because I moved apartments but I’m still proud of my slow progress (follow me on NaNoWriMo)
read 22 books in 2022: if you’ve followed my reading challenge on GoodReads, you know I barely made it, but I did!
open an Etsy shop to sell handmade goods: I did, but then Etsay raised all fees and I had to close it shortly after opening it
start studying: in April I started studying media design
take a social media detox for 2 weeks: I voluntarily didn’t use social media at all during my 2 weeks long summer vacation, and then I accidentally destroyed my phone and had to wait 3 weeks to get a new one
craft and create art: not as much as I wanted to, but I've crocheted a lot and participated in some dtiys art challenges
watch more movies: I’ve watched 10 movies in cinema and many more on Netflix, HBO and Disney+
commission an artist to draw my ocs: I've commissioned three talented artists to draw my ocs! On the left you see my main character, the dragon girl Enya Arati, drawn as a gift by @loopyhoopywrites and on the right is my mage oc Saoirse Dearbháil, drawn by Dasha Bune
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swim in a lake: I've spent a lovely summer day at a lake with my friend @silversynthesis
make more plant babies: just have a look! I love my collection of cacti und succulents
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go on a vacation (with my boyfriend): we went to Cyprus 🇨🇾 to visit my grandparents and enjoy the summer in autumn
swim in the sea/ go to the beach: I swam in the sea every day of my summer holiday
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get engaged: I got engaged with my boyfriend/ now fiancée at the beach of Aphrodite’s rock, the goddess of love 🥰 ah I love him so much and can't wait to marry him <3
go to a concert: I had a blast watching two of my favourite bands in concert 🤩
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meet my friends more often: I’ve finally met all my friends which I couldn’t meet the years prior due to the pandemic, but I can’t show you photos because I only and rarely post photos of me here
move together with my boyfriend in our first flat: We moved in together in November and I couldn't be happier!
save money/ don’t spend money on unnecessary things (exception: if they make me really happy): thanks to that exception, I didn't save money, but I've mostly spent it on things that make me very happy (art supplies and art by fellow artists)
monthly therapy session: I continued my therapy and I'm in such a good mental health state that I won't need therapy in the new year.
slow fashion/ don’t buy more than 22 new clothes: I bought 18 new clothes, 8 were fair fashion and 5 secondhand
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